HOTEL FOOD ORDERING APPLICATION USING QR CODE NUR … · Aplikasi tempahan makanan hotel menggunakan kod QR Teknologi adalah pesanan masa nyata untuk menguruskan proses pesanan untuk

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    I’am Nur Fatin Hanim binti Azmi, the matric number BTCL18051681 hereby declare that,

    this thesis entitled Hotel Food Ordering Application Using QR Code is a record of an original

    work done by under the guidance of Dr Nur Farraliza binti Mansor, my supervisor and

    lecturer at Faculty of Informatics and Computing UniSZA.

    (Nur Fatin Hanim binti Azmi)

    Date : ……………………….



    This project report entitle Hotel Food Ordering Application Using QR Code by Nur Fatin

    Hanim binti Azmi , matric number BTCL18051681 has been satisfactory in terms of scope,

    quality and presentation as a partial fulfilment of the requirement for Bachelor of Computer

    Science (Internet Computing) with Honours in Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA).

    (Dr. Nur Farraliza binti Mansor )

    Date : ………….………………



    Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah S.W.T. for giving me the opportunity to complete

    this thesis for my final year project entitled Hotel Food Ordering Application Using QR

    Code. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Nur Farraliza binti

    Mansor for guiding me to complete this thesis, for the kindness and motivation towards this


    I would like also to sincerely thank you for all the lecturers that directly or indirectly

    involved in my thesis writing and guiding me in studying at UniSZA. Last but not least, a

    special thanks goes to my family for endless support and encouragement throughout my




    Hotel Food Ordering Application Using QR Code Technology is a real time ordering to

    manage the order process for hotel. This app helps customers to order without having to wait

    for the waiters to serve them. The current system is using traditional way which is took order

    system using paper, cause the order missing and not manage properly to record the orders of

    customers. The traditional ordering system brings inconvenience to both staffs and customers

    as it requires a lot of manual work. They do not have a proper ordering system to support and

    make the ordering process smoothly. Nowadays, smartphone and tablet have widely used in

    our daily life. By having this ordering application, the time of placing order has reduced. Our

    proposed application is Hotel Food Ordering Application using QR Code that enables ease

    for the customers. Therefore, this application is developed to provide an electronic ordering

    system using mobile and tablet for customers in order to increase the hotel productivity. By

    using this application, customers just captures QR Code on the table in each room's hotel for

    ordering food. After placing an order, it will be send through to the kitchen. People can easily

    scan the QR code by their smartphone. This new ways of ordering will ultimately save time

    for the waiter to take up orders and this application improves the method of taking the order

    from customer. In addition, owner hotel can add or manage their food menus and get

    notification the ordering food has been send to the customers.



    Aplikasi tempahan makanan hotel menggunakan kod QR Teknologi adalah pesanan masa

    nyata untuk menguruskan proses pesanan untuk hotel. Aplikasi ini membantu pelanggan

    membuat pesanan tanpa perlu menunggu para pelayan untuk melayani mereka. Sistem

    semasa menggunakan cara tradisional yang mengambil sistem pesanan menggunakan kertas,

    menyebabkan pesanan hilang dan tidak mengurus dengan betul untuk merakam pesanan

    pelanggan. Sistem pesanan tradisional membawa kesulitan kepada kedua-dua kakitangan dan

    pelanggan kerana memerlukan banyak kerja manual. Mereka tidak mempunyai sistem

    pesanan yang betul untuk menyokong dan membuat proses pesanan dengan lancar. Pada

    masa kini, telefon pintar dan tablet telah digunakan secara meluas dalam kehidupan seharian

    kita. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini, masa meletakkan pesanan telah dikurangkan.

    Permohonan yang dicadangkan kami adalah Permohonan Pemesanan Makanan Hotel

    menggunakan Kod QR yang memudahkan pelanggan. Oleh itu, aplikasi ini dibangunkan

    untuk menyediakan sistem pesanan elektronik menggunakan mudah alih dan tablet untuk

    pelanggan untuk meningkatkan produktiviti hotel. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini,

    pelanggan hanya menangkap Kod QR di atas meja di setiap bilik hotel untuk memesan

    makanan. Setelah membuat pesanan, ia akan dihantar ke dapur. Orang boleh mengimbas kod

    QR dengan mudah melalui telefon pintar mereka. Cara-cara baru ini akan menjimatkan masa

    untuk pelayan untuk mengambil pesanan dan aplikasi ini meningkatkan kaedah mengambil

    pesanan dari pelanggan. Di samping itu, hotel pemilik boleh menambah atau menguruskan

    menu makanan mereka dan mendapat pemberitahuan bahawa tempahan makanan telah

    dihantar kepada pelanggan.








