Harry Potter and the Final Journey(A6)

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  • 8/6/2019 Harry Potter and the Final Journey(A6)


    Harry Potter and the Final Journey by Arthur Weasley

    Chapter : Chapter

    The sky overhead was clear and sunny, beckoning children to come out and bask in its

    rays. A horrible reflection of the true state of the world, whether people knew it or not,

    thought a teenager sitting outside number four Privet Drive. Nothing could be farther

    from the truth. The world was a bleak and cold place where murderers can run

    rampant and loved ones can die in a flash. True justice was rarely delivered whendeserved. And so, the journey began...

    Harry Potter sat outside staring at the sky, contemplating the events that had

    transpired since he joined Hogwarts. He had fought Lord Voldemort four times now,

    only to escape by sheer luck but not without losing those dear to him. Harry could still

    remember his horrific nightmares from the previous summer of Wormtail crying the

    two terrible words that wiped life from Cedric Diggory. Sirius Black, the closest

    person Harry could call a relative, had also been mercilessly attacked by Bellatrix

    Lestrange and lost his life in the Department of Mysteries. And most recently, the

    tragedy still fresh in his mind, Albus Dumbledore, the greatest Headmaster in the

    history of Hogwarts, was now dead. Everything until now had been a build-up factor

    towards one ultimate goal: the destruction of Lord Voldemort once and for all. But

    Harry now had two clear goals in mind: Voldemortand Snape.

    SNAPE! Harry yelled loudly to the empty silence of the street around him. He

    didnt care who heard him. Hatred welled up inside him as he bitterly thought about

    his former Potions Master who had relentlessly tormented him for the past six years.

    And finally, to add insult to injury, Severus Snape took the life of Dumbledore. Harry

    no longer had dreams of a dark graveyard and a flash of green light crumpling his

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    Triwizard friend, but instead of his only mentor being struck down, tumbling out of the

    Astronomy tower.

    Hogwartsthe place seemed so distant now. Once he had called the castle his home.

    But there was no Hogwarts without Dumbledore, and Harry now had no home,

    especially not Privet Drive. He returned only because Dumbledore had requested it

    the summer before. A final request granted, but Harry could not grant everything. No

    matter what Dumbledore said, he would never forgive Snape. Harry knew that

    Voldemort would have to be top priority, far more dangerous, and truly the one who

    finally killed his parents. But Snape was a close second.

    Hours later, Harry sat in his room anxiously watching the time. He smirked to

    himself as he remembered the first time that he had watched a clock ticking away

    towards this one date. Six years before, he had sat in a broken down old shack, about

    to turn eleven, and his entire world changed. Hagrid the half-giant rescued him from

    his dismal life with the Dursleys. HagridHarry would surely miss him, and all that

    he had done for him. But now, Harry was about to take care of business himself. The

    clock chimed twelve. It was now July . The moment Harry had been waiting for all

    summer was here at last.

    Accio trunk! he cried as he raised his wand. A loud commotion was heard as

    Harrys trunk burst out of the cupboard downstairs and landed beside him.

    Scourgify! he yelled as he swept clean Hedwigs cage. Piling his belongings

    together, he began to descend the stairs, unsurprised by the unpleasantness awaiting


    WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY IT, BOY?! Uncle Vernon cried as his face purpled.

    Dudley was crouched in the corner, clearly terrified by his cousins use of magic.

    Aunt Petunia looked strangely calm.

    Im done here. Im leaving, Harry responded with no trace of emotion.

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    Youre not allowed to do magic, boy! Youll be in trouble now! Put that nonsense

    back in the cupboard and go back to your room! Harry shot a clearly malevolent

    grin back at his uncle.

    Im of age. Im allowed to do magic. Im leaving. Im not letting you lock me in a

    room, keep me under a cupboard, keep my past away from me, or anything else

    anymore. Im leaving. Get out of my way, Harry calmly retaliated as he pointed his

    wand at Uncle Vernon, who seemed beside himself. Harry could see his mind

    straining trying to decide what to do. On the one hand, he was losing his nephew

    finally, but Vernon Dursley never liked not having control of any situation. Seconds

    passed in a tense silenceand finally he stepped aside. Harry trudged forward

    dragging his trunk and Hedwigs cage.

    Good-bye Harryand good luck, Petunia said to him softly as he reached the door.

    Harry turned around, completely in shock. He considered her for a second and then

    quietly uttered thanks. Not wanting to delay his exit at all, however, he continued

    outside and stood on the sidewalk, taking in his surroundings.

    So, this is it, he said to the night. Harry prepared to thrust his wand out to once

    more call the Knight Bus, when a loud CRACK rang through the silence. Whirling

    around prepared to strike, Harry was completely surprised by the sight before him:

    none other than his two best friends, Ron and Hermione.

    Happy birthday, Harry! Hermione said as she rushed up and hugged him.

    Happy birthday, mate, Ron said, patting him on the back.

    What are you doing here? Harry said incredulously.

    You didnt think wed miss this, did you, Harry? Hermione said.

    Yeah, weve got the most evil wizard of all time to destroy, Ron said, as if things of

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    this nature occurred every day. So lets get out there and smash some Horcruxes.

    I know you cant Apparate legally just yet Harry, so grab my arm. Ive been

    practicing, Hermione said as she extended her hand.

    Harry reached out and ran them through his mind once morethe cup, the locket, the

    snake, something of Gryffindor or RavenclawsCRACK!

    Back to index

    Chapter : The Walk

    CRACK! The trio reappeared in a grassy field. Harry looked around, unfamiliar with

    his surroundings.

    Where are we? Harry inquired of his friends.

    Were a mile or so off of Godrics Hollow, Hermione replied.

    What? Why did you Apparate us here?

    Its one of the newer Ministry guidelines. Its unwise to Apparate directly to your

    destination, in case a Death Eater is lying in waitor worse. So, as long as you dont

    mind a bit of a walk, we can be on our way to go see your parents, Harry.

    His parents. Despite the hatred for Voldemort and Snape, Harry could always count

    on his friends to be there for exactly what he needed. And this time they definitely did

    not fail him. The three began to walk in the direction of the village that Harrys

    parents had once called home.

