www.michellebowden.com.au How to Present Magazine OCTOBER 2013 1 OCTOBER 2013 IN THIS ISSUE Keith Abraham CSP, shares his tips for professional presenting How to live a more successful life! Trade one feeling for another Deal with DEFENSIVE BEHAVIOUR at work Success Stories PLUS: 3 MAJOR MISTAKES people make when using PowerPoint www.michellebowden.com.au

How to present october 2013 edition

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A magazine full of tips and techniques for improving presentation skills, public speaking and business communication.

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IN THIS ISSUEKeith Abraham CSP, shares his tips for professional presentingHow to live a more successful life!Trade one feeling for anotherDeal with DEFENSIVE BEHAVIOUR at workSuccess Stories

PLUS: 3 MAJOR MISTAKES people make when using PowerPoint


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Michelle’sUpdateWelcome to the October issue of How to Present! This issue is packed with articles that will assist you to present with greater confidence & influence.

I’ve been sunning myself this week at the exquisitely beautiful Sheraton Mirage Port Douglas - gosh, the grounds and 14 swimming pools were amazing! Thank you to Lachlan and the team who looked after my family and me so perfectly! After 7 days of much needed rest and recuperation I’m back to a full training calendar and have only limited dates between now and 1 April 2014! If you’re thinking of booking me to run a program inside your company, please be in touch to snap up that date.

Now, check out Keith Abraham on our cover this month! Keith has just written a sensational book on finding your passion. I highly recommend It Starts with Passion (Wiley). I couldn’t put it down! I think you’ll enjoy Keith’s tips for presenting in business.

PLUS I’ve shared my presentation skills tips and The 3 Major PowerPoint Mistakes People Make. David Keane tells us How to Live a More Successful Life, Ken Warren helps us deal more effectively with Defensive Behaviour at Work and Robin Powis gives us her insights into Men’s Style Sense - Suits. As well, Yvonne Godfrey helps us to Trade one Feeling for Another, plus you can read some very inspiring success stories.

You know, I’ve been speaking up a storm this past month! My keynote is called Speak Up and Influence People and I’ve spoken for the Institute of Chartered Accountants, the Family Day Care Association, and Deakin University Alumni to name just a few of the amazing audiences I’ve met this last month. If you were there you might just see yourself in the smiling photos from this keynote in the photo page at the back of How to Present magazine!

So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results. Happy Presenting!



Michelle is an expert in influential presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Influential Presentation Skills program over 630 times with many thousands of people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year for 5 years running.

Michelle is one of only 35 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional - the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to: www.michellebowden.com.au


Join Michelle at her next public Master Class:

SYDNEYOctober 22-23November 12-13December 3-4

MELBOURNEMarch 18-19, 2014

BRISBANEApril 15-16, 2014

CANBERRANovember 18-19 this year!

To register or chat about your specific needs please email:[email protected]

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Ugen is a national Key Account Manager for Abbvie, one of the leading national biopharmaceutical companies in Australia. Tough negotiation is essential to her role at work and at home with 3 men (2 boys and a husband). Ugen is currently completing a PhD in Health Services and Information Systems related to patient waiting times. She is passionate about having a profound impact on patient’s lives.

What kind of presenting do you do at work?

I present to all internal stakeholders including  multidisciplinary brand teams and sales teams. I also present regularly to stakeholders in the key

accounts, which include CEOs of hospitals, directors of pharmacy and state health services. This presenting does not always include powerpoint, and the 13 steps are an excellent way to present an idea, negotiate, or even deliver information in an impactful way.

What prompted you to attend Michelle's Influential Presentation Skills program?

I was prompted by my colleague, Dana who attended the course previously. As I student I really dislike powerpoint presentations! I was adamant that I will not be responsible for any ‘death by powerpoint’! I decided to attend to give some structure to my presentations and to make me more confident when presenting. And to be as entertaining as I can be.

How did Michelle's program change your attitude to presenting in business?

