« V » I / f 4 V?* * jfl ^U J /*>** ^ 11 It l |J.*^ M ^ A " iyr~pr 4v *i *=rc *#~ <»• \ \. f e*' i *! . ^i» J > t ^ it 4^w th^tfefrefWtffSJ^** » « - * & * ' ! ' * « ^ j ^ k i * ^ l l ^ S - ^ f e f e ^ V j ^ W ^ f j - * -4-fe - * y * y « # vfe2-»iV (mj*^* Vv SWAM WPUoUC DICTATORS *MBS: Preciom Blood Pevotaoit i»Hi>m >iilD»'i'W""i' CQtJ»«aa0t!St*J»f <>ii» uJjia'nii jjjiIUUM^igii'» i "'in 1 ' *"»i *Rrom th« firit moerth* e»f pur j»ntiSc*t«, it ba* often occwrdd totf*t* invit* th*f faithful f* tum With arateni fet-voi toward that divine <a> premen ef th* mercy of ttn* Lendttrindtviduti Mull, for Hi* hely Chur***, and lor th* whole world, or wkkfc H* IN tit* Reditu*? in* Stvhkur* tiff* the wo«Wj» of the Moat Sacred H««t of Jesus. I s th* admirable propagation of thu devotion, l jreat part waa played by th* revelation* of this Sacred Heart to S t Maugaret Mary Alaeoque. So groat and unanimous gas k**n th* eateam of th* «u< pt*tat twtiAtti iat tbi* d«y»- flavour. * - TSt* <f«vatl»tt wM 4aiUl)«l ilk UJi »• kwM* la wMek Our chU<m*»iJ wu ijieat, W*|tiUrie»ll,»ltlid«f tion, tfc* mHatlMi of Uw { lj£IAlQr- : V)£ Mt' ' JMNNME ' FM^Hnaai;, Xwed »r tor »«r«ats 4urUC UMDiMtlk«IJWy. ;..''•;>." ' JUaMHiMriM U* aaiutary ailiaHMat* tTtiwA«**i»= •T«ktfewMttt y«i«riw» : to« t» ta* wlwtf* fl«!k vhklk iavrifyJr a^irit kM «iM**" ;•«, if Make*, roll that : »tfr«a»*td with HU •*»«» ttiod,', - w*; Mi***, u»»k AQaoiur- ^B# t9|aB#rM. 9f* 'Cvi* ttBiTtml i««t«rii *IB1»»JT W ib* «u»»tica» rf t)rt d«T*i*»- m*»t and incrtlM.-tf r*li«V ; «m pi»tr IK th* »tMif*a% jto*rf.,%ri«LijMjrtrjWl.. wbrtMp ahwiltf 1»T« * prtrt- l««*lpla«» It ««tat« U* to *w j*r-', I I • V U U I I I 'f0,,VIH«7W»HaT mm—m*rm i> : 'Aiiiiiin Milium mi n Up It t t f I Hari Kari Or Murder Fori Siist TouiaUwik (HNS)—8t «t«jB)»«i «t »u»|«ry ?u« b*- fUBi a now ttr« Kt* aflwr , yt»rt eratotf away la K*w •Jfer* wirofcoojo* - ' «, iiafriMi hi« ftafu*, *j*d jiliea on tin franeUeut CiUKflJe «cbool« — irotma flit world wij in New York Stale ^ fic« & «fci!Tp«Bin2 dilemiiutotoramtt h«rf Jwrl qoittly or Ibe murdtred outrijhu , TWi It »il la ftrtsfei' contrwt ta tie ttirteat iM -- T -- -»• - .--r- 1B*3M two »«w Cittwlk Hgk icAooiiv ^'gJJJ^JgJ*^ ^^SS* tte. Wiujt Ou*«At t|«i8if Cithellc edacRtkwt^* Ajrarftnw daahr, t^tlntdagitruggkJiLallCommaBlrt^^ wrWSvTiii^MiaP mm. \m vrmk into dfcutor 1mjaio'i Domlnlom R<- w» «*«t*a by am** hm BUWJC, into wooua dictator B»«(Unuuik*'t Caj^oc and for n* Ruujpuutt exhibit tt All ihxu mUon* iwrved wsraiBf Catholic »chool» w»f a**ttta*t «watrr'»wt«>» r^HrtC«U»&,tlut»U(WbtitUad»in«l*ii(l*raBaik«wa» hem * wnvtnt t»ught and ha* her daujhtac now #nroD*d in Aft** t&t" w*r M «** l nuni' ieliooX nod that the Stid^new MMettaf intend to •*»<« tW stafa* t» «»Utk.-< «* Itti jiitiwt to t W r <*ttft>«t «» attend the» b«t jS^J*,ft5Jw^fc5! cJotalheKboolalntbtChriitianarMt. S^rTftt^! Tht ttatt»i' 4a» apant 1* y**rt to varioua w*r*Mna«* Wba3a\ Mr* fMiba^ya aa^awoal» at public auction In Now York fsur yaarf ato. II* pronfoU? donated It to the ^tf W Hopes that tt woidd be «!»*» "»r-*«ifabie, permantnt location outdoor*. However, tfet .atafw «** mtrclr b*« oeoiwriajt ta« corridor iat Cfty BaD, titt Clivetind rankurt at a a J ' U r f V B u i j|Cr iHI MMK W** IKa^NarpM anippea ntr» wnoro avaaaco tultable honor aaiant 1 * p M Th* afaftt* of St fitophon, Hungary"! flrtt Chrlitian klntv WW tfediatod herw oerljr tail moatfc. 'It tUndi atop a eoawrote aodeoul «a a oatda tt araat aoar too - aula atonoatsry buildini tin oalr atatu* oa th* 4t acroa ff nonaatarj gnmnda, , ..'J'.:.' 1 .— * %t ltotl* gbi inftnatd tho nti|k*or;itaat aha waa ttart- iat taboal. *T»*t*» woadtrfnl, M*rr," aali Hit. Smith. H n j . ^ r t a i l e d Mary atilctiy. "WJtta trowanpf tajMlt wordt that caJMraa arent tuppoaod to hear I'll know w&t trW/ro t«M«i about." "*•] tb* attiatloa of Our b«io*od childrtn td th» indlwolubla WUfloetion iwtwMtt th* flato- tiatti to taw' awjy • * • » * • ' Moart, iaet tM favotiea waieh. HoBpra tao '_afa«t *m&u BiaaieVef aa)* lacaMatc We)rd. w tatM tor ajaay «nt« tXtfor- <ir4ft*ii at •tat,"' Jt It, te laet, of aupreaw* iiaaW eaatiWI tadat boayooa ttol»tlHalit JGr**l aa4 |k* litwrjktl a r t l o a *t t5» Ckurca, ataw* tbatawof W 3i*f iititlWiii tb* Jaw *f jrayir. tlaoro amet aaror «H atiwwaot loaraw at waraaia »ot origiaatbtc froaa tae vOty r rw iiwsmal at true faitt. It -. aOaa right'MY a earttia btriaway afconld «tf*t »awa« deowtiaai^ raaijoleraa explain it* nature, to defend Ita tewfulaeai, and t* entwur- a«o> tbo fwactico o* it wit* maw? official aeti, Tftoa* w*ra erowaad by tame imjMWtaat oacjrclleala. "Anaufflt Saeruan," "atiierenUailmua R o d emp- tor," aod "ttturWtjja;AqHa*>* «• '"' ^ » e t h t e ^•'th« ; ilfort : PrWtih Oiua 8loo4„ has «l«* r««ir«4 titot; dsearred approral and faw« of tbi* ApiwtoHc See.' It. It'woir^^BBiaatbwir-'tfcat' by owitr af Beriodlrt XIV t*o Kaae and th* Office to honor of the adarable. llaad of the Diwiae Sareiear warn eomaoa- ad, and taat WtuHt tuifiiK .taajr iat atadc at Gaeta, ex>. th* JKeot I^roeieui Blood tm, th* uaiteraal Ckurda. Finally. tjta* J3» 9i bajoef i»*aaftry, ia «dnojjiaa»raUoa of th* 18tb f»i»nm» A> rti* Tttdtcflnliyni vv^a*aMbvo*fa*#r ^^*" a^^^^**^^^»^^^awa/ pa ^ ••£ niaMd, tba feaet taw rank of 4 o « l o af th* tint elaae, m that by in«rt«arat the lHurav cal aolaiaarty,ft***awotioa H» #eif WOBW PO mwminect, aaa—w the fruiu of the redeemint Lord Jenw Citrift areierva my soul to lufo everlaitinf. Amen"). "Thue npuriebed