riRE P3FART7 Please stop by and get a volunteer application and complete it. The East Spencer Fire Dept is needing your help. If you have questions, please contact Chief Shawn McBride at ( 7 0 4 ) 6 3 7 - 3 2 8 0 . WE ARE SEARCHING— VOLUNTEERS 04R-P_C 4 RiVC:; O ;vim Please come by, get one, and complete it at the Town Hall. ARk g. 4 RECREATiOid" Please join us every 4th Saturday of each month between the hours of 9 am - 12 pm. Be prepared to clean up our park. NEXT CLEAN UP DAY: MAY 26Th HELP US TO HELP U As we build a community May 21st @ 6:00 PM Rowan Regional Medical Center at Southern City Church May 22nd @ 6:30 PM Work Session at the Town Hall May 26th 9:00 AM-12 PM Park Clean-Up TOM (0., r& 410ER, 135 S. Long Street PC.Box 339 East Spencer NC 28039 Phone: (704) 636-71 ti 1 Fax: (704) 636-7734 HOME OF HERITAGE AND PROMISE

HOME OF HERITAGE riRE P3FART7 - … 2012 nwsltter... · riRE P3FART7 Please stop by and get a volunteer application and complete it. The East Spencer Fire Dept is needing your help

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riRE P3FART7 Please stop by and get a volunteer application and complete it. The East Spencer Fire Dept is needing your help. If you have questions, please contact Chief Shawn McBride at ( 7 0 4 ) 6 3 7 - 3 2 8 0 .



04R-P_C 4

RiVC:; O ;vim Please come by, get one, and complete it at the Town Hall.

ARk g. 4 RECREATiOid" Please join us every 4th Saturday of each month between the hours of 9 am - 12 pm. Be prepared to clean up our park.



As we build a community

May 21st @ 6:00 PM Rowan Regional Medical Center

at Southern City Church

May 22nd @ 6:30 PM Work Session at the Town Hall

May 26th 9:00 AM-12 PM Park Clean-Up

TOM (0., r&410ER,

135 S. Long Street

PC.Box 339

East Spencer NC 28039

Phone: (704) 636-71 ti 1

Fax: (704) 636-7734



National 'layv1 rrayer


it() VT 14 L WE NS L 7-7' ER Words From Our


I would like to thank everyone who attended our Candlelit service in April and our National Day of pray in May. We have several projects for the summer planned. If you would like to volunteer for a fundraiser or donate money, please call (704) 636- 7111.

Congratulations to all of our stu-dents completing a year of studies, ele-mentary, high school or college. We con-gratulate these fine students on their ac-complishments and encourage them to keep up the good work!

Have a safe and happy summer.

Thank You,

Barbara A. Mallett, Mayor

About East Spencer In 1897, the Southern City Tabernacle

A.M.E. Zion Church was born. Among the Christian pioneers who participated in the movement were families such as Stokes, Holmes, Clements, Fraziers, and Carters.

During the years at the North Shaver Street site, the membership grew to the extent that the pastor Rev. A.R. Hawkins, and officers of the church, saw the need for a larger building. In 1915, Rev H.R. Hawkins and members of the congrega-tion built the church at its present location on North Long Street in East Spencer, North Carolina.

Greetings to Town Citizens!

Lots of good things are happening! More are on the way. Here are updates on a few of them.

Urgent Home Repair Project. Our Town applica-tion was filed with the State office on April 27, A total of 68 families were interviewed, 63 applica-tions were completed, and many of the best quali-fied applicants were submitted. The rest are on a waiting list for further consideration as soon as feasible. We should get an answer from the State by December or January.

Parks & Recreation Needs Survey. A survey for all households are now ready to distribute in the community. It is very important for all families to complete one so that the Town Board and the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board will know your thinking when they make decisions on improve-ments and priorities. It is also a key piece of infor-mation for our application to the State, for the PARTF grant in January. All surveys need to be completed around mid-June. It only takes about 10 minutes.

Youth Programs. Mayor Mallett and Board mem-bers are working to establish new programs and opportunities for local youth. The Board has en-dorsed a youth sports program Carolina Tigers Baseball for Royal Giants Park for this summer, we hope to conduct a summer camp, we are talk-ing with local churches and others about the Boy Scouts of America and other youth activity pro-grams. There are many possibilities.

Macon C. Sammons,-Jr.

Town Administrator

Prayer is.... the practice of the presence of

God. It is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and suppli-cation is made. Prayer is the place of admitting our need, of adopting hu-mility, and claiming dependence upon God. Prayer is the needful practice of the Christian. Prayer is the exercise of faith and hope. Prayer is the privi-lege of touching the heart of the Fa-ther through the Son of God, Jesus our Lord.

Prayer changes the one praying be-cause in prayer, you are in the pres-ence of God as you lay before Him your complete self in confession and dependence. There is nothing to hide when in quiet supplication we are reaching into the deepest part of our-selves and admitting our needs and failures. In so doing, our hearts are quieted and pride is stripped and we enjoy the presence of God. James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.'

Prayer is the practice of the presence of God.