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PagE 1


PagE 2


Quietly confident

PagE 4/9

Sector overvIew

Long term thinking will win the day

PagE 10/11

MarItIMe by HoLLand

PagE 12/17

FIve StrategIeS For tHe Future

PagE 18/21

HoLLand MarIne HouSeS

PagE 22/23

event overvIew 2010

PagE 25/105

coMPany ProFILeS

overview of members, including addresses and

company information

PagE 106/107

MeMber coMPanIeS

PagE 109/121

ProductS & ServIceS

PagE 123/126


PagE 128


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Welcome to our new catalogue, your first port of call for all things

maritime in Holland. Once again we have assembled the finest

companies, products and services for your perusal, offering a

one-stop-shop to those looking for both quality and value.

A great deal of the proverbial water has certainly flown under the

bridge since we wrote the forward for last year’s catalogue. It was

clear then that a storm was brewing but none of us expected it

to be quite so severe. Nonetheless, we remain quietly confident

about the future in Holland because our industry is not based on

the cargo ship sector.

As you will read in these pages, the Dutch are specialised in

more complex vessels, ranging from offshore and superyachts to

dredgers and Navy ships. These areas are not so directly linked to

the world economy, although they have of course been affected

by the current malaise.

Another reason why the downturn’s impact has been less

harsh on our industry has been that governments are investing

in infrastructure as one of the ways to climb out of recession.

The money being pumped into hydraulic engineering & dredging

projects and new harbours, for example, has provided snippets of

good news in a year otherwise dominated by gloomy headlines.

Our message to the market is that this is definitely not a time to

be short-sighted and order ships or equipment from countries or

companies that are not specialised in their field. Any short-term

financial savings will be quickly swallowed in downtime later as

a consequence of owning substandard products.

CombinEd voiCEs

It is now almost two years since the Holland Marine Equipment

Association and the Association of Dutch Shipyards (VNSI) united

under the umbrella of the Holland Shipbuilding Association. This

cooperation has been successful: Our combined voices have

a much greater impact on policy and opinion with the Dutch


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government, the European commission and all other societal


This increasing influence also extends to media coverage, and

the timing of the decision to unite the two associations proved

particularly precinct considering the slowdown in the economy.

We have been able to navigate the turbulent waters with two

oars instead of one. At a time of crisis, when you need to be

discussing with the government issues of demand stimulation

and innovation, the fact that suppliers and yards are talking with

a single voice has been invaluable.

stratEgiC thinking

Another of our key areas of emphasis has been to stimulate the

industry in a human capital sense. This is inexorably linked to the

‘five strategies for the future’ that we introduced in 2008 and

have continued unabated. We are more convinced than ever of

the validity of these five pillars (see page 12).

Increasing cooperation with the Dutch government has meant

that we have come further with our financing goals during 2009,

and we have successfully introduced the ‘Maritime by Holland’

branding (see page 10). finally, the strategy of sustainability

and innovation is an area in which the Dutch can genuinely lead

the world, giving Holland’s shipbuilding and supply industry a

competitive edge. There is still much to look forward to…

Mr Fred van der wal Mr Pim van gulpen

chairman vice-chairman

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Sector overview

This may be a publication that introduces the activities of Holland,

but if there is one thing that the past year has taught us it is that

no country operates in isolation from the global economy. On the

contrary, wherever you are reading this in the world, you will have

certainly have felt the impact of the recession. And you will also

not need me to tell you that the worldwide shipbuilding industry

is facing a major challenge.

The market has taken some severe blows over the past twelve

months, especially in countries that rely heavily on producing cargo

ships. The effects have been severe in both established markets

such as Germany and Scandinavia and upcoming countries such

as Poland and Rumania. The picture is equally bleak in Asia, where

we have seen yards go bankrupt and thousands of people laid

off. There have been some bright spots but the enormous global

overcapacity in the freighter market is going to take some time

to work itself out.

ChallEngEs ahEad

One of the strange aspects of this past year in Holland has been

that the Dutch shipbuilding industry has remained very busy. Partly

this is because Holland mostly operates in more specialised areas

and complex projects. The suppliers and yards also still have lots

of work because of their enormous order books. At the same

time, however, everyone is watching the horizon get closer as

major new orders remain elusive.

