w i r n ,7fc " ft ft jsi:t"; ' t - e ' j ; ','" ' as r .. fS?T- - - m i $ vi(VV'v J, 3 ' Li- Si, , a- - : S': . 4 B& :,.. kO, " v &, "V". M'Kk-'- . ..; s jil. 1 il'V3 S!?!.'- o ST- - " E JlUn'-lH- '-' J- - I.H. Vol. Xnr. 1982. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 2, 1888. SO OENTS QU0S0RIPT1ON PER fe$l -- " 'V IT- - ' , v '- - :?; - fv!" ' & i - V.f tW' tfo. MONTH. i TPTE D AIL ST BULLETIN Is printed aud published at tho office, Quooii Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription. 50 conls pnr Monlh. Addrosii nil Communlcatlona Daiia DULIiKTIM. Advertisements, tc cn3iiro insertion, should be linmlcd in before one o'clock P. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor IAS 0. CLEVIOFl iMananor Bulletin Stoain Printing Oflioo. Newspaper, Bimk and Job Printing of all kinds dono ou the most favorablo terms. Bell Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 250 Daily Bulletin Summary Published twice a Month. An interesting and comprehensive publication, and contains from 10 to GO columns of reading matte'r on local top. ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu nud Island News. It Is the best paper uuulMicd lu the Kingdom to scud to friends abroad. Subscription (mailed) 82.60 a year. - Commission. Meronants. TT HACKl'LD to Co., General Commission Agents. ' 070 ly Honolulu G. W. MAD?AELANE & Co. IMPOHTEUB AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. - Queen street, - - - 1G-1- BliBWBH t COMPANY, G. (himltud) Gbnbual Mekcantile and COilMIBSION AOBNTB. list oi' oFviOBits: P. C. Jones, Jr President & Manager J. O. Oahtkh: .. ..Treasurer & Secretary a DiiiEOTOiis: Hon. O. K. Bishop. S. C. Allen, II. Watebiiousb. aaa iy T. WATBBHOUSE, JOHN 'Importer and Dealer In General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle.-- J. 11. Atherton-- G. P. Castle Hi OOOKE, CASTIiH Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers In General Merchandise, No. 80 King at., Honolulu. 1 ClauB Surcckuls. Wm. G. Irwin. Q. IKWIN & COMPANY, w. tiuuur Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 X7"IIiDEK Si CO., YY Dealers InLumbor, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort aud Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 GBINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise aiid Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 1:21 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. It. Lowors, F. J. IiOwroy, O. M. Cooke. & Cooke, r (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu ! Q-onsalv- He C3o. Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Hus removed to ono of tho Now Stores in tho Tliomiin JBlock, It ins Street, Three doors from Castlo & Cookcs', Where ho is prepared to manufacture all kinds rt Jewelry. CO aTm. hewett, Stationer & Newsdealer, Morchant Street, - Honolulu, H.I Blutunl Tol.:t71. . Hell Tvl.SOii. Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty. Ot Jors taken for Newspapers, Pariodl. cnls, Books, Music, etc., from any part of the world, having made nil arrange, ments therefor whilst in Ban Frnticlfjo. Ited Jtuliber StuiiipM to Order. 71 TF YOU FIND ANYTHING, X advertise it in tho Daily Bulletin Professionals. MALCOLM BROWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For tho Islnnd of Oahu. Ofllcc, : Gov't Building, Honolulu. 30 If XOHN A. HASSINOER. O Agent to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor, Interior Ofllcc, Honolulu. M. THOMPSON, AttoiMioy-at-iCiti-- Ofllco in Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort & Merchant Sts., Honolulu, H. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. ST When desired, will give tho law In n written opinion, as to the probablo re- sult of tho contention upon the facts ftntcd. 15881v JM. MONSAItBAT, ATIOHNEY AT LAW and. Notary Public. Ileal Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans nogotif. ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands Wo BROWN, Attorncr and Counsellor at Law. Notary Tubllc, aud Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgments of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u. 1 Alfred Magoon, J ATTOKNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Mcrclmnt street. Honolulu, ly VETEKINAKY. A RITCHIE ROWAT, xiL. Veterinary Surgeon. Ofllcc and Residence: 1C0 King street Mutual Telephone 35l. Orders left at Hotel Stables will bo received and promptly attended to. 43 3m T H. SOPEB.M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Nel Millinery Estab- lishment, Sun Francisco. 23 Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. ' Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly rr. m. denson. O. W. BUITU. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 11G Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Bocricke,& Sceoblk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort,Strect, William's Block, Hono-21- 0 Honolulu, H. I. WEMER & CO. aiuiinructiirlnc Jewellers, NO. OS JTOIfX" STlta333T. Constantly on hand a largo assortmeu of every description Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having Improved facilities, is prepared to fill orders at short notice. 1854 tf HOHOUILU- - CARRIAGE CO., Not. 33,. 45, G2, G3, G7, 73 & 97. I!. O, Hcliuninn, - Proprietor. C2r Stand Corner Merohant and Fort Streets. Mr rJ7ololtonuH aaB. -- tta mch 0.80.1y HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRIAGE CO. Curingi'" at all hours, day and night. Saddle Hores, Buggies, Wagonettes and Village Carts witu stylish and gcntlo horses to let. FOR SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Becond hand Ilaoks, Open and Top Buggies, Oarts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MILES & IIAYLKY. ' " 1674 ly SAMUEL K. KAEO, A.t1:oxmey at Xiaw. Office, : No. 0 Kunhumnnu street, np 21.88. ly BeavBr L, Saloon Tho Boat Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours Tho Finest Brand of Ii?Vli n m 1 sm.jBsaLwm ' GtHAvovsiagir oix Xlniicl. II. J. NOITE, Proprietor. CHR. GERTZ, Importer and Dealer in JentH liadlcH', & Children's Boots, Shoes and Slippers, The Choicest Brands of Cigars, JjflJonaffl Always on lliuul. tSTOrdcrs from tho other Islands solicited. 79 tf 'S BAKERY 73 NDUANU STREET. MRS. R0BT. LOVE, - PROPRIETRESS Every description of PLAIN & FANCY Bread &Crackers, FRESH SODA CRACKERS AND SALOON BREAD Always on hand. MILOREAD A SPECIALTY. Islnnd orders promptly attended to. 08 Gm PIONEER STEAI-CAIYEACTO- M ANB BAKEBT. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. TSa" Telephone 74 TVM. McUANDIiESS, No. 0 Queen street,. Fish Market, Dealer In choicest Beer, Vcnl, Sluttou, Fish, le., Ac Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 346 ly X"XI3B Metropolitan Meat Company 81 King: Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Eotaii Butchers. AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Polled Anps Stud ISis FOR &AXJEI. Bull Calves (rom 10 to 13 months old. Ilcilor Calves from 10 to 13 monlhs old. APPLY TO J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu, Juno 24, 1887. 70 NOTICE. MESSRS J. E. BROWN &CO. to collect for tho Bulletin Honolulu Juno 8th. 1887. BT rpHE ONLY LIVE PAPER In X Honolulu "Tho Dally Bulletin, CO cents per month. UMMER MILLINERY GOOD TVOV OIPJETV JbJJ? THE Popular Millinery 104 Fort Stroot, N. S. SACHS, - A Most Complete and lew '.':. Showing tho Now Shades and New Combinations. TULLE ! TULLE ! Tho Very Latest in All Shades. Our Stock of TrimMaed. and CJn.triwamecl Hats Cannot bo excelled. Wo have the Newest and Latest Shades, in Black, Whilo and all Colors New I Also, an Iniincnso Assortment of ip Pnn.PnM NiTPP.ttfiQ ftiiifls ami Winirol II 1UU1 UUU, U,i A New Baby's Lace and nspection is Solicited. jB0 . ... ..- & ! - - of 0F" ia s Selected by Mr. In England and America. Call ami tho now "by tho ITorfc Blacksmith and 79 & 81 King Street, mid S(.w of work in the abovo lines in a manner. a 107- -a 107-- 8 HAY Patten Boie - JOHN 1. House. BONNETS BONNETS Fancy Trimming Ribons Honolulu. Proprietor. Elegant ts Hats Stock Muslin Bonnets Inspecticn Solicited. Carriage Building, Trimming;. A Large & Unique Assortment Dillingham examine goods, being opened Pacific Hardware Co., Street, Honolulu. A. MORGAN, Work, Painting: ffxsv9B?fH& Eutniueew XVom Iiii? Mei-cliitn- t Every description performed first.clnss Also, Horse Shoeing Specialty. Telephone, (mrh tSTBcll Telephone, HAY AND -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. Telephones 175. Corner ITT, 8 Stock. n, Edinburgh & Queen Streets. Kaalnimami Street S 03 Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Goods, PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND 993 ' SHEET IEON" WORK. EAEE CHAHCE FOE INVESTMENT BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND OFFERED HY THE imlMd Life Is ASSETS OV13R THE UNITED STATES. THE protection of Life Insurance combined with the Investment Principles of Savings Bank. Example of a'2'i.ycar Endowment Policy for $10,000 taken out at the nge of Z'i voire OF Annual Total Premiums C.i h Fund Equivalent Paid nn Premium. Paid in 2') yrc Then due. Up Policy for Life. $487 $9,740 $18,110 $43,800 Estimates for different amounts and your family irom tuturo want or provide Indisputable, Non.Fotfeltnble, &c, &c. For full particulars, apply to Alexander 1010 ly WALKER & REDWAED, Contrnotors fc XJiilltlorM. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; cs. tlmates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap 5.1y Q.EORGE LUCAS, U,ft -- a Contractor Sii&lskiA. and Bullder,B S nade, Honolulu Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orderapromptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other Is-an- solicited PLANING MILL. AInkon, nenr (nccn HU I Tolcpliono 55. . s&rtff Honolulu iron 'Works, SMatl Steam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; Iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description nlado to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 -- IVJUTV- MerchantTaHoriDg Establishing The undersigned having opened a flrst- - class Merchant Tailoring Estab- - lishmcnt at tho Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under the firm name of F.Habermacher&Go. Begs leave to solicit tho patronage of his friends and public generally. CO Cm F. HABERMACHER. J. C. MAliCUANT, (Buccessor to T. G. Thrum) Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, Friend Building, Bethel street, Ho no. 63 lulu. tf A. II. EASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. W shes to notify tho public that ho has removed to larger quarters, No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, zsr UP STA1K.S. -- a 81 3m FERTILIZERS For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns, Etc., Etc. For Hnlo by 1IAXHOX &. H5IVT1I. inr-ri- s ..,., .....! ... .....i n YY ortowforiK it superior quality, thoroughly cured and warranted one of tho best articles of tho kind In tho market. Orders may bo left with - I.. P. HANSON, 200 Queen street, G. M. SMYTH, Haw. Hotel Stable! 03 L'ni Tho Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blacktmith Coal and a general assortment of 415. Bar Iron. THE ONLY PAPER rnul by all X classes ."Tho Dully Bulletin." 60 cents per month. ' surance Go 880,000,000. Annuity for Life $1,310 different ages cheerfully given Protect lor your own oiri age. 1'oiicica Free. J. Cartwright, General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Firo and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Oo Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Assots, $75,000,000 C.O.BEEGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo &. Marino Insur'oe Agents. AGENTS FOU The Xcw England MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The iEtna Tire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tho Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'y KBTAMJSnED 1815, Capital, 9,000,000 Rolchsmarbi undersigned, hnving been ap pointed agent of the above Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildlnjrs Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjuslod and Payable Id Honolulu. H. RIEMENSOHNEIDEB, 070 ly at Wilder & Co's. Hustace& Robertson, DEAYMEN. LL ordors for Cartago promptly at. XX tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. OfHfirt. nillnlntnw V T . A.1.- - - -- -. j. .b " uiuo ivvo. n 982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. M. R. COJLBURN, ALL kinds of drayago attended to w!th Promptness. While and Black band delivered in quantities to suit- - Also, Black Rock and Coral Bock. Ofllco: With J. F. Colburn, King street, near Maunnkea. 73 3m. NOTICE. MH. John Magoon la authorized to collect for our account, and slcn recejpjs. J. k. BllOWN & CO. JanjlO.-lSSS- . jg35 ' PRINTING of all kfndi exe cuted at tho Daily Suulutjv Office - b&iitotkxk m

HAY GRAIN GRAIN. · 1:21 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. It. Lowors, F. J. IiOwroy, O. M. Cooke. & Cooke, r (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr

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Page 1: HAY GRAIN GRAIN. · 1:21 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. It. Lowors, F. J. IiOwroy, O. M. Cooke. & Cooke, r (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr

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tfo. MONTH.



