F : UND RA SING - .--.--_ . . _--_ . . . -

Hershey Candy Bar Flyer 20100001

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Page 1: Hershey Candy Bar Flyer 20100001

8/8/2019 Hershey Candy Bar Flyer 20100001

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Page 2: Hershey Candy Bar Flyer 20100001

8/8/2019 Hershey Candy Bar Flyer 20100001

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/hershey-candy-bar-flyer-20100001 2/2

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The #1 Sellin /: P ure M ilk

C ho co la te B ra ndSo ur ce : N ielse n an d IR!, FDMxC

52 week ; endinq 3/20/10.

S o ur c e: N i elsen and IRI, FDM xC

52 weeks ending 3/20/10.


H E R S H E Y £ S $2 F u n dR a is i n g A s s o r tm e n t30-Count Carrier Includes:

•8REESf 'S@Peanu t B utte r Cups

• 8 HERSHEYISM ilk Cho co la tew ith A lm onds B ars

• 8 K IT KA T @ Wa fe r Bars

• 6 TWIZZLERS@StrawberryTwists

·Suggested sellin

Actual price is at

discretion of the

The #1 SellingCho co la te B ra nd

Sou rc e: Nielsen and IRI, FD MxC

52 weeks ending 3/20/10.

The #1 SellingW afer B ar


The #1 SellingL ico rice B ra na

C o n ta c t u s t o e l a y to l e a r n

a b o u t o u r e x c it i n g , o g r a m s ,

a n e l h o w y o u c a n eelJa~ rn~a~~Ft ;:S;~i~b i g 5 - l b H E R - ~

S H E Y ~ S M i l k

C h o c o l a te B a r !

p le as e Conta ct:

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