We do see a number of threats for Holland. countries that were

solely specialised in ‘simple’ vessels are now likely to react

to the complete shutdown of that market by turning to more

complex projects and trying to penetrate into our market share.

The concern is that they will take away orders for ships that they

are actually not capable of building, but before people recognise

that we will have lost valuable work.


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5invEsting in thE futurE

What we need to do then is leverage on our added value and make

sure that people are aware of what we have to offer and they

have to gain. Our new ‘Maritime by Holland’ branding campaign

(see page 10) is a fine example of this. The experience and quality

we have to offer are priceless assets, which is why the Holland

Shipbuilding Association is so active with making investments

in the future.

There will come a time when the crisis is over, and by remaining

fully committed to our human capital resources, the Dutch will

be more than ready to meet the new demands. In fact, a cursory

look at the vacancies available even today shows that there is

still a need for top quality technical people. We continue to place

great emphasis on encouraging youngsters to join this industry,

especially given the fact that some twenty percent of current

employees will retire within the next three years.

An event like the annual ‘shipbuilding week’ is a prime

example of the attention we are giving to the training and

education infrastructure. Part of the European Shipyard Week

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6initiative, it involves activities that bring schools and students into

contact with our work via open days at yards, school excursions

to companies, information events and lots of press coverage.

Placing shipbuilding on the map in a concrete way, the third

shipbuilding week in October 2009 attracted a lot of students and

some quite exceptional levels of enthusiasm. Other countries find

it very difficult to achieve anything remotely on this scale, and the

fact that Holland provided over one third of the representatives at

the opening of the European week in Brussels shows how excited

Dutch students are by the shipbuilding industry.

It also demonstrates the Holland Shipbuilding Association’s

success in generating interest in our sector, and we will surely

reap the benefits of this when the recession is over. Shipbuilding

currently has a very positive image among a new generation of

young men and women in Holland. When the current batch of

maritime technology students graduate in four years time we

expect them to step into work in a very different economic climate.

Meanwhile, I am convinced that there are many export

opportunities available right here and now to our suppliers. Smart

shipowners are seizing the moment to ensure their vessels are

optimally maintained and there is great potential in re-discovering

markets outside Europe.

Some of these markets have lacked the attention they deserve in

recent years because everyone was too busy, but now it is time for

the salesmen to get to work. The Holland Shipbuilding Association

will continue to play a keynote role in these ventures via our

active export programmes such as the 2g@there programmes in

countries like Russia and India, the Holland Marine Houses (see

page 18), missions, publications and market research.

stimulating dEmand

One of the big issues as we move into the year ahead is demand

stimulation. We believe that one has to be pragmatic and face the

fact that, currently at least, stimulation will not work on a European

level. you cannot argue for a level playing field worldwide and then

start trying to keep all European orders within Europe.

Sector overview

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8It is a different scenario on a national level, however. The Dutch

government owns over 400 vessels, with an average age of 24

years. Renewing this fleet would be a smart move at the current

time, especially as a launching customer taking advantage of the

very latest sustainable methods. To set an example in terms of

clean and environmental vessels, packed with modern Dutch

technology, would show how serious the government is about

the environment. And of course such an approach would generate

orders at short notice and be especially beneficial for smaller

shipyards. The world is waiting for the sort of green technology

and expertise we have in Holland…

Whilst on the environmental issue, let me also mention the high

potential of moving cargo on river craft and coastal vessels to

solve congestion on the roads. Holland is market leader in the

inland shipping sector with thousands of specialist companies and

a wealth of technology. It is another marvellous export product

that would benefit countries as diverse as Russia, India, china

and Brazil.

So yes, the shipbuilding world is in the middle of a challenging

period. But here in Holland we see many reasons to be optimistic

and look forward to partnering with you in the year ahead.

Hoist the sails, rev up the motors… There’s work to be done!

Sector overview

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Mr Martin bloem

General Director Holland Shipbuilding Association

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10A vibrant ecosystem of 11,000 companies within a 100 km radius.

Individual leaders at the pinnacle of their métier. Entire industries

with a global leadership position. Merging into a powerful cluster

with an unbeatable combination of maritime expertise and


We raised the kursk when no one else could. We gave the world

the marvel that is Palm Island. connoisseurs covet our yachts. And

our ports and shippers catalyse the global economy.

Our maritime equipment powers the world’s complex specials.

