Hamlet kills Polonius in Act 3,pehs.psd202.org/documents/cneal/1518730448.pdf · Hamlet kills Polonius in Act 3, but what crime is he guilty of? Do you think this is considered murder

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Hamlet kills Polonius in Act 3, but what crime is he guilty of? Do you think this is considered murder (he meant to kill him) or manslaughter (it was an accident, but Hamlet is responsible)? Explain your reasoning using at least 3-5 sentences.

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Hamlet Quiz 3

“Rogue and peasant slave”

DO: Demonstrate understanding/recall of significant passages/moments.

Analyze and explain Hamlet’s self-reflection.

HW: Review for Benchmark 2 (Friday)

Act 4 due Tuesday, February 20

Please make sure your name is on your Act 2 bell work, and pass it forward

I will be grading Monday-Thursday (No Friday)

It will be out of 8 points

What it could be besides his father’s death that caused him to act so differently I can’t say

“Claudius is talking to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern about Hamlet’s troubles. He orders them to spy on him and try and cheer him up to get him out of this deep state of depression. This does show that Claudius wants to force this sadness out of Hamlet as quick as possible by ordering his old friends to spy on him”.

Have your study guide and book out on your desk.

20 minutes

With the remaining class time, complete the following benchmark practice on Hamlet’s Act 2 soliloquy.

We will be going over answers later

Remember, this will help you determine whether you are ready or not for your Benchmark, and if you will score the grade you are hoping for.

At the start of Act 3 Scene 1, Claudius and Polonius plot together. Polonius tells Ophelia that looks can be deceiving, and Claudius has an aside: “O, ‘tis too true./ How smart a lash that speech doth give my conscience!/ The harlot’s cheek, beautified with plast’ring art, / Is not more ugly to the thing that helps it / Than is my deed to my most painted word. / O heavy burden! (3.1.49-54).

What is Claudius’s heavy burden? Why would he be feeling pain about something? What does this reveal about his state of mind?

Finish and review “O, what a rogue and peasant slave”

“To be or not to be”

DO: Analyze and explain diction to determine meaning and purpose.

Analyze and explain Hamlet’s erratic behavior.

Create analytical questions to analyze Hamlet.

HW: Review for Benchmark 2 (Friday)

Act 4 due Tuesday, February 20

In your squads, complete your assigned question on the monologue.

You will then be presenting your answer to the class.

Hamlet feels that he is not completing his revenge as he should be. He is ashamed, insecure, and guilty that he has not managed to do more since getting the Ghost’s warning. He calls himself a “rogue and peasant slave” because he is failing to accomplish his goal (like a rogue) and views himself as lowly (like a peasant slave) as a result.

Hecuba is a fictional character, so there is no relationship between the Player and the subject of the speech. Hamlet then asks himself what the Player would do if the Player had “the motive and the cue for passion” Hamlet has, and says “He would drown the stage with tears”, or that he would have taken extraordinary action towards revenge, which is the opposite of what Hamlet has done.

Hamlet is reflecting that if the actor had the same motive for revenge as Hamlet, he would have taken action already. This is emphasizing that Hamlet is criticizing himself for not acting already, and that he views himself as sub par and failing to meet his own standards of revenge.

Hamlet has not made a move against Claudius (he’s done nothing) - all he has done is talk about it (“unpack my heart with words). Hamlet doubts whether his is worthy because he has not taken action, and instead allows the “bloody, bawdy, villain” to continue to exist without taking his vengeance. He also calls himself a coward, because he wonders if that is why he is unable to carry out his orders.

Hamlet vows to put on a play with the recently arrived Players in order to determine Claudius’s guilt. He needs more confirmation of Claudius’s guilt because he is worried that the Ghost “may be the devil” in order to “damn me” by having him commit murder for the wrong reasons. By watching Claudius’s reaction to the play, he can determine whether or not he is actually guilty.

Now is the time to ask questions or meet with me if you are confused on these questions.

As we move forward, test your comprehension and thoroughness. It’s better to know your gaps now, then find out on the benchmark.

As we go through Hamlet’s soliloquy, consider the following question:

What does Hamlet’s self-reflection reveal about his feelings towards life and death, and his revenge?

What does Hamlet’s self-reflection reveal about his feelings towards life and death?

Compare your answer with the insights revealed in Shakespeare Uncovered“[Hamlet’s] most characteristic form of speech is the question” has what effect according to the critic?

Base your grade on:3-4 sentences?

Did you explicitly define Hamlet’s feelings on life?

Did you explicitly define Hamlet’s feelings on death?

Did you mention why this is important? (What it reveals?)

Refer to textual evidence?

Is your response clear and concise?

3-4 sentences: need to elaborate and be specific

Answer each question component

BE SPECIFIC – refer to elements from the text

Based on Hamlet’s treatment of Ophelia in Act 3, do you think he ever cared for her? Is it fair for him to treat her the way he does in order to get his revenge? What are your feelings about this relationship?

Finish evaluating responses

Backwards and Forwards on “To Be or Not To Be”: Genuine feelings, or a performance?

Compare with first monologue

DO: Analyze and explain diction to determine meaning and purpose.

Analyze and explain Hamlet’s erratic behavior.

Understand and apply Benchmark writing standards.

HW: Review for Benchmark 2 (Friday)

Act 4 due Tuesday, February 20

What does Hamlet’s soliloquy reveal about his feelings towards his revenge and current behavior?

That he is unsure if his uncle really killed his father. He feels mad and needs proof to know his uncle is the murderer. He thinks the Ghost may be evil or he’s just crazy.