    Hows the summer been so far? Harry asked.

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    Not too bad, considering. No deaths of anyone we know lately. What more could you

    ask for in times like these? Hermione replied. Harry nodded and continued in step

    with Ron and Hermione, who he now noticed were holding hands.

    So, you two, huh? Ron glanced over with a slight smirk on his face.

    Yeah. Kind of hard to believe after everything last year, isnt it? he answered.

    Not so much. About time is more what I was thinking. Harry said the smirk now

    upon his own face. It left abruptly, however. Harry had been waiting for this to

    happen for a long time, for his friends to finally realize they were right for each other.

    Unfortunately, this happy occasion caused another thought to surface to his already

    troubled mindSohows Ginny? Ron and Hermione looked at each other with

    slightly grim expressions on their faces. Neither said anything for awhile, until

    Hermione finally broke the silence.

    Im not sure you want me to answer that, Harry. Harry looked over in alarm.

    What do you mean? Has something happened to her? Is she all right?"

    Harry, no, its nothing like that, its justshes miserable, Hermione quickly


    Yeah, Ive never seen her this upset. I dont think shes stopped crying since we left

    Hogwarts, Ron chimed in.

    What? What do you mean? She seemed all right when I left.

    Thats because Dumbledore was on everyones mind. Ginny was bottling everything

    up at that time. You break up with her just fazed her a bit then. When she got back,

    everything hit her. Shes devastated. Its all too much, Dumbledore dying, you leaving

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    her, Fleur swooping aroundshe cant take it, Hermione dismally continued. Harry

    was in too much shock to respond for a few minutes.

    But...I did it for her. The last thing I want is for her to get hurt, or worse! Voldemort

    already tried to kill her once!

    I know Harry, but dont you see? Ginny loves you. Shed rather be by your side and

    with you than you out there risking your neck by yourself. She finally had you after

    four years, and now youre gone again. And you know Ginny, shes never been one to

    just sit around when things are at stake. You know shed join you in a heartbeat. But

    she loves you too much to go against what you asked.

    Harry had nothing to say anymore. He didnt know what to feel either. True, he still

    liked GinnyNo, you love her and you know it. He was shocked also to hear himself

    think that, but he knew it was true. He would never feel the same about any other girl

    in his life. And now he had upset her, which only made everything weighing on his

    mind feel heavier. The only consolation he had was that he had not yet lost her

    forever. Somedaymaybe someday when Voldemorts reign was over he could go

    back to herbut not now.

    Finally they came out of the field onto a dirt path that wound its way towards a small

    area of houses and shops. It was a desolate place. Not a person in sight, windows

    boarded up, doors securely barred or locked. An old sign hung crooked on its post

    that read, Godrics Hollow.

    So, cheery place. This is where they used to live? Harry queried the vast silence.

    It wasnt always like this. This wasnt a wizarding community at all. Remember,

    Hogsmeade is the only all magical village in all of the country. Your parents were

    probably the only witch and wizard here. It would have been a good idea, anyway, to

    be hiding out around Muggles with Voldemort hunting them down, Hermione

    answered. Harry stole a glance at Ron and noticed him jump a bit at the mention of

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    the Dark Lords name, but certainly didnt react as violently as he had in the past.

    After Voldemort killed your parents, the residents started to become frightened.

    Many left just a week or so after that. The village gradually lost all of its people, and

    became abandoned. Most Muggles are too afraid to come back. They said that a

    house didnt just fall down to shambles like that. Some claimed to have seen green

    flashes in the house and heard screams. Its amazing Obliviators never took care of


    Just HOW do you know all of this? Ron asked his girlfriend.

    Honestly, Ron, the first fall of Voldemort is one of the most celebrated events in all

    of magical history. Do you never see me reading? Hermione shot back, but she was

    smiling all the same. Harry laughed aloud at this comment, and they continued

    walking on the main path through the deserted village. There was little variation the

    entire trip. They passed row after row of falling down establishments, nothing

    extraordinary or particularly interesting to look at. The ground was littered with

    leaves, twigs, and old newspapers dated from years before. Hermione was right,

    everyone must have up and left after his parents were murdered. No one said anything

    the rest of the walk until they finally reached their destination.

    There it is. Harry pointed forward at the cemetery. Harry continued onward into

    the area then stopped and turned around. Ron and Hermione were now a distance

    away from him, talking quietly. They stopped when they realized Harry had and

    looked up.

    You go on, mate. Theyre your parents. Well be along, let you have a little time to yourself, Ron said. Harry could see no reason to argue and continued forward. It

    took him only a few minutes to find them. Alone off in a somewhat secluded corner,

    lay a gravestone that was a bit cleaner and newer than the others surrounding.

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    James Potter and Lily Evans Potter

    Together Forever

    After sixteen years he was finally here, with his parents again, where it all began.

    Harry was suddenly glad that Ron and Hermione had decided to stay behind. He

    could have a little time to speak his mind.

    Hi Mum. Hi Dad. Im back. I know its been awhile, and Im sorry I didnt come

    sooner. You know, Voldemort and all. It hasnt been an easy life so far. Your relatives

    are really horrible, Mum, but Im sure you knew that already. Still, life could be

    worse, I suppose. I hope youve seen Sirius. It was great to get to know him while he

    was here Harry trailed off. He was avoiding what he really wanted to say. It was

    difficult to bring it out, but now was the time. Sixteen years had passed, no sense

    waiting any longer. I want you to know that---that---me---I---oh---AHHHHHHHH!

    Harry began screaming. Pain like he had never felt before gripped his head, right

    along his scar. Harry clutched his head and vomited onto the grass by his feet. He had

    never felt any pain this terrible, even the Cruciatus Curse would be bearable next to

    this feeling. In his intense agony, he heard a cold, mirthless laughter ringing through

    his ears. And to add to this horror, he heard a matching voice. Attack not the physical

    self, but the heart At once, his pain ended. Harry looked up and found himself

    sprawled on the ground, next to a pile of sick and twitching slightly. He slowly pulled

    himself up off of the ground and turned to find his friends running towards him.

