Health and Safety Policy Manual Issue 14

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Norec H & S policy manual

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Health and Safety Policy Manual


TITLE:Health & Safety Manual (Policy)

SUBJECT:Company Policy, Organisation and Management system for Health and Safety at work for all employees




AUTHOR:W. L. WilkinsonW. L. WilkinsonW.L. WilkinsonW.L. Wilkinson







18.01.951ALLNew Document

28.03.9614Address change (Not altered issue No

06.03.9723Changes to organisation structure

01.12.9735Change MD to GM

01.12.9736Change MD to GM

01.12.9737Change of job descriptions

01.12.9739Safety Engineer to Site Manager

01.12.97310Add Para

01.12.97311-33Change all ref. to MD to GM

06.09.994AllChanges to organisation structure, Job Titles and Job Descriptions.

01.10.015AllChanges to organisation structure, Job Titles and Job Descriptions.

22.03.0263Changes to Managing Directors Statement title. Added 1.3.1 Health and Safety Action Plan.

5Add titles, Commitment, Organisation and Arrangements, and addition to para 5 companies Health and Safety Procedures.

7-8Added Health and Safety Annual Action Plan/ Objectives.

17.02.037AllChanges to organisation structure, Job Titles and Job Descriptions.

Changes to Roles & Responsibilities

Remove Annual action Plan

23Included Pre employment & return to work medical assessments

03.11.038AllChange Ref. to General Manager to Managing Director

11/06/0498 & 9Section 1.3.2 Safety Managers Responsibility to include legislative monitoring for continued compliance

28Included NMI/HSP/25 External Deployment of Norec Staff & NMI/HSP/26 CDM Compliance Procedure

16/02/0510AllChange of Organisational Structure - Roles & Responsibilities - Addition of Lone working policy

15/07/0511AllChange of Organisation structure

Change Operation & Project Manager to Operations Support Manager, addition of section 4.0 communications policy

18/01/0712ALLChange of Organisation structure

19/01/0913ALLChange of Organisation structure


12/06/0914AllAddition of section 3.15.03C.P.D.



1.1Managing Directors Statement of Company Policy, with respect to Occupational Health Safety and Welfare


Company responsibility and Authority


Designated Roles & Responsibilities


Senior executive designated responsible for Health & Safety

1.3.2 Health & Safety Manager

1.3.3 Health & Safety Co-ordinator

1.3.4 Operations Manager

1.3.5 Managers Responsibilities

1.3.6 Site Representative / Manager

1.3.7 Supervisor / Team Leader / Leading Hand

1.3.8 Employees Responsibilities


Compliance Co-ordinators Responsibilities


Management Review


Company Safety Committees

Part 2

Promotion Philosophy2.1

Personnel Assessment, Education and Training



Part 3

System Elements3.1

Contract Review


Design Safety


Document Control


Internal Safety Audits


Accident Recording and Investigation


Occupational Health, First Aid and Welfare


Personal Protective Equipment


Fire Precautions


Contractor Control


Machine Guarding and Work Equipment


Safe Systems of Work


Vehicles and Mobile Plant




Control of Substances Hazardous to Health


Lone Worker Policy



Communications & Consultations Policy

Acknowledgement Slip

Policy Statement

Managing Director's Statement of Company Policy, with respect toOCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE


I, the Managing Director believe that all accidents are avoidable and realise our greatest assets are our employees. Therefore as a Company we believe all accidents are unacceptable and we must strive to achieve a zero accident incidence rate.

Norec Ltd are committed to the continual improvement of our Safety Performance. It is, therefore, our policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all who work for us, and everyone that is affected by our work activities. Equally, it is our aim that the same high standards of Health & Safety will be reflected in the design of plant, equipment and projects for our clients.


Implementation of the foregoing general policy will be achieved by our commitment to the compliance with legal requirements, provision of sound advice, strong safety supervision, formal training programmes adequate joint consultation and other facilities. Detailed Organisation and arrangements in these regards are contained in Parts 2 and 3 of this Policy.


A Manager will be assigned special responsibility for implementation of this Policy and the companies Health and Safety Procedures.

Our commitment to Occupational Health and Safety should be regarded as part of our commitment to excel and seen to be something of which we can be justly proud.



Mr. G. C. Kelley

Mr. W. L. Wilkinson

Managing Director

Health & Safety Manager

1.1 Company Responsibility & Authorities

Although all persons employed by the company are required to play their part in the achievement and control of Health and Safety, there are a number of safety-related activities which require to be, and have been, specifically defined with respect to levels of authority and responsibility. To this end, the following table, coupled with the above organisational chart may be used to identify those persons with the freedom and authority to: -

a)Identify and record any safety problems;

b)Initiate any necessary actions to prevent the occurrence of non-conformities;

c)Initiate, recommend or provide solutions through clearly defined channels;

d)Verify that solutions have been satisfactorily implemented;


