Houston Belt & Terminal Railway Company __———— SAFETY FIRST _— TIME TABLE NO. 144 EFFECTIVE SUNDAY APRIL 4, 1948 12:01 A. M. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME SUPERSEDINGTIME TABLE No. 143 DATED MARCH 21, 1948 FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF EMPLOYES ONLY Not intended for the Inhalation of the public nor an an ldverdumult of “I. time of trains. Tlu nilv-y ' reoerva flu right In vlry therefrom .- airman-mean m “quire NOTE CAREFULLY IMPORTANT CHANGES IN RULES AND REGULATIONS CONSULT BULLETIN BOOKS DAILY R. 3. BALL. Fluid-III G. M. LEACH, Aging Cunard M W. L MAGEE, THE-nuts! Houston Belt & Terminal Railway Company p—d—d—q SAFETY FIRST __ TIME TABLE ' NO. 144 EFFECTIVE SUNDAY APRIL 4, 1948 12:01 A. M. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME SUPERSEDINGTIME TABLE No. 143 DATED MARCH 21, 1948 FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF EMPLOYEE ONLY Not intended far the infomthn of {In public m II III “Iver-619ml!“ of [In tin. of (ruins. Th nilmy renam- tha right to "try therefrom u gin-Imam any require NOTE CAREFULLY IMPORTANT CHANGES IN RULES AND REGULATIONS CONSULT BULLETIN BOOKS DAILY R. 3. BALL. Padang G. M. LEACH, Adi-g Gum-l Maug- w. L. mama, Tni-m 4

HB&T 144 4-4-1948 · 2019. 8. 17. · HoustonBelt&Terminal RailwayCompany __———— SAFETY_—FIRST TIMETABLE NO.144 EFFECTIVE SUNDAY APRIL4,1948 12:01A.M. CENTRALSTANDARDTIME

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Page 1: HB&T 144 4-4-1948 · 2019. 8. 17. · HoustonBelt&Terminal RailwayCompany __———— SAFETY_—FIRST TIMETABLE NO.144 EFFECTIVE SUNDAY APRIL4,1948 12:01A.M. CENTRALSTANDARDTIME

Houston Belt & Terminal

Railway Company__————







Not intended for the Inhalation of the public nor an

an ldverdumult of “I. time of trains. Tlu nilv-y' reoerva flu right In vlry therefrom .-

airman-mean m “quire


R. 3. BALL.Fluid-III

G. M. LEACH,Aging CunardMW. L MAGEE,THE-nuts!

Houston Belt & Terminal

Railway Companyp—d—d—q






FOR THE GOVERNMENTOF EMPLOYEE ONLYNot intended far the infomthn of {In public m IIIII “Iver-619ml!“ of [In tin. of (ruins. Th nilmy

renam- tha right to "try therefrom ugin-Imam any require


R. 3. BALL.Padang

G. M. LEACH,Adi-g Gum-l Maug-

w. L. mama,Tni-m


Page 2: HB&T 144 4-4-1948 · 2019. 8. 17. · HoustonBelt&Terminal RailwayCompany __———— SAFETY_—FIRST TIMETABLE NO.144 EFFECTIVE SUNDAY APRIL4,1948 12:01A.M. CENTRALSTANDARDTIME


No.1“ .. FIRST CLASSEffective fig 327 409 325 507 33I 3” 403 II 3

.. m am Hi" HI I.“ I-GII act HI MlAPRIL 4, 1948 33 21 9 25 501 31 11 3 11 3

STAT-Ms '5 m; hm; hm: hm; km; 5:}: in: km: 3:"...- aqu 1:01:51 5.: m m43 0-0 7,25 6.24T. &'N. O. Crossing .

