Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding STEVE THOMPSON WILLIAM ANDREW PUBLISHING

Handbook of mold, tool and die repair weldingindex-of.co.uk/Tutorials-2/Handbook of Mold, Tool and Die Repair Welding 1.pdf · Mold, tool and die repair welding is a very complicated

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Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding



Page 2: Handbook of mold, tool and die repair weldingindex-of.co.uk/Tutorials-2/Handbook of Mold, Tool and Die Repair Welding 1.pdf · Mold, tool and die repair welding is a very complicated

Published by Abington Publishing Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge CBI 6AH, England

First published 1999, Abington Publishing

0 Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 1999 The author has asserted his moral rights.

Published in the United States of America by William Andrew Publishing

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Please note: Although the information in this volume has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, no warranty, expressed or implied, can be made as to its completeness or accuracy. Design processing methods and equipment, environment and other variables affect actual part and mechanical performance. The manufacturers, suppliers, author and William Andrew Publishing have no control over those variables or the use to which others may put the material and, therefore, cannot assume responsibility for loss or damages suffered through reliance on any information contained in this volume. No warranty is given or implied as to application and to whether there is an infringement of patents is the sole responsibility of the user. The information provided should not serve as a substitute for careful testing of prototype parts in typical operating environments before beginning commercial production.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

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My fascination with welding tool steels began when, as a novice, I tried to weld two pieces of ground flat stock together with mild steel filler wire and no pre-heat. The weld was neat and tidy (which was always my trade mark), so I thought that I had done a good job. As I was welding the two pieces of tool steel, I had heard funny noises like somebody tapping two wrenches together several times! ‘Never mind’, I thought, but as I moved the welded pieces to one side, they just fell apart! I couldn’t believe my eyes - what had happened? It defied all the laws of my logic that two pieces of metal should fall apart when they had just been welded!

When the trauma of this subsided, I went to my boss to confess my ignorance. He laughed and told me that you are supposed to pre-heat tool steels before you weld them. I then asked him how much pre-heat tool steel needed, but he said, ‘I don’t know, just heat it up’. I did as he said and it worked! But I had to find out more information just in case there was more than one type of tool steel and possibly a more accu- rate method of choosing a pre-heat. The more I searched, the more I realized how little anybody understood of this area. So the challenge was on - who would I ask and where would I find this type of information?

I joined The Welding Institute and began regular visits to my city’s central library. All I needed was a book on how to weld molds, tools and dies but this did not exist. All I could find was general information on how to weld tool steels.

So, slowly but surely, I started to build up my own bank of informa- tion from trade literature, from welding and metallurgy books and from

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x Preface

valuable advice from a close friend who is a metallurgist. This gradually evolved into specific working practices which best suited my customers' demands.

Eventually, it came to the point when I had so much general informa- tion and enough years of practical knowledge that l decided to combine them into the book that I could not find when I needed it. I had found my niche, my project!

I hope what I have put together answers most of the questions that you might have been asking yourself about the confusingly technical and practically demanding but overlooked corner of industry that deals with the repair of molds, tools and dies.

Steve Thompson

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This book is not a metallurgist’s definitive tool steel chemical composi- tion handbook or a welding engineer’s definitive guide. It is a book designed for the shop floor, written from the shop floor, using the 25 years of my experience to convey the most practical ways that I have found for tackling the repair of molds, tools and dies.

Mold, tool and die repair welding is a very complicated process, shrouded in mysteries, myths and closely guarded secrets! This is because two very different trades have overlapped - welding and tool- making. For many years, toolmakers and tool users have had to rely on the small number of specialist welders who do understand exactly what repair welding involves, and who have the hand skills to do it, especially when it comes to welding mold tools.

Understanding the technical side of tool steels is a big problem for welders and understanding the practical side of welding is a big problem for machinists. I have tried to write this book so that either will understand it and learn something from it.

Tool steels should be pre-heated or even annealed before welding and then cooled carefully or even post-heat treated. But in all my years of welding tool steels, I have never been allowed to anneal a tool before welding because the customer would never accept the increased down time and cost! This book, therefore, tells the repair welder how to com- promise between what the customer wants and how best to give him that within the constraints of good welding practice.

Purchasing and safely setting up suitable equipment is an essential part of mold tool and die repair welding. If you do not have suitable

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xiv Introduction

equipment, it will be like trying to play classical guitar music on a banjo - inappropriate and not always possible. Unfortunately, welding suppliers are not always as expert as they should be in selling toolmakers the most appropriate welding equipment for the kind of work they have in hand.

It is not always necessary to spend a lot of money to get the equip- ment that lets you do your job properly. Learning how to choose your equipment well is something that comes with experience. If more of us shopped around and insisted on borrowing equipment on approval before purchasing, fewer expensive mistakes would be made. Purchas- ing and safely setting up suitable equipment is discussed in Chapter 7.

The chemical compositions in this book come from many different sources, old and naw. Some may, therefore, be incomplete or slightly inaccurate but I have still used them because they contain sufficient information for welding purposes.

All the technical and practical information in this book is based on the way that I approach mold, tool and die repair welding, and should not be confused with official tool steel welding procedures.

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Preface Acknowledgements Introduction

1 How to use this book Can you TIG weld? Weld procedure Review

2 Writing your weld procedure Why you may need a weld procedure Collecting your information Weld procedure 1 Weld procedure 2 Weld procedure 3 Weld procedure 4

3 Identification of material Tool steels HRC file check Tool coppers Tool aluminum

ix xi


3 3 4 6 9

13 17

22 22 23 35 36

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vi Contents

4 Choosing your filler wire Buying filler wires Choosing filler wires General color match Photo/acid etch Cheapest filler Hardness (HRC) Butter/crack repair Filler wires for tool coppers Tab testing on aluminum and copper tools

5 Heat control Pre- heats Cooling Heat sources Pre-heating Oven heating Heating larger tools Post-heat treatment Pre-heating aluminum and copper Minimizing pre-heats on aluminum and copper

6 Weld techniques Weld procedures Cracking Previous bad weld repairs Sink Under cut (notches) Building pads of weld Preparing a tool for a pedestal pad Porosity (pin/blow holes) Arc marks (earthing and protecting sensitive areas) Using heat soaks and flood supports Getting around bad access Bending tungsten Controlling distortion Welding without full pre-heat

37 37 38 44 45 45 46 46 47 47

49 49 50 52 52 52 53 55 55 56

57 57 63 70 71 73 74 78 80 83 86 90 92 94 96

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Contents vii

Welding case-hardened tools Welding photo/acid etched and polished tools Using base metal as filler wire Welding fine details Filler wire

7 Equipment Safety Safety wear Keeping your work place tidy Power tools Welding equipment Setting up your equipment Control panels Other equipment

8 Basic TIG welding for beginners Holding your torch Torch angles Striking your arc Using your filler wire Welding exercises

Appendix I Appendix II Appendix I l l Appendix IV Temperature conversion table Appendix V Hardness conversion chart

Other steels and tool steels Elements and their symbols Millimeters to inches conversion table

Weld procedure sheet Index

97 98

101 101 102

105 105 107 110 111 111 115 120 123

129 131 132 133 134 136

144 193 195 196 197

199 20 1

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How t o use this book

This book covers most of the aspects of mold, tool and die repair TIG (tungsten inert gas) welding at shop floor level as well as the relative technical areas. In time, it will help you to understand the dif- ference between tool steels and why they need to be repaired dif- ferently, and aspects such as what your tool is made of, whether you need to pre-heat and what type of welding rods you should use, or even how do you weld and what should you weld with! Hope- fully this book will answer most, if not all, of these questions. So, whatever stage of welding competence you are at, this is your starting point.

Can you TIG weld?

No: if you cannot TIG weld, Chapter 7 discusses welding equipment, the types of accessory you will need and how to set them up. Chapter 7 also discusses safety, which is essential when dealing with welding. Chapter 8 goes on to tell you how to use your equipment and it also gives you welding exercises to help you develop your hand skills. Go to Chapter 7 then carry on to Chapter 8.

Yes: read through Chapters 7 and 8 to make sure that you have suitable equipment and that it is set up correctly, and that you fully understand the weld techniques you may need to master before you undertake tool repairs. Go to Chapters 7 and 8.

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2 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Weld procedure

Now you should be as comfortable and happy as possible with your equipment, so the next step is to understand what you are welding and how you are going to weld it.

I will assume that you have a tool that needs repair either in front of you or in mind. Your first step is to gather as much information as possible about the tool and what welding work is required. Write this all down in a format that you can understand. This will be called your 'weld procedure'; Go to Chapter 2.

Once you understand why all the information is put down in a format that is easy to understand, you will have learned that the basis for all quality welding is the 'weld procedure'.

Review 0







What type of equipment you should use and how to set it up: Go to Chapter 7. How to TIG weld: Go to Chapter 8. Where to start when you are happy with your equipment and welding ability: Go to Chapter 2. What material your tool is made from: Go to Chapter 3. Whether you need to pre-heat, and if so, how much: Go to Chapter 5. What filler wires you should use: Go to Chapter 4. Where to go for practical advice on weld techniques: Go to Chapter 6.

Once you understand how to use the chapters to complete your weld procedure, and how to put into practice the weld techniques outlined in Chapter 6, the rest is a matter of practice. Reading this book alone will not make you a good tool welder, but it will put you in a position to become one.

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Writing your weld procedure

A weld procedure is a set of instructions telling you how to perform a particular welding task. Like a recipe for baking a cake, it tells you the ingredients and their quantities followed by the cooking instruc- tions. So you could equally call your weld procedure a welding recipe with welding instructions.

All of the weld procedures and welding information in this book are general purpose and intended for the maintenance, repair and modification welding of molds, tools and dies. Any tools in need of repair that could threaten life or limb if not repaired correctly, e.g. aviation parts or vehicle parts, should never be repaired without prior consultation with the owner’s insurers.

Why you may need a weld procedure

1 To keep all of your repair information together on one sheet of paper.

2 As a detailed set of instructions for an operator. 3 As a detailed repair record for future reference.

What you need is a format for laying out your information in a logical progressive way, with a sketch if necessary. This is because the person who collects the information may not be available when the operator eventually undertakes the repair. You will need to have all

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4 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

the relevant information written into your weld procedure, even if you write it for your own use. Are you really likely to remember every detail that was available when you first discussed the repair? You may receive a tool with the damaged area highlighted in ink marker and then, without thinking, clean it off with a solvent as part of your prepa- ration and not remember what needs to go where! What follows is a lot of head scratching, guessing and eventually going back to your source for the repair information again. A customer may come back to you and tell you that the repair you made the last time was perfect and can he have the same again? But that was six months ago and you cannot remember because it was an unusual choice of filler wire. This is why detailed weld procedures are so important.

On page 197, there is a blank weld procedure form for you to copy and use for recording your information. The following pages will help you to fill it in.

Collecting your information

Before filling out the weld procedure, collect all the information on a note pad. It is useful to use a black pen for writing and for drawing outlines, a red pen for drawing in the welds and a black ink marker to draw on the tool itself to highlight the areas to be worked on. Keep handy a piece of sharpened filler wire to point at the areas of the tool when discussing fine details. Once you have your note book at the ready, these are the questions to ask and why you have to ask them:

1 What is the tool’s function, e.g. chuck jaws, aluminum die cast mold, sheet metal blanking die? This will go under ‘Description’. It will be valuable information if you do not know what the tool is made of (see page 24, Table 3.2). Also, if you have contamina- tion problems, it helps to know what environment the tool has been used in.

2 What material is the tool made of, e.g. D2, P20, H13? This will go under ‘Material’. It will tell you the tool’s chemical composition (see Chapter 3, Tables 3.3 and 3.4) and will give you a guide to the types of filler wire and pre-heat that you will need.

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Writing your weld procedure 5

3 What weld hardness is required, e.g. very hard (60HRC), medium hard (45HRC), soft (30HRC)? This will go under ‘HRC’. HRC stands for Hardness Rockwell C’. More information is available in Chapter 3 and in Appendix V. It will give you a guide to possible filler wires.

4 Will general heat discoloration be a problem? This will give you a guide on pre-heats (see Chapter 5, Table 5.1, page 50).

5 Is the area to be welded going to have a special finish, e.g. high polish, photo/acid etched, case hardened? This will give you a guide to filler wire selection (see Chapter 4, Table 4.2, page 44). This information should be put under ‘Other requirements’.

6 After you have discussed all the owner’s requirements, check the tool for any other problems and make sure that you mention any potential problems as soon as possible; see Chapter 6.

By this time you should have enough information to complete your weld procedure. Although many people may think that this amount of paper work is a waste of time, I can assure you that it is a most important routine, and avoids mistakes being made even before an arc is struck. As a learning aid, the weld procedure comprises a list of essential questions which have to be answered before any welding is started. I hope that the answers you need are in this book but, if not, get in touch with the company that makes your filler wires and talk to their technical department. Joining your national welding society will also give you a mine of readily accessed information.

The rest of this chapter is dedicated to four weld procedures used to repair the following tools:

1 HI3 core: a core from an aluminum die cast mold. 2 02 die: part of a punch and die set. 3 Aluminum cavity: part of a plastic blow mold. 4 Copper core: an innerlejector core of a plastic injection mold.

Each weld procedure is followed by a weld procedure breakdown to help you to see where the information came from.

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6 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Weld procedure 1

The first weld procedure features an H13 core from an aluminum die cast mold which is worn through general use. The core’s top shut off face and lower shut off edge are in need of repair.

Weld procedure 1 breakdown As you can see from this weld procedure (Fig. 2.1), it could double as a progress sheet which may be used by some companies but I will only concentrate on the weld procedure side.

Description; core

This is a brief description of the tool to be repaired.

Material: H 13

This is what the tool is made of. This information was supplied by the owner. If the owner did not know what the tool was made of, a full description of the tool (mold, aluminum die cast) should be taken and matched against Table 3.2, page 24, for a possible material. Table 3.2 would suggest a hot working tool steel, most likely H13 or possibly H21.

HRC; 52-55 This is the weld hardness requested by the owner of the tool.

Instruction sketch

This drawing shows the areas to be welded, i.e. the top shut off face which is worn and pitted due to general wear and tear. The uneven wear needs to be rebuilt with weld. The owner of the tool requested that care be taken to minimize sink where indicated to avoid molding problems. The lower shut off edge is also worn and needs to be rebuilt with weld; see Chapter 6, page 57, for welding instructions.

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Writing your weld procedure 7



Job no. 1 Company

Material HRC


Instruction sketch


Repair shut off face



Minimum / Repair sink shut off


4 Dye pen

Description )

Weld process TIG Pre-heat 150 "C

Preparation sketch.


Remove damaged

shut Off face

1 H13



Wire brush shut off edge


Other requirements


Argon Backing gas

Minimum sink below top shut of f face





Quantity Sign Date


Cooling: Heat insulating material Air 1 4

Dye pen Visual d

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8 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Preparation sketch

This sketch tells you to grind off the damaged shut off edge and that only a wire brush is needed to prepare the lower shut off edge.


This is a 'pre-inspection' request. This particular tool only needs a visual inspection before any welding takes place just to make sure that there are no other problems other than what has been stated. Although H13 die cast mold tools can suffer from severe surface cracking because of their working environment, this is unlikely to cause any major problems other than contamination during welding. If you see any potential problems with your tool, discuss this with the tool's owner as soon as possible.

Weld process; TIG (direct current, DC)

Of the many different types of welding processes, e.g. TIG, MIG (metal inert gas), stick, that can be used on mold, tool and die repair welding, TIG is the most suitable on this occasion.

Pre-heat: 150 "C

The pre-heat for H13 can be anywhere from 110°C to avoid general discoloration on fine finished tools up to 375°C when welding larger tools in crack-sensitive areas; see Chapter 5. This core is only l00mm (4") high, so it is a small tool that only needs the minimum pre-heat for H13, with general discoloration not being a problem.

Consumable: H 13

With the base metal being H13 and the required hardness being 52-55 HRC the automatic choice would be H13 filler wire. If you do not have an H13 filler wire because you do not weld H13, very often a general-purpose medium hard tool steel filler wire for welding hot and cold tools would be suitable; see Chapter 4.

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Writing your weld procedure 9

Gas; argon

Your welding gas will always be argon unless you are welding pure or larger sections of aluminum or copper, when welding may become a problem, or if you are using the MIG welding process. See your gas supplier if you need more details.

Other requirements: Minimum sink below top shut off face

This is basically a request from the owner of the core. Beneath the weld on the top shut off face where indicated in the instruction sketch, the owner requests minimum sink because this may hinder the separation of the core and the molded component after cooling; see Chapter 6, ‘Sink’, page 71.

Cooling: air

H13 has a carbon content of 0.3-0.4% which makes it unlikely to crack during cooling so it can be put to one side away from drafts, preferably at room temperature, and allowed to cool naturally.

Final inspection: visual

Because H13 is unlikely to crack (unless the repair is in a ‘crack- sensitive area’, see Chapter 6, ‘Cracking’, page 63), a simple visual inspection is all that is needed to check for welding errors, e.g. insufficient weld metal, excessive sink, contaminated weld metal (porosity/scale inclusions) or missing welds.

This is weld procedure 1 complete. Weld techniques and practical advice on this weld procedure are found in Chapter 6, page 57.

Weld procedure 2

This second weld procedure (Fig. 2.2) shows a broken D2 spoon blanking die from a punch and die set. The die is broken into two

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10 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

pieces. The owner of the die wants the die to be welded back together, retaining its hard 6OHRC cutting edge. The owner also wants no post-heat treatment and minimum distortion.

Weld procedure 2 breakdown Description: Spoon die

This is a brief description of the tool to be welded.

Material: 02

This tool is made out of D2.

HRC: 60HRC This is the finished hardness, requested by the owner.

Instruction sketch

The instruction sketch shows the broken die: ‘Prep. & fully weld on outside faces only’. It was requested by the owner that there must be a minimum amount of weld on the inside faces of the die because the inside faces will need to be finished by hand. The other faces will be surface ground: ‘Keep cutting edges 60 HRC’. The inside top edge is the tool’s cutting edge and needs to be of a similar hardness to the rest of the cutting edge, which is about 60 HRC.

Preparation sketch

In most cases preparation is obvious, e.g, ‘remove the damaged area and rebuild’. This time the preparation is specific. The preparation for this tool is ‘one-third preparation on outside faces only’; as you can see by the sketch provided, two-thirds of the thickness of the tool is removed as a weld prep. and one-third remains for location purposes. See Chapter 6, page 59 for full details.

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Writing your weld procedure 11

Job no. Company


Instruction sketch


Prep. &fully weld on outside faces



Keep cutting edges 60 HRC


Description I Date


Spoor die I

1 312 5tairle55 steel



60 HRC tool steel filler wire




Preparation sketch


Quantity Sign Date

1 g Preparation on outside faces only




Visual I d 1 I Dye pen I d I

Heat insulating material d Air

Weld process I TIG I Pre-heat I 300400°C

Dye pen d Visual d

Gas I Argon I Backing gas I Other

requirements Restrain during weiding

Fig. 2.2

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12 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Pre-inspection: visual and dye pen

A visual pre-inspection is standard on all tools. All tools should be inspected before any work takes place. This section is also a record of who performed the dye penetrant examination (dye pen) which is an essential pre-inspection process when dealing with high carbon, brittle tools such as D2. Dye pen is a crack detection process which is discussed in detail in Chapter 6, page 66, under 'Excavating cracked material'.

Weld process: TIG (DC)

TIG welding is most suitable for this repair. TIG is also known as GTAW (gas tungsten arc welding), GTA (gas tungsten arc) or just argon welding.

Pre-heat; 300-400 "C The pre-heats for high carbon/high chrome tool steels such as D2 can be anywhere between 140 and 450°C depending on the tool itself; see Chapter 5. In this case a minimum of 300°C pre-heat was chosen because it is a severe repair and a maximum of 400°C because 312 stainless steel will be used as the main filler wire and this starts to lose its excellent properties over 450°C.

Consumable: 312 stainless steel and a 6OHRC tool steel filler wire

This repair needs two different types of filler wire, 31 2 stainless steel filler wire to join the two broken pieces together and a 60HRC tool steel filler wire to replace the 60HRC cutting edge; see Chapter 6, Fig. 6.6, page 60.

Gas: argon

This is the most suitable torch gas for this type of repair.

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Writing your weld procedure 13

Other requirements: restrain during welding

The owner of the tool requested minimum distortion to help reduce the amount of surface grinding required to get the spoon die level again after welding. Restraining the die and using an alternated run sequence is very successful for repairs like this; see Chapter 6, Fig. 6.4, 6.5 and 6,6.

Cooling: heat insulating material

D2 is a brittle material because of its high carbon and high chrome content so it is given a high pre-heat to minimize the risk of cracking during welding. Once the tool is welded it needs to be slow cooled in vermiculite or dry sand; see Table 5.1, and ‘Cooling’ in Chapter 5, page 50.

Final inspection: dye pen and visual

Once the die reaches room temperature, in this case about 12 hours, it can be taken out of the heat insulating material and the restraint can be removed. A dye penetrant examination is performed to check for any cracking that may have occurred during welding or cooling. If this is clear, the tool repair is complete.

Weld procedure 3

This next weld procedure discusses the repair of a blow mold. The blow mold’s cut-off or pinch-off edges (nips) are worn and in need of repair.

Weld procedure 9 breakdown Description: blow mold

This is a brief description of the tool to be repaired (Fig. 2.3).

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14 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Weld process

Consumable I 1

Job no. I Company

TIG (AC) Pre-heat 100-150"

5356 (NG6)

Contact Material


Other requirements

Instruction sketch

Argon Backing gas

* I m p o r t a n t

maximum temp. during welding 100°C

Repair 'nips' where damaged



Description Date

~ ~~~~

Quantity Sign Date

Blow mold 1

Dye pen

Preparation sketch

Visual .I

Remove surface oxides and weld


12 I

Weld I Weld I I I

Cooling: 1 Heat insulating material I I Air 1 4 Final inspection

Fig. 2.3

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Writing your weld procedure 15

Material: aluminum

Most blow molds are made from aluminum, although there are some very long production run blow molds made from high chrome steels, e.g. 420 stainless steels or D2, but these are easily distinguished from aluminum. Obviously there are many different types of aluminum so it is very important to find out as much information as possible; see Chapter 3, page 36.

Instruction sketch

This sketch shows the damaged area to be welded: 'Repair nips where damaged'. Blow molding is a continuous process which relies on clean cutting nips. After a while these nips will become worn and will need to be welded.

Preparation sketch

This preparation sketch tells you to remove the surface oxides and any contaminated material before you can start welding. Full welding details in Chapter 6, page 61,

Pre-inspection: visual

A visual inspection is all that is generally needed for this type of repair. Give your tool a dye penetrant inspection if you feel it needs one.

Weld process: TIG (alternating current, AC)

The most suitable weld process for this type of repair is TIG, switched into AC (alternating current) mode; see Chapter 7, page 11 1, for more detai I s.

Pre-heat: 100-1 50 "C Aluminum is an excellent heat conductor which makes it difficult to weld cold because the heat will dissipate from the weld area very

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16 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

quickly. A pre-heat is needed just to make welding easier; see Chapter 5, ‘Pre-heating aluminum and copper’, page 55, for more details.

Consumable: 5356 (NG6)

Unfortunately the owner of this tool did not know what type of alu- minum his tool was made of. Most aluminum tools tend to be 6 series magnesium/silicon or 7 series zinc alloyed which are readily weldable with 5356; see page 43, ‘No. 11, 5356 standard filler wire’ and Table 4.1.

Without knowing what type of aluminum was being dealt with, it was decided to perform a tab test (see Chapter 4, ‘Tab testing’, page 47) just to make sure the weld metal held firm. It did, so the choice was made.

Gas: argon

Because this repair was on an open edge and the tool had been given a 100 “C pre-heat, argon was all that was needed for the torch gas; see Chapter 5, ‘Minimizing pre-heats on aluminum and copper’, page 56.

Other requirements: 180 “C strict maximum base metal temperature

It is very important not to allow the temperature of your aluminum tool metal to rise above 180°C during welding because it can start to lose its properties and begin to soften. See ‘Minimizing pre-heats on aluminum and copper, page 56.

Cooling: air

Aluminum does not usually suffer from cracking on cooling, so the tool can be cooled naturally in air, preferably away from drafts and at room temperature.

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Writing your weld procedure 17

Final inspection: visual

A visual inspection is all that is needed to make sure that there is enough weld metal to cover the repair and that there is no under cut (notches) at the ends of the welds, etc.; see Chapter 6 , page 61, for welding details.

Weld procedure 4 This final weld procedure looks at the repair of a hard copper mold tool from a plastic injection mold (Fig. 2.4). The inner/ejector core has a damaged shut off edge which is in need of repair.

Weld procedure 4 breakdown Description: ejector core

This tool is an inner/ejector tool copper core out of a plastic injection mold.

Material: tool copper

This has an unknown chemical composition so it is just classed as tool copper.


This tool was about 40HRC after a file hardness test; see Chapter 3, Table 3.1.

Instruction sketch

The sketch shows the ejector core. The core’s shut off edge has been damaged during assembly after routine maintenance and is in need of repair; see Chapter 6 , page 62, for full welding details.

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18 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding


Job no. 1 Company


Ejector core


1 ~ 0 0 1 copper


Instruction sketch

Visual u’ Dye pen

Pre-heat Weld process TIG

Fully weld shut off edge


Description 1 Date

Consumable 1



410 stainless steel

Preparation sketch

I Gas

Other requirements



Avoid mold face

Argon Backing gas

Wear protective breathing mask

against welding fumes

Quantity Sign Date

Wire brush and clean edge only




I Pre-inspection

Heat insulating material Air v

Dye pen Visual \I

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Writing your weld procedure 19

Preparation sketch

This sketch shows the damaged edge and suggests that it only needs a wire brushing and a clean down with a solvent, keeping the wire brush away from the mold face.

Pre-inspection: visual

This tool only needed a visual pre-inspection because it was unlikely to be cracked.

Weld process: TIG (DC)

TIG is the most suitable weld process for this type of repair.

Pre-heat; 100-150°C

Because we do not know what type of alloy copper is in this tool, we should assume the worst - beryllium copper, which is about 98% copper, making it an excellent conductor of heat, and 2% beryllium, giving the copper its 40 HRC hardness.

Pre-heating copper is only to assist welding by counteracting its excellent conductivity; see Chapter 5, ‘Pre-heating aluminum and copper’, page 55.

Consumable: 4 70 stainless steel

When i first started welding tool coppers, hard copper filler wires were unobtainable so I improvised with anything I could find, and discov- ered that stainless steels worked best. Since this tool required a 40 HRC weld finish, 410 stainless steel was chosen; see Chapter 4, ‘Filler wires for tool coppers’, page 47, for alternatives.

Gas: argon

This is the most suitable torch gas for this type of repair. If you intend to weld heavier section copper, see Chapter 7, page 113, ‘TIG

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20 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

welding gases’, and Chapter 5, page 56, ‘Minimizing pre-heats on aluminum and copper’.

Other requirements: wear protective breathing mask

Even with the very low fume emissions given off by the TIG welding process, it is essential to protect yourself against possible beryllium welding fumes so a fume mask must be worn. For more information on welding fumes see Chapter 7, ‘Welding fumes’, page 106.

Cooling: air

Copper tools are unlikely to suffer from cracking during cooling so always cool this type of tool naturally away from drafts.

Final inspection: visual

This tool only needs a visual inspection to make sure there is no damage to the mold face, that there is sufficient weld metal to cover the repair and that there is no under cut on the mold face.

For the reader who wishes to use this weld procedure as a progress sheet, Fig. 2.5 shows how it would look if I had completed all the work and inspection from start to finish.

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Writing your weld procedure 2 1

Description Job no. Company

Debut TOOl5


J. K. Rob Tool copper

Instruction sketch

Ejector core


Fully weld shut off edge



Visual .\i 5. Thompson Dye pen

40 I 2

Weld process

Consumable 1

Preparation sketch

Avoid mold face

TIG Pre-heat 100-150°C

410 stainless steel

Wire brush and clean edge only



Other requirements

I Pre-inspection

Argon Backing gas

Wear protective breathing mask against welding fumes



2 5. Thompson 9:7:99

2 5. Thompson 9:7:99

I Operation: I Quantity 1 Sign I Date

Dye pen Visual 4 5. Thompson

I Weld I I Cooling: I Heat insulating material 1 I Air I d

Fig. 2.5

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Identification of material

Tool steels

One of the most important steps in mold, tool and die repair welding is to identify the chemical composition of your work piece (what is your tool made of, e.g. carbon content, chromium content?). You must have this information in order to decide on the type of pre-heat needed; see Chapter 5. If it is not practical to pre-heat your tool, what type of weld technique would be suitable? (See Chapter 6, ‘Welding without full pre-heat’, page 96.) Choosing the right type of filler wire can also depend upon your tool’s chemical composition especially if you need to color match or if you intend to weld repair photo-etched tools; see Chapter 4, Table 4.2, page 44.

If you intend to weld a tool and you do not know what it is made of, you can either send it away for analysis to your local inspecting and testing engineers or you can guess. In my experience, most people are prepared to settle for a good guess rather than incur the time and expense of an analysis.

This chapter has four tables to help you to decide the tool’s hard- ness (HRC) and its chemical composition, e.g. carbon (C), chrome (Cr), molybdenum (Mo) content.

Table 3.1 gives you a guide to tool HRC (Hardness Rockwell IC’). Table 3.2 will give you some help if you know the tool’s name (e.g. aluminum die cast mold) but you do not know what it is made of, Le. its material name, e.g. P20, H21.

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Identification of material 23

Tables 3.3 and 3.4 give you the two most commonly used stan- dards, the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) and the German Werkstoff material numbers and their mean (average) chemical com- positions. Chemical compositions will always differ from book to book and from one manufacturer’s tool steel stock list to another, so it will be unlikely that your piece of P20 tool steel will exactly match the chemical composition in these tables, but they will be close enough for this type of work.

Appendix I lists other steels and tool steel names and numbers, old and new, with a close AIS1 or Werkstoff number comparison or a close chemical composition. These ‘comparisons’ only serve as a close guide to a tool’s chemical composition, not necessarily an exact match. This book is not a metallurgist’s handbook.

HRC Ale check

This can only be a rough guide because there are many tool metals, such as D2, that are occasionally used in their natural state (soft) when their carbon content is 1.40-1.60%, and tool metals such as P20 which are generally used in a pre-toughened state (not fully hard- ened). Run a file across a discreet corner of your tool and compare your finding with Table 3.1 below.

