Administration Guide HOBLink JWT Software version: 4.1 Issue: February 2016

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Administration Guide


Software version: 4.1

Issue: February 2016

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HOBLink JWT Software and Documentation - Legal Notice

Contact: HOB GmbH & Co. KGSchwadermuehlstr. 390556 CadolzburgGermanyRepresented by: Klaus Brandstätter, Zoran AdamovicPhone: + 49 9103 715 0Fax: + 49 9103 715 271E-mail: [email protected]

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Issued: February 26, 2016

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Purpose of this Guide

This guide is designed to provide system administrators with detailed information concerning HOBLink JWT and to help them decide where and when this product can be most effectively deployed in their enterprise network.

This documentation contains descriptions of numerous possible scenarios and explains required conditions. The procedures for configuring the individual software components are documented in detail with step-by-step instructions.

Symbols and Conventions

This guide uses certain conventions and abbreviations which are explained here:

References to program commands, options and buttons are printed in Bold, for example: select the command Open.

Cross-references to section headings and figures with numbers are marked in color as follows: Chapter 16 Information and Support on page 149.

Filenames and text to be entered by the user are printed in Courier New. This input is - unless otherwise mentioned - case sensitive.

In this documentation, HOB-specific terminology is abbreviated as follows:

This symbol indicates useful tips that can make your work easier.

This symbol indicates additional informative text.

This symbol indicates an important tip or procedure that may have far-reaching effects. Please consider carefully the consequences of any changes and settings you make here.

HOB-specific Terminology Abbreviation

HOB Remote Desktop Virtual Private Network HOB RD VPN

HOB WebSecureProxy HOB WSP

HOBLink Java Windows Terminal HOBLink JWT

HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services HOB RD ES

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1 Introducing HOBLink JWT 9

1.1 Features of HOBLink JWT ........................................................................... 10

1.2 Combining HOBLink JWT with Other HOB Software Products ................... 11

2 System Requirements 13

2.1 Browser Requirements ................................................................................ 13

2.2 Installation Requirements ............................................................................ 13

2.3 Hardware Requirements on the Client-Side ................................................ 13

2.4 Web Server Requirements .......................................................................... 14

2.5 RDP Requirements ...................................................................................... 14

2.6 Hardware Requirements on the Terminal Server ........................................ 15

3 Installing HOBLink JWT 17

3.1 Local Installation .......................................................................................... 17

3.2 Web Server-Based Installation .................................................................... 17

3.3 Installing from the Web (All Platforms) ........................................................ 18

3.4 Installing from the Installation DVD ............................................................. 19

3.5 Completing the Installation (All Platforms) ................................................... 19

4 Installing HOB RD Balancer 23

4.1 System Requirements ................................................................................. 23

5 Using the HOBLink JWT Session Center 29

5.1 File Menu ..................................................................................................... 30

5.2 View Menu ................................................................................................... 32

5.3 Tools Menu .................................................................................................. 33

5.4 Help Menu ................................................................................................... 33

5.5 Configuring a HOBLink JWT Session .......................................................... 33

5.6 Connection Scheme .................................................................................... 34

5.7 Logon Scheme ............................................................................................ 49

5.8 Display Scheme ........................................................................................... 50

5.9 Keyboard Scheme ....................................................................................... 57

5.10 Printer Scheme ............................................................................................ 59

5.11 Local Drives Scheme ................................................................................... 61

5.12 Ports Redirection Scheme ........................................................................... 64

5.13 Other Devices Scheme ................................................................................ 65

5.14 Expert Settings Scheme .............................................................................. 67

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6 Startup Settings 69

6.1 Logon Information Tab .................................................................................70

6.2 Display Tab ..................................................................................................71

6.3 System Resources Tab ................................................................................72

6.4 Local Resources Tab ...................................................................................73

7 Starting HOBLink JWT 75

7.1 Local Installation ..........................................................................................75

7.2 General Options Tab ....................................................................................76

7.3 Installation on a Web Server ........................................................................77

7.4 HOB True Windows Tab ..............................................................................80

7.5 Desktop Links Tab .......................................................................................82

8 Printing with HOBLink JWT 83

8.1 Automatically Mapping Local Printers ..........................................................83

8.2 Printer Configuration ....................................................................................83

8.3 Possible Problems and Their Solutions .......................................................88

9 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services 93

9.1 HOB RD Balancer ........................................................................................93

9.2 HOB RD ES Service ....................................................................................93

9.3 HOB PCL Printer ..........................................................................................93

9.4 HOB RD ES Manager ..................................................................................93

10 HOB RD Selector Agent 95

10.1 HOB RD Balancer ........................................................................................95

10.2 HOB RD Enhanced Services Manager ........................................................95

11 HOB X11 Gate 97

11.1 Configuring HOBLink JWT with HOB X11Gate ...........................................97

12 HOB MacGate 99

12.1 Configuring HOBLink JWT with HOB MacGate ...........................................99

13 Quick Reference Guide 101

13.1 Editing the HTML File (Server Installation) ................................................101

13.2 Editing the JNLP File (Java Web Start Installation) ...................................101

13.3 Determining Parameters in the Command Line .........................................102

13.4 Error Diagnosis ..........................................................................................102

13.5 Hotkeys ......................................................................................................103

14 User-Defined Options 105

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14.1 Connection Parameters ............................................................................. 105

14.2 Display Parameters ................................................................................... 111

14.3 Logon Parameters ..................................................................................... 119

14.4 Security Parameters .................................................................................. 121

14.5 Keyboard and Mouse Parameters ............................................................. 125

14.6 Resources Parameter ................................................................................ 128

14.7 Logging Parameters .................................................................................. 133

14.8 Control Parameters ................................................................................... 135

14.9 Optimization Parameters ........................................................................... 138

15 Uninstalling HOBLink JWT 147

16 Information and Support 149

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HOBLink JWT Introducing HOBLink JWT

1 Introducing HOBLink JWTHOBLink JWT is a web-based solution for multi-user, multi-platform access to applications and data on Windows Terminal Servers. As a Java-based software, HOBLink JWT provides a cost-effective and easy-to-use alternative for accessing centralized Windows applications from a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS operating system software and Unix/Linux. It also reduces administration workload and increases user productivity by giving system administrators extensive control over user settings.

HOBLink JWT allows you to access Windows applications running on Windows XP, Windows Vista (Business, Enterprise and Ultimate editions), Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate editions), Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 (Pro and Enterprise editions), Windows 8.1 (Pro and Enterprise editions), Windows 10 (Pro, Enterprise and Education editions) and Windows Server 2016 from any platform running a Java Virtual Machine.

HOBLink JWT enables fast and easy access to centrally-stored Windows applications, regardless of the operating system being used and without requiring any additional server components for communication. All you have to do is install HOBLink JWT in your existing environment and in just a few minutes you are ready to go.

With the Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services architecture, all Windows applications on the server are at your disposal. As a server-based solution, HOBLink JWT extends and supplements this architecture with central administration, which greatly reduces support cost and total cost of ownership.

HOBLink JWT can be used either as an application on the local client or as an applet that is downloaded from your intranet or a web server. When used as an applet, the administrator places the preconfigured applet on a web server, and the users download the Java applet onto the client.

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Introducing HOBLink JWT HOBLink JWT

1.1 Features of HOBLink JWT

HOBLink JWT offers the following features:

On-demand access to centralized Windows applications from platforms, such as Windows, Mac, Unix/Linux, thin clients, etc.

Platform-independent access to Remote Desktop Services.

No printing issues or workflow clogs with EasyPrint and universal printer support.

Streamlined application delivery through load balancing and application publishing.

Full function range and high performance of all Java-based RDP clients.

Automatic conversion from HTML applet code to JNLP files whenever the browser does not support Java applets.

Compatible with SSL VPN solutions from other software providers (such as Pulse Secure Connect Secure, F5 BigIP for applet and Java Web Start installations and Cisco ASA for applet installations).

When used together with the HOB WebSecureProxy, HOBLink JWT protects your terminal servers from unauthorized web access.

File clipping support: clipboard redirection without local drive mapping (LDM) (Windows only).

Support for Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Easy Print (Windows only).

Full multi-monitor support for up to 16 monitors (minimum sever requirements are Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008).

Enhanced video quality through RDP 7 video redirection.

HOB PCL Printer Vector mode support allows for redirecting printing data as vector graphics to the RDP client and reduces the amount of printing data transferred to the client for quicker print job processing. (requires HOB RD Enhanced Services on the server-side)

Scanner redirection: HOBLink JWT bridges TWAIN requests on the server to a local implementation, such as Apple Image Capture, SANE or TWAIN (requires HOB RD ES on the server-side).

Support for Remote Desktop Gateway.

RAIL support for Windows: remote desktop applications can seamlessly be integrated into the local desktop environment.

Support for VMware Horizon View.

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HOBLink JWT Introducing HOBLink JWT

1.2 Combining HOBLink JWT with Other HOB Software Products

HOBLink JWT can be used as a standalone software solution or in combination with other HOB software products depending on your company’s requirements.

1.2.1 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services

HOB RD ES offers additional functions, such as:

Server farm management

Enhanced load balancing

Enhanced local drive mapping

HOB PCL Printer

Published application management

For detailed information, please see Chapter 9 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services on page 93.

1.2.2 HOB RD Selector Agent

HOB RD Selector Agent is the server component of HOB RD Selector. HOB RD Selector is a software solution for enhanced load balancing and application publishing for Windows Remote Desktop Services.

HOB RD Selector Agent consists of two modules, one for load balancing and one for application publishing. The server component must be installed on all terminal servers of the server farm among which work load is to be distributed. HOB RD Selector Agent can be used with the client component of HOB RD Selector, as well as with HOBLink JWT.

For more information see Chapter 10 HOB RD Selector Agent on page 95.

1.2.3 HOB X11 Gate

HOB X11 Gate is a software solution that lets you access applications stored on a UNIX/Linux server via an RDP client.

For more information see Chapter 11 HOB X11 Gate on page 97.

1.2.4 HOB MacGate

HOB MacGate is a software solution that lets you access data and applications stored on a Mac workstation via an RDP client.

For more information see Chapter 12 HOB MacGate on page 99.

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Introducing HOBLink JWT HOBLink JWT

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HOBLink JWT System Requirements

2 System RequirementsHOBLink JWT requires a platform that is Java-enabled, this being any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed. The system requirements for successfully installing HOBLink JWT vary according to the installation type.

2.1 Browser Requirements

On the client-side, any browser with full Java 6 support can be used. A JVM (version 1.6 or later) can be easily installed on any browser.

Browsers for Java Web Start

We recommend using the latest version of

any browser

a Java Virtual Machine installed on the client computer

Browsers for Applet Mode

We recommend using the latest version of

any browser with a Java plugin.

2.2 Installation Requirements

HOBLink JWT can be installed on any platform that supports Java SE 7 or later.

For Windows platforms, we recommend Java SE 8.

For Unix platforms, we recommend Java SE 8.

OS X has its own JVM and therefore requires no additional software.

Local Installation and Java Web Start

All platforms - JVM 1.6 or later.

HOBLink JWT as an Applet

JVM 1.6 or later.

Recommended installation for Windows, UNIX/Mac OS operating system software:

Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0 or later

2.3 Hardware Requirements on the Client-Side


1 GHz processor with at least 128 MB free RAM.


1 GHz processor with at least 128 MB free RAM.

The specified memory requirements refer to a standard HOBLink JWT configuration.

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System Requirements HOBLink JWT

Network Computer

128 MB free RAM is the minimum requirement for thin clients.

2.4 Web Server Requirements

HOBLink JWT can be installed either on the local client or centrally on your web server. HOBLink JWT supports all known web servers on the market. There are no special requirements.

2.5 RDP Requirements

HOBLink JWT communicates with the following Microsoft Windows Terminal Servers / Remote Desktop Services:

Microsoft Windows Vista (Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate)

Microsoft Windows Server 2008

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Ultimate)

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2

Microsoft Windows 8 (Windows 8 Pro, Windows Enterprise)

Microsoft Windows 8.1 (Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Enterprise)

Microsoft Windows 10 (Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Education)

Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Microsoft Windows Server 2016

And from any platform running a Java Virtual Machine

Memory requirements may be higher depending on your configuration, e.g. using several monitors, etc.

HOBLink JWT also communicates with older Windows servers (e.g. Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003). Yet it is not recommended to employ servers whose life cycle support has ended.

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HOBLink JWT System Requirements

2.6 Hardware Requirements on the Terminal Server

Hardware requirements for the server depend on several factors:

The number of clients which are to be granted access rights

The applications running on the server

The behavior of the users

Therefore, in order to better calculate how your servers should be equipped, we recommend you visit Microsoft’s website to obtain further information or contact Microsoft’s technical support.

We recommend you perform thorough testing of all components before installation.

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System Requirements HOBLink JWT

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HOBLink JWT Installing HOBLink JWT

3 Installing HOBLink JWTAs HOBLink JWT is written in Java, it can be installed on any platform that is enabled for Java. This chapter tells you how to install HOBLink JWT on any common platform, including Windows, Mac and Unix/Linux derivatives. In most cases the installation will be made on a system with a graphical user interface such as Windows; however, HOBLink JWT can also be installed on a system without a GUI, such as OS/400. HOBLink JWT can be installed either on a local client or centrally on your web server.

3.1 Local Installation

When installed on the client HOBLink JWT runs as a Java application on the local system and attaches directly to the terminal server.

Figure 1: Local Installation

3.2 Web Server-Based Installation

HOBLink JWT can also be installed on a web server and downloaded as a Java applet to the client computer. From there, the applet is automatically started and connects to the terminal server. HOBLink JWT also supports Java Web Start. The user only needs to load HOBLink JWT from the web server once. All subsequent sessions are then executed from the client’s local cache.

This installation type is a good solution if you do not have a web server or if your office has only a few workstations that need terminal server access.

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Installing HOBLink JWT HOBLink JWT

Figure 2: Web Server Installation

The system administrator needs to install and manage HOBLink JWT at one location (on the web server). From there it is accessible from every workstation in a company’s intranet or the Internet, regardless of the number of workstations.

Whether you have downloaded HOBLink JWT from the HOB web server or are installing it from a DVD, the installation starts from the HTML page INSTALL.HTM.

3.3 Installing from the Web (All Platforms)

HOBLink JWT can be installed directly from the Web. Contact your HOB representative to obtain a link to the installation website and proceed as follows:

1. Select the version of HOBLink JWT you want from the list, fill out the download form and click the Send button.

2. Click the Download HOBLink JWT Client link.

The server-based model can be used for centralized maintenance and management.

Your web server must be configured for this installation type. To do this, enable web access for the www directory of the JWT installation.

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HOBLink JWT Installing HOBLink JWT

3. Download the installer suitable for your operating system and start the installer (intall_jwt41.exe).

4. To continue, please follow the instructions in Section 3.5 Completing the Installation (All Platforms) on page 19.

3.4 Installing from the Installation DVD

When installing from the HOB installation DVD, there are slight differences in the procedure depending on your platform.

1. Insert the DVD into the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive. If the DVD start image does not appear automatically, open the file start.htm in the DVD’s root directory in your browser.

2. Select Install Software.

3. Select HOBLink JWT 4.1.

4. Select the link Installation.

5. Click the link suitable for your operating system to download the installer and start the installer (intall_jwt41.exe).

6. To continue, please follow the instructions in Section 3.5 Completing the Installation (All Platforms) below.

3.5 Completing the Installation (All Platforms)

1. The installation program guides you step-by-step through the installation process. After every installation step click the Next button to confirm your selection.

The Cancel and Previous buttons are standard on every screen and can be used to abort the installation process or return to the previous window.

2. The standard business conditions of HOB must be accepted before HOBLink JWT can be installed.

3. The software license agreement must be accepted before HOBLink JWT can be installed.

4. Select the folder where the software is to be installed. Click Choose to browse your directory. Click Restore Default Folder to bring back the default installation directory (C:\Program Files\HOB\HOBLinkJWT\)

If you want to install HOBLink JWT on a web server (server installation), choose a directory which is accessible from the Web.

5. Choose a folder where the product icons are to be saved.

6. Choose an installation type:

Local installation – HOBLink JWT is installed on the local system and run as a Java application.

Server installation – HOBLink JWT is installed on a server. From there it can be downloaded and run by clients as a Java applet in a browser window.

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Installing HOBLink JWT HOBLink JWT

Server installation without native components – HOBLink JWT is installed on a server from where it can be downloaded. Native components will not be downloaded to the client. Therefore the functionality on the client is restricted, e. g. automatic printer mapping or HOB Single Sign-on will not work.

Java Web Start – HOBLink JWT is installed on a server from where it can be downloaded. It can be run by clients as a Java Web Start application.

7. Select whether you wish to install SSL support for HOBLink JWT. This option is available with HOBLink Secure.

8. Select the checkbox Install Java Media Framework to enable improved sound redirection quality from the terminal server to the clients.

9. The Pre-Installation Summary screen appears showing a summary of the installation settings. If you do not wish to make any changes click Install to continue.

10. At the end of the installation process you will be asked for the product key, which can be found in the HOB Software License delivered with the software. Enter the product key and click OK to continue.

11. Once Installation is complete, click Done to close the installer.

12. To begin working with HOBLink JWT start the HOBLinkJWTSessionCenter program in the installation folder or from the location to which you saved the program.

3.5.1 Web Server Installation

13. If you selected a Java Web Start installation in Step 5 you need to specify the URL of the web server from where users can access HOBLink JWT.

Figure 3: Java Web Start Configuration

If you select a server installation web access for the www directory of the JWT installation must be enabled.

This step only pertains to Java Web Start installations.

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HOBLink JWT Installing HOBLink JWT

Enter the URL you are using to publish the content of the www directory in your web server. Optionally, you may select Pack.gz compression enabled. This option is used to enable Pack200 files. Those files compress JNLP files, which increases the download speed.

3.5.2 Web Server Configuration for Java Web Start

14. In addition to Step 7, you have to configure the file extension .jnlp as MIME type application/x-java-jnlp-file.

This step only pertains to Java Web Start installations.

