ALTA IR - 307 -Part 3 - August 19, 2006  Part 3:Bushista - Tension T ortures Win ter* Gold/Silver/Commodities - Economic Duality Manifests Panic in Political Shorts, Dirty Business Ensues* Populace/USofA & GlobalPop - Adrift in the Dirac Abyss, Sun Storms* Terra - Three Golden Arrows, Galactic Energy Drain, Bare Trunks 3/Three Years* Conclusion: Part 3 - Scale Adjustments* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report ‘Changes in language precede changes in behavior.’ By Tenax SE for HalfPastHuman.com   Note this report is o ffered for entertainm ent value onl y. Any resembl ance between the events portrayed i n this report and any devel oping reality is purely co-inci dental and in no manner represents foreknowledg e on the part of the authors of this report.  Note that this i nformati on is derived fro m hum ans expressi ng them selves o n the internet. As such, hum an emoti onal valu es and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 08.19.2006  Note: Enti ties are id entified b y a blue typeface. Aspect words are encl osed in square brackets []. Attribute word s/phrases are wi thin  parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts co mpos ed of both leadi ng asp ect and traili ng attributes are si ngl e quoted '. Interpreti ve editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 28.009 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from thi s data set. Depending o n the processi ng flow there may be a 7t h part to the series. Bushista - Tension Tortures Winter Bushista entity is forecasting a very 'rough winter' for the Bush cabal. Specifically focused on the months of December through the end of February, 2007, the 'rough winter' is forecast by the entity as 'marking/tattoo'ing the back'. While the 'back burns', so will the lungs of the entity. The 'air {is} contaminated' according to the entity by 'tension' and 'others'. The 'tension' aspect is the primary descriptor for a lexical set which goes to the 'moment of unleashing' which specifically refers to 'energy too/excessive, contained, pressured'. The Bushista entity is describing not a "winter of discontent", but rather something that is more accurately described as 'mad/insane under pressure releases'. Repeatedly the entity is stating that 'tension {is} too great' and will be 'released'. This 'tension' is the sort of 'stress/tightening' that soldiers will feel just before battle. Here those same components of bespoke 'fear' and 'fear of death/annihilation' and 'fear of wounding' are all present. It is the sort of 'tension' that is described by the supporting set as 'eating the stomach', and 'squeezing the brain', and 'knotting the lungs'. Further the 'stress' is showing as 'growing {with each} new small cut/slice/insertion' such that the Bushista entity is 'at risk of self-immolation/self-burning'. The 'squeezing the brain' lexical sub set in support of the 'tension tortures' is itself supported by some curious details going to the idea that someone, likely Bush, will 'unburden the heart', but that in so doing, will 'establish the wall' by 'using undeserved {self} praise' and 'too harshly spoken, too ill-conceived' words which will be 'justifiably rebuked' by all. The 'unburdening' is seemingly to also act as a trigger for circumstances which will significantly impact the Populace/USofA. The cross links terminating within the Populace/USofA entity are heavier than we have yet encountered. These cross links are goi ng to the idea t hat the 'unburd ening of the heart', which is participatory within the 'secrets revealed' within the Bushista entity, will 'trigger' or 'spark' the very circumstances which the Bushista entity finds at the top of its worry list. At this point in the progression of the modelspace, a number of 'revolt' and 'rebellion' lexical sets are indicating that 'incidents' have already taken place by the end of Fall, and as Winter moves from December into the new year, a 'conflict' will erupt within the American hemisphere. This 'conflict of cores' is shown as being 'fate directed/destiny ruled' such that 'contention' and 'bellicosity' from the Bushista entity will be 'entirely wrong'. Further, by 'announcing {his/their} hatred of evil' the Bushistas will 'brand the tribesmen/citizens HalfPastHuman : Language: Ling uis tics: Tools : AL TA file:/// I: / HPH SUPPORT/A LTA307_id es/A LTAREPORT/ al t a_307 3.htm 1 of 6 8/13/2010 3:21 PM

High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 12 - 4 - Part 3 (2012.08.19) (Eng) (PDF) [307THREE]

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/countrymen' as 'horrors'. This will not go down too well on the morning talk-shows. Apparently the 'reproaches {will} keep

contaminating the air', and 'bile taints {the verbal} vomit' which is being 'forced' on the populace. Again, the reactions within the

termination points of the Populace/USofA entity suggest a very strong response with a dominant aspect of 'revolt'.

