TORRANCE HERALD NEWS OF BETSY BOSS STAB CLUB After a short business meet- Ing, conducted by Mrs. Mildred Edwards, a pot luck lunch was enjoyed by approximately 35 rtiembers of the Betsy Ross Star club at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, at Torrance park. Mrs. Nellie fTaynes was In charge of table arrangements. A blanket was 4warded to Mrs. Nelle Phillips and and Eastern Star ring to Mrs. 'Margaret Hoff. ' The next meeting will be held at the park on Tuesday, August 20, with Mrs. Bettina Miller, as <;hairman, in charge of arrange- ments. I * * * CONCERT PIANIST VISITS HERE . Mrs. Robert Bellini, concert pianist with her daughter, Teala and pupil Willctta Warberg, all of Twin Falls, Idaho, are visit- 5ng"'at the homes of Mrs. Wil- liam M. Brooks on Portola. ave. and Mrs. Esther Maxwell, 1404 Cota st * * * BEBEKAH CIRCLE ' The Rebekah Circle of the Pirst Lutheran Church of Tor- ranee will hold its regular meet ing on Friday, July 19th, 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. L. C. Miller on Beech avenue. IDYLLWILD CAMP ENJOYED Representing 'First Christian Church of Torrande at the Chris- tian Church conference camp last week at Idyllwild were: Seniors, Marilyn Lee, Joan Mum- ford, Barbara Coles, Lols Dillard, Ralph Prime, Bill and Ralph George; juniors, Betty Coles, Janet Lee and Harold Burgcner. * * * MOVE TO NEW HOME Mrs. Edna F. Stone has sold her cleaning and dyeing busi- ness at 1824 E. Broadway and is now living with her mother at 337 Carrol! Park West, Long Beach. Mrs. Elsie De Bra, who had been residing with Mrs. Stone, purchased a home at 535 Walnut street. Her daughters Rarriona and Carol DC Bra are home from college for the sum- mer. . * * * LOCAL SONGSTRESS TO WED Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Afnsworth of 1304 Crenshaw blvd., have announced the engagement ,of their daughter, Kathleen, to Mr. Weslcy Kattmeier Jr. of Visalia. The wedding will take place on Saturday -evening, August 3, in St. Andrews Episcopal church, Torrance. MUNDS ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Munds, ! 2111 Cabrillo ave., entertained at dinner last Wednesday in hqnor of their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frank Munds, of Burbank. The occasion was'the third anniver- sary of the marriage of Lt. ana Mrs. Frank Muhds. Lt. Munds is serving with the U.S. Army Engineers, Construction Detach- ment, and has been stationed in Korea for the past several months. Guests enjoying the evening in addition to the hon- oree were her mother Mrs. Anna Worth and sister, Miss Mary Farnsworth, also of Burbank.' K * * HOME ON FURLOUGH Charles T. Turner, S 1/c US Naval Reserve, returned Mon- day to the Receiving Station at Terminal Island after enjoying a 23-day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Turner, 1749 Arlington ave. He had spent 8 months' duty in China. * * * VISIT FORMER RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. C. Cramer, of 1724 Andreo avenue, were visit- ors last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Selby of 18802 E. Spring St., El Mo- Cena. The Selbys are former residents of Torrance. Hobby Nobbyers Entertained At Brooks Home .Approximately 40 members and guests of the Hobby Nobbyers were entertained at the home of Mrs. Willls M. Brooks on Por- tola avenue. Mrs. John Potter Burrows of Hollywood, and Mrs. Brooks conducted a dialogue en- titled "Our Trip," a resume of interesting happenings on the 0000 mile trip to Washington, D. C. and through the New Eng- land states, from which they recently returned. Music was furnished by Zahr Bickford on the banjo, Vandah Bickford on the guitar and pia- no'solos by the