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How to find a word, words, or a sentence in this Pdf’s

First you need to download the Pdf or the Pdf’s on your computer.

Ones you have clicked on a Pdf title, after a while, you will see the Pdf opening.

Download-speed depends on your internet speed and your computer.

If the Pdf is downloaded and you see it open, save it on your computer in a new folder that you made for it.

You can download as many Pdf’s as you want and save them in that folder.

If you downloaded all of them in one folder, then you can also look for a word or more in all that Pdf’s at once.

To start a search, you have two possibilities:

1. Searching in one Pdf.

Open the Pdf, on the top you have a menu, click on “Edit” and select “Find” for a word in this Pdf.

Click on next to see the next place in that Pdf.

2. Searching in one or more Pdf’s.

Open one Pdf, click on “Edit”, go to “Advanced search”

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Make your choice “current document” or “All Pdf documents in”

If you made the choice “All documents in”, click on the arrow right on the bar below it.

There you can look for the place on your computer where you have the Pdf-Folder.

If you don’t see the folder click on “Browse for location” and find the folder on your computer, then click on it


This is the place where the search will be done.

Below the definition of the place you can fill in the word, words or even a sentence that you look for in all of

the Pdf’s.

Below that you can select the format for the search if needed.

Click on “Search” button below, another window will open.

If you see a Security Warning pop up, click on “Allow”

At this point, the computer will do the search, if your word(s) are found in one or more of the Pdf’s you will see

the Pdf (‘s) in the “Results:”

Near the found results, you see a “+” on the left side, click on it to see all the places in that Pdf where the text

is found.

You will see part of the sentence where it is located.

Click on the sentence you want, the Pdf will open automatic and on the page where the word or sentence is



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True US History

Oct 15, 2020 - Justice Clarence Thomas: Section 230 Protections for Big Tech Are

Too Broad

Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - Imagine if MSM Consistently Applied the Evidentiary Standards it’s

Applying to Hunter Biden’s Emails

If a news report facilitates the national security state, all journalistic protocol goes out the

window and nobody knows the meaning of the word evidence. As soon as a report becomes

inconvenient for a friend of the national security state like Joe Biden, suddenly strict

evidentiary standards and warnings against potential disinformation are of paramount

importance. This is the same as lying all the time. They lie because the mass media within

the US-centralized empire are the propaganda engine for that empire. The drivers of empire

understand that whoever controls the narrative controls the world, so they ensure that all

points of narrative influence are tightly controlled by them. Caitlin Johnstone

Other Spiritual Pieces

Oct 15, 2020 - "The Maya on the Mind is Breaking Up and Light is Streaming

through the Cracks."

This is a joyous moment, a rare moment that does not come often. Yet, the greater number

of us live in an ever-mounting fear of looming uncertainties AND... they shall surely

materialize because that which we fear shall come upon us. However... this is not the case for

those who serve the Shining Invisible. This is not the case for those who have embraced the

Will of Heaven. Lao Tzu also said; "though Heaven prefers no man, the wise man prefers

Heaven." Les Visible

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Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - Six Years After MH17 tragedy, Russia Withdraws from ‘pointless’

investigation Consultations with Netherlands & Australia

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 15, 2020 - Liberal com-box Trolls Melt Down Over Barrett’s Comments About

Believing in ‘power of prayer’

Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - World Bank Has Resorted To Shaming G-20 Countries And Hedge

Funds For Lending Poor Nations Money

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 15, 2020 - Disturbing MKULTRA and Child Abuse Paintings Displayed on

Billboards in Italy

Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - Academic Admits To Making “Wild-Over-Estimate” of Covid Deaths

Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - Viral! World Lockdown Plan Leaked

Ron: Discernment required. Although the demonic globalist cabal may well intend a

scenario along lines comparable with what is described for Canada and other nations

herein, it won't happen. Once President Trump wins the coming US elections the

globalist cabal and its usurious banking system and Deep State enablers will be

eliminated by the Triodity of Trump, Putin and Xi and their supporters. Thereafter the

planet will experience a Magnetic Reversal and stasis event during which all negative

elements will be removed. After stasis those remaining on Gaia will begin their journey

into Light and Life.

Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - Britain Has Always Been Unfair, Unequal and Divided – Covid-19 Has

Only Served to Show This in even more stark relief

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 15, 2020 - Media vs. the People: The War over Pedophilia

After promoting the idea that pedophiles deserve special sympathy, the press campaign

introduced the insidious concept that children are capable of consent. (Teen Vogue: "Video

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Shows Toddlers Understand Consent.") From there, the campaign inevitably moved on to

bitter accusations against right-wing haters who find the practice

objectionable. See Newsweek's "Why Is the Alt-Right Obsessed with Pedophilia?"

and Salon's "I'm a pedophile, you're the monsters: My week inside the vile right-wing

hate machine." In other words, if you don't accept the sexual exploitation of

children, you're the problem. - Deborah Franklin


Oct 15, 2020 - Two Months After Pioneering ‘Sputnik V’ Launched, Putin Announces

Registration of 2nd Russian Covid-19 Vaccine, says 3rd on way

Health and Nutrition

Oct 15, 2020 - Another COVID Vaccine Using Aborted Baby Cell Line Pauses Trials

After Participant’s ‘unexplained illness’

Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - New Facebook Policy to Reject Ads Warning of Vaccine Dangers

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 15, 2020 - WATCH: Man Who Left LGBT Lifestyle Says He’ll be Jailed Under

New Canadian Law for Telling Story

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 15, 2020 - Parents of LGBT Children Must Defend Them: ‘Homophobia has never

led any state to a happy future,’ says MP From pro-Putin Party

Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - Why Communism is Compelled to Destroy Christianity

Judith Acosta: Because in order for the left to win the heart of America, it must

defeat Christianity and Judaism. Completely.

Ron: I disagree. Arguably, Judaism is Talmudism and cultural Marxism is Tamudism In

other words "the left" IS Talmudism. Talmudism has been the enemy of Christ Jesus

and his divine revelations since the Pharisees forced the Romans to crucify Jesus. See

eg: Judaism and Christianity - Two Thousand Years of Lies - 60 Years of State

Terrorism - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Judaism-and-


The fact that Judaism is implacably opposed to Jesus' true teachings and his

exhortation to love neighbour (everyone and everything not just one's 'own tribe') AS

self (we must learn to accept and love self) FOR the love of God (ALL that IS), is the

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crux of the problem of the presence of evil in the US and around the rest of this

planet. The fact is that Judaism is Talmudism and it skulks like a wolf in sheeps'

clothing throughout the US and our world. It is a FIFTH COLUMN whereever it resides

Judith Acosta: In Judaism and Christianity, we were never created to be alone.

Ron: This is confused thinking. Judaism is an atheistic, ethno-centric, collectivist

political ideology. Most Jews are atheists who worship the Jewish collective. That is

fundamentally at odds with Christ Jesus' teaching. He revealed that every ensouled

human being (HUman) is an only begotten (ie unique) son or daughter of the

Creator because each individual is indwelt by a fragment of Creator consciousness and

is infused with life and a unique personality and free will by the Creator. That means

each individual is unique and sovereign. And each individual must take responsibility for

his/her own life decisions and evolvement. christian HUmans are not defined by

membership in a nepotistic collective as is the case with individuals governed by Judaic

ideology. Christians are sovereign individuals not collectivists. They seek to collaborate

and co-operate as sovereigns in loving community relationships. Christ centred HUmans

are called to love everyone not merely their tribal brethren.

Judith Acosta: In Christianity and Judaism, human nature is bifurcated and flawed. We

are all born equally fallen with chips in our souls.

Ron: I disagree. THIS is a LIE inserted into the Christian religion by Pharisees ie

Talmudists. HUmans are NOT bifurcated and flawed. HUmans do not incarnate 'equally

fallen with chips in our souls'. Spirits incarnate in a state of amnesia, ie they have no

memory of their previous existance and knowledge. That is why Jesus came to tell us

the GOOD NEWS about our being, like him, 'sons of God' who will reincarnate myriad

times until we learn all about life the universe and everything and journey through the

universe and super universe until we reach havona and then meet with the Creator on

the Paradise Isle. Thereafter we return to the Creation to assist with its management

and administration.

Judith Acosta: "The Church has nothing to do with safety. It prepares us for eternity,

for our real lives."

Ron: I disagree. Jesus didn't incarnate to establish a religion and didn't. He came to

teach divine truths lost over millennia and corrupted by Pharisees and others. Pharisees

influenced Roman emperors to establish the Christian religion in an effort to distort and

eradicate Jesus' true revelations and teaching. And unfortunately the Talmudists have

been rather successful in burying Jesus' message

Judith Acosta: In Judeo-Christian culture you suffer because you live in a fallen world.


Ron: Actually much of the suffering in our world is foisted upon us by Talmudists. A

prime example being usury and income taxes. A small example being The "U"

Tax! - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/The-U-Tax.shtml

Judith Acosta: And that bureaucratic megalith is not sharing anything with the hungry

masses, as Venezuela, the CCP, and the USSR all demonstrate.

Ron: I disagree. China has raised some 800 million people out of poverty in the last 20

years while the US has been invading, occupying nations and causing the deaths of

millions of people all over the world. Morover, until President Trump was elected,

millions of USans were being reduced to poverty by US governments. Russian Christians

have steadily improved life in Russia since they wrested control of the Soviet

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Union from bolshevik jews in the mid 1970s. See: Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio

Letter No. 26 ff - http://www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal26.html

Venezuela has been subjected to crippling economic sanctions and attacks on its

electricity grid by the US, UK and EU for years. THAT is the primary reason why

Venezuelans ace hardships and shortages. For instance see: Store Your Gold At The

Bank Of England And You Might Never See It Again

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Store-Your-Gold-At-The-


Revealed: Secretive British Unit Planning for ‘Reconstruction’ of Venezuela

Contract for Guaido's Mercenary Hit on Maduro mirrors official US bounty death squad

killings - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Contract-for-Guaido-s-


Regime Change Back In Focus: Pompeo Targets Iran, Cuba & Venezuela In Epic Tweet

Thread - http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/Regime-Change-Back-


John Bolton’s Plan to Starve Millions of Venezuelans into Submission

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/John-Bolton-s-Plan-to-Starve-


Venezuela’s Communes: a Great Social

Achievement - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Venezuela-s-


AP: Chavez Wasted His Money on Healthcare When He Could Have Built Gigantic

Skyscrapers - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/AP-Chavez-


Skyscrapers.shtml“Media restrictions” in Venezuela.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Media-restrictions-in-


What's Really Happening in Venezuela from Someone Who Knows

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/What-s-Really-Happening-in-


The Legacy of Hugo Chávez

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/The-Legacy-of-Hugo-Ch-


Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - Israel Approves More Illegal West Bank Housing, Just Weeks After

'peace' Deals with UAE, Bahrain

True US History

Oct 15, 2020 - Will the Trump Administration Finally Seize a Golden Opportunity to

Punish Clinton Charity Fraudsters ?

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 15, 2020 - The Fraud And Irrelevance Of Roe v Wade

Although there were other parties in the Roe v Wade lawsuit, and although rape was

not mentioned specifically therein, the case could be relitigated on those grounds alone,

but there is another reason this decision should be overturned and abortion severely

restricted if not outlawed altogether. Oral birth control, ie "the pill", was introduced in

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1960. Before that, birth control was a very hit and miss affair. By the time Norma

McCorvey first became pregnant, it was fairly well established, but three decades and

more on, it is more or less universal. There is now also the morning after pill. This has

been available since around the turn of the Millennium, so really there is no excuse for

a reasonably intelligent, educated woman to seek an abortion purely as a matter of

convenience. The Dark Man

Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - Democrats Announce Outside Witnesses to Attack Barrett on

Abortion, Obamacare

True US History

Oct 15, 2020 - Stumping Expectations, Joe Biden Has to Call Up Barack Obama to

Campaign in Final Weeks Before Election

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 15, 2020 - COVID-19 Lockdowns Are In Lockstep With the 'Great Reset'

Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - There is a Socialist Coup Unfolding in Canada, and We Taxpayers

Are Funding it

Political Information

Oct 15, 2020 - Macron Diktat to French nation: 9pm Curfew In All Major Cities For

Next 6 Weeks

True US History

Oct 14, 2020 - Twitter Head Jack Dorsey Blames ‘poor communication’ in Biden Story

Takedown, Downplaying Big Tech ‘censorship’ Scandal

True US History

Oct 14, 2020 - California University Spends $800,000 Trying To Shut Down Satirical

Student Newspaper, Fails

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 14, 2020 - 'Cuties' is Merely 'misunderstood,' Netflix co-CEO Says, and Idea

of 'censoring Storytelling' is 'surprising' in 2020 America

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - Of Amazon We Should Be Afraid, Very Afraid !

Current tax laws at the local, state, and federal level have changed little over the decades

and lag far behind how business is conducted in our modern age. This feeds directly into

creating an unfair advantage for Amazon which has used them as a foundation to fuel

its growth. Still, even more troubling is how the company has created an environment

that draws in other sellers of goods then in a predatory manner undercuts their ability

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to compete. When you add these actions to Amazon's growing influence in Washington due to

its strong relationship with the CIA and deep state with its CEO's ability to drive public

opinion through the Washington Post we have every reason for grave concern. Remember the

proverbial saying 'power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. In short, this is why

Amazon has become a threat to our democracy and capitalism in America. Bruce Wilds

True US History

Oct 14, 2020 - A Bailout For Hollywood Stars Next? World's Largest Movie Chain

Prepares For Bankrutpcy

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 14, 2020 - Merriam-Webster Labels ‘sexual preference’ OFFENSIVE After

Uproar over LGBTQ Terminology During SCOTUS Confirmation Hearing

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - World Economic Forum Outlines Its ‘Great Reset’ to End Traditional


Schwab believes that if the Chinese coronavirus crisis has shown us anything, it is "that

governments, businesses, or civil-society groups acting alone cannot meet systemic

global challenges." In their stead, the WEF says the world should adopt more

socialistic policies, such as wealth taxes, additional regulations and massive Green New

Deal-like government programs. Simon Kent

Simon Kent: Schwab writes:

No event since World War II's end has had as profound a global impact as COVID-19.

The pandemic has triggered a public health and economic crisis on a scale unseen in

generations and has exacerbated systemic problems such as inequality and great-power


Ron: I disagree. COVID-19 is merely a flu-like ailment which has intrinsically no more

impact than any flu season. It has not triggered a public health crisis. However, the

inappropraite and fraudulent globalist governmental and MSM response to COVID-19

has caused a scamdemic which has created a real global economic crisis. That economic

crisis has been engineered by the WEF and Klaus Schwab is lying through his teeth

about it. Moreover, the WEF and all the other Talmudic globalist political constructs

are responsible for all of the systemic problems such as inequality and great-power

posturing that Schwab is pretending to seek to correct.

Kraus Schwab: The only acceptable response to such a crisis is to pursue a "Great

Reset" of our economies, politics, and societies. Indeed, this is a moment to re-

evaluate the sacred cows of the pre-pandemic system, but also to defend certain long-

held values. The task we face is to preserve the accomplishments of the past 75 years

in a more sustainable form.

Ron: As is the case with all Talmudists, Schwab is full of shit. The crisis facing our

world has been brewing for centuries and has been deliberately brought to a head by

the WEF et al, using the the COVID-19 scamdemic. The situation created by the

demonically controlled Talmudists is so dire that indeed it does require the inhabitants

of this planet to undertake a total RESET of all aspects of life here. Christ Michael

Aton, (CM) the creator of this planet and universe has determined that a total RESET

of spiritual, physical and social life on this planet must now occur. Accordingly he

declared the commencement of his Millennial Reign here on 5 February 2019. Once

CM's agents, the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi, have eliminated the

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demonic globalist cabal and its usurious global banking monopoly and Deep State

enablers, a planetary Magnetic Reversal followed by stasis will occur. During stasis all

negative energies will be removed from the planet and a positive energetic RESET will

commence. All life remaining with Gais will become ensconced in the Millennial Reign.

HUmans here will then begin the transition to Light and Life. So be it.

Simon Kent: In their stead, the WEF says the world should adopt more socialistic

policies, such as wealth taxes, additional regulations and massive Green New Deal-like

government programs.

Ron: The Green New Deal is a Talmudic fraud. After stasis this planet will be under

direct divine leadership and usury and personal income taxes will be abolished ensuring

good governance, the rapid elimination of poverty and a transition into socio-economic

abundance for all. New Tesla and other plasma power generation and healing

technologies that have been suppressed by Talmudists for decades if not centuries will

become widely available.

Simon Kent: Ulitmately Schwab says the trade, taxation, and competition rules that reflect

decades of neoliberal influence are over.

The world stands at the precipice of change and the WEF sees itself in the forefront

of that rebuild of capitalism which it envisages means companies "contribute to social

welfare and the common good" at the expense of shareholders and investors.

Ron: The WEF and all Talmudic power structures like the UN et al will be cease to

exist after stasis. Capitalism is an ideology built on the money meme by Talmudists.

The elimination of usury will disempower capotalist ideology. Communitarian service to

others more than self will replace it.

Kraus Schwab: More will be outlined next year at the 2021 WEF global summit in


Ron: NO it won't.

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - What Happened to the Riots ?

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - When CNN Starts Blasting Democrats, You Know Something Is Up


Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - Facebook’s Democratic Comms Chief Admits to SHADOWBANNING

NYPost Story on Hunter Biden Emails

Health and Nutrition

Oct 14, 2020 - Over 30,000 Health Experts Sign Declaration Against COVID-19


Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - Hate Crime Booms in UK as Race, Religion, Gender, Brexit & Covid-

19 see Famous Tolerance Disappear

Hate crimes motivated by sexual orientation increased by the largest percentage, 19 percent

to 15,800, which reflect a similar increase found by a BBC investigation last week which

recorded even higher reported figures of 18,465, triple the number from just five years

ago. So not only is homophobic hate on the rise, reported hate crimes over transgender

identity were up by 16 percent to 2,500 and disability hate crime - surely the most

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bewildering - rose by nine percent to 8,500. How can you hate a disabled person ? Damian


Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - Crematorium Bans Lord’s Prayer Because ‘Chanting’ Is Forbidden

Under Coronavirus Laws

Other Spiritual Pieces

Oct 14, 2020 - "A Golden Age is Coming for Those with Hearts that Love has made


I seek to bring the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness to Earth. It is an insane

ambition but it is what I seek. Each day, I ask for it to descend... into the hearts and minds

of those WILLING to host it. Any one of us who accomplishes the possession of it can

become a contagion that infects the hearts and minds of everyone they encounter. It is like

playing tag. It is like, 'pass it on'. It is like radiating outward that Heavenly resonance which

brings every heart into accord. Les Visible

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - Turkey Threatens Armenia With Direct Military Intervention In

Karabakh War

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 14, 2020 - Why Some People Take Q-Anon's Pedophilia Allegations Seriously

True US History

Oct 14, 2020 - Who Funds the Riotous American Left & Why ? The Globalist

Billionaire class, Which Uses it to Build Corporate Socialism

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - Thousands Demonstrate Against France Law That Erases Fathers

From Some Children’s Lineage

Political Information

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Oct 14, 2020 - Declassified FBI Spreadsheet Exposes Steele Dossier Farce: Media

Reports On FBI Reports Of Media Reports

Telemensajes de Otros

Oct 14, 2020 - Serafín Mensaje 423: UN FUTURO SIN DOLOR

Serafín a través de Rosie

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - BBC Launches Attack On Journalists Exposing White Helmets…again

Telemensajes de Otros

Oct 14, 2020 - Serafín Mensaje 422: LAS FATALES CONSECUENCIAS DE


Serafín a través de Rosie

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - RAND and the Malevolent Encirclement of Russia

And it so happens that the targets of the attacks fit precisely to the outline of a major US

military think tank report. In a 2019 research report to the US Army, the RAND corporation

published a set of policy recommendations under the title, "Extending Russia: Competing

from Advantageous Ground." They note that by extending Russia they mean "nonviolent

measures that could stress Russia's military or economy or the regime's political standing at

home and abroad." All of the above stress points certainly fill that description. More striking

is the specific elaboration of possible stress points to "extend Russia," that is to over-

extend her. The report specifically discusses what they call "Geopolitical Measures" to

over-extend Russia. These include providing lethal aid to Ukraine; promoting regime change in

Belarus; exploiting tensions in the South Caucasus; reduce Russian influence in Central Asia.

It also includes proposals to weaken the Russian economy by challenging its gas and oil

sectors. F.W. Engdahl

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - The Cultural Failure That Makes Spouting Nonsense About Trump


Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - Two Massive New Leaks Show Dirty Underbelly of the Empire

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So, the US helped create the war, helped create the destruction, created the so-called

heroes (who want more destruction), created the award-winning documentary about the

'heroes', and created the news reports about the documentary about the 'heroes'. That

isn't just wag the dog; that's wag the whole f**kin' kennel, and the buildings next to the

kennel, and everything down the street and the whole city. Lee Camp

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - Never-Trump Group Is 2020's Top 'Dark Money' Spender So Far

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - Barrett Laments ‘cruel’ Attacks That ‘are Not Only Hurtful to Me,

But Are Hurtful to My Children’

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - Facebook Bans Ads Questioning Safety Of COVID-19 Vaccines

ads that explicitly discourage people from taking vaccines by portraying the vaccines as

ineffective or unsafe will be banned. "If an ad that advocates for/against legislation or

government policies explicitly discourages a vaccine, it will be rejected," a spokesperson

wrote CNBC. "That includes portraying vaccines as useless, ineffective, unsafe or unhealthy,

describing the diseases vaccines are created for as harmless, or the ingredients in vaccines

as harmful or deadly." Tyler Durden

Political Information

Oct 14, 2020 - 'Pandemic fatigue': Sweden Didn’t Impose Covid-19 Lockdown to

Avoid the Wrath Of The Public, health chief says

Health and Nutrition

Oct 13, 2020 - UK Begins Investigation into Blanket ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Orders

After Claims Elderly Targeted

Political Information

Oct 13, 2020 - The Covidian Cult

Political Information

Oct 13, 2020 - 2 + 2 = Thought Crime ? Mathematical Certainty Hangs in the

Balance as Orwell’s Worst Fears Come To Life

Perhaps in no other period of human history could otherwise intelligent people speak with

alarm about mathematical inquiry and the racial background of the problem solvers. What

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next? An angry throng of mathematicians protesting in the street, while getting in the faces

of passers-by and patio diners demanding that they publicly confess to their mathematical

heresies? Perhaps make them accept some new-fangled ‘ethno-mathematic' system in its

place? Will engineers, architects and other math-based professionals be accused of

fomenting ‘racism' for adhering to the models of dead white mathematicians? Where exactly

will this insanity lead us ? Robert Bridge

Health and Nutrition

Oct 13, 2020 - California Medical Doctor Cures Over 1700 Patients with COVID

Using Hydroxychloroquine (Video)

Political Information

Oct 13, 2020 - Yes, Hillary Clinton Orchestrated the Russia-Collusion Farce

Political Information

Oct 13, 2020 - Federal Judge Allows Clinton Foundation Whistleblower Complaint To

Proceed, Rules IRS 'Abused Its Discretion'

These whistleblowers also highlighted that private foundations, including the Gates

Foundation, that have donated to the Clinton Foundation are themselves subject to taxation

based on IRS codes relating to Donors' Responsibilities. Ultimately, Doyle and Moynihan

maintained that the Clinton Foundation could be subject to paying tax on anywhere from

$400mm to potentially as much as $2.5 billion of revenue. Tyler Durden

Health and Nutrition

Oct 13, 2020 - ‘Traumatic’: French Women Forced to Wear MASKS During

CHILDBIRTH, campaign group calls for hospitals to ditch rule

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 13, 2020 - South African President Insists Farm Murders ‘Are Not Ethnic


Health and Nutrition

Oct 13, 2020 - WARNING: COVID-19 Vaccine Partnership with AstraZeneca a

Threat to Public Health

Surely there are other alternatives for Thailand [and any other nation] regarding COVID-19

vaccine programs - the nation itself having had fewer than 60 COVID-19 related deaths in

the many months the virus has been circulating through the global population. And surely

there are better partners Thailand can find - partners without criminal records or a history

of dangerous impropriety for something as important as human health. Tony Cartalucci

Political Information

Oct 13, 2020 - Cardinal Funneled Funds To Glamour Girl

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Oct 13, 2020 - Yet another case of the missing virus; they lied and locked down the



Oct 13, 2020 - Three Little Pigs Like You've never heard before

This 9' 29" video was published by Dry Bar Comedyon Jul 6,

2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_UegL1R3X8&feature=emb_logo

True US History

Oct 13, 2020 - Trump Links Democrats To Communist China—Warns He Has “Hair

Trigger” And “China Will Pay Big Price”

Ron: Some discernment required.

