www. lyfa ily g . rg Te ly ffi ial web ite f r ur pari e. l ite a al be a e e fr t i web ite. CLE GY P ri h E il: ffi e h lyf ily gh. rg ev. Kevin . P eckin P tr ev. e r e alt n S ni r P r i l Vi r ev. avid eWitt S ni r P r i l Vi r eac n J se h Vannucci eac n Ti thy N ca eac n Frank ursic Weekend Mass Ti es tur y Vigil: 4:00 PM t. Iren eu 4:00 PM t. J hn the ti t 5: 0 PM t. J eh :00 PM Our L y f J y un y: :00 M Our L y f J y : 0 M t J eh 9:00 M t. J hn the ti t 10:00 M Our L y f J y 11:00 M t. J nu riu 11:00 M t. Iren eu 11: 0 M t. J hn the ti t :00 PM t. J hn the ti t C nfe in: Mn y :00- : 0 PM t . J nu riu We ne y :00- : 0 PM t. Ir n u tur y 9: 0-10:00 M t. J n t B ti t - Or By A int nt - H LY F AM LY AR H St. Ir n u, k ot St. J nu riu , St. J hn th pti t, Pu St. J ph, Vero , ur L y f J y, Pu

HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you

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Page 1: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you



The only official website for our parishes.

School sites can also be accessed from this website.


Parish Email: [email protected]

Rev. Kevin G. Poecking


Rev. George Dalton

Senior Parochial Vicar

Rev. David DeWitt

Senior Parochial Vicar

Deacon Joseph Vannucci

Deacon Timothy Noca

Deacon Frank Bursic

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM St. Irenaeus

4:00 PM St. John the Baptist

5:30 PM St. Joseph

6:00 PM Our Lady of Joy

Sunday: 8:00 AM Our Lady of Joy

8:30 AM St Joseph

9:00 AM St. John the Baptist

10:00 AM Our Lady of Joy

11:00 AM St. Januarius

11:00 AM St. Irenaeus

11:30 AM St. John the Baptist

6:00 PM St. John the Baptist


Monday 6:00-6:20 PM St . Januarius

Wednesday 6:00-6:20 PM St. Irenaeus

Saturday 9:30-10:00 AM St. John the Baptist

- Or By Appointment -


St. Irenaeus, Oakmont

St. Januarius, St. John the Baptist, Plum

St. Joseph, Verona, Our Lady of Joy, Plum

Page 2: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you


Meredith Fraschi

Middle School Faith Formation

Holy Family Parishioners:

"Sweet is this present life but it passes away; terrible, O

Christ, is Thy judgment, and it endures forever. Let us

therefore cease to love what is unstable, and fix our

thoughts on the fear of what is eternal; saying Christ, have

mercy upon us!" - prayer from Dominica in Quinquagesima

As we find ourselves in Lent, a penitential season, both our

liturgical life and the one outside of church take on a more

moderate tone. In our day-to-day lives we try to increase

fasting, attend confession more often, abstain from worldly

pleasures, look toward God for forgiveness of our sins, and

ask for His mercy. Likewise in the Liturgy, and music as

well, we observe the removal of the Gloria, the Alleluia is

replaced by a Lenten Gospel Acclamation, and in our

Parish, we use the Latin chant for Agnus Dei. As organists

we use more moderate and softer "sounds". This

relationship is addressed in the Apostolic Letter by Pope

Benedict XVI called Summorum Pontificum where he says

that "Church�s rule of prayer (lex orandi) corresponds to her

rule of faith (lex credendi).��

For those who are not aware or might be new to our Parish,

we offer a Mass in a more traditional style on every first

Sunday of the month at the 6pm SJB Mass. The Roman

Rite of the Catholic Church has two forms of Mass, the

extraordinary form (Traditional Latin Mass) and the ordinary

form (Novus Ordo), which is the Mass we currently celebrate

on Sundays. Our parish traditional Mass is celebrated in the

ordinary form, but with Latin Mass Parts, Gregorian Chant,

and incence throughout the Mass. As we look towards our

rich Catholic Tradition, another aspect of the liturgy that we

will use for the first time in our Parish is Ad Orientem, which

is when the priest is facing the Liturgical East or as is

sometimes said with his back towards the people, instead of

Versus Populum, or facing the people. Rather than

considering this with a back to the people, it is much better

to see it as the priest is with the people, facing God and the

altar together.