Michelle’s program is well structured and has an easy process to follow if you are a novice or even if you have been presenting for years. I now focus on the audience and what they want to hear instead of giving them all I want to say. This shift has been fundamental to the change in my attitude to presenting.

In general, what positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presenting skills?

I have become more aware of my audience. This has had a profound impact when people actually want to listen to what you have to say since it focuses on them! I have had the opportunity to present to a national health organisation and negotiate a successful contract with them. This course has had an impact with both my internal and external stakeholders and has made me a more entertaining and focused presenter.


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In what specific ways have your presentation skills improved since completing Michelle's training?  

Specifically my skills have improved in all areas of creating, designing and delivering my message. But the one thing I am grateful most for is the ability to be able to present confidently and knowing I can finally do this. It no longer holds me back.

What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program?

1.Practice, practice, practice. 2.Project with confidence. 3.Use the excellent 13-step



A suit is an investment in you!  Wear it with pride! When purchasing a new suit consider the following:

1.Usage. How often will you wear it?  What is appropriate for your role and industry?  What will the weather be like when you wear it?2.What do you carry? Phones, wallet, business cards, pens etc all can ruin the line of your suit.  Enlist the help of your tailor to get sorted.3.Fit. When having your measurement taken don’t breath in.  Be realistic.4.Your Style. Your suit should reflect you, who you truly are according to your lifestyle and personality.5.Individualise. Don’t look like the rest of the crowd, add your unique finishing touch like fabric, colour, stitching or buttons.


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CONFIDENT SPEAKING VOCALS–AUDIOA confident, persuasive speaking voice lies within you!

Many of us know someone who has a strong, rich, resonant voice. Maybe it’s an actor like Sean Connery or Cate Blanchett.

At some point you may have found yourself wishing that you could enhance your vocal quality and projection so you were more compelling, influential and persuasive when speaking in meetings, persuading your manager, or selling to your clients.

Well you know it’s possible, and it’s easy! Creating a rich, resonant influential voice is all about warming up your voice, and this CD will take you through the warm-ups that actually work one by one. Enjoy!

EXCEPTIONAL PRESENTATION DESIGN–DVDYou can design an exceptional presentation in a minimum amount of time!

Imagine how helpful it would be if you could have your very own coach taking you through the design process for an exceptional presentation. That’s exactly what this DVD is for!

If you have a presentation to write, simply play this DVD and Michelle Bowden will coach you through the design of an exceptional presentation from beginning to end. It couldn’t be simpler!

An ideal accompaniment to Michelle’s book How to Present, you’ll be reminded how to identify the purpose of your presentation, analyse your audience and design a powerful message that influences your audience to change their thinking and/or behaviour using techniques that actually work!


HOW TO PRESENT–TIPS FROM THE MASTERS–AUDIO SERIESFast-track your presentation and speaking skills success by discovering the presentation secrets of 14 of Australia’s top conference keynote presenters.

What would be possible for your career and income if you absorbed the wisdom of Australia’s top speaking professionals and could learn from their tips and their mistakes? Well, now you can in this series of insightful interviews by Australia’s #1 Presentation Skills Expert–Michelle Bowden. Learn critical presentation tips from the amazing: Amanda Gore, Lisa McInnes-Smith, Glenn Capelli, Alan Parker, Siimon Reynolds, Rodney Marks, Sam Cawthorn, Marty Wilson, Terry Hawkins, Dale Beaumont, Catherine DeVrye, David Penglase, Avril Henry and Bruce Sullivan.

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People who are emotionally immature function in the ‘here and now’. They need instant or short-term gratification to give meaning to their world. They have little or no understanding of how the decisions they make today will affect their lives in the long-term.

For our decisions to serve our future purposes and goals – we at times may need to ‘trade a feeling for another feeling’ and learn a new way of thinking. ‘Inside-out’ thinking focuses on urges, where feelings control actions giving little thought to the consequences, and whether these consequences line up with what we really want.

‘Outside-in’ thinking asks – ‘will doing this line up with my values and goals? Who will be helped or hurt by this decision?’

