HEROES HANG WHEN TRAITORS TRIUMPH - Renegade Tribune...How revered the writer and philosopher Knut Hamsun, and throughout Europe, Russia and Ukraine especially, the Norwegian patriot

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Of World War Two


Page 2: HEROES HANG WHEN TRAITORS TRIUMPH - Renegade Tribune...How revered the writer and philosopher Knut Hamsun, and throughout Europe, Russia and Ukraine especially, the Norwegian patriot




Mike Walsh is a veteran journalist, broadcaster and historian. A fugitive from

renegade Europeans, leftists, palace journalists, he has shrugged off their wrath over

50 years of writing. His Irish-American father, Patrick had fought in four conflicts by

the time he reached 40-years of age: The Irish peoples guerrilla war against the

British Army‟s Black and Tans. These armed irregulars, dredged from England‟s

prisons, were notorious for their viciousness. The Irish War of Independence and on

to fight in the most ferocious hand-to-hand battles during the Spanish Civil War.

Whilst on the frontlines he was a close associate of American war correspondent,

Ernest Hemingway. Mike‟s father formed an enduring friendship with Ireland‟s

celebrated playwright, Sean O‟Casey. Eventually his father served in the Royal Air

Force during World War Two as an aircraft fitter / flier. Kathleen, Mike‟s well-

educated mother also mentored his writing skills. A former novice nun she was a

corresponding friend of Spain's Civil War revolutionary La Pasionaria. From the age

of 26 the world-travelling Mike was consumed by a passion for truth and justice.

Inevitably, this led him to the potpourri of lies, infamies, cover-ups and crimes

committed by the Allies that militarily defeated the Workers Reich.

By doing so they ensured the spread of Bolshevism, denial of freedom to nearly a

score of Central European nations, the dismembering of the British Empire, and

surrender to American imperialism. The Allied victory ensured that Bolshevism

would fester for a further 45 years; this they call victory. Through the base stupidity

and race treachery the armed forces of the victors‟ empires destroyed the one

revolution that alone could have ensured the preservation of European culture and

values. Today, their dance of victory is the dance of death on their own funeral pyres.


FURTHER READING Mike Walsh „truth bomb‟ book titles and his poetry and

general interest titles can be viewed at the end. Access all books and websites by

visiting www.renegadetribune.com

Page 3: HEROES HANG WHEN TRAITORS TRIUMPH - Renegade Tribune...How revered the writer and philosopher Knut Hamsun, and throughout Europe, Russia and Ukraine especially, the Norwegian patriot



To Patrick my father with whom I disagreed to a point of estrangement I belatedly

realise that he wanted a better world too. He did it in the way he thought right at the

time; bravo. To my dear mother Kathleen for encouraging my love of literature and

writing. To my apolitical wife Nadia who tolerates me. Last but not least I express

patriarchal love and regards to our sons, Craig, Michael and Nikita.


Mike Walsh Journalist, Broadcaster

Historian and Poet

We are conditioned by propaganda to applaud Winston Churchill, U.S. President

Franklin D Roosevelt, many military figures and writers. Yet, had things turned out

differently, England‟s half-American unelected wartime leader would be little more

than a Lord Kitchener-like smudge in a schoolchild‟s text book.

Due to his corruption, predilection for cross-dressing and sexual debauchery,

Churchill would likely have died in alcoholic obscurity during self-imposed exile in

the U.S. Our thoughts then turn to Wall Street‟s financed Bolshevik, dictator and ex-

terrorist the dwarfish Joe Stalin. It is doubtful he would have survived assassination

attempts until he was finally poisoned in March, 1953.

On the other hand, those now victims of character assassination would be national

icons. It is likely that Adolf Hitler would be revered throughout the world.

Throughout, what is now known as the Third World, there would be constant

celebrations of the Reich after his having liberated their lands from Britain‟s colonial


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No doubt, the liberated nations of Europe would embrace their own form of National

Socialism or Fascism rather than the corrupted right-wing corporatism of the Spanish

or Portuguese models.

In Norway monuments erected to Norwegian patriots Vidkun Quisling and Knut

Hamsun. In Romania there would be squares, parks and great highways named in

honour of Romanian nationalist Christian Corneliu Codreanu. Throughout Ireland no

doubt avenues and squares would be named in tribute of Irish-American William


People do not hate or love famous figures. What they hate or love are falsifications

artfully created by victors‟ propaganda. These caricatures bear no resemblance to

those great figures of history.

