how to critique a qualitative paper

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  • 7/30/2019 how to critique a qualitative paper


    Qualitative Research 1


    Qualitative Research Article Critique

    Erin Biddlecombe

    Oregon State University

  • 7/30/2019 how to critique a qualitative paper


    Qualitative Research 2


    This paper seeks to critique the qualitative research article,Learning at university: the

    international student experience found in the International Education Journal. This paper will be

    broken down by section, with each segment being independently evaluated. These sections will

    include: the introduction, research procedures, research findings, and discussion. Several large

    flaws will be distinguished and improvements will be suggested.



    The two researchers teach at Macquarie Universitys School of Education. This is the

    only information provided of the researchers within this journal article. After searching online, I

    was able to discover that Hellstens research area centers on international student pedagogy and

    practice, while Prescotts research background is in teacher education pedagogy and practice.

    Based on their combined areas of expertise, they are fully competent of studying the learning

    experiences of international students studying in Australia.

    In fact, the collaboration between these two researchers presents the ideal background

    required for such a research project; these two researchers would be able to come at the research

    problem from their different perspectives and challenge each others biases in this regard. This

    being said, these researchers do not demonstrate any bias in describing the subject of their study.

    The literature review presented by Hellsten and Prescott is somewhat unorganized and

    incomplete. While it does include relevant studies to the research problem, these studies are not

    presented in an organized manner. The researchers jump from study to study with little

    elaboration on each study and with no linkages between study topics. For example, they cite a

    study done by Reid in 2002. Here, they mention that Reid surveyed over 300 postgraduate

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    Qualitative Research 3

    students, but they fail to explain the actual purpose of Reids study. Further to this, the

    researchers fail to define key terms. For example, in speaking to international student

    preferences to teaching styles, the researchers make reference to the teacher-centered

    approach. Also, the researchers make statements without showing clear evidence in support of

    these particular accounts; they claim that there exists a difference between international student

    and academic personnel views of high quality teaching, without citing specific research or theory

    that proves this statement to be true. The result-readers may have a hard time understanding the

    background information presented to them in this introduction or may question the worth of this


    Research procedures

    The researchers do not provide the readers with adequate information regarding their

    research procedures to replicate the study, if they so wished. They only indicate semi-structured

    interviews were conducted of 48 international students in their first year at Macquarie University

    from various disciplines and various countries; the specific sampling technique employed cannot

    be induced from this information alone as the researchers could have used any of several

    techniques including maximum variation and snowball. The researchers not only interviewed

    students, but also used these students word-of-mouth referrals to fellow students in their home

    countries to collect data. Again, it is not presented in this article how the researchers were able

    to access this information.

    These data collection methods are effective ways of soliciting the opinions and feelings

    of the student group toward their learning experience. Interviews allow the researchers to build

    trust with their participants and the referrals would provide honest insight that may not have been

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    Qualitative Research 4

    discussed in the interviews. Using this second method of data collection also allows the

    researchers to ensure the soundness of their data via triangulation.

    The researchers goal was to interview students regarding their first six months of study

    in Australia, which is said to represent their transition period between the old learning

    environment and new environment. To do this, they interviewed these 48 students each for a

    one-hour period of time. The trustworthiness of this approach is questionable as the depth and

    honesty of the student responses may have been compromised based on this time constraint: Can

    a researcher pull enough useable information from a student in one hour? Will a student speak

    honestly about their experiences to a stranger who theyve known for one hour (or less than)? I

    am skeptical. No information is given as to whether the researchers collected data in a way to

    ensure a reflection of the participants emic perspective.

    Research findings

    The researchers identified two central themes, (a) communicating in class and (b)

    communication issues, through their research. Unfortunately, the actual voices of these students

    are not clearly represented; the majority of the research findings section centers on the

    researchers opinions, a discussion on assumptions made regarding international students, and

    related research findings. The researchers, however, do infuse quotes taken directly from the

    students into this section of the article. This allows the reader to see the communication style of

    these student participants and to experience the emotions associated with their transition to

    studying in Australia.

    The researchers focus on writing a narrative account of these students transitional

    experiences, but end up missing several key elements of the research findings section. For

    example, they do not attempt to develop hypotheses that could be tested in further research; this

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    valuable information should have been included for those interested in pursuing further research

    in this area. To ensure trustworthiness of this research, it would have been in the best interest of

    these researchers to include information regarding member checking. The researchers do not

    mention the use of member checking to ensure the information they presented was accurate and

    reflected participants perceptions.


    The researchers do not make any clear conclusions based on the research findings. In

    fact, the researchers continue to cite related research findings to further their argument, instead of

    focusing on the results of their research. It makes me question whether they actually did any

    research; perhaps they should have interviewed a smaller population of students to obtain richer

    data with which to work.

    While the researchers do not clearly make conclusions based on their research findings,

    they do draw implications for future practice. For example, they feel that there is a need for

    opportunities for faculty to communicate and reflect upon their experiences as teachers of

    international students. The researchers also focus on the need for professors to ameliorate their

    teaching practices to be more inclusive of diverse backgrounds and cultures. Finally, the

    researchers suggest that future research should focus on comparing student commentary with

    staff perceptions and experiences. These implications are not rooted in the research findings but

    instead in related research.

    Again, the researchers missed several key components to this section of the report that

    would have increased the trustworthiness of their research. First, the researchers do not reflect

    on their own values and perspectives in this report. The reader is therefore unaware of what role

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    researcher bias plays in this report. Also, researchers do not speak to the generalizability of their

    research findings; this makes it difficult to rely on their implications for practice.


    This paper served to critique the qualitative research article,Learning at university: the

    international student experience from the International Education Journal. Each section of this

    article was analyzed separately. Evaluated sections included: the introduction, research

    procedures, research findings, and discussion. Flaws were exposed and appropriate

    improvements were suggested.


    Hellsten, M., & Prescott, A. (2004). Learning at university: the international student experience.

    International Education Journal, 5(3), 344-351.