How to Create Customer Loyalty in Any Business

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  • 8/21/2019 How to Create Customer Loyalty in Any Business


    How to Create Customer Loyalty in Any Business

    As I always say, if you dont have customers, you dont have a business. And turning thosecustomers or clients into raving fans that keep coming back is the key to having asuccessfulbusiness. So, in that spirit, the contributor network of entrepreneurs and experts

    have provided their best tips for creating customer loyalty in business. Their answers arepresented below in no particular order.

    You may notice some similar insights, but I kept the concepts separate, as something in the wayone is framed may resonate differently with you.

    1. Promptly Return Calls

    When a customer or potential customer takes the time to contact your business via phone or email, a

    prompt response (at least within 24 hours if not sooner) immediately creates trust and loyalty. Even if the

    response is brief and notes that you are unable to respond in full until later, the customer will appreciate

    knowing that you have received their message and intend to give it attention.

    2. Hit a Home Run

    Too many people miss opportunities to hit home runs. After doing business with someone, following up

    every now and then with an actual thank you card and a box of chocolates in the mail is a massive home

    run. We're in the game of trust points and emotional impacts. Loyalty is bred from home run human

    connections. It's no secret that the humanization of business is happening right now. Anything human

    wins. Real, solid, meaningful heart to heart stuff will always be king.

    3. Relationships Matter

    Relationships are important in business and are one of the best forms to create customer loyalty. Non-

    promotional contact is helpful in remembering/recognizing clients. We send fun mail outs- hand written

    cards with a coffee card to "take a break on us", a book they might enjoy, or a hand written note keeping

    in touch. We offer a complimentary follow up program to help clients maintain success after our training

    event. Building a relationship is the first step; maintaining it helps create loyalty.

    4. There is No YOU in Customer

    Understand that what you sell or provide is not what is important to your Prospect or Customer/Client.

    What IS important to them is what you can do for them. What problem can you solve? What need can

    you meet? What pain can you alleviate? What cost can you reduce? This is advice I give small business

    owners in all my workshops and both my books and they thank me later for changing their viewpoint.

    5. Speak Their Language

    When you dig deeper into who your clients are, you'll get vital insights into their unique language. This is

    huge. Certain words make your clients light up and others fall flat. Talk to leaders about order,

    strategies, and productivity. Teachers speak of training, courses, and methods of study. Most

    entrepreneurs speak their own language. If this matches their clients' terminology, everything flows, but

    if the clients have a different mental framework, then a disconnect will hold you back.

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    Thanks to:Rosey Dow ofThe Prospect Profiler.

    6. Superhero for Hire

    I create customer loyalty by being a superhero. Many small business owners try doing it themselves to

    save costs and find themselves in trouble. That's when I fly in like Superman and save them... for free."No need to thank me, ma'am/sir." It usually only takes a few minutes to fix the error, and I've shown

    them by example, not by selling, the true value of hiring a professional. Yes, many times I never hear

    from them again, but when I do, they are a customer for life.

    Thanks to:David Rosenhaus ofDichotomy Design.

    7. Become a Clipping Service

    Go out of your way to do more than you need to do.

    Do small things that will stick in your customers' minds. I find that links to articles of interest to my

    clients work very well. Most of my clients are too busy to spend a lot of time on the internet. I always

    pass along links to articles or books that may interest them. This positions me as someone who is in the


    This isn't hard to do -- just keep your best customers in mind as you surf the net or read business

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    Thanks to:Bud Bilanich ofThe Common Sense Guy.

    8. Fail Them!

    Okay, don't go out & fail your customers intentionally, but according to a study conducted by customer

    experience company AboutFace, there is a brief window of opportunity following a service failure where

    clients can recover their trust and actually leap from a state of disappointment to a state of loyalty. Take

    that feedback and use it as an opportunity to improve your service offerings, showcase your ability to

    listen to your clients & potentially turn a disgruntled client into a loyal one.

    Thanks to:Bonnie Buol Ruszczyk ofBBR Marketing.

    9. Listen Up, Fool

    Listen. Listen to your customers.

    Don't make this more complicated than it needs to be. In an age of social engagement, all you need is a

    Twitter account, a Facebook page, or a LinkedIn group- and an exec that cares enough to check in for a

    minute every day to find out what people are saying.

    Thanks to:Jason Seiden ofAjax Social Media.
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    10. Nourish Your Peeps

    If you want to build a fan base of peeps that will follow you everywhere, the key is empathy. Like

    everyone else, your customers want to be understood and know that your service or product meets their

    needs. So, take the time to get to know the problems your customers are trying to solve and make sure

    your marketing approach and in-person interactions speak to those. Once your peeps know that you

    really 'get' them, they will be there for you and spread the word far and wide! Luv those peeps!

    Thanks to:Cathleen O'Connor ofThe Balance Whisperer.

    11. Make it Hard for Them to Go!

    My one best tip for "Creating Customer Loyalty In Business" is build a genuine relationship with them

    that will make it difficult for them to desire to go anywhere else for business. By showing the customer

    that they come first, are sincerely valued and that they are being given loyalty, it should warrant a

    mutual response. In my humble opinion, in a world where business is not always based on genuinely

    caring and integrity, I believe that these qualities will separate one from all of the rest.

    Thanks to:Kevin Benton ofKevin Benton Ministries.
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    12. Build a Brand Legend

    To turn a customer into a brand evangelist, you must change how you think. Sales are the result of how

    people perceive you, gained through marketing & experience. The story you tell must match the

    experience people have with your firm. Everything you do must contribute to building a personality that

    customers can rely on to be consistent & ethical in attitude, offering & execution. Its about building a

    legend, an iconic brand that explains who you are, what you do, & why anyone should care.

    Thanks to:Jerry Bader ofMRPwebmedia.

    13. Give Them More Than Expected

    Deliver beyond that job quote and make fans for life! Free advice and helpful tips are one way to do this.