Very few people can hate Adolf Hitler as they simply do not know the man. What

they do hate is a mythical almost Disney „hate figure‟ that artful propaganda makes

him out to be. Heroes Hang when Traitors Triumph will perhaps give a different

perspective of former much vilified foes. In the future, who knows, we shall indeed

see squares, parks, avenues and galleries named in honour of Adolf Hitler, William

Joyce, Romania‟s Corneliu Codreanu, and T. E Lawrence aka Lawrence of Arabia.

How revered the writer and philosopher Knut Hamsun, and throughout Europe,

Russia and Ukraine especially, the Norwegian patriot Vidkun Quisling. Heroes Hang

when Traitors Triumph will leave you better able to judge for yourself.

~ Mike Walsh

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T. E LAWRENCE AKA LAWRENCE OF ARABIA New evidence strongly suggests that one of Britain's greatest war adventurers was

murdered by the British Secret Service. The legendary desert warrior, friend of

outstanding writer Henry Williamson and admirer of Adolf Hitler, previous to his

murder, had stated his intention to join the British Union of Fascists. If T. E

Lawrence and Henry Williamson were to oppose the war lobby's intention to declare

war on Germany the pro-war lobby's scheme to enter into war with trade competitor

Germany might be derailed.

WILLIAM JOYCE. HANGED FOR WORDS HE DIDN'T SAY The academically brilliant Irish-American William Joyce was falsely dubbed 'Lord

Haw-Haw'. The idealist it is claimed joined the Nazis. During the war it was said,

he betrayed Britain. The sobriquet Lord Haw-Haw was due to a mistake made by a

Daily Express reporter. Influential American LIFE magazine calculated that 50% of

the English people listened to William Joyce‟s opinions broadcast from Hamburg.

The manager of East Riding Radio Relay Service complained; “We are inundated

with requests for Lord Haw-Haw broadcasts, which we are not allowed to give.”

Statesman David Lloyd George; “The Government ought to take notice of every word

this man says.” This is the story of an Irish-American who was to become a

champion of British interests.

VIDKUN QUISLING THE MARTYRDOM OF A VIKING Unconvinced about the power of propaganda? Norwegian statesman, Sir Vidkun

Quisling, earned his British knighthood. An adventurer and close friend of polar

explorer Fridtjof Nansen, he worked with the International Red Cross in famine-

struck Ukraine. With others, he is credited with saving the lives of millions of

Eastern Europeans. Throughout his life, especially during the failed Bolshevik

attempt to subvert Norway, Vidkun Quisling showed rare courage. This and much

more and yet his name has become synonymous with cowardice and treachery. His

story will inspire you. It will also teach you to respect the power of propaganda.


It was student protests that helped to extinguish the flames of Bolshevism in Eastern

Europe. During the rise of the Reich it was Leipzig students, not the NSDAP that

inspired and initiated the mass burning of Marxist ideology, pornography and anti-

German subversive literature. Elsewhere in postwar Europe student power helped

topple governments. One such was Romania's Corneliu Codreanu, fiery leader of the

revolutionary Romanian Iron Guard. Had his aims been achieved then Codreanu's

name in Romania today would be as revered as Kemal Ataturk's is in Turkey. Here

is an inspiring account of a little known saga of Central European revolution.


In 1920 Knut Hamsun was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Was it

undeserved? Not according to Ernest Hemingway: “Hamsun taught me to write.”

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The roll-call of iconic giants of literature, who revered Knut Hamsun, includes Isaac

Bashevis Singer, “The whole modern school of fiction in the twentieth century stems

from Hamsun.” Franz Kafka, Maxim Gorky, Stefan Zweig, Henry Miller, Hermann

Hesse and many others of similar renown. Thomas Mann described Knut Hamsun as,

“A descendant of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Friedrich Nietzsche.”

How then was it possible for palace historians and corrupted politicians to turn such

an international giant into a pariah? Read the inspiring story of Norway's greatest son

of literature.







Part of the blackening of Joyce‟s character is the claim that his speeches were

universally ridiculed. In fact, his broadcasts were widely listened to in Britain and

the content was far from laughable as claimed by mainstream media.

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His biographer, J. A. Cole describes an event at which two visitors were having

afternoon tea with David Lloyd George.

“The statesman interrupted the conversation to switch on the radio so that the

Hamburg service could be listened to. The former prime minister listened attentively,

and once he remarked: „The Government ought to take notice of every word this man


Life magazine credited Germany with leading the radio war of broadcast information.

The influential American magazine calculated, probably correctly, that 50% of the

English listened to Joyce‟s broadcasts from Hamburg. The BBC disagreed, but then

it would. The manager of the East Riding Radio Relay Service complained, “We are

inundated with requests for Lord Haw-Haw broadcasts, which we are not allowed to


As the Second World War drew to a close several attempts were made to save

William Joyce and his wife from English vengeance. These attempts were futile.

