t . ..,-- l . . r- " 1 I '3 loll H tl AVT t ' ' KKtiiitti July . 't? ",' ' V ' NO- - 66 C. HONOLULU, HAWAII TKKITmy; .WK.nNKXYqrE VP lOOTr T El.VE aitEX - ....... ,..,,v 1 J I - ' i ' . - J I M - i ' - : i , quite a bg warehouse, with not an inch, I I f"fc a . . a. V TO DA VH K V KNTB, ww. J"" this -- nornls-?. Knnar. EGER'S MR IN -- - . ...... ... c0 muiiu, iaier, ma: I t,DeFe,Tyere other approaches to the cache. I Jpp' like thf one des ri-e- with alarm - H NH HN M."'i Pi Rtl lit this even reus everywnere and a guard of forty or fiftyrebels had Just fled, leaving their f. m - .ellng of the AlUirwtat. a. dinner half ep.ten. . . 4 al ihe Young Mens fa a a rt -- ' o aieci in frr U" enaiilna; year. D LUl DEFIANC E WWII Villi VJ IN CHINA Sent the 'Bills to Papa-in-L.n- w. NEW YORK, June 9. Two bonnets a.4 Kr u ru pi uini. 9 I ML fused to leave their Quarter and made the rtoer commandant a prisoner, re-Uu- ati a; him at nigm on cunu.iiun mat tie would cancel the order for fhe removal of the prisoners. The Pretor a forts were fcui.d w.thout jruns. All the artillery had been frotten away." Another tflnpauh iaya: "Blxteen hun- dred BrltUh prisoners were removed. Aft- er the Government had taken away most of the store the bursters were K'ven a free hand to help themcelves. All the found waa a few hundred bags of coffee ar.d sug-ar.- " Did Boura Want to Surrender. LONDON, June 10, 1 a. m. General Bul-lr'- a operations against Lalngs Nek la de-srlt- ed by a correspondent aj brilliant, but details are added to the cll.ctal ".r.e version credits the Boer command- er with offering to surrender on Thurs- - that cost $45 and a boa that cost a like amount were Indirectly the reason wny rich Cornelius Fellows th ivpii.irrm,r, He Says He Never DpfTlrrl FOP club man amateur sportsman, who MUIIU JUI la president' of the horse show and se.-- . Impucjfem Yield. UpHolding the Hands of Kempff. ATTORNEYS. Autonomy. retary of the Coney Island Jockey Club, disowned his son, Cornelius Fellows. Jr. .The peal reason, however, was that young Fellows married " against his L aH" , Jr.MXHr ovr fathers wishes. The young man d- - L Kit'xniiMiiu Mia. GUERRi day upon certain conditions, and states LU WAR 10 COME ares nia rather d.sowned him' be FUNSTDN S RICH PRIZES' that Huller declined to treat with him. cause he '.'would not marry money, a juit.NMwN (W. C. A-h- l anil ,i juiuimum OlU' No. io West ( it.. M. THE OLD U.S. S. MQNQCACY jucinuus insitaa io marry a young As Ilullt r himself neglected to report this detailed Information, it Is probably un- trustworthy. There waa no official con- - ; woman whose family did not move In Fifth-aven- ue society, and who had no 4. 1I('KKV.-Kl- ng nU Hthl Ht. ,4. ii. Imii 7k4 nd!fri -j- H. Fi;,ds ? the ""- V- Boer Capital Now On Wheels Will Move From Place to Place. Large Supplies of the dinpalihee relaua to events at least three weks old. such as the occuDation i w Joti. fluita ms Mar- - Hl.lM . ChKin, HI.; Ilawaitall .1 i,i.'rl fur 0lla of lllniwia, uin, mo, lnlln anJ Wlauuiiatii. She Will Serve at Taku Along With Some of the New ' Gunboats. daughter of Charles F. Rogers of Pnila delphia. Young Fellows married her a Ammunition. i year ago, when he was not of age, and i r. ncrK.H.HN.- -l. Kibumnu Uhe young couple live at 1563 Broadway. Mrs. Feilows, Jr., ordered the bonnets and boa aCa store and had them charg- - WASHINGTON, June 9. It Is under- - of Henekal by General Itundle anu the unelets sacr.tice of .He by tue M.adlesex lecmanry, at.d detaiU of French's oper- ations against Johar.netlutg. treshir detail was the fac, that the ar- rival of General linden-towe- li was ex-lott- ed at Cape Town, and an interesting bit of statist.es waa the otticiai return that thirty-si- x Feers aad twenty-kee- n rr.cmbers of Commor.s wire serv.ng tie tiieen Ii South Africa. The War Othce tlcsed at midn!ght with- out report r.g a restoration of communi- cation with Genem KooerU. 1 i.v rn-a- x been suapeottd sin.e Wednesday, The latter- - 8tood at the Navy Department that the ed to the.elder Mr. Fellows. NEW YORK. June 7. A cable to the Sun, dated Manila, June 7th, says: The Katrpunan Society, a secret order which, It is said, was the Instigator of all the rtvoUs a trains t Snanish ruin nn t'HVdlClANS. r i. J. AHIVH, Itumoopathlo frmo. rtiil allniioi (ivri to ff i, ellUa mil rvaiUvnca, nut ."t.. nearly tpp. Mtiholtai refused to pay for them and the culprit Nashvllle was dispatched to Taku by Ad- -, was arrested. She returned the goods m,ral Rerney n place of the Helena wmcn was orlelnallv selertAri tnr- - l n w'tiiw nuura, iv to u a. m., S lo It is known- - had a prUcital part In the and was reused. a, I lu ty-- "; Hunlaya, k.JO tv .purpose, but was probably unavailable or ' 1 . Hr l. . m. - riflirg against the Amei leans, has pre -- "i iivjiH iujiuua. ine rasnvuie a in. 1 TTnarrt Hun Mi.t.. T rna a petltio.i to "the Congress of the M.-.- V; r . . " ... . .. J tnformat.ua owirg to absence or crnual i i ! ' " 1 i m 1 i u i ..I : ' ' v'.'-- , 3 i i t .1 ... . ". f , ; i ." ' l! - i ,1 I i H. H.KVI-LAlv- l, M. P.-O- ffl " ., hours. to U a. m.. a respecting release of prtouern at Water- - o.nii. diiis .wntcn will Le subm.tted . . i .. k . k 1 . . - .... 1 v,., . 1lWll!- - -- a . i. M. ; ; some respects lees suitable than the Hel- - JNEW YORK, June 9.' Mary;: McCar- - ena for the service la view,;ior uhe draws thy appeared in a Brooklyn Police nearly two more feet of water than the . Court to-da- y and asked for .a warrant latter- - While bf the same siae and with, ffcr.the arrest Of James Currah, a young Precisely the same battery,' she lacks the ni, wiiaii nuutrit wuuiU imvc h'ivuh mv n.in cramiasicn. l ite latciay wire, were cut 'at Roodoval ZV'fT $?7 Ktallon, North Kroor.e.ao. i.y Fee t.taie dttai s ot :ts , i. i!At.l!UAITM.-om- -a and rs- - . cr lrlanl and AUke Mia. raiders, tttlniutto to be 2,ttXi ttiong, with orKanxatlon, to which It Is alleged four nuura, r it lu, I lo ana J to L . printer, who she said was making love Helena's carrying capacity. The Kash-- Kix guns. 1 his force mui i ur ru n ml.Ilon nmbrr. holr nr T .ani,m , ...va.0. v .v .cx. v. a arVt ter.4!1 .M.etie Hynu. !nce 1M2 independence has teen 'the sole a'mlie waV and.; whose fervent pro- - vle h" one advantagehowever, being I)Nr-J- N. June . 3 a. m.Th execu- tive ofTlces of th Transvaal Government re In a railway car, which Is shunted on a switch at Machadarp statist. Tresldent Krurger caused the Interior of the coach t bm reconstructed some time ago, wllh lew to rontlngencies that have now ar-r.ve- d. The correspondent of the Dally Kxprrs. who went from Iurenso Mar-qu- el to see Tresldent Krueg?r. waa re- ceived yesterday. Th President sat smoklna; a long pip. II look.-- worried, but hla bearing was quiet and determin- ed. He did not make the least objection to being Interviewed. "Yes." said iTesl-len- t Krueger, "It In qu'ta true that the Uritlsh have occupied I retorla. This, however, does not end th war. The burghers are fully deter- mined to fight to the last. They will never surrender so long as 600 armed men remain In ihe country. I feel deeply en- couraged by the fine work Bteyn and De-w- et are doing In the Free State- .- The correspondent suggested that the war was over. Inasmuch as the capital had been taken. "The capltair exclaimed Krueger with energy. "What : a capital? It does not ronslst of any particular collection of bricks and mortar. The capital of the W J)ltK.-.)m- ra &,m Kort nt.i It rehearses the 681110118 of undying affection annoy- - a knot "faster than the Helena, rating at I aim of the society, ed the railway near lthens.er river. y m in a. m.. I to 4 and 1 to a a. This stroke must be set uow.i i? e0 ner. Sne never saw the man In her lu ttilu avjng sanea irom uavite mMUjr $ to I0.3H a. tn.-- . tel. U2. crrdit of Dewit, who has suo esieraay sne should be at Taku about th:eents of the present Insurrection ln prodt. luring the of the tenacity of the F.lipinod tt iheir llf.-lu- t has an idea what he looks like' anture' tuejldtals. , . ie Uvea a mile away from her home, to be a daring commander the latter part of, next week. Adrn ral mi-Jt- l ltA,-ilt- lw, km Nuuauu mn.pa.gn. tie contrived to 1. j... f, O. (Mil 14 J; rimUnra Comlnuir- ,- th- - n.ti A- -. and when sitting in lir room she could itemev s aispatcn announc.ng the depart- - Yecmanry In spite of Kuncks tidvancn from Ser.ekal and Metnutn's f reed c7 r w va 7v mat uvui . - ure of the vessel reads as follows: 1 .; oin- - hours I to 10 a. J ami to p, m. r..rhi for the relief of th garrison. i " commencement of the fighting peace- - far hlm she averred sing: "Mary, oh ful natives have . sunnorted iho in,r. Mary, how I love you:"'sh'i could hear -- avite, Jnne 8, 1SO0. Secretary of the gent.s retrcjly a ad that this support con- - him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla- t for Kr, '"II mix I No iJlaeita aal Ca-- U imi Tamplw; hours to 12 I ;n t and T to p. m. tinufs to be given, either wlil njrly or neighbors and friends until she could luu Ior lal111- - wun in.ny marine ana Ihn re Etute burghers arc n.aki.,g a much better i.ght tiian the Transvaal r.r r, tut they tan haidly txpe.t to hold out long against tl.e super.or forces which are to be masstd against them. v bat ttuller ey. undfrr -- compulsion." It dectes that" the stand the annoyance no longer." revolution 'reyrest-nt- s lhe pei&onal or po- - "It's teen gclrg on for three or four litltal ambitions cf the leaders, and de- - Tears," she said. "I have a sensitized Vtrlnary fturgaon wrtW Kln Hi, Hial.la. ralla iU or mcht Dromuiltf LONDON, June . A belated dispatch two lieutenants, according to your tele- gram of June 6. The Newark has twenty-f- ive marines from the Oregon and is authorized to draw upon the ships at Shanghai for mere. . . REMEY.'V In view of the length of time required by the Nashville to make the trip to Ta-- CiartB qjat the people of the entire arch- - ear can hear people talk a mile away. Newcastle, jpelago .'.including the Mores, support the I don't love this man Curran and want frcm Mount I'rospect, via r" HU'claltlas. obstatrlca and jvaiai, aatea 'lnurstiay, jime i, tnrows i inpurrectiot The society declares that: him to stop making love to me or talk- - ..Kin in v;i aiKiiviivc s'u UJ.UU wjr ura annexat on Ms mnms hla TVio ,umi ite Ito- - ohr,.i mo. C. WATrCUII()t;iE.-Om- ca and . . . . T r v a MX. aa.a uii- - uavwv flic. V---, K ng nar Alaoal: om repuono-t- n. seat of governmsnt-- l. hero Kritlsh ar.d the Loca recent. y. It P; ferences are'Irrecondlable. Rectnt num-- . The girl was informed that r.irran ku, It Is fortunate that the Navy Depart' h1 i II a. m ; I tn 1 and I to I " n,'f,C abUt "y inlnral 14U'lfcr mel rcua robberies and ment has other similar crimes are miat be summoned into court reinforcements nearer at social site. Our country U Invaded, it Christian . Botha on June 2 at . O'NelTs ,h Mti.. , ,v, , thp Kh5n ot SKo. i.;fhon XOl wMta. In tru. but It Is not cornjuered The farm, between OmguclA anu Majuna. and rtciion, nd"-'- r not Indicative of the' .? Eu'.juu ai u.Ck " ' Thf" for 'ls'"nly bcut three days dls-- sitmmoned . Botha t surrander.' . XiHba jrentral' tr.adncy of the Fllipinc. Jt U' uou tant from Taku, and only about half the said he was not empowered to accede to im,t,6S;b;e t0 force latCng reace' and NEW YORK, June 9. Twenty-tw- o time would be required for the vessels UKNTItfTS. HKlHUAN. f. DM.-- A take St.. r atxiva Maaonto Tempi. lo-- the demand. . . nutf.nnm v c,. t i... years ago James Canfield married a at ShanehaJ to mnk th trt tn t m nnuri I . n. to I s in. I bid., tor. Kort '' "ia, . olttre hours I Id 1 H MIllM.-r'MUdalt- ihla Intal h'WI. Maaunla Temcie; Tel. HX ti.M.Mi to go "way, when uefierai Botha remains ihdepecdence, which, with Amerl- - our-- woman in . Rhode Island. A Tsln that would be consumed by the prerstd him to make a proposal. Ge.ieiai .can protection, is demanded. month afterward he star te'd West to Nashville. The Navy Dpirtment has Huller said he had no pro.-oba- i to make, j The promcter cf this impudence Is one make his fortune. Years passed. Can- - sent instructions to the commander of rotir.Ma la:.dUret"rria tctrse!essness of the Principal founders of the Katipu- - field did not come home, and his wife the Monocacy, at Shanghai, to report to of sheading unnecessary biood. nar. Sockty. He told the Sun corres- - Iost track of him. She resumed her Adm ral Kempff at Taku, and that vessel "W hat u you want us to do?" atked pendent today that he was authorized t3 maiden name, and when Orrin Eaker ls already on her way. Although an old Keturri Tto your flnns?g.ea"ve your big treat on tehalf of the armed Insurgents married her he had no knowledge of shiP' the Monocacy is admi. ably adapted guns ar.d awaii Lord Roberts' aec.alon," and that their real demand comprised the previous union. A sudden change to tnls Wad of service, drawing only nine rejuied t.er.tral Bul.er. independence in internal affairs and Am- - came over Mrs. Baker a few weeks 9. feet of water and carrying a very, good Government io still effective Keierrlng to the reasons why he left I retort., Krueger said: I was not fool- ish enough to be taken prisoner. I pro- vided this means of locomotion 'precisely for tit sam reason as our burghers sup- ply themselves with horses when they take tha field. It Is necessary that 1 should bo able to move quickly from plato to place. That Is all. By and by thlo car will tako mo back to Pretoria. For th present It enables me to keep away from Tretorla, where I could bo of no service and where I should only play Into tho hands of the enemy." "They say, Mr. Krueger," remarked the C W A Lt ftn. O. K. Wif.I- .- v,ws) a, m. to d. m.1 lvo r.rt "t.; Tel. IH. T he r etterai commanaant caiu ne wouia ., , ... ... ' . . . . 1 no-.- - v,,, tT , is rr.r tti nutation tn tne tie..- - oan u;recuon 01 loreign reiattons. in one Decame cooi to tsaker and a few j u.i.jr. iti8.iniei MUSICIANS. Ml l C1I(H)L-W- II1 remain !ir:n ina eomina vacation. 'u- - eral Butler then acceded to iu taenerai oiner worcs, the Filipinos to play and days ago be came home unexpectedly 'Bt,ve ""'cers ana i men. ine uasune i'vFic inPejuner a whtchhows" ihi the Americans to pay. and found a strange man there. Baker and Yorktown also are at Shanghai, and ?a?- - yi.riT...-7n- , VS:' MANILA. June 7.Cartaln Frank E. taxed his wife with unfaithfnlne r,H can d"awri upon, according to Admiral ami themaalvas of thia to ip fr brna lost during auraii- - correspondent, "that you have brought miL.tf r mn irm till in havu been liiror- - Crenshaw. With fortv mpn nf tho Tujontu. c o vn him of the. first marriage. dispatch, by JVdmirat Kempff, If . " IT'":?' Vl:.v- - J,., .h. .k. Prfm-- . tnm niantry. ae Koutlcg near Taal, Canfeld has hurried off to the West "J! '"u,e mn' """'-- . AiujiunccTa. ul'.K I'AtlK. Architects and K.M.tna 1--4. Arlington 7" ambUSh by gUlde- - CaP" aain and Mrs- - "Whatever monetary resources I - may . m p6,Utn but lt a douLttoi .f ihe, ta- - Crenshaw was badly wcunded In the with her second have with me are simply those which we U-n.o- them. Their only .ine of retreat head and one nrivnt,. wo. -- rt,. ana i.W tons a spiacement respective-jov- e Baker is still living y-wtth batteries about the same as the "' - j Nashville. The Castine's personnel ls r' MnnniLili. ii I require for state purposes. At the same IS in me a. reci on oi a.yi:eiiourK. rr,t ,.),cr. i . I f ytsterday ........ tj, u;v.hk ieu , General Umltr s a.sphtc. o ' . ?" j eleven officers and 142 men; the York- - EepiitB Kobbmg. town's fourteen officers, and 181 men. NEW YORK. June 9. Yesterdav af- - Minister Conger's dally report was even i. I'. o. bos T7 evening shows that th Huightrs u.ti- - anu inree wouniita on tne neia. cap mately decided not to surrender tain Flint, while scouting five miles cast Tkain, Archliacta. Hulta hlm h, Kort BJu of B ancnabato, Bulucan province, had a Cdavlts were presented to Justice An- - ,ess encouraging than usuaL In his cable-slig- ht brush with the enemy. Flint and arena in which Alexander Keegan saya gram to Secretary Hay this morning he two privates were wounded. t.NtilNIC lilts. Ir K bOVK. C.C.-flurv- eror and MYSTERY OF A MISSING DIAMOND time I am not going to tell you where our traasure Is. It Roberta find It if he can. "They also say In London, Mr. Krue- ger, that you contemplate tak.ng refuge on a Dutch man-of-w- ar at Lourenzo Marques?" "That again Is a lie," retorted tho President with vehemence. "I know of no such Dutch war vessel. I am not contemplating refuge anywhere. I shall not leava my country. There will be no Mn.r. onira Camphail block. F'HiikKI la lllah.in a l h.nbi said that the situation was un mproved; that the burning cf railroad plants con- tinues and that, owing to the inertness of the Chinese troops, it would be neces- sary to employ foreign troops to protect the railways. ..--- . ' The State. Department has not deemed it necessary to send any specific author- - tL Orders Uk.n re tvna. Fuuatou's Kicn fiize. VICTORIA, B. C. June 7.-- The Manila Times, received by the Idzuml Maru. says: "On May 2d General Funston made one Of the biggest hauls of the Phlllnmno wsr he is about to die, and before going to h.s Maker desires to see justice done to several parties, including the Third-avenu- e Railroad Company. In 1834 Keegan was injured in a collision be- tween a car ofthe Third-avenu- e road and a cart. He subsequently sued tha road and John Hunt, owner of the .cart.. Aa,ftB.A. am a a a aa. and Uollarm-aar- a, llo- - Charlie Chase, whose business Is real perhaps . the biggest. He was making a i i tTDl'nn .ft lift- - ffmcAt . t amntnt. Ka need of my doing anything of the kind." esiace ana wno is hi-hbu- uuui ii. personal reconnosance with eighteen TT ( . . w. .w ..... . L l t llllW J UIQ CM ALMEItn, RnglMiers and -- Ki alna. KUMllar I'umm ?!' t.; IL A. Allen, mch, "pr-oiail- The correspondent-The- n, sir, there Is iionoiuiu ana on tne woast, nas iost or troopers. In the direction of Bongabon B L'nited States naval forces ashoie at Tien- - much surprise at your having left Mrs. been robbed of a diamond stud valued and Pontabagan, up the Rio Grande de doctors believe that an epileptic fit was Tsln and Pek ng In guarding the Chines Krueger behind. lat 1150, and is anxiously endeavoring Pampanga. Tne r.ch valiey of the Rio the result of the accident. The Jury railways and ne ls free to exercise his President Krueger-B- ut why? Mrs. J to find the brilliant. .Grande is shut in by small steep bluffs, returned a verdict for Keegan for $30,- - own discretion In that respect. Krueger la quite safe In Pretoria. She) Chase. Is staying at the Hawaiian covered with a dense forest, which co- - Keegan now asserts that the ma LONDON," June 8. The morning papers, would only be put to personal Inconve- - hotel with his wife. A night or so ago stretches back into the unknown moun- - Jorlty of the statements he made at the in long editorials dealing with the Chi- - TlVI.IU M ... L Hyrauli- - klndnor: aM o'u.iulu. Tat w, nleneo here. All communication between he missed his valuable collar stud and tain regions. The bright eyes of the Gen- - lria were raise ana wants tne verdict nese situation, refer to the possible us Is stopped, of course, but she will ' failed to find it anvwhere. Mrs. Chase eral espied a bamboo ladder In a cleft of set aside. WINT It ACTORS. Did Not Steak await my return with calmness and cour- - assisted him in the search of their the thffs, and he turned aside to investi- - Hhe Is a brave woman. I am nere aZaltli.g further Information. We are apartments but failed to recover the Sae. surrounded by faithful burghers and are diamond. Tne ladder was perfectly perpendlu ar qua "r ..... , , I The difficulty at present lies in the nrd teslde It a rope hung from the brink .'sinter. I'aparh t.igars ,"'". all work neatly Uoiia. ' St., i, tc C( itian tf noui. NEW YORK, June 9. The case of Lynch vs. Lynch has developed the re- markable fact that, for 15 years Mrs. w . .t.rinH .h. oV r- - fact that Chase cannot remember where OI ino C,UI to tne ground. Appare..t.y I course of the United States. The Daily Mad, which goes beyond any. other in (urging America to take the lead in in- tervention, under the Caption, "McKin-ley- 's Opportunity," says: "The United States has secured defin.te pledges as to the maintenance of the cptn door, and their intervention would not produce fric-t.o- n. danger of which is to be anticipat- ed should either England cr Russia act ulor.e. We have no uesue to provoke a world-w.d- e connict; yti our movements the rope was Intended to assist in the "ATT rot yet over, tiuerril.a warfare will ton- - r.e last placed the gem. He thinks pos- - -- contractor and llullder. llttllitf hrl k woo,! ar ""I nit',. ascent or descent of persons usimr the Therese Lynch,- - "Queen of Diamonds," ttr.it over an Immense area. We intend Hll'lt at,.... Ll . i a.at'w n.m, rrar A - t rght to the bitter end, and shall prob-all- y retire upon Lydenburg, where wo tan hold out for many months." near Kiwi1.), ladder. When pulled iUrang a letl- -a lig, ard her husband. John Lynch, lived in deep-ton- ed alarm bell somewhere away their home at 238 West Thirty-fourt- h st. In the woods, back from the trow of the 'together, but in all that time a single precipice. The Central ar.d his men as- - word never passed between them. On j'.bly he left It In the pocket of a vest ar.d then again he is net sure but that he put the stud on his bureau. It Is Just possible that the brilliant went to the wash in the last shirt it adorned. OKHtllA.Nd. "Vea." ot aerved Krueaer, -- .t Is only row that tho real struagle has b.gun. I f.i.r that there wilt ai.u bv mucu biood sh.il. tut the fault Is that of the British are legaioea w.th to much s,usp cio.i by cended the ladder. Friday Lynch was removed to an asy- - many rtussiar.s tnat serious lomnlica- - ;K VI MH in le tho eaue of ' I'U'Iimi which in often at i.ternnieM." Then raising h.s voice to Uncertain w hether he had simply lost n uimii.t i onute he ant. kruegrr ex At the top. a footpath led away into lum. Mrs. Lynch, who is reputed to cns mignt ensue d.d we land a ttrong the gloom of the forest be worth several made in the and there, in a millions, -- The same app.i'es to Russia, face to snug l.ttle ravine, beautifully concealed, diamond trade, has been supposed to face with ourselves, but the United ..... .. . . , i a . . . I I, , WJ, jj, n,rJl. " K. LtCAJl, Optician. t4ve Sia.es have traoitions w.tn i.ursla and they found a wonderful store of treasure, be a widow. The cause of the long a 1 n ' i r int. wt-.-tr nv V. . . . J r.a.m.d: ine lime rua passeci ior un ir.e jewel or naci open roDDea OI t., B ik. We hav done M-ni- of that, Jt chase put the matter in the I ut It hea done .is no good. Th only th.rg leli for ua to do Is to keep on flgnt- - hands of the police. Special offlcers Ins -- to keep on tihu-.g.- " . Itook the matter up and yesterday a .:hr.j::r::d.h.?e;r7r!:m fficnii: thor"u investigation made but No gold nor silver, nor pirates' plunder, silence which existed between the cou- - Their action wou d, thetefcre, assure the but all th archives of the rebel repub- - pie was a disagreement over Lynch's hcstill y of neither power. It need scarce-li- e. carefully cached and awa.ting the extravagant habits. , fif,rrV "lNOiRArilEU3. """"'itrai.her and Type i..rt ntatioit xsierdMy hen the wires without any results. There Is absolute miiraiuii m cari.r. w-- Vl .,k.ni. usual to Eourenao Mar- - v rt pvi.l.nr. f th. ea t,-- .i- . . "7" . " v lv" l -- ""i"1 "uPPwrlv a.'so'. " pmy ine policy M I I.I.Ki'.-0tnrap- lier "'n Ji.tl.t lil.lkt. " - - "" ' cii iars wocuen cases, neatly packed ' ,oi our uovernmeni in tne bar fc;at "to'n and the testimony of the Because cf a Collar tsvurn. !ve,e stroi.ger ihn it Is. would l'. Dally F.zpre.a. tn commenting upon cwner .rammed fuh of state documents. There' They the Interview, rrs to th. "unabated de; Is utterly valueless Inasmuch as he Is were other things saved trcm tne vreoc KKW YORK, June 9.- -A collar but- - ft ly lr YcoM!t Auutr-- " v," h..nhdhf.r t.h iTrisJnerVVrrived ,junny of th that the diamond of Malclos, at out 1,000 Hctthklss shells, a ton in the beefsteak caused the death ot to the interests of all .great statVa c. r,Vl Ti".iay a Nooit'gedacV.t. They were 'aa lost as that It was stolen. quantity of dynamite, a stock of bombs James McCabe a few nights ago. Mc- - be test avoided, and at the same t'me LU '".AteTdL" iToUti e ,nC!,re ??ln' 200 pounds Cabe went to a restaurant, ordered fg Jfi T(. IIOL'8-i- : BROKERS. I ' I I . Vj . .. Krsn- - r i , I w . " ";, r frVm turenzu Marauez. dated ,v" ",c Bluu wua ,osl- - ftorcDD?r- - oi ...aTc gun-powu- office furn ture Steak and began to talk aDOUt tne great the various powers would be vindicated. tu rni r - Hair rvrr uccurrea ai in "v'' airuuit vuuiencia, carptets. siauenier irnrenain? in nina. v niie ' vyrut lumtv iur ah i i;.u . u cuinc, ""'KKilW. M,!i':! 'r,,m,, Queen ft., OP- - yen. ntay, Lord noo.ria ia rek.oriPii i.Mte ti.t.rrepted two trains leaving the Hawaii in Hotel, and th?r? Is not the tnai.rs- - tallts ar.d a lot of miscellaneous eatirg he pulled a hard substance out pv ptenttalities of "trade iaS Northt Kccos of no special importance. of bis mouth and found it was a collar err. China?" f7 urs. l h'. a ml v ins in ,tn lians negoilated. ' Inimical: 11.11, ! L. button. I Erglard's financial infrefts H China, ..' !ntr-ret?t-s that fan be rrr"- - on te stock cried the proprietor, in "Hey! he to CXCP8nR.t aggregate n0CO0OO. These on anrer, ''why didn't you drop in your en average have deci'n'-- d 1 per cent. The dicumen s were the principal prize. After as geed an inspection as c.rcum-stane- es permitted, General Funston set as.de several tons of useless rubbish and burnt it on the spot, saving the state pa siigntest indication or there being any theft In th present rne. Chase himself, at last r?ports. favor- ed the theory of the stud having bsen lost. althouh he could not ex- plain In what manner. He suspects no vl Inlty of I rrtorl.-i- . . Trl'sram from the Brit sh side are .canty. Two brief ones receiv- ed from Iretorle that Mrs. krumer till ixtut'l.U the Ir.sldency and that a Miniti r of erglr.es and ears have teei ureil. Tha iirttisri under Major i Lisle eapttir.d a machine gui ai.d canae.l h Itoers heavy I..S- -. the Itrlt sh casuall- y-, telng si ght. Boer r tibials removed fulfil n god from the National Bunk. June 4th, but did not touch the cash hold- - crfs ard collar too?" ,"M mm'.'" lo aeknowl-- d , There are also rnonv trpd rr cmpa'es ad syrd'eatfs ho d rg conrersirrs, which lie held up the ' collar button, then tarried over ard died in a few minutes pers. These tomir.se al. the correspond- - A'r" oltl.a, Klua Ml.. n,, one of r bblrg him. and merely con- - ence of Agulnaldo and his chief official of heart disease slders the matter cf theft as a bare pos- -, from the time of their er.rlkst dealings pro rsn tsi'red ior v?sr iTKncwn sums. The Enp-J's- in China ls probably cj.-r- o to 1 5'.'w (W, Tbe rnrt tst Plr CT-- d'- MacDonald Js to il to ntterd to his duties is declar- ed to be unfounded. Ph(ise nf tti TraHe. ",y '" 'J r v. rk of Wle- - l.f - 'ol-T'- h', o ha la roAlUn kta'WIth UfWfV rtntvn tft Ilia ,. . l 1 . v. a ' r ' ' ' ' - , i TyCary of the Yeomanry Fell. LONDON, June 7. The list cf cas i ii vrarur 'aTd Ww -- f " a"empt to recollect where WxRZ iiVr! tnria are described "ow'n sco""; ,1.." I iim in ..... n.. id o lir-stu- d. ' take n st Tarlac in the middle of last 21h,,"l"'.m.-?ver.i- h: ' : 1 iha:,v,h; and every now and aeain . -- "''?'?- a: d from W ,u LONDON. Jure 7. A sp-ci- al dispatch ualties now coming through indicates ' l ha II, nl llov," waa r"'inirv weekly in tha "'"ly aiitia. It wna an '' nv. f,.r nn rol'imn ''ik wrnta enoh werk. "I niisht tha evr of v. wi,n wia the" rrlntlne ' l.n I'm... Wl. mil .... . " ira aia ucwoy besides several t us ness an r.is c.omts anu . i rooms In search "r In Mania. Agu nal.io's own letter- - ;trat there was severe fighting before ; from Sharrhai dated 7:S0 p. m. today says . .km,, the Thirteenth Yeomanrv surrendered . the Dowarrr Errnreps ha orderpd Ron. cf the mis'.lrg brilliant. il"' preps ccp.es or ev- - it ' y. i t IVrk aaklnir h m I le w II nmf tn n,i ilnwn Morning 1 o- -t from ITetorla. dated June r,th, saya: "Tha Beers pledged tliem .nvea to twenty I'.r.tlsh cfTlcers not to Inks the Ilrlt sh pr soners away If these Milters would mntrol them and prevent at outbreak. Neverthele.a. they beiran their removal. After tno had been taken, l.rlll-- h sheila atru.k'a train that was . ..-(.- r ., - ard re tired. The British offlcers at Daspoort re- - Vnt iV a 80 tn'.re' 11 19 rumored , Already the names of nineteen men eral Teih Chorp. with 3.vvi men, ta pro-fl- mi ln MaTla'To nave hadlaUonS k",ed and twenty-eig- ht wounded have tret the railroad at Pek'ng. A severe w th rb" hitherto rnsus nocted. !been Issued. The killed included Sir fight, it is added, has ocnirrpd with the The whelp cache was Ingeniously h'd- - .Tnhn t r'ppll Prnw nrnnt onrt Boxers, whose ranks include manv ol- - "'''l f,,f the The value of the stone does not bother the lrser to nny extent, but h? would very rruch lik? to recover his gem on accourt of certain associations connected with it. ''' ttitva lnlr Mr. .' Ui, "I ocr-p- t u .. . . . Generals' commands. r'. h,Pv ;r"ara"a. rrorr the wounded is the Earl of d:trs from other ti k, l wit," ",-(ini- rvr U,i,i withdraw It!" usual thickness. The structure made Longford. ! (Continued on I'ttv . i 7 ; r n II

He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t

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Page 1: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t

t . ..,--

l . . r- "



'3 loll H tl AVT t

' ' KKtiiitti July . 't? ",' ' V '

NO- - 66 C.HONOLULU, HAWAII TKKITmy; .WK.nNKXYqrE VP lOOTr T El.VE aitEX - ....... ,..,,v



I - 'i' . - J I

M - i '- : i

,quite a bg warehouse, with not an inch, I I f"fc a . . a. V


ww. J"" this --nornls-?. Knnar. EGER'S MR IN-- - . ...... ... c0 muiiu, iaier, ma: I

t,DeFe,Tyere other approaches to the cache. I

Jpp' like thf one des ri-e- with alarm - H NH HNM."'i Pi Rtl lit this even reus everywnere and a guard of forty orfiftyrebels had Just fled, leaving theirf. m - .ellng of the AlUirwtat. a. dinner half ep.ten.. .