Misses Teate Rosemary Billini and WiUetta Warberg. Guests of the club members were: Tom Waring of New York City, house guest of Mrs. Brooks; Mrs. Robert Billini, Teala Rosemary, Bellini and WiUetta Warberg of Twin Falls, Idaho; Mrs. Eleanor Jess ana Sterling Holloway of Enclno; Roy Brooks, Major Turner and Mrs. Turner and daughter Ray of Beverly Hills; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stimmel of Santa Mo- nica, and Miss Esther Maxwell of Torrance. A delightful supper was served in the picturesque garden Again The Sensational Sale Event of Thje Year! STARTS FRIDAY at 9:30 A.M. This is the annual sale event women of Torrance and vicinity wait for . . . because they know the values are truly sensa- tional, on the finest of first quality, high styled merchandise! Join the crowd of thrifty, shop-wise buyers who will be here when the doors open Friday morning! And don't forget your FREE NYLONS.. < EVERY ITEM REDUCED FROM 10%JO 50%! NYLON HOSE Given Away With Ev- ery Purchase of $20 or | More. Limi'ted Quan- tity. While They Last During Sale Only. Group 1 DRESSES $ J88 4 Values to $8.95 Group 2 DRESSES $ 188 Values to $12.95 Pajamas-----*3«8 Values to $3.95 Blouses--- *1 88 Values to. $5.95 Bathing and Play Suits--- - Value: to $5.95 Purses - Values to $5.95 Skirts - - - - ->2M FREE! 1 PAIR NYLON HOSE WITH $20 PURCHASE .OR MORE Costume Jewelry PRICE! $9.95 _....... $7.95 Values............ £3.98 $5.95 Values.......... .... .$2.98 $2.98 Values.................. $I.4» $1.00 Values.... ...... 50« Values to $5.95 Girdles - -*2M $7.95 Rayon Taffeta Polka Dot House Coat ---*488 Group 3 DRESSES $1488 Values to $19.95 Group 4 DRESSES $14*88 Values to $24.00 Lace Trim Slips.... $1.69 «1N TOHttANCK IT IS TIIK CAY SHOP" THE GAY SHOP i:»I9 SABTOBI AVE. TORRANCE WED IN CHURCH . . . Mr. and Mrs. Sidney E. Summers, who were married recently at First Baptist Church in Tor- rance. Belore an altar lighted by wedding tapers and decorated with baskets of white flowers, MISS Mary Ada Duke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W. Walls, 1727 Martina ave., Torrance, re- cently became the bride of Mr. Sidney Summers, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Summers of Tal- ipoosa, Missouri. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. M, CANDLELIGHT CEREMONY ... Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robert Grieb, whose wedding took place Sunday. July 7. at First Baptirt church, Torrince. (Bill Husbands photo.) At a double ring ceremonj witnessed by about 125 friends and relatives, Miss Retha Math ews, daughter of Mr. and1 Km. James Mathews 6f IfllUw; 214th St., bebatiie the bride of Jack Robert Grieb, son of Mrs. Q. R BInger of Weeping Water, Neb and J. R. Grieb of LOS Angeles, The bride chose a wedding gown of white satin, fashioned i-SK>£I^2£d^: JI^<E:^hktev>! Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride was lovely in a white frock fashioned with peplum and sweetheart neckline carrying a bouquet of white gar- denias with detachable white or- chid. Miss June Reinhard of Los Angeles, maid of ^ honor, wore pale, bjue, and her flowers were'' talisman , roses, purple sweet peas / and -purple orchljl Tne bridegroom was attended by Lt. Carl Reinhard of Los Angeles. Ushers were Roberl and John Schwartz. The wedding reception for th< many guests was held at the home of the bride's parents. Th three tiered . wedding cake, flanked by white tapers and car- nations, was a beautiful center- piece for the lace covered table. Mrs. Summers was graduated from Torrance high school and attended the University ol Southern California. During th war she served in the Marhr Corps. Her husband was