True US History

Oct 13, 2020 - Trump Says Nukes Are “Tippy Top”—Then He Sends Hated Dead Foe

John McCain Into Dragons Lair

Ron: Some discernment required.

True US History

Oct 13, 2020 - Trump Gets Fifth Nobel Peace Prize Nomination As His Supporters

Face Democrat Internment Camps

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 13, 2020 - France: New Law Would Remove All Restrictions on Abortions Up To

14 Weeks

True US History

Oct 13, 2020 - Trump Slaughtermeter Hits 100% After World Health Organization

Tells World To Stop Using Lockdowns

Political Information

Oct 13, 2020 - OPCW Joins Poison Cocktail Party

The OPCW's joining the poison cocktail party this week is just another blow to that

organisation's credibility. The 193-nation body has since its inception in 1997 devolved into

serving as a propaganda tool for the United States and its NATO allies. Remember its first

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director José Bustani - a man of principle - was ousted in 2002 under pressure from the US

because he would not go along with false claims about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Ever since, the OCPW has become a shameless conduit for Western powers. Finian


True US History

Oct 13, 2020 - Trump ‘Can’t Happen Again’ Says Former FBI Official

Political Information

Oct 13, 2020 - Letting Coronavirus Spread Freely for ‘herd immunity’ is Unethical,

says WHO

Health and Nutrition

Oct 13, 2020 - The Illusion Of Safety: UK Commuter Trains Will Leave Windows

Open In Winter To Fight COVID-19


Oct 13, 2020 - “5G” Hysteria Times Corona Hysteria Equals Hysteria Squared

Is it a safe bet most "5G" opposers use 4G devices ? If so, what's that called. But my

previous material hasn't included the alleged ‘Cronyvirus' connection. Concocted Crony

hysteria rings a bell similar to concocted "5G" hysteria. The two have now become

‘bedfellows' in some minds. A major point is, there have been several hyped up virus-fear

episodes before "5G" entered the scene. Is the Crony connection inspiration for a new round

of profitable "5G" bandwagonism - a new ploy added to previous ploys, omissions and

inaccuracies that makes prior "5G" hysteria the irresponsible, misleading, dangerous outing

it's been - even from many EMF scientists ? Peter Tocci

David Crayford and the ITC








True US History

Oct 13, 2020 - The Democrat Narrative on ‘court-packing’ is Deceiving Everyone

It's not really amazing, of course. These are the folks who say the Constitution is

living and that a baby in the womb is not; that there are dozens of genders; and that

a Catholic who believes a child in the womb can be killed up until birth is a "practicing"

Catholic. These are the people who claim, with a smirk, that Kamala Harris is a "person

of faith." When you realize that, the fact that they are lying about what court packing

is and brazenly stating that the voters have no right to know whether they intend to

do so is par for the course. - Jonathon Van Maren

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True US History

Oct 13, 2020 - NYC Issues Over $150,000 In Fines During First Weekend Of New


Political Information

Oct 13, 2020 - How to Kill a Thriving Metropolis in 7 Months: NYC’s Covid-19 failure

is a vicious spiral directed by a sadistic political regime

Every politician who's ever harbored dreams of becoming a totalitarian dictator has

embraced the directive "never let a crisis go to waste," and both Cuomo and NYC mayor Bill

de Blasio are true believers. After attaining unprecedented powers through the emergency

measures passed under cover of Covid-19, they aren't about to let them go quietly, and have

seemingly set up a perpetual motion machine of crisis that - accidentally or otherwise -

ensures NYC will remain forever financially in the hole. Helen Buyniski

Health and Nutrition

Oct 13, 2020 - Are COVID Case Surges More Fake News ?

Health and Nutrition

Oct 13, 2020 - How Three Prior Pandemics Triggered Massive Societal Shifts

Andrew Latham: The plague of Justinian and the fall of Rome

The plague of Justinian, named after the Roman emperor who reigned from A.S. 527 to

565, arrived in the Roman Empire in A.D. 542 and didn't disappear until A.D. 755.

During its two centuries of recurrence, it killed an estimated 25% to 50% of the

population - anywhere from 25 million to 100 million people.

This massive loss of lives crippled the economy, triggering a financial crisis that

exhausted the state's coffers and hobbled the empire's once mighty military...The

seeds of feudalism were planted.

Ron: Arguably the seeds of feudalism were planted much earlier as a result of Emperor

Diocletian's taxation reforms and the manipulation of Rome's money supply which

culminated in Emperor Constantine's introduction of the gold solidus.

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The tax reforms of Roman Emperor Diocletian (who ruled from 284 - 305 AD) enacted

in 297 AD, increased Imperial taxation and taxed hitherto exempt wealthy landowners

as well as the rest of the economy. He also made town and city merchant elites

responsible for collecting Imperial taxes in the countryside. The result was

a deterioration in prosperity and regional cohesion and control, as rich landowners

started to fortify their estates and resist taxation by the urban elites. This created

the conditions that resulted in the political fragmentation of the Empire and rigid socio-

vocational structures that became the guilds. The result was the beginning of the

medieval serfdom system as the gradual collapse of imperial control in Central and

Western Europe morphed into Medieval Christian fiefdoms when Rome collapsed there.

Under the influence of 'the money changers', Constantine, who ruled from 306 to 337

AD), enacted a monetary reform in the 310's, basing the military-fiscal state on the

gold solidus. Michael Hudson says: 'The effect was monetary deflation. Like the gold

standard of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Prof. Weisweiler explained in his

paper on the Late Roman economy: "the introduction of the solidus was a golden age for

capital-owners but a dark period for lower strata of the population."Yet medium-sized

farms survived without being reduced to serfdom, and wage labor was available for hire

at harvest time with the proportion of Italy's population enslaved being deemed to have

been around 15 percent.'

There were no slave revolts, but debtors rebelled or defected to invaders, as they had

done earlier in antiquity. See eg: Revolts of the Debtors from Socrates to Ibn Khaldun

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Revolts-of-the-Debtors-


Diocletian's drastic tax reforms and the subsequent monetary deflation caused

by Emperor Constantine's introduction of the gold solidus resulted in social unrest

causing Constantine to seek to establish an Empire wide religion as a social control

mechansim to hold the Empire's increasingly disparete segments together. Constantine

also established the empire’s center in Constantinople where his eastern Byzantine

Empire became known as “Rhomania” and the “New Rome.” In addition to laying the

foundations for a Christian civilization in which the newly organised religion worked

in “symphony” with the State, Constantine endowed Byzantium with a further

characteristic, namely, its claim to be the direct continuation of the Roman Empire, a

claim maintained until its fall in 1453 at the hands of Muslim invaders.

As the Pharisees influenced Imperial policies in relation to money and taxation they can

be said to be a root cause of the policies of Diocletian and Constantine which led to the

disintegration of the Western Roman Empire and the establishment of the Christian

religion. In that sense the Pharisees were integral to the process that led to the

collapse of Rome itself although they were probably not the instigators of the immigrant

invasions of the Western Empire in the way that neo-Pharisees like Soros and his

bankster allies are instigating and funding the Third World invasions of the US, UK and

EU today. See eg: Donald Trump Gets an Earful After Saying US-Italy Ties Go Back

to Ancient Rome - http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/Donald-


Rome.shtml And: How the Catholic Church Created Our Liberal

World - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/How-the-Catholic-


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Andrew Latham: The Black Death of the Middle Ages

The Black Death broke out in Europe in 1347 and subsequently killed between one-third and

one-half of the total European population of 80 million people. But it killed more than

people. By the time the pandemic had burned out by the early 1350s, a distinctly

modern world emerged - one defined by free labor, technological innovation and a

growing middle class.

Before the Yersinia pestis bacterium arrived in 1347, Western Europe was a feudal

society that was overpopulated. Labor was cheap, serfs had little bargaining power,

social mobility was stymied and there was little incentive to increase productivity.

Ron: Paul Gallagher says: 'The 1930’s Great Depression was a mild and brief episode,

compared to the bank crash of the 1340’s, which decimated the human population.

The crash, which peaked in A.C.E. 1345 when the world’s biggest banks went under,

“led” by the Bardi and Peruzzi companies of Florence, Italy, was more than a bank

crash—it was a financial disintegration... that one was a blowup of all major banks and

markets in Europe, in which, chroniclers reported, “all credit vanished together,” most

trade and exchange stopped, and a catastrophic drop of the world’s population by

famine and disease loomed... that one of the 1340’s was the result of thirty to forty

years of disastrous financial practices, by which the banks built up huge fictitious

“financial bubbles,” parasitizing production and real trade in goods. These speculative

cancers destroyed the real wealth they were monopolizing, and caused these banks to

be effectively bankrupt long before they finally went under...

The result was a disaster for the human population, which fell worldwide by something

like 25 percent between 1300 and 1450 (in Europe, by somewhere between 35 percent

and 50 percent from the 1340’s collapse to the 1440’s)..

More revealing is the latest work of the historian of Venice, Frederick C. Lane, Money

and Banking in Medieval and Renaissance Venice.† This work shows that it was Venetian

finance which, by dominating and controlling a huge international “bubble” of currency

speculation from 1275 through 1350, rigged the great collapse of the 1340’s...

Wrote Braudel, “Venice had deliberately ensnared all the surrounding subject

economies, including the German economy, for her own profit; she drew her living from

them, preventing them from acting freely. ... The Fourteenth-century saw the creation

of such a powerful monopoly to the advantage of the city-states of Italy ... that the

embryo territorial states like England, France and Spain necessarily suffered the

consequences.” In addition to what Braudel shows, Venice intervened to stop the

accession of Spain’s Alfonso the Wise, as successor to Emperor Frederick II.

This triumph of “free trade” over the potential for national government, rigged the

Fourteenth century’s global human catastrophes, the worst onslaught of death and

depopulation in history. It was not until the Renaissance created the French nation-

state under Louis XI, one hundred years later, and then England under Henry VII, and

Spain under Ferdinand and Isabel, that the human population would begin to

recover.' (See: How Venice Rigged The First, and Worst, Global Financial Collapse

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/How-Venice-Rigged-The-


Of course the Black Plague greatly exacerbated the European death toll after 1347 but

the groundwork was laid by the Venetian black nobility who are also suspected of

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causing the intriducrtion of the Black Plague from China as they controlled the slave,

gold, silver and commerce trade with the Mongols.

Paul Gallagher also says: '...the story of the Florentine bankers and the Fourteenth-

century crash and Black Death, is itself a coverup. These bankers were operating on an

international scale limited to Western Europe and some Mediterranean islands. It was

the maritime/financial empire of Venice—and Venice only—which was speculating on the

scale of all of the Eurasian landmass; and on this evidence alone, it had to be the

merchants of Venice who rigged the devastation and depopulation of the majority of the

human race in the Fourteenth century. The Florentine bankers were sharks swimming in

Venice’s seas. The catastrophe of the Black Death in Europe, so often described, was

exceeded by death rates in China and Islamic regions under the homicidal rule of the

Mongol Khans from 1250, until nearly 1400. The Islamic chronicler Ibn Khaldun wrote:

“Civilization both in the East and the West was visited by a destructive plague which

devastated nations and caused populations to vanish. ... Civilization decreased with the

decrease of mankind.”

Venice was also the “banker,” slave market, and intelligence support service for the

Mongol Khans.'

It seems there's nothing new under the Sun where the Talmudists are concerned.

For instance Paul Gallagher tells us: ' Under John XXII, the Black Guelph Pope from

1316-1336, “Papal tithes skyrocketted,” reaching the apparent value of 250,000 gold

florins per year. All were collected by agents of the Venetian banks (for France, the

largest source of Papal revenue) and the Bardi bank (for everywhere else in Europe

except Germany). They charged the Papacy sizable “exchange fees” to transfer the

collections. “Only they [the Venice-allied bankers] had the reserves of cash at Avignon

[in France, temporary seat of the Papacy for about seventy years—PBG] and in Italy,

to finance Papal operations. They transferred collections from Europe, and loaned them

to the Popes in advance.” Thus, Venice controlled the Papal credit, and hence the

continuing hostilities between the Papacy and the Holy Roman Emperors.'

Andrew Latham: But the loss of so much life shook up an ossified society.

Ron: I disagree with the suggestion that European society was "ossified" prior to the

Great Monetary Crash brought on by the Black Nobility in the 1320-30s. European

Christendom was building great cathedrals and thriving universities at the time.

Historical references to the "Dark Ages" are Talmudic misinformation and propaganda

just as today much "science" and virtually all history and news is fake false and phony.

Arguably the Black Nobility intended to "shake up" European society for their own

nefarious purposes then just as their descendants are doing with the slow motion global

banking crash and COVID-19 scamdemic today.

Andrew Latham: The Black Death created massive labor shortages. Universal History

Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

In turn, freedom from feudal obligations and a desire to move up the social

ladder encouraged many peasants to move to towns and engage in crafts and trades.

Ron: This is simplistic and misleading. Labour shortages no doubt improved the lot of

peasants in many places for a time after the Black Plague but the iron grip of feudal

lords was slowly replaced by banksters and elites. What subsequently transformed Anglo

European societies, was the discovery and exploitation of the New World in the 15th

century followed by the enclosure movements in Britain in the 16th and 17th Centuries.

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That resulted in an Agricultural Revolution which forced peasants off the land and into

towns and cities. That exodus precipitated the Industrial Revolution in the 17th century

in which the peasant masses became free range industrial (wage slave) serfs.

Britain replaced chattel slavery in the early 19th century and US freed its slaves to

join its free range industrial Northern serfs during the American Civil War. The

Talmudic globalist propaganda mills have now successfully sold the free-range wage-

slave idea to the masses for more than two centuries.The rationale for free

range wage-slave workers was spelt out in the Hazard circular sent by London

banksters to US banksters in July 1862, in the middle of the American Civil War. It


`Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattels slavery destroyed. This

I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and

carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan, led by England, is

that capital [the banksters] shall control labor by controlling wages. This can be done

by controlling the money. The great debt (national) that capitalists will see to it is

made out of the war, must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To

accomplish this the war bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting for

the Secretary of the Treasury to make this recommendation to Congress.' See eg: The

Matrix, the Strawman and WHO You Are.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Ron_71/The_Matrix_the_Strawman_and_WHO_Yo


Andrew Latham: None of this is to argue that the still-ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will

have similarly earth-shattering outcomes. The mortality rate of COVID-19 is nothing

like that of the plagues discussed above, and therefore the consequences may not be as

seismic. But there are some indications that they could be.

Ron: I disagree. See eg: THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC: How It Has Triggered ‘the biggest

tort case in world history’

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/THE-GREAT-SCAMDEMIC-


And: ‘Ye are Many, They are Few’: Nonviolent Resistance to the Elite’s Covid-19 Coup

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Ye-are-Many-They-are-


Andrew Latham: Finally, COVID-19 seems to be accelerating the unraveling of long-

established patterns and practices of work, with repercussions that could affet the

future of office towers, big cities and mass transit, to name just a few. The

implications of this and related economic developments may prove as profoundly

transformative as those triggered by the Black Death in 1347.

Ultimately, the longer-term consequences of this pandemic - like all previous pandemics

- are simply unknowable to those who must endure them. But just as past plagues made

the world we currently inhabit, so too will this plague likely remake the one populated

by our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Ron: Actually the COVID-19 scamdemic marks the end of an epoch including the end

of demonic Talmudic control of this planet. The implications of the changes that are

unfolding will be immesureably greater than the transformations triggered by the

demonically organised Black Death. Once the scamdemic is over the Triodity of

presidents Trump, Putin and Xi and their supporters will segue this planet and its

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remaining inhabitants, following after the Magnetic Reversal STAND STILL and stasis,

into Christ Michael Aton's Millinnial Reign declared on 5 February 2019.

True US History

Oct 13, 2020 - 2020 Election is Trump/Viganò vs. Biden/Francis for Future of Global


The reason why our Marxist media has zipped its lips on Viganò's abuse claims is

because it sees, under Pope Francis, the Catholic Church as a willing partner to its

globalist, liberal agenda. As a result, they've been running interference for it. They

know that if they were talking about the corruption going on during Francis's reign,

they'd be undermining his open-borders, environmentalist message...

Sounding more like leftover lecture notes from a social justice course at UC-

Berkeley, Fratelli Tutti is not merely a list of Democratic talking points about diversity

and immigration (although it is that). It's a blueprint for the socialist world order Pope

Francis and his allies want to help usher in should Joe Biden become president. Without

a doubt, it was deliberately released to coincide with the U.S. election. The Vatican

desperately wants Sleepy Joe to win. He'd fulfill many of Francis' goals on

environmentalism, immigration, China, and more.

It's been said that this election is the most important election in our lifetimes. That's

undoubtedly true. Not only is the fate of the American republic at stake but, quite

possibly, the fate of the entire Westen world. As Archbishop Viganò has

already remarked, "if Trump loses the presidential election, the

final kathèkon [withholder] will fail (2 Thess 2:6-7)...and the dictatorship of the New

World Order, which has already won Bergoglio over to its cause, will have an ally in the

new American President [Joe Biden]." - Stephen Kokx

Political Information

Oct 12, 2020 - Australian Media Finally Calls Out Davos "Great Reset" Agenda


Oct 12, 2020 - New DARPA-Funded Tech Promises To Diagnose COVID-19 Through

Implantable Biochip

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Ron: I am unaware of President Trump saying that all hospital procedures will be

obsolete in a year or so. I doubt the veracity of that claim. These predictions seem

more than a tad optimistic but the possibility of physical body regeneration at some

time in the forseeable future is accurate. I also doubt that any space forces emanating

from this planet have and have been using all of the said technologies. The Keshe

Foundation appears to be developing plasma healing technologies along the lines indicated

in this article. See: https://keshe.foundation/

True US History

Oct 12, 2020 - In Defense Of Columbus Day

Political Information

Oct 12, 2020 - How Hitler defied the bankers

Anon: Canadian researcher Dr. Henry Makow (who is Jewish himself) says the main


why the bankers arranged for a world war against Germany was that Hitler sidestepped

the bankers by creating his own money, thereby freeing the German people. Worse,


freedom and prosperity threatened to spread to other nations. Hitler had to be


Ron: The reason that President Trump is hated and the target of implacable opposition,

assassinations and Coup attempts is that he is doing a "Hitler" in that he is

eliminating the Fed and as a result the entire Rothschilds' global banking

monopoly will be destroyed freeing humans on this planet from the yoke of

Talmudic slavery. See my comments in Caredinals, Bishops, Journalists, Doctors,

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Lawyers, Say Covid-19 is Fake

Prelude to World Government -




And: Dispatches From The War: Mr. Trump, You’re Not Tom Paine -



Other Spiritual Pieces

Oct 12, 2020 - "This Month, Hypocrisy and Fear are the Athletes on the Front of

the Wheaties Box."

The real problem with so many people is INCONSISTENCY. That is especially true in these

times of convenience and pop-up, Shake 'n Bake systems of thought. There is NO EASY

WAY. It takes everything you have and WILL NOT come to those who give less. The truly

positive feature of this is that when you GIVE YOUR ALL, you get it all. It only takes you

being completely focused for everything to come into focus. You just have to want it more

than anything else. I have said this many times. That is because of how critically important it

is. Les Visible

True US History

Oct 12, 2020 - Court Slaps D.C. Mayor for Discriminating Against Church

True US History

Oct 12, 2020 - How Did People Have Conversations Back Before Tech Oligarchs Were

There To Police Them ?

Caitlin Johnstone: This is why all the libertarians and free market types who say Silicon

Valley censorship can be fought by moving to a different platform are false; no

platform is going to be allowed to rise to the level of Facebook, Twitter or YouTube

unless it aligns itself with the same power structures that are pushing censorship on

those platforms. This is why attempts to compete with them keep failing.

Ron: I disagree. The Trump admnistration is not trying to censor socio-political

discussions on the internet.

Caitlin Johnstone: First the wealthy controlled the newspapers, then they controlled the

radio, then they controlled television, now they control online speech. It's been the

same story for centuries, and in each instance they collaborated with existing power

structures to protect the status quo upon which their kingdoms were built. They did

this because they understood the real secret of power: that whoever controls the

narrative controls the world. Humanity will only transition into a healthy collaborative

way of functioning on this planet when everyone else awakens to this truth as well.


Oct 12, 2020 - Dozens of Fires Break Out Through Agricultural and Forestry Lands

in Syria..Many Displaced Civilians and Humanitarian Disasters

True US History

Oct 12, 2020 - Security Paralyzed By Fears Of Being Called "Racist" As Shoplifting

Mobs 'Bulldoze' Luxury NY Stores

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 12, 2020 - Queen of Hearts: the Newest Race Card

Political Information

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Oct 12, 2020 - Putin Trolls Biden: Communists & Dems Share 'Common Values' While

Trump Record Hard On Russia

Political Information

Oct 12, 2020 - Woke Survey Claims Fairy Tales Outdated, BBC Pushes New Fables

About Gender Pay Gap

True US History

Oct 12, 2020 - In Opening Testimony, Judge Barrett Says Supreme Court "Should

Not Try To Make Policy"

True US History

Oct 12, 2020 - 'Green' Billionaires Behind Professional Activist Network That Led

Suppression of 'Planet of the Humans' Documentary

Ron: No one ever seems to wonder ALOUD, how the totally irrational and loony belief

that human (or any) CO2 emissions are responsible for significant let alone harmful

global warming or climate change. Similarly, no one seriously questions why governments

around the world are legislating to reduce power production using coal, oil and natural

gas. WHY is that? The manufacturers of alternative energy sources cannot possibly

have enough universal economic and political clout to be able to cow the entire planet

into accepting such nonsense. Sooo, who does? The answer is obvious but never

mentioned, just as no one with real political power ever mentions the fact that the

Holocaust is bullshit or that the global money creation and usurious banking system is a

privately owned and operated monopolistic criminal enerterprise. Nor do our global

leaders ever acknowledge that the current usurious banking system enslaves 99.9% of

the global population while enforcing a false mentality of scarcity and want on almost

everyone; and actual poverty on half the global population.

The only people you cannot criticise are your rulers, pilgrims. And the only things you

cannot criticise are the ideas those rulers decree cannot be criticised on pain of

ostracism, imprisonment or death.

Max Blumenthal: Planet of the Humans crossed another bright green line by taking aim at

the self-proclaimed climate justice activists themselves, painting them as opportunists

who had been willingly co-opted by predatory capitalists.

The filmmakers highlighted the role of family foundations like the Rockefeller Brothers

Fund in cultivating a class of professional activists that tend toward greenwashing

partnerships with Wall Street and the Democratic Party to coalitions with anti-capitalist

militants and anti-war groups. Bill McKibben, the founder of 350.org and guru of climate

justice activism, is seen throughout Planet of the Humans consorting with Wall Street

executives and pushing fossil fuel divestment campaigns that enable powerful institutions to

reshuffle their assets into plastics and mining while burnishing their image. McKibben has

even called for environmentalists to cooperate with the Pentagon, one of the world's worst

polluters and greatest exporters of violence, because "when it speaks frankly, [it] has the

potential to reach Americans who won't listen to scientists." Perhaps the most

provocative critique contained in Planet of the Humans was the portrayal of full-time climate

warriors like McKibben as de facto lobbyists for green tech billionaires and Wall Street

investors determined to get their hands on the whopping $50 trillion profit opportunity that

a full transition to renewable technology represents. Why have figures like Google CEO Eric

Schmidt, Michael Bloomberg, Virgin's Richard Branson, and Tesla founder Elon Musk been

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plowing their fortunes into climate advocacy ? The documentary taunted those who accepted

these oligarchs' gestures of environmental concern at face value...

However, a probe of the 2019 Securities and Exchange Commission filings by Green Century

Funds showed the fund held thousands of shares in meat giant McDonald's and Royal

Caribbean Cruises, among other mega-polluters. The latter company's Harmony of the

Seas ship happens to be the most environmentally toxic cruise liner on Earth, relying on

three massive diesel engines to burn 66,000 gallons of fuel a day. By the end of one

voyage across the Atlantic, the ship has expended the same amount of gasoline as over

5 million automobiles traveling the same distance.