Depending on the web server configurations, the web server may not be able to read the .pack.gz file (the file extension of Pack200). In order to circumvent this problem include that file extension into the allow list in your web server configuration.

On a Microsoft web server, go to Internet Information Services (ISS) Manger, click Request Filtering > File Name Extensions > Allow File Name Extension. Enter the file name extension [.pack.gz] into the dialog and click OK.

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Installing HOBLink JWT HOBLink JWT

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HOBLink JWT Installing HOB RD Balancer

4 Installing HOB RD BalancerHOBLink JWT comes with HOB RD Balancer, which is required for basic load balancing in a server farm. HOB RD Balancer measures how much of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) has been used over the last 60 seconds for each server. Based on these calculations, the load is distributed evenly among the servers. Alternatively, load balancing connections can be made using other HOB products, which provide more comprehensive load balancing options (see Chapter 9 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services on page 93 and Chapter 10 HOB RD Selector Agent on page 95 for more information).

4.1 System Requirements

Server OS as of Windows Server 2003 (Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012) (32 or 64 bit)

512 MB free hard disk storage

256 MB RAM

1. Select the file HOB_RD_Balancer.exe. The file is stored in the directory /software/rdes/HOB_RD_Balancer.exe. Double-click the file to start the InstallShield Wizard for HOB RD Balancer.

Figure 4: Welcome Dialog

HOB RD Balancer must be installed on every server in the server farm that is to be used for load balancing.

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Installing HOB RD Balancer HOBLink JWT

2. In the screens of the InstallShield Wizard you use the Next button to go on to the following screens, Back to return to the previous screen, or Cancel to abort the process (these buttons are standard and appear on each screen of the install process).

Figure 5: Important Information

3. This screen is only relevant if you are using additional components delivered with HOB RD ES.

4. The license agreement screen requires that you agree to the licensing conditions. Click Next and the Target Folder screen appears.

5. In the Destination Folder field a default file path is displayed where you can enter the path where HOB RD Balancer will be installed. To install HOB RD Balancer to another folder (not the default) then select Browse. The necessary files are installed by default in the directory: C:\Program files\HOB\HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services.

This file path may be changed to suit your own requirements. 32-bit or 64-bit modules will be chosen automatically.

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Figure 6: Target Folder

6. After selecting Browse on the Target Folder screen, the folder selection dialog appears. Here you select the folder where you would like HOB RD Balancer to be installed. Select Next when finished.

7. The Select Features screen shows HOB RD Balancer as the only available option. If you were to install HOB RD ES, additional installation options would be available. Make sure the HOB RD Balancer checkbox is enabled and click Next.

Figure 7: Select Features

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Figure 8: HOB RD Balancer Settings

8. Enter the configuration name (for example default) and the UDP port number to be used for the load balancing feature (by default this is port number 4095) and click Next.

Figure 9: Start Copying Files

9. On the Start Copying Files screen, the settings made on the previous dialogs are summarized. If you do not wish to change the settings, click Next to complete installation. Once HOB RD Balancer has been installed the

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InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog is displayed. Click Finish to leave the installer.

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HOBLink JWT Using the HOBLink JWT Session Center

5 Using the HOBLink JWT Session CenterThe Session Center is the control center for all HOBLink JWT sessions.

To open the Session Center, start the HOBLinkJWTSessionCenter program in the installation folder (under Windows 10: Windows > All Apps > HOBLink JWT > HOBLink JWT Session Center) or click one of its shortcuts. A link to the Session Center can also be placed on your desktop.

Figure 10: Session Center

You can carry out the following actions:

Create various HOBLink JWT sessions (see Section 5.5 Configuring a HOBLink JWT Session on page 33).

Start HOBLink JWT sessions (see Chapter 7 Starting HOBLink JWT on page 75).

Create quick start icons on the desktop and in the start menu (see Section 7.1 Local Installation on page 75).

Create custom HTML pages (this function is for server installations only). When called up in a browser, the HTML page enables the user to start the corresponding HOBLink JWT sessions. You can also set a redirector function that will cause a website of your choice to open in the background of your JWT session (see Section 5.1 File Menu on page 30).

Create Java Web Start configurations (JNLP files). This feature is only available in the Java Web Start installation mode (see Section 5.1 File Menu on page 30).

Set General Options on the Options item in the Tools menu (see Section 7.2 General Options Tab on page 76).

Using the Options item in the Tools menu, you can make HOB True Windows settings that apply to all HOB True Windows sessions (see Section 7.4 HOB True Windows Tab on page 80).

Using the Additional web resources in the Tools menu (available for web server installations only), you can import library files and groups of library files.

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For more information on this functionality, please see Section 7.3.2 Additional Web Resources on page 78.

Change the appearance of the session center (View > Look & Feel).

5.1 File Menu

The following options are available on the File menu.

Open [Ctrl+O] – the Startup Settings dialog of the selected session opens.

Edit [Ctrl+E] – the Edit Configuration dialog of the selected session opens.

Delete [Ctrl+D] – deletes the selected session.

Rename [Ctrl+R] – opens a dialog with an entry field into which a new session name can be entered.

Duplicate [Ctrl+C] – creates a copy of the selected session with the exact same configuration settings. The copy has to be given a different name.

Create HTML page [Ctrl+H] – opens a dialog where HTML pages can be created (see Section 5.1.1 Create HTML Page below).

Create JNLP file [Ctrl+J] – opens a dialog where JNLP pages can be created (see Section 5.1.2 Create JNLP File on page 32).

Create Link – select a location to which a link to the selected session is created. The options are Desktop, Start Menu, or Desktop and Start Menu.

New Configuration [Ctrl+N] – opens the New Configuration dialog (see Section 5.5 Configuring a HOBLink JWT Session on page 33).

Exit [Ctrl+X] – closes the Session Center.

5.1.1 Create HTML Page

When called up in a browser, the HTML page enables the user to start the corresponding HOBLink JWT sessions. You can also set a redirector function that will cause a website of your choice to open in the background of your HOBLink JWT session.

This option is only available for server installations.

This option is only available for Java Web Start installations.

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Figure 11: Create HTML Page

The fields on this dialog are:

Save as – type in the name of the of the HTML page.

HTML template – the path of the templates folder in the HOBLink JWT installation directory is used by default. If you wish to use a different template than the default template you can copy that template to the templates folder or enter an external path.

Show progress bar – when opening the HTML page a progress bar is displayed which shows the loading progress of that page.

Width – determines the width of the progress bar.

Height – determines the height of the progress bar.

Use Pack200 compression – compresses JNLP files for a quicker download.

Use Java Web Start – enable this option for Java Web Start to be automatically executed once HOBLink JWT has been downloaded from the web server.

JNLP template – enter the path of the JNLP template file you wish to use. By default, the path is lib/templates/JWT.jnlp.

Use server-side download script – enable this option if the web browser you are using does not allow saving the JNLP files to the local cache. By enabling Use server-side download script the content of the locally created JNLP file is sent to the web browser over HTTP. The web browser then returns the file content over HTTP. Optionally, ASPX or PHP scripts can be used. Make sure the required script is enabled on the web server.

Post URL – select the script to be used (ASPX or PHP)

Call function “ExecuteAfterJWT” after session (requires JavaScript) – select this option if you wish to have the configured HTML page displayed after the HOBLink JWT session is closed.

Your web server must be configured correctly for Java Web Start to function (see Chapter 3.5.2 Web Server Configuration for Java Web Start on page 21).

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5.1.2 Create JNLP File

Use this option to create JNLP files. This file can be used to allow HOBLink JWT to be started as a Java Web Start application.

Java Web Start is a technology from Oracle Corporation that enables Java applications to be started over the Internet. As opposed to Java Applets, Java Web Start applications do not need a browser to run.

Figure 12: Create JNLP Files

Name of JNLP file – enter the name of the JNLP file to be created. The JNLP file will be created in the www directory of the HOBLink JWT installation directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\HOB\HOBLinkJWT\www).

URL of webserver – enter the URL (web address) where the server is reachable by the browser.

With the JNLP file name and the URL, the user can access this configuration via a web browser. When invoked HOBLink JWT is installed as a Java Web Start application and can from then on be started without using a browser.


Name of the JNLP file: jwt1.jnlp

URL: www.yourserver.com

The user enters: http://www.youserver.com/jwt1.jnlp into the browser to install HOBLink JWT as a Java Web Start application.

5.2 View Menu

Look and feel – opens a menu from which you can select the theme in which the Session Center is to appear.

Large icons [Ctrl+L] – displays the configured sessions with large icons.

Medium icons [Ctrl+M] – displays the configured sessions with medium-sized icons.

Small icons [Ctrl+S] – displays the configured sessions with small icons.

Tiles [Ctrl+Shift+T] – displays the configured sessions from left to right.

List [Ctrl+Shift+L] – displays the configured sessions in a list.

Details [Ctrl+Shift+D] – displays the configured sessions in a list together with the session properties (connection type, server, screen resolution and, depending on the settings, the name of the published application).

Refresh [F5] – refreshes the view of the Session Center.

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5.3 Tools Menu

Options [Ctrl+P] – opens a dialog where General Options, True Windows settings and Desktop Links settings can be made (see Chapter 7 Starting HOBLink JWT on page 75).

Additional web resources [Ctrl+W] – opens a dialog where libraries can be imported (see Section 7.3.2 Additional Web Resources on page 78).

Single Sign-on – this option is enabled if Logon to Session Center has been selected on the General Options tab (see Section 7.2 General Options Tab on page 76). Users can log in and log off the HOBLink JWT session.

5.4 Help Menu

Session Center Help [Ctrl+B] – this takes you to the Session Center online help.

Help Topics [Ctrl+I] – this takes you to the help start page. To browse the table of contents click the Search tab, type your search topic in the entry field and click the Search button.

About Session Center [Ctrl+A] – this opens a dialog with information on the version number of the HOB application and copyright.

About HOBLink JWT [Ctr+J] – this opens a dialog with information on the HOB Link JWT version number and details on the system resources used.

5.5 Configuring a HOBLink JWT Session

On opening the HOBLink JWT Session Center the preconfigured default configuration can be seen.

Figure 13: HOBLink JWT Session Center

Click File > New Configuration in the Session Center to create a new configuration or right-click in the Session Center window. The HOBLink JWT configuration tool opens showing the tabs for the Connection scheme (see Section 5.6 Connection Scheme on page 34).

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To edit an existing HOBLink JWT configuration, right-click on the desired configuration in the Session Center and select Edit in the dropdown menu that then appears.

The HOBLink JWT configuration tool stores a configuration file for each session. The default folder for the configuration files is <user.home>/hob/jwt/configs.

In the following sections you will find a description of the schemes and tabs in the HOBLink JWT configuration tool.

5.6 Connection Scheme

The following connection types and configuration options are available:

Direct – see Section 5.6.3 Direct Connection Type on page 35.

Load Balancing – see Section 5.6.4 Load Balancing Connection Type on page 36.

WebSecureProxy Direct – see Section 5.6.5 WebSecureProxy Direct Connection Type on page 37.

WebSecureProxy Load Balancing – see Section 5.6.6 WebSecureProxy Load Balancing Connection Type on page 38.

WebSecureProxy Socks Mode – see Section 5.6.7 WebSecureProxy SOCKS Mode Connection Type on page 39.

Remote Desktop Gateway – see Section 5.6.8 Remote Desktop Gateway Connection Type on page 41.

VMware Horizon View – see Section 5.6.9 VMware Horizon View Connection Type on page 42.

The appearance of the Connection scheme and some of the tabs shown for this scheme vary depending on the connection type.

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5.6.3 Direct Connection Type

Figure 14: Direct Connection Type

This connection type is used for a direct connection to a terminal server and allows for Wake-on-LAN.

In the panel Connect to Server you can either enable Choose RD server at runtime (default) or enter a specific RD server.

Choose RD server at runtime (default) – the user will be prompted to select an RD server from the list of configured servers on the startup of each session (see Section 5.6.10 Startup Tab on page 43 for more information on starting up HOBLink JWT sessions).

RD server – to configure a specific server, disable the checkbox Choose RD server at runtime and enter the RD server’s IP address or DNS name or browse for the RD server you want to connect to.

Port – the RDP port number is 3389 (default).

Use Wake-on-LAN – disable Choose RD server at runtime and activate this checkbox to enable Wake-on-LAN to wake up a workstation which has been shut

This connection type should be used for intranets only.

This connection type does not support load balancing.

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down. With this option enabled, the Wake-on-LAN tab is active (see Section 5.6.13 Wake-on-LAN Tab on page 47).

MAC address – enter the MAC address of the device you want to connect to.

5.6.4 Load Balancing Connection Type

With this connection type, you can create a list of servers to which the users can connect. This is used, for example, to get the best possible performance from a server farm by optimizing load distribution. This configuration requires one of the following HOB products to be installed on every server in the target server farm:

HOB RD Balancer (delivered with HOBLink JWT) – see Chapter 4 Installing HOB RD Balancer on page 23.

HOB RD Selector Agent (part of the HOB RD Selector package) – see Chapter 10 HOB RD Selector Agent on page 95.

HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services – see Chapter 9 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services on page 93.

Figure 15: Load Balancing Connection Type

With this connection type the WSP & Load Balancing tab is inactive (see Section 5.6.12 WSP & Load Balancing Tab on page 46).

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Load Balancing Type

In the Load Balancing Type panel of this scheme it can be determined which servers are to be used for load balancing.

Broadcast – a connection request is sent to all servers in the network. All terminal servers within the server farm can be contacted and selected. The connection is made to a particular server using the settings selected on the WSP & Load Balancing tab (see Section 5.6.12 WSP & Load Balancing Tab on page 46) (e.g. the first responding server or the server with the least load). Based on the option selected a connection is established to the server with the shortest response time.

Port – enter the port to be used for load balancing. The UDP port number is 4095 by default.

Server list – if you wish to restrict a user to only have access to certain servers, you can create various session configurations with individual lists of selected servers from your network. The load will then be distributed between all servers from the list.

You can either manually enter the names and ports of the desired servers in the dialog which opens when you click Add, or click Browse to choose from the list of available servers. Use the buttons Refresh, Add, Add all or Cancel on the dialog that opens when you browse the servers available. The list can be changed using the buttons Edit and Delete.

5.6.5 WebSecureProxy Direct Connection Type

This connection type is used for a direct connection secured over the HOB WebSecureProxy (HOB WSP). The HOB WSP is the server component of HOB RD VPN and processes client queries for secure internet connections.

If Broadcast is configured as a load balancing type the network between HOBLink JWT and the target servers has to be configured to allow UDP broadcasts.

With this connection type the Wake-on-LAN tab is inactive (Section 5.6.13 Wake-on-LAN Tab on page 47).

This connection type is only available if you have purchased, installed, and configured HOB RD VPN on your server.

Please visit the HOB website or contact your HOB representative for further information. HOB WebSecureProxy is not an integral part of HOBLink JWT. This means that any configuration settings made in HOBLink JWT concerning a connection to the WebSecureProxy must be configured on the HOB WSP side as well, so that the settings are accepted there also (see the HOB RD VPN administration guide for detailed information on configuring the HOB WSP).

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Figure 16: WebSecureProxy Direct Connection

Server List

Enter the name or IP address of one or more servers and their port settings here by clicking on Add. Change the list by using the Add, Edit or Delete buttons.

5.6.6 WebSecureProxy Load Balancing Connection Type

This connection type is used for a load balancing connection secured over the HOB WSP.

With this connection type the tabs WSP & Load Balancing (Section 5.6.12 WSP & Load Balancing Tab on page 46) and Wake-on-LAN (see Section 5.6.13 Wake-on-LAN Tab on page 47) are inactive.

This connection type is only functional if you have purchased, installed, and configured HOB RD VPN on your server.

Please visit the HOB website or contact your HOB representative for further information. HOB WebSecureProxy is not an integral part of HOBLink JWT. This means that any configuration settings made in HOBLink JWT concerning a connection to the WebSecureProxy must be configured on the WSP side as well, so that the settings are accepted there also (see the HOB RD VPN administration guide for detailed information on configuring the HOB WSP).

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Figure 17: WebSecureProxy Load Balancing Connection

Server List

Enter the name or IP address of one or more servers and their port settings here by clicking Add. Change the list by using the Add, Edit or Delete buttons.

5.6.7 WebSecureProxy SOCKS Mode Connection Type

This connection type is used for a SOCKS mode connection secured over the HOB WSP. As opposed to the two previously described connection types, this type allows for user authentication (see Section 5.6.12 WSP & Load Balancing Tab on page 46).

With this connection type the Wake-on-LAN tab is inactive (see Section 5.6.13 Wake-on-LAN Tab on page 47).

This configuration is recommended for connections over a HOB RD VPN to your RDP servers. It is also the only connection type that works over the standard user port (443) of a default HOB RD VPN installation.

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Figure 18: WebSecureProxy Socks Mode Connection

Server List

Enter the name and IP address of one or more servers and their port settings here by clicking Add. Change the list by using the Add, Edit or Delete buttons.

This connection type is only available if you have purchased, installed, and configured HOB RD VPN on your server.

Please visit the HOB website or contact your HOB representative for further information. HOB WebSecureProxy is not an integral part of HOBLink JWT. This means that any configuration settings made in HOBLink JWT concerning a connection to the WebSecureProxy must be configured on the HOB WSP side as well, so that the settings are accepted there also (see the HOB RD VPN administration guide for detailed information on configuring the HOB WSP).

With this connection type the Wake-on-LAN tab is inactive (see Section 5.6.13 Wake-on-LAN Tab on page 47).

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5.6.8 Remote Desktop Gateway Connection Type

Select this connection type if you are using Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway).

Figure 19: Remote Desktop Gateway Connection Type

RD Gateway List

RD Gateway List – click Add to enter one or more Remote Desktop Gateways and their port settings here. Change the list by using the Add, Edit or Delete buttons.