re- ccntjy discharged from the Ma- rines as a master technical ser- geant after service in the South Pacific area. Following a honeymoon trip the couple will reside in Mis sourl. * * * EMPTY SADDLE GIRLS HOLD MEETING The Empty Saddle Girls held their regular meeting Tuesday evening , at the home of Mrs. Raymond McCarroll of Palos Verdes, with Mrs. Roy McCar- roll of Rolling Hills assisting a co-hostess. At the close of the buslncs meeting, the members surprised Mrs. O. Moorman with a showei of many beautiful baby gifts, Trena Justa entertained with a selection on the piano, afte which refreshments were served with stork motif. Present were Millie Moorman Irene Justa, ^Geonganne Carr, Pat Hunt, Anne Myers, Eutha Neale, Pearl Bunge, Olive Har- roll,' Evelyn Lcrmans, Hattie Lil- ley, Dorothy Millican, Alberta McBrlde, Helen Smith, Marve Chrlsman, Elsie Grubbs, Bettj Linn, Alvera Phillips, Gertie Richardson, Reggie Graycln am' Vivien Pickens. Torronce Herald Established, Jan. 1, 1014. Published Every Thursday Graver O. VVhyte Edltor-PubUsher E. B. Brown, Sutin.ii Mar. F. 8. Selovor, Managing Editor 1836 El Prado. Phone 444 Torrance, Calif. Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court, ' ~" Angeles County. Entered as second class tor, January 80, 1914. i office, Torrance, Calif., Act of March 8, 1879. Official Newspaper of Cityof Torranca Subscription Rates Anywhere In Los Angela* County $2.00 per year _j mat- at post under tip veil secured .with orange blossoms, and carried whit* gladioli and orchids. Her sister, Mrs. Reba Belcher, matron o honor, wore pintt taffeta am her flowers were pink gladioli Mrs. Elynor Raynor, In bhi chiffon and carrying blue am white gladioli, and Mis* Miklred : And>ea#tk,!>atUre<f In pink chif- fon with pink glddloli, served as bridesmaids: At t tfn d-Hrg"th' 'groom as best man was Hbwart Andrews, and ushers were' Ross Butler and Delton R. Raynor. Miss Mathews was given 1 marriage by her father, vrlt Reverend C. W. Northrup pcr> forming the ceremony. Oteni Hall sang "Because I Promts You,"'accompanied by Mrs. M! fc: Thbrpe at the orgari. At a reception immediate); following in the church hall' beautifully decorated four-tleroc cake was served by Mrs. C. M Boyce, Mrs. Cecil Raynor an Mrs. J. H. Raynor With Mrs. H H. Proctor pouring. Mrs. Math ews received her guests in nav> blue gown with white accessor ies and gardenia and red roses corsage. The groom's mothe wore black and' white and hi flowers were gardenia and ret roses. The bride was graduated from Torrance High-School with th class of S'43 and her husban was graduated from Omaha, Neb., high school the same year. He was discharged from th U.S. Navy in May after 3' months service. Following a honeymoon at Bi Bear Lake, tho couple will re side In Ft. Collins, Colo., who Mr. Grieb will attend Colored State College. * * -K SHEPHERDS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shepherd, 4233 229th at., Torrance, are tertaining as house guests Mrs Shepherd's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Zeddls and son Robert, bf Toledo, ohid Among places of Interest vis ited arc Earl Can-oil's and Ch natown in Los Angeles. ^_ * * * ' WfLL VISIT HOSPITALS Dr. A. P. Stevenson left las' Wednesday aboard the Const* lation for Chicago, where he wl visit several hospitals. Befori he returns to Torrance, Dr. Stevenson will spend a few dayi with Mrs. Stevenson's mother i Iowa. * * * Miss Dorothy Barr of Tucson Alzona spent Wednesday at th home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Walker of 1780-D Martins ave. * * # Mrs. E. H. Locatelll of Ne\y York City arrived aboard i Constellation airliner recent!; for a visit at the