Unfortunately for all, Bushista entity shows that the 'response' will 'cause draining, release bowels' and 'bring regrets'. A curious note

about the 'regrets' is that they will be 'hidden', and according to the modelspace, 'hidden from self' as they will 'worm the mind' such that

the 'abyss {is} seen opening'. Hmmm.

As we drill further down into this area of the entity we discover that a series of 'choices' will be made which will lead to the 'discovery of 

weakness' within the Bushista entity such that it is forecasting that the 'bellicosity' once 'unleashed' is 'cause {of/for} regrets' as the

'weakness, lack of capability to win' is 'suddenly screaming' in the 'face' of Bushista. The data details suggest that the Bushista entity willvery rapidly develop an 'all consuming interest' in the 'application of law'. However, the sub set here also suggests that 'perseverance does

*not* further the cause'; this due to the 'sliding {of the} mountain {of people?} into weak arguments'.

In a related, parallel lexical structure within the entity, cross links over to the ThePowersThatBe entity suggest that 'during the troubles'

and at the 'time of vomiting, extreme/excessive', the Bushista entity will 'call {with} perceived/broadcast humility'. The cross linking here

is very convoluted, but does suggest that 'at the core/heart' of 'public rhetoric' will be a 'hidden appeal, contrition' to the 'someone {who}

stands above the parties'. This 'appeal' is shown within the entity as a 'plea for clemency/rectitude'. The entities involved suggest that the

 plea will go unanswered which is just a way of saying 'no', and that it, the 'public rhetoric' will also be 'regretted'.

At the center of this area is a section dominated by 'conflict' meta data layer, and which goes to the idea that the 'great leap forward' {of 

the past?, Iraq?} will 'dominate/crush the mind' as the 'body hurls down to/into the abyss'.

Just for amusement of all concerned, it needs to be noted that a most curious sub set exists within the concept here of the 'abyss'. Not only

is the area very extensively cross linked to a number of entities including Terra, Markets, and the populace entities, but the concept is alsovery richly detailed with a number of odd references. We find that the 'abyss' descriptor set is replete with references to 'self actualizing'.

This is alternatively interpreted as 'opening up before self'. The data set also includes 'cautions' against 'employing excessive energy' as the

aspect/attributes within this area are going to the idea that 'energy inputs {are} multiplied, and splash back, many fold'. Further, the 'abyss'

is showing as 'upward' in 'gravity', and 'crackling {with} electricity'. A most curious descriptor set indeed.

As the descriptor sets within the Bushista entity are explored, and as the entity is progressed along with modelspace into the latter half of 

Winter, the rising aspects/attributes go to the idea that 'stresses/stressors dominate', and further that 'cracking/breaking appears'. This

section is specifically referencing 'mental facilities'. The whole of the area is suggesting that 'relaxation {has been} denied too long' and

that 'continuous stresses bring abrupt failure'. Within the details within this sub set are indications that '2/two closest advisors {are}

sacrificed'. The data set also contains aspect/attribute sets which go to the idea that 'sacrifices {by the} leader {are} performed with no

head/thought, no heart/consideration'. These 'sacrifices' are shown as being perceived as 'required {to} remove {the} taint {of the} blood'.

However, the modelspace clearly shows that this 'sacrifice of 2/two advisors' will not 'work/help' as they will 'both bleed secrets'. As a

very ominous sign, this 'bleeding of secrets' is shown going on in a very public way right up until 1/one of the 2/two 'bleeds' real blood.

When you get 'fired' by the emperor, the implications may include a generous severance package, but *not* the time to enjoy it.

The data set is also seemingly announcing that 'stomach problems' will be 'diagnosed' this Winter for someone within the very public face

of the Bush organization. The data suggests that the 'stomach disease/ravage' is quite real, and is the direct consequence of the last '3/three

years of unrelieved tension'. Further, the 'erosion/destruction of the stomach' will come out soon after the 'sacrifice' such that the whole of 

the story will become muddled with other news which the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer will be 'pumping' out of Bushista as 'blood

 pumps' out an 'aorta'.