    CONTENTS vi-viii





    1.1 Background 1

    1.2 Problem Statement 2

    1.3 Objective 3

    1.4 Scope 3

    1.5 Limitation of Work 4

    1.6 Expected Result 4



    2.1 Introduction 5

    2.2 Existing Application System 5-6

    2.3 Mobile Application 6

    2.4 QR Code 6

  • 2.5 Research from Previous Study 7-8

    2.5.1 Wireless Food Ordering System 7-8

    2.5.2 Point of Sale System 9-10

    2.5.3 Online Ordering System 11-12

    2.6 Research on Different Technique (Articles) 13

    2.7 Existing System 14-16

    2.8 Summary 17



    3.1 Background 18

    3.2 System Development Methodology 18

    3.2.1 Planning Phase 19

    3.2.2 Design Phase 19

    3.2.3 Implementation Phase 19

    3.2.4 Testing Phase 20

    3.2.5 Deployment Phase 20

    3.2.6 Review Phase 20

    3.3 Hardware and Software Requirement 20

    3.3.1 Software Requirement 21

    3.3.2 Hardware Requirement 22

    3.4 Architectural Diagram 23

  • 3.5 System Design and Modelling 24

    3.5.1 Context Diagram (CD) 24

    3.5.2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 0 25 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 2.0 26 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 3.0 27 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 4.0 28

    3.5.3 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 29

    3.6 Data Dictionary 30-32

    3.7 Summary 33

    3.8 Gantt Chart 33-34

    3.9 References 35



    3.1 Agile Methodology 18

    3.2 Architectural Diagram 23

    3.3 Context Diagram 24

    3.4 Data Flow Diagram Level 0 25

    3.5 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 2.0 26

    3.6 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 3.0 27

    3.7 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 4.0 28

    3.8 Entity Relationship Diagram 29




    2.1 Research on Different Technique (Articles) 13

    2.2 Existing System 14-16

    3.1 Software Requirements 21

    3.2 Hardware Requirements 22

    3.3 Data Admin 30

    3.4 QR Code 30

    3.5 Data Guest 31

    3.6 Data Staff 31

    3.7 Data Menu 32

    3.8 Data Order 32

    3.9 Gantt Cart 34

  • 1



    1.1 Background

    Hotel Ordering Food using QR Code is an interactive mobile application will help

    manager’s hotel to manage and controls their hotel. There are various facilities provided so

    that the users of the application will get service effectively. This application helps the hotel to

    do all functionalities more accurately and faster way. All they have to do is just scroll through

    the menu and tap to place an order. The current system is using traditional way which is

    paper menu and using paper sheets to record the orders of customers. Actually ordering is

    generating the QR code whereas the tablet is used to scan the code and send order to kitchen.

    Hence, one of the advantages of the food ordering system with QR code is customer

    satisfaction. All the processing method of ordering in hotel increases efficiency and reduces

    energy and time based on QR code without the need to the presence of waiter at the table by

    eliminating some stages of traditional ordering. All the menu information will be save in the

    database and admin can manage the menu items easily at any time or anywhere.

  • 2

    1.2 Problem Statement

    As mentioned previously, the existing system still using the traditional way which is

    the paper menu and waiters require to record down orders information from customers by

    handwriting. All the orders will be written on the paper sheets and will send to kitchen. The

    traditional ordering system brings inconvenience to both staffs and customers as it requires a

    lot of manual work. The manual work done by the staffs will cause some human errors such

    as the probability of paper lost is high and the kitchen’s can misinterpret the handwriting of

    order. Sometimes, when the staffs write in hurry will make the handwriting difficult to

    understand. All these human errors will cause the customer dissatisfaction towards the

    restaurant. Hence, the hotel will always receive complaint from customers which are not

    satisfied with the services as they always receive the wrong order or not receive the order

    after a very long time. Besides, the paper sheets easily lost. Futhermore, the manual system is

    a waste of time and energy, this is because they need to go to the cafe to make an order write

    down manually and wait for the order to be submitted. Customers do not know the time for

    preparation for the food. Therefore, this restaurant ordering system is designed and

    developed to help the restaurant to have a better management. By having this ordering

    system, the time of placing order has reduced. The customers do not need to wait to be served

    when they eat in the restaurant. The customers will be more satisfied at this ordering system.

