Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak Citation for published version (APA): Peeters, P. B. G. (1966). Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak. (TH Eindhoven. Afd. Werktuigbouwkunde, Laboratorium voor mechanische technologie en werkplaatstechniek : WT rapporten; Vol. WT0162). Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven. Document status and date: Gepubliceerd: 01/01/1966 Document Version: Uitgevers PDF, ook bekend als Version of Record Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement: www.tue.nl/taverne Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at: [email protected] providing details and we will investigate your claim. Download date: 02. Mar. 2021

Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between

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Page 1: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between

Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak

Citation for published version (APA):Peeters, P. B. G. (1966). Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak. (TH Eindhoven. Afd.Werktuigbouwkunde, Laboratorium voor mechanische technologie en werkplaatstechniek : WT rapporten; Vol.WT0162). Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven.

Document status and date:Gepubliceerd: 01/01/1966

Document Version:Uitgevers PDF, ook bekend als Version of Record

Please check the document version of this publication:

• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can beimportant differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. Peopleinterested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit theDOI to the publisher's website.• The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review.• The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and pagenumbers.Link to publication

General rightsCopyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright ownersand it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights.

• Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal.

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Take down policyIf you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at:[email protected] details and we will investigate your claim.

Download date: 02. Mar. 2021

Page 2: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between

technische hogeschool eindhoven laboratorium voor mechanische technologie en werkplaatstechniek

biz. 1 van 14blz.

rapport nr. 0161 f------~--<

rapport van de sedie:


sectiel ei der:


Dra. 3. loal ••

Pr.t.Ir. C. de 8 •• 1' Pret.Dr. P.O. Y .. aatra

samenvatting l Do_ M~ .... r'.11Jk.. ..n a.. b .... rkt. opperv1ak aeI\ ••• rwvIM14.aoraaal kat ..... a iaflruk kr:lJ..-nil .. "vIl.14 Yall lie, oppery1ak ••• 1aacriJk 1. daar_ te .. tea cloor .. ike taotorel1 de .. tabU: I

a.epaal4 werclf,. J)&artoe Ver4fU.l proe__ paoaea .. tj, ,.vaald •• pperylakUa. Bet yara.hU in ruvh.ld . ver4 ,.ru.... door d. &all •• t toa ftraJMi.rea. De 'b. 1 t.elll .. k.. •• de ..... ahollcllap.vaal YU 4e ".1 t.elJNllt _riea eoaataat pllo .....


.laa pr .. tperao ............ a yw •• JaJl.leacle pare. b.-wrtt.. opperYlakba ..... rl.le'4 .. t. .... 001' .. 1 ••• a., 1. soader "'1" al., y •• t te .tell .... lk. 1'1I. •• 1411 ... r8e1l111 •• _. ao, oauro.014_ kat blJi b.t .... r,.11Jba TaD. t. ... opperYlakkata. V ...... U:1Sa­l1jk a,...lt. ... 0_1aat1e ... cIe n.vll.lcl8vaarclu Ba, Bp •• Bt Il1eJit1j ... 1'01. j i o.t de ataka4 YU cia btnntrkul·p'oe'ft. .chi Ja!. .. i:


I, I

.opale .. to. .1Ja biJ .. 1aclJ'uk 4u "Il ulJ~ ,,_ •• ruvha14 fta •• a belMrkt. opperYlak. I '



0. Iro_r ••• It.rbit t.e kr1Jga. wlke 1.'1'1.,.4 .. ...... , .... tt lt1j lie .. Moor_l ...... de ruv_14 ft. ••• .ppel"Ylalt, •• 1l .. n 4. pr ....... " ..... .... ort .. t.te ••

cod.ring: 1I.10.a


aontal biz. 14

geschikt voor publicatie in:

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Page 3: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between

\ ,apport "'"-~ 62 ~ _____________ "

0 1 IgIaRU'


biz. a van1. biz. I

I ! 1. Inleld1D, I I 2.1. trAtt 1 Het aake. van de proatopperylakken.