Gold/Silver/Commodities - Economic Duality Manifests Panic in Political Shorts, Dirty Business Ensues

It will come as no surprise that both the Markets entity as well as the Commodities entity are extensively cross linked to the Bushista

entity throughout Winter. What may be new is that an 'uncoupling' is shown within the aspect/attribute sets as 'rising

concurrently/simultaneously' with the 'degradation' of the Bush dreams of empire. The 'precious metals' as a complex, and specifically

'gold/silver' are under a rising aspect of 'public demand' with heavy cross links to 'secreting/hiding/stashing'. This last area is interesting in

that there are linguistic sets which seem to link the 'revolt' meme within the Populace/USofA with the acquisition of 'gold/silver' and alsothe 'risk' of 'affront' or 'rejection'. Seemingly there is some small 'risk of offense' involved, which may indicate an attempt to 'criminalize'

the possession of precious metals, but just as easily be interpreted as a large discussion about such. The details of the data set specifically

do *not* contain anything indicating that any such attempt at 'criminalization' will succeed, or would daunt the 'demand to hold'.

Recognizing that an increasing number of voices in the financial world are discussing the 'support' or 'manipulation' of the USofA based

markets, we need to note that this is an expression of the 'duality' so frequently, and annoyingly forecast in the ALTA reports. It is true

that market manipulation has been claimed for at least the life of the internet, and while undoubtedly true, now becomes more of an issue

as it is no longer just "how many" are crying market manipulation, but also "who" so cries.

As we moved our modelspace past the mid September point, the Markets entity, along with the Commodities entity, get serious about

'duality'. The cross links from the 'duality' lexical set over to the Press entity are indicating that 'duality' itself will be discussed relative to

the 'global economy' as time proceeds through Fall and into Winter. This is a very key element to the upward trend line of the 'secrets

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revealed' within the Markets. The 'secrets revealed' meta data layer itself is key to the development of the 'Winter schism' which is an

actual manifestation of 'duality' which will be somehow 'made official', or perhaps 'officially recognized'. The curious part of course is that

the 'official recognition of the duality' will precede only by days its 'impact on lives/life'. This last set is supported by aspect/attributes

going to all phases of 'industrial nation life' including 'food production', and 'distribution of all'.

The 'duality expressed' which is described as a 'schism, fiscal/financial' and which is shown to manifest over the course of the Winter 

months is also described as 'made manifest/actual' and is further supported by 'separation/removal_of_link/freedom_of_bondage'. Further 

this 'separation' is described by supporting aspect/attribute sets as 'being attempted', or 'initially tried/attempted'. There is *no* supporting

set for accomplished fact, so the idea coming out of the data is that a 'separation {of X from Y} will be attempted, and will fail'. The

'failure' is more than a guess as we do have data indicating that 'wrong actions', and 'delusion guides failure' are supporting the 'outcome of 

the attempted separation'. Just what is being separated from what is unclear, but it is described as 'significant/necessary {as is} blood'.Further it is directly related to the 'distribution of everything' and likely is 'dollar' related since it is under the sub set of 'fiscal, financial,

abstractions, dollar, debt instruments'. This particular 'separation' as an explicit 'expression of duality' occurs most heavily within the

2/two months preceding the Ides of March(2007) release period. As may be expected, it will figure prominently within the early part of 

the emotional release.

 Not that the emerging 'duality of Fall into Winter' will not impact the rising emotional tensions, as it clearly is one of the primary driving

forces for this large shift upward in our trend line. As the modelspace is progressed through Fall, the Markets, and Commodities entities,

already heavily wrapped in cross links, grow an even thicker coat of cross linking. The primary growth area is to the populace entities,

though we have a core Bushista entity linkage set which also thickens appreciably. One of the impacts of the 'manifestation of duality' will

 be that the media continue their 'blah-blah-blah' regurgitation of the 'official empire-speak', but that the 'other half' of the 'duality' of the

global economy is clearly 'gripping the genitals/gonads' of the populace. As an aside, the modelspace is showing that within the Bushista

entity there are 2/two separate linguistic structures for 'panic' which show in early Fall and have continuing presence at least through

