River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn 1 HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ A Supplement by Dr. Jay Zinn from and for the book: Interpreting the Scripturesby Kevin Conner & Ken Malmin (www.citychristianpublishing.com/books/?isbn=0-914936-20-4) Luke 24:27-45 2 Timothy 2:15 ―Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.‖ (Amplified correctly analyzing and accurately dividing rightly handling and skillfully teaching.) Ezra 7:10 ―For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.‖ I. General Hermeneutics: G Art (_________)——————— years (?) ———————>(____________) E Music N Theater Understanding Gap E Law ____________ R History ____________ A Poetry ____________ L Literature ____________ Communicator Recipient (Frame of Reference) (Frame of Reference) II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra the scribe [the father of hermeneutics] stood on a high wooden platform built for the occasion. Ezra opened the book. All the people could see him because he was standing above them; and as he opened it, the people all stood up…The Levites… -instructed the people in the Law while the people were standing there. They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning (language gap) so that the people could understand what was being read. A. The art (skill) and science (applied rules) of ________________ the various ways God has communicated his thoughts, will, and plans to man in the scriptures. Hebrews 1:1 ―In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through he made the universe.‖ (Various Ways = Dreams, Visions, Types, Proverbs, Parables, Symbols, etc.). (Hermeneutics Bridge) Inspiration ———————————— years (?) —————————————— Exegesis Linguistic Human Writers Cultural Theology • Geographical Revelation • Historical Illumination ( G A P ) Truth Frame of Reference Frame of Reference Truth (Infinite, Eternal, Omniscient) (Finite, Temporal, Limited) GOD (_________) (__________) MAN

HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

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Page 1: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn



―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ A Supplement by Dr. Jay Zinn from and for the book:

―Interpreting the Scriptures‖ by Kevin Conner & Ken Malmin (www.citychristianpublishing.com/books/?isbn=0-914936-20-4)

Luke 24:27-45

2 Timothy 2:15 ―Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who

correctly handles the word of truth.‖ (Amplified – correctly analyzing and accurately dividing – rightly handling

and skillfully teaching.)

Ezra 7:10 ―For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and

laws in Israel.‖

I. General Hermeneutics:

G Art (_________)——————— years (?) ———————>(____________)

E Music

N Theater Understanding Gap

E Law • ____________

R History • ____________

A Poetry • ____________

L Literature • ____________

Communicator Recipient

(Frame of Reference) (Frame of Reference)

II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate):

Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra the scribe [the father of hermeneutics] stood on a high wooden platform built for the occasion. Ezra

opened the book. All the people could see him because he was standing above them; and as he opened it, the

people all stood up…The Levites… -instructed the people in the Law while the people were standing there.

They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning (language gap) so that the

people could understand what was being read.

A. The art (skill) and science (applied rules) of ________________ the various ways God has

communicated his thoughts, will, and plans to man in the scriptures.

Hebrews 1:1 ―In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in

these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through he made

the universe.‖ (Various Ways = Dreams, Visions, Types, Proverbs, Parables, Symbols, etc.).

(Hermeneutics Bridge)

Inspiration ———————————— years (?) —————————————— Exegesis

• Linguistic

Human Writers • Cultural Theology

• Geographical

Revelation • Historical Illumination

( G A P )

Truth Frame of Reference Frame of Reference Truth

(Infinite, Eternal, Omniscient) (Finite, Temporal, Limited)

GOD (_________) (__________) MAN

Page 2: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


B. Hermeneutics supplies the_________ (or principles) of interpretation. It is the foundation of

exegesis (i.e. the act of applying the rules of hermeneutics to bring out the meaning of scriptures;

exegesis is the ____________ of interpretation).

C. Hermeneutics is a link in the chain of related Biblical Sciences:

_______________________ - determines which sacred books measure up to the standard of Divine Inspiration.

__________________ Criticism – provides framework of the books (authorship, date, contents, history, literary unity).

__________________ Criticism – determines as accurately as possible the original wording of the books.

__________________________ – provides the rules for interpreting the books.

____________________ – the application of Hermeneutic rules to interpreting the books.

Biblical _________________ – the science of compiling, categorizing, and summarizing Biblical Doctrines.

(The Infallible Materials) (The Use of Materials) (The Results)

Canonology Hermeneutics _____________

Historical Criticism ___________ Exegesis = _____________

Textual Criticism Biblical Theology _____________

D. Reason for Church Divisions:

• One’s theological viewpoint is determined by one’s application of __________________.

• Problems are not over inspiration but over _______________ and __________________.

• Division can be avoided through the _______________ application of hermeneutics.

• Hermeneutics should determine theology, theology should _________ determine hermeneutics.

E. Qualifications of an Interpreter:

1. Three types of interpreters:

• A ___________ Interpreter — knows the letter of the Word, but doesn‘t know God.

• A ___________ Interpreter — deliberately and dishonestly mishandles the Word.

• A ___________ Interpreter — has the faculty and integrity of explaining the meaning of God‘s Word.

