A series in the book of 1 Peter HOME A Companion Guide January – March 2020

HOME [christcentral.church]...to take the gospel to the ends of the Earth (and to the ends of our streets) and to share the ‘Good News’. Throughout the week we want to open our

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Page 1: HOME [christcentral.church]...to take the gospel to the ends of the Earth (and to the ends of our streets) and to share the ‘Good News’. Throughout the week we want to open our

A series in the book of 1 Peter


A Companion Guide January – March 2020

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WELCOME HOME!As we move into a new season together, my hope for this series is that it would equip us to increasingly draw great joy from finding our belonging together. There is nothing on earth like the church. God has brought us together from so many countries and cultures and made us to be one local expression of family; brothers and sisters in Christ. This is a glimpse of what we will experience at home in heaven, for eternity (Rev 21).

I believe we exist to be a forward outpost of God’s Kingdom here in Portsmouth, a glimpse of the life to come. Our unity and diversity are a witness to the power of the Gospel. Jesus says, when people see our love for one another in the church, it will testify to the truth of who He is. When we welcome people into our community, whether that’s on a Sunday morning, a mid-week group, or a social gathering, they encounter God’s people, they see something of Jesus in us.

As a family together, we share the same vision to see lives and communities transformed by the Gospel, enjoying God and glorifying Him in all things. This cannot be achieved by a few individuals working alone, it requires us all to be the transformed community God has called us to be. That means each and every one of us has an important role, called to bring hope and share truth.

We do this within our family as we care, teach, encourage, challenge, and build one another up - yet we are called to so much more! Our vision extends outward to this city and the regions beyond. We exist as a transformed people so that God can use us as trophies of His grace to demonstrate the hope we have in the Gospel. We are called to an adventure of enabling people to glimpse something of Jesus as we go about our daily lives, in the workplace, or the coffee shop, online or at a football game.

My heart is to see everyone in the church increasingly released and equipped into the family business of fishing for men: confident in your identity, certain of your calling, caught up in our vision, courageous in your witness, clinging to Jesus, and captivated by His grace. Adam NorthLead Elder

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As we prayerfully prepare for this next season, why not to re-listen to Fearghal’s excellent sermon on A Story of Home.https://christcentral.church/messages/a-story-of-home/

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The church has a calling that is bigger than any of us can ever truly comprehend; we are called to see all of its members raised up and matured in the Lord, and we are called to go, to take the gospel to the ends of the Earth (and to the ends of our streets) and to share the ‘Good News’.

Throughout the week we want to open our Bibles together, journeying through the same passages as a church, hearing God speak to us through them and growing in unity. In Acts, the early church devoted themselves to ‘teaching, the breaking of bread and to prayer’, this guide will support us in our understanding of God’s big story through scripture and help to shape and focus our prayers.

As we are devoted to His Word and to prayer through the week, we should expect to see God use every member of ChristCentral to encourage, build up and equip one another when we gather on a Sunday. We pray these will be times where everyone comes ready to meet with God, to worship and praise Jesus as we have all spent time in His presence.


Each week you’ll find the following things to help you on your journey through the series in community. Don’t feel you have to do everything, pick and choose what works for you to help you engage with God's Word and what He is doing amongst us:

This guide has been written with the heart to help you encounter God, to help all of us go deeper into His Word and meet Him in a real and life changing way. The creator of the universe, the one who threw the stars into space wants to meet with us as we read His Word, as we pray and as we draw near to Him. He wants each moment of our lives; He wants to pour out blessing as we come into His presence.

We want to be a people that open His Word to equip our day to day lives, that in every circumstance and situation we would be a people of prayer, not only on a Sunday morning.





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Memory Verse We love God's Word! Challenge yourself with a memory verse each week. See if you can remember the key verse from the passage that we are looking at and see what God is saying through it.

Key Concepts 1 Peter is full of some deep and complicated ideas related to the hope that we find in Jesus. We all want to understand the Bible better and so we’ve taken some of these ideas and made them accessible for all. We’ve done our best to pick out the key points Peter talks about and explain them in a way that we can all apply them to ourselves, our church and our city.

Daily ReadingsThere are themes in 1 Peter that are found throughout the Bible. Our daily readings will help to explore the themes where they appear in other places in God’s story. These readings will explore the Old Testament, the Psalms, letters that are written to churches in the New Testament, from beginning to end. We all want to know our Bible better and this will help us get into scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Since many of us will have read the same passage on any given day, why

not start a conversation with a friend about that day’s reading. Or make a note of something that encouraged you, or something you didn’t understand and share it at life group.

Finding the GospelThe whole Bible is about Jesus! We want you to see that no matter which book we are in, or what story we’re reading, everything points to Him. Jesus is at the heart of God’s rescue plan for us, He is our hope and “every story whispers His name”.

Going DeeperRead, watch or listen to some recommended books, YouTube clips, sermons and podcasts that are based around the themes we are exploring in 1 Peter. NB. The inclusion of additional material does not signify that we necessarily endorse everything an author may stand for.

Connect We want everyone who is part of ChristCentral to feel part of the family! We all want to feel connected and a part of the mission that we’re called to be on. Whether it’s our prayer email, our Facebook page or ChurchSuite we’ll show you different ways that you can stay connected to us.

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There’s no fixed way to approach Scripture and so each term we’ll be suggesting a way that you may find helpful – why not give something new a try?

Before we dig into any passage it’s always best to pray! A role of the Holy Spirit is to illuminate Scripture, to help us draw out what God wants to say to us – so invite Him in prayer to speak to you through the Word.


Prayer Focus One of the things we aspire to be is a praying church. We can not do things in our own strength but need to go to God in prayer and ask for His provision, for His power to change situtions. As we pray we expect God to great things, in, around and beyond this city.

Questions If you’re in a sermon-based Life Group you’ll cover some of these questions together. Whether we’re meeting in life groups, with someone discipling us, or out for a coffee with friends, we want these questions to facilitate discussions and conversations as we journey through 1 Peter together as a family. Sometimes the Word of God doesn’t make sense at first read, these questions will help us get to know the heart of God and understand what He is doing in the world.

Space for your thoughtsWe are expectant that as we journey together through 1 Peter, God will speak to you. Use this space to write down things that you may feel God is speaking to you about. You can use it for notes from the sermons on Sunday or simply journal your thoughts and prayers. Don't forget to note answers to prayer as they come.

QR CodesWhat are all these odd-looking boxes about? These are quick ways to get you straight to online material without having to write out the address. You can scan these directly using the Chrome browser on your phone, just click the symbol that comes up when you go to enter a web address.

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OODA LOOP Observe: Prayerfully read the passage of Scripture, take note of its structure and any literary features, e.g. does the author repeat a key concept to emphasis a point?