The point of facing east is to emphasize the essential

character of the liturgy: that of a procession out of time and

into eternity in Heaven. We see and taste this procession in

the course of the liturgy. The celebrant, standing in the

person of Christ, leads the way, but we are all moving

together, as a community and as the people of God, as part

of the same procession. That same procession begins at the

Introit, continues through the Offertory, and culminates with

our reception of Holy Communion. The practice offers a

psychological and spiritual benefit. It permits the

worshipper, to contemplate the purely sacramental

character of the Mass and focus less on the personality of

the celebrant. From the celebrant's point of view, it permits a

more intense focus on the mystery of the sacrifice taking

place rather than on the personalities of the worshippers.

In short, it’s a humbler posture for the priest and for the


The drama of salvation history is powerfully symbolized in

the liturgy when it is celebrated Ad Orientem. The priest

faces the people as he calls them to prayer. Then he turns

to lead them in the common plea for mercy (Kyrie Eleison).

He prays on behalf of the people as he continues to face the

Lord. He turns toward the people to proclaim the Word and

preach. After receiving their gifts, he turns again to the Lord

to offer the gifts to God. He then turns to the people to

distribute the Risen Christ at the Eucharistic banquet.

If you enjoy Church Tradition, or are looking for new ways to

explore your faith during this Lenten season, I encourage

you to attend our traditional Mass on March 7th at 6pm at

SJB Church, that will for the first time in many decades in

our Parish be offered Ad Orientem.

Ad Jesum per Mariam,


From the�

Desk Of….�

From the�

Desk Of….�

Andrija Andelic

Music Minister, Holy Family Parish

Page 3: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you




God said to Noah and to his sons with him: “See, I am now

establishing my covenant with you and your descendants

after you and with every living creature that was with you: all

the birds, and the various tame and wild animals that were

with you and came out of the ark. I will establish my covenant

with you, that never again shall all bodily creatures be

destroyed by the waters of a flood; there shall not be another

flood to devastate the earth.”

God added: “This is the sign that I am giving for all ages to

come, of the covenant between me and you and every living

creature with you: I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a

sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring

clouds over the earth, and the bow appears in the clouds,

I will recall the covenant I have made between me and you

and all living beings, so that the waters shall never again

become a flood to destroy all mortal beings.”

RESPONSORIAL PSALM PS 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9

R. Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who

keep your covenant.

Your ways, O Lord, make known to me; teach me Your paths,

Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for you are God my


R. Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who

keep your covenant.

Remember that your compassion, O Lord, and Your love are

from of old. In Your kindness remember me, because of Your

goodness, O Lord.

R. Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who

keep your covenant.

Good and upright is the Lord, thus He shows sinners the way.

He guides the humble to justice, and He teaches the humble

His way.

R. Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who

keep your covenant.

READING 2 1 PT 3:18-22

Beloved: Christ suffered for sins once, the righteous for the

sake of the unrighteous, that he might lead you to God. Put to

death in the flesh, he was brought to life in the Spirit. In it he

also went to preach to the spirits in prison, who had once

been disobedient while God patiently waited in the days of

Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons,

eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured

baptism, which saves you now. It is not a removal of dirt from

the body but an appeal to God for a clear conscience,

through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into

heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels,

authorities, and powers subject to Him.

R. Alleluia, alleluia. MT 4:4B

One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that

comes forth from the mouth of God.

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

GOSPEL MK 1:40-45

The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in

the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among

wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him. After John had

been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel

of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at

hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”


(segunda parte)

Padre valiente y creativo, ejemplo de amor a la Iglesia y a los


Patris corde destaca "la valentía creativa" de san José, aquella que

surge sobre todo en las dificultades y que da lugar a recursos ines-

perados en el hombre. "El carpintero de Nazaret -explica el Papa-

sabía transformar un problema en una oportunidad, anteponiendo

siempre la confianza en la Providencia". Se enfrentaba a "los pro-

blemas concretos" de su familia, al igual que todas las demás fami-

lias del mundo, especialmente las de los migrantes. En este senti-

do, san José es "realmente un santo patrono especial" de aquellos

que, "forzados por las adversidades y el hambre", tienen que aban-

donar su patria a causa de "la guerra, el odio, la persecución y la

miseria". Custodio de Jesús y María, José "no puede dejar de ser el

Custodio de la Iglesia", de su maternidad y del Cuerpo de Cristo:

cada necesitado, pobre, sufriente, moribundo, extranjero, prisione-

ro, enfermo, es "el Niño" que José guarda y de él hay que aprender

a "amar a la Iglesia y a los pobres".

