Heart of the Sphinx

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  • 8/4/2019 Heart of the Sphinx


    The Heart of the Sphinx

    Written by Carrie Lofty

    Based on the story by Juliette & Ilsa Lofty

    Once upon a time, a young man named Nash Robinson traveled with his family to Egypt

    on holiday. Although he was not fond of very hot weatherhaving been raised in Englandhe

    was fascinated by the Heart of the Sphinx. Legend had it that within the deepest caverns and

    catacombs hidden beneath the Sphinx, there awaited endless treasure and the key to everlasting


    On a guided tour of Giza, Nash slipped away from his parents and the rest of the families,

    all of which carried cameras and wore hats to protect against the blazing summer sun. He had

    been told that the deepest recesses of the Sphinx were off-limits to tourists. But one skinny kid

    slipping into the nearest crevice was not noticed. The crevice was incredibly narrow, however,

    and Nash had to leave behind most of his possessions. He pushed deeper, finally wiggling past

    the narrow opening in the side of the giant stone Sphinx.

    He emerged into a tiny room. A voice in the near-darkness shocked him into a startled

    yelp. Whos there? came a girls voice.

    Im Nash. He introduced himself with more bravado than he felt. But then, hed just

    left his parents and snuck into the Sphinx. One young woman shouldnt be a problem. Who are


    Irie Mayne. I live here.

    You live here?

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    What of it?

    Nash thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. Nothing. Doesnt matter. Im

    looking for the Heart of the Sphinx. Once I find it, Ill be the best-known young archaeologist in

    the world.

    You cant do that! Irie stood. Nash could only discern her movements by the sliver of

    light hed crawled through. The Heart of the Sphinx must never be seen or touchedor even

    pursued! Its guarded with unspeakable monsters!

    Says who?

    She was shorter than him, but not by much. Dark hair. Dark skin. Wide dark eyes. Her

    flowing white linen tunic and pants were smudged with the Egyptian deserts red clay. Maybe

    sixteen years old, she appeared no less fierce than an enraged pit bull. Says everyone whos

    spent more than a weekend in Cairo. Otherwise everyone would have tried for it already. Do you

    think it took a special little English boy to do what the rest of us couldnt?

    Dont see why not. He reached through the crevice to grab what he could of his

    possessions. How is it you live here?

    I dont have a home, and this place is dry and safe. She dropped her gaze to her toes,

    where white slippers were even filthier than her white garments. Yet her hair was freshly

    combed. Im not hurting anyone.

    Didnt say you were. But Im going to look for the Heart of the Sphinx. You can come

    with me or stay here. I dont care.

    Irie stood in the little room as Nash pushed deeper into a corridor no wider than a shoe

    placed sideways. You got any food? she called behind him.


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    Twenty minutes later, the two reached the first barrier, which Nash examined using his

    flashlight. Irie didnt look impressed. I told you, yes? You wont get far.

    But you didnt know I had this, he said, grinning. From his pack he withdrew a round,

    jeweled stone with three holes. My father had it in his collection. His grandfather was an

    Egyptologist who came here before WWII, and thought that it would be important. No one

    believed him but me.

    What does it do?

    Nash looked for a series of pegs in the wall. He worked for hours, piecing the stone

    against various rocks, while Irie devoured the crackers and cut-up apple from his little rucksack.

    A-ha! Here!

    The jeweled stone fit a trio of pegs that looked like two eyes and a wide-open mouth.

    Fitting it securely in place caused a deep rumbling. Irie grabbed Nashs hand and tugged,

    dragging him back down the corridor. She scrambled under an outcropping and motioned him to

    follow. Quick! Duck in here!

    She had barely pulled Nash to safety before a tremendous crash shot rock and dust down

    the corridor. The noise, heat, and suffocating air was all too much. The young pair coughed and

    heaved. Irie rubbed her eyes. Nash took a handkerchief from his pocket and helped her wipe

    away the grime. She returned the favor. They lay side-by-side under the outcropping, on their

    stomachs, peeking out to where the rubble cut off their escape.

    Thanks for saving me, Nash said quietly. Id only thought to make it work, not what

    danger it could bring. I suppose youll want to get out now.

    To his surprise, Irie only smiled. She had brilliantly white teeth that shone in the near-

    darkness. Not anymore. We do this together.

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    Three days passed. First Irie and Nash clawed their way from under the outcropping. This

    was hard, dirty, painful work, interspersed with uncomfortable moments that people normally

    didnt share with near-strangers. Irie tried not to be embarrassed, but it was difficult when

    squished so close to a boy. When they emerged into the rubble-strewn corridor, they climbed and

    ducked and picked their way over the fallen rocks.