Reichsminister Dr. Joseph Goebbels, before his death, enquired whether a submarine

could be used to take the fugitives to Galway in neutral Ireland. Though not

dismissed out of hand it was impractical and the idea was not pursued. A further

plan was to allow escape to Sweden. This was blocked by the Swedes but at that late

stage of the war escape was unlikely to succeed anyway. Denmark was in a state of

near chaos and Communist bands roamed everywhere. In fact William Joyce was not

inclined to either run or to take his own life. He preferred instead to allow fate to

deal with him as it might. William and Margaret ended their days in defeated

Germany much as their life there had begun, as wandering helpless victims of fortune

and fate. As the first rays of spring were warming the north German countryside the

couple often strolled through the pastoral landscapes surrounding Flensburg in

Northern Germany. As they did so the two contemplated nature and no doubt

remarked on the budding birch trees. Occasionally, Margaret and her husband

would come across small groups of British soldiers. It amused William Joyce to

banter with them. On one occasion a small group of soldiers enjoyed a conversation

with a couple who they thought were Herr and Frau Hansen. It was precisely

because William Joyce did not sound like his music hall caricature that he went



The beginning of their end came on Monday morning on May 28, 1945. William had

climbed to his favourite spot, the crest of the hill overlooking Flensberg‟s beautiful

harbour. There, to use his own words, he seemed to have fallen into a trance-like

state. 'Then, with the utmost earnestness he prayed for help and guidance.‟

Later, realising that his wife would be searching for him, William took one final look

at his beloved harbour below before turning to search for her. Following the same

wooded pathway down the hill the former broadcaster encountered two British army

officers as they gathered wood. Perhaps realising that silence would be regarded as

suspicious Joyce, speaking in French to the servicemen, said, „here are a few more

good pieces.‟

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Whatever aroused their suspicion we may never know. Captain Alexander Adrian

Lickorish of the Reconnaissance Regiment, and Lieutenant Perry, an Army

interpreter, followed and overtook the limping man. “You wouldn‟t happen to be

William Joyce would you?” Perry asked. The conditioned response for anyone so

challenged was to do as Joyce did. Reaching into his pocket he fingered the official

document that would disprove the officer‟s suspicion.

Before he could present his proof of identity, Perry drew and fired his revolver. It

was never felt necessary to explain why such a standard response to a simple request

should have resulted in Joyce being shot down. Asking for documents was

commonplace. The soldiers' reaction, fortunately, was not. The discharged bullet

entered Joyce‟s right thigh and then through his left leg, causing four wounds. As the

rebel fell to the ground he cried: „My name is Fritz Hansen.‟ The grim irony is that

the „officer‟ who shot Joyce, Lieutenant Perry was no Englishman, nor was he a

soldier. Perry was not his real name; the Lieutenant was an armed German-Jew

serving with the British Armed Forces.

William was handed over to the guard commander at the frontier post where his true

identity was revealed. During the ensuing raid on the couple‟s lodgings a lieutenant

and a party of ten infantrymen, two Bren gun carriers and a lorry arrested Joyce's

wife. “Your husband has been arrested,” he snapped, adding that he was to arrest

everyone in the house including the children.





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T. E Lawrence aka Lawrence of Arabia

T. E (Thomas Edward) Lawrence was undoubtedly one of the British Empire‟s iconic

giants. He was an adventurer without equal in an age when great men were already

ten a penny. His is a half-forgotten age of chivalry and derring do. The enduring

legend, this erudite graduate of Oxford University was engaged in archaeological

explorations in Syria when World War One was unleashed upon the world. Soon

afterwards, the man destined by fate to become a legend was attached to British

Forces in the Middle East.

T. E. Lawrence's exploits as a guerrilla leader behind Turkish lines, and his numerous

acts of sabotage and diversion, soon became legendary. Lawrence became a British

national hero and an international legend. The wanderer's adoption of Arab dress

with flowing robes, head-dress, added to by Arabic daggers protruding from his belt,

added to the mystique of this legendary warrior. His mission, on behalf of the British

government, was to stir up trouble among the Arab nations against the then Turkish

Ottoman Empire. The Turks during the Great War were allies of Germany. T. E.

Lawrence was held in the highest of esteem. Winston Churchill, among many other

notables, was unstinting in his admiration for this desert warrior. Books and articles

about his exploits were eagerly awaited.