with tt* b<**» und blood af Chriat, aatf ^aueje teVahare ia that divti>* powar that ^av* atr«B|th to JegieM «f HBartyrM, the faith- tul will forward to face their daily atntggie* tttf aae- rafUei, and, if Boeeeaary, eyas auMctyratte^t, it) derenae of vfartue andtteniaa "*f 6*4, Would that Chrtatlaa* wtHild rwfleetraoeofremueat- ly on th* aataraal waratof of th* Ifrat pap*: "Condnet '. yourMjNr** with fear iatt*- ttaoo of yow toieuralae. tm : knaiw that yau wdra redeemed ; froe* th* vain nunaer :«| Ufa ~ ~ -.handed- -dbwa •ftda»' v ''lywif fatheM, set with j>«rWiable things, nor with alhrer or K d, but with tit* precious odjjftaiirt? "- blood might benefit mea more copdoualy. FolJ*wiaj,thertlore,th««- Intjpitt 6t Oar aretfeeewor^ aad /Or* the purpeao *f in- ; » o h l r we would baadwiath. of the Ainatto ** tk* Ota*- tilaw «TF«t yen iawa beam • boaatot at * great prie*. Glori- fy God and rxar Hi» fayour booty," how aaata jeer* ««%>' fyia« w*«Jd their atorab aa, - hot* jnuccv T aaora niraiary fat tM wkete of buaaaaity wwtd bo th* pnweoeo af Cbriat'a Chtueh in tHS wortdr tt ealy manbind would heed-th* ia-jA " ftrnt t*e yrawar-aeHr who deairet Cheat all to b* uved, because He wiihea th*** all to lie redeeaaed her the Weod it only M|ot- ten Soa. Appeal Mode For Catholic University My dear fwtfi*: Oa the tint fanatay at Advent, Noweotfer tltk, m *a*U *»T* Me aaaatul a»#eil far tan attbeaaart af tt* Catb*llt Ualrfratty l» Wo*aiia*M - • P»P*t lf»l- »«r*ity. uader th* dtteet turn ef W* Keilaett, T*f l?h«XXtn. At * etat*»rfCatfcalie *d»t**t*a ia tk* tfiatte* Ihatee, tn* Cattwlle UnlvenHy Jut. aaade * reatrnantaia U «**wy dtoeeo* tt the eanatry aawu** 41* baaitea*, aridata, relHlenaa, anal layatea what luv* atudiod - ia lie - halls, It baa tsdeoal l*e«. - ate<*< and more t»e tenter of CattwUe - ewKwa lathe Unlttd SUte*; --. Tan Citaalte UBfrerarrjr baa'' aeea a U e t o auiiUain Ni *i»ii mttaj aaaeaf <ttat i»r«»rii«ea at U» Wtteal-«at«* *aiy " Meaua* «t tae gea«ra»aity. af Jbe Catto- rtaaa woand to neat nt tt* »e*iiy oaaatillaataa* t* lTU«"wa«ta;.ett**. laay t ajtia ' till. y*a>» aak yaa^awaoaortof t)*J» arnttlyeawat, * WUt i iprateful §a*e*tatv I aat - ' Tote iawetei f heeaeri It <»riet, ,< , ^|*jaj|ubj| tJt S^affi^BnJyy*- JajS^e^^w?r Tpaa ,*w^^a^aa^aFaf^apa> nay wet' »fl *Mi i hii ' In' aem ':-" it Bie«f of da) rect l oj«r tf era ft •~pxm -»-«ivi ^TSii •I H* tall* all to be jaetrtbtva etwawnt »* oewouan w ™f^^ hie i, CtarJlt | it j, 4hti ^( (W much nan brotherly would th* relitiaal netwoea Individ- ueia; peoylaa and nttiaa* b*> eomn «vd b»w aiuch .saor* peacafiil, asorw worthy * i Cod! and nt Mimaa nature, created ia the in*** and iiken*aa a{ th* Almiatty, would aocial eoexjalenea cow* to be If ill nen-tBold liitea ta Hi* takn. Kant Proeiow Blood ef th* Immaculat* Lamb at Itiat Chriit, W* have approved the Litany of the Most Gracious Bfcepi, toanailed by the Geav treawtio* at iltat, eMooraa- In* tit reeJtaUea thrtuthout the Catholic world, both, ia public'and private, *ad ea- rkhiat It with eo^tatat iadul- 'laawna. ." t V«m|n*W «W ^Wawtlf Mm wmUm PWflarWBBPaB aWI wl^avtt CwMaw >4Uw rawt jprttaHwy QptTmttm} &m&$!&$ te *ilw*«W^ ntWa>3aaV BWwBan* In m olrtriontly atocere Wd to aW pri?at* colligdt to meet risin* aducational coats, athr*«-mari commit- tee* (Htwtry H«M, John GWdnw and MaritW Voim®) urged Governor Jftoekifeller iff iaati|tir*t*arfrKSdiat- ihatterln* profram. lesdtould ycomDev Accordtogtotheir proposal, p„ .„ „. be given state aid to make them economlca tltive with state nm ichoola. And her* la th* rub, The eeauftittee ah«.aro»«*** e wait expaatioa oft«p*Jd«lk*e*»e*tU. " The three mrddtecta of thii education hlBeprint, ire, of course, recognhed experU arid their advice U a reallatic concluHon frop many uncomfortable facta, One of the« lads is that qualified atudeata in New York Stale have little chance of college education unite* they cab afford the aeerinf todtioBi and feet ef private achoelt, Thtare ia ««*y on* itate *)per»t«^ Kberal _ at* coHefe, Harpwr, juat opened iUe wear near BtEf> hamton. Th«r* are, it i* true, technical echoola and teacher collegei hut the state need!, and thoutanda of Itudenta want to be, lometbing other than technidani TOeHeaId<»mra\itt*«helierfefenfa«dedataU«^ .. l«fa »<l«ition It Ifieritabl* — a* In othat atttet — and New Yea* hid bent catch tip with it* netgehorti To helptt*private collegea awallow thla pill the ctMBtnittee iwepoeea (what may later tors out to be un- conatitirthmal) th* orT*r of fractioMl aid to thee* »ri- 4*aa^L M^IP^H^J^^A M^MM* ^^B^^«MJtAJLJ^^aai ^em^^^^^^^^g^^w A3^a^^^ tf^eae^kiBMaaL- ~ tvn Faaa^aaa aiaBr eeairatwna% naefarfnir» uaan a^ewar* - annat haa a* wmt% keataeet raeadag awjatntt than* tt iaiteilea. _ We an AaMticant are dedicated t o the amwtetioM that frivttap earteirprl** can do a joh aa well or better than- tike gutewavieeitt can do J t — except for euch tmewrfency ftrograaet a* war or nattenal defense. We are convinced our nttlon't hiatory ia a catalogue of adhiomnuBtJ because dtf»n* faced with a problem otslwerfit tbemaalvaa by dint of hard work rather than by fov*nuneat>anAwta. An expanded atata^uhridlxarfcoUea^ program will iooner or later aecond-ratt our *3dating prirately run '..a^hooli, . . .'. , v •*. ;_.-: '..—•« •• '.