Table 3.1 HRC file check

Findinas HRC Possible carbon content

Easy to file (soft) 25-30 0.243% Hard but possible to file (medium) 40-55 0.347% Unable to file (hard) 60-70 0.6-2.5%

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24 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Table 3.2 Types of tool and their possible material type ' Types of tool Possible types of material

Anvils w1 Axes 1045 Blades

flying shear D2 granulator 02 hot shearing H13 rotary shear 0 1 shear A2, S1, L6 shear, for hard thin materials D3 shear, heavy duty, cold D3 shear, thick materials 1.2767

Blocks, die, cold, high pressing stress Broaches 0 1 Bushings 01 Cams 01 Centers, lathe 01, L3


Chasers 1.241 9 Chisels

hand SI pneumatic s1

collet w1 split s4

Collets 01 Cores

hammer w2 hot working 1.2567

circular, for cold rolled strip D2 milling 01 strip splitting 01

wire drawing D2 blanking D2, D3, SI coining A2,01, SI cold working w2 cupping D2 cutting w110 cutting, hot s1




deep drawing, for sheet metal die casting H13 die forging, small to medium work


L6, S4

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Identification of material 25

Table 3.2 Continued

Types of tool Possible types of material

die-casting, to be hobbed embossing embossing, hollow embossing, large extrusion, cold working extrusion, for aluminum and copper extrusion, for rubber bonded synthetics extrusion, hot working forging, cold working forging, hot working (non-excessive temps.) forging, hot working forging, hot working, heavy duty forming, for sheet metal gravity, for aluminum die casting gripper hammer, drop forge heading heading, cold working hobbing hot extrusion hot working for non-ferrous metals leather lower, hot working medium run molding part molding, for abrasive powder (ceramic) molding, synthetic plastic nail making, cold working plastic, corrosive pressing, chemically agressive compounds pressing, component pressure, for aluminum and zinc die cast punching resin (artificial), highly stressed resin, corrosive snap split hot heading swaging, hot working (non-excessive temps.) thread rolling threading trimming


P4 6F5, 1.2762 w110 w110 02 H13, H21 H13, H21 H19 A2, H13 s1 H13, H21 1.2744 D2 H13, H21 H13 L6 D2 A, L6 A2, L6, H13 02, L6 H2 1 1.2567, H21 Wl H21 01 L6 D3 P4, 1.2738 s1 420 1.231 6 1.2744, 1.2766, H12 H13, H21 W108, W110, A2, D2 P6 420 W108, S1 H13 s1 A2, D2, D3 L3 A2, D2 1.2008

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26 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Table 3.2 Continued

Types of tool Possible types of material

Gages master Plug ring

Hammers Hobs

cutting master, for cold hobbing

Jaws, chuck Knives

cloth cutting paper cutting resin bonded material cutting wood cutting

Liners, mold, for bricks and tiles Mandrels

for aluminum tube drawing for copper tube drawing for steel tube drawing

aluminum or zinc die cast chemically aggressive material complicated/intricate compression compression, for lead, zinc and tin alloys compressive, high cutt cutt, high wear resisting die casting, heavy duty glass long production run plastic cut plastic injection, very high polish plastic injection, very large presser casting, for light metals pressure casting pressure casting, brass rubber seal transfer

core, for molds ejector



D3 d2,01 d2,01 W1.1045

0 1 D2, 03, L6, M2, T1 0 1

01 01 A2 A2 D3

H13 H13 s1

H13, H21 420, 420mod. A2, D2, 0 1 H13 420, 420mod. ENBOB EN30B, 410 D2 420, 420mod. 420 A2, D2, 01, 420mod. D2 420mod. P20 H11 1.2567 H19 02 H13

D2 H13, L1

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Identification of material 27

Table 3.2 Continued Types of tool Possible types of material

Plungers Presses, metal extruding, non-ferrous metals Punches

blanking cold working cutting, complicated drawing engraving head high silicon and transformer material hot working stainless steel sheet and plate steel sheet and plate tableting, for abrasive and corrosive powers

Reamers Rings, hammer roll Rollers

sheet metal forming spinning

cold, small tube expanding

hammer pressing

circular, woodworking

metal cutting




, frame, woodworking

Scythe Shears Sleeves

abrasive and corrosive powder tabletting drill

Stamps, minting Strainers Taps

cold special

bending blanking, hot


H13 hi2

D3 L2 1.21 27 01 s1 s1 D2, D3 H13, S1 D2 D2, 03 D3 L3,.D3, D2, 01 1.2766

D2 A2

1.2057 01

w1, s4 s4

1.1830 1.1830 1.2442 w110 1045

03 1.2378 w2 W108

01, L2 D2, M2

1.2767 s1

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28 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Table 3.2 Continued

Types of tool

blanking, nut burnishing countersinking cutting, cold cutting, dynamo and transformer sheets cutting, heavy duty, cold cutting, medium duty, cold cutting, medium temperature cutting, precision, cold cutting, thread machining drawing, cold em bossing embossing, high stress heading, cold impact, cold knurling medium temp. piercing metal extrusion press metal extrusion piercing, hot pneumatic pre-forming press, extrusion, heavy duty press, for fine and medium work press, heavy duty pressing, hot, complexed engravings pressing, tube processing, synthetic plastics punching, heavy duty, cold punching, hot punching, medium duty, cold scraping sone working, hard stone working, medium hard trimming, cold trimming, hot trimming, medium temp.

Possible types of material

51 1.2008 12 W108 1.2378 D3 A2, S1 54 1.2008 01 1.2057 W110, 1.2767 1.2762 w2 W108 A2,1.2057 51 h11 16 H I 3 s1 s1 h10a d2,01 D2, D3 1.2767 16 P20 D3 S l A2 L2 w110 w1 54 H13, M2, S1, S4 S1, M1, M2

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Identification of material 29

Table 3.3 AIS1 and some BS numbers without their ‘B’ prefix (BHIONHlOA) with comparable Werkstoff numbers and their mean (average) chemical compositions

AIS1 Werkstoff C% Mn % Co% Cr% Mo% Ni % V % W %

A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A1 0 A1 1

D1 D2 D2A D3 D4 D5 D6 D7

F1 F2 F3

HI0 H1OA H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 HI 6 HI 9 H20 H21 H21A H22 H23 H24 H25 H26 H41 H42 H43

1.2363 - - - - - - - - -

- 1.2379 1.2601 1.2080

- - - - - - -

1.2365 1.2885 1.2343 1.2606 1.2344

- - - - -

1.2581 - - - - - -

1.3346 - -

1.00 0.60 1.25 0.30 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 0.70 2.00 2.25 0.30 0.55 0.30 0.50 0.30 1.35 1.80 2.45 0.50

1.00 0.40 1.50 0.40 1.75 0.40 2.20 0.35 2.25 0.30 1.50 0.40 2.25 0.40 2.30 0.40

1.10 0.50 1.30 0.50 1.25 0.50

0.40 0.30 0.32 0.30 0.35 0.30 0.35 0.30 0.35 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.55 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.35 0.30 0.35 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.35 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.45 0.30 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.30 0.65 0.30 0.60 0.30 0.58 0.30

5.00 5.00 1 .00 1 .00 1 .oo 5.25 5.00 5.00

5.1 5 -

12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.5 -

0.30 0.75

3.25 3.00 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.00 5.00 7.00 4.25 2.00 3.40 2.75 2.00

3 .00 4.00 4.00 3.75 4.00 4.10


1.15 1 .00 1 .00 1.15 1.25 1 .oo 1.25 1.40 1.50 1.30

1 .00 0.95 0.80

1 .oo 0.95




- - -

2.50 2.80 1.50 1.50 1.50

5.00 -

- - - -

0.60 - - - - -

8.00 5.00 8.00

- 1 .OO - - -


1 .oo




- - - - - - -

4.10 - - -

0.40 0.50 0.40 0.30 1 .oo - - -


0.40 0.50


- - - -

1 .oo 1.15 2.00 2.00

- - - - - -

1.25 - -

0.50 - - - - - -

1 .oo -

1.50 3.75 3.75 - - -



7.00 4.25 9.00 9.40 9.25



11.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 1.80 6.00 -

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30 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Table 3.3 Continued

AIS1 Werkstoff C % Mn % Co % Cr % Mo % Ni % V % W %

H224 H225

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7

M1 M2 M3 M4 M6 M7 M10 M15 M30 M33 M34 M35 M36 M4 1 M42 M43 M44 M46 M47 M48 M50 M52 M61 M62

0 1 0 2 0 6 0 7

P1 P2 P3

1.271 3 1.271 3

- 1.2210 1.2067

- -

1.2713 1.2303

1.3346 1.3343 1.3342

- -

1.3348 - - -

1.3249 1.3249

- -

1.3246 1.3247

- - - - -

1.3551 - - -

1.251 0 1.2842

- -

- - -

0.50 0.85 0.50 0.85

1.00 0.30 0.80 0.30 1.00 0.40 1.00 0.60 1.00 1.00 0.70 0.70 1.00 0.35

0.80 0.30 0.95 0.30 1.10 0.30 1.30 0.30 0.80 0.30 1.00 0.30 0.95 0.30 1.50 0.30 0.80 0.30 0.90 0.30 0.90 0.30 0.80 0.30 0.80 0.30 1.10 0.30 1.10 0.30 1.20 0.30 1.15 0.30 1.25 0.30 1.10 0.30 1.50 0.30 0.81 0.30 0.90 0.25 1.80 0.35 1.30 0.30

0.90 1.15 0.90 1.60 1.45 0.65 1.20 0.30

0.10 0.30 0.07 0.30 0.10 0.30

- - - - - - - - -

- - - -

12.0 - -

5.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 5.00 8.00 5.00 8.00 8.25

8.25 5.00 9.00 0.25


- - -

- - - -

- - -

0.90 0.90

1.25 1 .oo 1.50 1.50 1 .oo 0.75 1.50

4.10 4.1 0 4.10 4.40 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.25 3.75 3.75 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.90 4.00 4.00 3.90 3.90

0.50 - -

0.75 -

2.00 0.60

0.30 0.30

- - - -



8.00 5.00 5.50 5.00 5.00 8.75 8.00 3.50 8.00 9.50 8.00 5.00 5.00 3.75 9.50 8.00 6.25 8.25 9.50 5.10 4.25 4.50 6.40



- -

0.25 -

- 0.20 -

- -

- 0.20 0.20 0.20 - - -

1.10 1.90 2.75 4.20 1.50 2.00 2.00 5.00 1.25 1.15 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.15 1.60 2.00 3.20 1.25 3.00 1 .oo 1.90 4.90 2.00

- - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -

1.50 6.10 6.10 5.90 4.00 1.75

6.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 6.00 6.00 6.75 1.50 2.75 5.25 2.00 1.50 10.0 0.25 1.25





- -

1.75 - - -

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Identification of material 31

Table 3.3 Continued

AIS1 Werkstoff C % Mn % Co % Cr % Mo % Ni % V % W %

P4 P5 P6 P20 P2 1 P30

S l s2 s3 s4 s5 S6 s7

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T15 T20 T2 1 T42

w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 W6 w7 W108 w109 w110 w112 W209 w210 W310


1.2735 1.2330





- - - - - -

1.3355 - -

1.3255 1.3265

- - - -

1.3202 - -


- - - - - - -


1.1545 1.1663





0.07 0.30 0.10 0.30 0.10 0.30 0.35 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.55

0.50 0.30 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.55 0.80 0.55 0.75 0.45 1.40 0.50 0.30

0.70 0.30 0.80 0.30 1.05 0.30 0.90 0.30 0.80 0.30 0.80 0.30 0.75 0.30 0.80 0.30 1.20 0.30 1.50 0.30 0.80 0.30 0.65 0.30 1.30 0.30

1.00 0.30 1.00 0.30 1.00 0.30 1.00 0.30 1.00 0.30 1.00 0.30 1.00 0.30 0.80 0.30 0.90 0.30 1.05 0.30 1.20 0.30 0.90 0.30 1.05 0.30 1.05 0.30

5.00 2.25 1.50 1.70



0.75 0.35

1.50 3.25

4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.50 4.10 4.10 4.00 4.00 4.60 3.80 4.10




- - -

0.25 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.18* 0.1w 0.18* 0.1 8* 0.18* 0.18' 0.1 8*

0.75 - -


0.30 -

- 0.50 - -

0.40 0.40 1.40

- 0.85

0.85 0.85


- -

0.85 - -

0.80 0.70 3.10

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - -

0.20 2.00

- 1.00 - -

0.35 - - - - - - -

1.10 18.0 2.10 18.2 3.00 18.0 1.00 18.0 2.10 18.2 1.50 20.0 2.10 14.0 2.10 14.0 4.00 12.0 5.00 12.0 1.50 21.8 0.50 14.0 3.00 9.00

- - 0.25 - 0.50 - - - - -

0.25 - 0.20 - - - - - - - - -

0.25 - 0.25 - 0.45 -

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32 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Table 3.3 Continued

AIS1 Werkstoff C % Mn % Co % Cr % Mo % Ni % V % W %

6G 6F2 6F3 6F4 6F5 6F6 6F7 6H 1 6H2

41 0 416 420 431 440A 440B 440C

0.55 0.80 0.55 0.75 0.55 0.60 0.20 0.70 0.55 1.00 0.50 - 0.40 0.35 0.55 - 0.55 0.45

0.11 0.80 0.15 1.20 0.20 0.80 0.19 0.80 0.70 0.80 0.85 0.80 1.10 0.80

- 1 .oo - 1 .oo - 1 .oo

- 0.50 - 1.50 - 1.50 - 4.00 - 5.00

- -

- 12.5 - 13.0 - 13.0 - 16.0 - 17.0 - 17.0 - 17.0

0.45 - 0.35 1.00 0.75 1.80 3.35 3.00 0.50 2.70 0.20 - 0.75 4.25 0.45 - 1.50 -

- -

0.50 - - - - 1.60

0.65 - 0.65 - 0.65 -

~~ ~ ~

*Estimated chrome content.

Table 3.4 German Werkstoff numbers with comparable AIS1 numbers or a close matching chemical composition

Werkstoff AISI/SAE C % Mn % Co % Cr % Mo % Ni % V % W % ~~

1.1525 W108 1.1545 W110 1.1625 W1 1.1645 W1 1.1663 W112 1.1673 - 1.40 0.50 1.1730 1045 0.45 0.70 1.1 740 - 0.60 - 1.1750 W1 1.1820 1 .I830 - 0.86

- - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - -

- - - - - 0.55 0.70 - - - - - - - - -

- - - 1.2002 - 1.20 0.40 - 0.40 - 1.2008 - 1.40 0.50 - 0.35 - 1.2057 - 1.00 0.50 - 1.10 - 0.20 -

- - - -

1.2067 L3 1.2080 D3 1,2082 420

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Identification of material 33

Table 3.4 Continued

Werkstoff AISVSAE C % Mn % Co % Cr % Mo % Ni % V % W %

1.2083 1.21 62 1.2127 1.2210 1.2241 1.2303 1.231 1 1.231 2 1,231 6 1.2330 1.2332 1.2341 1.2343 1.2344 1.2361 1.2363 1.2365 1.2367 1.2378 1.2379 1.241 9 1.2436 1.2442 1.2510 1.251 5 1.2542 1.2547 1.2550 1.2562 1.2567 1.2581 1.2601 I .2606 1.2631 1.2663 1.2678 1.271 1 1.271 3 1.2714 1.271 8 1.2721 1.2735 1.2738

420 - -

L2 L2 L7 P20 P20

P20 41 42 P4 H11 H13 440B A2 H10


- -

D2 - - -

0 1

s1 s1 s1


- -

H21 D2A H12

A2 H I 9 6F2 L6 L6 6F5 L6 P6



0.42 - 0.21 1.25 1.00 1.05

0.36 -

0.37 - 2.20 0.30

1.15 0.95 2.20 0.30 1.05 -

1.05 0.50

1.25 0.50 0.32 -

0.53 -

0.40 1.45

13.0 1.20 1.05


5.00 13.0





0.35 2.40



- - - - - -

- -

0.60 - - 0.80

- 1.20

- 2.10

0.20 0.75

- -

0.20 3.50 0.60 4.30

- 1.20

- -

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34 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Table 3.4 Continued Werkstoff AISVSAE C % Mn % Co % Cr % Mo % Ni % V % W % - 1.2744 1.2762 1.2764 1.2766 1.2767 1.2770 1.2787 1.2826 1.2833 1.2842 1.2885 1.3202 1.3207 1.3243 1.3246 1.3247 1.3249 1.3255 1.3265 1.3342 1.3343 1.3344 1.3346 1.3348 1.3355 1.3505 1.3551 1.3554LW 1.4005 1.4006 1.401 4LW 1.4021 1.4028 1.4034 1.4057 1.4110 1.41 12 1.41 40 1.4528 1.5864 1.6582 1.6747

- - - - - -

431 ss s4 w 2 0 2 HlOA T15

- M41 M42 M33/34 T4 T5 M3 M2 M3 H41/M1 M7 T1

M50 M2

41 0 420 420



- -


440B -

- - -

4340 -

0.57 - 0.70 - 0.19 0.40 0.32 - 0.45 0.40 0.85 -

1.30 0.30 0.90 0.30

0.82 0.40

1.00 0.50

0.12 -

0.33 - 0.46 -

0.60 -

0.43 - 1.07 - 0.32 -

0.30 -

1.10 0.80 1.50 0.70 1.25 0.20 1.20 0.20 1.35 0.25 - -

4.10 3.10 4.10 5.00

3.80 8.60

1.45 -

12.5 -

13.5 - 13.0 -

14.1 0.60

13.2 - 17.0 1.10 1.20 0.20

1.25 0.30

1.70 0.50 4.00 4.10 4.00 0.80

- -




- -


1 .oo

4.10 -


0.10 - - 0.30 - - - - - -

0.10 -

3. 0 9.00 2.00 6.20

1.15 1.75

- -

- -

- - - -

0.10 -

- - 0.10 - - -

- -

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Identification of material 35

Tool coppers There are many types of copper alloy used in the manufacture of tools across the whole spectrum of industry. This section concentrates on the types of tool copper used in the manufacture of mold tools.

Most tool coppers connected with mold tools tend to be two main types: mold face coppers and working coppers.

Mold face coppers (color: copper and light copper) Copper color

Copper colored, copper mold tools will be of low alloy copper. If the tool is soft it may contain low levels of nickel (2%), chromium (0.5%) and/or beryllium (0.5%). If the tool is hard, it may contain high levels of beryllium (2-3%).

Light copper color

Light copper colored, copper mold tools will be of a higher alloy copper. These tools may contain high levels of nickel (lo%), silicon (3%) with additions of chromium.

These coppers and light coppers tend to be used in the manu- facture of mold cores, cavities, pinch offs (nips), sprue bushings, hot runner systems, core pins ejector pins and blow pins, etc.

Some mold face tool coppers (trade names)

AMPCO; a3 ,9 i , 95,97,940,945 UDDEHOLM; Moldmax and Protherm

Working coppers (color: yellow copper) These yellow copper tools (slides, bushes, wear plates, etc.) used behind the scenes on mold tools will be a high alloy copper. They are likely to contain 8-1 5% aluminum, 3 4 % ferrite and, if they are hard, up to 3% beryllium.

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36 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other behind the scenes tools include gibs, mold locking devices, sleeve bearings, guide pin bushings, guide rails, lifter blades and leader pin bushings.

Some working coppers (trade names) AMPCO; 18, 21/21W, 22/22W, 25, M4

Tool aluminum

Today, aluminum is becoming more and more popular in the pro- duction of mold tools and other tools. Its uses include: injection blow molding, extrusion blow molding, injection molding, vacuum forming lay-up molds, rubber molds, shoe molds, load cells, foam molds, pro- totype tooling, carpet forming molds, robotics, general tools, jigs and fixtures.

Although you may feel that you can identify aluminum without any help, beware! Aluminum can look like anything; only its weight will give it away. Aluminum can be hard chromium plated which will give it an 80 HRC mirror finish, it can be bright red or green or it can look and feel like cast iron because it can have tool steel inserts fitted. Fortunately most forming and molding aluminum is easy to recog- nize. Here are some that you may come across:

Wrought tool aluminum - 1050A, 6061 / HE20, 6063 / HE9, 6063A, 6082 / HE30, 7020 / HE17, ALUMEC 79 and 89. Cast aluminum - LM6, LM25, LM5.

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Choosing your filler Wire

Once you have decided that you intend to weld molds, tools or dies, you will need to make a list of all the different types of tool metals that you are likely to come across. You will have to decide, with the help of this chapter, exactly what you want because there are sup- pliers that will sell you what they have, not necessarily what you need. Write down as much information about each tool metal as possible: chemical composition, e.g. 0.35C, 5.0Cr, 1 .OV, 1.5Mo; material name, e.g. H13; hardness, e.g. 52-55HRC, and whether the tool is to have a special finish, e.g. case hardened, high polish, photo/acid etch. This list will be the basis for your filler wire selection. If you need help to identify your material, go to Chapter 3.

Buying filler wires Get in touch with your local welding equipment suppliers and tell them that you need filler wires to cover your list of tool metals. They will probably not stock tool metal filler wires, so they will contact their main supplier and pass you on to them. Their main supplier will prob- ably send a representative round with his or her trusty product hand- book that details their product range. To help you to understand filler wires and the metals they are designed to weld, try to persuade the main supplier’s representative to leave you a product handbook so that you can match any future tools against their filler wires. Not every

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38 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

local welding supplier will carry tool metal filler wires, so you may have to shop around. Even if you do find a supplier for your filler wires, they might not be able to supply you with every kind you need, so try other suppliers and avoid buying a ‘general-purpose filler wire’ when you need a ‘matching filler wire’.

‘General-purpose filler wires’ are filler wires that cover groups of tool steels, e.g. if you intend to weld cutting tools like punches and dies, the most important character of your filler wire should be its hardness and its edge retention (will it do the job and will it last?), not necessarily its chemical composition. ‘Matching filler wires’ are filler wires that have been specially made to chemically match one type of tool metal, e.g. if you intend to weld repair a photo etched P20 mold you should be using a chemically matching filler wire, not a general-purpose filler wire; see Table 4.2, page 44, also see Chapter 6, page 98, ‘Welding photo/acid etched and polished tools’.

Choosing filler wires

There are thousands of different types of tool steel, and many types of tool copper and tool aluminum, but only a limited number of tool filler wires, so choosing a ‘matching filler wire’ for your tool metal can be a problem. Fortunately there are some specialist tool steel manufacturers who make filler wires to go with their tool metals, which can be very helpful, such as Modified 420, P20, H13, A2, M2, some copper and some aluminum, so if you use special- ized tool metals you could contact your main tool metal supplier for guidance.

Basically when choosing tool filler wires you have to decide what you want the end result to be because you can put just about any steel filler wire on any tool steel. Aluminum, though, does not weld on steel or steel on aluminum although they can be joined with other processes. High alloy steels like stainless steels will weld on coppers and coppers on steels, so do not be afraid to experiment. It is gen- erally understood, however, that if you cannot find a filler wire with a

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Choosing your filler wire 39

matching chemical composition to the tool you intend to weld, then you should ‘over match’ e.g. pick a filler wire that has more, not less, of the tool’s main alloys: Cr, W, Mo, V, Ni, Mn, Co (steel’s main alloys), Mg, Si, Mn, Zn, (aluminum’s main alloys).

So to summarize, identify your material, contact your local welding suppliers and get them to send a representative to discuss suitable filler wires.

To help you to choose your filler wires, here is my day-to-day selection of TIG filler wires:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11

1% Cr Mo (A32) standard filler wire. P20 tool steel filler wire. H13 tool steel filler wire. Medium hard (50 HRC) general-purpose tool steel filler wire. Very hard (60 HRC) general-purpose tool steel filler wire. 41 0 stainless steel standard filler wire. Modified 420 stainless tool steel filler wire. 31 2 stainless steel standard filler wire. lnconel 625 ‘type’ standard filler wire. 4043 standard aluminum filler wire. 5356 standard aluminum filler wire.

1 1% Cr Mo (A32, ER 80 S-B2, SO CrMo 1,1.7339) standard filler Wire

Chemical composition: 0.1 C, 0.9Mn, 1.1 Cr, 0.5Mo Hardness: 25 HRC 1.6mm and 2.4 mm diameter filler wires

This filler wire has a similar chemical composition to P20, so it can be used as a ‘soft’ P20 because of its lower carbon (C) content. I have also used it to repair photo-etched P20 mold tools when full hardness was not required. It is also very useful for bulking out large repairs instead of using all P20 filler wire because it is rela- tively inexpensive. This wire is also suitable for case hardening and nitriding.

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40 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

2 P20 tool steel filler wire Chemical composition: 0.33C, 1.5 Cr, 1 .O Mn, 0.5 Mo Hardness: 40 HRC 1.6mm diameter TIG filler wire

This filler wire is made to closely match P20, so it is ideal for the repair of photo etched and high polished P20 type tools. Unfortunately, you are very unlikely to get a filler wire that matches a tool metal exactly, unless you buy your filler wire from the company that makes the tool metal.

3 H13 tool steel filler wire (SO 6-60) Chemical composition: 0.35C, 5.0Cr, 1.3M0, 1 .OV Hardness: 52 HRC 1.6mm diameter filler wire

This filler wire is specially designed for the repair of H I3 tools, although it could also be used on low alloy tool steels if a medium hard weld was needed. I have used two different types of HI3 filler wire: a flux cored TIG wire which was found to be unsuitable for plastic mold tool repair and fine die cast molds and a solid TIG wire suitable for all repairs.

4 Medium hard general-purpose tool steel filler wire (SO 3-45,1.8567)

Chemical composition: 0.32C, 0.3 Mn, 2.5Cr, 0.43 W, 0.5V Hardness: 50 HRC 1.6mm diameter TIG filler wire

This is a tool steel filler wire that has been specially designed to weld hot working tools of a similar chemical composition, e.g. 2567, SKD 4 and SI, and lower alloy tools of a similar nature. I tend to use this filler wire on most materials that need a 45 to 50HRC weld repair when there is a closer match and where the chemical composition is not important, e.g. 2767, EN30B, H13, H21. This filler wire acid

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Choosing your filler wire 41

etches to a similar depth as 2767 even though the chemical com- position is completely different.

S Very hard general-purpose tool steel filler wire (high speed steel)

Chemical composition: Cr, Mo, V, W, high speed steel, e.g. M3, M I type alloys

Hardness: 60 HRC 1.6mm diameter TIG filler wire

This type of filler wire is designed to weld cutting tools such as lathe tools, milling cutters of a similar chemical composition and low alloy tools of a similar nature. Small repairs can be performed using a pre-heat and a slow cool as described in Chapter 5; larger repairs should be annealed first followed by hardening and temper- ing. This type of filler wire can be used on any steel that needs a 60 HRC finish.

6 410 stainless steel standard filler Wire Chemical composition: 0.1 C, 14.5Cr Hardness: 40 HRC 1.6mm and 2.4mm diameter TIG filler wire

I use this filler wire to repair 13 chrome type tools, e.g. D2, 420 stainless steel, where hardness is not important but chemical composition is. It can also be used to repair shut off edges on copper tools, e.g. inserts and cores, if that tool requires a 35 to 40HRC weld. Unfortunately stainless steels are bad conductors of heat so this might reduce the effectiveness of copper heat soak inserts.

7 Mowed 420 stainless steel, tool steel filler wire Chemical composition: modified 13% chrome Hardness: 52-56 HRC 1.6mm diameter TIG filler wire

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42 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

This filler wire is a high quality hybrid of 420 stainless, specially made to complement modified 420 stainless steel tool steel. This filler wire can be used to repair D2 and modified 420 stainless steel mold tools when chemical composition and hardness are important, e.g. highly polished and photo etched tools. It can also be used to re-edge hard copper tools.

8 312 stainless steel Chemical composition: O.lOC, 1.60Mn, 30.0Cr, 9.ONi Hardness: 26 HRC 1.6mm and 2.4mm diameter TIG filler wire Elongation: 25%

This filler wire is an excellent all-rounder because of its tough but elastic nature. It is designed for joining and surfacing difficult to weld steels. It can be used to reassemble broken tools such as D2 strip- per plates and dies (see Chapter 2, ‘Weld procedure 2’, page 9), as a buffer layer on hard tool steels requiring large repairs see ‘Butter/crack repair’, page 46, and repairing cracked tools where chemical composition is not a problem. Also, this filler wire is com- monly sold to inexperienced ‘would be’ tool welders who wish to weld P20 tools. It will happily weld P20 but its chemical composition is completely different. Unfortunately this makes 31 2 stainless steel unsuitable for polished and photo etched tools because cosmetically it would look different. This filler wire is not suitable for use over 450°C, so do not use it to repair very high carbon tools such as D3 because the pre-heat and maintained welding temperature will probably damage its properties. For this, use ER Ni Cr Mo-3.

9 ER Ni Cr Mo-8 (Inconel 625 type) standard m e r wire

Chemical composition: 60.0 Ni, 22 Cr, 9 Mo, 3.5 Nb (Cb)/Ta Hardness: 160 HV (very soft) 1.6 mm diameter TIG filler wire Elongation: 30%

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Choosing your filler wire 43

This is the ultimate in filler wires, my safety net! If all else fails, this will do the job, unless you are trying to weld your pocket calculator to your coffee cup. This filler wire was developed as a joining and sur- facing wire of chemical related work for its high strength, high heat and corrosion resistance. I tend to use this wire on high carbon tools where high pre-heats are required, e.g. D3, and instead of 31 2 stain- less steel if this starts cracking. I also find it suitable for repairing some copper tools when hardness is not a problem, and for joining coppers to steels even though it is not designed to do so.

10 4043 standard aluminum filler wire Chemical composition: 5% Si 2.4 mrn and 3.2 mm diameter TIG filler wire

This filler wire is designed for joining and surfacing aluminum alloys with up to 7% silicon content, with silicon being the principal alloy- ing element. It is also suitable for welding aluminum alloys with less than 2% alloying elements; see Table 4.1, below. If an aluminum alloy’s chemical composition cannot be identified, perform a ‘tab test’ (see ‘Tab testing on aluminum and copper tools’, page 47), with 4043 on cast aluminum. If it takes, weld it with 4043 (always perform your tab test on a discreet outside corner). If there are any problems, try 5356, and if there are problems with that, send the tool away for analysis. 4043 filler wire is not considered suitable for tools to be anodized.

11 5356 standard aluminum filler wire

Chemical composition: 5% Mg 1.6 mm, 2.4 mm and 3.2 mm diameter TIG filler wire

This filler wire is designed to weld aluminum alloys with more than 3% magnesium content and it is considered suitable for repairs on tools to be anodized. It is used mainly on wrought aluminum (not cast) especially on hardenable aluminum alloys, e.g. blow molds and other aluminum mold tools, see Table 4.1 below.

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44 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Wrought AI Filler wire Cast AI Filler wire

1050N1 B 4043 LM2 4043 6061/HE20 Either LM5 5356 6063/HE9 Either LM6 4043 6082/HE30 Either LM18 4043 7004 5356 LM25 4043 7020/HE17 5356 356.0 4043 7075 5356 A356.0 4043 Alumec 79/89 5356

Base metals Modified 420

Photo/acid etch 2* 7 , 6 7, 6 3 2* 2* 2, 1 2* 4* 7, 6 see page 47 see page 47

RC) 5 , 7 5 5 3 , 4 4 , 3 5 , 4 2 , 1 4 , 5 4 , 7 7 , 6 7, 6, 8 or 9

8 , 9 8 , 9 9 8,9 8,98,98,9 8.98,9 8,9 9

, modified 420 stainless steel; 8, 31 2 stainless steel, 9, lnconel 625 type.

The following sections give you an easy reference on how to use different filler wires on a particular tool metal to achieve different results; see Table 4.2. The ‘important issues’ from Table 4.2 are discussed in more detail: general color match, acid/photo etch, cheapest filler, hardness (HRC) and buttedcrack repair.