    Harry, are you all right? What happened? Harry still couldnt look up. He heard their voices but they didnt register completely. He knew what he had just heard. But

    what did it mean? As if in answer, a loud CRACK rang out over the cries of his

    concerned companions. All three looked over to the grave of the Potters to see a

    cloaked Death Eater. It was Hermiones turn to scream this time. Harry, however,

    drew his wand.

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    With a quick swipe of his own wand, the Death Eater silently disarmed him. Again,

    without a word and another motion, all three were suddenly thrown back onto the

    ground, unable to move. The Death Eater turned its back on the trio and began

    chanting in a low voice. Bound by whatever spell the minion of Voldemort had cast,

    all the trio could do was helplessly watch as the eerie voice droned on. Time passed

    terribly, whether it had been a minute or an hour, Harry could no longer tell, but the

    chanting suddenly changed to yelling. Words that Harry could not decipher poured

    out of the masked figure, when at last the servant turned around and gave one more

    sweeping motion of its wand. At once Harry, Ron, and Hermione were able to stand

    up and pulled out their own wands. Harry recovered his from nearby, but much to his

    dismay he heard another CRACK. He looked up and saw no one besides his friends.

    Who was that? Harry demanded. Both Ron and Hermione shrugged.

    I think it was a man, but thats not very much to go on, Hermione answered. She

    suddenly pulled back from where she was standing, only a few feet from the grave.

    Whats wrong? Ron started, but he too jumped back a second later. The ground

    where they were just standing was beginning to shake.

    Back to index

    Chapter : The Horror

    Whats going on? Harry cried. At this point, however, he no longer needed to ask,

    he could see it for himself. The immediate area was quaking before them. What did

    he do?

    Harry, Harry, I thinkaahhhh! Whatever Hermione thought, she did not have a

    chance to explain, for at that moment the trio was thrown backward by a sudden

    upheaval of earth. The grave of the Potters shot into the sky and landed only inches

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    away from Hermione. No, no, it cant be!

    Hermione, what---? Harry trailed off as his question was no longer relevant. As his

    gaze shifted forward again, he saw what was waiting before them. Where his parents

    were previously buried, a chasm had opened up. Slowly two figures rose up out of the

    gaping hole. Harry could not discern any visible features at first and he did not have

    time either. Once again his head split open with pain. Harry yelled out in agony once

    more, but his friends were more concerned with the horrific sight before them. So it

    beginsShow no mercySTOP! Harry yelled out, unable to bear anymore. His

    pain subsided instantly and he looked up again. Two figures were still trudging

    towards him and his friends.

    Harry, lets go! Hermione practically screamed.

    No, somethings happening, I have to find out what.

    No, Harry, we have to go now! Her words fell on deaf ears, for Harry would not be

    moved. Voldemort had something planned and there was no more running from him.

    Whatever evil was now in store for Harry, he knew he had to face it head on.

    Voldemort would certainly have far worse ready for him later and there was no sense

    avoiding his works now. But nothing could have possibly prepared Harry for what

    was now before him. As the shapes came close enough for Harry to observe them

    clearly, he noted at first what appeared to be two very pale individuals walking

    towards him. He noticed one of them appeared to be male and had dark untamed hair.

    He looked vaguely familiar, but nothing that Harry could identify at first. The other

    seemed to be female and had longer red hair. As she came closer, Harry noted shehad green eyes and a familiar green at that. Somewhere he had seen before

    With a thrill of horror Harry finally realized exactly what was going on. Never in all

    of his worst nightmares did he ever expect anything like this to happen. Clearly an act

    this horrible only showed just how evil Voldemort truly could be. Mum! Dad! No!

    Harrys words were now the ones that were useless. All he could do now was watch in

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    shock and panic as his parents trudged towards him menacingly.

    Ron shouted out something that Harry could not decipher, but it sounded oddly like a

    swear word. Harry! Do something! he cried. Harry, however, stood frozen to the

    spot with tears running down his face. Hermione ran over and shook him.

    Harry, I know this is horrible, but we have to do something! Theyre going to kill

    us! Harry seemed to snap out of a reverie at this action. He looked over at his


    What am I supposed to do? he yelled.

    Fight them! Theyre not going to stop, and theyre almost here! she retaliated.

    Fight them? Fight my parents?

    Theyre not your parents anymore, Harry. Theyre Inferi! Theyre not alive! And

    theyll kill us unless you do something! Harry looked from Hermione to the

    advancing minions of evil. He knew she was right, but again he stood frozen. These

    were still his parents in a way. Seeing them like this, the first time in sixteen years, it

    was just too much. Ron, however, decided that it was the time for action. Stop---!

    No! Hermione cried out as she shoved his wand arm into another direction. Let

    Harry do it!

    Hermione, look at him! He cant do this!

    Just trust me, let Harry do it!


    RON! Now is not the time!

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    HERMIONE! Ron yelled. The Inferius of James Potter was reaching out for her.

    No! Impedimenta! Harry drew his wand and knocked back his former father. He

    careened backward and tumbled into Lily. Both were momentarily on the ground, but

    then quickly rose back up and redoubled their march on the trio. Harry looked

    forward at them, still stunned, but this time ready to act. MumDad! Im sorry!

    Harry, please! someone said on his left. Harry raised his wand and looked

    forward, steeling himself. INCENDIO! Flames shot from the end of the wand and

    set the Potters ablaze. The Inferi fell to the ground and began writhing and twisting in

    the heat and light. In all of this, however, not a single sound escaped their lips, which

    somehow made Harry feel worse. As Harry looked on at the burning nightmarish

    creations before him, he felt something brush against his arm. He looked over and

    saw Hermione clutching his arm with an expression of utmost pity on her face.


    All three reappeared in front of the gates of Hogwarts. Why did you want us to come

    here, Hermione? Ron asked.

    This is the only safe place anymore. Voldemort knew Harry was there. He cant get

    us in here. Not yet, anyway, she added dismally.

    Hermione, look Ron pointed behind her. Hermione turned around and noticed

    Harry several feet away, staring off into space. You all right, Harry? He didnt

    answer them. Never, in all of his life, did he ever expect anything so horrible tohappen. His own parents reanimated and sent to kill him. Clearly Voldemort was

    counting on him being unable to attack those that were once so dear to him.