4 al ihe Young Mens fa a a

rt-- ' o aieci in

frr U" enaiilna; year. DLUlDEFIANC EWWII Villi VJ

IN CHINASent the 'Bills to Papa-in-L.n- w.

NEW YORK, June 9. Two bonnetsa.4 Kr u ru pi uini. 9 I ML

fused to leave their Quarter and madethe rtoer commandant a prisoner, re-Uu- ati

a; him at nigm on cunu.iiun mat tiewould cancel the order for fhe removalof the prisoners. The Pretor a forts werefcui.d w.thout jruns. All the artillery hadbeen frotten away."

Another tflnpauh iaya: "Blxteen hun-dred BrltUh prisoners were removed. Aft-er the Government had taken away mostof the store the bursters were K'ven afree hand to help themcelves. All the

found waa a few hundred bags ofcoffee ar.d sug-ar.- "

Did Boura Want to Surrender.LONDON, June 10, 1 a. m. General Bul-lr'- a

operations against Lalngs Nek la de-srlt- ed

by a correspondent aj brilliant,but details are added to the cll.ctal

".r.e version credits the Boer command-er with offering to surrender on Thurs--

that cost $45 and a boa that cost a likeamount were Indirectly the reason wnyrich Cornelius Fellows th ivpii.irrm,r,He Says He Never DpfTlrrl FOP club man amateur sportsman, who

MUIIU JUI la president' of the horse show and se.-- .Impucjfem

Yield. UpHolding the Handsof Kempff.

ATTORNEYS. Autonomy. retary of the Coney Island Jockey Club,disowned his son, Cornelius Fellows.Jr. .The peal reason, however, was thatyoung Fellows married " against his

L aH" , Jr.MXHr ovrfathers wishes. The young man d- -L Kit'xniiMiiu Mia.

GUERRi day upon certain conditions, and statesLU WAR 10 COME ares nia rather d.sowned him' beFUNSTDN S RICH PRIZES'that Huller declined to treat with him. cause he '.'would not marry money,a juit.NMwN (W. C. A-h- l anil,i juiuimum OlU' No. io West( it.. M.

THE OLD U.S. S. MQNQCACYjucinuus insitaa io marry a youngAs Ilullt r himself neglected to report thisdetailed Information, it Is probably un-trustworthy. There waa no official con- - ; woman whose family did not move In

Fifth-aven- ue society, and who had no4. 1I('KKV.-Kl- ng nU Hthl Ht.,4. ii. Imii 7k4 nd!fri -j- H. Fi;,ds ? the ""- V-

Boer Capital Now On WheelsWill Move From Place

to Place.

Large Supplies ofthe dinpalihee relaua to events at leastthree weks old. such as the occuDation

i w Joti. fluita ms Mar--Hl.lM . ChKin, HI.; Ilawaitall

.1 i,i.'rl fur 0lla of lllniwia,uin, mo, lnlln anJ Wlauuiiatii.

She Will Serve at Taku Along WithSome of the New '


daughter of Charles F. Rogers of Pniladelphia. Young Fellows married her aAmmunition.

i year ago, when he was not of age, andi r. ncrK.H.HN.- -l. Kibumnu Uhe young couple live at 1563 Broadway.Mrs. Feilows, Jr., ordered the bonnetsand boa aCa store and had them charg- - WASHINGTON, June 9. It Is under--

of Henekal by General Itundle anu theunelets sacr.tice of .He by tue M.adlesexlecmanry, at.d detaiU of French's oper-ations against Johar.netlutg.

treshir detail was the fac, that the ar-rival of General linden-towe- li was ex-lott- ed

at Cape Town, and an interestingbit of statist.es waa the otticiai returnthat thirty-si- x Feers aad twenty-kee- nrr.cmbers of Commor.s wire serv.ng tietiieen Ii South Africa.

The War Othce tlcsed at midn!ght with-out report r.g a restoration of communi-cation with Genem KooerU. 1 i.v rn-a- x

been suapeottd sin.e Wednesday,

The latter-- 8tood at the Navy Department that theed to the.elder Mr. Fellows.

NEW YORK. June 7. A cable to theSun, dated Manila, June 7th, says: TheKatrpunan Society, a secret order which,It is said, was the Instigator of all thertvoUs a trains t Snanish ruin nn

t'HVdlClANS.r i. J. AHIVH, Itumoopathlo frmo.

rtiil allniioi (ivri toff i, ellUa mil rvaiUvnca,nut ."t.. nearly tpp. Mtiholtai

refused to pay for them and the culprit Nashvllle was dispatched to Taku by Ad--,

was arrested. She returned the goods m,ral Rerney n place of the Helenawmcn was orlelnallv selertAri tnr- -l n w'tiiw nuura, iv to u a. m., S lo It is known- - had a prUcital part In the and was reused.a, I lu ty-- "; Hunlaya, k.JO tv .purpose, but was probably unavailable or

' 1 . Hr l. . m. -riflirg against the Amei leans, has pre -- "i iivjiH iujiuua. ine rasnvuie a in.1 TTnarrt Hun Mi.t.. T rnaa petltio.i to "the Congress of theM.-.-V; r . . " ... . .. Jtnformat.uaowirg to absence or crnual


i !

' "1


m1i u

i ..I :

' 'v'.'-- , 3

i i t .1...

. ". f ,

; i ."

' l!

- i ,1



H. H.KVI-LAlv-l, M. P.-O- ffl

" ., hours. to U a. m.. a respecting release of prtouern at Water- - o.nii. diiis .wntcn will Le subm.tted. . i .. k . k 1 . . - .... 1 v,., . 1lWll!- - --a .

i. M.

; ; some respects lees suitable than the Hel--JNEW YORK, June 9.' Mary;: McCar- - ena for the service la view,;ior uhe drawsthy appeared in a Brooklyn Police nearly two more feet of water than the .

Court to-da- y and asked for .a warrant latter- - While bf the same siae and with,ffcr.the arrest Of James Currah, a young Precisely the same battery,' she lacks the

ni, wiiaii nuutrit wuuiU imvc h'ivuh mv n.in cramiasicn. l itelatciay wire, were cut 'at Roodoval ZV'fT $?7Ktallon, North Kroor.e.ao. i.y Fee t.taie dttai s ot :ts, i. i!At.l!UAITM.-om- -a and rs--. cr lrlanl and AUke Mia. raiders, tttlniutto to be 2,ttXi ttiong, with orKanxatlon, to which It Is alleged fournuura, r it lu, I lo ana J to L . printer, who she said was making love Helena's carrying capacity. The Kash--Kix guns. 1 his force mui i ur ru n ml.Ilon nmbrr. holr nr T .ani,m, ...va.0. v .v .cx. v. aarVt ter.4!1 .M.etie Hynu. !nce 1M2 independence has teen 'the sole a'mlie waV and.; whose fervent pro- - vle h" one advantagehowever, being

I)Nr-J- N. June . 3 a. m.Th execu-tive ofTlces of th Transvaal Governmentre In a railway car, which Is shunted ona switch at Machadarp statist. TresldentKrurger caused the Interior of the coacht bm reconstructed some time ago, wllh

lew to rontlngencies that have now ar-r.ve- d.

The correspondent of the DallyKxprrs. who went from Iurenso Mar-qu- el

to see Tresldent Krueg?r. waa re-ceived yesterday. Th President satsmoklna; a long pip. II look.-- worried,but hla bearing was quiet and determin-ed. He did not make the least objectionto being Interviewed.

"Yes." said iTesl-len- t Krueger, "It Inqu'ta true that the Uritlsh have occupiedI retorla. This, however, does not endth war. The burghers are fully deter-mined to fight to the last. They willnever surrender so long as 600 armed menremain In ihe country. I feel deeply en-couraged by the fine work Bteyn and De-w- et

are doing In the Free State- .-

The correspondent suggested that thewar was over. Inasmuch as the capitalhad been taken.

"The capltair exclaimed Krueger withenergy. "What : a capital? It does notronslst of any particular collection ofbricks and mortar. The capital of the

W J)ltK.-.)m- ra &,m Kort nt.i It rehearses the 681110118 of undying affection annoy- - a knot "faster than the Helena, rating atI aim of the society,ed the railway near lthens.er river.y m in a. m.. I to 4 and 1 to a a. This stroke must be set uow.i i? e0 ner. Sne never saw the man In her lu ttilu avjng sanea irom uavitemMUjr $ to I0.3H a. tn.-- . tel. U2. crrdit of Dewit, who has suo esieraay sne should be at Taku aboutth:eents of the present Insurrection ln prodt.

luring the of the tenacity of the F.lipinod tt iheir llf.-lu- t has an idea what he looks like'anture' tuejldtals. , . ie Uvea a mile away from her home,

to be a daring commander the latter part of, next week. Adrn ralmi-Jt- l ltA,-ilt- lw, km Nuuauu mn.pa.gn. tie contrived to1. j... f, O. (Mil 14J; rimUnra Comlnuir- ,- th- - n.ti A- -. and when sitting in lir room she could itemev s aispatcn announc.ng the depart- -Yecmanry In spite of Kuncks tidvancn

from Ser.ekal and Metnutn's f reed c7 r w va 7v mat uvui . - ure of the vessel reads as follows:1 .; oin- - hours I to 10 a.J ami to p, m. r..rhi for the relief of th garrison. i " commencement of the fighting peace- - far hlm she averred sing: "Mary, oh

ful natives have . sunnorted iho in,r. Mary, how I love you:"'sh'i could hear --avite, Jnne 8, 1SO0. Secretary of thegent.s retrcjly a ad that this support con- - him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leavesc'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla- t for Kr,'"II mix I No iJlaeita aal Ca-- U

imi Tamplw; hours to 12I ;n t and T to p. m.

tinufs to be given, either wlil njrly or neighbors and friends until she could luu Ior lal111- - wun in.ny marine ana

Ihn re Etute burghers arc n.aki.,g amuch better i.ght tiian the Transvaalr.r r, tut they tan haidly txpe.t to holdout long against tl.e super.or forceswhich are to be masstd against them.

v bat ttuller ey.undfrr -- compulsion." It dectes that" the stand the annoyance no longer."revolution 'reyrest-nt- s lhe pei&onal or po- - "It's teen gclrg on for three or fourlitltal ambitions cf the leaders, and de- - Tears," she said. "I have a sensitized

Vtrlnary fturgaonwrtW Kln Hi, Hial.la.ralla iU or mcht Dromuiltf LONDON, June . A belated dispatch

two lieutenants, according to your tele-gram of June 6. The Newark has twenty-f-

ive marines from the Oregon and isauthorized to draw upon the ships atShanghai for mere. . . REMEY.'V

In view of the length of time requiredby the Nashville to make the trip to Ta--

CiartB qjat the people of the entire arch- - ear can hear people talk a mile away.Newcastle, jpelago .'.including the Mores, support the I don't love this man Curran and wantfrcm Mount I'rospect, viar" HU'claltlas. obstatrlca andjvaiai, aatea 'lnurstiay, jime i, tnrows i inpurrectiot The society declares that: him to stop making love to me or talk- -..Kin in v;i aiKiiviivc s'u UJ.UU wjr ura annexat on Ms mnms hla TVio ,umi ite Ito- - ohr,.i mo.C. WATrCUII()t;iE.-Om- ca and . . . . T r v a MX. aa.a uii- - uavwv flic.

V---, K ng nar Alaoal: om repuono-t- n. seat of governmsnt--l. hero Kritlsh ar.d the Loca recent. y. It P; ferences are'Irrecondlable. Rectnt num-- . The girl was informed that r.irran ku, It Is fortunate that the Navy Depart'h1 i II a. m ; I tn 1 and I to I " n,'f,C abUt "y inlnral 14U'lfcr mel rcua robberies and ment has othersimilar crimes are miat be summoned into court reinforcements nearer atsocial site. Our country U Invaded, it Christian . Botha on June 2 at . O'NelTs ,h Mti.. , ,v, , thp Kh5n ot SKo.i.;fhon XOl wMta.

In tru. but It Is not cornjuered The farm, between OmguclA anu Majuna. and rtciion, nd"-'- r not Indicative of the' .? Eu'.juu ai u.Ck " ' Thf" for 'ls'"nly bcut three days dls--sitmmoned . Botha t surrander.' . XiHba jrentral' tr.adncy of the Fllipinc. Jt U' uou tant from Taku, and only about half thesaid he was not empowered to accede to im,t,6S;b;e t0 force latCng reace' and NEW YORK, June 9. Twenty-tw- o time would be required for the vessels

UKNTItfTS.HKlHUAN. f. DM.-- A take St..

r atxiva Maaonto Tempi. lo-- the demand. . . nutf.nnm v c,. t i... years ago James Canfield married a at ShanehaJ to mnk th trt tn tm nnuri I . n. to I s in.I bid., tor. Kort'' "ia, . olttre hours I Id 1

H MIllM.-r'MUdalt- ihla Intalh'WI. Maaunla Temcie; Tel. HX

ti.M.Mi to go "way, when uefierai Botha remains ihdepecdence, which, with Amerl- - our-- woman in . Rhode Island. A Tsln that would be consumed by theprerstd him to make a proposal. Ge.ieiai .can protection, is demanded. month afterward he star te'd West to Nashville. The Navy Dpirtment hasHuller said he had no pro.-oba- i to make, j The promcter cf this impudence Is one make his fortune. Years passed. Can- - sent instructions to the commander ofrotir.Ma la:.dUret"rria tctrse!essness of the Principal founders of the Katipu- - field did not come home, and his wife the Monocacy, at Shanghai, to report toof sheading unnecessary biood. nar. Sockty. He told the Sun corres- - Iost track of him. She resumed her Adm ral Kempff at Taku, and that vessel

"W hat u you want us to do?" atked pendent today that he was authorized t3 maiden name, and when Orrin Eaker ls already on her way. Although an oldKeturri Tto your flnns?g.ea"ve your big treat on tehalf of the armed Insurgents married her he had no knowledge of shiP' the Monocacy is admi. ably adapted

guns ar.d awaii Lord Roberts' aec.alon," and that their real demand comprised the previous union. A sudden change to tnls Wad of service, drawing only ninerejuied t.er.tral Bul.er. independence in internal affairs and Am- - came over Mrs. Baker a few weeks 9. feet of water and carrying a very, good

Government io still effectiveKeierrlng to the reasons why he left

I retort., Krueger said: I was not fool-ish enough to be taken prisoner. I pro-vided this means of locomotion 'preciselyfor tit sam reason as our burghers sup-ply themselves with horses when theytake tha field. It Is necessary that 1

should bo able to move quickly fromplato to place. That Is all. By and bythlo car will tako mo back to Pretoria.For th present It enables me to keepaway from Tretorla, where I could bo ofno service and where I should only playInto tho hands of the enemy."

"They say, Mr. Krueger," remarked the

C W A Lt ftn. O. K. Wif.I- .-v,ws) a, m. to d. m.1 lvor.rt "t.; Tel. IH.

T he r etterai commanaant caiu ne wouia ., , ... ... ' . . . . 1 no-.- - v,,, tT , isrr.r tti nutation tn tne tie..- - oan u;recuon 01 loreign reiattons. in one Decame cooi to tsaker and a few j u.i.jr. iti8.inieiMUSICIANS.Ml l C1I(H)L-W-II1 remain

!ir:n ina eomina vacation. 'u- - eral Butler then acceded to iu taenerai oiner worcs, the Filipinos to play and days ago be came home unexpectedly 'Bt,ve ""'cers ana i men. ine uasunei'vFic inPejuner a whtchhows" ihi the Americans to pay. and found a strange man there. Baker and Yorktown also are at Shanghai, and?a?- - yi.riT...-7n- , VS:' MANILA. June 7.Cartaln Frank E. taxed his wife with unfaithfnlne r,H can d"awri upon, according to Admiral

ami themaalvas of thia toip fr brna lost during auraii- -

correspondent, "that you have brought miL.tf r mn irm till in havu been liiror- - Crenshaw. With fortv mpn nf tho Tujontu. c o vn him of the. first marriage. dispatch, by JVdmirat Kempff, If. " IT'":?' Vl:.v- - J,., .h. .k. Prfm-- . tnm niantry. ae Koutlcg near Taal, Canfeld has hurried off to the West "J! '"u,e mn' """'-- .

AiujiunccTa.ul'.K I'AtlK. Architects and

K.M.tna 1--4. Arlington7" ambUSh by gUlde- - CaP" aain and Mrs- -"Whatever monetary resources I - may . m p6,Utn but lt a douLttoi .f ihe, ta- - Crenshaw was badly wcunded In the with her secondhave with me are simply those which we U-n.o- them. Their only .ine of retreat head and one nrivnt,. wo. --rt,.

ana i.W tons a spiacement respective-jov- eBaker is still livingy-wtth batteries about the same as the

"' - j Nashville. The Castine's personnel lsr' MnnniLili. ii I require for state purposes. At the same IS in me a. reci on oi a.yi:eiiourK. rr,t ,.),cr. i . I

f ytsterday ........ tj, u;v.hk ieu ,General Umltr s a.sphtc. o' . ?" j eleven officers and 142 men; the York- -

EepiitB Kobbmg. town's fourteen officers, and 181 men.NEW YORK. June 9. Yesterdav af-- Minister Conger's dally report was eveni. I'. o. bos T7 evening shows that th Huightrs u.ti- - anu inree wouniita on tne neia. cap

mately decided not to surrender tain Flint, while scouting five miles castTkain, Archliacta. Hultahlm h, Kort BJu of B ancnabato, Bulucan province, had a Cdavlts were presented to Justice An- - ,ess encouraging than usuaL In his cable-slig- ht

brush with the enemy. Flint and arena in which Alexander Keegan saya gram to Secretary Hay this morning hetwo privates were wounded.t.NtilNIC lilts.

Ir K bOVK. C.C.-flurv- eror andMYSTERY OF A


time I am not going to tell you whereour traasure Is. It Roberta find It if hecan.

"They also say In London, Mr. Krue-ger, that you contemplate tak.ng refugeon a Dutch man-of-w- ar at LourenzoMarques?"

"That again Is a lie," retorted thoPresident with vehemence. "I know ofno such Dutch war vessel. I am notcontemplating refuge anywhere. I shallnot leava my country. There will be no

Mn.r. onira Camphail block.F'HiikKI la lllah.in a l h.nbi

said that the situation was un mproved;that the burning cf railroad plants con-tinues and that, owing to the inertnessof the Chinese troops, it would be neces-sary to employ foreign troops to protectthe railways. ..--- .' The State. Department has not deemedit necessary to send any specific author- -

tL Orders Uk.n re tvna.

Fuuatou's Kicn fiize.VICTORIA, B. C. June 7.-- The Manila

Times, received by the Idzuml Maru. says:"On May 2d General Funston made oneOf the biggest hauls of the Phlllnmno wsr

he is about to die, and before going toh.s Maker desires to see justice done toseveral parties, including the Third-avenu- e

Railroad Company. In 1834Keegan was injured in a collision be-tween a car ofthe Third-avenu- e roadand a cart. He subsequently sued tharoad and John Hunt, owner of the .cart..

Aa,ftB.A. am a a a aa.and Uollarm-aar- a, llo-- Charlie Chase, whose business Is real perhaps

. the biggest. He was making ai i tTDl'nn .ft lift-- ffmcAt . t amntnt. Kaneed of my doing anything of the kind." esiace ana wno is hi-hbu- uuui ii. personal reconnosance with eighteen TT ( . . w. .w ..... . L l t llllW J UIQ

CM ALMEItn, RnglMiers and-- Ki alna. KUMllar I'umm?!' t.; IL A. Allen, mch,"pr-oiail-

The correspondent-The- n, sir, there Is iionoiuiu ana on tne woast, nas iost or troopers. In the direction of Bongabon B L'nited States naval forces ashoie at Tien- -much surprise at your having left Mrs. been robbed of a diamond stud valued and Pontabagan, up the Rio Grande de doctors believe that an epileptic fit was Tsln and Pek ng In guarding the ChinesKrueger behind. lat 1150, and is anxiously endeavoring Pampanga. Tne r.ch valiey of the Rio the result of the accident. The Jury railways and ne ls free to exercise his

President Krueger-B-ut why? Mrs. J to find the brilliant. .Grande is shut in by small steep bluffs, returned a verdict for Keegan for $30,- - own discretion In that respect.Krueger la quite safe In Pretoria. She) Chase. Is staying at the Hawaiian covered with a dense forest, which co- - Keegan now asserts that the ma LONDON," June 8. The morning papers,would only be put to personal Inconve- - hotel with his wife. A night or so ago stretches back into the unknown moun- - Jorlty of the statements he made at the in long editorials dealing with the Chi- -

TlVI.IU M ... L

Hyrauli- - klndnor: aMo'u.iulu. Tat w, nleneo here. All communication between he missed his valuable collar stud and tain regions. The bright eyes of the Gen- - lria were raise ana wants tne verdict nese situation, refer to the possible

us Is stopped, of course, but she will ' failed to find it anvwhere. Mrs. Chase eral espied a bamboo ladder In a cleft of set aside.WINT ItACTORS.

Did Not Steakawait my return with calmness and cour- - assisted him in the search of their the thffs, and he turned aside to investi- -

Hhe Is a brave woman. I am nereaZaltli.g further Information. We are apartments but failed to recover the Sae.surrounded by faithful burghers and are diamond. Tne ladder was perfectly perpendlu arqua "r ..... , , I The difficulty at present lies in the nrd teslde It a rope hung from the brink

.'sinter. I'aparh t.igars,"'". all work neatly Uoiia.' St., i, tc C( itian tf noui. NEW YORK, June 9. The case of

Lynch vs. Lynch has developed the re-

markable fact that, for 15 years Mrs.w . .t.rinH .h. oV r-- fact that Chase cannot remember where OI ino C,UI to tne ground. Appare..t.y

Icourse of the United States. The DailyMad, which goes beyond any. other in

(urging America to take the lead in in-

tervention, under the Caption, "McKin-ley- 's

Opportunity," says: "The UnitedStates has secured defin.te pledges as tothe maintenance of the cptn door, andtheir intervention would not produce fric-t.o- n.

danger of which is to be anticipat-ed should either England cr Russia actulor.e. We have no uesue to provoke aworld-w.d- e connict; yti our movements

the rope was Intended to assist in the"ATT rot yet over, tiuerril.a warfare will ton- - r.e last placed the gem. He thinks pos- --- contractor and llullder.llttllitf hrl k woo,! ar""I nit',. ascent or descent of persons usimr the Therese Lynch,- - "Queen of Diamonds,"ttr.it over an Immense area. We intend

Hll'lt at,.... Ll .i a.at'w n.m, rrar

A - t rght to the bitter end, and shall prob-all- y

retire upon Lydenburg, where wotan hold out for many months."

near Kiwi1.), ladder. When pulled iUrang a letl- -a lig, ard her husband. John Lynch, lived indeep-ton- ed alarm bell somewhere away their home at 238 West Thirty-fourt- h st.In the woods, back from the trow of the 'together, but in all that time a singleprecipice. The Central ar.d his men as- - word never passed between them. On

j'.bly he left It In the pocket of a vestar.d then again he is net sure butthat he put the stud on his bureau.It Is Just possible that the brilliantwent to the wash in the last shirt itadorned.

OKHtllA.Nd. "Vea." ot aerved Krueaer, -- .t Is onlyrow that tho real struagle has b.gun. If.i.r that there wilt ai.u bv mucu bioodsh.il. tut the fault Is that of the British

are legaioea w.th to much s,usp cio.i bycended the ladder. Friday Lynch was removed to an asy- - many rtussiar.s tnat serious lomnlica- -

;K VI MH in le tho eaue of' I'U'Iimi which in often at i.ternnieM." Then raising h.s voice to Uncertain w hether he had simply lostn uimii.t i onute he ant. kruegrr ex

At the top. a footpath led away into lum. Mrs. Lynch, who is reputed to cns mignt ensue d.d we land a ttrongthe gloom of the forest be worth several made in theand there, in a millions, --The same app.i'es to Russia, face tosnug l.ttle ravine, beautifully concealed, diamond trade, has been supposed to face with ourselves, but the United

..... .. . . , i a . . .I I, , WJ, jj, n,rJl." K. LtCAJl, Optician. t4ve Sia.es have traoitions w.tn i.ursla andthey found a wonderful store of treasure, be a widow. The cause of the long a 1 n ' i r int. wt-.-tr nv V. . . . J

r.a.m.d: ine lime rua passeci ior un ir.e jewel or naci open roDDea OIt., B ik. We hav done M-ni- of that, Jt chase put the matter in theI ut It hea done .is no good. Th onlyth.rg leli for ua to do Is to keep on flgnt- - hands of the police. Special offlcersIns -- to keep on tihu-.g.- " . Itook the matter up and yesterday a.:hr.j::r::d.h.?e;r7r!:m fficnii: thor"u investigation made but

No gold nor silver, nor pirates' plunder, silence which existed between the cou- - Their action wou d, thetefcre, assure thebut all th archives of the rebel repub- - pie was a disagreement over Lynch's hcstill y of neither power. It need scarce-li- e.

carefully cached and awa.ting the extravagant habits. , fif,rrV"lNOiRArilEU3.

""""'itrai.her and Typei..rt ntatioit xsierdMy hen the wires without any results. There Is absolutemiiraiuii m cari.r.

w-- Vl .,k.ni. usual to Eourenao Mar-- v rt pvi.l.nr. f th. ea t,-- .i- . . "7" . " v lv" l--""i"1 "uPPwrlv a.'so'. " pmy ine policy

M I I.I.Ki'.-0tnrap- lier

"'n Ji.tl.t lil.lkt.

" - - "" ' cii iars wocuen cases, neatly packed ' ,oi our uovernmeni in tne bar fc;at"to'n and the testimony of the Because cf a Collar tsvurn. !ve,e stroi.ger ihn it Is. wouldl'. Dally F.zpre.a. tn commenting upon cwner .rammed fuh of state documents. There' Theythe Interview, rrs to th. "unabated de; Is utterly valueless Inasmuch as he Is were other things saved trcm tne vreoc KKW YORK, June 9.- -A collar but- - ft ly lr YcoM!t Auutr--" v," h..nhdhf.r t.h iTrisJnerVVrrived ,junny of th that the diamond of Malclos, at out 1,000 Hctthklss shells, a ton in the beefsteak caused the death ot to the interests of all .great statVa c. r,VlTi".iay a Nooit'gedacV.t. They were 'aa lost as that It was stolen. quantity of dynamite, a stock of bombs James McCabe a few nights ago. Mc- - be test avoided, and at the same t'me

LU '".AteTdL" iToUti e ,nC!,re ??ln' 200 pounds Cabe went to a restaurant, ordered fg JfiT(. IIOL'8-i- : BROKERS.

I 'I I . Vj . .. Krsn- -

r i , I w .

" ";, r frVm turenzu Marauez. dated ,v" ",c Bluu wua ,osl- - ftorcDD?r-- oi ...aTc gun-powu- office furn ture Steak and began to talk aDOUt tne great the various powers would be vindicated.tu rni r - Hair rvrr uccurrea ai in "v'' airuuit vuuiencia, carptets. siauenier irnrenain? in nina. v niie ' vyrut lumtv iur ah i i;.u . u cuinc,""'KKilW.

M,!i':! 'r,,m,, Queen ft., OP- -

yen. ntay, Lord noo.ria ia rek.oriPiii.Mte ti.t.rrepted two trains leaving the Hawaii in Hotel, and th?r? Is not the tnai.rs- - tallts ar.d a lot of miscellaneous eatirg he pulled a hard substance out pv ptenttalities of "trade iaS Northt

Kccos of no special importance. of bis mouth and found it was a collar err. China?"








lians negoilated.' Inimical: 11.11, ! L.

button. I Erglard's financial infrefts H China,..' !ntr-ret?t-s that fan be rrr"-- on te stockcried the proprietor, in"Hey! he to CXCP8nR.t aggregate n0CO0OO. These on

anrer, ''why didn't you drop in your en average have deci'n'-- d 1 per cent.

The dicumen s were the principal prize.After as geed an inspection as c.rcum-stane- es

permitted, General Funston setas.de several tons of useless rubbish andburnt it on the spot, saving the state pa

siigntest indication or there being anytheft In th present rne.

Chase himself, at last r?ports. favor-ed the theory of the stud having bsenlost. althouh he could not ex-plain In what manner. He suspects no

vl Inlty of I rrtorl.-i-.


Trl'sram from the Brit sh side are.canty. Two brief ones receiv-

ed from Iretorle that Mrs. krumertill ixtut'l.U the Ir.sldency and that a

Miniti r of erglr.es and ears have teeiureil. Tha iirttisri under Major i

Lisle eapttir.d a machine gui ai.d canae.lh Itoers heavy I..S- -. the Itrlt sh casuall-

y-, telng si ght. Boer r tibials removedfulfil n god from the National Bunk.June 4th, but did not touch the cash hold- -

crfs ard collar too?","M

mm'.'" lo aeknowl-- d, There are also rnonv trpd rr cmpa'esad syrd'eatfs ho d rg conrersirrs, whichlie held up the ' collar button, then

tarried over ard died in a few minutespers. These tomir.se al. the correspond- -A'r" oltl.a, Klua Ml..n,, one of r bblrg him. and merely con- - ence of Agulnaldo and his chief official of heart diseaseslders the matter cf theft as a bare pos- -, from the time of their er.rlkst dealings

pro rsn tsi'red ior v?sr iTKncwn sums.The Enp-J's- in China ls probablycj.-r- o to 15'.'w (W,

Tbe rnrt tst Plr CT-- d'- MacDonaldJs to il to ntterd to his duties is declar-ed to be unfounded.

Ph(ise nf tti TraHe.

",y '" 'J r v. rk of Wle- - l.f - 'ol-T'- h', o ha la roAlUn kta'WIth UfWfV rtntvn tft Ilia ,. . l1 . v. a ' r ' ' ' ' - ,i

TyCary of the Yeomanry Fell.LONDON, June 7. The list cf casi ii

vrarur 'aTd Ww --f " a"empt to recollect where WxRZ iiVr!tnria are described "ow'n sco""; ,1.." I iim in ..... n.. id o lir-stu- d.' take n st Tarlac in the middle of last


' : 1 iha:,v,h; and every now and aeain . --"''?'?- a: d from W ,u LONDON. Jure 7. A sp-ci- al dispatchualties now coming through indicates

' l h a II, nl llov," waar"'inirv weekly in tha"'"ly aiitia. It wna an'' nv. f,.r nn rol'imn''ik wrnta enoh werk."I niisht tha evr of

v. wi,n wia the" rrlntlne' l.n I'm... Wl. mil

.... . " ira aia ucwoy besides several t us nessan r.is c.omts anu . i rooms In search "r In Mania. Agu nal.io's own letter- - ;trat there was severe fighting before ; from Sharrhai dated 7:S0 p. m. today says. .km,, the Thirteenth Yeomanrv surrendered . the Dowarrr Errnreps ha orderpd Ron.cf the mis'.lrg brilliant. il"' preps ccp.es or ev- -it

' y.i t IVrk aaklnir h m

I le w II nmf tn n,i ilnwn

Morning 1 o- -t from ITetorla. dated Juner,th, saya: "Tha Beers pledged tliem.nvea to twenty I'.r.tlsh cfTlcers not toInks the Ilrlt sh pr soners away If theseMilters would mntrol them and preventa t outbreak. Neverthele.a. they beirantheir removal. After tno had been taken,l.rlll-- h sheila atru.k'a train that was. ..-(.- r ., - ard retired. The British offlcers at Daspoort re- -

Vnt iV a 80 tn'.re' 11 19 rumored , Already the names of nineteen men eral Teih Chorp. with 3.vvi men, ta pro-fl- mi

ln MaTla'To nave hadlaUonS k",ed and twenty-eig- ht wounded have tret the railroad at Pek'ng. A severew th rb" hitherto rnsus nocted. !been Issued. The killed included Sir fight, it is added, has ocnirrpd with the

The whelp cache was Ingeniously h'd- - .Tnhn t r'ppll Prnw nrnnt onrt Boxers, whose ranks include manv ol- -"'''l f,,f the

The value of the stone does notbother the lrser to nny extent, but h?would very rruch lik? to recover hisgem on accourt of certain associationsconnected with it.