General color match

A general color match in mold, tool and die repair welding is when the weld metal’s actual color has to match the tool metal’s actual

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Choosing your filler wire 45

color (e.g. if the toolmaker makes a mistake on a new tool and needs to make a weld repair and they do not want the customer to know about it). But this is only a general color match in some cases and should not be confused with an actual chemical composition match, e.g. modified 420 stainless steel can be repaired with 410 stainless steel to give an excellent color match but the 410 stainless steel carbon content is only 0.1 % instead of 0.4%, making it much softer after hardening. If you need an exact match and there is no match- ing filler wire available, cut a piece of parent metal into matchsticks as described in Chapter 6, page 101.

Photo/acid etch This is very important and probably the least understood field in mold repair. The practical welding technique is discussed in Chapter 6, page 98, ‘Welding photo/acid etched and polished tools’, but in this section only filler wires are discussed. Choosing the wrong filler wire for an acid etched repair will give dark or bald patches on your molded plastic component. If you have had this problem, you will understand what I mean. You must choose a wire that corrodes at the same rate as the parent metal.

In some cases you may need to repair a tool that does not have a matching filler wire, e.g. 2767 (EN30B, 6F7, Cly die, Rab 1, 4%Ni types). In this case you can use a piece of parent metal as discussed in Chapter 6, page 101, ‘Using base metal as a filler wire’, or you can try to match its corrosive potential by using a filler wire with a similar percentage of alloys. For example, I welded a 2767 (0.45C, 0.40 Mn, 4.1 ONi, 1.40Cr, 0.30Mo) test piece with my medium hard general- purpose 50HRC tool steel filler wire (0.4C, 2 .50 , 4.5W, 0.5v) and found that they both etched to a similar depth, so, if in doubt, ‘experiment’!

Cheapest filler This is basically a money-saving tip because some tool steel filler wires can be very expensive, e.g. if I had to repair a large D2 punch

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46 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

tool which needed a large amount of weld, I would lay down a single layer of 312 stainless steel to act as a buffer layer, build up the bulk of the repair with 41 0 stainless steel then the last three or four layers of weld would be my general-purpose 60HRC hard filler wire; see Chapter 6, page 103, ‘Economical weld technique (bulking out)’. As you can see from Table 4.2, this technique can be used on most tool steels.

Hardness (HRC) This entails finding out what hardness is required and matching that to the filler wires that are available. I am quite happy to use my two general-purpose filler wires on any tool steel to achieve a required hardness unless a ‘matching filler’ is required. Avoid using low alloy, high carbon tool steel filler wire as a general-purpose filler as this may cause problems with higher alloy tools.

Butter/crack repair

When repairing cracked and broken tools it is easier to use a filler wire that has more give (elongation properties) than the parent metal to reduce the risk of cracking during welding and to reduce the risk of further cracking during the tool’s productive life. When repairing cracks I will use as much 31 2 stainless steel or lnconel 625 type weld metal as possible and then finish off with at least three layers of my final wire; see Chapter 6, Fig. 6.6(b), page 60, and 6.47(d), page 96. Where possible, I will always try to use a matching filler wire to retain the tool’s original properties but there are many cases when this is not practical, especially on high carbon and high speed tools which would need to be annealed first. Generally the most important part of repairing cracked and broken mold tools, punches and dies is achieving minimum distortion so that only minimum re-machining and finishing are necessary after welding, thereby minimizing down time. Annealing these tools before welding is not an option.

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Choosing your filler wire 47

Filler wires for tool coppers

Most copper filler wires are readily available from your local welding supplier, e.g. C7 for the repair of pure coppers, C11 for the repair of phosphor bronzes and brasses, C13 for the repair of aluminum bronze. Hardenable copper filler wires will not be kept in stock so they will need to be specially ordered in. These filler wires will gener- ally have to come from the manufacturer of the hardenable tool copper parent metal. When I repair small areas such as shut off edges on mold tool inserts that are made out of hardened tool copper, I will generally use modified 420 stainless steel (53 HRC), 41 0 stainless steel (43HRC), 312 stainless steel (26HRC) or lnconel 625 type (1 60 HV, very soft) depending upon what is required. Obviously stain- less steels are totally different from coppers so there will be a differ- ence in texture on the molded component. If this causes a problem, get in touch with your tool copper supplier and ask them if they sell filler wires to go with their product.

Tab testing on aluminum and copper tools

There are going to be many occasions when you cannot identify a tool’s chemical composition and it is not practical to send it away for analysis. Once you have exhausted all efforts trying to identify your

(a) Weld tab to work piece as close to edge as possible in a discreet area

(b) Hit off with hammer, against the weld

Fig. 4.1

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48 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

tool metal, tab testing could at least give you a reasonable option. There are two types of tab test:

Tab test 1. Run an inch of weld on a discreet part of your tool with the filler wire or wires you think could be suitable and try to chisel it off. Then you will have to make a decision whether you think it held firm or not. Tab test 2. Your tab test metal is not part of your tool - it will be a piece of scrap metal (bar or plate) which has been prepared from a known source. Decide on which filler wire or wires you think may be suitable. Cut a piece of metal to use as a tab, ideally 50mm x 25mm x 5mm for each filler wire you intend to try. Make sure that your tab metal is made out of a material that is compatible with your test filler wire. Weld the tab onto a discreet, area on your tool as shown in Fig. 4.1. and try to hit it off with a hammer in the direction shown. Then you will have to decide whether you think it held firm or not.

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Heat control

Pre-heat s

In tool and die repair welding, pre-heats, cooling and discoloration are very controversial areas. Generally the customer insists on no dis- coloration, which is impossible if the tool is to be welded correctly (unless the tool is welded in an argon chamber). Also there are many ‘past practice’ people who believe that pre-heat is simply not nec- essary. Basically, welding without pre-heat is simply taking a risk and from time to time you have to take that risk. Because of customer demands I have welded hundreds of tools this way and I will con- tinue to do so, but in this situation, it is important to use a very cau- tious weld technique as discussed in Chapter 6, page 96, ‘Welding without full pre-heat’. For the sake of the tool and for customer sat- isfaction, a compromise has to be found between the customer’s request for no discoloration and the higher the risk of cracking when no or low pre-heat is carried out.

The standard pre-heats and my compromised, no discoloration pre-heats are given here. It is important to note, however, that as soon as you start welding, the temperature of the tool will automatically increase.

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50 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding ~~

Table 5.1 No discoloration pre-heats (“C)

Material Standard No discoloration Cooling

A2 D2 D3 H13 L6 0 1 P20 s1 2767 Modified 420 stainless steel Stavax type

250-350 250-350 350-450 150-250 200-250 250-350 150-200 200-250 150-250


100-1 40* max 140-180* max Not recommended* 1 7 0-1 50 max 1 10-1 50 max 100-1 40* max 100-140 max 110-150 max 110-150 max

140-1 80 max

Slow Slow Slow Air Air Slow Air Air Air


*A2, D2 and 0 1 are very crack sensitive and must be welded with extreme caution at lower than standard pre-heat temperatures; see Chapter 6, page 96, ‘Welding without full pre-heat’. 03, however, is extremely crack sensitive even at its standard pre-heat temperature.

Cooling In Table 5.1 there are two types of cooling ‘air’ and ‘slow’. Air cooling your tool after welding allows it to cool naturally, away from drafts where possible. To slow cool your tool after welding, bury it in sand or vermiculite - both materials are readily available from your local bui Ide r.

Because of the number of tool steels available, each having many different names, it is impossible to list every one and its pre-heat tem- perature. Table 5.2 gives a general guide towards pre-heats based on the tool’s carbon content. To help you determine the carbon content, turn to Chapter 3.

Tools that are 60 HRC and above should have a minimum pre-heat of 350°C. Hardened and tempered high speed tool steels should have a minimum pre-heat of 400°C and tempering after welding for one to two hours at 54O-55O0C, then slow cool.

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Table 5.2 Pre-heats

Carbon content (%) Pre-heat ("C) Cooling

LOW 0.2-0.3 100-1 50 Air 0.3-0.4 150-200 Air

Medium 0.4-0.5 150-250 Air 0.5-0.6 200-300 Slow

High 0.6-0.7 250-350 Slow 0.7-2.5 250-450 Slow

Heat control 51

Even after you have decided on your pre-heat based upon your tool's carbon content, it is also very important to increase your pre- heat for larger tools, tools that need large amounts of weld and tools welded in 'crack-sensitive areas'; see Chapter 6, page 63, 'Cracking'. Table 5.2 would be relevant for up to pint-pot size tools. For television size tools, tools that need large amounts of weld and tools welded in crack-sensitive areas, an increase of up to 50% extra pre-heat is needed, but do not go above 450°C.

Once you have decided upon your pre-heat temperature, it must be reached gradually and evenly and then maintained, not allowing the tool to go below or more than a hundred degrees above that tem- perature during welding, until your weld is complete. Avoid keeping the tool at temperatures in excess of 475°C during welding.

Table 5.3 Low allov tool steel discoloration

Very pale yellow to light yellow Straw to deep straw yellow Dark yellow to brown yellow Brown to reddish brown Purple brown to light purple Full purple to dark purple Blue Dark blue

225 "C 235 "C 245 "C 258 "C 270 "C 280 "C 295 "C 315°C

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52 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Heat sources

The heat sources that I use are a combination of electricity and gas. I have a 350°C electric rod oven purchased from my local welding suppliers and a home made hot plate heated by a hand-held propane torch which is discussed in more detail in Chapter 7, page 123. For television sized tools and above, I have a home made, heavy duty hot bench which is heated in the same way as my hot plate, also dis- cussed on page 124. Most of the larger tools that I have welded were generally made out of P20 type materials which can be safely welded cold if proper care is taken; see Chapter 6, page 96, 'Welding without full pre-heat'.


Once you have decided on your final pre-heat temperature, it is now time to heat the tool itself. Ensure that all preparation has been completed, e.g. that you have identified the material and chosen an appropriate pre-heat temperature, that you can maintain your pre-heat temperature during welding and that you know how you are going to cool it after welding. Remember to remove from the tool any perishables such as seals, hoses or any non- metallic attachments that would be damaged at high temperatures. The tool must be thoroughly cleaned to remove any oils or cooling fluids.

Oven heating

Whatever type of oven you use, it is best to bring your tool up to working temperature gradually. Introducing a cold tool into an oven over 120 "C should be avoided, especially if the tool contains a variety of thicknesses which will heat up at different rates, increasing the chance of cracking and discoloration in sensitive areas, as shown in Fig. 5.1.

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Heat control 53

Shut off repair /

(a) Mold cavity repair

Repair Sensitive area

(b) Section through A-A

Thin sensitive rib

Sensitive to cracking & (c) Sensitive area

Fig. 5.1

There is, however, a way of speeding up your pre-heat process by leaving a piece of 25mm thick bar in your oven, with your oven set at 120°C. Place the tool on the bar, and it will conduct heat into the base of the tool as it heats up in the normal manner. Once the whole of your tool reaches 1 20"C, it is then safe to turn your oven up to your final pre-heat temperature.

Heating larger tools

For larger tools that will not fit in your oven, or if you do not have an oven, tools can be heated on a hot plate and gradually brought up

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54 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding


to temperature. This will not be practical if you have more than one tool to weld, so keep the hot plate at 180 "C and use two loose plates of 10mm thick aluminum alternately as a heat buffer as shown in Fig. 5.2.

Hot plate kept at 180°C

The cold sheet of aluminum heats up gradually and evenly which in turn heats up the tool. In this situation, to stop discoloration, you need to monitor the temperature. You can use a digital thermometer or temple sticks which are available from your welding supplier.

If your only heating source is a propane heating torch and a bottle of gas, then extra care must be taken. When using a naked flame to heat tools, you must make your working area safe, e.g. move your gas bottle a safe distance away, along with any flammable materials or pressurized canisters, and make sure that you are working in a well-ventilated area. It is also very important to make sure that you will not be heating any concrete flooring because this has a tendency to explode. Support the tool in such a way that you can heat its base without damaging any flooring or yourself!

Once you feel happy with your set up, it is important to heat the tool gradually and evenly, keeping your torch moving all the time, not allowing the flame to settle in one place as this might cause surface cracking. It is very important not to allow your flame to touch any part of your molding face or any finished sensitive area because the flame

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Heat control 55

contains water vapor which will condense and then evaporate, leaving a layer of rust which will require polishing. Once the tool's temperature rises above 50°C, the water vapor in your flame will not condense and it is then safe to heat your finish-sensitive areas.

Important note: when heating with a naked flame you must be more aware than normal of any fine areas that might over-heat because you will not notice that they have over-heated until you have moved your flame away.

Post-heat treatment

The type of tools that I normally repair (mold tools, punches and dies and small to medium sized fine tolerance tools) will not have any post-heat treatment because of re-machining and finishing costs.

The tools I have sent away for post-heat treatment have been larger heavy duty machine tools that are likely to suffer from high stress and fatigue. If you have any doubts in this area, get in touch with your local heat treatment company.

Preheating aluminum and copper

Generally, pre-heats are designed to minimize cracking but this is not the reason why aluminum and copper are pre-heated, although even aluminum and copper would be less likely to crack when pre-heated. Pure aluminum and copper are both excellent conductors of heat, so the heat from your arc is very quickly absorbed, giving the welder the impression that not enough amps are being used. The natural reac- tion to this is to keep turning up your amps until you get a molten pool. This is when problems can start, e.g. tungsten disintegrating and an inability to feed the filler wire into the pool because your arc is too ferocious. To counteract this, you need to pre-heat the base material to reduce the amount of heat loss from the pool. When pre-heating aluminum, it is very important to stay below 180°C

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56 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

because the aluminum will start to lose its original properties if held at elevated temperatures and tool aluminum would become soft. Also pre-heats on tool coppers should be limited to 400°C on chromium coppers, 350°C on nickel coppers and 215°C on beryllium coppers.

Minimizing pre-heats on aluminum and copper

To help to keep your pre-heat to a minimum, change the argon gas to an argon/helium or helium/argon gas. This will raise the tempera- ture of your weld pool without increasing your amps. Mixed gases are very important when welding heavier sections of aluminum and especially copper. See your local supplier for more details.

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Weld techniques

As you fill in your weld procedure, think how you are going to approach the repair. You will probably know what the tool has to look like when it is complete, so you must decide how you are going to get there. Once you have decided upon your base material, possible filler wires and pre-heat (your technical information), you can move on to the practical side of things - what preparation is needed, does the tool need restraining to reduce distortion, where do I put my first weld? Sometimes you might need arc guards to stop stray arcs from damaging nearby sensitive areas, or maybe a heat soak. Once you know what sort of assistance you can call on in the form of welding aids and tricks of the trade, you can start planning your practical approach.

The first section in this chapter discusses the practical methods used in the four welding procedures described in Chapter 2. It in- cludes the necessary technical information and how best to set it out.

Weld procedures

Weld procedure 1: worn H13 core Shut off face repair

Problem l a The top shut off face on this core is badly pitted through general use, causing flashing to occur.

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58 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Solution l a The top face must be removed by grinding because it is pitted and contaminated. Then the face will be rebuilt by welding. See Fig. 6.1.

Top shut off face

I c Finished height

Sequence of runs

Fig. 6.1

Shut off edge repair

Problem l b The shut off edge on this core is badly worn through general wear, causing flashing to occur.

Solution l b The shut edge is wire brushed, cleaned with a solvent and rebuilt with weld; see Fig. 6.2.

area. A single run of weld is all that is needed to cover the damaged

Damaged edge

(b) Fig. 6.2

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Weld procedure 2: broken DB spoon die

Problem 2 This spoon die has been broken into two pieces; see Fig. 6.3.

Solution 2 The broken spoon die is to have a one-third preparation on the outside faces only because the customer insisted on minimum weld metal on the inside faces, minimum shrinkage and excellent reloca- tion of the broken pieces; see Fig. 6.4. To minimize distortion the tool must be restrained during welding (see Fig. 6.5) and welded in alternate sequence; see Fig. 6.6.

60 "-80'

(b) Section through A-A

Fig. 6.4

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60 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

The tool and its restraint must be heated to the same temperature before they are tacked together so they can be equally at the same heat-expanded size or they will fight against each other like a bi-metal strip and become distorted on cooling.

After welding, the restraint must be left on until the tool has cooled to at least 150°C if the tool could not be fully welded because of the restraint. Once the restraint has been removed the tool must be heated back to its pre-heat temperature before any final welding can take place.

In Fig. 6.6(a), the weld sequence shows a cross section of each run. In Fig. 6.6(b), a section through the layers of weld shows the alternated sequence on all three sides including the 60 HRC filler metal layers.

C I (a) Section through B-B

60 HRC weld (cutting edge)


Inside face

(b) Section through C-C

Fig. 6.6

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Weld techniques 61

Weld procedure 3: worn aluminum blow mold Problem 3 The nips on this aluminum blow mold do not cut cleanly because

of general wear and tear; see Fig. 6.7.

Damaaed niDs

(a) (b) Section through A-A

Fig. 6.7

Solution 3 Remove worn contaminated surface layer on nips and clean thor- oughly with a solvent (see Fig. 6.8(a)) and rebuild with weld (see Fig. 6.8(b)).

A single run of weld is all that is generally needed to complete this type of weld repair, the main problem being to minimize under cut (notches) at either side of the weld. See page 73, ‘Under cut (notches)’.

(a) Section through A-A (highlighted above) after preparation

Fig. 6.8

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62 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

(b) Finished weld (c) Section through 6-43

Fig. 6.8 cont’d

Weld procedure 4 damaged tool copper, inner ejector core

Problem 4 The shut off edge of this tool copper, innedejector core has sustained damage during insertion; see Fig. 6.9.

(b) Section through A-A

Fig. 6.9

Solution 4 The damaged edge will be cleaned with a solvent and possibly a fine wire brush, avoiding the mold face at all times, then welded; see Fig. 6.1 0.

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Weld techniques 63


(b) Section through B-B

Fig. 6.10

Because the weld area is about 25% of the full diameter, incor- porating two damaged areas, it is more sensible to weld the whole edge with a single run of weld, eliminating any chance of notches.

There are two main issues concerning cracking. The first is prevent- ing a tool from cracking during welding and the second is repairing tools that have already cracked. To prevent a tool from cracking during or just after welding, read Chapter 5. This chapter discusses pre-heat and heat control during welding and cooling after welding, and will help you to solve most cracking problems.

Crack-sensitive areas Even with a recommended pre-heat, you can run into problems because certain areas on a tool can be more sensitive to cracking than others. The main problem areas tend to be close to inside corners; see Fig. 6.1 1.

Outside edges can be problematic, especially if you have decided not to use a full pre-heat. Figure 6.12 shows examples of cracks forming on the edge of the heat affected zone (HAZ) on inside corners and outside edges.

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64 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Crack-sensitive corners

(a) Close to an inside corner

(b) On a rise

Weld repair Crack-sensitive

Crack-sensitive corners

(c) Close to unseen corners

(d) Close to an insert

Fig. 6.11

Edge of HAZ

(a) Close to a hole

(b) On a restrained gusset

Fig. 6.12

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Weld techniques 65

Edge of HAZ

(c) Large repair on an open edge

Fig. 6.12 cont’d

If you decide to undertake any repairs, especially in sensitive areas, with a reduced pre-heat to avoid discoloration (see Chapter 5, ‘Pre- heats’, page 49), then I suggest using a cold welding technique (see page 96, ‘Welding without full pre-heat’) together with that reduced pre-heat. Generally when working in crack-sensitive areas, increase the standard pre-heat temperature by 25-50%, not exceeding 450 “C.

Repairing cracked and broken tools The first thing you need to do is find out why the tool cracked in the first place. Was it because of:

bad design, misuse, a previous bad weld, general wear and tear, an accident?

It is important to know why a tool has cracked or become broken because you will tend to see the same tools coming back again and again, and if a tool has been badly designed, it is important to complete the repair and make it known that the tool has a weak, crack-sensitive area (see problems 5-8 below).

Misuse of such things as hand tools can be pre-empted by strengthening certain areas to withstand any further abuse. Acciden- tal damage should be treated in much the same way as misuse.

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66 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

A previous bad weld repair can be a big problem, see page 70, ‘Previous bad weld repairs’. This is why it is so important to get it right first time!

A tool’s resilience to further cracking during general wear and tear can be improved by using a softer or harder filler wire to repair the cracked or broken area.

Bad design problems Problem 8 Material is too brittle for the job it has to do.

Solution 8 Repair tool with matching filler material and heat treat tool to be less brittle or re-make tool out of more suitable material.

Problem 6 Tools that have inside corners with little or no radius, see Fig. 6.1 1 and 6.1 3.

Solution 6 Complete your weld repair and increase the size of radius when re-machining; see Fig. 6.13.

Increase radius when re-machining


(a) Not enough radius in (b) Weld repair (see Fig. 6.14) corner of tool and re-machined

Fig. 6.13

Excavating cracked material Before you excavate a crack, it is important to find out the extent of the damage by performing a dye penetrant examination (dye pen).

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Weld techniques 67

You will need three aerosol cans for this. The first contains solvent cleaner for cleaning the area to be examined and the second con- tains dye which is sprayed over the damaged area and allowed to seep into the crack for 10-1 5 minutes (see can for details). After the dye has been allowed to seep into the crack, the excess dye is removed with absorbent paper towels. To finish off the cleaning, spray a clean paper towel with the solvent cleaner (do not spray the cracked area) and wipe until there are no traces of the dye. The third can con- tains a developer which is shaken vigorously for several minutes before spraying over the damaged area. The developer then acts like a poultice drawing out any dye to reveal the crack so that it can be excavated.

For most excavations, I would suggest using an angle grinder, die grinder or spark erosion, especially on mold tools and dies. Peri- odically you will need to dye pen your tool when excavating to see how much of the crack is left until the examination is clear. On other tools, if you intend to use arc air or stick rod gaging, pre-heat your tool to its welding temperature to avoid further cracking.

The important point in excavating cracks is to remove all of the crack and to create access; see Fig. 6.14. If your preparation is too narrow, you will deny yourself access and if your preparation is too wide you will increase your welding time, cost and distortion.

Welds 15 and 16 are

see page 71, ‘Sink

(a) Excavate corner crack and increase recommended pre-heat; see page 51

(b) Weld run sequence

Fig. 6.14

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68 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Problem 7 Cooling waterways on tools being too close to sensitive areas; see Fig. 6.15.

Solution 7 Fully plug waterway and repair as shown in Fig. 6.15(c).

Water way

Mold face

water way

(a) Plastic tub mold


Welds 14 and 15 are fine sink

/ (b) Fully remove crack

runs; see page 71 Y ’

and insert plug

Inserted plug

Final weld sequence

Increase recommended pre-heat by 25-50% not exceeding 450°C; see page 51

Fig. 6.1 5

Problem 8 Thin ribs on thick secticns, on mold tools.

Solution 8a Remove and rebuild rib; see Fig. 6.1 6.

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Weld techniques 69

(a) Cracked rib

Runs 4 and 5 Rebuild rib are fine

(c) Final weld sequence

(b) Remove rib

Taper rib

(d) After machining

Fig. 6.16

Solution 8b Prepare and weld; see Fig. 6.1 7 and 6.18. On repairs where large amounts of weld are needed, distortion may

take place, so your tool may need to be restrained, see page 94, ‘Using restraints’.

Fig. 6.17

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70 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

If you think that the repair in Fig. 6.16 is a little extreme, then a temporary repair may be more suitable; see Fig. 6.17.

If you prepare the rib too much, the rib will distort during welding; see Fig. 6.18(b). You will then have to compensate; see Fig. 6.18(c).

welds needed

(b) (c) Fig. 6.18

Previous bad weld repairs

There are different types of bad weld, e.g. where no or insufficient pre-heat was used; bad welds where the parent metal around the weld area has cracked; where unsuitable filler wire has been used; where the weld has separated from the parent metal or the weld itself has cracked.

Problem 9 Cracking in the weld.

Solution 9 Remove all the old weld, see page 66, ‘Excavating cracked material’, and re-weld using correct weld procedure; see Chapter 2.

Problem 10 Cracking around the weld in the parent metal.

Solution 10a Temporary repair by preparing crack and welding; see Fig. 6.1 7.

Solution 10b Remove all of the crack and old weld, and weld as solution 9.

Problem 11 Weld too close to a sensitive area causing cracking to an inside corner.

Solution 11 Excavate crack and weld; see Fig. 6.14.

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Weld techniques 71


Sink (low areas around the weld) is unavoidable with standard welding processes such as TIG but it can be minimized.

Sink can be a major problem in the repair of plastic mold tools especially if a mold has to be welded, and it is under its original tol- erance so no more parent metal can be removed; see Fig. 6.19.

eld repair after machining

(b) View from A

Fig. 6.19

To minimize the sink area during the TIG welding process, you need to reduce your amperage to lay down one or two fine sink runs; see Fig. 6.20.

Fine sink runs Minimum sink

(a) Section through (b) Fine sink runs (c) Completed El-B from Fig. 6.19 with first weld repair before welding layer of weld

Fig. 6.20

The reason why it is best to lay down your sink runs first is because your tool is then at its cleanest and the most free from

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'72 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

contamination. Also it is easier to overlap a larger weld onto a smaller than the other way round.

Repairing sink If you have a tool that has been repaired and then machined back to tolerance but it is unacceptable because of sink, then the whole area needs to be re-worked; see Fig. 6.21.

Weld Sink Fine sink runs repair

(a) Section through B-B from Fig. 6.19(b)

(b) Final run sequence to complete repair

Fig. 6.21

If you are aware that the weld repair area will not clean up when it is machined back to tolerance, then it only needs re-work in the sink area; see Fig. 6.22.

Sinkarea Weld repair

(a) Section through B-B from Fig. 6.19(b) after welding but not fully machined

(b) Repair of sink only

Fig. 6.22

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Weld techniques 73

With the help of fine sink runs and a little practice, it is possible to reduce sink to 2 or 3 thou (0.05 or 0.075mm).

Under cut (notches) This is a problem which can be a lot worse than sink because it is much more difficult to control; see Fig. 6.23.

Notches either side of weld repair

(a) Cut away section of a repaired mold tool

(b) View from A

Fig. 6.23

Although the surface of the mold has cleaned up leaving no sink, notches still remain either side of the weld. This could have been eliminated using a ‘tug off’ technique; see Fig. 6.24.

Before you start your final run on your weld repair, very carefully clean the area with a wire brush. Start your final run from the center of your weld repair and weld out over till you reach the outward edge of your sink area; see Fig. 6.24(a) and 6.19. Put your filler rod back

(a) Weld from the centre to edge of sink run

(b) Place rod back in pool and reduce amps

Fig. 6.24

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74 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

(c) As pool turns plastic drag rod across unwelded edge

(d) Extinguish arc and tug off rod while still plastic

Fig. 6.24 cont'd

into the molten pool (b) and reduce your amps. (For this technique, a foot pedal is much easier to use than trying to work to your slope out on your weld set.) Keep your filler wire in the molten pool until it turns plastic (like molten glass), drag your filler wire across the previ- ously untouched edge (c), extinguish your arc and tug off your filler wire while still plastic (d). Then turn the tool round and repeat the process again to complete the other half.

This is a very complicated weld maneuver even for an experienced welder, but a technique well worth practicing.

Building pads of weld

Oxidization (dirty welds due to scaling)

This is a problem that you might get when building pads of weld, mainly caused by bad weld sequence planning (see Fig. 6.26) and poor gas coverage due to holding a bad torch angle (see Fig. 6.31 (b)). Also as you lift your filler wire out of the shrouded area created by the gas from your torch, it will oxidize causing small amounts of scale at the tip of your rod. So it is best to try to keep your filler rod in your gas shrouded area as much as possible and snip the oxidized end off in between runs; see Fig. 6.25.

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Oxidized end

(a) Keep rod in gas shroud (b) Snip rod end between as much as possible runs

Fig. 6.25

Bad weld sequence planning Once you have started your weld, you should never go back over it to add a little bit more. It is very important that every weld you lay down completely covers the area that you want it to; see Fig. 6.26.

Insufficient weld \

(a) Badly planned weld repair (b) Section through A-A showing insufficient weld metal

Re-prepared area Finished weld

(c) Re-prepare low area for additional weld

(d) Completed re-repair

Fig. 6.26

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76 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

(e) Correct weld sequence and torch angle

(f) Correct weld shape and finishing torch angle

Fig. 6.26 cont'd

Figure 6.26(b) shows insufficient weld metal, which in itself is not a big problem because you can re-prepare the low area; see Fig. 6.26(c). The problem occurs when you try to weld over low areas of weld without cleaning. This can give you a contaminated weld which can cause scale entrapment or porosity,

Building a standard pad Building pads of weld on tools is a very common practice. There are two types of pads, standard pads and pedestal pads. Standard pads are built in the same way as any other build up of weld metal by plan- ning your weld before you start and checking the shape of your pad at regular intervals; see Fig. 6.27 and 6.28. Pedestal pads are similar to standard pads but the first few runs are different; see Fig. 6.30.

The size of the pad after machining is to be 20mm x 20mm x 10mm so the size of the pad that will have to be welded should be about 24 mm x 24 mm x 12 mm, allowing 2 mm of machining on all faces; see Fig. 6.27 and 6.28 for weld sequence.

In Fig. 6.27 and 6.28, a datum face has been used to keep a check on the height and the width of the pad as it is being welded.

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(a) Type of pad needed

Weld techniques 77


(b) View from A. Mark off pad size

(c) First run is welded on the outside of marked off pad

(d) Fill in and overlap first run, then build to required height

Fig. 6.27

Datum face

Section through B-B from Fig. 6.27(d) Fig. 6.28

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78 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Preparing a tool for a pedestal pad

A pedestal pad is a pad on top of a pedestal or a rise. If the rise has become worn because it is a shut off face or the rise needs to be heightened because of re-design, then special care must be taken; see Fig. 6.29.

(a) A pedestal pad

Possible notches and sink

(b) As one side is welded the other side will oxidize

Fig. 6.29

Under normal circumstances your ‘tug offs’ (see Fig. 6.30) would go on last but in this situation they will go on at the beginning because

Direction of weld, see Fig. 6.31 I /Tug OffS >

(a) Fine sink run to avoid sink

(c) Complete pedestal pad

(b) Tug offs to avoid notches

Edging runs Filler runs

Sink run

Tug Off

(d) Section through A-A

Fig. 6.30

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the weld in this area will overlap and oxidize due to poor gas cover- age. As one side of the pad is welded, the other side will oxidize causing scaling, making any touching up to repair sink or notches very difficult; see Fig. 6.29(b). It is essential to make sure that every layer of weld that you build on your rise is sound; see Fig. 6.30.

In Fig. 6.30(a) you will see a ‘direction of weld’. This is very impor- tant to stop oxidization on the adjacent face; see Fig. 6.31(b).

(a) Start weld on corner with correct torch angle

(c) Weld to centre of block

(e) One side complete

(b) Incorrect torch angle at end of weld

U (d) Start weld on other corner

with correct torch angle

(f) Four sides complete (fine sink run; see Fig. 6.30)

Fig. 6.31 Plan view of pedestal from Fig. 6.30(a)

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Porosity @in/blow holes)

Porosity is caused by air or gas bubbles becoming trapped in the weld. There are three main causes of porosity:

1 Trapped air. 2 Contaminated weld area. 3 Faulty or badly set up equipment.

Trapped air This is very common when welding over old engravings on mold tools and slots in general; see Fig. 6.32.