Is printed aud published at tho office,

Quooii Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription. 50 conls pnr Monlh.

Addrosii nil Communlcatlona DaiiaDULIiKTIM.

Advertisements, tc cn3iiro insertion,should be linmlcd in before one o'clockP. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

IAS 0. CLEVIOFl iMananor

Bulletin Stoain Printing Oflioo.

Newspaper, Bimk and Job Printing of

all kinds dono ou the most favorabloterms.Bell Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 250

Daily Bulletin Summary

Published twice a Month.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, and contains from 10 to GO

columns of reading matte'r on local top.

ics, and a complete resume of Honolulunud Island News. It Is the best paperuuulMicd lu the Kingdom to scud to

friends abroad.Subscription (mailed) 82.60 a year.


Commission. Meronants.

TT HACKl'LD to Co.,

General Commission Agents.'

070 ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.-Queen street, - - -1G-1-

BliBWBH t COMPANY,G. (himltud)

Gbnbual Mekcantile andCOilMIBSION AOBNTB.

list oi' oFviOBits:

P. C. Jones, Jr President & ManagerJ. O. Oahtkh: . . ..Treasurer & Secretary



Hon. O. K. Bishop. S. C. Allen,II. Watebiiousb.

aaa iy

T. WATBBHOUSE,JOHN 'Importer and Dealer In GeneralMerchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle.-- J. 11. Atherton-- G. P. Castle

Hi OOOKE,CASTIiH Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise, No. 80 King at.,Honolulu. 1

ClauB Surcckuls. Wm. G. Irwin.Q. IKWIN & COMPANY,w. tiuuur Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

X7"IIiDEK Si CO.,YY Dealers InLumbor, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort aud Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

GBINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise aiid Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

1:21 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

It. Lowors, F. J. IiOwroy, O. M. Cooke.

& Cooke, r(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu !

Q-onsalv- He C3o.

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Hus removed to ono of tho NowStores in tho

Tliomiin JBlock, It ins Street,Three doors from Castlo & Cookcs',

Where ho is prepared to manufactureall kinds rt Jewelry. CO

aTm. hewett,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Morchant Street, - Honolulu, H.IBlutunl Tol.:t71. . Hell Tvl.SOii.

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty.

Ot Jors taken for Newspapers, Pariodl.cnls, Books, Music, etc., from any partof the world, having made nil arrange,ments therefor whilst in Ban Frnticlfjo.

Ited Jtuliber StuiiipM to Order.71

TF YOU FIND ANYTHING,X advertise it in tho Daily Bulletin



NOTARY PUBLICFor tho Islnnd of Oahu.

Ofllcc, : Gov't Building, Honolulu.30 If

XOHN A. HASSINOER.O Agent to tako Acknowledgmentsto Contracts for Labor, Interior Ofllcc,Honolulu.

M. THOMPSON,AttoiMioy-at-iCiti--

Ofllco in Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort &Merchant Sts., Honolulu, H. I.


ST When desired, will give tho law Inn written opinion, as to the probablo re-

sult of tho contention upon the factsftntcd. 15881v


and. Notary Public. Ileal Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans nogotif.ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu.Hawaiian Islands Wo

BROWN,Attorncr and Counsellor at Law.

Notary Tubllc, aud Agent for taking Acknowlcdgments of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u.


Alfred Magoon,J ATTOKNEY AT LAW.173 42 Mcrclmnt street. Honolulu, ly


A RITCHIE ROWAT,xiL. Veterinary Surgeon.

Ofllcc and Residence: 1C0 King streetMutual Telephone 35l. Orders left atHotel Stables will bo received andpromptly attended to. 43 3m


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Nel Millinery Estab-lishment, Sun Francisco. 23

Office 42 Merchant St., Honolulu. '

Collector & Real Estate Agent.

18 ly

rr. m. denson. O. W. BUITU.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 11G Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Bocricke,& Sceoblk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort,Strect, William's Block, Hono-21- 0

Honolulu, H. I.

WEMER & CO.aiuiinructiirlnc Jewellers,

NO. OS JTOIfX" STlta333T.Constantly on hand a largo assortmeu

of every description Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having Improved facilities, is preparedto fill orders at short notice.

1854 tf


Not. 33,. 45, G2, G3, G7, 73 & 97.

I!. O, Hcliuninn, - Proprietor.

C2r Stand Corner Merohant and FortStreets.

Mr rJ7ololtonuH aaB. --ttamch 0.80.1y


CARRIAGE CO.Curingi'" at all hours, day and night.

Saddle Hores, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillage Carts witu stylish and gcntlohorses to let.

FOR SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Becond

hand Ilaoks, Open and Top Buggies,Oarts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to

MILES & IIAYLKY.'"1674 ly


A.t1:oxmey at Xiaw.Office, : No. 0 Kunhumnnu street,

np 21.88. ly

BeavBr L, Saloon

Tho Boat Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

Tho Finest Brand of

Ii?Vli n m 1sm.jBsaLwm' GtHAvovsiagir

oix Xlniicl.II. J. NOITE, Proprietor.

CHR. GERTZ,Importer and Dealer in

JentH liadlcH', & Children's

Boots, Shoes and Slippers,

The Choicest Brands of

Cigars, JjflJonafflAlways on lliuul.

tSTOrdcrs from tho other Islandssolicited. 79 tf




Every description of




SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Islnnd orders promptly attended to.08 Gm



ANB BAKEBT.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. TSa" Telephone 74

TVM. McUANDIiESS,No. 0 Queen street,. Fish Market,

Dealer In choicestBeer, Vcnl, Sluttou, Fish, le., Ac

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 346 ly



Meat Company81 King: Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Eotaii Butchers.AND


Polled Anps Stud


FOR &AXJEI.Bull Calves (rom 10 to 13 months old.

Ilcilor Calves from 10 to 13 monlhs old.


J. I. DOWSETT.Honolulu, Juno 24, 1887. 70


MESSRS J. E. BROWN &CO.to collect for tho

BulletinHonolulu Juno 8th. 1887. BT

rpHE ONLY LIVE PAPER InX Honolulu "Tho Dally Bulletin,

CO cents per month.


TVOV OIPJETV JbJJ? THEPopular Millinery

104 Fort Stroot,

N. S. SACHS, -

A Most Complete and



Showing tho Now Shades and New Combinations.


Tho Very Latest in All Shades. Our Stock of

TrimMaed. and CJn.triwamecl HatsCannot bo excelled. Wo have the Newest and Latest Shades, in

Black, Whilo and all Colors

New I

Also, an Iniincnso Assortment of

ip Pnn.PnM NiTPP.ttfiQ ftiiifls ami WinirolII 1UU1 UUU, U,i

A New

Baby's Lace andnspection is Solicited. jB0

. ... ..- &


- -


0F" ia


Selected by Mr. In England and America.

Call ami tho now "by tho




79 & 81 King Street,

mid S(.w

of work in the abovo lines in a manner.

a107- -a 107-- 8


Patten Boie





Fancy Trimming Ribons




ts Hats


Muslin BonnetsInspecticn Solicited.

Carriage Building,


A Large & Unique AssortmentDillingham

examine goods, being openedPacific Hardware Co.,

Street, Honolulu.



Eutniueew XVom Iiii? Mei-cliitn-t

Every description performed first.clnss

Also, Horse Shoeing Specialty.Telephone, (mrh tSTBcll Telephone,


GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.

Telephones 175. Corner

ITT, 8


n,Edinburgh & Queen Streets.

Kaalnimami Street


Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,




imlMd Life IsASSETS OV13R


THE protection of Life Insurance combined with the Investment Principles ofSavings Bank. Example of a'2'i.ycar Endowment Policy for $10,000 taken

out at the nge of Z'i voire


Annual Total Premiums C.i h Fund Equivalent Paid nnPremium. Paid in 2') yrc Then due. Up Policy for Life.

$487 $9,740 $18,110 $43,800Estimates for different amounts and

your family irom tuturo want or provideIndisputable, Non.Fotfeltnble, &c, &c.

For full particulars, apply to

Alexander1010 ly


Contrnotors fc XJiilltlorM.

Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; cs.tlmates given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap 5.1y

Q.EORGE LUCAS, U,ft--a Contractor Sii&lskiA.

and Bullder,BS

nade, HonoluluManufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orderapromptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other Is-an-


PLANING MILL.AInkon, nenr (nccn HU I

Tolcpliono 55. .

s&rtff Honolulu iron 'Works,SMatl Steam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; Iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionnlado to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1


MerchantTaHoriDg Establishing

The undersigned having opened a flrst- -class Merchant Tailoring Estab- -

lishmcnt at tho

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under the firm

name of

F.Habermacher&Go.Begs leave to solicit tho patronage of

his friends and public generally.CO Cm F. HABERMACHER.

J. C. MAliCUANT,(Buccessor to T. G. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Friend Building, Bethel street, Ho no.63 lulu. tf


Book-binde-r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


W shes to notify tho public that hohas removed to larger quarters,

No. 13 Kaahumanu Street,zsr UP STA1K.S. -- a

81 3m

FERTILIZERSFor Plantations, Gardens, Lawns,

Etc., Etc.

For Hnlo by 1IAXHOX &. H5IVT1I.inr-ri- s ..,.,.....! ... .....i nYY ortowforiK

it superior quality, thoroughly curedand warranted one of tho best articlesof tho kind In tho market. Orders maybo left with -

I.. P. HANSON, 200 Queen street,G. M. SMYTH, Haw. Hotel Stable!

03 L'ni

Tho Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blacktmith Coaland a general assortment of

415. Bar Iron.THE ONLY PAPER rnul by allX classes ."Tho Dully Bulletin." 60cents per month. '

surance Go


Annuityfor Life$1,310

different ages cheerfully given Protectlor your own oiri age. 1'oiicica Free.

J. Cartwright,General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Firo and Marine)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins. Oo

Capital, $10,000,000New York Life Insurance Co.

Assots, $75,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo &. Marino Insur'oe Agents.



of Boston.

The iEtna Tire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

Tho Union Fire andMarine Insurance Co.

of San Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Capital, 9,000,000 Rolchsmarbiundersigned, hnving been ap

pointed agent of the above Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on BuildlnjrsFurniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjuslod and Payable IdHonolulu.