''' ttitva lnlr Mr..' Ui, "I ocr-p- tu .. . . . Generals' commands.r'. h,Pv ;r"ara"a. rrorr the wounded is the Earl of d:trs from otherti k,

l wit," ",-(ini- rvrU,i,i withdraw It!" usual thickness. The structure made Longford. ! (Continued on I'ttv .

i 7 ;

r n II

Page 2: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t



AR PRQTEWhen the wicked lookinjr FrenchAnother shipment of our Dolphin 5-p- ly Hose has

just come to hand. No Hose ever brought to theIslands that comes up to it. Peifect satisfactionguaranteed in every length.

Sprinklers go with Hose, and they are neededthese hot, dry days. We have them all the wayfrom 75c. to $5.50. If you have to st re up waterto use with the Hose and Sprinkler, don't forgetthat we sell the Patent Non-shrinki- ng lledvvoodTank, the only reliable Tank made.

cruiser Protet gets enough coal aboardto get away for lands still furthersouth she will sit much deeper in thewater than she does at present, and willtake on a still more ferocious appear-ance. The little man-of-w- ar looks verybig and terrible lying in the stream,the only ship of battle in-th- e harbor.She didn't look as saucy in SanFran-cisc- o

waters when she lay alongside thebig Iowa, one of the largest first-cla- ss

battle ships of the United States navy.But then the Protet does not pretendto be more than a second-clas- s cruiser.She is dangerous looking enough her-self to strike terror to the hearts of theenemies of la belle France.

It was painting day yesterday. Painted Frenchmen swarmed about

THE FRENCH PROTECTED CRUISER PROTET.E. 0 . Hall 4 Son. Ltd a...and span vessel, and winkindly wrote out his name in his ownstyle for the benefit of the visitor. "SirFritz, First Master on board the Pro-tet." was What Vi wrnte Win fxtVtin.u-n-

in showing Honolulans ari nere s a e

stern of the Prote! whST?M 4a studv in itself. Th blanket in hi xr4bunk was of a deep blue, the curtains ing couches th! kvioff duty, utile palmsTn7.1peacerul Pmatmosphere to thTHE '6'a,K-- s M me a r. An pw7,Ts"1keeps the lether mm)n IdOroheunn bell will summon refreshment Vithing on board the ProtPtit has the ever-ready- .f

ance is cohducive to the hJScomfort and pleasureAt 5 o'clock in the moSnbSkf- -

- - m. a in fnniia .Monday, Tuesday,


were rea a cniiiant rea ana the par-tition was artistically decorated withphotographs of the Pro'.et, her officersand crew, arranged in company withportraits of many girls of many lands.There were pictures of belles of France,portraits of dark-haire- d beauties ofSouth American countries, and photo-graphs of more than one AmericanVenus. The sailor and soldier heart,far from the softening and upliftinginfluences of womankind, turns to --thepoor consolation of the portrait, dwel-ling upon the pictured beauty and ideal-izing the original so far, far away.

"I must get a portrait of one of thelovely daughters of Hawaii," sisrheti"Sir Fritz," "for ir.y collection." Alas'It was very plain that Fritz's heartwandered as much from one fair faceto another as his corporeal se'.f wandersfrom port to port.

On Sunday the Protet will In all prob-ability be open to visitors. The officer.and crew are very proud of their spick

. Ai.9:an.is fupptfi- - time, with mora winis In snTendid onn,Hti V. hcrewhealthv. hpartv l. 1 .uhappv.

fears njinsMit gnii ... ""ic"nifii nves as 6

Merriest of all OperasThe Protet commenced coalingday. V.y this :time next week shf

orobably be heading south. Meanw'he offlrers and crew are maki-er--no- st

of their opportunities ashoi ming couches await the man fomine'tL-tion- sof Honolulu and its environs.


Lae 7


miCES 75c, $1.00. Gallery, 23c.! 'i . ...... - ' :M

her sides on platforms, splashing blackpaint over the metal hull, and occa-sionally in each other's faces. Theyiooked like a school of enthusiastic art-ists in their loose, bagsy blouses andwith their busy brushes aoir.g all kindsof impressionistic work on tne Protet'sstrong ribs.

Men were busy on deck, and busy be-low, too. Kverytning was baing re-touched in black and white and redpaint. It was a very difficult matter toget aboard yesterday, but men wholight upon the sea as well as upon theland are rarely adverse to the press,and when it was discovered that theAdvertiser reporter had a pencil anda note book which he was anxious toput to use, he waa ushsreu below by avery polite and brave son of France andsnown arouud. The Jackey spoke ex-ceedingly poor Engnsn, aim the report-er spoite worse French, bauly mixed upwitn mngiisn and text-boo- k Hawaiian.The Frenchman talked with his handsand eyes and shoulders, and was veryentertaining if not thoroughly under-stood. His conversation. Knsrilshized.

If You Are In Need

OF DRUGSm cms- i


Honolulu Drug Co.,Von Holt Block. King Street.

ICU CREAM with fresh Crushed Fruits, served every day. J

was something as follows:"When we go away from this beauti-

ful Honolulu we will sail to Tahiti andthen to Noumea. Then it is most prob-able that we go to Australia. Wouldyou like to know all the places we havevisited since we sailed from ourFrance? Well, then, I will tell them toyou. Write them down, for they aremany, and memory is sometimes apt todisappoint one. It was on tne 5th dayof June, 1899, that we left our Franceand Failed to Maria, thence to Itio deJaneiro. After that we visited Monte-video, Buenos Ayres, Port Deseado,Valparaiso, Juan Fernandez, Coquimbo,Iquique, Caljao, Guayaquil, Panama,San Jose, Guatemala, San Diego, SanFrancisco and Honolulu.

"The Protet was launched on July5th, 189S. So you can see she is not a

WITH A1'- " Sete Plant . ! ,Cornpl

very old ship. She was constructed atBordeaux. The Protet can go 22 knotsworkmen in the hour. She is 105 yards long, but

ou must remember that the Frenchandwe yard is longer than the English vard.

Oh, she is a wonderful vessel, and I am ,turn out work --Cs? glad that she came to Honolulu, so thatycu people can view the excellent char-acter of the little boat. This is indeeda lovely country. More so, I think, thanany I have seen. It is a wise thins: that

that cannotSURPASSED

the great America has placed her flazhere. The Americans are great peop'.e,They are vhat you call the hustlers."

the Protet is registered at 4 200 tons.There are 400 men in the crew. She car 3 i v." , .Janywhere ries four ch and ten ch guns,ten and fourThe names of her officers were published in yesterday's Advertiser. iMwniimman wiimwi

The reporter .called on the fencingmaster in his cabin. He is a Jolly, live-ly little fellow, full of vim and snunlr SAILORS ON THE PROTET.This Frenchman Is a German. He very

nication between Pektnsr and Tien-Tsi- n TELE3RAMS CONDENSED.SHIPS IN CHINA j tablishing "drunkeries" in Porto KifUUKoa ana tne 1'hlilppines.

j Governor Taylor of Kentucky says

rL istoo oldto beREPAIRED!

$cc us aout be- -

fore yu tJirow yur(sH old books away.JLYS OOO

Hawaiian Gazette Co.

News of Coast Files Abbreviated forQuick Reading.

win not ue a candidate for tne v

lican gubernatorial nomination.

since Tuesday, although one miserableabortive attempt has been made by Chi-nese soldiers to reach th capital. Thtroops were fired upon and the train hadto come back. Another station has beenburned on the line."

A news agency dispatch from Tien-Tsi- n,

dated yesterday, says: "The Box-ers are still raiding and pillaging overa wide area. They have wrecked andburned the stations at Long Fong andBaneoo. It has been definitely ascer- -

(Continued from Tage 1.) i4Xiiies rti i . pi ii vviiisrier is muuiiCongress adjourned on June 7th. I Americans who have received tned

When the battle ended 200 dead were left Sacramento nas a smallpox scare 1,1 nnor at the Pans Exposition.on the field. vuiiu iuiiuiiiir EiriKP will on. I ciiJtri Mucin ui KtriiinB "- -

The dispatch goes on to uriv; nn hun soon. ; ships Indiana and Massachusetts rea

The United States naval i,. ' for sea in fortv-eis- ht hours was a s- -dred and eighty British marines, w:th a pasaed. cess.r?Ann1 T . 11 ... . I 1. . , 1 Va.. tVP.....i.i.c sun, are aoout to force a pas-sage from Tien-tsi- n to Peking. Altogeth-5at- "t

Ln Vitish have been landed ""'" xi.u?ii a. Aiger is on his wav -- "wiiajssie is sun inesitruto California. , . tives. No runners can get through, ivon h -- r aco San Dieero has nn nil relief column meets ueternunea c,vCK. KtNGt STREET. - V 1 V ... ,. - filtlAnover indications

..w. u iieei, a greater number thanhave landed from the combined vessels"l5 iher powers. This evidence ofUreat Britain s intention to atsert herposition strongly gives great satisfaction

Ijiiic Xriii-f'n-- Via Va! fnnt ball P'JAt last accounts there were 3.C00 peo; pie at Cape Nome.

Delia FOX. Who Waa 1ncarQ loer has made an abrupt marr.ageMrs. F. TV. Heck, a young I'hiiade P

widow. j .T . . . r . . 1 Jtmantpn .1

ft Great Variety of IX)NDON. Juno R Th --t,,.. i

4A . ' i' itu.-iiui- i illChina, as measured by abundant unoffi-cial teleerams p.ntimu. istuiu reigenoaum. meYork broker who enlisted as a man. - J nMing possibilities, but apparently it has not at the Mare Island rsavy iaru.

..v t i iaL i ccovering her health. I

The far Eastern crisis may make afinancial panic in London. II The President is said to want Secre--tary Long as a running mate.The Iteichstag has adopted several!important clauses of the naval bill iMiss Marv Ornrksr an1 p r it ,

stoves .vn ouiM tiuring me last twenty-fou- rhours, although the favorite adjectives ofLondon ami fnntini.ni 5 i ..Mivuaigru.

: : . : oc-rr- .o tnal trr. ""'n-tna- i luiiiuirillalUIS?r. .. Per-lous,- " "grave." and "danger- -

I ' " i:i IIII--

eral French is the only Bntisn ct

mander in the present war who nasvim.The nflvnl rrimmn nrl t. son have been wedded in New Ynrk . vised new tactics. . .ter have received identical instructions James L. liounds. an Indianapolis Naval iui.'J'ii utiiii ii.uii.ii . .j,.Constructor i- -


tained that Mme. Astier and MM. Ossentand Cades have been murdered. GeneralNieh cla'ms to have defeated the Boxers,killing MO."

The Daily Express has the followingdispatch from Shanghai, dated June 7th:

"Attempts to repair the damage to therailway between Tien-Tsi- n and Pekinghave been frustrated by the Boxers who.thcusands srcng, hold the line against t ieer.frineers' pangs, attacking the tramsarrlr!jr. The nearest undamaged pointIs forty-fiv- e miles from Tien-Tsi- n. Allthe children and ladies, except Lady Mac-Donal- d,

have left the legations. Thereare ihe gravest fears for missionaries Inoutlying parts. They number hundredsand "the stations are isolated. Concertedaction is impossible."

The Peking correspondent of the Times,telegraphing yesterday, says that "anjpipp r:al eoict has t een issued, but it isof the same evasive character as thepreceding one. Throughout it is apolo-getic in tone and virtually gives Justifica-tion to the Borers for the recent a"ti-fore'- gn

and anti-Christi- outbreaks. Theedict repeats the accusation against na-tive Christians who 'joined the churchfor their own base ends.' and refers tothe Boxers as a brotherhood and not asrebels."

i It avoids all reference to the murdersof missionaries, of native Christians and

; implies that the destruction of the rail-wa- y

and m'ssion property is due to law-less characters who have Joined the Box-ers to profit by the disturbances. Itblames the officials, orders that the law- -

' logs should h punished and condemnsthe Chi-- li soldiers for assisting the dis-turbers. Nevertheless its character onthe whole Is quite unsatisfactory. ..

i The Tsunp-Li-Yam- en undertakes thatrailway communication shall be restoredby Saturday. They have protested againstthe arrival of more British guards.

- vjuiimiiLlf a SUlC'lUe in In- - u:' cu l" relieve , y

dianapolls. who has ben ordered to the naW'Assessor Henry P. Dalton of Alameda Pital at Yokohama for tr atnier;t

rias been indicted for destroying wih in' A disnatch from LourerzoPays: In answer to a telegrapn i

. . . . i,ft...i;n nil'to 1'resident Kru?ger imui km;the offer of 100 acres of lanl in Ar;.?

documents.j General O. O. Howard has been re-elected president of the Home Mission-ary Society. '

!nMiS3 j?Uzabeth Smith, an heiress ofa mechamc"- - 13 l marry Albert Shaw'

LA5,o:V-1'?- r the Pacific route, to

Ranges to each burgher, tne ito'"""""We thank you for this seTnU1Lof land, but the burghers ar? fl

I ea to fight for their own In ana

m juoctuure, tne question as to anemergency being left to their discretion.No .t-ar- s are entertained aa to the safetyof the legations at Peking. Europeanresidents, however, are escaping from thefapual to the coast. Peking is still un-f- br

control, according to a dispatch tothe Morning Post dated yesterday, butin a verj-exclt- ed state. A thousand for-eign guards were garrisoning the legationhouses.rf ix 13,ndr'l international troops are atTien-Tsi- n with six guns. A dispatch tothe Daily Mail from Shanghai, dated

Lrle.'th, takes a gloomy view of things,which are pictured as going from badtoworse. The correspondent savs: "Theauthorities are displaying palpable, guil-- y

uPjnenees in dealing with the Boxers,and the powers are more and more tak-ing things Into their o?n hands. TheBoxer revolt is spreading and is rapidlychanging its character. The Boxers aregetting arms, preparing to meet forcewith force. There has been no commu

pendence to the bitter ena.'


It was announced yesterdayTntitrUCtiOn Jn..vliFarmers' Boilers and Extra Castings for all Stoves

I'patricK, is reconstruct-ing at New York.pi'tTlL"1?!6 PlaS"e appears at SanSVJt1,!??.100 Quarantine will perinienaent 01 i umn

trlncnn IV.t a U f the Old COra"115- -

San rancisco I n'niiiil bepolice are searching rn' under the Republic ,George E. Flint, the. mtssw o5,itJ . .,r his mar.sJOHN NOTT, 75-7- K

No. 3;. Thl? rd6r 0i testers. jiu 'd 11


Pjor.denounSd11 Thlln invention ! D.PAVexISder H. M. von Holt.

McKInley for es- - TV. Hall and Mrs. E. W. Jordan.

Page 3: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t


I flDTUIns- - rin.. ..T " aucauon-fca- t DEPENDENTS. ' lR utherners have

i' - iifor the best

we may have10 SOUTH'fePr-p- rr, except through

Trio of Native Leadersseems unlikelywill ever An opening of an entire new stock ofVI f .

-- U Of the 1 T n 1 . .1 c . . ASHeld Meetings. I . . I Ialaverv V oau to check

"e nave toen the (loom nt vi .China May.

Repeat Our :ia a

io rerorm byand buiixfa n--i , LM5and"Bib" Wilcox, J. K. KauliaKalauokalani Speak Along

Railroud Line.

Civil War.


i . . - - "nuiiiion oeiieve that

'otectn, r,OW,',, ,n "tabllshing aover China and rrcventingf K;"1 W,lh the ""t rule

an, l,:U:"Iean ba,a AmericaI'EAllL. CITY. June 19. Three native' " , 1 , Jmmun,ly of 'nterests Chl- -

ard 'P'tlcians who represent the Native' It lUt ..nl... T . . .... .lj,r. J K,Ranlic "fides forw

oo 0 U

!a r. j

' " ,n n dark onlv n f,v iLurrjiutui r any oi Hawaii auuiesaeul&ntr Vho$s Head is Worth ?o e" T; We f ' the right a mass meeting here at 10 a. m. The

trio were Robert Wilcox. J. K. Kauhaand Kalauokalani, and they plan for a$35,000 Talks on Outcome of

Present Turmoil. trip of several days covering mo3t of Miof the verv latest ideas. nhmnriain & vi.--u

. Kirm minjrs tires-"- r

oI1 V0" R fcrllluS6.tay.d'.k,np',0rn ,f ,h- - V'r hand Is

LeurK Chl-tn- o left for Maul 5 nrn yesterday In the Claud.ne. He wUJddresa meeting on that laland and In

course of a week or ao will returntne United Rinto. .. '.

seek China' good may

Oahu. Their Idea is to bring all thenatives into the fold of their party andto urge them to continue at onceagainst the other part.es.

The meetir.g was called to order hereby Kalauokalani who said that the ob

White Linen Lawn, trimmed with fine insertions., 1

some in verv fine tuckinsr efFAnr. aiorw i' vw t. f f't CM rt 'se," said Leung Chi- -

jects of their coming the same as IfX?0 Fr,enc Zephyr Waists, (pink and,


T; f r. in Uorr ey of the IndnmltA-- v

( t.-- i- reformer sparkled at theiht 'f He wi seated nt

m !! ofTUs of Wing Wo Chan

the drill- -- v.-. nunc nis principal were

crusade amon the whites will lKit, state(l n the mass meeting atIn earnent. shed fiorr.e days ago. When Kfalauoka- -

hir.i began there were a few under onehundred ar.d fifty men, women ana

present, and they l.stened at..' I ' kui. iirmre ri l in motentively, lie was brief and Jiobertlt! "t nnd brush wtrt Innocent

1, 1 h wrk. but at his right hand MISSES' SHIRT WAISTS 1from 10 to 16 years. i'


5 lie Yonns Women's ChristianAsociation liue-it- s L-'i-


iy k i...Ki.-- . revolver anu within sixif Mm t hi bodyguard of five

,n, .. r never Jeive their rhargf,r, h"i hand r ever rei.jy t

Wilcox succeeded him on the platformwhich w.is erected in the open air nearthe railway station.

Wilcox made practically the same re-port of his Journey to Washington andhis accomplishments there as he did inHonolulu at the native convention andin the drill shed meeting.

Kaulia read the platform of the na-tive party ar.d said that the uurDoses

.fr. . i

Even in!, up M to I not afraid, but theT(,r,4 Pnwnijer of China hns nTcrnl ra:ki fur hla heal o.T hi

The b -- aatlful home of Mr. and Mrs. JI! A llii.nt . a of the party were for the good of all.,(, '. iir I the reformer holds hismfrjf ii.lviinrrirenl too high to take.,; l tme of losing hi thinking Speela- .....T.i..,, wtlH aoiaz.? with lights aAd Kaulia wl.o at the drill shed had exKiy ivitfi younir In evening dre claimed. 'Kill the snake!" meaninert. o

o-i evening. fr it I, ad br.en throw the haole party talked In a differentf hftvi to fight our brothers.";..r"l tie rnnn who In a few yearn

... tn- - mpmrrr .f the rerentl vein at IVarl City. He particularly ad-dressed himself to the women. He adorganised Young Women's Chrlstlajj ri." "i ! he bii of the foremost By steamer Australia we reneiVpri "hirh --kt""""'ll"n- - were holding thel

SeCOOlt niltlarlnn I . L ... .,,r in ti empire of hundred of milr. "P'i.U I'kl'ft bin slice of

mh an. I (he Inr him fooled even therijr Frrjrrss. Fhe think the Csur

m Juadies' Pique Dress Skirts. TiHio' TOow-tvt- ,,ci'ty.t.'...ry room nr. I the broad veran.Li

rf fr'ri (I. nrd falls to nee the rlawa

vised them to influence their husbandsto do right to everybody and said: "Ifyour men should not act in the properway, leave them forever and :f youhave not money to carry on any suitsin court. I will be your attorney at noexpense to you." He drew many heartylaughs from hi9 audience despite hisseriousness.

Many stood up. William MofTman

lailor Suits always on hand. Ladies' TravelingEaton Jackets, Ladies' Serge Skirts.t

announced that he was a candidate for Cthe legislature and so did John Poe andP. M. Keone. They had hardlv finished

if" hairy paw. A few months::till. If the RussUn get the Plb- -

,n r.i.Uny through to Prklmr Chlnn! ru- - excellent opportunities for'; hi-- northern provinces, Russiav.'th."n nr4 wilt make th? Kmpresspi.'iiriy for any favors."tUwt CM-tn- o la an ardent reader of. mwpnrer. Aa yet his Knullsh

- wt.itBc Is not aufriclent for him toil In the vernacular, but he has ablu"trtt.T who to over all th. papers

nrd keep him In ouch with. hiUfnlrir of th world.7ti 'nrtllrit news of the turmoil In

pleas for their own recognition when WE INVITE ISPECTIONup rose an old man. Kahukumakalani,and denounced them as unfit. He sa.dthat the self-nominat- ed candidateswere not the men they wanted an .1 pro-posed that legislative candidates benamed by the central committee of thenative party. The words of the old manw hose name means "The Lord In Heav-en," were received with cheers and hissuggestion was adopted unanimously.The meeting then adjourned.

i.r nit.iured In the Advertiser yes- -

11.AV-Jl-J- WU'ut rr-fi- " a deep nensutlon amon

.rMne- - here. Leuna; Chl-t- o Is the!ir. Mid. hero and mentor of theKty of the Chines In Hawaii and

iy was benleaed with vlslt- -

were thronged with the guests. Overone hundred were In attendance, th-larg- ept

gathering the association haheld as yet.

The evening was passed In games andoth-- r amusements, the features b Ingn rocintlon by Miss Kdlth Howe, ofMills College. California, who came tothe Ielands recently to give a course ofreadings here, and music by Miss Ily-Ingt- on

of Kamehameha School. Afterth- - program refreshmentswTe STved.The new rooms of th Association onth second fl.mr of the Steiner block areto b? opened In a short time. They areto be kept open daily from 9 to 9. andall womn who are Interested In thework of the Association, all who desireto have a quiet place to eat their noonlunches, any women who are shoppingand wish a place to rest for a f-- w mo-ments, are Invited to visit them.During the summer the Associationhopes to give a number of outings towhli h all young women are Invited. Inthe fall classes In gymnasium work areto b,. started. In general the Associa-tion alms to take the p'ace of a wo-

men's club nnd to accomplish the samework for them that the Young Men'sChristian Association does for men.


Internal Rareou Department Ooe.to lzecuttT Building.

The United States Internal Revenueomes are to be located In the basementof the Kxecutlve building, where largerooms have teen set apart for them".These rooms will be very cool and com-fortable and are well lighted, despite

THE TRIO AC WAIANAE.1 h'l M'keil his tireillrttnna nt IK.

i- -



Port Stroot. osrrooa Blockl Hundred Natives Hear Speechesin the Church.

r - - -- '" ' I it--

""rre of the trouble In their nativeirtryUk n'l Chinese Leuna; Chl-ts- o Is a

iMrker nl a etlll elnwer talker.ihs every word.

' h"t the dispatches have Is tru."'l. "IMnrs are brlht for tis. out

v roay come truth and rlaht. Welllt the rioters are the nnta

! Empress Dowager, phe may notluliled all their movements ,.u

Special Correspondence.WAIANAE, June 19. About one hun

T T T V TTttttfrt .

CANDYdred native men. women and childrengathered at the Waianae church this Largest Stock ofevening at 8 o'clock to listen to thespeeches of J. K. Kaulia. Kalauokalani t

Iand "Bob" Wilcox, the leaders of thliMbeen perfectly conversant with Independent party.J. K. Kaulia presided and opened the

meeting by calling in S. D. Hui, an ex-dep-

sheriff, for a prayer. Follow

n.i nas aided the murilomm4

P iters heev or profess to bJ- -thutthe Kmpress la their patron

I'nmrrnrrtf, Ty banners thMt thewrsbesr In their present rslds hnvq

THE NEW ENGLAND BAKERY andCANDY CO.. Honolulu, have recentlyimported a skiTed artist, formerly em-ployed with thi world famous Huylerof New York, who will take charge ofour Candy Department, which is thebest evidence of our desire to make thefinest goods possible.

ing Hul's Invocation, Kalauokalani tookthe platform and delivered himself ofan eloquent and interesting address.He explained to the gathering the principles of the Independent party anddwelt on the purport of Territorial law.He reviewed the report of "Bob" Wilcox upon his return from the States

im Inscriptions to the effect that' Trrprr.s hs ordered the murd-- r

l the forclmers In China. Phe mayve ii.'.- r- so and she may have.Is of the old school, hatlnr all"p'f'. hnpir for a stopp of

and a return to the ancient"'" ed laws, (the believes that1 HumIs's aid nhe ran buffet th"i e-- l thnt ttussla ran be bought

P. The Inhabitants of northern

me raci tnat they are In the basement.In the land office on the first floor of

the Judiciary building a vault Is beingbuilt, which will be used for the storageof books and records. Commissioner J.F Itrown will retain the office he occu-pied as land agent under the Republic.

No tis looking for anything betterthan Jesse Moore "A A" Whiskey, forlt tetter lan't made In either the newor the old world.

and urged Hawalians to stand up forequal rights with everybody. Ife snnke YAMaTOYAS AND AKA0Sat length upon what the mass meeting

We Invite the ladies to Inspect ourdisply of Confectionery, packed in fancyboxes, ranging from '5c to $3.0(1 each,making a most acceptable present atany time, especially to chlldrea, ladies'birthday parties, etc

"pJ the people of aouthern China


Telephone 398P.O. Box 441ITS.

ot independents had done at the drillshed and urged uppn those present thenecessity of Identifying themselveswith the Independent party of Hawaii.

When Wilcox took the floor he prac-tically repeated what he said at thedrill shed mass meeting not long ago.

J. K. Kaulia read the platform of theIndependent party to the assembly af-ter w hich he dilated upon the respectivemerits of the three leading politicalparties of this Territory: Republican.Democratic and Independent. He saidthe Independent was to the other par-ties as the weight-registerin- g bar of aweighing machine is to the rest of theapparatus. The Independent party-showe- d

results and that was the pointto be considered.

In speaking of the so-call- ed anti-ha-o- le

sentln-en-t. Kaulia said that the par-ty was not responsible for any of thissentiment which might exist. Rev. S.

Remit us the amount to cover yourorder, also your address, and we willsend you a package by U. S. mall to anypart of the Islands or U. S., after June14thu

oooo Duty Now on Rubber Goods.

HOTEL STREET.J. Oswald Luttid, Mgr.HOTEL TPEET.TVri'fi.M mim K..1l . II . B. a ' . . ..... m. .. rnnn rrii in r riai s i hick ures aif'lllltVH lillt In liv r. f n.. ..I m- - . . U .. n . 1 . t

AmericanNew out- -

wi.innris p.it m and palmed reidy for use:I). It" I t l ..... tLiA,!,.. . w . M m . . . . . . ,

BALDWIN'SI Greath i'"r ii' ', i . in o, pr s'i or inur w neeis. .. ,ji.i.uoP r -- nt of four wheels 4"oi) 1 Inch, per set of four wheels.... Ti.'.O

,ri. p- -r s- -t of four wheni...... c;,.oo44.

K. Bishop, he said, was responsible fortie feeling on account of certain arti-cles he had written In United States pa-pers. This Is why he had said "downReplacing Worn-O- ut Rubber. Reduction Sale! ELERY SOHwith the missionaries" In his speech at ifront do. 2 rear do.the drill shed. He advised the natives , sV -- FOR-m v,r"

" &H.0

$17. CO

2 1 no21 (V)

2(1 0031.0)

$19 002:1 1025 0)2S 0)33.00 t Two

to stard together for in union there Isstrength.

Rev. Kaala closed the meeting witha prayer. FOR

Weeks1900 M Headache, Nervousness, SeasicknessOnly !


--AT- Benson, Smith & Co,,


Will Build Sunday School Room forSt. Clements.

The children of St. Clement's chapelhave taken upon themselves a task ofno mean dimensions, for they Intend toralre funds for the erection of a Sun-day Pchool room of their own to beadded to the structure of the chapel.On Faturday afternoon the childrenwill give a garden party at the Rectoryon Wilder avenue, and they will holda snle of children's work at that time.

All the money realized will be turnedInto the fund for the new SundarSchool room. It Is expected that thegarden party will draw a large crowdof the parishioners of the church andthe friends of the children to thegrounds ard that a goodly sum willbe realized for the new Sunday Schoolroom.

No Duty (Vow on Bicycles,CASH PRICES:

jT. Murata,'!JMITED

JNS SPECIAL $ 50 THE HATILf?.118 Nuuanu. Tel. 814.P. O. box M5.

4 Wholesale and Retail Druggists.3061

"WIM J,1NS CI I Oil iM i?LrtrJ-- '..II, H1 IIISTOKT AND IIOTRTj STS. HONOLTJLTJAN ClltlNi.l's ( I C)fJ)'. Y VS.'.. 75


S25.00 REWARD.

alley's Honolulu Cyclcry Co., rrr?irWhrt !s there let ween vonJ".!' V tL-'-ss nurjeess (sadly) "Herfather." Town Topics. cad the AdLl l r to

FOR THE ARREST AND CONVIU-lio- nof any persou round stealing THE

PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERT13ER from residence or place of busineeof the regular subscribers.

HAWAIIAN OAZETTTE CO.. LTD.New attractions at the Orpheum to-nl;-KINO STREET

Page 4: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t

THE fAOlKiO 44Ee Strong in the. v .,' .... . ...

! could not be hacl but" these staosiWar-iw- eto-d- ay on the Mariposa.



Probably Prince David and his fellowHawal.an delegates are only sorjyptheyare not accredited to both conventions.

ommercial Advertiser Battle of Life.


One of the defects in the Federal, don-stituti- on

is its failure to endow theVice-Presiden- cy with respons.ble dutiesso as to make it an object of ambitionto first-cla- ss men. About all a Vice-Preside- nt

has to do now is to wait fora funeral. He is expected, it is true,to preside over the deliberations of theSenate: but his post is so much. in- -,

ferior in rower and influence to the


JUNE 20'EDNESDAT Good Good Good'if we had only got a Governor with a speakership of the House that no manin whom -- respect is sensitive really

That veteran platform-make- r, Sen-ator Hoar, will be out of a job this, yearowing to his slight acquaintance; withthe Tagal dialect, ."

Admiral Dewey seems to be the Mon-tlj- o

of the Democratic campaign." "'


Earth's Age in Millions.The German geologist. HelnrichCnhmMf rt Tana Tn ! a 1 . . i i .

Happy is the person thor-oughly prepared, by perfectgood health, to ivin life'sbattle This condition ccmesonly ivith . absolutely pareblood. Over 90 per cent ofhumanity are troubled with ataint, imparity or humor ofsome kind in taz blood, iichshould be removed by hood'sSarsapanlla, the best specificfor both; sexes and all ages.

A Good Tonic "On general prin-ciples Ifa've taken Hood's SaTsnpsrSU asa needed spring tonic. It is a mosiexcellent medicine." Kikon Hammer,

jick-stal- r8 cabinet of bosses the coun-- iV would have been safe.

'jfJust as soon as Mr. Bryan had finlsh- -

his Texas tour a company was form- -over there to build airships.