Winter. In the first of these 'panic' links to arise, the descriptor set is for 'realization/understanding {of} secrets revealed'. What makes this

area stand out is the large area of both originating and terminating cross links which include very extensive cross links over to the Pressentity. The interpretation at the moment is that near the end of September, the Press will begin reporting on the 'rise of panic' with words

going to 'realization' or 'appreciation of reality' or 'dawning of understanding', and all of which relates to the 'discovery of duality within

USofA economy'. There may be *no* acknowledgement officially by the Bushistas that 'the economy is in the crapper', but they will get

the idea as a result of a 'sudden action/act of realization'. Note this last can be interpreted as 'sudden action brings realization'. The point is

that 'panic' will become 'visible/manifest' within the Bushistas over the 'misery' of the 'economy', and they will react. Not appropriately,

 but that doesn't matter, as the nature of reality is *not* within their ability to control, as universe apparently intends to instruct beginning

this Fall.

Apparently in spite of kind instruction by universe into the true nature of emerging reality, both the Markets entity, and the Commodities

entity are indicating that the Bushista reaction to their 'panic' will *not* be well received. The data set shows that 'global condemnation'

will 'accompany' the Bushista 'panic reaction'. Further that the 'soiled clothing/underwear' will be 'quite visible' within the global 'trading

community'. Apparently this is a 'rapacious lot' of humans, many of whom have been waiting for such an 'opportunity of mistakes' to

develop. The data set indicates that they will not be disappointed. The data, though the heavy layer of cross links onto termination points

within Commodities and Markets show that 'objectives lack consistency {ed note: dollar, USofA supporting aspect/attribute}', and that

'unreliable persons/officials marked {with/by} blue ink/dye/color'. Further the data set shows that the 'panic reaction' will 'drive

animals/game/running_resources {from the} field', and thus produce 'no results {from} hunting by Bushista/officialdom'. This will in turn

trigger a 'walking away/separation from locations, no knowledge, lost'. Noting that the 'separation' descriptor within this set is linked to the

'attempted separation' discussed earlier. The emergence of 'separation' as a key meme seems to be occurring within and between the

 populace entities and their relationship to 'officialdom' at both political and financial levels.

The whole of the Commodities and Markets entities, in their movement along with the progressed modelspace as it shifts through Fall and

Winter toward the Ides of March release period, seemingly is suggesting at a macro level that 'many separations/departures from

 balanced/controlled movement' will occur. The 'departure' linguistic set is also pointing to explicit descriptions of a general movement

toward the 'appearance {of} manifestation of rot/putrefaction'. The idea seemingly is that while the 'rot' already exists, and is a driving

force of the currently manifesting 'duality', that this Fall and Winter the 'appearance of rot/duality' shows. It is the 'appearance/perception'

of the 'rot' which is driving much of the upward emotional summations within the December through February period, while it is the 'rot'

itself which provides the upward emotive tension pressure for Fall. Make sense? At first the impact of the 'rot' is 'stressing the system' and both the 'stressors' and the 'rot' is being denied/masked, but still felt. Most of the populace is currently feeling this 'rot' within the USofA in

spite of officialdom crying 'best economy ever' repeatedly. The modelspace is showing that this Fall the 'rot' will be 'smelled' for what it is,

the smell will trigger 'panic', and then we get 'bad reactions' which make things worse in Winter. Seems that the data set is indicating that

we will finally learn the answer as to the hidden question in Lincoln's quote: "just how long can you fool all the people?".

And the corollary also will emerge, "what happens when you can't fool them any longer?"


Populace/USofA & GlobalPop - Adrift in the Dirac Abyss, Sun Storms

When we first began this work late last century {ed note: sounds better than '1997'}, the modelspace had a "population entity" which was

used as the collection point for those memes which were tied to the concept of 'being part of a populace/group/tribe'. The entity

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specifically excluded all references bound by any context of 'belonging to' or 'joining with' a corporation. This was/is one of our methods

for discriminating in a world dominated by corporations mucking about. During the next few years, the single populace entity was split

into the 'population of the globe, excepting residents of the USofA'. This was done due to the clear emotional separation which developed

as the proto-fashistic Bush cabal rose to power, *and* compounded the already heavy footprint of the "global American corporatist

empire" was felt throughout the planetary population of humans. For those humans living/resident within the USofA, the tight hand of 

authoritarian control on all media fed obscuring garbage to the collective 'monkey mind' while the hands of the populace are busily

trapping themselves gasping at the the perks of empire trickling down as eye catching sparklies moving too slowly to miss, yet too fast to

obtain. It emerged that 2/two very distinct views of universe had manifested on the planet and it was geography which determined which

was held by whom. So in the the course of completing modelspace and following the evolutions of the work, it was decided that 2/two

 populace entities were required, thus arose Populace/USofA and GlobalPop.