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 12, 2020 - High Ranking Lt. and 5 Cops Keep Jobs After Admitted Involvement

in Teen Sex Trafficking Case

Health and Nutrition

Oct 11, 2020 - WHO Flip-Flops: Urges World Leaders To Stop Using Lockdowns To

Fight COVID Contagion

In the end, as Anderson concluded, the only way that the political classes can "make us safe"

is for us to do what is necessary to make ourselves safe, or as relatively safe as

possible. When a virus is afoot-as is the case most of the time-we do what we can to avoid it

and do what we can to treat it. In other words, we appeal to real medical science, not

what the political and media classes have cooked up for us. Tyler Durden

True US History

Oct 11, 2020 - ANTIFA Is Compiling Lists Of "Fascist" Businesses For Yelp's New

"Racist Behavior Alerts"

Political Information

Oct 11, 2020 - THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC: How It Has Triggered ‘the biggest tort

case in world history’

Ron: Please listen to Dr Fuellmich's explanation of WHY the COVID-19 scamdemic is

probbaly the biggest crime against humanity ever committed. The FAUX Covid PCR test

is excoriated from the 23 to 35 minute mark. THIS legal case will sink the Talmudic

global health mafia and the globalist cabal. WATCH THIS

VIDEO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UQLqWJJ8AY

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 11, 2020 - Privacy or Child Protection ? 7 Governments, Including US & UK,

Argue Facebook's New Encryption Plan Would Benefit PEDOPHILES


Oct 11, 2020 - Corona Craziness: Children Banned From Singing Happy Birthday in UK


School pupils across the United Kingdom are being banned from singing Happy Birthday

in class over fears that it will increase the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.

Pupils in some schools are being told they can hum and clap the birthday tune, others

are having students merely say the words of the song, while some teachers are playing

the YouTube videos of other children singing as their actual pupils sit silently...

Pupils are also being forced to endure cold temperatures as the government guidelines

mandate that classrooms keep windows open in order to reduce transmission of the

virus, with parents reporting that their children are returning home in tears with blue

skin and chattering teeth. The official guidance from the government states that it is

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"important to ensure good ventilation and maximising this wherever possible, for

example, opening windows and propping open doors".

A survey conducted by the parent campaign group UsForThem also found that many

students are being forced to sit for hours in wet PE (Physical Education) clothes as the

government has banned changing clothes in schools. - Kurt Zindulka

Political Information

Oct 11, 2020 - Our Social Dilemma

But I find it quite telling that many of the executives of the large social platforms

stated in the movie that they did not allow their children any time on the very

platforms that they are selling to the rest of us. That is certainly food for thought. - Bill


Human/Animal Rights

Oct 11, 2020 - UK National Health Service Defends Giving ‘Sex Change’ Drugs to


The lawyer for the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust which operates GIDS described the

argument that children could not consent to sex change treatment as "a radical proposition",

asserting that Bell and her lawyers wish to "impose a blanket exclusion" on children's ability

to consent to medical treatments, the BBC reports. Fenella Morris QC stressed that the

majority of 161 children referred by GIDS for puberty blockers last year were over the age

of 12. Of young people referred for the so-called treatment in 2019-20, half were under

16, a quarter under 14, and three were only 10-years-old, according to The Times, which

noted other possible side effects of the medication include sending females into menopause,

the destruction of sexual function and future fertility, and reduced cognitive function and

height. Virginia Hale

True US History

Oct 11, 2020 - Will America Survive the Democrats’ Arrows in Their Quiver ?

True US History

Oct 11, 2020 - House Dems' Stimulus Bill Includes Checks for Illegal Immigrants and

Protections from Deportations and UPDATE

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Political Information

Oct 11, 2020 - Battlefield Social Media: The West's Growing Censorship

The West's growing overt censorship leaves it with a choice; to either accept that it is in

reality as guilty of censorship and manipulating the public as it has claimed its opponents are,

or continue pretending it isn't but at the continued cost of its legitimacy upon the global

stage. There is a very good reason the West is in decline around the globe and why its

attempts to leverage notions like "human rights" and "free speech" against nations like China

or Russia are increasingly impotent. That reason can be found, at least in part, among the

growing number of purge lists, censorship campaigns and calls for "consensus" across

Western social media. Gunnar Ulson

Political Information

Oct 11, 2020 - Take Pity on Britain Because It Is Approaching Catastrophe

Brian Cloughey: It is barely credible in this time of world plague crisis that any

prominent individual would declare that the media had spread "virus hysteria" and that

people should be allowed to make their own decisions.

Ron: WHY? The "virus" is NOT a pandemic and government and MSM actions and

rhetoric about it have created a scandalous scamdemic.

Brian Cloughey: Abbott regrets that governments around the world have policies

designed to save "almost every life at almost any cost" because instead of trying to

save lives these governments should behave "like health economists, trained to pose

uncomfortable questions about a level of deaths we might have to live with."

Ron: Government tyrannical Police state imposition of lockdowns, masks and other

unnecessary laws, rules and fines in many nations do not save lives, they have caused

far more injury, damage and deaths that COVID-19. See eg: THE GREAT

SCAMDEMIC: How It Has Triggered ‘the biggest tort case in world history’-



‘Ye are Many, They are Few’: Nonviolent Resistance to the Elite’s Covid-19 Coup

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Ye-are-Many-They-are-


Cardinals, Bishops, Journalists, Doctors, Lawyers, Say Covid-19 is Fake, Prelude to

World Government.- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Cardinals-



Effects of ‘masking’ On Our Brain + Effects of Silence On Our Lives

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Health_and_Nutrition_37/Effects-of-masking-On-


What Will It Take For Masks And Face Shields To End ?

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Health_and_Nutrition_37/What-Will-It-Take-For-


The Smoking Gun: Where is the coronavirus? The CDC says it isn’t available.

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Health_and_Nutrition_37/The-Smoking-Gun-Where-


Did The WHO Just (Accidentally) Confirm COVID Is No More Dangerous Than Flu ?

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Health_and_Nutrition_37/Did-The-WHO-Just-


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How The ‘Gold Standard’ PCR Test For COVID-19 Has Been Misused To Create A Fake

Pandemic - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/How-The-Gold-



No Symptoms for 86% of Lockdown COVID Cases, UK study says

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Health_and_Nutrition_37/No-symptoms-for-86-of-


Brian Cloughey: In other words, Abbott and his disciples believe that older people

aren't worth much and should not be protected from the Covid-19 virus and in order to

save money should just be allowed to die.

Ron: Actually most COVID related deaths have occurred to people wih comorbidities

aged about 78 which is the average age of life expectancy anyway. As children are not

at risk at all from COVID-19 and most people under 60 are not seriously at risk from

COVID, they should be allowed to live normally. Society can, and usually does, take

precautions to protect elderly people with comorbidities and people with weak immune

systems. Imprisoning the general population in their homes because of fear of COVID-


Brian Cloughey: In the Covid emergency the UK has the highest number of deaths in Europe

and is the worst hit of all major world economies. It is in the middle of complex Brexit

negotiations with the European Union, and will suffer even more when its exit is final.

Ron: NO it won't. This author's predjudice is showing. The UK will negotiate a trade

agreement with the US as soon as BREXIT is finalised and become the hub for US/EU


True US History

Oct 11, 2020 - FBI Agent Who Discovered Anthony Weiner’s Laptop Says Leadership

Ordered Him to Destroy Findings

Political Information

Oct 11, 2020 - Russia’s Strategic Intervention in Syria Five Years On – An

‘Unpardonable Blow’ to U.S. Empire

Political Information

Oct 11, 2020 - Trump’s Critics Slamming him for Taliban ‘endorsement’ Dislike Him

So Much, They are Seemingly Willing to Argue for Endless Wars

Political Information

Oct 11, 2020 - 'Non-Partisan' Chairman Of Presidential Debate Commission Linked

To Steele Dossier & More...

In fact, almost every major operative in the effort to overthrow Trump has or has had

a diplomatic post in Eastern Europe. Kramer happened to serve from 2005-2008 as a

Deputy Assistant Secretary of European and Eurasian Affairs - working on issues

related to Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. George Kent currently occupies this very same

post. What a coincidence ! Revolver's Color Revolution thesis explains why there is such an

overlap between State Department officials focused on Eastern Europe and key never-Trump

operatives - from Lt. Colonel Vindman to Fiona Hill to Yovanovich to George Kent and David

Kramer. They are running an Eastern European-style Color Revolution against Trump because

they are Color Revolution professionals used to deploying the same strategies and tactics

against target regimes in Eastern Europe. .......... Just like the term "peaceful protestor,"

which, as we pointed out in our George Kent essay is used as a term of craft in the Color

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Revolution context, so is the term "democracy" itself. The US Government launches Color

Revolutions against foreign targets irrespective of whether they actually enjoy the support

of the people or were elected democratically. In the case of Trump, whatever one says about

him, he is perhaps the most "democratically" elected President in America's history. Indeed,

in 2016 Trump ran against the coordinated opposition of the establishments of both parties,

the military industrial complex, the corporate media, Hollywood, and really every single

powerful institution in the country. He won, however, because he was able to garner

sufficient support of the people-his true and decisive power base as a "populist." Precisely

because of the ultra democratic "populist" character of Trump's victory, the operatives

attempting to undermine him have focused specifically on attacking the democratic

legitimacy of his victory. Tyler Durden

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 11, 2020 - Deceased high-ranking Bishop Accused of Abetting Sex Abuse in


Political Information

Oct 10, 2020 - Vatican Reminds United Nations ‘There Is No Right to Abortion’

Political Information

Oct 10, 2020 - The FBI Finds Its right-wing Terrorist Group

Political Information

Oct 10, 2020 - ‘Ye are Many, They are Few’: Nonviolent Resistance to the Elite’s

Covid-19 Coup

Ron: This is an excellent article. PLEASE read it and ponder the implications of

implementation of the changes discussed. IF you are unemployed or "locked down" by

TPTW based on false COVID-19 assumptions you'll have plenty of time to THINK about

the issues raised. Genetic modifications are not necessarily a bad thing. Their effects

and purpose are crucial matters for consideration. After stasis some positive genetic

changes for life on this planet may be appropriate.

Robert J Burrowes PhD: ...you are welcome to consider signing the online pledge of ‘The

People's Charter to Create a Nonviolent World'.

Or, if you want something simpler, consider committing to:

The Earth Pledge

Out of love for the Earth and all of its creatures, and my respect for their needs,

from this day onwards I pledge that:

1. I will listen deeply to children. See ‘Nisteling: The Art of Deep Listening'.

2. I will not travel by plane


4. I will not travel by car


6. I will not eat meat and fish


8. I will only eat organically/biodynamically grown food


10. I will minimize the amount of fresh water I use, including by minimizing my

ownership and use of electronic devices


12. I will not own or use a mobile (cell) phone

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14. I will not buy rainforest timber


16. I will not buy or use single-use plastic, such as bags, bottles, containers, cups

and straws


18. I will not use banks, superannuation (pension) funds or insurance companies that

provide any service to corporations involved in fossil fuels, nuclear power and/or



20. I will not accept employment from, or invest in, any organization that supports or

participates in the exploitation of fellow human beings or profits from killing

and/or destruction of the biosphere


22. I will not get news from the corporate media (mainstream newspapers, television,

radio, Google, Facebook, Twitter...)


24. I will make the effort to learn a skill, such as food gardening or sewing, that

makes me more self-reliant


26. I will gently encourage my family and friends to consider signing this pledge.

Ron: This pledge fails to mention the Creator and the fact that all is ONE. Jesus the

Christ taught that we need to learn to love our neighbour (everyone and everything) AS

self (we need to learn to accept and love self) FOR the love of God (ALL that

is). THAT is the underlying reality upon which our attitude to this planet and her

environs and inhabitants must rest.

IF you accept Jesus' advice this "Earth Pledge" is unnecessary and even a misdirection

in some cases. The reason we seek to preserve and protect this planet and all of her

attributes and inhabitants is because we are all ONE in the Creator.

Without being exhaustive some of my views on the Pledge are:

1. We must not only listen to children but to everyone. And we need to seek to love

children and everyone whether their views are sound or not.

2. Travel by car and plane are acceptable until we implement better transportation


3. We do need to cease killing animals for food but eating fish is less harmful than

eating other animals.

4. Ideally we need to eliminate the monetary meme, ie the use of money as a lubricant

for societal interactions. However the level of consciousness of Gaia's

population currently; and its likely level after stasis, will require use of money to

facilitate the exchange of goods and services. BUT, WHAT MUST BE ELIMINATED is

the licensing of private banking corporations to issue money or fiat debt tokens as

money substitutes, AT INTEREST ie usury; AND the fraudulent issuance of fiat debt

tokens or money using the fractional reserve banking system. This will eliminate banks

as we know them and the investment practices complained of.

Be aware that nuclear power can be a safe and very useful and necessary source of

power generation and that use of so-called fossil fuel industries will also be reasonable

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for the generation of power supplies until suitable alternative power sources are

implemented generally. Alternative power generation sources other than currently

available and inefficient wind and solar power technologies are already known and will

become increasingly available after stasis.

Also be aware that the once national treasuries begin issuing interest free money the

elimination of usury will eliminate the financial and investment industries as we know

them. The need for private insurance companies will also be greatly reduced as

communities will take direct responsibility for much if not most healthcare, accident and

disaster relief provision.

After stasis banksters will no longer be able to foment wars and wars will cease to

occur. Accordingly private investment in weapons production will not be possible.

5. Currently it is almost impossible to avoid working for organizations that support or

participate in the exploitation of fellow human beings or profit from killing and/or

destruction of the biosphere. For instance anyone working for ANY organ of the US

federal goverment or the NGOs or other organisations it funds is working for an

organisation (the US Corporation) that participates in the exploitation of humans and

the environment. The same applies to anyone working directly or indirectly for the

governments of the UK, Australia, Canada and most other nations. Moreover, because

of the size and complexity of governments and other corporations it is often difficult

to know whether an 'organisation' is exploiting humans or destroying the biosphere


6. Rather than seeking to get family and friends to sign 'The Earth Pledge' I suggest

encouraging them to read the AbundantHope website.

Political Information

Oct 10, 2020 - Operation Moonshot: UK Says Weekly COVID Tests Could Offer

"Passport To Freedom"

Everyone who warned us of what was coming was labeled "conspiracy theorists" by

media, government "officials," and hysterical citizens. Now contact tracing is in full

effect, lockdowns have been ongoing for months, mandatory masks, and now COVID

passports. All these things were announced and unveiled by the same media outlets and

government officials that denied the very possibility of their existence only a few

months ago. Robert Wheeler

Political Information

Oct 10, 2020 - NY Times: America May Need International Intervention

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 10, 2020 - Have You Heard the One About Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister ?

Political Information

Oct 10, 2020 - Now Biden Says Filling Ginsburg Seat 'Not Constitutional' - And

Americans Don't 'Deserve To Know' If He'll Pack Court

Political Information

Oct 10, 2020 - FOREIGN MEDDLING ? Greta Thunberg Urges US Voters to Support

Joe Biden, Not the Green Party candidate

Health and Nutrition

Oct 10, 2020 - Space Helmet Muzzle Launched Just-In-Time For 'New Normal'


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Other Spiritual Pieces

Oct 10, 2020 - "Dancing with the Monkey Mind and Chasing the Ignus Fatuus across

a Desert of Emptiness."

God KNOWS if you are looking for him. God is present within you, WHILE you are looking for

him. EVENTUALLY... every sincere seeker FINALLY realizes they should LOOK WITHIN;

and what would be the best possible method one could follow? What would ALSO be the best

method for this Aquarian Age? That would be to Practice the Presence of God. How long you

will need to do this is an individual matter, BUT... ONCE AGAIN... as Krishna said, "Success is

Speedy for the Energetic." Les Visible

Political Information

Oct 10, 2020 - Spanish Government Enforces State of Emergency on Madrid After

Court Rejects Lockdown

Political Information

Oct 10, 2020 - Biden Says He'll Reveal Position on Court Packing 'when the election

is over'

True US History

Oct 10, 2020 - ‘Deep State’ Much ? Pelosi and Raskin’s 25th Amendment Body Would

Let Unelected Bureaucrats Override The Will of American People


Oct 10, 2020 - The Other Global Pandemic: the Sexualization of Our Children,

Helped By Bishops

But what has indeed changed is the Vatican. At one time, Catholic parents could at least turn

to the Vatican, to Pope John Paul II or Benedict XVI, and warn bishops that parents, in their

primary role as educators of their children, must have their wishes adhered to regarding the

sexual education of their children. But we now have the Vatican itself promoting its

own version of filthy sexual education replete with immodest photographs that at one time

would have been considered pornographic. We have the Pope himself saying, "We must

provide sex education in schools." John-Henry Westen

Political Information

Oct 10, 2020 - Donald Trump Calls for AG Barr to Indict Joe Biden With 26 Days

Until Election

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Human/Animal Rights

Oct 10, 2020 - Christians Banned from Holding Prayer Vigils, Peaceful Protests Near

UK Abortion Clinic

True US History

Oct 10, 2020 - Rigged ? Billionaire Wealth Surges As Working-Poor Struggle

Tyler Durden: The virus pandemic has exposed the rigged economic system we all knew

about, where mega-corporations and their billionaire owners, a small group of elites,

were handed trillions of dollars of stimulus money by their respective central banks and


Stimulus money was then plowed into financial markets, driving up stock and other asset

prices from the depths of the crash in mid-March, which helped push total billionaire

wealth to new record highs.

Ron: Things are not always what they seem. Arguably stimulus payments to mega

corporations will not benefit billionaires as in the past because the Trump administration

will use Trump's Executive Orders to confiscate the wealth and property of all criminal

billionaires and others. Moreover, the US government is surreptitiously acquiring control

of those mega corporations that will survive the controlled destruction of criminal


Tyler Durden: The flawed economic system has been exposed for the world to see. The

result, well, it's a "K-shaped" recovery, outlines how wealthy elites greatly benefited

from stimulus but left the working-poor and small businesses with no recovery. The "K"

recovery is the result of socialism and central planning. The coming blowback of such a

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reckless policy by governments and central banks enriching billionaires will continue to

widen the wealth gap that results in continued social unrest.

[Ron: I disagree. The wealth transfers referred to in this article were indeed intended

to occur for the benefit of the plutocratic Talmudic elite who have controlled this

planet for centuries. However that appearance is a chimera. It will not happen. This is

the end of an epoch. Christ Michael Aton the creator of this planet and universe

declared the commencement of his Millennial Reign on this planet on 5 February

2019. The Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi and their supporters have been

tasked to eliminate the demonic Talmudic globalist cabal currently controlling Gaia; and

to usher in the Millennial Reign. That outcome is about to occur. Those prepared to

accept the truth about the false world we live in and to embrace enlightenment and life

will stay with Gaia after the coming Magnetic reversal STAND STILL and stasis. Those

not ready to embrace the truth about life the universe and everything will be removed

by Space Fleet to other places more suited to their needs. Its time to get off the

fence and decide what you want to do Pilgrims.

The Talmudic globalist controllers created the COVID-19 scamdemic and were using it

in an attempt to completely control the US, this planet and its inhabitants, BUT that

plot has been thwarted because sufficient conscious human dissent has occurred via the

Brexit vote in the UK and the election of President Trump. Trump's Administration and

his supporters have taken control of the US and the Federal Reserve System (the Fed)

and are currently eliminating the hidden demonic globalist controllers and their

Rothschilds, Vatican, CIA, Pentagon and Deep State enablers and minions.

The demonic globalist Democrat and Deep State bureaucratic elements in the US and

globally, have been allowed to push their scamdemic and riots and various anti-Trump

Coup attempts in order to expose to USans and humanity generally, the sordid truth of

the cultural Marxist attempted COVID-19 Coup. That coup was aimed at controlling

the US and through it, the rest of the world. The scamdemic and BLM rioting has been

monitored and limited in order to expose the perpetrators and their accomplices and

useful idiot followers. The result has been that a critical mass of USans and humans

globally have WOKEN UP to the demonic Talmudic reality underlying the scamdemic and

life in our world.

President Trump has wrested control of the US from its Talmudic rulers by moving the

Fed into the US Treasury and placing it under his control. He is also eliminating the

fraudulent US debt ostensibly owed to the Fed by enormously increasing US "borrowing"

from the Fed for stimulus payments and capital works etc while having the Fed acquire

huge quantities of bonds relating to such debt thus causing the 'fake' Fed debts to be

held by the 'fake' Fed system prior to its demise. Fake Fed debt token currency will

never be repaid.

At the same time Trump has renogiated trade treaties and is eliminating counter

productive regulations that inhibit domestic US productivity and production. This will

increase US industrial efficiency and employment. He is also using his Defence

Production Act powers to ensure that the US gets the type of production that it really

needs while ensuring the nation gets real value for the currency (debt tokens) being

issued by the Fed. The plan is to ameliorate the impact of USans having to go "cold

turkey" by having to pay the rest of the world the real value of their goods and

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services provided to the US instead of conjuring fake currency out of thin air to

exchange for them.

Trump's Executive Orders (EOs) providing payroll tax relief for USans earning up to

about US$104,000 and relief regarding outstanding education loans is also beginning to

change social awareness as regards the negative effects of Talmudic usury and income

taxation. Trump's EO requiring a moratorium on evictions for non payment of rent also

uses the scamdemic to change social perceptions on satisfying housing needs. Direct

Federal relief payments for workers who lose employment because of the Scamdemic, in

lieu of provision of bailouts for banks and major corporations, ostensibly to assist them

to create jobs, completely reverses previous policies that enriched wealthy banksters,

corporatists and politicians while impoverishing workers. These are some of the ways in

which the Trump Administration is using the crisis caused by the COVID-19 scandemic

to initiate policies reversing many of the core negative US socio-economic conditions

created by the demonic globalist controllers to enslave USans and the rest of the

world. These initiatives also reverse the uses to which the cabal and its Deep State

operatives sought to put the COVID-19 Scamdemic. The Trump administration will

release a solution to the scamdemic which will demonstrate to the US and everyone the

criminal intentions and false narratives of its CIA and Deep State perpetrators glibly

published by the fake, phony and false MSM.

Once the US Treasury resumes its Constitutional responsibility for issuing usury free

US money and currency there will be no need for INCOME TAXATION. This will

include elimination of onerous and unfair Social Security imposts. Moreover, Trump's EO

removing payroll taxes on USans earning less than US$104, 000 will become permanent

after he wins the coming election. Subsequently ALL income taxes will be abolished

because they are cosmically illegal and there will be no need for them because the US

government will cease repaying loan moneys or interest thereon to the global bankster

cabal for its fake currency.

These changes will transform the US politically, socially, economically and ethically for

the better and enable a GREAT RESET of US spiritual, political, social and economic

life, spearheaded by governance changes enabled by returning control of money and

currency emission, banking, economic and taxation policies, to genuine national control.

The elimination of the Fed and incorporation of its functions into the US Treasury will

collapse the Rothchilds' Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and their global

Central Banking system. That will free the rest of the world from Talmudic control by

globalist banksters. Then the example being provided by the US in relation to

globalisation, usury free monetary and currency emission and income taxation will be

noted and emulated by other nations and will gradually be imitated by the rest of the


In addition to actively deconstructing the banksters' control of the global monetary

system, the Trump administration is defunding and beginning the elimination of their

demonic globalist control mechanisms like the UN, the WHO, the WTO, the IMF, BIS

and NATO, and various Talmudic trade treaties and arrangements. Ultimately the UN

itself will be replaced by proper divine governance.

The coming monetary reset is being organised by the International Treasury Controller

who has begun the process of agreeing, with all countries in the world, the "Pegging" of

their currency to a replacement for the Petro Dollar which will be

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the value of each national currency vis-a-vis the Globec which will bring them stability

and away from the currency markets which will be abolished. This will involve the

collection of numerous details and data so that a real and practical value can be

assessed for each currency and agreed with the applicable country. See: DAVID




- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Whistleblower_and_OITC_114/DAVID-CRAYFORD---




This process commenced on 1 June 2020 but may not be completed until after the

coming Magnetic Reversal STAND STILL and stasis period. It will transform social and

economic life on this planet. Problems associated with commercial banking and usury as

we know them will be gone. Sovereign National Treasuries will issue all local money and

currency. The elimination of usury will eliminate income taxation and pave the way for

global prosperity and abundance. This planet and its remaining inhabitants will then be

ensconced in Christ Michael Aton's Millennial Reign which was declared on 5 February


Human/Animal Rights

Oct 10, 2020 - Where Is The Compassion...?