    One of the problems that faced by hotel that using traditional ordering system is the

    difficulties to update the new menu. Paper menu can't be changed once printed. The

    management can't easily update the new menu or the price on the paper menu. If they want to

    change the menu, they have to reprint again. This will increase the cost and wastage of paper.

    In addition to that, paper menu will damage from time to time.

    Based on those problems, by implementing an electronic and efficient ordering

    service can avoid those problems happen. Hence, I proposed to develop an ordering system

    using QR code to solve the problems. By using the proposed system, the restaurant

    productivity and customer satisfaction can be improved.

  • 3

    1.3 Objectives

    There are the following objectives must be achieved in this project:

    o To analyze the current system features and problems before developing the new

    proposed system.

    o To design a user-friendly mobile application that will surely satisfied the guest


    o To develop mobile application using QR Code as a sensor feature to receive guest


    1.4 Scopes

    The scope of this project divided into 4:

    Guest - Customer

    Guest able to check the food that available in hotel.

    Guest scan the QR code on the table to order the menu.


    Staffs serves and send the food to the room ordered by the guests.

    Staffs are able to know whether the guests are already order the food or not.

    Admin - Restaurants/Cafe/Stall owners

    Admin will add new menu, delete menu and update the food menu

    Admin can view the report

    Admin generate the QR Code

  • 4

    1.5 Limitation of Work

    The system does not include the online payment, but the guest will pay it after

    checked out from the hotel.

    This mobile application for android user only.

    1.6 Expected Result

    The expected result of the Hotel Food Ordering System after completing the

    development is can achieve the target which is to help staff’s hotel to manage food ordering

    easily and efficiently. Smart ordering is to enable real-time feedback between the staff’s hotel

    and guests on the order status. This allowed the customers to know the preparation time of

    their order. To make graphical user interfaces more friendly and easily for user to make food

    ordering and easily for the admin to update and customize the menu content on the customer

    devices. The staff’s hotel does not need to inform verbally to customers one by one anymore.

  • 5



    2.1 Introduction

    This chapter focused on the research that is directly or indirectly to the project. This

    topic is important for the development stages or the project. It contains information that will

    be implemented in this project. Analysis and observation from the existing system were made

    during this stage. Based on experience and observation on restaurant/cafes I have found out

    that hotel owners have the problem to manage their orders from using the manual system.

    These methods of taking orders are proven to be time-consuming and redundancy of orders

    always happens. Besides, guest complain on the bad service of the staff can give a bad

    reputation to a hotel. So to solve this problem, understanding of the existing project is a must

    to determine the best way to develop the project. A series guided steps must be taken in order

    to ensure the success of the application.

    2.2 Existing application and system

    To develop a successful mobile application to order food via mobile phones studies

    are being made based on existing application and system. The business flow of this

    application is collected based on information gathered after installing and reviewing on how

    the application actually works. A few samples of applications and systems related to this

  • 6

    project were studied through. Studies of these applications are vital to develop a working,

    reliable, hassle-free and efficient hotel food ordering application using QR Code.

    2.3 Mobile Application

    A mobile application, most commonly referred to as an app, is a type of application

    software designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet computer.

    Mobile applications frequently serve to provide users with similar services to those accessed

    on PCs. Apps are generally small, individual software units with limited function. This use of

    app software was originally popularized by Apple Inc. and its App Store, which offers

    thousands of applications for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. A mobile application also

    may be known as an app, web app, online app, iPhone app or smartphone app. The simplest

    mobile apps take PC-based applications and port them to a mobile device. As mobile apps

    become more robust, this technique is somewhat lacking. A more sophisticated approach

    involves developing specifically for the mobile environment, taking advantage of both its

    limitations and advantages. For example, apps that use location-based features are inherently

    built from the ground up with an eye to mobile given that the user does not have the same

    concept of location on a PC.