1 .,

Air viewenjoys it. The presiding officer of theSenate has nothing to do with makingthe rules of that body and the Senate,by electing a president pro tern, who isusually more expert than the Vice-Preside- nt

in parliamentary usages andin legislative customs quite plainly

Heal.m. A Amx-lr-a- n hronii nf Ultimatum" --r, hints that the less it sees of

rious periods or millions of years, " whichconvey no meaning to mov. miuts, ntoparts corresponding: to parra of a tlav.class men avoid the second place in the

government and because of that menn H Women are not held in much Tespect! i This gives him Uuse results: The-lo-s- t

(age of the world, the archaic or ,.-oi-

i occupied the same period towardj whole age of the world as Zo M hours,

28 minutes and 48 seconds toward' day.!'5er is close by the gentlemen don't

Engmeer, ZPottstown, Pa..I ention it.

who would never have been thought offor the Presidency now and then suc-ceed to it. If his chief had died in officethe United ' States might have sufferedunder the magistracy of Aaron Burr;it did have the misfortune, to get. as asuccessor to Abraham Lincoln, a drunk

to the merits of a Sunday paperI; j i49 wmam ia s;n0 tn lilro that

The pak-czoi- c .lsjo.was tho equivalent of8 hours, 9 minute"? and 3. secoud. Themesozoic age equalled 2 hours, 33 m.n-ut- es

and 36 seconds. The quarternaryequalled 2 to 3 minutes, and finally,what we are accustomed to call the' his-tory of the wond (the history of the last

1- !i 'irt of a!lhlrg it Is Just the sort of a.King he will like. en, .cobbler from Tennessee, who be- - Uood- - Pills .CMTwrllU: thejion-lrrlutla- g and

only cathartic to ttvke with Hood'i8riri n.' . . .) LI. .1 J I J

g A special invitation is extended to pvpya1 visit Honolulu's most delightful residence site,7 to

I.PACIFIC; 'HEIGHTS.'hisiiu)CU' ins yaiiy aim uisgittttu .6noo years) amounts to only fiye sec- -I . , 1 1f Agulnaldo gets hold of wireless country! before; his administration was onas. .

i, legraphy. and his rnenas ao ngni ay hajf overf t,lm at Manila he ought to keep In easy: V puch with the running record of his

In an ideal government the Vice-Preside- nt

would be as fit as. tn well-regulat- ed

monarchies, theis fit, to become the chief of State.

.lend Bryan.1

The Chlajese government In offering .But in our own system, men like Alll- -3.000 for Leung Chi-tso- 'a head did not son and Roosevelt refuse a Vice-Pres- l-

Jd greatly to the premium on his life (dentlal nomination with scorn and only

A New Bogus Twenty.Some Eastern cities have been troub-

led for several weeks with bogus $20treasury notes, tankers say. They: arckeeping a sharp lookout for the coun-terfeits and bus.ness men are warnednot to accept $20 notes without b.lngsure that they were made by the Crov-ernme- nt.

and not by some skil ful c mi-ack- er.

The counterfeit is the most dan-gerous one since the U-t- Monr e h aisilver . certificate in January, 1898.. ac-cording to wrtief Wilsie of tha secretservice bureau. It is a $:0 legal tendernote, series of 1810.

aaurance.- - No cninese criminal ignorese fact that if he should earn such award he' would probably lose his head

, i trying to collect it.

men of the calibre of "Tim" Woodruffand Charley Towne seek It. Who wants"Tim" Woodruff or Charley Tbwne forPresident in case the elected incumbentshould die? ,

The remedy for this state of things,as it seems to us. is to make the Vice- -

....KA1ULANI DRIVEVia MaXIITia. tly. termed the via Ma?!

. -una or Grand Boulevard,anu in itself an artistic piece of engineeringaffords easvaccess to all points, as also scenic and marine view otexquisite grandeur at every turn.


Among the multitude of texts Xv'ith

hlch an esteemed contemporary bol- -i vI, 'lered up a Sunday business proposition , President a member of the Cabinet or

failed to see this one: "As his part a Senator-at-larp- e; to give him a dig- -


BITTERSAmerican Duels.' To show how little Germany knows o'the way Americans have of settling af-fairs of honor, it is mentioned that s

have inst tuted what they ca 1

the "American duel." The parties to thquarrel draw lots and the loser is inhonor bound to commit sul"He. So neone with a grudge against this countrymust have invented th.s idea of th?code of honor.

and Irfluerce in the matter of patron-age. If that were done even an Allisonmlpht not look upon the Vice-President- ial

office with an Inauspicious eye1


sils part be that tarrleth by the stuff."f t Is somewhat more apropos than any'f the others.

Southern Democrats want Admiral, 'flchley to be Bryan's running mate.

iThe hero of Santiago is a Marylander,! A Democrat and a man of civic am- -



General Grosvenor's first estimate ofthe result of the coming national pIpp- -j ,ltIons, but he Is not likely to find much

Electric Railway.Contracts have bfen let for material, and the work

of construction, equipping and installation placed in thehands of acompcteut electrical engineer to be fully com-pleted by June 1st. Having an independent powerplant we are prepared to furnish electric power forlighting, heating and other purposes, to our ho me build-ers at most reasonable rates.

TONIColeasure in a canvass that would ex- - tion is at hand and is noteworthy onhis naval record to all sorts ofose account of the repute the veteran Ohio

. Jrlticism and, in case he were elected, statesman enjoys for the accuracy ofout of a life position on the his political forecasts. It will be re For people In this climate.tctlve or retired list of the Navy.

The Most Costly Bailroad.In point of magnitude and cost the

Trans-Siberia- n rai.road is certainly thjgreatest engineering work of the ag.According to figures furnished by theRussian imperial ministry of wa,s ofcommunication, the total cost of therailway wii be $ 0,0l0.C00, of whichabout $295,000,000 has already been

membered that in 1896 he foretold withnearly sure precision what StatM Wnwi1 The French naval constructors have support McKInley hi convention. Later

KnacK or maning meir warsnips look on he made almost as trood truike bulldog fighters. There are no about the States that would be carried

i nore fearsome sights afloat than a by the Republican nominee, his onlyf French battleship and even the small fault being that he underestimated therulsers which carry the tri-col- or are size of the triumph. He now figurestu-- Hum jirf jiusst-sKiiiK-

. j liriiisn or

It is a Valuable Remedy for Generai





American man-of-w- ar on the otheriand looks as peaceable as a summer

yiotel though we are bound to say that,,. ta appearances belie it.

mat aicKiniey will have 200 e'ectoralvotes to Bryan's 174. He concedesMarylard and Kentucky to Bryan,classes Kansas as doubtful and is notwithout hope that Nebraska may goRepublican. Gen. Grosvenor does notentertain the least fear for Indiana or

w - Our ; reservoirs are now

HS PrOITIlSed. completed and watermains laid so as to sup-

ply each loo Permits for making water connectionswill be granted on "application.

An inspection of the attractive homes now buildinp,or the names of purchasers of lots, will convince anyonethat PACIFIC H LIGHTS is the choicest and most selectof all the residence sites of Honolulu.

The Republican National Convention






, ' met at Philadelphia yesterday. It Is New York. Whatever his sources of in- -

Mahogany DcortIn restoring the White House recently

while the workmen were painting tnedoors they discovered that they were ofsolid mahogany, bat owing to some m ke

the original wood had been paint-ed in imitation of wa'.nut. Thi pantwas at once scraped off and tne doorsrestored to their pristine state.

Wales Has Settled It.All question as to the morality of theplay of "Zaza" has been settled, so faras London is concerned, by the action

of the Prince of Wales in calling Mrs.Leslie Carter into the royal box be-tween the acts and introducing her tohis wife. The actress was ais3 pre-sented to the king and queen of Sweden,who were in another box.

.. -- .not likely that Its session will be long, i formation may be he is probably veryi,ici naps nut mure man iwn aays. anere "close to the truth. PURELY


it la no contest for the first place and the; (Second one Is generally agreed upon In

advance. Latest accounts show a de-termined effort on the part of the Re-'.publl-

chiefs to induce SecretaryLong to run for Vice-Preside- nt and It

l la not so very far out of the way toI .suppose that the plan will succeed. For further information, prices, terms, etc., apply

at office of1 The Ashantl negroes were badly pun- - Price $1.shed by the British a few years ago.;and their ruler. King Prempeh, was

AT LEWIS & TURK'S CHURCHReligious services led by Lewis &

Turk would be a radiant innovation onSunday customs of this city. We feelat liberty to assume that they wouldrun something like this:

Lewis Say Turk, pull de clapper.It's time to wide-ope- n de gospel mill.See?

Turk Dey's not a gazabo in sight budere's tree men in de cellar we mightdope up and make 'em chaw music inde choir. Me and you can be de n.

Lewis You get down on de front andhist seven or eight stiffs dis way. If

e de congregashun whose goin toput up de collectshun. hay?(Turk appears In twenty minutes "with

Had the Qualifications.A woman just arrived from Australiawas recently negotiating with an agent

in London for a house in one of the new-er districts of Ker.sington. "It is thor-oughly desirable, ma jam, rep led thehoure agent. "They are without excep-tion soup and fish families."

11. tIII!) 8

i ;,;pupiiciy wnipreu m tne market placeI f if his capital and then taken as a prls-- j

.inner to Cape Coast Castle. It appeared"Hhat the blacks were permanently sub-(lJdu- ed

but they managed to keep the' king's stool as a talisman and have

,.jnow rallied about it for revenge. The'British garrison at Coomassle was re-- j

'duced below the safety point by draftsf "iifor Kitchener in the North and BullerJ ;in the South and the Ashanti's found it

,fl,aay to cut the white men off. The.'.Governor of the Coast district is trying!,rto rescue them but his advance' is be- -

The Whole 8how Costs $12.Somebody has figured out that the

cost in tickets of admission to see allthe side Bhdws of the Paris expes tionamounts to $15. So far these side showsare about forty in number, includingseveral theaters.

fflfi-'f- t CO.BRUCE WARarmnine sailors, one with a brokenapd four with black eyes.)AGENTS.

FORT STREET.AUWE ! AUWE ! Progress Block; Jng- - contested step by step. i

This is the story: Auwe! Auwe!How the snorts of Mm vura iai a a m..

On the 14th of June, tne r fes.al day.xy uie unaercione tricKs cr a rai-talle- dbav.

rurk Deres your conpregashupLewis. You lead de promenade and I'llbe de collecshun caddy. Boot dat choirout of de celler and make 'em wheezede melody. Dey'll sing "Almost For-saken" or I'll bend In dere faces. Heyyou geezers In de pew cough up nowI'm a passln de sack. De services don'tfro and vou don't po either till yousweat out de expenses. If you got nodough you can sign de order for an ad-vance, see? DIs church ain't run on decheap and if youse duffers want sperlt- -Ual pnnsnlatlnn . .

pre!dent Kmeger talks In the samet i",a8t dltch" fashion that 'the Confed- -

eratea of the American Civil War af- -'fected when their cause was lost. Hejjvaguely excuses his movable capital., -- which has been rolled conveniently

Vho looked as If never he'd tasted hayy an eaui), bu Bauiy, AUWe! AUWe!

He was fourteen two, and In he blew.From a town in the bushes called 5near the Portuguese border and talksi t easily of a return to Pretoria. "Guer- -' i 1 1 n M ., .. .

And the sports who knew laid ten to two,

CIFFORD'Swcui me ruuie ne a oreaK in two.And 1ilst hnw that mmu unlri ik.("" wuriare is a pnrase that falls i.u,,, ,e an iewis youtripplrg-l- from his tongue thoujrh he pwt: iu pungie.ior it..,.. n .. nimis aatf Kav O jT OIn a few terse wordiets IM now review.The race to be. run was a mile and the"mun"Was down to a penny on some other one



...wo. --" mat ir tne British, dat again and I'll bust your wishboneafter occupying both republics. offei wld rrtamne.ty. he cannot keep hi, 'thrifty I'm S rS;!burghers torether. They will want to 'won't will .xgo back to attend to their families and 'and see tTaged? Ztheir stock. It may be set down as a 'per cut do! yocafafeTterrler' Zreasonable guess that Oom Paul will be anothe? E la refugee in Lourenzo Marques by July sues. You'll paj wm'you? iT'oufht""

uutc imine was nui caraea as son ora Gun,"But who looked Just as sure as the set ofthe sun:

I 'IS GUARANTEtD.In fact, 'tis admitted by those who were

uuur,If he hadn't been beaten, why then, he'd

. have won.The flpld e-- axt-at- r tha.a n. jt

c i ue congregashun candrop dere wad while Brother Lewismakes some fodder out of de text-Blesse- d

Is de Cheerful Giver.' "f

Tin the home stretch was reached, whenthe w.tnesses sayThe favorite stood still and the "Son"

FIRST To be absolutely PURE OLIVEOH

S ..CI ND To give perfect satisfactionto the consumer.

TMIRD To not become rancid on theshelf, i! kept In the package.

Many Important archaeological findsare being-- made, notably the one atCorinth, Greece, reported in our dis-patches a week ago. A late Berlin tele-gram sreaks of another discovery of

The nativea'are belne-- rtmmmQ-- i tthe country to support RoWwidespread Interest near Hamburg on cox for Delegate ZrZ 1the Danube between Vienna and Press- - ?nfTess'

burp. It Is there the old Roman' JpWm ",f., 1. ,f VJeWno worse



Traveling Skirts,New Style Shirt Waists,Baby Ribbons.

These goo'ls cm be seen on our countersabout the first of the week.

It Will Puy Ycu to Walt.

Of Caruntum was ,ocated. In excavat lalways led Hawll 3 Z .h"tiv'UUIing this place "the explorers came UDon

The manufacturer offers to pay $100f'--r any bottle of Gifford's Olive Oil. inurit'ictl packages, found to contain anyadulteration.

. FOR SALEAt all Grocers.

came awayLlke,a, rabbt that's scared when thechilled pellets playRound his tall as dead leaves on a windyfall day;And the favorite's backers? Well, theyhad to pay.This ends my story Auwe! Auwe!How a "ringer" was smuggled into theplayOf the folks who go racing down Mauiway,Who know a horse from a bale of hay;W hen they next leave home they'll know, the way.Wail softly, so softly, Auwe! Auwe'



(.o c,Cr BeeKing a chance to sell theman armory and provision honse mntain. out. Just now hlo ctM ing 1037 weapons and pieces of armor to the Queen , bu " !??and stores of barley, peas. etc. A great!- - lo.

f?Und a --oil 'making anneOonb?"March 21. 1893:--- v ..vii,; tie- - inmirp worKs ieft in rT,:"1 .1 LA-- -- Polo for anv

In the of calcine' in Enli 'Ia'"n Preae-- t. T will pv ML. Brasch Co.willYT,.ftP"'l to it l kf a man Th. ' .


arnpxp'lon to tnr TTnlfol c . ...rnran fhertv ar.l Inrlenprden kn per-haps the salvation of the native race.

Wilcox stuck "like a man" until hefound that he was not going to get anoffice when he came out for a republic.Later he was a monarchist. Now hewarts to go to Congress as an inde-pendent, but heaven knows what hewould be two hours after he had arriv-ed there.

Honolulu Sail loft- Foot of Nuuanu St

. ..i rAM

te8s$ ion muLIMITED

fi.iplain.de, Cor. Allen nd Fort It.TOLUBTER ft CO .AGJENT



Ainca Dy King Solomon's jold-hunte- rs


It was the hore of tne Kansas poli-ticians when they got General Funstonback into the Philippine service thathe would win no more fame and grad-ually pass out of the minds of the Kan-sas voters. But luck and pluck are stillwith the frallant young officer and hehas rekirdled the fires of Kansas pa-triotism by a new act of military dis-tinction. This time he did not swim ariver to get at the enemy but he climb-ed a beetling cliff by a bamboo ladderand found the hidden archives of theFilipino government and a large storeof ammunition. Of course In the climb-ing he took his life In his hands, butthat did not matter to Funston, whomay be set down as being pretty sure,If he lives, of a Major General's starsand anything in the way of a civil officethat bis State has to bestow.

Vanderbilt's Fast Autcmobile HasCreated a Panic.

NEWPORT, June 7. Willie K. Van-dert)i- lt,

Jr.'s big white French automo-bile has got people in this section of thecountry wild with excitement. Its ap-proach is a signal for anxious mothersto rush into the street with fright andseize those of their offspring that maybe playing there, and hurriedly drasthem into the house out of danger,though the automobile may be blocksaway. Many people look upon it as adeath-dealin- g instrument. Vanderbiltcovered twenty miles in thirty minutesthis afternoon, equaling the time of anexpress train. Later in the day, whiledriving a horse, he had the ill luck torun over a child, but the latter wasnot Injured.

New bill at tim Orpbeum tonight.

m CASH MAN AND NtL3wrtJ tanmmmm Arngs'flstt. Lewera F. J. Lowrej C. H, Cock


toportera and Dealers in Lumber a4Building Materials. OSes

414 Fort 8t

The Advertiser is dellrered to anjpart of the city for '(5 cent per month.

The Advertiser gives another budgetof foreign news today for which it isindebted to San Francisco papersbrought here on the French 1 cruiserThese papers, more or less damaged!were found In mess chests and the likebut they were a treasure-trov- e never-theless. Some numbers since the 6th.i1iv;-- .


LlS Agent wlU cU with 8amiri & P

wuiaaies.P. 0. Bc 6W.

Page 5: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t



... - - ;


Honolulu Is in the throes of an epidemic of la grippe. For two weeks past

" ' ; , Hi

the malady has been sweeping over thecity and the number of sufferers fromits ravages reaches well into the hun-

dreds.If you meet a man on the street who

says "Goo' Mordig" and sneezes be-

tween every other sentence you mayknow that he is suffering from the"gr." If you call sixteen times at afriend's office and find him out eachtime you may make up your mind thathe has succumbed to the destroyer andgive up trying to catch him. If th girlwho promised to go bathing with youat Waikikl calls you up on the tele-phone at the last moment with a re-quest to be pardoned for breaking the


Mfcl.t mean WELA-KA-IIA- O but it doesn't It is the name of a new

SELF-HEATI-NG SAD IRONtfoimjthin now and handy to hav-- i aroand the house. No waiting to heat,n iron on tho kitchen stove. When it is needed the ACME HEATS ITSELF.

Wo have just received a lot of

Safety Razors in Sets,Disstons Saws, a full Assortment; Sandusty Planes,Velox Grindstones, Shelf Hardware andParoffinc Candles.

Superior- - SS . i . j

answer resignedly that it is one of theburdens that we must bear withoutasking whyfors" and wherefors.

Dr. Hodgins said yesterday that hehad had in the neighborhood of fortycases of la grippe, or influenza as it isknown to the ed during thepast two weeks. "Most of them havebeen of somewhat a mild type," hesaid, "and were of short duration. Thepatients manifested all the usual symp-toms that accompany true la grippe.High fever and pains in the back andlimbs were almost invariably noticeableand sore throat and bronchial troublessometimes aggravated the difficulty.

Dr. Day said that but few cases of lagrippe had come under his notice ashe had but recently returned from theCoast. Dr. Wood had likewise heardof but few cases of la grippe and rathet-doubte-

the existence of any epidemicof the disease.

But a canvass of the city will showbut few families one or more membersof which are not suffering or convales-cent from an attack of the malady. Insome cases it was simply a cold; else-where it was described as sorethroator mild bronchitis; but in nearly everyInstance when sifted down the "spoor"of the same old offender, la grippe,could be found.

engagement and cuts off without vouch

' 1 , )Til 'lis. '...t 1

il s iaeai tor borne use a yTRIAL CONVINCRS! iii

safing any further explanation, don'tconsider yourself a blighted being butbe assured that she was taken with asneeze at the explaining point and isnow in her boudoir suffering from the

"grip."What Is the cause of the sudden

spread of la grippe is hard to ascertain.Some say that It is the heat and the dryspell, with Its accompaniment of flyingdust, others shrug their shoulders and

ON ISEEx Australia:



Eastern and California Ovate V : I;

j" . '. . :

Salmon Red CabbageFORT STREET STORE.:..i

4 fiaaattftttttHIIIHIimmnomiUMStripped BassCelery


Naval OrangesLemonsLimesFrankfort



of a hoax which was perpetrated someyears ago upon the good people of Lan-caster, in this State namely, that Nlco-l- o

Tesla, the famous Pittsburg elec-trician, had set up on high an enor-mous light so high that It was visibleacross the entire length of Pennsylva-nia. Needless to say that in this casealso the "electric star" was ihe planetVenus.

One might moralize here, if so dis-posed. upon the astounding ignoranceregarding the sun, moon and starswhich not infrequently betrays Itselfeven among persons who in the con-duct of their personal affairs, show nolack of intelligence, and whom' it wouldbe hard to overreach in any businessdeal.

In the southeast may now be seenduring the evening hours another"electric star" scarcely less brilliantthan that which adorns the west. Thisis the planet Jupiter, which also is nowshining with its greatest brilliancy,being now at Its nearest to the earth.

Venus is drawing in rapidly towardthe sun, and will remain visible no morethan two or three weeks longer. Onthe Sth of July she will pass between

W bart rrlTiI t. Urge asortm eot of

Distinguished Men Honor the Great-est Actor.

LONDON, June 9. In Savoy Hoteltonight a complimentary dinner wasgiven to welcome home Sir Henry Irv-ing after his American tour. D'OylyCarte presided. Among the 200 personswho were there were United States Arabassador Joseph H. Choate; HenryWhite, Secretary United States Embas-sy; Bradley Martin, Earl Craven, F.Bumard, Reginald Ward, Charles Froh-ma- n,

Maurice Grau, Bret Harte, LordRussell, Alma Tadema and AnthonyHope.

Sir Henry received a tremendous re-ception when he arose to respond to atoast to his health, but the features ofthe evening were the speeches made byAmbassador Choate and Mark Twain.

Choate for the first time since he hasbeen in England seemed to give freevent to his humor. He did not hesitateto remind the Englishmen that thetraits of character which they hereto-fore, with lofty superiority, regarded aspurely American had lately been re-peated and exceeded in England.

"Heretofore," said Choate, "the en-thusiasm which the United States dis-played on occasions has been regardedas quite unbecoming of a great people,but that was before certain events in


Ill Fort St -:- - Telephone Ml,

iorlon's andWe Will

InstallGroceriesfrosse & Blackwell

Bicarbornate of Soda, Wash Soda,Caustic Soda,

us and the sun, and will next be seen 8 i .-- :aints and Oils, 4 v..as a morning star in the east. Jupiter

will be a glorious object in the south

JustOpened I

A New Line of




ern evening sky throughout the summer.





100 Feet ANNUNCIATOR WIRE anjNerreary Staples.

In any building within the city of

Honolulu for the sum of

Meeting of the W. C. T. U.A few members of the local branch ofthe Women's Christian Temperance

Union met at the Central Union Churchparlors vesterdav nftemnnn an a t,,i.i

Corrugated Iron, Ridging, Etc.,Cement and Firebricks, Carbo-liniu- m,

Stockholm Tar, Buckets,Tubs, Tinplates, Saucepans, Tea-

kettles, Etc., Etc.their weekly meeting and praise ser-vice. No important business was trans-acted owing to the absence of the

FTC, KTCThe change In Tariff "will iner

the price ou Silk.Buy your supply before the Bill goM

into effect.New bill to-nig- ht at the Orpheum.And guarantee our work for 90 day.LHackfeld & So. Ltd. CH1YA & CO Or- ---J. H0PP & COI. H0PP ti CO.


your own history. Xever in our historyhas there been such an outbreak as thathere in London on the occasion of therelief of Ladysmith and Mafeking."

Choate praised Irving and puid atribute to him for what he accomplish-ed for the good relations between thetwo countries.

Lord Russell proposed the health ofIrving in an eloquent speech, to whichIrving feelingly responded. In thecourse of his speech Sir Henry said:"From pn experience of seventeenyears, I may say that the fortunes ofEnglard are clear to those Americanswho guide and control the destinies oftheir country. It is my belief that thebonds between Great Britain and theGreat American Republic grow evercloser with time. Anyone who has beentrue to that great country, and who hasshared the welcome of its great-hearte- d

people, and who has felt and seenas I have again and again, a loyal lov-ing warmth and affection for the oldland, can only feel that for all good andhigh purposes, and all that makes forthe elevation and freedom of humanityand the good of the human race, thetwo lands are one."

Mark Twain's speech, in which hedescribed his experiences as a dram-atist, was received with continuouslaughter.


OCfiGGSSEWCllfl48 MERCHANT ST.San Francisco, California.

Correr Nunanu andHotel Street. Tel. 988.

The Misses De LartigoaUP-TO-DA- TE

Hair Dressing andManicuring Parlors

HOTEL STREET, next to Y. M. C Ju

oThe Best at the Lowest

Price at HOPP'S.


iMarriedM Machinery, Heine Boilers, ooPlain Tubular Boilers, Corliss Engines,

At the Orpheum."The Girl from Paris," to be presentCane Gars, Vacnum Pans




Come and See Them.

Folks ofli all Machinery for tho complete equipment of

01R SPECIALTIE-S-TIairdressing,

Shampooing,Scalp Treatment

Face Massage

and Manicubik;


Switches, Wigs, CurlyPompadour Rolls.

1 '

. TFI F.PHONF 343.

V Milk ooOFFICE: Sprecktl's Block. Room 12; Tel. 194.


ed to-nig- is one of the most popularof musical comedies. It had a long andsuccessful run both In London and theStates, and carries with each presenta-tion in Honolulu a heavy royalty fee of$30. The plot is modern and deals 6tthe consequences following the goingson of a rather giddy old English gentle-man in Paris, who becomes entrappedInto a promise of marriage with the"Girl from Paris." He endeavors toget neatly out of the scrape by givinghis friend's name as his own and re-turns to London. The "Girl from Paris"follows and. guided by the name andaddress, bursts upon the family of theinnocent friend, a clergyman who over-whelmed by circumstances flies to thecontinent, where he hides at a Germanv atcring place in disguise, having caus-ed his death to be announced in thepapers. His wife and family follow him



If you have not already doneso, why not let us figure to fityour house complete with awn-

ings. If you knew what a savingthere Is In your carpets, curtainsand tapestry, you would not bewithout them a single season.

They pay for themselves in avery short time.

oHawaiian Carriage Hfg. C


Rubber Tire Wheel Co.o Established 1852.

SPRUANCE, STANLEY & COThe Pioneer Whiskey House of the Pac-

ini- Coast.Sole Proprietors of the

The BergstromMusic Co.

Pfprrss Rlock. , Fort St.OfO o--c



and fresh complications ensue. Much CELEBRATED KENTUCKY FAVOR' of the fun Is caused by the landlord of ITE WHISKEYS.

And other tine brands.410 Front St . San Fi anrisco. x "'fortila..

Tho only durable Tiro intho market

CARRIAGE REPAIRING neat!;dono with promptness and dispatch

Oothe-Sp- a who is the proprietor and man-ufacturer of a horribly smelling andtasting mineral spring that "bubblesfrom the bowels of the earth." Mr.Wolff plays this part and should makeit extremely laughable. Mr. Baker will

Family Lunch RoomsSpeaking of your Inside fur-

nishings, they can be made tolook like new a few dollars in-

vested In furni-ture before it is too late maysave you three times that amountlater.

Tel. 47.121 Quee.i St. oappear while the "Baby Ruth" wiltswell the list of specialties. The wholeplay Is practically a vehicle for special-ties and choruses entwined around a


Wood and Coal.ALSO

White and Black SandWhich w will tell at ta

cry lowest market rttM.

Will re-op- en on Thursday, April Xaat Its old itand, MereDaut trt.


Vdv n iirnDTUTxrrTnw comedy plot. woman s Exchaue huiidlug.

l. W. W CCHESNEY & SOKSeI Ll! I T V I I 11 1. D

O1 I 7

-(-LNC.i-ftThe "Electric Star."

From several sources "The Record"has learned that there Is a notion "rifein the community hereabouts that thengineers.and Builders ;J.H0i)p&C0brilliant object which makes its appear

Sholesale Grocers and Dta.ers In Leatler anl sola FlLdlags

Afenta Honolulu 8op Works Cm-tn- T

Rnnninln. nr Tannrr!i HRn uk inr x oier Works old moofior ance in the western sky soon after sun-

set and continues to be visible until af-ter 10 o'clock Is an "electric star." Pre-cisely to what combination of circum-stances this electric star Is suDDosed to

i i uiupiii biriiivw iwi ! .a





owe its origin "The Record" has notN''Ht, ATTENTION OP PLANTATION MANAGERS AND

L1 "ItnthtftrttUtwieiirrT la ttork t oui, un rrw,

1 ir. Mortmot of pumpn for all klndi of nr bouie ric been able to learn. Few of Its readerswill need to be told, however, that thobject In question Is the planet Venus,

n pump, air pumpt. coticineri, puiuy- -. v F K--;'";'. .rc., tnc.trr with a complete tok of pr prt ana.

,; :. Cartful atfQtloa la to all orders and prompt anlp- now shining with Its greatest splendoras an evening star.

This curious error regarding one ofthe most familiarly known of the nlan- -







and HOUSE CARPENTER.Day work taken. Estimates furnlab-- M.

lowest prtees. Can be well recom-mended. Bereianla St., MoilllU Road.


ets, the planet which Homer centnrlMago singled out for special mention, asS?'1 .V11-s-


WIEEECUE: TrrrM Crnr iri 'coTELEPHONE 69.

tne most beautiful star which standsIn the heavens," is possibly a survival J. HOP? & C0.J. H0PP & CO-.- At the Gazette Office. ..X


Page 6: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t


Before You Purchase PLANTATION LABORERS GAS0UNE ENGINESA Vehicle ke-- p in mind the fact that you INCITED BY AGITATORScan buv from us, at a moderate nice.

A Surrey, Bike Buggy, Phaetonor Road Wagon,

Japanese Show Restive

Disposition.constructed on exact'y the same lines asthose than have won aw r-l- s and diploma:-whereve- r

tliey have been exhibited.: OFFER VJOLENC E

Mijoiity Willing to Work on Presentbchedule Immigration


8o H.P. Hercules Engine: 1 n putap; capac ity 7250 gals, per ainute; lift( We make a specialty of Pumping Plants.

We build multiple cylinder Dynamo EnginesAlso marine, portable and Hoistiug Eno-ine- s

2j4 to 320 H. P. 45

SSiftCS-- - HERcm.F..s Gas Escrse Womasking for price. San Francisco. Cax..

Special Correspondence.MAUI, June 18. There was a slight

collision between striking Japanese andthe police at Wailuku on Monday fore-noon. The Japanese whom the Ameri-can laws have made free men, have hadtheir wages raised twelve and a halfper cent, and this the planters havegiven voluntarily. The men have beenallowed four days cessation from labor,to enable them to celebrate their goodfortune, and they have been assuredthat the privileges of free houses, waterand fuel, also free medical attendanceshould be continued to them, but this

1 tf

I'd THE DEPOT FOR TtfpWith our facilities and experience in carriage makinpr.r(ve are in a position 10 oiler a vehicle that will be snperioHnrfinish work nanship and in the quality of material used, toanything that can be purchased eUewhere.

We ask that you compare our vehicles with other, vehicles our prices withother prices, and the advantage of buying here will be apparent. If you wish

- a vehicle modeled after the latest designs, with rubber tires and dust-pro- of

ixles, we Invite your attention to the varied assortment we have on exhibition.

j was not deemed sufficient by a few oftheir ringleaders.

About three out of four were willingto return to work, but were preventedby some irreconcilables who seem de-termined to make trouble. This morn-ing the plantation manager addressed

it is reported, to keep the Japanesewithin bounds. He went with a pisselo the plantation and was met by acrowd of rioters. So serious were theirdemonstrations that a volley was hredover their heads.

Striiiers at Olaa.At this the strikers lost their nerve

and fled Incontinently into the canebrush. J. W. McChesney. who has re-cently returned from Hawaii, says thatvhe situation throughout the Is. and isserious. At Olaa plantation there wereaiso troubles, but taey were que ledwithout great difficulty. Kailua, Konaan-- i Hilo are all stirred up over theiroubles, although there is some doubtexpressed at the larger towns concern-ing the seriousness of the outbreaks,many people preferring to lauh themoff and minimize their effect.

On this Island there has been lessdifficulty. Manager August AnureASOahu plantation was in Honolulu yes-terday and said that all of his 900 Jap-anese were o.uiet and "working as usual.From Honolulu plantation comes wordfrom Manager J. A. Low that there areno disturbances, and all his 640 Japan-ese are at work. They have not struck,but are well organized and have an-nounced that they want higher wages.

C Shiozawa, proprietor of the HawaiiShinpo, the daily newspaper printed inJapanese in this city, gives a peculiarinterpretation of the supposed troublesmaking for the plantations by the Jap-anese laborers.

. "I say positively,", said Mr. Shiozawalast night, "that the Japanese are notand have not been crying for higherwages since Hawaii is a Territory, norare they disposed to strike on this ac-count. The grievances of the Japaneselaborers are against the immigrationcompanies.