RD Target

Choose server at runtime – the user will be prompted to select an RD server from the list of configured servers on the startup of each session (see Chapter 6 Startup Settings on page 69 for detailed information on how to start up a session).

RD server – to configure a specific RD server to which users connect on every session, disable the checkbox Choose RD server at runtime and enter the domain name of the server to which the user is to connect. Make sure to enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the server.

At least one RD Gateway server must be configured under RD Gateway List.

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Port – the RDP port number is 3389 (default).

5.6.9 VMware Horizon View Connection Type

Choose this connection type to connect to a virtual machine.

Figure 20: VMware Horizon View Connection Type

VMware Horizon View

Choose server at runtime – the user will be prompted to select a VMWHV server from the list of configured servers/virtual machines on the startup of each session.

VMWHV server – disable Choose server at runtime to enter the IP address of a specific VMWHV server in the entry field. The user is prompted to connect to this specific server upon startup of each session. Depending on the logon settings for a virtual machine the user may connect to that machine via single sign-on.

With this connection type the tabs WSP & Load Balancing (Section 5.6.12 WSP & Load Balancing Tab on page 46) and Wake-on-LAN (see Section 5.6.13 Wake-on-LAN Tab on page 47) are inactive.

With this connection type the tabs WSP & Load Balancing (Section 5.6.12 WSP & Load Balancing Tab on page 46) and Wake-on-LAN (see Section 5.6.13 Wake-on-LAN Tab on page 47) are inactive.

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5.6.10 Startup Tab

Figure 21: Startup

On this tab you can specify as to how a remote session is to be started. The options available for the Startup Mode differ according to the selected connection type. These options can be selected from the dropdown menu. The options are:

Startup Mode

Desktop (default) – this option will display the Windows desktop of the Windows Terminal Server to which the session connects.

Application Serving – this selection is used to automatically launch an application on the terminal server immediately after logon. When you select this option, the Application and Start in fields will be enabled.

Enter the path to the application you want to start when you run the remote session in the Application field. The Start in field is optional and describes the working directory for the application, if one is required. You can also set a working directory other than the directory where the application is stored if desired. If this mode is selected, the user must enter the known corresponding path, then the known program name.

HOB True Windows – this startup mode allows applications running on the server to be displayed as if they were running on the client computer. HOB RD ES must be installed on the target computer.

RAIL – RAIL stands for Remote Application Integrated Locally. Applications published on the server via Microsoft’s RemoteApp Manager can be displayed as if they were running on the local client.

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Enter the required application that is to be published in the Application field. Optionally, you can enter a path in the Start in field to specify from where the application is to be started.

Application Publishing – this option enables you to centrally configure applications for one or more server farms.

Enter the name of the application to be made available in the Application field or click the Browse button (...). A dialog showing all available applications appears. Select an application from the list. It is not necessary to enter an application in the application field as all available applications are displayed when connecting.

RDP Options

Here you can set the following RDP options:

Enable data compression – this option compresses all data sent from the Windows Terminal Server to the HOBLink JWT client. Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression (MPPC), based on the Lempel Ziv algorithm, is used here.

Queue events – this function collects events such as keyboard actions and mouse events and handles them in turn instead of rejecting them after a request has timed out.

Memory cache size (KB) – here you can specify the maximum amount of memory cache reserved for HOBLink JWT, the default is 8000 KB.

Disk cache size (KB) – here you can specify the amount of disk space to use for data that are received from the server. This increases the speed at which previously viewed pages are displayed. The more disk space you assign, the more data can be stored on your hard disk. If you are low on disk space, you might want to set this option to a low value, the default is 0 KB.

RAIL must be configured in your RemoteApp Manager. Refer to your Microsoft documentation for further details.

The minimum server requirement for this feature is Windows 2008 R2.

This option is only available in connection with HOB RD ES or HOB RD Selector Agent.

This function can significantly improve performance over low-bandwidth WAN.

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5.6.11 Proxies & Security Tab

This tab is only active when one of the WSP connection modes (WSP Direct, WSP Load Balancing or WSP Socks Mode) has been selected.

Figure 22: Proxies and Security

The following settings can be made in the Proxy panel:

Use client side proxy – select from the dropdown menu:

None – select this option when clients can connect directly to the Internet without going through a proxy server.

Auto detect – select this option when clients are to connect to the Internet through a browser-configured proxy server.

User defined – select this option only when the option Auto Detect is not functioning correctly.

Once this option is selected you can enter the server type (HTTP, SOCKS 4, SOCKS 5) to use as well as the host name and port for the connection.

In the Security panel the settings for the SSL files (HOBLink Security Units), which are created using HOBLink Secure, can be made. These HL Security Units are required for secure SSL connections between clients and the HOB WSP (for the connection modes WebSecureProxy Direct, WebSecureProxy Load Balancing and WebSecureProxy Socks Mode).

Load SSL files from web server – enable this checkbox to download your SSL files (CFG, .CDB, .PWD) from the web server. If this checkbox is disabled, HOBLink JWT will search for the SSL files on the local hard disk.

SSL folder – this field is only enabled if Load SSL files from web server has been disabled. Enter the folder in which the SSL files are stored or use the

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browse button to search for that folder. The files are stored by default in the directory <user.home>\hob\hoblinkjwt\templates.

SSL filename – enter here the name of the files or use the browse button. If no entry is made, the system will search for files named hclient (the name of the client component of the SSL file when using HOBLink Secure).

5.6.12 WSP & Load Balancing Tab

Figure 23: WSP & Load Balancing

The following options can be set here:

For details on distributing HOBLink Security Units please refer to the HOBLink Secure administration guide.

The WSP & Load Balancing tab is only active if Load Balancing (see Section 5.6.4 Load Balancing Connection Type on page 36), WebSecureProxy Load Balancing (see Section 5.6.6 WebSecureProxy Load Balancing Connection Type on page 38) or WebSecureProxy Socks Mode (see Section 5.6.7 WebSecureProxy SOCKS Mode Connection Type on page 39) are selected as the connection mode on the Connection tab.

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Prompt user when connecting – the desired target server can be chosen dynamically. This prompts the user during the connection setup to select the destination of the connection. With multiple configured destinations a dialog opens allowing the user to select the destination connection from a list. If only one destination is configured, the connection is set up automatically.

SOCKS server name – enter the name of the server as defined in the HOB WSP configuration of HOB RD VPN.

Load Balancing

Connect to server with least load – a connection is always made to the server with the least load (the server can be available via broadcast or server list. In case a user has a disconnected session on one or more servers, this/these servers are selected in preference).

Select from all responding servers – allows the user to select a server from a list. This list is generated from the replies of the load balancing queries and also includes the load of each server.

These load balancing options are independent of the Load Balancing connection type.

5.6.13 Wake-on-LAN Tab

Figure 24: Wake-on-LAN

This panel is only active if you selected WebSecureProxy Socks Mode as connection type (see Section 5.6.7 WebSecureProxy SOCKS Mode Connection Type on page 39).

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The settings that can be made for the Wake-on-LAN feature are as follows:

Wake-on-LAN Delay

Limit to wait for server in seconds – enter the amount of time (90 seconds by default) you wish the client to wait while attempting to make a connection to the selected workstation. If a connection is not made within this time, then the connection attempt will be aborted.

Wake-on-LAN Mode

Broadcast – select this mode to wake the workstation specified under the Wake-on-LAN connection type over broadcast via the UDP port.

Port – the UDP port is 9 by default.

Relay list – this mode needs to be used if the target server is located in a different network segment than the HOBLink JWT client PC. Click Add to specify a server and port through which the connection attempt should be relayed. Use the Add, Edit and Delete buttons to manage the list.

This tab is only active if Direct has been selected as connection type and a specific RD server has been configured (see Section Figure 14: Direct Connection Type on page 35).

If the Wake-on-LAN function is to be used with HOB RD VPN it has to be configured on this tab. See the HOB RD VPN administration guide for details.

This mode is only functional if the target system and the HOBLink JWT client PC are within the same network segment.

The specified Wake-on-LAN relay must be directly connected to the network segment on the target server/workstation.

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5.7 Logon Scheme

The Logon scheme has one tab on which you can set the logon preferences for the session.

Figure 25: Logon

The settings that can be made on this tab are as follows:

Logon Information

Logon automatically – if this checkbox is activated, HOBLink JWT uses the credentials entered in the fields below when starting a session. If logon credentials are missing the user is prompted to enter those credentials when starting a session.

Use HOB Single Sign-on – if you select this option, HOBLink JWT will fetch the logon credentials of the user from the local machine and use them for all future logon purposes during this session.

Username – here you can enter the username for the session to be used for Single Sign-on purposes. This entry is also necessary for an automatic reconnection to a disconnected session under load balancing connection types.

Password – enter here the password for the user specified in Username.

Domain – enter here the domain for the user specified in Username.

Single Sign-on must be allowed on the Microsoft Group Policy Editor or configured in the Session Center (see Section 6.1 Logon Information Tab on page 70.

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5.8 Display Scheme

On the Display scheme you can set how your session will appear, i. e. screen size, screen mode, number of monitors, color scheme, etc.

5.8.1 Display Tab

Figure 26: Display


The following settings can be made on the view panel:

Mode – select the mode in which the sessions are to be shown. The options for the screen mode are:

Window – select this option for your session to be displayed in a movable window of its own.

Full screen – select this option for your session to take up the entire monitor screen.

Applet – this mode is only available for a server installation, and will run HOBLink JWT as an applet within the browser window.

Use this display – for clients running two or more monitors. The options are:

Automatic – the session is shown on the main screen of the client.

Main display – the session is shown on the main screen of the client.

All displays – all active displays of the client machines will be used.

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Custom – select the displays on which you want the HOBLink JWT session to be shown.

Displays – Custom must be selected on Use this display for this option to be active. Enter the displays you want to use as configured on the local client; for example 1+3+4+6. The maximum number of displays supported is 16.

Main display – the main display as set on the client machine will be used.

Size – this option allows you to set the size of the display on the monitor. This option is not available if Full screen has been selected under Mode. The following options are available:

Custom – set the desired display size by using the entry fields Width (800 pixels by default) and Height (600 pixels by default).

Screen size ratio – this option determines the distance from the left and upper edges of the monitor in pixels. You can edit the Horizontal ratio (%) (100 by default) and the Vertical ratio (%) (90 by default).

Always maximized – shows the session in a window that covers the entire display except the task bar.

640 x 480 to 1920 x 1200 – shows the session in the selected window size.

Display connection bar – if enabled, the HOBLink JWT connection bar is displayed at the top of your screen.( see Section 5.8.2 HOBLink JWT Connection Bar on page 52).

Color quality – you can set the color depth of the display here, from 8 bit (256) to 32 bit (with transparency) or Automatic (default) to use the setting currently employed on the client (see Section 5.8.1 Display Tab on page 50).

On rare occasions, there may be display configurations that cannot be supported in the Window mode. This issue may arise if the required displays are not directly connected with each other. HOBLink JWT then tries to bridge the connections between those displays without changing their order. Should you encounter this issue you can change the Window mode to Full screen mode to circumvent this problem.

This option can only be enabled if either Full screen mode or Applet mode has been selected.

If you are running a session using two or more displays, the connection bar will be displayed on the main display.

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5.8.2 HOBLink JWT Connection Bar

This is the connection bar displayed when running a session in Full screen or Applet mode.

Figure 27: Connection Bar

The HOBLink JWT connection bar has the following icons:

5.8.3 Connection Bar Options

Options – this opens a dialog where you can make the following settings:

Delay – delay the display of the connection bar by the specified time in milliseconds by selecting Delay (in ms) (default 150 ms) or disable any delay by choosing No delay.

Scroll Effect – select On for the connection bar to slide in and out when moving the mouse cursor over the connection bar or select Off to display the connection bar without effects.

Display Trigger – determines the action that triggers the display of the connection bar. Select Cursor touches top screen border to display the connection bar by pointing to the top screen border. Select Cursor within location area to display the connection bar by pointing to the area of your screen where it is located.

The Pin icon is used to fix the connection bar to the top of the screen or have it hidden at the top where it will only appear if the cursor is moved up to the top of the screen (horizontal = hide mode, tilted down = fixed mode).

The Question Mark icon opens a dialog in which you can set the behavior of the connection bar. The menu items are Options, Disable, Keyboard, About (see Section 5.8.3 Connection Bar Options on page 52 for more information on the functions).

The Minimize icon minimizes the session screen to a button on the bottom task bar which, when clicked, restores the window to its original size.

The Close icon is used to disconnect the session, i.e., break the connection to the server. All open programs and files will continue to run in the disconnected session.

If you disable the connection bar you can only bring it back up by closing and restarting the session or by pressing [Ctrl+Alt+B] on your keyboard.

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Figure 28: Connection Bar Options

Click OK to save the settings or Cancel to return to the running session. Click Help for further details on this dialog.

Disable – click to disable the connection bar. Press [Ctrl+Alt+B] on your keyboard to enable the connection bar.

Keyboard – select this option to bring up the following dialog:

Figure 29: HOBLink JWT - Keypad - Key Combinations

On the Key Combinations tab, a list of all available functions is shown under Available key combinations. In order to view the Current key combination, click on an item in the list.

Current key combination – shows the key combination assigned to a function that is selected from the list.

deletes the currently selected key combination.

resets all modified key combinations to their default settings.

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New key combination – in this field you can configure a new key combination for a function selected in the list. To do this, click in this field and then simultaneously press the desired key combination.

Send keys – the keys entered in this field are redirected to your session.

Description – describes the function of the currently selected key.

Save settings on exiting session (default) – this option applies the settings made upon exiting the session. Click Close Window to return to your session.

On the Settings tab, keyboard settings can be made.

Figure 30: HOBLink - Keypad - Settings

this button is activated when a new key combination has been entered in the corresponding field. Click this button to confirm and save the change.

restores all default key combinations.

click this button for the key combination [Alt+Shift+Tab] and subsequently press the Shift and the Tab key on your keyboard.

click this button to execute the function selected on the list.

click on this button for the key combination Alt+Tab and subsequently press the Tab key on your keyboard.

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Enable Windows Native Keyboard (default) – this option is only available if the client system is running Windows. It enables the server keyboard settings to be used instead of the local settings.

Redirect Windows key combinations – this field is only active if Enable Windows native keyboard has been selected.

Select No for Windows key combinations to be applied on the local client. Select Yes for Windows key combinations to be forwarded to the remote session.

If you select In full screen mode only Windows key combinations are only forwarded to the RDP session if the session is run in full screen mode.

In the Select/Show Keyboard Mode panel you can enable/disable the following functions:

CapsLock – enables caps lock for your session.

NumLock – allows you to use the numeric keypad on your keyboard.

ScrollLock – allows you to scroll on your sessions.

The color of the rectangle in front of the buttons as described above signals whether the respective function is enabled or disabled on your local keyboard (green = enabled, red = disabled).

Save settings on existing session (default) – this options applies the settings made to your existing session and uses those settings for subsequent sessions.

Click Close Window to return to your session.

About – click on this menu item for details on the version, further information (on system and software) and features (showing the features supported by HOBLink JWT and those activated on the running session).

The key combination [Ctrl+Alt+Del] is always processed locally.

ScrollLock is not supported by all applications.

If you start a session in Full screen mode and disable the connection bar press [Ctrl+Alt+B] to bring it back or close and restart your HOBLink JWT session.

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5.8.4 Options Tab

Figure 31: Options

On this tab you can select from the following display options:

Desktop background – (disabled by default) displays the background of the desktop on the client monitor as well as the application in use.

Show contents of window while dragging – (enabled by default) shows the content of a window while it is being dragged.

Menu and window animation – (enabled by default) activates animation in the session window on the client monitor.

Themes – (enabled by default) displays themes from an application on the client.

Mouse cursor shadow – (disabled by default) the mouse cursor blinks.

Text cursor blinking – (enabled by default) the text cursor blinks.

Font smoothing – (disabled by default) smooths the fonts for better resolution on the client, i. e. fonts and window edges appear sharper.

Options enabled on this tab only function if that option is also enabled in the user profile configuration on the server-side.

Disabling these performance options can reduce the used bandwidth on the connection to the server.

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5.9 Keyboard Scheme

Custom keyboard settings can be made on the two tabs of this scheme.

5.9.1 Settings Tab

Figure 32: Keyboard - Settings

Keyboard Settings

Keyboard layout – the default option is System default. This option uses the settings of the local client machine. If you want to set a country-specific keyboard, you can choose one from the options listed in the dropdown menu.

Enable Windows native keyboard – key combinations from the client’s local keyboard are applied to the HOBLink JWT session (Windows only). This option is enabled by default.

Redirect Windows key combinations – select from the dropdown menu whether Windows key combinations are to be applied on the local client. The checkbox Enable Windows native keyboard has to be enabled for this to function to be available.

In full screen mode only – Windows key combinations are applied on the client in full screen mode only. If this option is enabled, certain key combinations (such as [Alt+Tab]) will be retained by HOBLink JWT and will be processed locally. This option is enabled by default.

No – Windows key combinations are applied on the local client.

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Yes – Windows key combinations are not applied on the local client.


Enable keypad launch – this option allows the user to open the HOBLink JWT keypad using the key combination configured on the Key Combinations tab (shown below) (default: [Ctrl+Alt+K]). This option is enabled by default.


Clipboard sharing – select an option from the dropdown menu:

Enabled – this option gives you full clipboard sharing between the client (local session) and server (remote session). It allows you to perform copy and paste operations in both directions. On non-Windows systems clipboard sharing is possible for RTF files, images, URLs and text. This option is enabled by default.

Text only – allows clipboard sharing between the client and server for text input only.

Disabled – if this option is selected, clipboard sharing is disabled.

5.9.2 Key Combinations Tab

Figure 33: Key Combinations

The key combination [Ctrl+Alt+Del] is always processed locally.

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Key Combinations

The list on this tab shows all currently available key combinations (Hotkeys) and their functions (see Section 13.5 Hotkeys on page 103 for a more detailed description).

Description – provides a description of the selected key combination’s function.