-Managing Director

Safety System

-Health and Safety Manager

Management Review

-Managing Director

Contract Review

-Managing Director /Business Manager

Design Safety

-Operations Manager

Safety Document Control

-Health and Safety Manager / Compliance &

Systems Co-ordinator


-Health and Safety Manager Compliance &

Systems Co-ordinator

Internal Safety Audits -Health and Safety Manager / Health & Safety Officer / Operations Manager / Compliance & Systems Co-ordinator / Environment & Quality ManagerAccident Reporting & Investigation-Health & Safety Manager / Health & Safety Officer / Site Representative / Operations Manager / Compliance Co-ordinator

Occupational Health, First Aid &


-Site Representative /Supervisors

Personal Protective Equipment-Site Representative / Operations Managers

Fire Protection & Prevention-Site Representative / Operations Managers

Contractor Control-Operations Manager /Site Representative

Machine Guarding/Equipment-Site Representative / Operations Manager

Risk Assessment-Site Representative / Operations Manager / Supervisors

Permit to Work-Site Representative / Operations Manager /Supervisors

Notices and Signs

-Site Representative /Supervisors

Vehicles and Mobile Plant

-Site Representative /Supervisors

Environment-Site Representative / Supervisors

COSHH-Site Representative / Supervisors

1.3Designated Roles & Responsibilities

The following section details the roles and responsibilities of all staff employed by Norec throughout all company operations.

The following roles & responsibilities have been issued to enable our employees to understand what part they must play to ensure the continued compliance with the company safety management system.

Designated roles and responsibilities shall be issued to our employees Ref: NMI/QA/14 on all Norec operations and shall be accepted by signature from each individual employee

Should any employee refuse to accept their respective roles and responsibilities the individual shall be interviewed by the Norec Ltd Health & Safety Manager and respective site manager/representative with a view to resolving the matter. Should the matter not be resolved then the individual shall be taken through the Norec disciplinary procedure.

1.3.1Senior Executive designated responsible for safety

The Managing Director is responsible for the Company and its operations, and as such his duties include:- Determination of the company's policies with respect to Health and Safety; The effective implementation of the company safety system; Formal review of the safety system, in accordance with the requirements of sub section 1 of this manual and to the full satisfaction of current legislation at least annually; Liaison with customers and any relevant assessment bodies with regard to Safety related matters.


The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for the Companies Health and Safety Systems and as such his duties shall include: - Keep the Managing Director & Site Representative informed of progress and experience in the area of Health & Safety and encourage their interest

in, and enthusiasm for, these aspects Ensure that this policy is fully up to date with regard to legal compliance and continually updated when changes in the law occur. Ensure that this policy is promoted throughout the Company and that any suggestions as to updating are considered and if approved, carried out. Supervise the implementation of this policy, its associated safety management system and monitor the adequacy of its implementation. Produce a yearly report on Health and Safety for the annual information of the Norec Managing Director / Chairman. Attend Site Safety Committees within the Company as considered appropriate and in accordance with statutory provisions. Have the power to stop or alter circumstances (in the Company's control) which are considered to present serious Health or Safety hazards. Identification, in conjunction with the Operations Managers of the company safety objectives and requirements; Ensure that Customers Representative are afforded adequate facilities during any representations and/or assessments of the company, its facilities and the adopted safety system; Ensuring that adequate training resources, reviews, procedures and records are identified; Liaison with customers and any relevant assessment bodies with regard to Safety related matters; Management of the Safety Audit Procedures, including defining the required plan and ensuring its correct application;

1.3.3HEALTH AND SAFETY OFFICER1.3.3.1 The Health and Safety Officer is responsible to the Health and Safety Manager & Site Manager/Representative to promote, co-ordinate and police the Norec Health, Safety & Welfare policies, procedures & Client Safe Systems of Work on site and as such his duties shall include: - Keeping the Site Manager & Safety Manager informed of progress and experience in the area of Health & Safety and encourage employees interest in, and enthusiasm for, these aspects Ensure that this policy is promoted throughout the site and that any suggestions as to updating policy are considered and forwarded to the Health and Safety Manager for approval. Supervise the implementation of this policy, its associated safety management system and monitor the adequacy of its implementation throughout all site activities. Carry out regular audits and inspections of all Norec activities throughout the areas of the business to ensure continued compliance of the applied Safety Management System. Carry out unscheduled site inspections Carry out Compliance monitoring and policing of the applied management systems and site safe systems of work.