2. Qualifications of a interpreter:

• born again

• has a passionate hunger for the Word

• possesses an attitude of humility

• possesses an attitude of reverence and respect for the Word

• accepts the total and infallible inspiration of the scriptures

• approaches the Word of God in true faith

• has a renewed mind Note:

• depends on the Holy Spirit for illumination

• maintains a spirit and attitude of prayer

• recognizes the unity of the Spirit and the Word

• recognizes the unity and harmony of the progressive revelation of scripture

• understands the relationship between the Old and the New Testament

• diligent in use of Study Resources

• possesses a sound mind

Page 3: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


F. Methods of Interpretation.

1. The __________________ Method = presumes the true meaning lies beneath the plain meaning.

• Union of Greek philosophy and religion.

• Problematic because there are no guidelines or boundaries.

• Inadequate because its foundational assumption is what God said plainly is not really what he meant.

2. The ______________ Method = presumes a multiplicity of meanings lies beneath the plain meaning.

• Union of allegorical and mystical interpretation of O.T. by Palestinian Jews before Christ.

• Misleading because its foundational crux is God meant many other things than what he actually said.

3. The _________________ Method = searches beyond the plain meaning for spiritual meaning.

• Union of mystical and life-situation interpretations.

• Dangerous because personal application may ignore the plain literal sense of what God was saying.

4. The __________________ Method = presumes the Bible is not inspired and only a human document.

• Seeds in ancient history which blossomed in the post-reformation period.

• Interprets the Bible in light of human reason.

• Dangerous because it exalts the god of ―reason‖ above the authority of God’s Word.

5. The _____________ Method = presumes if the literal sense makes plain sense, seek no other sense.

• The oldest method of interpretation used by Ezra.

• Assumes the plain meaning of scripture is reliable.

• Assumes the scriptures were intended to be understood by all who believe.

• Assumes the scriptures communicates what God wants man to know.

• Does not exclude the figurative, spiritual meaning, application, or depth of meaning.

III. Hermeneutic Principles and their Application (Apostolic 25-90 AD):

A. The _____________ Principle (First Principle of Hermeneutics).

1. Avoids the danger of taking an isolated passage or verse

to prove a misguided theory or doctrine.

2. This principal sheds light on near or remote passages

relating to the same theme in the context of the whole


3. This principle is used by letting clear statements of

scripture (on the same theme) interpret the obscure.

4. Example: Acts 8:32-35 (with Isaiah 53).

• Best interpreter of scripture is scripture (1 Cor. 2:13).

• The context of a verse is the passage (subject context).

• The context of the passage is the book (general theme).

• The context of the book is the Testament (Old=Law, New=Grace).

• The context of the Testament is the whole Bible (whole picture).

• A text taken out of context is a pretext (a pretense, false appearance).

Page 4: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


A. The ___________ Mention Principle.

1. This reveals the first time a subject (not only a specific word) is mentioned in scripture, thus unlocking

the door into its progressive unfolding truth that threads throughout the scriptures.

The first mention is:

• A _________ – which unlocks doors into the full truth.

• A ______________ – into the path of truth.

• A _____________ – to discovering the truth in its progressive unfolding.

• The ________ _________ – in a long chain of revelation (must be the strongest link).

• A ___________ – which has within it the full truth to be developed in subsequent mentions.

GENESIS (Sea) 64 rivers (books) REVELATION (Sea) (________) ___________ (_____________)

2. Illustrated in six major areas:

Genesis (seed) Revelation (full tree) ____________ Substitutionary Sacrifice (Gen. 3:21) The Lamb that had been slain (Rev. 5:6)

____________ The Fall of Man (Gen. 3) The Final Redemption of Man (Rev. 22)

____________ Sun, Moon, Stars for signs (Gen. 1:14) The Great Sign: a woman (Rev. 12:1)

____________ First Adam – of the earth (Gen. 1:26) Last Adam – Lord from Heaven (Rev. 22)

____________ Babel (Gen. 10:10) Babylon - the Harlot (Rev. 17 & 18)

____________ Messianic Prophecy (Gen. 3:15) Messianic Prophecy Fulfilled (Rev. 20)

3. Example: Matthew 19:3-9 (with Gen. 2:24) - Jesus, infallible interpreter of the Old Testament.

C. The ___________________ Mention Principle. ―Comparing spiritual things with spiritual.‖

1. Certain subjects and themes (with more than one verse or passage) can be clarified/interpreted by

comparing/contrasting points of resemblance or difference. Used to solve _______________ problems.

