Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

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Page 1: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon
Page 2: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Horoscope of Deepika Padukone




ʱÉJªÉiÉä VÉx¨É {ÉÊÆjÉE É For the welfare of the mother and the childFor the growth of the family happinessTo follow the ancient virtuous practicesThe horoscope is written


Page 3: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

ClickAstro In-Depth Horoscope

Name : Deepika PadukoneSex : FemaleDate of Birth : 5 January, 1986 SundayTime of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 02:39:00 AM Standard TimeTime Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 01:00 East of GreenwichPlace of Birth : CopenhagenLongitude &Latitude (Deg.Mins) : 12.33 East, 55.39 NorthAyanamsa : Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 39 Min. 32 Sec.Birth Star - Star Pada (Quarter) : Swati - 1Birth Rasi - Rasi Lord : Tula - ShukraLagna (Ascendant) - Lagna Lord : Tula - ShukraThidhi (Lunar Day) : Navami, Krishnapaksha

Sunrise (Hrs.Mins) : 08:37 AM Standard TimeSunset (Hrs.Mins) : 03:53 PMDinamana (Hrs. Mins) : 7.16Dinamana (Nazhika.Vinazhika) : 18.10Local Mean Time (LMT) : Standard Time - 10 Min.Astrological Day of Birth : SaturdayKalidina Sankhya : 1857969Dasa System : Vimshottari, Years = 365.25 Days

Star Lord : RahuGanam, Yoni, Animal : Deva, Male, BuffaloBird, Tree : Crow, Terminalia AlataChandra Avastha : 1 / 12Chandra Vela : 1 / 36Chandra Kriya : 1 / 60Dagda Rasi : Simha,VrischikaKaranam : GaraNithya Yoga : SukarmaRasi of Sun - Star Position : Dhanu - PurvashadaPosition of Angadityan : Feet[Zodiac sign (Western System) : Capricorn

Yogi Point - Yogi Star : 180:58:5 - ChitraYogi Planet : KujaDuplicate Yogi : ShukraAvayogi Star - Planet : Moola - KetuAtma Karaka (Soul) - Karakamsa : Guru - SimhaAmatya Karaka (Intellect/Mind) : SuryaLagna Aruda (Pada) / Thanu : KumbhaDhana Aruda (Pada) : Kanya


Page 4: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Sayana Longitude of Planets

The longitude of planets including that of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are given as per western method ofcalculation.

Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn

Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec

Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52

Moon 210:32:23 Saturn 245:34:45

Mercury 268:49:22 Neptune 273:44:21

Venus 280:55:28 Pluto 216:60:0

Mars 223:3:13 Node 35:36:20

NIRAYANA longitudes of planets, which is the basis of calculations in the Indian system are derived from theSAYANA values shown above. All the charts, calculations and analysis following this are based on IndianPredictive Astrology.Nirayana Longitude of Planets

The Indian system of astrology is based on the nirayana longitude planets, which is obtained by subtracting theayanamsa value from the sayana longitudes, calculated as per western system.

There are different basis for calculating ayanamsa. The method selected here is : Chitra Paksha = 23Deg.39Min.32 Sec.

Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Rasi Long. in Rasi Deg:Min:Sec Star Pada

Lagnam 190:36:30 Tula 10:36:30 Swati 2

Chandra 186:52:50 Tula 6:52:50 Swati 1

Surya 260:45:15 Dhanu 20:45:15 Purvashada 3

Budha 245:9:50 Dhanu 5:9:50 Moola 2

Shukra 257:15:56 Dhanu 17:15:56 Purvashada 2

Kuja 199:23:41 Tula 19:23:41 Swati 4

Guru 295:28:20 Makara 25:28:20 Dhanishta 1

Sani 221:55:12 Vrischika 11:55:12 Anuradha 3

Rahu 11:56:48 Mesha 11:56:48 Aswini 4

Ketu 191:56:48 Tula 11:56:48 Swati 2

Maandi 161:8:7 Kanya 11:8:7 Hasta 1


Page 5: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

















Dasa balance at birth = Rahu 17 Years, 8 Months, 16 Days







6 Ven







Ket Lag11



Page 6: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Bhava Chart

















Page 7: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Bhava Table

Bhava ArambhaBeginning Deg:Min:Sec

MadhyaMiddle Deg:Min:Sec

AnthyaEnding Deg:Min:Sec

PlanetsLocated in Bhava

1 178:6:14 190:36:30 208:6:14 Moo,Mar,Ket

2 208:6:14 225:35:59 243:5:43 Sat

3 243:5:43 260:35:27 278:5:11 Sun,Mer,Ven

4 278:5:11 295:34:56 308:5:11 Jup

5 308:5:11 320:35:27 333:5:43

6 333:5:43 345:35:59 358:6:14

7 358:6:14 10:36:30 28:6:14 Rah

8 28:6:14 45:35:59 63:5:43

9 63:5:43 80:35:27 98:5:11

10 98:5:11 115:34:56 128:5:11

11 128:5:11 140:35:27 153:5:43

12 153:5:43 165:35:59 178:6:14 Maa


Page 8: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Panchanga PredictionsOm SriDuring Dakshinayana period; with Jupiter in Makara rasi and Saturn in Vrischika rasi; on 1986January 4 Saturday ( Astrological Day of Birth ) at 27 Ghati (Nazhika) 0 Vinazhika After sunset; inFirst Pada of Star Swati; Krishnapaksha Navami Thidhi, Gara Karana and Sukarma Nithya Yoga; withMoon in Tula rasi and Dhanu Navamsa; in Tula Lagna and Middle Drekkana; the Girl is born.

Weekday : Saturday

You are born on Sunday before sunrise. As per astrology, the day starts at sunrise and thus Saturdayis the astrological day of birth.Birth on a Saturday indicates that you may prefer to stay inactive until circumstances force you step forward.You enjoy delay tactics. You have to control your tendency to gossip. You cannot afford to spend as lavishly asyou would like to. You tend to be emotional and sensitive in nature.

Birth Star : Swati

You are philanthropically inclined and enjoy helping people less fortunate than yourself. You are good atsmall/family business transactions of all kinds. You do occasionally tend to use profanity. Your assets will beself made. You will probably live in a town other than the one in which you were born. You tend to second-guess yourself and your decisions. Your emotional burdens may sometimes seem enormous. You enjoy goodfood, expensive clothes and fine art. You have a probing mind and you have a tolerant nature. Your married life,and your relationship with your in-laws may superficially appear to be more happy than is really the case. Youdo not take criticism well. You should learn to communicate your longings and fears to the man you love.

Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Navami

Those who are born in NAVAMI THIDHI have great powers of concentration. You will work hard to meetyour goals. You will also be a good manager of money and materials. You are capable of conniving or fightingto achieve your ends.

Karanam : Gara

Since you are born in Gara Karana, you will develop taste for good food. You prefer food that gives you healthand strength. You like discussions with your friends about their problems. Your strategies often work out toadvantage.

Nithya Yoga : Sukarma

People born with SUKARMA NITHYAYOGA are destined to enjoy good and noble actions. They areconsiderate to others, and impress those who know them by their commendable deeds. They are polite and wellspoken. They are charitable. They enjoy life, and that enjoyment permits them to live long and fulfiling lives.


Page 9: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Bhava PredictionsThis report describes the influence of planets on your character and life. You may find repetitions orcontradictions in the report which only show the interactive nature of various planets on your life.

Personality, physical structure, status

The first house of the horoscope represents the personality characteristics, physical structure, status and fameof the person.

Based on the position of Lagna the following characteristics may be present in your personality. You are:idealistic; quick-witted; vindictive; forceful; positive; well-informed; interested in logic and legality; imaginative;perceptive; a bit of a dreamer; forceful and self confident. You enjoy: travelling, poetry; music; art. Physicallyyou have: attractive eyes; an impressive appearance. You probably have an alias or nick-name. You love justice,peace and harmony. You believe in a divine power. You will enjoy working for the governement or for a largeinstitution. You will have more daughters than sons. You are a good business person. You are skinny early inlife, but you will gain weight as you grow older. You tend to worry. You are a dreamer. If you are in thepolitical or religious field, you exert tremendous influence over others. You have the power to convince peoplebecause of your absolute faith in your own message. You can force your views upon unwilling minds becauseof your zeal and enthusiasm. You love music. You are exceptionally honest.

Since your Lagna lies in the second Drekkana of its house, you should be prepared to face sudden financialreversals. People may question your methods of making money. Be careful with others' money, because if youaren't totally honest you will get into trouble through mismanagement of funds. You see business as drudgery.You have a chance to make money from literature. You find innovative and exciting ways in which to spendyour money. The important years in your life are 15, 22, 24, 29, 31, 36, 42, 44 and 51.

Since the lord of the ascendant is in the 3rd house, you participate in acts that are courageous and honourable.You are capable of maintaining parallel relationships with different people, which is fine in casual friendships butdangerous when it comes to romance. Some of your ways appear unorthodox or unnatural to others. Peoplemay talk about you, so if you don't want them to, don't flaunt your life-style. You may gain acceptance in theworld of music or mathematics, especially through the help of your brothers. Your health will be variable.

Since the Moon occupies the first house, you will be strong, and have beautiful eyes. Your outlook will bespiritualistic.

As Mars is in the first house, there will be scars on your body. You are capable of tact, but you can be easilyprovoked to anger.

As Ketu is in the first house, you will have a lovely face. Your behaviour will be pleasant.

Wealth, land and properties

Land and properties, wealth, family, speech, food and skills are some of the important topics highlighted by thesecond house in a horoscope.

As the 2nd lord is in the ascendant, there is little doubt that you ultimately make money. However, yourrelationship with your parents and siblings will be far from satisfactory. Even in youth, you will look beyond thehome for comfort and pleasure. You may resent your parents and see them as barriers to your progress andhappiness. In business, you must remain vigilant so as to avoid fraud. Your financial fortunes will rise and fallintermittently, and therefore cause you much worry. You are occasionally abrupt or rude to others.

Since Saturn is positioned in your 2nd house, you may be accused of being thoughtless or deceitful. You mayexperience monetary problems now and then.

Since Moon and the second lord are positioned together, you will be interested in arts and performances.

It is interesting to note that Ketu is positioned with the second lord. You will be fond of mysterious stories andoccult practices.


Page 10: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon


Third house in the horoscope mainly refers to siblings, courage and cleverness .

Since the 3rd lord is in the 4th, you will be intelligent and wealthy. Your spouse, who is unconventional in manyways, will probably be extraordinarily intelligent. However, you will not be dictated to, or manipulated byanyone, including your spouse. You may have step-brothers.

Since the Sun happens to be in the 3rd house, you are strong and courageous. You have an imposingpersonality. Your relationship with your brothers and sisters may not be satisfactory. You will be dissatisfied bythe attitude of your bosses.

Since Mercury happens to be in the 3rd house, you are However, you are astute enough to overcome theobstacles created by your enemies. You do the best you can for those you love.

Since Venus happens to be in the 3rd house, you are sensitive and will get easily upset about small matters.Thiswill adversely affect your relationships.

A benefic planet is located in the third house reinforces the longevity of your siblings.