The Health and Safety Co-ordinator is responsible to the Health and Safety Manager & Site Manager/Representative to promote and co-ordinate Norec Health, Safety & Welfare policies, procedures & Client Safe Systems of Work on site and as such his duties shall include: - Keeping the Site Manager & Safety Manager informed of progress and experience in the area of Health & Safety and encourage employees interest in, and enthusiasm for, these aspects Ensure that this policy is promoted throughout the site and that any suggestions as to updating policy are considered and forwarded to the Health and Safety Manager for approval. Supervise the implementation of this policy, its associated safety management system and monitor the adequacy of its implementation throughout all site activities. Produce a yearly report on Health and Safety for the information of the Site Manager, Safety Manager & Norec Managing Director. Promote Site Safety Committees within the Company as considered appropriate and in accordance with statutory provisions. Have the power to stop or alter circumstances (in the Company's control) which are considered to present serious Health or Safety hazards. Identify, in conjunction with the Health & Safety Manager, the Site safety objectives and requirements for achievement and measurement of those objectives; Ensure that Customers Representative are afforded adequate facilities during any representations and/or assessments of the company, its facilities and the adopted safety system; Ensuring that adequate training resources, reviews, procedures and records are identified and implemented throughout all site operations; Liaison with customers and any relevant assessment bodies with regard to Safety related matters; Carry out Safety Audits and site inspections, including defining the site audit/inspection plan and ensuring its correct application; Ensure that where Norec require the services of sub contractors, an assessment of the suitability and safety performance of those contractors is carried out prior to any work being carried out. See NMI/ QA 07 - Health & Safety Requirements for contractors. Ensure that all Statutory Registers prescribed by the current Regulations are in existence and kept up to date such as, but not limited to:-

COSHH Register

Lifting Equipment Register

Abrasive wheels Register

P.P.E. Register

Ladders, scaffold & staging Register

Hand Tool Register

Asbestos Register

First Aid Register

Display Screen Equipment Register

Maintenance of equipment Register1.3.4.14Ensure that where present, all personnel carry out their work activities within the Client led systems such as: -

Permit to work Schemes

Boundary / Site rules with regard to Health, Safety & the Environment

Committees, Safety forums etc.

Hazard reporting.



In order to ensure effective Health and Safety management of the company's activities, the sites have been appointed an Operations & Projects Manager whose primary tasks towards Health & Safety is to:- Ensure that this policy is promoted throughout the Company and that any suggestions as to updating are considered and if approved, carried out. Supervise the implementation of this policy, and monitor the adequacy of its implementation. Maintain the Company system of investigation, reporting, and analysis of accident, health and safety experience. Assist and support Site Managers with their work, and arrange meetings and seminars for them to enable them to update their knowledge and exchange information. Chair and/or Organise Site Safety Committees on sites under his control as considered appropriate and in accordance with statutory provisions. Carry out those Safety audits as required by the audit plan. Have the power to stop or alter circumstances (in the Company's control) which are considered to present serious Health or Safety hazards. To ensure that the Health, Safety & Environmental Policies & procedures are established and fully implemented on site, through liaison with the Health & Safety Manager & Site Manager/ representative.



Managers throughout the Company shall:- Understand, promote and implement this policy. Ensure that subordinates understand this policy, their duties under the Health & Safety at work etc. Act 1974, and other relevant regulations. Constantly monitor the Health & Safety training needs both of the Supervisors and other employees under their control. Stimulate interest in, and enthusiasm for the promotion of safe and healthy working conditions by their subordinates through regular discussions, and the accurate investigation and reporting of accidents/property loss, hazardous conditions and occupational illness. Ensure that recommendations approved by the Company are acted upon promptly. Ensure, where appropriate, that Contractors and Sub Contractors are issued with, understand and comply with Company Standard Rules and Conditions for Contractors NMI/QA 07. Ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that parties who supply the Company with articles or substances for use at work, both understand and fulfil their obligations towards us under Section 6 of HASAWA 1974 and COSHH Regulations. Ensure that articles and substances for use at work supplied by the Company to Clients are, as far as reasonably practicable, in safe condition and accompanied by any necessary instruction to secure safe usage and compliance with COSHH Regulations. Ensure that potentially hazardous machinery, equipment or substances about to be purchased by the Company are first vetted and approved by a Company representative nominated by the Manager with special responsibility in compliance with COSHH Regulations. Ensure that the advice of the Health and Safety Manager is sought in advance on relevant new projects, occupation of new premises etc.



In order to ensure effective Health and Safety management of the company's activities, each Site has been appointed a Site Representative/Manager whose primary tasks towards Health & Safety is:- Ensure that this policy is promoted throughout the Company and that any suggestions as to updating are considered and if approved, carried out. Supervise the implementation of this policy, and monitor the adequacy of its implementation. Maintain a Company system of investigation, reporting, and analysis of accident, health and safety experience. Assist and support Supervisors with their work, and arrange meetings and seminars for them to enable them to update their knowledge and exchange information. Chair and/or organise Site Safety Committees / Toolbox talks for all employees under his control as considered appropriate and in accordance with statutory provisions. Advise both Supervisors and employees of their statutory obligations and on compliance with relevant Codes of Practice. Ensure that Supervisors carry out regular planned safety audits, tours, sampling and inspections in order to identify Health and Safety problems, and recommend the necessary remedial action. Have the power to stop or alter circumstances (in the Company's control) which are considered to present serious Health or Safety hazards. Receive and collate information sent in on accidents, dangerous occurrences, fires, occupational illness' and property loss/damage, and where appropriate further investigate and report on such events to the Health and Safety Manager. Be involved in promoting Occupational Health & Safety throughout the company Ensure that all offices and other premises within their control comply with statutory requirements on Health & Safety (including housekeeping, fire protection, safety of machinery, safe means of access and decoration). Ensure that in Company premises a person is formally appointed to assume responsibility for Health and Safety standards on a day to day basis. Ensure that the Site is suitably equipped with adequate first aid resources. (this may be Norec or Client supplied.)


