How does mathematics Effect science? By Laura Friel 8M7

How does mathematics Effect science? By Laura Friel 8M7

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Page 1: How does mathematics Effect science? By Laura Friel 8M7

How does mathematics Effect science?By Laura Friel 8M7

Page 2: How does mathematics Effect science? By Laura Friel 8M7

MASS Mass is the amount of matter in an object.

Mass is calculated by using a triple beam balance.

In order to use a triple beam balance you must know how to add, which is where the math comes into play.

On the triple beam balance below, the top beam reads 70grams, the middle beam reads 300grams, and the bottom beam reads 3.4grams

Add them all up to get the total mass of the object

Example: 70g. + 300g. + 3.4g.=


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Volume is the amount of space in an object.

In order to find volume of a solid you must know the length, width, and height.

Find all measurements by using a ruler and measuring in centimeters.

Use the formula :Length x Width x Height to find volume.(V=LxWxH)

Your end unit will always be cm³.

EXAMPLE:(using the picture below)

1. Write down the formula V=LxWxH

2. Plug in the measurements V=5cmx5cmx5cm

3. Calculate V=125cm³

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Need a graduated cylinder and a triple beam balance.

Must find mass of the graduated cylinder that will be used while it is empty.

No specific formula for this method.

Unit is in grams (g.)

EXAMPLE:(using pictures below)

1. Calculate mass of empty graduated cylinder

2. Pour liquid into graduated cylinder.3. Calculate mass of the liquid in the

graduated cylinder4. Subtract mass of graduated cylinder

and the number you get is the volume of the liquid. (25g. – 5g.= 20g.)

5. Your volume is 20g.

5 grams(without liquid)

25 grams(with liquid)

Page 5: How does mathematics Effect science? By Laura Friel 8M7

DENSITYDensity is calculated through the

formula density=mass÷volume (D=M÷V)

EXAMPLE:Use the following 3 steps to get your

answer1. Write the formula:


2. Plug in the information given:D=20g.÷5cm

3. Solve:D=4 g/cm M=20grams


Page 6: How does mathematics Effect science? By Laura Friel 8M7

Force is found through the formula: Force=MassxAcceleration (F=MxA)

FORCEa push or pull that causes acceleration or deceleration.

A horse has a mass of 400,000 grams and is moving at an acceleration of 5 m/s². How strong is the force being applied to make the horse move?

1. Write the formula:F=MxA

2. Plug in the given information:F=4,000x5

3. Solve:F= 20,000newtons


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Found through the formula :Momentum=MassxVelocity

A baby has a mass of 600grams and is crawling at a velocity of 2m/s west. What is his momentum?

STEPS:1. Write the formula:

Momentum=MassxVelocity 2. Plug in the information you are given:

Momentum=600x23. Solve:


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WORK Found through the formula:

Work=ForcexDistance (W=FxD)If a person has to apply a force of 10 newtons to

push a couch 7 meters, how much work would be applied?

STEPS:1. Write the formula:

W=FxD2. Plug in the information given:

W=10x73. Solve:


***WORK is always used with the unit JOULES***

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Power is found through the formula:Power=Work/time (P=W/T)

A person is riding their bike using 45joules in 15minutes. What is the power?

1. Write down the formula:P=W/T

2. Plug in the information being provided:P=45/15

3. Solve:P=3watts.

***WATTS will always be the unit used for POWER***

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Weight on earth Weight varies depending on where you are because it is a

measurement of gravity. The formula used to find the weight of an object on

earth is Weight=.98xMass (W=.98xM)A fulled storage box has a mass of 150grams. What is its weight

on earth?

1. Write down the formula:W=.98xM

2. Plug in the mass:W=.98x150

3. Solve:W=147Grams.

***Unit VARIES depending on the unit you STARTED with***

Page 11: How does mathematics Effect science? By Laura Friel 8M7

Periodic Table

Each element has a number at the top. That number is the atomic mass

All of the elements are arranged from least to greatest based on their atomic number.

• math plays a key part in this because without numbers the periodic table itself would cease to exist. Numbers are needed to organize the elements and without them, the periodic table would just be a bunch of information on paper.