5 r2 •2• Bet .et •• van 4e ruwheldewaarde •• 2.,. Het "',ool'delen van da oppervlakke. door perlonea.

I 2.4. Coaolull.l. 10 f- 3 .1 • lIRO' a B.t makaa vaa de proatoppervlakk.a.

Het .et.n Van 4, ruwbeldlvaarden. ,.;2. I 3.3. Bet beoordele. VaD d. oppervlakkea door p.r.o ••••

15 ~, .4. Oeaelulla ••

20 l1. IUIIJ •


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30 ~


•• a.t 4e ruwb.14 ••• ter. dle de opperTlaltteruvheld •• te. •• ia •• a ,etal veel'cev.., ver4ea ook ruvheldlao .. a1.. I.~rulkt. Door h.t ver,el13k •• VaB een bew.rkt oppervlak .. t •• a ruvb.14a­ao ... 61 tan .en ee. lndruk krljgen van de ruvh.ld.van bet 0,,.1'­vlak. O.der •• abt v.rd welke ruwheld8ver.ohillen no, kUDaea .0 ....

vaarle ••••• blj h.t vergelljken van tv.. b.verkt. opperYlakkea.

~.1.lBOIl , u.~ p,k'A Tal de RrQltIRR'~~lkk'p· 35




.11. b.verkln, Van bet opp.rvlak werd 41'aal.n lekos ••• Vl.1t aa.en werden aan belde 81.1d.n b.verkt. Verloh11 b .pper.,lak teruvh.ld verd verkl'e,e. door d. aans.t t. v.ran4er ••• Oe beltelb.,ken, 4, .e .. atrondlB, •• traal van d. belt.l,..., 4. aneeledl'pte en eI. e.lj •• elbttid werd oonetallt I,houcle •• De a8 ••• v.rel,n vervaardl,d op ,e. Oelt10 14 dr.albank".,t .••• ••• beltel.

werkplaatstechn lek technische hogeschool eindhoven

Page 4: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between

I 10 L


0162 biz. , van 141z.

ftpv 1 ,..n .a. .._,. Yaa •• 11 •••

AANZETqOSmm/smw. MNZET 006rnrryomv. I I

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." total. r.vhe14

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1 ... tt 4. ~wwk.ld.v.ar"D w •• r. Yaa 4 •• ',. .... l.kk ..... rel ct. ruvhe14 ..... 1 .......... (z1e blz.10/',)

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9 0,/8 S;Lf 5,6 76 8,0 28 27 /0 0,20 ~5 6,2- .9,5 9,.1{ ..31./ ..35

.--------------- ---~.-.-.-.. -----.-.. -----.-.------~-------_1 werkplaatstechn lek technische hogeschool eindhoven

Page 5: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between

rapport nr. 0162

o 113 ••• ".pau_ ..... tr.ndl ..... traal TaD ae bolt..lput wor .. .


2.1. 10




\ho.r.ti.eh de ruwh.ld.w.arde. blj t.oo ••• ead. &aD'" ...... . Dit lit,.. al.t ult 4 ••• tia •••• S11~t&I. Taa 4e b.ltel .13 ... . k.t .at.. ... t. pro_t.pp.rT1akk.. taD bi.r... 4_ ..... ak &13 •• Itt'.I-" •• k v.l~ :",N.tava"t. ; ... ~ .. ~.,patallw.( ..... ,.113k .pperT1ak 4 .. t , .n .pp.rTlat 6 •• t 7).

U: UO •• "", !', PI; OPlIlnAlli1 1901 lIuog"

.larl 41 ,.r .... a (1,,1'11a •• n ft ••• a !lo,.r. to.lud .•• _ ...... 1) vat... 8 .. ,. •• hi1l.... p.r.. ,e4ra.14. o,per91&kk.. .. .. ,.a.'4. o.Yraa,. W*r4 te \ ...... 1 •• , Velke T.D 4. tne op,.rT1akk.n i, J'UVer ot 1. .11 ,e ........ OW ' •••• n •• ruyhe1d .an ... ppe.~akk.D ... t \e ... 11 ••• D. pe...... ko.... 4. ~.14. te Ye.1*113k.. .,,...lakk.. 1. •• baa4 ....... 4 •• e te b •• 13k ...... t 4. aa,.l 01 4. n ........ ",_" •• tea. h H.ul_te. Ta. <Ie poet 8ijn .... 1',., .... 18 'kMl I • . .