‘Outside-in’ thinking has to be associated with a preferred experience, a cause or a goal to give it power over the conflicting desire for instant gratification and that the feelings associated with a worthy cause produce a much better pay off than the spontaneous quick fix decision.

Example of trading a feeling for a feeling

‘Inside-out’ feeling:I really want a cigarette! I am craving that nicotine buzz and I’ll simply die if I don’t get it.

Traded for: ‘Outside-in’ feeling:Yes – I do want that cigarette but I want even more to be a non-smoker so that I can save for my car or education, I can be a good role model to my sister, I will be healthy, and nice to kiss!

There is a constant internal battle going on between our ‘I want to do the right thing’ good side and our ‘what the heck – I’m going to indulge myself’ bad side.

Here are a couple of tools to help you win:

Written Affirmation. A written affirmation is a statement written in the positive present tense, which reminds us of our intentions and desired outcome. For example – “I love being a non-smoker because I am saving $100 more per week towards my …(name it).” When read at least twice a day, an affirmation can tip your thinking from indulgence to integrity.

Written Contract. A written contract (more like a promise than a legal document) with pa ren ts o r f r i ends can a l so re in fo rce accountability. This written contract states what the person writing it will do and when. To be really effective, it also has consequences for non-delivery.

And here’s the great news….

The more affirmations and contacts you write the better you will become at doing it. Even better….the more your practice the content of your affirmations and contracts the easier it becomes as new habits produce desired results.

As Christian Marchegiani, a very successful personal trainer from Sydney says to his clients:

“Getting up early to train is hard but so is diabetes and obesity. Not being able to play with your children is hard too. You just have to choose your hard.”

In 2009 Yvonne founded Miomo (Making it on my Own) to help 16-24 year olds successfully transition from youth to adult, equipping them with work, life and leadership skills to ensure that our next generation becomes ‘competitive with good character’. She also works with parents and educators to play their part. www.miomo.co.nz


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Have you ever noticed that people who are most successful in life seem the least busy? Somehow, these people are able to give their whole attention to things that really matter. By really focussing on their true priorities, they get extraordinary results.

For the past 20 years I have been working with and coaching professionals of all levels. My interest in helping people gain great success in their l ives began when I systematically studied 10 senior executives from a variety of backgrounds with the objective of better understanding how they worked.

Since then, I have coached many people wanting to experience a greater level of success in their lives. The pattern I see is that people who achieve success do so because they take great care in how they organise their lives and the choices they make. In short, they live by choice, not by chance.

To help explain the various patterns and behaviours of success, I suggest that successful people live DELIBERATE lives. A deliberate life is one where the person actively sets out to choose certain ways of thinking and working. This is in contrast to a passive life, where the person feels like a victim of circumstance without any real choice or control over what happens to them.

Deliberate LivingTo further explain Deliberate Living, I have taken each letter of the word DELIBERATE and expanded on what this could mean for someone seeking to be more successful. D – Decide. Successful people take the time to articulate exactly what they want their lives to be

about. For them, success is no accident or just “luck” – they focus on exactly what is it they want to achieve.

E – Eliminate. Our lives are often far too complex. Successful people know that less is more. By removing clutter and excess from their lives, successful people are able to concentrate on what is important. Unnecessary “stuff” in our lives takes many forms: too many material possessions, untidy environments, and committing too much of our time to the wrong things.


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HOW TO LIVE A MORE SUCCESSFUL LIFE (CONT.)Successful people are masters of managing their network of friends, colleagues and associates so that their relationships are high value and closely aligned to their goals and aspirations. This may involve actively eliminating some relationships and fostering others.

L – Language. You can tell a lot about a person from the words and language they use. If you listen to successful people, you will notice that they use positive language and “can do” words. In fact, they realise that by seeing the glass as half-full, they will attract other positive people into their lives. Positive people can help successful people achieve their goals quicker than negative people.

I – Information. Everyone has a unique way of working with information. For example, some of us prefer to read and reflect while other like to discuss, debate and decide quickly. While our unique style is not important, what matters is that we know our own preferences and organise our lives to reflect what works best for us.