New key combination – in this field you can configure a new key combination for a function selected in the list. To do this, click in this field and then press the desired key combination.

Default – resets all modified key combinations to their default settings.

Delete – deletes the currently selected key combination.

Assign – this button is activated when a new key combination has been entered in the corresponding field. Click this button to confirm and save the change.

5.10 Printer Scheme

On the Printer scheme you can set several printing options to print on a local printer while in a session (see Chapter 8 Printing with HOBLink JWT on page 83 for detailed information).

Figure 34: Printer

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Available Printers

HOB Printer Port Mapping – requires HOB RD ES (see Chapter 9 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services on page 93).

Standard Printer Port Mapping (default) – select this option to use the standard Microsoft RDP printer port mapping.

You can select the following options from the dropdown menu:

Use configured printers only – with this setting HOBLink JWT will use only those printers configured in the Printers list in the middle of the tab. These printers can be entered, edited and deleted via the corresponding buttons below the list. These buttons can also be used to configure the EasyPrint functionality (see Section 8.2.2 EasyPrint on page 84).

Include local default printer – (Windows only) printer drivers for your local default printer must already be installed on the terminal server). HOBLink JWT automatically maps your local default printer to the terminal server session, as well as those you have already configured.

Include all local printers – (Windows only) printer drivers for your local printers must already be installed on the terminal server. With this setting HOBLink JWT automatically maps locally installed printers to the terminal server session as well as those you have already configured. This allows you to print from a session as if you were working locally. This option is set by default.

Use XPS printing for local printers – (Windows only) check this box to enable XPS printing for local printers. The Microsoft XPS data format is interpreted on the client and converted to the appropriate printer protocol. Printer drivers do not need to be available on the server.

Make sure that Remote Desktop Easy Print is configured correctly in the Group Policy Editor. Please refer to Microsoft’s documentation for details the configuration.

Make sure Use Remote Desktop Services Easy Print printer driver first is selected on Windows Group Policy Editor.

Please refer to your Microsoft documentation for Group Policy Editor settings.

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Printers – add and manage printers manually using the Add, Edit and Delete buttons. For more information on this field, see Section 8.2 Printer Configuration on page 83.

Default printer – select installed printers to be used as default.

5.11 Local Drives Scheme

Local drive mapping is used to map local drives you want to access from the Windows Terminal Server. Local drive mapping is available for the following operating systems:

Windows Vista (Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate)

Windows Server 2008

Windows 7 (Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Ultimate)

Server 2008 R2 (Enterprise edition Server, Datacenter Server or later)

Windows 8 (Windows 8 Pro, Windows 8 Enterprise)

Windows 8.1 (Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Enterprise)

Windows 10 (Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Education)

Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2016

On the browser a Java Virtual Machine with JDK/JRE version 1.6 or later is recommended.

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Figure 35: Local Drives

On the Method panel the options for local drive mapping are HOB Enhanced Local Drive Mapping and Standard Local Drive Mapping.

HOB Enhanced Local Drive Mapping – for this option to function HOB RD ES is required (see Chapter 9 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services on page 93).

This option comes with the following features:

Mapping of local drives directly to specific driver letters in the remote session.

Optional restriction of local drive mapping to specific folders (the Microsoft solution only allows you to map all drives or none).

Read and write access rights can be defined.

Restricted access to specific file types (e.g., DOC, EXE files, etc.) can be defined.

Virus scanning for connections over HOB RD VPN blue edition and HOB RD ES. Files residing on the client can be scanned for specific byte patterns. If the defined pattern is found, access will be denied. Files being transferred to the server can be scanned for viruses. If a virus is found, the transfer will be aborted immediately.

For more information please refer to the HOB RD ES administration guide.

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Standard Local Drive Mapping (default) – uses Microsoft’s local drive mapping.

Local Drive Mapping

Map all drives – maps all drives to the remote session (Windows only).

Add – click to open a dialog box in which you can select the paths to be used for accessing local drives.

Figure 36: Add Local Drive Mapping

You can also set Access rights (Read, Write, Read/Write), Case sensitive file system (System dependent, On, Off) and Convert filenames (Do not change, Lower-case, Upper-case). Support 16-bit filenames can also be enabled.

Edit – click to edit the path selected in the group box in the Local Drive Mapping panel.

Delete – click to delete the path selected in the group box in the Local Drive Mapping panel.

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5.12 Ports Redirection Scheme

The Ports Redirection scheme allows you to access locally provided serial or parallel ports.

Figure 37: Ports Redirection

Ports Redirection

Add – click this button to open a dialog where ports can be added.

Figure 38: Add Port Redirection

These configurations are used by the Windows Terminal Server to access these ports.

Type – select whether port redirection for serial or parallel ports is to be configured.

Local port name – enter a local port name for the port on the client. This serves to differentiate the local port from the server’s port.

Share name – select the name of the port on the server, e.g., COM1, COM2, etc., for serial ports, or LPT1, LPT2, etc. for parallel ports.

Use the Edit and Delete buttons to edit or delete ports already selected.

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5.13 Other Devices Scheme

On this scheme, settings for audio and video quality as well as other devices can be configured.

5.13.1 Multimedia Tab

Figure 39: Multimedia Tab


You can make the following settings for audio transmission over HOBLink JWT:

Play – select from the options RDP Audio, HOB Audio (= HOB Bidirectional Audio), and Off (no audio support).

RDP Audio – this option enables Windows unidirectional RDP audio to be transmitted from a server application to the client. When this function is selected, the following options can be set on the bottom half of this tab. This option is set by default.

HOB (Bidirectional) Audio – this supports bidirectional audio between the server and client. With this function, you can both play and record audio data on the client. (Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003 only, HOB RD ES must also be installed on the Windows Terminal Server (see Chapter 9 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services on page 93).

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Play quality – Here you can set the play quality options from Min, Low, Medium, High to Max or Auto (default), where the server determines the sound quality.

Record – here you have the options of RDP Audio, HOB Audio, or Off (default).

Record quality – same as for Play quality, but for the recording, i.e., data being sent to the server.


Enable video redirection – if you check this box, video content is transmitted to the RDP client and decoded there before rendered to the screen. Audio redirection is included to synchronize audio and video.

5.13.2 Other Devices Tab

Figure 40: Other Devices

The higher the play quality, the more bandwidth is required.

The respective video format must be supported by the client for optimum transmission of video information.

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TWAIN redirection – this options allows you to use local scanners. HOBLink JWT bridges TWAIN requests on the server to a local implementation, such as Apple Image Capture, SANE or TWAIN.


Enable smartcard access – check the box to enable access to local smartcards.

5.14 Expert Settings Scheme

On the Expert Settings tab settings can be made that are not available via other dialog entries. They are referred to as User Defined Options.

Figure 41: Expert Settings

Option – enter here the desired parameter from the Expert Settings list (see Chapter 14 User-Defined Options on page 105 for a detailed description on user-defined settings).

HOB RD ES is required on the server-side (see Chapter 9 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services on page 93.

These settings should only be made by experienced administrators. Should you require assistance, or have any questions regarding those settings, please contact HOB support (see Chapter 16 Information and Support on page 149 for contact details).

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Value – if required, enter here the desired value for the parameter entered in Option above.

Add, Update, Delete – use these buttons to add and manage the parameters and, if applicable, the value for them in the User Defined Options list.

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HOBLink JWT Startup Settings

6 Startup SettingsThis feature enables the configuration for the start to be determined. To display the startup settings, open the HOBLink JWT Session Center and double-click on the default session. This will open the Startup Settings window.

Figure 42: Startup Settings

Enter the name or IP address of the desired terminal server and the default port number. In the field below a list of the servers to which there has previously been a connection is shown. Select the desired terminal server from this list or enter a server in the Name or IP address of server field. When this has been entered, the Next button at the bottom of the window is activated. Click this to open the next tab, Logon Information.

The Logon Information and Display tabs in the Startup Settings function similarly to those described in Section 5.7 Logon Scheme on page 49 and Section 5.8 Display Scheme on page 50. In the following you will find a short description of the individual tabs of the Startup Settings window. Mandatory fields are displayed in yellow.

The appearance of this window depends on the connection type chosen in the HOBLink JWT configuration tool (see Section 5.6 Connection Scheme on page 34).

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Startup Settings HOBLink JWT

6.1 Logon Information Tab

Figure 43: Logon Information

The settings that can be made on this tab are as follows:

Logon Information

Logon automatically – if this checkbox is activated HOBLink JWT uses the credentials entered in the fields below to log in to a session when a session is started. If the required information is not given in one of the entry fields, the user is asked for those credentials upon startup.

Use HOB Single Sign-on – if you activate this feature, HOBLink JWT will fetch the logon credentials of the user from the local machine or the Session Center and use them for all future logon purposes during this session. This saves time for the user when working with a secure machine known to the network, but has the disadvantages that the Single Sign-on component must be locally installed on the machine and that it only works with Windows systems.

Username – here you can enter a username for the session to be used for Single Sign-on purposes. This entry is also necessary for an automatic reconnection to a disconnected session when using load balancing connection types.

Password – enter the password for the user.

Domain – enter the domain for the user.

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HOBLink JWT Startup Settings


Keyboard layout – System Default (default) uses the settings of the local client machine. If you want to set a country-specific keyboard, you can choose from one of the many listed in the dropdown menu.

Redirect Windows key combinations – this determines whether the Windows key combinations are applied, are applied only on the local client, are forwarded to the RDP session or applied only in full screen mode.

In full screen mode only – Windows key combinations are only applied in full screen mode.

Off – Windows key combinations are not applied.

No – Windows key combinations are not applied.

Yes – Windows key combinations are applied.

6.2 Display Tab

Figure 44: Display

On the Display the following settings can be made:

Default size – if you select this radio button, in the entry field you can select one of the preset sizes, Always maximized, Full-Screen or any of the sizes between 640 x 480 and 1280 x 1024 available in the dropdown menu.

User defined size – select the radio button to enter a custom screen size.

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Startup Settings HOBLink JWT

Screen ratio – select the radio button to enter a percentage of the screen size as the size of the session window.

Use this display – for clients running two or more monitors. You can set the session to run on the Main display, Second display, or split it up over All displays.

Display connection bar – select this option to display a connection bar on the top edge of your session. This option is only available for Full screen or Applet mode. For a detailed description of this function, please see Section 5.8.1 Display Tab on page 50.


Colors – you can set the color depth of the display here (see Section 5.8.1 Display Tab on page 50).

6.3 System Resources Tab

Figure 45: System Resources

Cut and Paste

Enable clipboard sharing – there are three possible settings here:

Enabled – this option allows you to perform copy and paste operations between the client and the server. Full clipboard sharing is available for Windows systems

The above-mentioned settings can only be made if HOB True Windows or RAIL have not been selected under Startup (see Section 5.6.10 Startup Tab on page 43). If HOB True Windows or RAIL have been selected, these settings will be disabled and Seamless will be displayed in the selection field.

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HOBLink JWT Startup Settings

only. Clipboard sharing on non-Windows systems is supported for RTF files, images, URLs and text. This option is set by default.

Text only – allows clipboard sharing between the client and server for text input only.

Disabled – clipboard sharing is disabled.

Local Drive Mapping

Map drives – the options are All (Standard) to use Windows local drive mapping, All (HOB) to use HOB Enhanced Local Drive Mapping and Configured only to map only the drives from the session configuration. For more information on local drive mapping, see Section 5.11 Local Drives Scheme on page 61.

Audio Settings

There are four functions that can be set here:

Playback – here you can disable audio support or select RDP audio over either UDP or a virtual channel, or HOB Audio (over a virtual channel).

Playback quality – here you can set the playback quality to one of four levels from minimum to maximum, or set it to automatic.

Recording – here you can either disable recording or select HOB Audio (over a virtual channel) for recording.

Recording quality – here you can set the recording quality to one of four levels from minimum to maximum, or set it to automatic. For more information on audio settings, please see Section 5.13 Other Devices Scheme on page 65.

6.4 Local Resources Tab

Figure 46: Local Resources

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Startup Settings HOBLink JWT

On the Printers panel you can set whether to map all printers, only configured printers or just the default printer. For more detailed information on printer settings (see Section 5.10 Printer Scheme on page 59 and Chapter 8 Printing with HOBLink JWT on page 83).

On the Scanner panel you may select Enable TWAIN redirection for devices connected to your local system to communicate via the TWAIN interface.

On the Smartcard panel you may select Enable smartcard access if authentication via smartcard is used on your local system.

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HOBLink JWT Starting HOBLink JWT

7 Starting HOBLink JWTThis chapter explains how to start HOBLink JWT either from a local installation or from a web server.

7.1 Local Installation

To start a HOBLink JWT session, double-click on the desired configuration in the Session Center.

Figure 47: Session Center

To start the default configuration, double-click on default, or alternatively open the HOBLinkJWT program in the installation folder or one of its shortcuts. Use the Create Link instruction under the File menu of the Session Center or right-click to set up a desktop link where it is most convenient.

Figure 48: Create Link

To select how these desktop links interact with the applications see Section 7.5 Desktop Links Tab on page 82.

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7.2 General Options Tab

This dialog allows you to configure the Single Sign-on function of the HOBLink JWT Session Center and determines the directories where the HOBLink JWT configuration files and the currently used HTML template are located. Click on Tools > Options in the menu bar of the Session Center to open the dialog shown below.

Figure 49: General Options

Single Sign-on

Use configuration default – select this option if you want the Session Center to use the logon credentials from the individual HOBLink JWT configuration.

Logon to Session Center – when this option is selected a logon window appears. Enter your username, password and domain to open the that specific session.

Save password – enable to save the password for logon attempts to the Session Center. The specified password is stored in the configuration file of the Session Center and is retrieved on all future logon attempts to the HOBLink JWT Startup Settings dialog.

Use system user name – when this option is selected every configuration is run as if Use HOB Single Sign-on was set (see Section 5.7 Logon Scheme on page 49). The system user name will be used for the logon operation. If a different logon option is selected within the selected configuration, it is overwritten. Enable to use the system user name for logon purposes rather than the user name of a local user.

Files and Directories

HTML template – here you specify the path to the HTML file used as the template for how the startup process should be carried out. The field specifies the name of the file that is used as a template to create HTML files for

Use HOB Single Sign-on must be enabled under the logon settings configuration for this panel to be active (see Section 5.7 Logon Scheme on page 49).

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HOBLink JWT. The default entry is .\Template.html in the installation directory. This template is instantly available as default after installing HOBLink JWT. The template provides the basic styles and formats for HTML pages. Click the Browse button to search for a different template file.

Directory for storing configurations – here you enter the location where alternative startup configurations are stored.The configuration files created in the Session Center are stored in the directory specified here.

By default, this directory is the www folder of the installation directory.

Click the Browse button to search for a directory other than the default directory. The selected directory name will be shown in the edit field with its full path.

7.3 Installation on a Web Server

To start a HOBLink JWT session, the HTML pages created in the Session Center must be made available to the users. The template for the HTML page can be configured in Session Center > Tools > Options.

7.3.1 Display HTML After Closing the Session

To have a specific HTML page displayed in the browser after a HOBLink JWT session has been terminated, proceed as follows:

1. Open the HOBLink JWT startup HTML file that you have created with the Session Center. You can open this file with a text editor of your choice.

Every HTML configuration file generated by the HOBLink JWT Session Center contains the following JavaScript function which is automatically called when HOBLink JWT is terminated:

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>

function ExecuteAfterJWT()


If your HTML template (see Section 5.1 File Menu on page 30) is configured to use Java Web Start, your web server must be configured correctly (see Section 3.5.2 Web Server Configuration for Java Web Start on page 21).

When the configuration storage directory is changed, existing configuration files are not copied to the new location. They remain in the previous location and after the change are no longer shown in the Session Center. Therefore it is best to change the path immediately after installation and before creating any configuration files. You can also copy existing configuration files to the new location.

Create and store these HTML files only in the HOBLink JWT installation folder. Otherwise you cannot open them and any attempt to do so will result in an error message.

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// this piece of code forces the browser to load the specified html file.


// this piece of code closes the browser

// window.close();



2. Remove the comment characters in front of this line so that a specified HTML page is display after HOBLink JWT is terminated:


3. Replace goodbye.htm with the filename of the HTML file you have created.The second piece of code closes the browser.

7.3.2 Additional Web Resources

The Additional Web Resources window (Session Center > Tools menu > Additional web resources) can be used to import third party DLLs or other shared libraries, either individually or in groups.

Import Library

On this dialog shared libraries can be provided so that clients can access additional web resources.

JavaScript must be enabled in the browser being used.

See also Section 7.2 General Options Tab on page 76 for HTML templates. Please contact HOB support for requests for programming examples.

If you use this option you have to sign HOBLink JWT with the same certificate as the resources you wish to import. Otherwise, HOBLink JWT will not work.

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Figure 50: Import Library

To provide additional web resources those resources have to be packed as JAR files and uploaded here.

To import shared libraries proceed as follows:

Library archive – enter the library archive which includes the JAR files or click the … button to search the directory.

JNI library – enter the Java Native Interface library.

Operating System – select the operating system for which the shared library is intended (the client).

Sub Operating System – select the actual OS version/type: for the OS Windows for example this would be either Windows NT, Windows 9x or Windows Vista. The items in this dropdown menu are dependent on the OS selected in the list above.

Processor architecture – select the processor architecture of the client machine. The items in this dropdown menu are dependent on the OS selected in the Operating system field.

Dependencies – in this field any dependencies of the corresponding imported shared library file are to be entered. If the appropriate dependencies are not entered, the shared library cannot function properly.

The Java Development Kit (JDK) includes tools to create and sign JAR files. The jar tool is used for creating JAR files. For more information see


The jarsigner tool is used for signing JAR files. For more information see


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Key name – enter the keystore created with the JDK.

Click OK to confirm the settings and return to the Session Center or Cancel to not save any settings and return to the Session Center.

7.4 HOB True Windows Tab

The HOB True Windows function allows you to display published applications on the client as if they were applications running locally on the desktop, in other words users will not notice any difference between local and remote applications.