Property, Education etc.

The fourth house of your horoscope refers to property, education, mother, vehicles, and general happiness.

As the 4th Lord is in the 2nd, you are destined to be lucky in relation to your mother or maternal relatives. In allprobability your mother received a great deal of help from her sisters, or other relatives. No one is able todominate you or make you bend to their will. You can be clever and shrewd when the occassion demands. Youtend to hide your emotional scars from others. Your acerbic wit and cutting remarks may cause discomfort tomen who would like to get closer to you.

As Saturn is the lord of the 4th house, you will demonstrate leadership capabilities, even as a young girl. Youwill be known for your leadership qualities. If you receive proper guidance, you can become a successfulexecutive or able administrator. You will do well in any field where leadership is a prerequisite.

Since Jupiter is seen occupying the fourth, you will be educated and philosophical. You will enjoy the patronageand concern of those in power. You are respected, fortunate and spiritually-inclined.

Since the Moon is afflicted in your chart, you should be attentive to your mother's health and happiness.

It is seen that Mars is afflicted by other planets. Hence, take extra care in property dealings so as to avoidlosses.

Apart from the above, you should be happy to note that there is a beneficial influence of Jupiter on the fourthhouse and this reduces any bad effects predicted otherwise.

Children, mind, intelligence.

The fifth house of the horoscope mainly gives indications regarding children, mind and intelligence.

Astrologically speaking, since the 5th lord is in the 2nd, you should achieve prominence and status either at thestate, national or international level depending on your background, exposure, and opportunities. In allprobability you will be in the headlines of the news media one day. You may become overconfident and proudon account of the achievements of your children or brothers. You are so prone to leadership that you dislikeeven the friendliest suggestions. Forceful requests from friends, children, neighbors or lover, may be met withanger. You will have a beautiful partner and well behaved children.

Diseases, enemies, obstacles

The sixth house gives indications regarding diseases, enemies, obstacles and other generally negative topics.

Since the 6th lord is in the 4th, you will be intelligent and imaginative. There may be imaginative additions ordeliberate subtractions during the course of transfer of information through you. Elements of jealousy in your


Page 11: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

personality are inbuilt and you cannot escape from it altogether. Your unconscious fear of losing the love ofyour mother affects all you do. There may be a break in education. If these happens you might be emotionallyvolatile. Your mind is not as strong as other's assume from a distance. Ancestral property will be involved indebt. You have to face trouble through assistants.

Marriage etc.

The various aspects of your married life are influenced by the 7th. house.

Your 7th lord is in the 1st house. In youth, you will enjoy the company of people your age. You will like goingout in big groups and enjoying yourself. You will be gregarious among your friends but shy among strangers.You will show an interest in art and decoration. You will be captivated by beautiful things and beautiful people.You are secretive about things that are very important to you. You will probably choose a man who knows youwell and finds your personality always fascinating. He will be intelligent and accomplished. You may be accusedof being rigid in your views. You will take care of your health and your appearance. You need your husband orlover to give you lots of attention. If there is any lack of consideration, you react violently. You will beenergetic and healthy. Your lover will find this effusiveness alluring. You are dignified in all your dealings. Youare careful with money.

Since the seventh lord is afflicted, you may have to travel inordinately.

Since the 7th lord and Venus are both afflicted, you will be able empathize with human frailties and desires. Youwill be emotional and sensitive. However, you are also strong and aggressive. You will have ups and downs inrelationships. When you get married you may feel unnecessarily inadequate.

A person from the west could make an ideal partner for you.

Rahu is in the 7th house; therefore, you should be wary of impulsive action. You will learn to be careful andself-controlled. You are a non-conformist and will chose the man you wish to marry regardless of what otherssay. You will be head-strong and stubborn. You may get married late. You have a sensitive stomach and shouldtherefore be careful about your diet.

It is seen that Venus is afflicted by other planets. Hence, occasional disturbances in family life should beexpected. Both partners are advised to take care to ensure the success of the family unit.

Longevity, difficulties

The eighth house gives indications regarding longevity, medical treatment and other difficulties.

Since the 8th lord is in the 3rd, problems of the ear are possible. If any hearing problems are experiencedimmediate medical care is necessary. You may not enjoy or invite close friendships and intimate relationships.Normally, you are withdrawn in social situations. You are reluctant to approach strangers unless you areconvinced that you have enough in common with them. You do not discuss your feelings, fears and mentaltorment freely with anybody; therefore, nervous tension builds up. You may get a monetary wind-fall throughliterary or agency work.

Fortune, Prosperity, Inheritance etc.

As the 9th Lord is in the 3rd, you are the daughter of a man with moderate means. However you will be able toadvance your future through writing. You will have a lot of friends and contacts. From childhood your overanalytical nature makes you suspicious and critical of others. You enjoy ferretting out other people's secrets.You could have trouble due to what you write or print.


Verse from Phaladeepika says that the tenth house indicates Vyapara (commerce), Aspada (rank or position),Karma (acts, occupation, profession), Jaya (success), Kirti (fame), Kratu (sacrifice), Jeevana (livelihood,profession), Vyoma (sky), Achara (conduct), Guna (good qualities), Pravritti (inclination), Gamana (going),Ajna (command)


Page 12: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

According to Sarvartha Chintamani, from the tenth house, the astrologer should judge occupation, command,authority, fame, rain, life in foreign lands, performance of sacrifice, esteem, respect, means of livelihood,profession, the knees and the servants. An analysis of the tenth house, lord of tenth house, planets in tenthhouse, position of Sun and Moon are analysed below to get an insight into the professions astrologicallyindicated for you.

In your horoscope, the lord of the tenth house is placed in the lagna. Verse from Brihat Parasara Hora indicatesthat as the lord of tenth house is placed in lagna, you will be learned, famous and wealthy. You have poetictalent. Although sickness is indicated in the early age, wealth and happiness are bound to increase as years goby.

The tenth house is Cancer. It is a watery sign. Hence, occupations connected with water and other liquids arepossible. Other jobs indicated are catering, running hotels and restaurants, nursing, dealing in antiques, teaching,preaching, publishing, dealing in milk products etc. Cancer makes you imaginative and inclined to public life.Water supply, import-export, boats, navy, fisheries, swimming pools, drainage, bottled minerals and soft drinksare the areas you can choose to build up a successful career or business.

It is important to note that there are no planets positioned in the tenth house from Lagna, Moon as well as theSun. Hence we shall study the effect of the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the tenth lord. This will giveadditional clues as to the type of occupation ideally suited for you.

Jupiter is the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the tenth lord. As a student you always respected your teachersand wished that you would become one. Teaching is a profession which always fascinated you. Other areasadvised for you are judiciary, banks and preaching. You enjoy giving advice to your friends and relatives. Thisability can be raised to a professional level also.

Apart from the above analysis based on the planetary positions in the horoscope, some general guidance can bederived from the birth star itself. Occupations suggested for your birth star are related to the following.

Automobile, transport, tourism, music, cinema, decoration, tube light, fan, fridge, hot water equipment, hot airblower, radiation, women's apparel, fancy goods, garments, plastics, mica, rubber, leather, catering and bakery.

Jupiter aspects the tenth house. This strengthens the career prospects.


The eleventh house mainly gives indications regarding income and sources of income.

As the 11th lord is in the 3rd, your income will be connected with music. Brothers will be helpful in yourprogress. You will have a multitude of good friends, neighbors and relatives. Your social skills are faultless. Youwill enjoy the affection of your siblings.

Expenditure, losses

The twelfth house gives indications regarding expenditure and losses.

Since the 12th lord is in the 3rd, you will be timid and quiet. Your brother may move away from you, or leavethe family. You are not concerned about your clothing and at times you will appear shabby. You will spendmoney and time on your younger brothers. Time spent on literary items may not achieve the desired results.You tend to be a home-body. You are content with the company of your family and do not care to make toomany friends.


Page 13: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Favourable PeriodsFavourable Periods for Career

Considering the lagna lord, tenth lord, benefic planets in lagna and tenth house, aspect of Jupiter on lagna andtenth house and other factors the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for career.

Analysis for age 15 to age 60.

Dasa Apahara Period start Period End Analysis

Rahu Chandra 04-03-2001 03-09-2002 Favourable

Guru Sani 09-11-2005 22-05-2008 Favourable

Guru Budha 22-05-2008 28-08-2010 Favourable

Guru Ketu 28-08-2010 04-08-2011 Favourable

Guru Shukra 04-08-2011 04-04-2014 Excellent

Guru Surya 04-04-2014 21-01-2015 Favourable

Guru Chandra 21-01-2015 22-05-2016 Excellent

Guru Kuja 22-05-2016 28-04-2017 Favourable

Guru Rahu 28-04-2017 22-09-2019 Favourable

Sani Shukra 13-07-2026 12-09-2029 Favourable

Sani Chandra 25-08-2030 25-03-2032 Favourable

Sani Guru 10-03-2036 21-09-2038 Favourable

Budha Shukra 14-02-2042 15-12-2044 Favourable

Budha Chandra 22-10-2045 23-03-2047 Favourable

Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable forCareer.

Period start Period End Analysis

17-06-2001 05-07-2002 Favourable

31-07-2003 28-08-2004 Favourable

29-10-2006 22-11-2007 Favourable

02-05-2009 30-07-2009 Favourable

21-12-2009 02-05-2010 Favourable

02-11-2010 06-12-2010 Favourable

09-05-2011 17-05-2012 Favourable

01-06-2013 19-06-2014 Favourable

15-07-2015 11-08-2016 Favourable

12-10-2018 29-03-2019 Favourable


Page 14: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

24-04-2019 05-11-2019 Favourable

07-04-2021 14-09-2021 Favourable

22-11-2021 13-04-2022 Favourable

23-04-2023 01-05-2024 Favourable

16-05-2025 18-10-2025 Favourable

06-12-2025 02-06-2026 Favourable

01-11-2026 25-01-2027 Favourable

27-06-2027 26-11-2027 Favourable

29-02-2028 24-07-2028 Favourable

26-01-2030 01-05-2030 Favourable

24-09-2030 17-02-2031 Favourable

15-06-2031 15-10-2031 Favourable

19-03-2033 28-03-2034 Favourable

07-04-2035 15-04-2036 Favourable

11-09-2036 17-11-2036 Favourable

27-04-2037 16-09-2037 Favourable

18-01-2038 11-05-2038 Favourable

08-10-2038 03-03-2039 Favourable

03-06-2039 04-11-2039 Favourable

07-04-2040 29-06-2040 Favourable

03-01-2042 10-06-2042 Favourable

29-08-2042 27-01-2043 Favourable

31-07-2043 11-09-2043 Favourable


Page 15: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Favourable Periods for Marriage

Considering the seventh lord, planets in seventh house, Venus, Rahu, Moon and aspect of Jupiter and otherfactors the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for marriage.

Analysis for age 18 to age 50.

