Facility administration, power efficiency, maintenance control and management: Cofely Italia S.p.a. with Geomap FMS for ASL Nuoro. Geomap S.r.l. www.geomap.uk.com - [email protected] Healthcare And Hospitals

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Facility administration, power efficiency, maintenance control and management: Cofely Italia S.p.a. with Geomap FMS for ASL Nuoro.

G e o m a p S . r . l . w w w . g e o m a p . u k . c o m - i n f o @ g e o m a p . u k . c o m

Healthcare And Hospitals

Geomap s.r.l. www.geomap.uk.com Copyright Geomap 2015

Contractor     Client    

 Cofely Italia S.p.a.


Reference  Market:  Public administration and local authorities.

Contract  Numbers  and  Statistics:  • Every hospital centre in the province of Nuoro, including, among many, San

Francesco and Zonchello di Nuoro, with a catchment area of 162.000 people spread over 52 Councils;

• More then 4.620 extraordinary maintenance activities managed per year; • Over 2.100 ordinary maintenance activities planned and executed every year.

Main  Target:  Creating an informative system able to map, manage and control the estate and facility value of all the healthcare buildings as a whole, as well as any extraordinary and ordinary maintenance activity needed.

Needs  and  Necessities:  • Census and computerization of every estate building, floor plans and plants; • Management of over 15 different types of systems (including medical gases as

well as any special medical equipment); • Planning and coordination of both ordinary and extraordinary maintenance

activities; • Help-desk administration; • Energy consumption management • Activity reporting and control.

Activities  and  Solutions:  The Geomap team, in close synergy with the council administration, has planned and completed all the necessary phases and activities needed for the full satisfaction of the client, succeeding at achieving all the final targets.

Geomap s.r.l. www.geomap.uk.com Copyright Geomap 2015

1. Auditing  and  Due  Diligence    The project had been planned and shared with all the stakeholders through a number of meetings. During the first phase, the parties had agreed to all the most important targets, also analysing all the available documentation, including floor plans and plant details. In the second phase, the Geomap team had further studied and planned the situation, aiming to offer the best possible system, tailored on the particular needs of the client: The Informative Geomap System FMS, already configured and customised. Once the structure of the software had been defined, the Geomap team had acquired from the client all the data, ready to be inserted into the newly born system.

2. Analysis  and  Insertion  of  the  Census  Data  Once the census activity of both the estate and plant assets had been completed, following the client’s needs, Geomap had carefully revised all the information, making sure no errors would pass through the implementation of the data into the database of the Informative Geomap System FMS.

3. Licensing  the  Informative  Geomap  System  FMS    The Informative Geomap System FMS had been provided to the stakeholders already fully operational, with all its functionalities and data, ready to be referred at when needed. Furthermore, the setup of the modules and functions of the system had allowed the client to:

• Manage the real estate value; • Manage the plants’ value; • Manage and report of all the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance activities; • Manage the call-centre; • Manage the energy consumption; • Mobile control (tablet and smartphone).

The Informative System has allowed the client to control in detail all the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance activities happening in all the buildings. The Geomap System FMS has also helped the management team to control financially all the activities, bringing a substantial containment in costs while making the services to the patients of the hospitals more efficient and pleasant.

Recognition  and  Prizes    On May 29th 2013, at the “7th National Forum Of The Real Estate Urban Heritage of the Public Territory” held in Rome, Cofely Italia SPA and The Nuoro ASL (Sardinia) were awarded the first prize for “ Best Practice on Public Real Estate Heritage” in the section of “Real Estate Asset Management” The prize winning presentation was named “From The Project’s Financing to the Territorial Facility Management: The ASL Nuoro Experience”. It described the context, the objectives and the results of this collaboration, including: - Planning, financing and realization of the extension and refurbishment of 3 hospitals, 2 healthcare districts, 3 polyclinics and over 100 clinics; - Planning and realization of a technological centre aimed to centralize the production of electric, thermo-electric and cooling energy that allows the Nuoro ASL to contain energy costs, as well as to benefit from the outsourcing of a multitude of services to one subject (Cofely), bound to one single contract only.