Under the requirements of this policy the Supervisor/Team Leader/Leading hand shall:- Ensure that all employees in their control comply with their statutory duties and with this Policy. Instruct employees in their charge (particularly new or transferred employees) about any hazards associated with their work and all necessary precautions (including the wearing of personal protective equipment). Investigate and report all accidents (including minor injuries), occupational illness', fires, and property damage/loss and take action to prevent recurrences. In collaboration with Site Representative/Site Manager / Safety Co-ordinator, ensure that all Statutory Registers prescribed by the current Regulations are in existence and kept up to date such as, but not limited to:-

COSHH Register

Lifting Equipment Register

Abrasive wheels Register

P.P.E. Register

Ladders, scaffold & staging Register

Hand Tool Register

Asbestos Register

First Aid Register

Display Screen Equipment Register

Maintenance of equipment Register Regularly inspect the work area and personnel in their charge to ensure Safe and Healthy conditions and work practices. Advise Management (subject to training needs analysis) of any case where an employee or group of employees is considered to need further safety training. Collaborate at all times with nominated Safety Officers and/or Safety Supervisors. Ensure employees under their charge maintain compliance with site safe systems of work and requirements of the site safety plan. Monitor safety performance of employees under their control and advise management where employees deviate from prescribed process. Have the power to stop or alter circumstances (in the Company's control) which are considered to present serious Health or Safety hazards.


Employees RESPONSIBILITIESIn accordance with Section 7 of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act: Employees shall:- Conduct themselves, whilst in our employment, in such a manner as not to compromise the safety of themselves or others which their actions may effect. Co-operate with Company Management and Supervision in preventing accidents or health risks to themselves, other employees, members of the public, or visitors. Comply with this policy, Company Health & Safety regulations and site regulations. Wear personal protective equipment whenever instructed or circumstances require its use. Take care of personal protective equipment and all other Company property. Report any work conditions they consider unsafe or unhealthy at once to their Supervisor. Have the power to stop or alter circumstances (in the Company's control) which are considered to present serious Health or Safety hazards.

1.3.10Compliance Co-ordinators RESPONSIBILITIESNorec have evolved the Safety Management System taking into account the results of various forms of feedback i.e. Audit Results Accident Investigations etc. In our continuing aim to improve the Safety Management Systems Norec have appointed the Compliance Co-ordinator and as such his duties include: - To comply with this policy, Company Health & Safety regulations and site regulations. To liase with the Operations Managers, Business Systems Manager & Health & Safety Manager on matters regarding the continued compliance and effectiveness of Company Policy and Procedures.

Which may include (but not limited to) the following: -

Carrying out Internal Audits on all of Norec operations




Action Tracking ensure that, where actions are raised from Audits / Inspections / Meetings etc. they are followed through to completion and records maintained of the process.


MANAGEMENT REVIEW1.4.1 It is the defined responsibility of the Managing Director to ensure that the implemented Safety system is reviewed at least annually and that any amendments found necessary are identified and suitably enacted.

1.4.2 The results of the various Safety System Audits may be used as the basis for the Review, which aims to assess the effectiveness, adequacy, suitability and scope of the applied Safety System.

1.4.3 The discussions, contents and conclusions of the annual management Reviews are recorded in the form of minutes and formally distributed to nominated persons/functions within the company.

Factors normally discussed during reviews of the applied safety system include:-

a)The operating costs of the safety system;

b)Developing trends in dangerous occurrences;

c)The continuing suitability of the safety organisation;

d)Current and anticipated training requirements;

e)Sub Contractor Safety Performance;

f)The continuing suitability of the general standards adopted by the company, particularly in respect of customer requirements and legislation;

g)Current and anticipated future health and safety requirements; particularly with regard to financial planning;

h)The continued relevance of this Safety Manual;

i)Safety System audit results.

1.5Company Safety Committees1.5.1The Company welcomes constructive joint consultation on Occupational Health and Safety and shall comply with the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 (where applicable)

Documented procedures define the company operations with regard to safety co-ordination at various levels and are as follows:- Management Safety Committee The Managing Director will chair the Management Safety Committee. It will otherwise consist of Managers assigned with responsibilities in the Company. It will be the Company platform for discussion of ongoing Health & Safety policy, its formulation and updating, together with the dealing of the specific problems involved. Representatives Safety Review

All Site representatives shall endeavour to report to the Health and Safety Manager on a regular basis in order to discuss, devise and promote safety systems. These meeting shall be minuted of these meetings shall be issued to the relevant Manager. Safety Committees

All sites shall organise and maintain regular on site safety meetings with good representation of all site disciplines including where necessary representative of any sub contractors. Minutes from these meetings shall be issued to the Health and Safety Manager.

The applied Company Management Review procedure NMI/HSP/01 also provides for the generation and maintenance of suitable records of its application.