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Elements on the Periodic Table

This all relates to math because with out number scales or numbers, we wouldn’t be able to classify all of the elements in the periodic table. We also wouldn’t be able to tell the difference in mass between elements.

92 stands for the atomic number. The atomic number is the amount of protons found in that atom.

The capital ‘U’ stands for the atomic symbol. In other words, ‘U’ stands for uranium.

238.02891 stands for atomic mass.

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VELOCITY AND SPEEDVelocity and speed are found the same way, except velocity has a direction and speed doesn’t. A runner

finishes a 24mile marathon in an hour and 30 minutes heading west. What was the speed and velocity of the runner?

To find the speed use the formula Speed=distance÷Time (S=D ÷ T)

Follow the steps below to solve.1. Write the formula:

S= D ÷ T2. Plug in the given information:

S= 24miles÷1.5hours3. Solve:

S= 15miles per hour. **For velocity (V) you would just

add the direction: V=15miles per hour west

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Acceleration• Acceleration is the rate of change of an abject, or a measurement in the increase of velocity.• Can be found using the formula:

Acceleration= (final velocity– initial velocity)÷timeA = (Vf – Vi) ÷ T

EXAMPLE:A car is going at a velocity of 10m/s. Then it increases to 15m/s in 5 seconds. What is its acceleration?

Follow the three steps below to solve for acceleration:1. Write out the formula:

A = (Vf – Vi) ÷ T2. Plug in the information given:

A=(15m/s-10m/s) ÷ 53. Solve:

A= 1m/s²

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Because each particle has its own charge, they usually all cancel each other out. This is where math is very important.

If an atom has 5 protons, 6 neutrons and 5 electrons what would the overall charge be?

Think of it this way:Neutrons have no charge

so don’t affect the charge. The protons and electrons do however. Turn it into an equation.LET x = charge of atom 5-5=x 0=x

Atoms are made up of 2 different parts, the nucleus and the electron cloud. In each part there are small particles. Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus. Electrons are found in the electron cloud. Each particle has its own charge. Neutrons have no charge, protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged. 5 Protons 5 Electrons

The charge is 0 because the positive and negative particles cancel out.


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Bar Graphs


of stra





of p





of o




of p







weight of fruitsBar graphs are used to compare differences between objects. This graph is being used to compare the different weights of the bags of fruits. Without mathematics the data on the graph would be harder to compare. On a graph you can visually be able to compare the objects rather than having to take an educated guess.







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SCIENTIFIC NOTATION from equation to number form.

1: You are given the equation 4.5x 10³2: Because the 10 is to the 3rd power and

is positive you move the decimal in 4.5 three places to the right. Example: 4.500.

3: Your answer is 4,500 after the decimal is moved 3 places.**if the exponent was negative you would

move the decimal to the left because that would make the decimal smaller.**

Follow these steps:The scientific notation can be used to tell how far away planets are from earth or from other planets.

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Numeric form to scientific notation

You are given the number 2601. You have to move the decimal

in this number so that it is equal to a number greater than 1 and less than 10

2. You should get the number 2.6 by moving the decimal 2 places to the left

3. Your answer is 2.6x10². It is to the second power cause you moved the decimal 2 places and it is a positive number because the number you started with was a whole and natural number.

**If you had started with a decimal than the exponent would have been negative rather than positive. **

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Works Cited• Barry, Joyce Thornton. Painless Biology. Hauppauge, NY:

Barron's, 2009. 19-21. Print• "What Is Acceleration?" What Is Acceleration. Web. 30

Dec. 2011. http://whatisacceleration.org/• Helmenstine, Anne M. "ScientificNotation." Chemistry -

Periodic Table, Chemistry Projects, and Chemistry Homework Help. New York times Company, 2012.

Web. 08 Jan. 2012. http://chemistry.about.com/od/convertcalculate/a/scientificnote.htm

• "Physical Science Formulas and Principles Flashcards | Quizlet." Flash Cards, Vocabulary Memorization, and Study Games | Quizlet. Quizlet LLC, 2012. Web. 08

Jan. 2012. http://quizlet.com/1689084/physical-science-formulas-and-principles-flash-cards/