Harnessing The Master Harnessing The Master Mind To Tap Into Mind To Tap Into Infinite Intelligence Infinite Intelligence Presented at QRCA Conference - October 26, 2001 Mark Michelson Michelson & Associates, Inc. Atlanta, Georgia USA

Harnessing The Master Mind To Tap Into Infinite Intelligence

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Harnessing The Master Mind To Tap Into Infinite Intelligence. Presented at QRCA Conference - October 26, 2001 Mark Michelson Michelson & Associates, Inc. Atlanta, Georgia USA www.michelson.com. Introduction. Generating New Ideas Science & Physics Synergy & Energy Metaphysics & Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Harnessing The Master Mind Harnessing The Master Mind To Tap Into To Tap Into

Infinite IntelligenceInfinite Intelligence

Presented at QRCA Conference - October 26, 2001

Mark MichelsonMichelson & Associates, Inc.

Atlanta, Georgia USA



• Generating New Ideas

• Science & Physics

• Synergy & Energy

• Metaphysics & Theory

• Faith & Experience

• Common Sense and the “Sixth” Sense.

Napoleon Hill, Napoleon Hill, Researcher/AuthorResearcher/Author• The phrase "mastermind group" was first

coined by Napoleon Hill in his classic book, “The Laws of Success”

• In researching his book, Hill spent 20 years studying hundreds of successful Americans, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and Thomas Edison

• Hill later authored the best-seller book “Think & Grow Rich,” a condensed version of “Laws,”which has sold over 40 million copies

• Grandfather of Motivational Thinking.

Brave New World of the 1900’sBrave New World of the 1900’s

• Impact of Invention• New World View• Inspired Thinking • Industrial Age• Economic crisis • Global Influence • Global wars • Consumerism.

What is the What is the Master Mind?Master Mind?

• The master mind concept comes from the idea that more minds are better than one mind– The more minds, the greater the potential knowledge, and the

greater the potential mental capability • The master mind comes into play whenever a group of two

or more selected individuals are focused together on a specific objective– Used commonly in board rooms, advisory groups and focus

groups– References to the power of group thinking date back to the

Oracle at Delphi, Arthur’s Round Table, the disciples, etc• Group synergy creates more thought energy

– Dependent on the harmony between the members of the group.

Group HarmonyGroup Harmony

• All groups work best when they are in harmony• Recruit “birds of a feather”

– Everyone has something in common

• Get everyone on same wavelength– State objectives and desired outcome– Set the tone for the group - “serious fun”

• Make sure everyone is engaged equally– Invite opposing points of view

• Show respect for everyone’s opinions– No such thing as a right or wrong answer– Don’t rudely cut people off or be curt.

Brains & BatteriesBrains & Batteries

"The process of mind-blending, here described as a Master Mind, may be likened to the act of one who connects many electric batteries to a single transmission wire, thereby 'stepping up' the power flowing over that line. Each mind, through the principle of mind chemistry, stimulates all the other minds in the group, until the mind energy thus becomes so great that it penetrates to and connects with the universal energy known as ether, which, in turn, touches every atom of the entire universe.”

- Napoleon Hill


• Thoughts are electrical impulses– The brain emits vibrations or pulses

of energy that we can detect with EEG

– These vibrations are measured in wavelengths - similar to sound, radio and light waves

• Thoughts have the power to attract or repel people

• “Every human brain is both a broadcasting and a receiving station for vibrations of thought frequency.” - Napoleon Hill

Thoughts Are ThingsThoughts Are Things

• Every manmade object and every business started as a thought or idea

• Politics and religion are thoughts with wide-ranging impact on lives

• Focus groups probe and classify thoughts

• “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, can be achieved.” - Napoleon Hill

What is What is Infinite Intelligence?Infinite Intelligence?• Some theories believe that the universe itself is a

mind and it accumulates and records information as intelligence within the structure of atoms. This makes the atom sort of a computer chip that stores thoughts and experiences

• The possible information collected by the universe through history is staggering, thus infinite intelligence

• All ideas are stored in the “library” of Infinite Intelligence

• Philosophically, it is the third eye or sixth sense.• Physically, it has no real area of its own - so it cannot

be proven• It is the “blue” from where ideas come.

Synthetic vs. Synthetic vs. Creative IdeasCreative Ideas• Ideas are like energy, they cannot be created or

destroyed - merely harnessed and controlled • Ideas are products of the imagination - can be

either synthetic or creative• Synthetic imagination works with the material of

experience, education and observation– Reorder or combine elements of what we know to make

something new

• Creative imagination draws upon “hunches” or inspired thinking– Truly creative ideas change the way we think and how

we see the world around us.

Inspired ThinkingInspired Thinking

• The word "inspiration" is based on a Greek word meaning “the God within”

• Inspired thinking is developed subconsciously in the workshop of creative imagination

• The best ideas seem to come “out of the blue” – Perhaps divined from infinite intelligence?– Ideas can occur simultaneously among different people

• “The phenomenon of creative inspiration has been observed to occur simultaneously among different individuals - as though they shared the same mind.” - Napoleon Hill

Focus Group PhysicsFocus Group Physics• How do we harness the energy in a focus

group to tap into the power of infinite intelligence?– Be aware of the energy in the room

created by you and all participants• The “Eyes” Have It• Smile and be a host(ess)

– Read the body language and respond appropriately

• Be aware of your own body language as well as that of participants

– Control the group dynamics• Call on participants by name or by use of

body language (directed responses)• Acknowledge all responses as being valid.