We protect the world’s urban areas against the rising seas. We

push the boundaries of offshore oil and gas production. Our navy

participates in peacekeeping missions worldwide.

We are respected craftsmen who love to push the boundaries

of what is possible. We have shown that anything that can be

imagined, can be built. We are audacious, yet pragmatic, with

a reputation for on-time, on-budget delivery in the toughest of


We are superb at taking on impossibly complex projects. Our

unique instinct is to collaborate, across industries and with clients.

We seek common goals and a shared vision. This makes it easy

for governments and companies worldwide to work with us.

Our work has tremendous value. We give our clients a competitive

edge in a tough marketplace. We offer solutions for problems that

seem unsolvable. And our sustainable innovations help the world

tackle climate change, population growth and energy scarcity.

As the Gateway to Europe, Holland connects the world’s

economies to 500 million consumers. Our network of ports,

including the world’s fourth-largest, accounts for half of Europe’s

inland shipping and deploys some 2,000 vessels in seagoing trade.

Maritime by Holland


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11Our shipbuilders produce marvels of human ingenuity. These

include complex vessels with the world’s highest cGT values

and exclusive yachts that combine craftsmanship with high-tech

innovation and unrivalled design.

Our maritime equipment suppliers add tremendous value to

these vessels with anything from efficient propulsion systems

to versatile cranes. They are supported by 700 service providers

in areas like consulting, insurance, fuelling, salvaging and heavy


We account for half the world’s dredging. We build wind farms,

develop ports, and create costal protection systems. We also

excel at oil and gas exploration, pipelaying, and all phases between

the design and decommissioning of offshore equipment.

To stay at the forefront, we continuously invest in knowledge

and skills. Renowned maritime institutes conduct theoretical and

applied research at the cutting-edge of science. Our maritime

colleges educate the next generation of maritime leaders.

about Maritime by Holland

Maritime by Holland is a joint initiative by the 11,000 companies

powering the maritime cluster in Holland. Together, they

generate social and economic value for clients worldwide

through an unbeatable combination of expertise, imagination

and collaboration.

for more information visit:







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Five strategies for the future

last year the Holland Shipbuilding Association set out its policy

priorities in five strategies for the future. Holland is unique in the

way it clusters such a wide range of maritime expertise within

a 100 km geographical radius. This means that yards, suppliers

and other technology partners, are always in close contact

with each other physically, sharing knowledge and leveraging

on synergies. The strategies outlined below represent the five

common points of interest that we believe all companies share as

Holland Shipbuilding Association and the members look to secure

a prosperous future for ourselves and our clients.

ComPEting through talEnt

The synthesis of traditional craftsmanship, modern thinking

and smart technologies has long set Holland apart from the

competition. Even now, at a time of global recession, Dutch

companies still have a shortage of educated personnel as

people retire. Recognising that an active human capital policy is

essential, we are focused on improving education in terms of both

quantity and quality. Attracting, recruiting and retaining top quality

personnel is a priority and the fruits of our work in this area have

already been seen with the large numbers of students attending

events such as the annual week of shipbuilding. There is a much

greater interest in shipbuilding as a vocation in Holland and the

industry is seen a smart career move.


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Five strategies for the future

sustainability and innovation

Holland is known as a green country, at the forefront of the

eco-conscious movement both in a social and industrial sense.

years of investments in innovation have resulted in the current

specialised sector and we are eminently capable of meeting global

demands for sustainable solutions. The growing requirement

for smart and environmentally friendly vessels – whether from

shipping companies or superyacht owners - provides the Dutch

cluster with a clear market opportunity. To ensure this continues,

Holland Shipbuilding Association has established many innovation

projects on a national and European level. Sustainability is a driving

force for innovation and we consistently encourage the Dutch

government to continue its support via successful joint innovation


inCrEasing synErgiEs within thE ClustEr

Stimulating further cooperation within the cluster will generate

the best possible value for clients. This involves the optimisation

of work processes in the design, construction and maintenance

of vessels. In addition to facilitating aspects like the exchange of

technical data, we focus on enhancing trust between cooperating

partners and standardising forms of contact. In the past year we

launched a dedicated programme to this effect called ‘Integrated

cooperation’, dedicated to innovative entrepreneurship,

technological innovation and social innovation.

