Healthy Food Sort Activity: Children will sort pictures of various foods into a large grocery bag (nutrious foods to eat everyday) and a small grocery bag (foods to be avoided or eaten only somemes.”) Objective Targeted Standards Children will recognize the difference between nutrious foods to be eaten oſten and those to be eaten less frequently. I. Physical Development I.A.d.1. Responds to feeding or feeds self with increasing efficiency and demonstrates increasing interest in eang habits and making food choices Benchmark b. Recognizes nutrious food choices and healthy eang habits hp://flbt5.floridaearlylearning.com/standards.html#d=I&a=four_year_olds Procedures 1. Begin the lesson by reading a book about healthy food choices (see suggesons in the Materials secon). 2. Discuss the importance of eang a healthy diet. 3. Ask children to name some healthy foods that they like to eat. 4. Introduce the sorng acvity by choosing 2 or 3 pictures from the pile, idenfying each one, and placing it in the corresponding grocery bag. Explain that nutrious food goes in the large bag because we need it at every meal and the foods to be avoided or eaten less oſten goes in the small bag. 5. Discuss their choices as they sort. Materials Needed A picture book about healthy food choices such as, Good Enough to Eat: A Kids Guide to Food and Nutrion by Anne Rockwell, Why Should I Eat Well? by Claire Llewellyn, or Choose Good Food: My Eang Tips by Gina Bellisario Large paper grocery bag Checking for Understanding Children will demonstrate their understanding of the acvity by placing the food pictures in the correct bag. Scaffolding Provide assistance as necessary to children who may need addional support with this acvity. To increase the level of difficulty, provide addional big bags and encourage the children to sort the healthy pictures by food group. Extensions Ask a Supermarket to donate a large grocery bag for each child in your class. Encourage the children to use markers and crayons to decorate the outside of the bag with healthy foods. Children may bring the bags with them, when they accompany their family to the grocery store, and remind them to buy plenty of healthy food. The groceries can be packed in the decorated bag. VPK ACTIVITY PLANS

Healthy Food Start - FL Early Learning · 2020-05-29 · Healthy Food Sort Activity: hildren will sort pictures of various foods into a large grocery bag (nutritious foods to eat

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Page 1: Healthy Food Start - FL Early Learning · 2020-05-29 · Healthy Food Sort Activity: hildren will sort pictures of various foods into a large grocery bag (nutritious foods to eat

Healthy Food Sort Activity: Children will sort pictures of various foods into a large grocery bag (nutritious foods to eat everyday) and a small grocery bag (foods to be avoided or eaten only “sometimes.”)


Targeted Standards

Children will recognize the difference between nutritious foods to be eaten often and those to be eaten less frequently.

I. Physical Development I.A.d.1. Responds to feeding or feeds self with increasing efficiency and demonstrates increasing interest in eating habits and making food choices Benchmark b. Recognizes nutritious food choices and healthy eating habits http://flbt5.floridaearlylearning.com/standards.html#d=I&a=four_year_olds


1. Begin the lesson by reading a book about healthy food choices (see suggestions in the Materials section).

2. Discuss the importance of eating a healthy diet.

3. Ask children to name some healthy foods that they like to eat.

4. Introduce the sorting activity by choosing 2 or 3 pictures from the pile, identifying each one, and placing it in the corresponding grocery bag. Explain that nutritious food goes in the large bag because we need it at every meal and the foods to be avoided or eaten less often goes in the small bag.

5. Discuss their choices as they sort.

Materials Needed

A picture book about healthy food choices such as, Good Enough to Eat: A Kids Guide to Food and Nutrition by Anne Rockwell, Why Should I Eat Well? by Claire Llewellyn, or Choose Good Food: My Eating Tips by Gina Bellisario

Large paper grocery bag

Checking for Understanding

Children will demonstrate their understanding of the activity by placing the food pictures in the correct bag.


Provide assistance as necessary to children who may need additional support with this activity.

To increase the level of difficulty, provide additional big bags and encourage the children to sort the healthy pictures by food group.


Ask a Supermarket to donate a large grocery bag for each child in your class. Encourage the children to use markers and crayons to decorate the outside of the bag with healthy foods. Children may bring the bags with them, when they accompany their family to the grocery store, and remind them to buy plenty of healthy food. The groceries can be packed in the decorated bag.


Page 2: Healthy Food Start - FL Early Learning · 2020-05-29 · Healthy Food Sort Activity: hildren will sort pictures of various foods into a large grocery bag (nutritious foods to eat

Title Activity:

Procedures –Continued

Targeted Standards