1.00 (Remote Controlled) 0’45

I.-G.N2.5Crossing Tower 801 43

BELT JUNCTION mx A". V "9' F'“ 'M "I '5 ”7'1.84 TOWCI'SO 1.68 5.2;) 1.28 10.20 12.59 1.40 410 627 6.32 547

Oil SidingAutomatic .47 3-52

T. & N. O. CrossingBhk ‘ .40 (Remote Controlled). 3'99

Syltqn L°"‘"“‘ 4.39 5.29 7.32 10.25 1.02 1.44 4.14 6.31 6.36 8.51T. & ll!)- 0. Crossing Tower 26 4 70

Maryétreet Junction 430'1‘. & 111) O. Crossing Tower 139 5.23

Buffalié Bayou Draw Bridge 53G. H: 8: H. JunctionRam" .04 (End Double Track)ControlI.-G.I‘§.8Crossing (Commerce St.) 5.8’

5.81 5.37 7.38 10.37 1.08 1.52 4.22 6.38 6.43 8.57A

HOUSTON UNION STA. BX 643 5.45 7.45 10.45 1.15 2.00 4.30 6.45 6.50 9.00Tower 116 AM AM AM PM PM PM Ill AL$43 Miles 1‘.’.'.'.',' $0.? $111? fill; fill; an: fill: lu'll'n': 1.1::

32740932550731.3114”!!! uSOUTHWARD TRAINS ARE SUPERIOR TO NORTHWARD TRAINS OF THE SAME CLASS.Train! on the North Belt District are handled by B. S. L. 8: W. Ry. Train Dispatchers' Office, De Quincy. La.

Trains have no time table superiority betwen T&N0 Crossing Tower 26 and Houston Union Stationand will move between such limits at restricted speed.

Station: at which train registers are located are designated in full faced type in the Time Table.First class trains will not obtain clearance Form C at Gulf Coast.First class trains will not obtain clearance Form C at Belt Junction, unless train order signal is in ”flop" position.

Page 3: HB&T 144 4-4-1948 · 2019. 8. 17. · HoustonBelt&Terminal RailwayCompany __———— SAFETY_—FIRST TIMETABLE NO.144 EFFECTIVE SUNDAY APRIL4,1948 12:01A.M. CENTRALSTANDARDTIME



3Effective 3E3 404 4 3|8 332 l2 326 508 4") 328”mm SCI 5-“ l-GII I-IiII HI I-GN II-II GCl I-‘N“mu-4,1943 Egaamzznzssoama.u

STATIONS ‘9 ‘91]? ”nil-‘1‘ 333' 11115": ‘u'IIL' {'21-'12 fi'fi'u'y' ”11:11.“ 1%?- oqu coast 3.: . m m.43 6.43 8.50 9.50T. & N. O. Crossing 6 001.00 (RemotesControlled) ‘

I.-G.Nz.sCrossing Tower 80 5.00AM An AM pm PM run A?

BtriJuNCTION Twat"; 4.75 8.44 9.13 9.39 11.59 12.1" 2.44 5.13 9.44 12.04

Automatic WSW 2.91

. T. &AN. 0. CrossM .40 (RemotegControlled) 2-44

53"“ ““13; 2.04 8.40 9.09 9.35 11.55 12.11 2.40 5.09 9.40 11.59

T.&N.0.-"Crossing Tower26 1 73.10 'I

Mary43Street Junction 1.63T. 8: N. O. Crossing Tower 139 1.20

LButte]; Bayou Draw Bridge 1.10

Remote Gflflogznifiglfifiiuble’rmk) .02 3.34 9.03 0.29 11.49 12.05 2.34 5.03 0.34 11.54Control ‘

I.-G.I‘-I5.8Crossing (Commerce St.) _58

HOUSTON UNION STA. BX 0 3.30 0.00 9.25 11.45 12.01 2.30 5.00 9.30 11.50Tower 116 ‘ Am AM All AM In pm pm In PM

5.43 Miles km; 1:11; 5:11: '15:}; 3:11; 1:11.- n'fi' :01: #111;

404 4 318 332 12 326 508 no asSOUTHWARD TRAINS ARE SUPERIOR T0 NORTHWARD TRAINS OF THE SAME CLASS.Thine on the North Belt District are handled by B. S. L. & W. Ry. Train Dispatchers’ Office, De Quincy, La.

Tnilu hove no time table superiority between Houston Union Station and T&NO Crossing Tower 2|end will move between such limits at restricted speed.

