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How I Found 28 Niches in Less Than 24hrs

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Page 1: How I Found 28 Niches in Less Than 24hrs

How I Found 28 Niches In Less Than 24Hrs.

This report was first featured on: http://www.nichehacks.com

I'm constantly hearing from newcomers to internet marketing they can't find a niche market and yet I can't stop finding niches. I've discovered more than I can even begin to research yet alone turn into online projects.

Yesterday in the space of around 12hrs I found 28 niches and I'm going to share not only how I found them but share the niche ideas too so you can go and research them and see if there's any value there.

I can't guarantee all of them will be worth pursuing but I'd be surprised if you can't find a few niches that would make good, profitable, projects.

List of niches...1. Bad sleep / sleep problems2. Thai visa information3. Coffee lovers4. Running a coffee shop5. Synethasia6. Nigerian music7. Lazy & lack of motivation8. Bad habits9. Conspiracies10. Gold11. Cameras / Photography12. Dr Who13. Translation14. Landing a job on an oil rig15. Neuroscience16. Pyschotheapy17. Depression 18. Comedy 19. Nursing (how to become one)20. Trauma21. How to be a better parent22. How to be nice23. Job interview techniques / employment24. Gall bladder problems25. Treating depression without drugs26. Alzheimers27. Documentary making28. World War 2

Page 2: How I Found 28 Niches in Less Than 24hrs

How I found these niches....

This was simple. I spent the day with my marketing hat on.

Everything that happened that day I took note of (just with a pen and notepad) and thought about whether it was something there was money to be made from.

I started as soon as I woke up. How did I feel? Very, very, tired as I never sleep well. That was niche idea number 1, bad sleep / sleep problems.

Definitely a profitable niche. You'll know yourself if you struggle to sleep at night you'll do anything to find a solution.

Then I had to go to immigration in Bangkok and extend my visa (I live in Thailand). I know for a fact there's a huge amount of people looking for visa information in Thailand based on the fact there's a huge forum dedicated to it called ThaiVisaForum, so definitely some potential here.

After the relatively painless immigration trip I went for coffee in my local coffee shop. Coffee is loved the world over and I know that people will pay good money for coffees from around the world and accessories.

On top of that I bet there's a lot of people who'd love to own their own coffee shop and search online for information on how to open or run one.

The news was on in the coffee shop and they were talking about this condition called synethasia in which indivuals who suffer from the condition can TASTE words.

Whenever they hear a certain word a distinct flavour appears in their mouth. They interviewed people who had the condition and most said they would like to get rid of it. Is there a solution to it? I'm not sure but if there is people would pay for it.

Another section on the news was the growing fan base around the world of Nigerian music. Apparently it's now a global sensation. Haven't heard it myself but you can bet if there's a world wide demand for it there's money to be made.

As the day went on I started to feel lazy and unmotivated. This is a problem many people suffer especially when you are your own boss and there's no one to force you to do the work. If someone could give me a solution for this problem I'd bite their hand off.

I had a chat with a guy sitting next to me in the coffee shop and we talked about bad habits (I can't remember why) and that in it's self is a niche for sure with a ton of sub niches that could be explored, bad habits include biting nails, smoking, lazyiness.

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In the evening I read a story on JKFs assasination, that in it's self probably isn't a profitable market (though it could be) but the conspiracy niche definitely is.

The evening news talked about gold prices and cameras. Two niches there for sure with different angles you could attack, such as gold trading and photography.

There was also a feature on Dr Who, there could be a niche in Dr Who collectables?

I later met a guy who made money online running a translation business and outsourced all the work to a team of freelancers he hired from around the world. So many ideas there popped into my head for translation, language learning, outsourcing and so on.

The same guy told me he used to work on the oil rigs and I know for a fact that it's a sought after job that can be difficult to get. Perhaps people would pay for information or a course on how to improve their chances.

Neuroscience and Psychotherpy were 2 things I overheard in conversation by people in the restaurant I went to for dinner. I don't know much about either but there will be a niche market in there somewhere.

A friend later told me he was depressed, him and 121 million other people worldwide according to Google. Definitely a niche to be explored here.

Journalism was another topic I talked about with a friend, he told me he'd like to be one. I'm sure he's not the only one and there will be courses, books and guides for people looking to become one.

We went to see a stand up comedy show that night. There's a few angles here, how to be a stand up comedian, how to be funny, how to organise comedy events.

One of the comedians made a joke about male nurses. I wonder how many people would love to become a nurse and would pay for information to help them get there?

An article on trauma was featured in the newspaper I read. Anyone who suffers from trauma would do anything to get over it, if there's a solution out there it can be profitable.

I watched a feature on BBC News about bad parenting and how to be a better mother / father – I'm sure that's something many new parents would like to know.

Rotweilers were also featured on the news. The pet market is a huge industry

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and there's so many sub-niches that can be explored here. Training, teaching tricks, accessories.

I came across a webpage about 'how to be nice' and the Google keyword planner tool showed that 2,400 people every month in the USA were searching for that term.

On another website I saw a banner ad for 'job interview techniques' and the job market is a lucrative one, not just interview techniques but how to write Cvs, how to get a job in a certain market and so on.

I can't remember how I heard about this but I had written it down in my notepad – gall bladder problems. I'm sure gall bladder problems are not pleasant so people WILL pay for a solution.

Comedian Ruby Wax was featured on BBC News talking about depression without drugs – that seems like a gold mine of potential there if someone could offer genuine advice on how to treat it without medication. She also mentioned alzheimers.

Watched a documetary after that about World War 2. I'm sure there are a lot of budding documetary makers out there and people who'd love to make one but don't know how. Lot of different things you could market to people there – how to write scripts, how to film, how to edit the film, equipment and accessories for sale.

World War 2 is also a niche in it's self. Memorabilia, history and so on.

I went to sleep not long after that and in less than 24hrs had 28 potential niche ideas that can be explored further.

Feel free to look into them more and see if you can profit from them.

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