hbmd of hei mother, Mrs. J. H. Young, 01 1803 Gramercy ave. Mrs. Young will return with her to New York, where she will make her home. * -K * Mr. arid Mrs. D. W. Qtiigloy recently spent a few days at Twin Lakes In tho High Sier- ras. Their daughter, Jessie Lou, will upend the remainder of the summer with friends there. Vote For New *& Better SCHOOLS (CITY CHARTER) AUGUST 20, TO LIBRARY BOARD Mrs; Irene Hopklns was reap- ointed to the Torrance Llbfary Board by the City Council Tues- \y Bight Originally named to till out .he term of Mrs. Hllbnan R. Lee, resigned, Mrs. Hoptdns Will Serve for two years. Boildlng Pemjts Hospital Case* Local patients admitted to the .'orrance Memorial hospital dur- ing the past week arc tho fol- °Mrs*' Blanche Taylor, 20488 Vermont ave. Mrs. Laura Pritchett, 2S588 Pennsylvania ave. T. R. Browning, 1040 Acacia ave. Koco Blbica, 2S9W Bshclman ave. The following building per- mits, totaling $1S,3BO, were Is- ued In Torrance during the past week, according to build- ing department records: j. L. Kllnk, 2137 Tdrranco >lvd., addition to store building, $2,000. E E. fflllott, 650 Sartorl ave., sidence and garage, £3,800. L. W. Slmmons, 1221 Ama- -pola ave., residence, $2,500. W. L. Barrett, 22809 Ocean ave., residence, ?3,BOO. , R. Z. Fenton, 23816 Hawthorne Ivd., residence, $1,700. M. Grajlda, 2150 Del Amo bou- levard, addition to residence, $2,160. CATHOtft LATHIS CARD PAKPY Hostesses for this evening's Catholic ladies' card party are Mesdames Cole, Forester, Dori gan, Landerville, Grazlano, Radc- maker, Brodie, OToole, Schott, Steffin and Hageman. Mrs. Clara. Qoodson and he committee were responsible for hat Thurtday evening'* enjoy- able card party. ' ... * -V* ' " ' BBfST ROS8 CMOt FAfctT Mesdames Mildred Edwards, Edna Babcocfc an* Lillian Dye art in charge ot arrangements for the Betsy Hoss Star club card party which will be heli' at Masonic temple Saturday Jury 27, a< 8:00 p.m. Everyone 1 Iff welcome. * * ¥ NAVY MOTHERS' CLUB Little Hills Navy Mothers monthly Friday evening at 7:30 p.m the home of Mrs. Mary Toler, 1838 Andreo avenue. Several members 6f the sew Ing group and 'theli1 families e.njoycd a grunlon party at Tor- rance Beach last Sunday evt nlng. STORK&oratls Children born In the Torrance Memorial hospital, among oth- ers during the past week, arc the following: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dill, 21613 Berendo ave., girl, July 16, 4:23 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood La Mar, 15832 Narbonne ave., girl, July 16, 12:35 p.m. """"""'.'" Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Perez, 203rd St., boy, July 17, 7:56 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. William Water- man, 1211 El Fradb, boy, July 16, fc24 a.m. Large Selection ofc < SHOWER and LAYETTE INFANT GIFTS TINY TYKE SHOP 1333-12£5-1»37 El Prtdo H-W-K-W-li. IIKAUIIOAKTKfiS FOIt 4* Layettes & Infants' J Gifts J ChtMrens Wsrdrote f im SAKTOin TOnttAKCB .j. U* ' . '-,-', . I Clearance Sale! of Odd« and Ends Dress Shoes . . . Play Shoes . . . Knock-abauts. A large selection of leftovers and odcls and ends. AH types greatly reduced for this July Clearance to save you money and to clear our stocks for fall arrivals. Ploy Shoes and CtMnals Limit 2 Pom $1.99 ml S2.99 DRESS SHOES All Types *' and To Clear at ALL OF THES6 SALE SHOES ARE FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK. SO YOU CAN BE ASSURED OF THE SAME HIGH QUALITY ALWAYS MAIN- TAINED AT "BErtNARtfS THE HOME.OF BETTER SHOES." WE ARE SORRY THAT WE MUST LIMIT 2 PAIRS TO A CUSTOMER BUT WE KNOW YOU WHL BE HAPPY WITH YOUR SAVINGS AT THIS BIG SUMMER EVENT. " FAMILY SHOE. STORE On.! AVH TORRA'-JCF. II