Dasa Apahara Period start Period End Analysis

Guru Shukra 04-08-2011 04-04-2014 Favourable

Guru Kuja 22-05-2016 28-04-2017 Favourable

Guru Rahu 28-04-2017 22-09-2019 Favourable

Sani Shukra 13-07-2026 12-09-2029 Favourable

Sani Kuja 25-03-2032 04-05-2033 Favourable

Sani Rahu 04-05-2033 10-03-2036 Favourable

Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable formarriage.

Period start Period End Analysis

01-06-2013 19-06-2014 Favourable

15-07-2015 11-08-2016 Favourable

12-10-2018 29-03-2019 Favourable

24-04-2019 05-11-2019 Favourable

07-04-2021 14-09-2021 Favourable

22-11-2021 13-04-2022 Favourable

23-04-2023 01-05-2024 Favourable

16-05-2025 18-10-2025 Favourable

06-12-2025 02-06-2026 Favourable

01-11-2026 25-01-2027 Favourable

27-06-2027 26-11-2027 Favourable

29-02-2028 24-07-2028 Favourable

26-01-2030 01-05-2030 Favourable

24-09-2030 17-02-2031 Favourable

15-06-2031 15-10-2031 Favourable


Page 16: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Favourable Periods for Business

Considering the second, ninth, tenth and eleventh lords, aspect of Jupiter on lagna and eleventh house and otherfactors, the following dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for business activities.

Analysis for age 15 to age 60.

Dasa Apahara Period start Period End Analysis

Rahu Surya 10-04-2000 04-03-2001 Favourable

Rahu Chandra 04-03-2001 03-09-2002 Favourable

Rahu Kuja 03-09-2002 22-09-2003 Favourable

Guru Budha 22-05-2008 28-08-2010 Favourable

Guru Shukra 04-08-2011 04-04-2014 Favourable

Guru Surya 04-04-2014 21-01-2015 Favourable

Guru Chandra 21-01-2015 22-05-2016 Favourable

Guru Kuja 22-05-2016 28-04-2017 Favourable

Sani Budha 24-09-2022 04-06-2025 Favourable

Sani Shukra 13-07-2026 12-09-2029 Favourable

Sani Surya 12-09-2029 25-08-2030 Favourable

Sani Chandra 25-08-2030 25-03-2032 Favourable

Sani Kuja 25-03-2032 04-05-2033 Favourable

Budha Ketu 17-02-2041 14-02-2042 Favourable

Budha Shukra 14-02-2042 15-12-2044 Excellent

Budha Surya 15-12-2044 22-10-2045 Excellent

Budha Chandra 22-10-2045 23-03-2047 Excellent

Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable forBusiness.

Period start Period End Analysis

17-06-2001 05-07-2002 Favourable

31-07-2003 28-08-2004 Favourable

29-10-2006 22-11-2007 Favourable

02-05-2009 30-07-2009 Favourable

21-12-2009 02-05-2010 Favourable

02-11-2010 06-12-2010 Favourable

09-05-2011 17-05-2012 Favourable

01-06-2013 19-06-2014 Favourable


Page 17: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

15-07-2015 11-08-2016 Favourable

12-10-2018 29-03-2019 Favourable

24-04-2019 05-11-2019 Favourable

07-04-2021 14-09-2021 Favourable

22-11-2021 13-04-2022 Favourable

23-04-2023 01-05-2024 Favourable

16-05-2025 18-10-2025 Favourable

06-12-2025 02-06-2026 Favourable

01-11-2026 25-01-2027 Favourable

27-06-2027 26-11-2027 Favourable

29-02-2028 24-07-2028 Favourable

26-01-2030 01-05-2030 Favourable

24-09-2030 17-02-2031 Favourable

15-06-2031 15-10-2031 Favourable

19-03-2033 28-03-2034 Favourable

07-04-2035 15-04-2036 Favourable

11-09-2036 17-11-2036 Favourable

27-04-2037 16-09-2037 Favourable

18-01-2038 11-05-2038 Favourable

08-10-2038 03-03-2039 Favourable

03-06-2039 04-11-2039 Favourable

07-04-2040 29-06-2040 Favourable

03-01-2042 10-06-2042 Favourable

29-08-2042 27-01-2043 Favourable

31-07-2043 11-09-2043 Favourable


Page 18: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Favourable Periods for House Construction

Considering the fourth lord, benefic planets with aspect on fourth house or fourth lord and other factors, thefollowing dasa/apahara periods are found favourable for construction of house.

Analysis for age 15 to age 80.

Dasa Apahara Period start Period End Analysis

Guru Sani 09-11-2005 22-05-2008 Excellent

Guru Budha 22-05-2008 28-08-2010 Favourable

Guru Ketu 28-08-2010 04-08-2011 Favourable

Guru Shukra 04-08-2011 04-04-2014 Favourable

Guru Surya 04-04-2014 21-01-2015 Favourable

Guru Chandra 21-01-2015 22-05-2016 Favourable

Guru Kuja 22-05-2016 28-04-2017 Favourable

Guru Rahu 28-04-2017 22-09-2019 Favourable

Sani Budha 24-09-2022 04-06-2025 Favourable

Sani Ketu 04-06-2025 13-07-2026 Favourable

Sani Shukra 13-07-2026 12-09-2029 Favourable

Sani Surya 12-09-2029 25-08-2030 Favourable

Sani Chandra 25-08-2030 25-03-2032 Favourable

Sani Kuja 25-03-2032 04-05-2033 Favourable

Sani Rahu 04-05-2033 10-03-2036 Favourable

Sani Guru 10-03-2036 21-09-2038 Excellent

Budha Guru 07-10-2050 11-01-2053 Favourable

Budha Sani 11-01-2053 22-09-2055 Favourable

Ketu Guru 09-09-2059 15-08-2060 Favourable

Considering the transit of Jupiter on various houses, the following periods are found to be favourable for HouseConstruction

Period start Period End Analysis

29-10-2006 22-11-2007 Favourable

02-05-2009 30-07-2009 Favourable

21-12-2009 02-05-2010 Favourable

02-11-2010 06-12-2010 Favourable

09-05-2011 17-05-2012 Favourable

01-06-2013 19-06-2014 Favourable


Page 19: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

15-07-2015 11-08-2016 Favourable

12-10-2018 29-03-2019 Favourable

24-04-2019 05-11-2019 Favourable

07-04-2021 14-09-2021 Favourable

22-11-2021 13-04-2022 Favourable

23-04-2023 01-05-2024 Favourable

16-05-2025 18-10-2025 Favourable

06-12-2025 02-06-2026 Favourable

01-11-2026 25-01-2027 Favourable

27-06-2027 26-11-2027 Favourable

29-02-2028 24-07-2028 Favourable

26-01-2030 01-05-2030 Favourable

24-09-2030 17-02-2031 Favourable

15-06-2031 15-10-2031 Favourable

19-03-2033 28-03-2034 Favourable

07-04-2035 15-04-2036 Favourable

11-09-2036 17-11-2036 Favourable

27-04-2037 16-09-2037 Favourable

18-01-2038 11-05-2038 Favourable

08-10-2038 03-03-2039 Favourable

03-06-2039 04-11-2039 Favourable

07-04-2040 29-06-2040 Favourable

03-01-2042 10-06-2042 Favourable

29-08-2042 27-01-2043 Favourable

31-07-2043 11-09-2043 Favourable

03-03-2045 13-03-2046 Favourable

23-03-2047 18-08-2047 Favourable

12-10-2047 28-03-2048 Favourable

14-08-2048 28-12-2048 Favourable

04-04-2049 27-08-2049 Favourable

09-03-2050 02-04-2050 Favourable

20-09-2050 16-10-2051 Favourable

16-12-2053 10-01-2055 Favourable


Page 20: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

14-02-2057 24-02-2058 Favourable

04-03-2059 16-07-2059 Favourable


Page 21: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Effect of Dasa/ApaharaIn Indian Astrology, the Dasa system divides your life into periods and sub-periods which are influenced byvarious planets. The general trend of fortunes and misfortunes that can be expected are given below. Theintensity of experiences may vary depending on the natal and transit positions of the planets. This needs furtherin-depth analysis. The effects which are not applicable to a child should be considered as applicable to theparents. Predictions are given starting from current dasa onwards. Details of apahara (bhukti) are given for amaximum of twenty five years only. The starting and ending of each apahara is also shown. (The initial fiveyears are skipped for infants). Strength of planets is judged by their positions in Saptavarga.

Sani Dasa (Saturn)

Saturn is the gloomy member of the heavenly family. But the planet does not bring grief for its entire period.You should expect your share of ups and downs, pleasures and displeasures during this period. However,Saturn also rules perseverance, and it gives you the power to accomplish what you want through hard work.Hence, Saturn is called the great disciplinarian. You will find many people who are willing to give you supportwhen you need it. If you are married, you may find more support from your husband than you had everanticipated. You can expect pleasant surprises as well. There may be problems for your mate or for other menin your family. You may have pain due to rheumatic complaints.

( 22-09-2019 >> 24-09-2022 )

The sub-period of Saturn in the Saturn dasa is for 3 years and 3 days. Saturn indicates delay, obstacles,structure and order in astrology. There can be distance in the relationships. You may try to question others.You may even go through some insecure feelings. They may not be there in reality. There can be temporaryseparation from home. You may relocate. Saturn also shows the unpleasant situations. You may have to workwith or work for people whom you dislike

( 24-09-2022 >> 04-06-2025 )

The sub-period of Mercury in the Saturn is for 2 years 8 months 9 days. This can give you good results. Yourpopularity will increase and there will be more people coming to you for help. At the same time as others alsowill come to help you. You will be happy. You will get opportunities to rebuild your life. There may be newinvestments. You will attend auspicious functions. Material comforts are also indicated. Your friends will cometo help you. Relations within the family will be soothing.

( 04-06-2025 >> 13-07-2026 )

The sub-period of Ketu in the Saturn dasa is for 1 year 1month 9 days. During this time period, you may getsleep disturbances. You may be confused . Take care of your material assets. If you are planning a travel, planwell ahead because there are chances of delays. You may feel that you are being accountable for many things.You may feel that your personal freedom is blocked. You may sell off some of your assets. Minor health issuesare indicated. There will be improvements during the end of this dasa.

( 13-07-2026 >> 12-09-2029 )

The sub-period of Venus in the Saturn dasa is for 3 years 2 months. This time, the period is very good forgetting good friends and companions. People will come to you to spend time with you and they will enjoy it.You will be financially secure through your spouse. There can be construction or renovation of the house. Youwill be interested in learning and will spend time in creative activities. Saturn and Venus are friendly to eachother in astrology. That shows that this dasa will be a balanced dasa. You may take up new financial plans.There can be more wealth coming from different sources. You may do some renovation at home.


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( 12-09-2029 >> 25-08-2030 )

The sub-period of Sun in the Saturn dasa is for 9 months 18days. During this dasa, you may find somedifficulties for you and your associates. This is the time where you become jealous. You must be careful to bevery optimistic otherwise, it can give you unwanted troubles. There can be moments of unhappiness anddepression. DonÆt let the situations or others ruin your peace of mind. You have to try a lot to keep goodrelationships within the family. You may have to be wise in spending money. You may travel frequently.