Orient: Look at the context in which the passage appears: who wrote it? who is it written to? is it Old Testament or New Testament? Once you know the context of the passage, what are the differences between the biblical audience and your current situation? E.g. was it written to people under the law (OT), or to those saved by grace (NT).

Decide: How does the passage apply to your life? We renew our minds through the Word, it exists to shape our thinking to conform us into Christ’s image. Think of the changes you may need to make in light of new thinking.

Act: Make a plan of action in response to the Word. Don’t make a decision and then forget to put it into practice - make a commitment in the moment before the Lord. Write it down, text a friend, do whatever you need to do to help you follow through.

This is a decision-making cycle used first by fighter pilots to ensure mission success. It fits perfectly with Peter’s emphasis on new beliefs leading to new behaviours.


To read the Bible as God's Word one must read it with his heart in his mouth, on tip-toe, with eager expectancy, in conversation with God. To read the Bible thoughtlessly or carelessly or academically or professionally is not to read the Bible as God's Word. As one reads it as a love letter is read, then one reads it as the Word of God.

Soren Kierkegaard

”Recommended Resources


The Bible Projectthebibleproject.com/explore/


Straight to the Heart Series: Peter, John and Jude / Phil Moore How to Read the Bible for It’s Worth / Fee and DouglasWomen of the Word / Jen Wilkin

Why not order them from the Acorn?

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Journeying TogetherWe want you to know the support of the church community as you journey through this series. If any topic comes up that you are struggling with, or you find difficult to understand, please reach out to someone for help! We’d recommend the first place to go is someone you know well and trust. If there isn’t anyone you’d feel comfortable going to, please speak to your Life Group leader if they feel you would value from additional support they can call upon the Pastoral Support Team.

We’d love to see more people responding on Sunday to receive prayer in our prayer area. Prayer shows our dependency on God, and not our own strength, and you’ll feel the support of the church family through receiving prayer. We find it also helps to share what you feel God is saying in the moment on a Sunday before you go back into a busy week.

To keep up to date with all the events happening at ChristCentral, like and follow us Facebook christcentral.chInstagram christcentralchurchportsmouth

This way you’ll get all the reminders and details on how to sign up.


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Testament people’s exile in the real Babylon. Peter probably wrote from Rome.

WHO WAS IT WRITTEN TO?He wrote to Christians in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia — northern rural areas of modern-day Turkey, then called “Asia Minor”.

WHEN WAS IT WRITTEN?Peter was crucified, like Jesus, for following Him while Nero reigned as Emperor of Rome. The letter is quoted by others in the first century too. He also mentions the apostle Paul’s letters. Knowing these facts helps us date it around the early 60s AD.

WHY WAS IT WRITTEN?Peter wrote to encourage the church as their distinctive lives resulted in persecution, slander and social shunning. He reminds them of their identity as citizens of heaven living in a (now) foreign land and gives practical instruction on living life consistent with following Jesus.

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See how 1 Peter fits in to the God’s Story: Bible Project https://youtu.be/WhP7AZQlzCg

CONTEXT OF 1 PETER The light of the fire must have felt like a searchlight. Peter was outside in a courtyard, while Jesus was inside on trial before his crucifixion. Three times he was asked, “Aren’t you with him? With Jesus?” Three times he buckled under pressure and denied he was a follower of Jesus. He’d been one of Jesus’ closest friends and now he stood denying it! Could he be forgiven? Would he be forgiven? Early on Sunday, Peter found the tomb vacant. The risen Jesus met him and still counted him among his disciples, given the task to tell others what he’d seen. He’d received mercy. He’d found hope. His dramatic failure and grace-filled restoration uniquely prepared him to coach others in the early church to live distinctly and boldly as God’s people.

WHO WROTE IT?Simon did… Andrew’s brother. They were fishing when Jesus called them to follow him and become ‘fishers of men’ (Matt 4:19). Jesus renamed him Peter, which means “rock”, and said He would build His church on this rock. He is a prominent figure in the Gospels, and spokesman for the 12 disciples. After Pentecost, he became a powerful preacher, and he was the first to bring the Gospel to people who were not Jews.

WHERE WAS IT WRITTEN?Peter says he wrote from “Babylon” — a code-name for a place where Christianity wasn’t welcomed, just like the Old

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WEEK 1 / 1 Peter 1:1 - 12A Living Hope

Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living

hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.


1 PETER 1 : 3b

We have been born into a living hope found in the risen Jesus, not some dead faith. We have been saved to God, through the work of Jesus on the cross, made alive by the presence of the Holy Spirit in us. Peter is writing to a group of people who are suffering; they are in the midst of trials and seasons of life that are hard, and yet Peter is calling them to rejoice! Rejoice so that it “may result in the praise, glory and honour” of Jesus.

Peter calls us to rejoice in our salvation, he calls us to remember that although suffering comes, we have an inheritance that is of God. He tells us that it is not a perishable inheritance like this world offers, but it is instead “imperishable, undefiled and unfading.” This is the hope we can bring to the city of Portsmouth.


1You won’t regret making this a priority, sign up online if you haven’t already: christcentral.church/groups. The aim of our groups is to make friends, grow in faith and connect with the life of the church. Whether you realise it or not, in order to flourish in life, you need to stay rooted in Him and remain connected one another.

OUR LIFE GROUPS START THIS WEEK!christcentral.church/groups


You are chosen (v1-2):- This is known as the doctrine of Election. The gift of saving faith is by God’s grace, it is given by God to those that he has chosen or elected. There is nothing we can do to earn God’s love or favour; it is all because of Jesus. We can rest assured in our salvation because it is a work of God – and He doesn’t make mistakes.

Exiles (v1) :- Peter calls his readers exiles. Not in the physical sense like when the Jews were taken into Exile in Babylon - where the people are living in a land that is not theirs - but in a spiritual sense. We too are exiles, strangers, resident aliens even…. The earth is not our forever home, we are citizens of heaven. We are God’s people living in a ‘foreign land’ until he calls us to our true home.

sign upCONNECT:

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DAILY READINGSMonday Colossians 1:21 - 2 Tuesday Daniel 1 Wednesday Ephesians 2Thursday Psalm 66Friday 1 Peter 1:13 - 2:3 <- Get ready for Sunday!

| 1 Peter 1:1-12


Sign up online or let the office know! Don’t know anyone else coming, don’t let that hold you back, this is a great chance to meet new friends.

FINDING THE GOSPEL:The way that we come to know God the Father is through the Son. Peter shows us that it is through the work of Jesus on the cross, through the Holy Spirit revealing to us the grace and mercy of God, that we see salvation. The saving faith that Peter is writing about here is not earned or achieved, it is given by God. It is the gift of grace, only though the blood of Jesus that means we can know the forgiveness and mercy of God.