Political Information

Oct 10, 2020 - Video Exposes Kamala Harris’s Blatant Attack On First Amendment

Rights At The Behest Of Political Donors

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 9, 2020 - England Rugby Fans Allowed to Sing ‘Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’ After

Re-Education Lessons

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Twitter Adds New Restrictions To Crack Down On Spam,

'Misinformation' Ahead Of Election Day

Politicians, including President Trump, will be subjected to new restrictions if they start to

share "falsehoods" according to Twitter. If they continue sharing "false" information - aka

information that challenges the Democratic narrative - the accounts will be hit with

"additional warnings & restrictions". Tyler Durden

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 9, 2020 - ‘Absurd virtue signalling’: World Economic Forum Panned for Crazy

Claim that Black People Are Excluded from the Outdoors

Fatinikun tells us that hiking suffers from a chronic lack of representation and that it's not

even marketed towards black people. Her hiking club now has 150 members.

The WEF shared the article on its Twitter account along with the message: "This Black

British hiker is tackling exclusion from the outdoors."...

The hills are alive with the sound of RACIST TREES. https://t.co/YZzgy7JCDV

- Vampire Kat � (@_Vs_The_World) October 8, 2020

- Russia Today

Political Information

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Oct 9, 2020 - Only Trump Can Keep America Together

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 9, 2020 - Nobel Prize-Winning U.N. World Food Programme Has Record of

Rape, Poisoning Scandals

"In south and central Somalia, where nearly 20 years of war has ravaged the country,

warlords commonly steal food aid and use it to control the population," UAE's

the National reported that year. "Here in the more stable northern region, where many have

sought shelter from the fighting, some of the food is stolen by corrupt officials looking to

make a profit." A U.N. security council report leaked a year later found that as much as

half of the nation's food aid, mostly run through the WFP, never reached intended

recipients, as it was stolen before it got there. The culprits, according to the report are

"corrupt contractors, radical Islamic militants and local U.N. workers." Corruption

continued to mar the agency throughout the decade. A 2015 Fox News report accused the

WFP of losing millions to poorly managed funding. Frances Martel

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Armenia & Azerbaijan Agree to Ceasefire in Disputed Nagorno-

Karabakh Starting SATURDAY After Talks in Moscow

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Deal With the Devil: Monsanto PAID Google to CENSOR Search

Results, Discredit Journalists

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - The UK is Becoming a Tyranny as Tinpot Dictator BoJo Rides

Roughshod over Laws Without Caring what ANYONE thinks

Okay, so unless you're a bit of a stickler for political detail, or a nitpicking nerd who thrives

on legal intricacies, you may well be asking yourself, ‘WTF ?'. Well, the ‘TF' is that our

democratically elected Prime Minister and his gang of unelected, hand-picked advisers are

pushing the limits of what is acceptable outside the realm of parliamentary oversight,

without giving too much of a hoot about what anyone might think: parliamentarians, judges,

road sweepers, you, me, whoever. The admission that, yes, the UK is prepared to break the

law in a very specific and limited way might seem like an admirable hands-up when being

found with your hand in the sweetie jar. But in terms of international law, it has a more

significant impact, not only in its outcome but in the motivation as well. Damian Wilson

Health and Nutrition

Oct 9, 2020 - No Symptoms for 86% of Lockdown COVID Cases, UK study says

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - 'I am Russia': Navalny Story Collapses in self-contradiction

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 9, 2020 - Gay marriage cake: customer takes case to European court

Henry McDonald: The lawyers (for Mr Lee) contend that no reasonable person would

equate producing the cake for an individual private customer with the bakery supporting

the pro-gay marriage message on it.

Ron: Really?! Similarly, would ANY hypothetical reasonable person support the right of a

private customer to drag a baker through multiple court systems for refusing, on moral

belief grounds, to provide a cake decoration service which other bakers could and did

provide AT NO LOSS TO THE customer?

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Have you ever noticed how homosexuals want to have their cake and eat it too? And

how they want to force others to congratulate them for their choice of cake decoration

and lifestyle? No one interferred with or limited Mr Lee's freedom or his choice of

lifestyle. He got someone else to decorate his cake. Sooo, why has Mr Lee become a

vexatious litigant who seeks to get society to punish a baker for refusing to provide a

service that congratulates Mr Lee for his lifestyle? That is what forcing a baker to

create a publicly displayed message “Support Gay Marriage” amounts to.

Mr Lee's repeated legal attempts to enlist society's legal support for his attempt to

force a baker to publicly celebrate his lifestyle is vexatious. The baker simply refused

to accede to Mr Lee's demand that he decorate a cake with the words “Support Gay

Marriage” on it. In a free society what is wrong with that refusal? In 2014 the baker

refused to decorate a cake for Mr Lee. Since then Mr Lee has harrassed that baker

through at least three court systems for, in effect, the baker's belief that marriage is

between a man and a women. THINK about that. Mr Lee is probably being financed by

undisclosed supporters to clog up court systems with his vexatious claim in order to

force the baker to expend much time and money defending himself in multiple legal

proceedings. Apart from being ridiculous this misuse of the legal system in this case is

almost certainly designed to intimidate anyone who thinks homosexual marriage is

culturally and socially damaging, which it is. Homosexual partnerships cannot procreate

unaided and if legally encouraged by society they constitute societal suicide.

THIS sort of legal harrassment is what opponents of same sex marriage rightfully

feared would occur IF courts or governments determined that gay marriage was a thing.

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Green Deal Promises That Will Not Be Met

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - The Purges Begin ! Under New ‘independent’ Oversight Board,

Facebook & Instagram Ban QAnon & ‘Militarized Social Movements’

The social media giant delegated the removal of such proscribed pages and groups to its

"Dangerous Organizations Operations team," its special Stasi-like division responsible for

the handling of "Dangerous Individuals and Organizations," as outlined in its Community

Standards manual. The resemblance between Facebook's rhetoric and the Soviet

nomenclature used to designate a remarkably similar kind of ‘undesirable' in relation to the

state during the Great Terror, the category of "socially dangerous elements," is

striking. Michael Rectenwald

Health and Nutrition

Oct 9, 2020 - What Will It Take For Masks And Face Shields To End ?

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Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Anonymous Officials Unleash On Trump For Wanting Afghan Pullout By


True US History

Oct 9, 2020 - "There Are Trillions At Stake..." - How Washington Really Works, &

Why Its Denizens Despise Trump

Ron: It's been well said that capitalism evidences man's inhumanity to man whereas in

socialism it is the other way around. Apparently socialists want socialism for everyone

else, but capitalism for themselves, while capitalists want capitalism for everyone else,

but socialism for themselves.

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., examples how the capitalist system in the US operates:

'...in a system of government-granted privileges, there must be a struggle between

those who live off the government and the rest of us. It is a disguised struggle, of

course, since truth threatens the loot.

When I worked on Capitol Hill, Jimmy Carter was bleating about the energy crisis and

promising to punish big oil with a “windfall profits tax.” But I saw that the lobbyists

pushing for the tax were from the big oil companies.

And, after a moment’s thought, it was easy to realize why. There was no windfall-

profits tax in Saudi Arabia, but it did fall heavily on Oklahoma. And as intended, the

tax aided the big companies that imported oil by punishing their competitors, smaller,

independent firms.

In the ensuing restructuring of the industry, also brought about by the price and

allocation regulations of the Department of Energy, the big firms bought up domestic

capacity at fire-sale prices, and then the Reagan administration repealed the tax and

the regulations. Meanwhile, the big companies received contracts from the Department

of Energy to produce money-losing “alternative fuels.”

In every administration, the tools of inflation, borrowing, taxation, and regulation are

used to transfer wealth from the people to the government and its cronies. See: The


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Complex - http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/The-Regulatory-


Bear this post in mind when you hear President Trump saying his Administration is

deregulating US industry. It will help you understand why he is doing that and why BIG

US corporations and the Deep State bureaucracy hate him.

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell

True US History

Oct 9, 2020 - October Surprise - Vote Trump2020

Ron: This should happen but will it? 7.7 billion people on this planet have been put

through the Talmudic shredder all their lives. Surely it's reasonable that they be told

the truth before this epoch ends?

David Crayford and the ITC



IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER IT IS LEGAL OR NOT ................................






RISING ................

Health and Nutrition

Oct 9, 2020 - The Smoking Gun: Where is the coronavirus? The CDC says it isn’t


The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR

Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020.

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Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,”

we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available,

assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with

characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently


Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term

“quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no measurable amount of the virus, because it

is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS.

A further tip-off is the use of the word ‘isolates.” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS





True US History

Oct 9, 2020 - CIA General Wages Secretive War Against Democrats Pulling Seth

Rich From Grave


Oct 9, 2020 - Masking, Propaganda, & The Outrage Mob's Murder Of Academic


Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Erdogan Defends Turkey’s Military Expansion into Fifth Country:


Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Turmoil in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, & Ukraine Shows

That, Three Decades on, the Soviet Union's Still Collapsing

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Paul Robinson: There is perhaps an element of truth in this - Russia's support for the

rebels of Donbass is a case in point - but only a small one.

Ron: i disagree. The US and Israel fomented, funded and supported the Jews' Maiden

Coup in Kiev in February 2014 the result of whisch was an attempt to enslave and

genocide ethnic Russians in Donbass and Crimea. Calling ethnic Russians in Ukraine's

Donbass "rebels" is a bit rich when they were attacked by a demonic Talmudic cabal

that overthrew a legitimately elected Ukrainian government. See eg: The Deep State,

the IMF and the Fleecing of Ukraine

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/The-Deep-State-the-IMF-


Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine: The future Jewish power center of the

world? at http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Dnepropetrovsk-


Dnepropetrovsk could be renamed - Jerusalem-on-the-

Dnieper - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Dnepropetrovsk-


Chabad seeks to re-build Khazaria in Ukraine

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Chabad-seeks-to-re-build-


Surprise, surprise In Ukraine protests, young Jews are marching with ultranationalists.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Surprise-surprise-In-


Ukraine: New Jewish ˜Promised Land.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Ukraine-New-Jewish-



See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/UKRAINE-ZIONIST-


Paul Robinson: External actors can exacerbate and prolong internal conflicts, but they

don't create them. The roots of instability lie within the countries of the FSU themselves.

Ron: I disagree. Virtually all substantial conflicts in our world since, at least, the

Jews' COUP falesly labelled as the French Revolution have been instigated and

manipulated by Talmudic banksters and global Jewry.

Paul Robinson: This conclusion leads to another popular explanation, namely that the

primary cause of conflict in the developing world is a lack of democracy. This is said to

lead to corruption, stagnation, and the dissatisfaction of the masses, which, in due course,

leads to political violence.

Ron: Democracy as a governance mechanism was designed, promulgated and infused into

Anglo-US and European nations by Talmudists as a useful adjunct to their corporatist-

capitalist monetary control ideology designed to enslave all gentile nations. Since it's

inception following the so-called Glorious Revolution in England in 1688 and the

subsequent establshme of the Bank of England in 1694, Talmudic banksters have

covertly ruled all Anglo-US nations and gradually extended their covert control to most

other nations on the planet, usually under the pretence of introducting democratic


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For instance, the US is a corporation pretending to be a democracy and the turmoil

currently apparent in the US is due to the fact that President Trump and his

supporters are striving to remove Talmudists from covert control of the US corporation

and to institute genuine republican governance in its stead. They are also striving to

free the rest of the world from Talmudic bankster control also. See eg: The USA Isn’t

a Country, It’s a Corporation!

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/The-USA-Isn-t-a-Country-


And my comments in: ‘Ye are Many, They are Few’: Nonviolent Resistance to the Elite’s

Covid-19 Coup - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Ye-are-


10 Ways the Communist Manifesto Has Infiltrated the USA

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/10-Ways-the-Communist-


The Socialism Of The Federal Reserve

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/The-Socialism-Of-The-


Paul Robinson: All too often, the democratic systems left by the colonizers rapidly

collapsed in a succession of military coups, revolutions, and insurgencies. Various factors

explain this: for instance, artificial borders that did not coincide with ethnic

boundaries; weak state institutions; and endemic poverty.

Ron: This analysis typically ignores the primary cause of socio-political instability in ALL

gentile nations, namely the covert influence of Talmudic banksters and their political

puppets, agents and enablers.

Paul Robinson: All this mattered, and continues to matter, as government legitimacy

derives from more than competitive elections. It rests also on a sense that a country's

rulers represent the people, their culture, and their values, as well as on a recognition

that they are able to deliver competent government. In the absence of a unifying

national identity and a strong central state, legitimacy passes to sub-state entities,

and society fractures.

Ron: Yabba, yabba, Talmudic-speak propagada yabba. Since the days of the Black

Nobility in Venice,* Talmudists have controlled and destroyed nations and they are the

primary instigators of the 'lack of unity and legitimacy of governments. IF you don't



SINCE HE WAS ELECTED IN 2016. *See eg: How Venice Rigged The First, and

Worst, Global Financial Collapse

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/How-Venice-Rigged-The-


Paul Robinson: The problem that former Soviet states face is that it takes a very long

time to overcome these limitations, and attempts to do so can often backfire,

particularly when efforts are made to force a certain national identity on an unwilling

population (or at least on a population part of which is unwilling). In such cases, discontented

groups take matters into their own hands through secession, revolution, or other political


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Ron: Actually to get a real perspective on what happened to Russia and its near abroad

socio-political segments after the collapse of the Soviet union see eg: Democracy

Muzzled - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Democracy-


Russia - Enemy Within: Declassified U.S. Documents Show Russian Oligarchs Supported

NATO Expansion - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Russia---



Putin's White Guard.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Putin-s-White-


The Oligarchy - The Black Nobility - The Illuminati - The Synarchy

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/The-Oligarchy---The-


Paul Robinson: As if this were not bad enough, the international system is simply not

designed to cope with the resulting conflicts. This is particularly true when it comes to

separatism and the redrawing of borders. Until at least 1945, wars often ended in the

transfer of territory, enshrined in a treaty between the winner and the loser. In the

modern era, however, the territorial integrity of states has become a sacrosanct

element of the international order. Defeated nations simply refuse to recognize the loss

of territory, while other states back them in this refusal.

Ron:WTF?! TELL that to ethnic Germans! About 20 million Germans were genocided by

the Talmudist controlled Allies during and after WWII AND not only did they lose

territory but Germany is still occupied by the US military and has NO PEACE TREATY

with the Allied nations.

Paul Robinson: Of course, no single one of these factors by itself explains the

continuing problems faced by post-Soviet states. It is rather the different combinations

of various of them in different cases that provides for the variety of conflicts we see

today. Unfortunately, this means that easy answers are not to be found.

Ron: I disagree. The answer is simple: It's the Talmudist! Eliminate private

Rothschilds' corporate currency (money) creation AND its usurious and fraudulent

fractional reserve banking distribution. Once the Talmudist lose their control of the

gobal money supply nations will be free to resume normal human socio-political activities

since scarcity and want will be replaced by prosperity everywhere.

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Wikipedia Forbids User Profiles Expressing Opposition to Gay


T. D. Adler: Altogether, the userboxes were used on hundreds of profile pages

and most were created earlier in the site's history, before the U.S. Supreme Court

ruled gay marriage should be legal.

Ron: Arguably the US Supreme Court is only empowered by the Constitution to decide

questions concerned with the Constituion. the US Constitution is silent on the issue of

sexual orientation and it should therefore be left for decision by states or communities.

T. D. Adler: White described the userboxes as "unacceptable" and rejected claims

Wikipedia should not take sides by saying: "We have picked a side, which is that LGBTQ

Wikipedians are welcome here." White, who goes by "GorillaWarfare" on Wikipedia, is

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an administrator who also serves on the Arbitration Committee, often likened to a

Supreme Court, and identifies as "queer" on her profile page.

Ron: In effect, Wikipedia has picked a side! That side is openly "hostile" to anyone, ie

the majority of people, who is heterosexual. WHY is this not generally apparent?

T. D. Adler: Political bias on Wikipedia has been a major source of concern for site

critics, including co-founder Larry Sanger who this year declared Wikipedia's neutrality

policy was "dead" because of left-wing bias. While Wikipedia's editors have been

involved in smear campaigns against conservatives and censored conservative sources,

they have simultaneously pushed left-wing political candidates and causes,

relying heavily on left-wing sources. However, the site is still relied on as a source

by mainstream media, academics, and Big Tech, which has resulted in them spreading

hoaxes and false information.

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Former Intel Officials Scramble To Downplay Ratcliffe's Russiagate


Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Another ‘Russia Collusion’ Conspiracy Theory Collapses as Cambridge

Analytica Investigation Ends

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 9, 2020 - That Little Green Dot: Your iPhone Camera Is Spying On You

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 9, 2020 - Dozens Arrested as France Busts Major Child Porn Network, Including

Men Suspected of Sexually Assaulting Kids On Camera

"These arrests include everyone - all trades, all social classes, from merchants to

managers, from white collar to blue collar, of all ages, from 28 to 75 years old, from

all family situations, single people, those in a couple, with or without children," Berot

stated. R.T.

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Biden Doubles Down on His Commitment to Making Abortion on Demand

the ‘law of the land’

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - UK Gov Admits Lockdowns Aren't Working but is Mulling HARSHER

Measures and New Lockdowns in Northern England Anyway

Health and Nutrition

Oct 9, 2020 - Did The WHO Just (Accidentally) Confirm COVID Is No More

Dangerous Than Flu ?

Political Information

Oct 9, 2020 - Pelosi Sets Stage for NEW Way to Oust Trump – Using 25th

Amendment to Rule Him Incapacitated Amid His Bout with Covid

The 25th Amendment, which was ratified in the aftermath of President John F. Kennedy's

1963 assassination, allows for the vice president to take over as acting president if the

president is deemed to be "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office." The

president can voluntarily make that determination and tell Congress that the vice president

will serve in his place until he's able to retake the reins. But another provision of the

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amendment allows the vice president and the Cabinet or a body approved by Congress to

jointly agree that the president is too incapacitated to do his job. R.T.

Political Information

Oct 8, 2020 - As Attention-Starved Celebs Strip Down Over 'Naked Ballots',

WarnerMedia Plans To Slash 1000s Of Jobs

Political Information

Oct 8, 2020 - Grim Warning Aussies Face TWO YEARS of Social Distancing - and No

Overseas Trips until EVERYONE is Vaccinated from COVID-19

Health and Nutrition

Oct 8, 2020 - COVID & The Escalation Of Medical Tyranny

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 8, 2020 - French President Complains Abortion Still Too Unpopular After 25



Oct 8, 2020 - Elementary School Kids Taught That "Objectivity" & "Perfectionism"

Are Racist Traits Of "White Supremacy"

Political Information

Oct 8, 2020 - The Death Knell of Science is Being Sounded, Not by Politicians but by

Partisan Scientists Themselves

The inference of all this is that evidence and facts are not being used by those skeptical of

climate change. The attack on Trump's climate science skepticism assumes that all that is

needed is more evidence and facts, which presumably 314 Action scientists standing for

office know. Not only will they bring this to bear upon government, they will also use this to

educate Trump supporters who are obviously lacking in the truth, too. What we have here is

a technocratic elitist view that regards the source of the politics they don't like as being

the ignorance of those who promulgate and support such ‘wrong' views. By trying to turn

politics into a set of truths based on evidence and facts, 314 Action is attempting to

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depoliticize politics by transforming it into a set of truths beyond political question. The

real danger is that the authority of science is being mobilised to undermine

democracy. Norman Lewis

Political Information

Oct 8, 2020 - Pope Francis Slams ‘Idolatry of Money’ After Year of Vatican Financial


Political Information

Oct 8, 2020 - Profs Say Trump Is Guilty Of "Negligent Homicide", Call Him A

"Climate Terrorist, Traitor, & Mass Murderer"

Other Spiritual Pieces

Oct 8, 2020 - "A Roundabout and Clumsy Primer on the Disparate Sections of the

Human Mind."

Let's say there are 3 basic states of consciousness and the last one you don't get to, you get

TAKEN to. The Subconscious is like a child. It thinks in pictures, which is what fuels creative

visualization. You work and program your subconscious ALL THE TIME. Most just don't do it

CONSCIOUSLY. The Subconscious is WILLING to give you ANYTHING. This is what makes

the mind your greatest friend or your worst enemy and YOU DID IT ALL YOURSELF. Les


Political Information

Oct 8, 2020 - NATO’s New Mission – Saving the World from ‘Climate Change’

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 8, 2020 - It’s Time To Stop Funding Aid Groups Whose Officials in Disaster

Zones Exploit Women for Sex

These are exactly the type of international non-governmental organisations that suck up

money from national governments, guilt-tripped into contributing to their huge bank

accounts, while their officials occupy plush, air-conditioned offices in places like Geneva,

New York and London.

The world many of them live in, one of patronising self-aggrandisement, could not be further

than that of the wretched souls they are supposed to be helping - the victims of

earthquakes, hurricanes, rampant diseases, war and worse.

Unbelievably, when they do turn up, supposedly to lend a hand in restoring some sort of

structure to the stricken communities, it's not ‘how can we help?' that is first on their

minds. It's ‘where are your women?'

At a time when the most vulnerable people in the world are at their lowest point, some of

those in positions of immense power, thanks to their privilege, decide they will use the

opportunity to bribe and extort local women for sex. Like those NGOs in the Congo.

Like Oxfam in Haiti. It really is that simple. And that evil.

Political Information

Oct 8, 2020 - The Cult of Covidism Has Invaded the Church

Fay Voshell: As the Church repents of its capitulation, it needs to rededicate itself to

the essentials of the faith it has maintained over 2,000 years.

Ron: The Christian religion was established by Roman emperors under the influence of

Pharisees. The Pharisees forced the Romans to crucify Jesus the Christ in an attempt

to silence his divine teaching. They then established the Christian religion in an attmpt

to eradicate the divine truths he revealed. They and the neo-Pharisees have been

largely successful as this article about the effects of Covidism evidences. See

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eg: Judaism and Christianity - Two Thousand Years of Lies - 60 Years of State

Terrorism - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Judaism-and-


Political Information

Oct 8, 2020 - The Example of Clarence Thomas

Health and Nutrition

Oct 8, 2020 - New England Journal of Medicine Goes PARTISAN, Urges Americans

to VOTE TRUMP OUT over Handling Covid-19

Last week, the journal published a study advocating a mandate for vaccinating the

population, with harsh penalties for those who refuse to submit. The authors

favored "employment suspension or stay-at-home orders," over fines or criminal charges

are discouraged, because they "disadvantage the poor" and risk getting the mandate

itself challenged in court.

A NEJM study published in April appeared to cast doubt on the wisdom of mandating

face masks, but its authors published a follow-up letter in July insisting that they had

in fact intended to support such a mandate. Thursday's editorial largely echoes the

arguments made by the Democrats against Trump. Biden, the former vice-president who

hopes to take the White House next month, has already said he would "listen to

science," put Fauci in charge, and implement nationwide lockdowns and facemask

mandates if elected. R.T.

Political Information

Oct 8, 2020 - Key Assange Prosecution Witness Part of Academic Cluster That Has

Received Millions From UK and US Militaries

Political Information

Oct 8, 2020 - Kim Guilfoyle and The Magical Vagina

Health and Nutrition

Oct 8, 2020 - ‘It was unbelievable’: Trump Touts New anti-Covid-19 ‘cure’

Regeneron, Vows it’ll be FREE for Hospital Patients

Trump revealed he is approving emergency use authorization of the antibody cocktail to

hospitals and "hundreds of thousands of doses" are almost ready to be sent out. The

military, according to Trump, will be in charge of the distribution. R.T.