By being deliberate about how we work with information, we can organise our lives and use technology appropriately. This impacts on how well our filing systems serve us, how well we organise our computer data, and ultimately how effective we are at identifying key issues and acting on what is most important.

B – Beliefs. When we take the time and care to deliberately articulate what we believe in and what we want our lives to be about, we greatly simplify our daily living. You will notice that successful people have an inner stability and calm that comes from knowing what they are truly about. As a result, successful people are less influenced by temporary setbacks. They know – and indeed expect – setbacks. They see setbacks as starting blocks, not stumbling blocks.

E – Energy. Being able to effectively manage our energy levels is critical. Without energy,

we simply do not have the strength to perform what needs to be done. Successful people foster their energy in four key areas: body, mind, emotions and spirit.

R – Responsibility. Successful people accept full responsibility for their lives. They clearly see that the situation they find themselves is not an accident, but the result of choices they have made in the past. For many people, this is hard medicine to take. Many of us live our lives blaming others (or the government) and see ourselves as victims of circumstance. When you deliberately choose to accept total responsibility, your life begins to change in a most fundamental way. By realising that your current life is the result of past decisions, it follows that the shape of your future will be determined by the decisions of today. It is liberating to realise that choice is always available to you and that the consequences of your choices – not the actions of others – determine your future.

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A – Action. Without action, nothing happens. The successful people I have worked with are experts at directing their energy to make things happen. They know that all the planning and goal setting in the world is wasted without action.

T – Time. We do not manage time, we manage the use of our time. Because each of us has exactly the same amount of time available – 168 hours a week – the choices we make about the use of these hours determines the outcomes we get in life. Successful people plan ahead to ensure that their time is spent on what matters most to them. They work in a focussed way to make the time available really count and then they stop when it’s time to stop.

E – Evaluate. By finding practical ways to evaluate your performance you can measure your progress towards your goals. This feedback will really fuel your motivation and help you to periodically refine your goals in the light o f y o u r p r o g r e s s . S u c c e s s f u l people actively s e e k o u t f e e d b a c k because they are constantly l o o k i n g f o r w a y s o f improving their performance.

So What?B y b e i n g DELIBERATE, a person can be the architect of the l i fe they want. From an organisational point of view, it

is critically important that employees are encouraged to take this journey. An organisation comprising individuals who are clear about their purpose is far healthier than one where people are confused.

In essence, gaining alignment between individual and organisational goals and aspirations depends upon clarity from both sides. Where this clarity exists, there is a vital and durable connection between the individual and their organisation. In my experience, this is when magic happens.

Dr David Keane is a speaker, author and coach and an expert on helping professionals achieve extraordinary success in their lives. His acclaimed book, The Art of Deliberate Success: Transform Your Professional and Personal Life, is published worldwide by Wiley. www.drdavidkeane.com

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3 MAJOR POWERPOINT MISTAKES PEOPLE MAKEBY MICHELLE BOWDENAs business presenters, we know intuitively when PowerPoint doesn’t work for us. Here are the 3 presentation mistakes most people make:

1. Too much information on the slides. 2. Reading from slides to compensate for a lack

of preparation. 3. Dimming the lights to focus your audience on

the slides.

Let’s cover each of these three classic mistakes in more depth…

1. Too much information on the slides

Many presenters cram their PowerPoint slide presentation with too much information, thinking that they must include all points on slides. Some presenters I have seen even use slides to record their entire script, albeit in ‘dot point’ form. In a one hour presentation - that‘s a lot of slides! I have even seen the ‘Contents’ or ‘Agenda’ spread over two slides and the presenter take nearly 5 minutes to go through what the audience can ‘look forward to’ (yeah sure!) in the remaining 40 minutes. This will definitely lead to ‘death by PowerPoint’.

Remember if the audience is sitting in their chairs squinting at the screen having to make an effort to read the content of your slides, then they are not listening to you. What’s the point? ‘Busy’ slides tend to duplicate what the speaker is saying, rather than add strength to the message. If you simply use slides to record your presentation, it will be difficult for you to ‘unpack’ your message in a creative way.

