How to Make Your Security Aware in a BYOD World Symposium Barcelona Spain

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  • 8/12/2019 How to Make Your Security Aware in a BYOD World Symposium Barcelona Spain


    1 Fortinet Confidential

    How to Make your Security

    Aware in a BYOD WorldGraeme NashDirector Strategic Solutions, Fortinet

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    2 Fortinet Confidential

    Security Challenges in a BYOD world1

    What Security is Required?2

    Focus Points

    Fortinet Answers Critical BYOD Questions3

    The 4 Must-Have BYOD Security Features4

    Why Trust Fortinet?5

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    3 Fortinet Confidential

    What Our Customers Say About BYOD

    Users want to bring in their iPads, iPhones and Galaxy S3s butwere not sure how to support them

    My CFO heard we can save money through BYOD

    We have to allow patients and guests on our guest network but howdo we keep the doctors data safe?

    What do I do about the devices not supported by my MDM ie.ROAD?

    How do I embrace all the potential mobile collaboration productivity and

    innovation benefits whilst securing my corporate assets?

    And the most common response

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    4 Fortinet Confidential

    What Customers Say About BYOD

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    5 Fortinet Confidential

    BYOD Challenges: Just the Tip of the Iceberg

    Device proliferation Web connectivity expansion

    Gaming consoles

    Media devices (e.g. TVs)

    Next-generation devices

    The Internet of Things

    PrintersLaptops Tablets Smartphones Scanners


    Video GameSystems

    Specialty ApplicationDevices

    Appliances Web-Connected Toys

    Who Knows

    Health & Fitness

    Many web-enabled devicesdo not allow installation ofsoftware / agents

    Security features vary fromdevice to device

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    6 Fortinet Confidential

    Fortinet Survey (EMEA results):Gen-Y Workers Dependence/Control on Personal Devices

    73% of respondents in EMEA are already regularly engaging in BYODpractice

    What statement best sums up Gen-Y attitudes to device usage?

    52% consider BYOD a right

    48% consider BYOD a privilege

    What functions couldnt they live without for more than a day ?

    Private calls42%


    Private email38%

    Social Media23% Who is responsible for your device security?

    The user74%

    The company14%

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    7 Fortinet Confidential

    Fortinet Survey:Gen-Y workers attitude towards BYOD corporate policy

    Worldwide EMEA APAC US

    Yes 36% 27% 47% 29%

    No 64% 73% 53% 71%

    1-in-3 of respondents would contravene companypolicy banning the use of personal device for work purposes

    If your employer has/had a policy which prohibits the use of personaldevices in the work environment or for work purposes, have you/would you ever use a personal device in contravention of this policy?

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    8 Fortinet Confidential

    Security Challenges in a BYOD world1

    What Security is Required?2

    Focus Points

    Fortinet Answers Critical BYOD Questions3

    The 4 Must-Have BYOD Security Features4

    Why Trust Fortinet?5

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    9 Fortinet Confidential

    Through Corporate Policy

    Complete DenialDifficult to Enforce

    By Specifying Corporate assets only(RIM, Citrix, VMWare)

    Endpoint Clients

    Network-basedBy behavior on thenetwork

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    10 Fortinet Confidential

    Through Mobile Device Management

    Gartner MDM Magic QuadrantMDM consists of: * Software Mgt.

    Config, backup, updates

    Network Service Mgt.

    Location, usage

    Hardware Mgt.

    Provisioning, activation

    Security Mgt.

    Remote wipe, secure config

    * Gartner Group Magic QuadrantFor Mobile Device ManagementSoftware May, 2012

    BUT ..

    Managing the sprawl == $$

    3 times as many employees consider device

    security to be their own responsibility **

    ** Fortinet Gen-Y BYOD SurveyJune, 2012

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    11 Fortinet Confidential

    Its All About Mobile Device Connectivity and its Traffic

    No Client VPNVPN& 2


    VirtualDesktop(incl VPN

    & 2 Factor)

    EmployeeDevices WithMobile DeviceManagement

    CorporateOwned Devices





    Mobile Clients

    2-Factor Authentication



    Most organizations require a spectrum of solutionsNo perfect solution for all environmentsTrade-offs for each solution

    Network Security

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    12 Fortinet Confidential

    The Network Is The Common Denominator

    The network is THE core element in any approach you take

    The network handles all the traffic, secures it, logs it and reports upon it

    Regardless of whats on the device

    Network(LAN & WAN)









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    13 Fortinet Confidential

    BYOD Enablement through Network Security

    Emily, a customer, needs guest access toSkype on her iPad while visiting yourheadquarters

    Bills device is infected with malware and he

    brings it on the corporate network

    Jill is at Starbucks and needs to communicate

    and be protected as if she was at HQ.

    WiFi Guest AccessBandwidth


    2-Factor Authentication

    VPN Tunneling


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    14 Fortinet Confidential

    BYOD Enablement through Network Security (Cont.)

    Sue is in corporate marketing and shouldhave access to post non-sensitiveinformation to Facebook, but she should notbe playing Farmville

    Joe started streaming movies while at workthrough his tabletthis is against corporatepolicy

    Application ControlData Leakage


    Application Control

    Ed unintentionally shared a sensitivecompany presentation via his personalGmail account on his Android Phone.