2. This can be applied in the areas mentioned above, plus the area of_______________:

PRINCIPLES: -Blessing of Obedience (Dt. 28) -Curse of Disobedience (Dt. 28)

EVENTS: -Brass Serpent Lifted Up (Num. 21:8) -Son of Man lifted Up (Jn. 3:14)

SYMBOLS: -The Smitten Rock (Num. 20:11) -Christ the Rock (1 Cor. 10:4)

PERSONS: -First Adam: of the earth (1 Cor. 15:45) -Last Adam: Lord from Heaven (same)

PLACES: -Mt Sinai (Hebrews 12:18-21) -Mt Zion (Hebrews 12:22)

PROPHECY: -Daniel -Revelation

Matthew 13:_________ Matthew 13: _________

The Parable: The Interpretation:

A man who sowed the seed The Son of Man

The good seed The children of the kingdom

The enemy The Devil

The field The world

The tares, corrupt seed The children of the Wicked One

The time of the Harvest The harvest is the end of the age

Tares gathered into bundles The wicked gathered together

The bundles cast into the fire The wicked thrown into the fire

The Wheat gathered into the barn The good gathered into God’s kingdom

Page 5: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


D. The __________________ Mention Principle.

1. This shows how a theme or subject will progressively unfold with added details as it proceeds through

the Bible to truth that God revealed in the beginning at it’s first mention.

PRINCIPLES: The agreement of the Spirit (of God moved) and the Word (and God said…)

EVENTS: The fall of man (as in Adam all die – 1 Cor. 15)

SYMBOLS: The stars (believers and leaders)

PERSONS: In the beginning, God (Gen. 1)…the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (Rev 22:21)

PLACES: Babel (Gen. 10) and Babylon (Rev. 17, 18)

PROPHECY: Messianic Prophecy

Galatians 3:8 (Gen. 12:1-3; Rev. 5:9-10)

2. This is used as an _____________ of the first mention principle and a ________ of the Complete

Mention principle.

3. No doctrine can be built on ________ verse only, because no one verse contains the whole truth on any

given theme.

E. The ___________________ Mention Principle.

1. This principle takes the ___________of scripture referenced on any individual subject to determine the

interpretation (it is the ______________ _______of the First and Progressive Mention principles and

includes the Context principle).

2. This principle applies to all six major areas. Consider the symbol of ___________ found in Exodus,

Leviticus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, 1 Corinthians, and Galatians.

3. The complete mention of every scripture on this word implies: ―symbolic of ________‖.

Ex. 12:15 - ―the first day you will put away leaven out of your houses‖

Ex. 12:19 - ―seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses‖

Ex. 34:25 - ―You shall not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven‖

Lev. 2:11 - ―No grain offering, which you bring to the LORD, shall be made with leaven‖

Lev. 23:17 - ―Bring…two loaves of bread for a wave offering, baked with leaven as first fruits…‖

Matt 13:33 - ―The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three pecks of

meal, until it was all leavened.‖

Matt. 16:6 - ―Watch out and beware of the leaven (teachings) of the Pharisees and Sadducees.‖

Mark 8:16 - ―Watch out! Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.‖

Luke 12:1 - ―Beware of the leaven (teachings) of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

1 Cor. 5:6 - ―A little leaven (sexual immorality), leavens the whole lump of dough.‖

1 Cor. 5:7 - ―Purge out therefore the old leaven (of immorality).‖

Gal. 5:9 - ―A little leaven (legalism), leavens the whole lump of dough.‖

F. The ________________ Principle (First of the Divine Program Group).

1. God sovereignly makes choices (selection) of persons and nations involved in the carrying out of His

eternal purposes (whether positive or negative) in relation to __________ and/or _____________.

This principle aids only in those passages or verses relative to God’s elective purposes. Election is

made based on God’s _____________________ (1 Peter 1:1-2 with Romans 8:28).

2. Examples: Matt. 12:15-21 - ―Behold My Servant (Jesus) whom I have chosen…‖

Rom. 9:6-13 - ―Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.‖

Page 6: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


3. The __________ of God is two-fold: _______________ ______________ Eternal Holy Self-sufficient Love

Unchangeable Good

All-Powerful Righteous All-Knowing (Election) Just

All-Present Pure

Note: God’s moral attributes _____________ his essential attributes. He will never do anything that

is inconsistent with his nature.

4. Election is based on God’s _________________ and foreknowledge precedes ___________________.

a. Fore-_________________

Acts 2:23 - Him (Jesus), being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God

Rom 8:29 - For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son

1 Peter 1:1-2 - To the pilgrims of the Dispersion …elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father

b. Fore-__________

Acts 2:25 - David says concerning Him: ―I foresaw the LORD…‖

Acts 2:31 - he (David), foreseeing this, spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ…

Gal 3:8 - And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith…

c. Fore-___________

Mark 13:23 - But take heed; see, I have told you all things beforehand.

Acts 3:18-19 - those things which God foretold by the mouth of all His prophets, that the Christ would suffer…

2 Pet. 1:21 - prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit

d. Fore-_____________

1 Pet. 1:20 - He (Christ) indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world

1 Cor. 2:7 - we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages

e. _______________

Rom 8:33-34 - Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies.

Rom 9:11 - for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to

election might stand

Rom 11:5-6 - Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace. And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace;

otherwise work is no longer work.