When using HOB True Windows, the user will not see the application running in a HOBLink JWT session window. The user will see only the application window of the running published application. Additionally, the session will only use as much of the screen that is actually needed for proper display. In the background you will see the local desktop or other locally running applications.

7.4.1 HOB True Windows Requirements


Windows Server 2003 or higher.

Installation of HOB RD ES Service, the server component of HOB RD ES, on the Windows Terminal Server (see Chapter 9 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services on page 93).


32-bit Windows operating systems

HOBLink JWT Configuration

Load Balancing has to be selected in the Connection tab of the Connection scheme.

On the Startup Options tab of the Connection scheme HOB True Windows has to be selected in the dropdown menu.

In this case in the Connection scheme the HOB True Windows tab is displayed. Here you can edit the additional settings that are necessary for HOB True Windows.

Click this button to show the import library in the group box of the dialog.

Click this button to apply any changes made under Library archive.

Click this button to remove a selected item from the group box under Import Library.

This module is not included in the standard scope of delivery of HOBLink JWT. A license key for this module must be purchased separately.

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7.4.2 HOB True Windows Settings

In the HOB True Windows tab of the Set Options window (Session Center > Tools > Options) additional options can be selected for sessions running in HOB True Windows mode.

Figure 51: HOB True Windows

The following options can be set here:

HOB True Windows Options

Use client settings on server – applies all the local client settings, e.g., font size, style of window titles, etc.

Draw window frame on client – draws the frame (including title) on the client and only the window’s content on the server. This has the advantage of accelerating certain operations, such as dragging windows.

Show tray icons – select this checkbox to display the tray icons of HOB True Windows applications in the local taskbar.

HOB True Windows Application Manager

Enable HOB True Windows Application Manager – the HOB True Windows Application Manager is similar to the Windows Task Manager. It manages the HOB True Windows applications that could be installed on various servers.

Allow ‘End Application’ – allows the user to end applications running in HOB True Windows mode.

Allow ‘Start Application’ – allows the user to start applications running in HOB True Windows mode.

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7.5 Desktop Links Tab

This tab lets you determine how the desktop links initiate the sessions.

Figure 52: Desktop Links

Start all sessions in a single process – when using clients, rather than have each client start its own JVM, select this option to allow all sessions of the client start from the same JVM.

Use Windows pipes – select this option to allow applications use Windows pipes to interact directly with each other.

Use FIFO pipes – this option is shown when using a UNIX/LINUX machine instead of Use Windows pipes.

Use IP sockets – select this option to allow the applications to use IP sockets to interact directly with each other.

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HOBLink JWT Printing with HOBLink JWT

8 Printing with HOBLink JWTThis chapter summarizes printer configurations in connection with HOBLink JWT. Additionally, problems that may be expected are explained and useful tips given.

The installation of Windows 2000 (or newer) on your terminal server is prerequisite for printing to a local printer. “Local printing” means that data that are printed in a terminal server session are output on the printer that is connected to the corresponding client computer.

To be able to use this function, applications have to use printer queues for the printing process and not, for example, physical local ports such as LPT or PRN. Applications that do not support printer queues may be able to use local port redirection in order to operate local printers (see Section 5.12 Ports Redirection Scheme on page 64).

8.1 Automatically Mapping Local Printers

Depending on the printer settings that are already configured, you can use either only the local default printer or all locally installed printers in the terminal server session.

8.2 Printer Configuration

In addition to the automatic local printer mapping, you can also manually configure printers that are to be available in the terminal server session. The following print methods can be configured:

Print to port


LPR/LPD printer

IP printer

Print to file

8.2.1 Print to Port

The print data stream of the Windows Terminal Server is rerouted by HOBLink JWT either to a locally attached printer or to a printer in the Windows network. The printer driver used by all printers must be installed on the print server. Problems may occur if the printer drivers are not compatible with the Windows Terminal Server (see Section 8.3.5 The Printing Job is not Executed Even Though the Driver is Mapped Correctly on page 92 for information solutions to common printing problems.

This function is enabled for Windows platforms only.

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Configure HOBLink JWT for printing to a port as follows:

1. Open the Session Center and right-click on the session configuration you want to edit.

2. Select Edit to open the configuration window.

3. Go to Printer in the scheme on the left.

4. Click the Add button and select Print to port from the menu. The following dialog appears:

Figure 53: Add Print to Port

5. Enter the name of the printer in the terminal session in the name field.

6. Enter the official name of the printer driver.

7. Enter the port to which the printer is attached, e. g. LPT1: for the local port of the client; \\server\sharedName: for the path of a Windows network printer.

8. Click OK.

8.2.2 EasyPrint

With EasyPrint host print data in HP PCL format (Printer Control Language) can be processed on the Windows Terminal Server and forwarded to the HOBLink JWT session to print to a local network printer. Usually, all of the possible local printer drivers would have to be installed on the server. At least one PCL printer driver needs to be installed to support any type of locally installed printers. Those drivers, as listed below, are included as standard as of Windows Server 2000 and are independent from local drives.

HP LaserJet Series II (responsible for black/white printing)

HP DeskJet 500 C (300 dpi; responsible for color printing)

HP DeskJet 1120 C (600 dpi; for DIN A3/Legal)

HP Business Inkjet 1000 (1200 dpi; for DIN A4/Letter)

HOB PCL Printer (with HOB RD ES; see Chapter 9 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services on page 93).

These drivers turn the document to be printed into a PCL data stream, which is then transmitted to HOBLink JWT.

The printer driver must be installed on the Windows Terminal Server.

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HOBLink JWT reconstructs the document to be printed from this PCL data stream and forwards it to the printer driver installed on the local client.


No installation of additional printer drivers on the server is necessary.

Eliminates the possibility that faulty printer drivers on the server could cause the server or the spooler process to crash.

Supports GDI printers.

Supports printers that do not have drivers for Windows Server 2000.

The maximum printer resolution is 600 dpi.

For configuring EasyPrint in HOBLink JWT proceed as follows:

1. Open the Session Center and right-click on the session configuration you want to edit.

2. Select Edit to open the configuration window.

3. Go to Printer in the scheme on the left.

4. Select Standard Printer Port Mapping and Use configured printers only.

5. Click the Add button and select EasyPrint. The following dialog appears:

Figure 54: Add EasyPrint

6. Type the name of the virtual printer in the Name field.

7. Select an option from the dropdown menu on Use printer. Select Use default printer to always have the print job forwarded to the default printer, select Prompt user to ask the user to select a printer before printing or select Prompt always to bring up a dialog for selecting a printer prior to every print job.

8. Enable the radio button Limited.

Ensure you have the latest drivers installed on the client. This helps to eliminate driver-related problems.

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9. Select from the available driver options.

10. Click OK.

11. Set the configured printer as the default printer.

To test the configuration start the previously configured session and go to Devices and Printers in the Windows Control Panel. The configured virtual printer is now used as the default printer (if you selected Use default printer).

Figure 55: Default Printer Windows Control Panel

8.2.3 LPR/LPD Printing

HOBLink JWT acts as a Line Printer Requester and prints the data stream of the Windows Terminal Server via a server that functions as a Line Printer Daemon. The Windows Terminal Server sends for instance a Word document via HOBLink JWT to a printer connected to a UNIX server - a line printer daemon is installed on the server.

1. Open the Session Center and right-click on the session configuration you want to edit.

2. Select Edit to open the configuration window.

3. Go to Printer in the scheme on the left.

4. Select Standard Printer Port Mapping and Use configured printers only.

5. Click Add and select LPR/LPD Printer. The following dialog appears:

Figure 56: Add LPR/LPD Printer

Select a mono driver from the drivers stated in the dropdown menu to minimize data stream from the server to the HOBLink JWT client. Only select a color driver for color printing.

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6. Enter the name of the printer in the terminal session in the name field.

7. Enter the official name of the printer driver, e. g. HP Laserjet Series II in the Name field.

8. Enter the TCP/IP address of the printer in the IP address field.

9. Add the port to which the printer server is attached. The default port number is 515.

10. The IP local port supports the following options:

0 means the port is supplied as default by the operating system. 721 means ports 721 to 731 (LPR spec) are used. If other ports are entered then the specific port entered will be used.

11. Enter the name of the printer (queue name) in the print server, e. g. printqueue4.

12. Select a mode from the dropdown menu. Buffering (send exact length: memory space is used for the buffer, (No buffering) send zero length: sets the print job length to 0; No buffering (with maximum length): the print job is set to the maximum length.

8.2.4 IP Printer

The print data stream is forwarded over HOBLink JWT via IP directly to a port. The printer connected at this port then handles the printing. You can determine whether IP printing is possible in your network by referring to the documentation for the network adapter installed on the server or by checking the print server manual.

1. Open the Session Center and right-click on the session configuration you want to edit.

2. Select Edit to open the configuration window.

3. Go to Printer in the scheme on the left.

4. Click the Add button and select IP Printer from the menu. The following dialog appears:

Figure 57: Add IP Printer

5. Enter the name of the printer in the terminal session in the Name field.

6. Enter the official name of the printer driver, e. g. HP Laserjet Series II in the Driver field.

This does not work with all LPD servers. This configuration requires testing to ensure that it functions. Refer to the documentation of your LPD server for details on potential restrictions.

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7. Enter the TCP/IP address of the printer in the IP address field.

8. Enter the port to which the printer is attached, e. g. 9100 for an HP server, in the IP port field.

8.2.5 Print to File

The output of a document is rerouted to a file.

1. Open the Session Center and right-click on the session configuration you want to edit.

2. Select Edit to open the configuration window.

3. Go to Printer in the scheme on the left.

4. Click the Add button and select Print to file from the menu. The following dialog appears:

Figure 58: Add Print to File

5. Enter the name of the printer in the terminal session in the Name field.

6. Enter the official name of the printer driver, e. g. HP Laserjet Series II in the Driver field.

7. Enter the name of the file to which the print output is to be saved. The files created are always stored locally on the workstation where HOBLink JWT resides. Use the Browse button to search for an existing file, the content of which will be overwritten by the print data.

8.3 Possible Problems and Their Solutions

This section lists the most common printing problems and offers solutions on how to solve them.

8.3.1 Driver Names on the Clients Differ from Those on the Server

The automatic mapping of local printers requires the printer driver names on the clients to correspond to those on the server. If a client has a driver that is not available on the server, the mapping will not succeed. Therefore, install the driver that is on the client onto the server.

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8.3.2 The Driver on the Client Operating System is Not Available for the Server Operating System

The driver name on the client differs from the driver on the server. This causes local printer mapping to fail. The following solution has been excerpted from a Microsoft document:

The following excerpt is Event ID 1111 — Terminal Services Printer Redirection, which can be found under the following link:


To resolve this issue, do either of the following:

Install or reinstall the printer driver on the terminal server.

Create or modify a custom printer mapping file.

To perform these tasks, refer to the following sections.

Install or reinstall the printer driver on the terminal server

If the printer driver installed on the client computer is an OEM driver, and a driver is available from the printer's manufacturer, replace the OEM driver with the driver that is available from the printer manufacturer. If you are installing a third-party driver, make sure that the driver is a Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) signed driver.

To perform these procedures, you must have membership in the local Administrators group, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.

To install the printer driver, use either of the following methods.

Method one

Run the printer's Setup program to install the printer driver INF file on the terminal server.

Method two

To install the driver by using the Add Printer Driver Wizard:

1. On the terminal server, click Start, click Run, type control printers, and then click OK.

2. On the File menu, click Server Properties.

Forcing drivers whose string names do not match by default will cause printing problems in some scenarios. To find a substitute driver that works correctly, you might need to consult the manufacturer of the device. You should thoroughly test any substitute drivers on the server-side to ensure that they can send printable data to clients’ redirected printers that use different drivers.

After you install the printer driver, terminal server clients must log off and then log on to the terminal server before the printer driver changes take effect.

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Note: If the File menu is not visible, right-click an empty area of the Printers dialog box, and then click Server Properties.

3. Click the Drivers tab.

4. Click Add, and then follow the instructions in the Add Printer Driver Wizard to install the printer driver INF file.

Create or modify a custom printer mapping file

You can create or modify an existing custom printer mapping file to define mappings from client-side to server-side drivers on the terminal server.

To use a custom printer mapping file:

1. On the terminal server, open Registry Editor by clicking Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

2. If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.

3. Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Wds\rdpwd registry subkey.

4. Add the following values:

Name: PrinterMappingINFName

Type: String (REG_SZ)

Value data: Name of the INF file to which you want to redirect lookups.

Example: c:\windows\inf\ntprintsubs.inf

Name: PrinterMappingINFSection

Type: String (REG_SZ)

Value data: Name of the section in the INF file to which you want to redirect lookups.

Example: Printers

After you add the new registry values, create or modify the INF file that you specified in the PrinterMappingINFName registry entry to include the user-defined mappings from the client-side to server-side drivers. Follow the format used in the following example:


;Printer mapping file for client-side to server-side drivers

To perform this procedure on the terminal server, you must have membership in the local Administrators group, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.

Incorrectly editing the registry might severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data.

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HOBLink JWT Printing with HOBLink JWT


"OEM Printer Driver Name" = "Windows Server 2008 Driver Name"

For example:

"HP DeskJet 720C Series v10.3" = "HP DeskJet 722C"

The left side of the equation is the exact name of the printer driver associated with the client-side print queue that is being redirected to the server. The exact name of the printer driver appears on the General tab, next to Model when you view the printer properties on the client computer. (You can also click the Advanced tab and view the driver name in the Driver list.) The right side of the equation is the exact name of the server-side driver equivalent that is installed on the terminal server.

To restart the Print Spooler service:

1. On the terminal server, open the Services snap-in. To open the Services snap-in, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services.

2. If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.

3. In the Services pane, right-click Print Spooler, and then click Restart.

4. Confirm that the Status column for the Print Spooler service displays Started.


To verify that printer redirection is working properly, establish a remote session with the terminal server and check that the redirected printer is available and is functioning as expected.

If the above-mentioned problem should occur, one or more of the following messages will be generated in the server’s event log:

You must restart the Print Spooler service on the terminal server for the changes to take effect.

To perform this procedure on the terminal server, you must have membership in the local Administrators group, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.

Type Event ID Description

Error 1111 Driver <drivername> required for printer <printertype> is unknown. Contact the administrator to install the driver before you log in again.

Error 1105 Printer security information for the <printername>/<clientcomputername>/Session <number> could not be set.

Error 1106 The printer could not be installed.

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8.3.3 The Printer is Not Mapped

The printer driver has to be installed manually on the server.

8.3.4 You Cannot Find the Driver You Tried to Install

Click the Windows Update button on Window’s Printer Driver Wizard to update the driver selection.

8.3.5 The Printing Job is not Executed Even Though the Driver is Mapped Correctly

This error occurs when using a non-PCL printer (e. g. a dot-matrix printer) in connection with EasyPrint. Instead, use one of the following printing options:

Print to port



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HOBLink JWT HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services

9 HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced ServicesHOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services (HOB RD ES) is a software solution which was designed to enhance the functionality of HOB products. It is made up of the following components which can be used to complement your company’s requirements and can be installed independently.

9.1 HOB RD Balancer

This is the server component which is required for HOB Load Balancing and HOB Published Applications. It is the central component of HOB RD ES which provides an intelligent and parameterized load balancing mechanism. Those parameters are managed over the HOB Load Balancing Manager.

9.2 HOB RD ES Service

This is the server component required for HOB Printer Port Mapping, HOB Enhanced Local Drive mapping, HOB TWAIN Redirection, HOB Bidirectional Audio and HOB True Windows.

9.3 HOB PCL Printer

HOB PCL Printer is a driver that allows data to pass from the driver to the server. When used in combination with EasyPrint, it automatically employs HOB Printer Redirection, offers higher resolution, more format options and optimized print stream.

9.4 HOB RD ES Manager

This is the administration tool for HOB RD ES. It is made up of the following sub-modules, depending on the respective components installed.

9.4.1 HOB Server Farm Manager

This module allows the administrator to compile and manage a server farm among which the CPU load can be distributed in accordance with the company’s requirements.

9.4.2 HOB Load Balancing Manager

This management tool provides the administrator with 13 different measured values (e. g. CPU load, memory utilization, network load, etc.) which can be used to calculate the server load and determine to which server new requests will be directed.

HOB RD ES is available at extra cost. It is not included in the scope of delivery of HOBLink JWT.

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9.4.3 HOB Local Drive Mapping Manager

This module allows the administrator to define rules on local drive mapping and restrict access to specified file types.

9.4.4 HOB Published Applications Manager

With this module, applications can be made available to users without having to specify a path or server name on the client-side.

For detailed information on HOB RD ES, please contact HOB support. Contact details can be found in Chapter 16 Information and Support on page 149.

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HOBLink JWT HOB RD Selector Agent

10 HOB RD Selector AgentThe HOB RD Selector Agent is an intelligent and parameterized load balancing mechanism. It is designed to provide system administrators with a management tool that allows for using refined measured values which meet the respective system requirements. HOB RD Selector Agent is the server component of HOB RD Selector. It consists of these two sub-modules.

10.1 HOB RD Balancer

This is the software component required for load balancing and application publishing to function. It must be installed on every server in the server farm. It measures the server load of every server in the server farm based on several load parameters and transmits this information to the client.

10.2 HOB RD Enhanced Services Manager

This is the administration tool for configuring and managing the server farm, configuring the values for distributing the load among the servers and managing published applications.

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HOBLink JWT HOB X11 Gate

11 HOB X11 GateHOB X11 Gate is a software solution that lets you access applications on UNIX/Linux servers via HOBLink JWT or other RDP clients (e.g. Microsoft Remote Desktop Client).

11.1 Configuring HOBLink JWT with HOB X11Gate

Once you installed and configured HOB X11 Gate as per the instructions from the administration guide, the connection settings need to be made in the HOBLink JWT session configuration.