- - .'What we- woader *b<wt the Heedd report ia why it makea n*> mentioat ef a poeaibl* extenaioo of the GI BM erf Ri^U which gdvee »veiwn«nt aid to etudenta ar,d then lata them go to the coUege of their choice. rnt» profram waa highly wcceytaM. after World War II ajnd erffoctively avoided th* trap of aolwing achoot probleaa wM awdalte ihatead of the tradition^ ; WliatataT aad aaor* aaftrti- ftla*. r Th«o« aVrvwtien* wkjea adtt* -*te >etf>r tan ataeaenjad uai veranl ae^MintaWMtiktabont God and aa^ahould »<W •riaaasy in otteoaa dad fr»«> ary atvetieau. la**»iat'Ja tktt aiBjaaphar* of faith and aeuad c "pjetar, k*ii*w*r» ard aertaia af thlakiM with th* Church, af litin* M th* eeaaautaitM at f tism aaet at that ebarity aeta* Chriat -X* ia th* feuotV *r tn4*ua**a»«ari**t af that aubttaV* eeJUajM wbiea p|rawi tnaaSlatw taetOaor with ita nan**, ell it* etaaity tad worth. v JL W* look batat aafth* a«V " ttirabl* profreae tint the Cathwlic Church an* a » d * in the field af Htargfea! piety, ia anuad accord with th* d*- velafWi*a( af lie faith, iat** P*»e>tratlon nt dretao virtue*. - j^fttMm tag) enacnrieaT daaant to at* to*** Bean not bean waattap ontt*part, af tbta eonraicuMuat of ta*a* three - davwtioni, devotUa* which w«ra preeticed fraaa aoediaval' time* by many aeana aoula, which aproad latar jM» vlrt- oUi •dloeeeaay rellajaut eaatrn* mUona and ordara; and which finally reeatvaf rraaa the Chair of aHtav ike aeal af orthadoxy ami th* aaafaiat tat the Varacfaml tSaatek. It auftlcea far Ua ta recall that aiace^th* WKk «aatury, O w i>r*d*c«*awi heee erBftfc- od with tplritual favan, the dawition to the Maatw Una* of Jtiua. It was id aanat - *f the Werf 1 f a « * that th* -allien and th* Ifaa* ware approved, and later th* Utaniee. Aw IMat •HipaWlaMnm WWW IMP WaaTlaf^pwW e^a^nflanWw aWj «a7*w jPeaw* l o t tit reflod, enlithteaed by the aahrtary tnarhitiaa* that aauiat* frooa tha aaaad fteoicat lad from th* leaehlnae CfUaa father* andftwetartnt- th* Churcit, oa the ttfinit* vilu* of th» ittaat procioua Weodl, ,"«!**» ana ttill* aai- rum nctra totuaa xaundum quit at oawal acaier*** f e n * drof ef Wbee* bieod ia eboa to aanlce the wiiele taalat aafai iroea alt impiety*), In taooa *orda the Antelic Doctor St. Theoaui Aejnfasae hyianoi th* l^wanr ef tlw Preeieut IBaot. - . Sh»e««««l4*ofta»h»o*i «f tit* OedHaaa hi teflnita, and the charity wet iaflKltn -that tirt*d Hta* t* shad it (a Ua* aiedbth day after fiSav klrtla; in th* agony- ia tbo atriaaa tt Gathaaman*: at th* 'teaoralar. th* erawnlaf witlt thorn*; oa th* way to Cat. varyi 3t«fe«3?ae!axi*-ifr}iidL - final Jy from the opaa woua* in Hi* aide, the symbol of the predoui Blood that flowi in alt th« aicrameats, it is emia- •ntlr proper that all thee* who hm aaea redwiaed by 111 aaaviat flow, abouM after for***? their trftnt* nf ador- n»*^fwa% aaaiw aaaWwaeal^ Jpa aeUarwB^p*aa* It Sal M^m- "pTQfMK WRm WtDF iltJV fflirtat^W, th»t UM THktV *Uv ahta to the ehallee *f th* Wood af th* Hew State- ment, particularly at the time ' of it* elevation in th* aacrt- fl« «f the Maaa; ihould b* followed by Communion with that wane precioua blood, lav. diseafubly united ta th* Body of Our Sevieur in th* tatra- htemt of th* Euehariat. hi aadea flrne with t i n cate- brant, th* ftithral will be ibl* to repeat mentally th* tferdn that he pronounce* at tile t i n e of Hi* ConmaaJon: "Caltcem aeluUri* acciadam at Btamtn . Domini iavaeabo .. . Stnitti* DotBiM Meatrl Jaw erSriati eaaeaaM aaiaaaia itiian ia rittm aeferaam. AMeau" it ajaajtt t t k * th* aaaa lie nana*jM» tort «»«- afay flat aaaan of eve MlaMlaWaVMaalB^ &***!' .*«** WBiWeat that tadeo Our patarnal aohertatieru will bo praetko* net only willtaat;' )y» but al»a with terveot anal, wa impart nut ef the fulanar . ef- our h*art ae a taken •*( heavenly «rac* and a aled«e ef Our ipeciaj beneyalence-, Oar apeetelie benediction to each at y*u, and in a apocial WIQr, I K TJHMMw W W x^U^MHM Itaerouaiy and jlouary to toil Our invititlan. , Dated loan*, at S t . Yeter**; June, JO, i*en. ea tbn e»* nf 'S^vuttmrm mm rr*** ou* Mood af Our L«ed Jeeaaa Clrfat, th* aaesad year of {tear J^mha»*^*a)|^*jBia*j Maa tXf'li ' Daatily B0UHI 'C>l<aflrataaan* Due to recent lttsutieal cnaa|et ia ta* Cbuwaa'a tat< eodar oat fetata, puhtiahera prtotint job* f*« Adwmt tat leei.MaMiiaathtyaiwpua- Uahad, tM* Daily Man* C«V eatittf will a* TeoTiaaeet Mlaaaf unera tuna adviaad thha weak in fellow mm* ef ta*» Mm tar the etat* iaadicet** ee-.tat taanult taaitr aaadah batlletiaa. 1i delugi ia alri ' QBOVWU fan we etat: . fiMJl that &* God til lice ia JrecetY* »•*» ft TWaii apirit have] not en to-Mn desaetl gWi*|, . e* Cu 1 to Voi for the ,„-$>e*tn .anjayli flat Mew of the laaew Ittheat't faatoea anaatwpiee* Hew* thh Bontatat fherehta; thn g«ered Heart of the eawtftahi lawieaar who aaaed tana ^^mutm^^.^ a«. fta . to Qhe Prodoaj Bleed. -Baf&aanaeoaahlatAk^altw ^hajb ^MJmtm^Mj^mBk 0 'Showing The Flag' S«2eks To Stem Red Power OHM c By C8KA1D X. IHEIUtT IIIC«}|«tl< IIFKUNfWtMMl ^fc^ %>..$' IWaTeWnjar •*W*<»ta^ ' **w "aaiawW" fl*w*"^W*^*^aaac ^w*fl*)jLV*n'aaw4H*awPIMI ,^*> ' «a---iH*'-' ^IWQf'ttr<l*a**ia a»**» t**» a*, at M»«* V a* The eeadiaa af varienta elaeaaat* ef the TJ8 float to th* Water* around Guatemala and Htetratua poiata ta the deep eoaceni felt by thin country aver til* poaatbilttie* ef aobver- alv* Interferenc* from outald* whbtt*af» ftirt of Latin aftd Ceatral America. . Fram the taoment the Cuban Itewolutlon waa compl*ted, it appeared that the Soviet Union had ebtiiaed a fooihald ia thaf ceuo* - try. How there ia a auapicion that Xuaadawaa beaiad Caitra from the atari ltd on*/ doubta that rwvohrtiaa and interaal trpaeawal ar* ready aaade Mliialiean which, can be eaaitat- - .aMa.eiaraj" wl^.aewietav^ - .':': IWereCaatM'a aaa*atta»«w*»linCul»^ a* dlpaeeaatte r*i*ti*4U «aiat*d between that: ' -eujitry aad th*. Oatunoaiat, wnrii. Xad*e*V b*«: waa eaentant l^nioax Today ill fi .