Personnel Assessment2.1 Where appropriate when an employee is being considered for initial engagement, or promotion, Management will ensure that such an employee's attitude to, and knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety and amongst the factors to be taken into account.

2.1.1 The Managing Director and Management will liase to ensure that adequate ongoing training in Occupational Health and Safety is carried out at all levels, with particular emphasis on new employees and first-line Supervision.

2.1.2 Procedures have been established and documented, to identify and provide relevant safety related training, whereby each task performed which can or may affect their safety and that of others has been defined with respect to the minimum educational, training and/or experience requirements.

2.1.3 Records of relevant training and educational achievements are maintained for each employee.

2.1.4 Current and future training needs with respect to Safety & Quality related activities are discussed as part of the regular Management Reviews of the applied safety system.

See also Operating Procedures NMI/HSP/01 (Management Review), NMI/ QA 02 (Records) and NMI/QA 08 (Training).


Publicity2.2.1 The Health and Safety Manager will circulate periodic information on Occupational Health & Safety for issue around the Company to provide technical, legal and other information.

2.2.2 Management and Supervision will promote high standards of safety both on site and in Company premises.



Contract Reviews are recognised as an essential part of the company operations, are co-ordinated and defined within documented procedures, and aim to ensure that:-

a)The contract requirements are adequately and accurately, defined, documented, interpreted and agreed by both parties;

b)Any requirements differing from those in the original tender or previous submissions are suitably and amicably resolved;

c)The documented specification, as agreed, is unambiguous;

d)The company (and its approved sub contractors) is able to satisfy the defined contractual requirements with respect to Health and Safety.

3.1.2 Managers responsible for the above, will ensure that appropriate Contracts clearly designate responsibilities between Client and Contractor on Health & Safety through out each Project (including any training responsibilities).

3.1.3 All Tenders submitted shall include all costs necessary in undertaking the work in accordance with the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act etc. 1974 (together with any subsequent amendments thereto) and all bidders will be required to submit, with their tender, a copy of their Health & Safety Policy Statement.

3.1.4 As far as is reasonably practicable the Managing Director/Financial Director will ensure that adequate financial planning is carried out annually, to enable the Company to comply with the ongoing requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act.


Design SafetyProcedures which document and control the various design operations have been devised and implemented which ensure that all plant equipment, buildings or substances, which the company have designed, manufactured or supplier are:-

3.2.1As far as reasonably practicable safe and free from health risk when correctly used.


Accompanied by any necessary information or instruction to ensure

compliance with paragraph 3.2.1

3.2.3Afforded adequate testing or research either by the Company, or others, to ensure compliance with paragraph 3.2.1


DOCUMENT CONTROL3.3.1 In order to ensure that only appropriate issues of documents and data (including, specifications, drawings, procedures, directives, regulations and standards) are available and used, a system of approved sub contractors has been adopted.

3.3.2 That system records who has been provided with that information and enables the company to recall and, where necessary replace, obsolete or redundant information.

3.3.3 All controlled documentation (including subsequent amendments) is formally reviewed and approved by authorised personnel prior to issue.

3.3.4 Where the document involved is to replace or amend any previous issue, every endeavour is made to ensure that the review is carried out by the same person/function who reviewed the outgoing document.

3.3.5 That person/function reviewing and/or approving such amendments being afforded suitable access to all pertinent background information upon which to base their decision.

3.3.6 A central register is maintained which records all changes made to formally registered and issued documentation.

See also Operating Procedure NMI/ QA 01 (Document Control)


Safety Records3.3.7.1 Those records necessary to provide evidence of system conformity, standards achieved and actions taken are identified within each of the various Operating Procedures, which also provide an indication of the designated minimum retention periods for each applicable document. In recognising that such records are only of future use if uniquely and readily retrievable from their place of storage and that they have not deteriorated nor sustained damage. Which would render them illegible, a separate procedure is in use, which defines the necessary actions, authority and responsibilities for identifying, collecting, indexing, storing, maintaining and disposing of safety records (including pertinent sub contractor safety performance records). Where agreed contractually, safety records are made available for evaluation by the customer (or his representative) during the defined minimum, or other specified, retention period.

See also Operating Procedure NMI/ QA 02 (Records).


INTERNAL SAFETY AUDITS3.4.1 In order to confirm that the applied Safety Management System remains effective and appropriate, an ongoing series of planned Safety audits are carried out, which are used as a means of verifying that the actual Safety related activities comply with the appropriate, planned and documented, procedural requirements.

3.4.2 The frequency of the various applied audits is determined on the basis of the importance of the activity involved, the results of any ongoing verification activities (i.e. inspections, tests, reviews etc.) and the results of previous audits.

3.4.3 A formal report is compiled for each audit undertaken which is brought to the attention of the audited activities supervisory staff and used to record any deficiencies found, identify the necessary corrective actions and nominate both those persons responsible for carrying them out and the required completion date.

3.4.4 Re-audits of activities found to be deficient are carried out at a convenient time following the required corrective action completion date by the person performing the original audit (wherever possible or practical).