What does Hamlet’s soliloquy reveal about his feelings towards his revenge and current behavior?

That he is unsure if his uncle really killed his father. He feels mad and needs proof to know his uncle is the murderer. He thinks the Ghost may be evil or he’s just crazy.

This would score only partial credit. While it meets the sentence requirement, it is very short and does not use full sentences at the start. It is a simplistic answer.

Hamlet feels that he isn’t doing justice towards his revenge and that he is acting cowardly (afraid). He is doubting himself to be capable of doing the revenge. He also feels that he isn’t acting fast enough to get the revenge done.

Hamlet feels that he isn’t doing justice towards his revenge and that he is acting cowardly (afraid). He is doubting himself to be capable of doing the revenge. He also feels that he isn’t acting fast enough to get the revenge done.

This scores full points; it includes clear, descriptive adjectives that clearly answer the question, and includes specifics to answer the question. (it would be stronger with “cowardly” in quotes)

How is “To be or not to be” different, if you consider that Hamlet is actually speaking to an audience, and not just himself? (ie that he knows he’s being spied on?)

Consult the handout, and formulate your own argument.

Revisit Hamlet’s first soliloquy, where we know for sure he is not being spied on, and is truly alone.

What is characteristic here?

How is it similar? Different?

Complete the Benchmark questions independently. We will grade at the end of class

Hamlet will not commit suicide because God (“the Everlasting”) says he can’t.

As a result, although Hamlet wants to kill himself, he will never do so. The rest of the soliloquy will then illustrate all of Hamlet’s existing problems and why he wants to kill himself, without him making a plan to do so.

Hamlet hates his life currently. He calls it “an unweeded garden” that consists of things “rank and gross in nature”. Essentially, life only has terrible things in it, and he finds no joy in it, especially after his father died and his mother remarried. His soliloquy reveals that while Hamlet is currently unhappy and unfulfilled, this is something he is ruminating on (or constantly thinking about), but will not change.

Hamlet compares his dad to Hyperion, the sun god, and Claudius to a satyr, a half-man, half-goat, in order to show that he thought his dad was amazing, and that Claudius is not only bad, but a significant drop down in quality. These comparisons reveal that Hamlet does not support Gertrude’s new relationship, and thinks it is a terrible idea.

Hamlet had just been thinking about how much his dad loved his mom and treated her well, and the thought of this positive loving relationship is too much to bear for Hamlet. He asks this question because he does not want to dwell on the positives he is now remembering, but continues to do so anyway. He hates that he remembers, but he can’t help but remember it anyway.

Hamlet is not free to speak his own opinion because he must hold his tongue. While a prince, Hamlet is not in charge of much, and does not have a position to complain.

This limits what Hamlet can do because he has few options.

This is foreshadowing what might happen when Hamlet can’t stand it anymore, and needs to do something besides remain quiet.

Do you agree with Shakespeare that plays (or other stories) can make people feel guilty about their actions? Why or why not? Explain your answer using 2-3 well developed sentences minimum.

Act 3 Quiz pass back & Benchmark 1

“Get thee to a nunnery”

The play-within-a-play

DO: Determine Claudius’ guilt.

Evaluate character reactions to determine purpose and meaning from conflict.

HW: Review for Benchmark 2 (Friday)

Act 4 due Tuesday, February 20

Much better overall!

For Act 4 you will also be able to use your study guide.

Review existing benchmark practice

Reread the monologues from Acts 1-3, especially those we haven’t discussed in class

Review your paraphrasing from the quizzes

Review your study guides

Come in after school for help!

As we watch, understand what is going on (feel free to use your study guide to help).

After watching, you and your partner will develop and answer one analytical question that will then be shared with your group.

Make your way through this section, and analyze their diction choices to help you make sense of it all.

What does Ophelia give him at the start? How does Hamlet respond?

Why does he want her to go to a nunnery?

How is he different after the lie?

Hamlet decides to catch “the conscience of the king” by puttingon the play. As we watch, considerthe following:

How is Hamlet behaving? Why do you think he is doing this? Why do you think he reminds everyone of his father’s death before the play?

How does Claudius respond to the play? Does Hamlet’s plan work?

What is the fall out of the play?

How is Hamlet behaving? Why do you think he is doing this? Why do you think he reminds everyone of his father’s death before the play?

How does Claudius respond to the play? Does Hamlet’s plan work?

What is the fall out of the play? Does Hamlet get the result he was hoping for?

Does Hamlet now have the proof he needs? Why is Claudius still alive then?

Why do you think Gertrude is angry? Did he insult her as well?

Benchmark 2

DO: Demonstrate understanding of Hamlet through analysis and explanation of a soliloquy.

HW: Act 4 due Tuesday, February 20

Annotate and


Remember to

use 3-5


Check off each

part of the

question as you


Write a detailed reflection on the week addressing the following questions: How have you been doing on the reading? How far are you currently in Act 4? Do you feel like you’re doing better than last week? How did you feel about Benchmark 2?

The closet scene

DO: Identify and analyze the conflict between Hamlet and Gertrude.

Evaluate and examine use of language (diction) to determine character attitudes.

HW: Act 4 due Tuesday, February 21

As we watch, focus on Hamlet and Gertrude’s attitudes towards each other, and the play.

How is Hamlet treating his mother? How is “speaking daggers” effecting her?

How is Gertrude responding to Hamlet’s mistreatment of her? His murder of Polonius? His insanity?