Healthier Food Environments in Recrea4on and Local Government Buildings Canadian Associa+on for Food Studies May 30, 2010 Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 1

Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

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Page 1: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Healthier  Food  Environments  in  Recrea4on    

and  Local  Government  Buildings  Canadian  Associa+on  for  Food  Studies  May  30,  2010  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 1

Page 2: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Introduc4on  •  A  brief  overview  of  the  context  for  ac+on  

•  Overview  of  the  Healthy  Food  &  Beverage  Sales  In  Recrea7on  Facili7es  and  Local  Government  Buildings  ini+a+ve  

•  Presenta+on  of  the  results  of  the  ini+a+ve  

•  Real  world  examples  of  implemen+ng  strategies  to  improve  the  food  environment  

•  Discussion  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 2

Page 3: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Recrea4on  Facili4es:    The  Irony  “We  sell  hotdogs,  French  fries,  chocolate  bars,  candy,  

chips  and  pop  …”  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 3

“We support physical activity, sport, and wellness …”

Page 4: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Making  the  Healthy  Choice  the  Easy  Choice  

√  Offering  healthy  choices  is  a  chance  to  make  a  difference  in  the  health  and  well-­‐being  of  the  community  

√  In  community  seKngs,  people  should  have  the  opportunity  to  support  their  health  

√  Ac+on  aligns  with  our  values  √  The  public  want  a  healthy  

choice  environment  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 4

Page 5: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Customer  is  King!  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 5

“My child is often hungry before/after doing activities, but I will not encourage poor eating habits. I find it disappointing and frustrating that there are really only junk food items available ... I would be refreshing to see a good selection of healthy options that would appeal to children.” ~Patron Survey Comment

“If people want unhealthy food they can bring it from home! The food offered should match the mission of the recreation centre. Thanks for getting us all to think about healthy eating.” ~Patron Survey Comment

Page 6: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Healthy  Food  and  Beverage  Sales  in  Recrea4on  Facili4es  and  Local  Government  Buildings  (HFBS)  


Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 6

√  Encouraging the sale of healthy food and beverages through on-site vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for programs and fund-raisers √  Making healthy food and beverage purchase choices widely (and predominantly) available where people live, work and play

Page 7: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Healthy  Food  &  Beverage  Sales  in  BC    So  What  Went  On?  

•  First  ini+a+ve  of  it’s  kind  in  North  America  

•  49  BC  Municipali+es/Districts  (including  12  First  Na+ons)  applied  across  four  phases  of  grant  funding  –  Less  completed  the  evalua+on  

•  Approximately  150+  facili+es  –  Pools,  arenas,  mul+plexes,  sports  complexes,  fitness  facili+es,  outdoor  

sports  fields,  community  mee+ng  spaces,  municipal  buildings,  band  offices  

•  Aligning  with  BC  school  guidelines  and  guidelines  for  government  buildings  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 7

Page 8: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

The  Framework:  Opera4onal  areas  within  recrea4on  where  food  policy  and  programs  may  have  an  impact  


Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 8

 Municipal  Recrea4on    Food  Environments  



Community  Kitchens  

Community  Gardens  

Produce  Boxes  

Food  Services  


Cafe  or  Restaurant  


Vending   Programs  





Fundraising   Staff  



Work  Space  

Events   Educa4on  &  Awareness  


Website  Development  

Posters,  Clings,    Flyers  



Page 9: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Program  Components  –  Capacity  building  approach    Grants,  Toolkit  and  Resources  

Planning  Grants    •  Support  communi+es  planning  for  change    

Toolkit  •  Developed  and  piloted  prior  to  ini+a+ve  

 Other  Resources    

•  Quick  Start  Guide  •  Rack  cards,  Quick  facts  cards  •  Distribute  resources  from  other  HE      programs  



Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 9

Page 10: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Program  Components  –  Capacity-­‐building  approach    Orienta4on,  Training,  and  Communica4ons  

Technical  Support    •  Live  and  interac+ve  web-­‐based  Cross-­‐community  sharing  •  Teleconferences  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 10