Padre que enseña el valor, la dignidad y la alegría del trabajo

Honesto carpintero que trabajó "para asegurar el sustento de su

familia", José también nos enseña "el valor, la dignidad y la alegría"

de "comer el pan que es fruto del propio trabajo". Este significado

del padre adoptivo de Jesús le da al Papa la oportunidad de lanzar

un llamamiento a favor del trabajo, que se ha convertido en "una

urgente cuestión social", incluso en países con un cierto nivel de

bienestar. "Es necesario comprender", escribe Francisco, "el signifi-

cado del trabajo que da dignidad", que "se convierte en partici-

pación en la obra misma de la salvación" y "ocasión de realización"

para uno mismo y su familia, el "núcleo original de la sociedad".

Quien trabaja, colabora con Dios porque se convierte en "un poco

creador del mundo que nos rodea". De ahí la exhortación del Papa

a todos a "redescubrir el valor, la importancia y la necesidad del

trabajo para dar lugar a una nueva ‘normalidad’ en la que nadie

quede excluido". Mirando en particular el empeoramiento del des-

empleo debido a la pandemia de Covid-19, el Papa llama a todos a

"revisar nuestras prioridades" para comprometerse a decir: “¡Ningún

joven, ninguna persona, ninguna familia sin trabajo!”.



Page 4: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you



* Live Streamed Masses


SATURDAY 2/20 * 4:00 PM STI DALTON Lydia A. Altiere (Prokopik & Sparks Families)

First Sunday of Advent

4:00 PM SJB POECKING 50th Wedding Anniversary of Tom & Rosalie Clark

* 5:30 PM SJV DEWITT John & Verna Martz (Jack & Sally Martz)

6:00 PM OLOJ POECKING Andrew (Bucky) Bogusz (Wife & Sons)

SUNDAY 2/21 * 8:00 AM OLOJ BENEDICTINE Ellen Renter (Altomare Family)

First Sunday of Advent

8:30 AM SJV DEWITT John Weyrauch (Pat & Eileen Doheny)

* 9:00 AM SJB DALTON Thanksgiving for the Life of Joseph James Dawson

10:00 AM OLOJ BENEDICTINE Casimir Kucharczyk (Marie & John Fischer)

11:00 AM STI POECKING Carl J. Abinanti (Arlene & Jeff Sparks)

* 11:00 AM SJAN GEORGE, J. Mark DeFabio (Maureen & Lou DeFabio)

11:30 AM SJB DEWITT Alfred & Louise Fabian (Gary & Rina DiFrank)

6:00 PM SJB DALTON Living & Deceased Members of the Parishes

MONDAY 2/22 * 9:00 AM STI DALTON S&TW of Kate Mineo (Mother)

6:30 PM SJAN POECKING Intentions of Divine Mercy Prayer Group (DMPG)

TUESDAY 2/23 7:30 AM SJV POECKING Holy Face of Jesus (Anonymous)

* 9:00 AM OLOJ DEWITT Ellen Renter (Kenneth Saybel)

WEDNESDAY (Temp. Moved from Friday) 2/24 7:30 AM SJB DEWITT S&TW of Gregory Stadler (Family)

THURSDAY 2/25 7:30 AM OLOJ POECKING Jennie Ciorra (Faith Sisk)

* 9:00 AM SJV DEWITT Burl Gurganus (Staphanie Tracz)

FRIDAY 2/26 9:00 AM OLOJ DALTON Kitty Camerato (Peg Mineo)

NOON STI DEWITT Gretchen A. Straub (John & Judy Fesz)

SATURDAY 2/27 * 9:00 AM SJB POECKING James Callaghan (Callaghan Family)

Second Sunday of Advent

* 4:00 PM STI POECKING Mary Catherine Migliozzi (John & Amy Faith)

4:00 PM SJB DEWITT Doris Kennedy (Kitchener Family)

* 5:30 PM SJV POECKING Mary Wilhoit (Maria Greco)

6:00 PM OLOJ DALTON James Gillespie (Gillespie Family)

SUNDAY 2/28 * 8:00 AM OLOJ POECKING Henry Jonocco (Faith Sisk)

Second Sunday of Advent

8:30 AM SJV DALTON Margaret & Joseph Strauss (Family)

* 9:00 AM SJB BENEDICTINE Joann Merhaut (Family)

10:00 AM OLOJ POECKING Ellen Renter (Betty Koslovic)

11:00 AM STI DEWITT Daniel S. Monaco (Peck (Leonard) & Kathy Sherred)

* 11:00 AM SJAN BENEDICTINE Richard (Rick) Franco (Maria & David Franco)

11:30 AM SJB DALTON Rosemarie Hranica (Tricia & Dave Weick)