( 25-08-2030 >> 25-03-2032 )

The sub-period of Moon in the Saturn dasa is for 1 year 7 months. During the sub-period of Moon in theSaturn dasa there can be few problems. There can be fear of troubles. This is the time where you have to bevery careful about your relations. You may be very emotional. That can cause bitterness in the relations. Youwill get a tendency to argue for unwanted reasons and you should curb that. You have to be very wise inexpenditures. There are chances for wrong financial decisions. You may see obstacles in life.

( 25-03-2032 >> 04-05-2033 )

The sub-period of Mars in the Saturn dasa is for 1 year 1 month 9 days. During the sub-period of Mars in theSaturn dasa there can be opportunities for long distance travels. Chances for diseases also exist. There can bemoments of unhappiness, but towards the end of this period, you will be happy. You will get more money andconfidence. Saturn and Mars are two opposite energies in astrology. You may feel that life is pulling you in twodifferent directions. You have to be careful in using electricity and metals. Minor health ailments are alsoindicated.

( 04-05-2033 >> 10-03-2036 )

The sub-period of Rahu in the Saturn dasa is for 2 years 10 months 6 days. During the sub-period of Rahu inthe Saturn dasa, there can be many problems. You will be very alert and you will approach every situation withthis same attitude. You will spend time in meditation and self-appraisal. You may have to be careful about yourfinances. You may try to argue with your family. This will cause issues in the relationships. You may display arebellious nature. This can make others away from you. You have to be more understanding of others needs.Thus, you can be more peaceful during this dasa.

( 10-03-2036 >> 21-09-2038 )

The sub-period of Jupiter in the Saturn dasa is for 2 years 6 months 12 days. During this dasa, there will happymoments. There will be so many people around you to help in personal life as well as professional life. Therewill be praises and approvals from many places that too unexpected. You will either participate or organizeauspicious events like a wedding. You will be interested in learning. Jupiter is the great benefic in astrology. Youmay even go for a long trip. You will be more recognized. You will be interested in spiritual deeds.


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Budha Dasa (Mercury)

This dasa ruled by Mercury, known as the messenger of the gods, will generate unusual desire for higherknowledge, and a longing for change. You will feel unsettled and will be prone to wandering with friendswithout definite objectives. However you will meet with success if intellectual activities are taken up seriously.You will probably travel far from home. Important men will be helpful at this time. If you are married, you willenjoy the companionship of your husband and your joint ventures and opportunities will flourish. However, youhave to be careful about your health.

It is seen that Mercury is strong in your chart.

You will be more inclined to devote time and energy to studying, writing, reading, reviewing or interactingprofitably with others. Your negotiating and mediating skills will be improved. Friends and relatives may proveuseful. You may travel more in the northern direction and enjoy or gain from such travel. Association withpeople younger than you will be beneficial.

( 21-09-2038 >> 17-02-2041 )

The sub-period of Mercury in the Mercury dasa is for 2 years 4 months 27 days. During the sub-period ofMercury in the Mercury dasa, your intelligence will be sharp. You may indulge in some creative projects. Therewill be opportunities to display your knowledge. You will be taking up more responsibilities. You will besurrounded by your admirers. Your advice will be accepted by your young generation in the family. This willmake you happier and contended. Auspicious functions like marriage can take place in your family. You will bevery active throughout this dasa. You may get more material comforts.

( 17-02-2041 >> 14-02-2042 )

The sub-period of Ketu in the Mercury dasa is for 11 months 27 days. During the sub-period of Ketu in theMercury, dasa can give you concerns about the current situation. You may be emotional about family andothers. This doesn’t mean that entire period is going to be negative. Beneficial situations can occur at any time.You must take due care of your health. Ketu signifies moksha and spirituality. This apahara may bring someevents which can divert your attention towards spirituality. You may learn spiritual texts.

( 14-02-2042 >> 15-12-2044 )

The sub-period of Venus in the Mercury is for 2 years 10 months. During the sub-period of Venus in theMercury dasa you will find yourself stable and happy. Venus signifies luck, comfort and happiness. This time,you will become a respectable person in your society. Physical and mental health will be good. You will findhappiness humanitarian deeds. You may renovate your home or office. There can be auspicious events likemarriage can happen in the family. Great chances of learning ancient texts are also seen during this apahara.Minor health issues like headaches and fever are also indicated.

Ketu Dasa22-09-2055

During the period of Ketu dasa adverse effects, suffering and related mental strain are to be expected. This is aperiod of special significance for women. You should try and maintain your calm, and focus your attentions onwhat you are doing. You may suffer from one of the following problems: enmity from rivals; loss of prestige orimage; scandals; or dental problems. Consult a dentist early. Ironically, Ketu is also known to confer money,power, domestic happiness and other benefits. Therefore, this could also be a secure time for your family.Check the nature of Ketu in your chart for an added analysis of its potential effects.


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Graha dosham and RemediesKuja Dosha Check

Great importance is attached to the effect of KUJA in a horoscope. Kuja plays an important role in determiningmarriage compatibility. Often people say that there is Kuja dosham in a horoscope simply because Kuja is in the7th. or 8th. house. However, authentic books on astrology gives several rules of exception by which Kujadosha can be considered as nullified. A proper analysis on this basis is given below to see if there is Kujadosham in your horoscope or not.

In this horoscope, Kuja (Mars) is in the First house.

This position gives dosham.

Result of Kuja Dosha check with respect to Lagna

Kuja Dosha seen in this horoscope

ExplanationYour spirited nature can help you meet the challenges. You would find earnings and lead a happy family lifewith your bold and active approach. Always be clever with your actions. Boldness and energy will take you totroubles unless you behave thoughtfully. You should manage your temper to avoid conflicts inside and outsideyour family life. You can remain strong at all situations. Staying attached to your partner and discussing matterswith your dear ones will help you. Less concern on personal pleasures can make you a happier person.

RemediesTo alleviate the bad effects of Kuja in first house, you can follow the below mentioned remedies.

To alleviate the ill effects, you can gift red cloths, red oleander flowers and 2 brasslamps to sumangali womenhaving kids. These women should be elder to you.

Rahu Dosha & Ketu Dosha

Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets. Their movement is interrelated and as parts of one body they are at alltimes just opposite to each other but keeping in view of aspect (drishti), they can be regarded together. Ingeneral, Rahu carries the positive and beneficial tone of Jupiter and hence stands for growth and developmentand self help while Ketu expresses the restrictions and obstacles of Saturn and hence thought to restrictgrowth. In this way Rahu represents positive objectives and Ketu denotes the easy way out with littleopportunity for growth. Thus Rahu signifies materialism and desires, whereas Ketu signifies spiritual tendenciesand process of the refinement of materialization to spirit but obstacles in the material realm. Rahu is consideredto be wile, deceitful and dishonest.

Rahu DoshaYou may seek proposals early and should try to find the best suited one. Your diplomatic approach can maintainhappy relations. You can be lucky to win some fortunes, but need to be careful in financial deals andprofessional matters. Avoiding bad companies and influences help to maintain peaceful and healthy life. Youshould keep your personal interests and pleasures from not affecting your family life. Maintaining a cooltemperament can keep your relations happy. Your partner would be sensible and expressive in character. Youmay have to pay more attention towards your partner’s health and matters concerning children. You are lessprone to ailments on upper body. A strong Rahu signifies happy married life.

Remedies To Rahu DoshaTo alleviate the bad effects of Rahu, you can follow the below mentioned remedies. Get a Sarpayanthra andwear it with devotion Offer black gram, as naivedya, to Rahu (positioned at south-west, facing east) whereNavagraha deities are arranged as per Vaidika Prathishta system. Do this offering for 9 days. Take a few gramsof black gram with its outer peel and keep it under your pillow before you sleep. You should feed crows with


Page 25: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

these black grams in the morning after swinging it around your head. Follow this for 9 consecutive days, andon the 10th day visit Siva or Devi temple in the morning and give possible offerings. In some temples banyantree and neem tree are grown nearby, and Naga deities are placed close to their base. Do Prathakshina(Parikarma) around such deities and offer abhisheka of turmeric powder. Offer Kuvala (Bael leaf) archanas toLord Subrahmania. Chant the following sloka daily to considerably reduce the ill effects of Rahu in your life.

Asmik Mandale Adhidevatha +Éʺ¨ÉEò ¨ÉÆb÷±Éä +ÊvÉnäù́ ÉiÉÉ

Prathyadhidevatha Sahitham Rahugraham |ÉiªÉÉÊvÉnäù́ ÉiÉÉ ºÉʽølÉ¨É ®ôɽÖøOɽø¨É

Dhyaayaami Aavahayaami. vªÉɪÉɨÉÒ +´É½øɪÉÉʨÉ. Shreem Om Namo Bhagavathi Shree Shoolini ¸ÉÓø $ xɨÉÉä ¦ÉMÉ´ÉiÉÒ ¸ÉÒ ¶ÉÚʱÉÊxÉ

Sarva Bhootheswari Jwala Jwalamayi Suprada ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÖiÉä·É®ôÒ V´ÉɱÉÉ V´ÉɱÉÉ ¨ÉÉ滃 ºÉÖ|ÉnùÉ

Sarva Bhoothaadi Doshaya Doshaya ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÖiÉÉÊnù nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ

Rahur Graha Nipeedithaath Nakshathre ®ôɽÖø®ô Oɽø ÊxÉ{ÉÒÊnùlÉÉiÉ xÉIÉjÉä

Rashou Jaatham Sarvaanaam Mam ®ôɶÉÉä= VÉÉlÉ¨É ºÉ´ÉÇxÉÉ¨É ¨ÉɨÉ

Mokshaya Mokshaya Swaha. ¨ÉÉäIɪÉÉ ¨ÉÉäIɪÉÉ º´ÉÉ&

Ketu DoshaYou can remain financially sound through controlled expenses. The thoughts on the well being of your partnerand children might obsess you. Your may have to support and give courage to your dear ones on certainoccasions. Good friendships boost up your confidence, and recognizing the fake ones makes your lifesmoother. You can overcome the hostilities and professional pressures by being bold and honest. You wouldfeel contented on the success of your children. You may seek medical advices for bone and joint ailments.

