Happy Birthday Les !

Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

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Page 1: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

Happy Birthday Les !

Page 2: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS

Avi WigdersonInstitute for Advanced


to TCS

Page 3: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

-my postdoc problems![Valiant ’82] “Parallel computation”, Proc. Of 7th IBM symposium on mathematical foundations of computer science.Are the following “inherently sequential”?-Finding maximal independent set?[Karp-Wigderson] No! NC algorithm. -Finding a perfect matching?[Karp-Upfal-Wigderson] No! RNC algorithmOPEN: Det NC alg for perfect matching.

Valiant’s gift to me

Page 4: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

The Permanent

X = Pern(X) = Sn i[n] Xi(i)

X11,X12,…, X1n

X21,X22,…, X2n

… … … … Xn1,Xn2,…, Xnn

[Valiant ’79] “The complexity of computing the permanent”[Valiant ‘79] “The complexity of enumeration and reliability problems”

to TCS

Page 5: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

Valiant brought the Permanent, polynomials and Algebra into the focus of TCS research.

Plan of the talk As many results and questions as I can squeeze in ½ an hour about thePermanent and friends:Determinant, Perfect matching, counting

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Monotone formulae for Majority

[Valiant]: σ random! Pr[ Fσ ≠ Majk ] < exp(-k)

OPEN: Explicit? [AKS], Determine m (k2<m<k5.3)


X1 X2 X3 Xk

Y1 Y2 Y3 Ym






1 0



X7 1 X7 X1






1 X2 X1 0

Page 7: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

Counting classes: PP, #P, P#P, …

C = C(Z1,Z2,…,Zn) is a small circuit/formula, k=2n,


X1 X2 X3 Xk


X1 X2 X3 Xk

C(00…0) C(00…1) … … C(11…1)

[Gill] PP

[Valiant] #P

C(00…0) C(00…1) … … C(11…1)

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The richness of #P-complete problems V


C(00…0) C(00…1) … … C(11…1)



C(00…0) C(00…1) … … C(11…1)


#SAT#CLIQUEPermanent#2-SATNetwork ReliabilityMonomer-DimerIsing, Potts, TutteEnumeration, Algebra, Probability, Stat. Physics

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The power of counting: Toda’s Theorem


[Valiant-Vazirani] Poly-time reduction:C D

OPEN: DeterministicValiant-Vazirani?


C(00…0) C(00…1) … … C(11…1)



D(00…0) C(00…1) … … C(11…1)



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Nice properties of PermanentPer is downwards self-reducible

Pern(X) = Sn i[n] Xi(i)

Pern(X) = i[n] Pern-1(X1i)

Per is random self-reducible[Beaver-Feigenbaum, Lipton]


C errs



C errs on 1/(8n)Interpolate Pern(X)

from C(X+iY) with Y random, i=1,2,…,n+1

Page 11: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

Hardness amplificationIf the Permanent can be efficiently

computed for most inputs, then it can for all inputs !

If the Permanent is hard in the worst-case, then it is also hard on average

Worst-case Average case reduction

Works for any low degree polynomial.Arithmetization: Boolean


Page 12: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

Avalanche of consequences

to probabilistic proof systems

Using both RSR and DSR of Permanent!

[Nisan] Per 2IP

[Lund-Fortnow-Karloff-Nisan] Per IP

[Shamir] IP = PSPACE

[Babai-Fortnow-Lund] 2IP = NEXP

[Arora-Safra,Arora-Lund-Motwani-Sudan-Szegedy] PCP

= NP

Page 13: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

Which classes have complete RSR problems?

EXPPSPACE Low degree extensions#P PermenentPHNP No Black-Box reductionsP [Fortnow-Feigenbaum,Bogdanov-

Trevisan] NC2 DeterminantLNC1 [Barrington]

OPEN: Non Black-Box reductions?


Page 14: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

On what fraction of inputs can we compute Permanent?

Assume: a PPT algorithm A computer Pern for on fraction α of all matrices in Mn(Fp).

α =1 #P = BPPα =1-1/n #P = BPP [Lipton]α =1/nc #P = BPP [CaiPavanSivakumar]α =n3/√p #P = PH =AM [FeigeLund]α =1/p possible!