2. Reading from slides

Perhaps worried about remembering what to say, and/or not devoting sufficient time to rehearsal, many presenters prepare for their presentation by ‘typing up’ a number of

PowerPoint slides and then ‘speaking to them’ – (a common expression used in Australia’s corporate market). I often say to my executive clients: ‘and while you’re speaking to your slides, what is the audience going to do?’ Some people even go so far as to turn their back on the audience for the whole presentation as they read word for word from the slide. OMG!

Reading from your slides is boring for the audience and makes it very difficult to develop sufficient credibility and interest in your message. The results of one Australian survey showed that more audience members ranked ‘presenter reading from slides’ as more annoying than any other complaint about presenter behaviour. Seriously, if you plan to read out your slides to your audience, then do everyone a favour, cancel the presentation and email the PowerPoint file to all concerned for people to read on their way to work!

3. Dimming the lights

Darkening the room further removes the focus of the presentation from the speaker to the screen. This encourages the audience members to bond with the screen (as at the cinema) and, correspondingly, this breaks the bond between the speaker and the audience. Another common response to a darkened room is to ‘switch off’ and either psychologically or physically ‘sleep’ – neither good options wouldn’t you agree?

Be sure to avoid these common mistakes and you’ll be remembered for all the right reasons! For more information on PowerPoint design and delivery grab a copy of How to Present here.

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TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training


you present and influence. Attend one of my Influential Presentation Skills programs.

It’s a life changing experience!

Risk free - 100% money-back guarantee.

Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred corporations around Australia.

Interactive and personalised.

Facilitated by Michelle Bowden who has over 18 years experience running her programs and who has been nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 4 years.

Absorb yourself in a generative and experiential approach. Learn something

then practice, then learn something then practice…

Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program.

Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’!

Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle’s during the program.

Address your specific, personal needs.

Learning with lots of laughter.

Techniques are embedded so you remember them decades later.

There’s no need for you to be nervous or miss a career

opportunity ever again!

SYDNEY DATES:October 22-23November 13-14December 3-4February 18-19March 25-26April 8-9May 27-28

BRISBANE:April 15-16, 2014

MELBOURNE:March 18-19, 2014

**CANBERRA:November 18-19 this year!

To chat about your specific needs or receive more information please email Michelle directly: [email protected]

"Michelle is quite frankly a rock star in the art of teaching, coaching and mentoring individuals and organisations on how to present and influence for increased sales, better team engagement and leadership. I have learned much from her teachings which I have applied for great profit in my own business. She’s a pretty amazing guru indeed!"

For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to www.michellebowden.com.au


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TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training

"Michelle is an inspirational trainer with great skills, her courses enable you to develop advanced presentation skills and techniques."

For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to her website.


There are a number of traps that inexperienced presenters can fall into when they first begin presenting. Any one of these traps can make your presentation look less professional than it otherwise would.

Although you need to keep track of how you are progressing through your presentation, be careful of how often you look at your watch.

It can be helpful to have the watch on the lectern rather than on your arm. The audience likes to believe that you are there for them and that you are enjoying being there with them. If you constantly look at your watch, it makes it look as though you cannot wait to finish the presentation and get away. It can also cause the audience to start looking at their watches too!

Consider rehearsing the presentation so you know roughly how long each section takes. And be sure to add some group interaction and use those moments to check the time. Consider

using a screen view that shows you the time and your slides at the same time. Or you could even use a little travel clock that sits neatly on the lectern.

And of course, be sure to finish on time. It’s the cardinal sin of speakers – going over your allocated time and cutting into someone else’s time – so please don’t do this! Happy Presenting!