Remedies To Ketu DoshaTo alleviate the bad effects of Ketu, you can follow the below mentioned remedies. Take a few grams of horsegram in a white cloth bag and keep it under your pillow before you sleep. You should feed crows with thesehorse grams in the next morning. Follow this for 9 consecutive days, and visit Lord Ganesha temple on the finalday evening. Perform Pradakshina (Parikarma) at the temple and give possible offerings. Get aKetukavachayanthra and keep it with devotion. Worship the deities of Ketu - Lord Ganesh and Lord Hanuman.Visit those temples daily and give possible offerings. Keeping a Sudarsana chakra at home with daily chanting ofthe following sloka considerably reduces the ill effects of Ketu

Asmik Mandale Adhidevatha +ʺ¨ÉEò ¨ÉÆb÷±Éä +ÊvÉnäù́ ÉiÉÉ

Prathyadhidevatha Sahitham |ÉlªÉÉÊvÉnäù́ ÉiÉÉ ºÉÉʽølɨÉ

Kekeegraham Dhyaayaami Aavahayaami. EäòEòÒOÉ¨É vɪÉɪÉÉ欃 +É´ÉɽøɪÉɨÉÒ Shreem Om Namo Bhagavathi Shree Shoolini ¸ÉÓò $ xɨÉÉä ¦ÉMÉ´ÉiÉÒ ¸ÉÒ ¶ÉÚʱÉxÉÒ

Sarva Bhootheswari Jwala Jwalamayi Suprada ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÖiÉä·É®ôÒ V´ÉɱÉÉ V´ÉɱÉÉ ¨ÉɪÉÒ ºÉÖ|ÉnùÉ

Sarva Bhoothaadi Doshaya Doshaya ºÉ´ÉÇ ¦ÉÚiÉÉÊnù nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ nùÉä¹ÉɪÉÉ

Kethur Graha Nipeedithaath Nakshathre EäòiÉÖ®ôOɽø ÊxÉ{ÉÒb÷ÒiÉÉlÉ xÉIÉjÉä

Rashou Jaatham Sarvaanaam Mam ®ôɶÉÉäVÉÉlÉÉ¨É ºÉ´ÉÇxÉÉ¨É ¨É¨É

Mokshaya Mokshaya Swaha. ¨ÉÉäIÉ ¨ÉÉäIÉ º´ÉÉ&


Page 26: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

RemediesStar Remedies

As you are born in Chothi star, your star lord is Rahu. You always act and think independently in life.Therefore, you may face difficulties in overcoming troubled times. On the basis of the birth star, the Dasaperiods of some planets may be generally unfavorable to you. The birth star being Chothi suggests that you mayhave adverse experiences during the dasa periods of Saturn, Kethu and Sun.

There will be a number of visible changes in your thoughts and actions during this period. Materialistic desiresmay grow unlimitedly. Unexpected impediments may arise in marital matters. Don't make your relatives brandyou as a hot-tempered person. The inclination towards unprofitable things will be more during this period. Don'tlet fantasies drive your actions.

The lord of the birth sign Thulam is Venus. Therefore, you will get opportunities to present a distinct outlookon aesthetics and in the fields of arts and sports. Extra effort will be needed to elevate your mind to a higheremotional plane. Recognition of your virtue, even by those close to you, will take time. Avoid transactions andauspicious functions in the unfavourable stars of Anizham, Moolam, Uthradam, Karthika (Medam sign), Rohiniand Makayiram (Edavam sign).

You must practice restraining your words and behaviour during the unfavourable Dasa periods, especially onthe hostile stars. Try to stay away from unnecessary tussles. It is best not to interfere in others' matters duringthis period.

Practicing customary remedial measures will help to mitigate the negative effects.

Praying regularly to Rahu and Serpent Lord, particularly during the hostile Dasa period, is considered to bebeneficial. For better results, visit the temples of Serpent lord and pray to Rahu on the birth star of Chothi andon the associated stars of Chathayam and Thiruvathira. It is also considered extremely auspicious to observefast on Fridays, which fall on Chothi star.

Pray daily to the lord of the star, Rahu, to get good results. Planting the Neermaruthu tree at an appropriateplace is also beneficial. Selecting and wearing white, black and light blue dresses is considered yet another wayto appease Rahu and Venus.

Besides, measures to please the lord of the sign, Venus will bring good prospects.

Wind is the lord of Chothi star. Chant faithfully any of the following Mantras to appease Lord Wind and receivegood prospects:

1 Om vaayo ye the sahasrinoRadhaasasthebiraagahi nithyuthwaana soma peethaye.

2 Om vaayave namaha

Besides, nurturing plants, animals and birds is considered highly auspicious. Especially, keep off from harmingbuffalo, the animal of Chothi star. Also, please avoid buffalo meat from your food. Try to plant and growNeermaruthu, the official tree of Chothi. Do not harm crow, the official bird of Chothi and if possible feedthem. The element of Chothi is Fire. Ancient astrologers testify that worshipping the lord of fire and lightinglamps during twilight will bring good luck to the people born in this star.

Dasa Remedies

The remedies for the harmful effects of dasa The analysis of the general trend of fortunes and misfortunes,during the dasa of each planet, is based on the planetary position in the horoscope. The examination of thebenefic and malefic effects of the planets shows that some dasa periods are not generally favorable to you. Inorder to mitigate the harmful effects of the unfavourable dasa periods, you must observe certain remedial rites.The unfavourable dasa periods in this horoscope and the remedial rites to be observed during that period aregiven below.


Page 27: Horoscope of Deepika Padukone · Your ZODIAC sign as per WESTERN system is Capricorn Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Lagnam 214:16:2 Jupiter 319:7:52 Moon

Dasa :SaniNow you are going through the dasa period of Sani.

Your birth star is Swati. Sani is in Vrischika Rasi. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable experiencesduring this dasa.

According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences duringSaturn dasa. You will have to face unexpected obstacles and difficulties in every field. You may not be able tofight against unfavourable situations. Tension may affect your natural sleep. The intensity of the harmful effectsof Saturn dasa varies according to the positional variation of Saturn. Some of the difficulties that you may haveto face, when Saturn is in unfavourable positions, are given below. When Saturn is debilitated, you will have toface the frequent difficulties in your life with a courageous spirit. You may not always be able to formulateideas with insight and put it in to practice. As a result you may incur financial losses. During this period therelation with the elderly people may be strained. Generally your social transactions will lack warmth. Take carethat your food is hygienic. During this period there will be a considerable decrease in your capacity to resistdiseases. You may not get respite from diseases easily. You may suffer excessively due to Saturn's badinfluence. When Saturn is in unfavourable positions, your ability to think practically will decline considerably.You are advised not to be mentally disturbed. If you experience an increase in these sorts of troubles duringSaturn dasa, you can easily deduce that Saturn is in unfavourable positions. Those who are more affected bythese troubles must adopt the ways to appease Saturn. Appeasing Saturn not only nullifies its harmful effectsbut also makes your life prosperous. Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specific directionsyou are to follow in the Saturn dasa are given below.

DressDark blue and black are the favourite colours of Saturn. Wearing these colours will help you to appease Saturn.In order to reduce the harmful effects, you should wear dark blue on Saturdays.

Devatha BhajanamLord Shiva and Sri Ayyappa are usually worshipped to eliminate the harmful effects of Saturn dasa. Someastrologers have recommended the worship of Hanuman. The astrologers of Kerala recommend the worship ofSri Ayyappa. Visiting the temple of Sri Ayyappa wearing black or blue dresses, while fasting; and presentinglight offerings and sesame sweet broth (Ellu payasa) libation are some of the ways to appease Saturn.

Morning PrayerMorning Prayer not only eliminates the harmful effects but also revitalizes your body and mind. Rise beforesunrise daily, during Saturn dasa. Invoke the grace of Saturn after purifying your body. Special care must betaken to clear your mind of all other thoughts.

Suryaaya sheetharuchaye dharaneesuthaayaSoumyaaya devagurave brigunandanaayaSuryaathmajaaya bujagaaya cha kethave chaNithyam namo bagavathe gurave varaaya(After this prayer)Krishnaaya vaasudevaaya namaami haraye sadaaMandasyaanishtasambootham doshajaatham vinaashaya(say this prayer too).

Chant this prayer daily, waking from sleep, while facing east in your bed.

Alms (Daanam)Giving alms good heartedly is a fine method to wash away your sins. You can donate sesame, black cow, bluesapphire, sesame oil, iron statue of Saturn, antimony sulphate (anjanakallu), black silk, black grains etc toappease Saturn. It is beneficial to give food to the destitute. Take some sesame oil in a flat vessel and see yourreflection in it. Giving away this oil will provide good results.



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You must wear flowers like blue Clitoria Ternata (Neela Shangu pushpam), blue lotus, blue hibiscus etc toappease Saturn. . Take the flowers to wear in your hand. Chant the mantra given below and wear it.

Anishtasthaanasanjaathadoshashaanthikaram sumamSanthathe shirasaa thena suryaputhraha praseethathu

PoojasSome poojas are suggested to appease Saturn. Flowers like Clitoria Ternata (Neela Shangu pushpam), blue lotus(Karinkoovalathila), blue hibiscus, blue lotus etc are used to do Saturn pooja. Libation is prepared with sesameand black gram. It is beneficial to visit the temple where the nine planets are consecrated; adorning Saturn withblue lotus (Karinkoovalathila) and lighting the oil lamps. The poojas should be performed according to the expertadvice of the astrologers.

Chanting of MantrasThose who have any technical difficulty in observing the remedial rites can win the favour of Saturn throughprayer. You can appease Saturn by chanting the following mantras.

Om suryaputhraya vidhmaheShaneishchraya dhimahiThanno mandhaha prajodhayath

You will get result only if you chant these mantras with the utmost faith and devotion.

Digital YanthraAnother device to gratify the planets is the digital yanthra. The digital yanthra recommended to appease Saturnis given below.

12 7 14

13 11 9

8 15 10

Wearing this device with a pure mind not only drives away the harmful effects but also provides a new vigourto the mind. If you wish to prosper in your field, you must place this yanthra- inscribed on a piece of paper ormetal leaf- in your work place, vehicle and upon the table.

Observe the above remedies till 21-9-2038 .

Dasa :KetuYour Ketu dasa starts on 22-9-2055

Your birth star is Swati. Therefore you may occasionally face unfavorable experiences during this dasa.

According to the planetary position in this horoscope, you are likely to undergo adverse experiences during Ketudasa. During this period your imaginative insight in every field may be defective. You will fear for the successof every venture in which you are involved. As this period may affect your concentration you will be slow ingrasping things. The intensity of the harmful effects of Ketu dasa varies according to the positional variation ofKetu. Some of the difficulties that you may have to face, when Ketu is in unfavourable positions, are givenbelow. When Ketu is debilitated, you may have the tendency to take contrary decisions. You will have todepend on others to fulfill your needs. You may debase the necessity for self defense. During this period youwill like to live in the past. Try to maintain privacy in your activities. Your body temperature will increase.During this period you will have diseases related to digestion. You may tend to be anemic. You will have to bealert while traveling. You will have a tendency to use others possessions when Ketu is in an unfavourableposition. You will struggle in maintaining a healthy married life. If you experience an increase in these sorts oftroubles during Ketu dasa, you can easily deduce that Ketu is in unfavourable positions. Those who are moreaffected by these troubles must adopt the ways to appease Ketu. Appeasing Ketu not only nullifies its harmful


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effects but also makes your life prosperous. Based on the detailed examination of this horoscope, the specificdirections you are to follow in the Ketu dasa are given below.

DressWearing red dresses will help you to appease Ketu. You can also wear black dresses. You must wear reddresses on Tuesdays. It is auspicious to wear back or red dresses while worshiping.

LifeStyleYour lifestyle in the Ketu dasa period should complement the requirements of Ketu. Doctrinal knowledge andspiritual lifestyle will enable your mind to escape from the difficulties in the Ketu dasa period. Accept advisesand directions of the learned people. This will help in strengthening your mind. Restarting the suspendedreligious rites, finding some time for chanting mantras and meditation, and practicing a systematic lifestyle areimportant. Don't quarrel with those inside and outside your family. Don't hesitate to make concessions. Becareful while traveling in vehicles. Your presence is necessary while doing poojas and remedial measures.

