Safety – Respect - Learning Hamlyn Views is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people and has zero tolerance for child abuse 25 th Feb Parent Information Session 5.30pm 1 st March Clean-up Australia (Schools) 8 th March International Women’s Day 11 th March Labour Day Public Holiday 21 st March Year 7 Vaccinations 22 nd March Earth Hour (schools) 25 th March Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony 2:45pm 5 th April Last day of Term 1 2.30pm, Individual Learning Plans sent home 22 nd April Easter Monday Holiday 23 rd April First day of Term 2 25 th April Anzac Day Holiday Hamlyn Views School Newsletter Thursday 21st February 2019 Issue 22 Principal: Suzanne Armstrong Assistant Principal: Michele Marcu Business Manager: Carolyn Haskett Administration Assistant Brooke Logie School Council President: Jess Harriott Office Hours: 8.30am – 4.00pm Phone: (03) 5215 5700 Address: 45 Calvert Street, HAMLYN HEIGHTS 3215 PO Box 6042 GEELONG WEST 3218 Important Dates | Issue 22 Important School Updates Our first Pizza Meal Deal will be available on the 1 st of March. The $6 for the pizza will be due by the end of school on Monday 25 th February. As this is organised with another school it is imperative that the money is in by the due date. No late offers will be accepted There is an order form for the pizzas attached at the end of the newsletter.

Hamlyn Views School · 2019. 2. 21. · Safety – Respect - Learning Hamlyn Views is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people and has zero tolerance

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Page 1: Hamlyn Views School · 2019. 2. 21. · Safety – Respect - Learning Hamlyn Views is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people and has zero tolerance

Safety – Respect - Learning

Hamlyn Views is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all

children and young people and has zero tolerance for child abuse

25th Feb Parent Information Session 5.30pm

1st March Clean-up Australia (Schools)

8th March International Women’s Day

11th March Labour Day Public Holiday

21st March Year 7 Vaccinations

22nd March Earth Hour (schools)

25th March Welcome to Country and

Smoking Ceremony 2:45pm

5th April Last day of Term 1 2.30pm,

Individual Learning Plans sent home

22nd April Easter Monday Holiday

23rd April First day of Term 2

25th April Anzac Day Holiday

Hamlyn Views School


Thursday 21st February


Issue 22


Suzanne Armstrong

Assistant Principal:

Michele Marcu

Business Manager:

Carolyn Haskett

Administration Assistant

Brooke Logie

School Council


Jess Harriott

Office Hours: 8.30am –


Phone: (03) 5215 5700


45 Calvert Street,


PO Box 6042


Important Dates

| Issue 22

Important School Updates

Our first Pizza Meal Deal will be available on the 1st of March. The $6 for

the pizza will be due by the end of school on Monday 25th February.

As this is organised with another school it is imperative that the money is in

by the due date. No late offers will be accepted

There is an order form for the pizzas attached at the end of the newsletter.

Page 2: Hamlyn Views School · 2019. 2. 21. · Safety – Respect - Learning Hamlyn Views is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people and has zero tolerance


Safety – Respect - Learning

Administration News

School Drop Off Arrangements

When either dropping off or collecting your child from the main carpark at school, please only use

the disability car park spots if your child has a walking aid. We have some children who require

these spots to safely get out of their cars. Thank you for your cooperation.

Students will continue to be collected from the Central Plaza this term. When dropping

off/collecting your child, we ask that you close the gates behind you. Thank-you.

Parent Payments

A reminder to our families that parent payments for this year are now due and payable. The

payments for this year are $100 for primary students and $120 for secondary students (Later Years).

Further information on these payments can be found in our Parent Payments 2019 notice (available

from office) and our Parent Payments Policy (available on website). Payments may be made by

cash, cheque or eftpos at the office. Statements will be sent home in the next week which will

contain BPAY details. If you wish to pay using Centrepay please contact Carolyn in the office for


Bus News

The process in place if the bus is running behind schedule by 10 minutes or more is: Bus chaperone

will inform the school, we will then contact parents along the route to advise of any delays. Please

continue to inform Carolyn of any issues with or changes in bus arrangements.

Parents Group

Our Parents and Carers group will be running again this year. For new families, the Parents and Carers

group assist us to make the much needed resources used in classrooms, specialist programs, and Allied

Health for student learning. All it takes is some cutting, pasting and laminating, all done sitting alongside

the school's Allied Health Assistant Sharnie. It's a great time to meet other parents and carers at Hamlyn

Views School.

There will be some more information coming in the next few weeks regarding an induction for all parents

interested in participating. You will need a Working with Children’s Check.

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Safety – Respect - Learning

Foundation Blue Report!

The prep students have had a wonderful time settling into their first days at Hamlyn Views

School. We are spending these first few weeks getting to know each other, our school and

our new routine through a ‘Bright Beginnings’ Program.

We have enjoyed exploring the ‘Investigations’ room also, where we will have a structured

developmental play area where we target English, mathematics, dramatic play,

construction and loads more.

We look forward to seeing the growth and development over the year alongside many

fun memories!

Lacey Pietsch

Foundation Blue News

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Safety – Respect - Learning

Early Years News


“Find Your Voice”

Hello everyone! I am Mim and I’m the new Arts teacher at Hamlyn Views School. We have had an

exciting and colourful start to the year in both Visual and Performing Arts.

In Visual Art, we have been learning about primary and secondary colours whilst using various

mediums to explore these. Last week we explored the theme “Me” and used wax and water colours

to write our names. We have also celebrated the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Pig by

creating pig collages using 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional materials and secondary colours. The

students have engaged in very creative pieces of work and I am super proud of their efforts!