    As a copywriter who helps businesses market themselves, I often guide clients to publicity opportunities I

    hear about, which lets them know that I am thinking of them; offer a free service that is part of your

    contract as an unexpected gift (don't charge for something they have contracted for); and refer them as

    often as possible to others in your network when appropriate.

    Thanks to:Caryn Starr-Gates ofStarrGates Business Communications.
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    14. Give More, Charge Less

    If you want your clients to come back again and again, do one simple thing; give your clients more than

    they expect at a fee that is less than they expect. How do you do that? Take fewer assignments,

    complete them more thoroughly and quickly than the competition, and stay in very close contact with

    your client during an assignment by telling the client what you are doing, what progress you are making,and what "G-2" you are picking up in the assignment that would be useful to the client.

    Thanks to:Leonard Scott ofLeonard Scott & Company.

    15. Takes One to Know One

    A customer's loyalty to your company, as well as your products or services, is directly proportional to the

    loyalty you show them. The avenue called business is a two-way street. Show your customer that you

    care about them personally and that you offer quality at a fair price; that is the foundation for a lasting

    relationship. Take the time to understand the customer. What sets them apart? What do they value?

    Why should they turn to you? If you can answer these questions, you become a hero!

    Thanks to:Jerry Dollar ofJerry V. Dollar, Author & Blogger.
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    16. Under Promise, Over Deliver

    People like to promise the world and then often have trouble meeting their commitments. Only promise

    what you know you can deliver. There will be times life gets in your way. Personal, family, work, or tech

    issues will all trip you up. You need to make sure you can deliver even when life interferes. Then, when

    life is not tripping you up, you will be able to deliver more than what you promised. When you over

    deliver, you will WOW your client. They will feel they are getting more bang for their buck.

    Thanks to:Lauren MacEwen ofSM Cubed.

    17. Make and Keep Great Promises

    Customers and clients love big bold promises that make their lives better and keep their costs down.

    Don't be shy about upping your promise-making. Just do two things: 1) be sure that the promises you

    make are relevant to your customers and 2) be sure to keep them--down to the last details. Kept

    promises become your word of mouth and your brand. Make great promises and then make your

    business best at what your customers want most.

    Thanks to:Mike Wittenstein ofStoryminers.
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    18. Only Ever Be Awesome!

    How can your customers not love you if you're always awesome? Normal or average will not increase

    loyalty or create fanatics. Consider this, the word "ordinary" = the Greek or Latin word "idiota" which

    means ordinary or layman and is also the origin for idiot.

    Just ask yourself before you deliver, "Is this awesome?" Your customers will take care of the rest.

    Thanks to:Nathan Smoyer ofChatterbox Marketing.

    19. valUed cUstomer Service

    Customer service with a Capital "U" is important in our sleepwear on-line store. We correspond with our

    customers, we deliver on time, we stand behind our products, we wrap our products like a gift, and we

    do everything that can make our customers feel like they have had an excellent buying experience.

    Our goal is for our customers to tell their friends and family about our great and helpful garments and

    what a pleasure it was doing business with us!

    Thanks to:Haralee Weintraub ofHaralee.Com Sleepwear.
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    20. Make it PERSONAL!

    Put that special touch on at the end of your business activities. Recognize businesses and their personnel

    by name, allow them to be the first to take advantage of special offerings and discounts, recognize them

    for contributing to your businesses' success and check to see if they are pleased with the

    services/products you offer.

    Thanks to:Sherell Edwards ofThe Christian Women's Leadership Ex.

    21. Caring is the Secret

    When it comes to building loyalty and converting clients into raving fans that sing your praises far and

    wide, nothing is more powerful than consistently demonstrating that you care.

    Care about the outcomes your clients have received from their purchase.

    Care about the ongoing success your clients gain and offer to help them gain more every step of the way.

    Care about special times in clients' lives. Show your appreciation in thoughtful, tangible ways.

    Caring has power. Use it wisely.

    Thanks to:Bill Gluth ofBill, Creative Thinking.
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    22. Go Above and Beyond

    Go above and beyond of what is expected of you. The extra effort will pay off in the long run by not only

    keeping the clients you have, but in the referrals they give you.

    Most of my business was built on referrals. I very rarely go looking for new clients or consulting jobs.

    People always find me through word of mouth and my "raving fans".

    What I do is no different than any other PR agency out there, except that I give clients the extra attention

    they need and deserve.

    Thanks to:Jennifer Krosche ofJYK Public Relations.

    23. Make Them Feel Special

    For my really good customers, I issue a special discount voucher using their name as the redemption

    code. I also let them know that the code is exclusively for them, but they could reward deserving friends

    or family with their code.

    Thanks to:Bola Ajumobi ofSlimy Bookworm.

    24. It's the Little Things...

    Everyone loves to be remembered and everyone loves a surprise gift.

    I make a point to watch for items of interest specific to my clients' lives, and then I let them know what I

    run across.

    I have an exotic "grab bag" for in-person consultations. These items are always well chosen and of great

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    People remember kindnesses - and gifts - and they remember positive experiences. Everyone walks away

    from me with a jaunt in their step that wasn't there before. I enjoy the view!

    Thanks to:Sheila Van Houten ofNew Light Consulting Corporation.

    25. Don't Get Careless

    Treat your customer at all times as if it is your first contact with them, while at the same time welcoming

    them "back into the fold".

    Thanks to:Selwyn D. Goodwin ofSelwyn.

    26. Customers are People Too!

    Show that you care more than your competition. Repeats spend 33% more than new ones. They leave

    because they took a competitors better offer, which says We Care, or they felt like a number. Show

    appreciation from a Thank You as they leave, to coupons, bonuses and outright gifts. Share knowledge

    freely (to a point, if thats your biz). Surprise me! A hand written card is huge, so long as its authentic. Ifyou use a call center, empower your reps to solve the problem on the first call!