1. Open the HOBLink JWT Session Center.

2. Right-click on a session and select Edit.

3. Select the Connection scheme.

4. For Connection type, select Direct.

5. Deselect the Choose RD server at runtime checkbox. This ensures that the UNIX/Linux server running HOB X11 Gate is selected as the desired server.

6. For RD server, enter the IP address or the DNS name of the X Server to be connected to.

7. For Port, enter the number of the port to be used (default: 3389). If you have entered a different port number in the HOB X11Gate configuration, then that port must be entered in the entry field.

8. Click OK to apply the settings.

The connection is now configured, and HOBLink JWT can now connect to the UNIX/Linux server.

For more information on HOB X11 Gate please contact your HOB representative. Contact details can be found in Chapter 16 Information and Support on page 149.

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12 HOB MacGateHOB MacGate is a software solution that lets you access data and applications stored on a Mac workstation remotely via HOBLink JWT or other RDP clients (e.g. Microsoft Remote Desktop Client).

12.1 Configuring HOBLink JWT with HOB MacGate

Once you installed and configured HOB MacGate as per the instructions from the administration guide, the connection settings need to be made in the HOBLink JWT session configuration.

1. Open the HOBLink JWT Session Center.

2. Right-click on a session and select Edit.

3. Select the Connection scheme.

4. For Connection type, select Direct.

5. Deselect the Choose RD server at runtime checkbox. This ensures that the Mac running HOB MacGate is selected as the desired server.

6. For RD server, enter the IP address or the DNS name of the Mac to be connected to.

7. For Port, enter the number of the port to be used (default: 3389). If you have entered a different port number in the HOB MacGate configuration, then that port must be entered in the entry field.

8. Click OK to apply the settings.

The connection is now configured, and HOBLink JWT can now connect to the Mac workstation.

For more information on HOB MacGate please contact your HOB representative. Contact details can be found in Chapter 16 Information and Support on page 149.

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HOBLink JWT Quick Reference Guide

13 Quick Reference GuideThis chapter gives a brief overview of the parameters that can be used for a server installation.

13.1 Editing the HTML File (Server Installation)

To define one or more parameters for a server installation, you need to edit the HTML file (e.g. default.html) in the www folder of the installation directory. This is done as follows:

1. Open the file with a text editor of your choice.

2. Edit the following lines for each parameter (they are found between the tags <APPLET> and </APPLET>):

<param name="name of parameter" value="value of parameter">

Example: To connect to your terminal server MyServer.domain.com and have a desktop resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels, enter the following lines between <APPLET> and </APPLET>:

<param name="IPADDRESS" value="MyServer.domain.com">

<param name=\"SESSIONWIDTH\" value=\"1024\">

<param name=\"SESSIONHEIGHT\" value=\"768\”>

13.2 Editing the JNLP File (Java Web Start Installation)

To define one or more parameters for a Java Web Start installation, you need to edit the JNLP file (e.g. default.jnlp) created in the Session Center. By default, this file is stored in the www folder of the installation directory. To do this, proceed as follows:

1. Open the file with a text editor of your choice.

2. Edit the following lines for each parameter between the tags <argument> and </argument>:

"name of parameter"="value of parameter"

Example: To connect to your terminal server MyServer.domain.com and have a desktop resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels, enter the following lines:




13.2.1 Allocating more memory to your JVM

More memory can be assigned to the JVM by editing the JWT.jnlp file in the www folder of the installation directory.

1. Open the file with a text editor of your choice.

2. Edit the parameter under <resources>:

<j2se version="1.6+"max-heap-size"value of parameter">

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Example: To assign 512 MB to the JVM, enter the following line:

<j2se version="1.6+" max-heap-size="512m"/>

13.3 Determining Parameters in the Command Line

To define one or more parameters for a server installation, insert these in the HOBLink JWT call-up as follows:

HOBLinkJWT NameOfFirstParameter=Value NameOfSecondParameter=Value

Example: To connect with your terminal server MyServer.domain.com and have a desktop resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels, start HOBLink JWT as follows:

HOBLinkJWT IPADDRESS=MyServer.domain.com WIDTH=1024 HEIGHT=768

13.4 Error Diagnosis

An error diagnosis may be carried out differently depending on your operating system.

13.4.1 JWT installed locally on Windows

Press the <Ctrl> key when starting the program.

13.4.2 JWT installed locally on Unix/ Linux/ OS X

1. Open the shell.

2. Enter the following command:


3. Enter./HOBLinkJWT in the installation directory.

If there is a blank space in the name, enter the character strings in quotation marks (in this case the entire parameter has to be enclosed by quotation marks).

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13.5 Hotkeys

This is a list of currently configured hotkey combinations. To create more combinations, use [CTRL+ALT+K] and enter your new key combinations.

JWT key combination

Corresponds to Microsoft standard local key combinations


[ALT+HOME] [CTRL+ESC local] Displays the Start menu


Windows security box

[ALT+PAGE UP] [ALT+TAB local] Moves to the opened programs from left to right


Moves to the opened programs from right to left

[ALT+INSERT] [ALT+ESC local] Moves to the programs in the order in which they were started

[ALT+DEL] [ALT+SPACE local] Displays the Windows pop-up menu

[CTRL+ALT+NUM-] [PRINTSCR local] Makes a screenshot of the entire session


Makes a screenshot of the session window that is currently active

[ALT+F4] [ALT+END local] Terminates the current program

[ALT+Enter] [CTRL+ALT+Left local]

Changes between full screen und windows mode

[CTRL+ALT+K] Activates the keypad

[CTRL+ALT +I] Shows the info dialog

[CTRL+ALT+B] Shows the connection tab

[CTRL+ALT+Down] Minimize current session

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HOBLink JWT User-Defined Options

14 User-Defined OptionsThe following parameters can be set on the Expert Settings tab in the HOBLink JWT configuration tool (see Section 5.14 Expert Settings Scheme on page 67).

14.1 Connection Parameters

This section lists all connection parameters.

Some parameters will no longer be displayed here after the configuration has been saved and re-opened. This will happen with options that can be configured elsewhere in the GUI. These changes will be displayed in the appropriate dialog box, tab, field, etc.

Name Description Values/Syntax Default Value

Requirements/ Limitations


Allows tunneling configurations for connections configured for direct access without a WSP configuration. Whenever such a configuration is started over RD VPN a tunnel to the current WSP is established automatically. Duplicate configurations can be avoided. The parameter can be combined with parameter "SOCKSTHROUGHWSP".

yes - Enables automatic tunneling over WSP (using connection type “wspsocks”).no - Use direct connection instead.

yes CONNTYPE = direct / loadbalancing

Access over RD VPN web interface only

APPNAME Path of application to start instead of Desktop (Application Serving).


AUTOCON Allows the WTS to be chosen at runtime in a GUI.

yes - Connects to the server immediatelyno - Shows a GUI to choose the server address

no CONNTYPE = direct

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USEWSM Controls the usage of the native WSM connection module.

yes - Enables the WSM module.no - Disables the WSM module.auto - Choose usage depending on environment.

auto JNI library for OS and architecture.

BROADCAST Type of broadcast (Load Balancing).

yes - Use broadcastno - Use server list

yes CONNTYPE = loadbalancing / wsplb / wspsocks

COMPRESSION Use Microsoft Point-To-Point-Compression Protocol (MPPC) for data exchange.

yes - Enables data compressionno - Disables data compression


CONNTYPE Type of connection.

direct - Use a direct connection to the WTS.loadbalancing - Use HOB Load Balancing to choose a WTS.wspdirect - Establishes a WSP direct connection.wsplb - WSP connection with HOB Load Balancing.wspsocks - WSP connection with the WSP SOCKS authentication. protocol.rdg - Use a Remote Desktop Gateway connection.vmwhv - Connects the VMWHV server to get the connection settings for a direct connection.



Connect to the console session of the WTS.

yes - Connects to the console sessionno - Does not request a specific session



Specifies the maximum time used to wait for a disconnect response from the WTS.

0 - Infinite timeout[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the timeout in seconds


GATEPORT The port used for UDP load balancing if broadcast is used.

[0 ... 65535] - An integer that specifies the IP port


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Specifies the maximum time used to wait for a reply from the HOB RD ES Service.

0 - Infinite timeout[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the timeout in seconds


IPADDRESS Name or IP address of Windows Terminal Server.

CONNTYPE = direct

IPPORT IP port of the Windows Terminal Server.

[0 ... 65535] - An integer that specifies the IP port

3389 CONNTYPE = direct


Specifies an interval used to keep the connection alive.HOBLink JWT sends keep-alive packets from client to server to avoid having network devices cut due to inactivity.

0 - Disables this option[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the interval in seconds



Activity timeout for Load Balancing. This specifies the maximum time to wait after the last response packet has been received.

0 - An infinite timeout[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies a timeout in milliseconds

4000 CONNTYPE = loadbalancing / wsplb / wspsocksLBSELECTION = reconnect


Maximum overall timeout for Load Balancing.

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies a timeout in milliseconds

20000 CONNTYPE = loadbalancing / wsplb / wspsocks


Resend request timeout for Load Balancing. This specifies the timeout to resend the Load Balancing requests. In case of BROADCAST= no the requests are only resent to all unacknowledged servers.

0 - An infinite timeout[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies a timeout in milliseconds

2000 CONNTYPE = loadbalancing / wsplb / wspsocks

LBSELECTION Server selection procedure for Load Balancing.

show - Select from all responding serversreconnect - Connect to the server with the least load

reconnect CONNTYPE = loadbalancing / wsplb / wspsocks

MACADDRESS MAC address of the Windows Terminal Server.

CONNTYPE = direct

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Controls support for MS Session Directory and MS Session Broker.

yes - Enables redirection.

no - Disables redirection.

no - If HOB Load Balancing is used.

yes - Otherwise.

PROXYLIST List of SOCKS or HTTP proxies.A comma separated list of servers.

Syntax:SERVER = IP[:PORT]PROXYLIST = [SERVER[,PROXYLIST]]Example:httpproxy1.hob.de:8080, httpproxy2.hob.de:8080

PORT=1080 - If PROXYMODE = socks / socks4PORT=8080 - If PROXYMODE = http

PROXYMODE = socks / socks4 / http

PROXYMODE Determines the Proxy mode.

auto - Automatic detectionno - Disable proxiessocks - Use SOCKS proxy protocolsocks4 - Use SOCKS V4 proxy protocolhttp - Use HTTP proxy protocol



Password for the proxy authentication.


PROXYUSER User ID for the proxy authentication.


PUBAPPNAME Name of published application to connect to (Published Application / True Windows).

STARTUPMODE= pubapp / seamless / rail

RDGLIST List of Remote Desktop Gateways.A comma separated list of servers.

Syntax:RDG = IP[:PORT]RDGLIST = [RDG[,RDGLIST]]Example:rdg1.hob.de:443, rdg2.hob.de:443



Defines an alternate target name for the destination WTS.This parameter is only used for WSP direct connections to WTS with CredSSP

Automatically if possible

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Sets the TCP receive buffer size for the RDP connection in bytes.

0 - System default[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the size in bytes

32768 The minimum and maximum buffer sizes are system dependent.


Sets the TCP send buffer size for the RDP connection in bytes.

0 - System default.

[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the size in bytes.

32768 The minimum and maximum buffer size is system dependent.

SERVERLIST List of servers used for server list (Load Balancing).A comma separated list of servers.

Syntax:SERVER = IP[:PORT]SERVERLIST = [SERVER[,SERVERLIST]]Example:wts1.hob.de:4095, wts2.hob.de:4095

CONNTYPE = loadbalancingBROADCAST = no


Makes use of a configured SOCKS extension in the WSP configuration to allow dynamic targets requested by the client.

yes - Use SOCKS to allow dynamic connections.

no - Use the configured WSP server list entry instead.

no CONNTYPE = wspdirect / wspsocks


Access over RD VPN web interface only.

STARTUPMODE Specifies the startup mode.

desktop - Shows the entire remote desktoppubapp - Starts a published application in a single session windowapp - Starts an application in a single session windowseamless - Embeds a published application in the local window managementrail - Embeds a published rail application in the local window management.


TCPNODELAY Controls the use of the TCP Nagle algorithm. This parameter affects data sent from client to server.

yes - Disables the TCP Nagle algorithm.

no - Enables the TCP Nagle algorithm.


TIMEOUT Time to wait for answer from WTS while building the connection.

0 - An infinite timeout[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies a timeout in milliseconds


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Name of the Load Balancing configuration for True Windows Single Server.This is the configuration name in the registry on the server.

"default" STARTUPMODE= seamless

USEWAKEONLAN Allows to send a Wake-On-LAN request that boots the server.

yes - Sends a Wake-on-LAN request to boot the serverno - Does nothing



An identifier to select the target server automatically.

CONNTYPE = vmwhv

VMWHV_SERVER List of VMware Horizon View servers.A comma separated list of servers.


VMWHV_SERVER = [VMWHV[,VMWHV_SERVER]]Example:vmwhv1.hob.de:443, vmwhv2.hob.de:443

CONNTYPE = vmwhv


Controls the method of how Wake-on-LAN requests are transmitted.

broadcast - Broadcasts the Wake-on-LAN requestrelay - Sends the Wake-on-LAN request to the configured relays

broadcast USEWAKEONLAN = yes


Destination port for Wake-on-LAN broadcasts.

[0 ... 65535] - An integer that specifies the IP port

9 WAKEONLANMODE = broadcast


List of Wake-on-LAN Relays.A comma separated list of servers.

Syntax:RELAY = IP[:PORT]WAKEONLANRELAYLIST = [RELAY[,WAKEONLANRELAYLIST]]Example:relay1.hob.de:9, relay2.hob.de:9



The maximum time to wait for connection accepts.

[10 ... 600] - An integer that specifies the timeout in seconds.


WORKINGDIR Working directory for application used in Application Serving.


WSP_SELECTION Preselect server for WSP SOCKS mode.


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14.2 Display Parameters

This section lists all display parameters.

WSPDYNIP Specifies the IP address for WSP dynamic connect.

CONNTYPE = wspsocks

WSPDYNPORT Specifies the IP port for WSP dynamic connect

CONNTYPE = wspsocks


Specifies the shared option for VNC with WSP dynamic connect.

yes - Enables the VNC shared optionno - Disables the VNC shared option

no CONNTYPE = wspsocks

WSPDYNVNCSSL Specifies the use of SSL for VNC with WSP dynamic connect

yes - Enables SSL for the VNC connectionno - Disables SSL for the VNC connection

no CONNTYPE = wspsocks

WSPLIST List of WSPs.A comma separated list of servers.

Syntax:WSP = IP[:PORT]WSPLIST = [WSP[,WSPLIST]]Example:wsp1.hob.de:443, wsp2.hob.de:443

CONNTYPE = wspdirect / wsplb / wspsocks

WSPOLD Indicates that HOBLink JWT connects to an old WSP that does not know the protocol extension HOB-RDP-EXT1.

yes - Uses the raw RDP protocolno - Uses the HOB-RDP-EXT1 protocol

no CONNTYPE = wspsocks

WSPUSETLS Specifies whether to use an RDP or TLS mode in the WSP connection.

yes - Allows a TLS connection to the WTS through a WSP tunnelno - Allows only common RDP encryption

yes CONNTYPE = wspdirect / wsplb

Name Description Values/Syntax Default Value

Requirements/ Limitations


Allow the user to change the wallpaper in a HOBLink JWT session

yes - Enables wallpaper in RDPno - Disables wallpaper to reduce the bandwidth



Allow the user to use blinking text cursors in a HOBLink JWT session

yes - Enables text cursor blinking in RDPno - Disables text cursor blinking to reduce the bandwidth


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Allow the user to use cursors with shadows in a HOBLink JWT session

yes - Enables cursor shadows in RDPno - Disables cursor shadows to reduce the bandwidth



Allow the user to enable desktop composition

This feature is under development


Allow the user to use font smoothing in a HOBLink JWT session

yes - Enables font smoothing in RDPno - Disables font smoothing to reduce the bandwidth



Allow the user to change menu animation in a HOBLink JWT session

yes - Enables menu animation in RDPno - Disables menu animation to reduce the bandwidth



Allow the user to change windows to "show content while dragging" in a HOBLink JWT session

yes - Enables the window dragging option in RDPno - Disables window dragging option to reduce the bandwidth


ALLOWTHEMES Allow the user to change themes in a HOBLink JWT session

yes - Enables themes in RDPno - Disables themes to reduce the bandwidth


COLORDEPTH Color depth of RDP session in bits per pixel.

0 - Automatic detection (uses the local depth)8 - Mode with 256 colors15 - Mode with 32768 colors16 - Mode with 65536 colors24 - Mode with 16777216 colors32 - Mode with 16777216 colors (including alpha)


CONNBAR Display the connection bar in fullscreen mode

yes - Displays the connection barno - Does not display the connection bar

yes WINDOW = frame / applet


Controls the display mode of a disabled session.

grayscale - Displays a grayscaled image of the current session screenblack - Displays a black background


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DISPLAYEDNAME String that contains the displayed configuration name.

DISPLAYIP Display WTS name or address in title bar of the session window.

yes - Displays the IP addressno - Hides the IP address


DISPLAYNAME Specifies the name displayed instead of an IP address.

GEOMX Specifies the external X position of the session window in frame mode (can also be negative) and the internal position of the session panel in fullscreen or applet mode.

[MIN_INT...MAX_INT] - Position in pixels relative to the screen[0...100]% - Position in percent (0% is left justified, 100% is right justified)auto - Window is automatically adjusted

0 - If WINDOW=frameauto - If WINDOW=fullscreen or WINDOW=applet

WINDOW = frame/fullscreen/applet

GEOMY Specifies the external Y position of the session window in frame mode (can also be negative) and the internal position of the session panel in fullscreen or applet mode.

[MIN_INT...MAX_INT] - Position in pixels relative to the screen[0...100]% - Position in percent (0% is top justified, 100% is bottom justified)auto - Window is automatically adjusted

0 – if WINDOW=frameauto - If WINDOW=fullscreen or WINDOW=applet

WINDOW = frame/fullscreen/applet

HEIGHT Height of applet area in HTML page.