In Performing Arts, our focus has been on movement through the genre of storytelling. We have

enjoyed exploring the book “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” as well as fairy tales through song. The

students have danced and engaged in role play, with some students enacting various characters and

character voices. It’s been wonderful to see everyone having a go and enjoying elements of Music,

Dance and Drama.

I am so excited to get to know all of our students and encourage their confidence, creativity and

communication skills as the year moves on. I also look forward to meeting each of you and sharing

stories about your children’s growth and exploration in the Arts.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Arts News

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Safety – Respect - Learning

Allied Health

In 2019, we have had a number of changes to the therapy team. We wish to welcome our new

speech therapist, Alice Stubbings to Hamlyn Views. She has worked in a variety of settings

including schools and in the community. She will start working 3 days each week on Mondays,

Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Continuing on from last year will be Sharnie Russell as our Allied Health

Assistant working full time, and our Occupational Therapist, David Rittinger, will now also be

working full time at the school. Sam Coghill, our physiotherapist will continue one day per week on

a Thursday. We hope to help our students develop skills to improve their learning, and support the

teachers and educational support staff to find new ways to extend them. We are more than

happy to discuss any areas you would like us to work toward, and look forward to meeting with

our students’ families through the year. In the upcoming newsletters, we aim to provide

information on areas we hope to develop as a school such as regulation and communication

School Nurse

Just a friendly reminder if your child is unwell please keep them at home until well enough to

attend school. Due to the Department of Education and Training Public Health and Wellbeing

Regulations (2009) schedule 7, primary school aged children who show symptoms of contagious

illness must be excluded from school for a minimum period of time. The following link provides

information on exclusion times.




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Safety – Respect - Learning

Positive Behaviour Support

For any of our families, new to HVS in 2019, you may have heard or seen the acronym SWPBS around

the school and wondered what it stands for? School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is our

whole school, and individualised, approach to supporting your child to achieve their social and

learning outcomes. SWPBS is a part of everything that we do at HVS, and will include explicitly

teaching expected behaviour, celebrating effort and developing individual supports for students

to be successful.

Monty the Moose is our SWPBS mascot, and you will see his face from time to time – especially as a

token that students receive when they display our school values of: Safe, Respect and Learning. To

support Monty, he has the help our HVS Values Heroes: Safe Sasha, Rani Respect and Lenny the

Learner. You will see our Values Heroes around the school, in classrooms and on posters as a

reminder of the expectations at school.

At Friday assemblies, we will give out weekly awards to a member of each class who has been a

hero and followed our school values.

Over the coming weeks, we will send out more information to families on SWPBS, including a home

poster/matrix that you can use yourself, to support behaviour expectations in the home. If you have

any questions at all, please feel free to ask your classroom teacher.

From the SWPBS team

Monty Rani Respect Safe Sasha Lenny Learner

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Safety – Respect - Learning

Principals News

The term is progressing quickly and we are now into week four. I am pleased with how everyone has

adapted to their new staff, school timetable and routines. We welcomed Oliver this week into Middle

Years Blue who has transferred from another school and hope he enjoys being part of our school


Student Support Group Meetings

Thank-you to parents/carers who have attended SSG meetings this week. These meetings will be

scheduled each term to establish, monitor and review students individual learning goals. Please note

that SSG meetings can be organised at any time to address student needs and can included school

and private therapists.

School Council Election

At the close of nominations on Monday for vacant Department of Education and Training, and

Parent Representatives the results were as follows:

• 1 x DET Representative: Michele Marcu

• 1 x Parent Representatives: Jess Harriott

As the number of nominations meets the number of vacancies no formal election is required.

I thank Michele and Jess for their continued support of School Council in this important governance

role and wish them well for their new two-year tenure.

Staffing News

We have been successful in sourcing a Physiotherapist from term two. Camille Everett will join us two

days per week and intends to meet with Sam on several occasions at the end of term one as part of

a handover process. Please note Alice Stubbings our Speech Therapist will be now be working

Monday to Wednesday as she has secured employment at a local Primary School Thursday and


Personal Property at School

Personal items are often brought to school by students and visitors. This can include mobile phones,

toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises. As the Department does not hold

insurance for personal property brought to schools and has no capacity to pay for any loss or

damage to such property, students and visitors are discouraged from bringing any unnecessary or

particularly valuable items to school.

Yours in educational partnership,

Sue ArmstrongSue ArmstrongSue ArmstrongSue Armstrong


Principals Address

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Safety – Respect - Learning

Meal Deal

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Safety – Respect - Learning

Back to Back Theatre have recently launched their program for CAMP (Come and Make Performance) and have a

youth stream for secondary age students. The cost will be $33 per day including lunch 30th & 31st March. If your child

is interested in these inclusive performance making workshops feel free to click on the link below for more



Community Event

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Safety – Respect - Learning

School Community Information

Session We would like to invite you to attend an information session to

discover more about our school. Come along and meet some of

our staff, have a chat with our leadership team and learn the

important information you need to know as a part of the Hamlyn

Views School community.

Date: Monday 25th February 2019

Time: 5:30pm – 6:30pm

Location: Hamlyn Views School

Enter via the main office

45 Calvert street, Hamlyn Heights

RSVP by 12pm Monday 25th February

(P) 5215 5700

(E) [email protected]

Hamlyn Views School has zero tolerance for any form of child abuse