History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism See Note Guide

History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

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History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism. See Note Guide. Origins of the Hebrews & Judaism. The civilization of the Hebrews lasted 1800 BCE-70 CE (about 1900 years or almost 2 millennia) The H ebrews were the founders of the religion of Judaism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

See Note Guide

Page 2: History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

Origins of the Hebrews & Judaism

• The civilization of the Hebrews lasted 1800 BCE-70 CE (about 1900 years or almost 2 millennia)

• The Hebrews were the founders of the religion of Judaism

• They eventually became known as Jews (from the name of the Hebrew tribe "Judah")

Star of David & Menorah - Two symbols of the ancient Hebrews & Judaism

Page 3: History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

Origins of the Hebrews & Judaism

• History of Hebrews, Judaism, & its basic laws/teachings are found in Judaism's most sacred/important text = the Torah

• Torah = "God's teachings" = the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible

Torah scroll containing the books 5 books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deutornomy

Page 4: History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

Abraham: Father of the Hebrews

• Born in Ur (Mesopotamia) c. 2000 BCE

• Mesopotamians were polytheistic, but Abraham worshipped only 1 god

• Monotheism would become foundation of Hebrews' faith & Judaism

• Abraham & his family migrated from Ur to Canaan, c. 1950 BCE Painting depicting Abraham & his family’s mi

gration from Ur to Canaan

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HINDUISM Based on: ___________Led to: --


JUDAISM Based on: TorahLed to:--

Page 6: History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

Abraham: Father of the Hebrews

• According to the Torah, Judaism began when God promised Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation if he left Ur for Canaan

• God's promise to Abraham = covenant = agreement, contract

• God would protect and bless Abraham & his descendants as long as he worshipped and followed God’s rules.


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Page 8: History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

Moses: Prophet of the Hebrews

• Descendants of Abraham (Hebrews) eventually left Canaan and migrated to Egypt most likely due to a famine (lack of food) c. 1800 BCE

• Over time, the Hebrews became slaves in Egypt

• According to the Torah, Moses, a Hebrew, became a prophet = someone who speaks/interprets for God

Egyptian art showing images of ancient Hebrews

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Page 10: History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

Moses: Exodus of the Hebrews

● Moses became a leader of the Hebrews when he was told by God to go to the pharaoh and free the Hebrew slaves

● Pharaoh refused & 10 plagues (really bad, harmful events) were sent by God

● Eventually, Moses led Hebrews out of Egypt and to Canaan ● Moses received the 10 commandments from God during this

exodus = mass exit of a group of people● 10 commandments = established Judaism's basic laws

regarding how to:○ worship God ○ treat each other○ how to behave

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Page 12: History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

David & Solomon: Kings of Israel

• After Hebrews settled in Canaan they eventually established a monarchy to rule over the people

• David became Israel's king 1010 BCE

• King David united the two parts of the Hebrews' land into 1 kingdom called Israel

• In Israel, David created a strong central government, army, courts

King David with his son Solomon

Page 13: History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

David & Solomon: Kings of Israel

• Solomon - David’s son - built a great temple to the Hebrews’ god

• Temple held the Ark of the Covenant = chest containing original stone tablets with the 10 commandments on them

• Temple became center of Jewish worship

• Solomon forced Israelites to pay heavy taxes & do hard labor to buid the Temple

Artist’s depiction of what Solmon’s Temple may have looked like

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Kingdom of Israel Divided• Solomon’s methods

angered many Hebrews• Near his death c. 931 BCE

the northern tribes of the Hebrews broke away and formed the kingdom of Israel

• The remaining tribes formed the southern kingdom of Judah ruled by Solomon’s descendants (JUDIASM)

Divided Kingdoms of Israel & Judah

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Fall of Israel & Judah● Weakened by their division,

Hebrews were less able to defend themselves from invaders

● 722 BCE - Northern kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyrians and its people were scattered throughout Mesopotamia

● 597 BCE - Southern kingdom of Judah was invaded by the Babylonians

Assyrian stone carving showing Hebrews being forced out with their possessins and cattle from Israel. This relief was found in the palace of King Sennacherib in Nineveh. This is one of the few depictions of

the early Jewish people.Bob Marley Song “Exodus” Jews exiled to Babylon

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Page 17: History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

Capture of Jerusalem & Babylonian Exile

● King Nebuchadnezzar surrounded & cut off supplies to the city of Jerusalem

● By 586 BCE, Hebrews ran out of food and & Babylonians broke through city walls. Nebuchadnezzar burned down Solomon’s Temple & all the houses of the city

● Babylonian Exile = Hebrews living in Judah were captured by the Babylonians and forced to migrate to Babylon

Painting depicting the forced migration of Hebrews to Bablyon

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Bob Marley Song “Exodus” Jews

Page 19: History of the Hebrews & Origins of Judaism

Babylonia conquered by the Persians in 539 BC

As a result, Hebrews are free to return to their homeland--Israel.Bob Marley “Exodus” Link

BUT…Fifty years later the Babylonians destroy the rebuilt Hebrew temple in Judah

The Jews are again forced to flee from their homeland…