PRAYER FOCUSChristians in the workplaceAs you read through this week’s verses and guide, we would love for you to join us in prayer for the people in our church who are in the workplace - those who often feel like ‘exiles’, different to those around them. God has placed people in a work place where others do not know Him so that they can be salt and light to their friends and co-workers. Please pray for those with difficult job situations, those trying to be salt and light in dark places and those who are seeking work. Pray that we would all be good witnesses to Jesus through our work and that we would have the boldness and the faith to share the Gospel with those around us.


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| 1 Peter 1:1-12

Peter starts his letter with a long sentence of reasons why we should praise God. What are they? (v3-5)

What is meant by “a new birth” and a “living hope”? What does this mean in amidst suffering?

Our inheritance will never perish, spoil and fade – what are you prone to put your hope in? How does this compare to our inheritance in Christ?

Christians will face trials – what will they achieve? (v6-7)

Why is Jesus worth resisting the temptations to go along with the crowd?




1Space for your thoughts...

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WEEK 2 / 1 Peter 1: 13- 2:3A call to Holy Living

Therefore, with your minds ready for action, be sober minded and set your

hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of

Jesus Christ


1 PETER 1:13

Be ready! Peter is calling the people reading this letter to be ready for action, to be sober minded and to fix their mind on the hope of grace. He doesn’t tell the people he’s writing to, 'just try harder’ or ‘do better’. Instead he tells them that there is one who is holy, and we are called to be like him. We fix our eyes and set our mind on Jesus, and the future hope that we have in him. We are to turn from sin and run towards Jesus, as well as sincerely love one another. The outworking of a life changed by grace is that we would love those around us with a genuine love.

Grace - Grace speaks of God’s loving actions toward creation and toward humankind in particular. Grace is the generous overflow of the love of God the Father toward the Son, Jesus Christ. This love is most clearly demonstrated to us through God’s selfless giving of Jesus to enable people to enter into a loving relationship with God as the Holy Spirit enables them.

Holiness - God is holy - this means that He is ‘set apart’, He is ‘other’ than us, God is pure. God’s holiness means He can have nothing to do with sin, we see this starkly demonstrated in the Old Testament. Think of the sun for a moment, its warmth brings life, it is glorious, radiant, powerful, but if you get too close to the sun you’d burn up, immediately vaporised by its power. God’s holiness is good, but it’s also dangerous. Jesus' death on the cross satisfies the demands of God’s holiness and enables those who trust in that work to boldly approach His throne of grace. We are called to be like Him, not conforming to this world but ‘set apart’ from it to bring Him glory.






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DAILY READINGSMonday Ephesians 6: 10 - 20Tuesday Exodus 12Wednesday 2 Corinthians 5: 16 - 21Thursday Psalm 84Friday 1 Peter 2: 1 - 10 <- Get ready for Sunday!

CONNECT:Christianity Explored is starting again soon, Tuesday 18th Feb! This is a free, relaxed, informal 7 - week course for anyone who wants to find out more about Christianity and the claims of Jesus. Steve and Claire lead the course with their team, at the Bombay Express Balti House, they make everyone feel so welcome and at ease. Start praying about who you could invite – let God stir faith in you to ask.

At the John Pounds Centre. If you’re a man and you’ve not yet signed up, please go online and make sure you sign up by Thursday. These are very relaxed mornings 9:30 - 11:00 for us to meet new people, have great food and hear stories to encourage us and stir our faith.


FINDING THE GOSPEL:As people, we do not initiate the grace that God has shown us, we don’t want it or ask for it; instead God initiates, and we respond. As Christians we do not change in order that God would love us, we change because he loved us! It is a response to all that he has done and the fact that we are called to ‘live holy lives’ is done as a response to the grace we have been shown. We do not live holy lives so that God would save us, he has saved us “while we were still sinners” and as a result of being changed by him, therefore we live holy.

HAVE YOU TRIED?Sometimes it can be hard to live out the identity of who you are in Christ, and how you are called to live. This “foreign” land we live in is constantly bombarding us with messages about how to live, what to buy, where to find our identity, what we should be feeling etc… One way that Nikki has found helps her is to listen to UCB1, a Christian Radio station online and on DAB. It has made such a difference to swap songs that speak of the world’s pleasures, with those that speak of the hope we have in Jesus. Not only that, but it keeps her up to date with issues around the world that she can be praying for, it introduces her to new books and resources, and reminds her of God’s Word throughout the day. Why not give it a try, especially in those moments when you need to be reminded of God’s love for you!



| 1 Peter 1: 13 - 2:3

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Kill Sin or Sin Will Kill You DesiringGod.comhttps://www.desiringgod.org/articles/kill-sin-or-sin-will-kill-you


How to Kill Sin, a 3-part sermon series by John Piper


PRAYER FOCUSLife GroupsPray for our Life Groups and group leaders this week. We want our life groups to be a place where people can make, develop and deepen friendships, grow in our faith and be knitted into the life of the church. We would love all of our members, if they are able, to be part of a life group; we want to see people get stuck into the word of God through the week, stand with each other and carry each other’s burdens and feel that they are a vital part of the body of Christ and the family of this church. Pray that people who have discounted themselves from groups would be encouraged to try one out and that they would experience genuine community there.


Going Deeper...

| 1 Peter 1: 13 - 2:3

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How would you describe yourself? How do you want to be seen by others? We can find our identity in so many things or try to create an identity for ourselves.

This section starts with “therefore” - what has previously been said in this letter that Peter will now build on? So, in light of this, what are we to set out hope on? (v13) How do we do this? (v14)

What does it mean to “be holy”? This is a quote from Leviticus. The Israelites were set aside for God, He was preparing them to enter a holy land. God is preparing us as we wait to enter our promised home. What does it look like for us to be holy today? Why are we to be holy? (v15-16)

What are we redeemed by? (v18-19) What does “redeemed” mean? Blood is precious, without it we can’t live. Why did blood have to be spilt?

What are we compared to in v24? Why? In contrast what is God’s Word like? (v25) How should we respond to the Bible? (2v2-3)





| 1 Peter 1: 13 - 2:3

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WEEK 3 / 1 Peter 2: 1 - 10A Royal Priesthood

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of darkness into his

marvellous light.


1 PETER 2:9

Peter calls us a ‘royal priesthood’, a ‘holy nation’. We need to remember that we have been made a people and nation by what God has done. There was a time when we were not a people or a nation, God has brought us together, he has made us who we are. We are now a people to ‘proclaim the praises’ of the one who saved us. We are the church. The people who have been made the possession of God are the church, we are ChristCentral. We have all been blessed and equipped with the same power to go into world with the Gospel. To know that we are a ‘chosen race’ is not for the few, it is for ALL who have been called into his marvellous light – that includes you!