OPEN: Tighten the bounds!(Improve Reed-Solomon list decoding [Sudan,…])

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Hardness vs. Randomness

[Babai-Fortnaow-Nisan-Wigderson]EXP P/poly BPP SUBEXP

[Impagliazzo-Wigderson]EXP ≠ BPP BPP SUBEXP

[Kabanets-Impagliazzo] Permanent is easy iff Identity Testing can be derandomized


EXP P/poly We’re done

EXP P/poly Per is EXP-complete



Page 16: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

[Vinodchandran]: PP SIZE(n10) [Aaronson]: This result doesn’t relativize

[Santhanam]: MA/1 SIZE(n10)

OPEN: Prove NP SIZE(n10) [Aaronson-Wigderson] requires non-algebrizing proofs

Vinodchandran’s Proof:

PP P/poly We’re


PP P/poly P#P = MA [LFKN]

P#P = PP 2P PP [Toda] PP SIZE(n10)




Non-relativizing & Non-natural

circuit lower bounds

Page 17: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

PMP(G) – Perfect Matching polynomial of G

[ShamirSnir,TiwariTompa]: msize(PMP(Kn,n)) > exp(n)

[FisherKasteleynTemperly]:size(PMP(Gridn,n)) = poly(n)

[Valiant]: msize(PMP(Gridn,n)) > exp(n)

The power of negation Arithmetic circuits

Boolean circuitsPM – Perfect Matching function

[Edmonds]: size(PM) = poly(n)

[Razborov]: msize(PM) > nlogn OPEN: tight?

[RazWigderson]: mFsize(PM) > exp(n)

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XMk(F) Detk(X) = Sk sgn() i[k] Xi(i)

[Kirchoff]: counting spanning trees in n-graphs ≤ Detn


counting perfect matchings in planar n-graphs ≤ Detn

[Valiant, Cai-Lu] Holographic algorithms …

[Valiant]: evaluating size n formulae ≤ Detn

[Hyafill, ValiantSkyumBerkowitzRackoff]: evaluating

size n degree d arithmetic circuits ≤ Det

OPEN: Improve to Detpoly(n,d)

The power of Determinant(and linear algebra)


Page 19: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

Algebraic analog of “PNP”

F field, char(F)2.XMk(F) Detk(X) = Sk sgn() i[k] Xi(i)

YMn(F) Pern(Y) = Sn i[n] Yi(i)

Affine map L: Mn(F) Mk(F) is good if Pern = Detk L

k(n): the smallest k for which there is a good map?

[Polya] k(2) =2 Per2 = Det2

[Valiant] F k(n) < exp(n)[Mignon-Ressayre] F k(n) > n2

[Valiant] k(n) poly(n) “PNP”[Mulmuley-Sohoni] Algebraic-geometric approach

a b-c d

a bc d

Page 20: Happy Birthday Les !. Valiant’s Permanent gift to TCS Avi Wigderson Institute for Advanced Study to TCS

Detn vs. Pern

[Nisan] Both require noncommutative arithmetic branching programs of size 2n

[Raz] Both require multilinear arithmetic formulae of size nlogn

[Pauli,Troyansky-Tishby] Both equally computable by nature- quantum state of n identical particles: bosons Pern, fermions Detn

[Ryser] Pern has depth-3 circuits of size n22n

OPEN: Improve n! for Detn

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Approximating Pern

A: n×n 0/1 matrix. B: Bij ±Aij at random

[Godsil-Gutman] Pern(A) = E[Detn(B)2]

[KarmarkarKarpLiptonLovaszLuby] variance = 2n…B: Bij AijRij with random Rij, E[R]=0, E[R2]=1

Use R={ω,ω2,ω3=1}. variance ≤ 2n/2

[Chien-Luby-Rassmusen] R non commutative!Use R={C1,C2,..Cn} elements of Clifford algebra.

variance ≤ poly(n)

Approx scheme? OPEN: Compute Det(B)

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Approx Pern

deterministicallyA: n×n non-negative real matrix. [Linial-Samorodnitsky-Wigderson]Deterministic e-n -factor approximation.Two ingredients:(1) [Falikman,Egorichev] If B Doubly Stochastic

then e-n ≈ n!/nn ≤ Per(B) ≤ 1(the lower bound solved van der Varden’s conj)(2) Strongly polynomial algorithm for the following reduction to DS matrices:Matrix scaling: Find diagonal X,Y s.t. XAY is DSOPEN: Find a deterministic subexp approx.

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Many happy returns, Les !!!