Shtimu It which train register: Ire [outed are denigrated In full faced type in the Time Table.First CIIII train: will not obtain clearance Form C It Gulf Coalt.Pint clan trains will not ohtnin clearance Form C It Belt Junction. unlcn train order signal in In “stop" which.

Page 4: HB&T 144 4-4-1948 · 2019. 8. 17. · HoustonBelt&Terminal RailwayCompany __———— SAFETY_—FIRST TIMETABLE NO.144 EFFECTIVE SUNDAY APRIL4,1948 12:01A.M. CENTRALSTANDARDTIME


Train: on South Belt District are handled by G. C. & S.Tram: on East Belt District are handled bv B. S. L &

F. Ry. Train Displtcher's Office at Galveston. Texas.W. Ry. Train Dispatcher’s Otfice at De Quincy. La.

TIMETABLE SOUTHWAR”No.1“ g“ “1251 CLASSEffective ,2 ‘g I05 lli5 5 5H 32l l5 5l5 H9 |4| 56l 68l I37 59|

“SCISFGCleCCISf Gil Hill GCXSf SCI. GCSST C33? ECl GCl GCIST 6C1APRIL4,194B fig 16065112115156 141010113791. Ummuons 3 1:11.- 11111 1:11; 11:11; 11:01:11. 111.- 1:11.- 1:11; 1:11: 1.11.- 1:11: 11.11.

Afi‘ TM All Til—“FT:——Pll pun rm“01130100! "MON $41-$33; 0-0 8.00 0.30 11.35 11.05 2.25 7.10 9.45 1015

1"G'Ndsluncfiw hm" 8‘ 1.00 11.05 3.115 8.40 11.10 2'3: 7.15 9.50 10.20T. & N. 0. Crossing Tower 84 l 08AutomaticD :166T k J t‘ 1

'0“ e TIC “11C 10D — -. -~

Block . (Eat Belt human) 3.74 8.10 8.42 13.41 11.17 1 20 0.5. 10.26,_ , _. PM FM F" P AM

System ”Ew- 50”" Y‘RDTW" 1'}; 4.17 8.11 5.43 s 49 11.18 1.21 9.511 10.21 715 7.10 10.15 ”ago 0.00T: & N. O. Junction Tower 81 4 92 8.13 3.45 7.22 9.59 10.21;

‘ AM AM PM pm PM PM pm pm PM ‘11::—— n4.92 1111.. 1111: 1.111.- 151.- 1511: "111: 1.11.: 1.111; 1.111.- 1111: 11:10 1.111: 11:11: .1315

105 165 5 511 m 15 515 119 141 561 581 I37 581



“.5. No. 144 “"‘° 3““ 5"“ . 5% 63 75 36l 493 79 93Hmton UnionShlioutoT.&N.O. Effectlva 1% W Mil GCl SCI. GCl 54”

Junction APRIL 4, 1948 E0 63 75 361 ‘93 79 93

Tutu luv. no am able uperi- 3 um Law Lulu En“; um umorlly berm- Hmuum Union 505- STATI‘JNS “‘"‘ ”‘"‘ W" 0 m" "'"’ W"tion In! Doublc Tngk Junction and GULF COAST 3.! 0.0 (AM AM AM PM PM PMwill n." h. "ch “mm “ 2.54 0.45 4.40 5.10 1.15 4.10 11.40

mh'ie‘hd Ipo-d. T. &é £19 0. Crossing Tower 87 2.60Suds-ml at which train red-ten In 10- . . . .

cared.m duiluud In 11:11 heed m- 1. 82191115111103 4.9-1“‘° 1.... “M ifa: N. o. Crossing TX 5.54Normm GCSF m1 GCL min. mler- .46 Tower 86in; upon an.“ By. C». am. .0 Two ~

Junctilm. Tower 01. and Nonlunrd tninl Buffa'g Bayou Draw Bndge 6'00[m Gum and" 2"” EB“ R" 0‘" l.-G.N. Crossing Tower 189 1-;;"k' “1:311" 1:"m.” 13"" u, 2:; .37 (Automatic Interlocking) 6""“futon: ' om "m“ G. H. & H. Crossing Tower 85 7 34' 1.94

_ (Remote Controlled) 'All 11 .11 ~ - . , .