H. RIEMENSOHNEIDEB,070 ly at Wilder & Co's.

Hustace& Robertson,

DEAYMEN.LL ordors for Cartago promptly at.XX tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

OfHfirt. nillnlntnw V T . A.1.- -- -- -. j. .b " uiuo ivvo. n

982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.


ALL kinds of drayago attended tow!th Promptness. While andBlack band delivered in quantities to

suit- - Also, Black Rock and Coral Bock.Ofllco: With J. F. Colburn, King

street, near Maunnkea. 73 3m.


MH. John Magoon la authorized tocollect for our account, and slcn

recejpjs. J. k. BllOWN & CO.JanjlO.-lSSS- . jg35 '

PRINTING of all kfndi executed at tho Daily Suulutjv Office




Page 2: HAY GRAIN GRAIN. · 1:21 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. It. Lowors, F. J. IiOwroy, O. M. Cooke. & Cooke, r (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr





On THURSDAY, 3lay 3, 18S8, at12 o'clock noon, will be sold atpublic auction at the front entranceof Aliiolnni Hale the Hawaiiansteamer "Kaimiloa," of 103.83 tonsmeasurement, together with all liui

masts, sails, sail yards, anchors,cables, boa, engines, boilers, tackle,nppaicl, furniture and littings, asnho now lies in the- harbor ofHonolulu.

An inventory of the above can beseen upon application at tho InteiiorOffice.

Upsot price "p2.000.00.LOltUIN A. THURSTON,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, April 17, 1S88.

The above sale is postponed untilMONDAY, May 14th, at the samehour and place.

LOKKIN A. THURSTON,Minister of tho Interior,

Interior Oilicc, Apiil .'i0, 1888.30Ilt

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu. Hawaiian Islands

Draw KxcliutiRc on thoJEtjiulc ol Culilbx-iiia- , S. 2j

And their agents inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONG.

Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, London

Tho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,London,

The Commercial Dank Co.. of Sydney,Sydney,

Tho Uank of New Zealand : Auckland,Ohristchuicli, ami Wellington,

The Bank of British Columbia, Victoria, B. C, autl Portland, Or.

andTransact a General Banking Business.



Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,But established for the benefit of all.



Several correspondents are herebyinformed that their correspondence,relative to the last conspiracy trial,i3 withheld from publication becausethe case is not yet settled. The de-

fendant has applied for a new trial,and considering the inconsistency ofthe verdict with the evidence ad-

duced, and several other importantpoints in connection with the form-

ation of the jury, it is confidently ex-

pected that tho request of the de-

fendant will be granted, and thewhole matter be opened afresh. Inthe meantime, comments which mayhave a tendency to prejudice the caseone way or the other, are requiredto be withheld from publication. Wehave not, as intimated by one cor-

respondent, kept silent because we

have no opinion, nor from motivesof fear; but for the reason abovestated. We have a very decidedopinion, and shall not hesitate to ex-

press it when the impediment refer-

red to is removed, nor decline thecommunications which are at pres-ent held back.



AS feUCC'UsSOIl 01' Sl'AIX.

New York, April 23. It appealsthat Great Britain is not to be per-mitted to enjoy peaceable posses-sion of the group of Navaiin (orFalkland) Islands, which are so sit-

uated off the coast of Patagonia asto command the southern seas.

In decidedly tait correspondencewhich has passed between Sir T.Packenham, the lhitish Minister tothe Argentine Republic, and SefiorK. Quirncosta, tho Argentine Hecrc-tar- y

of Eoieigii Alfaiis, and whichhas been made public, it appearsthat the Argentine Republic, as thesuccessor of Spain in tho sover-eignty in tho southern part of SouthAmerica, has always claimed theseislands.

They lie directly In a position tocontrol both the route mound CapeHorn and the ono through tho Straitsor Magellan. Their chief value ispurely a strategic ono, and GreatBritain desires to hold them for thatreason, and from the concspondencoreferred to it appears that the Ar-gentine Republic makes tho follow-ing claims regarding these islands :

First That by the treaty betweenSpain and England, signed in Lon-

don, on January 22, 1771, by PiinceJlaceraiib and Count Roehefort,Spain agreed to restore tho Englishsettlement of Port Egmont to its orig-inal state, retaining its own rjghts tosovereignty over tho Navaiin Isl-

ands, and continuing to hold theirpossession.

Second Tlmt in 1771, when thoEnglish abandoned the settlementof Fort Emont, without lenviiijr nsingle inhabitant of their nationalityon the islandt the Spaniards whohad bought the French settlementof Soledad, tho largest island in thoarchipelago, remained in absolutepossession of tho whole group until1810, without a pioteSv-- from thoEnglish Government or an claimput forward on its part to a betterright.

Other reasons nre alleged showingthat the Argentine Kepttbhc, fromher standpoint, is entitled to posses-sion. "S. E. Bulletin.



Jcnn Vignic has been n residentof Panama for sixteen years, andever since the first surveying workwas done for the canal has been aninterested and active participant inthe w oik. For the past four yearsho has been the principal contractorof tho canal, and having but re-cently arrived from Panama isthoroughly posted on the operationsgoing on at the isthmus. The ques-tion which interests people most iswhen the canal will be finished, andto this question Mr. Vignic gave tothe Chronicle leportcr yeslctday thefollowing positive answer:

"In two years, just as Ferdinanddo Lesseps says."

There are between 12,000 andmen constantly at work on

the c.mal, and the diliicult cuttinghas nil been done. The earth nowbeing removed is almost entirely ofa clayey nature. All the heaviestrocks have been removed, and themost extensive works arc going onnight and day by elcctiic light atCulcbra. There are to be ten gates,distributed as follows across thecanal at various points in the lengthfrom Colon on the Atlantic side toPanama on the Pacific side. Twogates at Uohio Holdado, one at SanPablo, ono at Malnchiu, two at Cu-lebr- a,

two at Paraiso, one at PedioMiguel and one at Miianorcs. Atthe last place the bottom of thecanal is now eleven meters belowthe of the mean height of thewater at Colon and Panama; thelevel of the water at the Pacilicshore is seven meters higher thanat the Atlantic shore. Fiom Colontwenty-fou- r kilometers toward thePacific have now been completed,and from Panama ten kilometerseast have been finished. The ori-

ginal gales for the canal, whichwere intended to be in the usualform that is to say, meeting in Vform at the center and opening to-

ward the sides of the canal, will notbe used ; but instead an iion te

moving in a direction ntright angles to the length of thecanal into recesses cut in the banksare to bo used. These gales are tobe of wrought and cast iion, andwill be moved by hydraulic machin-ery. Eifel, the projector of thegreat tower in Paris, is tho builderand designer of the gates, and thelirst one is now on its way toPanama. The use of ten gates isintended to be only temporary, asin years to come, when the canalhas been in i mining order for sonictime, only two gates will be in regu-lar use for the entire canal. At pre-

sent the number of gates gieatlyfacilitates work. Dredging will al-

ways be necessary in the canal, asas it is at Suez. S. !'" Chronicle.

Paris, April 2.'!. Panama Canalshares went ballooning y andDe Lesseps' friends aro jubilant.Spectators bought freely on theBourse, driving the shares up 01

francs. Eerylody has agreed thatthe Chamber of Deputies will haveto sanction the issue of the lotteryloan to complete the work. Yester-day the Committee of Initiative towhich the proposal was referred,dismissed its reporter, hhed a newone, and ordereel him to make a ie-po- rt

in favor of the De Lesseps bill.To-da-y M. Maret tabled the favora-ble report in the Chamber. It ad-

vises that the canal company be au-

thorised to raise SiiO, 000,000 francson the lottery plan with the Govern-ment's approval.


The Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott,Editor of the "New York ChristianUnion," is presenting a view of thoprohibition question which is attrac-ting consideiablc attention in churchcircles in the East. Dr. Abbottgives expression to his views in con-

nection with the International Sunday-

-school lesson for April 18th,which concerns the miracle at theCanu marringo feast. In tho courseof his discussion the doctor not 011)3'

biings out what every Sunday-scho- ol

toucher knows that Christindulged in the use of wine as abeverage, but also tho informationthat there weiein His day teetotalers,like tho Esscncs, a Fuiitan sect,which some biblical writers claimChrist belonged to, and the Nnza-rite-

among whom was John theBaptist, who were under a vow toabstain from all kinds of wines, andthat there were those who favoredpiohibition by law. In Rome theteetotalers wore partially successful,as they secured the passage of alaw forbidding women to drink,which was as far as the bibulousRomans would go, They were evi-

dently in faor of thopolicy so far as men were

concerned, but were averse to allow-ing women even the benefits of "highlicense" or thin wine.

Tho special point which Dr. Ab-

bott makes is that Christ did not

indorse any of these movements. Onthe other hand, ho says:

'This was not the method ofJesus, lie lived in an ago of totolabstinence societies and did not jointhem. Ho emphasized the distinc-tion between his method and that ofJohn tho Bnplist by saying that Johncame neither eating nor drinking ;

tho Son of Man came catmt anddrinking. Ho condemned drunken-ness, but never in a single instancelifted up his voice in condemnationof drinking. On tho contraiy, hocommenced his public ministry bymaking, as a miracle, wine in con-

siderable quantity, and of linequality, and this apparently only toadd to the joyous festivities of awedding. He apparently used ineeustomnrilj',if not habitually, andbefore all the world ; and lie left asa legacy and example for His fol-

lowers a sacred use of wine in themost solemn service of His church."

In discussing the question fiomthis standpoint, Dr. Abbott docs notadvocate universal drinking or denythat it would be wise, especially forCristiniis, to abstain from it; but thepoint which ho emphasizes is thateach must judge for himself as tohis responsibility, and that no oneelse has the right to judge for himor condemn his decision. Ho evengoes so far as to anticipate that therewill bo a time when a pure wine canbe generally used without even aphysical harm. The fanatics ofcourse will condemn the reverenddoctor's temperance position, thoughhe contends that it is based uponthe position taken by Clnist, andwill continue to demand that wine-drinki-

shall be stopped by legalcompulsion, and that rather thana measure which will regulate anddiminish tho evils of excessive

in alcohol, the saloon-keepers of the citiesshall have in practico unlicensed op-

portunity to sell not merely wine butardent liquors as freely as water.They not only, Dr. Abbott contends,"assume to differ with Christ as tothe meaning ol sin itself, to throwHis example one side as worthless,but to rise superior to the attributeof divinity and do what God Him-

self has not done namely: toignore free will and make a mangood by compulsion." If the Es-scn-

of Christ's day, says Dr.Abbott, could have made otherstotal abstainers by the force of theirexample, or the Nazarites or Ro-

mans could have stopped men fromdrinking by tho enactment of law,Christ would have encouraged them,and among His messages to human-ity would have been one to thiselfect: "Thou shalt not drinkwine."

Leaving out of view the purelyhuman considerations bearing uponthis question, which arc in them-selves simply unanswerable, Dr.Abbott has approached its discus-sion from the lehgious and Chiistianside in a calm and temperate butnot the less forcible manner. It isnot likely that all his brethren inthe pulpit will agree with him, buthe has opened up the whole subjectfor dicussiou in a manner which willbe likely to invite attention to itinside the church. Ho has givenhis brethren some very hard nuts tocrack.

Bucharest, April 23. The revoltof the peasants has been suppressed.Wholesale arreat have been made andthe prisons oveillow with prisoners,the majority of whom will bo liber-ated. Enormous quantities of grainare being distributed among thestarving peasantry by the military.