Accident recording and investigation3.5.1

Injury/Disease3.5.1.1All industrial injury/disease contracted whilst in the employment of the company shall be recorded as per the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrence Regulations & and subsequent amendments.

Records being duly processed within the companys reporting system. The Health & Safety Manager, Site Representative, Operations Manager, Supervisor, employees or a suitable competent person shall be responsible for investigate all accidents / Incidents. Statistical analysis shall be undertaken to demonstrate the companies success in controlling Safety and to try and highlight any underlying trends to enable us to be proactive in accident prevention. The above mentioned will be reviewed at regular intervals to determine its effectiveness.


Loss and Damage3.5.2.1 All loss/damage contracted whilst in the employ of the company shall be recorded. Records being duly processed within the companys reporting system. All incidents shall be investigated either by the Site Representative, employees, supervisor or a suitable competent person. Statistical analysis shall be undertaken to demonstrate the companies success in controlling Safety and to try and highlight any underlying trends to enable us to be proactive in accident prevention. The above mentioned will be reviewed at regular intervals to determine its effectiveness.

See NMI/HSP/03 Accident Investigation Procedure


Occupational Health, First Aid and Welfare3.6.1

Occupational Health3.6.1.1 Management and Supervision will concern themselves with the Occupational Health of the employees under their control and report any case which concerns them. Prior to any employment with Norec Ltd a pre employment medical questionnaire (NMI/HSP/024/02) shall be filled in by the prospective employee to inform the company of any current or previous health issues. Upon satisfactory completion of the questionnaire, the site Representative/Manager shall arrange for a pre employment medical to take place with a suitable general or health practitioner. The results of the medical shall be used to determine the suitability of the employee to carry out the work required. A medical shall be arranged to determine the employee fitness to return to normal duties when:-

an employee has a sustained absence from work as a result of sickness or injury

a return to work may be detrimental to the employees or co workers health or safety.

or as a result of a loss time accident at work.

The results of the medical shall be used to determine the suitability of the employee to return to their normal duties. If advice is required (covering, for instance, noise, toxic dusts, gases and vapours in atmosphere and identification of asbestos or other hazardous materials), such advice should be referred to the Manager with special responsibility. Where a permanent employee considers medical assistance or advice necessary, then this should be pursued through the National Health Service. Where employees are sent on assignments abroad a Medical Practitioner will, when requested by the Company make arrangements for free vaccinations, and the necessary range of medical precautions.

See NMI/HSP/24 - Occupational Health 3.6.2

First Aid3.6.2.1 Company Sites and Premises, Company owned or client owned will comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations and subsequent amendments. In Company fixed premises where more than 10 persons are employed at least two persons (the one to deputise for the other) shall if possible be appointed as First Aiders, and shall be trained and certificated in accordance with the requirements of the above regulations. First Aid facilities

All sites shall be suitably equipped with adequate first aid resources. (However this equipment may be customer supplied) Aid training

First Aid training shall be in accordance with the "Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations. All training to be provided by a suitably accredited body (i.e. St Johns Ambulance Society)


Welfare and Hygiene3.6.3.1 The company shall ensure that on sites employing more than 5 people, that there is adequate provision of accommodation including facilities for drying work clothes, washing and messing. There should also be toilet facilities readily available. Where appropriate there shall be adequate provision for the disposal of scrap and surplus material. This provision shall be suitable to meet current legislation and shall be effectively controlled. Both on Site and in fixed company premises Management and Supervision are responsible for the identification and care of visitors, agency personnel and all personnel working on behalf of Norec or on site at their request but not employed by Norec.


Personal Protective Equipment3.7.1All employees shall be issued with the relevant safety equipment and protective clothing including Safety Helmets, Safety Boots, Ear Defenders and Safety Glasses. It is the Employees responsibility to ensure that all such safety equipment is available for his use and any loss or damage must be reported to his Supervisor immediately. All such equipment will be personally signed for and users shall have received suitable training in their use. See NMI / HSP 05 Personal Protective Equipment3.7.2Supervisors are authorised and expected to insist on the wearing of mandatory safety equipment, including Safety Helmets, and must refuse to admit to Site any visitors or persons temporarily employed on site who is considered to be unsuitably protected (or dressed).


Fire Precautions3.8.1In Company fixed premises a competent person will be appointed to ensure high standards of Safety and Fire Protection (including provision of fire extinguishers, sprinklers, alarms, emergency lighting and detector systems as appropriate).

3.8.2The person appointed as above will also arrange for the testing of fire alarms monthly, the carrying out of fire drills at least once a year and the obtaining and updating of Certificates as to means of escape in Case of Fire.

3.8.3Fire precautions for Contract Sites will be established in conjunction with the site owner/occupier.


Selection and Control of Contractors3.9.1It is the responsibility of Management wherever practicable, to pre-qualify and select contractors to Norec Ltd. in relation to Health and Safety and to create and maintain approved lists of such contractors. (see also operating procedure NMI/QA 07 Requirements for contractors)3.9.2A booklet entitled "Standard Rules and Conditions for Contractors" is available and where appropriate is to be sent to Contractors (together with prescribed Health and Safety questionnaires) as part of the pre-qualification and selection procedure.