    Admittedly, it had not in any way been easy. Attack not the physical self, but the

    heartThose words would resound with Harry forever, the awful chill in the voice

    lingering with a truly sinister effect. He could not possibly continue on his mission

    right now. He needed to see someone first. He needed to talk. And there was only one

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    person that might understand. Harry?

    Harry turned and looked at Hermione. I have to go.


    I have to go. Ill come find you later. But for right now, I have something that I need

    to do. With that, he Disapparated.

    Back to index

    Chapter : Return

    As the feeling of iron bands left him, Harry saw the Burrow come into focus. This

    place had been more of a home to him than anywhere else, except perhaps Hogwarts.

    Mrs. Weasley was the closest thing he had ever known to a mother. But it was not her

    that he came to see. Harry walked towards the door when he heard a rush of air

    behind him and what he thought to be a broom touch down. When he turned around

    he was scarcely able to look at the source of sound when he was enveloped in a tight hug.

    Harry! Ginny cried out.

    Hi, Ginny. Out flying?

    YeahI, uh, didnt like being cooped up in there. She pointed to the house. Harry

    noticed, despite her happiness, that her eyes were red and puffy. What are you doing

    here? she asked incredulously.

    I needed to see you. Can we go inside? I want to talk.

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    Of course. Are you all right?

    Lets just talk. They crossed through the door.

    Back already, Ginny? What---Harry! Mrs. Weasley rushed over and also caught

    him in a tight embrace. What are you doing here?

    Oh, I just fancied a visit.

    Ron and Hermione left to find you, did you see them? Are they all right?

    Yes, theyre fine. I just left them. No offense, Mrs. Weasley, but I really need to talk

    to Ginny.

    Oh, well, all right. Mrs. Weasley left them, although there was a faint glimmer of

    hurt showing in her face. Harry and Ginny proceeded up the stairs to her room.

    What happened? You look upset, Harry.

    Voldemort just attacked. In a way that only you would be familiar with.

    He what?! Harry, what did he do? Ginny gasped.

    Do you remember when he used you to draw me out? Almost killed you just to get to


    Ginny looked slightly apprehensive at this question, but answered nonetheless, Yes,

    but I dont see what this has to do with---

    Harry interrupted her, Did Ron and Hermione tell you where we were going?

    Yes, Godrics Hollow, to go see your par---Oh no. Comprehension finally dawning

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    upon her, Ginny trailed off. Did he---

    Slowly, Harry let the truth out. He turned them into Inferi. They tried to kill us.

    Oh Harry She walked over and hugged him. Thats too horrible to even think


    I had to see you. You were the only one that I know would understand. Voldemort

    used you in the same way. The only difference is that at least I still have you. Harry

    knew what he had to do know, but getting it out was difficult. Ginny, I ended things

    before because I didnt want you to get hurt. I cant bear the thought that because of

    me something might happen to you. But I realize now that were all in this together.

    None of us is going to be here much longer until Voldemort is gone. And I need all of

    you with me to get it done, especially you. They stared at each other for a moment,

    and then kissed.

    Glad to have you back, Harry. Ginny started crying again, but Harry could tell that

    sadness was not behind the tears.

    So, does this mean were setting off again? Ron asked. Harry and Ginny both

    looked to the doorway where Ron was standing, grinning.

    Ron, honestly, dont interrupt! Hermione also came up behind him. Sorry, Harry,


    Never could hide anything from you two, could I? Harry replied. Its all right,everythings fine. At least, it will be. And yes, Ron, were setting off. Hermione, I have

    an idea. Do you still have your DA Galleon? Hermione rummaged in her pocket and

    procured the artifact. Good. Use it.

    Harry, what good is that going to do? Hermione objected.

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    Im sure Neville still has his coin on him and that he will want to help. Just try it,


    But, Harry, he wont know where to find us. We were always at Hogwarts when we

    used the coins.

    Then Hogwarts is where were going.

    Harry, are you sure you want another person along? Anyone of us could get hurt, or


    And you think that any of us is safer anywhere else? Neville has every reason to go

    with us, just look at what happened to his parents. Dont forget that he helped us in

    the Ministry and the night that Dumbledore died. He deserves this chance. Harry

    stared at her with such fierceness that she saw no feasible way to object. All argument

    having been resolved, the four Disapparated, with Harry holding Ginny.

    CRACK! All right, Harry, here goes. Hermione pulled out her wand and tapped the

    coin, which glowed briefly and then faded. Theres no guarantee that this will work.

    Like I said, Neville doesnt know where were at, and we cant be sure that he still has

    it on him. No sooner had she spoken these words when another loud crack rang out

    through the air. Everyone turned around to see Neville standing behind them, who in

    fact was not alone. Luna Lovegood was clutching his arm, looking as dreamy as ever

    with her necklace of butterbeer corks and wand behind her ear.

    Hello everyone Luna spoke in her airy voice, taking in her surroundings as if nothing could be more fascinating.

    Hi, all! Neville said happily. Whats going on? I felt my coin get hot and figured

    you would probably be here of all places.

    Harry smiled and replied, Spot on, Neville. Were all going to try to bring down

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    Voldemort. I want you to come along. Neville looked slightly pale at this request, but

    it was Luna that spoke next.

    What about me? she inquired. Harry considered her for a moment. Voldemort may

    not have done any personal damage to her, but she had also come to their aid the

    night that Dumbledore was murdered and fought at the Ministry. And if he couldnt

    depend on his closest friends now, then there was no sense in asking anyone.

    If you want in too, youre welcome. This looks familiar, doesnt it? We were all the

    ones that went into the Ministry a year ago. And we fought Death Eaters then. Looks

    like we might have some more of that in our near future. So, are we all in? Harry

    looked around at the small group he had formed. Everyone nodded.

    You know, we truly are Dumbledores Army now, Ginny said. Were fighting for

    him in a way. At first it was just a clever little name. But now She drew out her

    own Galleon. This has so much more meaning. Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Neville

    each drew out their coins to show their support for their former headmaster. Luna,

    however, was left to stand without the item.

    Wheres yours, Luna? Ginny asked.