"There are now in Hawaii say 40.0C0Japanese who came here under contractwith the immigration companies andthe planters to work for certain periodsof time at a fixed price. These contractsare now annulled. The majority of thelaborers have an indistinct understand-ing of their rights and of the exactmeaning of the abrogation of their con-tracts.

Blames the Companies."Under these contracts the laborerspaid to the planters, or rather allowed

to be retained from their wages, a cer-tain sum, usually $2.50, each month,which in the contracts was specified as"passage money for their return to Jap-an." This money altogether, now in thehands of the immigration companiesjto which it was remitted by the plan-tersamounts to about $400,003, and it isthis immense sum which the laborersdemand return of, and the withholdingof which is stirring up the rumpus.

"If the contracts were abrogated, thecompanies have no right to retain anymoney belonging to the laborers. Thelaborers want nothing to do with theimmigration people. They are given tobelieve that the contracts are all donewith, and that they are now as otherfree men. with the right to choose theiremployers and to work when t hey wish.At the same time they do not want tochange. They are happy as they are,and know that they cannot be paidmuch more and have the advantagesthat they now enjoy.

"They are in the mass satisfied withtheir treatment by the planters, and donot want to make trouble. Thes- - d s'reto work on. Of course this man or thatmar may want to work here or there,where some reative is employed, andmay change his location, but these arecomparatively few and not enough to



undlkwear.socks. Handkerchiefs

hats and caps.BOYS AND MENS' CLOTHING,




'the laborers and told them that theyjwere row free men and could go whereI they pleased, but they must either gojto work or vacate the plantation housesi and make room for other men who wereready and willing to take their places.The ringleaders paid they would do

Milic f enuppiycom i0

Thos. G. Thrum'sLP-TO-

WN BOOK MEIs in recent receipt of new suppliesfrom New York of Staple and FancyStationery, consisting of


LATEST BOOKSBy tne most popular authors, are athand and coming forward by regularopportunities. t

The News andPeriodical DepartmentIs prepared to fill all orders promptlyby each maiL Subscriptions started aiany time.

OUR BINDERYExecutes, as usual, all orders for threpair of law or miscellaneous books.ae uiauufaciur or special bia.uk boukfunding of music, magazines, etc., 01short notice.

ALL ORDERSSn trusted to our care will have prompdetention.

neither. Two of these men were order-ed to get outside the plantation prem-ises as their room was evidently betterthan their company. They still refusedto leave and defied anyone to electIBeretania, near Fort Street 1151OBIHlimJiflll

-- ort Street Nr Kin;


First Class Work Guaranteed

&3 a m


jthem. The sheriff and his deputy and;a squad of police were present to keep' the peace, and their services were soon' needed.

The plantation officers took one ofthese men by the shoulders and com-jmenc- ed

to move him gently but firmlyj into the public road. The crowd ofJapanese immediately threw them-

selves on the haoles and tried to rescuetheir compatriot, and became very vio-len- t.

A general melee ensued, but im-- !mediately the sheriff gave the wordami the native police, though few In

inumbers, routed the Asiatics in shortorder. This ended the matter for the

j present. The agitators were paid whatwages were due to them and orderedto keep off the plantation premises for

;the future. It is hoped this show offirmness will have a good effect andthat the trouble will go r.o further. ThePpreckelsville Japs are also out, but

V.CBMr. Davey does not wish his b:uctaccept worn unless perfectly utii-'actor-

-- XX

HOTOGRAPHlCCome men on au me other plantation? on

MOTT-SMIT- H BLOCK,Corner Fort and Hotel Streeu.

Maui are quiet up to now.


cause any friction. It is against the im-- 1

migration companies that the laborers!are kicking. Suits for the return of this !

money withheld ".r passage back to !

Japan"' will be brought against them,at once in Honolulu. The contracts read i

fOS KINGma i ine money is to Oe deposited insome reliable bank in the name of the'ndividual laborer to whose credit it is.I believe that the immierration pnmns- -



'U FAULT FINDINGAfter you receive your ykeirraphe from this studio. f

Perfect SatisfactionMoana tv whole lot in ifat frtiAi

& ness of Art Photography. tiI believe I have reh4 tt:6 point, or as near it a pointstnet.wfsk Your FriendsWho have Gad our Photojrai;how tbey like them.

Call and SeeThe finu collection- - cl vm- -i

colors of Hawaiian Type ..

on exhibition

' f


Association Met Yesterday andConsidered a Course of

Action for Future.nies have not dono thi in immr in. I

stances, and that the bu'k of the money-i-s

tied up in property and otherWuicsxt! aa Rttai

9 2 mm wratier ' T .. r . i .' ! U . . j.sLjiki; me itiwi ts vi runs ana strikes Hawaiian Opera House.h-hackf- eld acdlro by Japanese laborers all over the Isl-

ands, the heads of the various planta-tion companies in Honolulu are not dis


SAW CONTRACTORSFor a Season ofHONOLULU. H.U 124. turbed. They regard the outbreaks as Perf-.rmancc- s

BEGINNINGIHPI.H.MUM.M ......- fl H lialWIIIWI! J,, , ,u, iiiiwiji.! jtKrhl)Hr; 444.kv, Saturday,


1 JUNE 2a,Diroct From Eight WeeksHun in wan Pancisco.

Chas. Astor Parker has the honor toannounce the initial annearnnoo In Vfn.

FORT STREET.The True Criterion is Quality. I AMERICAN



The tl ten; ion f iii!ini)icur. ix nolulu ofMlity of

ORPHEUM CAFEiij,r!a(ivi

)ti:iK sliii.iH-.- I to thisIn London, tin;

of Wine Con.

For Qnick and Efficient Servlc fcj

Whi.-- i

fount ry.lii'wlcgyiiPooioiery Vtr. James Weil!

And the Incomparable

Neill LomuanyDelivering Packages. Invitations, VORPHEUM BLOCK,

iMiisseurs, v, liorc Fort Street. MASONIC TEMPLE.detalL Cn!3flrst-cla- s in every

'lilte help employed.Presenting an Extraordinary RepertoireI Champagne Quality RegulatesPrice,

01 iiign-ias- s successes. REMOVAL NOTICE.


TiE PDSRP.R JIPISP.SR PRISTISG OFFIClfPommery commands from two to six dollars morecase than any other leading brands ?s per figures

taken fiom Ridley's Wiue and Spirit TradeCircular, London.

Harry Klemme.MANAGER.

The onij latly Japanese PapT 9&llshed in tn falnnrlaSEATS NCW ON SALE AT WALL.


. (Tl- - r


At tie sar of Yong Sing ttore, b'

POMMERY Vintage 18J3G. II. MUMM 1S931'KRRIEK JOUET 1893 Kxtra (uveeIOKT AND CHAN DON " "



G 65s.:0 79s.J 6Ss.

to Sis." 76s.

3d. " 84s." 74s.

3d. waiaanaiulu bridge, scnooicity




' ()





ifflce Opposite W. G. Irwla & Co.


simply sporadic and, due to the workof agitators among the Japanese rath. rthan to any widespread discontentamong the laborers themselves.

Yesterday the Planters' Associationheld a meeting, at which the whole situ-ation was thoroughly discussed andplans were laid for handling It.

"We do not consider the outlook asparticularly serious." said Mr. J. B.Atherton yesterday afternoon. "Whilewe are scared, we are not frightened,as the small boy said. These strikesare almost wholly due to the work of afew discontented men among the labor-ers, and from thevord that we have re-ceived from many of the plantationsthey were of short duration and arepractically ended already at most ofthe more important plantations. Weagreed this morning upon a course ofaction that will, we believe, settle thewhole difficulty. We are not preparedto say what measures we shall take,but the managers of all the plantationshave received or will soon receive wordinstructing them on the course theyshall pursue, and if it is followed outwe believe the disturbances will cease.

Question of Wages."It is largely a question of the scale

of wages that lias been the source ofthe difficulty. That matter has beensettled already, and hereafter all con-tract laborers will receive the samewages as day laborers, that is, from $15to $18 per month. .Some plantationshave to pay the higher rate, you under-stand, as owing to the climate laborersare willing to work on one plantationfor $l; in preference to another at the1S rate."

One of th sources of the difficultiesof late ha the , ' the laborers ih.-i- t the nthly as.-,.--. n-n- t of-- '' '"" h v"s levied upon all contra -- tiaboivr paid to the immigration

enrnn.uM. - w brought, them over tothe IsUtn.s:.'. shall be4 paid tothe lah.-j.-t- themselves. If this weredone it wvuld leave thc plantations nohold on their men, say some interestedas the American law abolishes the penalenforcement of the contracts, and with-out annulling it, makes it but a civilcontract to be enforced by civil procponly: If this S2..50 were paid to eachaborer he would be free to come and?o as he pleased, and the p'antationmanagers would not know whether tlvyiad one man or several hundred to de-vr- dupon at any time.

Meanwhile the small strikes and riotsto merrily on, and each day's news in-creases the sum total of outrages. AtPuna, Hawaii, on Sunday, the assist-ance of Sheriff Andrews was asked for


Will be held by the Junior Chapter ofSt. Clement's Guild, on the Rectorygrounds. Wilder avenue.

OK S AT UB DAY, JU'E 23,Thf oblfct beinsr tr raiw mraiot tn- -


Home Mdde PoiAT


SECURITYLIMITED.ward building a Sunday School Itoom.

fJNTETTE HAND TEA, ICES, Etc.SOLE AGENTS. Admission. L.c: Children, 15c.5376 Yea Wo Restaurant

MOTS A IEA LiY5Ali.ls Colltge ar.d Seminar



One Hundred for Sl T



ClevelandI They Always Please.

Honolulu Bike Co209 HOTEL ST.




CIGARS! FOR WOMEN IN CALIFORNIA. 'J. J. NOLTEWhy, Fort Street, Opp. Wildar Co.

The Collesre Courses pnrrcsnnn,! wititliose of the Universities. Degrees con- -

rr.-i- t nnil Ilinlornas ffrantprl Tha tjm ServedFirst Class Lunchesiiary Course provides for the all round

T . . J, 1 , , . , UiaSWith Tr OofTftfe. Soue VViereuucaiion vl lose no uo not uesirea full College Cjurse.


Peerless Preserving PaintIT IS THE BEST.

Ale or Milk. Open from

I a. m. to 10 p. n.

Hand made from the finest selected Stocks andIons fillers.' Just arrivod by last Australia at the

Honolulu Tobacco 2o., Ltd.Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets.

A Prpnaratorv Denartmpnt nrnvMosf r younger pupils. Rare opportunities kfor music. One hour from San Fnn- -riarn Terms modeine. Summor tormbegins August Sth. Clubdsrtab!esat FH St"

H. P. WALTON, Manager.:.;,76 MilS. C T. MIILS. Presi.lnr

! PER Is used In the stnrr.I the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.


Page 7: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t

. 9,:.


Tli. li. IKHIII 6 bD I GOSSIP OFD w F LL&W All,. IT

Incorporated under the laws of th. v 1

puduc or Hawaii,

ubscrifced Capital. 750 rjOFFICERS AND nmnwnno '

Cecil Brown ... t,:E- - m. yd ::'':''aSSS:

Uireccrsr-Ce- cil Brown. Mark 5Robinson, Bruce Cartwnght. W. I . i--ooper and H. M. von Holt !

DR ,v EXCHANGE ON: t , iSan Francism Th

"ian Bank, LimitedT!CrS0Tne Merchants Lean ai' ,

Compan. . -- .

nanvW YcrkJ- - & Seiigman & uW ; ;

London A n inrou 'Limited. 7"lvimdB I

Paris Soclete Generale.Berlin Gebrudr .

- t :

Hamburg M. M. Warburg & Co.Hongkong. and VnknK.... m.rtL - X" uuvuaud M

Chinraer f lDdla' Au6trali '

Australia The Union Hoi,tralia, Limited. 1 "

Canada Bank of Montreal.

Exchange bought an.i sold anilF.I.

ters of Credit 1,, n Tworld oitu ; t

, . ",'

fill ISLE

Needs of Wailuku Made

, Apparent.


Editor Robertson of the News StirsUp Wailukans for Better


The following is from the Maui Newsof Juno 16. Kditor'liobertson explainsa delay in the issue as follows:

More pilikla. Two holidays and a badcold ha delayed the prompt appearanceor me paper this week, but we thinkthat we know that it will not ha noenagain.

More Social JLiie.Wanted More social lif In Wailuku.

In all antiquated village, where every-one kno ws quite as mu h about hisneighbor's affairs as his own, if notn.ore, social life is often blighted bypetty Jealousies and bickering. Wai.u-k- u,

i.i emerging from Its petty villagecasing, should leave behind it thr-s- e

Ieily differences and come together insocial parties, card parties, readingclubs, dances and like amusements inshort, should build up a social conditionor affairs worthy of a live and growingtown.

Cemetery Neglected.Wailuku has a cemeterv and a love-

lier spot for "God's Acre" could not befound, liut a stroll through it will dem-onstrate that it is sadly neglected.Weeds and long stringers of unsightlygrasses, to say nothing of unpaintedand broken down railings, make thisnaturally beautiful spot look as thoughIt had bi-e- n abandoned. There is sjrnequestion as to the title to the property,but that could easily be arrang-d- . Thissriouiu le done at once and those in- -

should take hold of matters atna make tnf" J,,are what it shouldbe a neat and well kept cemetery.Incorooratu wiiuv

Sups should be taken to make Wai-luku (in incorporated town as soon aspossible. Corporate limits should be es-tablished and there is no reasonabledoubt that the Wailuku plantation willsjk e on a generous proportion of itsfat acres of cane, so soon as there isa prospect of converting them Into towniois ai remunerative prices. There hasbeen a constant demand during thepast two years for more dwelling housesIn Wailuku. and in the natural courseof events this demand will become moreacute. Wailuku is very sure to becomea favorite resort In the future, on account of Its delightful summer cool-ness, and men with long purses willcome here and establish delightful bun-galows. Yes. we must ineoriMirate, havea mayor and city council and own ourown waterworks and electric light sys-- jtern.

Shade Trees Wanted.A row of shade trees should be plant-

ed on either side of the road from Wai-luku to Kahulul, and another fromWailuku to the reservoir site, and thisphould be done at once.

Where ia T. McCants Stewart P

What has become of T. McCants


SuffCKels I Go.,




tional Bank of San FranciscoL?LtS.?NThe Unin Bank "'"London,

NEW YORK American Exchange Na-tional Bank.

CHICAGO Merchants' National Rant


- i





Hongkong and Shanghai Banking-Corporation- .


of British North America.

,",u" iieun water soon got rid of thesalt from wax and wick, and they burntas wen as though they had never beento fea. Each winter since then a num-ber of them rolled in after every south-erly breeze, showing that there is stilla good stock below.

Iiarrels of tar and petroleum havelarded themselves at different times,and during a gale considerable interestand excitement have been manifestedby the appearance of some dark objectbobbing up among the waves a mile ortwo out. it might be a corpse. Glassesare leveled upon it. but with a strongs?a running and a high wind blowing,nothing positive can be made out by

:e loungers along the sea wall; yetsome of the men would be certain Itwas this or that. Then a couple ofhardy crabbers would put off in theirboat to interview, it, and after muchnky trouble would succeed in hitchinga noose rope over it and getting it intow This time it is an upturned boatwith a hole in its bottom. Next timeit may be a baulk of timber, or a dere-lict log that has been floating for manya day in mid-chann- and has only nowkoi una a landward current.


The following poem written by Mrs.Mary Dillingham Frear, wife of Ha-waii's present chief justice, was rend utthe annual meeting of the Sons of theAmerican Revolution on June 16, at theresidence of Col. W. F. Allen:

vtiitno teeeeeeeeee"The path of the just is as theshining liKht that shineth more andmore unto the perfect day."

In grief we gave to elemental dustAnd silence of the grave.The form of one whom men ac-

counted just,T'nselfish, brave.

Xo need had lie for shows of hu-man pride,Kor pomp of church or state- -

An tin forgetting people when lielied,Proclaimed him great.

Not his a greatness flung fromFortune's palm.Nor Mown from lips of Fame;

i. ui myria'l hearts, attuned toprateful psalm.Now laud his name.

(Jreat In his love of count rv, homeand God.

In toil for truth and r'ghtSt ", shining on the footsteps where

he trod, tCelestial light!


QUARANTINE OFFICERS.Dr. Carmichael Expects Assistants

On the Mariposa.Several experts who are to assist Dr.

Carmichael in the Quarantine office areexpected to arrive on the Mariposa today. The local station will be splendid-ly equipped in every respect. A finequarantine launch is to be sent outfrom the Coast for the use of Dr. Car-michael in boarding steamers comingInto port. This vessel has already beenordered and will arrive before manymonths.

As soon as his assistants arrive Dr.Carmichael will take a vacation, forbe is much in need of rest, having beenontinuously at work for several years

without vacations.

Chinese Emperor's Greeting to tiePope.

The Hoei Pan, of Shanghai, prints thefull text of the Chinese Kmperor's let-ter to the Pope on the occasion of theninetieth birthdav of his HnlinH --ri,a

rm. This longevity, prolongedDl,),,ln ot t"e kingdoms of Europe, Isreally wonderful.

"We believe that during the twentyears or your reign, you have exhorted

men to do good, which the entire uni-verse enjoys and for which it is great- -rui to you.

"That Is why on the occasion of thishappy event we lefru in a

TT vr"nt y"u our V('ry b

"t- - ian. nrsi or an, that you mayvieorate in robust health this hannvanniversary and that you may reachthe hundredth anniversary of your age."Finally we sincerely desire thatChristians an.i non-Christia- ns in Chinaand in every other country may live in

mutual narmony. and that all may en- -!!'' the oiessings of peace and pros- -I'rit'

tr"th that is our firm hope.

Mountain Climing Autos."uinvan Ileview of a recent issue

"An Interesting experiment is beingconducted on the P.iM.0mor0 in ,

LX,," P,! Z ' tkt ,ma ,ead to a rev"passengers. Mr. Frank Stutzman isthe Inventor of a recently patented rail i

road automobile, and the first machine'built has been sent for a test on the;'lf(r1 n- .. . .

Tronsact a Generoi BanKino fxctianoe Business"


incorporated Under the Laws of thRepublic of HawaiiCAPITAL 400iW0o


X :::::::::..vlce pS2Jd,F. C. Atherton Assistant .Cashlei

fy, F. w. Macfarlane, E. D lenney.J. A. McCandless.Solicits the

porations. Trusts. IndivlduS i wTlpromptly and carefully attend to albusiness connected with banking en-trusted to It Sell and Purchase Foreign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit


Snlnr"7 d nerm DePSl TOCeiVeoallowed in accordancewith rules and conditions printed ilpass books, copies of which may bhad on application.

Judd Building, Fort street.

For Investment.EWA BONDS.

A Few Left.




Inyestmeaits, collections, payments,omittances and regular statements.

iuarges moaerate.

We can legally act as Executor, Ad- -uiiuiairaior, irusteo or Guardian.

Valuable kept safe from fire and burg-lars ia. our Safe Deposit Boxes andvaults.

(LIMITED.)CEO. R. CARTER. Treasurer.

409 Fort Street, Honolulu.Telephone No. 184.

Hawaii Land Co.LIMITED.

Capital Stock $100,000.Capital, paid up $51,510.

OFFICERS.W. O. Achl......Preslaent & ManagerM. K. Nakuina ....... Vice PresidentJ. Makalnal TreasurerEnoch Johnson SecretaryGo L. Desha Auditor


J. Makalnal.J. W. Blplkane.

The Abova Cot, many will buy.-lease- ,

or sell lands In all parts of the Ha-waiian Islands; and also haa bouses Inth City of Honolulu for rent.


BISHOP & CO.Bankers


Commercial and Travelera' Letter. f

Principal Cities of Che World.INTEREST allowed after July 1st.

It 8, on fixed deposits: 8 months S percent; 6 months 3 per cent; IS months4 per cent.


KEI HIN BANK. LTD.Vineyard Street.

Transact General Banking and Ex--change Business.


'raw Exchange onFIRST NATIONAL BANK,



Sugar Factors-- AND-

0 OMission Merchants


Win. Q. IRWIN & CO., LTD.

Wm. G. Irwin..'..President & ManagerClaus Spreckei3 First Vice Pres.H. M. Whitney. Jt Treas. & Sec'yH. M. Whitney Treas. & Sec'yGeo. J. Ross Auditor


Commission Agents.AGENTS FOR THE t

Oceanic steamship CompanyOf San Francisco. CaL

The Adrertlser Is delivered to any. . city for 75 cents per month

.2"? Received. Loans made onSecuritv n.-- ,-- rf pummel llCLlTravelers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex-change Bought and Sold.



Office at bank building on Mereaaxtstreet.

Savings Deposits will be received aaInterest allowed by thia Bank atand one-ha- lf per cent per aimm.-

Printed copies of the Rules and Ang-ulations Ky be obtained oa aplitlon.

BISHOP & CO.Honolulu, September 7, 18SJ8.


Offer for Sale:


Cuba an J Granulated.

PARAFINE PAINT CO.'S 4Piio'j. Compound anj Building


Lno' Raw aad tailed. JLinnl Raw aij Boil!.


Wafff-proo- f cold-wat- er Paint, la-!!- ..

and outside; la watte aacolors,

FERTILIZERSAi.t. CroM A Bom' high-grad- e

iorra frTtlllxera. adapted for eu-;- tr

run aod coffee.N. OhUndt Coa chemical Ferttl-U- rt

an. I finely ground BonemeaL

STEAM PIPE COVERING,Ro t'4 patent elastic sectional pipCov?rlng.

FILTER PRESS CLUTIb.Lh.--n aod Jute.



Sao Francisco, Cal

.iLD'.VINI LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. aPhiladelphia, Tenn., U. 8. i

SEI.L UNIVERSAL MILL CO..Kiaf. "Nulonal Can Shredder")

New York. U. 8. i

VNUT A CO.,8aa Francisco, CaL

J"N IRON AND LOCOMOTIVEBaa Franclaco, Cal. :



Ar Flog Street Trat from

'fliOO a lot. formerly knows

!. W'.'ooi's premises. A"t't lota la Manoa Valley, fot Se

P ion'atto's Tract. U.000 a lot.

i landrail h--t in ir.i.,i.-- i

to 1250 a lot. andany

' la Keklo Tract, opposite per

!:ad, f;oo a lot.

T lots la Puunul Tract lo&xios


V.i.r aartieaiara at fly u

I.C. Achi&CO.

4 91' eal EstateJokers.


!?ST KING ST.tia


It HI...4 ;;hly Dlalnfacta4


An Old Story IWELL TOLD 2


Ana that's why we keep repeat--,n and oyer the Old Story Jof -

YOUR EVES?P,nKvarlaaklngly at It brings D

the matter before you. reminding7i aat your eye need help.

Tou've known it a long time,but lfa hard to set over the olduperstitlon that lfa better to

postpone the use of glasses aslong aa possible. j


4 i

Like the average owner of awatch, repairing It only when Itrefuses to go, so the average own-er of a pair of eyes will repairthem only when they refuse towork.

It la these people we appeal tothe kind. Delay la

harmful, whether you think so orlot. We cannot too strongly urgeyou to at least hare your eyes ex-amined. You troubles may notbe from your eyes, in which case'we will cheerfully tell you so;but If the trouble la there, we canhelp you by fitting to your eyes apair of glasses eorrectlng th de--

Spetlal and difficult optleal fit-ting and grinding of lenses ourspecialty.

a. Prescribe Only when glass- - Je are needed, end not otherwise, a i

li r iirinmi nai,


in waair mil)FORT STREET. J


fi f'ol li j


n i i

liiimi hq

Blue Flame Wick--less Oil Stove,Refrigerator,


An Ice Cream FreezerWater Cooler.

them In the larga window display.

The blue flume stove la In operationruns from 7 a. in. to S p. m. withoutattention. The fuel costs one centhour per burner.




w. w. I




mportcrs of Crockery, ;Gless i

and House furnishing Goods.

Sola Agents for








WhiimE"& Co.,AQEjrra. fort trei

Stewart? A man of his brilliant attain- - following is a literal translation of ifments and his rare knowledge of state- - j-- Emperor of the Great Religion of thecraft In Its highest and best f-n-se Is not Great Kingdom of Rome-t- o

be readily -- turned down" by political "With the twelfth moon of this yearmachinery, and when the time comes the ninetiethfor wise and skillful handicraft In lav-- ll .. .. anniversary of


Ing the foundations of our young Ter--!ritorial tJovernm-n- t It is to be hopedthat his voice will be heard amom?thos. to whom we entrust the framing!or tne laws or Hawaii Territory.

Talking for a Park.Mere idle talk will not accomplish

anything, and if the citizens of Wailukureally want a park at the reservoir site.an the generallyopinion seems tVmSe:0 meting' j

should be tailed and a live committeeappointed who will take the necessarysteps In the matter. The concertedaction of the citizens of Wailuku lastyear. whl h resulted In the Immediateconstruction of the water works, shouldbe an object lesson as to the best andquickest way to get what we want.

American Citizenship.Thursday's luau In Iao valley has

done mm h to bring the men of Mauitogether as American citizens, irre- -S!ectlve of race, creeds or past politicalpreferences. When the Hawaiian learns....... . . . .V ...II K f V. 1 : 1

powrr conferred upon him with Ameri- -'can citizenship, when he learns that.within himseir Is vested the sovereignpower of which his queen was stripped '

his new-lKr- n sovereignty should recon- -die him to the conditions which higherlaws than of m-r- e men have ImposedUh)ii him.

For Kahului Harbor.It Is ti Im' lioped that an approprla- -

.1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . .lion rn.iy in? secureo 10 construct Betterharlx.r accommodation at Kahului. In j

spite of the acknowledged skill and1.--

,! hi ,.i ruiri iiiiriiurui I lllfl, lliu.ll,

wn.m a more competent man could not,ase.be found. It Is Impossible under thepres.-n- t condition of affairs to prevent acongestion of Incoming and outgoingfrelcht when ns af tlio nroiint ti.nasix r dgJU foreign vessels are In



. 1MH

"f" wiucs anu aorupt curves of the:alesmere line. Reports are to thethat lne machine is fulfilling all


Subscribed Capitil Ten 24.eoo.cnPaid up Capital . Ten 18,000,000

Reserved fund . . Ten immhead office: yokohama.

Interest allowed:On Fixed Deposit for 12 mornns a , nP. a. ,

On Fixed Deposit for 6 montn .i- -

p. a.On Fixed Deposit for S montha I ,


HEAD OFFICE AT YOKOHAMA.On Current Deposit 1 2-- 10 sen per 4.On Fixed Deposit for 12 moatha, kiper cent p. a.

The bank buys and receiTea for w. .lecuon Bills of Excnang, utwtDrafts and Letters ot Credit ana iiktxcts a general banking buslii,

Agency Yokohama Specie batiXi.New Republic Bldg., Honolulu, li. Jfc:

C. BREWER &CO L'DQueen Street : : Honelulu. Bl


Hawaiian Agricultural Comnany, Oaimea Sugar Company, Honomu ftagaaCompany. Wailuku Sugar OompxvAmerican Sugar Co., Make BajMCompany, Ookala Sugar PlaaiatCompany, Haleaiala Raach

Kapapala lanch, Hoia'Ranch.

Planters' Line, San Francisco Packets.Charlee Brewer & Co.'s Line ef Baat n Packets.

Agents Boston Board of Underwrites.A. eat for Philadelphia Board of U

derwrlters.Standard Oil Co. i

. "

LIST OF OFFICER.C. M. Cooke, President; George BL

R tertsou, Manager; K. F. BlaktrTreasurer and Secretary; OoL W. R.AJen. Auditor H. C. Jonea, XL Wattshouse. G. R. Cat'iar, Directors.

H W. FOSTER & CO.,Gold and Silversmiths.



All Goods and Work Guaranteed.209 HOTEL STREET.

".v'iir, 'illliomg Zfid hill Withand making better time un t,four K7adeWn,,' cent.. thd the stem,ororntie can. Two experiene-- !f'" ra"road engineers nrc .

thej,ne each-tri- p with Mr. Stutzman.. . . . ... ...... . . i Utlil .1 .. . . i i . i '""" :"1 '"! "u,l,,l"S me machine carefullyami they say that it la just what Ispanted. The advantage is that theran , . ...

anu 'ems to solve the ques-- II'.'" r rr-i- transit where numerous!

num.-- !," ,th a reff"lar train and large i

mutlve WouId not VAY " I

Island stealner freight to be handledeery week.

Wreckage on Cornish Cnar.tIn fiust of the gardens roundabout

the dahlia and sunflowers were stakedwith stout bamloOs. These also werethe pr.nlu.ts of "wrecking." greattK-- r having In-e- washed in from timeto time. In certain unpretentious cot-tages I know the inmate used nothingbut wax candles to .illuminate theirrooms for several year real wax can-dles, none of your paraffin or com-lolt- e.

jome vessel that had broken upIn the vicinity Included wax candles inher cargo, and these had got loose. Asoutherly gale, five or six winters ago,littered the shore with candle of allsize, the biggest of them obviously In-

tended for altar light. A friend ofmine' wandering along shore found somany that he had to go home for alarge-size- d galvanized bath tub whichhe filled with the candles. A rinsing in

"' roaa. withoutimperial construction, it makes its own.i-- '" irom gasoline, is ready in

..ASr fcffi, L,eu

the features of General Rte 0ne of

hind ' the flrinVnn2. " ..... . al.'iu'i


wr'j luau. rifa Baii in hi..

ntKilniretlo voire- - ",osl nervous,hire'" -- sir .V- - a?1 Wu doingfw'i. ronIiel the Bodcr, "an of- -

hr -- i m a third-clas- s hot sir "retloT' tha'tthe GPralyou Kf,an.awf"1 ',it'. becausesee vo-- i tret nuito

yl .with me and rilfln'd "vou a nWplaoe"wnr ,a,mourn'" Procession led offmost advanced skirmishers.

sTl n

Page 8: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t



Friends and Patrons.

The Phelps discharged 4,627 tons of coalat the navy yard at Cavite, and onApril 24 sailed for Honolulu In ballast.The Erskine M. Phelps will be remem-bered as one of the handsomest steelships that ever came to this port. Cap-tain Graham has a host of friends inSan Francisco who will be glad to hearof his whereabouts. He is accompaniedby his wife and daughter Gladys.



J SPRING IS WITH US once again, and as we extend the season's greetin' uld Hue to have you think of us firvt when you contemplate tht pur;ase of your

Spring Clothing.K t

IF YOU HAVE BEEN a customerf i nt U continue your patronage; outir you ere nor witnm me iuiu uu uio

ter been, you ill rnako a mistake, f you wi favor us with a eall, if youallow us to show you our spring beau Jes in SuIU Sclrta, Hats, etc.,

'are of winning you to the .itent of giving us trial this season.: r sane receives consideration among all fashionable dressers, and Is a

ll uiuite of the best CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS, AT RIGHTj ijlCBS. What you win Duy oi us wui

OO' i M otht xmti ttttt t o-c- in mntVi?Tr Ana nilrvrlnfir ftt 4t.a host: ere

1 a wiM lnd qualities as represented, and prices In every Instance the lowest: : isistwnt with the grade of our garments. We will refund you your money, i ! i' J any article purchased of us that is not entirely satisfactory. When you are' 1 ise4 and pleased we shall be, but not before. Yes, we aro making a bidii fnVywir trade. Can we have it? SINCERELY YOURS,

: 1 HE "KASH"'BLEPI10NES 676 and 96.

"j Clothiers, Furnisher,




A firm iiQsnrfmpnf r f fliocoine puojic at vynoiesaie I'rices


NewGoods I

OH! iJust Arrived:

Per Ex Diamondand E. B. Sutton v" tr-Tra- j

der. Giant Powder, fee ft0Hats. Caps, G. P. i PoS!d Cartridges; as0"1

Symour-- s Celebrate? sS?? orShears, Cane v r?I Sh

Butcher Knives. tSJ SanPaint and Varnish BrShkBGasoline. Benzine and Turent.


Aermotor Windmills,come to this coft

The above articles mast be k.m .KM Egg



BlrthdayGilsOur stock Is replete withsuitable for birthday present!

Have you seen the new

NETHERSOLE BRACELET?Sterling Silver, Lady's Size, Ii oeChild' Size, 75 cents.Guaranteed 925-1,0- 00 fine.

Another lot of STERLING SILVElTHIMBLES at 25c each; sizet S to 11

Do not forget that we manufactnrtany article in Gold or Silver Jewelry.

M. R. COUNTER,SQ7 Fot Street.

Hawaiian Sofia Wortsj EMMA STREET near Vineyard.