    2.4 QR Code

    QR Code means Quick Response Code, which was invented by Denso Wave in 1994,

    a subsidiary of Toyota Japanese Corporation. It is the trademark for the type of matrix

    barcode. QR code is defined by the ISO/IEC 18004 industrial standard. Normal barcodes had

    information stored in horizontal dimension only and were limited in the amount of data they

    could contain. Denso Wave developed this QR code as a way of holding information in both

    horizontal and vertical dimensions; hence a QR code is able to accumulate 10 times more

    information than a normal barcode. Statistically, QR codes are capable of symbolizing same

    amount of data in approximately one tenth of the space of a traditional barcode. Information

    such as URL, SMS, contact information and plain text and videos can also be embodied into

    this two dimensional matrix. (Eulalia Rodríguez Fino*a , Jorge Martín-Gutiérreza, M.

    Dolores Meneses Fernándezb, Enrique Armas Davarac, 2013).

  • 7

    2.5 Research from previous study

    2.5.1 Wireless Food Ordering System

    Nowadays, internet is widely used in everywhere. People use internet to perform their tasks

    every day, such as chat with family and friends, communicate with colleagues, search

    information and many more. Internet is very convenient to the people as almost everything

    can be done by internet. The telecommunication and internet has growth rapidly. There are

    some industries starting to apply this technology into their business. This will help their

    business be more efficient.

    The user can access to data and services from a remote server, which will allow the user to

    access the databases across the network or internet. Most of the handheld devices support this

    wireless technology because they allow the user to access the database to retrieve the data.

    People nowadays use mobile devices to work and access with data and information. It is

    because the mobile devices are cheap and small. PDA which is Personal Digital Assistant is

    the mobile device that suitable for business applications. They have the ability to access data

    and information from remote locations (Khairunnisa, K et al, 2009).

    In this ordering system, the waiters take the orders from the customers by using the PDA.

    Then, the waiters will send the order to the kitchen via web-based wireless application. The

    order of the customers will be displayed on a computer screen in the kitchen. The kitchen

    staff will refresh the list when the food is ready to be served. The waiters will be informed

    through the PDA. Then, they will serve the food to the respective table. This system will

    increase the efficiency of the services as the waiters do not need to take an order using paper


    The strength of this system is the time in taking order has reduced. The waiter does no need

    to walk to the customers and take the order from them. They also no need to walk back to the

    kitchen to inform the chef what food has ordered. The customers can just make their order

    through the PDA and the order will display in the kitchen. Especially during the peak hours

    such as lunch time and dinner time, the customers do not need wait for a long time to be


  • 8

    The weakness of this system is it does not support real-time feedback. The customers are not

    allowed to provide their feedback after they finish their meal. It is because PDA can only use

    to make their order. PDA does not provide any order status feedback to let the customers to

    fill in.

    This system and the proposed system have the similarity which is the time in taking order is

    reduced. Both of this system do not need the customers wait to be served. They can place

    order themselves using the system. The proposed system also does not support the real-time

    feedback. If the customers want to give feedback, they need to speak directly to the staff.

  • 9

    2.5.2 Point of Sale System

    Point of sale system which is also known as POS system, is a combination of hardware and

    software that allows the staff to perform some tasks. There are a lot of businesses using this

    system to operate their daily transactions including restaurants, hospitals and hotels.

    POS system includes few hardware such as display pole, printer, handheld device, terminal

    and cash register. Display pole is used to show the price of the item when the item is scanned.

    Printer is used to print the receipt after the customers make their payment. Handheld device is

    used to accept the credit card payments from the customers. Terminal is the main screen that

    used to fill in the transaction details. Cash register is used to keep the cash. When the staff

    receive the cash from the customers, they keep the money inside the cash register (“Software

    Testing Help”, 2018).

    When the customers go into the restaurant, they either make their order first at the counter or

    wait to be served by the waiter. If the restaurant requires the customers to order first, they

    need to queue up at the counter and make their order. Then, they only find their seats in the

    restaurant. The another way is the customers find their seat when they reach the restaurant.

    The waiter will serve the customers and help them to make the order

    A restaurant might have more than one POS terminals. All terminals of the restaurant are

    connected to a file server. The configurations and settings are done on the server, then send

    back to the terminals. If the restaurant accepts credit card for the payment, third party

    provider is involved to perform the credit card processing. The data will send to the bank or

    third party when the staff perform credit card transaction.