    I havent been able to find it since that one night when we fought the Death Eaters. It

    must have fallen out of my pocket, she finished unhappily.

    Oh, thats too bad. But at least you were with Neville and you can still be with us for

    this, Ginny answered.

    Speaking of which, Luna, why were you with Neville just now? Ron inquired. At

    this question, Neville started turning a deep shade of crimson.

    Um, well, weuh Neville began to stammer.

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    Weve started going out, Luna supplied for him.

    Really? Wow. That means that all of us Hermione began.

    Yeah finished Neville somewhat lamely.

    Are we ready then? I think its best that we head off, Harry interjected.

    Where are we going anyway, Harry? said Ron.

    Well, I have an idea. The problem is that it involves getting inside Hogwarts first.

    Probably not the easiest of feats to accomplish right now, but I have another idea for

    that one. Harry thought for a moment and then pointed his wand skyward. Expecto

    Patronum! he shouted. A silver stag erupted from the end of his wand and sprinted

    towards the castle, out of sight into the interior.

    Harry, what are you--- Hermione began.

    Tonks told me that the members of the Order are communicating with each other

    using their Patronuses. Im not quite sure how it works, but Im hoping that I sent that

    one to McGonagall and shell realize that its me out here, Harry answered. The

    next few moments passed in silence. Each member of the DA was quietly gazing at

    their school, all uncertain if they would ever be able to learn there again. Soon,

    however, a figure came walking out of the doors and down the grounds to the gate.

    Potter? Weasley? Granger? What are you all doing here? Longbottom and Lovegood too? McGonagall demanded of the group.

    Hi, Professor. I was wondering if you could let us in perhaps? Harry said.

    Let you in? In the middle of summer? Why? McGonagall again demanded.

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    Its essential to the defeat of Voldemort. McGonagall winced slightly at the mention

    of the name but quickly regained her composure.

    Why do you need in here? What does Hogwarts have?

    Please, Professor, I know it sounds odd, but if you want a world without Voldemort,

    then please unlock the gate, Harry answered while staring intently at his

    transfiguration teacher. McGonagall hesitated for a moment, and then tapped the

    chains with her wand. They instantly snaked backward and unlocked. The gate opened

    and the DA stepped forward onto the grounds.

    Back to index

    Chapter : Horcruxes and the Unexpected

    Are you going to tell us why youve brought us here yet, Harry? Hermione asked.

    Its just a thought I had. The Room of Requirement hasnt failed us yet, has it? And

    lets face it, none of us have any idea where any of Voldemorts remaining Horcruxesare. So I figured, why dont we try here and see what we can find, he answered.

    Neville and Luna only look baffled by this statement, however.

    What are Horcruxes? asked Neville.

    I tell you what, Ill give this an attempt, and Ron, Hermione, bring Neville and Luna

    up to speed on the situation. Harry put on his Invisibility Cloak for good measure,

    and then walked past the blank stretch of wall on the seventh floor. I need a way to

    find Voldemorts HorcruxesI need a way to find Voldemorts HorcruxesI need a

    way to find Voldemorts HorcruxesSuddenly, a door materialized beside him.

    Smiling slightly to himself, Harry walked forward and entered the mystery room that

    would surely contain something useful

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    Of all things that he was expecting, this was not one of them. Harry never imagined

    that he would look upon this particular item of interest again. Although, it was fitting

    in a way. After all, Voldemorts first encounter with Harry in the castle revolved

    around this piece of magic, and his final meeting would no doubt now be influenced in

    a similar manner. The Mirror of Erised? Harry inquired aloud of the otherwise

    empty room. Harry smirked yet again as he gazed upon the enchanted mirror that

    once showed him his parents, the deepest desire of his heart. But now, things were a

    bit different. His deepest desire was to rid the world of Voldemort, and he knew that

    there was only one way to accomplish such a feat. Harry stepped forward and gazed

    into the reflective surface. Unlike any other time that Harry had looked into this

    mirror, he did not see a single image, but instead split images throughout the mirror.

    In the center, he could see his reflection, which as he knew he could expect regardless

    of what he was looking at. This reflection, however, was somewhat dim and shrouded

    into the back of the surface, as there was much more that this image had to tell.

    At the top, for example, he saw a gold locket, with an ornate S set into the center.

    Slytherins own locket, the valuable piece of ancestry that Merope Gaunt had sold for

    only ten Galleons in order to survive until she gave birth to the terrible wizard that

    would one day threaten the entire world. At the bottom Harry could see a small

    golden cup with a badger engraving. Helga Hufflepuffs contribution to the relics of

    the founders of Hogwarts and the other half of the reason that Hepzibah Smith had to

    die at the hands of Lord Voldemort. Finally, set into the center against his own

    reflection, Harry could see Nagini, the snake that the Dark Lord had entrusted with a

    piece of his own soul, twisting and slithering through corridors. The mirror showed so

    much more than just these items, however, as Harry could see them set against locations. Locations that ultimately revealed exactly what he needed to know

    Harry stepped out of the room that still had not failed him and found his five

    companions conversing with each other. Did you find what you needed? Ginny


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    Oh yes, Harry said while grinning. For the most part. Heres what I know for

    now. Slytherins locket is back at number twelve, Grimmauld Place.

    What?! How could it be there of all places? Ron said dubiously.

    Listen, when Dumbledore and I were gone that night to go find a Horcrux, we didnt

    actually get one. There was a locket there all right, but it was a fake. Someone had

    been there before and had taken the real one. The one that we took had a note inside it

    saying that someone had come in, taken the real Horcrux, and was going to destroy it.

    The note was signed with R.A.B. Everyone looked confused at this explanation,

    except for Hermione, who suddenly had recognition on her face.

    Regulus Black! she exclaimed. He used to be a Death Eater and then was killed

    for trying to back out.

    Yes, Harry replied. Ill bet you anything that the locket was one of the things that

    Kreacher smuggled off to his room when we were cleaning the house. Youre going to

    find the locket there. Ron, Hermione, I want you to go and take care of that one. Now,

    the next Horcrux is Hufflepuffs cup. Its amazing, I could barely believe it when I saw

    it, but the cup is right behind me. When I hid my potions book from Snape I put it in

    the Room of Requirement. Somehow, the cup has been in the room all along. Although

    I must admit that its a great idea, no one would ever be able to find it unless they

    knew exactly where it was kept. As for the snake, Im not sure where it is right now. I

    have no doubt that wherever she is Voldemort is bound to be close. So for right now,

    lets concentrate on the two that we know about.