Manufacturer of PRIZES

Glnpr Ale, Lemonade, SareiSODA in Siphons, and Other lent


TELEPHONE 505.HILLS BROS.. Manufacture!.


Commission Merchants. .


The Ewa Plantation Co.The Walalua Agricultural C. LtiThe Kohala Sugar Co.The Waimea Sugar Mill Ce.The Koloa Agricultural Co.The Fulton Iron Works, St. LH

Ho.The Standard Oil Co.The George F. Blake 8twun PusWeston'a Centrifugals.The New England Mutual LL'i

Co. of Boston.The Aetna Fire Insura.net Ce.

Hartford, Conn.The Alliance Asa urance Co. f

om. tfCastle & Cooke,

LIMITED,' f '15




ieiMiiasllilslisl'OF BOSTON.

M fire ihihs imOF HARTFORD.


Carriages and saddlehorses 11J

the arrival and departure of TfI7nau at Kawaihae; also for mj cU-po- lnt

SHERIFF ANDREWS OF BA"jjays: "The only way of reactlsi

present lava flow by wage- - rcwvia Waimea carriages; can totwo miles of the Cow."

For particulars apply to

H. AKONA, Propr:or.1451 Waime. H- i-




Jeweler? Made to Order cn SSflrt




j. ; ;

I 'i


" 1 ij


.;l ij




of The Kash in ionner yjars, we will

do rigm, n musi w &iw

P. 0 BOX 558


Celebrated for easeof running anddurability; the bestmachines in themarket; for sale on

easy terms.


hnvo intf nT-firr- rf?avn A

CO. LTD. llTl(Mt ' ' y T t .

.& (in




"Australia"Fresh Turnips.Smoked Salmon and Halibut.Grimsby Eloaters.Dates, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Btc.

The last invoice of


Goodsto be shipped to us

Under the Old Tariff .among which comprises an elegant

line of

Ladies' Golf Gapes

Cricketing Flannels

Bagatele BoardsETC.

E.W. Jordan,10 Fort Street.


"From Vagrant Verses" by H. M. Ayres

Abo . the ships of night their lights arburning,

Shoreward the whispering tide Is 6lowreturning,

And souls of flowers fill the nightwith yearning:

Aloha .

O'er all, the moon her silver charm Isflinging

Afar, the guitar's la-- y chords are riag--Ing.

And softly sweet a gentle rolce Is ting-ing

Aloha ce.

O beauteous spot! in Nature's bosomlying,

O wondrous voice! soft as the zephyr'ssighing,

O Heart sweet heart! In living or Indying,

Aloha oe.

The above is taken from the beautifullittle booklet entitled "Vagrant Verses"and for sala at the

Golden Rule Bazaar.316 FORT STFfST.




Book!Revised, just issued and for

I sale by



Merchant Street.



Office, Room 4 Model Block.Telephone 708. P. O. Box 284.

Reliable and Confidential Watchmenfurnished on Short Notice for StoresResidences, Property. Etc, EtcFirst class city references furnished.


Club StablesLIMITED.

Telephone 477.CHAS. BELLINA, Mgr.

Reliable Horses, Experienced Drlv-Ne-w

Rigs, Fair Prices. t .


Yamatoya Shirts and Pajamas.NEW SPRING TIES AND SHIRTS.

Asada & Company

A Scandalous Scheme to InfluenceLegislation.

VICTORIA, (B. C), June 7. TheProvince . of Vancouver to-da- y pub-lishes affidavits from E. C. Gardner andC. G. Austin, stating that on May 4thP.. A. Dickson of Grand Forks, 15. C,with whom Gardner became acquaintedlast year, came to Seattle and told themthat the object of his visit was to makesome arrangement with PresidentJames J. Hill of the Great Northern, orMr. Kendrick of the Northern PacificRailway, to obtain at least $100,000 fora campaign fund, in return for whichthe Martin Government undertook, ifreturned, to build a road from Van-couver to the town of Republic, Wash.,and lease It to President Hill for a longterm of years, practically free. Gard-ner told Dickson that the Northern Pa-cific would not be likely to do anything,and advised him to arrange a meetingwith C. Hughes, solicitor of the GreatNorthern.

This was done' and Dickson was in-

troduced by Hughes to President Hillof the Spokane and Northern, son ofthe president of the Great Northern.That gentleman at once took Dicksonon May 5th in his private car to St.Paul, promising to use all his influencewith his father. Dickson showed notonly letters from Martin to Hill andKendrick, but a big document In whichMartin agreed, if his Government gotin, to fulfill his offer 'to the railwaymagnates.

Dickson returned to Seattle from St.Paul and told the affiants he had beenmighty successful that Hill alone wasall the backing they required,. and thathe had already forwarded '

$25,000, andwould send another $25,000, and more ifnecessary. Martin denied the state-ments in the affidavits. He added thatcontributions, no matter how large orsmall, to his campaign fund, were al-ways taken, provided no strings wereattached.

Telephone Experts Scarce,Owing to the difficulty experienced in

securing experts from the Coast, theMutual Telephone Company has beendelayed in putting its system into oper-ation. Six men had been expected toarrive by the Mariposa butword has been received that they werenot to be procured upon the Coast, andit will be some time before the rightmen could be obtained for th com-pletion of the work.

There was a young man from LenoreWho boldly went off to the war.The "beef" made him sick, he recov-

ered quite quickBy the prompt use of old Jesse Moore.

9AT'- S

FOR DYSPEPTICSThere la no reason why any one

should suffer from dyspepsia or anystomach trouble. Hostetter's StomacnBitters cures constipation, indigestion,dyspepsia, malaria, fever and ague. Ithas done so for fifty years. Any drug-gist will sell it to you. Take it faith-full- v.

It will regulate the bowels, lm-pro- Te

the appetite and bring backhealth and strength. See that a Pri-vate Revenue Stamp coyera tho Beckof the bottle.

Blood HOSTETTER'SPurifier and STOMACHFlesh Bui der. BITTERS.


To Our English-Speakin- g Friends:The Chinese merchants and residents

of the Hawaiian Islands, represented bythe undersigned, being uesirous of pro-viding for their sons a thorough andcomprehensive education ' la English,raised in pledges, from August to

sufficient funds to Justify menin undertaking to erect commodiousuildings for this purpose In Kamakela.

The contract was let and the mainbuilding partially completed, when theplague broke out and interrupted thework. As you well know, our country-men have been the greatest sufferersfrom this epidemic and the Area, con-nected with it. Consequently, thosewho generously subscribed toward theschool enterprise, being called unn todonate large sums for the relief of theirfellow-countrym- en who have sufferedseverely from the fire, find themselvesunable to fulfill their pledges at pres-ent. The main building Is now on thepoint of completion, and the contractor,himself homeless, is In creat need of hiemoney.

In this emergency, and because webelieve you recognize that our motivesin undertaking this enterprise werephilanthropic, our object a commend-able one, and hat ve are In no wise atfault for the straits in which we nowfind ourselves; we therefore solicit suchcontributions to our present needs asyour benificence wid allow. Send allcash or pledges to Wong Kwal, Box954, Honolulu.

Very respectfully yours.WONG KWAI.CHU OEM.

5564 L. AHLO.

Among the arrivals In port yesterday?a8 the steamer Mauna Loa from Kau,Ivona, Maalaea and Lahalna. She arrived shortly after 9 o'clock in thmmorning, with a heavy freight of sugarand miscellaneous goods, mail and pas-sengers. Sugar left at Punaluu, accord-ing to the latest reports, amounts to 12,-38- 3

bags; at Honoipo, 3,300; at Hama-ku- a,

18,000; and at P. S. M., 1,500.When the Mauna Loa left Napoopoo

the schooner Surprise was there load-ing cattle for Honolulu. As is her regu-lar custom, the vessel called at Lahainato land freight. It was impossible toaccomplish this, however,' on account ofsand having piled up to such an extentthat even an empty boat could not getalongside.

The Keauhou arrived from Eleelewith sugar. Three sailing vessels gotaway for the Coast the schooner Alohawith sugar for San Francisco, barkHimalaya also for San Francisco, andthe schooner Okanogan for the Sound inballast.

Steamers Kinau, Claudine, Noeau,Keauhou and Mikahala got away ontheir regular runs.


Men of-- War of Turkey and GreeceAre Puny Fighters.

A survey of the Turkish navy revealsit as obsolescent and in great part al-ready an obsolete fighting force. Therehave been repeated rumors of the in-tention of the Sultan to strengthen andrenew the naval fighting force, butnotnmg nas come thereof. The presentstatus of the navy is shown thus: Coastdefense ships.12: cruisers, second class,2; cruisers, third class, 4; gunboats, etc.,6; torpedo boats, first class, 19; torpedoboats, third class, 7.

Turkey's Pride.The largest vessel in the navy is the

central battery ship Alpsoudiyeh, builtin 1874; displacement, 8 9l0 tons, witharmor 12 inches in thickness, carryingtwelve 12-in- ch (eighteen-to- n Armstrongmuzzle loading), and six 5.9-in- Kruppguns, besides machine guns; her en-gines of 7.SO0 horse power give her aspeed of 13 knots per hour. The bar-bette ships Alahmoudiyeh, Osmaniyehand Orkaniyeh were built in 1S64-6- 5,

and are alike in all particulars. Ton-nage, 6,400; thickness of armor, 54inches; armament, two h, eight

ch and six Krupp guns each,besides machine guns, etc., two torpedoejectors; horse-powe- r, 3,740, and speed,12 knots per hour.

Other Ships.The turret ship Hufzii-ltahma- n was

built in 1S68; tonnage, 2,500; thicknessof armor, 5l2 inches; armament, two9- - inch and two ch Armstrong gunsand one ch Krupp gun, besidessmaller guns. Her horse power is 2,-0-

and speed 12 knots per hour. Thecentral battery ship Hamidiyeh, launch-ed at Constantinople in 1885, is saidafter long delays to have made hertrial trip, but it is believed that notall of her guns are even mounted now.She is of 6,700 tons displacement; thick-ness of armor, 9 inches; armament, ten10- - inch and two Krupp guns, be-sides smaller artillery, two . torpedoejectors; horse power, 6,800, and speed13 knots per hour. The unfinished ar-mored barbette cruiser Abdul Kader isone of the largest and best ships in thenavy. Her displacement is 8,000 tons;thickness of armor, 14 inches; intendedarmament, four h, six 5.9-in- ch

Krupp guns and ten quick fire guns,with ten torpedo ejectors and enginesof 11,500 horse power and a probablespeed of 17 knots per hour. The Hhun-devendighi- ar

is a deck protected cruiser of 4,050 tons. Intended to steam 12knots. For the navy of Turkey thecrews are raised in the same manneras the land forces, partly by conscrip-tion and partly by voluntary enlistment. The time of service in the navyis twelve years, five i active service,three In the reserve and four in theKedif. The nominal personnel of thenavy is six vice admirals, eleven rearadmirals, L'OS captains, 289 commodores.28S lieutenants, 187 ensigns and 30,000sailors, besides about 9,000 marines.

Navy of Greece.The navy of Greece consists chiefly of

five small armorclads. Of these theoldest (1867 and 1869) are the HasileusGeorgius, 1,770 tons, carrying two 6.6-in- ch

Krupp guns on the upper deck,with ten light and machine guns; speed,12 knots, and a wooden vessel, the Bas-sili- sa

Olga, 2,060 tons, carrying six 6.6-in- ch

guns; speed, 10 knots. The steelbuilt Hydra, 4,885 tons, and her sisterships the Spetsai and Psara, were builtIn France in 1SS9-9- 0. Each is protectedby an over-a- ll steel belt of 11.8 inches atthe water line, above which is anotherbelt 2.9 inches in thickness. Each car-ries three 10.6-inc- h and four 5.9-in- ch

Can. a guns, besides sevenquick iirers, and sixteen other smalland machine guns. The Psara has re-ceived new and additional armamentlately at Toulon, France.

There are seventeen torpedo boatsover 86 feet in length, one torpedo depotand school, and two Nordenfeldt sub-marine torpedo boats. Of unprotectedvessels there are two corvettes, 1,300and 1.800 tons, two cruisers, 1,000 tonseach, launched 1884-8- 5, twelve gun-boats, six built in 1SS1-S- 4, the rest old;three revenue vessels, built in 18S4, asteel yacht built in 1S68, and an irontransport, besides smaller and miscel-laneous crafts. The personnel of thenavy includes about 1S5 officers andcadets, 247 employes, 587 petty officers.1.643 sailors. 503 stokers, ec, a total of3,165 men. The navy is manned partlyby conscription from the people of thesea coast and partly by enlistment. In1SS7 the period of service was made twoyears instead of one.

About the Phelps.SAN FUANCISCO. June 4. The

four-maste- d bark Erskine M.Phelps, now on her way from the Phil-ippines to Honolulu to load sugar forNew York, made the fastest run of theyear from Norfolk, Va.. to Manila. Sheleft Norfolk on November 18 and aver-aged 195 knots a day for seventy-seve- n

days which carried her to the islandof Sumba, at the entrance to the Straitsof Ombay. On that showing CaptainGraham expected to make the run toManila in record breaking time, butlight and contrary winds, calms andadverse currents in the passage spoiledthe ship's chances and the average eachday was only sixty-fiv- e knots, much tothe disgust of everybody on board. ThePhelps was 122 days making the run,which is nevertheless a good showingconsidering the average run Is 150 days.


o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.Btlfcl KUUHNU

pCTfeiliH -- "D'-

0 Doors, Etc., Etctu.vo,0 Standard Biscuits, Highland0 Porcehte, Enamel, Taints,


pt r-T-- -r i' . i.i prtrr.vcuicui, lJime, rire l root

0aud Pet Creams. 5

Oils, Metals, Etc Ftc


All kinds of ... .



Plantation Orders solicitedat living prices.

California Harness Shop,639 Kins St. Telephone


Arrived byFresk Fruit In Season.s

Freth OyeterB.

Fresk Cauliflower.

Frh Celery.


Page 9: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t


AUTHORITY. ?E?.?IiHY 0F ITURK AND LEWIS, REFORMED, WILL I., before the day of sale, July 13. 1908:

HELP JACK RISE TO BETTER THINGS jliiiiPCerts. Name.166 Athertou, Chas. H.itirf Ainerion, F. C. .23 AbieB, L. C. . ......24 Abies, L. C .-


Abies, L. C&6 Abies, L. C

287 Abies, L. C26S-A- b.es, L. Ca2 Ashley. W. G413 Andrews, fi W


liN June 1. 1J00.

hl.r.ry iven that all the

'rr.l.' l y Chapter 103 8..f is.":, f'atlnn t PUmpn in f' ' 289 Burnett. P. H. . .

tp4 r.riy rm outainea, 01

,r i f I'uh'lij Account at thetvv uurnett. P. H.613 Burnett, P. H.614 Burnett, P. H.615 Burnett. P. If.622 Burnett, P. H.

93 Buckley, L . . .683-Bu- ckiey, I


ir.v;r k. cooper.Treasurer.

4U7i. 1 .JU'l." Belllna, Chas. i:oo Bellina. Chaa.

201 Bellina, Chas.202 Bellina. Chas


,jfiT prtTllfc. or thoaai"" hereby notlfled

103 Belllna f!haa

At Auction'.FKIDAY. JUNK 22. 1900.


By order of the BOARD OF HEALTHI will sell at Pubiic Auction to thehighest bidder for cash, the

340 Bennett. Cant. wrV

AND LEWIS as preachers Is the latest blow threatening Honolulu. TheTURK and rampant shlpplng-maeter- s, known far and wide as Catchersof seamen, say that they will now become fishers of men. S rce the war

against them Joined In by press, sailor and merchant the precious pair havebad their heads together and lo! the result :

The United States Sailers' Home will be the title of. the institution whosedoors will be opened next week, and the directors of the home, Turk and Lewis.

J? to have cho,ln excellent men to cjr.autt it. There w.l., besides the boardoi directors, re a presidei.t, vice preddent. treasurer, manager, secretary, snip-ping clerk and ouislde man.The toard of d rectors is composed of Turk and Lewis; the president will beIewls; Turk has bten selected for the vice pres.dency: the treasurer will be Lew-- vth n,anaTer Iwls; the secretary Turk; the shipping-mast- er clerk Turk, andoutMde man Lewis. The other office will be filled by Turk and Lewis,

i Jn J'1 ln,rvlew yesterday President Lewis, whose statements were concurrednn ,ce "r"'dent Turk. Secretary Turk ana Shipping-Mast- er Turk, said thatreligious services w,ll be he.d every Sunday morning In the Home, and that every effort will be made to uplift the benighted seaman and aid h.ra to r.se to bet-t- tr

thir.gs."We will permit no unseemly conduct," said Treasurer Lew's, "and will guard

the morals of our boarders as carefully as men of our standing- in the commu-nity would be suppesid to do."Outside-M- n Lewis was full: he was running oven with his subject.' and hiseyes brightened with the thoughts brought up by his own talk. "Only about fory rnen wll. be allowed the pnv.leges of guests in the United S ates Sailors'lleme, aald i'reelder.t Lew. a, and all w ll have to take their chances in the or-

der of application. .Our guests will te obtained In the forecastles of vesatla wlth- -.!lrEe to tn'm- - We will pay all exp nBes.The law of the United Stales distinctly bars the receiving of money for ship-

ping seamen, and we are strict observers of the letter of the iaw."Hecretary Turk, whose hands clasped a bundle of tracts, cast down his eyesdemurely ai.d Interposed, "We Intend to show the people of Honolulu just how asailers retreat should be conducted, and doubtless we shall have imitators. Thepolice have taken the business of shlpplntr sailors Into their hands, which is illeKl. and we shall Immediately file a protest at Washington. None but a gent.e-ma- n

w.ll be allowed to s.t in our pariui ai.d all the comforts of a God-- f g

ncose will be extended. Positively there will be no charge for shipping sailors.All must settle with Treasurer Lewis before they leave the Home, and thus we

make honcrt livings and elevate the morals of our customers."Doubting Jacks say that Turk and Lewis are not religious at all. but that theirnewly arqu.red fervor Is merely a ruse, and that as they cannot ship men openly,they w U do It In the guise r reformers. This Is not proven, and Turk and Lew-I- sare content to rest on their reputations and let the public Judge of the.r

733 Bivens. Tr., EL R. ...iir irrU-vio- purpose

I n'ciock a. a., ana rroml Biart, H. G. . .:

730-B- lake, Mrs. C. R. . ...4o7 Boyd. Jaa. H ,

-- 4 W

iu. "Kerrey, Q. H. .0 Bivena. Tr., R nANDHBW DROWN.

347 Bush. J. R. Tr348-B- ush. J. E., Tr..Buildings of, jtm.tiuM W!f Works. '


Minuter of Interior.

doa uusn, J. E., Tr.476 Boyd. E. S4&u carlyle. W.682 Cummlngs, J. H"54 Cummings, J. H.459 Cook, Manuel . .JonesCamp

Idiosjncraiius ol Our TonRuePointed out by J. L DuvU

at Triangle Club.

i. H. Davl, delivered an interestingadlre b,for the Triangle LiteraryUub nt th Younp Men a Christian As-sociation lN UBt evenlr. on "lhe hy

of the Kng ah Language,"which In auhatan was aa fol.owa. Tel"k"r 'iutrau.d his remarks bynu nut of n blackboard and cha.k:ut7?'y'"Auh ,anuK of today bear

tu tn u.u A..gu- -

In fact. It I a cotnpo.ue la..go, hay.t..tue it n u la..gu-- g 0

V,C? t..,' ma,,y Wwra" ,rt wur UnglUjLMr,. Urrek. trman and rnwtml. irt,rcty traceao e to the Inllu-t- t

.1 K "yoken by manylnhohlta..ti of Hr.taln at variousprtHj.

"The IlomAn Invasion, migration offternuin avttlera In the flftn century.anl iatr lht Norman conquest, all con-trir.ute- -1

to mak th language what ItN tmlny. uut t not of the languagehat I purloin to xpeak tonight, but ofta orthography. One of the character-letl- cf:aturea of the Engl.ah language

I the Incongruity of lia spiUng. Tnerundn mental principle of a written lan-guage la to enpreM spoken Bounds, thatK to xprvn words a they are sound-ed. The KngtlMh language does not dothis. Why? Uecauxe It can t. The al-phabet was never constructed to ex-press the Unguage as we have It today,with the r!u.t that our present or-thography nothing more nor less thanabsurd. It I an almost Incredib e factthat only one word In a thousand In thKng!lh language Is spelled the way Itla pronounced, and that therefore In adictionary of f.o.000 words only fiftywould be spelled rnonetlcally correct.Let me demonstrate some of the pecu.t-arltl- s

and Inconsistencies of our spell-ing. Take, tor Instance, the letterThis vowel represents six differentso'irua In the words mat. mate, father,many. full. wart, and this ame soundof C la represented In ten differentways In lh word nam pay. pain.grr.it. wll. th" straight, weighed,reign. gnug.

"It might well hf asked. If, as Is veryevHnt. the spHllrg of our language IsIn nfd of reform, why has not such re-form bVn uruWt.ikon. Well, such areform ha bfn attempted. SooUins

,rporJiinn Noiiccs. Being on the Kalihl road adjoining theKalihl Detention Camp.

The property to be sold consists of

w Clark. A. F63 Clark, A. F. . . .

63 Clark, A. F.. . .64 Clark, A. F. . .,47 Disnev. W. r. ...the Dining-Roo- m with the Tables, the

317 Disney, W. L. . . .building being entirely roof ad with corrugated iron. ua uisney. W. L.nk Notice. The Bathing-Hous- e x and plumbing 704 Disney. W. U .

113 Davis flan aconnected, being the showers, etc., all383 Davis. Geo." A."covered wun corrugated iron; stable al

so covered with corrugated Iron; outhouses, etc.. flumins. etc.



BE DISCONTINUED The location is on the road tiirninsron at new pumping station road and al

402 Dorich. F. L. . ......406 Dortch, F. L.407 Dortch. F. L.697 Day. Chas. T. .729 Dodd, M. R(65 Franson, H. A.318 Flshel. C. J319 Fishel. Mm M

r (r Inf irm'.! that vry,ft or inl-r- , Jrwn on or, H'n. rrt, p'tyubk t nightnn.. rr.int have thereort ai;. H I itmal nvntM atamp.

most to tne ivaitm detention camp.Parties desiring building material

should attend this sale, as all lumber.332-G- ares, H. E. .

Ten of Those L'nder the Re-pu- b,

ic Will be DroppedFrom Mew List.

Engineer J. T. Taylor SaysFirst of Aiutst Will iee

Their Coraplt tioo.,f before It will be paid,(i (1.p'"it. r Liken for col- -

l.t:li'n or payment of any't ,.r inl r, without auoh can.

etc., is almost new. v

Terms of sale, Cash upon fall of ham-mer.

Further information fromWil l. K H-liF.- K,

Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent.Cor. Fort and Merchant Ss

i6 Hitchcock, Mrs. H. R.205 Hitchcock. A. G121 Hitchcock, H. R. . .....128 Hitchcock, H. R. . ...129 Hitchcock, H. R134 Hitchcock. H. R. , ....446 Hitchcock, H. R, .448 Hitchcock, H. R447 Hitchcock. H. R449 Hitchcock. M Tt

,pfn"'l will be a violationI.aw, and will ren

450 Hitchcock, H. R738 Hitchcpck, idiss H. C88 Howard, J. M

163 Henshall, VV. A.161 Henshail. W. A.169 Hasson, Inez265 Huston, C. E684 Hendricks. II. E320 Harrison. Geo657-Hi- lbus. J. T.408 Hitchens. Geo. . .409 Hitchens. Geo. .

At Auction.SATURDAY. .JIIVif-23- 1900

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M..At the Corner of Hotel and Fort Sts.

By order of BOARD OF HEALTH,will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash


, ,Mr l to the prescribed

' r t"vi purp wtil t aup-,tMn- nr

it fac value by the, nr t un be obtained at thn ;.'vnin Office, ror. Fort

, I'.KllOlUllJ.

Jlll- - 9th. KO).


,;.-- T AM KIMCAN HANK OFi. Lf. 6547

James T. Taylor, who Is the engineer At least two post offices on Oahu willin charge of the construction of the be discontinued now that they are ku

and Kahulul Water Works, der the direction of the United Statesreturned to Maul on the steamer Clau- - Government. These two are Laie anddine yesterday afternoon. The Water Peninsula. Inspector Flint who Is put-Wor- ks

were commenced in March, and ting the postal business of the IslandsMr. Taylor expects to be able to turn Into shape has written several commu-th- e

whole business In a state of com- - nications to the old postmasters re-pletion over to the government on questing them to qualify under theAugust IsL United States law, but he has not been

AH of the main piping Is finished at able to obtain any reply and they willWalluku and the main now extends as be dropped from the list of offices,far aa Kahulul. One hundred consum- - Peninsula is so near Honolulu that resl-e- rs

are already supplied. At the time dents there will not be seriously in-- of

completion there will be enough con- - commoded by the discontinuance of thesumption to pay a reasonable per cent- - office, but Laie Is on the other side ofage on the Government's investment of Oahu and off the railroad and is quiteJUfi.OOO. a considerable settlement, so the drop- -

Tl.ey have been trying to get water ping of the office from the list willfor some time In Wailuku and Kahulul mean that the people there will haveand the peorle feel very well satisfied to go to Kahuku or Waialua for theirnow with what has already been ac- - raail.corr.pl.shed and what is yet to be com- - About ten offices will be dropped of

reform was dvratd as far bark ftl.'i-l')- . whn Mr John Chk,.? and FirJam-- s Smith In Knitlanl pointed outth lni u!'.f:Mifr( m of our Irregular

and urgd a reform. Th- -

i'huka wa a Ivocated ty fUshopVI kin In lC.s and by Dr. Franklin In

"of latr ynr numrou changeshave b-- ruK't... I'arllrular'y our

i oi.i friend littler nrad torn very val- -CESSMENT NOTICE. uarue suirg stMr s whirri were embodie II

In hi dictionary some sixty years ago. I

of ths I mlw;ht mention the bastknown: Th. elimination of the use'esslvowrl "u In coi.ir. labor, parlor, etc.; j

alo th sutivtltutton of r' for 're In I

U CRICULTURAL C3., pleted. the 03 that existed under the Republic.Work are contemplated at Lahalna Mr. Flint said last evening, the post-I- n

the near future. Mr. Taylor was masters in some towns refusing toUMIIti). theater, renter, etc.; the-- elimination of" in ax. anu tne suwmiu- - ready to start work In Wailuku in Feb- - qualify or neglecting to answer thepl-i- for... I'MlMMIl. Ullll mill T 'riio.,, V, .1 . .

Shares... loo6022S


1001U606010 -


100 .

1010..10 '

1010 .'

60SO .



.15.. 20 '

10 '25

loo. .


1009K v.







. 256050106050

. 6050

. 601010--

JO -10101 A16601510




60)259H .


. 25 )250



. 202550.0

5025tu25- -

2525- -

25- -






2S--6- 0

'. 60



1M ..

1 f


25.252S25252525252525252525- -





1H25255050M5060 '


of the department.- ,'. ti? utr mere men, out vminuiinain.inBiifhra"Five or six year ago the United Wa" detalnftl eighteen days in quaran- -

r.NTa HAVE HEEN CALL--,i bi- - stock of this

1. w ..me due and payabi"f nude A I'ookv, Ltd., wu

. !i li.KI I.I I 9 a.i,t I tin ufI'h 'n officii! KtM letloa f.f r.rnut Itrltntn line.

The work of the depart-ment under the Jav.s of the UnitedStates is going on rapidly but Mr. Flint

. will probably Le busy here for someand the I id te1 States made a number

..in-l- it August lth. loa. ,r valuable suggestions, all of which IUih, l "n, in per cent 10 "nnot enumerate, but lve the follow- - time to come. :'J.'ilii.iuent Uctob:r lilh.,,n n specimens: cnang" or " to s DISORDERLY HOUSE


410 Hitchens, Geo411 Hitchens, Geo591 Harrison. H. J. . .,592 Harrison. H. J593 Harrison, 11. J. .594 Harrison, H. J59 Harrison, H. J. .596-IIar- rison. H. J. .206 Ingersole. Thos. D. .21-5-Jordan. R. A , "I216 Jordan. R. A293 Johi.son, W. H. . .......

32 Jacobs, F. A54 Kahookano, J. K '.'.I'.'.'.'.

3S3 Lewis. I. H.. Dr737 Lucas, Chas ...'.IS.'.'.'.360 Lycurgus, Tr.. Geo. '.367 Lycurgus, Tr.. GeoS6S Lycurgus. Tr.. Geo. . ..........369 Lycurgus. Tr.. Geo49 Lucas. Mrs. John .436 I.ucas. Mrs. John437 Muddox. W. G432 Meyer. H. R. . .........43-3-Meyer. II. R4o4 Meyer,. H. R

75 Meyer, w. C79 Meyer, A. A. .SI Macau lay. It. v.

172 Mossman, Miss429 Mutch, Wm. .219 May, Emmett220 May, Emmett. .233 May. Emmett. .227 May. Emmett229 May. Emmett230 May. Emmett.231 May. Emmett . .232 May. Emmett . . .327 McLain. Jennie. .....;....421 Mutch, Mrs. Wm ,422 Mutch. Mrs. Wm423 Mutch, Mrs. Wm. .424 Mutch. Mrs. Wm. . .V.....464 Morgan, Jaa. F. :465 Morgan. Jas. F. .466 Morgan. Jas. F ,467 Morean. Jas. V

: una mm phiVMxt, 10 pr cent itlO pr'iiunt Nnvmhf UOth, 1'joO.

W. A. HOW EN,'. tWiiaiun Agr. Ck. Ltd.Whlcli Is Ettier:- - Tm Try . Eip iLmscI, or

P.ufit By ajoiiuiulu Ciiiztu's

Eipeiitnce?uwm NOTICE.

Charles Dm Intuitu Arrested at" Dob"UarUiier's Old Place

Lass Lveniiitf.

in i ie. rc, inrice, etc.; pn n iIn "iiU'ltur. phantom, etc.; 'ch to 'k'In ari liltert. monarchy, etc.

'Home of the changes recommendedby thin MtN-M- were embodied In tin!in'l ir. iMr'tlonnry. recently publish-ed. 1 In t chief among modern reformersI" the lute lunar Iltman. who In 1843publlxhe.i bin system of phonetic writ-ing and printing and estab'lshed theI honetb- - K.xlety of ;reat Ilritaln, ofwhl h t have the hon-- r of b;lng a mem-ber.

"Th beauty of th phonetic system ofPitman Is !t slmp loity. It Is dividedlnf tw sfa- -. the first stage beingnothlrg more nor less than an adapta-tion of our present spelling, giving eachsign Its proper sound. The secondstage Is th romp'ete system, necessi-- tttlng the elimination of useless letter

like c. g. n. x. etc.. and the addition ofthirteen new letters. iThese letter ne

Something new is an experimentr.. ...... HI..L t- ai .Lie w Li IV Ut3 AO I TjLII CSCUieU.


'r r heriby notified thatof 10 pr cent, or

. till b uu and payable' Uf of Jane, 1'JOO, at tba lialdwin, Juud

I'tl.lUllI,t. AlUt.. AOR, Treasurer.

Be successful at home or you doubtSpecial Officer Hanrahan last nightarrested Charles ll. Buchanan at "Bob" Tne manufacturer's statement is notGardner's old place In Kakaako, for convincing proof of meriLselling liquor without a license and con- - But the endorsement of friends is.

FENCINGSurrounding the premises occupied bythe late PANTHEON SALOON and ad-joining.

Terms, Cash upon fall of the hammer.

Further particulars ofWill, h. KlMIER.

Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent.Cor. Fort and Merchant Hts.

Mortgagees Sale1 w ill sell, by order of J. W. Lunlu

Trustee, at Pubiic Auction, at the mau-k- a

coor of the Judiciary Building,MIIKDaY. Ml 3D 1900

AT 12 O'CLOCK MCN.All the right, "tie auc! .nterest of the S.

ju, being his one and 7-- lu undividedinterest iu and to all 'nat certain landsr'T.te in the Hi of Puuiena, Mauoa. Oa-hu, Hawaiian Islands, and coutainiugthree and 21-1- 00 acres, and being thedame premises described in a certaindeed recorded in the Register OfficeOahu, in Liber 198, pages 23 and 24, JMamahana (w) to said 8. Kapu, daUMay 18, 1890.


Frrther particulars of Wm. A. Hen-sha- u

Attorney at Law, or J. W. Lun-ir- g.


Real EstateFOR SALE by

Will E. Fisher.Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer.

2 very nce nonC3 on Puna-ha- u

St., corner: improvements.house of 8 rooms- - Price. $5,000.