Over the last 2/two years, coincident with the Sumatra tsunami, and the subsequent Katrina/Rita disaster, there has emerged a broader,

shared lexicon of descriptors between the 2/two entities. It is as though, at some very deep level, and based on 'shared/common' suffering,

the populace of the planet is coalescing, albeit slowly. We find more evidence of this with each of the data collection runs that we

 perform. This ALTA series 307 is no different. When the populace entities are examined, even though they are dominate by political

differences, the commonality of 'suffering' is, at least lexically, acting as a glue to bond diverse groups. There is some temptation on our 

 part to interpret the 'suffering' descriptors as the emergence of yet-another-developing-meta-data-layer, but at this point we will avoid

giving in to that view, and proceed with the strict examination of the lexical sets supporting directly and via cross link, the 'suffering' sub


As the modelspace is progressed through the end of Fall with the shorter term value sets, and the first of the longer term values get

 plotted, both of the populace entities are showing tight clusters reminiscent of 'tipping point' behavior. As an aside, a 'tipping point' occurs

within our modelspace when the whole of an entity shrinks in around a central context/descriptor set. Such behavior was noted prior to

the September 11, 2001 WTC attack. The effect of a 'tipping point' is undetermined going into the time period, but we know that,

according to our definition of the term, a 'tipping point' is that time where 'everything changes in an instant'. Unlike the 'context creation'which also has 'everything changing', a 'tipping point' happens all of an instant, while the 'context creation' emerges over a short period,

 but is anything but 'instant'. Clear as the deepest mud in the Mississippi?

After much study, and after progressing the modelspace forward and resetting to do it all over again, the interpretation is that *if* a

tipping point is forming it is not immediate, and would likely impact some time later into 2007, rather than Winter of 2006/2007 which is

where the effects first seem to manifest.

So going on to what few clues may be gleaned from the data as it is now, the modelspace does show that each of the 2/two populace

entities is being significantly impacted by the emerging context of 'disease'. The clusters or 'knots' of data are tightly coalescing around

'disease' as a sub set, but with some very specific data indicating that it will not be 'general disease' which is going to so 'shake the


This area of the data is reflective of a 'disease' state or 'context' which is going to come to dominate the Winter. The 'disease' sub set is

 both specific, and disturbingly diverse. The data set for both populace entities, at least around this descriptor set, contains lexicons for  both 'human diseases' as well as the continuing accretion of data for 'sun disease'. Starting with the latter, we have to note that the 'sun

disease' has been showing up for a number of years, has been consistently associated with 'madness/insanity', has been interpreted in the

 past as pertaining to 'human disease' which was to be "somehow associated" with the sun. To clarify, I need to note that the 'sun disease'

has *until this point* been so linked to 'human disease' as to beg an interpretation of the 'sun disease' as being a label for a condition

affecting humans. This may have been wrong. In fact, there is some mounting lexical support for an entirely different interpretation which

would reconcile the lexical descriptors to something similar to 'a disease of the sun, manifesting, induces madness/insanity within the

 populace of humans'. It is worth noting that the 'madness' sub set supported by the continuing accrual of 'sun disease' data is now

developing detail aspect/attributes to the effect of a 'change of condition/behavior' which will 'emerge/come_out_from the sun' is the

 proximate cause of a 'wave/tsunami of madness' which will sweep around the planetary populace. Again, these are changes within a

more-or-less stable, growing area which are pointing toward a coming 'behavior shift'. This 'shift of actions/manifestation' will certainly

show within the populace, and apparently will be the result of 'manifesting sun disease'. Our early data for this set, gathered several years

ago, went to the idea that '75/seventy-five per cent' of the populace would be 'affected/afflicted' by the 'sun disease' , and that the chaos

resulting would have so many facets that the 'dead lay uncovered, stepped over'.