I I 2 y Y£Il~GI.!lIrE'" Z., Z2- 20 OPPERyLAJrIfEN

1 .f/tl ,2- 11 /0 /.if

2 GAl .3 J2J /3 15

..3 GN .if 13 /9 9 5 Gil 6 /2 .25 if

I:, Btl f II ..30, 0

7 EN 8 /5 2/ 5

8 EN g 13 Ii{ II{

9 FN' 10 .5 03/ .5

"1 • a .. tal per ...... 10 b.t. opp.,..lak ill .lj 1 nver Yoa4 ••

la • a •• \&1 ,.,..0... 4i. h.t opp.~ak 1. ,.ij 2 .. V~ ...... 50 10 • ... tal "1"0". 41. , ... .,.,..eJdl 'u. ••• n •• opp.m~.

ko.a.. Ta.t.t.ll •••


technische hogeschool eindhoven I werk~laatstec:hnl.k

Page 6: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between

'I 1Q

15 ~ I ,


I 3O~



0162 biz.' v;m1"blz.

113 ~t ... ,.li3k •• Y&a 4 ••• p.rYlakk •• 6 •• 7, yo.... '0 .. r ..... p,...lat 7 1"1i&ftI". OW."""ak 7 ll •• n .1Il'-,. 1 ..... ...... 1 ... "...... daa .p,.rY1ak~ ••

1' • ..-uJk.. •• 4. opp.n1akua 9 •• 10 •• , d. op,.~1'1ak" , .... Op~at 9 I Ita • 5,f Ip • 7,8 Op~ 10. R •• 6." 2p • 9,.'

at I: 27,' a, • '4,5 at,. 7,0

1 '

" ..... 11 '-10 ••• • o,,~ ~ • 1,6,

'1 per ........... oppel'ylak 10 ;. ...... 1'.

OpJW'f'1U :s • .. · '," ., • ',6 at • 26 ~'f41 a. • 6,.3 Bp II 8,2 Ilt, • 29 ....... il , .... I. I: 0,7' Rp = 0,6 itt • .3

Ie la4rak 41. ••• TaD .. ravh.14 Taa ••• oppel'Ylak krlJ.\ .or.' .. ar •• 1l13a11~k b.paal4 door ••• ..abl .. ,,- ... •• ruw­b.t. .... ~ ••• R., .p. a. a,.

Ala _ b1j •••• pu140 ••••• ho.41a, •• w.al Taft •• '.lW­,.at 4. .a.,.' .-rIPo.', ... t.a ~ .... tl •• h 4. r.vh.l ....... 4 .......... . SlJ .. proetopperYlakk •• YaIl pro.t 1 bl •• k 41' .1.t he, .. .al.

e'0.1 1). Ile.Uwa ... 4 ••• 'We." o.rt.. pt-•• t.,pel''Ylakk •• ,.auk"_ De ""'."ol'y1ak"& ..... op ••• 1f.. aut._ p .. u" .:1a .............. ,at 2.1.

.teI'lu1 ..... Ul. ·(,.rla ..... be1t.181ijtal. t1.14 ... be' .. -t ....... pro.to,perY1akke. Ter,elek •••• ~ .taa1).

werkplaatstechnlek technische hogeschool eindhoven

Page 7: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between


I .~


+ 45


rapport nr. 0162 blz.6 vaft

.. , .. Pw ................ "'" uai ..... a1 ... vel'4 •• tie ......... -V ....... la, at, _ lp ._tea. Ilk eppe",u ...... , ·fIrh pl .. , .... _tea. taltal J ••• tt .. nvlae'4." ....... v •• r. Vall de opPd'l'lakk •• WH .. 1' ..... 14 ..... 1 ..... 4. (&18 b1z.13 eD 14)