.... .0"..:::“... *1" ”“11 T“°21.2.‘1“§21:“1......1All muthvnrd exh'l tninl mun 11an NEW SOUTH YARD HA 9 ,1 “anElena-c: cord.- at New Saulh Yard. Tower 117 " an AM AM I'll run PM

ARI"”1 ml“ ‘01:: El»? 131': £1931 ”on"? ‘u‘a'll'l'y'

63 75 361 483 73 93NORTHWARD TRAINS ARE SUPERIOR TO SOUTHWARD TRAINS OF THE SAME CLASS. Nos. 141. 561, 581, 137, 591. 63, 75.

361, 493. 79. 93. have no tinu tAbleauthor-{tn

Page 5: HB&T 144 4-4-1948 · 2019. 8. 17. · HoustonBelt&Terminal RailwayCompany __———— SAFETY_—FIRST TIMETABLE NO.144 EFFECTIVE SUNDAY APRIL4,1948 12:01A.M. CENTRALSTANDARDTIME


RTrains on South Belt District are handled by G.Trains on East Belt District are handled by B. S L

ToC. fi’2'1” F. Ry Train Dispatcher'I Office at Galveston. Texan.

W. Ry. Train Dismtcher’u Office at De. Quincy La.

TIMETABLE >§ NORTHWARDNo.1“ E FIRST CLASSEffective a; 5l6 I6 I20 322 I55 I06 5|2 6 I33 I40 580 560 590a . iCl GUSFGCISI l-GN CCISHCSSE GCl GEESI [ISIGCISI SCl. SCI 5CAPRIL 4, 1948 fig 15 1s 5 22 65 15 12 s 138 no so on sosun-«ms 7%.: 42:: m We... M... 1m: m: *1"; m m 4.2.4.- m- «as; '4.

All MI AM All pm pm "I runnggoN umonfiqzfl fig 4-92 7.30 7.50 8.10 11.15 6.50 7.00 7.50 10.00

1.42.1}thunclian Tower 84 3.92 1:326IT 821E0?Crbi§in’g""fdfieT'81 3 84

A c ' .u on.“ D°“b1° Tm“ “mm“ . 1.18 7.16 1.38 7.59 6.35 6.47 7.36 9.47BI I: . (East Belt Junction)°c NEW 50“" VAR” "A .75 7.15 7.37 7.53 6.34 (5.46 7.35 9.46 {‘3}, {Q1} {1% {3'0 333.0System .75 Tower 117 ' ‘ ‘ -

T. & N. O. Junction Tower 81 7.14 ”.36 ~57 6.33 5.44 7.34 9.44‘0 An 1AM 4AM PM PM PM pm All AM A III %I... Luv. LII»-4.92 Miles I633 5'33 mm ii'e'n’i'. ifii‘r’y' iiiii,‘ ifii: i531: nan, mm mm mm ”'"'7’ ’"Ti T as 16 m m we 15 512 s m m sun see so




. 9" 360 98 492 78 76 62Effect” 55 m B-Il a Cl eel M I act Ammw3“ 5"“-APRIL 4, 1948 3% 360 as 492 1s 1s 62 1'. a. N. o. Junction In Hang...a MM Uninn Stationsun-0N5 5% 1.2:: on»: 53‘: mm": m.- m.- Tnh, 1.... n a... h”. up...GULF COAST BJ 9 71 A" A” All in PM PM "it! IBM-an Doubb Trash Jun:-2.“ ‘ 3.00 3.10 3.50 11415 9.40 9% lion Ind Hon-lo- U-Ion Sudan and

T. & N. O. Crossing Tower87 7.07 will mov- kul and: Ii-iu u2.29 rellrictul Inland.Em“515mm; 4-73 Steam. u Iriid: min mhtcn m b.T. & iii-0.Crossing ..:1“,.k8)g,, 4 17 xzdfimlr'fmmu in full head (m h

OWCI‘ ' .A Buffalo Bayou Draw Bridge 3 71 thwltd 668! and GE]. enh- unm-(.57.: T .89

' 3m: 1:“:mmamI.~ . . rousing owcr . ..37 (Automatic Interlocking) 2' ’4 iron Gnu: Intern-Ix npon EB“ By. Dr.

