Polonius Reputation Manager wesome Features!

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Polonius Reputation Manager

Awesome Features!

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Internal Feedback Collection

Feedback collection is done INTERNALLY within the platform. Only customers who leave positive feedback are then prompted to post their review to a rating site like yelp while negative feedback funnels the customer down a different route. Nobody ever sees your internal feedback unless you choose to show it off with your complimentary microsite, streaming widget, or social share buttons, discussed below.


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External Review Prompting

This is the core feature of our platform! Our video page and button layouts are proven to effectively encourage people to paste their positive internal feedback to the popular review sites of your choosing like Yelp, Google+ Local, and more, and the placement allows visitors to accomplish this in as little as a few clicks.


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Intelligent Routing Funnels

Based on initial feedback, the customer is routed either to a thank-you video page where they're prompted to repost that review on those crucial review sites like Yelp, or any others you choose, or to an apology video page with more space to tell you about their negative experience, letting them vent and diffuse any desire they may have had to leave a negative public review on those above-mentioned sites.


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Negative Feedback Handling

If any of your customers report negative experiences on your internal feedback form, they are funneled instead to a sincere, high quality video apology page with a text form asking for even more details. This lets them vent, and diffuses their desire to go do more negative typing at Yelp, Google+, and other review sites while potentially improving their impression of your business.


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High Quality Video Messages

Video messages are shown to increase conversion rates by as high as 134%! You’re free to replace our pre-made video messages with your own videos which can easily be done from within your account but our default white label videos are super high quality and incredibly effective. The language used is general enough that it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in and the delivery is very sincere and compelling.


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Automated Email Follow-Up

We handle all the hard work of customer follow-up for you with our automated email campaign system so you can focus on running your business. Stick with our proven default settings or adjust the frequency, timing, and content to your liking.


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Review Monitoring and Notification

Rest easy knowing that Polonius Reputation Manager is keeping an eye on your customer feedback. Even better, keep informed of changes to your reputation with new feedback notifications sent right to your cell phone via text messages or to your email inbox.


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Feedback Streaming Widgets

Our powerful HTML and WordPress widgets allow you to stream and leverage feedback on your own website or blog. Enjoy the freedom of only displaying the feedback you want.


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Push-Button Social Sharing

Easily share your positive reviews on your business' social media pages like Facebook, Twitter, Google+. You can either do your bragging manually by clicking the social share buttons by each review or enable auto-post good reviews to your social media pages. We recommend the latter option. After all, you've got a business to run!


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Employee/Feedback Correlation

Easily determine team and team member performance by linking feedback to indiviual employees or departments so you can determine who to reward and who needs more training. Letting your employees know you're doing this will help them remember to keep a smile on their face while dealing with customers!


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Centralized Listings Page

Check your business' presence in virtually all of the country's top listings/review sites, maps, search engines, and apps. Ensure your business is featured and, if it is, make sure info is accurate and consistent across all of these to ensure people who want your products or services can find you.


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Optional Power Listings Add-on

As an optional add-on, use our Power Listings manager with which you can automatically update and sync your business info across over 55 major listings and sites from one interface. Doing so vastly increases your overall visibility and search engine rankings, not to mention cuts down on time!


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Auto-Generated Micropage

Increase your visibility with an elegant, simple, auto-generated micropage that comes free with your purchase. Positive reviews from your internal feedback are automatically shown on this page or you can manually choose which ones are displayed or suppressed.


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Contact Management Dashboard

Contact info is automatically saved in your contact manager. You've also got options to manually resend feedback request emails or you can contact customers who've left negative feedback and offer them some form of reparation or apology.


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Reputation Dashboard

At a quick glance, see all of the important information you need in order to gauge the status of your business' reputation and the effectiveness of your feedback collection.


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Mobile Responsive

Most web browsing today is done from smartphones and tablets. The Polonius Feedback Collection System is fully mobile responsive, ensuring that your customers will have an optimized experience no matter what device they're using.


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Awesome Integrations

You want integrations? We've got 'em! Infusionsoft, Xero, Facebook, Twitter, and more. Polonius Reputation Manager is built to work in conjunction with just about everything you need to build your reputation!


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Step-By-Step Setup Videos

Sound like a lot of info? Relax! The setup process is the only time you'll really need to touch this software. And we make that process super easy with step-by-step tutorial videos to get your account up and running.


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Polonius Reputation Manager

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