Berlin, April 2',i. Dr. Junker, theexplorer, in a lecture bcfoic theGeographical Society, expressed hislinn conviction that Stanley is nowwith Emin Bey. This is the opinionof all the leading German explor-ers.

Loudon, April 23. The Americanship Continental, from New YoricDecember Hist for Calcutta, beforereported ashore at Palmyra Point,has become a total wreck. Herciew was saved.

London, April 18. In the Houseof Commons this afternoon the RightHon. Edward Hcneago moved. thepassage of u bill to legalize marriagowilli a deceased wifo's sister. Themotion occasioned sharp debate, butwas finally carried by a vote of 239to 182?

Meeting of lct clmiiic Jhij-'lu- u On. No. ii. '1U hoheld TIMS (Wednesday) K VEXING, at7:30 o'clock sharp.

Business oiMmportniice.C. J. MCCARTHY,

!I2 It Foreman.


A PAIR of Gold Eyo Olasf cs. Finderwill ho row aided on icturnhnr

samo o liui.M.TiN Ofllcc. sa :it

Partnership Notice,

MESSRS. Julius Holing and Helm icharo admitted aspaitncis

into our Jinn.F. A. 80JIA15FJ3R & CO.

Honolulu, May 1, 1M-8-, ill lw


NOTICE Is hereby giveu (hat I u illpay any ikbia contracted in

my nanus without my written order.W. O. ACHI.

Honolulu, April 21, 1888. . 23 tf



volcano is Active !

The Volcano is Active, and tho BestRoute Is via

"Steamer KIM,"To Kcauhouj tlienco Fourteen Miles byMorse and Wagon lo the Volcano House,Ton 1st hi our Line leave Honolulu,

On Monday, May 7, at 4 p. m,,

Tor r "KINAU," and have

Two Days & Two NightsAt the Vnlcuno. Returning, will

nirlvo in Honolulu,

Sunday Morning, May 18th,

Ticket?, which includes all chnrg03;

EST For Information or Tickets,apply to

Wilder's Steam'p Co.,Olllcc: Comer of Foit & Qiccn Sticets

Honolulu, May a, 1SSS. 82-1-

0Another Ficsh Lot of

Hay & Feed!Just ai rived and


Algeroba Firewood & Charcoal 1

Mule fiom Algeroba Wood.


Hell Tele C3. -- JS Mutual Tele. 3S7.

32 2w

Fresh Frozen2 fok'-- fT h c3

(On Ice)

JUST EEEIEBTor S. S Australia,

A! The Beaver SaloonE3. .IT. KttZiTK, Proprietor.

:it :it



The Shooting Gillery Premises,Fort Mrcet, will.be ripened

on May 1st, its u

Erst Class Fruit Store !

C3TTcc House Fruits will he receivedby evi-i- steamer hum the Coast. Afull ofisoitmcnt of Hawaiian Fruits willalso ho on ba'o. 30 3t



GEORGE G0ULETA fresh lot of thla celebrated luand of

Champagne, ju't landed ex Bri. 'lisii carle "Natuna,"

For Sale in Quarts and Pints11V



Stockholm TarAND

O O .A. Xu rJ? A OR

At California Prices.




WISHES a punhiou as Lndian' Nurso,act as Companion to an

invalid Indy koIiiii to Ban Francisco,Apply to Bui.i.niiN Ofllco 23 at

Meeting Notice,

npllfi lobular qmuteily mcctlug of thoX Paclllc Haidwaia Co., (Limited),

will bo held at their olllce, on THUItS.DAY, May a, lSS, t 10 o'clock A. m.

.IAS. Q. SPENCEIt,28 lw ' Secretary.

.fct-- -

rp HE. PEOPLES PAPER TheDaily Uulletin 50 eta pur montl


Auction Sales by Lowis J. Lovoy.



Uy order of Messrs. Theo. II. Davie& Co.. (on account of vacating picmUesfor tomilldlng), I will roll at I'uhllcAuction, at my Salesroom, corner of

Fort and Quern Mrccls,


tny rih unci SJtli,at 10 "r,ot)K a. ar.,

A Fine of"New and Desirable Goods !

12x IJeccnt Arrivnlf Consisting Inpart 09 follows:

Dry Goods ! Groceries !

Hardwire, Cutlery,

Oroolcory & GlasHM'arc I

lllankols, Liverpool Salt, naUolware,

"While ami Brown Cottons !

Prints, Tailors' Goods,

Drills 1 Silk Handkerchiefs !

Woolen and Cotton Jilmwl",

Perfumery, Neckties, Laces, Ribbons,

Etc., Etc, Etc., Etc.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,31 Ct Auctioneer.


Hawa'n Jockey Club.


OFFICIAL rjtocutAaniK.

Jim 11, 1

Races to Commence at 10 o'clock Sharp.


ItUNXIXG ItAOE 4 3111c Dash.Fiee for all.


WINNING KACE 1 Mile Dash.For Hawaiian hied horses ownedby mcmbei.s of tho Jockey Club.Cap to become tho property of theone winning it twice.


TKOTTING KACE For Hawaiianbled hoises only to harness MileHeats, best ! in .'!.


IILWXIXG ItAOE 14 Mile Dash.Fiee for all.


TROTTING and PACING It ACEJUIlo Heats, best :t in 5. Fiee forall. All horses having a iceoid of'i ::10 or better to go to wagon.


HUNNING ItAOE Milo Daeh.Open to all old Hawaiianbred hoi'nes only. '


HUNNING ItAOU 1 Mile Dash.Fiee for nil. Winner to beat the rO- -eoid of A," To berun for annually.


$100 added.

HUNNING ltACE- -4 Mile-Heat-

best 2 hi !5. Hawaiian bred hor&es.Cup to become the property of thewinner two consecutive years.


SwnnrsTAKis TltO'ITINO andPACING ItAOE Mile Heats, best'2 in 3. Fiee for all hoises thathave noL a rccoid of !! minutes orbetter tobedilven in Frazier localcarts by members of the Club.


HUNNING ItAOE 3 Mile Dash.For Hawaiian hied Iior&os only.


Open to all ponies ds orunder, anil old or over.

-- -' tf


Wlnin, Ales, ai Spirits,Heloiigiog to tho undersigned, will bo

told at ,

Very Low PricesPurine tlic month of May, 1881, and all

parties wishing to supply them. ,selves, w ill do well to call and

examine tho Goods beforebuying elsewhere

JDlio G OODS miiHt: lo moIUAnd ombraco tho Debt Assortment of

Good Family Articles, that can bofound in this city,

rJT3EK,TM: O-A.S'JC--1

At BROWN & CO.'s Store,No. 11 Merchant Street.


Assignees of Brown & CoHonolulu, April 23, 1688 28 lm

ajuowwn )mb

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan,

Assignees Sale!By order of V. C. Parke, Esq , As- -

signeo of tlio Bankrupt Kstato ofChoy Tin, I will sell at

Public Auction,W, Rflay 3d,at io o'clock a. ar..

At my Salesroom, Queen ptrect,



Tables, Bedsteads,Wnshstands,

Clialr., Sofa, Frames,A Lot of KOA LUMBER, &c Ac

JAS. F. MOltGAN,sun Auctlontcr.

Mortgagee's Notice of Intention to

Foreclose and of Sale.

XN accordance with a power of silocout lined la a certain moitgago

deed made by Amos Frank Cooke, ofHonolulu, Island ct O.ihu, to .1. MoltSini'li, Klwln O Hall and Ban ford II.Dolo.Tiu-iii- under ihu Will of Wil-

liam Unit ls Iiiimtliln, d.ued the 17thd.iy of rOUx'h, A. 1). 1832, ami lcconledIn the Kcgl-in- . f Docos hi said Hono-lulu, In Ltbtr 7", on pages 347 and 348,Notice is her.-b- given that tho inert,gagfc intend to'foreclose said moitgogofui condition broken, to wit: The non.pijiaoni of principal and interest whi'iidue and upon said foreclosure will sellat I'ublio Auction, at the Salesroom of.1. F. Morgan, in tnid Honolulu,

On Sntnriluy, May 5th, 1888.AT IS W'CIiUOK xoox,

The premises described in said mort-gage.

The premi-o- s lo be sold are: Govern,ment I.casu No. 203, and the premisesthereby demited together with all im-provements thereon

The impiovemcnts consists of thohuge three stoiy stone. Wiiicliomc, nowoccupied by the Paclllc NavigationCompany, on Queen Sticet, in saidHonolulu

Further particulars can bo had ofWilliam O. Smith, Attorney at Law, CO


Tiuslees under tho Will of W. C.Lunnlilo, deceased.

Honolulu, Mrrch 22, 1888. 32 3t

74 King st. 74 King st.jf ifca: Ggtf

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciailty.

CHALKS TO REMT.apr.10.88

II s mumHas j ist received a very

lun home assortment of all ihe

Latest Novelties

In the Millinery .Line, such as

ElOIlS, Mta;Trimmings, Flowers,

Ornaments, &c, &o.

Also, a Most Excellent Assortment of


09J Direct from Europe, lm

PITT &SC0TTSticucral Khliiplucr Accncy unl For-dig- it

1'art'clM I2.preHM.

Goods, Parcels, Bpggago, Etc, Etc.,

Forwarded to and from all parts ofIho world,

0. 0. D. omouuts of invoices collectedin uny country.

of ItiUc.H on AiiillrntIonC3General Agents for Hawaiian Islands,

J. E. BROWN and CO.,00 28 Meichant Street. tf

NOTICE lo CREDITORS.rnHE undersigned givo notice thatX they have licen appointed AssIkuccs

pf Brown & Co., merchants, of Uono.lulu.

All persons having any claims againstthe said firm whether secured by inort.gugoor otlicrwho, uro notified to pre.font tho same to tho Assignors, withinthreo months from April 33rd instant.

All persniiB Indebted to Messrs. Urown& Co aro requested to mako Immediatepayment to Urown '& Co. or thoAssignees.


Assignees of Drown &.Co.Honolulu, April, 31, 1888. 281m


jb3 wj tiJ imjmnHMUKanxaKmwmi

or Wan Jrniiclnco.Samplo packages of the following Meals

mny bo had of Ounalvus & Co.fiee of charge:

Germea, Eye Meal,CSrnnal.'itvil thxt Meal,

Soil-raisi- Pearled Corn Meal," " Duckwhcal Flour," Breakfast Cako Meal," " Cream Graham Flour," " Breakfast Whoat,

Cream Flake Oats,ALSO


Del lite Family Flour.

GONSALVES & CO.,S2J 4tieo3i Street. lw


fline Bros.' Port. Cement,

lllucksinitli Coal,Fire Bricks,Firo Clay,

Coal Tar, Slottli Tar, :

Steel IJails,Wiic Nails,F. W. Staples,

Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iron Tanks,F. P. Cloth,Ilubbuck's Paints,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.'von HAX.V. B'

H. Hackfeld & Go.09 tf

Australian Mail Service.

VOll SAN FlEANttlSCO,Tho new and fine AI bteel steamship

iiOf the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

fifiay 6, 1 888.And will leave for tho above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, liavingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

toWM. Q. IRWIN & CO., Agents

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new and flno AI steel steamship

"Zealandia,"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SauFrancisco ou or about

May 10, 1888,And will havo prompt difpatch withmails and passongeis for theabovc ports.

For freight or passage, havine SU.PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

W WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.