    Thanks to:Heidi McCarthy ofToughest Customer.
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    27. Pro-active Customer Service

    If there is an issue with a customer order, be pro-active and reach out to them before they reach out to

    you. And, pro-actively communicate with them about the status once you have spoken with them orcorresponded with them. Having an attitude that you care is refreshing to customers who live in an age

    of automated computer phone menus, outsourced call centers without the authority to solve many

    problems, and customer service reps that often don't seem to care.

    Thanks to:Paul Shrater

    28. The Domino's Effect

    One of the best ways I have found in creating loyal customers is to be loyal to them. When Domino's said

    they would deliver in 30 minutes or less or you got your money back years ago, they did everything they

    could to deliver on their promise. It should be the same in our businesses. Do what you say you're going

    to do, do more than your customers expect and if they are dissatisfied, rectify the situation and accept

    responsibility. Then, do like Domino's again- ask if they are happy and repeat.

    Thanks to:Karen Graves ofYour Sales Fix.
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    29. Don't Lag with Lagniappes

    A lagniappe is an unexpected gift. Giving them to your customers for no reason at all can turn fans into

    fanatics, as far as loyalty is concerned. To illustrate: my business involves training. So, on occasion, I will

    offer a half-day session at no charge to an existing client. The upside, of course, is that if they like the

    freebie, they are likely to order the full-day course and pay the usual price.

    Thanks to:Marlene Caroselli ofCPD.

    30. The Secret to Customer Loyalty

    The number 1 secret to gaining customer loyalty is to stay in contact with customers once a month. This

    can be done by email, a friendly card in the mail, a phone call, a gift, etc. People are loyal to businesses

    they like and feel that the business cares about them. The best way to show that you care for your

    customers is to stay in touch with them on a frequent basis and let them know that you care about them

    and appreciate them. Do this and your customer loyalty will skyrocket.

    Thanks to:Peter Geisheker ofThe Geisheker Group Marketing Firm.
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    31. Be the Best at What You Do

    Creating customer loyalty boils down to two things. First, give them a level of personalized human

    contact customer service that is unbeatable. But, just as important is offering a product or service that is

    uniquely different from everyone else. Even if it costs more, it will be fine. What bottom line keeps people

    coming back is that your product or service cannot be equaled by your competitors. As the saying goes,

    "build a better mousetrap and the world will come beating to your door!"

    Thanks to:Craig Wolfe ofCelebriDucks.

    32. Communicate!

    Clear, factual & prompt communication establishes the foundation for a relationship of trust & value.

    Each customer interaction should focus on the customer & their needs. Listening is often the most

    important part of communication, and in the case of customer relationships, it conveys interest &

    concern for the needs of your customer. Customer communication can require patience on the part of

    your representative. With this in mind, select your customer service personnel with care.

    Thanks to:Dale Little ofBusiness Strategist, Dale Little.
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    33. Make an Impact That Matters

    In today's recovering economy, organizations are mainly focused on key business issues such as

    profitability, productivity, efficiency and competitiveness. The best way to keep clients coming back for

    more is to demonstrate that your product or service had a significant, positive impact on one of these

    areas. Use statistics and metrics to demonstrate your value and prove that your client's bottom line is

    better off because of your business relationship.

    Thanks to:Tony Popowski of Grass Roots Marketing, Inc.

    34. Under-promise and Over-deliver

    For those providing services, "serve" and serve well, delivering what was promised and more, by

    extending your alacrity to clients. Loyal clients are the lifeblood of service businesses and connecting

    with/to them in a personal way enhances loyalty. We work as least as much from person-to-person as

    we do in business to business.

    For those providing products, the same rules apply: keeping promises and delivering quality builds trust

    and is paramount to building loyalty by virtue of trust!

    Thanks to:W. Michael King ofW. Michael King, Ph.D.
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    35. How to Attract Loyalty

    Only offer products, services, books, advice or whatever that really makes life better.

    Thanks to:Rod Quentin ofQuentinPublications Ltd.

    36. But I Have Promises to Keep...

    Clients become raving fans when they know they can count on you, and they learn to count on you

    through your CONSISTENCY. Consistency is crucial. It means always putting out your best product,

    whether you write articles or create websites. It means keeping your commitments, staying on schedule

    and within budget for every project - and never missing a deadline. It means communication and service

    that they can rely on. Consistency is the key to success.

    Thanks to:Shadra Bruce ofShadra L. Bruce, Writer and Editor.
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    37. Lemons to Lemonade

    "Oops" happens. When it does, your employees will reveal your primary focus.

    If "Profits First" is the company culture, they will make excuses, blame the customer, and delay resolution

    until they have your permission to fix things, making your competition look good.

    If they KNOW that customers are the first priority, then the decisions they make when the chips are down

    will win loyalty in a way that may never have happened if the experience were without flaw.

    Thanks to:Tony Barker ofTony Barker

    38. Learn Your Client's "Likes"

    Take time to learn your client's "likes" and that client will keep coming back. Good personal customer

    service means taking the time to speak with your clients to understand their needs. Call when a new item

    is available. Adjust hours that work best for them. We know when the last time the client made apurchase was, to remind them that it is a good time to make a new purchase. The personal touch results

    in repeat visits and additional sales.

    Thanks to:Mohan "Mike" Ramchandani ofMohan's Custom Tailors.

    39. Know Their News

    Set-up Google alerts for your top clients and prospects, so you are certain to stay abreast of the latest

    happenings in their businesses & in their lives. It's a great way to learn about promotions, awards,

    mergers, etc. But, it shouldn't stop with finding out the info. Use this information to send congratulatory
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    notes (hand-written ones work best) or small gifts, as appropriate. Clients & prospects love, it's a

    lot of fun and helps solidify the relationship.

    Thanks to:Kristin Andree ofAndree Media & Consulting.

    40. Loving Your Customers

    The best way to keep your customers is to do what you say and a little bit more. Think of how many

    times you have been disappointed this past week and you'll understand what I am saying. Be on time,

    ask the right questions, compliment your customer, and think about how you could do it 1% better the

    next time.