No preparation

Trapped air escaping

(a) Section of mold tool with ' 0 filled in

(b) Section through A-A air trapped under weld

Pin holes

(c) ' 0 after machining (full of porosity) (d) Section through B-B

Fig. 6.32

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(e) Correct preparation (f) Clean weld, free of blow holes

Fig. 6.32 cont’d

Air easily becomes trapped during the welding of inserts or pins to fill in holes; see Fig. 6.33.

Mold face

(a) Section through a plugged hole (b) Blow hole formed by trapped air escaping

(c) Vent hole allows gases to escape (d) Clean weld, free of blow holes

Fig. 6.33

If air is going to get trapped, it is better to drill a vent through the tool to allow air to escape or fill up the hole with weld only as in Fig. 6.32(e) and (f), which might cause other problems.

If the above solutions are not suitable, it is possible to reduce the chance of this type of porosity. Weld 90% of the insert, leaving a breather hole to allow trapped air to escape for two or three minutes

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82 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

and then finish your weld quickly. This technique is not always successful, but I have used it occasionally; see Fig. 6.34.

Plan view of plugged hole

Trapped air escaping

@ (a) Prepared plug (b) Partially welded (c) Finished weld

Fig. 6.34

Contaminated weld area Most of the tools being repaired will have been in use so they are likely to be contaminated in some way. Some tools may have only surface contamination which must be cleaned off with a solvent, and then the solvent allowed to evaporate before welding. Other tool sur- faces may be impregnated, and these must be removed, possibly by grinding, otherwise the contaminated surface layer will become gaseous, causing severe weld contamination (see also ‘Welding case-hardened tools’, page 97). It is important to look for contami- nation or surface conditions such as fine surface cracks that might hold contamination. Your weld may only be as good as your preparation.

Faulty or badly set up equipment If you are having porosity problems all of the time, then it could be because of your own equipment. Find a piece of clean, uncontami- nated steel and lay down a run of weld across it. If that weld still has

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porosity or any other type of contaminated finish, then it is probably caused by your equipment. Check your gas lines, from your gas source to the pressure as it comes out of your torch, see Chapter 7, ‘Setting up your equipment’ from page 11-5 up to and including ‘Setting up your torch head equipment’.

Arc marks (earthing and protecting sensitive areas)

There are two main types of arc marks: arc marks caused by bad earthing and arc marks caused by stray torch arcs.

Arc marks caused by bad earthing Unfortunately tools are not designed with earthing lugs, and any earthing to any tool will have its problems, so you need to improvise a connection to eliminate or minimize earthing arc marks.

My collection of improvised connectors and insulators contains the following:

An ‘auxiliary earth’, which is two copper tipped, heavy duty croco- dile clips held together by an 18” (460mm) length of light duty copper cable to hold and earth delicate tools; see Fig. 6.35. Small and delicate tools tend to suffer most from earthing arc marks because they do not have the weight to hold a good connection.

Auxiliary earth

Non-conducting heat insulatina block

Q Earth clamp

I Work bench

Fig. 6.35

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84 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

A pair of ‘copper tipped mole grips’, also to hold small tools but more firmly. A ‘4” (1 00 mm) light duly machine vice’ with shop-made aluminum jaws to eliminate any grip marks, also to hold smaller tools. The aluminum jaws also act as a heat soak when welding some small tools that are prone to over heating. A hard piece of non-conducting heat insulating material 6” x 6” x 1” (150mm x 150mm x 25mm) on which I rest tools when using the auxiliary earth to stop the tools earthing onto the work bench; see Fig. 6.35. A 6” (1 52 mm) diameter, 8’’ (6mm) thick ‘aluminum disc’ with a spot of weld in the center on the under side to act as a rotary table. This disc is very useful for tea cup and mug sized tools that need to be turned often to complete a weld repair minimizing arc marks to the base of the tool; see Fig. 6.36.

(a) Aluminum disc with spot of weld on base

(b) Section through disc and mold tool

Fig. 6.36

A 12” x 8” x Z’’ (300mm x 200mm x 12mm) thick ‘aluminum plate’ on which to rest most of the tools that I weld. I rest this plate on top of my hot plate to give an even distribution of heal to the tool (see Chapter 5, Fig. 5.2, page 54) and also to mini- mize arc marks. As this plate is used continually the surface becomes oxidized and pitted and needs cleaning by removing the surface contamination from time to time.

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A ‘podger’ which is a shop-made earthing wedge, made to hammer under the bases of larger television sized tools that have no easy earthing points. The wedge is made from a piece of mild steel bar 1” x x 6” (25mm x 6mm x 150mm) long, flattened at one end; see Fig. 6.37.

Edge of large tool I

(a) A podger wedge (b) Podger hammered into place and earthed

Fig. 6.37

Arc marks caused by stray torch arcs Damaging sensitive areas while working on nearby areas can lead to major problems to the extent of scrapping what could be a very expensive tool. You need to look at the tool, identify all the sensitive areas and then decide which areas could be damaged and which would be the best way to protect them; see Fig. 6.38.

The core in Fig. 6.38 has a polished face and no more tolerance left on its height, so if the sensitive corners on the nearby polished face are damaged, they would also have to be weld repaired. The copper arc guard protects these sensitive corners from stray high frequency (HF) and accidents.

It is important to note that there must be no air gap between the guard and the tool because if HF or an accidental arc did stray onto the guard, it might then jump from the guard onto the tool causing stray arc damage. The copper arc guard is made from 2 or 3mm thick copper plate, tailor-made to fit each individual situation; see Fig. 6.38(c), with a small overlap and chamfered for access; see Fig. 6.38(d).

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86 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

; Po \

(a) Damaged lug on core (b) Damaged lug is removed

Weight to hold

(c) Sensitive corners are masked by (d) Finished weld repair arc guard

Fig. 6.38

Using heat soaks and flood supports

Heat soaks

Heat soaks, like arc guards, make very important additions to any tool welder’s collection. Any small tools or small parts of large tools that will suffer from over heating can be protected with a little imagination. Figure 6.39 shows a heat soak jig used successfully to join two fine pieces of tool steel without heat damage.

The pin and washer are placed in the copper heat soak jig and welded. Using a long argon delay, place the two pieces in the jig, tap your foot pedal or HF button to set your argon gas flowing, move your torch to its welding position and allow the argon to fully immerse

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(a) Small tool steel, tool assembly

Weld techniques 87


(b) Copper heat soak jig

(c) Section through A-A pin and washer in jig

(d) Pin and washer welded together in jig

Fig. 6.39

the jig. Strike your arc, complete your weld and leave your torch over the weld area for 10 or 15 seconds. This will allow your tool to cool to a safe temperature before removing it from the jig so that no scaling and minimum oxidization occur.

An experimental turbine blade had a hole drilled off-center after weeks of expensive work, with only four days left for the delivery date. There was no time to make a new blade, so it was repair or nothing. Although the customer thought it impossible to repair, they got in touch with me anyway.

A heat soak was tailor made to fit the tool and the repair went ahead; see Fig. 6.40.

The tool was excavated on face B because there had to be no trace of the repair on face A. There had to be no distortion, so the blade was restrained in a copper heat soak jig. The preparation was filled with many small spots of weld and after each spot of weld, the

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88 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

No damage - 1 mm diameter x

3mm deep hole

(a) There must be no damage to face A

(b) Section through A-A hole 1 mm off centre

(c) Copper heat soak jig (d) Preparation needed


1 'jigs

(e) Blade and heat soaks restrained (f) Section through B-B weld complete

Fig. 6.40

under pressure

blade was allowed to cool for 15 to 20 seconds in the cover of the argon gas flow. The preparation took two hours to fill, complete with fine sink runs and tug offs even though the whole repair was about the size of a peanut.

Flood supports Flood supports and heat soaks are very similar in the type of opera- tion they perform. The main difference between the two is that heat

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soaks are only designed to take away the heat from the weld area, and flood supports are designed to act like a mold to shape the molten metal and take the heat away at the same time.

Copper or aluminum flood supports can be very useful and time saving welding aids. Copper works best and lasts longer. When working with flood supports, it is very important to keep your direct heat on your weld metal and away from the support. Allow the molten pool to run onto the support because if the copper becomes too hot it will fuse with your weld metal. Figure 6.41 shows a worn copper probe which is being refurbished in an aluminum flood mold. An alu- minum flood mold was used because the filler wire was thought to be to compatible with copper (410 stainless steel).

New probe -

Remove and rebuild -


Building a pad one spot at a time

I I (a) Tool copper probes (b) Slow conventional repair

(c) Prepared probe in flood mold (d) Section through A-A: one fast and very clean continuous weld

Fig. 6.41

Building up thin gusset type features can be very time consuming and tedious. Sometimes there is no other solution but, as shown in Fig. 6.42, a flood support could be used producing a higher quality weld, free from the usual oxide problems associated with this type of repair and in a third of the time.

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90 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Remove and

Cracks @ rebu'ld

(a) Cracked rib in plastic mould tool (b) Damaged piece removed

(c ) Prepared for welding (d) Section through A-A after welding

Fig. 6.42

Getting around bad access

There will be times when certain areas on a tool will be too difficult to weld because of poor access. This has always been a problem with molds, tools and dies because they are not designed to be weld friendly, so here are a few options and examples:

Improvise with your own equipment. Remove material to improve access. Call in your local welding supplier to suggest any non-standard welding torches or torch head equipment. Scrap the tool.

The first option, improvising, is always going to be the quickest and the cheapest. What follows are examples of some bad access problems and my own improvised solutions.

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Unfortunately, the weld needed in Fig. 6.43(a) is at an impossible Problem I t Deep narrow enclosed cavities.

angle even for a non-standard nozzle (b).

Solution 12 Because the cavity is enclosed, it is possible to fill the cavity with argon gas (because argon gas is heavier than air) and weld with a bare tungsten (c). If you find when using the bare tungsten that your angle is still not quite right, then bend the tungsten until it is (d). This gives you a perfect angle every time, see page 92, ‘Bending tungsten’.

To fill your cavity with argon gas, set your gas delay to maximum and tap your foot pedal or HF button, switch to trigger your gas flow only (use only a standard gas flow; see Chapter 7, Fig. 7.5, page 11 7), move your torch to its welding position allowing the gas from your torch to fill the cavity. If you feel that the cavity may not have filled then just tap it again.

Weld needed

(a) Section through tool (b) Unable to get torch angle to complete weld

(c) Extend tungsten (d) Extend and bend tungsten

Fig. 6.43

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92 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

important: I have found it very important to build a mock cavity to practice on until I feel happy with my gas coverage, then I move on to the tool itself.

Bending tungsten Bending tungsten is a technique I learned as a pipe welder. To bend a tungsten you need to strike your arc on a piece of scrap material and allow your tungsten to become white hot. Have a pair of snips (wire cutters) or pliers in your other hand and then quickly extinguish your arc and bend the tungsten with the snips before it cools. Note: sharpen the tungsten before you bend it!

Problem 13 Welding non-enclosed deep narrow cavities.

Solution 13 Welding non-enclosed deep narrow cavities can cause even more problems but these can be minimized by enclosing the cavity with all shapes and sizes of plate and bar, then welding as problem 12.

In some cases, the weld position dictates the setting up of the tool position; see Fig. 6.44. If it is necessary to use a narrow nozzle, e.g. 8 or even 6mm, then bending your tungsten will probably position it out of the gas coverage, causing porosity. You need then to make a double bend as shown in Fig. 6.44(b).

(a) Recess needs to be filled with (b) Tool needs to be welded on the flat no undercut

Fig. 6.44

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Problem 14 Welding deep narrow slots - Removing material to improve access. Unfortunately, there will be times when you will have to remove ma- terial to improve access, and this can be just as complicated as the welding itself.

Solution 14 In this example, the oval inner rise has too small a diameter so the inside rise diameter has to be increased by 0.2 mm (0.1 mm per side) see Fig. 6.45(a) and (b).

(a) Oval rib repair

Avoid outside

i face 30"-40"

(c) Fully prepare rise to avoid damaging outside face

Inside face is under ~ t o I e r 7

(b) Section through A-A inside face must be fully welded

(d) Final weld sequence

Fig. 6.45

When removing material to improve access, it is very important to choose a preparation that you will find accessible or comfortable to weld (Fig. 6.45(c)). You will then need to plan a logical weld sequence which will ensure that every run is a good one because you will not be able to go back to touch it up (Fig. 6.45(d)).

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94 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Controlling distortion

It is very difficult to correct tools that have become distorted during welding, so prevention is better than cure. Most tools will distort during welding, and only experience will enable you to determine how much distortion will occur. Until you have that experience, you will have to do what I do - guess!

Using restraints Repairing broken die plates, stripper plates and similar types of tools is a major operation of preparation, re-location of the broken pieces, restraining and planning your weld sequence, see page 59, 'Weld procedure 2, broken spoon die'. Weld procedure 2 will relate to most types of re-assembly on dimensionally tied tools. If the priority of a tool repair is its strength, and shrinkage is not a great problem, then a full penetration butt weld will be most suitable; see Fig. 6.46.


(a) Full penetration butt weld preparation

Weld this

(c) View from A, full penetration on first run

(b) Fully restrained

(d) Back grind first run and complete

Fig. 6.46

root runs

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(e) Final run sequence, alternated to (f) Simplified layer sequence to minimize weld distortion show order of layers

Fig. 6.46 cont'd

In Fig. 6.46(a) the damaged tool is prepared for welding by grinding a double chamfer on each face to be welded, creating a 60"-80" double 'V' preparation. Open up the preparation to form a 2 mm gap (which will probably be lost in shrinkage after the weld is finished), then restrain the tool from bending by tack welding two bars to the top and the side. Each bar has been cut away for better access; see (b).

In Fig. 6.46(c) run '1 ' is your first run which should be on the restraint side, then the tool will be turned over and back-ground to remove all the oxidized metal that penetrated the gap, leaving only clean metal so the root runs can be complete (d). Then the preparation is filled with weld in an alternate sequence to minimize distortion (e). This has been simplified in (f) to clearly show the alternated layers.

Pre-heats and cooling are not discussed in this chapter. For information on recommended pre-heats and specific filler wires see Chapters 4, 5 and Chapter 2, 'Weld procedure 2 ' , page 9.

Restraining edge repairs Repairing cutting edges like granulator blades and similar tools that are only welded along one edge can produce disastrous results if restraints are not used; see Fig. 6.47.

The damaged edge of the granulator blade should have a dye pen examination then be fully ground to remove all cracks and

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(a) Damaged granulator blade (b) Prepared and restrained

Keep torch at this angle for best coverage

(c) Section through A-A after welding (d) Section through B-B runs 1 , 2 and 3 are buffer runs, see page 46

Fig. 6.47

contamination (Fig. 6.47(a)); see page 66, ‘Excavating cracked material’. The prepared tool and its restraint should be pre-heated to the same temperature then tack welded together (b). The weld can then be completed. If there are only two or three layers of weld, then increase the pre-heat by 25% and only use a hard tool steel filler wire. If there are four or more layers, use a standard pre-heat and a single buffer layer, then finish with a hard tool steel filler; see (c) and (d).

Welding without full pre-heat

There are many tools that can be successfully welded without full pre-heat if sensible precautions are taken but this is not generally recommended.

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Materials such as P20, probably the most common type of tool steel available and generally used on larger plastic mold tools, can easily be repaired cold if care is taken, although I have seen many disasters. When it comes to welding without pre-heat, the bigger the weld, the greater the problem, the hotter the weld, the greater the problem, the quicker your weld cools, the greater the problem!

The answer to minimizing problems when welding tools cold is to use only short, narrow welds at first, allowing 10-15 seconds between each weld so the heat from each weld can soak into the weld area, naturally pre-heating as you weld. Welding hard, high carbon tools such as 01 and D2 without pre-heat can never be rec- ommended because of the likelihood of cracking. At best it will be very damaging to the working life of the tool. There are, however, some companies that have developed medium carbon tools (0.6% carbon) which will harden up to 58 HRC and are recommended to be welded without pre-heat but the weld technique outlined above would have to be used.

Welding case-hardened tools

Case-hardened tools are repaired in much the same way as any other tool apart from the case hardening itself. The surface of a case- hardened tool cannot be welded with any great success so it must be removed. After the repair, the hard surface can be replaced with a hard filler wire; see Fig. 6.48.

Keeping the tungsten away from the case-hardened skin, allow the pool to spread under the skin then push your filler wire into the pool

(a) Damaged surface on a case-hardened tool

(b) Repair main damage leaving room for one or two hard layers

Fig. 6.48

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Single layer of hard filler metal

(c) Spread pool under skin and push (d) Final weld sequence. Three layers of hard filler metal will be needed for maximum hardness

in rod

Fig. 6.48 cont'd

lifting the skin (Fig. 6.48(c)), creating a continuous hard surface after machining (d). The first runs in (b) will be welded with a filler wire that matches the tool's base material and the final surface runs will be a hardness match.

Welding photo/acid etched and polished tools

Most of the finish problems to plastic components caused by weld repairs can be minimized and in some cases completely eliminated.

First we need to understand photo/acid etching. Basically, this is a process of masking some areas with a protective coating and leaving the rest uncovered. When acid is poured over the surface, it eats into the areas that are not masked. Some materials are more resistant to acid erosion than others because of their chemical com- position, so if you are going to undertake a repair on an acid etched surface, you must choose a filler wire that matches the chemical com- position of the mold tool; see Chapter 4, Table 4.2, and 'Photo/acid etch' on page 45.

Unfortunately, chemical composition is not the only factor that determines the depth of acid etching. Grain structure also plays a part, so the harder the area, the greater the resistance to acid erosion.

To perform a surface repair, the repair area should be prepared for welding by grinding away any damaged material and cleaning to

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remove any contamination left over from the molding process; see Fig. 6.49(b). The welding repair should be completed and finished off with ugly runs (c). (The ugly runs are designed to reduce the inter- run hard lines on the final capping run and also to help reduce the severity of the HAZ (the halo effect).) The whole plane of the repair should then be removed by a polisher (d) and sent away to be re-etched.


(a) Damaged surface on photo (b) Section through A-A prepare damaged etched tool area

Ugly runs

(c) Fill preparation with weld and add (d) Remove all etched surface, ugly runs ugly runs and part of the capping runs

Fig. 6.49

If you only want a small repair in a discrete area and you do not want the expense of a polishing and re-etching, then follow steps (b) and (c) in Fig. 6.49, and steps (a) and (b) in Fig. 6.50.

It is very important for your weld to completely cover the damaged area so it must be cleanly flushed off level with the highest peaks of the engravings (Fig. 6.50(a)), or it will dimple. Then trace (using a piece of carbon paper, a piece of tracing paper and a piece of plain thin white paper) the pattern onto the flushed off surface (Fig. 6.50(b)) and hand etch away unwanted material.

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(a) Flush weld to the peaks of the etch (b) Trace etch pattern to the surface of the flushed weld, and hand etch away unwanted material

Fig. 6.50

Place your copy paper on to the etched surface where there is no damage, with the inked side facing up. Place your tracing paper on top of that. Hold flat and steady and rub something blunt over the paper like a brass rubbing, covering as much of the paper as possible. This should give you a good image on the underside of your tracing paper. Cut your copy paper just bigger than the weld area. Turn your copy paper ink-side down to cover the weld area. Cut your white paper to the same size as your copy paper and place that on top of your copy paper. Place your tracing paper on top of that and line up your pattern with the pattern around the weld. Use a pen or pencil to line through each individual feature of the pattern onto the welded surface. Hopefully, enough of the pattern will have transferred through to the welded surface so you can hand etch away the unwanted material and possibly finish off with a bead blast.

Welding polished tools is very much the same as welding photo etched tools. It is important to choose a suitable pre-heat (see Chapter 5), a suitable filler wire (see Chapter 4) and a suitable weld technique using a fine sink run to minimize sink; see page 71. Also,

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Weld techniques 101

use ugly runs, see page 99, to help minimize hard spots in the weld and to soften the halo effect (the HAZ) around the weld to make life easier for your polisher.

Using base metal as filler Wire

Unfortunately, there are very few filler wires that actually match a par- ticular base metal. Make your own filler wire by cutting a slice off some soft matching base metal and then cutting that slice into match sticks. Take a matchstick of base metal and weld that to a piece of filler wire. If you feel the need, you can grind the matchstick end round until it looks like one piece of filler wire, but this is not necessary; see Fig. 6.51.

(a) Cut slice off soft base metal (b) Cut slice into match sticks

(c) Weld matchstick to filler wire

Welding fine details

(d) Reduce filler wire by grinding if necessary; see next paragraph 'Welding fine details'

Fig. 6.51

Normally when welding fine details, you would need a fine filler wire and a fine tungsten, e.g. 1 .OOmm diameter, but personally I find

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102 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

1.00mm filler wires too thin to handle. What I normally do is grind a long thin point on my 1.6mm diameter tungsten and grind down 1.6 mm filler wires because I find this quicker, cheaper and easier to use.

I generally use a pedestal grinder to reduce my filler wires and sharpen my tungstens. I use the side face to reduce my wires and to grind a rough point on my tungstens. I then use the front edge face to put a fine finish on my tungsten.

Important: never wear loose fitting clothing and always wear eye protection when grinding tungstens and filler wires; See Chapter 7, page 11 7, 'Sharpening tungstens', and see Fig. 6.52 for reducing filler wires.

Generally speaking, using the side of a grind stone is considered an unsafe practice because the stone can become worn on its flat side face, leaving the stone in a dangerous condition. If you intend to reduce filler wires in this way, always have a qualified person check your stone for uneven wear on a regular basis.

Filler wire Hand feed technique Every welder will hold and feed their filler in whichever way feels most comfortable to them so there is not a right way or a wrong way. See Fig. 6.53 for my way!

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(a) Grip wire with thumb and index finger and hold wire with 2nd and 3rd fingers

(b) Push wire with thumb and index finger and guide with 2nd and 3rd fingers

(c) Hold wire with 2nd and 3rd fingers, loosely slide thumb and index finger back up the wire and start again

Fig. 6.53

Economical weld technique (bulking out) This can be used to keep the cost of any large weld repairs as low as possible. If you have a large area of weld to build up and you want to keep your filler wire costs down, then building up most of that weld with a cheaper wire (bulking out) is a good option.

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104 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Suitable wires for bulking out This technique is probably not regarded as technically correct but it is used and so I shall tell you about it!

Basically, you need to establish the chemical composition of the tool to be repaired (with the help of Chapter 3), and then contact your local filler wire suppliers and get them to find the closest, cheapest filler wire, see below

e.g. P20 Tool steel = 0.35C, 0.30Mn, 1.70Cr, 0.40Mo A32 Filler wire = O.lOC, 0.90Mn, 1.20Cr, 0.50Mo A33 Filler wire = O.lOC, l.OOMn, 2.40Cr, 1.00Mo

e.g. H13 Tool steel = 0.35C, 0.30Mn, 5.10Cr, 1.50M0, 1.OOV A34 Filler wire = O.O7C, 0.60Mn, 5.80Cr, 0.50M0,

e.g. D2 Tool steel = 1.5OC, 0.40Mn, 12.0Cr, 0.95Mo 410 Filler wire = O.lOC, 0.60Mn, 12.0Cr, 0.4Ni

Although these filler wires are not an ideal match especially in the hardness aredcarbon (C) content, I would consider them suitable for bulking out. It is important to note that you must allow for three finishing layers of your final matching filler wire in areas that you think important, e.g. areas to be photo etched, cutting edges and other areas that need a closer match. See also Chapter 4, Table 4.2, page 44, and the important issues that follow Table 4.2.

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Before getting involved with welding equipment, it is important to understand what welding safety is about, what safety equipment you will need and why you need it.

Like any other engineering trade, welding is usually very safe but it can be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken. Welding gives off ultra-violet radiation and exhaust gases which you need to be protected against. Although mold, tool and die repair TIG welding tends to use much lower amperages than other welding processes, making emission levels very low, safety must still be taken seriously. You will be dealing with electricity, high pressure gases, fuel gases, grinding tools and very hot materials, so please read this section carefully and make safety a priority.

Ultra-violet radiation The bright light given off by welding is ultra-violet radiation, which you will need to be protected against. Ultra-violet rays are like intense sunlight so if your skin or eyes are not protected they will get severe sun burn. When this is on your skin it is called ‘ray burn’ and will take as long to go as bad sun burn. When it affects your eyes, it is called a ‘flash’, and it will make your eyes very sore for one or two days depending upon how long they were exposed. Like sun burn,

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constant over-exposure to ray burn over long periods of time may increase your risk of skin cancer, so the rule is: Cover up!

Not only should you cover up but you should also put screens up around your welding area to protect other people from irritating brightness and the effects of ultra-violet light.

Sparks Grinding sparks can cause major problems for you and anybody in your vicinity. Sparks and particles can be travelling faster than 300mph, so you must wear a grinding visor as well as your safety spectacles when preparing tools by grinding. You must also be con- siderate of others. People around you may not notice that you are about to grind until they are hit by a shower of sparks, so this is another reason to put screens up around your weld area.

When grinding you should always aim your sparks where they are going to do the least damage. Always be aware that sparks can start fires, especially with leaking fuel gas bottles.

Welding fumes Even though the welding gases given off by TIG welding are very low, all welding rod containers tell you that welding gases are hazardous to your health, so you must protect yourself against their fumes wherever possible.

Always weld in a well-ventilated area. Nearly all welding fumes will rise because of the heat of the arc and be carried away in your shop's natural air movements. There are many different types of respiratory equipment available, such as disposable face masks, air fed masks and extraction units. See your local welding equipment supplier for more details. Respiratory equipment must be worn especially when welding beryllium copper, or in confined spaces, or at any time that you feel that the fume level is high, e.g. when using stick welding rods or flux cored MIG welding at high amperages.

You can get 'flu-like symptoms from inhaling high levels of fumes and their metal vapors, especially from zinc and copper. Fortunately

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Equipment 107

these are short lasting. Inhaling high levels of fumes over long periods of time will, however, cause respiratory problems.

If you are going to be welding most of the time, always be aware of the way you feel, especially if you are working in a room with a gas heated hot plate or ovens where you may be pre-heating tools. In these conditions, oxygen levels will reduce, and if you feel drowsy, nauseous or dizzy, or if you start to get sore eyes, nose or throat, get some fresh air.

If you are concerned about the levels or concentrations of fumes in your work area, contact your local or national Health and Safety authority for more information on OELs (occupational exposure limits).

Highlighting these problems is not designed to discourage you from welding, only to encourage you to take safety seriously. I have been welding nearly every day for 25 years in heavy and light industries, and I still enjoy excellent health, so it is not necessarily what you do but the way that you do it!

Safety wear The type of safety wear that you use depends upon the type of work you will be doing. General requirements would be

Overalls: to protect your skin against ultra-violet light, sparks, burns and to protect your clothes. Safety boots: to protect your feet against hot and heavy objects. Safety spectacles: to protect your eyes from stray ultra-violet light, sparks and filler wire ends. Ear plugs or muffs: to protect your hearing from noise pollution. Constant over exposure to high levels of noise like grinding will result in an irretrievable reduction in the quality of hearing.

Welding head screens There are many types of head screens ranging from a basic fixed visor to a super-fast reactor lens with built-in grinding visor and filter

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108 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

fed air stream. All head screens that come with a safety guarantee will be suitable, although some may be more comfortable than others, so try a few different types before you buy. I use a head screen with a flip-up visor. My screen contains three lenses as shown in Fig. 7.1.


(a) Welder's head screen with flip up visor

(b) Section through A-A: detail of flip up visor and inner safety cover lens

Fig. 7.1

In Fig. 7.l(b), lens 1 is an inner safety cover lens (resin). This is important when your flip up visor is open and you are preparing your tools by grinding. For impact resistance, the inner safety cover lens should only be made from resin-based, plastic materials, and never from plain glass.

Lens 2 is a standard cover lens (resin or glass). This lens does not need the same impact resistance as the safety cover lens. The standard cover lens protects the more expensive shaded lens from grinding sparks when you are preparing tools for welding.

Lens 3 is a shaded lens (resin or glass). This lens acts like your sunglasses to reduce the brightness of your arc so you can see what you are welding. There are many different grades of shaded lens for arc welding, generally from a shade 6 to a shade 14. I use a shade 10 most of the time, but you should also try a shade 9 and 11 and find out which suits you best.

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If you have a large repair for which you intend to use the stick or MIG welding process, I suggest you use a shade 10 or 11.

Handy tip: I have found with most of these head screens that you need to have your overall top button fastened all the time to avoid a ray burn triangle or ‘Bermuda triangle’ where your chest meets your throat. (Bermuda because that piece of skin looks as if it has been to Bermuda when the rest of you stayed at home!) To overcome this, try ripping off the gauntlet part of an old pair of TIG gloves and stick- ing it to the lower part of the screen, see Fig. 7.2.

(a) Remove gauntlet part from old glove, open out and fit to screen with masking tape

(b) Head screen with gauntlet fitted

Fig. 7.2

Partition screens Partition screens are very important to protect other people around you from sparks and ultra-violet rays. They can be bought from your local welding supplier or you can make them yourself.

Welding gloves There is more than one type of welding glove. The two main types are TIG and general-purpose welding gloves which are more suitable for stick and MIG welding. Both types will protect your hands from ultra-violet rays and a moderate amount of heat. TIG welding gloves

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are designed to be thinner so that you can feel your filler wire and have greater control of it when welding very fine tool work.

Hot gloves

To save your leather welding gloves from unnecessary damage, hot gloves should be used to handle hot tools. See your supplier for details.

Keeping your work place tidy

Being tidy will help you to keep your work place safe. Remove all non-essential materials from your working area, including rags and old cleaning cloths, especially solvent and oily wipes. Clear away any pressurized aerosol cans, and make sure that any fuel gas bottles are as far away as possible from any heat source, and heating torch hoses are kept away from direct heat.

Even if you do all this on a regular basis, still keep a vigilant eye on all of your flammable equipment, especially when you are grinding.

Gas bottles Keep all bottles and cylinders as far away as possible from your working area. Bottles that are not in use should be stored in a special enclosure out of harm’s way; see your local gas supplier for storage details. Bottles that are in use must be secured with ropes or chains so they cannot fall over.

Regularly check all the connections on your gas bottles and gas lines to ensure that they are not leaking and that all the hoses and gages are suitable for the job they have to do. High pressure hoses and gages must be fitted to high pressure bottles, and oxygen and fuel gas bottles should have suitable hoses and flash back arresters. See your local supplier for more details.

Note: argon gas can kill! It has no smell and it is heavier than air. Never put yourself in a position where you will be breathing in high concentrations of argon because it will replace all the oxygen in your lungs and you will become asphyxiated.

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Power tools When using power tools, such as grinders, you should always follow the maker’s recommendations and if you intend to change your own grinding discs, take a short training course before doing so. You should always wear eye protection when using power tools and you should not return a used disc to a grinder if there are no new discs available. Always unplug your grinder before changing discs.

You should never wear loose fitting clothing when holding tools, tungstens or anything else to be ground, because of the chance of getting pulled in to a revolving disc or stone. All power tools are dan- gerous: read the maker’s recommendations and follow them for your own and other people’s safety.

Welding equipment

The basis for every good set up is the appropriate equipment. There are many different types of welding equipment on the market and so many different companies to choose from, some of which are more interested in selling you their most expensive pieces of equipment rather than the most appropriate, so knowing what you want, or rather knowing what you do not want, could save you a lot of time and money. What follows is a guide to choosing the type of equipment that will most suit your needs.