Steamship Comp'y


tAUSTRALIA,"Will lcavo Honolulu for tho abovo

port on

Tuesday, Rflay 8th,--iVX" NOON.

For Freight or Passage, apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.81 lw

New York Line.

g3rE&An At vessel will bo despatched by

this Lino for Honolulu, to lcavoNow xoik In all May.

For further Information apply to

W. H. CEOSSMAN & BRO.,77 & 70 Broad Street,

New York.


CASTLE & COOKE,67 3m Honolulu.


NOTIOD is hereby given that Manholds full power of attorney

to net in all business transactions of thofirm of Wing On Wo & Co., sad is au.thoilzed also to sign said firm natno byprocuration.

WING ON WO & CO.,by 0. Cheung Ping.

Honolulu, April 15, 1888. 31 2w


Page 3: HAY GRAIN GRAIN. · 1:21 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. It. Lowors, F. J. IiOwroy, O. M. Cooke. & Cooke, r (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr







Sf J

fe '

V..4& ' vt

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Barg'ns in Embroid'ed Dresses,


The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.

T 11 xa

jjatlg j$itTIitfin

"WEDNESDAY, MAY a, 1888.


Sclir Canute fiom KimitScln Kulaniatiu


II B SI S Oaioliuo for Unwnll


For Kauai, per stmr Wulalcalc, Slay1 Lol Z S Spalding, Mrs J Kaukoka-lo- nl

nml several otlioii.Kor Kniml, nor stmr Mlkulintn, May 1AV It Gould and wltc, Misses lcubeig

(3),"N' II Miuimlng, G 11 lloffRanidand many otliois.

For Maul and Hawaii, per tmr Kl-na- ii,

May 1 lion S 0 Wilder, lion WII Daniels, V V Ahfoid, J N 3 Wil-liams, A 1 Peterson, W 0 Achl, 1'aulNeumann, Ills Honor Associate JusticeMoUilly, Mr Hopkins, L Aseu, U 11

MiUcu, Mi'.s K 13 Uliaffee, II K Jlnefar-lan- c

and muiiv ollieis.From Hawaii and Mnul per W G Hall

Mav 1 D Foster, A Jaeger, W A Mc-Kay, It Cation, I)r Gray and wife, WA "Gould and wife, Father Leonine,Mrs M A Fuller, Miss 11 X Foster, MissN 8 Fuller, G K Kwart, Mis 13 II Kod-ger- s

uud fit deck.


Stmr W G Hall 0729 bgs sugar. 1C5

fogs awa, 08 bag' coftec, 17 hides,ISO head of cattle, and 10 calves.


Tho Alex McNeil anil Sonoma arriv-ed at San Fianclseo the day the steamerleft.

The Ceylon was 21 days going fiomHonolulu to San Fianclbco hist tlip, theBowue 22, the Foiest Queen 10 and theCaibaiien 27.

April 22, the uaikentinc S G Wilderaud Planter an Ived at tan Fiancico,1GK and 1SJ. days fiom this poit respectively.

The S.iranac, Ceylon and S Uownewere loiding for Honolulu when theAustralia left.

The Amy Tinner sailed fiom NewYork via Boston for Honolulu on April20th.

Apiil 1G, the Lurline arrived atFrancisco, 31 days fiom Hilo.

The German bk Fieidiich arilved atSan Francisco, Apiil 22, 113 days fromthis poit.


KEMrFF In San Francisco, April18th. Louis' Meicdith, bclocd son ofCornelia Selby and Commander LouisKempff, U. S. N., aged 9 yeais 5 mon.and ia days.


The U. S. ships of war Ticntonand Nipsic arc expected here fromSouth Ameria.

. .

Commander KfP. Leary, U. S. N.,has come to reliovc Capt. Kenipfl of

the U... S. Adams.n

Sixty-tiihu- i: tins of opium weiefound in the coal bunkers of the S.S.Australia, yesterday no owner.

Sm William Wiseman, PrincessKaiulani and others, weie out earlythis morning, enjoying a horsebackride. .

A pair of gold eye-glass- havebeen lost; a leward will bo paid thefinder by letuining them to thisoffice.

Mr. Cunha's horse and buggy ranaway on Boietania sheet this morn-

ing. Tlie buggy was smashed andthe hoiso disabled.

Tiiuun was a little disttubanceamong the people at Kakaako lastevening, which the authoiities settledwith but little difficulty.

CAr-TAi- Kempir of tho U. S. S.

Adams lias loeoivcd the sad intelli-gence of the death of his little 6on,aged 9 years, at SanTiancisco.

.i -

A native boy was thrown off hislioise in front of the ClnncsoThcatio,last evening, and his head badly cutin two places, by striking the road.

At 10 :30 o'clock morn-

ing H. H. M. S. Caiolino will weighanchor and depart for llavui. ThoKing will'go by the Caroline to Kai-lu- a.

Another lot of hay and ginin hasbeen received by Mr. .7. F. Colburn,also algciobu lire-woo- d, rind charcoalwhich he is offering to his customersat a veiy low rate.

-- -Tun latest news from Hawaii is to

the effect that tho volcano is un-

usually active. Now is tho time totako a look at this "wonder of thoworld." All no inclined will have- anopportunity to go by the steamer Ki-na-

which leaves hero for Keauhou,tho nearest port to tho volcano, onMonday next, the 7th instant.

The Dutch man-of-w- Zilvorou-Krui- s,

was in San Francisco baywhen tho Austialia loft. Tho Zilver-on-ICru- is

is a massive- wooden train-ing sliip, on a voyago around thoworld. Her crow nuinbcis 252, ofwhom 200 are luds recoiving instruc-tion in marine waifuro. The Zilver-en-Kru- is

may bo looked for at thispoit in tho courso of timo.

Marshal Sopor says that gooddpgs, that is, those that havo no dis-

ease, may bo redeemed from tho Sta-tion House, by tho owners procuringa tag from tho Tax Collector, Theionio now 20 or moio of tho animals inthe pound, and a sorry looking lotthey are. A well-know- n owner of

dogs is ropoited to havo said that howould curry m dog tags in hispocket, and if tho pets were takon howould test the constitutionality of

tho law.

Mmwl9nlAJkkJntWtXMUfalULM.mMlV.K. UJ,Jlw,WttgJU,.CyilJlj!MlL

Bargains in Embroideries,

AtThe Arcade-EG- AN & CO.

Mn, J. 1. Dowsctl, Jr., in combina-tion with others, stinted a new ilniiyyesterday, anil is supplying customersat 8 and 10 cents per 'quart. Thoname is Honolulu Dairy. Nextmonth this new company will bo pre-paio- il

to supply other than wliolcsalocfistomois, which nio being suppliedonly now.


Drill of Co. C Honolulu Kiflcs at7:30 o'clock.

Prayer meeting in the vestry ofthe Central Union Church at 7:30o'clock.

Services at St. Andrew's Cathed-ral at 7:30 o'clock.

Oaliu Lodge K. of P., meets in itshall, Fort street, at 7:30 o'clock.

Mystic Lodge K. of P., meets inHarmony Hall, King street, at 7:30o'clock.

Meeting of Engine Co. No. 1., intheir hall, King street, at 7:30o'clock.

Meeting of Engine Co. No 2,:it7:30 o'clock.

The Honolulu Social cllih meetsat 7:30 o'clock at their hall for in- -

struction in Hie art of dancing.


Meeting of the Y. M. C. A., boysat 2 :30 p. m.

deception by Princess Liliuoka-lan- i,

at her residence, Palatua, from3 to 5 p. in.

Kegular quarterly meeting of thoPacific Hardware Co., in their officeat 10 a. in.



At his salesroom, at 10 a. m., byorder of the assignee of Choy Tin, abankrupt, a lot of new furniture,rice mills, koa lumber, etc.


A May-da- y festival was givenj'cstcrday by Miss P. Thiele to herelementary and kindergarton school,on Beretania street. Seventy-fiv- e

smiling-fac- e, happy children werethere, many of them accompaniedby their parents. The childrenromped and played and laughed andwere as happy as larks. Itcfresh-ment- s,

of couisc, weie on the pro-gramme. Mr. J. Williams appear-ed on tho scene and photographedthe group. This is said to be thefirst May-da- y celebration held in Ho-



The condition of the New Yorkmarket has improved somewhat.Raws have advanced 1-- of a cent,but the San Francisco market re-

mains unchanged. On cost andfreight terms there have been salesin New York at 3i cents for 9G deg.test. Centrifugals near at handand bu3'ers have bid 3 0 for load-

ed cargoes. Latest quotations fromNew York are 5$ cents for 9C deg.test centrifugals.

The American Refinery has finish-ed loading the ship Henry B. Hydefor New York, which is tho secondvessel loaded by that refinery thisyear.


Henry Stephen Davids, engineerin the United States Navy, died atSandwich, 111., on February 8, 1888,at the age of 50. The deceasedgentleman did distinguished serviceduring the war of the rebellion,and was on the retired list at thetime of his death. Our respectedtownsman, Captain Ross, was an in-

timate fiiend of the late II. S.Davids, they having served togethorin the same ships. The deceasedvisited-Honolul- on two or three dif-

ferent occasions a good many yearsago, while in tho navy, and is stillremembered here. Ho was a mem-.b- or

of the "Loyal Legion of theUnited States."


Mr. Washington Irving Bishop,the mind-reade- r, is more or lessknown by reputation to almosteverv newspaper reader. The name

"has been before the world for manyyears, m connection with public ex-

periments tending to show tho gen-

tleman's capability of reading thounexpressed thoughts of others.Mr. Bishop is now.in Honolulu andstaying at the Hawaiian Hotel, hav-

ing arrived by tho steamship Austra-lia yesterday. He has come herefpr the purpose of lest, and not forwork. Ho will, however, probablygive ono public exhibition after afew day&' recuperation. Mr.Bishop's health lias been consider-ably broken by overwork, and hisvoice badly impaired. He hopesfor restoration in the "Paradiso ofthe Pacific." Mr. Bishop is apleasant, gentlemanly man to talkwith, modest and unassuming.


And M'wei', hard wood sawed intoHtovo length. For salo in quantityto suit at low prices by T. J. King,at tho Union Feed Co,, Queen street.

31 3t



Irritated throats and annoyingcoughs are quickly relieved by togenuino lluttor Scotch, only to bofound at the Pioneer Steam GundyFactory of F, Horn. Plenty of testi-monials, 98

For Fancy Goods & Trimmings,

Go (o

The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.


Last night Company B of theHonolulu RiUos gave another of theirdelightful parties at their armory,on Beretania street.

The armory was beautifully decor-ated. At the entrance was an arch-way of feins and flags, vory taste-fully arranged, and as the guestsentered, they were received bymembers of tho reception commit-tee. The ladies weie conducted tothe ladies' waiting room, which wasa little to the light of the entrance,and was made flags fromthe ceiling. The gentlemen wereshown to the gentlemen's dressingroom, which was at the farther endof tho hall, and draped with flagshung from tho ceiling. Over thodrapery was the word "Busy" andunder it a xery good imitation of abee. This devico was frequentlyalluded to by tho guests, as beingvery appropriate. ,

There were about 300 present,including officers in uniform fromthe various warships in port. Aprominent feature of the affair wasthe number of Rille men in full dressuniform, which showed to advan-tage in such an assembly, wherethere was no lack of exquisite toilets.