Eph 1:4 - He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world 1 Pet. 1:2 - To God’s elect…who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God

f. Pre-________________

Luke 22:22 - And truly the Son of Man goes as it has been (pre)determined…

Acts 2:23 - Him, being delivered by the (pre)determined purpose and foreknowledge of God…

Acts 4:28 - to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose determined before to be done… Acts 17:26-27 - And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has

(pre)determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings

g. Pre-_________________

Eph 1:3-5 - For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he

predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will…

Eph 1:11-12 - In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will…

Rom 8:28-30 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called

according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also

called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

5. Election of ___________ (based on God’s omniscient foreknowledge).

a. God chooses individuals or nations to fulfill his purposes in time.

b. They are elected for temporal purposes, whether positive or negative.

Examples: Positive:


Page 7: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


6. Election of ________________ (based on God’s omniscient foreknowledge).

a. Since all are born into sin, without righteous standing before God, _________________________


b. Election, therefore, is a total act of God’s sovereign ___________, apart from human merit (Rom.

9:11; 11:5, 6). We deserved the opposite; but in grace God chose to save some.

c. God elected those who are in Christ, only on the ___________ of Christ’s atoning sacrifice.

d. God chose in eternity those whom he foreknew would ____________ Christ in time.

e. God already knew our destiny in eternity before time. He locked no one into a destiny arbitrarily,

nor did he predestine anyone to sin. If God predestined angels or people to sin, then that would

make him the author of sin and inconsistent with his nature.

Psalm 90:2

Eternity Eternity Eternity

Eternity Eternity 1



Eternity Eternity

f. God foreknew the character and history of the nations which carried the __________of the

____________ of those nations.



_________ ________________

│ │ ___________ _________________


__________ _____________

g. God chooses people in the election of time that are not chosen in _______________.

• King _____________ was elected in time, but not in eternity.

• ______________ was elected in the election of time and eternity.

• Both were chosen based on the omniscient foreknowledge of God.

h. Final Note:

Prophecy is not ________________________, it is foreknowledge. God foreknew, God foresaw,

therefore, God foretold (through his prophets), God foreordained, and God elected all on the basis

of foreknowledge, and on the basis of foreknowledge, God could determine the eternal destiny of

angels and mankind.

Example: Deuteronomy31:14-22








Page 8: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


G. The ____________________ Principle.

1. The Bible is a book of covenants (contractual agreements) initiated by God between himself and man.

a. Covenant means: ________________.

b. They are either _______________ (―If you will, then I…‖) or __________________ (―I will…‖).

c. They contain three elements which are: ___________, ____________, and ____________.

Father Son Holy Spirit

Originator The Sacrifice The Executor

Initiator of Body & Blood Appointed to carry

Covenant-Maker/Keeper The Second Person out the Will and

The First The Mediator and Testament of the

The Beginning Ratifier of the Covenant Father & Son

Jesus is the Testator The Third Person

(enforced by his death) The completer & fulfiller

of the Covenant

WORDS (Promises/Curses) BLOOD (Sacrifice) SEAL (Sign, Token)

Father’s _______________ The Son’s ______________ The Holy Spirit’s ____________

2. The nine specific covenants are: • Everlasting Covenant

• Edenic Covenant

• Adamic Covenant

• Noahic Covenant

• Abrahamic Covenant

• Mosaic Covenant

• Palestinian Covenant

2000 Yrs. 2000 Yrs. 2000 Yrs. • Davidic Covenant

• New Covenant

Everlasting EC │AC NC AC MC DC NC │ Everlasting

3. This principle aids in interpreting the verses and passages of scripture with covenantal language. To

get the literal, clear, and basic meaning of these verses or passages requires an understanding of which

covenant is being referred to. It also aids in knowing what elements of the covenants have filtered

through the cross (the New Covenant) and what has not.

Examples: Matthew 12:1-4 (Jesus transcended the Mosaic Covenant with the Davidic Covenant).

Hebrews 10:1-16

H. The ___________-_______________ Principle. – used by Paul in Galatians 3:1-29

1. The interpretation of any verse or passage in light of God’s _______________ethnic divisions.

Acts 17:26-27 - And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has (pre)determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their


2. _____________ = the basic divisions of the human race distinguished by culture and race.

3. In the Old Testament, the Bible primarily speaks of two major ethnic-division groups:

a. The nation of ______________ (after King Solomon: Israel and Judah).

b. The ________________ (all nations outside of Israel).

4. The New Testament introduces the 3rd

major ethnic-division group: the __________ (Jew / Gentile).

GOD God’s



Page 9: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn



ADAM (_____________ Covenant) Way of │ Way of


│ _________ = Spiritual Israel (Believing Jews) Rom. 2:28-29

10th NOAH (__________ Covenant) Gen. 22:17-18

│ ______/______ = National Israel (Unbelieving Jews) Rom. 9:6-8


10th ABRAHAM (_______________ Covenant)

Married into │

ISHMAEL —————————— ISAAC Married into │

ESAU————— JACOB (Heb. 12:15-16) ______ │_______


R J J E U O • Chosen to be a missionary nation

U D S • Chosen to receive the oracles of God Yet became nationalistic

B A E • Chosen to receive the blessings of God and sectarian. E H P • Chosen to bless all nations

Ephesians 2:11-12 N H

_________ NATIONS _________NATION (____________ Covenant)

Their Condition: (House of) (House of )

