Hermes Gymnastics _ Health _ BeSage

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  • 8/9/2019 Hermes Gymnastics _ Health _ BeSage


    1/23/2015 Hermes Gymnastics | Health | BeSage

    Gymnastics Hermes - a complex of physical and breathing

    body with vital energy.

    According to legend, this system of healing was developed i

    BC great ancient Egyptian priest, healer and philosopher H

    The most interesting is the description of the exercise, the fo

    to the training of breathing.

    What is the use of gymnastics Hermes?

    Regular performance of this highly effective set of ex

    improves health. Significantly increases the body's re

    diseases, strengthens the immune and nervous system

    increases mental and physical performance, possibly even

    chronic nature (sclerosis, hypertension, asthma, etc.), Normal weight. Dream becomes healthy

    recover strength is reduced to 4 hours of sleep.

    Besides gymnastics Hermes helps set etheric energy. Within six months of regular exerc

    significant increase in energy reserves of the organism. Your body will be protected by a pow

    wherebyincrease the degree of resistance to changes in pressure, low temperatures, exce

    Hermes gymnastics helps to open a broad opportunities for self-development. Some people

    who have a set of exercises, visible energy fields around them, comprehend bioenergetic

    treatment magnetism or "hands-on"), are able to anticipate the actions of others.

    However, Hermes gymnastics is not for everyone. Perform a set of exercises can people in th

    70 years.

    For those who are seriously interested in the complex of Hermes, I want to advise caution,

    starting any exercise. Excessive zeal in the performance of exercises can cause the following co

    too abrupt transition from a relaxed state to muscle tension can lead to stretching the

     break some muscles;

    too zealous movement of the body from the position in the slope of the deflectio

    displacement of the intervertebral discs pinched nerve roots of the spinal cord. Worst ca

    (pay attention to people age);

    sharp inhale-exhale can develop chronic pulmonary emphysema ("disease blowers"). W

    - a traumatic pneumothorax as a result of damage of the lung and air from entering the

    attention to people age and smokers);

    are also encouraged to refrain from doing gymnastics people with hypertension II-I

    diseases of the lungs and heart, as sharp breath retention and muscle tension can over

    worsen the course of the disease. All other gymnastics will benefit, as well as help to ke

    years to come.

    Listen to the state of your body, do not perform exercises through force .. Remember: ever

    and good in moderation, brings harm to the abuse!

    Gymnastics Hermes

  • 8/9/2019 Hermes Gymnastics _ Health _ BeSage


    1/23/2015 Hermes Gymnastics | Health | BeSage

    What is the gymnastics of Hermes?

    This gymnastics aimed at charging of the human body "prana" in other words vitality and is a

     breathing exercises:

    to prepare the body to obtain energy (warm-up);

    Recruitment of energy;

    for uniform distribution of the received energy throughout the body (relaxation).

    Perform gymnastics Hermes best twice a day: in the morning and evening as a charge, no

     before bedtime, to recuperate after a hard day's work (performed without warm-up).

    It should be noted that it was important to achieve good results, has a systematic lessons! If

     perform gymnastics Hermes, and after reaching the first positive effect decided to stop less

    missed more than a week, do not be surprised in the event of a bygone problems.


    Hermes gymnastics desirable to perform at maximum the stripped body, since nothing expose

     better absorb energy.

    Before performing compound exercises, you need to awaken from a dream body and pr

    energy. As a minimum load, experts recommend running in place. Beginning with 5-minute

    the duration of each month run for another 5 minutes. Please note, the maximum duration o

    exceed 20 minutes! Jogging is best to perform barefoot, naked to the waist, or in the form o

    main condition that you feel comfortable and clothing (preferably of natural fabrics) does not c

    During exercise, try to distract from the surroundings, close your eyes and fully concentrate t

    energy absorption. If you arrive in a bad mood, try to artificially improve it, for example, usinsame time effective method of creating good mood called "Smile of the Buddha" or "Inner Sm

    a comfortable position for you, relax, eyes closed. Focus all your attention on the corners o

    making muscular effort, imagine how your lips slightly stretched, showing a faint smile. Th

    make the facial muscles of your face spontaneously do the work, and it arises expression c

     joy." When did was smile, and did not appear on the face, however, caused a pleasant feelin


    Strength training on a set of energy.

    Set energy is performed by three power exercises based on a rhythmic alternation peak voltag

    relaxation of muscles throughout the body. Must begin to engage with minor muscle tension

    master the transition from stress to relaxation. Over time, gradually increasing the muscular ten

    During the execution of special complex should breathe properly. At the beginning of eac

    shallow breaths through the nose so that the flow of inhaled air has hit the nasopharynx, and,

    light almost missed. Because of this, the etheric body is formed energy vacuum quickly filled

    the exposed surface of the skin. Then hold your breath. In the transition from the maximum

    complete relaxation through the wide-open mouth is an instant breath the whole breast

     breathing calm and free tempo.

