Honors Biology Do Now Download Development Honors Notes off of my website Where’s my money?!?!?! Hand in Meiosis Pictures Lab

Honors Biology Do Now Download Development Honors Notes off of my website Where’s my money?!?!?! Hand in Meiosis Pictures Lab

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Honors Biology

Do Now Download Development Honors Notes

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Where’s my money?!?!?!

Hand in Meiosis Pictures Lab

Honors Biology

Something to think about as your open up your notes

Humans have approx. 50-75 trillion cells and these cells are all different types (hair, skin, liver, stomach cells, etc.).

How can you explain all these types of cells if humans only start as a single cell?

AP Biology 2007-2008

Animal Reproduction&


Honors Biology

Embryology The study of the Embryo

An organism in the

Honors Biology

IMPORTANT! RECOMBINATION Sperm = DNA (haploid) : one version of

each type of chromosome. Egg = DNA (haploid): same as above The combination of one sperm with one egg

will unite and make . If another sperm or another egg unite, a

human would result.

Honors Biology

Recombination: SO MANY OPTIONS!

Honors Biology

Honors Biology

3 stages of embryo development




Honors Biology


Meiosis 1 completedduring egg maturation

Meiosis 2 completedtriggered by fertilization


Unequal meiotic divisions unequal distribution

of cytoplasm egg polar bodies

What is theadvantage of

this development system?

Put all your eggin one basket!

Honors Biology


fertilization cleavage Gastrulation Differentiation

Honors Biology

Fertilization Joining of

(nucleus) enters

Honors Biology

1) Cleavage Repeated of zygote

1st step to becoming cellular unequal divisions establishes body plan

different cells receive different portions of egg cytoplasm & therefore different regulatory signals

Honors Biology

Cleavage zygote m b

establishes future development




Honors Biology

Establish 3 cell layers E

outer body tissues skin, nails, teeth nerves, eyes, lining of mouth

M middle tissues

blood & lymph, bone & notochord, muscle

excretory & reproductive systems E

inner lining digestive system lining of respiratory, excretory &

reproductive systems

2) Gastrulation




protostome vs. deuterostome

gastrulation inprimitive chordates

Honors Biology

Testing…In a study of the development of frogs, groups of cells in the germ layers of several embryos in the early gastrula stage were stained with five different dyes that do not harm living tissue. After organogenesis (organ formation), the location of the dyes was noted, as shown in the table below.

Tissue StainBrain RedNotochord YellowLiver GreenLens of the eye BlueLining of the digestive tract Purple

Honors Biology

Neurulation Formation of notochord & neural tube

develop into system


Neural tube

develops intovertebral column

develops into CNS (brain & spinal cord)

Honors Biology

Growth and DifferentiationUmbilical blood vessels




AllantoisFetal blood vessels

Maternal blood vessels

Bird embryo

Mammalian embryo


Honors Biology

AP Biology

Honors Biology

Testing…All of the following correctly describe the fate of the embryonic layers of a vertebrate EXCEPT

A. neural tube and epidermis develop from ectoderm

B. linings of digestive organs and lungs develop from


C. notochord and kidneys develop from endoderm

D. skeletal muscles and heart develop from mesoderm

E. reproductive organs and blood vessels develop from


Honors Biology


Honors Biology

Honors Biology

3. Growth and Differentiation As embryo develops, the # of cells continues


Differentiation cells become

Different sections of DNA are , some are turned .

Certain cells act as organizers These cells influence other cells to become

certain cells, tissues

Honors Biology

STEM CELLS Omnipotent = have the potential to be

type of cell. If mitosis is done, all cells are

identical. FACT: all of your cells contain the

(because of mitosis)

Honors Biology

Differentiation: some DNA is turned off and only some directions are read, for example: Skin cells: all

DNA directions are turned off, except for how to make skin.


Honors Biology

Honors Biology

Internal Development Development of the embryo , in the

of the body

Honors Biology

1. Placental Mammals Placenta - part of the wall of the uterus

Site of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Embryo’s and mother’s circulatory system are touching BUT NOT

Honors Biology

Umbilical cord Contains that the embryo will

get nourishment and oxygen from the mother’s blood to the

Honors Biology

Human fetal development

7 weeks4 weeks

Honors Biology

Human fetal development10 weeks

Honors Biology

Human fetal development

12 weeks 20 weeks

Honors Biology

Human fetal development The fetus just spends much of the 2nd & 3rd

trimesters just growing …and doing various flip-turns & kicks inside amniotic fluid

Week 20

Honors Biology

Human fetal development 24 weeks (6 months; 2nd trimester)

fetus is covered with fine, downy hair called lanugo. Its skin is protected by a waxy material called vernix

Honors Biology

Human fetal development 30 weeks (7.5 months)

umbilical cord

Honors Biology

Birthpositive feedback

Honors Biology

Getting crowded in there!! 32 weeks (8 months)

The fetus sleeps 90-95% of the day & sometimes experiences REM sleep, an indication of dreaming

Honors Biology

Birth (36 weeks)

Honors Biology

The end of the journey!

And you think 9 months of BioH is hard!

Honors Biology

2. Nonplacental Mammals mammals

Duckbilled platypus Anteaters

mammals Embryo begins to

develop in uterus Crawls into mother’s pouch Finishes developing in pouch Kangaroo, opossum

Honors Biology


1) Albumen –


2) Allantois –


3) Amnion –


4) Yolk –


5) Shell – Calcium carbonate,


Honors Biology

August 08’

Honors Biology

June 08’

Honors Biology

August 07’