Devatha BhajanamLord Ganapathi is to be worshipped to eliminate the harmful effects of Ketu dasa. Doing Ganapathi sacrifice(homa) on your birth star day; visiting Ganapathi temple on the fourth day after the new moon/full moon(chadurthi) while fasting; and chanting the hymns of Ganapathi are the best ways to reduce the harmful effectsof Ketu dasa. Some astrologers also recommend the worship of goddess Chamundi. The person who's Ketu isin Oja rasi must worship Lord Ganapathi, and who's is in Yugma rasi must worship goddess Chamundi.

Alms (Daanam)Giving alms good heartedly is a fine method to wash away your sins. You can donate horse-gram, goat,weapons, beryl, red or black silk etc to appease Ketu. It is beneficial to give away the statue of Ketu made ofgold, silver or five metals.

FlowersYou can either wear red flowers like Chrysanthus (thechi), hibiscus or flowers like blue Clitoria Ternata (NeelaShangu pushpam), blue lotus, blue hibiscus etc to appease Ketu. Take the flowers to wear in your hand. Chantthe mantra given below and wear it.

Anishtasthaanasanjaatha doshashaanthikaram sumamSanthathe shirasaa thena praseethathu shikheemama

Observe the above remedies till 21-9-2062 .

Details of Dasa and Bhukti (Apahara) Periods ( Years = 365.25 Days )Dasa balance at birth = Rahu 17 Years, 8 Months, 16 Days

Dasa Bhukti Arambha Anthya

Rahu Rahu 05-01-1986 03-06-1988

Rahu Jupiter 03-06-1988 28-10-1990

Rahu Saturn 28-10-1990 03-09-1993

Rahu Mercury 03-09-1993 22-03-1996

Rahu Ketu 22-03-1996 10-04-1997

Rahu Venus 10-04-1997 10-04-2000

Rahu Sun 10-04-2000 04-03-2001

Rahu Moon 04-03-2001 03-09-2002


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Rahu Mars 03-09-2002 22-09-2003

Jupiter Jupiter 22-09-2003 09-11-2005

Jupiter Saturn 09-11-2005 22-05-2008

Jupiter Mercury 22-05-2008 28-08-2010

Jupiter Ketu 28-08-2010 04-08-2011

Jupiter Venus 04-08-2011 04-04-2014

Jupiter Sun 04-04-2014 21-01-2015

Jupiter Moon 21-01-2015 22-05-2016

Jupiter Mars 22-05-2016 28-04-2017

Jupiter Rahu 28-04-2017 22-09-2019

Saturn Saturn 22-09-2019 24-09-2022

Saturn Mercury 24-09-2022 04-06-2025

Saturn Ketu 04-06-2025 13-07-2026

Saturn Venus 13-07-2026 12-09-2029

Saturn Sun 12-09-2029 25-08-2030

Saturn Moon 25-08-2030 25-03-2032

Saturn Mars 25-03-2032 04-05-2033

Saturn Rahu 04-05-2033 10-03-2036

Saturn Jupiter 10-03-2036 21-09-2038

Mercury Mercury 21-09-2038 17-02-2041

Mercury Ketu 17-02-2041 14-02-2042

Mercury Venus 14-02-2042 15-12-2044

Mercury Sun 15-12-2044 22-10-2045

Mercury Moon 22-10-2045 23-03-2047

Mercury Mars 23-03-2047 19-03-2048

Mercury Rahu 19-03-2048 07-10-2050

Mercury Jupiter 07-10-2050 11-01-2053

Mercury Saturn 11-01-2053 22-09-2055

Ketu Ketu 22-09-2055 18-02-2056


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Ketu Venus 18-02-2056 19-04-2057

Ketu Sun 19-04-2057 25-08-2057

Ketu Moon 25-08-2057 26-03-2058

Ketu Mars 26-03-2058 22-08-2058

Ketu Rahu 22-08-2058 09-09-2059

Ketu Jupiter 09-09-2059 15-08-2060

Ketu Saturn 15-08-2060 24-09-2061

Ketu Mercury 24-09-2061 21-09-2062

Venus Venus 21-09-2062 21-01-2066

Venus Sun 21-01-2066 21-01-2067

Venus Moon 21-01-2067 21-09-2068

Venus Mars 21-09-2068 21-11-2069

Venus Rahu 21-11-2069 21-11-2072

Venus Jupiter 21-11-2072 23-07-2075

Venus Saturn 23-07-2075 21-09-2078

Venus Mercury 21-09-2078 22-07-2081

The bottom line in the chart does not indicate your longivity.


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Dasa : Sani Apahara : Sani

1.Sat 22-09-2019 >> 14-03-2020 2.Mer 14-03-2020 >> 16-08-2020

3.Ket 16-08-2020 >> 19-10-2020 4.Ven 19-10-2020 >> 20-04-2021

5.Sun 20-04-2021 >> 14-06-2021 6.Moo 14-06-2021 >> 14-09-2021

7.Mar 14-09-2021 >> 17-11-2021 8.Rah 17-11-2021 >> 01-05-2022

9.Jup 01-05-2022 >> 24-09-2022

Dasa : Sani Apahara : Budha

1.Mer 24-09-2022 >> 11-02-2023 2.Ket 11-02-2023 >> 09-04-2023

3.Ven 09-04-2023 >> 20-09-2023 4.Sun 20-09-2023 >> 08-11-2023

5.Moo 08-11-2023 >> 29-01-2024 6.Mar 29-01-2024 >> 26-03-2024

7.Rah 26-03-2024 >> 21-08-2024 8.Jup 21-08-2024 >> 30-12-2024

9.Sat 30-12-2024 >> 04-06-2025

Dasa : Sani Apahara : Ketu

1.Ket 04-06-2025 >> 27-06-2025 2.Ven 27-06-2025 >> 03-09-2025

3.Sun 03-09-2025 >> 23-09-2025 4.Moo 23-09-2025 >> 27-10-2025

5.Mar 27-10-2025 >> 19-11-2025 6.Rah 19-11-2025 >> 19-01-2026

7.Jup 19-01-2026 >> 14-03-2026 8.Sat 14-03-2026 >> 17-05-2026

9.Mer 17-05-2026 >> 13-07-2026

Dasa : Sani Apahara : Shukra

1.Ven 13-07-2026 >> 22-01-2027 2.Sun 22-01-2027 >> 21-03-2027

3.Moo 21-03-2027 >> 25-06-2027 4.Mar 25-06-2027 >> 01-09-2027

5.Rah 01-09-2027 >> 21-02-2028 6.Jup 21-02-2028 >> 25-07-2028

7.Sat 25-07-2028 >> 24-01-2029 8.Mer 24-01-2029 >> 07-07-2029

9.Ket 07-07-2029 >> 12-09-2029

Dasa : Sani Apahara : Surya

1.Sun 12-09-2029 >> 29-09-2029 2.Moo 29-09-2029 >> 28-10-2029

3.Mar 28-10-2029 >> 17-11-2029 4.Rah 17-11-2029 >> 09-01-2030

5.Jup 09-01-2030 >> 24-02-2030 6.Sat 24-02-2030 >> 20-04-2030

7.Mer 20-04-2030 >> 08-06-2030 8.Ket 08-06-2030 >> 28-06-2030

9.Ven 28-06-2030 >> 25-08-2030


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Dasa : Sani Apahara : Chandra

1.Moo 25-08-2030 >> 12-10-2030 2.Mar 12-10-2030 >> 15-11-2030

3.Rah 15-11-2030 >> 10-02-2031 4.Jup 10-02-2031 >> 28-04-2031

5.Sat 28-04-2031 >> 28-07-2031 6.Mer 28-07-2031 >> 18-10-2031

7.Ket 18-10-2031 >> 21-11-2031 8.Ven 21-11-2031 >> 25-02-2032

9.Sun 25-02-2032 >> 25-03-2032

Dasa : Sani Apahara : Kuja

1.Mar 25-03-2032 >> 18-04-2032 2.Rah 18-04-2032 >> 18-06-2032

3.Jup 18-06-2032 >> 11-08-2032 4.Sat 11-08-2032 >> 14-10-2032

5.Mer 14-10-2032 >> 10-12-2032 6.Ket 10-12-2032 >> 03-01-2033

7.Ven 03-01-2033 >> 11-03-2033 8.Sun 11-03-2033 >> 31-03-2033

9.Moo 31-03-2033 >> 04-05-2033

Dasa : Sani Apahara : Rahu

1.Rah 04-05-2033 >> 07-10-2033 2.Jup 07-10-2033 >> 23-02-2034

3.Sat 23-02-2034 >> 07-08-2034 4.Mer 07-08-2034 >> 01-01-2035

5.Ket 01-01-2035 >> 03-03-2035 6.Ven 03-03-2035 >> 24-08-2035

7.Sun 24-08-2035 >> 15-10-2035 8.Moo 15-10-2035 >> 09-01-2036

9.Mar 09-01-2036 >> 10-03-2036

Dasa : Sani Apahara : Guru

1.Jup 10-03-2036 >> 11-07-2036 2.Sat 11-07-2036 >> 05-12-2036

3.Mer 05-12-2036 >> 15-04-2037 4.Ket 15-04-2037 >> 08-06-2037

5.Ven 08-06-2037 >> 09-11-2037 6.Sun 09-11-2037 >> 25-12-2037

7.Moo 25-12-2037 >> 13-03-2038 8.Mar 13-03-2038 >> 06-05-2038

9.Rah 06-05-2038 >> 21-09-2038

Dasa : Budha Apahara : Budha

1.Mer 21-09-2038 >> 24-01-2039 2.Ket 24-01-2039 >> 16-03-2039

3.Ven 16-03-2039 >> 10-08-2039 4.Sun 10-08-2039 >> 23-09-2039

5.Moo 23-09-2039 >> 05-12-2039 6.Mar 05-12-2039 >> 26-01-2040

7.Rah 26-01-2040 >> 05-06-2040 8.Jup 05-06-2040 >> 01-10-2040

9.Sat 01-10-2040 >> 17-02-2041


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Dasa : Budha Apahara : Ketu

1.Ket 17-02-2041 >> 10-03-2041 2.Ven 10-03-2041 >> 10-05-2041

3.Sun 10-05-2041 >> 28-05-2041 4.Moo 28-05-2041 >> 27-06-2041

5.Mar 27-06-2041 >> 18-07-2041 6.Rah 18-07-2041 >> 10-09-2041

7.Jup 10-09-2041 >> 29-10-2041 8.Sat 29-10-2041 >> 25-12-2041

9.Mer 25-12-2041 >> 14-02-2042

Dasa : Budha Apahara : Shukra

1.Ven 14-02-2042 >> 06-08-2042 2.Sun 06-08-2042 >> 26-09-2042

3.Moo 26-09-2042 >> 22-12-2042 4.Mar 22-12-2042 >> 20-02-2043

5.Rah 20-02-2043 >> 25-07-2043 6.Jup 25-07-2043 >> 10-12-2043

7.Sat 10-12-2043 >> 22-05-2044 8.Mer 22-05-2044 >> 16-10-2044

9.Ket 16-10-2044 >> 15-12-2044

Dasa : Budha Apahara : Surya

1.Sun 15-12-2044 >> 31-12-2044 2.Moo 31-12-2044 >> 25-01-2045

3.Mar 25-01-2045 >> 13-02-2045 4.Rah 13-02-2045 >> 31-03-2045

5.Jup 31-03-2045 >> 12-05-2045 6.Sat 12-05-2045 >> 30-06-2045

7.Mer 30-06-2045 >> 13-08-2045 8.Ket 13-08-2045 >> 31-08-2045

9.Ven 31-08-2045 >> 22-10-2045


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Special Combination of Planets in the Horoscope (YOGA)Yogas are special combination of planets in the horoscope which influence the life and future of a person. Someare formed by simple conjunction of planets,whereas others are based on complex astrological logic or peculiarplacement of planets in the chart. Hundreds of combinations and their effects have been described in the ancientastrological texts. While some combinations are good, others may have undesirable effects. The importantcombinations identified in your horoscope are listed below with a brief mention of the effect it can have on you.