When the Great War ended, Lawrence of Arabia, the heroic figure, disappeared into

obscurity. Afterwards, he was known to be very disappointed in the terms of the

Balfour Declaration. This toxic British agreement was a stab in the back for the Arab


It betrayed Arab interests in favour of the Jewish-inspired claim to Palestinian

homeland, which was to in 1948 become Israel. Each and every anguish suffered by

the Palestinian peoples since, and many others throughout the world, can now be

traced back to the notorious Balfour Declaration.

Living quietly in his austere Dorset cottage T. E. Lawrence at first wrote an account

of his wartime experiences among his Arab friends. Having done so, he then enlisted

in the Royal Air Force as a humble air-craftsman. Such was his maverick

temperament and keen intellect that he found it difficult to mix with other airmen. In

turn, he was disliked by jealous fellow servicemen and his commanding officers.

As a „ranker‟ Thomas Edward Lawrence remained an enigmatic brooding figure who

remained tacitly in contact with those in the highest political and military circles, as

well as with literary giants of his age.

In respect of the latter he carried on voluminous correspondence. Such a national

hero holding strong idealist opinions could easily have become a thorn in the side of

the establishment. Many believed this is what happened.


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„A Nordic union between Scandinavia and Great Britain, with the adherence of

Finland and Holland, and in which Germany and eventually the British Dominions

and America might later be absorbed, would take away the sting of any communist

combination and secure European civilization and peace for the foreseeable future.‟ ~

Vidkun Quisling, „Russia and Us‟, 1930.

Norwegian Prime Minister Vidkun Quisling had a serious expression on his face as

he sat opposite his secretary, Franklin Knudsen: “You will be my historical witness.

The day will come when I will need it.” The national leader‟s words were spoken

with great solemnity as the two men sat in a room of Oslo‟s Grand Hotel. The date

was 18 April 1940. The private meeting marked one of the most dramatic events in

the great Nordic nation‟s history.

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Nine days earlier their country had surrendered to the forces of the German Third

Reich. Posterity would record that the trigger for Norway's cataclysmic collapse had

been pulled by England‟s soon to be wartime premier Winston Churchill MP. Within

three weeks, the former bankrupt and often lampooned British parliamentarian would

be handed powers a dictator could only dream about.

First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill‟s aim was to cut Germany‟s essential

ore lifeline. Norway and Sweden enjoyed the status of neutrality. Within the

constraints of international agreements and international law the two nations were

amicably trading with their German neighbor. Much of beleaguered Germany‟s ore

was being transported from Northern Sweden to the Reich. Britain, having declared

war, found applying pressure to Sweden and Norway was futile. These Scandinavian

nations were not at war and were happy to trade with Germany.

As a consequence Winston Churchill was incandescent. A trade blockade was

essential and the aim was to throttle the Baltic Sea and its trade links. The

Scandinavian snub left the war leader little choice but to again defy international law.

The British parliamentarian decided therefore that these countries neutrality was to be

denied. Britain would henceforth mine Norwegian waters. Should this fail then

England, again in defiance of international law, would invade neutral Norway. Doing

so was essential if by slicing through Norwegian territory Sweden could be invaded

and ore shipments to Germany prevented.

The conspiracy to mine Norwegian waters and invade Norway was later exposed by

Winston Churchill‟s ally, Prime Minister Paul Reynard of France. The belligerent

Churchill arrived in Paris on April 5, 1940. There, the plan to illegally lay minefields

in Norway‟s territorial waters was hatched. The operation was postponed until April

7, 1940. The intention was no great secret.

The true intention was to provoke the Reich into a pre-emptive strike. This would

make Germany, not England, responsible for violating Norway's neutrality. If the

ruse bore fruit then it would provide the excuse England needed for its planned

counter invasion of Norway. It was not thought that Germany's occupation forces

could repel an English assault. The English warlord was notorious for military

blunders. If England could, after ousting German forces, occupy Norway, then

Sweden's German trade could be stopped. England could then posture as having

come to Norway‟s aid to defend its neutrality. The Swedish government, up to the

tricks of Winston Churchill‟s war cabinet, was soon to make it absolutely clear to

Britain‟s unelected coalition regime that any invasion of its territory by British troops

would be resisted.

The British premier had already boasted, “All German ships in the Skagerrak and

Kattegat will be sunk.” These seaways, like the English Channel, were neutral

passage to international shipping. The straits provide the trading gateway for

Germany, Denmark, Russia, Norway, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.


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YouTube video:

WHO IS MIKE WALSH by Mike Walsh and Jayme Louis Liardi and website web-

site „History without the spin.‟