During the evening light refresh-ments were served, and at 11 :30 im., an elegant supper. The pro-g- r

amnio contained 13 dances, forwhich music was furnished by Ber-ger- 's

stiing band.The whole affair was an entire

success and reflected great creditupon the committee who had it incharge.



Toesday, May 1st.Court opened at 1 :30 p. si.Professor Alexander recalled, tes-

tified : Opu is included in the des-cription of this lease. There areother lands included in the lease,Kewalo, Kalawahine, and part ofPawaa, Government lands this sideof Makikt Valley. Kalawahine wasnot Government laud, it was a paitof a mahelc. I don't know of anyGovernment grants out of Opu.Theic were two grants to Kameha-meha- V

before he was King, adjoiningOpu. This grant joins the Lunaliloasylum line. The local name ofthis grant is Kaiwiokaihu. Thislease covers all these lands. Puna- -

hou was given by Bold to Binghamin 1828, I think. There is an awardfor ,it, and it must be on record.There is nothing shown in the leaseabout Kalawahine or Kewalo. Idid not know that thi3 strip of laudbelonged to Kalawahine. Haalelcawas in possession of his land at thetime of this lease. Don't knowwhether John Ii was or not. Thedistribution made by KamchamehaI has substantially held until now.Kamehamcha 1 had more powerthan any other king since his time.I think the Privy Council alwaysexisted, but was not brought intoprominence until 1810. I think itoriginated with Kamchameha I. Itwas called together by the King ; itwas a council of chiefs wllo wereusually consulted on all acts of im-

portance that were to be done bythe King. The Sumner propertydeed was based upon an award ofKamehamcha III. There were anumber of Government land salesbefoie 1817, before a division ofland was made. I don't rememberthe Government buying land fromchiefs before the mahelc. TheGovernment became distinct fromtho arbitrary power of the King in1810. The King's power was notabsolute even befoie that time, asthere was always a council of highchiefs upon any important matter ;

they were considered more thancouncillors, they were partners.Kamchameha I gave lands and tooklands away. Makawao was a landsold by the Government before themahcle. I think it was one of thelands left in the hands of tho King.I think it was sold in 1847.- - Salesalso took place at Kulaokahua be-

fore 1818. I think if we had f U-nreports of the Privy Council of thattime, wo could find out why theGovernment sold these lands andwhat title they had to them. TheKuhina Nui did not exist in

l's time. KamchamehaHI and IV sold crown lands withoutconsulting with their Privy Council.1 know of one nnassigned land be-ing sold by a king; it was tho landof Pueo, Hilo. Kamchameha IVsold it, and after his death theLegislature passed a law granting atitle to tho land.

Tho case was then adjourned untilThursday at 10 a, m.

BEfom: nicEKUTON, J.Wednesday, May 2nd.

Mele Leo Sun ot. al. vs. S. W.Mahcloua, assumpsit, $185.25.

Defendant's appeal from PoliceCuuit, Honolulu. Partly heardyesterday and continued until to-

day. Judgment for plaintiffs for

J. M. Kaneakua for plaintiff; S.K. Kane for defendant.

Kentucky Tcacher4(of infant geo-graphy class) Tommy Blood maytell us what a strait is, TommyBlood It'B jest tho plain stuff'tliout notliin' in jt,

tFVou WANT A SITUATIONX udvcriUc in the Daily Bulletin.

WyWl?,'''l''llllV11' U"

New Shades in Dress Goods,

AtThe Arcade-EG- AN & CO.


C1VH. OASES.Wednesday, May 2nd.

Peter Quinn vs. Kahuakai Quinn,deserting her husband since April28th, second offence. The defend-ant pleaded guilty and was sen-

tenced to imprisonment at hardlabor for ten days.

J. T. Watcrhouso vs. J. II. VanGeisson, assumpsit for S53.G0.Judgment for plaintiff for S55.C0,interest $20 ; attorney's cominis- -

sion S7.CG, and S3.-1- 5 costs.S. Colin & Co. vs. J. II. Van

Geisson, assumpsit for $'23.75.Judgment for plaintiff for $.23.75and S15.G1 for interest, costs audcommission.

Chas. Hammer vs. J. II. VanGeisson for $83 and $30.35 interest.Judgment for plaintiff $127.13,which includes costs and coimms-McDo- n-

sions.W. C. Crook vs. W. T.

aid, from tho 27th of April, Jtulg- -

uieiit for plaintiff for horse, harnessand wagon.

C. J. Hardee vs. Dr. P. P. Grayfor $47.40, from April 27th ; still onthis afternoon.

C1UMINAI. CASES.One Chinese vagrant got 10 days

at hard labor.Ah Fook, alias Ching Hook, from

April 13, charged with forger', wascommitted to the Supreme Court fortrial.


The corner-ston- e of the new bect-suc- ar

factory at Watsouville will belaid to-da- y. The ofilcers of thoWestern Beet-sug- ar Company havemade arrangements to celebrate theevent in an appropriate manner. Itis understood that the Directors ofthe company will be present, but intho absence of Claus Spreckcls hiseldest son, John D. Spreckcls, willlay the stone. Addresses of wel-

come and the usual programme forsuch an occasion have been decidedupon, and it is said that during theceremonies the prominent businessplaces in Watsouville will be closed,as the enterpiiso is regarded withsome favor by the residents. Onthe 2'lth ult., the time announcedfor the distribution of beet seed inWatsonville, more than 175 farmerswere present on the factory grounds,and about thirty tons of seeds weredistributed to those who signed thecontract to raise sugar beets. Dur-ing the latter part of last monthfifteen car-loa- of machinery forthe factor' arrived from the East.The machinery was made in Ger-many, and was shipped from Antwerp early in January. I he boilersare being made in this city and thoevaporating pans in New York. Theconstruction of the factory is beingpushed as rapidly as possible, theforce of laborers having been doubledlast week. Large shipments of lime-

stone from Santa Cruz have beenmade to the factory grounds, butGOO tons will be required to com-plete the factory, and as yet notone-thir- d of that quantity hasanived. It is expected thatthirty-fiv- e car-loa- ds of machinerywill arrive from the East some timethis month or early in May. Themachinery comes in bonded cars,but the Treasury Department grant-ed a request that the cars bo openedand the machinery taken out andappraised at Watsonville' instead ofm this city, the port of entry. Ap-

praiser Beck has been in Watson-ville during the week, making avaluation of the machinery so farreceived. S. F. Call, April 11.




Berlin, April 23. Accounts fromthe sick-roo- m at Charlottenburg arccomparatively cheerful. The part-ial recovery of the Emperor hasamaze'd oven the specialists in atten-dance and gives hopes that it maybe more that temporary. Althoughho had a restless night, owing to fitsof coughing, the Emperor evidently isstronger and declares he feels betterthan for weeks past. He was ableto cat a hearty breakfast, includingsolids, and lunched on broth andhi cad.

The Emperor's geneial conditionis satisfactory. The discharge fronthe throat is copious ami me swell-ing of tho glands has decreased..

Berlin, April 211 a. m. ThoEmperor continues to improve. Hisfever is decreasing.

Dr. Mackenzie has written lettersto the Kreuz Zcitung, Post andCologne Gazette denying the recentcharges against him, stating that hesummoned Dr. Bergcmann with duocourtesy. Dr. Mackenzie had along interview with Prince Bismarck

y. The doctor's letters to thethree papers above named were in-

serted under legal compulsion.Berlin, April 23. The newspaper

almost unanimously welcome theQueen of England to Berlin, anil ex-

press rogrot for the mournful occa-sion of her visit. Bismarck's ex-

pressed desire that n worthy recep-tion bo given the Queen has Imd aneffect upon the cntiro press of thoempire, anil an ngreeablo change oftone is noticeable in articles on thesubject. It is generally understoodthe Queen comes solely to sep herimperial son-in-la- before hp dies,and to give her daughter the sup,pprt of iter 8yaipatlies,

For Spring Summer Clothing,

(Jo to

The Arcade-EG- AN & CO.


Gibraltar, April 23. The Britishgunboat Falcon sailed hence y

for Capo Juby, in consequence ofan attack by a body of tho Sultanof Morocco's troops upon the NorthAfrican Company's depot at thatplace. The Moors killed tho man-ager of tho depot and woundedothers. Help is urgently needed.

London, Apiil 18 it is againstated that the Duke of Marlboroughwill visit the United States nextsunimer, where ho is expected tomarry a rich widow.

Berlin, April 18. Lord Salisburyhas informed the German ForeignOffice that Queen Victoria disap-proves of tho proposed marriage ofPrincess Victoria to Piinco Alex-ander.

Rome, April 18. Owing to theprotests of tho Polish Catholics, thePopo has discontinued negotiationsfor an entente between Russia andtho Vatican.


piTY, CARRIAGE COMPANY.V This Company is ag'iln rcorga.nized and prepared to accommodate llietraveling public to any pirt of the cityand suburbs. Good carriages and niton,tlve drivers. Stand: Jleiciiant and Fortitrcctf. Ring up Telephone Mutual457 and Bell 110. 31 lw

ESSRS. DODD & MILLERhave just received ev Australia

another lot of that " PHILADELPHIA.LA.OEH BEBR" in kcc3. which thevare offering to their customers. !H lw

rpHE DAILY BULLETIN isalivoJL livening paper. 00 cenl ppr month

THE ONLY READABLE PA-J- LPER in the Kingdom "The

Daily Bulletin." 60 cents per month.

THE DAILY BULLETIN-T- iioJL moit popular paper published.

IF YOU leally want your money'sworth of the llucst Honio-llad-

French and Plain Candies, the mostDelicious Ice Creams, or Fancv andPlain Cukes, call nt the Pioneer SteamCandy Factory, Bakery and Ice CreamParlors, established 1SG3, Hotel, oppo-site Bethel street. F. IIoiiN, PracticalConfectioner, Pastry Cook and Orna.mentor. P. S. Tho only placo whorethe Genuine Butter Scotch is manu.factured aud sold. 10 tf

FINEST BRANDS OFPott, Mudciia and Malagu,

for Bale in kegs and cases byGONSALVES & CO.,

01 Queen street.

CLEAN RAGS aim bccond handwill be gratefully iccuiv-e- d

for the Ubc of the inmatci of thoBranch Hospital for Lepers at KnkaaUo,or at the Leper Scttlmcnt on Molokai,if left with J. T. Watcrhouso, jr., at thoQueen Street Store. t&f tf


BUSS. P. THIELE,On Beretania street near 1'iikoi.

(Formerly JIcGuiro's House,)

Kindergarten & Elementary,

Daily & Boarding School.

Also, French and German taught, andMusic Lessons given.

A safe conveyance will call for and re- -

turn children living at a distance.72 JIulual Telephone No. COL 'im.



Made in America.'

Meals Superior to all Others,

GONSAXVES & CO.,Hole AgcntH of tho Hawaiian

iHlautlH.78 tf


fcA BOUT seven acres of good pasture,"aTA. rice or gaidcn ftnd, al Kapalumn,about a mile and a half from town, witha two-btor- y dwelling house, kitchenstable and other out houses.

TorniH 5 Xor Slontli.tSTApply to

Wm. McCANDLESS.27 tf


TWO COTTAGESbeautifully


located, within Q minutes'walk of Ibo Post OfUcc. An opportu-nity seldom ofl'ered to sccuro a comfort,able homo within easy reach of thobusiness part of tho city. Fpr parti,culars inquire at001 tf GULIOK'S AGENCY.