Hobby Nobbyers Boildlng Pemjts Entertained At Brooks Home...titled "Our Trip," a resume of interesting happenings on the 0000 mile trip to Washington, D. C. and through the New Eng

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Page 1: Hobby Nobbyers Boildlng Pemjts Entertained At Brooks Home...titled "Our Trip," a resume of interesting happenings on the 0000 mile trip to Washington, D. C. and through the New Eng



After a short business meet- Ing, conducted by Mrs. Mildred Edwards, a pot luck lunch was enjoyed by approximately 35 rtiembers of the Betsy Ross Star club at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, at Torrance park. Mrs. Nellie fTaynes was In charge of table arrangements. A blanket was 4warded to Mrs. Nelle Phillips and and Eastern Star ring to Mrs. 'Margaret Hoff. ' The next meeting will be held at the park on Tuesday, August 20, with Mrs. Bettina Miller, as <;hairman, in charge of arrange­ ments.

I * * * CONCERT PIANIST VISITS HERE. Mrs. Robert Bellini, concert pianist with her daughter, Teala and pupil Willctta Warberg, all of Twin Falls, Idaho, are visit- 5ng"'at the homes of Mrs. Wil­ liam M. Brooks on Portola. ave. and Mrs. Esther Maxwell, 1404 Cota st

* * *BEBEKAH CIRCLE ' The Rebekah Circle of the Pirst Lutheran Church of Tor- ranee will hold its regular meet ing on Friday, July 19th, 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. L. C. Miller on Beech avenue.


Representing 'First Christian Church of Torrande at the Chris­ tian Church conference camp last week at Idyllwild were: Seniors, Marilyn Lee, Joan Mum- ford, Barbara Coles, Lols Dillard, Ralph Prime, Bill and Ralph George; juniors, Betty Coles, Janet Lee and Harold Burgcner.

* * *

MOVE TO NEW HOMEMrs. Edna F. Stone has sold

her cleaning and dyeing busi­ ness at 1824 E. Broadway and is now living with her mother at 337 Carrol! Park West, Long Beach. Mrs. Elsie De Bra, who had been residing with Mrs. Stone, purchased a home at 535 Walnut street. Her daughters Rarriona and Carol DC Bra are home from college for the sum­ mer.


Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Afnsworth of 1304 Crenshaw blvd., have announced the engagement ,of their daughter, Kathleen, to Mr. Weslcy Kattmeier Jr. of Visalia. The wedding will take place on Saturday -evening, August 3, in St. Andrews Episcopal church, Torrance.


Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Munds, ! 2111 Cabrillo ave., entertained at dinner last Wednesday in hqnor of their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frank Munds, of Burbank. The occasion was'the third anniver­ sary of the marriage of Lt. ana Mrs. Frank Muhds. Lt. Munds is serving with the U.S. Army Engineers, Construction Detach­ ment, and has been stationed in Korea for the past several months. Guests enjoying the evening in addition to the hon- oree were her mother Mrs. Anna Worth and sister, Miss Mary Farnsworth, also of Burbank.'


Charles T. Turner, S 1/c US Naval Reserve, returned Mon­ day to the Receiving Station at Terminal Island after enjoying a 23-day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Turner, 1749 Arlington ave. He had spent 8 months' duty in China.


Mr. and Mrs. C. Cramer, of 1724 Andreo avenue, were visit­ ors last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Selby of 18802 E. Spring St., El Mo- Cena. The Selbys are former residents of Torrance.