Welding sets

When choosing your welding set, you must decide what category your type of work falls into, e.g.:

Work type - light (steels only). Set type - 100-200A, fan cooled DC inverter, TIG and MMA (manual metal arc). Work type - medium (steels and light copper only). Set type - 200-300A, fan cooled DC inverter, TIG and MMA. Work type - medium (steels, light coppers and light aluminums). Set type - 200-300A, fan cooled AC/DC inverter, TIG and MMA.

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Work type - heavy (steels and light to medium copper only). Set type - 300-400A, water cooled TIG and MMA. Work type - Heavy (steels, light to medium coppers and aluminum s) . Set type - 300-400A, water cooled AC/DC, TIG and MMA.

All the above sets must have an HF or lift start, about a 5A start for fine mold tools, a slope in and out for in situ welding and the facil- ity for a remote foot control for fine bench work.

Choosing your set can be more difficult if you expect to be welding pure copper or pure aluminum (because of their excellent conduc- tivity), or if you will be welding continuously on a manipulator. For either of these, a higher amperage set would be recommended.

Torch head equipment Your torch or torches should match the type of welding set that you buy complete with an HF switch or lift start for in situ welding if needed. Your torch should be as light and maneuverable as pos- sible for fine tool work. If it is important for your weld to be as clean as possible (as in mold tool work), you will need a gas lens kit and a cupped ceramic as part of your torch head equipment. You must choose the most suitable sized tungstens to go with the type of work you intend to do; see Table 7.1.

DC TIG welding is used to weld all metals excluding aluminum and its alloys. AC TIG welding is used to weld aluminum and its alloys.

Table 7.1 Tungstens

DC thoriated or ciriated AC zirconiated or ciriated

l.Omm, up to 50A 1.6mm, up to 125A 2.4mm, 100-250A 3.2mm, 140-250A 3.2mm, 200475A 4.0mm, 200-300A 4.0mm, 350-475A, 5.0mm, 250350A

6.0mm, 300-500A

1.6mm, up to 100A 2.4mm, 80-150A

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Thoriated and zirconiated tungstens give off low levels of radiation so ciriated tungstens are available as an alternative. However, these do not perform as well as thoriated or zirconiated tungstens.

It is also very important to choose the right gas lens to go with your tungsten, i.e. if you are going to use a 1.6mm tungsten then you will need a 1.6mm gas lens and so on. Unfortunately, there will be times when a gas lens kit and a cupped ceramic are just too bulky so you will then need an appropriate collet body and a selection of cupped ceramics of different lengths as shown in Fig. 7.3.

If you feel that the above torch is too light, then discuss a heavier torch with your supplier. You will find most standard torches have a similar range of torch head equipment to offer but the golden rule is always use a gas lens when you can.

TIG welding gases For most TIG welding operations, high purity argon is the most suitable. If you intend to weld heavier copper and aluminum tools, you may find that argon/helium mixed gases are more suitable because helium increases the temperature of your arc without increasing its ferocity; see your gas supplier if you need more information.

Hopefully by now, you and your suppliers will have decided upon the most suitable welding set, torch or torches and torch head equipment. For small to medium sized tools you will need a steel bench with plenty of leg room, with an 8 to 10 mm thick steel top to withstand all the heating and cooling which would badly distort a thinner topped table. The most important piece of equipment you will ever use will be your adjustable comfortable chair! It is very important to make yourself as comfortable as possible because you are more likely to produce tidy, accurate welds.

Once you have organized your equipment, you need to set it all up and make sure that everything is in the right place and that every connection is tight and leak free; see Fig. 7.4.

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Light to medium duty torch with torch head equipment 1 Short back cap including O-ring 2 Torch body 3 Cupgasket 4 Collet 1.6 and 2.4mm 5 Collet body 1.6 and 2.4 mm 6 Extra long nozzle to fit collet body 7 Long nozzle to fit collet body 8 Standard nozzle to fit collet body 9 Gas lens 1.6 and 2.4mm

10 Standard nozzle to fit gas lens 11 Long nozzle to fit gas lens 12 Tungsten 1.6 and 2.4mm, thoriated for steels and copper, zicroniated for

aluminum and aluminum alloys

Fig. 7.3

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Welding equipment layout 1 Welding set 12 Mains cable to socket 2 Control panel 13 Argon hose to torch 3 Torch power cable 4 Torch 15 High pressure argon hose 5 Foot pedal 16 Argon flow metre 6 Foot pedal cable 17 Argon single stage regulator 7 Earthclamp 18 Bottle of argon gas 8 Earthcable 19 Work piece 9 Argon in

14 Mains socket

20 Argon out 10 Remotelcurrent control socket 21 HFcable 11 Remote/switch socket 22 HF button

Fig. 7.4

Setting up your equipment

Before setting up your equipment make sure that you read and understand the section at the beginning of this chapter ‘Safety’.

Although arc welding can be very safe, it has the potential to be very dangerous: it depends upon you. Look after yourself and others around you and take safety seriously.

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You will be dealing with electrical equipment which will be supplied by 11 OV, 240V or 440V, all of which can kill. All mains supply cables should be checked regularly for loose connections and damage. Keep all mains cables out of harm’s way, minimizing the chance of accidental damage.

1 If you intend to be moving your set around your shop, have it fitted with an armored mains cable. This will decrease the like- lihood of accidental damage especially if you intend to be welding well away from where you are plugged in.

2 Make sure that your argon bottle is tied up securely so it cannot be knocked over.

3 Before connecting the regulator to the argon bottle, release a half second blast of pressure to clean out any dust or foreign objects trapped in the valve neck.

4 Connect the single stage argon regulator to the argon bottle, connect the flow meter to the regulator, connect the high pres- sure argon hose to the flow meter and connect the high pressure argon hose to the ‘argon in’ on your weld set. Unfortunately, sometimes these connections are different sizes and sometimes you will find that you are trying to connect male to male and female to female connectors, which is very frustrating. Because of this, you might need some adaptors.

5 Turn on your argon bottle slowly to avoid a sudden burst of pres- sure and check to see if you have any leaks. If there is a leak, turn off the bottle, disconnect that connection and wind some plumber’s tape clockwise up the threads, re-connect the joint and try again.

Hopefully your welding supplier will have set everything up for you to check that everything works. If they have not, and you have a problem, I would suggest that you bring them in because there are so many different types of torches, torch connections, welding sets and set connections that the guide layout given in Fig. 7.4 cannot cover all possibilities.

Setting your gas flow rate I will assume that you have made all the necessary connections and switched on your equipment. Press the buttonkwitch or foot pedal

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Equipment 1 17

to start your gas flow; if there is no gas flow, check that everything is turned on, e.g. bottle, regulator (if the regulator has a control knob), flow meter and possibly your torch (because some torches have an economizer control). If you still have no gas flow, see your supplier.

Set your post-flow control to maximum, if you have this control (see Fig. 7.9), measure the orifice of your ceramic (8mm diameter orifice = 8 litres per minute gas flow, etc.), tap your switch or pedal to initiate your gas flow and set your flow meter as shown in Fig. 7.5. Once you have set your gas flow rate, turn the post-flow control back to a sensible length, e.g. 4-8 seconds

(a) Nozzle orifice is 1Omm

10 mm=lO Ipm

(b) Use the same number of litres per minute (Ipm) as millimeters of orifice diameter

Torch gas flow rate

Fig. 7.5

If you have a big surge of gas when you start your gas flow and you find this a problem, you can move your flow meter from between the regulator and high pressure hose to between your set and the torch cables. Unfortunately this maneuver might also need some adaptor connections.

Sharpening your tungstens There are many different schools of thought on how to sharpen tungstens - some are shown in Fig. 7.6.

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1.6mm 2.4mm 2.4mm 3.2mm 3.214.0mm 4.015.0mm

(a) Long fine points (b) Medium points (c) Stubby points for fine welds for general for heavy duty (low amps). See welding work Table 7.1 (medium amps) (high amps)

Fig. 7.6

I always grind my point on the side of the grind stone and then finish it off on the edge; see Fig. 7.7. Never wear loose fitting cloth- ing when sharpening tungstens and use a pin vice where possible. See your local tool supplier for a pin vice, which is a tool normally used to hold small drills for sharpening. Always wear safety eye and face protection when using grinders.

(a) Use side of stone to sharpen tungsten

(b) Use front edge of stone to fine finish

Fig. 7.7

Setting your tungsten As with sharpening, there are many different schools of thought on how far the tungsten should protrude. Figure 7.8 shows how and why I set my tungstens.

The further your tungsten protrudes, the more likely it is that you will get contamination problems. The less your tungsten protrudes,

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(a) Minimum protrusion

(b) Standard protrusion

(c) Maximum protrusion (see below)

Fig. 7.8

the more difficult it is to see what you are doing; see Chapter 6, problems 12 and 13 for exceptions to this rule.

Setting your torch head equipment This is a very common problem for welders and one which, unfortu- nately, leads to weld contamination. It is very important to check daily that your torch head equipment is always tightened in the correct sequence.

Tighten your gas lens/collet body with its heat barriers, first making sure that you are using the right size gas lenskollet body to suit your tungsten. See ‘Torch head equipment’, page 112. Put on the ceramichozzle and tighten. Insert your collet. Screw in the end cap fully and take it back a few turns to allow your tungsten to be inserted. Insert your sharpened tungsten to your required protrusion and tighten the end cap.

You should soon be set up and ready to go. If you are not and you feel that you have a problem, contact your welding supplier and ask them to send a technician. Do not attempt any electrical repairs your- self unless you are trained to do so. If you do have problems, it could

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just be something on your control panel that needs adjusting, so read through the next section first.

Control panels

Once you are happy with your set up, you will need to understand your control panel, what each knob, button and switch actually con- trols and which connection will go where and why. Figure 7.9 shows a selection of controls that you will find on most control panels. There are many different makes of welding set, all with different facilities and laid out in a different order, all using an assortment of buttons, knobs, switches and connections. Therefore, all the information now given is a general guide to the control panel on your welding set.

If you are not a welder, or you have little experience of welding, and you are about to strike an arc to try out your control panel, turn to Chapter 8. Chapter 8 will help you with the practical side of welding so you can try out your panel controls.

Control panel breakdown Mains switch (DC or AC). This switch is your main on and off switch, and if your set is an AC/DC set this is generally where it is marked. So if you are welding aluminum or an aluminum alloy you would switch to AC and if you want to weld anything else you would switch to DC. Also, if you are welding an alloy that contains small amounts of aluminum, try both, and use the setting that works best. Just to help you remember which one is which, try to imagine AC as ‘aluminum current’! Argon pre-flow. This control allows you to have a flow of argon before your arc comes on. Slope in. This control, allows you to gradually bring in your pre- set amps (slope out, below, allows you to gradually fade them out). This feature can be useful if you do not have a foot pedal. Main amperage control. This control pre-sets your main amps. Trough amperage control. This control pre-sets your trough amps. Trough amps are a feature which can be accessed by

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Equipment 12 1

Control panel 1 Mains switch (DC or AC) 10 Hot start 2 Argon pre-flow 3 Slope in 4 Main amperage control 5 Trough amperage control 6 Slopeout 7 Argon post-flow 8 Stick or TIG 9 Remote or local

11 On off switch, remote (socket) 12 Lift or HF start 13 Arc force 14 Latch or no latch 15 Positive terminal 16 Gas out 17 Amperage and on off, remote 18 Negative terminal

Fig. 7.9

tapping your switch during welding to give you a choice of two different amperages, generally one high and one low. This feature can be useful if you do not have a foot pedal.

6 Slope out. This control allows you to control how fast or slow you want your amps to fade away.

7 Argon post-flow. This control allows you to have a flow of argon after your arc has been extinguished.

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17 18

Stick or TIG. This is a two way selector switch giving you the facility of either stick (MMA) welding or TIG welding (argon welding, TAG welding, GTAW, TAW). Remote or local. If your switch is in the local position, it will bring into action your HF button or your foot pedal, whichever you have connected. If your switch is in the remote position, your electrode (tungsten or stick rod) will be live at all times. This is only suitable for stick welding. Hot start. This control is designed to stop your rod from sticking when you first strike your arc when you are stick welding. On off switch, remote (socket). This socket is where you plug in your HF cable. Lift or HF start. This switch gives you the choice of either lift or HF starting. HF starting can cause interference with sen- sitive electrical equipment, e.g. telephones. Most modern TIG sets have a lift start facility which eliminates this problem. To use HF and lift starting, see Chapter 8, page 133, ‘Striking your arc’. Arc force. This control is used in conjunction with stick welding, increasing the voltage to give you a more powerful arc without increasing your amps. Latch or no latch. The latch facility is for your HF or lift start. With the latch on, you can take your finger off your button during long continuous welds. This means, though, that you have to switch on, then switch off. Latch off means you have to keep your finger on your button during welding. Positive terminal. When TIG welding, this is where you will plug in your earth (electrode negative). When general-purpose stick welding this is where you will plug in your stick rod holder (electrode positive). Gas out. This is where you connect your argon hose connec- tion from your TIG torch. Amperage and on off remote. This socket is for your foot pedal. Negative terminal. When TIG welding, this is where you plug in your torch. When stick welding this is where you plug in your earth.

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Equipment 123

Other equipment

Other equipment is mainly non-standard, e.g. home made or slightly altered standard equipment, altered because such tools were not available or too expensive ready made.

Hot plate A hot plate is an essential piece of equipment if you are going to be working on high carbon tools, such as D2 punches and dies, because it is very important to keep these tools above their pre-heat temperature at all times during welding. There will be many ways of making hot plates, gas or electric or you may prefer to buy one ready made. I have always used home made hot plates heated by a hand-held propane torch as shown in Fig. 7.10.

Propane heating torch heats hot plate and fire bricks help to shield operator

Home made hot plate Fig. 7.10

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Heavy duty portable hot bench This piece of equipment was specially made for large television sized tools which are too heavy to move around from bench to bench. A tool can be lifted off a machine straight to the hot bench and easily moved to a welding area, pre-heated, welded, cooled and then moved to the machining area without leaving the bench. The heavy duty hot bench is based on exactly the same principle as the hot plate; see Fig. 7.1 1.

Heavy duty portable hot bench Fig. 7.11

Pre-heating oven Although there are many different types of ovens available, I tend to use what is familiar: stick rod pre-heating ovens (fitted with a temperature gage). These are available from your local welding supplier.

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Equipment 125

Pre-heating torches You will probably need two types of heating torch, large and small, for large and small tools. Fortunately there are some types of propane heating torches with interchangeable nozzles which saves you buying two torches. These should be available from your local supplier.

Vermiculite Vermiculite is a light, granulated, heat-insulating material used in the building trade, so if you intend to slow cool your tools, get some from your local builders’ merchant. Some tools need to be slow cooled; see Chapter 5, Table 5.1, page 50 and ‘Cooling’ from page 50. To slow cool your tools, you need a box, preferably made of wood, and filled with vermiculite so you can dig a hole and bury your tools after welding.

Power tools When preparing tools for welding, you may need to use power tools such as grinders. For removing large amounts of material I would use a 7” (1 80mm) grinder (this is the diameter of the grinding disc used). For medium work, a 4” (1 00 mm) grinder would be suitable and for fine work try a 58,000rpm pneumatic die grinder with 3mm rotary burrs or an electric die grinder. If you intend to buy a pneumatic grinder, you must buy a filter lubricator at the same time and fit it in line as close to the grinder as possible. It is recommended that a filter lubricator should be fitted in line and about a meter away from the grinder, but I find this a little bit of a restriction so mine is about 4 meters away.

Crack detection equipment When dealing with high carbon tools such as D2, A2 and 01 , where cracks could become a problem, crack detection equipment is essential. There are two types of crack detection equipment:

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1 Ironkteel filings. These can be sprinkled onto a damaged area and the excess gently blown away to reveal any cracks.

2 Dye penetrant examination kit. This consists of three aerosol cans. You will also need some absorbent rags or paper roll; see Chapter 6, ‘Excavating cracked material’, page 66, for more information.

Wire cutters Out of all of my hand tools, my spring loaded MIG welder wire cutters are the most used. Every time the end of my filler rod end becomes slightly oxidized, it can be snipped off, making sure that the rod end is always clean before welding again; see Chapter 6, ‘Oxidization’, page 74.

Wire brushes When welding smaller tools, oxidization is a big problem, and wire brushing your tool at every interval could mean the difference between a successful weld or a contaminated weld. There are three types of wire brush in common use:

1 A standard three row soft stainless steel wire brush for general use.

2 A much smaller very soft brass wire brush, the type that would be used to brush suede shoes. This brush is very useful to clean welds in sensitive areas, e.g. on or close to a polished face on a injection mold tool.

3 A shop-made single tuft wire brush. This wire brush looks like a wire artist’s paint-brush because it is a tuft of wires taken out of a stiff stainless steel wire brush, crimped in the end of a 150mm length of 10 or 8mm diameter tube. This wire brush is ideal for getting into little corners where your bigger wire brush will not reach.

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Equipment 127

Sash brush This is just a 10-1 5 mm diameter soft brush, to help keep your tool free from dust and oxidized particles that generally build up as you weld and wire brush.

Copper tipped mole grips These can be very helpful in holding and earthing very small tools that are susceptible to damage from bad earthing arc marks. Mole grips are also very useful just as an extra pair of hands. The copper-tipped jaws are there as a cushion to stop the mole grips from marking the tool and to provide a better earth connection.

Auxiliary earth This is basically two large crocodile clips held together by a length of stiff copper cable. The crocodile clip jaws are also tipped with copper to help minimize earthing arc marks. This earth is specially for small tools as shown in Chapter 6 , Fig. 6.35, page 83.

A podger is an earthing wedge which helps you to earth large tools that cannot fit on your bench and cannot be gripped by your earth clamp; see Chapter 6 , Fig. 6.37, page 85.

Aluminum plates Aluminum itself is a very useful aid because it is an excellent conductor and it is very soft, which makes it easier to earth to, mini- mizing earthing arc marks; see Chapter 5, Fig. 5.2, page 54.

Aluminum ‘V’ blocks Obviously ‘V’ blocks are designed to support cylindrical tools like shafts and some cores and inserts. These ‘V’ blocks can be

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machined out of a solid block or fabricated out of pieces of machined plate.

Rotary discs These are basically round pieces of aluminum or steel plate with a spot weld in the center. These discs are used for tools that need to be rotated several times during welding to help minimize earthing arc marks to the base; see Chapter 6, Fig. 6.36, page 84.

Restraints Restraints are pieces of bar used to minimize distortion when welding tools. Restraints can be used to hold together pieces of broken tools or to keep tools straight during welding; see Chapter 6, page 94, ‘Using restraints’.

Bent tungstens There will be many occasions when access to your repair is very difficult, and bending the tungsten is one way to solve this; see Chapter 6, ‘Bending tungsten’, page 92, and Fig. 6.44.

Scrap Having to hand an assortment of scrap aluminum, copper and steel blocks, pieces of bar and plate makes all the difference when you need packing pieces, heat soaks, flood supports, etc.; see Chapter 6, ‘Using heat soaks and flood supports’, page 86.

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Basic TIG welding for beginners

Although you can weld tools with the MIG and MMA (stick) welding processes, TIG welding seems to be the most complicated and difficult to master. This chapter introduces you to TIG welding so you can go on to understand the welding techniques in Chapter 6. This chapter also sets you tasks to help you to develop your hand skills.

TIG welding on fine tools needs a high degree of skill, and skillful practices take time to develop. The most important part of learning a new skill is to respect that skill and to take it one step at a time.

Before you go any further in this chapter, you must read through Chapter 7.

1 Understanding and implementing safe working practices. 2 Having the appropriate equipment, correctly set up and safely

laid out. 3 Make yourself comfortable.

I have read many training manuals on welding and I find that most books overlook the skillful and practical side of welding, and con- centrate on technical facts which makes them a little unfriendly to read. So with this in mind, I will try not to fall into the same trap.

I have found that there is only one rule in the practical side of welding, and that is that there are no rules! If something works for you, it works, and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t. All the welders that I have

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ever met have their own styles and techniques and they very rarely resemble anything described in a book. Obviously, technical in- struction books have to be technically accurate, giving the student technically accurate information assuming ideal conditions. Your conditions may not be ideal, and my book takes account of that.

I will assume that you have read through Chapter 7 and that your welding set is in the DC position (if you have a choice), switched on and working. I will also assume that your bench is earthed and you have a piece of clean scrap steel and a length of filler wire standing by. For the moment we will ignore the filler wire and concentrate on the torch:

1 Students using a foot pedal, follow FP where indicated. 2 Students not using a foot pedal follow HF where indicated. 3 All students follow Either.

Note: FP If you have two controls on your foot pedal, one will prob- ably control how low your amperage can go and the other will control how high your amperage can go. Set your low control to its lowest setting and set your high control to half way. If you have more than two controls, these will probably be slope in and slope out controls. If you have any problems with your controls, call in your supplier to explain what each control is for, and compare that with Fig. 7.9 on page 121.

Many foot pedals have no controls, which is simpler, but their amperage output may be governed by the controls on the main set, so ‘experiment’. Your foot pedal acts in the same way as an accel- erator pedal on a car - as you depress your pedal, your torch will switch on, then as you depress the pedal further, your amps will increase.

Note: HF Set your main amperage to 70-100 amps making sure that you are using a 1.6mm or 2.4mm, thoriated or ciriated tung- sten, see Chapter 7, ‘Torch head equipment’, page 112. If you have slope in/slope out controls (see Fig. 7.9, page 121), set your slope in to 1-2 seconds and set your slope out to 2-4 seconds. If you do not have a slope out control and you have to extinguish your arc by pulling your torch away from the weld pool, then your equipment will probably not be suitable for molds or fine tools.

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Either: Set your argon post-flow to 4-8 seconds and your pre- flow to 1 second. If you do not have these facilities on your welding set, it will be more difficult to weld fine tools to a high standard but it will not stop you learning to weld. Do not worry too much about these controls if you do not understand them, only time and frequent use will make you familiar with new equipment.

By now you are comfortable and ready to weld; if you are having problems consult your local welding supplier.

Holding your torch

Generally welders will hold their TIG torch like a pen or like a hammer as shown below in Fig. 8.1 and 8.2, but as with golf clubs, whichever style suits you is the right one.

Fig. 8.1

Fig. 8.2

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Figure 8.1 shows the torch held like a pen. This gives fine control of the torch head but restricted hand movement because your hand will always be rested. This style is better suited to bench work, especially on fine tools where close control is essential.

Figure 8.2 shows the torch held like a hammer. This is the type of hold for more general use because it gives free hand movement, although you will probably still rest your hand wherever possible.

HF: In Fig. 8.1, I would press my start button with my index finger and in Fig. 8.2, I would press my start button with my thumb.

Torch angles Either: When you are welding, torch angle and the distance between your tungsten and the surface of your weld pool are very important to help you to maintain an even and clean gas coverage. I will assume that you have read ‘Setting up your equipment’ in Chapter 7 and that the piece of scrap steel in front of you is free from contamination, e.g. rust, oil, paint. Look at the ideal torch angles in Fig. 8.3 and practice holding them. Relax and ensure you are comfortable before you start welding.


/ I

- Direction of weld

(a) Ideal torch angle I *lnrn

(b) View from A

Torch angles

Fig. 8.3

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striking your arc

I will assume that you have read through ‘Safety’ in Chapter 7 and that you are fully protected against the dangers of arc welding. Safety must be taken seriously. Rest your ceramic on your piece of scrap steel and, ignoring torch angles for a moment, lean your torch back so your tungsten is about 1 mm or 2mm off your plate and gently strike your arc; see Fig. 8.4. Students using ‘lift arc’ should touch their tungsten onto the piece of scrap, press their button or foot pedal and then lift the point of the tungsten up 2 or 3mm to start the arc.

(a) Rest ceramic on plate to assist arc strike

(b) Raise torch angle after arc is struck

Fig. 8.4

FP: Gently press your foot pedal down until your arc comes on. If you have set an argon pre-flow time it will be delayed by the seconds that you have set. Then lift your ceramic off the scrap steel and adjust the angle of your torch without breaking the arc until your torch is at a similar angle to that shown in Fig. 8.3. Once you have your arc established you should be able to increase your amperage by press- ing your pedal further down and decreasing and stopping it by lifting it back up.

HF: Press the button on your torch and your arc should come on. If you have set a slope in, your arc should slope in over the duration that you have set. If you have set an argon pre-flow time, it will be delayed by the seconds that you have set. Then lift your ceramic off the scrap steel and adjust the angle of your torch without breaking the arc until your arc is at a similar angle to that shown in Fig. 8.3. If you have slope in and slope out controls on your welding set, you will be able to play about with these settings to help give you a more even control over your amperage. For example, if you set your slope in and slope out to 2 or 3 seconds you will be able to press your button on and off during welding.

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Either: If you are having problems, go back over what we have discussed in this chapter and Chapter 7 because there are many things that can go wrong. If you have problems that you cannot solve, contact your local welding supplier for advice. Do not attempt any electrical repairs unless you are trained to do so.

Now it is time to experiment! Do not progress on to ‘Using your filler wire’ unless you feel confident to do so. Just try out what you have learned so far, practice using both the ‘pen’ and ‘hammer’ type grip on your torch. Why not play about with some of the settings on your welding set? This is a good time to find out what all those intimi- dating buttons, knobs and switches actually do; turn to page 121, Fig. 7.9, ‘Control panels’ and ‘Control panel breakdown’ and experi- ment. I would suggest that you make a note of all the settings that you have now so you can always get back to basics if you get out of your depth. Try to keep notes on the other settings you find in case you want to go back to them. This will help you to understand and to become familiar with your equipment. Also try writing your name on your piece of scrap steel with your molten pool as you are welding. Switch on and off for each letter and keep your torch in line with your direction of travel. This will help you get the feel of your torch espe- cially if your parents have named you after every member of your local football team!

Using your filler wire

Filler wire in welding is added to your molten pool to create a build- up of metal. This is to replace metal that has been lost, e.g. to refur- bish or rebuild a worn component, to add metal as an addition such as alterations and, bimetal cladding, or to join or reinforce a joint between two or more pieces of metal.

Holding your filler wire

You can hold your filler wire however you want, but there are tech- niques that are very useful; see Chapter 6, ‘Hand feed technique’, page 102, for my preferred technique.

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Feeding in your filler wire It is very important to feed your filler wire into the molten pool cor- rectly; see Chapter 6, ‘Oxidization’ and ‘Building pads of weld’, page 74. The amount of filler wire you should feed into the molten pool depends upon how you want the finished weld to look; see Fig. 8.5.

(a) Too hot: (b) Good: not enough standard build up build up

(c) Toocold: too much build up

Fig. 8.5

Weld (a) is too hot, and generally not suitable for work on tool steels. This weld shape is the result of too high an amperage or not enough filler wire.

Weld (b) is the ideal weld shape. Weld (c) is too cold for standard welding and is generally consid-

ered not suitable. This weld shape is the result of amperage too low or too much filler wire. Although this weld shape is generally not suitable, it is ideal for fine welding in delicate areas, e.g. shut off edges on mold tools, cutting edges on punches, dies, blades and knives .

So now it is time to experiment again: use what you have learned so far to re-create weld (b). Try to keep your welds even, tidy and straight. Also it is very important to make your weld width no wider than three times your filler wire diameter, e.g. 1.6mm filler wire = 4.8 mm maximum weld width, etc.

By now you should understand how to get a build-up of weld metal on your piece of scrap steel regardless of what it looks like! My first welds were looked upon as ‘encouraging’ by my unbearably opti- mistic welding instructor even though they looked a little like pigeon droppings, so do not be disheartened if you feel that you are getting nowhere. Welding for the first time is very similar to learning to drive because you have to perform several different skillful acts all at the

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same time. Any able-handed person can learn to weld if they have enough patience and persistence, so relax and find your own natural hand skill learning pace.

Welding exercises Next in this chapter, I have laid out a series of exercises that will gradually challenge your new-found skills. As you try each exercise, you may encounter welding problems such as dirty welds (oxidization) or bubbles in your weld (porosity). These are common problems and are discussed in Chapter 6, to which I will refer you at appropriate times.

Exercise 1: A single level pad This exercise is designed to help you practice laying one weld against another (overlaying) which is the first step in pad building; see Fig. 8.6.

A single level pad Fig. 8.6

Use any size of weld you wish, taking into consideration the diam- eter of your tungsten, e.g. do not use too high an amperage for the diameter of your tungsten because it could melt: see Chapter 7,

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Table 7.1, page 11 2. This table will give you a safe welding amper- age for the diameter of tungsten you intend to use. Also, use what- ever filler wire diameter you feel is right, e.g. 1 mm, 1.6mm, 2.4mm. I tend to use only 1.6mm or 2.4mm diameter filler wires on steels; see also Chapter 6, ‘Welding fine details’, page 101. Then weld a single level pad as shown in Fig. 8.6, using your wire brush to clean after each weld.

To check if your pad is all good metal (no contamination or weld defects) cut your pad in half as shown in Fig. 8.7, and clean up or polish the sectioned face. This type of inspection technique is called a macro inspection, and will show you if you are overlapping your welds properly.

\ Check for defects in weld

, I , , ’ I I- .

(a) Sectioned pad, showing macro face (b) View from A

Fig. 8.7

Exercise 2: a standard pad

This exercise is basically the same as exercise 1 only using more than one layer. There is no one way to build a pad because everybody finds his or her own style and technique. The only important thing is to build a multi-layered pad of weld metal which, after machining, reveals a solid pad of metal that is free from defects and the right size. Figure 8.8 shows how you could build a pad.

(a) Mark off size of pad (b) Weld around edge of marking off

Fig. 8.8

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Direction of weld - A - ///////////////


(c) Fill in pad area with overlapping runs (d) Section through A-A weld from to create single level pad right to left

(e) Weld second layer of weld and edge with weld to keep shape

Edging runs Direction of weld ___t

(f) Section through 5-43 weld in opposite direction to first layer

A standard pad

Fig. 8.8 cont’d

Once you have two layers of weld, all you need to do is repeat the same sequence over and over again until you reach your desired height. As you are building your pad, keep an eye on your pad shape because pads tend to have a life of their own and you need to keep them under control! See Fig. 8.9. Try to keep the sides of your pad as straight as possible because it is very difficult to touch them up after you have finished; see Chapter 6, Fig. 6.26, page 75, ‘Bad weld

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(a) Pisa style (b) Egyptian style (pyramid)

(c) Wibbly wobbly (d) Tornado style

Wayward pads

Fig. 8.9

sequence planning’. As before in exercise 1 , ‘macro’ your finished pad and check for weld defects.

Exercise 3: Stack pads This exercise is designed to challenge your hand skills and amper- age control. A stack pad is a single run pad generally used to repair fine features on mold tools; see Chapter 6, Fig. 6.41, page 89. Foot switches will perform better here than finger switches because of the greater amperage control. Use 1.6mm filler wire and whatever amperage you think suitable. Turn your argon delay to 8-1 0 seconds, put your first run or spot on to your plate, extinguish your arc but do not move your torch away. Allow the argon gas from your torch to

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140 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

envelop your stack to minimize oxidization until your argon cuts off automatically, then keep on repeating this until you have a 1 Omm high stack. Keep checking the shape of your stack as you progress to avoid straying off line. Avoid over-heating your stack, so stop and start wherever you think suitable and keep your torch directly over the stack at all times and for as long as possible after extin- guishing your arc to avoid unnecessary oxidization. Do not worry if your stack collapses or becomes filled with air bubbles (porosity): this is not an easy exercise so do not expect to get it right first time. See Fig. 8.10.