Neecha Banga Rajayoga

Logic: Guru is in its house of debilitation. Planet which is exalted in the debilitated rasi is in Moon kendra. Planetwhich is exalted in the debilitated rasi is in Lagna kendra. Lord of exaltation rasi of the planet is in LagnaKendra.

You will be a very fortunate lady. So you will reach high positions. You will be kind hearted and fair in all yourdealings with others.

Raja Yoga

Logic: Lords of First and Ninth houses are in conjunction Raja yoga is seen in this horoscope.

You will rise to positions of power and authority

Sunabha Yoga

Logic: Planet (excepting Sun) situated in the second house from Moon.

Sunabha Yoga is formed when the second house from the Moon is occupied by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venusor Saturn, either alone or together. As you are a girl born with Sunabha Yoga, it can be safely predicted thatyour intelligence will make you famous. You will never be short of money. You enjoy music and art. Yourinfluence will be felt in society.

Gajakesari Yoga

Logic: Jupiter in a kendra from Moon.

Gaja Kesari Yoga is formed when Jupiter is positioned well with respect to the Moon. Astrologically, a girl bornwith Kesari Yoga is considered very lucky for any home. Wealth, prosperity and success will naturally followwherever you live. Moreover, Kesari Yoga has the unique strength to overpower the evil effects of many yogas,such as Kemudhruma Yoga, if present in your's or your husband's horoscopes. Under normal conditions, youcan expect a long, successful life. You will be a strong-willed and inflexible woman.

Sasi Mangala Yoga

Logic: Moon and Mars in the same house.

As you are born with Sashimangala Yoga, it is predicted that you and your husband will never experience anyfinancial difficulties. Money will always appear when you really need it.


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Parvatha Yoga

Logic: Lord of lagna and lord of 12th house in mutually kendra position.

You will become wealthy and prosperous after meeting your husband. As a women, you will be liberal,charitable and humerous. You will be passionate in all your actions. You will be able to head an institution orfamily.

Yupa Yoga

Logic: All seven planets occupy four signs contiguously from the Lagna.

Even as an young girl, you may have a liberal outlook on many aspects of life. You may like to spend beyondyour capacity on charitable and humanitarian purposes.

Dwigraha Yoga

Logic: Two planets are situated in the same house Chandra,Kuja are in First house

You might show a tendency to defy the opinions of elders. Don't neglect to provide timely treatment for blood-related diseases. Wealth and courage will serve you at the required time. You will command the appreciationand affection of colleagues and relatives with your considerate and understanding nature.

Trigraha Yoga

Logic: Three planets are situated in the same house Surya,Budha,Shukra are in Third house

Others may unduly ridicule you. Through systematic education you could solve your deficiencies. Unexpecteddifficulties may arise in your family life. Take good care of your health. Develop your communication skills andyour penchant for travelling and turn them to your benefit.


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Check for Moudhyam (combustion)When planets come very near to Sun they get 'Moudhyam' (combust). Planets in 'Moudhyam' produce very badeffects. Moon within 12, Mars 17, Mercury 13, Jupiter 11, Venus 9 and Saturn 15 degrees of the Sun areconsidered to be in Moudhyam.

Shukra is in Moudhyam (combust)

Graha Yuddha (Planetary war)

Planets except the Sun and the Moon enter into war when they are closer than one degree from each other.Although there are differences of opinion regarding which planets win in graha yuddha, the concept followedhere is that : Among others, the planet on the northern side wins.

There are no planets in graha yuddha in this horoscope.

Summary of Grahavastha

Planet Exaltation / Debilitation Combustion Graha Yuddha Retrograde Baladi Avastha

Moo Kumaravastha

Sun Vridhavastha

Mer Balavastha

Ven Combust Yuvavastha

Mar Vridhavastha

Jup Debilitated Balavastha

Sat Vridhavastha


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AshtakaVarga PredictionsAshtakavarga

Ashtakavarga system is a predictive method of Indian Astrology that uses a system of points based uponplanetary positions. Ashtakavarga means eightfold categorization. It depicts eightfold strength of planetsexcluding the nodes of the Moon but including the ascendant. It is worked out according to certain well-established rules for measuring the planetary strength. The strength of each planet and the power and intensityof their influence depends upon the location of other planets and the ascendant in relation to it. Eight full pointsare assigned to each planet. They can obtain strength varying from zero to 8 points which, plotted on differentsigns in a chart, determine the possibility of a transiting planet in inducing auspicious or other effects during itssojourn in a particular sign. Events and their timings are to a large extent determined by the positioning ofparticular points. Depending on their negative or positive influences the native can take remedial measures orpre-empt unpleasant possibilities, just by being aware of the likely consequences. To be forewarned is to beforearmed --- the planets are one of the best guides to help condition mans mind to the possibilities of hisfuture.

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Total

Mesha 5 2 4 2 3 7 1 24

Vrishabha 1 5 6 4 5 3 3 27

Mithuna 4 5 3 4 2 3 2 23

Karkata 6 5 5 3 4 4 4 31

Simha 5 6 8 7 4 7 4 41

Kanya 4 5 2 5 2 3 4 25

Tula 5* 3 5 6 6* 7 4 36

Vrischika 2 5 7 4 4 4 3* 29

Dhanu 5 4* 4* 4* 3 2 5 27

Makara 2 3 4 4 1 7* 3 24

Kumbha 4 2 3 6 3 4 1 23

Meena 6 3 3 3 2 5 5 27

49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337

*Planetary Position.

Lagna in Tula.

Moon's Ashtakavarga

Rare is one who is showered with the courage that radiates from moral uprightness. The moon's ashtakavargahaving five Bindus in your chart will charge you with the guts to always take the moral high ground. This willgive you a clear conscience and you will be at peace with yourself.

Sun's Ashtakavarga

Just when you have decided to consolidate your well deserved gains there may arise cicumstances which maytake them away from you. The sun has four Bindus in its own ashtakavarga denoting the phenomena of evasivewealth. But you will be blessed with happiness in other areas of life which will make up for it.


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Mercury's Ashtakavarga

The presence of four Bindus in Mercury's ashtakavarga does not bode well for employment or career success.This being just an indicator, you would do well to work on your chances and make the most of availableopportunities as well as consolidate existing positions if any so as to mitigate the unfavourable effects of yourplanetary positions. If loss of occupation becomes inevitable, cultivate the mental strength to overcome thesituation.

Venus' Ashtakavarga

Yours is a balanced life and equilibrium is always maintained. Extreme sorrow will always be countered withextreme joy in another situation. This is the result of being born with four Bindus in Venus' ashtakavarga . Youare fortunate to have joy and sorrow in equal proportions.

Mars' Ashtakavarga

Only a few are blessed with six Bindus in the mars' ashtakavarga. This indicates that you may curry and securethe favours of the powers with ease. Your ventures can be taken forward with confidence that no legal orofficial obstacles will come in the way.

Jupiter's Ashtakavarga

You are born with the brilliance of gold and great fortunes shining on you through the most uncommonplacement of seven Bindus in Jupiter's ashtakavarga in your chart. Happiness and wealth do not normally gohand in hand but in your case there appears to be an exception. It is simply wonderful to be so blessed !

Saturn's Ashtakavarga

Relationship problems will be the thorn in your side. There are three Bindus in Saturn's ashtakavarga whichpoint to family disharmony, unhappiness due to domestic discord and sufferings on account of children.Matters will be compouded by financial challenges. Learning prudent saving habits and money managementcould reduce a good amount of your burden.

Sarvashtakavarga Predictions

In your horoscope the Lagna contains 30 or more bindus and is associated with the Lord of the 9th 10th or 4th.You will be endowed with exemplary qualities of family values and virtue which will endear you to yourhousehold. You will be looked up to by your family as the guide and mentor and an example to follow.Decisions and guidance will be sought with reverence and you will be a beacon to the following generations.

In your horoscope, the 11th house has more bindus than the 10th , but the 12th has less number of bindus thanthe 11th and the bindus in the ascendant are greater than those in the 12th. Even if you want to, you cant runaway from the wealth and fame that are likely to befall any person whose planetary influences are such as thoseof yours. You are doubly fortunate in that your riches and recognition do not prevent happiness from blessingyour life in equal measure. A blessed life indeed .

The proliferation of maximum bindus in your chart appears in Karkata to Tula signifying the years of youth.Your career path appears to take off to unexpected heights. Academic and personal aspirations will get a headstart during this stage of life and happiness and prosperity seem to be at the peak. Destiny may never allow youto experience the worries of unemplyment and academic tensions. Domestic bliss will also come seeking you.

At the age corresponding to the figures in the signs occupied by Jupiter, Venus and Mercury..your fortuneturns for the better . Your educational ambitions will materialise and you could acquire that coveted seat forhigher education if you have been aspiring towards that. Your future looks set to take off on the path to wealth,recognition and fame for your professional accomplishments . Personal life will also match up giving you theideal mate and marital togetherness will bring much joy . Your life with progeny also appears blessed. This isthe stage of life that will be one of the most rewarding for you.


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In your case this special periods comes in your 24 and 27 years of age.


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Transit forecast

Name : Deepika Padukone (Female)

Birth Rasi : Tula

Birth Star : Swati

Position of planets on : 23-June-2020

Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha

Transit forecast is based on the comparison of the present position of planets with those in the birth-chart. Themovements of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn have a great influence on your life. Sometimes the effects may beopposing, nullifying or reinforcing. The net effect is not indicated, but you should be able to get an idea of thedynamics at work by studying the impact of each particular transit aspect. Your immediate future, therefore, isa blend of the following predictions.

Transit of Sun

The Sun takes about a month to transit through one sign.

( 14-June-2020 >> 14-July-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Ninth house.

You are impatient at this time, especially since things do not occur as quickly as you would like. You are alsoconcerned about the well-being of loved ones. You may be waiting for information that is slow in coming. Youmay be tempted to give in to cravings. However, at this time you have to trust your conscience and depend onyour intuition.