     Formula breathing = Breathe (4 s ec.) + Breath (4 sec.) + Exhale (4 sec.)

    All exercises are done by 4 repetition. The duration of the intervals between tension and rela

    Increase the duration of respiratory drive can only be in one year and up to 6 seconds.

  • 8/9/2019 Hermes Gymnastics _ Health _ BeSage


    1/23/2015 Hermes Gymnastics | Health | BeSage

    Exercises useful to perform both men and women.

    1. Exercise "cross" - 4 repetition.

    Starting position:  standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms at your sides, breathing

     body is relaxed.

    Make an energetic short breath  - "Cotton" nose. At the same time squeeze your finger

    throw outstretched arms to the sides at shoulder level and some take them for a sextremely arch your back, head slightly zaprokinte, muscles tighten as much as po

     position 4 seconds.

    Make noisy exhale  through the mouth with the sound of "Ho" across the chest. As yo

     body cast in such a way that hands almost touching the floor. To relieve stress wave y

    times crosswise, return to starting position. Rest for 4 seconds.

    2. Exercise "ax"  - 4 repetitions (2 times through

    times through the left).

    Starting position:  standing, feet shoulder width apart, the body is in a state of half-bfreely, touching the floor, knees straight. Breathing freely, the muscles in a relaxed state.

    Somknite fingers into the lock, take a sharp breath  - "Cotton nose." At the same tim

     back and arms in the castle with force lift up his head (as in the swing of an ax) throu

    Arch your torso is extremely backward, his head slightly zaprokinte, keep all the muscle

    voltage. Breath in position 4 seconds.

    With noise take a short exhale through the mouth and return to starting position by lo

  • 8/9/2019 Hermes Gymnastics _ Health _ BeSage


  • 8/9/2019 Hermes Gymnastics _ Health _ BeSage


  • 8/9/2019 Hermes Gymnastics _ Health _ BeSage


    1/23/2015 Hermes Gymnastics | Health | BeSage

    4. Exercise №4 - 4 repetitions (2 times with cloc

    times against).

    Starting position:  lying on his back (preferably on a hard sofa or a special yoga mats)

     palm beneath the head, legs together.

    Within 4 seconds is a smooth breath  in through the nose, with both feet simultaneou

     perpendicular to the floor). The body is kept in suspense. Breath in position 4 seconds

    rotational movement committed 2 feet.

    Over the next 4 seconds is exhaling  mouth sound "ho", while the legs are returned to th

     Rest for 4 seconds .

    How to fix the effect resulting from gymnastics Hermes?

    After graduating from performing gymnastics Hermes dedicate some time of complete relaxat

    the following procedure: Sit on a chair, back straight, hands lie loosely on his knees certa

    closed. Try to get rid of extraneous thoughts, for this focus your attention on your breath,

    deeply. Imagine a top-down over your body warm wave passes, relaxing muscles. You bec

    You can begin to meditate 5-10 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time to 20-30 minutes.

    To stabilize the resulting energy throughout the body is also very useful to take water temp

     particular douche. Try to take alternately hot and cold shower. The procedure always starts w

    cold shower and hot ends. The first 3 months of training, the recommended duration of the ad

    shower - 2 minutes, then 3-4 minutes. Try not to make more than three alternations of hot an

    do not want to often wet head - wear a shower cap.  Important   Douches should bring you p

    the procedure will be ineffective.

    Pay special attention to nutrition. Your diet should be a full and varied. Limit consumption

     pork fat. The volume of water absorbed (in all forms) should be at least two liters a day.

    To start the day was good, treat yourself after doing gymnastics Hermes light early break

    mixture of 1 cup soaked in water buckwheat, oats, wheat, oats or oatmeal "Hercules", with tdried fruits and a teaspoon of honey. This breakfast is prepared quickly and admirably with

    the body of toxins.

     Next meal is possible not earlier than 4 hours after breakfast. Brunch should be mostly vegeta

    kinds of vegetables, fruits, eggs, poultry, fish, dairy products, juices and drinking water. It

    abuse the tea and coffee.

    At lunchtime food restrictions virtually none. Recommended only to abandon overly fatty and

    end of the day - vegetarian light dinner. The last meal should be no later than 20:00.

    This diet must be followed at least one year. After 1 year, the body is already able to automatic

    of products and their admission to the required amount. There will be a clear reflex of satiety.

  • 8/9/2019 Hermes Gymnastics _ Health _ BeSage