Spanish Mass

6:00 PM SJB TORRES Living & Deceased Members of the Parishes

* 9:00 AM SJB DALTON Ed Reilly (Deacon Joe & Ginger Vannucci)

6:30 PM STI POECKING Mary Luther

Page 5: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you



(By Week)





Budget Amount $26,660.00 $4,760.00 $31,420.00


January 17th $27,679.00 $4,782.00 $32,461.00

January 24th $22,125.00 $8,649.00 $30,774.00

January 31st $25,756.00 $15,979.00 $41,736.00

February 7th $26,179.00 $6,299.00 $32,478.00

February 14th $24,613.00 $5,913.00 $30,526.00

Progress - 109%

Online Giving is the

easiest year-round

way to contribute. It’s

as simple as going

onto the Holy Family

Parish website under

“Online Giving” and

setting up an account.


Dave Hall at X104 or

Patty Mahr at X105

with any questions.


Parish Share 2021—Finding Joy in Giving

Families in our parish will be receiving their Parish Share materials shortly. The season of Lent

gives each of us a chance to grow in our relationship with Jesus, and one way is by sharing our

gifts. This year, recognizing a serious decline in parish revenue due to COVID-19 restrictions,

Bishop Zubik is offering a new incentive program: Parishes that raise between 80% and 89% of

their Parish Share goal will receive a 1% discount. Parishes that raise between 90% and 94% of

their goal will receive a 2.5% discount. Parishes that raise between 95% and 100% of their goal

will receive a 5% discount. Parishes will still keep 100% of monies raised in excess of their goal.

Parish Share offers a wonderful opportunity to say “Yes!” to Jesus’ call to follow him. This is

especially important during these difficult times, as many of our fellow parishioners and neighbors

need our help.

Thank you in advance for your support.



Starting with Lent on Ash Wednesday, Our Lady of Joy Church resumed being open during weekdays for personal

and private prayers following morning Mass or by 10 AM until 3 PM Monday through Friday. Our Safety Team met

last week and concluded we are able to have this church open, like St. Irenaeus and St. John the Baptist have been

since pandemic restrictions were lifted last spring to allow open churches. The cloth seating requires different

sanitizer, but we have enough in supply now for proper sanitizing. Please note that group prayer is still NOT

permitted until it is approved by the Holy Family Parish Safety Team (contact the parish office for approval process


At Our Lady of Joy Church, please enter the main front door, and exit the door noted for exiting. St. Irenaeus Church

remains open 10 AM to 3 PM weekdays (and until evening Mass on Wednesday). St. John the Baptist Church

remains open following morning Mass until 3 PM or evening Mass on the weekend, Sunday through Saturday for

personal private prayers. St. Januarius and St. Joseph Churches are only open for Mass or other parish services or

events. Proper sanitizing should be observed before and after seating, with spray sanitizer bottles available in the

narthex. Mask wearing and social distancing are required to be in any church. Thank you for being respectful for the

occasional funeral during these times.

Page 6: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you


Our sweatshirts and hoodies

have been a big success! Some

sizes are sold out. Order yours


(Sold out sizes will be ordered in

the future if enough interest)





Contact Karen at

[email protected]

or X201.

Other summer items still available.

Sweatshirt Crews -

Sizes S - XL = $15

Size 2XL = $17

Size 3XL = $19

Size 4XL = $21

Sweatshirt Hoodies -

Sizes S - XL = $17

Size 2 XL = $19

Size 3 XL = $21

Size 4 XL = $23

Baseball Caps - $7

Page 7: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you


FASTING BROTHERS (An Extension of Seven Sisters)

The priests of Holy Family Parish each have a Seven Sisters

group praying for them. This is a quiet ministry of prayer. All

prayer can become more efficacious when aided with fasting,

and so we are looking for A FEW GOOD MEN to strengthen the

prayers of those women who are committed in a particular way to

prayer for our priests. According to the rules set up by the

apostolate six men form one group (there is no fasting on

Sundays) and each man has a day of the week on which they

fast or abstain from something. You would choose the day best

suited for you, and stay with that day every week. The

commitment is for one year.

If you are drawn to fasting/abstaining as a form of prayer for

the benefit of our priests please consider this joint, yet very

private, ministry.

To sign up or learn more contact [email protected]



The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the

Church by ensuring a Holy Hour, in the presence of the

Blessed Sacrament, is prayed every day of the week for the

sole intention of a specific priest or bishop. You may know that

each of the priests of Holy Family Parish has a different Seven

Sisters group praying for them. The commitment for one year

is for; one woman, one day of the week, one Holy Hour, one

priest, one heart of prayer.