G. H. & H. Crossing Tower 85 fluk- It'I-GN June-him. Tram u, my194 (Remote Controlled) 2-37 :2“;ng ulna-m ale-rm- and

Double Track Junction 0.43 2.30 2-40 8.00 1030 850 9_00 A“ mthwnrd “I.” mm 01min .1”.4 (Egggvlielt Junction)d HNEW soum YARD HA YA RI) “‘2 e" -' mm Wm: Sn

Tower 117 0-0 "I A... ”I A“ I." run All Iauthwnrd em: train- mun obtlin1w clearance urd: II New South anII.971 Miles “We kill:

{fix-E; '55: W; W.7 m 98


78 76 aNORTHWARD TRAINS ARE SUPERIO SOUTHWAIID TRAINS OF THE SAME CLASS Nos, 138. 140, 591). 560. 590. 360. 9‘.49 78, 7 1: tin: ab]:2, 62, 6, av: no e I

Page 6: HB&T 144 4-4-1948 · 2019. 8. 17. · HoustonBelt&Terminal RailwayCompany __———— SAFETY_—FIRST TIMETABLE NO.144 EFFECTIVE SUNDAY APRIL4,1948 12:01A.M. CENTRALSTANDARDTIME


Employee whose duties are in any way affected bythe time table must have a copy of the current timetable with them while on duty.Trains or engines Operating over tracks of the Houston

Belt & Terminal Railway Company will be governed by“The Uniform Code of Operating Rules” as adopted byMissouri Pacific, Rock Island & St. Louis SouthwesternRailway Lines, which was effective November 1, 1940.

Trains entering upon H.B.&T. Ry. Co. tracks at GulfCoast. Belt Junction. T.&N.O. Junction and [.-G.N.Junction, destined to Houston Union Stationwill assumethe schedule shown under subheadings on H. B. & T.Ry. Co. time table carrying the train numbers of theirown railroad.Examples: I.G.N. No. 27 will assume the schedule

of H.B.&T. No. 327, G.C.&S.F. No. 5 will assume theschedule of H.B.&T. No. 120, etc.Between Tower 81 at T.&N.O. Junction and Double

Track Junction, trains and engines will be governed byinterlocking signals which will supersede superiority oftrains within these limits, but do not dispense withthe use or observance of other signals whenever andwherever required.Trains or engines using G.H.&H. track between G.H.

&H. Junction and Willow Street must obtain clearancefrom G.H.&H. Dispatcher, at Union Station going Northand Grand Central Station or M-K-T Station goingSouth.Yard limits extend from a point 522 feet south of

T.&N.O. Crossing Tower 81 at New South Yard, to theend of H.B.&T. track west of Lowell Street and 4000 feeteast of east wye switch at Gulf Coast on B.S.L.&W. track.Two Main Tracks extend from G.H.&H. Junction

north of Commerce Street to Double Track Junction atOld South Yard.

Bulletin Books or Boards Are Located as Follows:

Houston Union Station ........................Telegraph OfficeGulf Coast ............. ...Te1egraph OfficeNew South Yards ...Telegraph OfficeRound House .............................................................. Office

Speed Restrictions: Mile-Per Hour

Houston, City Limits .............................................. 18

Backing under train sheds Houston UnionStation . 5

Around South leg of Wye at Gulf Coast... 10Around East leg of Wye at Belt Junction 10

Through all turnouts or crossovers ....... 10Buffalo Bayou Bridge North Belt District 15Buffalo Bayou Bridge East Belt District...... 10Between T.&N.O. Crossing Tower 26 and

Loraine Street Siding, North Belt District... 18


NORTH BELT DISTRICTT.&N.O. Crossing between Gulf Coast and Belt Jct.,

controlled from Tower 80.