• Gentiles by birth JUDAH ———————————— ISRAEL • Called ―Uncircumcised‖ Judah‘s Stick (Ezek. 37:15-24) Ephraim‘s Stick

• Separate from Christ

• Excluded from citizenship in Israel • Foreigners to the covenants of the promise (The New Ethnic)

• Without hope

• Without God in the world (New Covenant)


9 – 10 - 11 Ephesians 2:13-19

―But now in Christ Jesus you [Gentiles] who were far

away have been brought near through the blood of

Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the

two [Jew & Gentile] one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh

[his own sacrifice] the law with its commandments and

regulations. His [eternal] purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making

peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them

through the cross. Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s

people and member’s of God’s household.‖

Unbelieving Unbelieving Believing Believing

Gentiles Jews Gentiles Jews

Remain in the Broken off the Grafted into the Remain in the Wild Olive Tree Good Olive Tree Good Olive Tree Good Olive Tree

Rejected Elected by Elected by

Blinded Faith Faith Hardened Abraham‘s Seed

Lost Lost Saved Saved

Natural Seed Spiritual Seed (Israel-Dust/Sand) (Israel-Stars)

I. The ______________________ Principle (see supplemental chart).

1. This principle is about the measuring of time by ____________ or _____________ that God had

predetermined and arranged according to His eternal plan and purpose.

2. Man is subject to time. God is the guardian of time. Time is a small fragment of eternity.

THE _________







Abraham (Root)

Page 10: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


3. These Ages are divided as: ___________ Ages - Eternal Past Ages (before Time)

- Age of Creation

- Age of Re-creation?

- Age of the Patriarchs (Promise)

- Age of the Chosen Nation (Law)

_____________ Age - The Messianic Age (Grace)

____________ Ages - Age to Come (Millennium)

- Eternal Future Ages

2nd Coming

Past Ages Present Age Future Ages ----->

Adam 2000 years Abraham 2000 years 2000 years 1000 years

Eternal Age of Age of 1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day Eternal

Past Ages Creation (?) Re- Future Ages


Angels Creation The Law — Psalms — Prophets The Church Millennium

Universe Week (All pointed to Christ and The Church) New Covenant Age The Old Covenant Age of Shadow and Type of Fulfillment

Natural Israel Spiritual Israel

Age of Patriarchs Age of the Chosen Nation Messianic Age Kingdom

Age of Promise Age of Law Age of Grace Age to Come

Edenic Adamic New Everlasting

Everlasting Covenant Covenant Covenant NC AC MC DC Covenant Covenant

4. This principle aids in diminishing the confusion that comes by attributing to a particular age something

which belongs (or refers) to another age.

Example: Ezekiel‘s Temple (Ch. 40-48)

5. Each age is _________ than the previous age as it moves toward a higher level in God’s eternal


Future Ages

Present Age

Past Ages

6. The ___________________ redefined: Dispensation of ______________ The Edenic Covenant

Dispensation of ______________ The Adamic Covenant

―Dispensation‖ = The dealings of God Dispensation of ______________ The Noahic Covenant

with man under their Dispensation of ______________ The Abrahamic Covenant

respective covenants. Dispensation of ______________ The Mosaic Covenant

Dispensation of ______________ The New Covenant

Dispensation of the ___________ The Everlasting Covenant

J. The ______________ (Gap) Principle.

1. The principle by which the interpretation of a certain verse or passage of Scripture is aided by a

consideration of certain breaches of _______________ and ____________.

Hebrews 1:1-2 – ―In many separate revelations—

each of which set forth a portion of Truth—and in

different ways God spoke of old to [our] forefathers in and by the prophets. [But] in the last

of these days He has spoken to us in [the person of

a] Son, Whom He appointed Heir and lawful Owner of all things, also by and through Whom

He created the worlds and the reaches of space and

the ages of time—[that is,] He made, produced, built, operated and arranged them in order.‖

The Amplified Bible

Hebrews 11:3 - ―By faith we understand that the worlds [during their successive ages] were

framed — fashioned, put in order and equipped for their intended purpose — by the word of

God…‖ The Amplified Bible

Page 11: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


Examples: Isaiah 61:1-2 with Luke 4:16-21 — The First and Second Comings of Christ

Daniel 12:2; John 5:29; Acts 24:15 — The Two Resurrections

―Acceptable Year ―Day of First Resurrection Second Resurrection

Isaiah of the Lord‖ Vengeance‖ of the Just of the Unjust

Vs. 1-2a Vs. 2b Second Coming Great White Throne Reign with Christ

1000 Years

Satan Bound

Breach of Time Breach of Time between Resurrections

First Coming Second Coming

K. The ___________ _______________ Principle:

1. God says what he means and means what He says. Example: Revelation 20:1-6

2. Always accept the literal meaning of the words of the passage unless there is strong evidence to do


3. ―_______________________________________________________________________________‖.

L. The __________ -_______________ Principle: Christ — the Central Person of the Bible (in each Book).

Luke 24:27 -―And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he [Jesus] explained [interpreted] to them

what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.