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When you're dealing with someone whose behaviour is obviously problematic, there’s nothing more frustrating than their refusal to see any problem with their behaviour at all:

• People who always think that it is others who need to change

• Colleagues who are always defensive to feedback

• Those who continually blame others for problems, not taking any responsibility

Why do people behave like this? Psychologists speak of the Negativity Bias which predisposes many people to paying more attention to negative experiences around them rather than being alert to their own behaviour. Blaming others is also a defense mechanism, which allows people to preserve their own sense of worth, while frustrating others enormously. There is also the off-chance that they may have a point – that others can do their part to help as well. Explanations aside, what can we do to influence others to see the need for change with their own behaviour? Demonstrate understanding for their position:

The general rule is that if you want someone to listen to you, you have to listen to them first. Acknowledging and empathising with their perspective, can often help them to be less defensive and get into a more reasonable frame of mind. 

Certainly, letting them talk will give you a greater appreciation of needs that are important to them and some possible solutions. Explain why change from them is needed: People often skip giving explanations, assuming that people already understand, and launch straight into a confrontation. However, we know from the research that giving explanations enhances the likelihood of compliance.  Explanations appear to trigger a pathway in the brain that encourages compliance. Explanations can also foster some empathy or highlight a benefit they care about. For example, “I need you to keep your voice down and watch the way you speak to me as that helps me to work well with you / I find it hurtful / I am 7 months’ pregnant.” You can take your pick. Although explanations do not guarantee compliance, it seems a shame that we often assume that people already understand why we are asking for what we are.


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Move from blame to solutions: This is a more productive use of your energy than trying to get these individuals to admit some responsibility. However, the solutions they generate will tend to focus more on what others need to do. Some of these solutions can perhaps be agreed to or used as trades. E.g. “If I am open to what you have to say, will you come and speak with me earlier?” Even very stubborn people find it very hard to resist trades, though you might have to have a number of alternatives up your sleeve. Remember to be creative, being open to exploring a number of solutions, as often people get fixated on the first solution they have thought of. If the person is in a perverse, emotional place, then perhaps it is a good idea to call for a break, suggesting you both give some thought to actions everyone can take to help the situation. Introduce something new to the environment: Here we are effecting change with those things that are in our control – our own behaviour, the behaviour of those open to change, and the actual environment itself. It is often very hard for people to continue their own problem behaviour when the behaviour of others has changed around them. Here we are looking for something / anything different, to interrupt the usual pattern and to notice what helps. For example, taking a difficult colleague out for a coffee, asking if they are OK, rather than challenging them about their behaviour. There may well be personal reasons contributing.

 I also recall many occasions when moving a problem person to a new team or placing a new colleague beside them to work on a project together, can start a different dynamic. Allow the status quo to become uncomfortable: Sadly, some people only see the need for change when they become more uncomfortable with the status quo. Follow-up meetings take place. Their manager gets involved. Options are discussed of either changing their behaviour or going down the performance management path. Whatever the discomfort, it has to be motivating for the individual concerned. Here we need to ensure we have exhausted our options for accommodating ourselves to the other person and influencing change in more positive ways. Even when there is change by this person, often follow-up meetings still need to take place both to reinforce progress and ensure that this person stays on track.


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Accept that some people don’t change or lack a capacity for change: Remember that people are complex. Some have a long track record of blaming others, mental health problems, or be high-functioning, but somewhere on the Autism spectrum. Factors such as these can certainly affect their capacity for change. Whatever the cause, this person’s history and our and others’ past attempts to influence change will give you some idea about a person’s capacity for change. These individuals are often less problematic when they are kept busy. But more so, I believe, when they are busy doing those parts of their work that play to their strengths. It can also help to put our energy more into not being personally offended by their behaviour, if this is possible. The more we can explain their behaviour as being driven by stress or influenced by some medical condition, the less likely we are to take it personally. There are also times when we need to focus on coping with their behaviour. If we are in a position to do so,

we might take action to find a role that is a better fit for that person - perhaps it is outside of our workplace. Other times, we take action to get ourselves into another role that limits our contact with that person. Which of the above are a good fit for the person you know, who never sees any problems with their own behaviour?