Well, on to the more cheery other half of the data set supporting sub set of 'disease'. While bearing in mind the interpretations are usually

more divergent the hotter or more emotional the data set, we nonetheless have to report that the 'disease' sub set with the supporting

'human disease' sub set has grown very rapidly as the modelspace is progressed into Winter 2006/2007. {Ed note: using the December 

Solstice as the point of demarcation.} As the modelspace is progressed, both populace entities develop the same set of lexical sub sets

around the idea of a 'sea of disease'. Alternatively these aspect/attribute sets could be interpreted as 'adrift {in a} disease sea'. There are

very significant changes which take place within this sub set and prompt this interpretation. At a macro level we note that 5/five out of 

6/six of the aspects change within a very short period in Winter. This wholesale dominant aspect change is what prompts the comparison

to the development of a 'tipping point'.

Within the 'disease, human' sub set which so grows in December and beyond, the rising dominant aspect is for our newly modeled

'morgellons' disease/parasite. Further we have several references to the 'bird flu', however the data seemingly suggests that these are 'also

rans' and are 'divergent' from the 'real threats'. It is also worth noting that on a global basis, the 'morgellons' disease, at least according to

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how the data set grows, will take a very large leap up in the general consciousness and subsequent emotional tone at this time. It is as

though a 'revealing event' will be manifesting either shortly before or around the solstice which will kick up the bespoke 'fear' quotient

several orders of magnitude relative to 'morgellons'. This is occurring in both entities simultaneously, suggestive of a global media

reporting which would account for nearly the same sub set of descriptors to arise without regard to language of discussion.

Further within this set we have numerous references to the 'sea/abyss' within the over all descriptor sub set of 'human disease'. These

many 'sea' descriptors go back to several primary sets within the lexicon. This has made the interpretation a difficult task. It could be that

the way to interpret the data would be to suggest that a 'sea of disease' changes global human behavior after getting everyone 'whipped

up'. Or, alternatively, it could be interpreted that the 'seas become diseased', and while this would also have the same level of emotional

impact if the global oceans suddenly showed bizarre 'disease' state, this area is within the sub set of 'human disease' so we interpret the

'seas' reference as metaphoric for a 'sea of disease', or a 'disease which affects the sea of humanity'. Make sense? Even more alternativescan be constructed from this lexicon such as 'a disease affects humans as a wave/sea washing over the populace'. Again, make sense?

The whole of the data set, being at the core of the populace entities, is necessarily also bound up with all the other nasties floating around

within the populace in general. So we have our 'human disease', and 'morgellons' sub sets heavily involved with the 'secrets revealed' and

'restricted movement' meta data layers. And we have the Terra entity cross links from the terminating points within the populace entities

which originate within the 'sun/solar system' sub set. Then we have the growing 'revolt/revolution/turning' meta data meme which is also

very extensively cross linked over to the populace entities, 'human disease' sub set, and specifically on to our newly modeled 'morgellons'

aspect/attribute set.

Some of the supporting aspect/attributes for the 'morgellons' sub set in both populace entities are themselves offering no comfort. We find

that 'wrong, [emphatic/angry]' is a primary aspect. This is being interpreted as a caution that 'everything we know {about morgellons} is

emphatically wrong'. We also find that bespoke 'danger' and 'fear' are very large players within the sub set. Each of these has a curious

reference to the aspect of 'wide/broad'. In the case of 'danger' the 'wide' is supported by 'consciousness/awareness', and 'chasm/separation'.

And in the case of 'fear' the 'broad' aspect is supported by 'mono -culture', and 'crossing threshold {of awareness}'.

As the supporting aspects for 'human disease' at all levels are explored, the 'danger/dangerous/hazardous' references continually appear.