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Five strategies for the future

CooPErating with thE govErnmEnt

If the location of Holland’s shipbuilding cluster is to remain an

asset, we need the Dutch government to follow a proactive

policy related to the monitoring and implementing of Eu, IMO

and national laws and regulations. Ensuring a level playing field

is essential, especially when there is a global overcapacity at

shipyards and when national governments are more than ever

looking to attract inward business. Investing in our industry-leading

knowledge and the protection of intellectual property is vital. As

an association we have seen significant progress on the financing

front and the government clearly values the Holland Shipbuilding

Association’s opinions as a united voice for the construction and

supply sectors.

intErnational branding: ‘maritimE by holland’

It is one thing for us to know that ‘if it ain’t Dutch, it ain’t much’

but Holland’s excellence in fields as diverse as dredging and

yacht building needs to be told to the world. Our strategy is to

strongly position the Dutch maritime manufacturing industry by

promoting its core brand values of innovation, flexibility, reliability,

cooperation, efficiency and sustainability. The ‘Maritime by

Holland’ slogan and campaign was launched in September 2009,

and will be visible on our collective presentations throughout the

world. It is a joint initiative by the 11,000 companies powering

the maritime cluster in Holland, supported by Dutch government

and the Dutch Maritime Trade Board.

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Holland Marine Houses

The year 2009 saw the opening of two new Holland Marine

Houses in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and St. Petersburg, Russia

respectively. This brings the total number of these representative

offices to four. The first Holland Marine House was set up in

china in 2003, and has successfully served Dutch companies in

Shanghai and the rest of china ever since. following this success,

the second Holland Marine House opened its doors in Hanoi,

Vietnam, in 2007.

The Holland Marine Houses are designed to bring advanced Dutch

maritime expertise to the country in which they are founded and

serve as a bridge between Holland’s maritime industries and

those of the host country. They enable maritime technology

suppliers and shipyards from the Netherlands to firmly set foot

in the world’s dynamic shipbuilding markets.

This is facilitated by representing and promoting Dutch maritime

technology, acting as a first contact point between Dutch and host

country companies, supporting Dutch companies in collecting and

analysing market information, and helping companies that are

seeking opportunities for cooperation in both the host country and/

or Holland. Developing relationships with shipbuilding companies

and relevant government authorities also plays a key role.

The Holland Marine Houses are a joint initiative of the Dutch

Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Transport, Public

Works and Waterways, The Dutch Maritime Network, and HME.

Here is a summary of the specific services offered by the four

houses, the current board member companies and website

addresses for further info.


Page 20: holland


holland marinE housE China (hmhC)

Services: Tracing new build projects, intensive

promotion in china, support with start-ups,

quality checks on purchases, guidance during

and organisation of visits, option to process

orders via HMHc personnel.

Board members: Alewijnse Holding, Bakker Sliedrecht Electro

Industrie, corrosion & Water-control, Damen

Marine components, Euroglide, GEA

Bloksma, Huisman, loggers, ulstein Sea

of Solutions, HME, Veth Propulsion, Vuyk

Engineering Rotterdam, Winteb.

Website: www.hmhc.com.cn

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Holland Marine Houses

holland marinE housE brazil (hmhb)

Services: Support with makers list procedures,

Petrobras and Transpetro, generating

business leads, market research, support in

finding local production partners, participation

in local sector activities, guidance during

and organisation of visits to Brazil, advice on

import and customs formalities.

Board members: IMT, Merwede Shipyard, Ridderinkhof, HME,

Verhaar Omega, Veth Propulsion, Winel

Website: www.hmhb.com.br

holland marinE housE viEtnam (hmhv)

Services: Tracing new build projects, intensive

promotion in Vietnam, collating and analysing

market information, support in starting

up local production, guidance during and

organisation of visits to Vietnam, option to

process orders via HMHV personnel

Board members: Alewijnse Marine Systems, GEA Bloksma,

kaefer Opticon, konutherm, Promac, Rubber

Design, Winteb

Website: www.hmhv.vn

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holland marinE housE russia (hmhr)

Services: Tracing new build projects, intensive

promotion in Russia, supervision of local

agents, support with start-ups, quality checks

on purchases, option to process orders via

HMHR personnel.

Board members: Bayards Aluminium constructies, konutherm,

Ned-Deck Marine, Promac, Rubber Design,

Verhaar Omega, Winteb

Website: www.hollandmarinehouse.ru

Page 23: holland

22EvEnt ovErviEw 2010

In 2010 Holland Shipbuilding Association, HME, and cMTI will organise

events in the field of networking, export, innovation, and training. check

www.shipbuilding.nl for further information and subscription.