Gas shroud

(a) A is a rib stack, B is a pin stack (b) Torch to be held at right angles to stack. Keep filler wire clean at all times. See Fig. 6.25

Stack pads

Fig. 8.10

A and B are both welded the same way, one single spot or one single run on top of another (with great patience).

Exercise 4: Edging welds Edging welds are the most difficult and probably the most common especially on mold tool repairs. The mark of a good mold, tool and die repair welder is the quality of their finishing. Performing an edge weld is difficult, finishing an edge weld is very difficult even for an experienced welder; see Chapter 6, ‘Under cut (notches)’, page 73. Going back to Fig. 8.5, weld (c) is the type of weld required for an edge weld; see Fig. 8.1 1.

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(a) Edging weld (b) Section through A-A

Edging welds

Fig. 8.11

As before, keep your torch angle to about 60"-80" from the flat and evenly in line with travel for maximum gas coverage where possible; see Fig. 8.12.

(a) Torch angle evenly in line with weld for maximum gas coverage

(b) View from A

Edging weld torch angles

Fig. 8.12

To produce a good edge weld, it is important to concentrate on your gas coverage to keep your weld as clean and as free from oxides as possible. So relax in your chair and try to rest your hands on blocks of wood or bricks when you are welding to help give you good sta- bility. Try to get into a rhythm of dipping or pushing your filler wire into your molten pool to help you produce tidy consistent welds.

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Exercise 5: Tug offs A tug off is a technique that I have developed to minimize under cut (notches) at either side of an edge weld; see Chapter 6, ‘Under cut’ (notches), page 73.

Most of the repairs on molds, tools and dies tend to incorporate at least one edge, if not more. Any repair is only as good as its worst part, and that part is generally where the weld finishes onto an edge, so tug offs are very important. Use the techniques discussed in Chapter 6, page 74, Fig. 6.24, to practice your tug offs and edge welds.

(a) Edge welds with tug offs (b) Corner welds with tug offs

Tug offs

Fig. 8.13

Perform the corner welds in exactly the same way as the edge welds. Start from the corner and work out over, do not weld down over! Always turn the block to make each weld as easy and comfortable as possible.

To inspect the quality of your tug offs, you will have to skim all sur- faces with a surface grinder unless you feel confident enough to use a milling tool. If you do not have access to a milling machine or surface grinder, you will have to hand grind with a 4.5” or 5” (1 15 or 125 mm) angle grinder (grinderette) with the flat face of the disc.

Although exercise 5 is the last exercise in this book, I would suggest that if you have any practical difficulties with your welding

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Basic TIG welding for beginners 143

skills, find out where your weakness lies and design an exercise to combat that short-fall.

Once you feel happy enough with your hand skills and you intend to attempt a tool repair, Go to Chapter 1 because you will need to decide pre-heats, cooling, types of filler wire, etc.

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels

Other steels and tool steels, national and international, old and new with comparable AIS1 or Werkstoff numbers or a close matching chemical composition

Other tool steels ComDarison

0.9% carbon, 0.8% chromium w 5 0.9% carbon chrome w 5 09 B 1% carbon 10% cobalt l00CD 6 l00Cr 6 IO0 MnCrW 4 IOOV 1 1005 1006 1008 1 OOC6 1010 I011 1012 1013 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 102Cr 6KU

0 1 w 1 T6 1.2067 1.2067 1.251 0 1.2833 O.O6C, 0.3Mn O.O8C, 0.3Mn O.IC, 0.35Mn 1.2067 O.lC, 0.45Mn O.lC, 0.75Mn 0.1 2C, 0.45Mn 0.1 3C, 0.65Mn 0.15C, 0.45Mn 0.15C, 0.75Mn 0.1 7C, 0.45Mn 0.17C, 0.75Mn 0.1 7C, 0.85Mn 1.2067

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 145

Other tool steels

102V 2KU 1020 02 1 022 023 024 025 026

1027 1029 1030 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043

1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 105C 6 105 MV 01 105WC 13 105 WCr 5 105 WCr 6 1050 1051 1052 1053 1055 1060 1061 1064 1065 1066 1069 107 CrV 3 KU

10-4-3-1 0


1.2833 0.2C, 0.45Mn 0.2C, 0.75Mn 0.2C, 0.85Mn 0.2C, 0.45Mn 0.22'2, 1.5Mn 0.25C, 0.45Mn 0.25C, 0.75Mn 0.26C, 1.35Mn 0.28C, 0.75Mn 0.31C, 0.75Mn 0.35C, 0.75Mn 0.34C, 1.35Mn 0.352, 0.85Mn 0.38C, 0.75Mn 0.4C, 0.85Mn 0.4C, 0.75Mn 0.4C, 1.5Mn 0.43C, 0.75Mn 0.43C, 0.85Mn 1.3207 0.46C, 0.45Mn 0.46C, 0.75Mn 0.46C, 0.85Mn 0.47C, 1.5Mn 0.48C, 1.25Mn 0.49C, 0.75Mn 1.2067 1.2833 1.241 9 1.241 9 1.241 9 0.51 C, 0.75Mn 0.5'2, 1Mn 0.51C, 1.3Mn 0.51 C, 0.85Mn 0.55C, 0.75Mn 0.6C, 0.75Mn 0.6C, 0.9Mn 0.652, 0.65Mn 0.652, 0.75Mn 0.65C, O.1Mn 0.7C, 0.55Mn 1.2210


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146 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

.. Other tool steels Comparison

107 WCr 5 KU 1070 1072 1074 1075 1078 1080 1084 1085 1086 1090 1095 l I 5CrV 3 12Ch 13 1 2 s 120c 2 12-1 -5-5 12M 1330 -H 1335 -H 1340 -H 1345 -H 14Ch 17N 2 14% tungsten 14/4/4 145Cr 6 14HD

1513 1518 1522 1524 1525 1525 1526 1527 1536 1541 1545 1547 1548 1551 1552 1561


1.241 9 0.7C, 0.75Mn 0.7C, 1.15Mn 0.75C, 0.65Mn 0.75C, 0.55Mn 0.78C, 0.45Mn 0.81C, 0.75Mn 0.86C, 0.75Mn 0.86C, 0.85Mn 0.86C, 0.4Mn 0.91 C, 0.75Mn 0.96C, 0.4Mn 1.2210 1.4006 H21 1.2002 1.3202 1.2C, 12Mn 0.3C, 1.75Mn 0.352, 1.75Mn 0.4C, 1.75Mn 0.45C, 1.75Mn 1.4057 0.65C, 4Cr, 14W, 0.5V 1.25C, 4Cr, 14W, 4V 1.2063 H24 A2 0.1 3C, 1.25Mn O.l8C, 1.25Mn 0.21 C, 1.25Mn 0.22C, 1.5Mn 0.26C, 0.95Mn 1.1525 0.25C, 1.25Mn 0.25C, 1.35Mn 0.33C, 1.35Mn 0.4C, 1.5Mn 1.1545 0.47C, 1.5Mn 0.48C, 1.25Mn 0 5 2 , 1Mn 0.51 C, 1.35Mn 0.6C, 0.9Mn

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 147

Other tool steels Comparison

1566 1572 1625 1645 1663 1673 1730 740 750 8 HD 8% tungsten 8-0-1 8-0-2-10 8-1 -1 -5 820 830 880 9F C25 c35

1 c45 1 C55 1 C60 1P 1 u 2P 2% tungsten 20Ch 13 20Ch 17N 2

2002 2008 2057 2067 2080 2082 2083 20s 21 MnCr 5 2-1 0-1 -8 21 27 21 40 21 62 22% tungsten

20 plus

WE) W E ) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr)

(W. Nr) (W. Nr) (SS)

(W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr)

(W. Nr)

(W. Nr)

0.6% 1Mn 0.7C, 1.15Mn 1.1625 1.1645 1.1663 1.1673 1.1730 1.1740 1 .I 750 H26 T1 1.3355 1.3265 1.3255 1.1820 1.1830 1.1545 0 6 0.25C, 0.6Mn 0.35C, 0.65Mn 0.45'2, 0.65Mn 0.55C, 0.75Mn 0.60C, 0.75Mn 0.43C, lSi, 1.4Cr 1.9C, 12.50, 0.75M0, 0.25V s1 Sl 1.4021 1.4057 P20 1.2002 1.2008 1.2057 1.2067 1.2080 1.2082 1.2083 H10 1.2162 1.3247 1.21 27 1.251 0 1.21 62 O X , 4.2Cr, 22W, 1.3V

(Con tiwed)

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148 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison ~~

221 0 2234 2241 2242 2244 2260 227 2302 2303 2303 2304 231 0 231 1 231 2 231 2 231 6 232 1 2330 2332 2341 2343 2344 2361 2361 2363 2365 2367 2378 2379 23s 241 9 2436 2442 24s 251 0 251 5 2542 2547 2550 2562 2567 2581 25s 2601

(W. Nr)

(W. Nr) (SS)

(SS) (SS) (SS)

(SS) (SS)

6s) (SS)



(W. Nr)

(W. Nr)

(W. Nr) (W. Nr)

(W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr)

(W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr)

(W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr)

(W. Nr)

1.2210 1.2330 1.2241 1.2344 1.2332 1.2363 H21 1.4006 1.4021 1.2303 1.4028 1.2601 1.231 1 1.2436 1.231 2 1.231 6 1.4057 1.2330 1.2332 1.2341 1.2343 1.2344 1.2361 1.2361 1.2363 1.2365 1.2367 1.2378 1.2379 D3 1.2419 1.2436 1.2442 0.24C, 2.5Ni, 3 0 , 8.5W 1.251 0 1.251 5 1.2542 1.2547 1.2550 1.2562 1.2567 1.2581 0.27C, 4.25Ni, 1.5Cr, 6.75W 1.2601

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 149

Other tool steels Comparison

2606 (W. Nr) 2631 (W. Nr) 2663 (W. Nr) 2678 (W. Nr) 271 0 (SS) 271 I (W. Nr) 271 3 (W. Nr) 271 4 (W. Nr) 271 8 (W. Nr) 2721 (W. Nr) 2722 6s) 2723 (SS) 2735 (W. Nr) 2744 (W. Nr) 2762 (W. Nr) 2764 (W. Nr) 2766 (W. Nr) 2767 (W. Nr) 2770 (W. Nr) 2782 (SS) 2787 (W. Nr) 2826 (W. Nr) 2833 (W. Nr) 2842 (W. Nr) 2885 (W. Nr) 28Mn6 2-9-2 2-9-2-8 293 2C25 2C35 2C45 2C55 2C60 30Ch 13 30CrMoV 12 27 KU 30CrMoV 12 3OCrNiMo8 32 DCV 28 32NCD 16 3202 (W. Nr) 3207 (W. Nr) 3243 (W. Nr) 3246 (W. Nr)

1.2606 1.2631 1.2663 1.2678 1.2542 1.271 1 1.271 3 1.271 4 1.271 8 1.2721 1.3343 1.3243 1.2735 1.2744 1.2762 1.2764 1.2766 1.2767 1.2770 1.3348 1.2787 1.2826 1.2833 1.2842 1.2885 0.28C, 1.5Mn 1.3348 1.3249 H21 0.25C, 0.6Mn 0.35C, 0.65Mn 0.45C, 0.65Mn 0.55C, 0.75Mn 0.60C, 0.75Mn 1.4028 1.2365 1.2365 0.30C, 2Cr, 0.4M0, 2Ni 1.2365 1.2766 1.3202 1.3207 1.3243 1.3246


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150 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison

3247 3249 3255 3265 32B 32CrMol2 32s 3342 3346 3348 3355 34CD 4 34Cr4 34CrMo4 34NiCrMol6 35 B 35CrMo 4 35 HM 3505 35 1 3551 3554LW 35CrNiMo6 37Cr4 38Cr2 38Cr4 39NiCrMo3 3C25 3c35 3c45 3c55 3C60 3Ch2W8F 3Ch3M3F 40CDM 8 40CDM 8+S 40Ch 13 40 CrMnMo 7

(W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr)

(W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr) (W. Nr)

(W. Nr)

(W. Nr) (W. Nr)

1.3247 1.3249 1.3255 1.3265 A2 0.32C, 3Cr, 0.4M0, 0.3Ni A2 1.3342 1.3346 1.3348 1.3355 1.2330 0.34C, 0.75Mn, 1Cr 0.34C, 0.65Mn, lCr, 0.25Mo 0.34C, 1.8Cr, 0.35M0, 4Ni A6 1.2330 1.2330 1.3505 0.52C, 0.7Si, l . lCr , 1.9W, 0.3V 1.3551 1.3554LW 0.35C, 0.65Mn, 1.5Cr, 0.25M0, 1.5Ni 0.37C, 0.75Mr1, 1Cr 0.38C, O.65Mn, 0.5Cr 0.38C, 0.75Mn, 1Cr 0.39C, 0.65Mn, 0.75Cr, 0.25M0, 0.85Ni 0.25'2, 0.6Mn 0.35C, 0.65Mn 0.45C, 0.65Mn 0.55C, 0.75Mn 0.60C, 0.75Mn 1.2581 1.2365 1.231 1 1.2312 1.4034 1.231 1

40CrMnMoS 8 6 1.231 2 40CrMo 4 1.2332 4005 (W. Nr) 1.4005 4006 (W. Nr) 1.4006 401 2 (SAE) 0.1 l C , 0.85Mn, 0.2Mo 401 4LW (W. Nr) 1.4014LW

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 151

Other tool steels Comparison

402 1 4023 4024 4027 -H 4028 -H 4028

4034 4032 -H

4037 -H 4042 -H 4047 -H 4057 40Chl3 40NiCrMo2 40NiCrMo3 41 OS21 41 OS22 41 10 41 12 4118 -H 4130 -H 4135 -H 4137 -H 4140 -H 41 40 4142 -H 4145 -H 4147 -H 4150 -H 41 6 Se

41 6S21 41 6829 41 6837 41 6S41 41 Cr4 41 CrMo4 42CD 4 420J2 420829 420837 420845 42CrMo4 431 Se

4161 -H

1.4021 0.22C, 0.8Mn, 0.25Mo 0.22C, 0.8Mn, 0.25Mo 0.27C, 0.8Mn, 0.25Mo 0.27C, 0.8Mn, 0.25Mo 1.4028 0.32C, 0.8Mn, 0.25Mo 1.4034 0.37C, 0.8Mn, 0.25Mo 0.42C, 0.8Mn, 0.25Mo 0.47C, 0.8Mn, 0.25Mo 1.4057 1.2083 0.4C, 0.85Mn, 0.50, 0.25M0, 0.55Ni 0.4C, 0.75Mn, 0.75Cr, 0.25M0, 0.85Ni 1.4006 1.4006 1.4110 1.4112 0.2C, 0.8Mn, 0.5Cr, O.11Mo 0.3C, 0.5Mn, 0.95Cr, 0.2Mo 0.35C, 0.8Mn, 0.95Cr, 0.2Mo 0.37C, 0.8Mn, 0.95Cr, 0.2Mo 0.4C, 0.85Mn, 0.95Cr, 0.2Mo 1.4140 0.42C, 0.85Mn, 0.95Cr, 0.2Mo 0.45C, 0.85Mn, 0.95Cr, 0.2Mo 0.47C, 0.85Mn, 0.95Cr, 0.2Mo 0.5C, 0.85Mn, 0.95Cr, 0.2Mo 416 0.6C, 0.85Mn, 0.8Cr, 0.3Mo 41 6 41 6 41 6 41 6 0.41'2, 0.65Mn, 1Cr 0.41C, 0.75Mn, lCr, 0.25Mo 1.2332 1.2083 1.4021 420 1.4028 0.42C, 0.65Mn, lCr, 0.25Mo 43 1


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152 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison - -

4320 -H 4340 -H 4419 -H 441 S49 4422 4427 45NCD 17 45 WcrSi 8 45 WCrV 7 45 WCrV 8 KU 4528 45Cr2 461 5 461 7 4620 -H 4621 -H 4626 -H 46Cr2 47 CrMo 4 47 Prima 4718 -H 4720 -H 476 Special 476 Special 476 4815 -H 4817 -H 4820 -H 4Ch5MF1 S 4Ch5MFS 4NHD 4828 4WHD 5 CTDS 5% cobalt 50CMV 4 50MCD 5 50 NiCr 13 50 wcv 22 501 00 501 5 503A37 503A42 5031-137

0.19C, 0.55Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.25M0, 1.8Ni 0.4C, 0.7Mn, 0.8Cr, 0.25M0, 1.8Ni 0.2C, 0.55Mn, 0.5Mo 431 0.22C, 0.8Mn, 0.4Mo 0.26C, 0.8Mn, 0.4Mo 1.2767 1.2542 1.2542 1.2542 1.4528 0.45C, 0.65Mn, 0.5Cr 0.15C, 0.55Mn, 0.25M0, 1.8Ni 0.17C, 0.55Mn, 0.25M0, 1.8Ni 0.19C, 0.55Mn, 0.25M0, 1.8Ni 0.2C, 0.8Mn, 0.25M0, 1.8Ni 0.26C, 0.55Mn, 0.2M0, 0.85Ni 0.46C, 0.65Mn, 0.5Cr 1.2332 w 1 0.18C, 0.8Mn, 0.45Cr, 0.35M0, 1.05Ni 0.19C, 0.6Mn, 0.45Cr, 0.2M0, 1.05Ni D4 D6 D2 0.15C, 0.5Mn, 0.25M0, 3.5Ni 0.17C, 0.5Mn, 0.25M0, 3.5Ni 0.2C, 0.6Mn, 0.25M0, 3.5Ni 1.2344 1.2343 0.35C, 1.5Cr, 5.75W, 0.35V, 4Ni 1.5864 0.35C, l . lS i , 4W, 1.2Cr, 0.25V H12 T4 1.2241 0.5C, 1.2Mn, 0.65Cr, 0.2Mo 1.2721 1.2547 1.05'2, 0.35Mn, 0.5Cr 0.14C, 0.4Mn, 0.4Cr 0.37C, 0.7Mn, 0.85Ni 0.42C, 0.7Mn, 0.85Ni 0.37C, 0.85Mn, 0.85Ni

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 153

Other tool steels Comparison

503H42 503M40 5046 -H 5060 -H 50840 -H 50844 -H 50846 -H 50650 -H 50860 -H 5OCrV4 51 100 5115 -H 5120 -H 5130 -H 5132 -H 5135 -H 5140 -H 51 41 0 51 41 6Se 51420 51 420F 51 420FSe 51431 51 440A 51 4408 51 440C 51 440F 51 440FSe 5145 -H 5147 -H 5150 -H 5155 -H 5160 -H 51 660 -H 521 00 526 526M60 530A30 530A32 530A36 530A40 530H30 530H32 530H36

0.42C, 0.85M1-1, 0.85Ni 0.4C, 0.85M1-1, 0.85Ni 0.45C, 0.85Mn, 0.27Cr 0.6C, 0.85Mn, 0.5Cr 0.4C, 0.85Mn, 0.5Cr 0.45C, 0.85Mn, 0.5Cr 0.46C, 0.85M1-1, 0.25Cr 0.5C, 0.85Mn, 0.5Cr 0.6C, 0.85Mn, 0.5Cr 0.5C, 0.9Mn, ICr, 0.15V l.O5C, 0.35Mn, 1 Cr 0.15C, 0.8Mn, 0.8Cr 0.19C, 0.8Mn, 0.8Cr 0.3C, 0.8Mn, 0.95Cr 0.32C, 0.7Mn, 0.85Cr 0.35C, 0.7Mn, 0.9Cr 0.4C, 0.8Mr-1, 0.8Cr 41 0 41 6 420 420 420 431 440A 4408 440C 1.1C, 1.2Mn, 17Cr, 0.7Mo 1.1C, 1.2Mn, 17Cr, 0.7Mo 0.45C, 0.8Mn, 0.8Cr 0.48C, 0.85Mn, 1Cr 0.5C, 0.8Mn, 0.8Cr 0.55C, 0.8Mn, 0.8Cr 0.6'2, 0.85Mn, 0.8Cr 0.6C, 0.85Mn, 0.8Cr 1 . O X , 0.35Mn, 1.45Cr M2 O.EiC, 0.65Mn, 0.65Cr O X , 0.7Mn, 1Cr 0.32C, 0.7Mn, 1Cr 0.36C, 0.7Mn, 1Cr OAC, 0.7Mn, 1Cr 0.3C, 0.7Mn, 1Cr 0.32C, 0.7Mn, 1Cr 0.36C, 0.7Mn, 1Cr


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154 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison

530H40 530M40 534A99 535A99 53s 54 NiCrMo V6 55 NCD 13 55 NCDV 6 55 NCDV 7 55 NiCr 10 55 NiCrMoV 6 55 wc 20 55 WCrV 8 KU 56 NiCrMoV 7 57NiCrMoV 7 7 58 S 58 WCr9 KU 5864 5 c c 5ChNM 6/5/2 60CrSi 8 60 MnSiCr 4 6OWCrV 7 6OWCS 20 605A32 605A37 605H32 605H37 605M30 605M36 606M36 608H37 608M38 61 18 -H 61 50 -H 640A35 640H35 640M40 65NCD 6 6-5-2 6-5-2-5 653M31

0.4C, 0.7Mn, 1Cr 0.4C, 0.75Mn, 1Cr l C , 1.4Cr I C , 0.6Mn, 1.4Cr H I 3 1.271 1 1.2721 1.271 1 1.271 3 1.2718 1.2713 1.2542 1.2550 1.2714 1.2744 H I 2 1.2550

(W. Nr) 1.5864 A2 1.271 3 M2 1.2550 1.2826 1.2550 1.2550 0.32C, 1.5Mn, 0.27Mo 0.37C, 1.5Mn, 0.27Mo 0.32C, 1.5Mn, 0.27Mo 0.37'2, 1.5Mn, 0.27Mo 0.3C, 1.5Mn, 0.27Mo 0.36C, 1.5Mr-1, 0.27MO 0.36C, 1.5Mn, 0.27Mo 0.37'2, 1.5Mn, 0.5MO 0.38C, 1.5Mn, 0.5Mo

(SAW 0.18C, 0.6Mn, 0.6Cr, 0.12V (SAE) 0.5C, 0.8Mn, 0.95Cr, 0.15V

0.35C, 0.75Mn, 0.65Cr, 1.3Ni 0.35'2, 0.75Mn, 0.65Cr, 1.25Ni 0.4C, 0.75Mn, 0.65Cr, 1.3Ni 1.2714 1.3343 1.3243 0.31C, 0.6Mn, lCr, 3Ni

6542 Molybdenum (Cook) M2

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 155

Other tool steels Comparison

6582 6747 67s 69s 6ChV25 7 PCR 70MDC 8 708A37 708A42 708H37 708H42 708M40 709M40 722M24 7-4-2-5 74s 75CrMoNiW 6 7 75 785Ml9 80 8115 81 6M40 81 7M40

823M30 826M31 826M40 82s 830M31 835M30 85 N iV4 861 5

81 B45 -H

8617 -H 8620 -H 8622 -H 8625 -H 8627 -H 8630 -H 8637 -H 8640 -H 8642 -H 8645 -H 8650 -H 8655 -H

1.6582 1.6747 F3 D2 1.2550 w4 A6 0.37C, 0.85Mn, lCr, 0.2Mo 0.42C, 0.85Mn, lCr, 0.2Mo 0.37C, 0.85Mn, lCr, 0.2Mo 0.42C, 0.85Mn, lCr, 0.2Mo 0.4C, 0.85Mn, lCr, 0.2Mo 0.4C, 0.85Mn, lCr, 0.3Mo 0.24C, 0.6Mn, 3.25Cr, 0.55Mo 1.3246 0.3C, 2.3Cr, 0.3M0, 4.25W, 0.6V 1.2762 1.1 750 0.19C, 1.6Mn, 0.25M0, 0.55Ni 1.1625 0.15C, 0.8Mn, 0.4Cr, O.llMo, 0.3Ni 0.4C, 0.6Mn, 1.2Cr, 0.15M0, 1.5Ni 0.4C, 0.6Mn, 1.2Cr, 0.3M0, 1.5Ni 0.45C, 0.85Mn, 0.450, 0.1 1 Mo, 0.3Ni 0.3C, 2Cr, 0.4M0, 2Ni 0.31C, 0.650, 0.55M0, 2.5Ni 0.4C, 0.65Cr, 0.55M0, 2.5Ni 0.33C, 13 , 3Cr, 2.8c0, lW, 2.8M0, 0.9V 0.31C, lCr, 0.3M0, 3Ni 0.3C, 1.25Cr, 0.3M0, 4.1 Ni 0.85C, 0.8Ni, 0.1V 0.15C, 0.8Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.17C, 0.8Mn, 0 3 3 , 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.2C, 0.8Mn, 0 3 3 , 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.22C, 0.8Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.25C, 0.8Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.27C, 0.8Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.3C, 0.8Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.37C, 0.85Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.4C, 0.85Mn, 0 3 3 , 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.42C, 0.85Mn, O X r , 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.45C, 0.85Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.5C, 0.85Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.55C, 0.85Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.55Ni


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156 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels

8660 -H 86B30H 86B45 -H 8720 -H 8740 -H 8822 -H 88HP 897M39 90 MCV 8 90 MnCrV 8 90 MnVCr 8 KU 90MV 8 90 MWCV 5 905M31 905M39 9254 9255 9257 9260 -H 9310 -H 945A40 945M38 94B15 -H 94B17 -H 94B30 -H 95 MCWV 5 95 MnCrW 5 95 MnWCr 5 KU 9Chl 9Ch5VF 9ChVG A 100 A 13 A1 1 A25CrMo4 A6 AB 213 AB 75 ADlC ADS AGS AH chrome die AHA AHK


0.6C, 0.85Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.3C, 0.75Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.45C, 0.85Mn, 0 3 3 , 0.2M0, 0.55Ni 0.2C, 0.8Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.25M0, 0.55Ni 0.4C, 0.85Mn, 0 5 3 , 0.25M0, 0.55Ni 0.22C, 0.85Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.35M0, 0.55Ni T1 0.39C, 3.25Cr, lMo, 0.2V 1.2842 1.2842 1.2842 1.2842 1.251 0 0.31C, 1.6Cr, 0.2M0, 1.1Al 0.39C, 1.6Cr, 0.2M0, 1.1Al 0.55C, 1.4Si, 0.7Mn, 0.7Cr 0.55C, 2 3 , 0.8Mn w 2 0.6C, 23 , 0.85Mn O.lC, 0.55Mn, 1.2Cr, 0.11M0, 3.25Ni 0.4C, 1.4Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.75Ni 0.38C, 1.4Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.75Ni 0.15C, 0.85Mn, 0.4Cr, 0.11M0, 0.45Ni 0.17C, 0.85Mn, 0.4Cr, 0.11M0, 0.45Ni 0.3C, 0.85Mn, 0.4Cr, 0.1 1 Mo, 0.45Ni 1.2510 1.251 0 1.251 0 1.2067 1.2363 1.2510 0.32C, 0.6Mn, 0.65Cr, 2.5Ni, 0.55Mo 0.4C, 1.15Cr, 1.” 0.3M0, 0.6Mn D3 0.25C, 0.65Mn, lCr, 0.25Mo D2 0.33C, 1 Cr, 0.3Ni, 1.75W s4 H13 H11 L1 A2 1.2542 1.2550

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 157

Other tool steels ComDarison

Alloy C WPS Alloy mold Alum die mold ALZ AM1 AM3 Amutit S Amutit Ardho No 2 ARH Medium ARH Tough Ark Superior Triumph Superb Ark Superlative Triumph Superb


D3 1.2766 H I 1 H13 0.352, lSi, 1.35W, 5Cr, 1.5M0, 0.45V 0.4C, ISi, 5Cr, 1.35M0, 1V 1.2510 1.241 9 0.47C, I . lN i , 0.6Cr 420 420 T I T4

1000 ARL.GB Arne ARW ARWS.GB ASP 23 3.1V Astra AT Austenite AW Az B 20V B10 B25CrMo4 BA 2 BA 500 BA 6 BCC BCC BCD BCD BCD37 BCHV BCRS BCW BD 2A BD 2 BD 3 BD2A Benum

431 1.251 0 41 0 41 6 1.27C, 0.5Si, 0.3Mn, 4.2Cr, 6.4W, 5M0,

0.55, lCr, 2W 0.45C, 1.2Si, 0.7Mn, 3Ni, 0.5Cr 0.65C, 14W, 4Cr, 0.5V 0.73C, 14W, 4Cr, 1V H21 1.1545 1.1730 0.25C, 0.65Mn, ICr, 0.25Mo 1.2363 0.33C, 1.15Cr, 0.25M0, 4.15Ni 0.7C, 2Mn, lCr, 1.4Mo 0.52, lSi, 1.2Cr, 2.25W, 0.25V (Carr)

(Huntsman) D 5 (Carr) s1 (Huntsman) D3

0.37C, 1.6Cr, 0.3V, 2W 1.8C, 12.5Cr, 0.25V, 0.8Mo D1 D6 1.75C, 12.50, 0.8M0, 0.6V 1.2379 1.2080 D2A 0.3C, 1.25Cr, 4.1 Ni


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158 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ Best Warranted Cast Steel BF 1 BH 10 BH IOA BH 11 BH 12 BH 13 BH 19

BH 21A BH 21 BH 26 BKV BL 3 Black Label Steels Blue Band Cast Steel Blue Label Steels Blue Label BM 1 BM 15 BM 2 BM 34 BM 4 BM 42 BO 1 BO 2 BR 1 BS 1 BS 2 BS 224 BS 5 BS50 Extra BS50 BSS BST BT 1 BT 15 BT 2 BT 20 BT 21 BT 4 BT 42 BT 5 BT 6

w 1 1.25C, 0.4Cr, 0.3Y 1.45W 1.2365 H 10A 1.2343 1.2606 1.2344 0.4C, 4.25C0, 4.250, 0.45M0, 2.2V,

0.25C, 2.75Cr, 0.6M0, 2.25Ni, 0.5Y 9.25W 1.2581 0.55C, 0.6C0, 4.1Cr, 0.6M0, 1.25V, 18W D3 1.2067 w 1 w 1 w 1 w 2 1.3346 1.5OC, 5C0, 4.75Cr, 3Mo, 5V, 6.6W 1.3343 1.3249 1.3C, 0.6c0, 4.1Cr, 4.75M0, 4V, 6.1W 1.3247 1.251 0 1.2842 L5 1.2542 0.5C, ISi, 0.45M0, 0.2V 1.271 1 0.55C, 1.85Si, 0.7Mn, 0.45M0, 0.2V 0.54C, 1 . I Cr, 4Ni, 0.3M0, 0.5W 0 3 2 , l . lCr , 3.3Ni M I 1.2767 1.3355 1.3202 0.8C, 0.6C0, 4.1Cr, 0.7M0, 1.9V, 18W 0.8C, 0.6C0, 4.6Cr, IMo, 1 . N 21.75W 0.632, 0.6C0, 3.8Cr, 0.7M0, 0.5V, 14W 1.3255 1.3207 1.3265 0.8C, 11.75C0, 4.10, IMo, 1.5V, 20.5W


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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 159

Other tool steels Comparison

BV BW 1A BW 1B BW I C B W 2 C IOOKU c 102 C 105W 1 C 105W 2 C 120KU c 120 C 1215 c 1220 C 125W C 135W C 140KU c 4 5 w C 60W c 7 5 w C 80KU C 8 0 W 1 C 80W 2 C 80 C 85W C.M.V.