    Thanks to:Gayle Carson ofLiving Regret Free.

    41. Stay True to Your Word

    My 'service motto' is under-promise, over-deliver - but to add to this, I would say remain true to yourword. I have made the mistake of under quoting on projects - but I do not make the customer pay for

    that; it's a learning experience for me and building trust based on integrity that matters. Do what you

    say you will and customers not only stay, but provide word of mouth sales for you too!

    Thanks to:Kellie Auld ofSimpy Communicating.
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    42. Increase the Customers Revenue

    Make your clients some money. For my clients who own a business, I find them new customers or new

    suppliers - and help them increase their revenue or bottom line. If you have retail customers who buy

    large ticket items, but they don't own a business, then help them raise funds for a charity they support.

    Or send out a press release on their charity's behalf. Clients & customers become extremely loyal when

    you increase their cash flow.

    Thanks to:Jerry Krull ofAristo Associates, Inc.

    43. Engage Customer Loyalty!

    Develop amazing loyalty with an informal Customer Advisory Board and host periodic events serving

    simple food/beverage. Invite all of your customers or a random sampling. Use both pre-written questions

    and directed discussions to gather their input (divide into small groups if needed) about your service,

    products, what they like, what they would like to see you offer, test the waters for any new ideas you

    have, etc. Reward attendees with a discount or freebie and make the event fun and casual!

    Thanks to:Tina Nies ofBe Happier Today.
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    44. Loyalty Needs TLC to Flourish

    The cornerstone of customer loyalty is caring. Caring means how you treat a customer. If all you do is

    respond to their inquiries or complaints, you will not build loyalty. You must actively demonstrate you

    care about them and want them to be pleased. The best way to demonstrate that you care is to exceed

    their expectations and to proactively stay in touch. Don't just meet their expectations. Stay in touch with

    e-mails, birthday cards, and occasionally stopping in.

    Thanks to:Robet Papes ofPapes Consulting.

    45. Make a Connection

    1. At 1st meeting, I try to size up the preferences of my guests, remembering their name (first & last &

    spouse if applicable),2. Listen to them and take notes on what we discuss, so that I can show my genuine interest in them

    later by mentioning or questioning them regarding our past discussions,

    3. Keep my customer data base handy, so if a past guest calls, I can pull up their info and recall them and

    their details. We all like being remembered. It's the same process we follow when making new friends.

    Thanks to:Teri Blaschke ofHidden Valley RV Park.
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    46. The Golden Rule!

    As my Mother always said, "Treat others as you would expect them to treat you". I always listened to my

    Mom and learned early on that customer loyalty comes from the customer feeling that their business is

    important. There are no big customers or small customers, rich customers or poor customers -- there are

    only customers whom have entrusted me with their business and taken a leap of faith that I will work as

    hard as I can to make sure they succeed.

    Thanks to:Vicki Donlan ofVickiDonlan.

    47. Hand 'Em an Oar

    As a bootstrapped, organically grown start-up creating mobile apps for small businesses and mobile

    lifestyle guides for communities, I've learned that the best way to retain customers is to invite them in

    the boat with you and hand them an oar. And then, make sure that they know how grateful we are. Our

    clients have all forgiven the occasional error or some functions not being available yet, because we've

    built a relationship, one client, one city at a time.

    Thanks to:Lisa Abeyta ofAPPCityLife, Inc.

    48. It's About the Client, Stupid

    I once had two salesmen call on me; they were competitors. The first one asked me out to dinner,

    promising to show me a really good time (ewww). The other one called before he came from a coffee
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    shop and asked me what kind of bagel I liked and how I preferred my coffee. The second one got the job.

    His product was great, so I used his firm repeatedly. This guy sent me flowers for my Birthday. He made

    me feel like an individual, not a sale. You are selling to people, not to companies.

    Thanks to:Sally Franz ofGeronto Communications.

    49. Keep in Touch

    Satisfied customers are easily swayed away by referrals, geography, and coupons. In order to createloyal fans, you don't have to be the best, you have to be the the brand that your customer is thinking

    about when they are ready to buy. Staying in touch keeps your customers thinking about you. Stay top-

    of-mind by contacting them with invitations, interests, & introductions - rather than sales pitches. Send

    hand-written note cards in the mail, because they will be shared, displayed and saved.

    Thanks to:Angel Tuccy ofExperience Pros.

    50. Listen Effectively

    When it comes to customer loyalty, combine effective communication with customers and effective

    listening with professional networks and outside vendors. Solicit feedback to positively move forward in

    business. Stay open-minded to service existing and new customer needs. For example, a number of

    clients requested bedding to help with a bad back. I listened and created a package especially for them.

    By servicing one client's needs, you can recognize that others often have similar needs.

    Thanks to:Evan Saks
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    51. Feed Them!

    We have a parent who has come to our school for years and never said a word to me or his child's

    instructors. Three years ago, we began Student Appreciation Day with live music, a clown, games,

    giveaways, prizes and FOOD! I gave him and his family a hot dog lunch and he hasn't stopped talking to

    any of us since. At least once a year, give the people who support your business a meal and a good time

    as a way of thanking them for being a part of your business. It's fun, it feels right and it works.

    Thanks to:Jim Josselyn ofAcademy of Music and Drama.

    52. Loyalty Starts with YOU

    Loyalty starts with you. By this, I mean stay true to your organization's voice in all that you do and make

    sure that all customer interactions are true to your brand. Customers are loyal to people and products

    they trust more than corporations. Show your customers that "you" care and interact with them in a way

    that is true to your organization's culture. We make sure that our voice carries into every interaction.

    Thanks to:Jody Coughlin ofChic CEO.
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    53. Let Them Eat Cake!

    If you handle clients with this attitude, you can count on them running to someone else! Sure, dealing

    with clients can be demanding and if you can sneak in a few extra bucks or skimp on a production, it

    seems like this "extra" covers working for the "pain in the butt". But sooner or later, the client will pick up

    on this attitude and be out the door! I always give "PITA" clients more than they expect - and they comeback wanting more. And they become easier to work with too!