-ruaiit«*\ Ci*^ **taJWi*h*4 ilak*'Witk .h« Ctanaaua^ » W | ^ lattadittj ««4 Cbioa- ..eiH^'a^recent-.'trija t o H e w l i o W a a d Hta-;taik»': wltli Khruabchev bate aoUdified - tail tuiholy . »JUa»t* •.. ;.: ^ ^ ^ ; - v ::-_ '•;, ' ^ aaaan^^'aBnn*ana^ " naf '' a^nanaWalanVaaw ' (•M^Haak, ''-A^aab^Mat^^alk ' - that there i* aw aretl t i n up b*tw*ea tk* Intia ant an tawiat Uaiaa, .awee aayoateif avldeiie* -tnet - ' thett can- never be a atonuina anion betweea. the two. Tk* nujerlty arf UUa Aaaeilcaitt art > Catkwik, and aajeae who kaawa th* htttaty •f Lathe Aaterieat -iiwwa -alia that tkia Catke- McHy, whHe not *l*ayn a* viul aa we would t wiah, at atUi tk* arMteart bulwark agalnat any major imanda by the Conununlita. . .. ' If Coawiuainmand Catholieiam cannot eo- exiat (and w* kiww it cannot) then any nieaa. iBjtftjl allianeT* bMtweeai Latin America and the »wiet.Banatrwia impontade. - • of force by th* UaHnd State* it dated not unwekeaa*. Latin Ameriea ha* never eajegred rati aeaea. Dlctatoraaipa af the ritht and left key* chanted hand* all too freOAienflr. hut MP until now they never have affacatat the rest of the world. Tk* Soviet Unloa aaa awear before expressed-t frott interest in aaavaai ta. an *i«o*)» omrca -•« .fa«H*il-i*-fc. : "^anwpew a^k^F .leWf. m* ., ,^___„ tiaji xi '• Toe reo^eete by Gaatemaja and Nkauratu* for protection k r ther tni are u haanediata' tadkataon that tiWaar* aaaa* hanattaatt atata of tddah-.Aakeitea 'that **tt te atonta*. aot ,'••'• HI eaoraa, nan*, nrjtt-eajr- tail h foaay weaafja^AriejeadlCa^^ aad «3ata> •Ite Innjary art*' but two etnmpie* - ef conn-" : trie* wko** p*oa>le ham been -taken o«r by - Cenanualata, 3)ttevh no, but ith* differeaee ' lie* la th* fact that S«*vi«t trwoa* tint toe* 'Over the eauatrio* and then named .the Com- ' munJ*t o av*a wba tiuki rule te their batkarf,' The threet of #wvl4tb*yon*UW What keep* the** Ceeaawmlat jrianaaei toeMher./ ';'" Uaiaa* «re a Httto dlrfatent tadajrr'e* . . je^tfaTS wia^^^jatio-Ahiwrtct,- It if' ; at ft*il*l kpenila. but in hat loanalliUiad bit" oon,;ir a*-w.*>eaa™pwTB,',,. .•. o'".;"' ^-tt'tti'thaelit'Of:- lotiet.rOtW'Whtck' / htet aaaereed not ealy eotee oader* In Xatia : junanca avat aiaea IOB»O ax ewr awa\Mopie kern ta th* tTaJtot ITotea. TJDaweTOT, I *h*w However, dknrder and internal aipheaval are rwady aotdn k»ar*dient* for Stwiat at- panaioeiiara. "With tkeir rocket*,.awd aaJknaae, and tkeir hydrofen bomb*, -the Sewleta are tonprowintwth* tactk* of the l«b Ceartiry" European power*. They feelitxont eneuah t* int*rv«fTie; they feel braah eiwugk to little their aabera; *nfi tkey are alullful enouah t* - reactivial* at will tk* peet-w*r climate *f f*ar.' . ;'•„Tke desire af th* VS to Jive in aeaea with «a neihbbflra throuakoat th* worM » not ieet - an tha Comniunin leader*. Tkey koow that' the US would bead over bacirwardi kafor* taiinc the f«Ul *te> that Ieada : tot the kydr*- : aen hadocaust. Heace, the Communia* jrortri •-feet',ther|v|atn Mlbkil. * w j * ^ „ | e e a M ^ ^ | „ ' »oci*l revolution* of Latin America, Aaia and- ,' .;'3riaii;, ; if' etpecially .'"ao, : durinai 'W'ktrth- aniM nf the newly- emerged countriea a* the wttld. th* 19th, Century wlotUilllan *ftfc* Boropaaiii nation* i* dead. A new 1 type *f ealeataliaffl la takint ita plac*. It U directed by the M Ctatury codoaiallata who abide in ifeaceor and Peipiai, Fe*r,ia.,"""" Z&£SVtt%%F m ^> Bat th* point to raaaaanber i* that the btttic.ia far- front over, W* caa leant fro* th* aalatakea of the eld fiuropeaa "oowera, *r*a while we encourtm theaa to liquidate outmoded empires. In defaaf 'aa, w* aaaat at ike aam* time make turn that no new env plree af colonialinn take tbaafr aance. -.- Tlae Aewiat eat aanneajs,*Btt were,.eft % eaact of Cnaleanahi t o t Nleaanaa* wfli b* trftatkwd 'aa at. aewot any >r*aM"Mao«Iy , 'iav jaatj^jajajbltjthi conlac -ant we tan *ab/ kapatkatit feat too an*. - , _ . Latin America i* ilowty bended toward , »Od*m democracy. Only two ar ffifee dl«a- ^ra_»etniinjwhereas «et tN» "loiiafa^MaeTPa - we.ra twer a.doKti. this country mutt work aijepIttHo: insure that m other *i^Wra*ip -ajrii*. W*'tttttiat trtcotirige «te penple-wwardf' modem .denKKaraey, wiiH>«» eaual opportune. «**v Ji» posstfiilitte* int fEaaWuilli^' its hop* .- ao( yearning* for peace and happiness. - •• ."' .thai Wteoine , "wiit--de'Bettd. 'in itrae- aieaf- .-***» on ;|h» ability of the church in l#tia Anerica to reactivate tfiat spirit of Catholic- ina -which-wai ao clearly eipreaaed" by the awiainal Spanish miaaionariea, - Tfca C3hMrch* '- toe, will havn to airow More^cleau-ly Jta ob- , tiou* ,d**ir** to asaiat th* feopl* to tSf—Af' . realhtatiott of their aocltl, ewnooiic, aa Well : .at'thto-tpraW'-iN^.--:; .,,• „ : . ^.C'lf:'tkhi'-to difflev**. a**d atdy-^ -^athow' th* yiaa.'' Latta Americana will m w l a c c e * - fUaMItt*aMa^taok tawnnehws. AC #r m UplOM Cant I •traaoi J. A - 9.4 (I C 9.A -;•> B «. A a. A u k f( e. A Altar Teatnk ConTa SIX ,-ieoaai uues eltril: Bate a IMMTMCHH avAatii »KMT UfJW "it ;m abate; 1 'c, •M ^C44k ~«i»-**»4fr~*fc ^«*l ^ l-.t.rt - \}l ^> « W--n^ ^*-H(» 4ftN>. ^tW»^-1*i. »«Aft^-^«#*JVfiS^C3—*~, 0)«0,*to ear^e«#j^<ia^eMi<^»Mi1M>wt*'»w •**£&*&&% ?mmms SH^iiLS^ .^/ a -.:. o ••"'