3.9.3Where appropriate Contractors must sign the acknowledgement slip at the front of the Standard Rules, and provide satisfactory answers to the pre-qualification questions, before any contract is awarded to them (see also para 2.5, regarding submission of Policy Statements under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974).


Machine Guarding and Work Equipment3.10.1 All Machine Guarding, Fencing and Equipment supplied or put into service shall comply with (PUWER) The Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations and any other relevant statutory provisions.

3.10.2 All Machine Guarding shall be maintained so as to prevent contact with dangerous / moving parts

3.10.3 All equipment engaged in Work Duties should be of adequate manufacture and in serviceable condition such as not to create a hazard when used as intended.

3.10.4 All equipment shall be registered in the Company's equipment log and shall be tested and inspected at specified intervals, the results of which entered in the log.


Safe systems of work

To comply with 1974 HASAWA 2.2(a)

3.11.1 Before deployment of any employee the Site Representative/Manager shall ensure that there has been a complete assessment of all risks that may be prevalent in the work activity. Every work activity shall include a safe system of performing that work activity and shall be communicated to all persons involved with the task.

3.11.2 The use of systems such as; permits to work, permits to burn, permits to dig, COSHH assessments, manual handling risk assessments, method statement, etc. are to be fully utilised in order to fulfil the above duty of law.


Vehicles and Mobile Plant3.12.1

Company CarsThe safe condition and driving of Company cars (including the wearing of Seat Belts) is the responsibility of the person to whom the car has been issued. It is the responsibility of that person to follow the car manufacturers service schedule, comply with the Drivers Pack of Instructions and to constantly monitor the vehicle's safe condition with particular reference to tyres, brakes, steering and lights. Any safety defect with a company car is to be discussed at once with the Company Health & Safety Manager.

See NMI/HSP/ 23 Company vehicle policy.


Vehicle and Plant Safety3.12.2 The maintenance of commercial vehicles, plant and equipment in a safe condition is the initial responsibility of the user to drive, operate, and use the vehicle, plant, or equipment in a safe manner and for the purpose intended.

3.12.3 It is the responsibility of the driver or user to follow the operating maintenance and service procedures laid down by the Company & supplier and following discovery of any safety defect, immediately to advise their immediate supervisor.

3.12.4 All drivers of Plant & site vehicles shall follow the guidelines laid down in NMI/HSP/ 20, NMI/HSP/ 21 and NMI/HSP/ 23 Procedures for the safe use of mobile plant & site vehicles.


Environment3.13.1Norec Ltd has an environmental management system (EMS) certified to the international standard ISO14001. The EMS consists of an environmental policy, manual and procedures that all members of staff must follow to minimise any negative environmental impacts.

3.13.2The environment policy states Norec LTD's commitment to preventing any negative impact on the environment over which we have control or influence. The system describes our commitment to ensuring that all our personnel are trained & competent, that environmental issues are communicated effectively and that compliance with our contracts shall be our priority.

3.13.3Norec LTD's environmental procedures reflect the policies and instructions followed on site and also incorporate best practice guidance on issues including oils storage, waste, air quality, water quality and nuisance issues such as noise and odour. Norec staff have a duty to ensure that these procedures are followed to minimise negative environmental impact and prevent any breach of legislation by the client.


Control of Substances hazardous to healthBefore any substance is purchased for use in any of the companies work activities it must be accepted in the approved substances register. All substances on this register shall have been assessed through the COSHH substance assessment system. Any substance required for use that is not on the approved list must have special agreement with the companies Health and Safety Manager. See NMI / HSP 13 COSHH3.15




3.15.01The company sets out the following statement in respect of any employee who may be required to work alone

The company is conscious that some activities will require lone working and that some activities undertaken by operatives and maintenance personnel are carried out in a lone working environment. The company undertakes to make sure all employees required to work alone undertake the correct method of training to highlight any risks associated with this type of work.

The persons responsible for ensuring these procedures are carried out is the Operations Manager & Site Manager.

The company will ensure that safe working procedures are in place for lone workers and no employee is subjected to unsafe working practices.

The company will ensure that all lone workers are medically fit to work


Risk assessment (see section 13)

The company will carry out risk assessments to establish the degree of risk in the following undertakings: -

Employees or contractors working in fixed establishments where only one person works on the premises

Employees or contractors who work separately from others

Employees or contractors who work outside normal hours

Mobile workers working away from their fixed base


The company realises that Safety Training is a high priority in particular in relation to lone working. Where there may be a lack of direct supervision all workers expected to work alone will be subject to awareness training to highlight the levels of risk associated with this type of work. All training carried out will be recorded and monitored for compliance this may involve periodic on site visits to check progress and quality of work.

3.15.03C.P.D. company realise that in order to maintain high standards of safety both on and off site we need to ensure that personnel employed in a health and safety role have the most relevant and up to date knowledge and understanding in order to carry out their role effectively. this in mind each safety professional should have their training needs identified and training plans developed that year for their professional development with regards to health & safety.