HIDETASKBAR Hide the local taskbar in full screen mode

yes - Hides the local taskbar to display the entire session windowno - Does not control the local taskbar

no Windows OS only with native extension (JNI)


Controls the behavior of the menu bar for Mac OS X in a fullscreen session

below - Places the fullscreen window below the menubarhidden - Hides the menubarauto - Hides and shows the menubar automatically

hidden WINDOW = fullscreenMac OS only with native extension (JNI)

MACRDPUI Controls the usage of the RDP graphics extension for X11 based systems.

yes - Use the native extension.no - Use the platform independent implementation.

yes X11 based OS with native extension (JNI).

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NOERRDLG Do not show an error dialog (e.g. if you use PowerFuse and logoff, PowerFuse disconnects you at once and logs you off in the background).

yes - Avoids RDP errors being displayedno - Shows every error


NOWARNING Suppress warning messages such as "certificate file cannot be written".

yes - Suppresses warning messagesno – Does not suppress warning messages



Enables support that advertises a local monitor layout to the WTS

yes - Transmits the local monitor layout to the WTSno - Uses the single monitor layout mode on the WTS



Specifies a list of virtual RDP monitors. The parameter allows to display multiple monitors in a single window.


MONITOR = [x,y,width,height]


PRIMARYMONITOR = primarymonitor



x - X position of the monitor.

y - Y position of the monitor.

width - Width of the monitor.

height - Height of the monitor.

primarymonitor - Index of the primary monitor (default is 0).



Requires Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 as a minimum.


Controls resize of the session window.

yes - Allow resizing of the window.

no - Disallows resizing of the window.

yes WINDOW = frame

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SCREEN The screen where the HOBLink JWT window is displayed

auto - Displays session on the current screenall - Displays session on both screensmain - Displays session on main screencustom - Displays session on second screen


SCREENRATIOX Horizontal ratio of screen to be used for a session.

[10 ... 400] - An integer that specifies the ratio in percent

WINDOW = frame

SCREENRATIOY Vertical ratio of screen to be used for a session

[10 ... 400] - An integer that specifies the ratio in percent

WINDOW = frame

SESSIONHEIGHT Height of an RDP session.

[200 ... 32767] - An integer that specifies the height in pixels


SESSIONWIDTH Width of RDP session.

[300 ... 32767] - An integer that specifies the width in pixels



Specifies if the disconnect reason message is displayed (e.g. if PowerFuse=no then disconnects immediately and logs off in the background)

yes - Displays all disconnect reasonsno - Hides disconnect reasons


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Specifies an alternative banner (image) in the start dialog


Values: url - The URL of the image (supported formats are GIF, JPG and PNG)scale - Scale mode (no or ninegrid)ng.top - Upper part of the ninegrid transformation in pixelsng.left - Left part of the ninegrid transformation in pixelsng.bottom - Lower part of the ninegrid transformation in pixelsng.right - Right part of the ninegrid transformation in pixelsbgcolor - RGB background color value in the form "0xRRGGBB"min.width - Minimum width of the image in pixelsmin.height - Minimum height in pixelsalign.h - Horizontal alignment (left|center|right)align.v - Vertical alignment (top|center|bottom)Example: url=http://domain.example/banner.jpg, min.width=600, bgcolor=0xffffff


Maximum time to wait until the startup dialog is shown while the connection is being established.

-1 - An infinite timeout.

0 - Shows the dialog immediately.

[1...MAXINT] - An integer that specifies a timeout in milliseconds.


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STARTDIALOGX Controls the X position of the startup dialog (can also be negative)

[MIN_INT...MAX_INT] - Position in pixels relative to the screen[0...100]% - Position in percent (0% is adjusted left, 100% is adjusted right)auto - Window automatically adjusted


STARTDIALOGY Controls the Y position of the startup dialog (can also be negative)

[MIN_INT...MAX_INT] - Position in pixels relative to the screen[0...100]% - Position in percent (0% is adjusted top, 100% is adjusted bottom)auto - Window automatically adjusted


TITLE String that will be assigned to title of a HOBLink JWT window

TRYOUTINFO Indicates whether to show the tryout box within the tryout period

yes - Shows the tryout info boxno - Hides the tryout info box


TWPUREJAVA Controls the use of TrueWindows PureJava if native support is available

yes - Use TrueWindows Pure Java instead of a native extensionno - Use the native extension if available

no STARTUPMODE= seamless

WIDTH Width of applet area in HTML page.

WINDOW Type of session window.

frame - Displays the session top-level window with a title and a borderfullscreen - Displays the session in a fullscreen windowmaximized - Displays the session in a maximized top-level window with a title and a borderapplet - Displays the session in the WEB page of the browser containing the applet(deprecated) seamless - Use STARTUPMODE=seamless instead

frame STARTUPMODE= desktop / app / pubapporTWPUREJAVA = yes

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WINRDPUI Controls the use of the RDP graphics extension for Windows OS systems

yes - Use the native extensionno - Use the platform independent implementation

yes - If BETATEST = yesno - Otherwise

X11 based OS with native extension (JNI)


Controls the menubar behavior on X11 based window systems in a fullscreen session.

below - Places the fullscreen window below the menubar.

hidden - Hides the menubar.

hidden WINDOW = fullscreen

Linux and Unix OS only with native extension (JNI).

X11RDPUI Controls the use of the RDP graphics extension for X11 based systems

yes - Use the native extensionno - Use the platform independent implementation

yes X11 based OS with native extension (JNI)

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14.3 Logon Parameters

This section lists all logon parameters.

Name Description Values/Syntax Default Value

Requirements/ Limitations

AUTOLOGON Login automatically to the WTS

yes - Enables automatic loginno - Disables automatic login


CERTFILE Controls if the TS license is saved in the local registry

yes - Saves an incoming TS license in the registryno - Never save such licenses


DOMAIN Domain for user on WTS


Required SSO parameter for F5 Single Sign On. The option is enabled if this parameter is specified.



Requires a special addon for the F5 Single Sign On protocol.

LBQUERYUSER Controls if the user is asked for credentials for load balancing if no user name is configured

yes - Asks the user for their credentialsno - Does not ask the user for credentials

yes CONNTYPE = loadbalancing

PASSWORD Password on WTS

RDG_DOMAIN Specifies the RDG domain.



Specifies the RDG user password.


RDG_USERID Specifies the RDG user ID.


SINGLESIGNON Use HOB Single-sign-on

yes - Uses Single-sign-on credentialsno - Uses credentials of the profile


SSO_TOKEN Password token for login to WSP



Specifies the raw offset from GMT in minutes. The offset is automatically detected if not specified

[-720 ... +720] - An integer that specifies the raw offset from GMT in minutes


Inherit User ID/Password from login to WSP for TS.

yes - Uses WSP credentials for TS loginno - Does not change TS login settings

no WSPAUTH = yes

USERID User name on WTS

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VMWHV_DOMAIN Specifies the VMWHV domain.

CONNTYPE = wspsocks

CONNTYPE = vmwhv


Specifies the VMWHV user password.

CONNTYPE = wspsocks

CONNTYPE = vmwhv

VMWHV_USERID Specifies the VMWHV user ID.

CONNTYPE = wspsocks

CONNTYPE = vmwhv


Password for login to WSP


WSP_USERID User ID for login to WSP



Specifies the VNC password for WSP dynamic connect

CONNTYPE = wspsocks

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14.4 Security Parameters

This section lists all security parameters.

Name Description Values/Syntax Default Value

Requirements/ Limitations

HLSECCDB Specifies the HOBLink Secure CDB-file in text format. The complete file content is compressed and Base64 encoded.

HLSECCFG Specifies the HOBLink Secure CFG-file in text format. The complete file content is compressed and Base64 encoded.

HLSECENTROPY Controls enhanced HOBLink Secure entropy collection. This option requires user input to strengthen the entropy for the random number generator used by cryptographic components.

yes - Use user entropy collection.

no - Use default entropy collection.

Only used in HOB RD VPN and Java Web Start parameter "--wspsocks-config-url".

HLSECPWD Specifies the HOBLink Secure PWD-file in text format. The complete file content is compressed and Base64 encoded.

MSCREDSSP Controls the use of the native Microsoft CredSSP module required for NLA. Note that CredSSP is based on TLS and both layers are processed independent from HOBLink JWT.

yes - Activates MS CredSSP.

no - Deactivates MS CredSSP.

yes Windows OS only with native extension (JNI).

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Controls the use of the native Microsoft UI prompt for CredSSP module required for NLA. Note that CredSSP is based on TLS and both layers are processed independent from HOBLink JWT.

yes - Activates MS CredSSP UI prompt.

no - Deactivates MS CredSSP UI prompt.

yes - If SMARTCARD = yes.

no - Otherwise.

Windows OS only with native extension (JNI).


Controls and limits the used and allowed RDP Security Layers. It allows an order and combination of such layers to be specified

Syntax:LAYER = [rdp or tls or credssp]LAYERS = LAYER[+LAYERS]RDPSECURITYLAYER = LAYERS[,RDPSECURITYLAYER]Values:rdp - Uses the standard RDP security layertls - Uses the TLS security layercredssp - Uses the CredSSP security layer with preceding authenticationExample:"credssp" - Allows CredSSP connections only"rdp,tls+credssp" - Tries RDP Security as first and TLS or CredSSP as second

"credssp,rdp+tls" - If SINGLESIGNON = yes "rdp+credssp,tls" - If VERIFYLOGIN = yes "rdp,tls+credssp" - Otherwise



Allows a fixed security layer to be used without negotiation

negotiate - Negotiates the best RDP security between client and serverrdp - Forces the client to use the standard RDP security layer onlytls - Forces the client to use the TLS security layer onlycredssp - Forces the client to use the CredSSP security layer only


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Specifies the security parameters to request the XML configuration

Syntax:CSS = cs[:CSS]CMS = cm[:CMS]PARAM = CSS | mod | exp | rand | CMSSECPROFILEPARAMS = [PARAM[,SECPROFILEPARAMS]]Values: cs - The cipher suites supported by the server ("AES-128", "AES-256", "RC4-128", "RC4-256"). The delimiter is ":"mod - RSA modulus in hexadecimal formatexp - RSA public exponent in hexadecimal formatrand - A random number generated by the server (should equal the generated key)cm - (Optional) The compression algorithms supported by the server ("raw", "gzip", "zlib"). The delimiter is ":"Example: "cs=AES-128, mod=0xcf...11, exp=0x010001, rand=0x9d...af"

HTML Applet tag parameter.Web mode of HOBLink JWT only (Applet)SECPROFILEURL

SECPROFILEURL Specifies the URL to request the XML configuration

An absolute URL or a path relative to the applet code base. Example: https://domain.example/requesthandler.sync?id=profile001../requesthandler.sync?id=profile001"

HTML Applet tag parameter.Web mode of HOBLink JWT only (Applet)SECPROFILEPARAMS


Indicates if the SSL files shall be downloaded from the web server

yes - Loads SSL files from server from location "$CODEBASE$/$SSLFILE$.[cfg | cdb| pwd]"

no - Loads SSL files from local system from location "$SSLDIR$/$SSLFILE$.[cfg | cdb| pwd]"

no Web mode of HOBLink JWT only (Applet)

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SSLDIR The directory of the SSL files


SSLDUMMY Runs a WSP connection without SSL encryption

yes - Uses an unencrypted connectionno - Uses an encrypted connection


SSLFILE The name of the SSL files (certificate database, configuration and password)


SSLFILERDP SSL file pattern for RDP-TLS (certificate database, configuration and password)


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14.5 Keyboard and Mouse Parameters

This this section lists all keyboard and mouse parameters.

Name Description Values/Syntax Default Value

Requirements/ Limitations


Switch on NumLock at connection start

yes - Activates NumLockno - Deactivates NumLock

Does not change the NumLock state


Enables non-client keyboard mode

yes - Sends keys directly to WTS and ignores the local keyboard layoutno - Translates keys from the local keyboard layout to the server layout


DISABLEALTGR Send CTRL+ALT rather than AltGr (input assistance for handicapped users).

yes - Sends CTRL+ALT to the WTS if the user presses AltGrno - Send AltGr to the WTS


DRAGANDDROP Controls if drag & drop is enabled

yes - Enables drag & drop between TrueWindows and local applicationsno - Disables drag & drop

yes STARTUPMODE= seamlessThis feature is under development

ENABLEKEYPAD Controls if keypad can be launched via CTRL+ALT+K (or a self-defined hotkey)

yes - Allows the user to open the keypadno - Prevents the user from opening the keypad


KEYBOARDHOOK Specifies how to redirect Windows key combinations

0 - Disables Windows Keyboard hook1 - Uses Keyboard hook without redirecting Windows key combinations2 - Uses Keyboard hook and redirects all Windows key combinations3 - Uses Keyboard hook and redirects all Windows key combinations in full screen mode

3 Windows OS only with native extension (JNI)

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Name of the requested keyboard layout

default, arabicegypt, bulgarian, canadian, chinese, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, australian, uk, us, finnish, flemish, french, belgian, frenchcanadian, frenchcanadianstandard, swissfrench, german, swissgerman, greek, hebrew, hungarian, icelandic, italian, japanese, japanese_ime, korean, norwegian, polish, polish214, portuguese, brazil, romanian, russian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, spanishlatin, swedish, thai, turkishf, turkishq, ukrainian



Comma separated values for hotkeys


LOCKMODE Workaround for keyboard problems with locking keys (Caps-, Scroll- and NumLock) with some Java VMs

yes - Enables workaround to correct wrong key eventsno - Disables workaround



Mapping of the Mac OS specific ControlKey

ctrl - Maps this key to Control (left and right)winkey - Maps this key to Windows keys (left and right)auto - Maps to Control if a One-Button-Mouse is used, otherwise the Windows key is used

auto Mac OS only


Enable right mouse button emulation on a Mac. A combination of a control key and mouse click can be used to emulate a right mouse button

yes - Enables this optionno - Disables this option

yes - If the current mouse is a single button mouseno - otherwise

Mac OS only

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Swap left and right mouse buttons (if you have left-handed profile both on local OS and WTS)

yes - Swaps left and right mouse buttonsno - Does not change the mouse buttonsauto - Swaps the mouse buttons depending on the local system settings

no Automatic detection is not yet available on all platforms


Enables support for Unicode input events. This allows for the support of local keyboard characters not supported by the Windows keyboard layout

yes - Sends the unicode character output of the local key combination if the character is not supported by the Windows layoutno - Sends the scancodes of the local key combination if the character is not supported by the Windows layout


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14.6 Resources Parameter

This section lists all resources parameters.

Name Description Values/Syntax Default Value

Requirements/ Limitations

AUDIODEVIN Specifies the audio input system (recording)

rdpsound - Uses standard RDP audiohobaudio - Uses HOB audiono - Disables audio


AUDIODEVOUT Specifies the audio output system (playback)

rdpsound - Uses the standard RDP audiohobaudio - Uses HOB audiono - Disables audio


AUTOLDM Automatically map local drives

yes - Maps all drives with the redirector specified in LDMREDIRECTORms - Maps all drives via Standard Local Drive Mappinghob - Maps all drives via HOB Enhanced Local Drive Mappingno – Does not map any drives


AUTOMAPPRT Map printers automatically

all - Includes all local printersdefault - Includes local default printerno - Uses configured printers only

all Windows OS only with native extension (JNI)


A pattern for printer names of automatically mapped printers

Syntax:TEXT = any string (system properties are possible)KEY = "<NAME>"PATTERN = [TEXT]KEY[:PATTERN]Example:"<NAME> (%USERNAME%@%USERDNSDOMAIN%)"

"" AUTOMAPPRT = all / default


Use XPS to redirect automatically mapped printers.

yes - Use XPS for automatically mapped printers.

no - Use HOB EasyPrint.

yes Windows OS only with native extension (JNI).

JRE needs to have same bitness as OS.

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CLIENTNAME Specifies the name of the client. This parameter affects the client name displayed in the Task Manager and the location name of redirected devices, e.g. printers.


CLIPBOARD Enables clipboard support

0 - Disabled1 - Text only2 - Full support (Windows only)

0 Full support on Windows OS only with native extension (JNI)


Specifies if the dynamic mapping of a local drive for file clipping support is allowed

never - Never allows a dynamic drive to be mappedalways - Maps all dynamic drives without prompting

never - if AUTOLDM = noalways - if AUTOLDM = yes


Overrides the local computer name (used for TS licensing).This parameter affects the TS licensing protocol and is the name of the subject in the TS license

The local computer name


Name of printer to be the default in a WTS session. It can be either the name of a pre-configured printer or a system printer

For system printer -AUTOMAPPRT = all / default

DEVICELIST A definition of redirected devices (printers, drives and ports)

Syntax:DEVTYPE = "[prt]" | "[com]" | "[lpr]" | "[pcl]" | "[ipp]" |"[drv]" | "[par]"DEVPARAM = KEY=VALUEDEVPARAMLIST = [DEVPARAM[,DEVPARAMLIST]]DEVICELIST = DEVTYPE[DEVPARAMLIST][DEVICELIST]Example:"[drv]localpath=C: [pcl]name=SamplePrinter, driver="HP DeskJet 1120C", printer=default"

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EASYPRINTIMPL Specifies the default EasyPrint implementation

auto - Uses automatic detection for the implementation usednative - Uses the native implementation (if supported)java2d - Uses the standard Java printing APIjava2d_img - Uses the standard Java printing API with complete images (slow and high memory usage)



Specifies if the session ID should be a part of the printer name

yes - Hides the session ID to keep the printer name constantno - Assigns the session ID to the printer name in the session


JARFILEFILTER A list of filename filters to specify the resources that should be loaded via a JAR file

Syntax:FILEPATTERN = A file name or a pattern.JARFILEFILTER = [FILEPATTERN[;JARFILEFILTER]]Example:"*.jpg; *.xml"

HTML Applet tag parameter.Web mode of HOBLink JWT only (Applet)


Specifies the default redirector for local drive mapping

hob - HOB Enhanced Local Drive Mappingms - Standard Local Drive Mapping



Use strict case-sensitivity on case-sensitive file systems in Local Drive Mapping

yes - Enables strict case-sensitivity (some server applications may have problems)no - Use an eased case-sensitivity

no Unix based OS only (includes Mac OS)

LOOKANDFEEL Specifies the used Swing Look & Feel


HTML Applet tag parameter.Web mode of HOBLink JWT only (Applet)

Swing Look & Feel must be available in Java runtime


Use native clipboard (for complete format support)

yes - Uses the native clipboard extensionno - Uses the Java clipboard

yes Windows OS only with native extension (JNI)

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PRINTDLGMODE Specifies the default print dialog for EasyPrint

system - Uses the system default print dialoglimited - Uses a limited print dialog



Specifies the default redirector for printer port mapping

hob - HOB Printer Port Mappingms - Standard Printer Port Mapping



Specifies if audio data are sent with UDP or as a virtual channel over a normal RDP connection

udp - Uses UDP to transport the audio datavc - Uses a channel within the RDP connection to transport the audio data

udp AUDIODEVOUT = rdpsound

RDPVIDEO Controls MS RDP video extension. This extension allows video contend to be rendered on the client-side. This reduces the bandwidth drastically.

yes - Enables video extension.

no - Disables video extension.

yes Requires Windows Server 2008 R2 or higher.