Hari Kari Fori Siist Or Murderlib.catholiccourier.com/1960-catholic-courier... · pur j»ntiSc*t«, it ba* often occwrdd to tf* t* invit* th*f faithful f* tum With arateni fet-voi

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Page 1: Hari Kari Fori Siist Or Murderlib.catholiccourier.com/1960-catholic-courier... · pur j»ntiSc*t«, it ba* often occwrdd to tf* t* invit* th*f faithful f* tum With arateni fet-voi

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DICTATORS * M B S : Preciom Blood Pevotaoit i»Hi>m >iilD»'i'W""i'


<>ii» uJjia'nii jjjiIUUM igii'» i "'in1' * " » i

*Rrom th« firit moerth* e»f pur j»ntiSc*t«, i t ba* often occwrdd to tf* t* invit* th*f faithful f* t u m With arateni fet-voi toward that divine <a> premen ef th* mercy of ttn* Lend ttr indtviduti Mull, f or Hi* hely Chur***, and lor t h * whole world, or wkkfc H* I N tit* Reditu*? i n * Stvhkur*

tiff* t« the wo«Wj» of the Moat Sacred H « « t of Jesus. I s th* admirable propagation of thu devotion, l jreat part waa played by th* revelation* of this Sacred Heart to S t Maugaret Mary Alaeoque. So groat and unanimous g a s k**n th* eateam of th* «u< pt*tat twtiAtti iat tbi* d«y»-

flavour. * -

TSt* <f«vatl»tt wM 4aiUl)«l ilk UJi i« » • kwM* la wMek Our chU<m*»iJ w u ijieat, W*|tiUrie»ll,»ltlid«f tion, tfc* mHatlMi of Uw {lj£IAlQr-: V)£ Mt' 'JMNNME' FM^Hnaai;, Xwed » r tor »«r«ats 4 u r U C UMDiMtlk«IJWy. ;..''•;>."

' JUaMHiMriM U * aaiutary ailiaHMat* t T tiw A«**i»= •T«kt fewMt t t y « i « r i w » : t o « t» ta* wlwtf* fl«!k i « vhklk iavrifyJr a^irit kM «iM**" ; • « , i f Make* , t» roll that :

»t fr«a»*td with HU •*»«» ttiod,', - w * ; Mi***, u»»k AQaoiur- ^B# t9|aB#rM. 9f* 'Cvi* ttBiTtml i««t«rii *IB1»»JTW ib* «u»»tica» rf t)rt d«T*i*»-m*»t and incrtlM.-tf r*li«V ; «m pi»tr IK th* »tMif*a% jto* rf. ,%ri«LijMjrtrjWl.. wbrtMp ahwiltf 1»T« * prtrt-l««*lpla«»

It ««tat« t« U* to *w j*r-',

I I •VUUIII 'f0,,VIH«7W»HaT mm—m*rm i> : 'Aiiiiiin Milium mi n •







Hari Kari Or Murder

Fori Siist

TouiaUwik — (HNS)—8t «t«jB)»«i « t » u » | « r y ?u« b*-fUBi a now ttr« K t * aflwr

, yt»rt eratotf away la K*w •Jfer* wirofcoojo* -

' « , iiafriMi — hi« ftafu*,

*j*d jiliea on t i n franeUeut

CiUKflJe «cbool« — irotma flit world wij in New York Stale fic« & «fci!Tp«Bin2 dilemiiu to toramtt h«rf Jwrl qoittly or Ibe murdtred outrijhu ,

TWi It »il la ftrtsfei' contrwt ta t ie ttirteat i M -- — T— -- -»• - . - - r -

1B*3M two »«w Cittwlk Hgk icAooiiv ^'gJJJ^JgJ*^ ^ ^ S S * tte. Wiujt Ou*«At t|«i8if Cithellc edacRtkwt^* Ajrarftnw daahr,

t^tlntdagitruggkJiLallCommaBlrt^^ —wrWSvTii i^MiaP mm. \m vrmk into dfcutor 1mjaio'i Domlnlom R<- w» «*«t*a by am** hm BUWJC, into wooua dictator B»«(Unuuik*'t Caj^oc and for n * Ruujpuutt exhibit tt

All ihxu mUon* iwrved wsraiBf Catholic »chool» w»f a**ttta*t «watrr'»wt«>»

r^HrtC«U»&,tlut»U(WbtitUad»in«l*ii(l*raBaik«wa» hem* wnvtnt t»ught and ha* her daujhtac now #nroD*d in Aft** t&t" w*r M «** l nuni' ieliooX nod that the Stid^new MMettaf intend to •*»<« tW stafa* t» «»Utk.-< «* Itti jiitiwt to t W r <*ttft>«t « » attend the» b«t j S ^ J * , f t 5 J w ^ f c 5 ! cJotalheKboolalntbtChriitianarMt. S^rTft t^!

Tht ttatt»i' 4 a » apant 1* y**rt to varioua w*r*Mna«* Wba3a\ Mr* fMiba^ya aa^awoal» at public auction In Now York fsur yaarf a to .

II* pronfoU? donated It to the ^tf W Hopes that tt woidd be «!»*» "»r-*«ifabie, permantnt location outdoor*.

However, tfet .atafw «** mtrclr b * « oeoiwriajt ta« • corridor iat Cfty BaD, titt Clivetind r a n k u r t at a a J ' U r f V B u i j|Cr iHI MMK W** IKa^NarpM

anippea ntr» wnoro avaaaco tultable honor aaiant 1 * p M

Th* afaftt* of S t fitophon, Hungary"! f l r t t Chrlitian klntv WW tfediatod herw oerljr tail moatfc. 'It tUndi atop a eoawrote aodeoul « a a oatda tt araat aoar too -a u l a atonoatsry buildini — tin oalr atatu* oa th* 4t acroa f f nonaatarj gnmnda,

, ..'J'.:.'1.— * % t ltotl* gbi inftnatd tho nti|k*or;itaat aha waa ttart-iat taboal. *T»*t*» woadtrfnl, M*rr ," aali Hit. Smith.

Hnj .^rtai led Mary atilctiy. "WJtta trowanpf tajMlt wordt that caJMraa arent tuppoaod to hear I'll know w&t trW/ro t«M«i about." " * • ]

tb* attiatloa of Our b«io*od childrtn td th» indlwolubla WUfloetion iwtwMtt th* flato-tiatti to taw' awjy • * • » * • '

Moart, iaet tM favotiea waieh. HoBpra tao '_afa«t *m&u BiaaieVef aa)* lacaMatc We)rd. wtatM tor ajaay «nt« tXtfor-<ir4ft*ii at •tat,"'

Jt I t , te laet, of aupreaw*

iiaaW eaatiWI tadat boayooa ttol»tlHalit JGr**l aa4 |k* litwrjktl a r t l o a *t t5» Ckurca, ataw* tba taw of W 3i*f iititlWiii tb* Jaw *f jrayir. tlaoro amet aaror «H atiwwaot loaraw at waraaia »ot origiaatbtc froaa tae vOty

rrw iiwsmal at true f aitt. It -. aOaa right'MY a earttia

btriaway afconld «tf*t »awa« deowtiaai raaijoleraa

explain it* nature, to defend Ita tewfulaeai, and t* entwur-a«o> tbo fwactico o* it wit* maw? official aeti, Tftoa* w*ra erowaad by tame imjMWtaat oacjrclleala. "Anaufflt Saeruan," "atiierenUailmua Rod emp­tor," aod "ttturWtjja;AqHa*>* «•

'"' »ethte ^•'th«;ilfort: PrWtih Oiua 8loo4„ has «l«* r««ir«4 titot; dsearred approral and faw« of tbi* ApiwtoHc See.' It. It'woir^^BBiaatbwir-'tfcat' by owitr af Beriodlrt XIV t*o Kaae and th* Office to honor of the adarable. llaad of the Diwiae Sareiear warn eomaoa-ad, and taat WtuHt tuifiiK .taajr i a t atadc at Gaeta, ex>.

th* JKeot I roeieui Blood tm, th* uaiteraal Ckurda. Finally. tjta* J3» 9i bajoef i»*aaftry, ia «dnojjiaa»raUoa of th* 18tb f» i»nm» A> rti* Tttdtcflnliyni

vv^a*aMbvo*fa*#r ^^*" a^^^^**^^^»^^^awa/ pa • • £

niaMd, tba feaet t« taw rank of 4o«lo af th* tint elaae, m that by in«rt«arat the lHurav cal aolaiaarty, ft* **awotioa H» #eif WOBW PO mwminect, aaa—w the fruiu of the redeemint

Lord Jenw Citrift areierva my soul to lufo everlaitinf. Amen").