    The strength of this system is it can reduce the time of taking order. This also can improve

    the satisfaction of the customers. By using this system, the duration of taking order is fast. It

    also can reduce the mistakes that will be done by the staff. It allows the staff to track the sales

    of the restaurant. The staff is allowed to generate daily and monthly sales report through this

    system. The staff also can view the history of all orders.

    Limitation of this system is the customers are tired of waiting on the queue. During the peak

    hours such as lunch time and dinner time, there are a lot of customers in in the restaurant. The

    customers need to wait for a long time to wait for their turn. Some of the customers might

    lose their patience and walk out from the restaurant.

  • 10

    The difference of this POS system and proposed system is POS system requires the

    customers to queue up at the counter to make their order. This system also allowed to be used

    by the staff only. The customers do not use the system directly, but they make the order

    through the staff. However, the proposed system let the customers to use the system

    themselves. They place their order themselves through the system.

  • 11

    2.5.3 Online Ordering System

    Internet is very famous and it plays a huge role in people’s life nowadays. People not only

    use it for communication, they also use for education purpose, work purpose and many more.

    Many company start to sell their items online because people nowadays like to purchase

    items online. People also like to purchase items through internet as it brings a lot of

    convenience to people.

    Restaurant industry also started to make use of internet to attract more customers. Some of

    the restaurant started to use online ordering system to let the customers to make their order.

    When the customers make the order through the internet, the data and information will send

    to the database of the restaurant. The order of the customers also will be displayed in the

    screen of the restaurant.

    This online ordering system brings convenience to customers. The customers can choose the

    restaurant they like through the internet. They can view the menu of the restaurant and make

    their order through the website. They have two options to choose to have their food, which

    are delivery or pick up. If they choose delivery, the deliveryman of the restaurant will send

    the food to the customer’s house. On the other hand, if the customer chooses pick up, the

    customers can go to the restaurant to take their food. Payment of the food can be either cash,

    credit card or PayPal.

    The strength of this system is it is flexibility. The customers can order the food anytime and

    wherever they are. The customers just need to access to the internet using mobile device or

    laptop to make their order. They do not need to waste their time to walk in to the restaurant to

    make their order. They also do not need to queue up in the restaurant. This has save the

    customer’s time.

    The limitation of this system is not all the people use internet. Some of the senior citizen does

    not know how to use internet. Therefore, they are unable to access to the internet to make

    their order. This system is unable to target all types of customers. Moreover, this system

    relies on internet. If there is no internet connection or the service provider is under

    maintenance, the customers are unable to access to the website. This will bring inconvenience

    to the customers.

  • 12

    The similarity of this system and proposed system is both of this systems using internet to let

    the customers place order. The difference of both of this system is online ordering system is

    used to make an order when you are lazy to eat in the restaurant. However, proposed system

    is used when the customers make their order themselves when they go into the restaurant.

  • 13

    2.6 Research on Different Technique (Articles)

    Table 2.1 : Research on Different Technique (Articles)

    Author /


    Title Description Advantage












    Application in




    This paper focus on develop

    “cAPPeteria”, a food

    ordering application where

    the users can directly order

    through, customize the food

    quantity, confirm order and

    generate a one-dimensional

    barcode on device A,

    controlled by the user, then

    the simulated code is scanned

    through device B, which will

    scan and decode the

    information encrypted to the

    image from device A.

    Using method android

    application, one-dimensional


    Improving the


    wireless food


    system limits

    the possible


    faced on

    connecting to

    an internet

    based server



    mobility and

    control to the




    van and




    A Framework

    for Evaluation




    Techniques in

    an Adaptive



    This paper focus on two

    serious restrictions. Sparsity

    restriction (two user have co-

    rated many of the items in the

    system) and Latency

    Restriction (This affects new

    or unique items).

    Using method Filtering

    Techniques: Collaborative

    Filtering (CF).

    Do not

    require items

    to be machine


    Require little




  • 14

    2.7 Existing System

    Table 2.2 : Existing System

    No. Project Name Overview/Description Advantages

    1. Sakae Sushi

    iPad Ordering


    Sakae Sushi Malaysia is a Japanese

    Restaurant who has first launched

    an iPad ordering system through an

    interactive menu to offer customer

    a new level of convenience and

    interactivity ordering system.