    Thanks to:Mark Alyn ofMark Alyn Communications, Inc.

    54. Make Them Look Good!

    To me, building raving fans in business is all about doing what you promise and making your clients look

    good within their companies and to their clients each and every time you interact with them. By making

    sure I understand what their objectives are and what the end goals need to be, I can manage the project

    accordingly. So, when the project arrives on time, on budget & exceeds the goals of the organization,

    your customer looks good and I can almost guarantee they will become a raving fan!

    Thanks to:Ben Baker ofCMYK Solutions Inc.
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    55. Client Loyalty in Business

    Maintain your integrity... Keep your word and walk the talk!

    Thanks to:Candace Reese ofEnvision Global.

    56. Earn Trust

    Earn trust. Customer loyalty is built upon trust. Your customer must feel that you delivered a product orservice with their best interest first, your sale second. Next, you must demonstrate that you truly care by

    checking in as to how they are enjoying what you sold and if they care to share feedback. Should a

    problem arise, be swift to correct it. All of the client needs, wants and deep down desires come first. Plus,

    your attention to details will build great word of mouth and client loyalty.

    Thanks to:Elinor Stutz ofSmooth Sale, LLC.
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    57. Loyalty is the Key to Success

    To have loyal and raving fans, a business must treat their customers as number one. They should also

    respect their customers' time for appointments, which means little to no waiting time for anything,

    unless you are very explicit upfront on this issue. If you make a customer feel that they are important to

    the success of your business, they will usually share this information with others, either in person or on

    Social Media. Respect is the key to having those raving fans that always come back.

    Thanks to:Carol Coots ofMedical Consulting From A to Z, LLC.

    58. Creating Customer Loyalty

    Be yourself & be entertaining. Use personality in your marketing & be outrageous. If that means dressing

    as George Washington for a GW Day Sale, do it. Your competitors never will, but your customers will be

    entertained and appreciate it.

    Also, don't worry about turning some people off. You can't, nor should you try to be all things to allpeople. If you aren't repelling some people, you're not being outrageous enough! Have fun and show

    your customers that it's fun to do business with you!

    Thanks to:Jay Estis ofMassive Results Marketing.
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    59. Fill Their Needs, Not Yours!

    Let the client tell you what he needs and then, fill that need. I once interviewed twenty restaurants and

    caterers, clients of my PR client, a wholesale bread bakery, on how they liked working with this bakery.

    Every one said they would use no one else because not only did they like the owner and staff personally,

    but the products were also top quality and delicious, no order was too large, too small or too difficult,

    and the bakery even delivered seven days a week.

    Thanks to:Flo Selfman ofWords la Mode.

    60. Customer Loyalty for Life

    Communication is more important than anything. Our clients get weekly updates that tell them about

    our extensive work completed on their behalf. Within a month, our clients feel special and see firsthand

    how much we do for them. Within three months, they know of no other company that does as much

    work for them. Your customer should feel like they are the only customer. They don't want to know about

    anyone else. Each Monday morning they are reminded of how special they are and never forget it!

    Thanks to:William Michael ofVallarta Escapes.

    61. Money Talks...

    As a realtor, my best business comes from customer referrals. What has worked for me is the lure of

    gifts. For the first referral, I give a lovely picture book of Vancouver, signed by the author. For the next

    referral, it's a gift card to a favorite restaurant. From then on, the money flows-I send them checks. One

    client is on his 4th referral to me in less than a year, so yes, money talks.
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    Thanks to:Colette Gerber ofRE/MAX Select Properties.

    62. Build Trust and Confidence

    As it pertains to creating raving fans, there may be sexier pieces of advice but none as important.

    Without trust in a person/organization and confidence in their products/services, little else matters...Anything that can be done to build trust and confidence also creates lasting customer loyalty. Whether

    it's a little thing like returning a phone call or email promptly or a big thing like making your client look

    brilliant, you're always either building trust and confidence - or losing it.

    Thanks to:Steve Curtin ofSteve Curtin LLC.

    63. Secret Social Media Trick

    I love to give my high end clients and favorite customers a shout out on Facebook. They love the

    recognition and always reciprocate. I have gotten several referrals this way.

    Thanks to:Alicia Cramer ofWausau Hypnotherapy LLC.
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    64. Get Results!

    In order for your clients to become raving fans, give them what they want/need. Get results for them and

    they will refer. Don't be arrogant enough to believe that you deserve a referral. Be humble enough to put

    your client first before your needs. Walk your Talk! Apologize for any slippage in customer service and let

    that apology come from you - not someone on your staff. Be approachable! Connect! It's amazing what

    happens with client loyalty when you listen to the needs/wants of your clients.

    Thanks to:Sandra Richardson ofThe Richardson Group.

    65. Solve Their Problem!Always remember, your clients don't want to buy your product, they want you to solve their own

    problem. If you can be the person who listens, understands, re-frames and solves their problem for them,

    they will come back. If your product doesn't solve their problem, don't keep pushing; rather, recommend

    another solution. That's the final test that shows them that when they come to you, they won't get any

    product shoved down their throat and you really just want to help them solve their problem.

    Thanks to:Eva Schiffer ofNet-Map.
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    66. Honor Your Commitments

    I always keep my word and do what I say I'll do.

    Thanks to:Cliff Harwin ofThe Highly Sensitive Person Publish.

    67. Under Promise - Over Deliver

    Never promise more than you absolutely know you can deliver, and then do your utmost to deliver more

    than you promised. Nothing in my experience has gotten more customer loyalty than customers gettingmore than they were promised.

    Thanks to:Don Lewis ofRapidTech Prototypes.
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    68. Remember Me, PLEASE!