This clustering around emotionally hot aspects such as bespoke 'fear' and 'danger' contributes to the near 'tipping point' impression about

this particular data set appearance. The impression is *not* reduced by the other references which go to such ideas a 'not finding {what

is} being sought', and 'dangerous, dark place, no refuge {in a} cave'. Further we find that 'any direction/all directions' will 'present

hazards/dangers'. This in turn is supported by 'stopped short/restricted movement' will 'hamper thought/blind mind' such that 'restless

{humans} constrained {by} fear/risk {will} inappropriately take action/move'. This in its turn is supported by 'dangerous restlessness

causes disaster(s)' and that 'steep and slick leads to abyss's'. This 'abyss' reference is also cross linked to the 'seas' references at the higher 

supporting levels, and is also curiously very extensively supported with its own sub sets going to the idea that the 'humans drift over the

disease abyss'. Or, alternatively the area could be offering the idea that 'humans fear the abyss/seas {as the} source/center {of the}

disease'. Hmmm. Humans adrift on the sea on a morgellons raft?

Along with this sub set of 'human disease' the modelspace has both entities heavily cross linked internally and externally around the

lexicon for 'spiritual'. While puzzling, the sub set proves even more confounding within its many layers of aspect/attributes. There arereferences which participate within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer and are headed by 'dinner {with} drinks {while/at which}

trends/directions {of} spiritual/explicit_manifestation interpretation are decided'. This area is extensively cross linked to

ThePowersThatBe entity while very deep within the 'human disease' sub set of the populace entities. One interpretation is that

ThePowersThatBe will 'gather round the kitchen table' and 'quaff a few' while deciding on 'which spiritual interpretation' to offer to the

 populace about 'morgellons, emerging diseases'. We need also note that this area is still bound to the very numerous 'sun disease' sub sets.

Returning to the area of the 'sun disease' lexical set, an examination of the accruing values for the shorter term value set as well as the

early longer term values will reveal that the 'sun disease' is holding supporting sets going to the 'sun in Winter' as 'cutting the

knot/releasing the bond' during an 'episode of disease'. This last area can also be interpreted as 'symptom display'.

Terra - Three Golden Arrows, Galactic Energy Drain, Bare Trunks 3/Three Years

The Terra entity is showing through the 'sun disease' lexical set that '3/three golden arrows' will 'precede {return to} inner calm'. These

'3/three golden arrows' are shown as 'traversing the sky' over the course of Fall/Winter {ed note: apparently 3/three over nearly 6/sixmonths}. The 'traversing the sky' is very extensively cross linked as a point of origin to the 'sun disease' analog within the populace

entities. The suggestion being that 'mental stress occurs {from} viewing golden arrow piercing {the} sky'.

We need to note that within the cross links to the Populace/USofA, many of the termination points end in lexical sets which go to 'ruse

{of} officials', and 'lies {from the prince} deter movement, timely, death results'. Further within these cross link termination points are

suggestions that 'food supplies produce bellyache,heartache, headache'. And some how the 'contamination' of the 'food supplies' are seen

as being related to the 'first and second' of the '3/three golden arrows'.

It may be noted that 'golden arrow' could be interpreted as a 'solar flare'. This may be appropriate, but the data set is suggesting that if this

is the case, the 'golden arrow' is specifically focused on the 'appearance {in the} earth sky' rather than the 'appearance on/from the sun'.

So the idea is that if these are indeed 'solar flares' which are being forecast, then they will have an 'earth striking' component which will

 produce some 'disturbing visual effects within the blue {of the} sky'.

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7/31/2019 High, Clif - ALTA Report Vol. 12 - 4 - Part 3 (2012.08.19) (Eng) (PDF) [307THREE]

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Also to bring back other disturbing data, we have a curious, and deep cross link between this area, the 'sun disease', sub set '3/three golden

arrows' and the 'morgellons, human disease'. Specifically there are links which go to a supporting set for the 'morgellons' which is held as

the aspect of 'parasite, lice_in_fur'. The 'golden arrow' cross links originate within the Terra entity and terminate within this 'lice_in_fur'

section of the populace entities. These cross links are complete, and extensive and appear to suggest that either the 'rise of public

awareness' of the 'morgellons' issue will coincide with the 'golden arrows' from the 'sun disease', or alternatively that they are indeed

linked in some deeper way.

An interesting contrast emerges from the cross links in that the Terra entity is showing the 'sun' as 'returning to calm, inner quiet' after the

'3/three arrows', but as may be imagined, the populace is 'anything but calm'.