Hobby Nobbyers Entertained At Brooks Home

.Approximately 40 members and guests of the Hobby Nobbyers were entertained at the home of Mrs. Willls M. Brooks on Por­ tola avenue. Mrs. John Potter Burrows of Hollywood, and Mrs. Brooks conducted a dialogue en­ titled "Our Trip," a resume of interesting happenings on the 0000 mile trip to Washington, D. C. and through the New Eng­ land states, from which they recently returned.

Music was furnished by Zahr Bickford on the banjo, Vandah Bickford on the guitar and pia­ no'solos by the Misses Teate Rosemary Billini and WiUetta Warberg.

Guests of the club members were: Tom Waring of New York City, house guest of Mrs. Brooks; Mrs. Robert Billini, Teala Rosemary, Bellini and WiUetta Warberg of Twin Falls, Idaho; Mrs. Eleanor Jess ana Sterling Holloway of Enclno; Roy Brooks, Major Turner and Mrs. Turner and daughter Ray of Beverly Hills; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stimmel of Santa Mo­ nica, and Miss Esther Maxwell of Torrance.

A delightful supper was served in the picturesque garden

Again The Sensational Sale Event of Thje Year!

STARTS FRIDAY at 9:30 A.M.This is the annual sale event women of Torrance and vicinity

wait for . . . because they know the values are truly sensa­

tional, on the finest of first quality, high styled merchandise!

Join the crowd of thrifty, shop-wise buyers who will be here

when the doors open Friday morning! And don't forget

your FREE NYLONS.. <


NYLON HOSEGiven Away With Ev­ ery Purchase of $20 or | More. Limi'ted Quan­ tity. While They Last During Sale Only.

Group 1


4Values to $8.95

Group 2


Values to $12.95

Pajamas-----*3«8Values to $3.95

Blouses--- *1 88Values to. $5.95 Bathing and

Play Suits--- -Value: to $5.95

Purses -Values to $5.95


Costume Jewelry PRICE!

$9.95 _.......$7.95 Values............ £3.98$5.95 Values.......... .... .$2.98$2.98 Values.................. $I.4»$1.00 Values.... ...... 50«

Values to $5.95Girdles - -*2M$7.95 Rayon Taffeta Polka Dot

House Coat ---*488

Group 3


Values to $19.95

Group 4

DRESSES $14*88

Values to $24.00

Lace Trim Slips.... $1.69«1N TOHttANCK IT IS TIIK CAY SHOP"


WED IN CHURCH . . . Mr. and Mrs. Sidney E. Summers, who were married recently at First Baptist Church in Tor­ rance.

Belore an altar lighted by wedding tapers and decorated with baskets of white flowers, MISS Mary Ada Duke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W. Walls, 1727 Martina ave., Torrance, re­ cently became the bride of Mr. Sidney Summers, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Summers of Tal-

ipoosa, Missouri. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. M,

CANDLELIGHT CEREMONY ... Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robert Grieb, whose wedding took place Sunday. July 7. at First Baptirt church, Torrince. (Bill Husbands photo.)

At a double ring ceremonj witnessed by about 125 friends and relatives, Miss Retha Math ews, daughter of Mr. and1 Km. James Mathews 6f IfllUw; 214th St., bebatiie the bride of Jack Robert Grieb, son of Mrs. Q. R BInger of Weeping Water, Neb and J. R. Grieb of LOS Angeles,

The bride chose a wedding gown of white satin, fashioned


Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride was lovely in a white frock fashioned with peplum and sweetheart neckline carrying a bouquet of white gar­ denias with detachable white or­ chid. Miss June Reinhard of Los Angeles, maid of ̂ honor, wore pale, bjue, and her flowers were'' talisman , roses, purple sweet peas / and -purple orchljl Tne bridegroom was attended by Lt. Carl Reinhard of Los Angeles. Ushers were Roberl and John Schwartz.

The wedding reception for th< many guests was held at the home of the bride's parents. Th three tiered . wedding cake, flanked by white tapers and car­ nations, was a beautiful center­ piece for the lace covered table.