Luke 24:44 - ―He [Jesus] said to them, ―This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must

be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.

Hebrews 10:7 – ―Then I [Jesus] said, 'Behold, I have come—In the volume of the book it is written of

Me—To do Your will, O God.’ ―

Book Christ is seen as:

Genesis……………………………………. Creator God / The Seed of the Woman

Exodus…………………………………….. Passover Lamb

Leviticus…………………………………… Our Way to God through Sacrifice (for sin) Numbers…………………………………… Son of Man lifted up as the Brass Serpent

Deuteronomy………………………………. True Prophet as typified in Moses

Joshua……………………………………… Captain of our Salvation / leading to Inheritance Judges……………………………………… Our Deliver-Judge and Savior

Ruth………………………………………... Kinsman-Redeemer / Goel / close relative

1 Samuel…………………………………… Shepherd King 2 Samuel…………………………………… Greater King David / establishing new order-worship

1 Kings…………………………………….. Builder of God’s Temple / greater than Solomon

2 Kings…………………………………….. Standard King of Righteousness 1 Chronicles……………………………….. Designer / Preparer of the Spiritual Temple of God

2 Chronicles……………………………….. Cleanser / Reformer of the Temple

Ezra………………………………………… Restorer / Priest Nehemiah………………………………….. Governor of Judah / inspecting the Church

Esther……………………………………… King of the Bride

Job…………………………………………. Patient Suffering Priest and Mediator Psalms……………………………………... The One who Sings / in the midst of the congregation

Proverbs…………………………………… The Wisdom of God

Ecclesiastes………………………………… The only Way to Abundant Life

Song/Solomon……………………………... Beloved Bridegroom Lover

Isaiah………………………………………. Messiah, the Holy One of Israel

Jeremiah…………………………………… Righteous Branch Lamentations……………………………….. Weeping Prophet

Ezekiel…………………………………….. Son of Man

Daniel……………………………………… The Stone that Crushes the Kingdoms of the World Hosea……………………………………… Healer of the Backslider

Joel………………………………………… Promiser of the Holy Spirit

Amos………………………………………. Bearer of all our Burdens Obadiah……………………………………. Avenger of God’s People

Jonah………………………………………. Greater than Jonah / 3 days-3 nights

Micah……………………………………… Rejected King of the Jews Nahum……………………………………... Prophet of Comfort and Vengeance

Habakkuk………………………………….. The Rewarder of those who live by Faith

Page 12: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


Zephaniah………………………………….. Executor of God’s Wrath Haggai…………………………………….. The Desire of all Nations

Zechariah………………………………….. Smitten Shepherd

Malachi……………………………………. The Messenger of the New Covenant

Book Christ is seen as:

Matthew…………………………………… King, the Anointed Son of David

Mark………………………………………. Suffering Servant

Luke……………………………………….. Son of Man John……………………………………….. The Word-Flesh, Son of God, Bread of Life, Light of the World, I AM

Acts………………………………………… The Risen Lord and Baptizer in the Holy Spirit

Romans……………………………………. Our Righteousness 1 Corinthians………………………………. The Power and Wisdom of God

2 Corinthians………………………………. Our Comfort and Sufficiency

Galatians…………………………………… ―Seed‖ of Abraham, Our liberty from legalism Ephesians………………………………….. The Head of the Church / Our Bridegroom

Philippians…………………………………. Our Joy

Colossians…………………………………. The Eternal Creator / Fullness of the Godhead Bodily

1 Thessalonians……………………………. The Coming Lord

2 Thessalonians……………………………. The Returning Avenger

1 Timothy………………………………….. Our Mediator between God and Man 2 Timothy…………………………………. Our example of a True Minister

Titus………………………………………. Our Savior

Philemon………………………………….. Our Advocate and Intercessor Hebrews…………………………………… Our Sacrifice and High Priest / Melchisedek

James……………………………………… The Lord of Glory 1 Peter…………………………………….. Foreordained Lamb / Chief-Cornerstone and Shepherd

2 Peter…………………………………….. The Daystar and Coming Lord

1 John……………………………………… The Loving manifested Word 2 John…………………………………….. The Truth

3 John………………………………………. The Truth

Jude………………………………………… Our Keeper Revelation..………………………………… The Alpha & Omega, the Lamb, the Lion/tribe of Judah,

Triumphant King of kings & Lord of lords.

M. The _____________ __________________ Principle:

1. That peculiarity of the writings of the Holy Spirit, by which a passage applying primarily to a person

or event near at hand, is used again by the Holy Spirit at a later time as applying to the Person of

Christ, or the affairs of His kingdom, or the Antichrist in the future.