C36 C46 c53 CA 510 CA1220 CA71215 Calmax Capital 305 Capital 398 Capital 405 Capital 50 Capital 562 Cast Steel CCM 10 CCMP 15 CCR 350 CCR 50 CCRl30


T6 1.1750 1.1625 1.20C, 0.1 5 0 , 0.1 Mo, 0.2Ni 1.2833 1.1545 1.1 645 1.1545 1.1645 1.1663 1.1663 02 D3 1.1663 1.1673 1.1673 1.1730 1.1740 1.1750 1.1525 1.1525 1.1625 1.1625 1.1830 1.2344 w 1 0.36C, 0.65Mn 0.46C, 0.65Mn 0.53C, 0.6Mn A2 2.1C, 1.2Cr, 0.7W 1.65C, 12Cr, 0.5W, 0.7Mo 0.6C, 0.8Mn, 4.5Cr, 0.5M0, 0.2V M1 M35 M42 M50 M2 w 1 T6 0.81C, 22W, 4.75Cr, 1.6V, 15C0, 0.5Mo 0.75C, 3.5Cr w5 L1


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160 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

______. Other tool steels Comparison

CCR2 ccv ccw ccz CD CD3 CDD CDS2 CDV 4 CDV CDVl CDV2 Celfor CGH Ch12 Chl2F1 Chi 2M CHD 7 CHD CHD2 CHD3 CHD4 Chrom Special Chromo Triple Three ChWG CJM CKK CL 15 CL 222 CL 225 CL 244 CL 40T CL 40X CL 444 CL 45 CL 562 CL 60 CL 99 CM 1255 CM Extra 150 CM Extra 300 CM Extra 450 CM CM5

0.6C, 0.6Cr 0.4C, O.65Mn, 1.25Cr, 0.15V s1 H1 OA D3 F2 1.9C, 0.6Cr, 6W H13 D5 H13 D4 D2 w 1 0.42C, 2.4Cr, 0.15V, 0.25M0, 0.8Ni 1.2080 1.2379 1.2601 w 1 H12 H14 H12 0.65C, 3.75Cr, 0.45V, 0.6Mo 1.2080 0.32C, 3Cr, 0.9V, 3Co, 2.8M0, 1W 1.241 9 P20 L1 0.4C, 3.25Ni 0.35C, 0.8Cr, 05W, 0.7Mo 0.232, 1.25Ni, 0.5Cr, 0.25Mo 0.55C, 1.5Ni, 0.75Cr, 0.3Mo s4 s5 H12 L2 M2 0.6C, 0.7Mn, 0.6Cr 0.4C, 1.2Cr, 0.25M0, 4.2Ni T15 0.55C, 0.65Mr-1, 0.65Cr, 0.3M0, i.5Ni 0.31 C, 0.6Cr, 0.6M0, 2.6Ni 0.41C, 0.6Cr, 0.6M0, 2.55Ni 0.4C, 1,15Cr, 0.27M0, 1.55Ni T4

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 161

Other tool steels Comparison

CMC (Thomas Turton) M42 CMC (Cook) 0 2

CMI CMV CMVM CMW Co 500 Co 512 Cobalt Extra Special Cobaltcrom Cobra Common Hardening Conqueror 14% Conqueror LC Conqueror Tempers 1-6 Constant Special Covas CPM 1OV CPM 3V CPM 420V CPM 9V CPM M2 HSHC CPM REX 20 CPM REX 25 CPM REX 76 CPM REX M35S CPM REX M3HS CPM REX M42 CPM REX M45 CPM REX M4HC HS CPM REX T15 CPM T440V CR 80 CRD Special CRD Supra CRD CRLS CRM2 CRMl Cromax Cromodie HC Cromodie HCV Cromodie W Cromodie

O.O7C, 5 0 , 0.3V, 1Mo HI 3 0.5C, 0.65Mn, 0.95Cr, 0.2V HI 2 T4 T8 T6 D5 0.29C, 7W, 2.13Cr, 0.25V, 0.75M0, 4.75Co 0.55C, 0.7Mn T7 H24 w 1 1.2842 T15 2.45C, 5.25Cr, 1 OV, 1.3Mo 0.8C, 7.5Cr, 1.3M0, 2.75V 2.2C, 13Cr, IMo, 9V 1.8C, 0.5Mn, 0.9Si, 5.25M0, 1.3M0, 9V M2 M62 M6 1 M48 M35 M3 M42 1.3C, 4Cr, 5M0, 3V, 6.25W, 8Co M4 T I 5 2.152, 0.4Mn, 17Cr, 0.4M0, 5.5V D1 1.2601 1.2379 1.2080 1.2363 0.6C, 0.6Cr, 0.3Mo A2 0.45C, 1.30Mn, 0.7Cr, 0.2Mo A2 A7 HI 2 H I 3

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162 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison

Crovaco 14

CRP CRU-Die 2 CRV 14 CRV 1444 CS 13M Extra CS 13M CSM 420 CSM2 CSP csv 4 csv 5 CSV 6 CT 150 CT CTU cv cv cv CV 18 cv 22 CV Punch and Die CVl842 CVHD CVM CVM2 CVM3 CVM4 CVM6 Cyclone 4V Cyclone 56 Cyclone 92 Cyclone 92CW Cyclone DG Cyclone MC33 Cyclone MC42 Cyclone MC46 Cyclone MC50 Cyclone MC6 Cyclone MC7 D 421 DAC DBC

(Barworth) (Osborne) (Stone)

1.12C, 13.5W, 4.350, 4.1V, 0.65M0,

0 1 0.55C, 1.2Cr, 1.65Ni, 0.5M0, 0.2V 0.68C, 14.5W, 3.750, 0.65V 1.2C, 13.75W, 4.4Cr, 3.75V, 0.5Mo D2 D3 1.2083 P20 0 1 0.38C, 1.5Cr, O.lV, 1.5Si 0.45C, 1.5Cr, O.lV, 1.5Si 0.61C, 1.2Cr, O.lV, 0.93 H12 H20 0.37C, 1.1Si, 5Cr, 1.75W, lV, 1.30Mo 0.45'2, 2.5Cr, 0.2V w 2 L2 T1 0.79C, 22W, 4.5Cr, 1.4V L2 T2 0.6C, 0.7Cr, 0.2V H i 1 H12 H13 0.58C, 0.9Si, 5Cr, l . lV, 1.35Mo 0.38C, 0.9Si, 2W, 5Cr, 0.95V, 1.75Mo M4 M2 M1 M1 T4 M33 M42 M46 M50 M35 M7 s1 1.2344 1.2606


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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 163

Other tool steels



1.2721 1.2080 1.2379 1.2379 1.2363 A2 1.2567 1.2080 1.2601 1.2379 1.2C, 12Cr, 1.2Mo 1.2378 1.2436 1.3343 1.3207 1.1525 1.1545 1.2542 1.2550 1.2063 1.2767 0.5C, lSi, 0.8Mn, 8.3Cr, 0.3Ni 1.2842 1.241 9 1.2344 1.2344 1.2567 1.2581 1.2343 1.2606 1.2365 1.2344 1.3343 D4 0.8C, 12Cr, 0.5M0, 0.5V D2 1.3346 M1 M7 0.9C, 1.7Mn A2 D2A D2 T5


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164 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ Other tool steels

Dominant Hierom Dominant OH Dominant SA Dominant Special Dominant Superb Dominant SX Dominator Double Conqueror Vanadium Double Extra Double Griffin Double Horseman Double Rapid Double Seven Double Shear Temper Double Six Dreadnought 30BW Dreadnought 5/6/2 Dreadnought CTVM Dreadnought FP4T Dreadnought FPHD(N) Dreadnought FPHD Dreadnought M42 Dreadnought Select Dreadnought Superior Dreadnought Supreme DS 122 DS 133 DS 144 DS 200 DS 400 DS 600 DUX 4 DVS E E4340 -H E51 100 E52 1 00 EE EF Electem EMS 45 EMS 60 EMS 85 EN 100


D3 0.95C, ICr, lMn, 0.5W 0.4C, 1.75W, 1.75Cr, 0.3V 0.68C, 14W. 3.5Cr, 0.5V T4 D4 D3 w 2 w 1 0.35C, 1.75Cr, 3.5Ni T4 T4 D5 w 1 D3 0.3C, 1.5Cr, 3.75, 0.3V, 5.75W M2 M15 0.3C, 2.3Cr, 0.3M0, 0.N 4.3W H21 H2 1 M42 T1 T4 T6 D3 D4 D2 0 1 L4 0 2 s1 M3 0.65C, 14.25W, 3.750, 0.5V 0.4C, 0.75Mn, 0.8Cr, 0.25M0, 1.8Ni 1.05C, 0.35Mn, 1 Cr l.O5C, 0.35Mn, 1.45Cr H24 0 2 0.55C, 0.7Mn, 0.75Cr, 0.28M0, 1.5Ni 1.1730 1.1740 1.1 830 0.38C, 1.4Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.75Ni

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 165

Other tool steels

EN 1OOC EN 11 EN 110 EN 111 EN 111A EN 12 EN 12B EN 12C EN 13 EN 16 EN 16B EN 16C EN 16D EN 16M EN 17 EN 18 EN 18A EN 18B EN 18C EN 180 EN 19 EN 19A EN 19B EN 19C EN 23 EN 24 EN 25 EN 26 EN 27 EN 308 EN 31 EN 40B EN 40C EN 41A EN 41B En 56A En 56AM En 56B En 56BM En 56C En 56CM En 56D EN 57Se EN 9


0.4C, 1.4Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.2M0, 0.75Ni 0.6C, 0.65Mn, 0.65Cr 0.4C, 0.6Mn, 1.2Cr, 0.15M0, 1.5Ni 0.4C, 0.75Mn, 0.650, 1.3Ni 0.35C, 0.75Mn, 0.65Cr, 1.3Ni 0.4C, 0.85Mn, 0.85Ni 0.37C, 0.7Mn, 0.85Ni 0.42C, 0.7Mn, 0.85Ni 0.19C, 1.6Mn, 0.25M0, 0.55Ni 0.36C, 1.5Mn, 0.27Mo 0.32C, 1.5Mn, 0.27Mo 0.37C, 1.5Mn, 0.27Mo 0.3C, 1.5Mn, 0.27Mo 0.36C, 1.5Mn, 0.27Mo 0.38C, 1.5Mn, 0.5Mo 0.4C, 0.75Mn, 1Cr 0.3C, 0.7Mn, 1Cr 0.32C, 0.7Mn, 1Cr 0.36C, 0.7Mn, 1Cr 0.4C, 0.7Mn, 1Cr 0.4C, 0.85Mn, lCr, 0.3Mo 0.4C, 0.85Mn, ICr, 0.2Mo 0.37C, 0.85Mn, ICr, 0.2Mo 0.42C, 0.85Mn, lCr, 0.2Mo 0.31C, 0.6Mn, ICr, 3Ni 0.4C, 0.6Mn, 1.2Cr, 0.3M0, 1.5n1 0.31C, 0.65Cr, 0.55M0, 2.5Ni 0.4C, 0.65Cr, 0.55M0, 2.5Ni 0.31C, lCr, 0.3M0, 3Ni 0.3C, 1.25Cr, 0.3M0, 4.1Ni 1 C, 1.4Cr 0.24C, 0.6Mn, 3.25Cr, 0.55Mo 0.39C, 3.25Cr, lMo, 0.2V 0.31C, 1.6Cr, 0.2M0, 1.1Al 0.39C, 1.6Cr, 0.2M0, 1.1Al 41 0 41 6 420 41 6 420 41 6 420 43 1 0.55C, 0.7Mn


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166 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels

EN24 ERCO 3 ETA ETH EW 15 Special EW 52H EWPX EWX 40 EXD 5 EXD 1 Extra Double Horseman Extra Extra Special M Extra Quality Hard Temper Chrome Extra Quality Tough and

Extra Tough Extra Triple Conqueror Extra Triple Griffin Extra Zah Special Extra Zah Extra Zahhart Special Extra Zahhart

F 2 F 543 F 5553 F.5107 F.5117 F.5123 F.5211 F.5212 F.5213 F.5220 F.5227 F.5230 F.5233 F.5241 F.5242 F.5267 F.5307 F.5313 F.5317 F.5318 F.5323

Hard Temper

E-Z 85 WCDV 6

Comparison __

0.24C, lCr, 0.3M0, 1.5Ni 0.32C, 3Cr, 2.8M0, 05V, 3Co 0.9C, 0.5W, 0.15V w110 0.1 9C, 1.3Cr, 0.2M0, 4Ni 0.2C, 1.2Cr. 0.25M0, 1 Mn 1.2581 O.O7C, 4Cr, 0.5Mo H23 0.33C, 1.5Cr, 55W, 3.75Ni T6 0.77C, 22W, 4.25Cr, 1.5V w 5 w 2

w 1 1.55C, 0.55Cr, 5.5W 1.5C, 0.25Cr, 6W 1.1525 1.1525 1.1545 1.1545 1.3554LW 0.58C, 0.8Mn, 0.75Cr, 0.2V O.O9C, 4.8Ni, 3.9Cr, 3Mo 1.3207 1.1625 1.1645 1.1663 1.2601 1.2080 1.2436 1.2510 1.2363 1.2067 1.241 9 1.2542 1.2550 1.231 6 1.271 1 1.2365 1.2343 1.2344 1.2581

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Other tool steels Comparison

F.5520 F.5530 F.5540 F.5563 F.5603 F.5607 F.5611 F.5613 F.5615 F.5617 Favorit FCW5 FDAC Firthob Flashut FMP 035 FMP 1850 FMP 200 FMP 328 FMP 329 FMP 336 FMP 338 FMP 348 FMP 379 FMP 399 FMP 455 FMP 470 FMP 501 FMP 504 FMP 505 FMP 507 FMP 513 FMP 526 FMP 530 FMP 536 FMP 542 FMP 555C FMP 563 FMP 599 FMP 622 FMP 644 FMP 682 FMP 808 FMP 828

1.3355 1.3255 1.3265 1.3202 1.3343 1.3348 1.3249 1.3243 1.3246 1.3247 1.2842 1.35c, 5 w 1.2343 P3 0.95C, 3.75Cr, 0.1 8V, 0.23Mo w 2 0.55C, 18W, 4.10, 0.7V, 1Mo 0 1 H I 1 H13 D2 D3 0.42C, 1.55Cr, 0.3M0, 4Ni A2 SI T4 0.8C, 22W, 4.5Cr, 1.5V, 1Mo M l M4 H21 0.3C, 9W, 3Cr, 0.3V, 0.5M0, 2.5Ni H12 M4 1 M30 M I 5 M42 T15 M3 0.7C, 14W, 4.25Cr, 0.8V, 0.75Mo T I 1.25C, 13.5W, 4.75Cr, 4V H43 T6 T5


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168 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels ComDarison

FMP 842 FMP 922 FMP 928 FMP 929 FMP 933 FMP 948 FT 125 Fr 95v G 1 Special G 14C Geordie G FS Gigant 50 Gigant M5 Gigant M5Co Gigant M9 GN GO 31 GO3 GOA Grandios Extra 655 Grane Green Lable Ground Flat Stock GS GS3 Guss. Stahl 3 Guss. Stahl 5 H Guss. Stahl 4W GZ H2 H33 H41 H42 H50 H61 Hammer & Zange 45 Hammer & Zange 60 Hardenite (CHD) HD 3MX HD10 H D3 HDBI HDB2

~~ ~ ~~~

T2 M7 M34 M43 1.3C, 9.25W, 4.25Cr, 3.5V 3.75M0, 1OCo M10 0.4'2, 1.5Ni, 1.2Cr, 0.3Mo w 2 0.32C, 1.3Cr, 0.3M0, 4.1Ni 0.44C, 1.5Cr, 0.4M0, 3.5Ni w 1 0 1 1.3355 1.3343 1.3243 1.3346 D2 1.241 9 1.241 9 1.2510 1.3243 1.2721 w 1 0 1 0 1 1.2721 1.1830 1.1730 1.1740 T4 L1 A2 1.3346 D2 H I 3 H I 0 1 . I 730 1 . I 740 w 1 0.33C, 0.9Si, IW, 3Cr, 0.9V, 2.8M0, 3c0 H2t H21 w 1 0.6C, 0.65Mn, 1.25Ni

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 169

Other tool steels ComDarison

HDB3 HDB5 HDC HDS HDZ Hecla 105 Hecla 135 Hecla 139 Hecla 149C Hecla 15 Hecla 150 Hecla 159 Hecla 174 Hecla 175 Hecla 177 Hecla 18 Hecla 28 Hecla 67 Hecla 67B Hecla D l 7 HJS 202 HJS 555

HJS 626 HJS M1 HM3 HMI Holdax Horseman Brand (14% W) Horseman Brand (22% W) Horseman HOV HP HRO 1243 HRS

HJS 5-6-2

HS 10-4-3-1 0 HS 18-0-1 HS 18-0-1-10 HS 1-8-1 HS 18-1-1-5 HS 2-9-1 -8 HS 2-9-2 HS 6-5-2 HS 6-5-2-5

0.55C, 0.65Mn, 0.65Cr, 1.5Ni 0.55C, 0.65Mn, 0.6Cr, 0.2M0, 1.65Ni 1.2581 H I 3 0.3C, 3.4Cr, 0.34V, 8.4W 0.5C, 0.7Mn, 1Cr 0.6C, 2Cr, 2Ni, 0.5Mo 0.55C, 0.7Cr, 0.25M0, 1.75Ni H21 0 2 0.4C, 0,7Mn, lCr, 0.2Mo D2 H I 1 A2 H12 w 1 w 2 0.3C, 1.3Cr, 4.25Ni 0.3C, 1.3Cr, 4.25Ni, 0.3Mo 0.6'2, 0.8Mn 0.1 1 C, 0.5Cr, 1.25Ni 0.1 6, 1.1 5 0 , 0.3M0, 4.25Ni M2 T4 M1 H21 0 2 0.4C, 1.5Mr1, 1.9Cr, 0.2Mo 0.7C, 14W, 3.75Cr, 0.5V 0.78C, 22W, 4.5Cr, 1V T1 H12 H21 1.2721 L1 1.3207 1.3355 1.3265 1.3346 1.3255 1.3247 1.3348 1.3343 1.3243


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170 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison

HS 7-4-2-5 HSB 1 HSB 4 Special

HSMAN9A HV5 H W 5 HW2N HW4 HWX Hyblade Hyform I AS IBD ICN ICs ICW ID1 lmpax Supreme lnmanite Intra Intrinsic Special Invincible 18% Invincible 22% IR Iron Duke IU J24 J28 J34 J35 J36 J37 J4 V J42 JA JC 20 Je JEM Jethete JG K 4 Special K 9 K.E. 1006

HSC 6-5-3

1.3246 0.85C, 0.6Mn 0.8C, 0.5Cr, 0.3V 1.3342 H21 T15 H12 0.28C, 2.25Ni, 2.1W, 0.85Cr, 0.3V, 0.5Mo 0.3C, 4.5W, 2.5Cr, 0.55V, 0.3MO 0.36C, 0.7Mn, 5.8Ni, 2.8W, 13.5Cr, 0.65V s5 w 1 0 7 0.32C, 1.25Cr, 0.35M0, 4.25Ni 0.2C, ISi, lMn, 14Cr, 1Ni w 1 D3 0 1 0.37C, 1.4Mn, 2Cr, INi, 0.2Mo T4 F1 H2 1 T1 0.75C, 4Cr, 22W, 1.25V D3 0.4C, 0.3Cr, 3.25Ni 1.9C, 12.5Cr, 0.75M0, 0.3V M2 H I 9 M2 M I T15 1.3C, 9.5W, 4.5Cr, 3.5V, 4M0, l o c o w 2 M42 A2 H20 H13 w 1 0.14C, 0.7Mn, 12Cr, 0.35V, 1.8M0, 2.4Ni 0.5C, 1 Mn, 1 Cr, 0.3Mo 01 0 1 1.2833

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 171

Other tool steels Comrsarison

K.E. 1036 K.E. 15 K.E. 160 K.E. 169 K.E. 200 K.E. 226 K.E. 227 K.E. 25 K.E. 275 K.E. 339 K.E. 35 K.E. 355 K.E. 396 K.E. 40A K.E. 43 K.E. 595 K.E. 621 K.E. 637 K.E. 672 K.E. 805 K.E. 839 K.E. 896 K.E. 897 K.E. 960 K.E. 961 K.E. 965 K.E. 970 K.E. A203 K.E. A207 K.E. A28 K.E. A505 K.E. A508 K.E. Diamond No. 10 K.E.A. 108 K.E.A. 138 K.E.A. 145 K.E.A. 162 K.E.A. 172 K.E.A. 180 K.E.A. 205 K.E.A. 220 K.E.A. 222 K.E.A. 227 K.E.A. 275

0.9C, 13Cr 41 0 1 .OX, 0.5Cr 0.14C, 0.85Cr, 3.4Ni, 0.15Mo 1.4C, 13Cr, 0.6M0, 3.5Co 1.05C, O X r , 2.1 W 0.5C, 1.2Mn, 0.6Cr, 0.2Mo 1.4021 H21 0.28C, 2.25Ni, 2.5Cr, 9.5W, 0.15V 420 1.2766 1.2714 41 6 431 1.25C, 0.85Mn, 1.2Cr, 1.3W w 5 0 1 1.251 0 1.6582 1.2067 1.2241 1.5864 1.2547 1.55C, 12.5Cr, 0.55W 0.4C, 1.63, 13Cr, 2.75W, 0.55Mo 1.2080 440 B 440C 0.43C, 13.25Cr, 1Ni 43 1 420 1.5C, 0.6Cr, 5.75W l C , 0.55Mn H23 1.2344 1.2363 A6 1.2601 1.4c, 3.45v 1.2330 HI9 0.5C, 1.2Mn, 0.653, 0.2Mo H2 1


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172 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison

K.E.A. 28 K.E.A. 476 K.E.A. 505 K1OO K105 K l l O K18 K190 K200 K305 K306 K4 Special KSA K455 K460 K5 K5M K600 K605 K630 K720 K980 K990 KAO KAOC WOK KCNM Kelock 1014 Kelock 1021 Kelock 237 Kelock 795 Kelock 873 Kelock A1 57 Kelock A1 82 Kelock A229 KK KKK KLAH KLD KM KMV KN90 KNL Komalp 3Herz Komab MO

0.45C, 13.25Cr, 1Ni 1.2601 431 1.2080 1.2601 1.2379 H12 2.3C, 12.5Cr, 4V, 1.1Mo 1.2067 1.2363 0.51C, lSi, 5Cr, 1.4V, 1.4Mo 0 2 1.2550 1.2510 T4 1.3243 1.2767 1.2721 1.2770 1.2842 w1 W l l O F2 F3 1.3c, 5 w 1.2721 0.75C, 6Cr, 14.5W, 0.8M0, 1.4V T5 1.3355 0.7C, 4.1Cr, 14.25W, 0.6V T4 1.3343 1.3346 M42 M2 2.1C, 0.65Mn, 0.85Ni, 13Cr, 0.65Mo s1 1.2550 1.2631 D2 1.2770 D2A 1.3355 1.3346

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 173

Other tool steels

Komalp WM Kova 57 KW10 KW30 KWB L.T.A.H. LCHD LE LTAH LlTS M Brand M200 M201 M238 M300 M310 M314 M390PM Malloy Mammut Special Maxmith MC MCMO MCT MCV MIC 4 MIC 8 MIC Minerva HC Minerva LC MJW CR MJW LT MJW OH MJW MJWCV MKZ Mo 500 Mo 53 Mo 550H Mo 550 Mo 900 Mo 92 Mo 980H MOG 111


1.3343 1.25C, 4Cr, IOW, 3 . N 3M0, 9Co 41 0 420 431 A6 H21 0.4C, 3.25Ni A6 0 7 0.6C, 14.5W, 3.6Cr, 0.3V 1.231 2 1.231 1 1.2378 1.231 6 1.2083 0.3C, 0.7Si, l . IMn, 16.8Cr, 0.15Mo 1.9C, 20Cr, 1 Mo, 4V, 0.6W 0.6C, l . IS i , l , lCr , 0.25Mo 1.3355 0.4C, 0.6Mn, 3.25Ni M I A6 01 0.5C, 1.25Mn, 0.55Cr, 0.25M0, 0.55Ni 0 1 0 6 0 2 0.53C, 1.8Cr, 1.9W, 0.2V 0.43C, 1.8Cr, 1.9W, 0.2V 1.252, 0.5-3Cr 1.233, 2.5W 0 2 w 1 w 2 H21 M2 M3 M41 M35 M1 M7 M42 0.45C, 1.5Cr, 0.8V, 0.5W, 0.5Mo


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174 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels - Comparison

MOG 330 MoG 510V MoG 510 MoG 51 1 MOHD Molycut 562 Monarch (HCR) Monarch (OHB) Monarch (SSM-H) Monarch 652 Monarch BLA Monarch DW8 Monarch General Utility Monarch NCG Monarch PCS Monarch Special TAN Monarch TAN Morapid Extra 500 Morapid Extra 9 More 397 More 500 More 9 s More V30 Motor Magnus Motor Maximum Motor Special Movan Special MOW 562 MP MS MS 1 MST MT2 MTDS Multitherm MY Myextra N100 N316 N320 N324 N350 N530 N540

0.32C, 3Cr, 0.6V, 3Mo H13 H11 H12 0.36'2, 6M0, IW, 3.5Cr, 0.75V M2 D6 0 1 0.75C, 22W, 7.5Cr, 1.3OV M2 H I 3 0.3C, 7.75W, 2.75Cr, 0.45V 0.6C, 0.7Mn, 0.7Cr 0.352, 1.5Cr, 0.3M0, 4Ni 0.8C, 1.25Cr, 0.5Ni, 1.9W 0.30C, 0.65Mn, 2.5Ni, 0.6M0, 0.75Cr L6 1.3243 1.3346 M7 M35 M1 M3 M2 T I 0.68C, 4Cr, 14W, 0.25V 1.25C, 9.5W, 4.25Cr, 3.2V, 3.25M0, 1OCo M2 1.2721 1.2419 1.251 0 1.2842 s1 H21 H12 0.55C, 0.95Cr, 0.95Si 1.2542 41 0 41 6 1.4021 420 1.4057 1.4028 1.4034

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 1'75

Other tool steels Comparison

N555 N685 N690 NAT NBS NC1510 NC41 M NCM NCM1 NCM2 NCM3 NCM4 ND New Capital Newhall NF NG NG2 Supra NH NHP Nita No 0 Hardenite No 1 Hardenite No 1 Monarch No 1 Steel No 10 Hardenite No 2 Hardenite No 3 Hardenite No 4 Hardenite Van No 5 Hardenite No 5 No 6 Hardenite No 7 Hardenite (70H) No 8 Hardenite Nonvar Novo 6/5/2 Novo 9/2 Novo C Novo Enormous Novo Max Novo Superb Novo Superior SS Novo Superior Novo TCV

0.6C, 14.1Cr, 0.7M0, 0.1V 1.2361 1.4528 H11 1.2721 0.4'2, 1 Cr, 1.5Ni 0.3C, 1.25Cr, 0.3M0, 4.25Ni 0.52C, 0.6Cr, 0.25M0, 1.5Ni 0.35C, l , lCr , 0.2M0, 1.55Ni 0.35C, 0.6Cr, 2.5Ni 0.35C, 1 X r , 3.5Ni 0.35C, 1.3Cr, 0.3M0, 4.1Ni T1 0.7C, 3.75Cr, 14.5W, 0.75V 0 1 0.38C, 1.65Ni, 1.2Cr, 0.25Mo 0.55C, 0.7Cr, O.lV, 0.2M0, 1.7Ni 0.55C, l . lCr, O.lV, 0.5M0, 1.7Ni 0.31C, 4.1Ni, 1.3Cr, 0.3Mo 0.26C, 9W, 3Cr, 0.3V, 0.5M0, 2.5Ni 0.53C, 1.5Cr, 0.21M0, 1.1Al w 1 w 1 0.692, 4Cr, 14W, 0.6V 0.6C, 0.7Mn 1.2C, 3Cr, 1W w 1 w 1 1.4C, 0.4Cr, 3.6V, 0.4Mo L1 H21 1 C, 1 Mn, 1.35Cr 0 1 0.8% 1 W, 1.350, 0.2V 0 2 M2 M I 0.75C, 13.5W, 6.25Cr, 1.25V 0.75Mo T6 T4 1.2C, 10.5W, 4.250, 3.25V, 3.75M0, l o c o 0.75C, 21 W, 4.5Cr, 1.25" T I 1.5C, 11 W, 5Cr, 5V


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176 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding


ComDarison Other tool steels

Novo V Novo VHC Novo NRM NRW NS 12 NSC NSCD NSCMl (HC) NSCT NSS 3 NTC NTC Nu-Die Xtra NV Nyblade 0 0 6 s 09B OHD OK Crown 00 Optimax Orvar Supreme P 704 P 720 P1008 P1009 P256 P280 P552 P553 P558 P564 P576 P602 P609 P618 P973 PAC Pax No. 2

T15 M42 0.7C, 14W, 0.4Cr, 0.5V D2 D3 w 5 l C , l . l M n , 1.4Cr 0 2 0.6C, 0.95Cr, 0.3M0, 1.4Ni L1 02 0.5C, 1 Mn, 1 Cr, 0.35Mo

H13 H12 0.47C, ISi, 3Ni, 0.6Cr, 0.2Mo 0.35C, 1.5Mn w 2 0 1 1 C, 1.6Cr, 0.5W s1 0.6'2, 0.7% 1.10, 1.9W, 0.3V 0.38C, 0.9Si, 0.5Mr-1, 13.6Cr, 0.3V 0.37C, l s i , 0.4Mn, 5.3Cr, 1.4M0, 0.9V 0 2 L1 1.2083 1.2316 0.55C, 0.7Mn 0.6C, 0.6Cr 0.3C, 4.25Ni, 1.25Cr, 0.3Mo 0.4C, 1.5Ni, l . lCr , 0.3Mo 0.3C, 2.5Ni, 0.7Cr, 0.5Mo 0.3C, 3Ni, 0.74Cr 1.2767 0.4C, 0.65Mn, 1.1 Cr, 0.3Mo 0.4C, 0.8Mn, 1Cr 0.4C, 0.3Ni, 3Cr, lMo, 0.25V 1.2770 H19 1.2547

(Barworth) (Huntsman) 0.4C, 0.5W, 0.4Cr

Pax Non-break No 2 PCS PCSK

Sl H12 s1

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 177

Other tool steels Comparison

PDSl PDX PE655 PGT Pitho Plain Carbon Steels Plasmould PLMB/l PLMC/l PLMC/2 Pluto Paramount Pluto Perfectum Pluto Plus Pluto Premier Plutocrat

PN 1 Pneumo Pnusnap OH Pnusnap WH Premo Prima Mittel Prima Zah Prima Zahhart PRN2.DCCM PWE 893 Q R 9030 R18 R18K5F2 R6AM5 R6M5 R6M5K5 RAB 420ESR RABl RAB20 Ramax S RB 10 RBD RCC Spezial RCC Supra RCC RCW2H RDCl