    But Harry, what about the fourth? Didnt you say that Voldemort should have four

    remaining Horcruxes? You destroyed the diary, Dumbledore destroyed the ring, you

    told us about the locket, the cup, and the snake, but thats only five, Hermione

    wondered to the group.

    I know, thats been bothering me a bit. My only guess is that the mirror didnt have

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    quite enough room to show me all of them. Lets hope that once we get some out of the

    way that the mirror can show us the other one. At least for now we have two to

    definitely go after. Right, so you two take care of the locket, Harry said pointing to

    Ron and Hermione, and the rest of us will destroy the cup. Ron and Hermione

    nodded and left the group so as to Apparate once having left the castle, while Harry

    once again marched past the blank wall. I need to find Hufflepuffs cupI need to

    find Hufflepuffs cupI need to find Hufflepuffs cupAgain a door magically

    appeared for them. Well, lets go, Harry said as he opened the door.

    Neville, Luna, and Ginny gasped as they entered the cavernous room full of rows

    upon rows of broken, forbidden, and mystical objects. Fanged Frisbees hovered

    overhead and everyone ducked as one tore a path through their positions. This is

    where you hid your potions book, Harry? Ginny said in awe.

    No one would ever find it, would they? And this is where Voldemort has a piece of

    his soul he responded. Harry led them past the enormous stuffed troll, veered left

    at the now repaired Vanishing Cabinet, and stopped at the damaged cupboard that

    still held the Half-Blood Princes copy of Advanced Potion-Making... Help me, he

    said as he began to push on it from a side. Together he and Neville successfully moved

    the cupboard away and found a small ornate box sitting on the ground. This is

    itReducto! His spell blasted the box open to reveal the last known relic of Helga

    Hufflepuff. Reducto! he shouted again, but to no avail this time. The spell

    connected with the cup and harmlessly bounced off of the shiny surface.

    What happened? Do Horcruxes have extra protection? Neville asked.

    Not that I know of. After all, I destroyed the diary without even using a wand,

    Harry answered. He strained his memory to try to remember what he could about the

    cup. Slowly, something that Hepzibah Smith had said bubbled to the surface of his

    mindAnd all sorts of powers its supposed to possess too* The cup has some

    kind of magic added to it besides Voldemorts soul. That shouldnt come as much of a

    surprise, what with it belonging to Hufflepuff and all.

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    If its a matter of destroying a magical object came a drawling voice from behind

    them. The four members of the DA turned around to find the infamous Draco Malfoy

    standing with his wand at the ready. Before anyone could react, however, Malfoy

    gave a complicated wand movement and wordlessly shot white lightning at the cup,

    which subsequently melted. All astonishment at this action aside, Harry, Ginny, Luna,

    and Neville suddenly had all of their wands leveled at him.

    What are you doing here?! Ginny demanded.

    Ive come to help, Malfoy answered.

    What do you take us for? Neville said.

    Calm down, Longbottom. I dont want to serve the Dark Lord anymore. Id prefer a

    side that doesnt have such an unforgiving figurehead.

    And do you expect to find that here? Neville shot back.

    Maybe not, but at least none of you would kill me without so much as giving it a

    seconds thought. Think about it, if I had really wanted to hurt any of you I could have

    done so when your backs were turned. You saw what I just did to that cup, do you

    think thats all that the Dark Lord has shown me? Malfoy attempted. Neville opened

    his mouth to object again, but Harry stopped him.

    Malfoy, how did you get here? Harry inquired.

    Vanishing Cabinet. No one really knew where to look for it. The Death Eaters

    already got their mission accomplished so they have had no reason to come through


    But why come here? What made you think we were at Hogwarts? At this question,

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    Malfoy gave one of his trademark sneering smiles and held up what appeared to be a

    Galleon. Luna gasped at the sight.

    I think someone dropped this, he said. Harry stared at him. Was Malfoy telling the

    truth? He had seen him seem to be upset and regretting the decision to side with

    Voldemort in the Astronomy Tower. Plus, another piece of Voldemorts soul was gone

    thanks to him. Of course, that begged the question

    Malfoy, do you know what you just did to that cup? Harry said.

    Destroyed it, like you seemed to want. Was there a good reason for that? Ill bet that

    cup was worth at least a thousand Galleons, Malfoy drawled again.

    So, Malfoy doesnt know about the Horcruxes. No sense telling him then, Harry

    thought. All right. Well try this. But if any of us get the slightest inkling that

    somehow youre here on Voldemorts orders, its over. Malfoy jumped badly at the

    sound of the wizards name, but quickly regained his composure and nodded. The

    group of five turned back towards the exit, cautiously giving Malfoy the front and

    watching his every move. Before they could reach the door, however, they turned a

    corner to find Ron and Hermione waiting with the locket of Salazar Slytherin.

    Harry, we found it, but we couldnt---Stupefy! Hermione caught sight of Malfoy

    and fired her spell before anyone else knew what had happened. Whats he doing

    here?! she yelled.

    Hermione, stop! Ginny shouted back. He just helped us out. Were not entirelysure whats going on, but he claims hes left You-Know-Whos side and wants to join


    Thats rubbish! This is Malfoy were talking about! she replied heatedly.

    Wait! I have an idea, Harry yelled above everyone else. He walked over to Malfoy

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    and murmured, Ennervate. Malfoys eyes shot back open and he slowly sat back

    up. Sorry about that. She didnt expect you to be with us at all. And no offense, but

    who could blame her? But I want you to do something, if you really are with us now.

    What? Malfoy said with a trace of a growl. Harry took the locket away from his

    best friend and set it on the ground by Malfoy.

    Do it again. Whatever you did to that cup, do the same thing to this locket.

    Now I know that this one IS worth at least a thousand Galleons. Why do you want

    treasures blasted apart, Potter? Malfoy said with a sneer. In response, Harry

    pointed his wand at him.