    The power of a phone call: A recent phone call I made brought a client to say "Wow, I can't believe you

    called (said 3 times!). People don't call any more just to talk, this is great, I rate a phone call." The power

    of a gift: A business gift, like a funny pen or note paper, purchased from the clearance area of a big box

    office supply store rates smiles, showing off, and may bring you a photo of clients that says "world's #1

    Coach". Loyalty doesn't cost a lot. It's in the niceness of life.

    Thanks to:Maria Marsala ofAct Now Seminars.

    69. WOOOOO

    Loyal customers become fans when you wooo them with authentic service. Treat each interaction with

    your customers like a first date. Impress, engage and electrify them. Keep the relationship new with

    special offers, thank you's and discounts. Don't tell them they're special, show them they're special. ALL

    THE TIME!!!!

    Thanks to:Troy Campbell ofTROYBOY INTERNATIONAL.

    70. Go the Extra Mile

    Always try and exceed your customer's expectations. If they can leave your site feeling that they have

    truly gained something from visiting or purchasing from you, they simply won't be able to resist the

    temptation to return.

    Thanks to:Sarah Moore ofSingapore Baby.
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    71. Keep 'Em Interested!

    We need to keep our product in the public eye and using Facebook has been a good tool to help us do

    that. One of the ways we use our FB group is to have contests where the prize is a copy of our book

    and/or swag with our logo. Make each member who contributes feel special by sending them free gifts

    such as bumper stickers. It's a small price and creates fan loyalty that has tremendous ripple effects. And

    remember, give your customers the personal attention they deserve!

    Thanks to:Glenda Standeven ofChoosing to Smile Publications .

    72. Be All That You Can Be

    There are a lot of gimmicks for bringing customers backand I won't say that I haven't tried some of

    them! But the bottom line is this: deliver what you say you will deliver when you say you will deliver it,

    follow up, and ask for input... these are business basics that are still the best way to instill customer

    loyalty. Be all that you can be in your business and they'll recognize it. It really is that simple.

    Thanks to:Jeannette de Beauvoir ofCustomline Wordware.
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    73. Wow Them on Two Fronts

    Build loyalty? That's easy: Wow them on two fronts. If you provide either a product or service that does

    more and costs less than the customer had hoped--AND provide a customer experience that exceeds

    expectations, you've just created a fan.

    Thanks to:Shel Horowitz ofGreen And Profitable.

    74. Trust Years to EarnIt's amazing how most everything has become so non-personal. How do you develop trust in this digital

    age? Many seem to follow the advice of giving something away for free, which makes you an "expert" or

    "authority". Customer loyalty will always be grounded in delivering a solution to a very specific customer

    challenge. This can be done by listening!

    Thanks to:Jerry Pollio ofFranchise Futures.
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    75. Write it Out!

    My number 1 tip to create customer loyalty is to send hand written "Thank You" cards after large orders

    or important meetings.

    Thanks to:Audrey McLaughlin, RN ofNTX Medical.

    76. Repeat Customers Key 2 Success

    The great wealth of America has been built on the strong lifetime value of customer bases. Business is

    based on repeat usage. Only in the last few years have CEOs really come to grips with lifetime value

    metrics and an understanding that not all customers are created equal. This is still a huge challenge for

    large retailers and mass marketers. Understand your customer base/demographics and create programsthat target those unique audiences, such as private sales and special events to unique groups.

    Thanks to:Mike Bisceglia

    77. Get Them to Tell Stories

    Satisfying a customer isn't enough; you need to delight them as often as you can--to do something that

    gets them telling stories about you. You can sell a beautiful gown and they'll be happy, but if you call to

    see how the event went, they'll talk about you. You can have your clients sign perfectly prepared papers

    and they'll be satisfied, but if you bring a coloring book and crayons for Tommy to "sign" while they're

    signing, they'll talk about you. Don't just satisfy them--delight them.

    Thanks to:Sandy Schussel ofSandy Schussel, LLC.
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    78. Send a Thank You Note

    Saying thank you to your customers goes a long way in building customer loyalty. Saying it is nice,

    sending a personal thank you note is even better. It means a lot to people in this age of emails and social

    media to get a piece of mail with a stamp on it saying I appreciate your business. Go that extra mile and

    send a personal handwritten thank you note.

    Thanks to:Eula M. Young, COO ofGriot's Roll Film Production.

    79. Acknowledge Achievements

    I like the printed and mailed newsletter featuring several customers and milestones in their personal

    lives, such as a new house, a baby in the family, a graduation, a military rank advancement, a

    grandchild's sports or academic achievement, etc. People like to read about themselves and their

    families, and they will share your newsletter with many others. Acknowledging other business owners

    and giving them a good plug is also valuable. If it fits your demographics, I recommend newsletters.

    Thanks to:Tom Hemphill ofHemphill Iron Works.
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    80. Show Some Appreciation

    A customer appreciation program is the most unique way to keep customers loyal and create a strong

    word of mouth buzz at the same time.

    Send clients a personalized chocolate bar, wrapped in branded gift wrap and ship it to them in a box with

    a customized thank you note card inside.

    A little appreciation can go such a long way. Not only will you retain the customers that you send your

    appreciation package to, but you will most likely gain new ones from simple word of mouth.

    Thanks to:Chris Wise ofCustomer Rave.

    81. Breaking Up is Not an Option!

    The best ways to create customer loyalty:

    1. RESPECT: Acknowledge your respect for the client's needs and the efforts they put into the work they

    are doing.

    2. LISTEN, OBSERVE: Ask open-ended questions and then stop, watch and listen to the client's responses.Reflect back to them what you think you heard them say.

    3. VALUE: Offer discounts for pre-paid services and referral incentives.

    Thanks to:Denise Levine ofOutside In Organizer & Makeovers.
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    82. A Customer is Family

    The best way to keep our customers coming back is outstanding customer service. We involve our

    customers in every step of the buying process, ensuring it is their decision and not our push that gives

    them the opportunity to buy our products. We treat each client as a family member and familiarize

    ourselves with every aspect of their business needs, in order to give them the best possible solution. It

    isn't about turning a dollar today; it's about keeping a customer for life.