3Church - The church is not a 90-minute meeting, it’s not just a few people, just those at the front, it is all of us. Church is a gathering of people who love Jesus. The church is about us ‘one anothering’ with each other, praying for each other, supporting one another, caring and loving each other. For church to work the way God intended we must all play our part, we must use the gifts that God has given to us, to bless, equip, encourage and build up the body. The Bible calls us a family, a body, with Jesus as our head. No one is insignificant or unimportant. We are the church.


DAILY READINGSMonday Colossians 1: 9 - 20 Tuesday Acts 2Wednesday Psalm 118Thursday Exodus 19: 1 - 8Friday 1 Peter 2: 11 - 17 <- Get ready for Sunday!

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FINDING THE GOSPEL:God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called. There is no disqualifying factor to receiving the blessings that God has given us in Christ. We are united in Christ, Ephesians says that we have been blessed ‘with every spiritual blessing’. That truth is for all, not just a few. It is the fact that we are covered by the blood of Jesus that means we can know God’s blessing, not anything that we have done.

CONNECT:Have you connected with the church family? If not, put this down and head to christcentral.church/connect. If you’re a member, why not add a photo to your MyChurch profile so people can put a face to your name? You can also make your contact details visible to other members of the family so we can get in touch with each other, in our church directory. You can also put your birthday on there, your profession, nationality, all this can help us celebrate the family God has given us.

If you’re not a church member yet, we have our next Newcomers Lunch on the 1st March, put this date in the diary and look out for the announcement.

PRAYER FOCUSThose Far from HomeWe have many church members that are far from their birth home. Some have chosen to be here, to study, or work, or to be with family. Others have found themselves here through circumstance, some fleeing desperate situations abroad, leaving them unable to return home. Let’s pray that they would know the peace and comfort of God during times when they sense their separation from loved ones, or long for familiar things. Pray for those who are still learning English, that it wouldn’t be a barrier to feeling part of our community. Pray that we would be an inclusive and compassionate community that is skilled at welcoming those from other cultures. Pray for deep relationships within the church to fill any gap left by the absence of parents, friends, siblings or children.



READ Desiring God / John Piper

Going Deeper... Why not order them from the


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How is Jesus described? How are we described? (v4-5) “Jesus was rejected by men but chosen by God” how do we see this in Jesus’ life?

What does it say about us as living stones? We’re being built into a spiritual house, where God dwells. He dwells in us!! How does this effect the way you view yourself and the body of believers?

We’re also described as “a royal priesthood”, what does this mean? What was the role of a priest in the Old Testament? Priests made sacrifices on behalf of sinful people. They could enter the holy of holies in the temple – they were a mediator between the people and God.

We are the royal priesthood now (v4 and 9), how is this possible? (v4b and 10) What implications does that have on the way we approach God?

Peter quotes from the Old Testament in v6-8. How does each verse point to Jesus? How do you respond to Jesus as the Living Stone?





| 1 Peter 2: 1 - 10

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WEEK 4 / 1 Peter 2: 11 - 17Living Like Exiles: Doing Good

Conduct yourselves honorably among the Gentiles, so that when they

slander you as evildoers, they will observe your good works and will glorify God on the day he visits.


1 PETER 2:12

How do we live as an outworking of all that God has done? How do we act and behave to reflect the grace that we have been shown? What does a life changed by the grace of God look like? It should be different from the world; we should reflect something of God when we go into our schools and workplaces and families. We should do good. This is how people will see that change that has taken place, because we work for the good of others. Not out of selfish ambition, or to earn favour, or feel good, but to see others genuinely do well.


4Honouring the Emperor - Peter again refers to us as exiles, and now strangers, reminding us we are citizens of a heavenly kingdom. However, this does not absolve us of our responsibility to be good citizens when home away from home, to submit to all forms of authority e.g. parents, employers, church leaders, traffic police... Peter went as far as to speak of the Roman Emperor Nero, a notoriously cruel tyrant who ruled from A.D. 54–68. The emperor Nero was considered the supreme authority by his subjects, even worshiped by them. The Christians should never worship the emperor, but they should obey his laws because he was an authority put in place by God. We glorify God when we accept others’ authority over us.


DAILY READINGSMonday Romans 13Tuesday Hebrews 10: 19 - 25Wednesday Ephesians 2: 11 - 22Thursday Exodus 6: 2 - 5Friday 1 Peter 2: 18 - 25 <- Get ready for Sunday!

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CONNECT: We want to be a church that does good wherever we live, work and play. We also have a heart to serve the poor across the city and particularly in the Portsea area where we meet. Loving Our City is the name of our social action aspiration, we aspire to be a church that loves this city in practical ways, e.g. hampers and LovePortsea. If you would like more information, you have ideas about how we can do good in this local community, or you’re involved in other volunteer work in the city we’d love to hear from you, contact [email protected].

What greater good can you do someone than introduce them to Jesus? Christianity Explored starts next week.

| 1 Peter 2: 11 - 17


PRAYER FOCUSThose in Local GovernmentAs we seek to honour those who serve the city let’s pray for them! Pray for the city council and its leader Gerald Vernon Jackson. The motto of the city is ‘Heaven’s Light Our Guide’, pray that would be a reality!

Pray for your local councillors, for the Charles Dicken’s Ward in which we meet that’s Stephen Morgan MP, Claire Udy and Cal Corkery.

Pray for your local MP – in Portsmouth South that’s Stephen Morgan and in Portsmouth North it’s Penny Mordaunt.

The John Pounds Centre also exists to do good in serving the city, particular the local Portsea area. Let’s pray for Matt and his team that they have great success in reaching those they seek to serve and that the centre continues to be known for its good work.


FINDING THE GOSPEL: Jesus came as God. Paul writes in Colossians 1 that the ‘fullness of God was pleased to dwell in him’. Jesus came to do good; he came that in the face of the hardships and trials that he faced he would not retaliate, fight back or use his immense and eternal power to defend himself. Instead he humbled himself to the cross, he did good in order to shame the proud and the powerful and to show that through humble sacrifice we can overcome.

Going Deeper...


Way of the Exilehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzWpa0gcPyo

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How are Christians described? (v11)Why are we described like that?

We are to “abstain from sinful desires” v11, what sinful desires are you battling with at the moment? Do you find that they “wage war against your soul”?

What are we called to do? (v12) Why? What does Peter mean by “pagans”? How does this challenge you in the way you live?