To monitor the safety and well being of lone workers the company ensure that all workers are supplied with effective mobile communication to ensure that any help for the worker is always at hand. It is the company's policy to ensure that all lone workers contact their supervisor on the completion of each job. Supervisors will also make regular contact with workers to monitor their safety.

Periodic site visits will also take place to monitor safe working. Details of planned movements should always be conveyed to the supervisor in charge of monitoring the work. Workers should state when and where the work is being carried out when it will be finished and where the worker will be going afterwards this is essential if the worker is going home or to another job.



Norec Ltd recognises that effective consultation and communication with all members of staff plays an important role in our safety management system.4.1


This procedure describes how communication and consultation to and from external or internal sources are recorded and dealt with.



This procedure applies throughout Norec activities.



The Managing Director is responsible for ensuring that regular reviews of this procedure are undertaken.

The Health, Safety Manager is responsible for ensuring that this procedure is relevant, compliant with current and future legislation and is promoted throughout the company.

The Site Manager/Representative is responsible for ensuring that this procedure is implemented at Site Level.

Norec employees are responsible for complying with this procedure and site local management instructions relating to it.



Documents used in the application of this procedure are:

Incident/Accident Report Form NMI/HSP03/03

E-mails and faxes


TYPES OF COMMUNICATIONInternal communications will be to and from Norec employees and could include, but not be limited to:

Risk Assessments

Managers meetings

Safety committee meetings

Site specific safety plans

Supervisors Daily Briefing

Toolbox Talks

Advisory notes

Meeting minutes

Personal appraisals

Notice boards

Employee requests

Employee induction

Training needs.

Ideas for improvements

Norec sends internal communications to employees via:

Spotlight the Company Newsletter

Advisory Notes NOR/AN

Toolbox Talks

Information placed on site notice boards

Circulated publications to Site and Head Office Staff

Telephone conversations, e-mails, posted documents and in person

External Communications will be to and from:

The public

Enforcing bodies (H.S.E., Local Authority)

Advisory bodies (British Safety Council, ROSPA, IOSH,IIRSM)




External communications may include, but not be limited to:

Contract performance reports

New requirements for legal compliance


Advice on improvement or compliance

Sales information about a service or piece of equipment offered

A request for information about our activities or Safety Management System.

Encouragement to change our activities to go beyond legal compliance

External companies who may provide essential services.



Records of communications & consultations shall be maintained on site and

shall be retained for a period not less than three years.Health & Safety Management ProceduresCONTENTSReferenceProcedure

NMI/HSP/01Management Review

HSP02Removed See NMI/QA 03 Internal Audits

NMI/HSP/03Accident/Incident Reporting & Investigation

NMI/HSP/04Lifting Equipment

NMI/HSP/05Personal Protective Equipment

NMI/HSP/06Manual Handling

NMI/HSP/07Alcohol & Drugs

NMI/HSP/08Risk Assessment

NMI/HSP/09 Permit to Work System

NMI/HSP/10Ladder safety

NMI/HSP/11Visual Display Equipment (DSE)

NMI/HSP/12New & Expectant Mothers

NMI/HSP/13Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

NMI/HSP/14Electricity at Work & Portable Apparatus

NMI/HSP/15Young workers

NMI/HSP/16Noise at work

NMI/HSP/17 Working Time

NMI/HSP/18Fire Precautions & Emergency Evacuation of Premises

NMI/HSP/19Safety Representatives

NMI/HSP/20Operating & Working on or Near Mobile Plant

NMI/HSP/ 21Operational & Safety Checks for Mobile Plant

NMI/HSP/23Driving Policy (Company Cars & Site Vehicles)

NMI/HSP/25External Deployment of Norec Staff

NMI/HSP/26C.D.M. Compliance Procedure

NMI/HSP/27Work Area Management Procedure

NOREC LIMITEDCOMPANY POLICY, ORGANISATION & ARRANGEMENTS ON HEALTH & SAFETY AT WORKI (please print name and initials) have read and understand the Policy, Organisation and Responsibilities defined in this manual.


Department or site


N.B.You must return this slip to your Manager for onward transmission to your

Company's Personnel Department.

External Audit

Business Manager

Operations Manager

General Manager



SHE Officer & Training Co-ordinator

Regional SHE Officer

Audit Feedback & Management Review

Operations Manager

Site Supervisor

Fleet Engineer


Operations Support Manager

Operations Support Manager

Castleford Dock Yard

Wilton Ash Handling

Norec Killingholme

Site Health & Safety Planning & Accountabilities

HR Co-ordinator

Payroll & HR

HR Manager

Business Support Manager

Site Managers

Operations Forum

E.ON Fleet

Operations Support

Tech Support & Compliance Administrator

Regional SHE Officer

Environment / QA Manager

Health &Safety Manager

Business Manager

Commercial Assistant

Accounts Manager

Financial Director



Health & Safety Policy & Compliance Measurement

Health & Safety Implementation of Specific Arrangements


Director of Health & Safety

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