Page 11: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

HFBS  Program  Components  –  Capacity-­‐building  Approach    Web-­‐based  Resources  

•  www.stayac+veeathealthy.ca  •  www.healthysales.ca  •  www.brandnamefoodlist.ca  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 11

Page 12: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Promising  Prac4ces  Videos  h"p://www.stayac-veeathealthy.ca/managers/promising_prac-ces.html  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 12

Page 13: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Vending  Audit    >>The  Brand  Name  Food  List  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 13

Page 14: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

HFBS  Program  Components>>  Marke4ng  Resources  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 14

Page 15: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Program  Components:    Community  Evalua4on    

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 15

Baseline data returned to community to act on

Page 16: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Project  Phases  and  Ini+a+ve  Timeline  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 16

Page 17: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Detail  of  Project  Phases  2008-­‐2010  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 17

Page 18: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Geographical  Loca4on  of  All  HFBS  Par4cipa4ng  Communi4es  (Including  First  Na4ons),  Phase  I-­‐IV  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 18

Page 19: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for
Page 20: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Figure  3:  Geographical  Loca4on  of  Facili4es  Impacted  by  HFBS,  Phase  I-­‐1V  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 20





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Page 21: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for


Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 21

Page 22: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

HFBS:  A  Natural  Experiment  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 22


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Page 23: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 23

Evaluation Design

Page 24: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for



tor C






Page 25: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for


37% 39% 34%


43% 42% 39% 42%

32% 36% 35%



60% 58%










Strategic Planning Supportive Environments

Communication & Education



e in





Facilities Assessment Category

Average Facilities Assessment Scores for Comparison and HFBS Grant Communities

Comparison Communities Baseline

Comparison Communities Follow-up

HFBS Grant Communities Baseline

HFBS Grant Communities Follow-up




*   *

Facility  Assessment  -­‐  Capacity  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 25

** *

* = p<.05

Page 26: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Healthy  Food  &  Beverage  Policy    

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 26

Policy Implemented Policy Under Development No Policy Category Legend  

Page 27: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for


Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 27

Category Legend Choose Most Choose Sometimes Choose Least Not Recommended



Page 28: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Transi4oning  to  Healthy  Choices  In  Vending    >>  What  it  Looks  Like  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 28

Page 29: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Transi4oning  to  Healthy  Choices  In  Concessions  >>  What  it  Looks  Like  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 29


“Everything is offered on whole wheat bread, or buns or wraps, and everything comes with a salad. It doesn’t mean that they can’t choose fries, they just have to ask.”

“We sell pop, we sell chips, we sell hotdogs.”


Page 30: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Transi4oning  to  Healthy  Choices  In  Concessions  >>  What  it  Looks  Like  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 30

Page 31: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Types  of  Community  Strategies  Used  to      Transi4on  to  Healthier  Choices  in  Concessions  

–  Developing  a  policy  –  Including  concessionaires  in  the  planning  process  –  Hiring  a  Die++an  to  consult  and  provide  advice  –  Finding  ‘healthy’  alterna+ves  to  popular  ‘not  recommended  items’  –  Taste  tes+ng  –  Selling  smaller  por+ons  –  Make  the  healthy  op+on  the  default  op+on  (e.g.  salad  instead  of  fries)  –  Provide  a  sense  of  choice  –  Changing  equipment  to  support  serving  healthy  op+ons  –  Place  healthy  choices  more  prominently  on  display  –  Limi+ng  concession  hours  to  peak  +mes  to  reduce  opera+on  costs  –  Changing  things  one  item  at  a  +me  –  Crea+ng  new  menus  –  Providing  public  educa+on  and  promo+onal  supports  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 31

Page 32: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Awareness  of  healthy  ea4ng  promo4ons  at  the  facility  according  to  patron  survey  


Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 32




52% !"








Before HFBS intervention After HFBS intervention

Page 33: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Other  Impacts:  Programming  &  Events  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 33

•  Offered healthier meal and beverage options and limiting junk food in programming for birthday parties, youth dances, after school programs.

•  Planned special events to celebrate and promote a new healthy food culture in the facility. E.g. Decorated lobby, offered free food samples, distributed information, hired a dietitian to answer questions.