Who / what is Peter asking us to submit to? (v13)Why? (v13-16)

What authorities are you under? Are there any that are challenging to submit to? Peter was living under the oppressive Roman Empire, which persecuted Christians, yet he still calls us to submit to authority. By honouring authority, we honour God.


| 1 Peter 2: 11 - 17

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WEEK 5 / 1 Peter 2: 18 - 25Living Like Exiles: Slaves and Masters

We should be seen to be different. The way that we act and treat others should be different from the way in which the world does. 1 Peter tells us that we should endure suffering and persecution because we live differently; and when we do, and it’s for the sake of Christ, there is great rejoicing in it. It shows that our trust and our faith is not in the favour we receive from others, it’s not in any reputation that we’ve managed to achieve, it is only in Jesus. We have been healed by his cross, and we have entrusted ourselves to him.



Suffering - How do we feel when we ‘do good’ and we still suffer? Jesus is our example, he came to rescue the world, the greatest act of goodness, and the world tore him apart. In Matthew 16:24-26, Jesus says, ‘If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.’ Jesus calls us to do things that will cost, he calls us to do things that will lead to suffering, to carry our crosses. He never calls us to go further than he was willing to go himself.


DAILY READINGSMonday Hebrews 12: 1 - 13Tuesday Philippians 3Wednesday Romans 8: 1 - 11Thursday Isaiah 53Friday 1 Peter 3: 1 - 7 <- Get ready for Sunday!

Have you invited anyone yet? What’s the worst that can happen? It’s 7:15 at the Bombay Express Balti House. Let Steve and the team know by texting 07880 840580.


He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree; so that, having died to

sins, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.


1 PETER 2:24



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By his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray but you have now returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls.

1 Peter 2: 24b - 25

This is the Gospel, explicitly outlined in the passage. We are the sheep and Jesus has made the way for us to return to the shepherd, through his wounds. Now we find our home in Him we entrust the care of our souls to him, we listen for his voice, we follow his call.

CONNECT:Our next Newcomers Lunch is coming up after the service on 1st March. If you’ve not yet been to one of these lunches, we’d highly recommend it! Perhaps you’re already a member but you know someone new – invite them along and feel free to join us too. This is an opportunity to meet other people that are new to church and hear from the Elders about their heart and vision for the church. We’ll also talk about how you can get more involved in the life of the church and the process for becoming a member. Please sign-up online or let the office know if you’re able to make it.

| 1 Peter 2: 18 - 25

”PRAYER FOCUSHealingDo you need healing, do you regularly pray for those you know need healing. God is a God who heals. He was the one who knitted us together in our mother’s womb (Ps 139), he made us and he makes us well! The greatest miracle that has ever happened is that God sent Jesus to give himself for us, that he took our sin and forgave us. All who believe in Him, will ultimately have resurrected bodies, free from sin and decay. Our healing is assured in heaven!

Until then, because of our relationship and intimacy with God we should expect to see the miraculous healings when we pray. God will heal when it glorifies himself to do so, this means there will be times when we don’t understand why God doesn’t heal. Healing is a sovereign work of God, we can’t muster it up in our own strength, we can’t earn it, but we can ask for it!


READ Why Suffering? / Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale

Going Deeper... Why not order them from the Acorn?

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46 47| 1 Peter 2: 18 - 25

“Slaves” is not a common word these days, but at the time Peter was writing this, 50% of the Roman Empire were slaves. What is our modern-day equivalent of slaves and masters?

What are “slaves” to do? (v18) Why? (v18) How should they do it? In what situations are they to do it?

Christians will suffer (v21), how is Christ our example? Where do we see v22-23 displayed in Jesus’ life?

Is suffering just? We may not get justice on earth, but what should our attitude be? (v23b) Do you find this difficult to do?

Ultimately what matters? (v24-25) Are you ready to live the life of the cross? Ready to suffer? Ready to submit, even when its hard?



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WEEK 6 / 1 Peter 3: 1 - 7Living Like Exiles: Wives and Husbands

Don't let your beauty consist of outward things like elaborate

hairstyles and wearing gold jewellery or fine clothes, but rather what is

inside the heart.


1 PETER 3:3-4a

The way that our relationships outwork themselves should also be radically different form the world around us. There should be things that distinguish our relationships from those that we see outside of the church. All people are equal in the sight of God. And counter to the culture at the time of writing, Peter call us all ‘co- heirs of the grace of life’. We should not allow our outward appearance to be the thing that sets us apart or makes us stand out; instead we trust and allow God to be the one who changes us from the inside out. Our heart is the thing that matters, our heart should be what drives us and we live out what is in our hearts.


6Identity - What does it mean to be a ‘man of God’? What does it mean to be a ‘woman of God’? We need to live in a way that shows that our faith is set on who Jesus says we are. This is a question of identity that Peter raises, that our identity is found in Jesus and who he says that we are.

Submission - This issue of wives submitting to husbands is hotly debated today (see Going Deeper). We believe the Bible teaches that a wife should “submit” to her husband as part of the role in complementing him (the complementarian view). Nowhere does the Bible say all women should be submissive to all men, or that men are somehow superior, we are equal in the sight of God, both made in his image. Peter is speaking of marriage, and Paul in Ephesians goes into more details on the nature of marriage mirroring the relationship between Christ and the church (Ephesians 5). God has given the husband a role of headship in the marriage relationship and they are to give their lives up for their wives, as Christ gave His life for the church. The husband is responsible to God, and is to be submitted to God, therefore a wife should find submission a joy, there is no excuse for a husband to be domineering!


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DAILY READINGSMonday Ephesians 5: 22 - 33Tuesday Galatians 3: 27 - 4: 7Wednesday Genesis 2: 4 - 25Thursday Titus 2Friday 1 Peter 3: 8- 12 <- Get ready for Sunday!

FINDING THE GOSPEL: Our identity is only fully found in Jesus. We are made in the image of God, and we were made male and female for his glory, equal in worth, distinct in biology. Yet at the fall conflict entered the human race, you can read about this in Genesis 3. Verse 16 says ‘A women’s desire will be for her husband,

HAVE YOU TRIED?Many Christians celebrate Lent in the run up to Easter, a 40-day fast to imitate Jesus fasting in the wilderness before he began his public ministry. We believe fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline at any time of year. Fasting isn’t just about going without food, or drink, it’s about using this time to draw close to God in prayer and recognising your dependency on Him. Before you start a fast, grab a guide on fasting from the Connect Area in the café.

| 1 Peter 3: 1 - 7

yet he will rule over you’. It talks of the women’s struggle for control and man’s domination. This was not God’s design; it is a consequence of sin! The Gospel enables us to go back to the original image-of-God creation intent, before sin ruined it. We are now found in Christ, male and female united to him, and are now free to live out our God given identities without wrestling for control because we both live surrendered to him.