1,1740 0.28C, 0.85Cr, 2.25W, 0.5M0, 0.3V, 2.25Ni 1.3243 0 7 01 w 1 0.35'2, 4.3Ni, 1.3Cr, 0.3V 0.55C, 0.65Mn, 1.63Ni, 0.7Cr, 0.28Mo 0.42C, 2.6Ni, 0.65Cr, 0.6Mo 0.4C, 4.25Ni, 1.4Cr, 0.25Mo 0.78C, 4.5Cr, 0.7M0, 18.75W, 1.25V, l o c o T4 M42 M I 5 0.78C, 4.250, 0.5M0, 22W, 1Co 1.3355 s5 0.45C, 0.75Si, 1.25Cr, 2W 0.43C, lSi, 1.8W, 1Cr 0.35C, 1 Cr, 1.8W 0.5C, 4Cr, 0.5Mo 1.1645 1.1625 1.1645 1.05C, 1.3Mn, 1.3Cr 0.25C, 8.25W, 2.4Cr, O.l8V, 0.4M0, 2.35Ni 0.4C, 0.8Mn 0.35C, 0.75Cr, 0.5M0, 2.75Ni 1.3355 1.3255 1.3343 1.3554LW 1.3243 0.37C, 0.5Mn, 0.75Si, 1 3 5 3 , 0.3V 0.4C, 4.1Ni, 1.3Cr, 0.3Mo 0.4C, 1.5Mn, 2Cr, 0.2Mo 0.33C, 1.4Mn, 16.7Cr 1.1645 H2 1 1.2601 1.2379 1.2080 1.2581 1.2606


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178 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison

RDC2 RDC2V Red Band Cast Steel Red Lable REGlN 3 Regor Remount RHB-E

Rigor RKCM ROP 57 ROPl9 ROP21 RPG3 RSD 13 RT 10 RT 1733 RT 8 RT0912 RTW2H RTWK RUS RUS3 RUS4 RV RWA RWS S 10-4-3-10 s 12-1 -4-5 S 18-0-1 S 18-1 -2-1 0 S 18-1 -2-5 S 2-10-1-8 S 2-9-1 S 2-9-2 S 2-9-2-8 S 6-5-2 S 6-5-2-5 S 6-5-3 S 7-4-2-5 S.K. Silver Steel S.R.E. s200

1.2343 1.2344 w 1 w 1 1.2542 A2 w 1 0.22C, 2.25Ni, low, 2.25Cr, 0.45M0,

A2 1.2363 1.2601 1.2344 1.2363 1.2365 A2 1.1545 1.251 0 1.1525 1.2542 1.2542 1.2550 1.2842 1.251 0 1.2419 L3 1.2567 1.251 0 1.3207 1.3202 1.3355 1.3265 1.3255 1.3247 1.3346 1.3348 1.3249 1.3343 1.3243 1.3344 1.3246 1.2002 T1 1.3355


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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 179

Other tool steels Comparison

S305 S400 S401 S402 S500 5600 S605 S690 S705 SA1 Saban Extra Saben 6-5-2 Saben 652 Saben HC Saben Kerau Saben Tenco Saben Wunda Sabex SBM SBR SC 13 NEOR SC 25 SC 26 SC 38 SC 40 SC 45 168 SC 6-5-2 sc SC90 SCD SCH 3 SCRl scs 2 scv 5 scv SD 20 Senator A Senator B Senator C SG SGHV SGT SHCl SlCV

1.3255 M7 1.3346 M1 Special 1.3247 1.3343 M3 M4 1.3243 1.241 9 TI 1.3343 M2 1.292, 13.5W, 4.6Cr, 3,75V, 0.3Mo 0.7% 22W, 4.25Cr, 1.5V, 0.25Mo T5 T4 0.3C, 9.5W, 2.250, 0.15Y 1.75Ni 0.58C, lCr, 0.25V 1.1830 D3 D2 03 1.5C, 12Cr, 1 .IV, 0.75Mo 0.4C, 12Cr, 0.5Ni 0.75C, 17Cr 1.3342 s 4 1.5C, 1.1 Mn, 0.9Cr 1.2363 1.4028 0.47C, ISi, 1.4Cr 1.4021 A2 L2 0.35C, 1.2Cr, 1.75Ni H I 1 H I 4 H2 1 H2 1 1.2581 1.241 9 0.44C, lSi, 0.65Mn, 0.65Cr, 3Ni 1.15C, 0.7Cr, 0.1V


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180 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison - ~~

Silver Steel SIW SIW SK 1 SK 2 SK 3 SK 4 SK 5 SK 53 SK 6 SK 7 SKC 11 SKC 24 SKC 3 SKC 31 SKD 1 SKD 11 SKD 12 SKD 4 SKD 5 SKD 6 SKD 61 SKD 62 SKD 7 SKD 8 SKH 10 SKH 2 SKH 3 SKH 4 SKH 4A SKH 51 SKH 52 SKH 53 SKH 54 SKH 55 SKH 56 SKH 57 SKH 58 SKH 59 SKS 11 SKS 2 SKS 21 SKS 3 SKS 31

1.2002 0.67C, 1.159, 0.7Mn, 0.6Cr, 1.3W

1.1673 1.1 663 1.1645 0.95C 1.1625 1.2510 1.1625 1.1 740 1.2057 0.38C, 0.7Mn, 0.5Cr, 0.3M0, 3Ni 1.1625 0.2C, 0.9Mn, 1.5Cr, 0.55M0, 3Ni 1.2080 1.5C, 12Cr, 1 Mo, 0.35V 1.2363 1.2567 1.2581 1.2343 1.2344 1.2606 0.33C, 3Cr, 2.75M0, 0.55V 0.4C, 4.1 5C0, 4.35Cr, 0.4M0, 2V, 4.1 5W 1.5C, 4.7c0, 4.1Cr, 4.7V, 12.5W 1.3355 1.3255 1.3265 1.3265 1.3343 1.3344 1.3344 1.3C, 4.10, 4.2V, 5.9W 1.3243 0.9C, 8C0, 4.1Cr, 5Mo, 1.95V, 6.2W 1.3207 l C , 4Cr, 8.7M0, 1.95V, 1.8W 1.1C, 8C0, 4Cr, 9.5M0, 1.2v, 1.5w 1.2562 1.2419 1.2515 1.2419 1.241 9

(Balfour) (Fortuna) 1.20c, O.lV, 1 w

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 181

other tool steels Comparison

SKS 4 SKS 41 SKS 43 SKS 44 SKS 5 SKS 51 SKS 7 SKS 8 SKS 93 SKS 94 SKS 95 SKr 3 SKT 4 SLD 2 SLD SLZ SMN SMO SMV 200 SND SNK SNSC Somcold Somdie Somtuf SP3 SP5W SP6W SPCR Spear 5/6/2 Spear 50 Spear 75 Spear 9/2/1 Spear AHC Spear B1 Spear B2 Spear D1 Spear D12 Spear D13 Spear D14 Spear D15 Spear D16 Spear D17 Spear D5

0.5C, 0.75Cr, 0.75W 0.4C, 1.250, 3W 1.2833 0.85C, 0.2V O X , 0.35Cr, 1 Ni OBC, 0.35Cr, 1.65Ni 1.2442 1.2008 lC , 0.95Mn, 0.4Cr 0.95C, 0.95Mn, 0.4Cr 0.85C, 0.95Mn, 0.4Cr 0.4C, 0.8Mn, lCr, 0.4M0, 0.4Ni, 0.2V 1.271 3 1.2379 1.2379 0.36C, 1.75% 13Cr, 2.75W, 0.65V, 5.75Ni s4 s5 0 2 w 2 1.2770 0 1 D2 0.48C, 1 9 , 0.5M0, 1.2OCr, O.O7V, 1Ni ?C, 2Ni, 2W 1.1830 1.1740 1.1730 0 1 M2 0.55C, 0.6Mn s1 M I s1 0.32C, 1.25Cr, 4.25Ni 0.20C, 13Cr L4 D3 D4 D5 A2 D2 D2 H13

(Con tinu@

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182 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Comparison Other tool steels

Spear D7 Spear D9 Spear DX Spear Leapfrog Spear M42 Spear Mermaid Spear No 2 Vanadium Spear No 2 Spear NS Spear PS Spear Superior Spear Triple Mermaid Special Ardho Special BB/HDS Special Cold Pressing

Special Conqueror Vanadium Special HW Special K Special M Speedicut Leda Speedicut Maximum 18 Speedicut Superleda Speedicut Vanleda Spenard Spezial K Spezial K5 Spezial K8 Spezial KMV Spezial KNL SPG Extra V SPG Extra SPG Special W SPM SPS Spur 6/5/2 Spur 9/2/1 SPW SRE 500 Sremo SS652 SS92 1 ssc ST

Vanadium Steel

H I2 H21 0.2% 2.2W, 2.2” 0.85Cr 0.65C, 14W M42 T1 w 2 w 1 0 1 L2 T6 T4 0.352, 3.2Ni, 0.78Cr H21 w 2

w 2 H21 D3 T1 T4 T1 T5 T15 0 2 1.2080 1.2363 1.2631 1.2379 1.2601 1.2344 1.2343 1.2606 0 1 0.5C, 0.753, 0.2V, 0.7Mn, 2W, 0.9Cr M2 M1 0.252, 13Cr T4 M2 1.3343 1.3346 0.58C, 1.05Cr, 0.3V 0.7C

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 183

Other tool steels

Stag Extra Special Stag Major Stag Mo 562 Stag V55 Stag Vanco Stage Special Stagmold Stamold H.T. Statos CRD Spezial Statos CRD Supra Statos CRLS Statos Extra Statos Spezial Statos Superior Stavax ESR STNS Stora 16 Stora 18 Stora 214 Stora 25 Stora 27 Stora 29 Stora 30 Stora 323 Stora 364 Stora 424 Stora 431 Stora 433 Stora 62 G Stora 62 Stora 65 Stora 67 Stora 85 SUJ 1 SUJ 2 SUJ 3 SUJ 4 SUJ 5 Super Austenite Super AW23 Super C12 Super Capital Super Chromium Super CS


T4 T6 M2 T I 5 1 52'2, 17.5W, 5 0 , 8.75C0, 0.5Mo T1 0.32C, 4.1Ni, 1.3Cr, 0.3Mo 0.36C, lSi, lMn, 16Cr, 1.2Mo 1.2601 1.2379 1.2363 1.2842 1.2080 1.241 9 0.38C, 0.9Si, 0.5Mt-1, 13.6Cr, 0.3V 01 0 1 s1 w 2 T1 T4 M2 1.2'2, 65W, 4Cr, 3.4V, 5M0, l o c o 0.3C, 5.3W, 1.5Cr, O.lV, 0.6M0, 4.8Co D2 M35 M1 M7 D3 D6 A2 H13 0.55C, 1 0 , 3Ni, 0.3Mo 1.2057 1.3505 1.2127 1.3505 1 C, 1 Mn, 1 Cr, 0.2Mo TI 0.3C, 4.1Ni, 1.25Cr, 0.25Mo D2 1.3C, 4.25Cr, 9W, 3.54 8.5C0, 3MO D3 D5


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184 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison

Super Dominant Super lnmanite Super Invincible 5% Cobalt Super Invincible Advance

Super Invincible TB Super Maxel Super Monarch Super Rapid Extra Mo Super Rapid Super Super Monarch (El) Super TKL Superapid Extra Superior Spur Supermax 98 Superwear SUS 403 SUS 410 SUS 420 J 1 SUS 420 J 2 SUS 431 SUS 440B Sverker 21 Sverker 3 sw 111 sw 55 SWl sws T 1040 T Quality T4 (Rochling) T5 (Rochling) T6 (Rochling) TA TB TD TDC Tenax C1 Tenax C2 Tenax C9/5 Tenax CTS Tenax CV Tenax DCB Tenax FPC 5

10% Cobalt

T1 0.8C, 22W, 4.5Cr, 1.5V, lMo, 1OCo T4 T5

T8 0.5C, 1.25Mn, 0.65Cr, 0.18Mo T1 1.3343 T1 T4 s1 1.3355 T1 M42 A7 1.4006 1.4006 1.4021 1.4028 1.4057 440 B D2 D6 1.05C, 1 Cr, 1 Mn, 1.2W 01 1.241 9 1.2510 w 4 w 1 1.1730 1.1740 1.1740 w 1 w 1 w 1 F1 L1 0.6C, 0.7Mn, 0.7Cr w 5 s1 0.5C, 0.7Mn, lCr, 0.25V 0.3C, 4.25Ni, 1.25Cr, 0.3Mo H11

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 185

Other tool steels ComDarison

Tenax FPCT Tenax FPDD Tenax K 250 Tenax K250CN Tenax K250MV Tenax PNS Tenitkl Special Tenitw Special Thermodie Thremalloy Thyrapid 3243 Thyrapid 3343 Thyrapid 3346 Thyrapid 3355 Thyrodur 1525 Thyrodur 1545 Thyrodur 1625 Thyrodur 1645 Thyrodur 1730 Thyrodur 1740 Thyrodur 1830 Thyrodur 2067 Thyrodur 2080 Thyrodur 2363 Thyrodur 2379 Thyrodur 241 9 Thyrodur 2436 Thyrodur 251 0 Thyrodur 2542 Thyrodur 2550 Thyrodur 2601 Thyrodur 2606 Thyrodur 271 8 Thyrodur 2721 Thyrodur 2762 Thyrodur 2767 Thyrodur 2826 Thyrodur 2833 Thyrodur 2842 Thyroplast 2083 Thyroplast 21 62 Thyroplast 231 1 Thyroplast 231 2 Thyroplast 231 6

H12 F2 D3 D5 D2 0 1 1.2550 1.2542 0.55C, 0.9Cr, 0.75M0, 2.15Ni 0.27C, 8.5Cr, 0.55V, 9.5C0, 4Mo 1.3243 1.3343 1.3346 1.3355 1.1525 1.1545 1.1625 1.1645 1.1730 1.1 740 1.1830 1.2067 1.2080 1.2363 1.2379 1.2419 1.2436 1.2510 1.2542 1.2550 1.2601 1.2606 1.271 8 1.2721 1.2762 1.2767 1.2826 1.2833 1.2842 1.2083 1.2162 1.231 1 1.231 2 1.2316


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186 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels

Thyroplast 2341 Thyroplast 271 1 Thyroplast 2764 Thyrotherm 2343 Thyrotherm 2344 Thyrotherm 2365 Thyrotherm 2367 Thyrotherm 2567 Thyrotherm 2581 Thyrotherm 271 3 Thyrotherm 2714 Thyrotherm 2744 Thyrotherm 2885 TI TKL TM TMS Toba TOH Toug hard TPM Treble Extra Cast Steel Treble Super Monarch (E4) TRG Triple 5 Monarch Triple Conqueror Triple Crescent Triple Griffin Triple Spur Triple Velos Triumphator 5 Triumphator MW Triumphator VM Triumphator TTQ Triumph Superb Double

Thousand Tufdie Tungsten Diamond Two Spur Tyrann Extra V u10 U1 OA U13 u3

ComDarison -

1.2341 1.271 1 1.2764 1.2343 1.2344 1.2365 1.2367 1.2567 1.2581 1.271 3 1.2714 1.2744 1.2885 T1 s i w 1 0 2 0.4C, 0.7Mn, ICr, 0.2v 0.5Ni 0 1 0.4C, 0.45Cr, 0.5W 0 1 w 1 T6 w 1 T15 F3 1.25C, 1.25Cr, 4.3W, 0.3V 1.35C, 0.25Cr, 2.75W T6 T4 1.2363 1.2601 1.2379 1.2080 T6

?C, 13Cr, 3W, ?Ni, ?V F3 T4 1.2542 1.1645 1.1545 1.1663 1.2550

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 187

Other tool steels Comparison

U8 U8A UHB 11 UHB 16 UHB 19Va UHB 20 UHB 29 UHB 424 UHB 431 UHB 9 UHB Special UHB20 Ultra Capital 22 Ultra Capital 395 Ultra Capital Plus 1 Ultra Capital Plus 2 Ultra Capital US Ultra 2 US Ultra 4 US Ultra V 175 V6N VALANDI Vamox VAP vc 12 Velos 42 Velos UR Velos VF VG Viaduct 15 Vigilant VMC (H) VMC WVMC W 10 Extra W 10 Prima W 11 Prima W 1230 W 182 W 63 K W 63 W 85 K

1 .I625 1.1525 0.5C 1.1 525 w 2 1.1545 1.3343 1.3243 1.3346 1.1730 1.2606 w1 0.76C, 4.250, 22W, 3.5V, 8.5c0, 3Mo M4 T4 T6 T I 1.2344 1.2606 1.2343 T2 1.2770 1.2581 0.3C, 2.25W, 0.8Cr, 0.3V 0.5M0, 2.25Ni T1 T6 M42 T1 M2 H19 M15 0.45C, 0.7.9, l. lCr, 1.9W, 0.3V 0.55C, 0.7Mn 0.33C, 3Cr, 0.13V, 0.5Mo H13 H12 1 c 1 c 1.1c H23 T2 0.65C, 1Mn 0.6C 0.8C, 1Mn


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188 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

.___________~ Other tool steels Comparison

W 93 K w100 W108 w 1 ov W14MO W18 W2N W300 W302 W304 W320 W321 W324 w43 W500 W8N WA 235 WA 245 WA 250 WA 255 WA 530 WA 930 WAMV Warranted Crucible Cast Steel WATCO WCD WCD2 WCDV WCM Co WCM wco WCPS

WEL WF 8 WGKL WH2 WHC White Band Cast Steel White Label Wing 111A Wing 111 B Wing's Double Shear Temper WK5K

0.9C, 1Mn 1.2581 1.2678 IC , 0.1v 0 6 T1 1.2770 1.2343 1.2344 H I2 1.2365 1.2885 H I 5 0.45C 1.271 1 0.85C, O.lV, 0.8Ni 0.35C, lCr, 0.2Y 2W, 1Si 0.45C, lCr, 0.2V, 2W, 1Si S l 0.6C, lCr, 0.2V, 2W 0.30C, 2.5Cr, 0.6V, 4.5W H20 1.2567 w 1 0.33, 0.9Cr, 0.7Mn, 0.12V 1.2606 1.2343 1.2344 H1 OA 1.2365 H l 9 0.48C, 0.7.3, 1.2W, 1.5Cr, 0.15V,

L1 0.62C, 1 Mn, 0.6Cr, 1 Si 1 C, 1.5Cr 1.3355 0.58C, 0.5Mn w 1 w 2 IC, 1 0 , 1Mn l C , 0.5Cr, 1.5Mn, 0.25V w 1 1.2567

0.25M0, 0.7Ni

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 189

Other tool steels ComDarison

WKM33 WKZ WKZ50 WL WM 13 WMD Extra WMD WMEV WMN WMO WMS WMWH WO 3 Wolfram ws WSB Extra WSMA WVC wz X lOCr 13 X l00CrMoV 5 1 KU X l00CrMoV 5 1 X 100 CrMoV 5 X 105CrCoMo 18 2 X 12Cr 13 X 155CrVMo 12 1 KU X 155CrVMo 12 1 X 16CrNi 16 X 160 CrMoV 12 X 165CrMo X 165CrMoV 12 X 165 CrMoW 12 KU X 19 NiCrMo 4 X 20Cr 13 X 205Cr 12KU X 21 Cr 13KU X 210Cr 12 X 21OCrW 12 X 215CrW 12 1 KU X 22 CrNi 17 X 220 CrVMo 12 2 X 30Cr 13 X 30 NiCrMo 16 6 X 30 WCrV 5 3 KU

1.2365 1.2581 1.2567 A7 0.4C, 13Cr H1 OA 1.2365 1.2344 0.28C, 3Cr, 9.5W, 2Ni, 0.1 5V 1.2365 1.2606 1.2581 0.6C s1 1.07'2, 1.2Mn, 1.7W, 1.1Cr 1.15C, 2W 1.2343 H19 0.4C, 3Cr, 0.25V, 0.4M0, 1 1 W 1.4006 1.2363 1.2363 1.2363 1.4528 1.4006 1.2379 1.2379 1.4057 1.2601 1.2601 1.2601 1.2601 1.2764 1.4021 1.2080 1.4021 1.2080 1.2436 1.2436 1.4057 1.2378 1.4028 1.6747 1.2567


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190 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison

X 30 WCrV 5 3 X 3OWCrV 9 3 KU X 30 WCrV 9 3 X 3OWCrV 9 X 31 Cr 13KU X 32CrMoCoV 3 3 3 X 32 CrMoV 3 3 X 36 CrMo 17 X 37CrMoV 5 1 KU X 37 CrMoV 5 X 37CrMoW 5 1 X 38CrMo 16 1 X 38CrMo 16 X 38CrMoV 5 1 X 40Cr 13 X 40Cr 14 X 40CrMoV 5 1 1 KU X 40CrMoV 5 1 X 40CrMoV 5 3 X 40CrMoV 5 X 41 Cr 13KU X 42Cr 13 X 45Cr 13 X 45 NiCrMo 4 X 50CrMoW 9 11 X 55CrMo 14 X 6CrMo 4 X 82 WMoV 6 5 X 91 CrMoV 18 xc 100 Y lOOC 6 Y, 105V Yj 105 Y, 80 Y, 90 Y 1 OOC6 Y l 120 Y2 120 Y2 140 Y3 45 Y3 60 YC3 YC5 YCK2

1.2567 1.2581 1.2581 1.2581 1.4028 1.2885 1.2365 1.231 6 1.2343 1.2343 1.2606 1.231 6 1.231 6 1.2343 1.4034 1.4034 1.2344 1.2344 1.2367 1.2344 1.2083 1.2083 1.4034 1.2767 1.2631 1.41 10 1.2341 1.3343 1.2361 1.1545 1.2067 1.2833 1.1545 1.1 525 1.1525 1.2067 1.2631 1.1663 1.1673 1.1730 1.1 740 1 .I545 1.1830 1.2631

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Appendix I Other steels and tool steels 191

___ Other tool steels CornDarison

YDC Yellow Label Steels Yellow Label YEM YHX2 YK3 YK5 YK50 YXM 1 YXM4 YXMT Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z -

IOC 13 100 CDV 5 100 DCWV 09-04-02-02 1 10 DKCWV 09-08-04-02-01 1 10 WKCDV 07-05-04-04-02 12C 13 120 WDCV 06-05-04-03 130 WDCV 06-05-04-04 130 WKCDV 10-1 0-04-04-03 15 CN 16-02 155CDV 12

160CDV 12 2OC 13 2ooc 12 2OOC 13 210CV 13 210cw 12 25 WCNV 9 30C 13

155CVD 12-1

L 30 CDV 12-28 z 3 o w c v 9 Z 30 WCV 9-3 z 3 2 w c v 5 Z 35CDV 5 Z 35 CWDV 5 Z 38CDV 5

Z 40C 14 Z 40CDV 5

Z 38CDV 5-3

Z 40CDV 5-1 Z 75 WV 18-01 Z 8WDCV 6


1.2567 w 1 w 1 1.2365 1.3355 1.1545 1.1830 1.2842 1.3343 1.3243 1.3346 1.4006 1.2363 1.3348 1.3247 1.3246 1.4006 1.3344 1.3344 1.3207 1.4057 1.2601 1.2379 1.3279 1.4021 1.2080 1.2080 1.2080 1.2436 0.28C, 2.25NL 2.5Cr, 9.5W, 0.15V 1.4028 1.2365 1.2581 1.2581 1.2567 1.2344 1.2606 1.2343 1.2367 1.4034 1.2344 1.2344 1.3355 1.3343


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192 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Other tool steels Comparison

Z 80 WCV 18-04-01 Z 80 WDV 06 05 Z 80 WKCV 18-05-04-01 Z 85 D C W 08-04-02-01 Z 85 WDCV 06-05-04-02 Z 85 WDKCV 06-05-05-04-02 Z 90 WDCV 06-05-04-02 Z 90 WDKCV 06-05-05-04-02 ZN

1.3355 1.3343 1.3255 1.3346 1.3343 1.3243 1.3342 1.3243 0.25C. 8.5W. 3Cr. 0.25V. 2.25Ni

-H May include the letter 'H', This is my list of tool steels and what I consider to be comparable AISI, Werkstoff or chemical compositions. I had been adding to this list over many years until I was recommended to purchase a book called 'Stahlschussel' (Key to steel). This book contains more than 45,000 standards and steel-brands of approx. 250 steel works and suppliers from 22 different countries. If you feel that you need to continually up- date your tool steel list I would strongly recommend the purchase of this book. Contact Mito Construction and Engineering Limited, Adams Wharf, 19 Yeoman Street, London SE8 5DT, Tel. 01 71 231 091 8.

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Appendix Elements

I1 and their symbols

Symbol Element Melting point "C Properties and uses

AI Ar Be C


c o

c u





Aluminum Argon Beryllium Carbon














65 1


Widely used light metal An inert gas used in TIG welding A light metal used to toughen copper An essential element in steel,

A corrosion resistant material especially in hardenable steels

which increases hardenability and resistance to wear. An essential element in stainless steel and heat resistant steels

Used mainly in high-speed steels and permanent magnets

A metal of high electrical and heat conductivity and alloyed with other metals to give brasses and bronzes

A fairly soft white metal when pure. A major element in steel

A light gas generally used together with argon gas to weld heavier sections of aluminum and copper

increase its work hardening ability and corrosion resistance to sea water

Used in steel making as a deoxidant, it also increases the hardenability and tensile strength but decreases

Used as an alloy in aluminum to


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194 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Symbol Element Melting point "C Properties and uses

ductility. Also added to non-heat treatable aluminum to improve its mechanical properties

Mo Molybdenum 2,620 Increases hardenability in steels. Used in high speed steels and also used in stainless to increase resistance to corrosion

and aluminums to improve toughness

improve machinability in many metals. Higher levels (1 % plus) may cause weldability problems

Si Silicon 1,427 Generally used as a powerful deoxidizer in steels. It also increases strength and ductility in aluminurns and if combined with magnesium in aluminum it allows precipitation hardening

high-speed steel. Also used as the electrode in TIG welding

hardenability and also to give a greater resistance to shock loading

Z Zinc 41 9 Widely used for galvanizing mild steel and when alloyed with copper makes brass. Also used as a basis for some die-casting alloys and when added to aluminum

drastically increases strength and allows precipitation hardening

Ni Nickel 1,458 A widely used metal in steels, coppers

Pb Lead 327 A heavy metal used as an alloy to

W Tungsten 3,410 Generally the main constituent in

V Vanadium 1,720 Added to steels to increase

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Appendix I11 Millimeters to inches conversion table mm inches rnrn inches

1 0.0394 90 3.8076 2 0.0787 100 3.9370 3 0.1181 110 4.3307 4 0.1575 120 4.7244 5 0.1 968 130 5.1181 6 0.2362 140 5.51 18 7 0.2756 150 5.9055 8 0.31 50 160 6.2992 9 0.3543 170 6.6929

10 0.3937 180 7.0866 20 0.7874 1 90 7.4803 30 1 .I81 1 200 7.8740 40 1.5748 210 8.2677 50 1.9685 220 8.661 4 60 2.3622 230 9.0551 70 2.7559 240 9.4488 80 3.1496 250 9.8425

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Appendix IV Temperature conversion table

Centigrade-Fahren heit

50 122 60 140 70 158 80 176 90 194

100 21 2 110 230 120 248 130 266 140 284 150 302 160 320 170 338 180 356 190 374 200 392 21 0 41 0 220 428 230 446 240 464 250 482 260 500 270 51 8 280 536 290 554 300 572 350 662 400 752 450 842 500 932 550 1,022 600 1.112


120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 660 710 750 840 930

1,020 1.110

49 60 71 83 93

104 115 127 138 149 160 171 182 193 204 215 226 238 249 260 271 282 293 304 31 5 349 376 399 449 498 549 598

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Appendix V Hardness conversion chart

Vickers, HV Rockwell C Brinell Vickers, HV Rockwell C Brinell

940 920 900 880 860 840 820 800 780 760 740 720 700 690 680 670 660 650 640 630 620 61 0 600 590 580 570 560

68 67 67 66 65 65 64 64 63 62 61 61 60 59 59 58 58 57 57 56 56 55 55 54 54 53 53


- -

767 757 745 733 722 71 0 698 684 680 656 647 638 630 620 61 1 601 591 582 573 564 554 545 535 525

41 0 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 31 0 300 295 290 285 280 2 75 270 265 260 255 250 245 240 230 220 21 0

41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 29 29 28 27 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 21 20 18 15 13

388 379 369 360 350 341 33 1 322 31 3 303 294 284 280 275 270 265 26 1 256 252 252 243 238 233 228 21 9 209 200


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198 Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding

Vickers, HV Rockwell C Brinell Vickers, HV Rockwell C Brinell

550 540 530 520 51 0 500 490 480 470 460 450 440 430 420

52 51 51 50 49 49 48 47 46 46 45 44 43 42

51 7 507 497 488 479 471 460 452 442 433 425 41 5 405 397

200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 95 90 85

11 9 6 3 0


190 181 171 162 152 143 133 124 114 105 95 90 86 81

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Jobno. I Company Description Date

Instruction sketch

Contact Material

Preparation sketch


I Pre-inspection

Dye pen

Weld process

I Consumable 11 1 Pre-heat

, I

12 I I 3

Gas Backing gas

I requirements Other I

Dye pen

I Operation: 1 Quantity I Sign I Date


I Preparation I I I ~ ~~



I Cooling: I Heat insulating material I I Air I

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Job no. Company Description Date

Contact Material HAC Quantity

Instruction sketch Preparation sketch


Dye pen


Visual I

Weld process




Backing gasGas








Quantity Sign Date

AirHeat insulating material

Final inspection

Dye pen Visual

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aluminum tool metals, 13-1 7, 36 filler wires, 43, 47 pre-heats, 55-6 welding, 111, 118

arc marks, 83

case hardened tools, 97 controls, welding set, 120-22 cooling, 50 copper tool metals, 17-20, 35-6

filler wires, 41-4, 47-8 pre-heats, 55-6

crack detection equipment, 66-7,

cracking, 63-70 1 25-6

distortion, 59-60, 94-6 dye pen., 66-7, 125-6

equipment, 105-128

filler wires, buttering and crack repairing, 4 2 4 , 46

buying, 37 choosing, 38 color matching, 44 economical, 45 hard (HRC), 40, 41, 46 photo/acid etch, 45

gas flow rates for TIG welding,

gases, TIG welding, 11 3 116-17

hand tools, 125 hardness check (HRC), 23 heat sources, 52, 123-5

large tools, pre-heating, 53-5 handling, 124 welding (without pre-heat), 96

notches (undercut), 73-4

oven heating, 52 oxidization, 74-83

photo/acid etched tools, 44-5, 98 porosity (pin/blow holes), 80-83 post heat treatment, 55 power tools, 11 1, 125 pre-heating, 49-56

restraints, 59-60, 94-6, 128

safety, 105-1 1 1 sets, welding, 11 1 setting up equipment, 11 5-22 sink, 71-3

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202 Index TIG welding, basics, 129-36

welding, exercises, 136-43 tool steels, identification of, 22-3

AIS1 (USA) and BS (British), 29-32 Werkstoff (German), 32-4 trade names and others, 144-92

tools, types of (molds tools and dies),

torches, heating, 123-5

tungstens, 91-2, 114, 11 7-19

weld procedures (practical), 57-63

welding, 1 14-20

(written), 3-21