Recently a group has begun for Bishop Zubik. A bishop’s

group is a little different in that it consists of three complete

groups for one bishop. There are three Holy Hours prayed

every day exclusively for a bishop. There are currently ten

women who have begun to pray in this new group, with a need

for-you guessed it- eleven more!

If you are a woman who feels called to serve the Church

through a commitment of prayer please consider this

apostolate. Seven Sisters has spread all over the world, with

groups in all fifty states in the USA. There are still only a

handful in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Let’s grow this beautiful

ministry to support our priests and Bishop, in thanksgiving for

all that they do.

To learn more visit sevensistersapostolate.org To get involved

with the Bishops group call Jane and leave a message at


“To strengthen the priest is to strengthen the Church.”

St. John Vianney

The St. Joseph Table

According to tradition,

a long, devastating drought

in Sicily in about 1309,

caused a severe famine.

Starving, the Sicilian

peasants offered novenas to

St. Joseph, protector of the

family. The famine soon ended and, in gratitude,

the farmers honored St. Joseph on March 19



his feast day, by covering an altar with their most

prized possession: food. Today this tradition

continues with the St. Joseph Food Table.

All proceeds raised will be given to two diocesan

organizations that are named after St. Joseph.

The first is St. Joseph House of Hospitality.

Founded in 1937, St. Joseph House of Hospitality

is the only year-round men's residential program

of its kind in Southwestern Pennsylvania. To be

eligible, candidates must be homeless or at risk

of homelessness, must have a limited income,

and be fifty years of age or older. The second is

Casa San Jose. Casa San José (House of St.

Joseph). This serves as a base of support for

English language learners, helping Latino

immigrants to access services, especially

services for children, youth, and families to better

acclimate to their new home in the Pittsburgh


On March 19th at 6 PM, Holy Family will

celebrate St. Joseph’s Feast Day with a

St. Joseph’s Table at St. Joseph Churches and

Our Lady of Joy. There will be a blessing of

the Table and men of the parish will lead the

assembly in prayer. Table items will be

available for purchase and will include Italian

cookies, desserts, cannoli, and breads (to

name a few).

Page 8: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you


Join Holy Family Parish for a special at-home retreat -

33 Days to Greater Glory – a retreat with Father Michael Gaitley

Father Michael Gaitley, author of the popular 33 Days to Morning Glory has

finished his third book, 33 DAYS TO GREATER GLORY: A TOTAL


GOSPEL OF JOHN. Our Parish has arranged a discounted bulk rate of this

book for us to hold another at-home retreat during Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 17 and

ending on Palm Sunday, March 28. Each day involves a reflection reading from the book and a

consecration on the concluding day that we will have at our weekend Masses on Palm Sunday. The book

also includes a nine (9) day consecration to St. Joseph. In addition, Father Nathaniel Polinski, OSB, one of

the popular guest Benedictine priests for Masses in Plum, recently authored an academic book, That the

Scriptures Might Be Fulfilled through Perfect Worship.

Father Nathaniel will share a presentation from his scholarly work on Palm Sunday afternoon. The title of his

presentation will be “Diving More Deeply into the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John.”

Parishioners, especially those who have completed the 33 Days to Greater Glory retreat, are invited to

attend in person at St. John the Baptist Church or via livestream.

Copies of the 33 Days to Greater Glory are available in all churches. There is no charge for the book, but a

monetary donation in the collection is appreciated.

Beautifying Our Sanctuaries

Holy Family Parish Art and Environment

committee has been working on ways to

beautify our churches. Many of our churches

use live plants in their sanctuaries. Over time

these plants begin to look tired and need

replaced. If you would like to donate in honor of

your family or in memory of a loved one, please

send a donation made

payable to “Holy Family

Parish” to the attention of

“Joyce Doyle - Sanctuary

Plants.” Please indicate the

church and how the donation

should be acknowledged in

the bulletin. We will use the

money to purchase plants that

are tolerant to the conditions

of each church.

Page 9: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you



The Knights of Columbus, Our Lady of Joy

Council, is sponsoring a virtual blood drive

from February 8th thru February 27th. Vitalant

is in desperate need of blood, anyone who is

able to donate is encouraged to do so.

You may schedule an appointment by using

the sign-up link below. Once you are signed

up, the Vitalant page will redirect you to the

appointment page to schedule at a time and

place convenient for you.

The sign-up link is:




(You may call the business office to have

this link emailed to you.)

If you would rather call, the phone number is

877-258-4825 for the Monroeville locations.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Stations of the Cross are held every

Friday during Lent at 4:00 PM at both

St. Irenaeus and St. John the Baptist

Churches and at 6:00 PM at St. John

the Baptist.