    What they finally found was amazing.

    A wide hole had appeared where the dead end once was. Nashs jeweled stone, which

    mustve acted like a key, was nowhere to be found. They were holding handsout of necessity,

    mind youwhen they looked across what the collapse had revealed.

    Another corridor. With three passages.

    The first passage they chose was a nearly endless maze that tested their patience and

    stamina. Nashs flashlight lasted for a while, where Irie could examine his unusual appearance.

    Such pale skin. Bright blue eyes. And hair like sunshine. She had seen tourists, of course, but

    never had she spent so much time with someone from another country. They had more in

    common than she initially assumed. Only, hed ducked away from his family. She had no family

    to leave.

    The batteries ran out, leaving them to feel along with their hands. It could have been

    days. They searched that long, until every word they uttered was an argument. Their stomachs

    pinched with hunger. But thirstthirst was their greatest enemy.

    Irie dropped to her knees on a wave of dizziness. She felt along the ground to find a place

    to rest. Her hands touched on a round stone. Its the key! Come feel this!

    Nash took it from her and was silent for a long moment. Buthow?

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    Oh, no. Were right back where we started! We went in one tunnel and came out another.

    It was one huge maze, and now weve wasted days.

    But look on the bright side, Nash said. At least we know which tunnel to take now

    the middle one.

    If its not too late. We have nothing left to eat or drink.

    Dont you think I know that?

    Dont shout at me! This wasnt my idea!

    Their bickering echoed off the high ceiling. A flap and flutter of what sounded like bats

    wings cut off their argument. Lets go, Nash said. I dont think we could turn back, even if we

    wanted to.

    Irie followed him in the dark. She liked the sound of his English voice, and the way he

    laughed, which was rare now. They were just too tired.

    Another dead end. Only here, an iridescent light shone around the edges of a huge stone

    door. Something lay just beyond. Inscribed on the door was a series of unfamiliar characters.

    Some language?

    Its Greek, Nash said. It reads, There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and

    she, in turn, gives birth to the first.

    Thats impossible!

    Nash appeared deep in thought, his golden brow furrowed. He must have been fifteen or

    sixteen. Only his height made him seem thinner and younger.

    He snapped his fingers. I have it! The moon and the sun! In Greek, both words are

    feminine. They could be sisters.

    And how do you know Greek?

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    He shrugged. Im a kid on my own on an archaeological adventure. You dont think Id

    be here without special gifts, do you?

    Couldve brought more water. She wiped sweat from her head and wondered if it was

    worth licking off her fingers. Any water would do.

    But before Irie could speak, the ground beneath them began to move. Who could tell how

    far down they were. Could be only a few meters. Could be halfway to the center of the earth. The

    huge stone door opened. Lightso much lightspilled into their tunnel.

    Across a massive pit stretched a rope covered in what looked like black tar. The pit spat

    flames and bursts of sulphur gas. But on the other side

    Is that? Nash began. He swallowed. Is that a lake?

    It certainly was. A huge underground lake at the Heart of the Sphinx. No treasure

    couldve looked better.

    Irie nudged him. Good thing I have gifts of my own. That is a lake, and I can walk

    tightropes. At Nashs quizzical look she said, When my parents died, I was placed in an

    orphanage that trained children for life in a traveling circus.

    With no more explanation, she hoped onto rope. The tar aided her balance, but she

    couldve walked that distance blindfolded and juggling flaming torchesmore of her circus

    talents. Once she reached the other side, she found what looked to be a grappling hook.

    Someones been here before! she called to Nash.

    But just as soon as she threw the hook up, where it caught in a crack of rock, a hand

    grabbed her from behind.


    Nash watched in horror as a huge beastly man dragged Irie back from the ledge of the pit.

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    Flames still heated the air and hissed upward to a limitless ceiling. The presence of that heat,

    with water so nearby, was an unbearable torture. He was so thirsty. But Irie was most important.

    The grappling hook rope dangled just out of reach. Gathering all of his courage, he

    stepped onto the sticky tar tightrope and nudged forward. Spurts of fire singed the bottoms of his

    boots. His heart threatened to choke him as surely as the gasses from the pit. Nearly losing his

    balance, he made a desperate lunge and grabbed his lifeline. A few kicks and momentum finally

    got him moving, forward and back like a pendulum, until he hurled himself to where hed last

    seen Irie. The flaming pit was behind him.