Oct 8, 2020 - How The ‘Gold Standard’ PCR Test For COVID-19 Has Been Misused

To Create A Fake Pandemic

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True US History

Oct 8, 2020 - Tucker Carlson: Trump Released From Hospital Undermines Media and

Democrat 'propaganda', 'lies' about Covid-19

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - A Scientific Review of the Science Behind Lockdown Concludes the

Policy was a MISTAKE & Will Have Caused MORE Deaths from Covid-19

True US History

Oct 7, 2020 - Michigan Attorney: 'Burn your masks', Forget COVID emergency

Orders After State Supreme Court Decision

"Our United States Supreme Court doesn't have jurisdiction to hear those kinds of

cases. They can only answer issues about if our state law or our state constitution

violated the federal law or federal constitution. So the highest court in the land that

can answer these questions, has spoken. The decision has been rendered. It's there as

of Friday at 4:35. So she can try and whine and complain all she wants, she's not going

to get anywhere," Henry said. - Charlie Langton and Jay Dillon

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad on the “Role of Russia” in Syria


Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - The UK & US Alliance Brings the UNSC Into Disrepute by Banning

Syria Chemical Weapons Briefing From ex-OPCW Head


Oct 7, 2020 - Evidence Of A Cat Recognizing and Mimicking Human Behavior

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Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Hungary Vows to ‘Protect Nation’s Interests’ as EU Court Strikes

Down Soros Crackdown

The Central European University (CEU), an institution founded and backed by globalist

billionaire George Soros, was forced to relocate from Budapest to Vienna last year as a

result of the legislation, which sparked outrage from the international media. Voice of

America, a liberal, U.S. state-run media outlet funded by American taxpayers, lamented at

the time that Hungary's law "would hurt academic freedom and was especially aimed at CEU,

... considered a bastion of independent scholarship in the region". However, the institution

- which admits to having a "mission" of promoting "open frontiers" and the "open society",

has been criticised for providing an ‘education' rooted firmly in ideology rather than the

open exploration of facts and ideas. The university boasts an entire

department dedicated to "gender studies", amongst a host of programs such

as "nationalism studies" and "critical race theory"-themed courses encouraging the

deconstruction of traditional European cultures. Virginia Hale

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Turkey-Russia Role in Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflict

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Thousands of the World’s Top Scientists are Finally Speaking Out

Against Lockdowns. Let’s pray it’s not too little, too late

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Our Society Is In The Process of Breaking Down All Around Us

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Corruption Is Now Our Way Of Life

American Exceptionalism has been turned on its head: America is now as perniciously

corrupt as any developing-world nation we smugly felt so superior to, and with extremes of

wealth and income inequality that surpass even the most rapacious kleptocracies. This

destabilizing "exceptionalism" is now the defining characteristic of the American economy,

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society and political order. Systemic corruption and the implosion of the social contract

have consequences: It's called collapse, baby, and the rot is now too deep to

reverse. Charles Hugh-Smith

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - BLM Co-Founder Claims Joe Biden Is Part Of "Violent White

Supremacist" System

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - The Big Tech Antitrust Report Has One Big Conclusion: Amazon,

Apple, Facebook, and Google are anti-competitive

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Pope Francis: Coronavirus and Global Warming Call for ‘Ecological


Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - As Boris Johnson Announces Britain’s ‘great reset’, Were The Covid

‘conspiracy theorists’ Right All Along ?

As to where all this is heading, I recommend you read Schwab's ‘Great Reset', and his earlier

‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution', but please don't do so late at night, because they will

probably give you nightmares. Schwab's elitist Davos-man utopia is a trans-human, socially

distanced, utterly soulless dystopia for the rest of us. Think of the most terrifying sci-film

you've ever watched and that still doesn't go anywhere near it. And the worst thing is that it

is sold to us as some kind of ‘progressive' vision. Johnson, in his speech yesterday, showed

he's a fully-signed up ‘Great Resetter'. It was, for me, the most chilling oration ever made

by any British prime minister at a party conference. Neil Clark

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Grim New Study Calculates How Many Times per Week Security

Cameras Record Americans

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Only Full Transparency Will Save The CIA And FBI Now

Political Information

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Oct 7, 2020 - Cardinals, Bishops, Journalists, Doctors, Lawyers, Say Covid-19 is

Fake, Prelude to World Government.

Ron: This denunciation of the fake COVID-19 Talmudic Coup attempt to enslave and

destroy our world is very timely. This is the end of an epoch. Christ Michael Aton the

creator of this planet and universe declared the commencement of his Millennial Reign

on this planet on 5 February 2019. The Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi and

their supporters have been tasked to eliminate the demonic Talmudic globalist cabal

currently controlling Gaia; and to usher in the Millennial Reign. That outcome is about to

occur. Those prepared to accept the truth about the false world we live in and to

embrace enlightenment and life will stay with Gaia after the coming Magnetic reversal

STAND STILL and stasis. Those not ready to embrace the truth about life the

universe and everything will be removed by Space Fleet to other places more suited to

their needs. Its time to get off the fence and decide what you want to do Pilgrims.

The Talmudic globalist controllers have created the COVID-19 scamdemic and were

using it in an attempt to completely control the US, this planet and its inhabitants,

BUT that plot has been thwarted because sufficient conscious human

dissent has occurred via the Brexit vote in the UK and the election of President Trump.

Trump's Administration and his supporters have taken control of the US and are

currently eliminating the hidden demonic globalist controllers and their Rothschilds,

Vatican, CIA, Pentagon and Deep State enablers and minions.

The demonic Democrat and Deep State elements in the US and globally, have been

allowed to push their scamdemic and riots and various anti-Trump Coup attempts in

order to expose to USans and humanity generally, the sordid truth of the cultural

Marxist attempted COVID-19 Coup aimed at controlling the US and through it, the

rest of the world. This has been done to assist a critical mass of USans and humans

globally to WAKE UP to the demonic Talmudic reality underlying life in our world.

President Trump has wrested control of the US from its Talmudic rulers by moving the

Federal Reserve System (the Fed) into the US Treasury and placing it under

his control. He is also eliminating the fraudulent US debt ostensibly owed to the Fed by

enormously increasing US "borrowing" from the Fed for stimulus payments and capital

works etc while having the Fed acquire huge quantities of bonds relating to such debt

thus causing the 'fake' Fed debts to be held by the 'fake' Fed system prior to its

demise. Fake Fed debt token currency will never be repaid.

At the same time Trump has renogiated trade treaties and is eliminating counter

productive regulations that inhibit domestic US productivity and production. This will

increase US industrial efficiency and employment. He is also using his Defence

Production Act powers to ensure that the US gets the type of production that it really

needs while ensuring the nation gets real value for the currency (debt tokens) being

issued by the Fed. The plan is to ameliorate the impact of USans having to go "cold

turkey" by having to pay the rest of the world the real value of their goods and

services provided to the US instead of conjuring fake currency out of thin air to

exchange for them.

Trump's Executive Orders (EOs) providing payroll tax relief for USans earning up to

about US$104,000 and relief regarding outstanding education loans is also beginning to

change social awareness as regards the negative effects of Talmudic usury and income

taxation. Trump's EO requiring a moratorium on evictions for non payment of rent also

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uses the scamdemic to change social perceptions on satisfying housing needs. Direct

Federal relief payments for workers who lose employment because of the Scamdemic, in

lieu of provision of bailouts for banks and major corporations, ostensibly to assist them

to create jobs, completely reverses previous policies that enriched wealthy banksters,

corporatists and politicians while impoverishing workers. These are some of the ways in

which the Trump Administration is using the crisis caused by the COVID-19 scandemic

to initiate policies reversing many of the core negative US socio-economic conditions

created by the demonic globalist controllers to enslave USans and the rest of the

world. These initiatives also reverse the uses to which the cabal and its Deep State

operatives sought to put the COVID-19 Scamdemic. A solution to the scamdemic will be

released which will demonstrate to the US and everyone the criminal intentions and

false narratives of its CIA and Deep State perpetrators glibly published by the fake,

phony and false MSM.

Once the US Treasury resumes its Constitutional responsibility for issuing usury free

US money and currency there will be no need for INCOME TAXATION. This will

include elimination of onerous and unfair Social Security imposts. Moreover, Trump’s

recent EO removing payroll taxes on USans earning less than US$104, 000 will become

permanent after he wins the next election. Subsequently ALL income taxes will be

abolished because they are cosmically illegal and there will be no need for them because

the US government will cease repaying loan moneys or interest to the global bankster

cabal for its fake currency.

These changes will transform the US politically, socially, economically and ethically for

the better and enable a GREAT RESET of US spiritual, social and economic life,

spearheaded by governance changes enabled by returning control of money and currency

emission, banking, economic and taxation policies, to genuine national control.

The elimination of the Fed and incorporation of its functions into the US Treasury will

collapse the Rothchilds' Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and their global

Central Banking system. That will free the rest of the world from Talmudic control by

globalist banksters. Then the example being provided by the US in relation to

globalisation, usury free monetary and currency emission and income taxation will be

noted and emulated by other nations and will gradually be imitated by the rest of the


In addition to actively deconstructing the banksters' control of the global monetary

system, the Trump administration is defunding and beginning the elimination of their

demonic globalist control mechanisms like the UN, the WHO, the WTO, the IMF, BIS

and NATO, and various Talmudic trade treaties and arrangements. Ultimately the UN

itself will be replaced by proper divine governance.

The coming monetary reset is being organised by the International Treasury Controller

who has begun the process of agreeing, with all countries in the world, the "Pegging" of

their currency to a replacement for the Petro Dollar which will be


the value of each national currency vis-a-vis the Globec which will bring them stability

and away from the currency markets which will be abolished. This will involve the

collection of numerous details and data so that a real and practical value can be

assessed for each currency and agreed with the applicable country. See: DAVID


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- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Whistleblower_and_OITC_114/DAVID-CRAYFORD---




This process commenced on 1 June 2020 but may not be completed until after the

coming Magnetic Reversal STAND STILL and stasis period. It will transform social and

economic life on this planet. Problems associated with commercial banking and usury as

we know them will be gone. Sovereign National Treasuries will issue all local money and

currency. The elimination of usury will eliminate income taxation and pave the way for

global prosperity and abundance. This planet and its remaining inhabitants will then be

ensconced in Christ Michael Aton's Millennial Reign which was declared on 5 February


Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - As Corruption Continues to Curse the Catholic Church, No Wonder My

11-year-old Would Rather Be a Witch Than a Christian

The agenda was clear: Pell was to be erased from history, from the Catholic community, from

his role as a spiritual leader in Australian society, and from our memories. But there is just

one problem. He is innocent. Because it now appears there was a conspiracy against Pell

orchestrated by bitter enemies within the Australian establishment and at the top of the

Church itself. Pell had already found himself in conflict with the Victoria Police hierarchy in

his hometown, after his launch of a local response to the investigation of historical child

abuse claims that rubbed senior police figures up the wrong way. According to one of his

influential supporters, Father Frank Brennan, the word from law enforcement was out on

Christmas Eve, 2015: Get Pell. Damian Wilson

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Justice Thomas Slams 'gay' Marriage Ruling

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Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - "Defund Walter Reed" & Other Insanity - Trump Critics Meltdown

Over Release From Hospital

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Sex Clubs Exempt From Australia's Bizarre Lockdown Rules While

Weddings Must Have 'designated dancers'


A bit more of a controversial rule in the Sunshine State is that, while dancefloors are

banned for their infection risks, group sex parties at adult venues are allowed.

Sex on Premises venues, or sex clubs, can operate in Queensland as long as they have a

COVID Safe plan. The COVID Safe Industry Plan for Sex on Premises Venues and Adult

parties calls the businesses "high risk" and recommends regular cleaning of "group rooms",

record keeping and staff training to mitigate risk.

Numerous industry leaders have called for the allowances to be reviewed, however, with

wedding entertainer Nik Edser telling the ABC the rules are "ironic".

"The irony is if I was invited to a wedding this weekend to attend with my wife and I

wanted to dance with her there, then I wouldn't be allowed to," he said.

"But if we decided to go to a sex club and swap partners with some people who we

don't know where they're from or who they really are, that's OK."


Brides and grooms-to-be no doubt rejoiced when NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced

at the end of September dancing would once again be allowed at weddings around the state.

But as is the case with 2020, there was a caveat to the rule.

While weddings are allowed to have as many as 150 guests, only 20 "designated

dancers" are allowed to let loose - while the other guests look on...the bride and groom

must also choose the 20 dancers in advance.

"Bridal parties of up to 20 can be on the dance floor, but I stress, it is the same 20 -

you cannot have a roster of different guests of 20," Ms Berejiklian explained.


This week, the rules for South Australians heading out for a drink were eased - and

while it was welcome news for all, two words uttered by Premier Steven Marshall

sparked a tiny bit of confusion.

"For licensed premises, we will now allow vertical consumption outdoors," Mr Marshall

told reporters on Thursday. - Natalie Brown

Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Sheriffs, Police Officers, Pastors, and Attorneys Are Fighting Covid


Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Trump Rages "Repeal Section 230" After Facebook, Twitter

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Political Information

Oct 7, 2020 - Report: Law Firm Which Stops Deportations Got £55m in Taxpayer

Legal Aid

Health and Nutrition

Oct 7, 2020 - Effects of ‘masking’ On Our Brain + Effects of Silence On Our Lives

Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - New ‘Licence to Kill’ Bill Shows UK is Happy to Let Its Spies Break

The Law – while lecturing other countries how to behave

Once again, the United Kingdom believes that it is a law unto itself, which is hardly surprising

coming from a government that believes Britannia still rules the waves. On one hand, it

preaches the virtues of a democratic and open society, pointing fingers at countries

implementing basic national security provisions and preaching ‘the rule of law,' such as when

addressing the situation in Hong Kong. But at the same time, it advocates a subtle mindset

that its own actions in any capacity, even when much more questionable, are simply

untouchable. The latest act of parliament is simply the legal consolidation of a long

established mentality that means the security establishment cannot truly be held to account,

and it is best the public do not know about its activities. Tom Fowdy

Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - DNI Declassifies Brennan Notes; Briefed Obama On Intelligence That

Hillary Clinton Concocted Trump-Russia Allegations

Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - Alt Media Sites and Truth Platforms Being Shut Down Before the


Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - How Dare He Recover ?!!

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 6, 2020 - It's Your Funeral - Stand up now

This 34' 24" video was published by Amazing Polly on Oct 5,

2020: https://www.bitchute.com/video/GP6mApouvAw/

Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - Trump Gets A WIN With the Reality of His Border Wall Confirmed by

Libs [Video]

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Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - Facebook & Instagram to Purge ALL Accounts ‘representing QAnon,’

Even Those That Don’t Share ‘violent content’

Facebook is not the only platform to attempt to purge its Q-friendly users, as Twitter

announced its own massive ban of up to 150,000 QAnon-related accounts, blacklisting the

group in its recommendations and Trends tabs while barring any associated web links. Like

Facebook, Twitter alleged the group's behavior had "the potential to lead to offline

harm," also citing "coordinated harmful activity" and "platform manipulation." R.T.

Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - NATO Chief Says "No Military Solution" In Nagorno-Karabakh, Urges

Turkey's "Influence"


Oct 6, 2020 - New Technology Refuses Entrance To Shops If You're Not Wearing A

Face Mask

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 6, 2020 - German NGOs Accused of Spying on Greek Border Authorities to Help

Smuggle Migrants

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 6, 2020 - Child Rape Soars Behind Covid-closed Doors in Pakistan

The report pointed out that 119 cases of child sexual abuse were reported in January-March,

which increased to 576 during April-June, representing an increase of almost

400%. Violence against women also increased to 495 from 43 cases, registering a spike of

over 800%, while overall rape cases swelled to 250 from 65 making a spiral of over 250%

during the same period. F.M. Shakil

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 6, 2020 - Netflix Indicted In Texas Over ‘Cuties’ Film Sexualizing Children

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 6, 2020 - Who’s Entitled ?

Human/Animal Rights

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Oct 6, 2020 - Church of England Forgave Pedophiles en masse, Allowed Them to

Continue Working With Children, inquiry finds

As part of the findings announced Tuesday in the damning report, the panel found that

record-keeping of abuse claims was "almost non-existent." The panel decried the church's

willingness to pervert the course of legal justice by meting out its own 'forgiveness,'

precluding sex offenders from being held responsible for their crimes and prevented from

re-offending. The church was also blasted for its handling of the reverend Ian Hughes

scandal, in which he was convicted in 2014 of downloading 8,000 child porn images, including

800 in the most serious category. At the time, Bishop Peter Forster claimed Hughes had

been "misled into viewing child pornography". R.T.


Oct 6, 2020 - 59 Ancient Coffins, Buried for 2,600 years, Discovered in Incredible

Archaeological Find in Egypt

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 6, 2020 - Man Scolded for Cuddling Grieving Elderly Mother at Social-Distanced


Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - Victoria Police Filmed Handcuffing PREGNANT Beachgoer as State

Authorities Consider Extending Lockdown Rules

Other Spiritual Pieces

Oct 6, 2020 - "EVERYTHING is Woven Together in a Tapestry of Inevitability,

Directed to the Ends of the Inviolable Will of God."

Why... am I going to such lengths here with flowery language about something that seems to

have nothing to do with earthquakes, or energy weapons, or the Chinese government, or aliens

or reptiles in human form? It is because ONLY Love is empowered to negotiate these with

absolute confidence and I care not what other challenges, conundrums, or disasters you may

add to the mix. There is a reason that Love is the primary expression of The Divine, as well

as the essential force that holds the universe together. There is nothing else like it and

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rather than troubling myself with concerns about any and all of life's uncertainties, I would

rather concern myself with Love and how to expand my portion of it so that I will have more

to give away. Love is the one thing that increases in volume the more you dispense it. You will

always have more than you had before you gave it away. Les Visible

True US History

Oct 6, 2020 - BLM - A Righteous Cause or Communism in Blackface ?


Oct 6, 2020 - Macron Faces Islamophobia Claims Over Homeschooling Ban ‘to Protect

Children From Religion’

Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - What Will It Take ?

After 20 years of presenting Thus Spoke the Spectacle as a window into and warning against

mass media indoctrination, I've come to accept that most people are willfully,

blissfully, belligerently asleep, and that trying to awaken them to the realities of the

American-driven, Western imperial project is futile. I've learned to leave them to their

insipid, vulgar, consumerist paradise and its accompanying spectacle-ized shit-show of

psychic abuse that holds the system in place. I've learned to leave them alone and focus my

attention and energy in the direction of allies, like minded-spirits, fellow mutants of the

techno-prison. I'm a confrontational person by nature, but gave up years ago on useless

sheeple, bolstered in part by Margaret Mead's insight that the only thing that's ever

changed the world is a "small group of thoughtful committed people." So my motto was to let

sleeping dogs lie, let sleeping people be. Eric Goodman

True US History

Oct 6, 2020 - Yet, Another Leftist Teacher Tries Indoctrinating Children

True US History

Oct 6, 2020 - October Surprises Everyone

Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - How a Police State Starts

The hotel incident may just be in the strange but unexplained category. The busting of the

Assange vigil earlier is of a piece with the extraordinary blanking of the hearing by

corporate media and the suppression of its reporting on social media. These are dangerous

times. Craig Murray

Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - Facebook Breakup Would Be ‘complete nonstarter’: Memo Leaked

Ahead of Antitrust Report

Health and Nutrition

Oct 6, 2020 - New WHO Estimate Puts Coronavirus Death Rate at Only 0.13%

True US History

Oct 6, 2020 - No Commies, Please: By Banning Party Members From Migrating to

America, the US has again shown its crazy paranoia about China

Rather than understanding it as a political organization which is necessary for social and

economic success within China, containing a range of diverse views and levels of

enthusiasm, the US portrays the CPC in hackneyed cold war terms. It assumes every

single member is part of a coordinated, monolithic scheme to repress and commit evil,

going to hysterical levels to ‘separate' the party from the ‘Chinese people' themselves,

as if they are just waiting to be ‘liberated' by America. The first problem with the

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US's narrative on the CPC is that the party's rule is more popular than America will

ever give it credit for, and the Chinese people do not see its presence as unwanted

oppression. A Harvard University Study published in July, which undertook a survey of

31,000 people, found that approval of the party in China recently stood at 93 percent

and that "from the impact of broad national policies to the conduct of local town

officials, Chinese citizens rate the government as more capable and effective than ever

before." Tom Fowdy

True US History

Oct 6, 2020 - 'The Hill' Inadvertently Explains Why The Left Fears Amy Coney


Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - Video: Is the UK Heading Toward Medical Martial Law ?

True US History

Oct 6, 2020 - CIA Director Haspel And The Anti-Trump Conspirators

Think about this for a while: The current CIA director was an active, knowledgeable

party to the efforts to target candidate Trump with a contrived foreign

counterintelligence investigation. That carried forward to a more sophisticated and

aggressive plan to carry out a soft coup against President Trump. People around President

Trump were prosecuted and/or had their lives destroyed based on a scheme of U.S.

government lies. Who appears to have been "in on it" from day one ? Gina Haspel. Chris


David Crayford and the ITC






True US History

Oct 6, 2020 - Greenwald Asks "Why Are Democrats Praying For The Speedy

Recovery Of A 'Fascist Dictator'?"

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Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - Azerbaijani-Turkish Alliance Is Taking Upper Hand In War With


Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - Antifa Violence Continues in Portland Despite Establishment Media


Political Information

Oct 6, 2020 - As Our (un)civil War Escalates Towards The Real Thing, America is in

Throes of Unrest Unlike Any in Our 244-year History

As an indication that ‘civility' is a thing of the past, one may point to the recent spate of

tweets by Trump haters openly wishing for his death by Covid. Such posts became so

prevalent and glaring that Twitter was forced to introduce a new policy declaring that any

tweets wishing for the death of a politician would be removed. Conspicuously missing was any

mention of even temporarily banning tweeters who infringe the policy. Such banning is

routine for pro-Trump posters - and for far lesser infractions - if they are not contrived by

the tech giant in the first place. Michael Rectenwald

True US History

Oct 6, 2020 - Kamala Harris Filibustered Gorsuch, Smeared Kavanaugh; Won’t

Answer on Court-packing

Health and Nutrition

Oct 6, 2020 - As COVID PPE Waste Litters The World, Company Makes

Biodegradable Hemp Masks

Health and Nutrition

Oct 6, 2020 - Record Dutch COVID-19 cases Prompt U-turn on Face Masks

Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - Lockdown: The New Totalitarianism

True US History

Oct 5, 2020 - Defund The Police ? New Crime Stats Reveal Murders and Shootings in

NYC Up by 127% Compared to 2019

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Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - Iraq Confirms Trump's Troop Exit 'Achieved' With 2,500 Soldiers

Already Gone

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 5, 2020 - Which Prison Would You Choose ?

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 5, 2020 - Pope Francis’s Latest Encyclical: Abortion Not On List of Political


Those who have consistently read Pope Francis's writings, especially as they touch on

politics, are not surprised by his approach. In his 2018 exhortation, he ridiculed the Catholic

understanding of migration as "secondary" to abortion. "Some Catholics consider

[immigration] a secondary issue compared to the ‘grave' bioethical questions," he

said. "That a politician looking for votes might say such a thing is understandable, but not a

Christian." Speaking of abortion and immigration, he criticized those who regard immigration

as secondary, "as if there are other more important matters, or the only thing that counts is

one particular ethical issue or cause that they themselves defend." John-Henry Westen


Oct 5, 2020 - California Professor: "As A White American, I Am, By Definition,


Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - European Union Furious as US Restates Basic Human Rights, Omits

LGBT, Abortion

Much of the work that has been done to insert abortion and "sexual rights" into

international human rights discourse cannot be found in treaties or any binding

instruments. It emerges in the recommendations of UN special experts and unelected

expert bodies that monitor compliance with treaties, whose comments are then cited

and quoted by bureaucrats within other multilateral agencies. Much of this has been

driven (and funded) by the EU, where countries that defend more conservative social

principles, like Hungary and Poland, face mounting pressure to conform. - Rebecca Oas


Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - Paris Goes Into Lockdown, Ireland's Health Chiefs Call for 2nd Total


True US History

Oct 5, 2020 - OCTOBER SURPRISE 2020: Democrats Desperately Executing Plan A,

B & C

There are, in fact, many tidal waves - in every sphere of life - expected to build both fast

and slow in the wake of THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC of 2020. And, it's true the globalists

think they can create their New World Order out of the chaos, as they have methodically

done since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Ordo ab Chao has always been their

overarching strategy and reliable MO without which they would never have gotten this

far. It could even be stated that OPERATION COVID-19 is the very culmination of Ordo

ab Chao blueprint frequently followed by The Powers That Be. S.O.T.N.


Oct 5, 2020 - Microchips, Nanotechnology And Implanted Biosensors: The New

Normal ?

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AND 2017.

True US History

Oct 5, 2020 - Is The Pussification Of America's Youth Scientifically Engineered ?

- Brandon Smith: The only reason for the existence of so-called "victim groups" is for

people who have no stress management skills to continue to avoid any and all acute stress

events for the rest of their lives by making it socially or legally unacceptable to criticize

them, discriminate against them as individuals, or place practical demands on them. They

become a protected class with special privileges. ........ Did this movement of perpetual

childhood develop out of this air ? The evidence says no. The social justice movement with

all its Marxist underpinnings was funded and managed directly by elitist organizations

like the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation, it becomes clear that the

pussification of America's youth is not a natural progression but an engineered


While researching stress inoculation methods, it struck me - What if a society was to

do the exact OPPOSITE of this ? What if an entire generation of children were

deliberately sheltered from all forms of short term acute stress? What if they were

encouraged to never work hard at anything? What if they were not given any incentive to

accomplish any goals? What if competition was discouraged and children were taught to

despise it as "barbaric" and "debilitating"? What if accomplishment was dismissed and the

idea of "winning" was eliminated in the name of "fairness and equality"?