    If you would rather we believe that youre still with Voldemort and not us, then by

    all means keep acting in this manner. But if you want to prove to us that you really

    want to fight him, then do what I say. Malfoy glared at Harry, but then repeated his

    wand movement and dissolved the Horcrux.

    There, happy? Malfoy sneered.

    Ecstatic, Harry said in an equal tone of unhappiness. Now lets go. We still have

    two left.

    Two of what, Potter? Malfoy demanded.

    In time, Malfoy. We started trusting you five minutes ago. These things dont comeeasy. The seven teenagers walked out of the Room of Requirement and watched as

    the door disappeared behind them. The next sounds that greeted their ears were the

    screams of Hermione and Ginny as they noticed the body of their former headmistress

    lying on the floor.

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    *Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, pg. U.S. version

    Back to index

    Chapter : Expect the Unexpected

    Professor McGonagall! Hermione screamed. Everyone stared in horror as they

    took in the terrible sight that was before them. Ron slowly walked over and examined

    the body.

    Shes dead! Must have been Avada Kedavra. Theres nothing that looks to be wrong

    with her otherwise Ron said in a horrified whisper.

    But then that means that someone else is here! Harry looked around wildly,

    searching for the mystery intruder that had wiped away the life of his Transfiguration

    teacher. As if in answer, a high, cold voice rang out through the halls, magically

    amplified and made more sinister in the process, Did you really think I wouldnt find

    you here, Potter?

    No, no, it cant be! Hermione screamed again.

    RUN! Harry yelled. The others needed no further urging. Everyone scrambled and

    took off in a different direction, fleeing from the evil voice that had infiltrated the

    place that had once been a sanctuary from all outside forces. Harry ran on with

    Ginny at his side, his lungs burning and his breath becoming shorter, until finally he

    skidded to a halt, unable to keep going.

    Harry, we cant run from him. He could be anywhere here! Ginny said.

    What do you recommend we do? Fight? He still has two more Horcruxes

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    somewhere. I never got the chance to look at the mirror again! Harry retaliated.

    Harry! Look behind you! Ginny screamed. Harry whirled his head around and

    saw, as if in answer to his question, Nagini slithering from the corridor. Stupefy!

    Ginny yelled, but to no avail. The snake swiftly dodged the spell and continued on her

    path towards them. Harry similarly shot another spell at the animal, but had the same

    result. Panicking again, he grabbed Ginnys arm and started running again. Pain was

    gripping his side and he could feel sweat gliding down his forehead, but still he and

    Ginny tried to escape from the fearsome creature in pursuit. The feat almost seemed

    plausible, until Ginny screamed again. Harry turned his head to find the snake

    draining her venom into his girlfriends side.

    IMPEDIMENTA! Harry screamed. The spell missed the snake and knocked Ginny

    into the wall, where she crumpled and fell to the floor. NO! he yelled. Stupefy!

    This time the spell hit its mark and left the snake unconscious. Unlike other victims of

    this curse, however, she began to stir almost immediately. Without thinking, Harry

    took off down the hall again, surprised to find that he had run all the way to the

    headmistress office. Even more surprising was the fact that the gargoyle had already

    been turned aside and the stairs were there, almost beckoning him to ascend. Harry

    took the opportunity and ran up them, closing the door behind him and shouting

    Colloportus! to boot.

    Panting heavily, he took in his surroundings. The office was mostly the same as it had

    been when Dumbledore was the headmaster. Slumping down into a chair, Harry

    reflected on the events that had just happened. Ginny had been poisoned, Nagini was

    after him, and Voldemort was also in the castle. There was no way out this time. Thishad to be the end.

    You cannot hide, Harry Potter. The game is over. Dumbledore is not here to help

    you this time. He has left these walls forever, Voldemorts voice rang out through the

    silence again. In fury, Harry jumped up and shouted at the office.

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    Dumbledore is never gone from Hogwarts!

    Dumbledore has died. My faithful servant has seen to that. He cannot help you

    anymore. Hogwarts is mine now! Voldemort replied cruelly.

    Only when none here are loyal to him! Hogwarts belongs to Dumbledore, even

    now! Harry heard an odd sound behind him and turned around to see what new evil

    was about to greet him. Instead, however, he found one of the most welcome sights he

    could ever imagine. A phoenix had appeared in a flash of fire. Fawkes! Harry

    shouted. Fawkes squawked in response and flew over to rest on Harrys shoulder. At

    least now he had someone else here with him. But what to do now? The snake had to

    be just outside the door, waiting to bite into Harry as she had done to Ginny. Every

    time he tried to launch an attack the snake simply dodged. If only there was a way to

    stop her some other wayand then a memory from four years before came to him.

    Fawkes had blinded the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, and that was a great

    serpent many times the size of Nagini.

    Fawkes, would you care to help me with the snake? Harry requested of his new

    companion. The phoenix chirped in response, to which Harry took for a yes. Harry

    then undid his spell upon the door and blasted it open with his wand. Almost instantly,

    Nagini slithered forward through the hole that was created and made to strike at

    Harry. Fortunately, Fawkes swooped upon the serpent and swiped at her eyes with his

    talons. Screaming in pain, the snake writhed on the floor and hissed ferociously,

    unable to stop the attack upon herself. Harry saw a glint of light on his left and

    noticed the sword of Godric Gryffindor resting in its case, the rubies on the handle

    glittering. Struck with a sudden thought, Harry raised his wand again. Acciosword! The third treasure of the founders crashed through the glass and came to rest

    in Harrys outstretched hand. Fawkes! Move away! he shouted. The phoenix

    obediently flew up and away from the snake and back onto Harrys shoulder. Free

    from the merciless onslaught of talons, Nagini raised her head up again and blindly

    struck at air with her deadly fangs. With no hint of remorse, Harry raised the sword

    high and made a clean slice through the head of the snake. Naginis headless body fell

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    to the floor and Harry dropped the sword, exhausted by the efforts that the last few

    minutes had asked of him. Breathing heavily, he managed to utter, Five down.