ETWKKN Piikoi and Kec.auinoku slreeu. lot runs

tluough to Kinuu street, 100

feet frontage Good pasluiago. Coltuguconlalns 0 rooms, carriage house andktahles for 3 or 1 hoi-bos-

. Rent $80 permonth. Apply to .. .U, H i vvr.,Utfc 1$ Merchant street.


A AvjM A -- t 'J'''tV JS&tL ,Li.



'"" UVW "0M'l '."V



(M Oping of

Dry fioods & Fa

tlie noveltiesIN

Keeeived by last steamer Choice mid Well-Selecte- d Stock of NEWGOODS, bought personally, to which most respectfully

invite the Indies for inspection.

Ail Elegant Line of New Dress Goods at 20 cents per yard.Ladies will bo pleased to select fiom our Stock the following Goods

which will be told at theLOAVISSX" 13 1215 KOCK PXtlOES.

ifmoHicrt inWhite t'iiuc, Jtutisic. Merrsiirlicr, lSuiuu Suiting. Chambrny,

Satine llrocades, Enibioidetl Swiss, Fancy Giulianis, Linen Lawns, Etc.Kiitlrcly Sew "KUrilint I'UIUI'.."

Great ntlension is called to our Slock of EMBROIDERIES

Oriental Laces, Laces anil Spaiisl Laces,Which wo ieeeicd diieet from Switzniland and we nro olleiing all Embroi-tleiic- s

and Laces at Lower 1'iiees than can be bought elsowheie.

Children's Dresses & Children's Lace CapsIn all the Latest Stvles,. 100 ROY'S SAILOR SUITS nt $2.50,worth ROY'S KNEE RANTS UNION TWEED at 75

cents per pair. An Elegant Line of

Entirely New; the thing for tho picsent A Large Assortment ofGENTS' STRAW HATS, in the Latest Styles. MISSES',

GIRLS' and HOYS' STRAW HATS.sijecil. ivoanoji:.Roechcd direct fiom the East Largo Assortment of

GcuIk', JOiiIicN MiisHOH' mid Oliiltlveu'c Slioeix,Which will bo bold at the Lowest Prices.



'B B


63 65


just season.



IftaSPECTIOft!1751 ly



I' I J I" "S



& 65Irwin & Co.




- ' iy

Are by every steamer from San



Bird Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.







noy Good

Fort street.Opposite




receiving incoming- -



Furniture, Chairs, Pianos, Guitars, Pictures,

Crockery Ware, Carriages,



PIANOS and 37UI2,t0:TU:OJESold on tho Installment Plan.

MATRASSES, CORNICES & FRAMESAlways on Iland and Made to Order.

Canary Birds,


New goods


CanaryWarranted Singers.)


G. WEST & GO.'S, 105 Fort Street,XXOTSOXJWJJUtr.








wi' u

Page 4: HAY GRAIN GRAIN. · 1:21 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. It. Lowors, F. J. IiOwroy, O. M. Cooke. & Cooke, r (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumbpr







sik- -



H. I, c TY it!ren



New Good9 received by ovcry Packet from Iho Eastern Slatci and EuropeFrosh California Troduco by ovcry Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any part ot the olt freo of charge. Island orders poll,cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Offlte !" 1J5. Tolonhnna No. fU. 108 ly




Groceries, Provisions Feed,


Dupec Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Relltcs, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs 1'oik, Smoked Halibut, Kxtra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, lloslon Brown Bioad, Table Kruits, Gcrmea,

IlucUins Ac Franco American Foed Co.'h Airtl Soups,Ridges Food, Imperial Graimm, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafers, Oaten "Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCrackers, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate "Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,"Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

&5J Leave your oidcrs, or ring up 119. --Q5a

Steam Works, Sunny South,Tolo., Bull ISO, 24.5.

Depot, 2S Merchant Street,Tele., Bell 172, Mutual CO.



The Only English Apparatus making High Class


irenadine. H-- f a (sl ri v o sa & i sa rfa oW ti&.uW jcy tAtf ? u a w e.e.va n


Orders delivered to any part of the city.1G tf

A of


the of



Island orders solicited. .jgQ?

Just Received at Hoillster & Oo.'slarge assortment

PERFUMES! PERFUMESComprising well-know- n brands





ale at K-easonabl-e PrieeSf



Geiiex-ii- l Afj-eut--

Expert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Fire & Life InsuranceAgents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exohange Brokors.

Departments of Business:Books and Accounts accurately kept and vionoily adjusted. tColletions will receive special attention and returns promptly mnde.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records bearclied mid correct Absttacts of Title

furnished.Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand.

sotnely engrcs-ed- .

Copying and Translating in all languages in general ute in this Kingdom.Heal Estate bought and sold. Tuxes imid and 1'ioperty safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Booms, Offices and Laud leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Life Insurance effected in flrat-clui- s Insuiancu Companies.Custom-Hous- e Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at lavorablo rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for PublUhcis.Any Article purchased or sold on most favoiable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

EST-- ' All Business entrusted lo our care will rcccivo piompt a'nd faithful attention at

moderate charges. '

IIaIng liad an extensive business excellence for over twcnty.flvc years inNew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business ot anintricate ami complicated nature, or requiring fuel and discretion, and lcspeutfullysolicit a tiial.

Bvll Telephone No. 274. Xlivwaif tin UiihIhcnn Akciicj'.ian. 78 ly

Telephone Roth Companies 240. I O. Jiox 2U7.


FllESII GOODS from California on K'R, hy etch steamer of iho O. S. 8. Co.' A COMX'I.inK LINE 01' --" -





A Very Choice Lot of W. Z. ' Taranaki Butter,"(IN JCKUS.J

Allot 'which we offer to the Public at REASONABLE PIUOES.Fresh New Zealand Butftr, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats !

JJy each nrrival from New Zeihmd-SoilETIIIN- FINK.1E5U

"Daily Bulletin Summary,"',. Will be issued on May 5th.

CO columns ot interesting news. The best paper to send abroad.


Uudor tho nbovc heading thoDoncastcr Reporter of July Gth,

1887, publishes the following in itseditorial columns

Our readers may recall the cir-

cumstance of a 3'Oting clerk, namedArthur Itiehold, falling insensibleon tile Wcatlcy Lane in this town8omo titno ago, nnd being pickedup, as be continued perfeutly help-

less, and taken in a cab by Uogentlemen to the olllee of F. W.Fisher, Esq; the solicitor who

him. On restoring him toconsciousness il vrm ascertainedthat he was allictcd with whatseemed to bo an incurable disease.When he was able to speak hesaid he had been to his dinner andand was on his way back to hiswork, when Biiddcnly his bead was

in a whirl and ho fell in the streetlike a man who is knocked down.On coining to his senses in tho solicitor's olllco he thought what thismight mean, and feared he wasgoing lo have a fit of illness, whichwe all know is a very dreadfulthing for a poor man with a familyto care for.

With this in his mind he at oncesought the best medical advice,telling the doctors how he had beenattacked. Thoy questioned him,and found that his ptesent maladywas exhaustion of the nervous system resulting from general debility,indigestion, and dyspepsia of achronic nature. This in turn hadbeen caused by confinement lo hisdesk and grief at the loss of dearfriends by death. The coming onof this strange disease, as dcsciibcdby Mr. Itiehold, must be of inter-est both to sick nnd well. Ho hadnoticed for several years 'previously,in fact, that his eyes and face be-

gan to have a yellow look; theiewas a sticky and unpleasant slimeon the gums and teeth in Hiemorning ; the tongue coated ; andthe bowels so "bound and costivethat it induced that most painfuland tioublesome ailment the piles.He says there was some pain inthe sides and back and a sense offulness on the right side, as thoughthe liver were enlarging, whichproved to be the terrible fact.The secretions fiom the kidneyswould be scanty and high-coloure-

with a kind of gritty or sandydeposit after standing.

These things had troubled Mr.Itiehold a long time, and alter hisfall in the street he clearly perceivedthat the lit of giddiness was nothingmore than a sign of the steadlynnd deadly advance of the complaint,which began in digestion and dys-depsi- a.

His story of how he wentfrom one physician to another insearch of a cure that his wife andlittle ones might not come lo want isvery pathetic and touching. Finallyhe became loo ill lo keep his situa-tion and had to give il up. Thiswas a sad calamity. He was appall-ed to think how he should be able tolive. But God raised up friendswho helped to keep the wolf fromthe door. He then went to tho sea-

side at Walton-on-the-Naz- e, hutneither the change, nor the phy-sicians who treated him there, didany good. All being without availhe visited London, with a sort ofvague hope that some advantagemight happen to him in tho metro-polis. This was in October, 1885.

How wonderful, indeed, are theways of Providence, which dashesdown our highest hopes and thenhelps us when wo least expect it.

While in London he stated his condition to a fiiend, who stiongly ad,vised him to try a medicine which hecalled Jfothct lieini I'n CurativeSyrup, saying it was genuine andhonest, and often cined when every-thing else had failed. He boughta bottle of a chemist in Pimlico, andbegan using it according to the di-

rections, lie did this without faithor hope, and the public, may therefore judge of his surpiise and pleasure when after taking a few doseshe felt great relief. He could eatbetter; his food distressed him less;tho symptoms we have named abated ;

the dark spots which had lloatedbefore his eyes like biuuts of soot,gradually tfSsnppearod, audfi hisstrength increased. Before histime liis knees would knock togetherwhenever he tried to walk. So encouraged .vns he now that he kepton using Mother fteiyel's CurativeSyrup until it ended in completelycuring him.

In speaking of his wonderfulMr. Itiehold says it made

him think of poor Robinson Crusoe,and his deliverance fiom captivityon his island in the sea ; and added,"But for Mother Soigel's CurativeSyrup tho grass would now begrowing over my grave."

Our readers can rest assured ofof tho strict truth of all the state-ments in this most lcmarkablo case,as Mr. Itiehold (now residing atSwibs Cottage, Walton-on-the-Naz-

belongs to one of tho oldest andmost respected families in tho beautiful village of Long Melford,Suffolk, and his personal characteris attested by bo high an authorityas tho Rev. 0. J. Maityn, rectorof that pai ish, besides other excel-lent names. We have deemed theenso of such iiiport.anco to tho pub-li- e

as to justify us in Jiving thisshort account of it in bur columns.

January 13, 1888.


$Arrive al Honolulu from San Francisco.

Australia May 1Zcnlandla , Mny 10Australia May 20Alameda i .... Juno 7Australia Juno 26Maiiposa July oAustralia July 2--

Zenlandia August 2Austialia August 21Alameda August 31

Australia September 13Maiiposa September 27Australia October 10Zcnlandia October 25Australia, November 13Alameda November 22iVustralia December 11

Lcnvo Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Alameda MayAustralia MayMariposa JunoAustralia JunoZoalandia JulyAustralia JulyAlameda Inly 29Australia July 31Mariposa August 20Australia August 28Zcalandia Septembcr.23Australia Soptcmher 25Alameda October 21Australia October 23MiiripOMi November 18Australia November 20Zcalandia December 10Austi.ilia December 18Alameda . . . .(1SS9) Juuuary 13




.lliitiinl.O.IIox-tlS- .


oS Merchant St., Honolulu

General Business Agency.


Conveyancing a Specialty Uecordt search-ed nnd abstracts ot title furnished onshot t notice.

Copying, Translating, and cngioss ing in nilhinuuagcs in goniral use in tho King,dom.