"Thue npuriebed with tt* b<**» und blood af Chriat, aatf

^aueje teVahare ia that divti>* powar that ^av* atr«B|th to JegieM «f HBartyrM, the faith-tul will f» forward to face their daily atntggie* tttf aae-rafUei, and, if Boeeeaary, eyas auMctyratte t, it) derenae of vfartue and tte niaa "*f 6*4,

Would t h a t Chrtatlaa* wtHild rwfleet raoeo fremueat-ly on th* aataraal waratof of th* If rat pap*: "Condnet

'. yourMjNr** with fear ia tt* -ttaoo of yow toieuralae. tm

: knaiw that yau wdra redeemed ; froe* th* vain nunaer :«| Ufa ~ ~ -.handed- -dbwa •ftda»'v''lywif fatheM, set with j>«rWiable things, nor with alhrer or

Kd, but with tit* precious odjjftaiirt? "-

blood might benefit mea more copdoualy.

FolJ*wiaj,thertlore,th««-Intjpitt 6t Oar aretfeeewor^ aad /Or* the purpeao *f in-

; » o h l r we would baadwiath.

of the Ainatto ** tk* Ota*-tilaw «TF«t yen iawa beam • boaatot at * great prie*. Glori­fy God and rxar Hi» fayour booty," how aaata jeer* ««%>' fyia« w*«Jd their atorab aa, -hot* jnuccvTaaora niraiary fat tM wkete of buaaaaity wwtd bo th* pnweoeo af Cbriat'a Chtueh in tHS wortdr tt ealy manbind would heed-th* ia-jA

" ftrnt t*e yrawar-aeHr who deairet Cheat all to b* uved, because He wiihea th*** all to lie redeeaaed her the Weod it m» only M|ot-ten Soa.

Appeal Mode For Catholic University

My dear fwtfi*: Oa the tint fanatay at Advent, Noweotfer tltk,

m *a*U *»T* Me aaaatul a»#eil far tan attbeaaart af tt* Catb*llt Ualrfratty l» Wo*aiia*M - • P»P*t lf»l-»«r*ity. uader th* dtteet turn ef W* Keilaett, T*f l?h«XXtn.

At * etat*» rf Catfcalie *d»t**t*a ia tk* tfiatte* Ihatee, tn* Cattwlle UnlvenHy Jut. aaade * reatrnantaia U «**wy dtoeeo* tt the eanatry aawu** 41* baaitea*,

aridata, relHlenaa, anal layatea what luv* atudiod - ia lie - halls, I t baa tsdeoal l*e«. -ate<*< and more t»e tenter of CattwUe -ewKwa lathe Unlttd SUte*;

--. Tan Citaalte UBfrerarrjr baa'' aeea aUeto auiiUain Ni *i»ii mttaj aaaeaf <ttat i»r«»rii«ea at U» Wtteal-«at«* *aiy" Meaua* «t tae gea«ra»aity. af Jbe Catto-

rtaaa woand to neat nt tt* »e*iiy oaaatillaataa* t* lTU«"wa«ta;.ett**. laay t ajtia

'' till. y*a>» aak yaa^awaoaortof t)*J» arnttlyeawat,

* WUt i iprateful §a*e*tatv I aat - ' Tote iawetei f heeaeri It <»riet,

,< , | * j a j | u b j | tJt S ^ a f f i ^ B n J y y * -JajS^e^^w?r Tpaa ,*w^^a^aa^aFaf apa>

nay wet' »fl *Mi

i hii ' In' • aem

':-" it Bie«f of da) rect l oj«r tf era ft

•~pxm -»-«ivi


•I H* tall* all to be jaetrtbtva

etwawnt » * oewouan w ™ f ^ ^ h i e i , C t a r J l t | i t j , 4 h t i ^ ( ( W

much n a n brotherly would th* relitiaal netwoea Individ-ueia; peoylaa and nttiaa* b*> eomn «vd b»w aiuch .saor* peacafiil, asorw worthy *i Cod! and nt Mimaa nature, created ia the in*** and iiken*aa a{ th* Almiatty, would aocial eoexjalenea cow* to be If ill nen-tBold liitea ta Hi* takn.

Kant Proeiow Blood ef th* Immaculat* Lamb at Itiat Chriit, W* have approved the Litany of the Most Gracious Bfcepi, toanailed by the Geav treawtio* at iltat, eMooraa-In* tit reeJtaUea thrtuthout the Catholic world, both, ia public'and private, *ad ea-rkhiat It with eo tatat iadul-'laawna. ."


V«m|n*W «W ^Wawtlf Mm wmUm PWflarWBBPaB a W I w l ^ a v t t

CwMaw >4Uw rawt jprttaHwy QptTmttm} &m&$!&$ te *ilw*«W^ ntWa>3aaV B W w B a n *

In m olrtriontly atocere Wd to aW pri?at* colligdt to meet risin* aducational coats, athr*«-mari commit­tee* (Htwtry H«M, John GWdnw and MaritW Voim®) urged Governor Jftoekifeller iff iaati|tir*t*arfrKSdiat-ihatterln* profram.

lesdtould ycomDev

Accordtog to their proposal, p„ .„ „ . be given state aid to make them economlca tltive with state nm ichoola.

And her* la th* rub, The eeauftittee ah«.aro»«*** e wait expaatioa

o f t « p * J d « l k * e * » e * t U . " The three mrddtecta of thii education hlBeprint, ire, of course, recognhed experU arid their advice U a reallatic concluHon frop many uncomfortable facta,

One of the« lads is that qualified atudeata in New York Stale have little chance of college education unite* they cab afford the aeerinf todtioBi and feet ef private achoelt, Thtare ia ««*y on* itate *)per»t«^ Kberal

_ at* coHefe, Harpwr, juat opened iUe wear near BtEf> hamton. Th«r* are, it i* true, technical echoola and teacher collegei hut the state need!, and thoutanda of Itudenta want to be, lometbing other than technidani

TOeHeaId<»mra\itt*«helierfefenfa«dedataU«^ .. l«fa »<l«ition It Ifieritabl* — a* In othat atttet — and New Yea* hid bent catch tip with it* netgehorti

To help tt* private collegea awallow thla pill the ctMBtnittee iwepoeea (what may later tors out to be un-conatitirthmal) th* orT*r of fractioMl aid to thee* »ri-

4*aa^L M ^ I P ^ H ^ J ^ ^ A M ^ M M * ^^B^^«MJtAJLJ^^aai ^em^^^^^^^^g^^w A3^a^^^ tf^eae^kiBMaaL- ~

tvn Faaa^aaa aiaBr eeairatwna% naefarfnir» uaan a^ewar*

- annat haa a* wmt% keataeet raeadag awjatntt than* tt

iaiteilea. _ We an AaMticant are dedicated to the amwtetioM

that frivttap earteirprl** can do a joh aa well or better than- tike gutewavieeitt can do J t — except for euch tmewrfency ftrograaet a* war or nattenal defense. We are convinced our nttlon't hiatory ia a catalogue of adhiomnuBtJ because dtf»n* faced with a problem otslwerfit tbemaalvaa by dint of hard work rather than by fov*nuneat>anAwta.