    The iPads are display at every table

    on a metal holder.

    This is a two-way communication

    system which will send each

    selected item directly goes to the

    kitchen to process after

    confirmation of customer then

    customers are able

    to continue choosing other items.

    Customers are

    able to search

    their favourite

    dish by typing

    the specific

    key words

    and it will

    show all the

    items based

    on the

    specific key


    Provided a

    real time

    ordering and




    able to keep

    track on their

    order and bill


    2. ChowNow

    ChowNow is an online ordering

    platform built for mobile and



    valuable data

    for every


  • 15

    To provide restaurants with an easy

    way to offer online ordering to

    customers via either their Facebook

    page, branded mobile apps for

    iPhone and iPad or their existing

    web site.

    ChowNow is offering restaurants a

    wireless tablet to receive orders

    and communicate back to the

    customer when it will be ready.

    receive and

    get to know


    better than


    Accept orders

    and set ready

    times through

    Tablet. Use

    Dashboard to

    update menu

    on the fly.

    3. Yhofoodie

    Yhofoodie is using a mobile scan

    code order via android and ios


    At present, we are operating a

    systematic à la carte cafe.

    The system will generate a separate

    QR code for each table as a meal

    window. Kitchen prints, service

    messages, checkout orders, etc. are

    all based on the table.

    The restaurant also constantly

    updates the menu so that customers

    have new dishes from time to time.

    All billed


    information is

    saved in the

    system for

    easy inquiry

    at any time.

    This includes

    viewing the

    bill's revision





    time, and



    The waiter




  • 16


    service bell

    message and

    more in time

    through the

    mobile phone.

  • 17

    2.8 Summary

    Basically in this chapter several research have been done in order to have a deep

    understanding of the method that is going to implement in proposed application. Besides a

    review of related existing systems also have been done at this chapter. From the existing

    system, we can have an idea of how the proposed application can be developed so that it is

    functioning well and beneficial to all user.

  • 18



    3.1 Introduction

    Methodology is method used in develop a system and defined as a set of procedures.

    This chapter will cover on methodology that used based on research that has been done. Hotel

    Food Ordering Application using QR Code is using Agile methodology. This chapter will

    fully explain to achieve the project's objectives that have been mention earlier in this research

    report. Methodology is important part to make sure the system can be accomplished

    successfully. This methodology has 6 phases which are Requirement Phase, Design Phase,

    Development Phase, Testing Phase, Deployment Phase and Review Phase.


    Agile Methodology

    Figure 3.1 : Agile Methodolgy

  • 19

    3.2.1 Requirement Phase

    In this phase, the project title had been selected. The project title for the application

    was Hotel Food Ordering Application using QR. This project started with brainstorming

    ideas with supervisor and proposed the title of the project. An abstract and description of the

    project module has also been done and attached. Besides, the Gantt chart also needed as a

    guideline and references for the project. This phase is to analyse the existing application and

    system also the article of the techniques or method that will be used for this project. In this

    phase also get all the requirements that are needed to design and develop the new application.

    Based on the collection of information through article, method and technique that is suitable

    been decided.

    3.2.2 Design Phase

    In the design phase, all the data or requirement obtained during planning and analysis

    phase transformed into the design. Diagrams to show the flow of the application will be

    develop in this chapter such as Context Diagram (CD), Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level O

    and 1, Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). These diagrams are designed as a guideline to

    developing the system. Alter that, will be design the database and application interface.

    3.2.3 Development Phase

    This phase is where the design will implement into the coding. The application will

    develop regarding the user and system requirement. In this project, to develop the application

    will be use Android Studio, server for the database, JSON Code to code. This phase is a

    critical phase because user part needed to be fulfils and to make sure the objectives


  • 20

    3.2.4 Testing Phase

    When all the module has be done as full application, the application testing has been

    carried out. This testing phase will test the application to check the error and ensure the

    function run well as a whole application. Any error or bugs will be fixed and repeated testing

    the application until all the function can be used.

    3.2.5 Deployment Phase

    This phase is when the application has successfully done and fulfil all the objective.

    The application can be deployed and finally the application will be publish to the user for use

    as their need.