    Data LeakagePrevention

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    15 Fortinet Confidential

    Security Challenges in a BYOD world1

    What Security is Required?2

    Focus Points

    Fortinet Answers Critical BYOD Questions3

    The 4 Must-Have BYOD Security Features4

    Why Trust Fortinet?5

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    16 Fortinet Confidential

    Enabling BYOD: The 3 Critical Questions To Ask

    1. Whoare you?

    2. Wheredo you want to go?

    3. Whatdata do you need?

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    17 Fortinet Confidential

    User ID + Device ID

    Identity PoliciesSig./MAC Address ID

    Device Identification Access Control Security Application

    Security Profiles


    WhoAre You? : Device Identity

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    18 Fortinet Confidential

    WhoAre You?

    Fortinet provides the answer: Connection to corporate LDAP and Radius servers

    Two Factor Authentication (hard and soft tokens) + Client Certificates

    SMS and email based two factor authentication

    Guest provisioning

    Supports range of end user platforms (iPhone, iPad, Android)

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    19 Fortinet Confidential

    WhereDo You Want to Go?

    Security on the LAN: Control of wireless access and

    security policies enforcement All data flowing to and from

    the network is inspected,logged, and managed through



    Coffee Shop


    Security on the WAN: Supports 3G, 4G, LTE, Cable

    DSL, WiMax Connect via VPN & 2-Factor

    Authentication agents(FortiClient & FortiToken)

    All data flowing to and from thenetwork is inspected, logged,and managed through FortiGate

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    20 Fortinet Confidential

    Fortinet Solution Solves BYOD challenge

    Data Loss PreventionPrevent mobile users from sending sensitivedata outside the network

    Application ControlPrevent mobile users from accessing non-corporate approved applications

    AntiMalware Prevent propagation from infected devices

    Spam Filtering Protect email regardless of receiving deviceWeb Filtering Protect mobile users against malicious sitesTraffic Shaping

    Limit mobile applications to preservebandwidth

    WhatData Do You Need?

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    21 Fortinet Confidential

    Security Challenges in a BYOD world1

    What Security is Required?2

    Focus Points

    Fortinet Answers Critical BYOD Questions3

    The 4 Must-Have BYOD Security Features4

    Why Trust Fortinet?5

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    22 Fortinet Confidential

    Critical Technology No.1:Integrating the Wireless Controller into the UTM Gateway

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    23 Fortinet Confidential

    Critical Technology No.2:Stronger, BYOD Specific Technical Controls

    Define security controls by:Traditional IP address

    Self-learning device identity

    User identity

    Allow (deny) by device type,username, IP or MAC address

    What you use dictates where you go

    Take your device home

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    24 Fortinet Confidential

    Critical Technology No.3:Client Reputation Management

    Find the Bad Guy, avoid the Bad Server Reputation built by activity

    What you do, Where you go,

    How you get there

    Hosted content

    Drill down report for those with theworst reputations

    What did they do, Where did they go

    What applications did they run

    Administrator defined thresholds

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    25 Fortinet Confidential

    Enterprise Authentication ServerIdentity Management and User Access Control

    Critical Technology No.4:Enterprise Authentication Server

    LDAPUser Database

    Issuing CA



    Authentication and Authorization RADIUS, LDAP, 802.1X, EAP-TLS

    Two Factor Authentication FortiToken

    Tokenless, via SMS and email

    Certificate Management X.509 Certificate Signing, Certificate Revocation,

    SCEP Remote Device / Unattended Authentication

    Fortinet Single Sign on Active Directory Polling

    RADIUS Integration

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    26 Fortinet Confidential

    Pulling it Together BYODs Core Moving Parts

    CLIENTWired &




    All data flowing to and from

    the network is inspected,

    logged, and managed

    through the UTM


    UTM : Unified Threat



    Wired &




    2-Factor Tokens


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    27 Fortinet Confidential

    Summary & Action Plan

    Today: Receiveyour Yes to BYOD and Gen-Y Survey whitepapers at

    stand S5in the ITExpo!

    Back at the office:

    Validate your BYOD drivers and (fully) quantify benefit!

    Review your security infrastructures BYOD Core Moving Parts

    Longer Term:

    Enhance your BYOD project bang-for-buck by securing networktraffic from allsources/clients

    Deliver the required granularity of security controls for BYOD

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    28 Fortinet Confidential

    Security Challenges in a BYOD world1

    What Security is Required?2

    Focus Points

    Fortinet Answers Critical BYOD Questions3

    The 4 Must-Have BYOD Security Features4

    Why Trust Fortinet?5

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    29 Fortinet Confidential

    FortinetA Strong Security Player










    Q212 Revenue $129 M25% Y/Y Growth


    03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

    Market Leader

    Advanced technology and products 100+ patents; 110+ pending

    Strong global footprint 1,600+ employees; 30 offices worldwide

    Blue chip customer base 125,000 customers

    (including majority of Global 100)

    Exceptional financial model

    FY11 revenues: $434 M- 34% YoY growth

    Strong balance sheet: $500M+ in cash

    - No debt

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    FortinetA Security Label

    Major Certifications Other Recognitions
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