An expanded atata^uhridlxarfcoUea^ program will iooner or later aecond-ratt our *3dating prirately run

' . . a^hoo l i , . . .'. ,v •*. ;_.-: ' . . — • « • •• '.- - .'What we- woader *b<wt the Heedd report ia why

it makea n*> mentioat ef a poeaibl* extenaioo of the GI BM erf Ri^U which gdvee »veiwn«nt aid to etudenta ar,d then lata them go to the coUege of their choice. rnt» profram waa highly wcceytaM. after World War II ajnd erffoctively avoided th* trap of aolwing achoot probleaa w M awdalte ihatead of the tradition^

; WliatataT aad aaor* aaftrti-ftla*. r

Th«o« aVrvwtien* wkjea adtt* -*te >etf>r tan ataeaenjad uai veranl ae^MintaWMtiktabont

God and a a ^ a h o u l d »<W •riaaasy i n otteoaa dad fr»«>

ary atvetieau. la**»iat'Ja tktt aiBjaaphar* of faith and aeuad c

"pjetar, k*ii*w*r» ard aertaia af thlakiM with th* Church, af l it in* M t h * eeaaautaitM at

f tism aaet at that ebarity *£ aeta* Chriat -X* ia th* feuotV

*r tn4*ua**a»«ari**t af that aubttaV* eeJUajM wbiea p|rawi tnaaSlatw taetOaor with ita nan**, ell it* etaaity t ad

worth. v

JL W* look batat aafth* a«V " ttirabl* profreae t in t the Cathwlic Church an* a » d * i n the field a f Htargfea! piety, ia anuad accord with th* d*-velafWi*a( a f lie faith, i a t * * P*»e>tratlon nt dretao virtue*.

- j^fttMm tag) enacnrieaT daaant to at* to*** Bean not bean waattap o n tt* part, af tbta

eonraicuMuat of ta*a* three -davwtioni, devotUa* which w«ra preeticed fraaa aoediaval' time* by many aeana aoula, which aproad latar jM» vlrt-oUi •dloeeeaay rellajaut eaatrn* mUona and ordara; and which finally reeatvaf rraaa the Chair of aHtav i k e aeal a f orthadoxy ami th* aaafaiat tat the Varacfaml tSaatek.

It auftlcea far Ua ta recall that aiace^th* WKk «aatury, O w i>r*d*c«*awi heee erBftfc-od with tplritual favan, the dawition to the Maatw U n a * of Jtiua. It w a s id aanat - *f the Werf 1 fa«* that t h * -allien and th* Ifaa* ware approved, and later t h * Utaniee.

A w IMat •HipaWlaMnm W W W I M P

WaaTlaf^pwW e^a^nflanWw aWj «a7*w jPeaw*

l o t tit reflod, enlithteaed by the aahrtary tnarhitiaa* that aauiat* frooa tha aaaad fteoicat lad from th* leaehlnae CfUaa father* and ftwetart nt-th* Churcit, oa the ttfinit* vilu* of th» ittaat procioua Weodl, ,"«!**» ana ttill* aai-rum nctra totuaa xaundum quit a t oawal acaier*** f e n * drof ef Wbee* bieod ia eboa to aanlce the wiiele taalat aafai iroea alt impiety*), In taooa *orda the Antelic Doctor St. Theoaui Aejnfasae hyianoi th* l wanr ef tlw Preeieut IBaot. -

. Sh»e««««l4*ofta»h»o*i «f tit* OedHaaa hi teflnita, and the charity wet iaflKltn -that tirt*d Hta* t* shad it — (a Ua* aiedbth day after fiSav klrtla; in th* agony- ia tbo atriaaa tt Gathaaman*: at th* 'teaoralar. th* erawnlaf witlt thorn*; oa th* way to Cat. varyi 3t«fe«3?ae!axi*-ifr}iidL

- final Jy from the opaa woua* in Hi* aide, the symbol of the predoui Blood that flowi in alt th« aicrameats, it is emia-•ntlr proper that all thee* who h m aaea redwiaed by 111 aaaviat flow, abouM after for***? their trftnt* nf ador-n»*^fwa% aaaiw aaaWwaeal^ Jpa aeUarwB^p*aa*

It Sal M^m- "pTQfMK WRm WtDF iltJV fflirtat^W, th»t U M THktV *Uv ahta to the ehallee *f th* Wood a f th* Hew State­ment, particularly at the time

' of i t * elevation i n th* aacrt-fl« «f the Maaa; ihould b* followed by Communion with that wane precioua blood, lav. diseafubly united ta th* Body of Our Sevieur in th* tatra-htemt of th* Euehariat.

h i aadea flrne with t i n cate-brant, th* ftithral wi l l be ibl* to repeat mentally th* tferdn that h e pronounce* at tile t i n e of Hi* ConmaaJon: "Caltcem aeluUri* acciadam at Btamtn . Domini iavaeabo . . . Stnitti* DotBiM Meatrl Jaw erSriati eaaeaaM aaiaaaia itiian ia rittm aeferaam. AMeau" it ajaajtt ttk* th*

aaaa lie nana* j M » tort «»«- afay flat aaaan of eve MlaMlaWaVMaalB^

&***!' .*«** WBiWeat that tadeo

Our patarnal aohertatieru will bo praetko* net only willtaat;' )y» but al»a with terveot anal, wa impart nut ef the fulanar

. ef- our h*art ae a taken •*( heavenly «rac* and a aled«e ef Our ipeciaj beneyalence-, Oar apeetelie benediction to each at y*u, and in a apocial WIQr, IK TJHMMw W W x^U^MHM

Itaerouaiy a n d jlouary to t o i l Our invit i t lan.

, Dated l o a n * , at S t . Yeter**; June, JO, i * e n . ea t b n e»* n f 'S^vuttmrm mm rr*** ou* Mood a f Our L«ed Jeeaaa Clrfat, th* aaesad year of {tear J^mha»*^*a)|^*jBia*j

Maa tXf'li

' Daatily B0UHI 'C>l<aflrataaan*

Due to recent lttsutieal cnaa|et ia ta* Cbuwaa'a tat< eodar oat fetata, puhtiahera

prtotint job* f*« Adwmt ta t leei.MaMiiaathtyaiwpua-Uahad, tM* Daily Man* C«V eatittf will a* TeoTiaaeet Mlaaaf unera tuna adviaad thha weak in fellow mm* ef ta*» Mm t a r the etat* iaadicet** ee-.tat taanult taaitr aaadah batlletiaa.

1i delugi ia alri


fan we etat:

. fiMJl that



til lice ia JrecetY* »•*» ft TWaii apirit have] not en to-Mn desaetl gWi*|,

. e*

Cu 1 to Voi for the



flat Mew of the laaew — Ittheat't faatoea anaatwpiee* Hew* thh Bontatat fherehta; thn g«ered Heart of the eawtftahi lawieaar who aaaed tana

^^mutm^^.^ a«.fta. to Qhe Prodoaj Bleed.

-Baf&aanaeoaahlatAk^altw ^hajb ^MJmtm^Mj^mBk 0

'Showing The Flag' S«2eks To Stem Red Power




IIIC«} |«t l<


^fc^ %>..$'

IWaTeWnjar •*W*<»ta^ ' **w "aaiawW" fl*w*"^W*^*^aaac ^w*fl*)jLV*n'aaw4H*awPIMI , *> ' « a - - - i H * ' - '

^IWQf'ttr<l*a**ia a»**» t**» a*, a t M»«* V a *

The eeadiaa af varienta elaeaaat* ef the TJ8 float to th* Water* around Guatemala and Htetratua poiata ta the deep eoaceni felt by thin country aver til* poaatbilttie* ef aobver-alv* Interferenc* from outald* whb tt* af» ftirt of Latin aftd Ceatral America.