Adjoining 8am:. house of 7r .ms, with excellent view; both ingood neighborhood. Price. $4,500.

On the first $3.uoo mortgage may re-main; on the seconu $2,500 may remain.

ducting a disorderly establishment. l Now, supposing you had a weakitucuanan was uiscoargea irom tne back.2TiNG NOTICE. moui.ieu ponce patroi aicw aayj ago. a larnt, nr nrhlntr n

Would you experiment on it ?cessitating the use of special typ can- -mo.! Annual MmIIk r lhrur. inm-- n. i imn.H iiilnot tv here expressed) There la no- r , - " ... ., . . . . m

468 Moreran. Jas. V.iifTli of M r. Cecil Hruwn, I"'"1 '"'"I nrr-- oi reiorm in ourJas. F.. t I o cmwk p. m., Tnura- -

ine nouse in question nao Deeu run-- jiilug three days under Buchanan'smanagement. Gardner ran the placefor several months and conducted thebusiness in a notoriously open manner.The resort enjoved a most unsavoryreputation. The police paid but littleattention to Gardner's affairs when hewas proprietor.

ion will read of many so-call- ed

cures,But they como from far-aw- ay places.It's different when the endorsement

comes from home.Always remember.

speiur-n- ; ine only qurmmn in an to mepractlcsblilty of Its adoption at thepresent time or in the near future."

. I .. by order of tha 470 Morgan. Jas. F478 Morgan. Jas. F.

TKlt r. WF.EDON. Sec'y. 250 McCready. Jas.LOVER S KNOT TIED. Home endorsement is the proof thatBuchanan bought Gardner out after

NOTICE. he wa dieharg-- d from the police backs every box of Doan's Backacheforce. It is said that enormous profits Kidney Pills.were d on the sale of beer and Mr. H. S. Rwlntnn of thla oSttr ..

436 McVeigh. J. D. . .

437 McVeigh. J. D. . .

434 Nott, James, Jr.435 Nott, James. Jr. .604 Nott, James. Jr. .109 Nott, Wm. B. .312 Nott. Wm. B. . .

' - v vuS v U VlhJ 1VJ 0Tin: i:nitk utates1 Jiinw 14th. I), all other liquors at this resort. I was a long Bufferer from backache,

niKMt bmmf a

Frederick C. Hartman and lira JohnWilson United in Marriage.

Frederick Charles Hariman and Mrs.John WINun were private. marriedMonday In this city by Rev. J. C. Hay.Monday night a select and merry wcj-dln- g

supper was partaken of at the

having been afflicted with it for twelveyears. Taking this as a symptom ofLIQHT3 WERE OUT. 204 Nott. Sam. .

46 Nott. S. F. . ."r Tat Hiamp on the.kidney trouble, and seeing Doan's

Prominent Persona Arrested For a I Backache Kidney Pills advertised as. hp np pnnn rnr PAmnialnia s , 1 V, .a

Union Grill, and the following w re ii,,P...nl 1r and Mrs. Frederick O.

-- mie sn, triplicate.' r...l(.Bi (, m,nt the''"g i.i i. a freight can- -

"4 ..I Mcrvtr,""'ii mu- -i contain state- -"M-- ll ,,f .Kk.- N ' HTKAM navioa.' i.Tn.

. t o. W7t

ajtk. vnm. I mine, I procured some of them at theChief of the Mounted Tollce Patrol Holllster Drug Co.'s store. I found up- -Uartman. Miss Mc.nnes. Miffl Wlnmy

M. Griffin and Mr. J. Griffin. ru ni won tiorjr uy ue- - uu wnuig lueiu mat iney were uomg

89 Nott. S. F. ."10 Newcomb. W. H766 Newcomb, W. H414 O'Brien. W. P.751 O'Brien. J. M333 Peterson. N. G715 Pacheco. F366 Rhodes, C. L112 Schnack. J. H

19 Schnack. J. H22 Schnack. J. H23 Schnack. J. H38 Sanders. M. N39 Sanders. M. N40 Sanders. M. N41 Sanders. M. N

323 Shaw. Dr. J

The bride la a Catholic and not lonfc ing Instrumental In the arrest of seven me good, and was thereby encouragedago separated from her first husbant. bicyclists who were pedaling the city to keep on until now I am cured of theJohn Wilson. The Catholic church tr,,et mnus the legally-require- d light, backache. The merits of Doan's Back-kno- ws

no lnr". "V? mU;?.V-- The unfortunate Individuals are curios- - ache Kidney Pills have been strlking-waf- s

thTirwlsh For thla reason enough all well-knaw- n citizens. They ly shown In my case, and I recommendclergyman of another denomination put up ball and departed from the them to other sufferers."was sought for to tie the knot. Mrs. police station, sadder and wiser men. I Doan's Backache Kidney Pills

was originally a Miss Griffin. Their cases will be decided this morn- - ways have the picture of a leaf on theand I n. native of Oorgla. The groorn ,n(, wrapper. In asking for Doan's Back- -1.4 a son of a rich Lo Argeieno. The , ,.. i .l. arha k'lHnov n:nc oob r- - i.ij I 324 Shaw. Dr. J.

which cured Mr. Swinton. and see that$1,450. or $750 apiece. 2 excellent lots 325 Shaw. Dr. J)posite Eand Stand at Kapiolani Park; 385ha,T' DTr' J '

will take small payment down, balance' .L." !' ,' " 1gratulatlora from the se'ect few who well-know- n but fat and youthful man-i,n.- .f

f ih mnrrlaire. A ager of a ponderous machine enter I

on time. These lots are near the ears U.H Z:.J."W"'Is contemplated In the near future. prise: another is the son or a respectedand able II Ho divine.

The Olive) Branch.COLCMMUS. Ohio. June 9. Talmetto

rrilllHCIQ. fMand ready Tor building: unquestionably 135 Stansbury. Miss E.che. ; must .ncrease in value; only 703 Taylor. Dr. W. E. "..small payment necessary. 79 Tong Chong t

1378 Vida. Mrs$4,250 Cottage on Beretanla St.. very 379 vida. Mrs

Neiil Company Today.Tickets for the Nelll Company en- -wreaths from Fouth Carolina, magno- -i cnenn an - oarpainllas from Tennessee, daisies and roses gngement for tingle nights were placed

from Kentucky and flowers from North on sale Monday morning and before 381 Vida. Mrs.

"1 trrn nluhls. withlt. heated bl.MHl.

M 'h. h quickly gives'. n.'Hs after uin


''WlHil-K- KILLER.i fii-- l only cools, but

'(1 ' if i rpvntln Inevl' " it annoying Irrl- -

$3. 00 Cottage on Beretanla St.. ex- - X!' "1?- - Hepller.t ,,nn,,nnlB ' e1Brnu tfeo ZS

149 Watrner. Wm.1WW Went brook. Jqs.

Many other de?lrable lots, cottages 271 Wilson. W. F,A ... J . . . . . . TTT anun yruueriy uuimuruveu. t.an at ui- - ' aru.

the leaf Is on the wrapper.Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are

sold by all chemists and storekeepersat 50 cents per box. six boxes $2.50. orwill be mailed on receipt of price bythe Hollister Drug Co., Honolulu,wholesale agents for. the HawaiianIslands.

The visit recertly paid by the Queen ofSaxony to the Empreps Eugenie on theKivlera must have awakened ntrangememor'es. When the future Emperor.Napoleon the Third had se zed power InFrance, he sought to ally himself by mar-riage with some royal house, and he pro-por- rd

for the hand rf Princes Can ineof Holsteln-Gottor- p, the cnlv child of thelast cf the dethroned house of Wa'a.ard throueh her mother a grandd- - "wr-iter of the Grann Duchess Stephanie(Ileauharnals) of Baden, the adapteddai'jrhter of Naocleon the First and Jo-sephine. The offer was. nowever, der Tri-ed and. on assuming he throne. Nano-leo- n

married Fogenle. Comiesse d TevaIn January. 1S53. wh le Princess Car-- 1 nemarried, six forth later. Prince Albert,now King of Saxonv.- .


3S4 Woodward. Miss TC. V.

Carolina were this afternoon strewn on noon not more than twenty-fiv- e reserv-th- e

graves of the Confederate soldiers ed seats were left for the first per-wh- o

steep In the old burying ground at formance. All signs Indicate that theFort Chase. Sectionalism was forgot- - engagement will be brilliant. The en-te- n

and the floral contributions were as tire famous organization Is due tofrom Federals as from Con- - rive this morning from San Francisco

federates. Then Governor Nash. Mayor on the Mariposa. They will all beLeah of Louisville. Ky.. and others quartered while here at the Hawaiianrepresentlrg both the Norh and the hotel and the Annex at Walkikl. TheFouth delivered addreses. The Font of second shipment of the company's ate

Veterans' Association of cial scenery and elaborate e.Tects will

fire or lisLIs your home to rent? Dr ;.-

-- want 3S5 Woodward. Miss K. V.720 West. F. Bit' some one to collect your rer. 721 West. F. BAre you In search of a hoM either 72? tvest. F. R

v otlk e 7?S West. F. Bto rent or buy? If so, call atfor list.

Ioulsvllle rendered vocal selections and arrive with them today.724 West. F. B728 Wavson. Jr.. J. T.60-R- Wnlkpr. J. R607 Vntkfr. J. S

"2 Wlrud. .Tno. . ....73 Wlrud. Jnn

Wlnriralh T

ivthe Mr Coy Post. G. A. R.. Drum Corps,sounded tnps. A large number of peo-

ple participated In the exercises.. "Uncle Gorg'e Chowder.


Corner Fort and Merchant Sts.

441 Burkett. J. K TJEl

"Uncle" George Bromley when aguest of George Lycurgus at Sans FouciIn the good old days concocted a fishchowder which Immortalized his nameIn Hawaii as In San Francisco nhr

44? Burkett. J K 20444 BurVett. J K 10rin r.'i...,i --.. n r t fnnAt one time I suffered from a severe

Btilte Come Ilitfh.High Fherlff Brown was yesterday

presented with a rn'r f stilts, eightfeet high, by some "funny" man. thathe might the more easily fulfil his du-

ties as High Kherlfr.

he Is the retor nrd mentor of the P"'0 of the ankle." says Geo. E. Cary,- . ,t,,. .... ,. a v

740 Kluoeel. Mrs. M T 10J741 Kluoerol. Mrs T T TOO- -'

74? P'IikmtpI. Mt--s T T 10743 Kluegel, Mrs. M. T 10O

editor of the Gr.iae. Washington. Va,Bohemian Club. To-da- y Lycurgus atthe Vnlon Grill will serve f.r luncheonthe eif-nm- e dlh from 11 to 2 o'clockard errtP to pain on Its quality the

I will sell at Public Auction, by orderof the Treasurer. Mr. uderkirk. suff-icient of th followlne delinouent t- - kof th Kamrtlo Suitar Company. Lrd.. toreimburse th Company, unless th de.Iinoufnt flsssrTi'PT xrc oald ;it thoffice tif the HAWAIIAN' TBITPT & IN-

VESTMENT CO.. LTD., Honolulu, II.

There are lota of "AA" brands of

After using several well recommend-ed without success. I triedChamberlain' Pu.n Daln and am pleas-ed to say that relief came a soon a Ibegan its rsrdnd a complete - ouresppedilv followed. For sale by Ber.soa,

. Stclth & Co., Ltd., wholesale agenta.

whlnkey. but only one Jwm Moor fame that came to Bromley years ago.mm WILL E. FISHER,AUCTIONEER '

l)veJoy ft Co., Honolulu, hareI New bill at tne Orpaeum tonlgnt.


Page 10: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t



ON ICEAll Seasonable Fresh Fruits and Vegetabl,




i he bame uInformation from Track

and Boathouse.

Police Ojtshsot the Jailers Handily-J- agstoiff Wants a Scull-

ing Race.

TurkeyDucks and Chickens. TRY nxn nt



33 Queen Street.0. Uz 5U. . Tefetao?ie 72


Auction, Sale' OP

Dry 'Goods, Tailor;Goods, Furniture,

Prices PrevaiThe police rifle team defeatP.1 th nria-- i

Fresh SalmonAnd Flounder. Smoked Salmon and Halibut

Fresh PotatoesAnd Onions. Cervelat Sausae 1 1 ,.t .

o2 on guards for the second time yesterday I

mormr.g at Iwdei butt tin to vester- -

IN SPITE OFday's shoot each team had a victory 10its credit, and the last match dee ded therubber and the championship.

01 88


a" "AnaFrozen OystersE1C.


At My salesroom, 33 Queen street. I will

Both California and Eastern. Cream Cheese ,ia foS,Cruenhagen's Bon BonsAnd Marshmallows.Annexation sell at Public Auction a large lot of

H MUry uoods, lres3 Goods, Tailor Goods,Groceries, Flour, Furniture, etc., etc.

ftS. F. MORGAN, Auctr,ry & ee., LTD

The Waterhouse Store, Th Mclntyre strr,BETHEL STREET. 3: C0R K'NG AND FORT SlpMTelephone 24. 9 TeAuction Sale

Our price now are, as ithey ever were to Best Valuesfor the least money actually

Wholesale Pricesfor Retail Quantities


The Change in Tariwill increase the price of

ilk Goods



At the residece. Fort fee, second housefrom School St., I will sell at Pub icAuction the entire household furniture,consisting in part of Parlor and Bed-room Furniture, Chiffonier, Extensionand Dining Table, Crockery. KitchenUtensils, Ice Box, Stove, Garden Tools,Ferns, etc., etc.

JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr.

To prove this call and examine;it will convince one. We would advise you to luy your supply beforebill takes ettect Juue Utb. We are holding a


English and French Special Sale in Silkt

The shooting, which commented short-ly after daylight, was of the closest de-scription, as the following scores willshow:

Police Fernandez, 42; Captain rarker,41; Muhleitner, 41; Lambert, 40; Hubbell,39; rvahi, 39; Captain Kanae. 35; Lieut.Gardner, 33; Wills, 33; Nalpo, 27. Total.3--

Prison Guards Kawai, 41; Cockett. 40;Keopuhiwa, 38; Puhi, 3S; Kalahiki. 37: Ma-kaip- o.

38; Kaunahi, 35; Kealoha. 35; Ku-muka-

25; Kamanu, 27. Total, 302.In the event of the Jail team winning,

Warden Henry had promised unlimitedpig and beer to both teams. The victorsare of the opinion that, a3 things toveturned out, mo luau is on h.m just Hisame.The First Regiment of the NationalGuard of Hawaii are kicking for i r.ewshooting rai.ge at Kakaako. The o.drange was sacrificed to the Hoard oft.taiih curing the plague to be utilizedas a hospital. Today tne soldiers i.a.veno place to practice. The companies hvechoben a sue for the new range about ::Xfeet beyond the old, and the next acionto be taken in the matter lies with theUoernment.Among local sporting men who left forAlain and Hawaii yesterday were T ItWnson, J. iuinn, c. iu. n,gan, Will Vidau,a Maurice McMahon.C. K Lgan, who recently purchasedJxjupe, sas he d.d so witn the intentionof eventually taklag him back to his oldHome in California. Loupe is a great fa-

vorite at the Coast arm a number cfhorsemen started a subscription there ashort time ago to pay the expenses of theoKi horses passage home. If LoupeBrands a preparation he will be enteredfor the lhlo free-for-al- l; failing that hewill oe immediately shipped to Cal.forniato be fixed and uuaeigo a thoroughcourse of veterinarian treatment. Loupeia. ,now 11 ears oll a"l once defeated ui-abl- o,

one of the most famous pacersAmerica has ever produced.

Sonnet, C. 10. Lgan's recent purchasefrom Lr. K. A. Nicnols, has been sent toHllo to compete in the free-for-a- ll trot-tn.- g

and pacing event there.Among recent importations from theCoast now in training in Hio are: Unclet rue. Dixie Land. irgie A.. H.lly JIc--tloskc y and Watossa. The last named isa half-sist- er to'the famous Veiiow Tail.Aggravation and Iahl have been turn-ed out until next year.Air. Jaeger intenas to utilize Fred. Erosfor road purposes. Next year he will begiven another chance on the track.Donohue, Hob Burns tra.ning assistant,will remain in Honolulu for a while, toassist in the running ot Long Branch,

Y aikiki.'ihe proposed meeting of yachtsmen,

which was to have been held last eveningin room 16, Progress b.ock, ulu not mate-rialize. Mr. R. H. Rretherton has, how-ever, drawn up a l.st ot condit.ons togovern a yacht race to be sailed on Jury4th, and will submit the same to boat-owne- rs

today for signature.Governor Lole s yacht, the Connie Dun-de- e.

is lyir.g off the Myrtle boat house inlameniaMe care. She is fast going torack and ruin. Her bottom is coveredVuh barnacles and seaweed, and the sunha-- s crackfd her deck and opened up theseams. She has been lying in her pres-ent mooring since before tne quarantine,and the winds that haunt her shroudsmean eternally Eva, Eva, Eva.

Ihe Heaiams have as jet ehown nosigns of life, but their rivals, the Myr-th- s,

were out yesterday in barge andshell. It is reported that the Healanishave challenged the Myrtles for a bargerace around the spar buoy and back.C. W. Jargstorff, the California sculler,was out yesterday in the Myrtle's single

shell. Mr. Jargstorff would be happy torow a race with Mr. Klebahn, providedthat gentleman can spare the necessarytime. If a race between these two single-scu- ll

experts could be arranged it wouldexcite the interest of the entire boatingcommunity.

'the Young Men's Christian Associationpaper-chas- e next Saturday afternoonpromises to be a big success. There is aprobability of a held of about thirty

PERCALE Auction SaleOF


. One WeekOnly. .. .


12i worth 20 unler New Tariff.15 worth 25 under New Tariff.20 worth 30 under New Tariff.



At the Drill Shed on Hotel street, I willsell at Public Auction all of the furni-ture and supplies from the detentioncamps, consisting largely of new goods.

Furniture, Mattresses. Stoves, SewingMachines, Lamps, Crockery, Tinware,Cutlery, etc., etc.

A good chance for dealers and specu-lators.

JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr.

f. i- i

'2 1



. r

4 Ml



' i1 V,

The handsome and latest Eng-lish and French Novelties inMillinery. The last shipmentto arrive under the old Tariff.

Also, Lace Curtains, Tapes-tries and a large line of Beauti-ful Rugs, all at prices that can-not be equaled in the city again.





For Sale A.

I Horses, A'Vt EVJules,

Cows.:I Chickens,

Children's Clothing 5$?



Cottagesfor Rent.

Two New Unfurnished Cottages, 'tveairy room;, centrally located.Also Two NJce Cottages, suit-

able for young men.

Enquire of

JAS. F. MORGAN.33 Queen Street

Foreclosure Proceedings Are EegunAgainst W. H. Winchester. ,

Proceedings were begun yesterday byXV. O. Smith and S. W. .Wilcox againstW. II. "Winchester of Hilo to foreclose amortgage given to secure a note of $2.- -

LSVERY!400 upon certain lots at Waikiki andMakikt.

Cecil Brown was yesterday appointa


large and beautiful assortmentat prices that will convincecareful mothers. Mere is theplace to fit out their boys cheap.

Suits and odd pieces '

Shirts, Shirt Waistss and Caps

Collars and Cuffs

all for the boys from 6 yearsup.

ed by Judge Stanley administrator of

$Sr norse snoeingthe estate of the late D. B. Smith. Theestate is valued at $100,000, and MamieL. Smith is the sole heiress. Mr.Lrown's bond was fixed at $150,000.



Real EstateFOR SALE.

1. LARGE LOT adjoining residenceof T. R. Lucas, Eaq., Beretanla St.;200 feet on Beretanla St, 140 and 20deep, 100 eet on Klnau St

2. SIX LOTS on King St, oppositeresidence of J. S. Walker, Esq.; size oflots, 60x120.


S. Ahmi, guardian of the children ofLuke Sang, has filed his final accountand asked for his discharge. The ac-count shows receipts of $15,277.50 anddisbursements of $14,012.19, leaving abalance on hand of $1,265.31.

The case of Keaumoku vs. P.. Wun-denbe- rg

has been dismissed by JudgeStanley. "

William Blaisdell has appealed fromthe decision of Judge Stanley dismiss-ing his case against I. R. Burns.


c u sGentlemen's Department !


3. SEVERAL LOTS on Punahouroad, opposite the College property, Idtract of land known as the Judd tract.

COMPRISING4 FINE LOTS fronting on the road,

each lot contains from 14 to 2acres.

ALSO several tine lots at rear olabove and adjoining the prop-erty of Messrs. F. M. Swanzy, H. E.Waity. C. B. Well and G. P. Wilder.These lots are on sloping ground on aroad running parallel with the Manoaroad and command extended views ofsea or shore.

has the largest and best selected stock of fine Shirtsm the city at lowest prices.Handsome Neckwear in beautiful colors yet mod-

est Underwear and NiKht Robes, Collars andLuffs, Hats, Caps and Handsome Panama cheaperthan they can be bought for again. roe




Many Changes Necessary BeforeReady for Offices.

It will require considerable work' be-fore the basement of the Executivebuilding will be fit for occupation asoffices. Lumber and junk of all kindscumbers nearly the whole of the lowerfloor. Several of the new officers of theTerritory explored the basement yester-day to lay plans for the location of thenew offices, but there was so much lum-ber and refuse in the way that they didnot accomplish much.

The second District Court room willremain In its old quarters in ie bigroom on the makal side. Thia wasformerly occupied by the royal cham-berlain. The room on the Ewa end onthe mapka side is at present occupiedby the United States postal officials.Marston Campbell, the road supervisor,will probably be located in the room atthe Waikiki end on the mauka side.


Uaecxcelled for rmrabilitv and FiniAb

--oo-California, Mexican. Snanlsh and Hawaiian style Riding Saddle

the premises. ,Tvnart5l




Our reputation Is staked on the product of our Manufacture ' j,and our workmen have had the longest practical Island "Pf'ugWHarness and Saddlery line, without exception, which means a











Queen Street. Honolulu.Poll Tax Collections.

Poll tax returns have been better thisyear, says Tax Assessor Shaw, thaiany for several years past. A largeamount will probably be lost next yearowing to inability to collect from Asiat- -

RESIDENCE, above the corner ofProspect and Hackfeld St.s. Size of lot5f!xl00. Grounds nicely laid out withfruit trees. Convenient dwellingbouse with large parlor, three bed-rooms, lanai, dining room, bath, etc.

Command3 an elegant view cf cityand sea.

COLLINSics who have no property. An nddi- -

ESTABLISHED 18VI. jjTELEPHONE 2 . . ..ji fl..ncc Hlfl3lfc

tional property tax of one-ha- lf per centmay be necessary to make up the defi-cit, says Shaw.

JAS. F. MORGAN,33 Queen St

P.E0X507. Lc-'Uin- H'liiJJivINQ STR3ET. l'EA.w NUUANU.




Page 11: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t



--A- OOTrXXTO- - v ......macsj i ii

. -- i. .hi b

HAWAIIAN '3. ? i. f.i, rum ii - - - STAMPS


. t. it.'V li.i,4 returned from Ka tIS'""', ,m m l I t h pound at

Speculator II 20.000 of anr'i'"

1871 Whi.-liU- c

rh.iiltli meet at 3 I SHOE!Wants to Sell., f i ni y i l'ickfM and turkeys

Made of fine Bmzilt w.'tit to Hawaii on

h l .I.t

,rl In l rilr bearings areDonpola; Soft, dres

by the Ke Au4 p.iif.inl arrived

A l.K-n- l neculator ha. Jn his ro,fles.on nearly 20.000 Hawaiian postagetump of th 18-c- nt variety of the 9-- ue

of 1871. and after holding them formany year, he I . row anxious to di-Po- m

of them to the government fortheir face value.Shortly after thef-- e ttampa were puton the mArkt under the dayi of themonarchy thin centlomnn a

sy and durable. ft Ty.

rf mi iti with best nf reference- th k J riMitn. Pee. ad.

this rcwon Its liebt is msgulacent I blmZ!Z'i. ,? . 'J"?, k. y ,...I.t f. r bree Iliis It :it w: r. k u v iif.iaInvisible Cork Sole.

A strictly.

Up-to-Da- te Gent's SHOE is our Black Vici.m r

. i . t . f .nearly the whole MUe, Inventing nearly,..v.y , .nm. lnfe tnen he hM beennoidinic onto them I n r.rwi ;

, vmU" rrvrvlng Taint Co.V ... ,..111 K . . ..l . a oz them to dealers and collectors at a

, guimi '" johii iiin, in iTrmium. Tne ntamr.s are now .,- -4by American dealers at a ,i

if1;''? ' ; !'

i- -

Mv ni'- - .viu. and ll.i- -

. . . I . ft... IL . v about fifty cents at retail, but the man

manuiaciurea Dy the Hamilton Brown Co , St. Louis000 '


The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.--0OLE AGENTS.

ni'i'i" in" i er;es no nas such a corner on the stamps,weary of dickering with

riamS fo??onSl hea,t' a a mere fraction ot teir cost. It pro,

The public is cordially invited to cttJtJIcan and in cct these lamp.0--X :


,t I'.unt i'. are fully jruarun- -

.. . I. . h. 4....i.imiiNfii tiiiii in nw iiav" ...... uo.cin, nnuon learning of the large number he hadon hand rather fought shy of purchasliv.-wnr-

I ti l rommrncfiling, nan addressed Postmaster Oat ask-ing If the United States Governmentwould redeem these tamn. i.

, fruru K.m district. Hawaii.ili..r' hi Ih'ti a scarcity of

.t done those of the Hepubllc that have1 B

W:, sn.I Mini Wlm ' wereV i,in-nrfi- ,r' on the Maunu

,., r! y from I'a hi I. B 11 mWl & HJUBB,V LIMITED

t ihi M.Hi"n4T on the Klnau5


oeen current during the last few yearsH was advised that the governmentwould redeem only stamps of the Re-public, so he has his elephant still onhis hands.

It Is llkelu that the owner of thestamta woulj be able to dispose of agood portion of his stock at auctionhre In Honolulu or anywhere In theStates, for they are among the rarest ofHawaiian stamrs ami tvm.v.

JlflStDLTTltiDllITelephone 406.

jr.M.'M.iy were lira, Ueo.,, .Mi . i.ii.u T. Kills.,;..!. 'd that the flrnt exprl-- ,

)i ,r-i- ,.4 ti'lrphy iromi.i:nl Mill 1t mu'tt rriit wek.

,1 H.iyM'iNiil, collector of Inteiti,. t r li.twHil. Is to have an

ll tll. nt of the Kxrutlvt

OO$11.- . I V. . J J UC"lreT by collectors. MADE BY THBL.ury i.fTl. i.il who will b em- -

NEW LODOE MEETS.We received a large shipment of European Goads

incuding some handsome designs in Black Crepons andTailor Suitings just before the lise in Tariff.

ik u, lh Hawaiian 0.v-,,i- m

i .4 uprn t'd today on the

inul Knrninary of a!.i K hum II I hriillliout thfdf

,i. un .iiini.iiin tiiirnt In ti'

EastmanKodak Company. m

C1 ftf. a yar(1 for Frenchvpl UU FouUr.i Silks, in

S;ittensalike.of J 2 ?o 15 yards

Lt f a yard a U-w- French--a"L rhallies. in many

beautiful co oring.

Of yju'd f rsnpcrfinequVUl. it y of hotted fnv ys

Colois. nclii 'epiuk , blues,leveuder-- , etc.


Coming Men rf America InitiateSeveral Member Last Night.

There was a meeting last evening at7:30 o'clock of the Honolulu Lodge ofthe Coming Men of America. This or-ganisation, which Is exclusively foryoung men and boys Is a new ons, buthas gained largely In membership Inthe last few years and has now overl.'.nnO names ujon Its rolls. It Is apurely fraternal and social organizationard has no political or religious affili-ation.

The Honolulu lodse was organizedrecently with six members. They areO. ;. I!eard.ley, Walter Carrol. RobertI. King, J. It. DU,,, A. Dolllnger andntto i:urmeter. Several new membersure lrlt!ated last evening and the or-I.- T

bl.Is fair to acquire some strength.

pLDW no20c. i yard for superior

Dimi'ios. We h.i e

;. ".! t in4i-u- r wUhfN to f- -l. 1'4II'M114. Ullll TStAIHlH niH4- -....I I iir..uitniy. . a.- -

-- v.Kit nt h Anv lafii CT.arl-- iin id ihN uruTiiiHui m 3

'' n f ir thi? rnaulnif y?ar

i. .I,

hMi4 ii n uui tlon n.i!- - to.Iny.: ii i.ir ri4 ml furmt u ro

I l.tk.'d p ari ut ft.tlM'I i i n K.

1 n i I 14 I f Rinh1.4 h.l I) !.i .v. n i l lUlit-y-, tn. b.Av

I,, t .4 1,'l .t i Wlli Inc...ii i .lit I'l l. .

r y in."-l,iii- f r,f th-- fiII.4. I' In". 'I in t h ji ir.r .

I i h .r li. Thiirnd.iy innrn- -.i ! I I o'l ,in K.

. r f I....(r 1 1 of Ui- - Arr.aU-u- r

. n I I'" itlliili'd tin W'-K- ,M

' J A. I. .i.i H oth. rwlmj ii- -T'.ui i l iy vrrlr.ff,V. i m i m III ho.d an nii. tlun

I,.. , furnltur nn I'. I layai lu.t fiM'rn i". Kurt mri'f.,..' fi mil hVh.ml ftfpct.


sfanHii.g did r with thenill for trie n vvsfleiaithey are brought out.

Make Pir-tu-s 2x2 incbe.I oad in Daylight wi'h our ix-- xposure ti m ca tridges andare foimp'eiheyeuu be easily

Operated byAny School BoyOr Girl.

We received a roll of films from SanFrancisco a short time asro. with the re-

quest that we develop and print. Theowner was better satisfied with ourwork than that to be hud In San Fran-clfc- o.

Our Photographic Department is com-

plete In every way.

We will be able to give to the public the benefit of

this purchase at the old prices lor a shoit time ONLY

as the lot will not last long.SUMMER TERM AT MILLS. 15c. a yard for American

l'etcaes. ( vi, n

ccmmami ie t he tpi lity of these

l o'ls yu wi 1 iM't p y afail' y pi ice fur the iingl sh

TLe Famous California, College. Opnsen Autju t 6th.

Tire sumiiipr term of Mills' Collerewill lieirln on Anrimf th irm c ti' .'( In a n-- w uti.m.t In nf

" lif inn hus.r also h., Mills, the president of the college Is..M. .t rentiri th . ml- - well known In Honolulu and.4 , ry n, -- -. Urough tt- - Islands generally. The col- -



c ,




U'tre 4 th- - oldest Protestant sehocl foririrls on tl.. Pacific Coast and Is treore college for women InCalifornia. The college courses corres-po- nl

with those of the Universities anddegrees nr conferred and diplomasgranted. There Is a seminary ?ourneas well 4 a college course and a pre-paratory department which providesfor younger pupils.

The college is situated In Alameda Inthe ml. let of beautiful surroundingsimd Is an Ideal school Ideally located.

- LIM.TED- -ki i rr rr&i tr &5 a a

ll. Jr.. of Walka. u, w 14!' I! C h ilian f l..ii.i,lur ! ntne vr t Wa k .i .

' " "i Hi-- ' K 1; ji j on We. i,s.'' it nil nf tile men.ti-r- s of

. f f1r. 1 Miiitnlrixl.ipf rn w' I, whl. li will ruein thit

Will go Oil 4 before,r iM 1 han-4- .

14 ( I... e.ii. in a f-- w;. V. Htnlth, rh ilrnimi' V utrth of July c.imm.tte i,

'. of illrus4ng plins fiir( fl. I.rallori.

in". Sierlnl air-n- t of the) Treasury I epnrtment.

II ysterd.iy to attend toi.sli l w 11 4 rrnmim.

Retailers of Dry GoodsAT

POPULAR PRICES.KxpTt horse shoeing at Stock Yard. Hobron Drug Co.

Fort and Krg Streets.M ('hunce and Miss Chance.


Some very special lots. A great opportunity forladies to replenish their Wardrobes with Under Muslins

is presented this week. We bought up a few lots ofIligh-Grad- e Underwear which have just arrived and

we offer came at much les3 than regular prices.