Stations of the Cross are a great

addition to your Lenten devotions!


Two more of our churches have had their new signs installed.

We expect St. Irenaeus and St. Joseph to be installed shortly.

Page 10: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you



WHEN: Beginning March 24, 2021 from 7:00—8:30 PM

WHERE: Virtual

Six Steps to SANITY is a safe, confidential environment that of-

fers support and tools to families dealing with a

loved one’s addiction. The next session will begin on March 24

and be conducted as virtual meetings in zoom The session meets

for 12 consecutive weeks.

Six Steps to SANITY is a faith-based ministry and support group

adapted from the bestselling book, Setting Boundaries with Your

Adult Children by Allison Bottke, for people who are dealing with

addiction in their families.

Using the Setting Boundaries Companion Study Guide workbook,

parents and families will learn how enabling and codependency

contribute to addiction. Learning and applying these steps with

other families will produce healing and sanity in their lives along

with education and support.

We invite anyone who could benefit from this ministry.

Joe and Chico Ficerai will be the facilitators and they have been

Facilitating this ministry at Sts. John and Paul, Sewickley,

PA since August 2014. If you are interested in attending it is im-


Knights lead Holy Family Parish March for Life

On January 20th starting at 11 AM, Pete Konieczka,

Grand Knight, led the parishioners from the Holy

Family Parish in the March for Life in Boyce Park.

The March followed a similar

march in Washington, DC at the

same time and day. Starting at

the Cub 1 pavilion, they prayed

the rosary while walking along

Counterview Blvd. The March

was organized by Fr. Kevin

Poecking, Pastor of Holy Family

Parish, along with some

volunteers. Although the weather

was chilly, it was well attended,

including by a number of knights.



Holy Family School is selling

handmade pierogies!

Available varieties include potato &

cheese, sweet cabbage, potato & feta,

sweet potato, sauerkraut, cottage cheese,

potato, and cheese & jalapeno.

Cost: $7.50 per dozen

Deadline: Orders must be in to the

school by Monday, March 1st

Delivery: Thursday, March 11th. �

See the registration form on

page 13 of this bulletin.

Page 11: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you


Page 12: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you


Page 13: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you


2 Preschool Sites

3 Year Old - Pre-K


637 4th Street


418 Unity Center Road

Elementary School

K-8 Site


418 Unity Center Road

Congratulations to our Alumni for achieving

Honors for the Second Quarter

Serra Catholic HS Q2 Honor Roll

Highest Honors & Dean’s List: Samantha Currie, Faith Konieczka,

Victoria Koslosky, Ella Perez, Serafina Szarmach

High Honors & Dean’s List: Ben Chirdon, Abby DiLonardo,

Christian Dye, Luke Edmundson, Maria Goldstein, Steven Kolar,

Selena Kunsman, Joseph Lander, Austin Stewart, Lida Wos

Dean’s List: Savino DiLonardo

Oakland Catholic HS Q2 Honor Roll

Highest Honor: Aislynn Bell, Alyse Fay, Elizabeth Kissane, Erin

Price, Alexandra Price, Lauren Romig, Maria Sippel, Marina Zdarko

High Honor: Elita Calabrese, Eve Majewski, Adriane Orbin, Morgan


Honors: Meredith Kissane


TOTAL NUMBER OF DOZEN PIEROGIES SOLD (Column H) _______ x $7.50 = $________ (Amount Due)

Name: __________________________________ Phone No.: _________________________

Please make all checks payable to Holy Family School, 418 Unity Center Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15239

(Please see school website www.holyfamilycatholic.net for additional information)

(Proceeds benefit Holy Family School)

Holy Family School & Preschool is taking new student regis-

trations for the 2021-22 year.

3- Year Old Preschool - 8th Grade




Oakmont Campus (former St. Irenaeus Preschool)

Plum Campus (former St. John’s Preschool)

Please contact Mrs. Friday at 412-793-4580 or

[email protected] to

schedule a private tour.

Registration forms: www.holyfamilycatholic.net

Potato &�







& Feta�











Cheese &





(# of dozen A-G)�


� � � � � � � �

Page 14: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you



Page 15: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you


Please pray for all those in our parish grouping who are in need, especially the sick at home, those in nursing homes and

hospitals, the unemployed, those who have lost a loved one and those who feel isolated or abandoned.