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1 0,05 2.1 2.2 -1,2 46 46 ~b 18 1':/ 120

2. 0. 05 .30 ..31 0 40 , 1.(5 ~s ~~ 20 20 21

.3 018 I ~.3 -;5 ~f .:S:5 ~8 40 .20 2.1 '22..

it 0,20 If 0 ~I ~I "7 6.7 "0 .2.5 /8 22

.s 0,23 ~'I 40 42 81 8,/ 18 26 2.2 .22.. I

.•• i ......... k ...... op .... It •• v1~ .. uti."' .... &1. ~

........ 1' pua\ 1.3 • .la. 11 parsone. ver4en ...... r.oll~ ....

,..... ,.41'&ala appel"Ylakt.. .... .... ia .. . a. ... wl\a". ft .. de proet a1.1a ......... _. 1. \aMl 4.

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..3 EN "I 6 /3 2-if EM 5 7 8 "

wlM'kplootstachn iek technische hogeschool eindhoven

Page 8: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between






biz. 7 van 14blz.

" • ... \&1 ,... •••• 41. h.t opperT1ak 1 •• IJ 1 .., ........ . la • ,..tal ,........ cU.. la.t, .pp.rYlak 1 •. riJ 2 r..... .... .... . z •• _t~ , ....... 4l ..... ....,..eIIJl. t\l ... n ... ppert'lakba

JIea ........ ".te1lAt ••

III a. ..... " •• 1131£ •• "'aa .. opp.r."laklt •• 1 .n a .er4 •• cle •• 1-, .................... (\a~.1.) Z II. 1

'a:. l' z ... a

v. ~. au .t&~'.\1.eh o.d ••• o.k •• 1n lao ... ~. • ..... '.lac ,. ...-kl..... 1. 0, ,.oa4 "'an .eD b1.oalaal. 1'd"4.11q.

Va' -.t aaata1 2 betr.r. b.bb •• v. a. , .... o'.11'kb ..... 1) ... , aaa'\al ltu\e ...... hollviA' lat.l1.

a) Cl' _~ l~lJJr. ... "el.1.11 0"'." 1l.14e lJ"o,~ •• j w ..... u\ laat ••• ,..,,&1 .n laan 4U8 \lit Tan Z1 -= , •• la • 1~.


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30 I- _lMbw .. yal ........ ct... par .... tel' p.

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so ~·IJr.li.:0-JJ -~" Pi < f <;+";1-/)~ ""If! jl_Zt¥

werkp loot.techn lek technische hogeschool eindhoven

Page 9: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between


rapport nr. 0162 biz. 8 yan 14b1z.

.1 .. 1a 1 ••

• • .... kpr .. ' .... t.te , • ,. al. • ...... '1.... ...ariabelo .Plo ... at.to .abat.t.in. •••• •

111' u .... tpro.,. C I 4. al. , .. aalt.s. ...... ariab.lo oPIOn.t.'- I ... tla ...... ,

ut.t. ... te.lEpr •• '. Ii.... •• ., ••••• "da.zoaal. ",arlahelo beh .. oJUle bl, .. D .,...eU1.I­

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hlHl"t. ...... " de vur4ell in bo ...... tu.n.. betrettill, ... ~ ... W. I q IIX. /> <:: qitl_t. HtrouvbaU"u14 TU " ••

:De ku. ..t. oPJHIrTlak 2 ala "ver vOl"4t au •• ,.Yon 1, 4 .. 1M1'~. ,.oMr 4.. "'eor .pper.lak 1. " r .4.1 ..... 11.

I la ta~l , It,. •• .. ••• hill.. 1. • •••• t, 1.- eft Rp v..,4 ..... 30r ... pp.r~akk.D ... 1' ........ 11.

I 'aMl S. 35- Til ;EIi~Gi.IfJ{6'" 'HELATIE F YERSt:.I'IJ1. VERse""" .. /N Y?a. VE~sc"'ll. IIf! R,..