Custom Houso brokerage File nnd Lifelnsmance receive prompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthoiizedCollector.

Skilled anri Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Sovcial valuable piopcitics in andiirouud the city now for iale on cisyterms.

Convenient Cottages in le healthylocations in and near the city lo let orlease al reasonable i ates.

Employment Wanted by several men andboys, who will inuke themselves use-ful in performing the various officesaud chores requlicd by pnvate fami-lies.

Full particulars given on applicationat tlicnjrency.

Orders Jrom the other Islands prompt-ly attended to.- -

Bell Tel. 172.


Mutual Tel.O. ISox 4(10.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Fire Pi oof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street.


General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Haw'n Islandsof tho

Burlington and Chicago Railway

AvrasH America,Connecting at Boston with tho Azores

and Miuleira.

Through ticltetsgtnntcd from Honolulu,to all points East.

Accountant Department.Merchandise stored nnd hold on

ConsignmentsShipping ami Custom IIouso Business

attended to.Boohs and Accounts kept nnd audited.Legal Documents piepurcd.Average aujiiBtcd.1'rojli) ties leased, tented and sold,Logul document drawn,

To Lot No 89 Kinau street ; parlor, 3bedrooms, kitchen, s"rvant's room,Htnblc, enrriugo hoube, garden, etc.Kent very moderate.

Cottago at Waikikl, opposlto Sunnybouth; large yard, stable, etc. Pos

. niHwIop on 1st April.

By the S. S. "Austinlia" 8lh February,--ANl) NOW ON SAXd- J-

California Oranfles'-'prim- o sample, BarrelsSaurkraut, Kugs Saurkraut, Crates White

Heart Cabbage, Colcry on Ico,Crates Cauliflower,



A largo consignment ofPotatoes. Figs, Canned Fruits, Jellies,Jams, Prunes, Italsins, OhoMnuis, Wnlnuts, llardnuts, AlmoiulnutF, CannedTomatoes, Etc, Efc, Etc, Etc., Etc



CP King wtrcet, Honolulu, t

Notice to the Public of these Islands

Ladies or gentlemen who contemplate giving orders for tho above arti-cle aro respectfully requested to call at the Honolulu Pioneer Steam Can-dy Factory and Bakery, established 1803, before going to any other house,as my establishment is POSITIVELY the only establishment in Honolulu,notwithstanding all tho ridioulous, empty and pompous newspaper blow-ing and puffing, whero a cake can bo piocured to givo tho greatest satis-faction to the most refined tastes, and to bo nn ornament of exquisitewoikmanship on your table which will not crumble in pieces when cut,but be a credit to the fine art of the Confectioner, which has not only fortwenty-fiv-o years but still bids competition dellnnco to this day. All at-

tempts in any other establishment are inferior lo mino and not worth thoprico you pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over the world a goodworkman's productions arc always cheaper than a half made oiic'h arc.Having had over half a century's practical experience the undersigned isenabled to ornament Cakos in all and the highest styles of art.

3B HOK,W,The only Practical Confectioner in all branches; Proprietor

Honolulu Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. Hotel be-

tween Fort aud Nuuumi Streets, Honolulu, II. I.07

Made of the celebrated CREAM of the "Woodlawn Dairy,sold at the great reduced price of

S2-OO- I S2.0CD! S2.GO! S2.00I S2.00!


EJSTLDBI-ilSHJEJl- O IS63.KsAs some evil disposed persons who are openly boasti-

ng- of the intention of ruining-- my business and villanouslyfalsefying my GOODS and 10E CREAM I will forfeit$100 to any person who will prove by analysis that myICE CE.EAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaperthan anywhere else.

' ' ' '-


Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamenter

Both Telephones ISTo. 74. Hotel St. bet. Nuuanu & Fort St.70 2m

Horse Clipping! -


BLES. Hand Clippers. 82tf

Cooked Taro Flour!Tho New Process to make tho Best

of Poi with hardly anytrouble.

Hawaiian Fruit & Taro Com.THE of Wailuku, Maui, Mill beprepared to supply the public of Hono-lulu and the other Islands, on the 2ndday of April, 1888, with a new prepara.Hon of Tiro Flour called CUOKEDTARO FLOUlt. This article is farMipciior to the old raw Turo Flour.This article is already cooked and it re-

quires hardly 'any work to make thebest of Poi and other leccipts, by add-in- g

Cooked Taro Flour to boiling hotwuter like prcparinc coin meal vourPoi is made ai once. Those desiringsour Poi will hnvo to let it stand 24hours. If too thin or cour add freshpusto of Cooked Taro Flour. Our

with each bags will givo full par.ticu'ars. If our diiections with eachbag are stiictly followed it will notfail to mako tho cleanest and best ofPol. This now process of Cooked TaroFlour is mndo hy machinery so therocannot be any dirtiness or fllthlncts inthis way of making Poi. All grocerystoics will he furnished with CookedTaro Flour on the above date. Our re-ta- il

prico per 5 lb. bag will ho 40 contspor Uag in Honolulu. Any over-charg- e

will bo refunded by notifying f. II.Cummings, Bell Telephone No. 325. Alloidcrs fiom the other Islands can boJlllcd hy sending your order to

W. H. DANIELS, Manager,Wailuku, Maui,

W. H, CUMMINGS, Agent,Honolulu.

Bgy The Company h prepared if todesired to supply hard Poi, not includ-in- g

lots of water, in one or more barrelsor Uag lots, at jowrsi possiuiu prices.

103 lm

COUNTER SYPIIONS.undersigned having received ex.THE a shipment of Countor

B, plums of on improved type, aro uowprepaieil k supply saloons and otherswith Plaiu Soda, Ginger Ale and TahitiLemonade put up in this convenientform, at low rates.

J. E HHOWN & CO.,Proprietors Tahiti Lemonade Works,

28 Merchant Rtiuit O'JJm


QWHALE BOATS! 1 Decked0 Wlmlo Boat, 30 feet long,- - il feetdeep, 8 feci wide-- , 222 feet burl Boats-- ,

1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, G feet 0 inches wido, 2 feeln Inches deep, with mast and 6idln allcomplete; 1 22 feet Bailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Apply to,

B. R. HYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 51 M

HPHEWORKINGMAN'S PAPERi-- "Tho Daily Bulletin," 50 cents

por month.

f. . .


ImSiii mihbBR. PARDEE'S


A Specific for

RHEUMATISMScrofula, Salt Jllicum,

Xcm-nlcla-, ItliiK Worm,And all other Skin and Blood Diseases.

It Kcgulatcs tho

MVER AND KIDNEYS,Cures Indigestion, and nil Diseases

arising from an enfcobled con.dition of the system.

Dr. Marline, of Loudon, tho celebratedspecialist, fays of PARDEE'S REMEDY :" I huvo uscu it for twenty years forBlood Diseases, such as Borofula, SaltKlieum, Teter and Cancer, aud I cannotrecommend it too highly."

The Hev, Dr. Thomas, of Hone KBng,China, says: "PARDEE'S REMEDY is awonderful medicine for tho blood. Ihave prescribed it hundreds of times forlepiosy, nnd, when given in time it al.ways cured tho patient. I cau'tafcly saythat lepiosy will ndver break out on per.sons who tauo raniccs ncmeuy regu.larly, and 1 advise all persons living incountries wlura leprosy is prevalent totako Pardee's Remedy ns a p"roveiille,"

For Salo by all Druggists in Honolulu.Ap-- 3m

Tonsorial Artists, 88 King St.

GENTLEMEN of Honolulu; PlcasovX tako notico that a neat BarberBhon has been opened next door to thorestaurant down stairs, 88 King .street,hy two of tho best practical Barbers intown. Gentlemen aro requested to givous a trial. We guarantee satisfaction.Childrcnb' hair cutting a speciality.



AI J. J.

Views !

Williams05 tf


Mnny people believe thnt Naturohas somcwhoro a remedy for everydisease So many and so terriblearo the ills of life, and so slight thopleasure wo get as time flics .past,that such a belief is the least faithwe can show in a gracious and all-wi- se

Providence. A few remediesbut, alas, how fowl have been

found. Others, so far, lie hiddenfrom human inquiry. 'Occasionallydeath follows quickly on the heels oftho evil an illustration of tho dan-

gerous character of the ailment tobe relieved.

For example, Nervous Dyspepsiais a comparatively new disease,growing out of tho conditions ofmodern life. It is a joint affectionof the digestive organs and of thenervous system. These two wereformerly treated as separate ail-

ments, and it was left for tho clear-

sighted thinkers to prove that thobasis of this terrible and often fatalcomplication lies chiefly in the disordered and depraved functions ofdigestion and nutrition. Theyreasoned thus: "If we can inducethe stomach to do its work, andstimulate tho excretive organs todrive out of the body the poisonouswaste matters which remain aftertho life-givi- elements of the foodhave been absorbed, we shall haveconquered Nervous D'spepsia andNervous Exhaustion." And theywere right. Knowing the infalliblepower of Siegel's Syrup in less com-

plicated though similar discascsthey resolved to test it fully in this.To leave no ground for doubt, theyprescribed the remedy in hundredsof cases which had been pronouncedincurable with perfect success inevery instance where their directionsas to living and diet were scrupu-lously followed. Nervous Dyspep-sia and Exhaustion may almost bocalled a peculiarly English diseasciTo a greater or less extent half thepeople of this country suffer from it

,both sexes and all ages. In nocountry in the world arc there somany insano asylums filled to over-flowing, all resulting from thisalarming disease. Its leading symp-toms are these ; frequent or continual headache ; a dulfpain at thebase of the brain; bad breath;nauseous eructations ; the rising ofsour and pungent fluids to thethroat; a sense of oppression andfaintness at the pit of the stomach,flatulence ; wakefulness and loss ofsleep ; disgust with food even whenweak from the need of it; stickyand slimy matter'on the teeth or inthe mouth, especially on rising inthe morning; furred and coatedtongue ; dull eyes ; cold hands andfeetT; constipation; dry or roughskin; inability to fix the mind onany labour or calling continuous at-

tention; and oppressive and sadforebodings and fear.

All this terrible group MotherSiegel's Curative Syrup removes byits positive, powerful, direct, yetpainless and gentle action upon thefunctions of diges'tion and assimila-tion. Those elements of the foodthat build up and strengthen thesj'stcm are sent upon their mission,while all waste matters (thp ashes oflife's fire) which, unrcmoved poisonand kill, are expelled from the bodythrough the bowels, kidneys, andskin. The weak and prostratednerves are quieted, toned, and fedby the purified blood. As the result, health, with its enjoyments,blessings and power, returns to theBuffet er, who has perhaps abandonedall hope of over seeing another wellday.

Mother Seigcl's Curative Syrupis for salo bv all chemists and medi- -

' cine vendors, and by the proprietors,A. J. White, Limited, So, I'arnng-do-n

Koad, London.January 13, 1888.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Shoeing Forge,Vott Ht., Next r.ucas' Mill.Shooing, from 1.50.

Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

Iteaidciiuc: 31 Alukca Street,r. o. BOX 18.

i.,.t..i... (Hhop,881."t" 4U,r'"""ulResld enco, 8S8.

Yosemite Skating

mmsks :r, i is-

- EC "&&Skating! Skating! Skating!

Cornor Qucon & Richard Streets.

Will ho oncn every evening from 7 to0:30 i m.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturdaysevening for tho Public in General.

TIIOMLA. IS. WAIX,1001 Proprietor. lyr

i . vi.i"