David Baker

Verley Baker

Mary Brosky

Elizabeth Brucker

Mary Dapra

Tobin Barlow

Dorothy Boldy

Lorraine Churilla

Gianna Ciccone

Raymond Colbert

Elizabeth Cringle

Guy DeCarlo

Robert Dewar

Dennis Dunegan

Michael Fanzo

David Gartner

Matthew Harris

Carol Harrity

Scott Hollinger

Joshua Hordubay

Rylan Hughes

Angela Jackson

Eleanor Kuhn

Josephine Labriola

Valgene Lapinski

Theresa Lasher

Mary Lisotta

Bob Lorence

Zackary Lorence

Mary Luther

Richard Manning

Kimberly Manuppelli

David McCrea

Robert McGuire

Lisa Merlo

Ray Milleman

Colomba Musico

Rene Olean

Frank A. Opice

Frank R. Opice

Lyn Patnik

Jon Plake

J.L./J.R. Pro

Frederick Prodente

Jeannette Reibert

Rose Marie Rotter

Joseph Schmerbeck

Greg Stadler

Mary Ann Stadler

Don Tappe

Teresa Taylor

Maryann Tobin

James Vita

Carol Woods

Tom Woods

On Mission Prayer

Father of Mercy, as we journey On Mission for The Church Alive! endow us

with your gifts of courage, collaboration, and compassion. Help us to fulfill the

mission of Jesus and his Church through vibrant parishes and effective

ministries. Raise up selfless, energetic leaders to serve the Church in fidelity

and with care. May we the Church of Pittsburgh in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler,

Greene, Lawrence and Washington Counties be sustained and strengthened

by your grace. Help us to learn Jesus, to love Jesus and to live Jesus. Hear

this prayer and grant it through Jesus Christ our Lord, with the help of our dear

Blessed Mother, under the mantle of her love. Amen.�

Making a Report of Child Abuse

Reports of suspected child abuse are to be

made immediately. If the child is in imminent

danger, call 911. Reports are made to ChildLine

at 1-800-932-0313, which is available 24/7.

Inform the supervisor or person in charge of

your program that a report was made.

To report church-related abuse

to the Diocese of Pittsburgh


Sanctuary Candles for 2/21/21—2/20/27

Names will remain on our Prayer List

for 3 months. If you would like a name

to remain after that time, call Karen

Deemer at 412-793-4511 X204

or email at

[email protected].

Joe Schiffgens (Wife, Maureen) - STI

Mary Haluck (Husband, Walt) - SJB

Jaime Vick-Moran (The Vick Family) - OLOJ

If you would like to have one of the sanctuary

candles burned in memory of a loved one,

please contact Karen Deemer

at 412-793-4511 X201 or by email

at [email protected].


Grayson ColeFennel—OLOJ

Emerson Jean Bellotti—OLOJ


Linda Brayton

Maria Brucker

Michael & Elizabeth Brucker

Jessica Crowe

Michael & Mary Ann Flodine

Kara Halin

Edward & Jennifer Obenauf

Pamela Scheib

Judith Welsh


Our Pastoral Council has finalized Vision and Mission Statements for our parish. A Vision

Statement is more about who we want to be. A Mission Statement is how we plan to become

what we want to be.

Vision Statement - Striving to be a community of intentional disciples engaging new and

young Catholics, while serving all, so that together we can actively and joyfully learn, love,

and live our faith in Jesus Christ.

Beginning a Mission Statement - Holy Family Parish, established in a time of change, is

called by the Father and empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring all to Christ. We seek to bridge

established Catholics together with those who are new and young to the faith by: Sharing in

the Eucharist, Teaching God’s Word, Witnessing and inspiring service to others; and Building

a dynamic faith community. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Pray for us!

Page 16: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you




Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/Ps 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [cf. 10]/1 Pt 3:18-22/

Mk 1:12-15

Monday: 1 Pt 5:1-4/Ps 23:1-3a, 4, 5, 6 [1]/Mt 16:13-19

Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Ps 34:4-5, 6-7, 16-17, 18-19 [18b]/Mt 6:7-15

Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19 [19b]/Lk 11:29-32

Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8 [3a]/

Mt 7:7-12

Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7a, 7bc-8 [3]/Mt 5:20-26

Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8 [1b]/Mt 5:43-48

Next Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Ps 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19

[9]/Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10



Mondays at St. Januarius from 6:00 PM to 6:20 PM / Wednesdays at St. Irenaeus from 6:00 PM to 6:20 PM

Saturdays at St. John the Baptist at 9:30 AM

Holy Family Litany

Every Monday after the 9:00 AM Mass at St. Irenaeus

St. Anthony Novena

Every Tuesday after the 9:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Joy