CONNECT:This Wednesday we are having our evening of prayer and worship at the John Pounds Centre. This is a perfect opportunity to come enjoy God’s presence in community and minister to one another as the body of Christ. Life Groups are not on, to give you a free evening in the week to make this a priority. It wouldn’t be the same without you!



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“Submit” can be a taboo word in our culture, how does the world view this word? How do you view it?

If a wife submits to her husband, what does v1-2 say can be the result? There is power in submission, not weakness. Submission doesn’t mean inferiority – Jesus submits to the Father’s will.

What are husbands called to do? (v7) If a husband were to treat his wife like this – does this change how you view? (v1) It’s a beautiful circle of love and submission, not demanding or controlling.

Where should beauty come from? (v4-5) How do the pressures of this world make this hard?

What do you think “the unfading beauty of a gentle and quite spirit” looks like?




| 1 Peter 3: 1 - 7

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PRAYER FOCUSFamiliesWe are one big family, made up of many different people, that includes families with kids, those without, and many single people. It’s not our marital status or the size of our families that define us, it’s our identity as family together. As brothers and sisters in Christ we all share a desire to see each other flourish, that means we pray for one another, care for one another’s kids, and invite those without families in the church to enjoy being together as part of our families. Let’s pray we will be a community of strong healthy families where all are engaged and involved.

54 | 1 Peter 3: 1 - 7

Why not order them from the Acorn?


#MeToo and the Church: Egalitarian vs Complementarianyoutu.be/mECD2Bsll3w

Why is The Gospel Coalition Complementarian?




7 Myths about Singleness / Sam Allberry You and Me Forever / Francis and Lisa Chanyouandmeforever.org

Going Deeper...WEEK


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WEEK 7 / 1 Peter 3: 8 - 12Living Like Exiles: Do No Evil

Finally, all of you be like-minded and sympathetic, love one another, and be

compassionate and humble.


1 PETER 3:8

Peter has already told us that we are to ‘do good’ to those around us. But he also says that we are to do ‘no evil’. Remember he is writing to the church community here!? This shows that we can’t escape our fallen nature – as a church we are not immune from evil and insults from within our own family - church life can be messy! We are to act humbly and with compassion, not retaliating against those that do us harm but instead we are to seek to bless those who may stand against us. Let mercy and grace be the tone as we do not give people what we feel they may ‘deserve’ but are generous in giving freely what they do not deserve.

Harmony - The Greek word translated “like-minded” has its root in the words common and understanding, it speaks of a unity of spirit and harmony that exists between believers (cf. Rom 15:5; 1 Cor 1:10; 2 Cor 13:11; Phil 2:1–2; 4:2). We are a diverse church and we are also a church united by the Gospel. We could say that Christians should be like a good choir. Each one sings with his or her own voice and some sing different parts, but everyone sings to the same music and in harmony with one another. That music is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

To read further grab your Aspire book and check out the chapter of A United a Diverse Church – it’s page 47!




DAILY READINGSMonday Psalm 34Tuesday John 13: 1 - 20Wednesday Daniel 3: 8 - 30Thursday Matthew 5: 43 - 48Friday 1 Peter 3: 13 - 4:6 <- Get ready for Sunday!

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FINDING THE GOSPEL: God doesn’t keep believers from suffering, Peter tells us that we should not only expect but rejoice when we suffer for the sake of Christ. We can however know that through every circumstance and situation that God is with us. In the Old Testament the presence of God was carried by the people of God as they wandered through the desert. Then it dwelt in the temple, in the Holiest of Holy places. Then Jesus came, and when he died on the cross the curtain of the temple was torn in two, it split and the presence of God now dwells in us, his people, by his Spirit.

COMPASSION CHILD SPONSORSHIP:We have a partnership with Compassion UK, encouraging people to sponsor children in the developing world to release them from poverty in Jesus name.

Poverty is a thief. It robs children of the ability to grow up strong and healthy. It steals their time to play and denies them the chance to sit in a classroom and learn. Sponsorship can change this!  Sponsoring a child with Compassion brings them hope.  Independent research shows that Compassion-sponsored children are more likely to be employed as adults, and leaders in their communities and churches.

Our church has a partnership with a project in the Shiashie in Ghana, but many sponsor children from other nations around the world. If you’d like to be inspired by stories of changed lives, visit compassionuk.org. To sponsor a child through the church please get in touch with the church office.

| 1 Peter 3: 8 - 12

PRAYER FOCUSChurch UnityLet’s pray for harmony in the church. Pray that we would be so caught up in our vision to reach people with the gospel that it would unite us even where there are differences in style or tradition. Pray for continued freedom from division.

Pray for an increased unity between the churches within the city. Let us unite around a vision to serve the city with the Gospel and support each other where we can to seek the fame of Christ in Portsmouth. May our unity testify to the power of that Gospel.

Pray that as we work together, the church would be an increasingly influential voice for good in this city, such that the council and other agencies would need to take notice.


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Peter address the church in v8, what 5 attitudes should we have towards each other? What would each of these look like in your everyday life?

Which one do you find particularly hard? What steps could you take to grow in this area or change your attitude/actions towards others?

If you are a Christian then suffering is a matter of “when” not “if” (2 v21 & 23). When insults come, what shouldn’t we do? (v9) What should we do? How does this reflect Jesus?

What does v10 call us to do? How are you tempted to use your words in wrong ways?

We are to “seek peace and pursue it”, what does that look like? (v11)



| 1 Peter 3: 8 - 12

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WEEK 8 / 1 Peter 3: 13 - 4:6Suffering for Christ

Therefore, since Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same understanding – because the one who suffers in the flesh is

finished with sin.


1 PETER 4:1

We will face suffering as Christians. The Bible and Jesus himself promises it. But instead of trying to avoid these times, Peter encourages us to joyfully receive them and to even rejoice in suffering. When we face trials and suffer for the sake of Jesus, we would find a nearness to God and be joined with Christ in his suffering.


8Being Ready - Be ready at any time to give a defence to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.PETER 3:15

We are to be ready to face questions and to back up faith with reason as to why, in the midst of hardship, that we trust in the goodness and the completed work of Jesus. We are meant to be a people that are open about our faith, and talk about Jesus and the things that he’s done in our lives with our friends, neighbours and family.

DAILY READINGSMonday Genesis 6: 9 - 22Tuesday Romans 5Wednesday Romans 8: 16 - 30Thursday Philippians 3: 7 - 11 Friday 1 Peter 4: 7 - 11 <- Get ready for Sunday!