    Thanks to:Junior Sanchez ofRIFT SUCCESS Job Board.

    83. Earn it!

    Loyalty is earned. Here are 5 simple steps:

    1) Ask - Probe for questions before the sale; meet the real need!2) Follow Through - Build trust by over-delivering...on time!

    3) Follow Up - Check back after the sale. Get feedback on your performance!

    4) Build Relationships - Use newsletters, blogs, workshops, and even simple things like birthday cards to

    establish you firmly in hearts and minds!

    5) Provide more excellent service than anyone else!

    EARN loyalty and become the "Go-To" choice!

    Thanks to:Dr. Tom Taylor ofVictory For Leaders.
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    84. Owner Escort

    Have the owner or manager offer a tour of their restaurant or shop and always bring their purchases to

    their car.

    Thanks to:Rick Canale ofExotic Flowers.

    85. Keep on Selling

    If you fail to continue to SELL to your customers, they'll fail to continue to BE your customers. The bestway to make yourself invaluable to customers is to keep selling to them. Of course, it must be in their

    own best interest, but odds are you need to make more offers to them, not less. You should be looking to

    solve customers' problems consistently. Only when you're regularly helping them will they truly value

    their relationship with you. The more you sell, the happier they'll be with you.

    Thanks to:Jim Ackerman ofAscend Marketing, Inc.

    86. Feel Their Pain

    When customers complain, feel their pain. Ask for more information and let them vent. Then turn their

    pain into pleasure. Become the hero who solves problems and you create extreme loyalty. Customers will

    sing your praises and send you referral business. Don't make customers jump through hoops to get

    problems managed. Reform your system so that issues get resolved with ease. Be passionate about

    getting problems handled in the most painless way possible, even if it means managing it yourself.

    Thanks to:Marilyn Suttle & Lori Jo Vest ofSuttle Enterprises LLC.
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    87. Celebrate & Stay in Touch

    The best way I've found to create customer loyalty is to acknowledge and celebrate your customer

    personally. As a professional organizer and coach, I send personal greeting cards to my organizing clients

    to say "good job", "thanks" or "hi". I include before/after pix of client space for space organizing clients

    and send gift cards as a way of saying thanks for referrals. Clients love a real card in the mail. As a

    distributor, it's a biz write-off.

    Thanks to:Cena Block ofSane Spaces.

    88. Personality Perks Perhaps?

    The key to happy customers that keep coming back (and sending you all their friends) lies within their

    personality type! If you can quickly read their personality, you will know exactly what they need from you

    to both create a great first impression and keep them loyal! For example, those "Dominant" types want

    you to be brief, be brilliant, and be gone!

    Thanks to:Angel Tucker ofPersonality Profiles LLC.
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    89. Facilitate Problem Solving

    Your customers come to you because you or your products solve some type of problem or create an

    opportunity. Take it one step further; don't stop at just your product as a solution. Become a master at

    facilitating questions and conversations. Get others to think by asking them action oriented thinking

    questions: "How might you approach a problem such as this?" "How might you go about changing that?"

    By working with customers in this way you do something no one else does! Priceless Value!

    Thanks to:Harlan Goerger ofH. Goerger & Associates dba AskHG.

    90. Wish 'Em Happy Birthday!

    One great way to increase or retain customer loyalty is finding a mechanism to collect your customers'

    birthdays and then send an actual greeting card via snail mail. If your budget allows, you can also send

    them some other trinket such as a cap, pen or mouse-pad with your company's name and logo inscribed

    on the trinket (of course). Most people are happy to share their actual birth month and day, though

    some will frown from revealing their birth year.

    Thanks to:Carmin Wharton
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    91. Keeping Customers Loyal

    Customer service starts with positive employer/employee relations, but it doesn't necessarily end there.

    Provide quality service by going above and beyond what is expected. Example: the produce clerk who

    checks the shipment in the back to obtain the freshest product for the customer. Even so, mistakes

    sometimes happen, so create customer loyalty by apologizing and do service recovery by giving the

    individual something of value for the inconvenience.

    Thanks to:Eden Rosen ofFreelance Author, Speaker, Advocate.

    92. Empathy = Loyalty

    Caring about your clients/customers is the way to go.

    I work with a lot of small businesses. In order to build customer loyalty within my own firm, we not only

    work very hard to help them grow their business through marketing, but also we actually refer business

    to them personally.

    This produces intense loyalty because our clients know that we really do care about the growth of theirbusiness and we're willing to refer our own friends/family/network to them.

    Thanks to:Tim Bickers ofCandeo Marketing.
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    93. When in Doubt, Offer Value

    Start off with a great service and be willing to walk a few extra miles. Devise special offers just for

    clients. With the next invoice, send along a special discount voucher. Take a look at what your

    competitors are doing to please clients and do more. Offer an incentive for making customer referrals if

    they are pleased with your service. This is easy to do today with tools like Referral Key where you can

    establish a dollar amount.

    Thanks to:Jackie O'Neal ofONeal Media Group.

    94. Give 'Em What They Want

    Honesty. Real, true honesty. I can't stress that enough. With everything that has happened as a result of

    the economic meltdown, consumers have lost their faith and trust in the business world. Show your

    customers that they can actually trust you. Be transparent. Be ethical. Be exactly what it is they think the

    world is lacking.

    Thanks to:Mike Saxton ofScience Fiction Author.
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    95. Be Sure to Pardon the Turkey

    We have a longstanding tradition of "pardoning the turkey." On every major holiday, we go out of our

    way to help customers because we know that it's an easy way to achieve instant delight. Leave the

    Thanksgiving football game for 5 minutes, answer a customer question, and enjoy the raving fandom for

    the next 10 years. It also puts a big smile on your face for the rest of the holiday celebration!

    Thanks to:Rosemary ONeill ofSocial Strata.