Specifies a URL pointing to the "registry.xml" file. The "registry.xml" file contains all settings of HOBLink JWT.

An absolute URL or a path relative to the applet code base.



Application and applet parameter only.

SANENET_IP The IP address of the SANE daemon

"localhost" TWAINT = yes


SANENET_PORT The IP port of the SANE daemon

[0 ... 65535] - An integer that specifies the IP port

6566 TWAINT = yes


SMARTCARD Enables smartcard redirection

yes - Enables access to local smartcardsno - Disables access to local smartcards

no Windows OS only with native extension (JNI)

TWAIN Enables the TWAIN redirection to support scanners

yes - Enables TWAINno - Disables TWAIN

no Windows OS only with native extension (JNI).HOB Remote Desktop Enhanced Services on WTS

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Specifies if the dynamic mapping of a local drive (in a running session) is allowed

never - Never allows a dynamic drive to be mappedask - Asks the user to map a dynamic drivealways - Maps all dynamic drives without prompting

never - if AUTOLDM = noask - if AUTOLDM = yes

VCFILENAMES A comma-separated list of DLLs and Java Classes supporting either the MS Virtual Channel interface or the HOB Java Virtual Channel interface

Syntax:FILENAME = DLLFILE|CLASSFILEVCFILENAMES = [FILENAME[,VCFILENAMES]]Example:C:\Virtual Channels\vc.dll, com.company.product.vc.VC.class

MS Virtual Channels on Windows OS only with native extension (JNI).Java Virtual Channels must be accessible by class path

VCOPT A parameter used as a prefix for a virtual channel option


VCREADREG Tells if registry should be read to retrieve virtual channels

yes - Loads MS Virtual Channels registered in the Windows registryno - Does not load such channels

no Windows OS only with native extension (JNI)


Configures the configuration name for additional virtual channels.


VCWEBLIBS A comma-separated list of virtual channel key names for the WEB mode

Syntax:VCWEBLIBS = [KEYNAME[,VCWEBLIBS]]Example:hob.hltc.vc.speechmike

Web mode of HOBLink JWT only.MS Virtual Channels on Windows OS only with native extension (JNI).Java Virtual Channels must be accessible by class path

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14.7 Logging Parameters

This section lists all logging parameters.

Name Description Values/Syntax Default Value

Requirements/ Limitations


Enables debugging for HOB audio

yes - Enables debugging optionsno - Disables debugging options



Enables keyboard debugging

yes - Enables debugging optionsno - Disables debugging options



Enables debugging for video redirection

yes - Enables debugging optionsno - Disables debugging options


DOTRACE Creates an encrypted trace file with all connection data

yes - Writes a trace file to "$USERHOME$/hob/jwt/jwt_$PROFILE$.log.hcrypt"no - Disables tracing



Specifies whether to write a CSV file with information about bytes sent and received

yes - Writes a file containing statistical information to "$USERHOME$/hob/jwt/jwt_$PROFILE$.csv"no - Does nothing



Specifies an interval in seconds to create a further entry in the CSV file

[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the interval in seconds


METERINGIP Name or IP address of metering server

METERINGPORT IP port of metering server

[0 ... 65535] - An integer that specifies the IP port


METERINGTYPE The type of the metering protocol

tcp - Uses TCP based protocoludp - Uses UDP based protocolboth - Uses TCP and UDP


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TRACEFILE Specifies the pathname of the trace file

The file can be an absolute or relative pathname. It is possible to insert patterns for environment variables.Example:"%TEMP%/jwt_trace.log.hcrypt"




Enables the keyboard trace. The output messages are directed to the session trace file

yes - Enables keyboard trace messagesno - Disables keyboard trace messages

no DOTRACE = yes


Traces the downloaded keyboard file. The output messages are directed to the session trace file

yes - Enables trace optionno - Disables trace option

no DOTRACE = yes

TRACELEVEL Trace level used in debug versions and for audio

[0 ... 10] - A higher value increases the traced amount of data



Level for the native tracing of the video redirection.

[0 ... 10] - A higher value increases the traced amount of data.


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14.8 Control Parameters

This section lists all control parameters.

Name Description Values/Syntax Default Value

Requirements/ Limitations

ADJUSTMENT Limits the parameters that can be changed by the user

all - All options enabledminimal - Enables the options KEYBOARD, KEYBOARDHOOK, SESSIONWIDTH, SESSIONHEIGHT, SCREENRATIO, SCREENRATIOX and SCREENRATIOY.no - No options enabled



A comma-separated list of parameters that can be adjusted by the user. It can be used in combination with the parameter ADJUSTMENT.

These prefixes can be used to control a single option:"+": enables adjustment"-": disables adjustment"!": enables adjustment without caching"*": enables an open editable choiceThese postfixes can be used to control a single option:"[VALUE,...]" Syntax:VARIABLE = [+|-|!|*]KEY[VALUE,...]ADJUSTMENTOPTIONS = [VARIABLE[,ADJUSTMENTOPTIONS]]Example:"+KEYBOARD, -COLORDEPTH, !WINDOW, USERID[Administrator, Demo1, User2], *DOMAIN[DOM1, DOM2]"


Controls if closing of the session window is allowed

yes - Allows the user to disconnect the sessionno - Prevents the user disconnecting the session to force a session logoff


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DISKCACHEPATH Directory of the persistent bitmap cache



Comma separated commands to set environments values if not yet existing. Optionally a "+" to append a value, "-" to delete a value and "!" to overwrite an existing value can be assigned


Windows OS only with native extension (JNI)


Controls the use of the JavaScript function ExecuteAfterJWT

yes - Executes function "ExecuteAfterJWT" after all sessions are closedno - Does nothing

no HTML Applet tag parameter.Web mode of HOBLink JWT only (Applet)

EXPERTS Allows all parameters to be set in a single string

HOMEDIR Name of home directory (which is the default path for SSL files, traces, DLLs, etc.)


Controls the use of the JavaScript function EventHandlerJWT

yes - Passes HOBLink JWT events to the function "EventHandlerJWT"no - Does nothing

no HTML Applet tag parameter.Web mode of HOBLink JWT only (Applet)

PROFILEBASE Alternative URL of the profile base directory

The codebase of the applet

HTML Applet tag parameter.Web mode of HOBLink JWT only (Applet)


Controls the automatic reconnect function

ask - Asks the user to reconnectno - Disables automatic reconnect


RDPOPTIONS Enables the UI panel to change RDP specific options

yes - Allows the user to change some RDP optionsno - Disables this UI

yes - if CONNTYPE = direct and AUTOCON = nono - Otherwise

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SHUTDOWN Executes a system shutdown after the last session has been finished and exits the current process

yes - Executes the shutdown command after session endno - Does nothing

no Administrative privileges for shutdown are requiredWindows OS (NT based) - executes 'shutdown.exe /L /Y /T:0' or 'shutdown.exe /s /f /t 0'Windows OS (9x) - executes 'RUNDLL32 SHELL32.DLL,SHExitWindowsEx 5'Unix - executes 'shutdown -h'

VERIFYLOGIN Verifies that the login credentials specified for an automatic login are correct

yes - Aborts the RDP session if the login failsno - Uses the default behavior

no Requires SP1 for Windows Server 2003.Requires CredSSP support for Windows Server 2008.AUTOLOGON = yesSSLDIR, SSLFILE,SSLFILERDP

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14.9 Optimization Parameters

This section lists all optimization parameters.

Name Description Values/Syntax Default Value

Requirements/ Limitations

AUDIOQUALITYIN The audio input quality (recording)

max - Uses the audio format with the highest bandwidthhigh - Enables audio formats greater than 22050 bytes/smedium - Enables audio formats between 8000 and 22050 bytes/slow - Enables audio formats of less than 8001 bytes/smin - Uses the audio format with the lowest bandwidthauto - Enables all audio formats

auto AUDIODEVIN = rdpsound / hobaudio


Value of the maximum bandwidth for supported audio formats (recording)

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the average number of bytes per second

AUDIODEVIN = rdpsound / hobaudio


Value of the minimum bandwidth for supported audio formats (recording)

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the average number of bytes per second

AUDIODEVIN = rdpsound / hobaudio


The audio output quality (playback)

max - Uses the audio format with the highest bandwidthhigh - Enables audio formats greater than 22050 bytes/smedium - Enables audio formats between 8000 and 22050 bytes/slow - Enables audio formats of less than 8001 bytes/smin - Uses the audio format with the lowest bandwidthauto - Enables all audio formats

auto AUDIODEVIN = rdpsound / hobaudio


Value of the maximum bandwidth for supported audio formats (playback)

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the average number of bytes per second

AUDIODEVIN = rdpsound / hobaudio

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Value of the minimum bandwidth for supported audio formats (playback)

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the average number of bytes per second

AUDIODEVIN = rdpsound / hobaudio

BETATEST Controls the beta features to be tested

yes - Enables new features that are not released until now.no - Uses only released features


CACHE0SIZE Number of entries in memory 0 cache (up to 16x16 pixels)

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the cache size in elements

CACHE1SIZE Number of entries in memory 1 cache (up to 32x32 pixels)

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the cache size in elements

CACHE2SIZE Number of entries in memory 2 cache (up to 64x64 pixels)

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the cache size in elements


Controls immediate bitmap caching in RDP

yes - Enables immediate bitmap cachingno - Cache bitmaps only if used more than once



Controls dynamic color fidelity

yes - Uses color space conversion to reduce the bandwidthno - Does not change the colors



Controls color sub-sampling if dynamic color fidelity is enabled. The color values of bitmaps are reduced to half the resolution

yes - Uses color sub-sampling to reduce the bandwidthno - Does not change the resolution


CONFIGVERSION Integer containing the configuration version number

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Controls the client side pointer rendering for pointer types which are not supported by the local system. The pointer is then rendered by HOBLink JWT within the session window.HOBLink JWT will create the best possible pointer if the pointer emulation is disabled.

yes - Enables pointer emulation.

no - Disables pointer emulation.



Size of the persistent bitmap cache

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the maximum size in KBytes



Specifies the bandwidth available for HOB audio for data transmission from client to server

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the bandwidth in bytes per second

Automatic detection

AUDIODEVIN = hobaudio


Specifies the maximum bandwidth available for HOB audio for data transmission from client to server

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the bandwidth in bytes per second



Specifies the minimum bandwidth available for HOB audio for data transmission from client to server

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the bandwidth in bytes per second



Specifies the bandwidth available for HOB audio for data transmission from server to client

0 - Automatic detection[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the bandwidth in bytes per second

0 AUDIODEVOUT = hobaudio


Specifies the maximum bandwidth available for HOB audio for data transmission from server to client.

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the bandwidth in bytes per second


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Specifies the minimum bandwidth available for HOB audio for data transmission from server to client

[0 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the bandwidth in bytes per second



Enables compression for the HOB Printer Port Mapping

yes - Enables ZLIB compressionno - Disables compression


LDM_MODULES Specifies a list of possible LDM modules to be used.The following prefixes can be used to control a single option:"+": enables a module"-": disables a module

Syntax:VARIABLE = [+|-]value


Values:all - A replacement for "winnt,win32,unix,javaio".win32 - Win32 file system module (Windows only).winnt - WinNt file system module (Windows only).unix - Unix file system module (Unix only).javaio - Pure Java IO file system module.



Specifies the size of the RDP bitmap cache

0 - Uses default settings[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the size in KBytes


MOUSEMOVES Send mouse motion events to the WTS

yes - Sends all mouse events to the serverno - Sends only mouse click events to the server


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Specifies a list of possible multimedia modules to be used.The following prefixes can be used to control a single option:"+": enables a module"-": disables a module


Values:all - A replacement for "mms,directshow,mediafoundation,gstreamer,ffmpeg,libav,javasound,qt,hob"mms - Microsoft Multimedia System module (Windows only).directshow - DirectShow module (Windows only).mediafoundation - Microsoft Media Foundation module (Windows only).gstreamer - GStreamer module (Linux, FreeBSD and Mac only).ffmpeg - GStreamer module (Linux, FreeBSD and Mac only).libav - GStreamer module (Linux and FreeBSD only).javasound - Javasound module.jmf - Java Media Frmawork module.qt - Quicktime module (Mac only).hob - HOB multimedia module.



Specifies the size of the RDP ninegrid bitmap cache

0 - Uses default settings[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the size in KBytes



The threshold that specifies when to use session sharing or when to start a new true windows session

[0 ... 100] - An integer that specifies a threshold in percent

0 CONNTYPE = loadbalancing / wsplb / wspsocks

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Specifies the size of the RDP offscreen bitmap cache

0 - Uses default settings[1 ... MAXINT] - An integer that specifies the size in KBytes


QUEUE_EVENTS Queue mouse and keyboard events rather than sending each in a separate block

yes - Collects up to 10 input events within a time window of 50 millisecondsno - Disables event queue



Controls a workaround to ignore invalid device IDs in the RDP device redirection.

yes - Ignores invalid device IDs.

no - Aborts the connection.



Controls the redirection of RDP frame markers. An enabled redirection may reduce flickering and results in a better look and feel

yes - Enables RDP frame markersno - Disables RDP frame markers

yes - If BETATEST = yesno - Otherwise

Requires Windows Server 2008 or higher


Specifies the type of network connection used by the client

0 - unspecified1 - modem2 - broadband low3 - satellite4 - broadband high5 - WAN6 - LAN


RDPNINEGRID Controls the redirection of NineGrid bitmaps. An enabled redirection results in bandwidth reduction, but increases client CPU/GPU requirements

yes - Enables RDP NineGrid bitmapsno - Disables RDP NineGrid bitmaps

yes Ninegrid bitmaps can cause problems when used in a remote control session on Windows Server 2003 (Error 7025)

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Forces the RDPUI implementation to flush the graphics output and to wait until all requests have been received and processed by the graphics system. This is typically done after every processed RDP packet that contains UI update requests. Using the synchronization may solve problems with delayed input events. It may otherwise lead to a slowdown in graphical performance.

yes - Enables event synchronization.

no - Disables event synchronization.


REFRESHRATE Specifies the time in which at least one screen update will be made

[0 ... 10000] - An integer that specifies the time in milliseconds



Resets the bitmap cache after each capability exchange. Such capability exchanges occur between logon session and user session or when session shadowing takes place. This option solves some caching problems when connecting to Windows XP Professional that are typically shown in the form of a flashing black rectangle.

yes - Resets the bitmap cacheno - Bitmap cache remains unaffected


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Specifies a list of possible scanner modules to be used.

The following prefixes can be used to control a single option:

"+": enables a module

"-": disables a module


Values:default - A replacement for "twain,apple_icc,sane".all - A replacement for "twain,apple_icc,sane,sane_net".twain - TWAIN module (Windows only).apple_icc - Apple ImageCaptureCore module (Mac only).sane - SANE module (Unix only).sane_net - SANE NET module.


VCFREELIBRARY Specifies whether a virtual channel library should be unloaded after a session disconnect. Some third-party channels are not designed to be unloaded

yes - Unloads the channel from the HOBLink JWT processno - Does not unload the library

yes Native MS Virtual Channel support


Specifies the thread priority of the thread used in a virtual channel extension to send data to the WTS

0 - System default1 - Lowest2 - Below normal3 - Normal4 - Above normal5 - Highest

0 Native MS Virtual Channel support

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HOBLink JWT Uninstalling HOBLink JWT

15 Uninstalling HOBLink JWTHOBLink JWT can be uninstalled by executing Uninstall_HOBLink_JWT41.exe. The application can be started from the JWT storage location, depending on the configuration during the installation process (e.g. desktop, start menu). The file is stored in the UnistallerData folder by default. Your system will have to be restarted to complete uninstalling HOBLink JWT.

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HOBLink JWT Information and Support

16 Information and SupportIf you would like further information about HOBLink JWT or if you need product support, please contact us at:

U.S.A. and Canada

General Enquiries:

Phone: + 1 866 914 9970

Fax: + 49 9103 715 3299

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.hobsoft.com

Technical Support:

Phone: + 1 866 914 9970

Fax: + 49 9103 715 3299

E-mail: [email protected]


General Enquiries:

Phone: + 49 9103 715 0

Fax: + 49 9103 715 3271

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.hob.de

Technical Support:

Phone: + 49 9103 715 3161

Fax: + 49 9103 715 3299

E-mail: [email protected]

Other Countries

General Enquiries:

Phone: + 49 9103 715 3103

Fax: + 49 9103 715 3299

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.hobsoft.com

Technical Support:

Phone: + 49 9103 715 3103

Fax: + 49 9103 715 3299

E-mail: [email protected]

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