2. Examples:

Hosea 11:1 ―…Out of Egypt I have called my son.‖ (with Matthew 2:14)

Ezekiel 28:1-2 ―…In the pride of your heart you say, ‗I am a god; I sit on the throne of a god…‘ ―

Daniel 11:37 ―…[he] will exalt himself above them all[gods].‖ Compare with 2 Thessalonians 2:4

N. The ________________ Principle:

1. 1 Corinthians 15:46 - ―First the ____________ (oil, cloud) then the ______________ (Holy Spirit).‖

2. Symbol = literally means ―_________ ___________.‖ God caused the writers of scripture to often use

one thing to represent another through common characteristics. There are seven categories of Symbols

in the Bible:

Things Used: Things Symbolized:

a. Objects: _______________ ―Your Word is a lamp to my feet…‖ (Ps. 119:105)

b. Creation: _______________ ―Jesus … the lamb of God.‖ (John 1:29, 36)

c. Numbers: ______________ ―In the thirteenth year they rebelled.‖ (Genesis 14:4)

d. Names: ________________ ―Nabal is his name, and folly is with him.‖ (1 Sam. 4:21)

e. Colors: ________________ ―Fine linen, clean and white…the righteousness of the saints.‖ (Rev. 19:8)

f. Directions: _____________ ―toward the east, and behold the glory of the God of Israel came.‖ (Ez. 43:1-2)

Page 13: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn



Symbolic Object ————————Common Characteristics—————————Symbolizes

The ___________ ___________ ___________

(1 Cor. 10:3-4) ___________



O. The _______________ Principle: Prophetic symbol: a ____________ of some (one/thing) to come.

1. 1 Corinthians 10:11 - ―These things happened to them [Israel] as _______________ (tupikos).‖

2. Greek: Tupos – An anticipative figure, image, or form of what is to come.

3. Symbol = a representation of one thing standing for another.

Type = a ___________________ representation of one thing prefiguring another.

4. A symbol may represent something past, present or future, whereas a type is essentially a prefiguring or

______________ of someone or something future from itself.

O.T. Joseph / Tabernacle Of Moses Christ / Church N.T.

5. Important points:

• Types may involve symbols, but symbols in and of themselves are never types. • Because types generally involve symbols, the Symbolic Principle must constantly be used with the Typical Principle.

• The type of a scripture is always solidly based on the actual sense [plain meaning] of that scripture.

• Generally speaking, the Bible interprets its own types or gives the key to their interpretation. • The key safeguard against human conjecture interpreting types is to let the scriptures interpret its own types.

• There is rarely a type used in the Old testament that does not find its fulfillment in the New.

• A type is generally to be viewed as a prophecy. • No doctrines should be built on types alone, but types may be used to illustrate doctrines.

• No type is to be interpreted by or with another type.

• Theology governs typical teaching, types do not govern theology.

6. Classifications of Types: a) Persons, b) Offices, c) Institutions, and d) Events.

Type or Symbol? Classification of Type?

Rainbow in Genesis _________ _____

Lamb _________ _____

Tabernacle of David _________ _____

Leviticus Animal Sacrifices _________ _____

Olive Trees in Zechariah _________ _____

Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel _________ _____

Jonah in the Whale‘s Belly _________ _____

High Priest in Tabernacle _________ _____

Blood _________ _____

Passover _________ _____

Kinsman-Redeemer _________ _____

King _________ _____

Demonstration: O.T. Type Point of Resemblance N.T. Antitype

Person: Joseph Jesus

Offices: High Priest Christ‘s Priesthood

Institutions: Tabernacle of Moses Christ

Events: Flood Last Days

Page 14: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


P. The __________________ Principle:

1. Parable = An earthly story with a _____________ meaning. A comparison between the __________

and the _______________ realm.

2. Purpose: To ___________ truth to those who were open and hungry-hearted (Mt. 13:9-12, 16, 19).

To ___________ truth from those who were closed and hard-hearted (Mt. 13:13-15).

3. Discerns the ___________ of the story and interprets its __________ elements.

4. Every parable is designed to conceal and reveal one fundamental spiritual truth. To perceive that truth,

one must interpret each of its parts, i.e. from the part to the whole and the whole to the part.

5. Example: Matthew 13:24-30 Matthew 13:36-43

(The Parable) (The Interpretation)

Kingdom of Heaven is like a man Sower — Son of Man

Sowed Seed The good seed — Children of the Kingdom

In his field The field is the world

The enemy The devil

Sowed Tares Children of the wicked one

Wheat & tares grow together until harvest Harvest — the end of the (age) world

The reapers The angels

Tares bundled to burn Wicked gathered and cast into fire

Wheat gathered to barn Righteous shine in the kingdom

Moral: At the end of the age the wicked and righteous will be separated unto their eternal


Practise: Matthew 13:33

Another parable He spoke to them: "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman

took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened." NKJV

The Parable The Interpretation

Kingdom of heaven is like

Leaven (works silently, spreads gradually)

A woman took

And hid

In three measures…

Of meal

Till it was all [the whole]


Moral: The kingdom of heaven has mixture [corrupting influences] in it now, until the end

of the age.

Q. The ___________________ Principle: illustrated principles used by Paul in Galatians 4:21-31

1. Allegory = A figure of speech used to communicate truth by expressing one thing under the image of

another. An allegory is an _____________ metaphor (a figure of speech in which one thing is likened

to another).

