Hi, my name is Bear Bearybear. I am a concerned environmentalist writing to you about global warming. Global warming is a big deal as it is getting stronger every day. Global warming is affecting us in many ways such as Rising Seas, Changes in rainfall patterns, Increased likelihood of extreme events, Melting of the ice caps, Melting glaciers, Widespread vanishing of animal populations, And bleaching of Coral Reefs due to warming seas and acidification due to carbonic acid formation. As you being mother nature I must ask why? Why all this? Global warming is causing so much problems all over the world and


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Hi, my name is Bear Bearybear. I am a concerned environmentalist writing to you about global warming. Global warming is a big deal as it is getting stronger every day. Global warming is affecting us in many ways such as Rising Seas, Changes in rainfall patterns, Increased likelihood of extreme events, Melting of the ice caps, Melting glaciers, Widespread vanishing of animal populations, And bleaching of Coral Reefs due to warming seas and acidification due to carbonic acid formation. As you being mother nature I must ask why? Why all this? Global warming is causing so much problems all over the world and its hurting innocent animals and people. Now I must say you are not the only one causing global warming we humans have a big part in it too. We cause lots of heat by burning fossil fuels to use our everyday objects and that is selfish of us but

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would it hurt so much to help us out. I hope this helps. Love, Bear

Ps. Please make it snow in California once or twice ;)