    3.2.6 Review Phase

    This phase also get feedback and review form user for the maintenance. In this phase

    will follow-up with user to upgrade the application to another version in the future.

    3.3 Software and Hardware Requirements

    In this application development process, there are two requirement that need to be fulfilled

    which are software requirement and hardware requirement. This is important to ensure the

    development of the project went well and for future references.

  • 21

    3.3.1 Software Requirements

    List of the software needed for the development:

    Table 3.1 : Software requirements

    No. Software Description

    1. Android studio Used to code the program of the project. It

    debugs and run, tests the application.

    2. Notepad++ Used code the program, especially

    connection application to database

    3. Java, XML, PHP Programming language

    4. Firebase Database Database for system

    5. Microsoft word 2010 Use to do the documentation of application.

    6. Google Chrome A browse to run

    7. FIK Hosting (Php) This software used to create system

    database application.

    Programming language

  • 22

    3.3.2 Hardware Requirements

    List of the software needed for the development:

    Table 3.2 : Hardware requirements

    No. Hardware Description

    1. Laptop Acer

    2. Processor Intel Core i3-4030U @ 1,90GHz

    3. Memory 4 GB RAM

    4. Operating System Windows 10

    5. System Type 64-bit operating system

    6. Pen Drive Orchid 8GB

    7. Android Mobile Phone Used to run, deploy and testing



  • 23

    3.4 Architectural Diagram

    Figure 3.2 : Architectural Diagram

    Architectural diagram gave us a better understanding of how the application will

    work. Firstly, guest that need to scan the QR code on the table of the room with their phone.

    They can view the menu as soon as they have finished scan.

    Secondly, the menu view and they can choose the meal they want and then click to

    submit an order. The order they have made will be sent to the kitchen and will be view the

    guest order has been received.

    The kitchen will prepare the guest order. Lastly, the staff will be served the meal to

    the guest room.

  • 24

    3.5 System Design and Modelling

    3.5.1 Context Diagram

    The figure show 3.3 the context diagram (CD) of the application. This CD describe

    about overview of the system work. There are three entities involved that are guest, staff and

    admin. The guest has to scan the QR Code to make an order. Then, the order will be sent

    through to the kitchen.

    While the staff site, after finished the order that will be sent to the guest room. The

    admin have to manage the menu in the application. Admin can add menu, update menu and

    delete menu.

    Figure 3.3 : Context Diagram

  • 25

    3.5.2 Data Flow Diagram

    The figure shows 3.4 the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of application in more detail.

    The application carried out of five processes. The core of this application in the fifth process.

    The fifth process includes three entities which are guest, staff and admin. The ability of guest

    only can make an order that has to scan the QR Code while staff and admin can update the

    data beside know the process. The first process is log in for admin and staff. The second

    process, admin can manage their menu and generate the QR Code for user scan QR Code to

    make an order. The admin can manage their menu such as add, delete and update the menu.

    Then, restore it to data menu. Fourth process, the guest need scan QR Code to make an order.

    The order detail will be sent through to the kitchen for a view, while staff can get the order

    detail to send the order to guest room. Lastly, the application will generate the report and

    admin will retrieve all report from the application.

    Figure 3.4 : Data Flow Diagram Level 0

  • 26 DFD Level 1 Process 2.0

    Based on figure 3.5, admin can manage menu. The menu detail will be stored in table

    menu and it can be appear in the application for user to view. Admin also can add, update and

    delete the menu detail.

    Figure 3.5 : Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 2.0

  • 27 DFD Level 1 Process 3.0

    Based on figure 3.6, admin can manage QR Code. The QR Code detail will be stored

    in table QR Code and it can be appear in the application for user to scan. Admin also can add,

    and delete the QR Code detail.

    Figure 3.6 : Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 3.0

  • 28 DFD Level 1 Process 4.0

    Based on figure 3.7, the guest can make an order. The order detail will be stored in

    table order. The guest can make an order and it will be send through to the kitchen. Guest

    also can add, update and delete the order detail.

    Figure 3.7 : Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 4.0

  • 29

    3.5.3 Entity Relationship Diagram

    The figure shows 3.8 the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for this application. ERD is a

    data modelling technique that can help define business processes and can be utilized as the

    basis a relational database. In this application, the developer need to create six of entities

    represented five tables into database. Each entity has their owned attributes shown in figure.