T.&N.O. Crossing between Oil Siding and Loraine, con-trolled from Tower 26.

G.H.&H. Crossing Canal St., G.H.&H. Jct., and I-GNCrossing Commerce St., controlled from Tower 116.

EAST BELT DISTRICTG.H.&H. Crossing (Old Tower 85) at Hughes Tool Co.,

controlled from Tower 86.

North end Long Pass, 1900 feet South of Tower 87,controlled from Tower 87. Covered by Rules 281 to 292inclusive, Block Signal Rules 508 to 518, inclusive, (ex—

cept Rules 509 (b), 509 (c) and 509 (d), InterlockingRules 605 to 605 (d), inclusive and special instructions.Automatic interlocking signals protect the movement

of trains and engines over Buffalo Bayou Brid e betweenI-GN Crossing at Tower 189 and T.&N.O. rossing atTower 86, Rule 671 governs these movements.Automatic interlocking signals at I—GN Crossing Tow-

er 189 are governed by Rule 672.wSTANDARD TIMEThe time signals will be sent daily at 11:00 A. M.

“Central” time, from the Master Clock of the Washing-ton, D. C,, United States Naval Observatory, to all tele-graph stations on this road. The signals are automaticclock beats, repeated over the wires by the Master Clock.

Page 7: HB&T 144 4-4-1948 · 2019. 8. 17. · HoustonBelt&Terminal RailwayCompany __———— SAFETY_—FIRST TIMETABLE NO.144 EFFECTIVE SUNDAY APRIL4,1948 12:01A.M. CENTRALSTANDARDTIME

It is important that every station shall have absolutelycorrect time, and operators receiving time will, if neces-sary, correct the station clock to agree with time signalas received, but Trainmen and Enginemen must not taketime from such clocks unless they are also designatedas Standard Clocks.Standard Clocks located at Houston Union Station

telegraph office and at New South Yard Telegraph office.MISCELLANEOUS

In Texas a railroad company has the right to ejectfrom its train any passenger who refuses upon demandto produce a proper ticket or other transportation, orpay his fare to his destination, and he may be expelledat any point on the line of the road whether at a stationor otherwise, with this limitation: In case a person is,by reason of any infirmity, unable to travel or find hisway from the point where he is put off to a dwellinghouse or town, or the weather is so inclement as torender it unsafe or inhuman to eject a person at a pointother than a station, then such person should be ejectedfrom the train at a station where suitable accommoda-tions can be procured for his safety and comfort.Drunken or disorderly persons, or others whose con-

duct and appearance is such as is calculated to operateas a serious annoyance to other passengers, or is disgust-ing, or a passenger who is guilty of gross misconduct,either by insulting or assaulting other passengers ortrain employes, who uses vile or profane language in thecar, or who threatens to assault other passengers ortrain employes, may lawfully be expelled from the trainat any place, provided the place is not such as to causewant or injury; this may be done whether fare has beenpaid or not.Trainmen and Yardmen must. when cutting crossings,

leave the entire street clear, and when coupling up mustprotect each crossing by having a trainman or yardmanstationed at the crossing. or on the car nearest thecrossing, for the purpose of flagging the crossing, beforemoving cars over it.

WARNINGEmployes are hereby informed that it is dangerous

to ride on the pilots of road or work train engines, andthey are hereby directed not to do so.All employes are hereby advised that in order to de—

crease the killing of stock the Company has found itnecessary to extend its fences at a number of stations

on the line so as to include portions of the side tracks,and that surface or pit cattleguards have been or willbe placed in the main and side tracks at various stations.All employes having to do switching or other work onsuch tracks will take notice hereof, and from time totime advise themselves of the location of such cattle-guards and use the necessary precaution to prevent beingcaught in same. as the Company will not be liable orresponsible in damages to any one injured by beingcaught in such cattleguards.Bridgemen while working on bridges must put up slow

signals while the men are working on the bridge eventhough it is safe for train. This is to prevent trains fromrunning over bridges at a high rate of speed while menare working on them.Bridgemen. section men and other employes must pro-tect cars being loaded or unloaded by them or otherswith red flags. to indicate to trainmen that the cars mustnot be moved until they have investigated and given all