OPPElt VJ.),XIfEiI. IN 4;,AlZET ..,.u..,...,.,. "J.l.m.

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werkploCltstechn lek technische hogeschool eindhoven '---------------------,

Page 10: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between




rapport nr. 0162 biz. 9 van14 biz.

Ie .ta~4 Yaa d. ~""klal'cro.Y.. ."13-' ••• rol ,. .,.1 •• ~lj d. ladruk 4ie ... trtj,t ... 4. ra.kal. Tan •• a bewert, .ppe .... 1U.

011 ",.M1N .. t.r1wt14 ,. krij .. n •• lk. laYl .. d d ......... l1 .. tt bl~ b •• "'001"4.1 ........ n opp.r't'lat, ...... A 4. pr ........... . ,. ... , .. , ....... .. pr •• tphftkt.ea kuaaea clu ala .,811" ....,u' ..........

REt. ArIS;:: VJ7K4'::"';.(. /N V.e~S<::HIL IN' :?::t W4.4C'AW YEII,seJo/I L IN fil' """;fa.av

A,fJl/Zlr T.tJ,sU'N ru.s;~GAI TWGE T(/s$eAl TWEE

TWEE oPPI"Yi.AJrkrN aPr. ~ Vi. A J( I'(',G 41 OPPEl( vi. 1'\ kkGN'.

ql 0, T v.e If SC,l<{ ,,[ Zo OIT /lEASC/'II/" ZD

~2 t,;;,O&D H06l:L!lIr C t>.vSI"4NT (,i.D1I1) Nt¥i?J.Vk o".sr ANT 01{




1. J. 1181a,1 Die Zu~lla.llk.it .., .. .-.It..apt1D4,,, wa4 ~ I .......... at" p •• wl ••• - ... 1IIlet, .... w..-. •. V •• k.t&~'.\eehalt '0 (1960)

8.728 - ",.

a. I. .u.1.d.r, Di. OIte1"tllell.ac«t. baa INh ••

V •• ka'.''-' •• hnik '2 (1962).

,. atatlaoh •• apea41wa b.hor •• 4 b1l ~, 0011., •• aa Prot.Dr. I.C. B .... at ••• T •• hai_ •• loc ••• hoo1 IhAo"..a.

45 .. • p • Kat tel'l 11. A.Avenclu, Yoa OIrert1loJlen - Ror.al •• v.a.Hls.I.V. lor ••• -Bull.tl •• Jr. 10 Ottober 1960.

werkplaafstechnl.k technische hogeschool eindhoven

Page 11: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between

I rapport or. 0162

. ., bIz. 10 van 14b1Z.i




R= p-L.R= p; Ra, (elA) = p; Rs{RMS) = OOOUOOOOOOOOOOOOo.O

, I ~o·, 0-0--0-0--0-0-0--0-0--0-0-0-0--0--0--0-0--0--I . . Dr. P;;:rthen, Honnover/Hommelwerke bf.annr; .

25 ~

= «; G= PI top = %; V+ .' nOOOOODOOOOOOO{)OO


'kr-o-o-o--o--o--o ,v-{)--o--v--o-o-o--o-·.Q-! Dr. Perth en, HonnoverJHommelwerke



werKploatstec:nniek technische hogeschool eindhoven

Page 12: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between

rapport nr. 0162 biz. 11 van~ 4 biz. 1 r,.....-.-~-- .. -'--"-·--«---'·· . -,,-.-------------------.,--- --------,.

o l-'-o-D--o-O-o-o--o-Cr-o-O-o-o--(}--o-o--o-o--o--o--o:'o~-o-o-i j; Perth-O-Meter .



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Page 13: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between

rapport nr. 0162. blz.12 van 14blz.\


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Page 14: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between


blz.13 van14 biz. 1 rapport nr. 0162

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werkplaatstechniok technische hogeschool eindhoven

Page 15: Het beoordelen van de ruwheid van een oppervlak• A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between


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