What if a generation of kids were so thin skinned and untrained in stress management

that they panic and run to the nearest authority figure for help at the first sign of

trouble? What if they were so spoiled that they had never learned to take care of

themselves? What if all of their life experiences were in the form of a safe, insulated

digital fantasy world where there is no real risk?

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Now imagine you then take this highly coddled and sheltered generation and you

suddenly expose them to a massive crisis event; such as an economic crash, or even the

threat of a global pandemic ? How would this group of children, now moving into adulthood

without any practical skills or emotional toughness, respond to the situation ?

All of their actions would be reactionary and rooted in panic and terror. Because they have

never trained to deal with acute stress events they are now a walking time bomb of fear.

They might respond by running and hiding, or they might respond by lashing out violently, but

in either case they will have no self-control and will be ruled by emotion and adrenaline

rather than logic and reason...

Wouldn't this be the most effective way to destroy or dominate a nation over the span

of a couple decades?

In America today there is the more obvious trend of social justice warriors among younger

generations and their complete inability to function in normal adult society without constant


What is the purpose of concepts like "safe spaces", trigger warnings, forced diversity,

intersectionality, critical race theory, micro-aggressions, implicit bias, etc., other than

to artificially swaddle people so they never have to deal with negative experiences?

The only reason for the existence of so-called "victim groups" is for people who have no

stress management skills to continue to avoid any and all acute stress events for the rest of

their lives by making it socially or legally unacceptable to criticize them, discriminate against

them as individuals, or place practical demands on them. They become a protected class with

special privileges...

It's not just the SJW lunatics that are the problem, though. A vast number of young

people are finding themselves completely unprepared for adult life and they blame

boomers indirectly for their failings. Contrary to popular belief, boomers had nothing

whatsoever to do with the decline of the US economy; if you want to find the culprits

behind your financial pain, I suggest learning about the history of the Federal Reserve

and how that institution has systematically destroyed our currency's buying power and

our economy over time...

Where boomers are culpable is in their terrible parenting model. They raised a

generation of weaklings and rarely questioned the establishment and media propaganda

that told them that helicopter parenting and the "self esteem model" was the best way

to raise their children. While perhaps done out of love, boomers spoiled their own kids

so completely and shielded them from all acute stress that as young adults they now

have no capacity to succeed in a world where survival instincts might be required.

Ron: Arguably the Boomers and Generation Xers' 'terrible parenting model' also

encompassed their collective failure to perceive and resist the Marxist cultural

educational indoctrination and dumbing down of their children. It also includes the

failure of both generations to perceive and reject the Talmudic bankster fiat debt

token devaluation of the currency and the related US militaristic and economic

enslavement of other nations and eventually the enslavement of USans themselves, and

their children, based on it.

Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - Vatican Cardinal Spent $800,000 to Discredit Cardinal Pell During Sex

Abuse Trial: report

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Edward Pentin, the National Catholic Register's Rome correspondent, wrote, "A Vatican

source with detailed knowledge of the matter confirmed the contents of the Corriere della

Sera report to the Register on Oct. 2, and the existence of the bank transfer to Australia.

‘The year and date of the transfer are recorded in the archives of the Secretariat of

State,' the source said." "The funds were ‘extra-budgetary,' meaning they did not come

from ordinary accounts, and were ostensibly transferred for ‘works to be done' on the

Australian nunciature, the source said," according to Pentin. Martin Burger

Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - Ginsburg's Nightmare: The Democratic Plan To Destroy The Supreme

Court Of The United States

Health and Nutrition

Oct 5, 2020 - Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World


True US History

Oct 5, 2020 - DOJ Charges Hundreds of Doctors & Nurses in Massive $6 Billion

‘Healthcare Fraud’ Bust

Other Spiritual Pieces

Oct 5, 2020 - "A Conspiracy of Suffering, Engaged in by our Divided Self, against

Ourselves,, Without letting Ourselves Know."

"After thinking about it, it was revealed to me that my focus on The Divine precluded my

need to pay any other attention. THAT is the primary focus of all focus and in the course of

doing so, the Ineffable does the focusing and paying attention FOR ME" Les Visible

True US History

Oct 5, 2020 - Trump Releases Video Taken Aboard Aircraft Carrier As More

Assassination Teams Deploy

Ron: A huge amount of discernment required.

Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - The Rock May Back Biden, But Most Celebrity Endorsements Are

Career Opportunism… which is why they NEVER come out for Republicans

Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - Spike In Boycotts Of Turkish Goods And Services

For years, Turkey has injected itself, often militarily, into the sovereign affairs of Iraq,

Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Greece, Cyprus, India, and now, Armenia and Artsakh. On October 2,

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reports emerged that Turkey is using NATO and American facilities to attack Armenia and

Artsakh. Since NATO is unable or unwilling to rein in this rogue nation that many consider to

be the single greatest threat to global security, public boycotts are increasingly gaining

favor. Lucine Kasbarian

Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - The Mortal Battle of the Perfidious Albion

Katerina: Let's look at this English "supremacy" a little bit closer. England has evolved

as a combination of invaders to that part of the island, mostly a hybrid of Franco -

German abnormality, combined with some "Norman" extracts. Aggressiveness was the

unifying factor among them. And this inbred aggressiveness has also been a defining

factor in their attitude towards the rest of the world. The drive to subjugate, to

control, to enslave has been the hallmark of this English "race". They have a lot to

answer for, together with the Roman Catholic Church.

Ron: I disagree. The English people do not have an inbred aggressiveness towards the

rest of the world. Rather, since the reign of Queen Elizabeth I the English leadership

has been demoniclly controlled. See eg: Dr. John Dee: Occultist Behind the British

Empire and Judaic New World Order

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Dr-John-Dee-Occultist-


SerialBrain2: Trump's Historic Visit to the UK: Winning, winning,

winning - http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/SerialBrain2-Trump-s-


Venetian Black Nobility, Roots of Today’s Ruling Oligarchy

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Venetian-Black-Nobility-Roots-


The Venetian Black Nobility “ A History

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/The-Venetian-Black-


Black Guelph Evil Nobility by LaRouche

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Black-Guelph-Evil-Nobility-


How Venice Rigged The First, and Worst, Global Financial Collapse

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/How-Venice-Rigged-The-


Katerina: The City of London is the headquarters. This banking cabal, starting with

Rothschilds, at the time of the Napoleonic wars, through lies and machinations, had

pretty much taken control of the Bank of England and also, unfortunately for the

world, discovered that they had an absolute affinity with the English in their identical

and all-consuming need for domination and control of others.

Ron: I disagree. This Talmudic control started much earlier. The Black Nobility who

had their HQ in Holland financed Oliver Cromwell in the mid 17th Century. Then in the

second half of the 17th Century the Black Nobility funded William III of Orange to

become King William III. As a result King William III welcomed Jews back into

Britain and granted them a licence to establish the Bank of England and to issue money

on a usurious basis. Thereafter Jewish banksters financed the monarchy and the British

East India Company on a usurious basis. The Black Nobility Jewish banksters covertly

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directed the monarchy and after the Glorious Revolution in 1688 they also covertly

controlled the British Parliament.

Katerina: The fight I am describing is the fight of this Anglo-Zionist entity [Ron: ie

the progeny of the Black Nobility] with Russia, and it is a MORTAL fight. I will also

add that, not least of all, Russian true Orthodox religion is unacceptable to some, who

are hiding in the background for now - where they prefer to be.

Ron: Khazarian Jews constitute over 90% of people who identify as Jews and the

Khazarians have harboured deep and abiding enemity for Russian Christians ever since

Russian Christians defeated them and destroyed their vicious genocidal empire in the

11th Century.

Katerina: Well, this conflict is going MUCH deeper - it is a civilisational and a

conceptual conflict - of totally opposite mentality, which is the essential and conscious

self-awareness of being and how that affects others - whether one lives in harmony

with the others or whether one wants to have power over them.

Ron: To understand this fundamental Talmudic desire to destroy and enslave the gentile

world see eg: Judaism and Christianity - Two Thousand Years of Lies - 60 Years of

State Terrorism - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Judaism-



Katerina: (Here is a thought - perhaps if they had the rich landmass that Russia has,

then that driven and destructive colonial mindset might not have unleashed itself on the

world? Just a thought, although I don't believe that would have been very likely, also

we cannot afford to be charitable here).

Ron: Britain was CHOSEN by the "Chosenites"as their HQ because it was an island and

not a large landmass. The Black Nobility was a sea based tryanny that controlled its

Venetian Empire with navies that dominated the Mediteranean, Aegean and Black Seas

in the 11th to 15th Centuries. Thereafter they moved their HQ to Holland in the 16th

Century and then to England in the 17th Century where they set about using the navies

of the Btitish empire to dominate the oceans and hence the world....

The Jewish banksters who covertly controlled the British monarchy and empire from the

City of London in] (Katerina): England wanted global domination and Russia stood in its

way. Most wars that Russia had to fight had an English "hand" behind them. It

supported Sweden in its war with Russia, it supported Turkey in numerous Russian -

Ottoman wars, it supported Japan in their war on Russia and the list can go on and on.

The Crimean war was one of the exceptions where they actually fronted up for the

fight. The very good rhetorical question that nobody seems to be asking - what on

earth they were doing there in the first place?!

Katerina: The most devastating of those wars, the WWII, had England's full support

and encouragement for Nazi Germany to attack Russia. That way they were hoping to

get rid of BOTH their enemies at once. Thus is the mentality of this English "race" - a

pathological hatred towards anyone who threatens their craven need for dominance.

Hidden by a false smile.

Ron: I disagree. It is the Jewish banksters and the English elite with whom they

extensively intermarried that have a pathological hatred of gentiles and anyone who

seeks to thwart their genocidal activities.

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Katerina: Russia has paid its heavy price as well, the so-called "Bolshevik Revolution"

was [Ron: was planned, organised, funded and supported by global Jewry and] carried

out mainly by this vile spawn. Stalin, by the way, despite being a Georgian, was a

Russian patriot and was hell-bent on getting rid of them. (For those who do not

understand why Russians still feel great affection for Stalin, this should explain it).

Ron: I disagree. Stalin's real name suggests he was the son of a Jew and he thought

and acted like a Talmudist. Stalin murdered tens of millions of Christian Russians and

incidentally killed many of his Jewish minions and henchmen because he was paranoid

and routinely killed his henchmen to ensure that he remained in power. Arguably the

reason that Russians feel affection for Stalin is probably a combination of the

Manchurian candidate syndrome and the fact that he was forced to rely on the Russian

people to defeat the German invasion in WWII.

Katerina: ...lots of people living in Israel speak Russian as their first language and a lot

of them do not condone or support Israel's policies, but that's not the Jews we are

talking about here.

Ron: If Russian speaking jews do not condone or support Israel's policies WHY are they

living in Israel; AND have they benefited from acquiring property there stolen by the

Israeli government from Palestinians?

Katerina: We are talking here about Zhids, unfortunately there are also quite a few of

them in Israel and USA as well as everywhere else - the spawns of what I call a

degenerate, defective gene, sadly, from that same gene pool. The ones who would sell

their own mother if they can make a profit. Psychopaths, in other words.

Ron: Being a Jew is not genetic, ie Jews are NOT a race; they are a nepotistic,

atheistic, ideological politicial collective. Moreover, Jews are not Semites, they are

predominantly of Khazarian extraction but accept political converts from many races.

See eg: What Every Prospective Convert to Judaism Deserves To Know

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/What-Every-Prospective-


Israeli Ministry Sets Sights on Millions of 'Potential Jews' to Improve Country's Image

and Fight BDS - http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Israeli-





editor- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Judaism-for-Non-



Israeli historian: ˜Jews are not Semitic

people- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Israeli-historian-


Genome Evolution of Jewish Population John Hopkins.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Genome-Evolution-of-


Zionists design myth of Jewish genome to usurp Palestine.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Zionists-design-myth-of-


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PALESTINE. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Re-



New Genetic Study Reportedly Proves Khazar Ancestry For Ashkenazi Jews.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/New-Genetic-Study-


Katerina: This time this evil twin's "HAND" will be behind the USA, which they totally

own and control and which they would try to use. Add to that the greed of wanting to

possess what Russia has and you will get a very clear picture as to why we have this

aggressive, war-mongering posture towards Russia. They desperately want to destroy it

as a Nation, over the centuries they have tried quite a few times and they will not stop

until they destroy the whole world with it... They are Psychopaths.

Ron: As a result of the election of president Trump the Talmudists no longer control

the US. See eg my comments in US Political Discourse is So Toxic & Divided ThatFriends

of 30 Years No Longer Talk To Me. The America I loved has gone forever -




Katerina: And they need to be stopped.

Ron: The Talmudists "have been stopped." Christ Michael Aton the creator of this

planet and universe declared the commencement of his Millennial Reign here on 5

February 2019 and the Triodity of presidents, Trump, Putin and Xi and their supporters

are seguing our world into that Reign NOW. After the coming Magnetic Reversal

STAND STILL, and stasis, the remaining population on Gaia will be ensconsced in the

Millennial Reign.

Katerina: ...we are talking about our survival as a human family and the future for our

children. Everyone who can think of that, needs to fight this evil in every way one can.

As I have said before, we need to stop fighting among ourselves and turn our full

attention towards one COMMON ENEMY.

Ron:All that is required is that people WAKE UP, become aware of the real situation on

this planet and desire that its devine destiny be fulfilled. The Triodity is taking care of

the required physical changes.

Katerina: The constant demonization of Russia and now China is all pervasive as Global

MSM channels of information are totally OWNED by this Cabal, all of them. The

populations of USA, Europe, Australia and everywhere else that has those MSM

channels gets this brainwashing propaganda INCESSANTLY, every day! And lots of

people believe it. Here again is that willingness to be deceived and that laziness that

stops them from finding out the actual facts, the TRUTH. Listening to some of these

people can make one feel absolute despair. For Christ sake, USE you God given brains!

Ron: People need to THINK for themselves and to stop watching TV and accepting the

false narratives of the MSM.

Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - Eyewitness To The Agony Of Assange

True US History

Oct 5, 2020 - New Report: Trump Actions on Coronavirus Saved Hundreds of

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Thousands of Lives

Health and Nutrition

Oct 5, 2020 - Measuring The Emotional Impact Of COVID-19 On The U.S.


Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - The Grifters of the Left

Comment: A great point made on the positioning and 'purpose' of those at the forefront of

the Democratic party and the fundamental impact this has on its platform. In order to

support, protect and continue Leftist domination, the public must swallow whole-heartedly

the faux premise upon which the party, thus candidates, depend. It is eye-opening (for those

who see) how 'the Trump syndrome' has lifted this smoke, broken its sacred mirrors and

exposed deeply-held secrets. It may take another four years to finish what he

started. S.O.T.T.

Translations - Others

Oct 5, 2020 - Italian_Seraphin Messaggio 428: Sorprese E Segreti Alla Fine Della


Seraphin tramite Rosie


Oct 5, 2020 - The Police Are Requesting Data From People's Smart-Speakers At An

Alarming Rate

Political Information

Oct 5, 2020 - DHS Grants Millions To Groups Fighting 'Right-Wing Extremism'

True US History

Oct 4, 2020 - The Idiotic Claim That Other Nations Are ‘Disrupting The Public

Conversation’ On US Politics

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The US uses its military and economic might to bully and manipulate the world into

compliance with its agendas; this by itself is an outrage, and at the very least people around

the world should be allowed to exert influence on the political conversation of people who,

unlike themselves, are able to cast votes which influence the US government. Anyone in any

nation on earth is well within their sovereign boundaries to influence the political discourse

of a nation whose government does not honor the national sovereignty of any other

nation. Caitlin Johnstone

True US History

Oct 4, 2020 - Democrats Make Unified Demand To Postpone Barrett Confirmation

Process, Citing GOP Covid Cases

True US History

Oct 4, 2020 - AMA Joins Planned Parenthood to Ask Supreme Court to Block Trump

Rule Keeping Abortion Separate from Family Planning

Political Information

Oct 4, 2020 - Why Is Nobody Talking About This...

Political Information

Oct 4, 2020 - Pope Slams Capitalism & Injustices in WOKE View On post-Covid

World… but gets heat for insufficiently inclusive letter TITLE

Russia Today: So-called "trickle-down" economics fail to create

promised "spillover" that resolves inequality, giving rise to "new forms of violence

threatening the fabric of society," Francis said. It's imperative to adopt economic

policies that favor "productive diversity and business creativity," thereby creating

lasting jobs, he added.

Ron: Actually what is needed is the elimination of the Rothschilds' global Central

banking monopoly AND the use of usury and fractional reserve banking. Freeing

humanity from Talmudic bankster slavery will automatically allow the global population to

be properly productive and creative.

Russia Today: "The fragility of world systems in the face of the pandemic has

demonstrated that not everything can be resolved by market freedom," Francis said.

Countries must recover a "sound political life" not dominated by financial speculators, he

said, and "we must put human dignity back at the center and on that pillar build the

alternative social structures we need."

Ron: Yabba, yabba, rabbinical rhetoric yabba. Our world has NO 'market freedom'. It

has been covertly controlled by fascist corporatists using corporations like the Vatican

and the US Corporation, for centuries. Moreover the scamdemic was created, funded

and orchestrated by the Vatican, the Rothschilds, the CIA and the Deep State. Those

demonic actors must be eliminated to enable humans on this planet to recover 'a "sound

political life" not dominated by financial speculators.'

Russia Today: Francis said ownership of private property "can only be considered a

secondary natural right," secondary to the "universal destination of the earth's goods" and

the "right of all to their use."

Ron: What does this rhetoric actually mean? For instance, what does 'the "universal

destination of the earth's goods"' mean?! Is the Vatican that universal destination ...?

Russia Today: Francis also called for "open societies that integrate everyone," a line

that would just as easily fit in a brochure for a George Soros-backed activist

group. "Every brother or sister in need, when abandoned or ignored by the society in

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which I live, becomes an existential foreigner, even though born in the same

country," he said. "They may be citizens with full rights, yet they are treated like

foreigners in their own country."

Ron: This rhetorical tripe comes from the vocal cords of the supreme pontiff of

Catholicism; a man who controls a global empire of enormous wealth and property. IF

HIS brothers and sisters are in need WHY doesn't he do something about it instead of

lecturing everyone else?

Political Information

Oct 4, 2020 - Trump, Q-Anon, Covid and "The Hunt for Red October"

Political Information

Oct 4, 2020 - Turkey’s Erdogan Tells the World ‘Jerusalem Is Our City’

Calls by Turkey for intervention in Israel are not new. As Breitbart News reported, back in

June Turkey's top religious official vowed to continue Islam's global struggle for dominance

"until Jerusalem is completely free" and called on the Muslim world to rally against

Israel. Simon Kent

David Crayford and the ITC

Oct 4, 2020 - DAVID CRAYFORD ------------ NO SOONER THAN WE






Political Information

Oct 4, 2020 - Is The War Over Nagorno-Karabakh Already At A Stalemate ?


Oct 4, 2020 - Biden's Energy Plan: Sacrificing Goats to the Sun Gods

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Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - Is Turkey Inciting Another Armenian Genocide?

Why does all of this matter? The Armenian Genocide has never been acknowledged by

Turkey. After more than 100 years, Armenians, living on what little remains of their historic

homeland, still have received no guarantees, protection, land return, reparations,

restitutions, nor assurances that another invasion and genocide by Turkey will not occur.

Erdogan has been quoted as saying that Turkey wishes to "finish what it started regarding

the Armenians." Turkey's hegemonic actions around the world have been exempt from global

punishment or even censure from fellow NATO members. This has only emboldened Erdogan.

"Turkey is engaged in an "expansionist and imperialistic policy that is creating very, very

explosive and dangerous problems for neighboring countries," said Andreas Mavroyiannis, the

permanent representative of Cyprus to the UN. Erdogan is poised to recapture lands that

once comprised the Ottoman Empire. Lucine Kasbarian


Oct 3, 2020 - Texas Taxpayers Face $117 Billion Bill For Orphaned Oil Wells

Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - No News Is Good News: Media Willfully Ignore Hunter Biden Scandal

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 3, 2020 - New York Roman Catholic Diocese Becomes the Largest in US to

Declare Bankruptcy Amid Clergy Abuse Lawsuits

Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - 6 Wikileaks Revelations Expose Corporate Abuse at Expense of People

and Planet

Assange's Wikileaks has won numerous journalism awards and has never had to retract a

single publication despite releasing more than 10 million documents exposing, among other

things, U.S. war crimes. Former CIA Director Leon Panetta recently indicated that

the ongoing persecution of Assange is meant to "send a message to others not to do the same

thing." Jeremy Lofredo

Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC: How It Has Triggered ‘the biggest tort

case in world history’

Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - President Trump to Appoint Tom Fitton to Court Oversight Which Has

Power to Remove Certain Judges For Misconduct

Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - Amy Coney Barrett: Quick Confirmation Under Threat as Three

Senators Infected

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 3, 2020 - The Culture War Is Not a right-wing Myth


Oct 3, 2020 - Microchip'd? DARPA Biochip To "Save" Us From COVID Can Control

Human DNA

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Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - The “COVID economy”: The Plan

True US History

Oct 3, 2020 - 10.2.20: TEN days of DARKNESS/Quarantine? RED OCTOBER!

This 30'08" video was published by And We Know on Oct 2,

2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYHXyphM5wg&list=UUzFSNq-


Other Spiritual Pieces

Oct 3, 2020 - "I can see the Neon DENOUEMENT Sign, Winking in the Event

Horizon of Pending Dramatic Change."

You probably have noted that I quote Christ and the apostles MORE than anyone else over

the course of time here, yet... I am not a Christian because I WILL NOT belong to a system

that has corrupted the message of the one upon whose teachings the system is based. God is

a LIVING REALITY and PRESENT. You don't need books, rituals, censers, and drag queen

ensembles to be in the groove. You don't need pecking orders and you don't need priests or

intermediaries. The eternal Bible is written on the walls of the secret chambers of the

heart. All you need is The Presence and YOU HAVE THAT. You would not be alive without it.

An effort has to be made to establish conscious contact and if I can do it, you can do it. How

bad do you want it? GOD IS REAL! Rather than resisting God, which MOST people do,

without even knowing it; why not channel God? Why not GET OUT OF THE WAY. It will

change your life fundamentally and in ways that beggar your present imagination. Les Visible


Oct 3, 2020 - COVID-19 (excess) mortalities: viral cause impossible—drugs with key

role in about 200,000 Extra Deaths in Europe and the US Alone

Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - "Moonshot" -- UK Plans Chilling Testing & Passport Regime

What is a digital passport ? Testing for access to certain spaces features heavily in

the documents, with reference to "immunity/virus free passports," likely to be available

through an app. The plans say that testing could be used to "give people assurance

that, at least for a limited time, they are unlikely to have the virus and are at low risk

of transmitting it to others."

They say, "A negative test result (or potentially a positive antibody result) may inform

not just whether you could attend an in-patient appointment, but if you go to work that

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day, access a venue, get on a flight or visit an elderly relative." The documents also

point to a "significant expansion" of testing funded and delivered by the private sector,

such as in football stadiums to allow access. - Henry Makow PhD

Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned with a Purpose

in 2017 and 2018 - two years before COVID-19 - hundreds of millions of test kits for

COVID-19 were distributed worldwide.

Covid-19 test kits exported in 2017. Click to enlarge

‘Quick! Hide it!!'

This baffling data was discovered by someone on September 5, 2020, who posted it on social

media. The next day it went viral all over the world. On September 6 the WITS suddenly

changed the original designation ‘COVID-19' into the vague term ‘Medical Test Kits'.

This is not allowed in trade, because you always have to be specific. There are many

types of test kits for different diseases.

The fact that they removed the specification ‘COVID-19', after this data became known

worldwide, proves that they don't want anyone to know about it. They however forgot to

delete one detail: the product code for these ‘Medical Test Kits' is 300215 which

means: ‘COVID-19 Test Kits'

Their cover up came too late: this critical information was uncovered and is being revealed by

millions worldwide. You can download a PDF that shows the original data of this website.