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FINDING THE GOSPEL:In a parallel to Noah leading his family through the water on the Ark, and to Moses leading the people of God through the parted Red Sea, Jesus leads us through his death on the cross. 1 Peter says that we have Baptism, as an outward sign that we have been united with Jesus in his death, burial and resurrection, and are now, ourselves, dead to sin and alive in Christ.

| 1 Peter 3: 13 - 4:6

HAVE YOU BEEN BAPTISED? Baptism isn’t what saves us, but its more than just symbolic. When someone comes to know Jesus and know him as their Lord and their Saviour; their response is to be baptised (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38; Acts 8:35-38). We love to lead people through baptism! It’s a public declaration of faith in Jesus and then a baptism by full immersion in water; going down into the water mirroring of the death of Jesus, then coming out as Jesus did, victorious over sin and death into a new life in him. We have been joined with him, united in his death and alive in his resurrection, never to die again! We are in Him, saved through Him and loved by Him. Baptism is also a sign that you are united by Christ into a church family, no longer walking alone -it’s a first step to knowing you are home.

If you haven’t been baptised but would say that you are a Christian, we want you to get baptised on the 29th March! Chat to a friend, your life group leader, or get in touch with the office to let us know.


FOR MORE SCRIPTURE ON BAPTISM READ: John 1 and 2Acts 2Romans 6: 1- 14

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PRAYER FOCUSThe Local and Global ChurchChristCentral is just one expression of the body of Christ, in the city of Portsmouth. Let’s prayer for other churches that we know of. Pray for their protection, pray for God’s blessing, pray for spiritual discernment and a passion for the Word of God. We have great relationships with churches in the city, particularly our local neighbours Kings Church, Cornerstone and St Jude’s.

Pray also for the church around the world. We are connected through Commission to churches in India, Spain, Portugal, USA, Ghana, the Philippines and the Balkans. Members of our church have connections in Iran, Dominican Republic, Malaysia, South Africa to name a few. Let’s pray for freedom to worship, for safety, for an increase in the knowledge of God, and for greater faith for the mission of God.



Bethinking.org’s collection of common questionshttps://www.bethinking.org/collection/common-questions

Dave GobbetAre you ready to give an answer




What Do I Do If I Don’t Have All The Answers?https://www.bethinking.org/apologetics/you-dont-need-all-the-answers

Going Deeper... Why not order them from the


| 1 Peter 3: 13 - 4:6

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When we suffer, what are we not to do? (v14) In what areas of your life are you tempted to fear man? What are the results from fearing man?

We are told to 'revere Christ' v15, what does that mean? How would your life look different if you did? What steps can you take to revere Christ instead of fear man?

When asked questions about your faith, how should you respond? (v15) Why is it so important to speak with 'gentleness and respect'?

What are we told in v17? The reason for this is in v18. What has Christ done? What does it mean by 'the righteous for the unrighteous'?

What difference will being a Christian make to the way we live? (4 v2-4) Should we live like this out of guilt? What should our motivation be? (v1) Religion points to law and makes you feel guilty, but the cross points us to Jesus and melts our hearts. How does getting to grips with this truth change our attitude to the way we live?



| 1 Peter 3: 13 - 4:6























Space for your thoughts...WEEK


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WEEK 9 / 1 Peter 4: 7 - 11Living in the End Times

Above all, maintain constant love for one another, since love covers a

multiple of sins.


1 PETER 4:8

What is the church meant to look like? Does the church today look like the church that was started in the book of Acts where a group of spirit filled disciples went out and brought people to know Jesus? We want the church to look distinctly different from the world; we want it to look like it was meant to in Acts, where people gathered as one body to bring their gifts to encourage, build up and strengthen the family of God. Like Jesus we come to serve, not to be served.

Hospitality - We are to care for and love each other like a family. We are to welcome each other in, and treat them like one of our own.




DAILY READINGSMonday Ephesians 4: 1 - 16Tuesday John 13: 1 - 20Wednesday Acts 4: 32 - 37Thursday Psalm 118Friday 1 Peter 4: 12 - 19 <- Get ready for Sunday!

Don’t forget next Sunday is

Mothers DayDon’t forget to post your card! We’d love to see lots of mums joining us for our service if they are visiting.

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PRAYER FOCUSService and HospitalityWe have always been a welcoming church, many people’s story of joining the church includes the meals that they were invited to in those first few weeks. Let’s pray that as we continue to grow through reaching new people, we would continue to be known for our hospitality. Pray for God to stir us to greater generosity in opening our homes and to greater boldness for inviting others.

Pray that we would increasingly bring of our gifts to serve the church. Pray this wouldn’t be an act of duty to serve but a heartfelt response to give of time, talents and treasure. Pray that we would grow in our confidence to use spiritual gifts to encourage and build one another up.

72 | 1 Peter 4: 7 - 11

HAVE YOU TRIED?Are you a book worm? Do you love escaping into a great novel? Why not try out some of the new Christian authors writing novels? Tessa Afshar writes amazing fictional stories based in the ancient Old Testament times. While they are fictional, they do help you imagine what life may have been like when Esther was Queen, or Ruth was gleaning in Boaz’s field. Not sure if it’ll be a bit cheesy, just ask Nikki, she has read most of them, and can recommend good ones!

CONNECT:Our International Celebration is this Saturday. I’m sure you’ve heard lots about this by now, but if you’ve not yet got your ticket, please come and join us. This event is a celebration of our unity and diversity, and includes food, fun, music and dance from around the world! This is another excellent opportunity to invite friends to witness what church is like.

FINDING THE GOSPEL: Peter starts this section by saying that the “end of all things is near”! This is something that many people fear and even try to ignore as a reality. The Gospel gives us hope. Because of Jesus we have an eternal hope that goes beyond this life. Because of the cross God has prepared a place for us in Heaven, and one day he will call us home, into his presence forever.



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The end is near! How are we to live in light of this truth? List all the things mentioned in v7-11. (This is a contrast with last weeks passage – 4 v3-4)

Does your life look like this? Does your prayer life reflect the awareness that the end is near?

What does Peter call us to do 'above all'? (v1) Do you find this a challenge? What do you think it means by 'love covers a multitude of sins'? (note: "covers", not "cover-up" for sin!).

One way we can show love is by offering hospitality, v9. What will this look like for you in the coming week? Will it be a challenge to do it 'without grumbling'? At the time Peter wrote this, hospitality was a greater need, greater burden and greater risk, yet still Peter urged Christians to do it.

Why is v10 so counter-cultural for us today? What gifts has God given you? How can you use them to serve others? How are we to go about using these gifts? (v11) God will receive the power and glory - lets participate in the purpose, for which we were created!




| 1 Peter 4: 7 - 11


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WEEK 10 / 1 Peter 4: 12 - 19How to Suffer Well

So then, let those who suffer according to God's will entrust

themselves to a faithful Creator while doing what is good.