The Terra entity, sub set 'space, near, solar system' as well as the 'space, far, extra system' sub set are both point to a 'realization of dyingoff/rotting/putrefaction' which is linked to the GlobalPop first, and then the Populace/USofA, and both of which appear shortly into the

Winter of 2006/2007. There are lexical sets for both 'internal' and 'external' views/perceptions being 'created/manifest' within the

'populace/group/tribes' such that 'energy, drained off' brings out 'revealed secrets, obstacles to movement'. This 'drained off energy'

apparently is *not* earth related, so there is little chance that this is a linguistic spill-over from the 'peak oil issue'. Rather the data set is

clearly 'space' focused, and even includes supporting aspect/attributes which 'frame {the} solar system against the galactic tree/structure'.

So there are to be some 'solar/extra-solar energy issues' which will also be 'troubling the humans' this Winter.

The Terra entity also has some not-very-reassurring hints that a 'global drought', seemingly begun this last January {2006} will be

'viewed/seen/acknowledged'. Further the data set is suggesting that the 'drought {will} produce bare trunks on trees for 3/three years on'.

Again, this area is heavily cross linked to the emotional sums emerging from the populace entities in the Winter months. Also, it must be

noted that the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer is near vertical in many entities by the end of February, and has several large bulges of 

accrued values in late November, and into December.

As an editorial note, it appears that the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer manifests more during the building emotional periods, thanduring the release periods. While not intuitive, we suspect that the "mechanism" is that the 'secrets revealed' come out, they then cause

emotions to build, and then later, those emotional pressures are released. So a sort of delayed effect occurs within the process. It is this

seeming processing design pattern which allows us to associate 'echoes' of themes at different points in the modelspace.

Along with the 'space' based inputs to the 'human emotional system' here on earth, we also note that the Terra entity is chock-a-block-full

of repeated statements that 'explosive storms' and 'raging thunder' will be the dominant weather themes this Winter. Specifically there are

numerous references to 'violence' and 'weather' with USofA focused geographic labels, and also specifically, large numbers of cross links

from Terra entity to Markets entity are participating in 'loss of balance'. Again, specifically, it would appear that the Terra entity is stating

that 'Winter weather' in the northern hemisphere will be 'storming' and 'oppressive of movement/activity'. Curiously this area is also linked

to the Populace/USofA and terminates in the aspect of 'cathartic' with supporting aspect/attributes as 'recovering/surviving inclement

weather induces catharsis and rejection of self-delusion/lack_of_sense'.

Conclusion: Part 3 - Scale Adjustments

We had anticipated being able to produce a chart of the extent of the Ides of March release period within this Part 3 of the report. While

we have the initial longer term values processed and loaded into modelspace, we ran into a problem in that the value sets *again* are

significantly diverging from the size of the ranges within our scale. This is to say that new emotional sums are outside the range of the

top/bottom of the scale that has been in use these last 19/nineteen months. This is not a new occurrence as we have encounter these scale

adjustment issues in the last few years, but still there is no mechanism to rapidly adjust as the need is both infrequent, and unpredictable.

To automate the process would be technically simple, but incredibly tedious as the referential integrity of the automated scale adjustment

would be needed to be validated throughout the whole of modelspace as well as at each stage of the processing. So we have been, and are

again doing the scale adjustment "manually".

While tedious as a manual task, the scale adjustment process does allow us to poke about within areas of the lexicon not recently visited,

as well as to perform referential integrity checks on the data sets, and to get at maintenance issues within the descriptor base/lexicon. But

this process is time consuming and thus has impacted our ability to produce the chart of the Ides of March release period extent for Part 3.

We have no reason to believe that impediments will arise at this late stage of the scale adjustment and are confident of having the revised

scales in place to generate the chart for part 4.

We expect that Part 4 will be posted by late Saturday, August 26th. But also note that the whole of the period from the 23rd to the 28th is

within a week of impacting 'secrets revealed' as well as 'violence' and some Terra related events..


Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved.

Released through subscription only.

 No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

astHuman: Language: Linguistics: Tools: ALTA file:// /I: /HPH_SUPPORT/ALTA307_ides/ALTAREPORT/alta_3