Two years before the outbreak of COVID-19 the USA, the EU, China and nations around the

world started exporting millions of diagnostic test instruments for... COVID-19, a disease

that supposedly didn't even exist back then.

The COVID-19 ‘project' is planned until 2025

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Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - Trump’s COVID Tweet Flooded by Satanic “Curse” Replies

Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - Western NGOs in Southeast Asia Support Anti-China Campaigns

Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - Mexico Rising: Atlanticist Media-Hate Overdrive as AMLO Drains the


A big part of the solution for Mexico as AMLO understands it is to build a Mexican middle-

class. The gumption is already there among Mexicans - hence migration to the U.S. And so

the aim is to retain precisely those Mexicans who are of the type who would otherwise be

those who travel far from home and make great sacrifices in order to work, who build their

skills in science, business, production and construction, and who have the go-getter mindset

of the entrepreneurial economic migrant. To harness that energy and keep it in Mexico,

working for Mexicans, would create upstream and downstream growth and prosperity for

Mexicans from all walks of life. And for this, Atlanticist media will always despise

AMLO. Joaquin Flores

Political Information

Oct 3, 2020 - Weekly “surveillance testing” Set For ‘high-risk’ Melbourne


Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Do You Enjoy Beethoven ? Then You Must Hate Women, Minorities,

The Poor,...


Oct 2, 2020 - College Free Speech Crisis: "I Agree With You, But I Could Never Say

It Publicly"

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Netflix's "Social Dilemma" Is Pure Deflection Because The Best Lies

Always Contain Some Truth

Well, here's a newsflash for the hi-tech whiz-kid whistleblowers: If the plans were

published by the globalists decades ago... and they've since come to pass, then the

conspiracies were more than just theories. And, certainly, fake news is defined by those

promoting diverse media feeds on popular online platforms. Except those fooled still don't

understand the deception - or that the manipulation was not naturally occurring in the

pursuit of profit; it was always part of the plan. Doug Lynn

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Swedish Expert Tells Govt to Crack Down Even Harder on Hate Speech

and Misinformation

True US History

Oct 2, 2020 - Who Are The Proud Boys ?

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Denmark Heads to Pre-COVID Normality: No Masks or Distancing in

Schools, Just Common Sense

ll of this is taking place at a time where hospitalisations and deaths due to COVID have

dropped to near zero in the UK. In other words: the ‘pandemic', if it ever was one, is

now over.

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GRAPH: Since May, hospitalisations in the UK have plummeted, as have deaths

attributed to COVID19.

Still, neither school or government health officials will readily admit the fact that

young people at statistically at near zero risk of any complications due to COVID.

Likewise, nearly all teachers fall well below the well-established elderly age-bracket

risk zone. In addition to this, UK officials still refuse to acknowledge that the PCR test

is not only unreliable as a diagnostic tool for COVID, it also cannot rightly identify

whether a positive PCR test is indeed a ‘case' or even an ‘infection.' This means that

the entire mass-testing effort championed by governments is fatally flawed at source.

This is not up for debate, it is a scientific reality. - Patrick Henningsen

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Macron Drafts New 'secularism' Laws that Now Make Homeschooling

Illegal, claims to be fighting 'Islamic separatism'

The French president repeatedly stressed the importance of schools in instilling secular

values in young people, and said that the government would require private schools to

agree to teach them. He also said that with few exceptions, the 50,000 French children

who are currently educated at home would be required to attend school with fellow

students. France24

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Covid’s Last Stand ? With Trump laid low by coronavirus, Expect a

‘miracle cure’ Before November 3

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Senate Democrats and Republicans Strike Deal to Subpoena Big Tech



Oct 2, 2020 - A Swarm Of Nearly 600 Earthquakes Rattles Southern California As

Speculation About “The Big One” Starts To Rise Again

Scientists have discovered that enormous earthquakes in the distant past caused the ground

to sink by as much as three feet in some portions of southern California, and some scientists

have warned that if such an event happened today that "it could plunge large parts of

California into the sea almost instantly"... Michael Snyder

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Rome Imposes Mandatory Outdoor Mask Wearing at All Times

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Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - NYTimes Admits WHO's Decision Not To Close Borders At Start Of

Pandemic Was Based On "Politics", Not Science

True US History

Oct 2, 2020 - Hot Mic Moment: Lawmakers Admit Masks Are All "Political Theater"

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - The Only Thing 'Systematic' Is The Destruction Of America, Part 1

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Is The Pussification Of America's Youth Scientifically Engineered ?

The only reason for the existence of so-called "victim groups" is for people who have no

stress management skills to continue to avoid any and all acute stress events for the rest of

their lives by making it socially or legally unacceptable to criticize them, discriminate against

them as individuals, or place practical demands on them. They become a protected class with

special privileges. ........ Did this movement of perpetual childhood develop out of this air ?

The evidence says no. The social justice movement with all its Marxist underpinnings was

funded and managed directly by elitist organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation and

the Ford Foundation, it becomes clear that the pussification of America's youth is not a

natural progression but an engineered program. Brandon Smith

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - What’s At Stake in the Armenia-Azerbaijan Chessboard

Human/Animal Rights

Oct 2, 2020 - US Marshals Service Announces Rescue of More than 1,300 Missing

Children Including Victims of Sex Trafficking — TRUMP Has Doubled the Number of

Rescues !

Other Spiritual Pieces

Oct 2, 2020 - "There is an Army of Darkness that is Calling forth the Inner Demons

of Humanity, to Steal the Minds and Bodies of the Unwary."

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When balance goes missing, order degenerates into disorder. AND NATURE WILL

RESPOND! Because The Awakening has not been able to penetrate the hard surface crust of

denial, demonstrations WILL TAKE PLACE to break that crust. It is a sad dichotomy that is

tearing at itself within the unawakened mind of the sleepers. Their restless turning and

tossing, in the throes of nightmare, have set them lashing out at everything in reach. The

interior weather of the human consciousness is being reflected in the exterior weather.


Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen




Health and Nutrition

Oct 2, 2020 - Barely 1% Percent of NHS Beds Occupied By Covid Patients

Connor Boyd: It comes as shocking data today revealed 1million women have missed out

on breast cancer screening as a result of lockdown. The huge backlog means the killer

disease may have gone undetected in around 8,600 of them.

The charity Breast Cancer Now estimates 986,000 patients are waiting for life-saving

mammograms because screening ground to a halt when the pandemic struck. Early

diagnosis hugely improves survival chances and doctors warned the delays mean young

and otherwise healthy women will ‘die unnecessarily'.

Ron: THIS assertion needs qualification. For instance Sayer Ji writes about the harm

that can result from false diagnoses of cancer. Of course, the same negative effects

may be occurring to people being disgnosed with COVID-19. Also bear in mind that up

to 90% of COVID-19 "cases" may be caused by FALSE POSITIVES! See: Hidden

Dangers' of Mammograms Every Woman Should Know About

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Health_and_Nutrition_37/Hidden-Dangers-of-


'The Curse of False [Cancer] Diagnosis and 'Bone-Pointing'

Also, we must be cognizant of the fact that these observed 'psychosocial' and

'existential' adverse effects don't just cause some vaguely defined 'mental anguish,'

but translate into objectively quantifiable physiological consequences of a dire nature.

For instance, last year, a groundbreaking study was published in the New England Journal of

Medicine showing that, based on data on more than 6 million Swedes aged 30 and older,

the risk of suicide was found to be up to 16 times higher and the risk of heart-related

death up to 26.9 times higher during the first week following a positive versus a

negative cancer diagnosis.[3]

This was the first study of its kind to confirm that the trauma of diagnosis can result

in, as the etymology of the Greek word trauma reveals, a "physical wound." In the

same way as Aborigonal cultures had a 'ritual executioner' or 'bone pointer' known as a

Kurdaitcha who by pointing a bone at a victim with the intention of cursing him to

death, resulting in the actual self-willed death of the accursed, so too does the modern

ritual of medicine reenact ancient belief systems and power differentials, with the

modern physician, whether he likes it or not, a 'priest of the body.'; we must only look

to the well-known dialectic of the placebo and nocebo effects to see these powerful,

"irrational" processes still operative.

Millions Harmed by Breast Screening Despite Assurances to the Contrary

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Research of this kind clearly indicates that the conventional screening process carries health

risks, both to body and mind, which may outstrip the very dangers the medical surveillance

believes itself responsible for, and effective at, mitigating. For instance, according to a

groundbreaking study published last November in New England Journal of Medicine, 1.3

million US women were overdiagnosed and overtreated over the past 30 years.[4] These

are the 'false positives' that were never caught, resulting in the unnecessary

irradiation, chemotherapy poisoning and surgery of approximately 43,000 women each

year. Now, when you add to this dismal statistic the millions of 'false positives' that

while being caught nevertheless resulted in producing traumas within those women,

breast screening begins to look like a veritable nightmare of iatrogenesis.

And this does not even account for the radiobiological dangers of the x-ray

mammography screening process itself, which may be causing an epidemic of mostly

unackowledged radiation-induced breast cancers in exposed populations.

For instance, in 2006, a paper published in the British Journal of Radiobiology, titled

"Enhanced biological effectiveness of low energy X-rays and implications for the UK breast

screening programme," revealed the type of radiation used in x-ray-based breast

screenings is much more carcinogenic than previously believed:

Recent radiobiological studies have provided compelling evidence that the low energy X-

rays as used in mammography are approximately four times - but possibly as much as

six times - more effective in causing mutational damage than higher energy X-

rays. Since current radiation risk estimates are based on the effects of high energy

gamma radiation, this implies that the risks of radiation-induced breast cancers for

mammography X-rays are underestimated by the same factor.[5]

Even the breast cancer treatment protocols themselves have recently been found to

contribute to enhancing cancer malignancy and increasing mortality. Chemotherapy and

radiation both appear to enrich the cancer stem cell populations, which are at the root

of breast cancer malignancy and invasiveness. Last year, in fact, the prestigious

journal Cancer, a publication of the American Cancer Society, published a study performed

by researchers from the Department of Radiation Oncology at the UCLA Jonsson

Comprehensive Cancer Center showing that even when radiation kills half of the tumor

cells treated, the surviving cells which are resistant to treatment, known as induced

breast cancer stem cells (iBCSCs), were up to 30 times more likely to form tumors than

the nonirradiated breast cancer cells. In other words, the radiation treatment

regresses the total population of cancer cells, generating the false appearance that the

treatment is working, but actually increases the ratio of highly malignant to benign cells

within that tumor, eventually leading to the iatrogenic (treatment-induced) death of the


Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Turkey Ramps Up Its Involvement In Armenian-Azerbaijani War

True US History

Oct 2, 2020 - Just 9% Trust Media ‘a great deal,’ 33% ‘none at all,’ Highest Ever

Health and Nutrition

Oct 2, 2020 - The Unscientific Attack On The Science Of Dr. Scott Atlas

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Vatican Chief Denounces Intolerance of the ‘Politically Correct’


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Oct 2, 2020 - Rockefeller Foundation–funded Prof: Govts Could Use Lockdowns to

Tackle ‘climate emergency’

Anthony Murdoch: In her opinion piece, Mazzucato argues that the "climate" crisis, the

COVID-19 crisis, and the economic crisis are "all interconnected."

Ron: Well at least she's right about that. ALL of those "crises" have been created and

forced upon our world by the Rockefellers and other Talmudists.].

Anthony Murdoch: "Covid-19 is itself a consequence of environmental degradation,"

wrote Mazzucato.

Ron: NO it isn't! It is the direct result of Talmudic degradation of US and global

society in that the Talmudists sought to weaponise COVID-19 and use it to destroy

global human society as we know it, and create a global Talmudic tyranny called a New

World Order, One World Government on the wreckage.

Anthony Murdoch: "To achieve this, three obstacles must be removed: business that is

shareholder-driven instead of stakeholder-driven, finance that is used in inadequate

and inappropriate ways, and government that is based on outdated economic thinking and

faulty assumptions," wrote Mazzucato.

Ron: Actually the core problem is caused by governments everywhere granting free and

exclusive licences to private Talmudic corporations to create 'money' out of thin air and

to control its usurious distribution by fraudulent fractional reserve system

mechanisms. THAT is the so-called outdated economic thinking and faulty assumptions

that is impoverishing and enslaving all gentiles on this planet. THAT corrupt situation

MUST be changed very soon.

Anthony Murdoch: "Corporate governance must now reflect stakeholders' needs instead

of shareholders' whims."

Ron: Yabba, yabba, rabbinical half-truths, yabba. Private corporations like the US

Corporation that controls the US federal government, MUST be eliminated as must the

cosmically unlawful granting of legal personhood to private corporations. Similarly, the

owners and controllers of private corporations must not be granted limited or NO libility

corporate status and ALL corporate profits must be fully and properly taxed by the

community. The employees in every corporation together with the community in which it

operates need to be seen as primary stakeholders in those corporations.

Anthony Murdoch: "We need to move quickly if we want to transform the future of

work, transit, and energy use, and make the concept of a ‘green good life' a reality for

generations to come," wrote Mazzucato.

Ron: This Talmudic 'green good life' nonsense will be eliminated after the coming US

election. This planet is already under the management and control of Christ Michael

Aton who declared the commencement of his Millennial Reign here on 5 February

2019. After the coming Magnetic Reversal, STAND STILL and stasis, mindless cultural

Marxist propaganda like this will cease.

True US History

Oct 2, 2020 - The Left's "white supremacy" Trap Against Trump

Critical Race Theory is not "racial sensitivity training." Critical Race Theory holds that

American institutions are inherently racist. It says all whites are racist. It is openly

anti-white. No country can survive if its own government teaches that its institutions

are illegitimate. I wish President Trump called it "anti-white" but his essential point that he

ended it because it was "racist" is correct. It is racist against whites. Most Americans

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would probably be horrified if they knew what their tax dollars were funding. However, if it

is called "racial sensitivity training," it seems harmless. Gregory Hood

True US History

Oct 2, 2020 - Why Say ‘riot’ When You Can Be Vague and Sensitive Instead, AP

Stylebook Urges in Newest Orwellian Guidelines

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Random Journalist Enters Unguarded Philly Warehouse Where 'Memory

Stick' Voting Machines Stored

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Syrian JIHADIST Fighters are Operating in Disputed Nagorno-

Karabakh, French President Macron says, Citing ‘credible information’

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Biden Outright Cheated, Wallace Secretly Colluded, DNC Conspired

with Deep State to Rig Outcome

Political Information

Oct 2, 2020 - Profits For All, Except The Victims: MH17 shoot-down has been a

money-maker for Dutch police, prosecutors and judges

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True US History

Oct 2, 2020 - US Political Discourse is So Toxic & Divided That Friends of 30 Years

No Longer Talk To Me. The America I loved has gone forever

Mitchel Feierstein: For societies to evolve and flourish, we all need to accept other

people's viewpoints and continue open-minded, civil and respectful dialogue. In science,

scientists always question everything; why shouldn't we question everything in life

without personalizing and demonizing those you disagree with? It's become impossible to

have rational fact-based discussions with these inflexible ideological

zealots. .......... The intelligentsia has created a toxic environment of

indoctrination where freedom of thought and speech is outlawed. The student "mob" will

enforce the process of re-education, utilizing lies, propaganda, peer-pressure and fear

of cancellation. No student or adult should be intimidated, bullied or harassed to the

point of unwavering compliance. There is something systematically rotten in our

educational system, and it needs to be purged of these radical ideologues. These are

fascist tactics - USA-style...

If this electoral process seems like it is rigged and conservatives are screwed, it's

because that is the reality and tribalism is the new normal. The polls are completely

and totally wrong. The huge silent majority are afraid to admit they are voting for

Trump, so he will likely win the general election. However, the left's intention to install

President Harris (an Obama proxy) by hook or by crook will not go away and will likely

spark a second civil war that brings the U.S closer to tyranny.

Ron: I disagree with this pessimistic scenario. This pessimistic outcome will not occur.

The Talmudic globalist controllers created the COVID-19 scamdemic and were using it

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in an attempt to completely control the US, this planet and its inhabitants, BUT that

plot has been thwarted because sufficient conscious human dissent has occurred via the

election of President Trump whose Administration and supporters have taken control of

the US and are currently eliminating the hidden demonic global controllers and their

Rothschilds, Vatican, CIA, Pentagon and Deep State enablers and minions. The demonic

Democrat and Deep State elements in the US and globally, have been allowed to push

their scamdemic and riots etc in order to expose to USans and humanity generally, the

sordid truth of the cultural Marxist attempted Coup aimed at controlling the US and

through it, the rest of the world. This has been done to enable a growing mass of

USans and humans everywhere to WAKE UP to the demonic Talmudic reality underlying

life in the US and our world.

President Trump has wrested control of the US from its Talmudic rulers by moving the

Federal Reserve System (the Fed) into the US Treasury and placing it under

his control. He is also eliminating the fraudulent US debt ostensibly owed to the Fed by

enormously increasing US "borrowing" from the Fed for stimulus payments and capital

works etc while having the Fed acquire huge quantities of bonds relating to such debt

thus causing the 'fake' Fed debts to be held by the 'fake' Fed system prior to its

demise. Fake Fed debt token currency will never be repaid.

At the same time Trump has renogiated trade treaties and is eliminating counter

productive regulations that inhibit domestic US productivity and production. This will

increase US industrial efficiency and employment. He is also using his Defence

Production Act powers to ensure that the US gets the type of production that it really

needs while ensuring the nation gets real value for the currency (debt tokens) being

issued by the Fed. The plan is to ameliorate the impact of USans having to go "cold

turkey" by having to pay the rest of the world the real value of their goods and

services provided to the US instead of conjuring fake currency out of thin air to

exchange for them.

Trump's Executive Orders (EOs) providing payroll tax relief for USans earning up to

about US$104,000 and relief regarding outstanding education loans is also beginning to

change social awareness as regards the negative effects of Talmudic usury and income

taxation. Trump's EO requiring a moratorium on evictions for non payment of rent also

uses the scamdemic to change social perceptions on satisfying housing needs. Direct

Federal relief payments for workers who lose employment because of the Scamdemic, in

lieu of provision of bailouts for banks and major corporations ostensibly to assist them

to create jobs, completely reverses previous policies that enriched wealthy banksters,

corporatists and politicians while impoverishing workers. These are some of the ways in

which the Trump Administration is using the crisis caused by the COVID-19 scandemic

to initiate policies reversing many of the core negative US socio-economic conditions

created by the demonic globalist controllers to enslave USans and the rest of the

world. These initiatives also reverse the uses to which the cabal and its Deep State

operatives sought to put the COVID-19 Scamdemic. A solution to the scamdemic will be

released which will demonstrate to the US and everyone the criminal intentions and

false narratives of its CIA and Deep State perpetrators glibly published by the fake,

phony and false MSM.

Once the US Treasury resumes its Constitutional responsibility for issuing usury free

US money and currency there will be no need for INCOME TAXATION. This will

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include elimination of onerous and unfair Social Security imposts. Moreover, Trump’s

recent EO removing payroll taxes on USans earning less than US$104, 000 will become

permanent after he wins the next election. Subsequently ALL income taxes will be

abolished because they are cosmically illegal and there will be no need for them because

the US government will cease repaying loan moneys or interest to the global bankster

cabal for its fake currency.

These changes will transform the US politically, socially, economically and ethically for

the better and enable a GREAT RESET of US spiritual, social and economic life,

spearheaded by governance changes enabled by returning control of money and currency

emission, banking, economic and taxation policies, to genuine national control.

The elimination of the Fed and incorporation of its functions into the US Treasury will

collapse the Rothchilds' BIS and global Central Banking system which will free the rest

of the world from Talmudic control by globalist banksters. Then the example being

provided by the US in relation to globalisation, usury free monetary and currency

emission and income taxation will be noted and emulated by other nations and will

gradually be imitated by the rest of the world.

In addition to actively deconstructing the banksters' control of the global monetary

system, the Trump administration is defunding and beginning the elimination of their

demonic global control mechanisms like the WHO, the WTO, the IMF, BIS and NATO,

and various Talmudic trade treaties and arrangements. Ultimately the UN itself will be

replaced by proper divine governance.

The coming monetary reset which is being organised by the International Treasury

Controller who has begun the process of agreeing, with all countries in the world, the

"Pegging" of their currency to a replacement for the Petro Dollar which will be


the value of each national currency vis-a-vis the Globec which will bring them stability

and away from the currency markets which will be abolished. This will involve the

collection of numerous details and data so that a real and practical value can be

assessed for each currency and agreed with the applicable country. See: DAVID




- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Whistleblower_and_OITC_114/DAVID-CRAYFORD---




This process commenced on 1 June 2020 but may not be completed until after the

coming Magnetic Reversal STAND STILL and stasis period. It will transform social and

economic life on this planet. Problems associated with commercial banking and usury as

we know them will be gone. Sovereign National Treasuries will issue all local money and

currency. The elimination of usury will eliminate income taxation and pave the way for

global prosperity and abundance. This planet and its remaining inhabitants will then be

ensconced in Christ Michael Aton's Millennial Reign which was declared on 5 February


Health and Nutrition

Oct 1, 2020 - COVID-19 'Phase 3' Vaccine Trial Participants Report Day-Long

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Migraines, Fever

Political Information

Oct 1, 2020 - What Rings Comey's Bell: Former FBI Director's Casual Testimony

Confirms Worst Of His Tenure

Health and Nutrition

Oct 1, 2020 - The "Hidden Epidemic" - Child-Abuse "Under-Reported" During UK



Oct 1, 2020 - Schools Charity – ’25 Percent of Exam Literature Texts Should Be By

Black Authors’

James Delingpole: Its (a report by educational charity Teach First) brilliant solution?

Quota systems, whereby 25 per cent of the authors studied for the GCSE English

literature exam taken by all British 16-year olds should come from ethnic minority


Ron: In the interests of increasing racial diversity and cultural and economic equality

presumably it is now time for 25% of all literature about the Talmud and the Torah to

be written by Christian and other "minority" scholars and studied by all Jewish students

of the subject. Perhaps a similar narrative to the Schofield Bible needs to be written

and studied by all British and Jewish students?

James Delingpole: It (a report by educational charity Teach First) also argues for

extra funding to ‘train and support teachers to appropriately explore racism with their

pupils'. And ‘a fund for schools to buy books specifically by ethnic minority authors

should be created.'

Ron: To further the spread of 'tolerance and understanding' presumably global Jewry

and the Israeli government should provide "extra funding" to British schools to enable

them to 'train and support teachers to appropriately explore Talmudic racism with

their pupils'?

James Delingpole: "I finished secondary school without studying a single book written by

a Black author," claims a black English teacher called Jason Arthur in the foreword.

Ron: I finished secondary school without studying a single book written by a Christian

author about Talmudism despite the fact that Talmudists covertly ruled my country and

our world.

James Delingpole: Teach First offers yet further proof of O'Sullivan's Law: that any

organisation or enterprise that is not expressly right-wing [Ron: and Christian] will

become left-wing [Ron: ie Talmudic] over time.

James Delingpole: It is a simple fact, resulting from historical reasons which have

almost nothing to do with racism, that there is not a single pre-20th century work in

the English literature canon written by an ethnic minority author.

Ron: It is a simple fact resulting from deliberate Talmudic racism that there is not a

single pre-20th century work on Talmudism written by a Christian author and taught in

the English literature canon.

Health and Nutrition

Oct 1, 2020 - When Will Hysterical Defenders Of ‘Science’ Face Up To The

Destruction The US Medical System Is Causing ?

Indeed, here is a stunning quote from a woman who has quite probably read and

analyzed more medical-drug studies than any doctor in the world:

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"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is

published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical

guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly

over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine." (Dr.

Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, "Drug Companies & Doctors: A

Story of Corruption) - Jon Rappaport

Political Information

Oct 1, 2020 - Business Leaders Who Reject Woke Culture To Be 'First People Lined

Up Against The Wall And Shot In Revolution': Ex-Twitter CEO

Political Information

Oct 1, 2020 - Use of AI & Digital Ads in Politics Shows it’s a Snake Oil World of

Deception, Manipulation & Contempt for Ordinary People

The important point is that Facebook is not trying to get someone to buy a product or vote

for a particular candidate. It aims to provide results that campaigning advertisers declare

they want simply by serving ads to similar people who provided the earlier results using

similar ads in the first place. Meanwhile, what evidence exists shows that microtargeted ads

only really work on reinforcing people's preconceived notions and that during elections,

political campaigns have very little impact on what people

already believed. ....................... Facebook and other platforms are businesses that will do

what it takes to turn a profit. If political campaigns are moronic enough to believe this spend

makes a difference, then that's their loss. In an era when we are being berated about

evidence-based research and policies, the absence of evidence has become "evidence" that

political advertising is indispensable! Norman Lewis

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Oct 1, 2020 - Seraphin Botschaft 428: ÜBERRASCHUNGEN UND GEHEIMNISSE AM


Political Information

Oct 1, 2020 - Navalny ‘is working with CIA’: Kremlin Makes Explosive Allegation

After Opposition Figure Blames Putin for Alleged Poisoning

Political Information

Oct 1, 2020 - UN Insists Record Boat Migrant Numbers ‘Not a Threat’ to Britain

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees' (UNHCR) representative in the UK,

Rossella Pagliuchi-Lor, told MPs that the thousands of people who have broken into Britain in

recent months were not a problem. Instead, she insisted that the only "dangers" of the

situation were risks to the lives of migrants travelling across the Channel in dinghies, along

with "a different sort of risk", which she said was critical media reporting of the

phenomenon. Taking aim at "the sort of narrative that we're seeing in the media and

elsewhere that suggests these arrivals by boat present... a danger, a threat to the UK, when

in fact [illegal immigrants are taking] simply a different route," the UN official insisted that

third world migrants are "not a threat". Virginia Hale

Political Information

Oct 1, 2020 - ‘Give British Workers a Chance!’ Think Tank Bashes Plan to Import

Millions of Workers During Economic Crisis


Oct 1, 2020 - New Document Reveals Scope and Structure of Operation Warp


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True US History

Oct 1, 2020 - NYC’s ‘mask patrols’ Add Insult to Injury as City Languishes Under

Endless Shutdown

True US History

Oct 1, 2020 - Feminism Hates Amy Coney Barrett’s stereotype-breaking, pro-family


Nikitha Rai (@RaiNotWheat), deputy director of data for the Biden campaign, replied:

True, I'd heavily prefer views like that not to be elevated to SCOTUS, but

unfortunately our current culture is still relatively intolerant. It will be a while before

these types of beliefs are so taboo that they're disqualifiers.

She's deleted her account, but the internet remembers.

It is revealing because it encapsulates the doublethink of progressives about tolerance.

She looks forward to the day when traditional religious views are "disqualifiers" for the

office of Supreme Court justice - in other words, a time when society does not

tolerate such views. But she describes society today, when they are tolerated, as too

"intolerant." We're too intolerant today, so we need to become more intolerant in order

to become tolerant. Is that the idea?...

The feminist icon Simone de Beauvoir wrote:

No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Women should

not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will

make that one.

The freedom to choose family life, like the freedom to adopt traditional religious

values, is not something valued by feminism.

Nor do they seem very pleased by the example given by Amy Coney Barrett, of

combining a successful career with a large family. The possibility that she should crown

her career with the highest accolade of the legal profession, a seat on the Supreme

Court, does not seem to fill them with joy. She has made the wrong choices...

The truth is that the ideology of much of the political and media elite is dressed up as

being about tolerance and choice, but it is nothing of the kind...

What makes them unusual is the ruthlessness with which they are prepared to act,

coupled with the claim that all they want to do is give people freedom. If we don't have

the freedom to believe the Catholic Faith or raise a family, then we don't have

freedom at all. - Joseph Shaw

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The truth is that the ideology of much of the political and media elite is dressed up as

being about tolerance and choice, but it is nothing of the kind. It is about fitting

people into categories, of race, sex, and sexual orientation, and building their ideal

society whether people like it or not. The people most hated by this elite are the ones

who refuse to conform to type: Joseph Sciambra, who rejects gay stereotyping, or the

conservative black Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas. The events that make them

the angriest are electoral upsets when a whole population votes the wrong way, such as

the Brexit referendum in the U.K. or Trump's election as president in the

USA. - Joseph Shaw

Political Information

Oct 1, 2020 - UN: Africa Lost $800B in Illegal Transfers in Recent Years

True US History

Oct 1, 2020 - Face Masks Are The Mob's "Dumbo's Feather"

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Tens of Thousands of People March Through DC, Praying, and MSM

Don't Notice


Sep 30, 2020 - Now Cancelled by Trinity College: Richard Dawkins

And what's the point of a debating society, at the end of the day, if not to, well, debate ?

They're now cancelling one of the world's most famous authors and thinkers on the basis

that the comfort of students is paramount: John McGuirk

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Did Joe Biden Use New Technology To Cheat During The Presidential

Debate ?

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Lavrov Offered Merkel a Choice Between Russia and Navalny

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Russia ‘deeply concerned’ About Reports of Mercenaries from Syria &

Libya Being Sent to Fight in Disputed Nagorno-Karabakh

While not naming names, it was clear the message was intended for Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Earlier this week, the Guardian and Reuters both reported that Turkish-backed militants

from the Syrian province of Idlib, previously sent to fight for Ankara in Libya, have been

recruited to go to Azerbaijan and work in "security" roles. R.T.

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Did ‘Old Sleepy Joe’ Get Caught Fixing His Wire During The Debate

? (Video)

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - ‘Outraged’ W.H.O. to Investigate Itself over Charges of Worker

Sexual Assault, Abuse

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Navy SEALs Adopt Gender-Neutral Language In Official Ethos

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Civil War 2.0: "The Country Is Now Out Of Its Mind"

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Human/Animal Rights

Sep 30, 2020 - UK Bishops Double Down: COVID Vaccine Derived from Aborted Baby

Can Be Used in ‘good conscience’

In April, Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, urged Catholics to join him in opposing

such research, and said he would refuse a vaccine developed using cell lines harvested from

an aborted baby. "Even if it originated decades ago it still means a child's life was ended

before it was born & then their body was used as spare parts," he reiterated in an

August tweet. "We will never end abortion if we do not END THIS EVIL !" Lianne Laurence

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Daniel Andrews thinks 'accountability menas he keeps his job'

This video was published by Sky News Australia on

27/9/2020: https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6194981538001

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - 'Lies are being told everywhere': Alan Jones

This 6' 29" video was published by Sky News Australia on Sep 17,

2020: https://youtu.be/bSK8pzoLBUl

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Russian Options in the Karabakh Conflict

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Azerbaijan Claims Destruction Of Armenian S-300 System. Number

Of Reported War Casualties Reaches Thousands

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - ‘Britain Has Thrown Away in Two Months Freedoms That Took 1,500

Years to Acquire’

The mainstream media commonly likes to portray this anti-lockdown rallies as the preserve

of tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists obsessed with 5G, anti-vax and the evils of Bill

Gates. But the crowd I saw was much broader than that - a range of all ages, races and

classes united in disgust what they considered to be their government's illiberal measures

against an exaggerated problem. James Delingpole


Sep 30, 2020 - “Vertical forest” Apartment Complex in China Transforms Into

mosquito-plagued Jungle Hell

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Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - University Sets Up "Support Spaces" For Students Traumatized By

Presidential Debate

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Two Crucial Things Emerged From The First Presidential Debate

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Spanish Judge Wants Sheldon Adelson Security Chief Zohar Lahav to

Testify in Assange spying case

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - London Court Hears Details Of CIA Plot To Poison Julian Assange,

Steal DNA From Family Members


Sep 30, 2020 - Seraphin Message 428: SURPRISES AND SECRETS AT THE END OF


"A bank contains many safe deposit boxes which are firmly locked, and no one has

investigated them for years. No one can actually remember what is in there. Imagine

that they contain ingredients and that all this time, these ingredients have been

expanding like dough. When the time comes for the boxes to be opened, the dough will

burst out and spill onto the floor for all to see. These are the huge secrets which have

been kept on your world, well out of view. These secrets are both “evil” and “good”.

They will be finally exposed once keys are used to unlock them.

Take heart, Beloveds, for this situation cannot last forever, and the keys will turn in

their locks at exactly the right time for maximum effect.

True US History

Sep 30, 2020 - Trump-Biden ‘debate’ Full of Hoaxes & Emotional Manipulation Shows

the Press Has Failed as Guardians of the American Republic

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Human/Animal Rights

Sep 30, 2020 - Something is Terribly Wrong With L.O.L Dolls

These dolls are part of a wider agenda to normalize pedophilia and the sexualization of

minors. In the past month, I've analyzed Cardi B's music video WAP and the Netflix

movie Cuties which were also custom-made to achieve these aims. They want to

introduce children to sexuality at the earliest age possible because these pedos want

relations between children and adults to become normal and acceptable. On a wider

scale, they want to snap children out of the blissful innocence of youth to force them

into a twisted version of adulthood focused on the sick values of the occult elite. In

2020, more than ever, parents need to be vigilant about the products and the media

consumed by their children. Because the elite corporations behind these products do not

want the very best for your children. They want the exact opposite. Vigilant Citizen


Sep 30, 2020 - China Deploys Sun Tzu to Prevail in the Chip War

True US History

Sep 30, 2020 - Is Social Media like a Weapon of Mass Destruction?

Vladimir Platov: For a long time, television and media outlets were the most powerful

levers to exert information-driven influence on people's consciousness. Unfortunately,

very often they are used to "turn off people's brains" and zombify the population,

because it is much easier to control people who have lost the habit of thinking

independently. Therefore, Western propaganda is actively using these information

tools to implement a policy of McCarthyism

Ron: This reference to McCarthyism is Talmudic DISINFORMATION. WHY? Because

Joe McCarthy was right when he warned USans against Bolshevik Soviet Communism

infiltrating and subverting the US nation. In fact he was trying to overcome the

Talmudic propaganda being pumped out by the Rockefeller Cartel, Hollywood and

Franfurt Schule Marxists who have now completed their Grammsciesq march through US

institutions and virtually taken over US political, cultural and educational institutions as

well as the MSM. Today the US is drowning in cultural Marxist LGBTQist ideology

organised by the Bolsheviks who fled the Soviet Union in the 1970s. That Marxist

communist takeover has been paid for by the same Talmudic cabal of banksters and

corporatists who paid to have the MSM falsely libel Joe McCarthy. See eg: Sen Joseph

McCarthy - Martyr to Patriotism

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/Sen-Joseph-McCarthy---


McCarthyism Then and Now: But There Was Reality Then

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/McCarthyism-Then-and-Now-


Senator Joseph McCarthy's Charges 'now accepted as fact'

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/Senator-Joseph-McCarthy-s-


Most-hated senator was right

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/Most-hated-senator-was-


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Joe McCarthy's Warning About Fake Education

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Education/Joe-McCarthy-s-Warning-About-Fake-



- http://www.whale.to/b/jordan.html

Vladimir Platov: and incite Russophobia, and nowadays Sinophobia, Islamophobia, and


Ron: Be aware that today's "Russiaphobia" is the opposite of the phony "Reds under

Beds" pseudo anti-Soviet phobia fomented by the Rockefellers during the Cold War.

See eg: Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letter No.

26 ff - http://www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal26.html Peter Beter explains

the Rockefellers, the Morgans, and the Carnegies manipulated USans into selling their

souls more than a century ago. (1)


Rothschilds' banksters and their Masonic operatives were active in the US colonies even

before the War of Independance (see eg: Donald Trump Gets an Earful After Saying

US-Italy Ties Go Back to Ancient Rome

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/Donald-Trump-Gets-an-

Earful-After-Saying-US-Italy-Ties-Go-Back-to-Ancient-Rome.shtml ) Their influence

steadily increased during the 18th Century as the attempted assassination of President

Andrew Jackson and the actual assassination of Abraham Lincoln attests. And of course

Rothschilds' banksters caused the so-called American Cvil War, funding both sides. See

eg: True causes of the Uncivil War: Understanding the Morrill Tariff

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/True-causes-of-the-Uncivil-


Dr Peter Beter said:

'Thus little known ties began developing after the Civil War between the

Rockefellers, the Morgans, and the Carnegies of America and the Rothschilds and

other power brokers of Europe and the world. Shortly before the Spanish-American

War, a quiet revolution took place in American foreign policy--thanks to these secret

international connections. Washington's dream for America was exchanged for the

nightmare of Machiavellian politics. Soon the Spanish-American War was on, brought

about by the deliberate sacrificing of American lives in the explosion of the Battleship

Maine. The fact that Spain had been genuinely trying to avoid a war, made no

difference...Most Americans were too pleased with America's new prestige to worry

about the immorality of what we had done. And with that, 80 years ago the American

people began to sell their soul.' (Audio Letter No. 26.

- http://www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal26.html).

The solidification of the nucleus of the Deep State was probably accomplished by John

D. Rockefeller (in tandem with Andrew Carnegie) in the late 19th century when, after

being initially funded by the Rothschilds, he set out to re-make US society according to

a Rockefeller blueprint. He developed a massive tax exempt series of allegedly

philanthropic Foundations embracing a corporate industrial, financial and media empire.

To achieve this he apparently organised and controlled elements of the Masonic

Rothschilds' agents structure already in the US. His major long term goals were

financial, media and educational system control designed to dumb down the US

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population which has now been accomplished. For his education initiatives See

eg: Dumbing Down US Education: Part II Wundtian Psychology & Rockefeller Finance

- http://abundanthope.net/pages/Ron_71/Dumbing_Down_US_Education_Part_II_Wundti


General Education Board, Occasional Papers, Issues 1-9, New York, 1913,

6, http://books.google.com/books?id=QzhDAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge


Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America Part 1-Full.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/Charlotte-Iserbyt-The-


In Audio Letter No, 36 (http://www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal36.html) Dr

Peter Beter tells us:

In the area of so-called philanthropies, the Rockefeller and Carnegie interests were

intertwined and gradually they all came completely under the Rockefeller umbrella. But

on January 26, 1917, Senator Chamberlain of Oregon rose to give a warning on the

floor of the United States Senate. He said:

"The Carnegie-Rockefeller influence is bad. In two generations they can change the

minds of the people to make them conform to the cult of Rockefeller or the cult of

Carnegie, rather than to the fundamental principles of American democracy."

Senator Chamberlain was right. With the help of Edward Bernays and other JOOS and

shabos goyem the Rockefellers did change the mental outlook and capacity of a majority

of USans before the Bolsheviks took over in the 1980s to formally instil cultural

Marxism into already dumbed down, deschooled US minds. For the Decline of the House

of Rockefeller' see http://www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal42.html Topic #1. See

also: http://www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal43.html

To understand what the Rockefellers sought to achieve be aware of what Dr Peter

Beter said in Audio Letter No.

10 (http://www.peterdavidbeter.com/docs/all/dbal10.html) namely:

'In my monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 8 for January 1976, I revealed that since at least

1954 there has been an official but super-secret White House policy, quote:

"...to so alter life in the United States so that it can be comfortably merged with life

in the Soviet Union."

'This is why we see an unending stream of apparent mistakes, concessions, and blunders

by the modern outlaw band that masquerades as "our Government." These are not

errors at all but deliberate steps in the Rockefeller march toward dictatorial world

domination with their Soviet allies; and this includes the Sovietization of family life,

the last great bulwark against total world domination.

It is not hard to see, of course, that American family life is under great pressure

because the evidence is everywhere; it's common knowledge. The divorce rate is rising,

the birth rate is falling, and the Census Bureau claims that the average family size is

now at a record low level, and still dropping. Individuals are becoming more and more

isolated. But few people know that we are seeing the fruits of a deliberate war on

the American family; and fewer still know that this is an integral part of the

Rockefeller drive for dictatorship.'

This attack on family life is well-organized, heavily funded, and multifaceted; but the

most important, most diabolical part of it all is an intense but sugar-coated campaign

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now underway to gain control of your children. The objective: to break down your

control over your children and place them instead under the supervision and control of

the community--that is, the government. In other words, they are to be Sovietized.

One aspect of this attack on your children is the subtle use of familiar, already

available avenues of communication in EDUCATION. Take, for example, that famous

children's program"Sesame Street." Have you watched it lately? Financed primarily by

Rockefeller-controlled foundations and the federal government,

Sesame Street has followed the standard Rockefeller philanthropic formula that

emerged over 70 years ago. It established its halo in the public eye by early

programming, but has progressively turned its efforts in more sinister directions under

the protection of that halo. Arguments, bad temper, hurt feelings, and even cartoons

with an air of unreality are prominent today on Sesame Street--and you will look in vain

for any trace of an identifiable family image. Meanwhile the impressionable

young Sesame Street audience is treated with such things as a recent episode showing

all about how easy, painless, and perhaps even

fun, it is to use a tourniquet and syringe--all of it more explicitly than you will see on

nighttime adult programming! Harried young mothers trusting in the 'spotless reputation

of Sesame Street' often allow their children to watch with little or no supervision, not

realizing that concepts like this which pave the way for early and easy drug addiction

are being burned into their children's minds. Sesame Street is a product of

the "Children's Television Workshop", whose president is Joan Ganz

Cooney. She is a Rockefeller insider who a year ago signed the"Bicentennial Declaration"

which I mentioned earlier, launching the Rockefeller "Second American Revolution" to

bring in their secret new Constitution.'

Such childrens' indoctrination seems like "child's play" compared to todays vicious

LGBTQ+ chidren's indoctrination in homosexuality, gender fluidity and Drag Queen story

time in local libraries etc. The rest of Topic #1 needs to be read to appreciate why US

family life and childrens' education is as it is today.

True US History

Sep 30, 2020 - Where Is The Right's "George Soros"?

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Anti-Turkish Sentiment is Mushrooming

True US History

Sep 30, 2020 - Trump Was Right to End Critical Race Theory in Government, but

What About Academia, the Birthplace of Anti-White Ideology ?


Sep 30, 2020 - SHOCK POLL: Most Students *oppose* Allowing Campus Speakers on

Controversial Topics

"It's startling that with nearly every type of controversial speaker we asked students

about, majorities said they would oppose their schools allowing them to speak," he said.

"The only exception was a speaker who argues that the United States should support

Israeli military policy. ... When it comes to controversial speakers, students flipped the

presumption of free speech on its head." Jennifer Kabbany

Health and Nutrition

Sep 30, 2020 - New Study Shows Honeybee Venom ‘Rapidly Destroys’ Some Cancer


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True US History

Sep 30, 2020 - Ignoring Clinton Charity Frauds to Attack Trump for Paying Taxes

Political Information

Sep 30, 2020 - Over 30 NGO Workers Implicated in Facilitating Illegal Migration by

Greek Police

True US History

Sep 30, 2020 - ‘Unfortunate’ Views on Homosexuality Must DISQUALIFY Christians,

Muslims & Orthodox Jews from SCOTUS, Biden campaign staffer says

True US History

Sep 30, 2020 - From Death Threats to Lies

True US History

Sep 30, 2020 - James O’Keefe’s Enemies Are Trying to Use the Police State to Stop


Human/Animal Rights

Sep 30, 2020 - Switzerland March for Life Cancelled Because of Threat of Leftist


Receiving hundreds of registrations from those attempting to thwart the event (including

emails and mailing addresses), the March for Life was able to warn the police of possible

offenders. March for Life organizers believe the police should have investigated these likely

offenders as well as the criminals arrested in 2015 and 2019 during the Zurich March for

Life. They also believe that police could have created a larger security zone around the event

location, only allowing legitimate participants to enter (as the police did in 2018 in

Bern). Bethany Janzen

Political Information

Sep 29, 2020 - Strategic Aims Behind The War On Armenia

Political Information

Sep 29, 2020 - The 'dictatorial edicts continues' in Victoria Despite No


Political Information

Sep 29, 2020 - 911 System Goes Down Across The Country: Was This A Test ?

The truth is that the nationwide outage could indeed be a result of a failure of Microsoft

system and the timing could indeed have been a coincidence. Given the fact that there have

been so many simulations of the events of 2020 and, particularly the 2020 elections,

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however, it is well worth paying attention to. It is also dangerous to assume anything so

critically important as nationwide emergency services momentarily disappearing is a

coincidence, especially this year. Robert Wheeler

Political Information

Sep 29, 2020 - The New Lord Protector – Puritanical Boris Johnson Channels

Cromwell as He Bans Singing and Dancing. What’s Happening to Britain ?

True US History

Sep 29, 2020 - Twitter Wants You To Believe Universal Mail-In Ballots Are Safe...

Despite Mounting Evidence Showing Otherwise

Political Information

Sep 29, 2020 - British MP Urges Mandatory COVID Vaccinations For Anyone Wanting

To Travel

Political Information

Sep 29, 2020 - 13 Presidents Past & Present urge UK Government to Halt Julian

Assange’s Extradition Proceedings and Grant his Immediate Freedom

Human/Animal Rights

Sep 29, 2020 - Is a New Wave of Covid-Fascism Invading Europe?

True US History

Sep 29, 2020 - Orwellian Nightmare Called America Starts Election Night War


Political Information

Sep 29, 2020 - They Want This Nightmare To Last Forever !

If we want a look at what the democrat/globalist ‘new world order' will look like, we need to

do nothing more than take a look at what's happening now in Western nations across the

world as more and more draconian coronavirus lockdowns are instituted and the rights of

formerly free people to do things such as simply going to church are taken away. While

Democrat government still allowing BLM and Antifa terrorists to run roughshod all over

America tells us everything that we need to know in 2020. Stefan Stanford

Political Information

Sep 29, 2020 - What's The Conflict Between Greece And Turkey All About ?

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True US History

Sep 29, 2020 - ACB vs. ‘Know-Nothing’ Democrats

Despite George Washington's promise to the Roman Catholics of America that they would

not be persecuted, there was ample anti-Catholic prejudice in the country for many decades.

In 1856, former President Millard Fillmore received 22 percent of the popular vote as the

presidential candidate of the American Party, which wished to disqualify Roman Catholics and

immigrants from public office, and which was popularly and appropriately known as the

"Know-Nothing" party. Many readers will remember then-Senator John F. Kennedy's

address to Protestant clergymen in Houston in 1960 deploring the implications of any widely

held view that scores of millions of Americans were disqualified from the nation's highest

office on the day of their baptism. The fact of being a Roman Catholic is no longer a

political handicap. But the entire American state federally and in many of the individual

states has been moving determinedly towards a fiscal and cultural oppression of religion,

and the Roman Catholic religion in particular. Conrad Black

Human/Animal Rights

Sep 29, 2020 - The Untold Plight of Imprisoned Women in Africa, the Americas, and

Asia Under the Pandemic

True US History

Sep 28, 2020 - U-Haul Seen Distributing Shields, Potential Weapons to Louisville

rioters rented to Holly Zoller of Soros-connected Louisville Bail Project - UPDATE:

Zoller Arrested

True US History

Sep 28, 2020 - Flashback : Leaked Documents Expose How US and Gulf Allies Send

Weapons to Terrorists Under Diplomatic Cover

Political Information

Sep 28, 2020 - Harken, The Covidean Creed...

Political Information

Sep 28, 2020 - Erdogan’s Quest for Regional Hegemony is Destabilizing & Backing

Azerbaijan Against Armenia is The Latest Example

Over the past few years, Turkey's domestic politics and foreign policy have undergone a

transformation. The country has shifted away from the democratic ideals and Western-

orientated philosophy of Kemalism towards a populist-led Turkish nationalism, which has

sought to more aggressively assert Turkey's interests abroad. Despite being a NATO

member, Erodgan has set Ankara's foreign policy on an independent and adventurist path

which has seen the country involve itself in multiple regional conflicts, much to the disdain of

everyone else. Tom Fowdy


Sep 28, 2020 - Multiple Underground Water Reservoirs Discovered on Mars, new

study finds

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True US History

Sep 28, 2020 - Biden Vows Nuclear War While Calling Trump A Nazi, Then Praises

Blacks For Stocking His Groceries

Other Spiritual Pieces

Sep 28, 2020 - "It is VERY HARD to Talk About What CAN'T Be Talked About."

All those systems of Yoga and Meditation, Prayer, and Ceremonies, you name it, someone has

tried it. Some of these systems have endured for millennia. This is because they work. There

is another way though and it is SPEEDY for the dedicated and energetic. All it requires is

ALL of you. You are ASSISTED in this, though one may often be unaware of it. This is where

FAITH comes in and ONCE AGAIN, we MUST STRESS the need to acquire, Faith, Certitude,

and Determination. These are your ticket, your passport, and the conveyance. Les Visible


Sep 28, 2020 - UK Schools Told to Teach ‘Cancel Culture’ Is Harmful, Not to

Promote ‘Victim Narratives’

True US History

Sep 28, 2020 - James O’Keefe, of Project Veritas, Exposes Massive Minneapolis

Voter Fraud

Political Information

Sep 28, 2020 - Westminster Faces Rising Discontent Over Restrictions as it Weighs

Up Even Tougher Lockdown to slow second wave of virus