    Her muffled call came from down near the massive indoor lake. Algae crawled over its

    surface. But he was so thirsty that none of it mattered. He would drink until he was sick, then

    start again. After he found his friend.

    The same huge hand grabbed at him from the shadows. Nash jumped out of the way,

    barely, and skittered back. The thing might have been a man once, but darkness had turned his

    skin translucent. What looked like barnacles grew along his bare scalp and down his back and

    shoulders. Hair covered the rest of his body, like a sasquatch. His eyes were fused shut, as if hed

    become more akin to batshis sight unimportant underground. Nash wondered if the thing had

    even seen the giant luminous lake before succumbing to blindness. If so, hed missed out on a

    breathtaking sight.

    Not so breathtakingmore like terrifyingwas the pile of human skulls and shredded

    clothing that littered the monsters alcove. Explorers whod come before had been his food.

    Where is she? Let her go!

    The monster lunged again, then howled so loudly that Nash thought stalactites would fall

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    from far above. He found the source of the monsters agony. Irie had used a long, narrow rock to

    stab it in the calf.

    Run! she shouted.

    Hand-in-hand, they tore off down the slope, running full-tilt toward the lake. The furious

    monster lumbered after them, still howling. The closer Nash got to the lake, the thirstier he

    become. He and Irie dove into the water with a tremendous splash. It was nearly impossible to

    see through the algae-clouded water, but that didnt matter. Nash drank and swam and drank

    some more.

    He lost Iries hand. A current tugged at his leg, swirling him toward the center of the lake.

    He tried to swim, trying, but days without food had left him exhausted. He took one last drink

    and closed his eyes. The swirling current pulled him into a whirlpool deep beneath the surface.

    After endless, breathless minutes, he dropped onto dry land. Irie was beside him, soaking

    wet and appearing equally stunned.

    What? he began.

    But Irie had no answers. She merely shook her head and looked up to where a strange

    passage had just sealed off. Only a trickle of water dripped onto their heads. We escaped. Thats

    all I know.

    She pushed off the ground and offered her hand. Nash stood.

    Thanks for everything, he said, sheepish.

    Irie only nodded. She rocked back on her heels, eyes averted. After so many days

    together, they were suddenly shy. Nash almost wanted the danger back, just so theyd bicker and

    laugh again.

    Well, she said, clearing her throat. I guess we were both right. Monsters at the Heart

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    of the Sphinx, but also treasure.

    What treasure?

    The lake. Wed have died of thirst without it. You cant tell me theres any greater

    treasure right now.

    Nash wanted to argue, even though he knew she was right. He hadnt come all the way

    from England, defied his parents, and risked his life for a few gulps of disgusting water. But they

    were still alive. And theyd become friends. Maybe that was all that mattered.

    Wait, he said quietly. Whats over there?

    Iries eyes grew wide. A gleam. A glimmer.

    They raced to the farthest corner of the long, narrow sanctuary. A faint ray of light shone

    down on the largest diamond Nash had ever even imagined. He grabbed another rock to smash

    the stone casing from around the magnificent gem. Irie used her hands to clear the rubble and

    look for weak places. Until finallythe diamond wiggled loose.

    The Heart of the Sphinx, Nash breathed. We found it!

    And heres the way out! Irie chipped at the space where the diamond had been safely

    nestled for countless years. Faint rays of sunlight jabbed into the darkness.

    Hours and hours passed as they dug. Nashs hands cramped. His fingertips bled. Rocks

    had poked holes in his knees, and he didnt think hed ever take another breath untainted by

    flecks of dust. But just as the sunlight began to fade, they burst into the cooling Egyptian


    We made it, he gasped.

    Irie collapsed by his side. She breathed heavily. Her dark hair looked paler because of the

    sandy grit. Youre a very determined young man, she said.

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    And you make a great partner. He looked from the diamond to Irie. Maybe there was

    more treasure than just water and this diamond. I found you, didnt I?

    The young woman shook her head. No. I like being on my own.

    This time he helped her up. Beams from distant flashlights and adults shouting his name

    made him smile. He was going to be in so much trouble.

    Aw, cmon, he said. Thatll be my parents, I bet. We can finally get dinner, and drink

    water that doesnt take like trees. What do you say?

    Nash waited while Irie glanced from the approaching adults to the towering shadow of

    the Sphinx. I will, but only because youve been gone for ages. Youre going to need someone

    to help explain what happened. I really cant believe you go adventuring on your own.

    Dont worry, he said with a grin. I dont plan to ever again.

    The endfor now.