    The relationship between entities explains the process that will carry out by every entity. This

    entity relationship diagram also explains the data that needed to run application successfully.

    The figure also shown the different role between guest, staff and admin in more detail.

    Figure 3.8 : Entity Relationship Diagram

  • 30

    3.6 Data Dictionary

    In this section, the basic structure of the tables composing the database for the project

    is shown along with information about primary and foreign keys.

    Table 3.3 shows admin have 4 attributes with Admin_ID as the primary key and QR

    Code_ID as a foreign key.

    Table of 3.3 : Table of Data Admin

    Entity Attribute Description Data Type Length Remark



    Name of Admin VARCHAR 100

    Admin_ID ID of Admin VARCHAR 10 PK

    QR Code_ID Identification of

    QR Code

    VARCHAR 100 FK


    Password admin

    to Login

    VARCHAR 50

    Table 3.4shows QR Code have one attributes with QR Code_ID as the primary key.

    Table of 3.4 : Table of QR Code

    Entity Attribute Description Data Type Length Remark

    QR Code

    QR Code_ID Identification of

    QR Code

    TEXT 100 PK

    Room_ID ID of Room VARCHAR 10 PK

  • 31

    Table 3.5 shows guest have one attributes with Room_ID as the primary key.

    Table of 3.5 : Table of Data Guest

    Entity Attribute Description Data Type Length Remark

    Guest Room_ID ID of Room VARCHAR 10 PK

    Table 3.6 shows staff have 5 attributes with Staff_ID as a primary key while Room_ID and

    Order_ID as a foreign key.

    Table of 3.6 : Table of Data Staff

    Entity Attribute Description Data Type Length Remark



    Name of Staff VARCHAR 100

    Staff_ID ID of Staff VARCHAR 10 PK

    Room_ID ID of Room VARCHAR 10 FK


    Password staff

    to Login

    VARCHAR 50

    Order_ID ID of Order VARCHAR 10 FK

  • 32

    Table 3.7 shows menu have 5 attributes with Menu_ID as the primary key and QR Code_ID

    as a foreign key.

    Table of 3.7 : Table of Data Menu

    Entity Attribute Description Data Type Length Remark



    ID of Menu INT 10 PK

    Price Price of Menu VARCHAR 100

    Category Category of


    VARCHAR 100


    Name of Menu

    VARCHAR 100

    Table 3.8 shows order have 7 attributes with Order _ID as a primary key while Menu_ID and

    Room_ID as a foreign key.

    Table of 3.8 : Table of Data Order

    Entity Attribute Description Data Type Length Remark



    ID of Order INT 10 PK

    Price Price of Menu VARCHAR 100

    Type Type of Menu VARCHAR 100


    ID of Menu INT 10 FK

    Room_ID ID of Room VARCHAR 10 FK

    Date Date of Order


    DATE 50

    Time Time of Order TIME 50

    Staff_ID ID of Staff VARCHAR 10 FK

  • 33

    3.7 Summary

    This chapter describe the methodology for development of the apps. Methodology is very

    important in development. In this project, waterfall model software development method is

    used as a guide to build the project. Each phase already explained for better understanding.

    Besides, software and hardware requirements also explained in this chapter.

    3.8 Gantt Cart

    Gantt charts are user for planning and scheduling projects. Assess how long a project should

    take determine the resources needed, and plan the order to complete tasks. Table 3.10 shows

    a gantt chart for this project.

    Table 3.9 : Gantt Cart

  • 34


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

    1 Topic Discussion and Determination

    2 Project Title Proposal

    3 Proposal Writing – Introduction

    4 Proposal Writing – Literature Review

    5 Proposal Writing (Continued)

    6 Proposal Progress Presentation and Panel’s Evaluation

    7 Methodology Workshop

    8 Proposal Writing - Methodology

    9 Final Year Project Format Writing Workshop

    10 Drafting Report of Proposal

    11 Submit Draft of Report to Supervisor

    12 Preparation for Final Presentation

    13 Final Presentation and Panel’s Evaluation

    14 Final Report Submission


  • 35










    [6]John O’Donovan and John Dunnionv (2014). “A Framework for Evaluation of

    Information Filtering Techniques in an Adaptive Recommender System”. Conference

    Paper in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, August 2004, dol:10.1007978-3-540-