,, M 'i tn Iota's pns4ngersfr"" M ini and INwall p irts

' ' T. Iluward, Mrs. orney.' Mr. J. ..ekela. J. Atther-- v

MiCheeliey and P. C. Mc- -

1'iria Art fngii Muslcale" I ni Monday evening. Jine'"r c.f the ligu and oth-- -

hirme.l by the program of' !' rendered on that oeca- -

' . .iy th thermometerFor a few Cays Longer Only

00How is This?YK HAVK nCKD FALH

v,i i "l lti dy generally wasof ,e summer. In

" '"r" h" brenles from theI'l rrTff f th. th.pm.imnl.f dealingour out sale of fine,

' ut noon.

DOZENS8500"i were n.ad- - lastTninti.. Mternry Club to11 iin men t on Monday, the Ladies' Bath' nil entertainment will' 1,1 t 1 their frl.-n.- ! tn whom

IH tie 4U"d. VALENCIENNES' ' from H.in Francisco are!v The M.irloosa will ar- -

1 ih niornlna" and the I torn -1411 ,.r, .1... I.i . w. -

Suits"'.""y f fiii in in iri'Tait r..itu;N she is not" li'T. until tomorrow.

Mo dp. th eleg.-in-t display""K e.Ulritfa nn.l lna-rllon-

' J' I'ry Ho.t is Co.'s window.


at a rout onr-thir- d theirrf:al, valur

vk want you to per this lot.they are without exceptionTHE VERY REST VauUESEVER OFFERED IN HONOLULU.

'i'1'' sums H r.iiO dni--n In a will continue."f new pitterns. Thef I at soiutely right.I.

'Irr.tt.l ..... .

Don't Fail to Make Selection.

Are you married or going tomarry? Then consults if yoawant to be happy. An entirelynew


o- -i hiiih r)i.tnil(es nnsr I lv the''"! i'ip- -i at the corner

"l Niiu.inn streets. Twon" "i.iry to keep the tren h' ' ' l" Ttuit of th laying of

"' ' M ex.-r- i Nes of the' ""inury will be h,l on

2. ' loi k. In the rh ipe: are the gniount s:' ' ie II uirho. Joaeprt 1 1 1- -'

' K pin. .lime l.i.

"' u Ham IT).' '' ti nrn. I In thrt tfiirrnv

rr--a' i i i h i i i i.Pearson & Potter So.Ld312 FORT STREET. TEL. 565. IlliiXfii ockeKflrieU Tirw firarl11 r.

fl. a. ora uir mm? "trert. nn.l II will t.l.ilh A fn. ns a ware- -

' 1 ' I I tntnnfrr his pl; e"i" Honolulu Stock

in both Golden Oak and SolidMahogany finish well made,well polished and iron braced.


THK PFOriJS M.OYIPBS," 'I i'.l In a short time

I'1 ( on the l..t lit the' ' 'i r I Mon.l.iy an tin- -'' -t l;l i , cmin iler.lhle

' '' r in:ii was burt by New Goods! New Goods We also have a fine asvcortment' 'I an electric- - light

I ofLowest Prices.New Styles(' v I n if t.me. Peop'e

.iter from th Nu'"i cut off by theN t l.lit n vin r--. t m.n'

We have an elegant assortment ofo oil hitter soon repair.

Miss Edith HoweProfeoaor of Elocution at Mills Collece,

will give



ATION.THURSDAY. June 21. p. m.MONDAY, June 25, 8 p. m.

Tickets for the Course 75 cents

Parlor (Ehairsin the same finish. See the display ia our window. Ilemera- - --

ber that we are always pleased t see yon, whether you wibh topurchasa or not. Mo trouble to show goods.

HAWAIIAN SCfCNfC TANS.Buy rno n I send it to your friend in the East.5" f a New Bulldinif.

"I'"i t l.l turn . Kl'1 '"' I tr t . I.. K. Isoshima,. f g- - a)irrt of July. Tester-- H

' f moving some of the-- 4.m. When the work

hw building on the'"K'n Is still problematl- -


'..1.1 " "i J 'UE-IEiET-Etf F0ENITHI1E COMPAI?hlnle Tickets & cents.

Tickets for sale at Wall. NIchots Co..'Rerirstrom Music Co.. Hobron Drug Co.and Y. M. C. A. Office. 657



Page 12: He m the of - University of Hawaii · gent.s retrcjly aad that this support con--him siSh and hear his love lorn talk to Nayy. Washington: The Nashvi le leaves c'. H'HKY. PixH-lalla-t


HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE.'i n&, maim mm Oceanic Steamship CofcHonolulu, June 19, 1900.



The OverlandLimited

ExceptIssued Every Morning.Capital j Parf,u. Vdl.B,dNAME OF STOCK.Sunday, by the

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY.Voa llolt Block, King Street.

A. W. PEARSON.Business Manager.

100 '.Mehcantile.

C. Brewer & Co.,..St'GAR.

1 ... .. ; . . . c. .... nTIME TABLE:

The Fine Passenger Steamers of this T.ir, , . .

Three Trains Dally from San Francisco.Two Trains Dally from Portland via20

rlalcyon. Am. schr., Chas. Mellln, Eure-ka, Aiay 31. -

einj t. iiyde, Am. sp., Scribner, Newv..rk and N'ulparwlso. March jii

Inca, Am. schr., Basmussen, Newcastle,June 18.

v.iapman. Am. sp., . Carter, SanFraijcisco. April 2S.

laiuto 11. Uiuce. Am. schr., Peterson,ii.r.ln. May 2K.

Jessie Minor Am. chr., Whitney, Eure-ka, June ltMU.a Ala.; Haw. bk.. Smith. San Fran- -

Oregon, Am. bk., Parker, from Newcas-tle. June 15.

Olympic, Am, bk.. Gibbs, San Francisc.oJune 18.

rtraper, Am. ship, Newcastle, May 17.rv. r1 Kilhel, Haw. bku, Aici'tiail, San

Francisco, May 6.bacli, tir. bk,, Nagasaki, Feb-

ruary 17.-- iiMsex. Br. bk., Guthrie, Newcastle, Alay


standard. Am. sp., Getchell, Newcastle,May 2L

itar of Italy, Haw. sp.. Wester, Newcas-tle. June t.

A M' ' n. bit., Johnson, San Fran-cisco, June C.

as hereunder: Cd t, Jie in j ii i i--nm San rrarcisco. Fnr m r. .220















AUG. 15...AUG. 23


17i AUSTRALIA .7;" VjJ

..';." am

I" waII IIIKMII w. Agricultural CoHaw. Com. & bug. Co.Hawaiian Sugar Co.. .

HonomuIlonokaaHaikuKahnkuKauialoSug. Co.Lt.a (

" Paid op jKihei Plan. Co.Lt. a

Paid up j

KipahuluKoloaKona Sugar Co. Ass. 1

Paid up JMaunalei S. Co., Ass j

" Paid up 1

McBryde 8. Co.Lt. A j

Paid up jNahiku Sugar Co. A j

Paid up jOahu Sugar CoOnomeaOokalaOlaa Sugar Co. LtAs J

. " Paid up I



From ana After Jan. 1. 1899.










5! In connection with the sailing of the above Steamers tv 1pared to Issue, to intending Passengers. Coupon Through Ti v lroad from San Francisco, to all points in the UnitedYork by any Steamship Line to all European Ports "'ate8' and fr, J

170 174



1'aauhauSug. Plan. Co

LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO, 8:00 a, m..10:00 a. m., 6:00 p. m.

LEAVE PORTLAND, 9:15 a. m., :00p. m.

Throuh vvitiiout change.

OPte Dili (IfMlM Days la bi Toit



500,00081 v, 500

2,f 00,000150,000





Dally Dally Daily Dally. Dallyfixations, ex. ex. ; ,

Sua. Bun.'it. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.tn

Bcnolulu. 7:10 9:15 11:06 8:15 6:10

Parl City 8.-0- 9:48 11:40 8:47 6:S0'

r- - Mill 8:23 10:08 12:00 4:05 8:10ranae. 10:50 4:45

Walalua 1 11:55 5:40

ftahuku. ..... 12:32 6:16 ....INWARD.

Daily Daily Daily DailyStations. ex. ex.

Sun. Sun.sum. a.m.. p.m. p.m.

Pahuku 6:35 .... 2:iWalalua 6:10 .... 2:S"Wlin 7:10 3:fEwa Mill 6:50 - 7:45 1:05 4:32Pearl Cuy 6:15 8r"3 !: 4:52Honolulu 6:50 8:33 2:05 6:26

Pioneer 118--

96Wuialua Agr. ;o. As. t







General Agents Oceatvc S S Coit i 5iK),0O0500,000

100100 lfiO

F. C. SMITH.G. P. & T. A.

G. P. DENISON.Superintendent.

Pullman Palace Sleepers.Buffet Smoking and Library Carwith Barber Shops and Pleasant Readi-ng: Rooms.Dining Cars, meals a la Carte.Free Reclining Chair Cars.


1'aiU up J


Steamship Coh.Wilder S. S. Colater-Islan- d 8. S. Co. .

M ISCELI. ANEOt'S.HuwHiian Electric Co.H. n. Rp.Tr. JtLd.Co.Hon. Steam Lnundrv.Ki lia-Ku- u Telephone

& Telegraph Co. Lt.M ut ual Telephone Co.Mukuha Cot Co. I.t. As

Paid upO. R. t L. CoPeople's Ice .t Ecf. Co.

Bosks.Raw. Govt. f. jier oetit.Haw. Govt. 5 per cent.How. Govt. Postal ha-

vings 4 per cent.. .

Hilo H. li. Co. 6 per ct.Ewa Plantation 6 p-- c.

Ktiliuku Plant. 6 p. c.O. K.Ji L. Co........ . .





PJ3LI31IEDB rat Qjziit SjaEi",K.-RR-ir Mondvv.


j Pullman Ordinary Sleepers.


J. H.'lOTHROP, General Agent,j 133 Third Street, Portland, Oregon.


THSRM. I??BIROH. Occidental & Oriental 'steamship (9S?' 9:Vj


and Toyo Kuen KaishaD. W. HITCHCOCK. General Agenf,No. 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco.

9 &).(! J9 9-- i 7J100

I..... 102:102 lol

jO.Ojitij' 3J W.ti.'7 1

lo iw'nj 410.0. 1' 5



10,:U Ul W 9I 6nLt 'j j 6j12 --"J JJ 7 7013 129.92 l; 72

Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu and leav. m. JOn or about the dalest holrtw mtntlnn- - fl




Or E. L. LOMAX. G. P. & T. A.,. Omaha, Nebraska.

1- -1

8-- 0


3-- 14

O.OJ'fiS 51

1 l..iJ.iM --M 'A) 74 0 iKiSession Sales Morning srsflon TenOlaa. paid up, $14.50; 10 Oahu. $174: 20 Ho-nck- aa

$32.75 ; 20 Ewa $28. Afternoon ks- -fi On- -E ir ltv 9. K n- - !...- -

I'W 1- -1 KXiijik2-j- .i N'it iiii13 . 75 rn it ...FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: firru FnlSIClSHilripr'Q SionmQliiivftiat ie, $!)S: 10 do.. $97.50. mnnru

between noarcis Thirty IlonokaaPioneer J1H5; 50 Olaa, assessable, $2.f'liUOl 0 UlUUlif Oilip lit i

Earometr corrected to 32 F. and sealevel, and afier the 1st of February furstandard gravity of Lat. 45. This correc-tion is .OC for Ilono.ulu.





PASSENO &S.Arrived.

From Eleele, per stmr. Ke Au Hou,June 19. W. A. Kinney, W. M. Danford,D. E. Metzger, C. Knacksted, and 20uek pafebet.gcrs.

From Maui and Molokal. per stmr.Mauna Loa, June 19. T. C. W.Us, MissTlllie Wills, J. P. Lino, Mrs. W. Jr. How-ai- u,

M 6s oftley, D. Conway, Mrs. J. fCc-kel- a.

Miss K. Kekela, Wong chong andwile, Mrs. J5. Gabber, Mrs. A. Mann, J.Atcheny, F. W. McChesney, P. McLain,Mr. Makanai and wife, Mrs. tl. Roy, Dr.Vvn.B.ow, Liebert, N. S. Norrie,and id deck passengers.

Departed.For Maul ports, per stmr. Claudine,

June 19. K. U. Adams, J. S. Cooke, Mrs.M. A. Adams, Miss S. K'.rkland, Miss M.tvirk.anu, W. G. Zoller, F. S. Dunn, .M ssK. Dunn and sister, Leung Chl-tso- , Toniuov,', Ong Jim, Young Chop Chee,U K. Akana, W. H. Babbitt. James T.Tajlcr, Chas. T. Loveland, Mrs. K. S.Gccdhue and son. Ah Seek, Kev. K. N.Hanur.a, Mrs. K. P. Hose ana two chil-dren, M;ss J. Drummond, Miss Thompson,Airs, hoor and two children, J. Kanea-kti- a.

W. Thompson, W. D. Lowell, H. A.Allen, F. t Achong and son, C. A. d.

Ping You, Hong Yte, Chock Seeand wife. Miss S. K. Daniel, E. Mahelo-r.- a.

S. Ah Ml, Ah Lung, Mrs. M. Hanuna,Mrs. P. Hanuna, Miss K. Hanuna.

For Hilo and way ports, per stmr. Ki-na- u.

Jur.e 1H. Joseph Kek.pi and son, J.R. Wilson, J. W. Mcintosh, W. S. Cnance,wife ar.d daughter; Mrs. Henry and son,Mrs. K. hi. Holstein and four children,ji O. Holstein and three children, H. P.Mc(;orriston, Master 1$. Weight, JohnNotley, J. C Quinn, Joha Raain, V. M.McMahon, J. i. Coieman, C. Kaiser, C.V. Mason, Yee Kui, Kev. S. W. Kekuewa,Kor.g Yet Yin and two chi.dren, John deMilio. Rev. R. Oliver, Dr. C. L. Stow, C.ii. Olsen, J. W. Young a ad w.fe, Mr. Hall,George B. Dornin, S. C. Irving, R. S.Moore, Miss Kitty Vida. Mrs. Horace J.Craft. Mrs. L. T. Ellis. Mrs. H. Cole, Mrs.D. A. Carmlchael, child and maid.



June 12. No. 7.54 Kamaluna to Kel'ike-kuailuah- i:

R. P. VS5, kul. 2O03 (interest in),Aiea, Ewa. Oahu. Consideration $"0.

No. 10.5 J. p. Mitchell and wife to L.Kaanaana; portion R. P. ISO"., kul. 47FL.Molopa, Honolulu, Oaliu. Consiueration?iA

No. 75 M. C. Widdifield to J. H. Nich-ols; east one-ha- lf of lot 583. Gr. 3S, Ma-kik- i,

Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration $.,-.V- ):mortgage J2.&.H).

No. (57 J. (i. ae Medetros and wife toJ. A. Rodrigues; lots 40, 41, 42 and 43, RP. 3040, kul. UM'.iS, Kalilil. Honolulu, Oahu.Consideration J.1.5C0.

No. '(58 Hooulu and husband to J. Rob-erts; one half of R. P. 1132, kul. 2935, Haki-pu- u,

Koolaupoko, Oahu. Cons.dcrationft.No. 739 Koloa Agriculture Co., Ltd., toMcBryde Sugar Co., Ltd.; all propertyreal and personal of the company, Kauai.Consideration $1.

No. 7ti0 R. Meek and husband to Wailu-k- uSugar Co., Ltd.; R. P. 4351, kul. 7 so

(interest in), Paleileiha. Vraihee, Maui.t!ons;leration J3i)0.. No. if.l A. R. Bindt to B. V. RIn.it; in-terest in Estate of E. Johnson, Waioli,Hanalei. Kauai. Consideration $000.

No. 702 I. L "McCar.dless et al. to Mrs.K. W. Auerbach; portion lot 1, block B,Kulaokahua, Honolulu, Oahu. Consider-ation $500.

Jiine 13. No. 7t'-- E. K. Re!s to ICeplli-no- ;life interest in kul. 4140. Puaa 1, North

Kona, Hawaii. Consideration .No. 7tM Kepllino to E. K. Reis; interest

In kul. 4140. Puaa 1, North Kona, Hawaii.Consideration .

No. 763 Kuanui to C. K. Ai; R. P. ltno,kul. 31. ap. 2, Kik.hale, Honolulu, Oahu.Coridrr'tion $3,500.

June 13. No. 7S1 E. McCullv-HIggin- sand husband to George 11. Paris; threeacres land, Pawaa, Honolulu, Oahu. Con-- s.

deration $1.June 15. No. 7SI E. C.'Judd et al. to G.

R. McCltl'an; piece land, Mak.ki, Hono-lulu, Oahu. Consideration $3,553.47.

June P.. No. 783 Kaaiai to W. K. Isaac;R. P. 2513, Kipahulu, liana, Maui. Con-sideration $1.

Juno 18. No. 7S5-- C. R. Deskv and wifeto C. I). Prlngle; lots 3, 4, and 8, VillaFranca, Hilo, Hawaii. Consideration


...JUNE 13...JUNE 21...JUNE 29

JULY 7....JULY 17....JULY 26

AUG. 2....AUG. 10... AUG. 18

AUG. 2S....SEPT. 5




From,ray's Harbor

Excursion to HiloFor ihe 4th of Ju y Races.


Half Rate.

VesseLMary Winkleman, Am. bkLGLneigia, Br. stmrKilmorv. Rr. cn



i no - iSTg 12 cI; oCO 3' a ""i e t

wI I "i


nolulu on MONDAY, July 2nd. at 12 m.,tc iching at way ports on this trip a dayahead of the regular time. Round tript f"Voro f I- -I i 1 o A tit r n a H. Hackfeld & Co., Lti.v itiu auu IUIU1U, 1&.UJ, li ibL"ciass. intending passengers are request-ed to book early. Freight will De re-ceived at the Claudine wharf on fillDaY, June 29th.

I p..n. K.. a.m. a m. p. in. I I IRiseMontis 8.01.5 b.ti. i.lJ 1..5.13 6.H 11.22

Tuca. 19 9.08 1.2 9 56 3.1l' S.sA.ls'e.ll'ii.m...u.; p.m. i IIIWed.. 2J11.UI 1.3u.ll 3 j'J 5.11 5.18 C. 11 0.01

I i I

Thur. 2112.U 1.611.17 4 4 6 0 i' 0 17FritJ.. ii. 1.0J l.S.t.ui.1 5. 7 67 5.19 6.4-5- 1fct... ii l.jJ .0 6.11 9 i.7 5.19rt.45l 2.220.21jBua.. 21 2 : 2.1- 1.03 6.5;! 9.47 5.wr.. 4.5! 3 13M.U- - 2! a il j 2 211 7. ID M 451 4

Latt quarier of the moon on the lPth at2:2; p. m.Tiats irom the Un'ted State-- Coast andGeodetic Survey tables:the udts at Kahului and Ililo occurabout one hour earlier than at Honolulu.Hawaiian ttar.dard time is 10 hours so

minutes slower than Greenwich time, be-ing; that of the meridian if 157 degrees 30mir.utes. The time wh.stle blows at 1:30P. m., which is the same as Greenwich. 0hours 0 minutes. Sun and moon are forlocal time for the whole group.



...New York

...New York...New York...New York
















....Newcas' le













....NewcastleNewcas Ue

Helen Brewer, Haw. sp.'.V.VWallace B. Flint, Am. bk..,Challenger, Am. spHenry Failing, Am. epA. J. Fuller, Am. spHayden Brown, Am, bkLyman I). Foster. Am. schJohn C. Potter. Am. spRobert Searles, Am. schJas. Rolph, Am. schGeneral Fairchild. Am. bk...Euterpe, Haw. shipSinr of Russia, Haw. ship .Wachusett, Am, spMarlon Cnilcott, Am sp

Br spKlisa, Ital. spHarvester, Am. bkCity of Hankow, Br. spEmpire, Am. bkIvy. Br. spLouisiana, Am. spRepublic, Br. bkSea King, Am. bkPerseverance, Br. spAbby Palmer, Am. bkKing Cvrus. Am. schJ. B. Brown, Am. spYosemlte. Am. spWoollat.ara, Br. bkWilliam Bowden, Am. schW. H. Talbot. Am. schColumbia. Am. schBenicia. Am. bktPrince Albert, Nor. spPrince Victor, Nor. sp .......Clan Macpherson, Br. sh. ..Ar.cenis, Br. sh ,.

Fantasi, Nor. bkInvincible, Am. shStiom. Nor. bkWrestler, Am. bktDrumburton, Rr. shFresno, Am. bkAlex. McNeil, Am. bkGolden Shore, Am. shDominion, Bh. bkJames Nesmith, Am. sh.

Canadian-Australi- an Royal ffl

STR. CLAUDINE will sail from Ho-ccl- ulj

on MONDAY, July 2nd. at 5 p.rn., and provided twenty tickets aresold from Maui ports to Hilo and re-turn at 512.50 each, she will proceed toHilo, leaving : taui ports on TUESDAY,arriving in H 'o on the morning or the4th. Leaving Hilo at midnight on the4th, will arrivat Kahului on Friday.



Have you tried the .

Pactf3" in connection with theCASAD'J

DIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STATION,Jui e i. vt p. m. V tainer, clear; wind,light, 8. n o7i. " AIV 1 oei ween Vancouver, B. C, ar.d SydneyS. W and calling at Victoria. B. C. Honolulu, and Brisbane. Q.. are:rrnnn iminnr n

On or about the'dates below stated, viz.: '



Am. ship C. F. Sargent, Gammon, fromStn.r. Ke Au Hou, Moshr, from E'eelJune lb: 4,00 bags sugar, ia packages sun-dr.r- s.

fatinr. Mauna Lea, S'.merson, from Ko-n- aand Kau ports: 8.004 baps sugar, 606bags collet-- , bo bunales Lai. anas, 4 bun-alt- -a

hiuLS, zi kegs Lvnter, is ba-- s tobac-co, 131 packages sundries.

for Brisbane (Q.) and Sydney: For Victoria and Vancouver, E 3WARRIMOO MIOWERA ...Jt

Bread, Rolls,Cakes or Pastry

If not yen have missed a treat


...A!'Classified AdvertisementsAORANGI ..WARRIMOOMIOWERA ..



SEPT. 29OCT. 27

NOV. 24

WARRIMOOMIOWERA .AORANGI ., .:.0t.AORANGI ..No. W-- F. Fisuoira and wife to M. da j

Costa Correira: piece land, Waiehu, Maui. ...NWARRIMOOMIOWERA . ...DE4WANTED.

A YOUNG man with good referencesdesires a furnished room. Address,giving price and location, G. Ii., Bjx208. 5576

The magnificent new service, the "Impeital Limited." Is now runnlr-- J




SAILED FitOil! HONOLULU.Tuesday, June .

Am. schr. Aloha, Fry, for Saa Francis-c- owith sugar.

Am. tk. ti.malaya, Dearborn, for SanFrancisco.Sound in

hiT- - ,kf"cean, Rcusch, for theforLahaii.a, Hilo ar.d way ports.Stmr. ciaudine, Macdunaki, for Lihai-n- a,

Kahului and way ports.Stmr. Noeau. Wyman, for Kilauea.btmr. Ke Au Hou, Mosher, for Hana-tnaul- a.

wlli, Kcloa and Eleele. .

A BRIGHT young girl to learn mil in-er- y;

paid while learning, at M. E. Kil-lean- 's,

Hotel St. 5374


worldakInS rUn 100 hUrS without change. The finest Railway service fc

ropeThFOUSh Tickets l8sued from Honolulu to Canada. United States

For Freight and Passage and all general information. app!y to

'Phone 677.

FIVE messenger boys at the AmericanMessenger Service. 5574

We do First-Clas- s

RepairA GOVERNESS to teach young chil-dren; must have knowledge of mu-sic. Apply to A. B. C. Makawao,Maui, and A. M., P. O. Box 816, Hono-lulu. 5568

Theo. H. Davies & Co , Ltd , GenT IfiMOVEMENTS OF STEAMEK3.Steamers due and to sail today and forthe next six days are as follows:


conwi.it'i a lionNo. 7S F. Flgue'.ra-an- wife to M. da

Costa Correira; piece land, Waiehu, Maui.Consideration $250.

No. 79 Ar.nhuli et al. to J. S. Azevedo;R. P. 5624, kul. 57 F. L., Kunawal, Hono-lulu. Oahu. Consideration $iX).

No. 710 M. Ahla and husband (D.) to M.O. S'.lva (Paiko); kul. 10400, Hclualoa.Ncrth Kona, Hawaii. Cons.deration $--

No. 791 A. M. 1 aria et al. to J. I). Paris;portion Ahupuaa of Kaawaloa, South Ko-na, Hawaii. Consideration $1,000.

No. 7H2 Hookchunul and husband to M.Vifira, Jr.; piece land, Malamalamaiki,Hilo, Hawaii. Consideration $21.0.

No. 793 M. de Souza and wife to J. Fon-te- s:

lot 8, block D, Villa Franca, II.lo,Hawaii. Consideration $400.

No. 794 W. C. Achl and wife to Ho Fon;lot 21, King street tract, Honolulu, Oahu.Consideration $1,330.

io. .bo Mrs. jvahaku Kaalani (Keala-kai- )to Mrs. L. Waianuhea; interest inpiece land, Waimea, Kauai. Cons.dera-

tion $10.No. 71) G A. Kealakal to Mrs. L. Waianu-hea; interest in p;ece land, Waimea, Ka-

uai. Consideration $1.So.i 797 W. Andrews and wife to Mrs.

L. Waianuhea; piece land, Nuuanu val-ley, Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration $75.

No. 7!)S K. Kamaka to Mrs. L. Wa anu-he- a!

R. P. 7239, kul. 8089, Honopueo, NorthKobala, Hawaii. Consideration $120.

l ist of deeds filed for record June 19,1D0O:

First Tarty. Second Tarty. Class.C Apana and wife S. Kauohalewal DS. K. Keawekolohe and wife K. Ala- -

pal ... DGear, l,ans!ng & Co. M. O'Dannell.. DPalaileopio and wife Alauhu alias

lUtig ioo D

kWor orFOR SALE.

A LADIES' bicycle, In good condition.Call at this office. 5575

oniifb bDue.

..June 20

..June 21

..June 29

..Juty 4

..July 7

..July 7

..July 17

..July IS

FOR SALE AND RENT.FURNITURE In a cottage for sale with

privilege of renting the cottage. "Ad-dress P. O. Rox 583. 53.6

Direct Service Bttween New York,San Francisco and Hawaiian Islands.

Steamers. From.Mariposa San Francisco .' . ..HonKkoiiK Alaru-S- an Francisco.Chii.a fcan FranciscoAuHirabu San FranciscoDoric San Kranc sco

srrimoo-Victo- riaJNipln Maru San Francisco ...iloana San Francisco

DEI'A RT.Nippon Maru San Francisco . .Muuna Sun Francisco . .Rio d Janelro-- S. F.Miowera-Victo- ria . .... ...VCoptic San Francisco . .Australia San Franilsco '.'America Maru San Francisco

ciso?1 Steam6r, to be dJspatclied from New York to Honolulu vlaSaifFOR RENT.FURNISHED or unfurnished house.King near Walkiki turn. Address X,

this ofnee. 5574

.June 22June 22.June 30.July 4.July 10

.July 16

.July 17

otherSmonTh.rlCaD" D r abUt AUgUSt lst-- to be followed by a


Bicycles, Typewriters, Lawn

Muweis and Guns.

00 -- -

PNEUMATIC TIRESFitted and Repaired,

WE RENT BICYCLES.Guns and Rifles.


BICYCLE ENAMELLINGA Specialty. Old Wheels made

Up-to-D- at the

orFineiri1rteCVed 0t ComPany'8 harf. South Brooklyn, at ail time.'general information unni. .

THE MELROSE. King St.: board androoms; all modern comforts: electriclights: mosquito proof; quiet, refinedhome. King St. cars pass door. Pricesmoderate. Tel. 3081-bIu- e.


Frotet French cruiser, M. de L'KspinavSan fen. Juno is

ii- - HAlKFlhLI& tU., Lfi). THEO. II PAVIFS&WAgents, Honolulu Agents


MERCHANTMEN.tThis list does not Include coasters.)

Albert, Am. bk., Gritllihs, San Franciaco,


ful Kaalawai. beyond Diamond Head,the residence of C. W. Booth; partlyfurnished; laid with city water. Ap-ply to C. W. Booth or at the office ofJ. A. Magoon. '


Stage : Lin- HEMxY BRYKT, Froj.

The stage for Kaneoiie. nr- - j, . j .. ..-.-, nrti: leave



New York Line.Ship "Helen Brewer" will sail fromNew York for Honolulu on or about

June 10, 1900.For freight apply to

CHAS. BREWER & CO..2J Kilby Street. Boston,or CHAS. BREWER & CO., LTD ,



ROOMS and Board The Balmoral.Young St., town side; superior bondand rooms; newly furrished; termsmoderate. Telephone 807. 5374

El Bethel street side at a- -

day. Wednesday an J Fj.. u

Notice to Shipmasters.V. S. Branch Hj drograpnis Office.

San Francisco, Cal.By communicating with the Branch

Ulhce In San Francisco, cap-ai- ns

of vessels who will witri:iit-- Hydrogruphic Office by recording ttivjn:teriloglcal observations suggested byil.c otlice, ran have forwarded to them atirty rivsaed port, and free of expense, theirentbly jiilot charts of the North Pacliio

o-a- n. and the laiest Information regardi.K tlie dangers to navigation In the wa'i- - which they frequent.v.; liners are requested to report to the'i.. e dangers discovered, or any othermormation v.hich i nn be utilized "for cor-ivtti- ng

charts or sailing directions, or In' '"J,'1,"lton of the pilot chHris of theNorth Vtif.fW. C. fl. CAT.KIN'Ltcuu-Comor- .. U. S. N in Chaise.

EOIl?- - A hlawa. Oahu. to the wifeTf.ii C' R,hodes- - flt 1:43 a. m. ona daushter.

TO J.EASE.FOR A TERM OF TEacres of land. MtuaterfTn KapaSma

Honolulu, near Tram Car StaWesf ThUland is apart of the Morris Estate amiadjoins the residence of Joe Morri,For further particulars apply Htherto Joe Morris. Kanalama, or to JmeaAlana, Makawao, Maul. 55

Joy & Co. "s. No. iEHLER'S RLOCK. FORT ST.

Ami a J tmAl,

Archer, Am. bktn., Calhoun, San Fran-cisco. May 23.

ASl0rx A'n" 8P' Colhy' Newcastle.A. J. Ropes, Am. sp.. Chapman, SanF rancl.s-o- , April 15.Australia, l.r. sp., Jeuss, ' Newc-astle-.

Way 12.Bangalore. F-r- . sp., Rlanchard, Ne. .'FUe

May 9.Big bonanza. Am. bk., Bergman, New- -

cs-'tl- June 3.Carrier Dove. Am. schr., C. W. Drandt.Port Tounsend. May 31.Chas. E. Moody, Am', sp., Anderson, Ta- -

coma, June 8.Carondeiet, Am. bk.. Stetson, Newcastle,

June 5

C. F. Fargeit, Am. sp., Gammon, Taco- -mn, June 19.

Dirio. Am. sp., Goodwin, Hongkong,Jur.e 13.

May, Am. bk., San Francisco.May 17E. i:. "'"nod. Hansen, Am. schr., Taco-m- a.

Ersklne M. I'helps, Am. sp., Graham. Ma-nila. June 14.

Fiorence, Am. sp.. Rhodes. Newcastle.May 9. .

t?- - c',rt," Am- - "P-- . "eo. S. Calhoun,San Francisco, June 5.

LOST.A BANK book. No. 794, on Bishop Sav-

ings Rank. Finder please return toBank. 55:5

' v : O

c i'OO.JOlLEIt, SUG Ah iTsNCs

BRASS AND LM' VJUNE 10th, in front of M. E. Church.

Rambler Wheel. M-2- 3 No. 4334: $15reward. E. W Doak, 124 Punchbowlstreet. . ' 5374

iid Machinery or Jltt:mad u, ordei. ?M,r.

L. AHLOGeneral Merchandise.


Ebonv Furniture.Cigars and Tobaccos,

Chinese and Japanese Teas,Crockery. Mattings,

Vass. Caniphurwood Trunks,Ratan Chairs.

Silks ard. Satin...Of All KJnd

210-21- 2 Nuuacu Street.

?id to fhip'- - bJpfet'VorV tii.4 ifMASSAGE.

A CERTIFICATED Masseur wishes afew more patients: would care for in-valids. Terms ' reasoab e. Address"Nurse," this office. 5576

' WAIPILIP1LO. KAPALAMA.(Near ramcar Stables.) '

telephone 199. : . : . Box 10MT Advert.ser Is "e,,J"ffi

part of the city for 75 cenj