Emotions & EnergyEmotions & Energy• People are naturally anxious

– Especially when beginning a focus group

• Diffuse their anxiety at the beginning– The moderator sets the tone and mood– Allow participants to vent early– Recognize the value of emotional energy– Build trust - show them the “man behind the curtain”

• Strong emotions act as magnetic forces– They attract or repel others– Understand and work with the emotions of the


• Encourage open-minded, emotional, and energetic discussions as being productive for creative stimulation.

Tips & TechniquesTips & Techniques

• Design for Analysis• Loose And Lucid• Creating Polarity• Anchoring

Exercises• Mind Mapping• The 6 Universal


• Ask “Why” 5 times• Changing Room

Energy• Back Room

Management• Reporting in Stages• Sponge, Egg, Light.

Design for AnalysisDesign for Analysis

• Analysis is easier if you know where you want to go from the beginning

• The four phases of research:– Design– Data Collection– Data Analysis– Reporting

• Segment groups, organize topics & exercises to flow naturally, capture data during the group using flipchart and written exercises.

Loose And LucidLoose And Lucid

• Relax and have fun!• If participants are relaxed, you’ll have more

productive and harmonious groups • Show a sense of humor, laugh at yourself• Make fun of the setting - mirrors, hidden

microphones, late night interrogations• Don’t get too silly, but keep the atmosphere

light and open• Show a genuine interest to make things more


Creating PolarityCreating Polarity

• Opposites create energy– Any attribute, concept or idea is meaningless without its

opposite– Raise the vibration by creating polarity

• Look at all sides of an issue– There are opposites in everything– Define the strength of the emotions surrounding a


• Invite debates by encouraging participants to express opposing opinions– Objectively capture both sides using flipcharts – Use anchoring exercises to prevent group bias.

Anchoring ExercisesAnchoring Exercises

• When showing a new concept or idea, promote individual expression by using anchoring exercises

• An anchor is a simple written rating from 1-10 before any discussion or questions - used to “anchor” positions - may be formal or informal

• Identify those who rated a concept 8 or higher - then ask why and capture the reasons they liked it using the flipchart

• Repeat for those who rated the concept lower and ask them what it would take to get a higher rating

• Causes participants to defend their position - captures all sides of an issue.


• Technique for idea generation– Well defined problem/objective

• Cardinal rules:– No wrong answers– Suspend all judgment until all ideas are exhausted– Have participants write down their thoughts – Every idea is accepted and recorded

• Capture all ideas using flipchart and encourage building on ideas of others

• Then discuss strengths and weaknesses of each idea to distill the idea further.

Mind MappingMind Mapping

• Similar to brainstorming, but with visual reference to attributes– similar to branches of a tree

• A mind map consists of a central word or concept, around which are drawn 5-10 attributes that relate to that concept

• You then take each of those child attributes and repeat the process

• The resultant map can be used for visual reference during discussion and produces great notes for later analysis.

The 6 Universal QuestionsThe 6 Universal Questions

• Idea Generators should be aware of a simple universal truth. There are only six questions that one human can ask another:– What?– Where?– When?– How?– Why?– Who?

• You may want to draw a mind map of the problem with these six words as nodes on the map

• "It is better to answer one question eight different ways than eight different questions one way." - Plato

Ask “Why” 5 TimesAsk “Why” 5 Times• Ask “Why” a problem is occurring, then ask “Why”

four more times:– 1. Why has the machine stopped?

• A fuse blew because of an overload.

– 2. Why was there an overload?• There wasn’t enough lubrication for the bearings

– 3. Why wasn’t there enough lubrication?• The pump wasn’t pumping enough

– 4. Why wasn’t the lubrication being pumped?• The pump shaft was vibrating as a result of abrasion

– 5. Why was there abrasion?• There was no filter, allowing dirt into the pump

– Solution: Install a filter

• “The important thing is to never stop questioning.” - Albert Einstein

Changing Room EnergyChanging Room Energy• The Discontinuity Principle:

– The more you are used to something, the less stimulating it is for creative thinking

• Change group energy by – Walking around the room– Having participants change seats or stand and

stretch– Directing questions to specific individuals– Engaging participants in creative exercises

• Collages, projection, forced analogy, etc.

– Leaving the room to speak with clients• Bringing snacks and treats with you when you return.

Back Room ManagementBack Room Management

• Educate your clients in advance on what to expect at the facility and during the groups– Satisfaction = Experience ≥ Expectation– Provide written instructions on what to do and what not to do

during the group

• Introduce the hostess to your clients and make sure they are served attentively

• Encourage individual note taking– Their observations are probably different from yours

• Ease client note passing by setting a schedule for back room visits in your topic guide

• Bring the clients into the discussion room after the groups and capture their thoughts using the flipchart.

Reporting in PhasesReporting in Phases• Don’t keep the client waiting

– Report in phases– New insights will come over time as well

• First Phase: Topline Summary– Your recall of major findings in a brief

• This is what most clients will use to make decisions

• Second Phase: Transcripts– Send the transcripts when you receive them

• Third Phase: Written report– More archival in nature

• Fourth Phase: Presentation– Stand and deliver– Usually presented to other management not involved

with groups.

Sponge, Egg, LightSponge, Egg, Light• Idea generation is a 3 step process• Sponge: Soak up all the input

– Before and during the groups

• Egg: Allow time for incubation– Don’t force a hatching too early

• Light:The BIG idea– The light will turn on at the least expected time– You may think the idea is from out of the blue.– Realize that great ideas are rewards from infinite

intelligence as a result of your intelligent study design and conscious use of the master mind.

Harnessing The Master Mind Harnessing The Master Mind To Tap Into To Tap Into

Infinite IntelligenceInfinite Intelligence

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