    Harry managed to fall back into a chair and reflect on everything that had now

    happened. Fawkes flew over to the perch that he had claimed when Dumbledore

    inhabited the office. Harry could hardly believe that in the course of a few hours, he

    had managed to eliminate three of Voldemorts Horcruxes. But they had by no means

    been easy. Seeing his parents turned into Inferi, coming face to face with a supposedly

    reformed Draco Malfoy, running from a deadly serpent with GinnyGinny! his mind

    screamed, as he bolted from the room back down the stairs. When he reached the foot,

    he quickly glanced around to find her still on the ground by the wall where his curse

    hit her. Her eyes were closed and she was motionless. Ginny! he yelled. Slowly, her

    eyes fluttered open.

    Harry she said weakly as she tried to raise her arm. Harry grabbed her hand and

    clutched it in his own.

    Ginny, please he pleaded.

    HarryI love you. I always have, and always will. With these words, her eyes

    closed again.

    FAWKES! Harry screamed. The phoenix flew down the stairs and landed beside

    him. Fawkes, help her! Fawkes looked at Ginny, then back at Harry, at whom he

    sadly shook his head. Dont waste time, Fawkes! You can help her! Fawkes again

    only shook his head. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! SHES GOING TO DIE! But evenas he said it, Harry realized the truth. It was already too late for her. He could

    already feel the tears streaming down his face. Voldemort had now cost him his

    parents, his godfather, and Ginny. Was there no relief of pain for him?

    Awfully touching, Potter. The voice filled with malice was no longer echoing

    throughout the halls but now right behind him. Completely disheartened by the

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    abysmal chain of events that had now culminated here, Harry slowly turned back

    around and stood up, hate and dismay etched into his face. Dumbledore always said

    that love was the most powerful magic, and yet love couldnt save her, now could it?

    He closed with a cruel laugh.

    Cruc- Harry tried to shout, but with a casual flick of his wand, Voldemort parried

    the curse.

    Now, now, Harry. Where are your manners? Did Dumbledore teach his favorite

    student spells like that? Again Voldemort let out a harsh laugh, clearly amused by

    the superiority he held. Let me show you how its done! Crucio! Harry was gripped

    with mind numbing torture piercing every inch of himself. Writhing and twisting with

    the sheer agony of the curse, his thoughts verged on the wish for death to release him

    from all of his pain. Voldemort relaxed his wand and laughed once more. Oh, I had

    almost forgotten. Let me stop using Occlumency against you As soon as his words

    ended, Harry felt his scar burn again, almost as terribly as when he heard

    Voldemorts merciless use of his parents in his head. Are you ready to die, Harry?

    Still determined not to give in, not to humor Voldemort in the end, Harry said nothing

    as he slowly picked himself up off of the floor, ignoring the searing pain emanating

    from his scar.

    CRACK! Snape appeared, standing between Harry and Voldemort. Thank you for

    removing the Apparating restriction, my lord, he said.

    Cruc- Harry tried to shout again, but Snape simply countered the attempt. The two

    wizards Harry hated the most in the world were now standing right in front of him,and he was unable to do anything to either of them.

    Not at all, Severus. Now please, step aside so that I may put an end to the boy.

    Voldemort raised his wand again.

    No, Snape said simply. Voldemort froze on the spot, unable to comprehend what he

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    had just heard.

    What did you say? Voldemort said, his voice dangerous.

    I said no. Im not moving. And true to his word, Snape stood his ground,

    unfaltering. Harry was now the one to be perplexed. He had no time to puzzle over

    this new development, however, as Snape turned around and said, Run, Potter!

    What are you doing?! Voldemort yelled. First Wormtail betrays me over this boy,

    and now you?! Do you want the same fate as that fool?

    Dumbledores orders, Snape said with a slight grin. We are in his territory after

    all, master. Snape finished with a sarcastic tone. Are you deaf, Potter? I said run!

    Or shall my death be in vain? Harry needed no further urging. He took off down the

    hall and disappeared down a corridor.

    What faithful servants I have. Avada Kedavra! The jet of green light hit Snape

    squarely in the chest and he drew his last breath. Harry, meanwhile, ran until he

    realized that he was back at the Room of Requirement. Panic gripping his mind, he

    did the only logical thing he could think of: he hid behind the tapestry of Barnabas the

    Barmy on the opposite wall.

    This was the end then. There was no hope left. Despite all of his efforts, Voldemort

    was only a few moments away from him and one Horcrux was left. Oh, Harry?

    Voldemorts voice rang through the hall, half taunting. I seem to remember telling

    you before that we are not playing hide-and-seek. You will never learn respect.

    If only the mirror would have shown me the last one! Harry thought bitterly. Why did

    it have to fail me? He could still see it vividly in his mind: the cup, the snake, and the

    locket, but nothing else. Nothing else could be seen in the mirror. Nothing except

    At last, Harry understood. Realizing what he finally had to do, he stepped out from the

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    tapestry and faced the wizard.

    At last, Harry. Now, I ask you again, are you ready to die? Voldemort said with

    another soft laugh. Harry said nothing, only stood where he was, staring blankly at

    Voldemort and feeling the pain in his head escalate. I grow tired of you not

    answering me. Imperio! This did him no good, though. Harry had seen enough of

    this curse to resist it, and his resolve had never been stronger. Infuriated, Voldemort

    raised his wand one more time. Be silent then, boy! I will let the world know that you

    said nothing and foolishly gave up your life to me. Still Harry said nothing. Cold

    fury pulsing through him, Voldemort screamed, Avada Kedavra!

    The jet of green light shot out of the wand and obliterated the life of Harry Potter.

    Almost instantly, Lord Voldemort fell forward onto the ground, never to rise again.

    Six Horcruxes destroyed, Voldemort was no more.

    Harrys eyes opened one more time. He looked around at his unfamiliar

    surroundings. He had no idea where he could possibly be, but the sight before him

    made him less concerned with where he was. Four people stood before him: James

    and Lily Potter, Sirius Black, and Ginny Weasley. Wha---How? he stammered. No

    one said anything, but merely smiled, and in his heart, Harry understood perfectly

    what had happened. Ginny walked over to him and hugged him. Finally, all of his

    pain was over. Ginny stared at a familiar spot on his forehead.

    Harry, its gone! she exclaimed.

    What is?

    Your scar.