•  Improved food practice at annual and ongoing events. E.g. replaced pop with 100% fruit juices at sporting events and tournaments.

Page 34: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Other  Impacts:  Food  Security    

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 34

•  Built community gardens. •  Hosted pocket and farmers markets in or around

local recreation facilities and community buildings.

•  Planted fruit trees.

Page 35: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Other  Impacts:  Staff  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 35

•  Served healthier snack and beverages at staff training events and celebrations.

•  Used the “Eat Well Meet Well” resource to improve practice in staff meetings and conferences.

•  Offered Food Safe training for concession staff. •  Revamped staff lunch rooms to support staff in

packing a healthy lunch and eating well.

Page 36: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Other  Impacts:  Fundraising      

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 36

•  Used non-food options to raise funds for sports teams, special-interest groups and general operations budget.

Page 37: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Implementa4on:  Transi4oning  to  healthier  op4ons  is  complex  


Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 37

Page 38: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Implementa4on:  There  is  lots  of  support  for  change!  


Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 38

Page 39: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Strengths  and  Limita4ons  of  the  Evalua4on  

Limita-ons  •   large  variability  in  the  ac+ons  and  evalua+on  +melines  across  communi+es.    •  communi+es  were  not  randomized  into  condi+ons.  HFBS  grant  applicants  were  

automa+cally  the  ‘interven+on  condi+on’  while  those  that  hadn’t  yet  applied  but  were  willing  to  be  measured  became  non-­‐equivalent  comparator  communi+es.  

•  staff  collected  vending  and  survey  data  and  submi_ed  it  to  the  evalua+on  team  •  facility  assessment  and  interviews  were  self-­‐reported.      Strengths  •  the  consistency  of  the  findings  over  four  different  phases  in  48  different  

communi+es  and  when  HFBS  communi+es  were  compared  to  non-­‐HFBS  communi+es.  

•  we  used  a  mixed  methods  triangula+on  design  and  found  not  only  corrobora+on  across  data  sources  but  corrobora+on  across  communi+es  and  phases.    


Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 39

Page 40: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

A  Summary  of  HFBS  Posi4ve  Ac4on  in  BC  

•  Significantly  healthier  op+ons  in  vending  and  concessions  

•  Significantly  increased  organiza+onal  capacity  

•  Food  Security-­‐  community  gardens  and  pocket  markets  

•  Healthy  op+ons  in  children’s  programs  

•  Suppor+ng  sports  teams  and  athletes  perform  their  best  

•  Product-­‐innova+on  in  industry  

•  Crea+ng  healthy  environments  everywhere-­‐  synergy  with  schools  and  local  businesses  and  program  areas  within  recrea+on  

•  Local  ac+on  on  provincial  guidelines  

•  Suppor+ng  healthy  work  environments  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 40

Page 41: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for


Lessons  learned  at  the  ini4a4ve  level    

There  were  many  lessons  learned  during  implementa-on  of  HFBS.  Across  all  four  phases  communi-es  highlighted  the  following:    •  Change  is  a  process  that  takes  +me;  the  process  could  take  anywhere  from  

2-­‐5  years.  •  A  phased  approach  to  change  is  more  feasible;  taking  small  steps  is  best.  •  Pairing  educa+on  with  policy  is  effec+ve  in  making  the  healthy  choice  the  

easy  choice.  •  Every  community  can  act,  but  change  starts  at  different  points.  •  Evalua+on  &  monitoring  support  change  but  evalua+on  is  hard  and  requires  


Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 41

Page 42: Healthier)Food)Environments)in) Recrea4on ... · • Overview&of&the&Healthy(Food(&(Beverage(Sales(In(Recrea7on ... vending machines, concessions, cafeterias and snack bars and for

Healthier  Food  Environments  in  Recrea4on    

and  Local  Government  Buildings  Canadian  Associa+on  for  Food  Studies  May  30,  2010  

Stay Active Eat Healthy Presentation 42

www.stayactiveeathealthy.ca www.healthysales.ca www.brandnamefoodlist.ca