HASH 656 - THE BLUE RUN. 18 JULY 656 is a little different. It’s the first time we’ve been led by the nose by twee (two) Sud Afrikaners. OK one of them is a soutie (English speaking Sud Afrikaner). That’s Knee Trembler. Anyway twee of them produced a magnificent route only to be stuffed up by their nameless mentor. In a once again magnificent setting on the banks of the Gulf of Siam we all had a ball. Visitors from Taiwan, returners from Canada, hobbits from the Nathon hills, the hash had it all. We arrived at the site to be led by blue paper through the shiggy to the parking lot. Magic. A coconut On On showing the way along the route. What imagination from the folks from the Rainbow Nation. OK. Now those of you that hear the music it’s trad Afrikaner rap. Crap. Yes I concur. For those of you that want the real Africaans musical experience for 300 baht log onto the Johannes Kerkorrel website. Enough waffle and onto our refreshing new scribe. OK a few pics first. Not too many brackets I hope Gromit.

HASH 656 - THE BLUE RUN. Hash 656.pdf · HASH 656 - THE BLUE RUN. 18 JULY 656 is a little different. It’s the first time we’ve been led by the nose by twee (two) Sud Afrikaners

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  • HASH 656 - THE BLUE RUN.


    656 is a little different. It’s the first time we’ve been led by the nose by twee (two) Sud Afrikaners. OK one of them is a soutie (English speaking Sud Afrikaner). That’s Knee Trembler. Anyway twee of them produced a magnificent route only to be stuffed up by their nameless mentor. In a once again magnificent setting on the banks of the Gulf of Siam we all had a ball. Visitors from Taiwan, returners from Canada, hobbits from the Nathon hills, the hash had it all. We arrived at the site to be led by blue paper through the shiggy to the parking lot. Magic. A coconut On On showing the way along the route. What imagination from the folks from the Rainbow Nation. OK. Now those of you that hear the music it’s trad Afrikaner rap. Crap. Yes I concur. For those of you that want the real Africaans musical experience for 300 baht log onto the Johannes Kerkorrel website. Enough waffle and onto our refreshing new scribe. OK a few pics first. Not too many brackets I hope Gromit.

  • No way do I translate your

    Mandarin hash name.

  • Lima Papa

  • This week saw a few old faces make a return to the KSH3. Woodpecker had been visiting his

    money in Lichtenstein and the Caymans. The new grand president of Rotary, everyone bow

    deeply, the as yet unnamed Phil and his lovely Michele not long returned from the Grand Tour

    of the convict colony. We also had a charming Hasher from Taiwan, Taimaligebi and nipper.

    Saturday was Mandela day so it was fitting that two Springboks, or should it be a Cape Buffalo and a

    young Gazelle, were to be the hosts. Around 41 including klein kinders managed to get there by the

    appointed hour to the beach front laager site. The Samui Witch had her jacket on a shaky nail as the

    wind nearly bowled us over. The AGM, Ferral Flaps was having the devils own job keeping his Barnet in

    place, but needs must when the Devil drives and just in time and with a regal wave of the wand the calm

    was restored. So our Rainbow Hares times two stepped in and prattled on with the same old tommy rot

    promising kindness at the checks and so off the pack charged. That is except SCOTY, acronym for short

    cutter of the year, FF who spotted an opening through a five bar gate. Only problem being, gate height

    120cm. FF inside leg 65cm resulted in crushed nuts and red face. The trail was well marked and by the

    time we came to the split the Rambos were well ahead. Things slowed somewhat with a punishing hill

    and some traversing through ankle snapping ground. Then down the other side of the hill to another

    check which saw Leopards Piss go left and take Corkscrew along for the ride. The sly Leopard Piss slowed

    and the Ozzy Octogenarian sped on to.....false trail which Leopard Piss knew all about!!

    On to the next check and Moulet Rouge back to his superbly fit self trundled off in the wrong direction

    and was heard in the distance yelling ARE YOU. By now the wankers had almost caught up and only the

    intervention of the hill near the end of the trail threw them off paper.

    So back to camp and the prospect of another great offering by Madam Dump and her crew had the mob


    First things first and the vote was called and as Forest was unwilling to wear the lavy seat the

    redoubtable Blue (do anything for a beer) Lugs stepped in as lookalike. A resounding yeah for great run

    and onto stewards. Woodpecker didn't know if he was walking or running steward but dragged in a few

    anyway and Red Merlot did likewise with Jaques Lemon trying to blame him for his own balls up at

    check number cinque.

    The Samui Witch was next to prosecute and Wee Yin and Pussy Lover got done for blabbering on the

    trail and RM & Corky sang one black one, one white one. Could have been Yaketey Yak, a Drifters

    number from prehistoric times. Next for being Samui's answer to Jason Donovan, or is it waffling on for

    an age and finally owned up to being 64 + VAT, Corkie got the pie in the face joke, good move and well


    Woody as the next Hare gave us the glad tidings that we're going to Maenam 3 for a change, whoopee !!!

    Circle closed and nose bags on . Well done everyone a great day.