. Fram the taoment the Cuban Itewolutlon waa compl*ted, it appeared that the Soviet Union had ebtiiaed a fooihald ia thaf ceuo* -try. How there ia a auapicion that Xuaadawaa beaiad Caitra from the atari l td on*/ doubta that rwvohrtiaa and interaal trpaeawal ar* ready aaade Mliialiean which, can be eaaitat- -

.aMa.eiaraj" wl^.aewietav^ -

.':': IWereCaatM'a aaa*atta»«w*»l inCul»^ a* dlpaeeaatte r*i*ti*4U «aiat*d between that : ' -eujitry aad th*. Oatunoaiat, wnrii . Xad*e*V

b*«: waa eaentant l^nioax Today i l l fi .-ruaiit«*\ C i * ^ b « **taJWi*h*4 ilak*'Witk .h« Ctanaaua^ » W | ^ lattadittj ««4 Cbioa-..eiH^'a^recent-.'trija t o H e w l i o W a a d Hta-;taik»': wltli Khruabchev bate aoUdified - tail tuiholy . »JUa»t* •.. ;.: ^ ; - v ::-_ '•;, ' ^

aaaan^^'aBnn*ana^ " naf '' a^nanaWalanVaaw '

(•M^Haak, ''-A^aab^Mat^^alk ' -

that there i* aw aretl t in up b*tw*ea tk* Intia ant a n tawiat Uaiaa,

.awee aayoateif avldeiie* -tnet -' t h e t t can- never be a atonuina anion betweea.

the two. Tk* nujerlty arf U U a Aaaeilcaitt art > Catkwik, and aajeae who kaawa th* htttaty • f Lathe Aaterieat -iiwwa -alia that tkia Catke-McHy, whHe not *l*ayn a* v i u l aa we would

t wiah, at atUi tk* arMteart bulwark agalnat any major imanda b y the Conununlita. .

.. ' If Coawiuainmand Catholieiam cannot eo-exiat (and w* kiww it cannot) then any nieaa. iBjtftjl allianeT* bMtweeai Latin America and the »wiet.Banatrwia impontade. - •

of force by th* UaHnd State* i t dated not unwekeaa*.

Latin Ameriea ha* never eajegred rati aeaea. Dlctatoraaipa af the ritht and left key* chanted hand* all too freOAienflr. hut MP unti l now they never have affacatat the rest o f the world. Tk* Soviet Unloa aaa awear before expressed-t f ro t t interest in aaavaai ta.


*i«o*)» omrca -•« .fa«H*il-i*-fc.:

"^anwpew a^k^F .leWf. m* ., , ^ _ _ _ „ t ia j i

xi '• Toe reo^eete by Gaatemaja and Nkauratu* for protection k r ther tni are u haanediata' tadkataon that tiWaar* aaaa* hanattaatt atata of tddah-.Aakeitea 'that **tt te atonta*. aot

,'••'• HI eaoraa, nan*, nrjtt-eajr- tail h foaay weaafja^AriejeadlCa^^ aad «3ata> •Ite Innjary art*' but two etnmpie* - ef conn-":

trie* wko** p*oa>le ham been -taken o«r by -Cenanualata, 3)ttevh no, but ith* differeaee ' lie* la th* fact that S«*vi«t trwoa* tint toe*

'Over the eauatrio* and then named .the Com- ' munJ*toav*a wba tiuki rule te their batkarf,' The threet of #wvl4tb*yon*UW What keep* the** Ceeaawmlat jrianaaei toeMher./

';'" Uaiaa* «re a Httto dlrfatent tadajrr'e* . . je^tfaTS wia^^^jatio-Ahiwrtct,- It if';

at ft*il*l kpenila. but i n hat loanalliUiad bit"

oon,;ir a*-w.*>eaa™pwTB,',,. ..•.

o'".;"' ^-tt'tti'thaelit'Of:- lotiet.rOtW'Whtck' / htet aaaereed not ealy eotee oader* In Xatia:

junanca avat aiaea IOB»O ax ewr a w a \ M o p i e kern ta t h * tTaJtot ITotea. TJDaweTOT, I *h*w

However, dknrder and internal aipheaval are rwady aotdn k»ar*dient* for Stwiat a t -panaioeiiara. "With tkeir rocket*,.awd aaJknaae, and tke ir hydrofen bomb*, -the Sewleta are tonprowintwth* tactk* of the l « b Ceartiry" European power*. They f e e l i t x o n t eneuah t* int*rv«fTie; t h e y feel braah eiwugk t o l i t t l e their aabera; *nfi tkey are alullful enouah t* -reactivial* a t will tk* peet-w*r climate *f f*ar.'

. ; '•„ T k e desire a f th* V S t o Jive i n aeaea with « a neihbbflra throuakoat t h * worM » not ieet -an tha Comniunin leader*. Tkey koow tha t ' the U S would bead over bacirwardi kafor* ta i inc the f « U l *te> that Ieada: tot the kydr*- : aen hadocaust. Heace, the Communia* jrortri

•-feet',ther|v|atn Mlbkil. * w j * ^ „ | e e a M ^ ^ | „ ' »oci*l revolution* of Latin America, Aaia and-

,' .;'3riaii;,;if' etpecially .'"ao,:durinai 'W'ktrth-aniM nf the newly- emerged countriea a* the wttld. th* 19th, Century wlotUilllan *ftfc* Boropaaiii nation* i* dead. A new1 type *f ealeataliaffl la takint ita plac*. It U directed by the M Ctatury codoaiallata who abide in ifeaceor and Peipiai, Fe*r,ia.,""""


B a t th* point to raaaaanber i* t h a t the bttt ic . ia far- front over, W * caa leant f r o * th* aalatakea of t h e eld fiuropeaa "oowera, *r*a while w e encourtm theaa to liquidate outmoded empires. I n defaaf 'aa, w* aaaat at ike aam* t i m e make turn that n o n e w env plree a f colonialinn take tbaafr aance.

-.- Tlae Aewiat eat aanneajs,*Btt were,.eft % eaact of Cnaleanahi tot Nleaanaa* wfli b* trftatkwd 'aa at. aewot any >r*aM"Mao«Iy,'iav

jaatj^jajajbltjthi conlac -ant we tan *ab/ kapatkatit feat too an*. - ,_

. • Latin America i* ilowty bended toward , »Od*m democracy. Only two ar ffifee dl«a-^ra_»etniinjwhereas «et tN» "loiiafa^MaeTPa -we.ra twer a.doKti. this country mutt work aijepIttHo: insure that m other *i^Wra*ip -ajrii*. W*'tttttiat trtcotirige «te penple-wwardf' modem .denKKaraey, wiiH>«» eaual opportune. «**v Ji» posstfiilitte* int fEaaWuilli ' its hop*

.- ao( yearning* for peace and happiness. -

•• ."' .thai Wteoine,"wiit--de'Bettd. 'in itrae- aieaf-.-***» on ;|h» ability of the church in l#tia Anerica to reactivate tfiat spirit of Catholic-ina -which-wai ao clearly eipreaaed" by the awiainal Spanish miaaionariea, - Tfca C3hMrch*

'- toe, will havn to airow More cleau-ly Jta ob-, tiou* ,d**ir** to asaiat th* feopl* to tSf—Af' . realhtatiott of their aocltl, ewnooiic, aa Well : .at'thto-tpraW'-iN^.--:; .,,• „ : . .C'lf:'tkhi'-to difflev**. a**d atdy-^ - athow'

th* yiaa.'' Latta Americana will m w l a c c e * -fUaMI tt* aMa^taok tawnnehws.

AC #r m UplOM

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