Mrs. Summers was graduated from Torrance high school and attended the University ol Southern California. During th war she served in the Marhr Corps. Her husband was re- ccntjy discharged from the Ma­ rines as a master technical ser­ geant after service in the South Pacific area.

Following a honeymoon trip the couple will reside in Mis sourl.


The Empty Saddle Girls held their regular meeting Tuesday evening , at the home of Mrs. Raymond McCarroll of Palos Verdes, with Mrs. Roy McCar­ roll of Rolling Hills assisting a co-hostess.

At the close of the buslncs meeting, the members surprised Mrs. O. Moorman with a showei of many beautiful baby gifts, Trena Justa entertained with a selection on the piano, afte which refreshments were served with stork motif.

Present were Millie Moorman Irene Justa, ^Geonganne Carr, Pat Hunt, Anne Myers, Eutha Neale, Pearl Bunge, Olive Har- roll,' Evelyn Lcrmans, Hattie Lil- ley, Dorothy Millican, Alberta McBrlde, Helen Smith, Marve Chrlsman, Elsie Grubbs, Bettj Linn, Alvera Phillips, Gertie Richardson, Reggie Graycln am' Vivien Pickens.

Torronce HeraldEstablished, Jan. 1, 1014.

Published Every ThursdayGraver O. VVhyteEdltor-PubUsher

E. B. Brown, Sutin.ii Mar.F. 8. Selovor, Managing Editor

1836 El Prado. Phone 444Torrance, Calif.

Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court, ' ~"

Angeles County. Entered as second class

tor, January 80, 1914. i office, Torrance, Calif., Act of March 8, 1879.

Official Newspaper of Cityof Torranca

Subscription RatesAnywhere In Los Angela* County

$2.00 per year

_j mat-at post


tip veil secured .with orange blossoms, and carried whit* gladioli and orchids. Her sister, Mrs. Reba Belcher, matron o honor, wore pintt taffeta am her flowers were pink gladioli Mrs. Elynor Raynor, In bhi chiffon and carrying blue am white gladioli, and Mis* Miklred

: And>ea#tk,!>atUre<f In pink chif­ fon with pink glddloli, served as bridesmaids: At t tfn d-Hrg"th' 'groom as best man was Hbwart Andrews, and ushers were' Ross Butler and Delton R. Raynor.

Miss Mathews was given 1 marriage by her father, vrlt Reverend C. W. Northrup pcr> forming the ceremony. Oteni Hall sang "Because I Promts You,"'accompanied by Mrs. M! fc: Thbrpe at the orgari.

At a reception immediate); following in the church hall' beautifully decorated four-tleroc cake was served by Mrs. C. M Boyce, Mrs. Cecil Raynor an Mrs. J. H. Raynor With Mrs. H H. Proctor pouring. Mrs. Math ews received her guests in nav> blue gown with white accessor ies and gardenia and red roses corsage. The groom's mothe wore black and' white and hi flowers were gardenia and ret roses.

The bride was graduated from Torrance High-School with th class of S'43 and her husban was graduated from Omaha, Neb., high school the same year. He was discharged from th U.S. Navy in May after 3' months service.

Following a honeymoon at Bi Bear Lake, tho couple will re side In Ft. Collins, Colo., who Mr. Grieb will attend Colored State College.


Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shepherd, 4233 229th at., Torrance, are tertaining as house guests Mrs Shepherd's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Zeddls and son Robert, bf Toledo, ohid Among places of Interest vis ited arc Earl Can-oil's and Ch natown in Los Angeles.


Dr. A. P. Stevenson left las' Wednesday aboard the Const* lation for Chicago, where he wl visit several hospitals. Befori he returns to Torrance, Dr. Stevenson will spend a few dayi with Mrs. Stevenson's mother i Iowa.

* * *Miss Dorothy Barr of Tucson

Alzona spent Wednesday at th home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Walker of 1780-D Martins ave.