Rosary & Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena with Devotions

Every Wednesday after 9:00 AM Mass at St. John the Baptist

St. Jude Novena

Every first Thursday after the 9:00 AM Mass at St. Joseph

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

Every first Friday 9:30 AM until 2:30 PM at St. John the Baptist

Divine Mercy Chaplet

Every Friday after the 9:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Joy

First Friday Devotions (Litany of the Sacred Heart)

Every first Friday after the 9:00 AM Mass at Our Lady of Joy

First Saturday Devotions (Litany of Loreto)

Every first Saturday after the 9:00 AM Mass at St. John the Baptist


After 9:00 AM Mass on Tuesdays & Fridays and after 7:30 AM on Thursdays at St. Joseph


Before Mass Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays at Our Lady of Joy

Mondays & Wednesdays in Advent & October at 6:00 PM at St. Irenaeus & St. Januarius

Rosary for the Deceased

After the 8:30 AM Mass every second Sunday of the month at St. Joseph

Seven Sisters Apostolate

A group of seven women pray for 1 hour before the Blessed Sacrament on a selected day for each priest in our grouping.

Page 17: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you





Accounting, Patty Mahr…(X105).…….…………..….……………………...…[email protected]

Bulletin Editor / Facilities, Karen Deemer..(X201)......……..…....….....….……[email protected]

Maintenance Coordinator, Bill Pahlman…(X210)……...…………..……[email protected]

Ministry Scheduler / Mass Intentions, Joyce Doyle…(X401)..……..…[email protected]

Safe Environment Coordinator, Barb Pronio…(X101)…….....…..……...……..…. [email protected]

SOS Ministry, Sal Altomare...(X107)……………..……...…..……….........……....…[email protected]


School Offices ……………………………………...…….……………..…….……………..…….412-793-4580

“Beau” Quattrone, School principal…(X602)..........................................principal@holyfamilycatholic.net

Jeanne Loebig, Vice Principal…(X604)…....……..….……………………[email protected]

All Clergy are listed on the cover page.


Parish Offices ………..…..………….…………………………[email protected]

Parish Fax …………...………...…….…...………..……...…………………...………….....…...412-793-4311


Mr. David Hall, Business Manager…(X104)………………………………..…[email protected]

Sr. Lynn Miller, Social Ministry …(X304)………………………………….....…..…. [email protected]

Mr. Bob Federline, Faith Formation Director…(X206)……...…..………….……[email protected]

Stephanie Williams, Director of Engagement Ministry…(X503)………...……[email protected]

Mrs. Meredith Fraschi, Middle School Faith Formation/Ministry..(X504)………[email protected]

Mr. Ronald Donatelli, Christian Initiation…(X505)…………………………….……[email protected]

Mr. Rich Myler, Technology ………………………………….………..…...…[email protected]

Mrs. Kathy Dober, Communications…(X203)………………….………[email protected]

Music Minister, Amanda Nicholson ……....………………………...…………[email protected]

Music Minister, Andrija Andelic…(X501)…………….….………..…………[email protected]


BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday & Thursday: 11:00 AM— 3:00 PM

387 Maryland Avenue

Oakmont, PA 15139



1450 Renton Road

Plum, PA 15239



BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:00 AM -NOON

Sunday 8:30 AM—12:30 PM

444 Saint John Street

Plum, PA 15239



BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS: Monday THRU Thursday 8:00 AM—4:00 PM

Friday 8:00 AM—NOON

825 Second Street

Verona, PA 15147

2000 O’Block Road,

Plum, PA 15239




Page 18: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you

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499 Center New Texas Road (Orange Belt)www.westarmtherapy.com


Holy Family Angel Fund

Consider the gift of a memorial tohonor your loved one, a donation

which will last a lifetime.

John P. Donovanattorney

Wills & Estates434 Allegheny River Blvd,

Ste 200, Oakmont, PA


Meli Plastering, LLCFire & Water Restoration

Plaster • Drywall • Stucco Jim Meli

Cell 412-491-8659 | Ofc/Fax 412-795-8659345 Unity Center Rd,. Pittsburgh,PA 15239


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Page 19: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you



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COMFORT KEEPERSLove Helping Seniors?



Need Help?Need Help?

Would you like to help those in need? Send your tax deductible donation to

THE ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY, Treasurer, 911 Washington Ave.,

Oakmont, PA 15139


at 412-426-0874. All calls are confidential.

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Home Owners • Auto • Life • Umbrella • MotorcycleBusiness • IRA’s • Medicare • Financial Planning

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Page 20: HOLY FAMILY PARISH...Feb 02, 2021  · Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water. This prefigured baptism, which saves you

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