How to approach SACs and Exams Preparing for success!

How to approach SACs and Exams Preparing for success!

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How to approach SACs and ExamsPreparing for success!

Page 2: How to approach SACs and Exams Preparing for success!

Task words

0Task words indicate what the examiner expects you to do in your response

0Action: Learn the task words and their meanings (see handout)

0Action: Identify task words when doing practice exam questions







Page 3: How to approach SACs and Exams Preparing for success!

Providing definitions

0A definition should provide the reader with concise information that demonstrates that you understand the term. If the question asks for an example, then you MUST give an example to achieve full marks.

0When defining a term, avoid using that word in your explanation.

0For example, when defining ‘internal environment’ avoid using the word internal. Instead, use within or inside.

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0 Whenever you are answering questions about large-scale organisations, it is important to consider the context in which they operate. This will be different for each organisation and must be factored into your answer.

0 The context relates to the factors that make each organisation unique and different from others that are in the same industry.

0 The factors are those contained within the internal and external environments, and they may influence one business to make quite different decisions from another.

Page 5: How to approach SACs and Exams Preparing for success!

Feedback on Practice SAC

0Check the suggested answers up on the wikispace under ‘exams and assessments’

0Common misunderstanding about privatisation. Example is Telstra on page 3, textbook

0Privatisation is when a formerly government owned and controlled organisation is sold to the private sector. Privatised companies can however be publicly listed – i.e. can sell shares to the public

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Study Strategies

0Aim: To help you apply the theory of business management to real life and understand the context in which LSOs operate

0Task: Research a number of large-scale organisations using the internet

0Task: Read newspapers (print or online) regularly to stay up to date with new developments

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Key terms

0Many of you identified this as an area needing further study/improvement

0 Strategy: Use a number of resources if the definition in the textbook is hard to understand

0 Strategy: Practise using key terms in sentences.