( 14-July-2020 >> 13-August-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Tenth house.

You are again in a favorable period. You appear to be a self- confident woman, and you will start projecting thesense of relief you feel. You will gain in many ways. Your success will be a matter of pride for your entirefamily. You will meet important and influential people. Your husband will be more appreciative of you at thistime and you will draw inspiration from him.

( 13-August-2020 >> 12-September-2020 )

During this period Sun transits the Eleventh house.

You will make financial or professional headway at this time. You may feel lucky and play the lottery. You willbe healthy. Your husband and family will be a source of contentment now.

Transit of Jupiter

Jupiter stays in one sign for about a year. It is a powerful planet and a lot of importance is attached to the effectof this planet.

( 31-March-2020 >> 30-June-2020 )

During this period Jupiter transits the Fourth house.

You will be more concerned about the nature of your relationships with those you love, as well as about theirhealth. You may find that you have to listen to and advise people. You might not have as much money as youwould like. However, you do manage these problems adequately.

( 1-July-2020 >> 20-November-2020 )


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During this period Jupiter transits the Third house.

You have to face problems in your office or organization. You may find the need to budget your resources wellto get you over the current financial crisis. You will have the fortitude to face the obstacles that appear beforeyou. Jupiter's influence is not favorable at this time. You may wish to move, either to a new job, or to a newhome.

Transit of Saturn

Saturn is generally a sorrowful planet and its influence can be depressing. However, in certain positions it givespowerful and beneficial results. Saturn takes about two and a half years to move through a sign.

( 25-January-2020 >> 29-April-2022 )

During this period Saturn transits the Fourth house.

You may suffer from physical problems or anxiety at this time. You are more worried than you need to be. Youhave to maintain your optimism. You, or your husband, may have to travel during this period, or move awayfrom home for a while. There might be tension within the home. You have to work particularly hard to keep upthe spirits of those you love.

( 30-April-2022 >> 12-July-2022 )

During this period Saturn transits the Fifth house.

You may have problems due to children during this period. You may have to distance yourself from people youenjoy being with; but, this separation will probably be brief. The transit of Saturn will soon be favorable foryou. You will suddenly be more financially secure.


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Star Lord / Sub-Lord / Sub-Sub-Lord Charts

Planet Star Star Lord Sub Lord Sub-Sub Lord

Lagnam Swati Rahu Sani Sani

Chandra Swati Rahu Rahu Rahu

Surya Purvashada Shukra Guru Budha

Budha Moola Ketu Kuja Sani

Shukra Purvashada Shukra Chandra Shukra

Kuja Swati Rahu Kuja Guru

Guru Dhanishta Kuja Rahu Shukra

Sani Anuradha Sani Chandra Shukra

Rahu Aswini Ketu Budha Shukra

Ketu Swati Rahu Sani Kuja

Maandi Hasta Chandra Kuja Kuja

Nirayana Longitudes (Summary) ( Deg. Min. Sec. )

Planet Rasi Longitude Star/Pada Planet Rasi Longitude Star/Pada

Lagnam Tula 10:36:30 Swati / 2 Guru Makara 25:28:20 Dhanishta / 1

Chandra Tula 6:52:50 Swati / 1 Sani Vrischika 11:55:12 Anuradha / 3

Surya Dhanu 20:45:15 Purvashada / 3 Rahu Mesha 11:56:48 Aswini / 4

Budha Dhanu 5:9:50 Moola / 2 Ketu Tula 11:56:48 Swati / 2

Shukra Dhanu 17:15:56 Purvashada / 2 Maandi Kanya 11:8:7 Hasta / 1

Kuja Tula 19:23:41 Swati / 4


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UpagrahaCorresponding to each planet, a sub-planet (Upagraha) is calculated. The sub planets of Moon, Venus, Mars,Rahu and Ketu are based on the longitude of the Sun as follows.

Dhumadi Group of Sub-Planets

Planet Upagraha Method of Calculation

Mars Dhuma Longitude of Sun + 133 Deg. 20 Min.

Rahu Vyatipata (Pata) 360 - Dhuma

Moon Parivesh (Paridhi) 180 + Vyatipata (Pata)

Venus Indrachapa (Kodanda) 360 - Parivesh (Paridhi)

Ketu Upaketu Indrachapa (Kodanda) + 16 Deg. 40 Min.

The sub-planets of Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and an additional sub-planet of Mars are calculated based onthe division of day or night into eight equal parts.

The first part belongs to the lord of the day, followed by the remaining lords of the week in cyclic order. Theeight part is lordless.In the case of birth at night, out of the eight equal parts, the first seven are allotted to thelords of the planets starting from the 5th. weekday.

Two different methods are popularly adopted for finding the longitude.In the first method an ascendant iscalculated for the beginning of the period ruled by the planet. In the second method, the end of the period istaken.

In the case of Gulika, the sub-planet of Saturn, a third method is also available to calculate the longitude of thedhumadi group of subplanets based on fixed values of rise time as given below.The value calculated thus istermed MAANDI in Astro-Vision Horoscope and presented along with the principal planets in the Rasi Chart.

Days Birth during day Birth during night

Sunday 26 Ghati (Nazhika) 10 Ghati (Nazhika)

Monday 22 6

Tuesday 18 2

Wednesday 14 26

Thursday 10 22

Friday 6 18

Saturday 2 14


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Gulikadi groupMethod selected : Ascendant at period start

Planet Upagraha Period start Period End

Sun Kala 0:15:4 2:20:34

Mercury Ardhaprahara 15:53:4 17:58:34

Mars Mrityu 4:26:4 6:31:34

Jupiter Yamakantaka 17:58:34 20:4:4

Saturn Gulika 22:9:34 0:15:4


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Upagraha Longitudes

Upagraha Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Rasi Long. in Rasi Deg:Min:Sec Star Pada

Kala 166:43:27 Kanya 16:43:27 Hasta 3

Ardhaprahara 82:4:34 Mithuna 22:4:34 Punarvasu 1

Mrityu 208:21:52 Tula 28:21:52 Vishakha 3

Yamakantaka 104:6:58 Karkata 14:6:58 Pushya 4

Gulika 145:45:27 Simha 25:45:27 Purvaphalguni 4

Parivesh 145:54:45 Simha 25:54:45 Purvaphalguni 4

Indrachapa 214:5:15 Vrischika 4:5:15 Anuradha 1

Vyatipata 325:54:45 Kumbha 25:54:45 Purvabhadra 2

Upaketu 230:45:15 Vrischika 20:45:15 Jyeshta 2

Dhuma 34:5:15 Vrishabha 4:5:15 Krittika 3


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Star Lord / Sub-Lord / Sub-Sub-Lord Charts of Upagrahas

Upagraha Star Star Lord Sub Lord Sub-Sub Lord

Kala Hasta Chandra Sani Shukra

Ardhaprahara Punarvasu Guru Sani Sani

Mrityu Vishakha Guru Shukra Budha

Yamakantaka Pushya Sani Rahu Ketu

Gulika Purvaphalguni Shukra Budha Sani

Parivesh Purvaphalguni Shukra Ketu Ketu

Indrachapa Anuradha Sani Sani Ketu

Vyatipata Purvabhadra Guru Ketu Shukra

Upaketu Jyeshta Budha Shukra Guru

Dhuma Krittika Surya Sani Shukra


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Shodasavarga Table

Lag Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Rah Ket Maa


7 7 9 9 9 7 10: 8: 1 7 6:


5 5 4: 5 4: 4: 5 4: 5 5 4:


11 7 5 9 1 11 6: 12: 5 11 10:


10: 7 3 9 3 1 7 11 4: 10: 9


9 8: 1 10: 1 11 9 4: 3 9 2:


10: 9 7 2: 6: 12: 5 7 4: 10: 1


10: 9 3 10: 2: 1 2: 7 4: 10: 5


11 9 5 11 3 2: 8: 12: 5 11 10:


6: 4: 8: 11 6: 11 2: 11 7 7 2:


8: 5 6: 8: 4: 1 5 4: 8: 8: 12:


1 10: 9 9 6: 8: 12: 1 2: 2: 12:


4: 1 7 5 4: 12: 2: 8: 11 5 2:


9 11 3 11 9 3 8: 6: 9 9 6:


3 10: 4: 7 12: 2: 4: 10: 4: 4: 9


4: 11 4: 4: 10: 6: 3 10: 6: 6: 1


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4: 8: 2: 7 7 9 12: 7 12: 6: 4:

Ojarasi Count

8 11 10 11 7 9 6 6 8 8 5

1-Mesha 2-Vrishabha 3-Mithuna 4-Karkata 5-Simha 6-Kanya 7-Tula 8-Vrischika 9-Dhanu10-Makara 11-Kumbha 12-Meena


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Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Total


5 2 4 2 3 7 1 24


1 5 6 4 5 3 3 27


4 5 3 4 2 3 2 23


6 5 5 3 4 4 4 31


5 6 8 7 4 7 4 41


4 5 2 5 2 3 4 25


5 3 5 6 6 7 4 36


2 5 7 4 4 4 3 29


5 4 4 4 3 2 5 27


2 3 4 4 1 7 3 24


4 2 3 6 3 4 1 23


6 3 3 3 2 5 5 27

49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337


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Shadbala Summary Table

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Total Shadbala

511.93 325.37 385.42 317.80 378.58 361.32 429.72

Total Shadbala in Rupas

8.53 5.42 6.42 5.30 6.31 6.02 7.16

Minimum Requirement

6.00 5.00 7.00 5.50 5.00 6.50 5.00

Shadbala Ratio

1.42 1.08 0.92 0.96 1.26 0.93 1.43

Relative Rank

2 4 7 5 3 6 1


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Ishta Phala / Kashta Phala Table

Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat

Ishta Phala

14.65 10.64 22.22 6.44 25.83 9.72 27.28

Kashta Phala

42.60 44.84 34.74 44.08 34.11 49.54 18.31


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Bhava Bala Table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bhavadhipati Bala

317.80 378.58 361.32 429.72 429.72 361.32 378.58 317.80 385.42 511.93 325.37 385.42

Bhava Digbala

60.00 10.00 10.00 60.00 20.00 40.00 30.00 40.00 20.00 0 50.00 50.00

Bhavadrishti Bala

51.99 6.03 2.04 -33.51 -42.87 -32.02 8.74 -2.91 -29.46 17.36 10.80 24.73

Total Bhava Bala

429.79 394.61 373.36 456.21 406.85 369.30 417.32 354.89 375.96 529.29 386.17 460.15

Bhava Bala in Rupas

7.16 6.58 6.22 7.60 6.78 6.16 6.96 5.91 6.27 8.82 6.44 7.67

Relative Rank

4 7 10 3 6 11 5 12 9 1 8 2


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ClickAstro In-Depth Horoscope

With best wishes : Astro-Vision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.

First Floor, White Tower, Kuthappadi Road, Thammanam P.O - 682032

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Note:This report is based on the data provided by you and the best possible research support we have received sofar. We do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect of any decision that may be taken onthe basis of this report.