Page 15: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


2. The difference between a parable and an _________________:

• An allegory is an extended metaphor; a parable is an extended simile.

• An allegory contains implicity within itself or its context; a parable will either state its explicity or

require outside explanation from other scriptures.

• An allegory uses words figuratively; a parable uses words literally.

• An allegory can have a number of lessons; a parable has mostly one major lesson.

3. Example: Galatians 4:21-31

Abraham Father

Sarah Mother / Free

Isaac Covenant Son of Promise

Hagar Bondwoman

Ishmael Bondson / Flesh

Ishmael / Isaac Persecution

Hagar / Ishmael Cast Out

Isaac The Heir

________ Covenant ________ Covenant

Mt Sinai – Hagar Mt. Zion – Sarah

Slave Woman Free Woman

Children of Bondage Children of Freedom

According to Flesh According to Promise

Old Jerusalem New Jerusalem

Slavery Liberty

Law and Works Grace and Truth

Ishmael Persecutor Isaac Persecuted

Less Children More Children

4. Allegories Jesus gave: the _____ of the earth; the _______ shepherd; the _______ & the ___________.

R. The __________________Principle:

1. God is the Divine numberer and has stamped his numerical upon the whole of creation.

• He has numbered our steps (Job 14:16).

• He has numbered our days (Psalm 90:12).

• He knows the number of the stars (Psalm 147:4).

• God has numbered the days of kingdoms (Daniel 5:26).

• God knows the number of the hairs of our head (Matthew 10:30).

2. Numbers in the Bible are not arbitrary, but take on spiritual meaning and _____________significance.

They are found either named (3 years) or implied (5 sacrifices).


One – Unity Two – Witness Division Three – Godhead, Perfect Testimony

Four – Earth Five – Grace, Cross, Life Six – Man, Beast, Satan

Seven – Perfection Eight – New Beginning Nine – Fruitfulness, Holy Spirit

Ten – Law, Order Eleven – Disorganization Twelve – Divine Government

Page 16: HERMENEUTICS CLASS ―Tools for Interpreting God’s Word‖ · II. Bible Hermeneutics (Gk: - hermeneuo: to interpret; explain in words; expound; translate): Nehemiah 8:4-8 ―Ezra

River‘s Edge Church Teacher: Dr. Jay Zinn


S. The _________________ Principle: ________ interpretation: __________ applications.

1. Why was the passage given? What was the original purpose of its writing?

2. David and Mephibosheth – 2 Samuel 9 Interpretation: Application:

_________________________ ______________________

3. To maintain scriptural integrity, applications must be ________________ with the 1st interpretation.

Observation ————————> Interpretation ————————> Application

Creation Symbolic Use One Interpretation Many Applications

Lion Yes Judah

Assyrian Empire Babylon (Lion with Eagle’s Wings)


Righteous (Prov. 28:1)

Jesus (Rev. 5:5)


Serpent Yes Devil (Rev. 12:9)

Demon Spirits (Rev. 9:19; Luke 10:19)

Wise as Serpents (Matthew 10:16) Jesus Lifted Up (John 3:14)

T. The _______________ Principle:

1. The principle by which the interpretation is discerned by the moral it contains. Much of scripture

contains ___________ instruction and the moral of it must be drawn out (Proverbs. 25:2). Examples:

• In _____________ 2 Samuel 11-20:3 The Sin of David Moral: Consequences of Adultery • In _____________ Psalms, Pr. & Eccles. Instructions Moral: Consequences of paths we choose

• In _____________ Matthew 25 Wise & Foolish Virgins Moral: Be prepared for Christ’s Return

2. Apostle Paul: ―You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads…‖ 1 Cor. 9:7-12 (with Deut. 25:4)

3. The proper application must be based on proper interpretation. Many preachers fit their message in

wrong scriptures by not considering the background. Example:

Scripture Story Interpretation Moral Principle

2 Kings 4:1-7 Allegorization Right Interpretation

Gather Facts (Knowledge) Method (wrong) Explain Facts (Understanding) Apply Facts (Wisdom)

Widow Church Laws of the Widows God has promised to take care

(Positive/Righteous) OT / NT 1 Timothy of the widows as their husband

Creditors Satanic Attack Creditors and Laws of God protects those who come

(take the two sons) Debts (Mean bunch, but under his covenant standards

God paid) and qualify for his covenant Provision

Pot of Oil Holy Spirit God’s answer to the problem God uses the little we have

Borrowed Vessels Church Members Faith and Obedience Faith & Obedience always necessary Filled Vessels Tongues ― ― ― ―

Sold Evangelism Results of obedience Where God guides he provides

Pay debts Their debts God cared for the widow God cares today!

Just For Fun: If you’re not convinced by now how amazingly inspired the Bible is, let me leave you with

this Bible trivia: Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible Psalm 118 is the center chapter of the Bible

There are 594 chapters before Psalm 118 and 594 chapters after —totaling 1188 chapters.

The exact verse in the center of the Bible is Psalm 118:8 which reads:

―It is better to trust in the Lord than to trust in man.‖