* * #Mrs. E. H. Locatelll of Ne\y

York City arrived aboard i Constellation airliner recent!; for a visit at the hbmd of hei mother, Mrs. J. H. Young, 01 1803 Gramercy ave. Mrs. Young will return with her to New York, where she will make her home.

* -K * Mr. arid Mrs. D. W. Qtiigloy

recently spent a few days at Twin Lakes In tho High Sier­ ras. Their daughter, Jessie Lou, will upend the remainder of the summer with friends there.

Vote For New *& Better SCHOOLS




Mrs; Irene Hopklns was reap- ointed to the Torrance Llbfary

Board by the City Council Tues-\y BightOriginally named to till out

.he term of Mrs. Hllbnan R. Lee, resigned, Mrs. Hoptdns Will Serve for two years.

Boildlng Pemjts

Hospital Case*Local patients admitted to the

.'orrance Memorial hospital dur­ ing the past week arc tho fol-

°Mrs*' Blanche Taylor, 20488 Vermont ave.

Mrs. Laura Pritchett, 2S588 Pennsylvania ave.

T. R. Browning, 1040 Acacia ave.

Koco Blbica, 2S9W Bshclman ave.

The following building per­ mits, totaling $1S,3BO, were Is- ued In Torrance during the

past week, according to build­ ing department records:

j. L. Kllnk, 2137 Tdrranco >lvd., addition to store building,

$2,000.E E. fflllott, 650 Sartorl ave.,sidence and garage, £3,800.L. W. Slmmons, 1221 Ama-

-pola ave., residence, $2,500.W. L. Barrett, 22809 Ocean

ave., residence, ?3,BOO. ,R. Z. Fenton, 23816 Hawthorne

Ivd., residence, $1,700.M. Grajlda, 2150 Del Amo bou­

levard, addition to residence, $2,160.


Hostesses for this evening's Catholic ladies' card party are Mesdames Cole, Forester, Dori gan, Landerville, Grazlano, Radc- maker, Brodie, OToole, Schott, Steffin and Hageman.

Mrs. Clara. Qoodson and he committee were responsible for hat Thurtday evening'* enjoy­ able card party. ' ... * -V* ' " '

BBfST ROS8 CMOt FAfctTMesdames Mildred Edwards,

Edna Babcocfc an* Lillian Dye art in charge ot arrangements for the Betsy Hoss Star club card party which will be heli' at Masonic temple Saturday Jury 27, a< 8:00 p.m. Everyone1 Iff welcome.


Little Hills Navy Mothers

monthlyFriday evening at 7:30 p.m the home of Mrs. Mary Toler, 1838 Andreo avenue.

Several members 6f the sew Ing group and 'theli1 families e.njoycd a grunlon party at Tor­ rance Beach last Sunday evt nlng.

STORK&oratlsChildren born In the Torrance

Memorial hospital, among oth­ ers during the past week, arc the following:

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dill, 21613 Berendo ave., girl, July 16, 4:23 a.m.

Mr. and Mrs. Elwood La Mar, 15832 Narbonne ave., girl, July 16, 12:35 p.m. """"""'.'"

Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Perez, 203rd St., boy, July 17, 7:56 a.m.

Mr. and Mrs. William Water­ man, 1211 El Fradb, boy, July 16, fc24 a.m.

Large Selection ofc <SHOWER and LAYETTE


TINY TYKE SHOP1333-12£5-1»37 El Prtdo


Layettes & Infants' J Gifts J

ChtMrens Wsrdrotef im SAKTOin TOnttAKCB .j.U* '

. '-,-', . I

Clearance Sale!of Odd« and Ends

Dress Shoes . . . Play Shoes . . . Knock-abauts. A large

selection of leftovers and odcls and ends. AH types greatly

reduced for this July Clearance to save you money and to

clear our stocks for fall arrivals.

Ploy Shoes and CtMnals

Limit 2 Pom

$1.99 ml S2.99


All Types *'


To Clear at