“When you blame others, you give up your power to change.” Dr Robert Anthony, American Author

Ken Warren is a Relationships Specialist who helps teams to perform at their very best. Check out all of his FREE resources at www.positivepeoplesolutions.com.au


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Herding Monkeys is about how to get the most from the talents of your creative people and innovative thinkers. It’s about inspiring and nurturing the creativity of others. It’s about leading the creativity in your business, so you get the commercial results you need, fuel innovation and achieve real business value.

To claim your very own copy of Herding Monkeys be one of the first 5 to email [email protected] with the words ‘Herding Monkeys’ in the subject line.


Have you ever felt stuck? It is actually when you feel like you are not moving forward at best and going backwards at a fast pace at worst. It is not a great feeling, it can be all consuming and in some cases send you in a spiral downwards that totally stops you from doing anything at all.

I know in my own life I have been stuck in the past either on a project, a goal or on a set of circumstances that didn’t create the right result for me. The key to moving forward is shifting your focus onto starting something new … a new goal, a new project, even a new attempt on an old goal that has eluded you in the past.

There are some great benefits to STARTING; first you conquer procrastination, as it is hard to procrastinate if you are taking action. Second, you build up your self confidence, for when you start, you make progress. Third, momentum is created if you are starting to do things in your life. With confidence and

momentum in your life what could you achieve?

Editor’s Note: Keith’s Book It Starts with Passion (Wiley) is fantastic. I highly recommend you think about reading this book. I’ve read it cover to cover and implements everything he says and it’s changed my life very positively for the better. Visit www.passionatepeople.com.


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For three decades Keith Abraham has been assisting people all around the world discover how to work smarter, lead others through inspiration, and achieve high performance results in both work and life. As CEO of Passionate Performance Inc. Keith shares powerful insights and tools for embarking on your journey to a life of greater passion, meaning, clarity and success through focusing on three key fundamentals. www.keithabraham.com

How lucky are we that Keith shares his top 10 tips for presenting in business with us today....

1. Know what you are going to say in your first 30 - 60 seconds.

2. Don’t start with Good Morning or Good Afternoon.

3. Start with a quote or an unknown fact or a story or position statement.

4. Build your presentation around 3 key points, that people can remember, repeat and review.

5. Share these 3 points with you audience as part of your presentation premise.

6. Create slides that have only few words, or one sentence at the most.

7. Use pictures and images as your backgrounds for slides.

8. When trying to explain something complex, create a model or diagram that you can walk people through as you present.

9. Never finish on questions, ask for questions if you want to before you give your comments or wrap up.

10. Finish with a strong message, a quick recap of your 3 key messages and a final call to action.

Editor’s Note: Keith’s Book It Starts with Passion (Wiley) is fantastic. I highly recommend you think about reading this book. www.passionatepeople.com


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OK, I know it’s MY book! If you are serious about really improving your business presentation skills then

you need this book. Go to my website

CD OF THE MONTHThinking of improving your

presentation skills but don’t want to go on a training program? You need to grab a copy of How to

Present - Tips from the Master. Tips from 14 of Australia’s top public

speakers. Go to my website

CHARITYLifeCircle engages family members, friends and community in supporting people in Australia to live well, right

to the end. LifeCircle volunteer mentors, telephone support and

community ambassadors support resilience, connectivity and conversations among family

members and friends who are involved in the caring journey,

helping people to flourish through the later stages.


FRAGRANCEInspired by the elegance and eternity of a little black dress, this perfume exudes Parisian

chic and gracefulness. La Petite Robe Noir by Guerlain


Here are some of my favourite things for you

DESIGNHow fabulous is this? Design your

own beautiful chair using this clever on-line website.

FACE SHAVEA rich, nourishing and non-irritating

gel will give you smooth, soft, happy skin.

BEAUTYRevlon PhotoReady BB Cream is a lightweight, multi-benefit beauty

balm that combines skin care, make-up and sunscreen into one


BEAUTYM.A.C Eyebrow crayon is self-

propelling, self-sharpening, brow defining. Confidently adds what you need: shape, colour, density in one

streamlined tool just like a pen.

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