    96. Always Tell the Truth!!!

    Keeping Customer Loyalty is a fine line in Business. It always has been. Nowadays, it's even more

    important. There are so many lies about everything going around the planet. Do not be one who is in

    that group.

    Customers can tell when someone is lying. Most of the time, they will let you know and they will tell

    everyone. Keeping your customers and getting referrals is the key to a great business.

    Mark Twain said, "When you tell the truth, you do not have anything to remember."

    Thanks to:Kathy Wensel.
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    97. Give More Than They Expect

    My one tip is to over-service your clients from time to time. You can't do this all of the time or you set an

    expectation of giving away freebies and there is no added-value.

    But at least once every 12 months, I give my clients something extra; I'm not talking gifts here, I'm

    talking about giving some of my valuable services to them at no charge.

    However, I also set the tone by sending them a $0 invoice which shows the value of what they received.

    This way they can appreciate my service.

    Thanks to:Curtis Chappell ofQuantum SEO Solutions.

    98. Dazzle Your Customer

    Dazzle your customer with "blow them away" service. I called the AC repair service at 9:30 p.m. The

    repairman came at midnight and climbed into our attic. He did not charge me after I had been told by

    recording twice to be ready to pay. "The guy who services your unit on a routine schedule should have

    caught this." The next day, they repaired and painted the entire family room and kitchen ceilings. Therewere no charges. Talk about great customer service.

    Thanks to:Mitch Carnell ofSPWC.
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    99. Thirsty Beer Drinkers Buy Beer

    Segment your market. Aim for a narrower range of customers. LexisNexis = law books, Divorce Store =

    discount divorces, T.J.Maxx = designer bargains. Already have a large customer base? Get them to self-

    declare their passions in a survey (with a valuable prize). Feed the hunger they already have. Green

    customers? Plant a tree for each purchase or donate 5% of that customer's sales to Greenpeace. Political

    activists? Donate to a PAC. New parents? Offer biodegradable diapers. Pocket the profits!

    Thanks to:Stafford "Doc" Williamson ofWilliamson Information Technologies.

    100. Honesty is the Best Policy

    Be honest through both the good and the bad -- and make sure that you under-promise, over-deliver and

    establish a real relationship with your clients.

    Thanks to:Randy Savicky ofStrategy+Communications.
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    101. Send a Newsletter!

    Hands down the best way to build client loyalty is by getting your clients to know, like and trust you

    more. The most effective way to do that is through a PRINTED (not emailed) newsletter mailed to them

    each month. Among other things, your newsletter should contain these two very critical elementsa

    story from you that allows them to get to know you better and a bit (not a lot) of helpful advice to prove

    your expert status. Beyond those elements, it should be fun and light reading.

    Thanks to:Kathy Jiamboi ofCreativedge Marketing.

    102. Treat 'Em Like Your Grandma!

    If we treated all of our customers the way we would want our eighty-six year old Grandma to be treated,

    our customers would love us.

    Be patient.

    Be kind.Be interested.

    Be a good listener.

    Go above and beyond.

    Thanks to:Randi Busse ofWorkforce Development Group, Inc.
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    103. Be a Rockstar

    Looking for loyal fans to fawn over your business? Become a rockstar--of service, that is. The Joe may

    taste about the same in two shops, but if one has a friendly barista who starts my day with cheery

    conversation, I'll be back for a refill. And the dry cleaner that hems a cocktail dress in just one day instead

    of a week-- and then asks how the party was-- has won my heart. Unexpectedly delighting your

    customers starts with the little things you didn't have to do. Rock on!

    Thanks to:Sherrie A. Madia, Ph.D. ofAuthor, Serialpreneurship.

    104. Leave Them Laughing

    If they always have a good time being with you (it's not about being business all the time), on a real life

    person to person basis, so that they relate to you as no different than they are, with all of the same kinds

    of things that we all go through, you will develop a kinship. They will WANT to spend time with you and

    coming back to you all the time to do business will be their excuse to do so.

    Get them to know you as a person and you to know them as a person - you will bond.

    Thanks to:Harris Glasser ofServing The People Press LLC.

    105. Be Helpful, Smile, Say Thanks!

    When I am doing a delivery for a client, I try to follow their directions exactly, to unload the item, and

    place it exactly where they want it.

    I remember to smile and to compliment them on their new house, their back yard or the view that they
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    And I always tell them how much I appreciate their business! They really do tell their friends, because I

    get calls beginning, "so-and-so told me about you."

    Thanks to:Gary Christensen ofChristensen's Delivery Service.

    106. Creating by Connecting

    Act as an honest broker between clients wanting to sell out of need and those wanting to buy real

    bargains. In these tough economic times, cash flow can be a problem and having cash can present great

    opportunities. Your clients will appreciate your help on both ends. We have done this for years for clients.

    We act with honesty and confidentiality. While we never charge our clients, we have built loyal

    customers and gained new ones.

    Thanks to:Beverly Solomon ofmusee-solomon.

    107. Be Helpful

    Go out of your way to start conversations with potential customers. Answering comments and emails

    goes without saying. But seek out conversations through social media and Q&A sites. Be helpful inanswering peoples' questions and solving their problems.

    Thanks to:Eugene Farber ofBUZZergy Marketing.
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    108. Listen! Reward!

    Make sure you listen to your customer often & act on it as much as possible; more importantly, tell them

    about the changes & improvements you made based on their complaints & compliments. Also, when you

    see a repeat customer, do acknowledge and reward that repeat business to turn them into raving loyals.

    109. Power Up!

    The Conference Board says 55% of Americans hate their jobs. 8 of 10 customers stop buying at a

    company because of rude, discourteous employees. Engage employees and increase customer loyalty

    through daily 15 minute Power Huddles. Praise, award, train, encourage and share. Have fun, be creative

    and enthusiastic. Employees will fire up and serve customers better. Research shows that a 5 point

    improvement in employee attitude leads to 1.3% gains in customer loyalty and a .5% lift in sales growth.