parties notice.It is dangerous to approach oil tanks, oil cars, oil pipelines. oil pumps. oil vats or any receptacles used in hand-

ling or storing fuel oil with a light of any kind. All em-ployes are warned not to approach the opening where oilis exposed with lanterns, torch or other light which ismade by flame.Cars should be taken to avoid the striking of stock asit is liable to cause derailment, jeopardize the lives of

the engine and train crew and destroyCompany property.STATE LAWS GOVERNING RAILROAD EMPLOYESArt. 4228. Every Conductor. Baggagemaster. En-

gineer, Brakeman. or other servant of any such railroadcorporation. employed in a passenger train or at stationsfor passengers. shall wear upon his hat or cap a badgewhich shall indicate his office, and the initial letters ofthe style of the corporation by which he is employed.Art. 4229. No Conductor or collector without such

badge shall demand or be entitled to receive from anypassenger any fare. toll. ticket or exercise any of thepowers of his office, and no other of the said officers orservants. without such badge, shall have any authorityto meddle or interfere with the passengers, their baggageor their property.Art. 4232. A bell of at least thirty pounds weight and

a steam whistle shall be placed on each locomotive en-gine, and the whistle shall be blown and the bell rung at

Page 8: HB&T 144 4-4-1948 · 2019. 8. 17. · HoustonBelt&Terminal RailwayCompany __———— SAFETY_—FIRST TIMETABLE NO.144 EFFECTIVE SUNDAY APRIL4,1948 12:01A.M. CENTRALSTANDARDTIME

sthe distance of at least eighty rods from the place wherethe railroad shall cross any public road or street, and thatsuch bell shall be kept ringing until it shall have crossedsuch public road or stopped; and each locomotive engineapproaching a place where two lines of railway crosseach other shall, before reaching such railway crossing,.be brought to a full stop; and any engineer havingcharge of such engine and neglecting to comply with anyof the provisions of this Act shall be fined in any sumnot less than five nor more than one hundred dollars forsuch neglect, and the corporations operating such rail—

roads shall be liable for all damages which shall be sus-tained by any person by reason of any such neglect;provided, however, that the full stop at such crossingsmay be discontinued when the railroads crossing eachother shall put into full operation at such crossing aninterlocking switch and signal apparatus. and shall keepa flagman in attendance at such crossing.

Art. 4233. In forming a passenger train, baggage orfreight or merchandise or lumber cars shall not be placedin rear of passenger cars; and if they, or any of them,shall be so placed and any accident happens to life orlimb, the officer or agent who so directed, or knowinglysuffered such an arrangement, and the conductor andengineer of the train shall each and all be held guilty ofintentionally causing the injury and be punished accord-ing y.Engineers are cautioned against any failure to comply

with the laws concerning whistling and bell—ringing andare instructed to use both the whistle and the bell athighway crossings. However, Houston City ordinanceprovides:Sec. 269. “All persons are prohibited from blowing

any whistle on an locomotive, or single blasts there-from within the limits of the City of Houston, for alonger period of time than five (5) seconds, except whenthere is imminent danger of an accident.

"All persons are prohibited from blowing off or blow-ing out a boiler when crossing any public street, alleyor other thorouhgfare within the limits of the City ofHouston.“Each and every person violating any provision of

this section shall be fined in any sum, upon conviction,not less'than Five Dollars ($511)) and not exceedingFifty Dollars ($50.00).

Before opening blow—off valves on locomotives, en-ginemen must first see that there is no one near thelocomotive liable to become injured thereby.

Passengers or employes injured or who require medi-cal treatment at Houston notify doctors as follows:Dr. S. W. Thorn ............................................................ HB&TDr. A. Philo Howard .. St.LB&M BSL&W & I-GNDr. L. L. Zarr . ......................... GC&SFDr. W. S. Red ......................... GC&SFDr. A. Philo Howard ........................................... .. BRI

DR. S. W. THORN, Chief SurgeonMr. J. C. HUME, Claim Agent

HB&T Railway Co.