1 PETER 4:19

There is an amazing promise that we have for a future hope and a glory that is coming which will far outweigh and surpass any pain and suffering that we may face in this life. The promise of Jesus is that we do not suffer in vein or for no reason, instead we suffer with our eyes lifted and our hope set on the return of our King. For those who are suffering, we need to come alongside them, we shoulder and carry each other’s burdens, we help and support and prop up those who are going through hard times, knowing that one day, Jesus will ‘wipe ever tear from our eyes’.

One-another-ing - The New Testament includes 47 commands to do something towards another person. A key activity in the early church one anothering one another. It is part of how we worship God, how we respond to Him, how we live in the overflow of the grace we have received. Do something for someone else today – bear a burden, love, serve, pray, speak truth, be hospitable.




DAILY READINGSMonday Revelation 4Tuesday Revelation 5Wednesday Psalm 121Thursday Galatians 6: 1 - 10Friday 1 Peter 5: 1 - 14 <- Get ready for Sunday!

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FINDING THE GOSPEL: Jesus is seated on the throne! Read Revelation 5 again; Jesus is the lamb that was slain, and yet is victorious. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Because we have been united with Christ in his death, we are also united with him in his resurrection, and we are found in him. The bible says that Jesus is seated in the heavenly places and we are found in him, we have an eternal hope and an inheritance waiting for us in heaven because of what Jesus has done.

CONNECT: Are you in a serving team at ChristCentral? As a family, our heart is to serve one-another, not to come on Sundays and consume, but to contribute, to invest in what God is doing through and in us. Chat to someone at the Connect desk or sign-up online at christcentral.church/serve and we’ll get in touch with you.

| 1 Peter 4: 12 - 19

PRAYER FOCUSThose we know, who do not know JesusWe want to be a church that are praying for more and more people to come to know Jesus. Let's spend time this week praying for those that we know, our friends or family members that do not know Jesus. Let’s stand together as a church and lift them in prayer, and let’s also pray for boldness to invite them to church and to share the gospel with them ourselves.


BAPTISMS ARE NEXT WEEK! Don’t forget our baptism service next week. If you have not been baptised it’s not too late! Please get in touch with us in the church office as soon as possible.

READ Suffering and Singing / John Hindley

Going Deeper... Why not order them from the Acorn?

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What is your attitude towards suffering? Should we be surprised when we suffer? (v12) How should we react? (v13) Re-read 1 Peter 1 v6-7 slowly and praise God for the truths you read.

Not only are we to rejoice, what else does Peter say in v14? What privilege comes from suffering for being a Christian? (v13)

Are you suffering / have you suffered? What is / was your reaction?

What should we do in the midst of suffering? (v19) We may long for God to transform the outside of our lives the way we want, but maybe God is transforming the inside of our lives the way He wants.

How do you think you can take active steps to rejoice in suffering? How can you help your Christian friends see the joy in suffering?




| 1 Peter 4: 12 - 19

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WEEK 11 / 1 Peter 5: 1- 14Humility and Strength

Casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you.


1 PETER 5:7

Be humble! God has a plan and a purpose for our lives, he knows where we are going and what the call that he has placed on our lives looks like. We do not need to ‘exalt ourselves’, instead we should leave that to God. In everything we do, every area of life and service, we are to live humbly and trust that God has a plan and purpose. In all ministry areas, and with whatever authority and influence God has given us, we are to exercise it with great humility.

Humility & Strength - Humility is a condition of lowliness or affliction in which one experiences a loss of power and prestige. In the world, humility in this sense is not considered a virtue. However, for the Christian it’s considered the proper attitude of human beings toward their Creator. Humility is a grateful and spontaneous awareness that life is a gift, and it is manifested as an ungrudging and unhypocritical acknowledgment of absolute dependence upon God. It takes more strength to be humble than to be proud. It means accepting our weakness and exchanging for God’s strength as we depend on Him for all things.




DAILY READINGSMonday Colossians 1: 9- 23Tuesday Philippians 2:1-11Wednesday Proverbs 3: 27- 35Thursday Luke 14: 7- 14Friday Micah 6: 1 – 8

Easter is an excellent opportunity to invite friends and family to church. With just a few weeks to go, why not start praying about who you can invite?


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FINDING THE GOSPEL: Because we are found in Christ, he presents us to the Father. We are presented to God the Father as holy and blameless because of the work of Jesus. Because of the cross we come in the finished work of Christ to the Father, we don’t have to earn or achieve it, we come covered in the blood of the lamb.

PRAYER FOCUSAll those who lead in the churchAs we had the final sermon in our 1 Peter series this week we would like to finish off the series by praying for all those who lead in the church. 1 Peter 5 gives clear instructions for the Elders to lead with humility, but all those in leadership should do so with a humble heart and for the glory of God. Please pray for the Elders, the Deacons, ministry team leaders, life group leaders, worship leaders and anyone else who holds a position of authority and responsibility over others. We all want to lead with grace, with honour and with a ‘Jesus like’ heart, knowing that we are to be servant hearted leaders.



The freedom of self-forgetfulness / Tim Keller(Only 48 pages and available online for as little as 49p!)Humility / CJ Mahaney

Going Deeper... Why not order them from the Acorn?

| 1 Peter 5: 1- 14

HAVE YOU TRIED?In the run up to Easter why not host a film night and invite friends to watch The Case for Christ, based on the book by Lee Strobel. (This is currently free to watch on Amazon Prime.)

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Peter addresses Church elders in v1-4. How should they shepherd the Church? How should we act towards our Church elders? (v5)

Who does God oppose? (v5b) Which areas of your life do you struggle most with pride? How can we combat pride? (v5) Notice the word ‘clothe’ – our natural instinct is pride, so we need to put on humility like we put on clothes, it’s a choice.

How does v7 make you feel? Is there anything you are anxious about or burdened with? Is there anything weighing on your heart? How can you cast your cares on Christ?

Who do we need to be aware of? (v8) The devil lies to us in order to shake our trust in God and to put fear in our hearts. What is the biggest lie the devil is telling you at the moment? How should we respond? (v9) We are not to fear the devil, but we are to resist him.

Salvation doesn’t eliminate suffering - what will become of our sufferings in the end? (v10) What will Christ do in us? How is v10 an encouragement for you?





5| 1 Peter 5: 1- 14

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Have you enjoyed this companion guide? Have you felt God challenge and encourage you? What has been your key takeaway? Have you encountered God in a new way? We’d love to hear your story, and share it to encourage the church. We’d also like to continue to develop resources that can serve and equip you, so please let us know if you have any feedback that can help us improve. Get in touch through Facebook or email [email protected].

This Companion Guide was created by the ChristCentral Teaching Team and designed in-house.

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