New Year’s Reception

General Assemblies

Meetings Dutch Government

European Shipyard Week

Annual Sailing Day

Meetings committees

General meetings CESA and EMEC

Publication annual report/statistics

Dutch Maritime Awards Gala



Trade mission to Germany (March 2-4)

Holland Pavilion Vietship - Hanoi (March 17-19)

Holland Pavilion Asia Pacific Maritime - Singapore (March 24-26)

Incoming trade mission Russia (April 12-16)

Holland booth Sea Japan - Tokyo (April 21-23)

Holland Pavilion Navalia - Vigo (May 18-20)

Trade mission to Russia (May 31-June 4)

Holland Pavilion Posidonia - Athens (June 7-11)

Holland Pavilion SMM - Hamburg (September 7-10)

Trade mission to Malaysia (October 9-16)

Trade mission to India lead by Dutch Minister Eurlings (autumn)

Holland Pavilion International WorkBoat Show - New Orleans (December 2-4)

Holland Pavilion INMEX China - Guangzhou (December 8-10)

Trade mission to Gulf Arabic lead by Dutch Minister Eurlings (early 2011)


Focus on India

Focus on Russia

Focus on Turkey

Focus on Shipowners

Holland Marine House Brazil

Holland Marine House China

Holland Marine House Russia

Holland Marine House Vietnam

Event overview 2010

Page 24: holland



Shore Support




Integral Cooperation

Innovation Performance Contracts

Quick Docking


Shore Supply

Maritime Innovation Award

Timmers Award



National and international development

National and international cooperation



Maritime Introduction Course (May 20-21, December 2-3)

Training Shipbuilding for non-shipbuilders (March 25-26, September 16-October 14)

Training Yachtbuilding for non-yachtbuilders (April 15-16, November 2-30)

Project management in maritime industries

- Module 1 (January-February and September-October)

- Module 2 (March-April and October-November)

- Module 3 (May and November)

- Module 4 (June and December)

Marine Awareness Course (November 11-12)

Maritime Diesel Engines (January 20-22, September 22-24)


Marine Propulsion Course

- Module 1: Propulsion Plant Concepts and Basic Ship Hydrodynamics (September 23-24)

- Module 2: Marine Propulsors Characteristics (October 14-15)

- Module 3: Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines: Characteristics (November 4-5)

- Module 4: Electrical Drives Characteristics (November 25-26)

- Module 5: Matching Propulsion Engine and Propulsor (December 16-17)

Design of Marine Auxiliary Systems Course

- Module 1: Introduction Systems Architecture (April 8-9)

- Module 2: Fundamentals Pumps, compressors and heat exchangers (May 20-21)

- Module 3: System Engineering (June 17-18)

Onboard Noise and Vibration (May 18-19)

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Page 28: holland

Holland Shipbuilding catalogue 2010, the official catalogue of

Holland Shipbuilding Association, is made by Radius Publishing.

Holland Shipbuilding Association is the central organisation of

Holland Marine Equipment Association and VNSI, and trade

association of fME.

Holland Shipbuilding association

P.O. Box 138

2700 Ac Zoetermeer

The Netherlands

tel.: +31 (0)79 353 11 65

fax: +31 (0)79 353 11 55

e-mail: [email protected]

internet: www.shipbuilding.nl

radius Publishing

P.O. Box 277

3300 AG Dordrecht

The Netherlands

tel.: +31 (0)78 616 68 44

fax: +31 (0)78 621 49 75

e-mail: [email protected]

internet: www.hollandshipbuilding.com


Holland Shipbuilding Association


Stan van Oss, Doetinchem, The Netherlands

Pictures Page

Alphatron Marine BV 17

Barkmeijer Stroobos BV 4

croon Elektrotechniek BV 6, 12

Damen Shipyards Group cover

IHc Merwede BV 2

IHc Metalix BV 128

International Paint (Nederland) BV 8


6,000 copies

© Holland Shipbuilding association, 2010

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,

including photocopying, recording or any information storage or

retrieval system without prior permission of the publisher. Publishers

nor editors hold themselves responsible for the statements or the

opinions expressed in articles presented for publication, nor can they

be held responsible for the accuracy of items published.



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