Source: https://soundcloud.com/ari-r-meisel/podcast-81-with-hal-elrod- of-the-miracle-morning Transcript: Podcast 81 with Hal Elrod of The miracle morning. [22:39] Ari: Now I’m speaking with Hal Elrod who is the number one best- selling author of The miracle morning. So Hal, thank you so much for talking to me Hal Elrod: Ari, this is fun man! It is literally in the morning time right now that we are recording this so right now I am in the middle of my miracle morning and am grateful that you are a part of it. Ari: Oh great, well I’m happy to be part of this too. So first of all before we get into what The miracle morning is, I can’t possibly have this interview with you and not talk about your story of dying. Hal Elrod: That old story? Sure! Ari: Yeah, right, that little bump in the road. So let’s talk about what happened and what happened after. Hal Elrod: Yeah so I say that in my life I had to rock-bottoms and the first one was at 20 years old, I was one of the top salespeople for a $200 million marketing company, I had broken all sorts of records and I was one of their top reps. And I gave a speech one night… A year and a half into my career I gave a speech, it was my first standing ovation. I gave lots of speeches, I was always doing motivational or sales training or technical messages and I gave a speech, got a standing ovation, really was my first standing ovation so I was excited, got into my brand-new Ford Mustang at age 20, that was like the dream car, I had just bought it a few weeks prior and driving home a man I had never met before got on the freeway going the wrong way and he was in a much larger vehicle; a Chevy full-size truck. Both of us were doing 70 miles an hour, I believe he was doing estimated 80 1


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Source: https://soundcloud.com/ari-r-meisel/podcast-81-with-hal-elrod-of-the-miracle-morning

Transcript: Podcast 81 with Hal Elrod of The miracle morning.


Ari: Now I’m speaking with Hal Elrod who is the number one best-selling author of The miracle morning. So Hal, thank you so much for talking to me

Hal Elrod: Ari, this is fun man! It is literally in the morning time right now that we are recording this so right now I am in the middle of my miracle morning and am grateful that you are a part of it.

Ari: Oh great, well I’m happy to be part of this too. So first of all before we get into what The miracle morning is, I can’t possibly have this interview with you and not talk about your story of dying.

Hal Elrod: That old story? Sure!

Ari: Yeah, right, that little bump in the road. So let’s talk about what happened and what happened after.

Hal Elrod: Yeah so I say that in my life I had to rock-bottoms and the first one was at 20 years old, I was one of the top salespeople for a $200 million marketing company, I had broken all sorts of records and I was one of their top reps. And I gave a speech one night… A year and a half into my career I gave a speech, it was my first standing ovation. I gave lots of speeches, I was always doing motivational or sales training or technical messages and I gave a speech, got a standing ovation, really was my first standing ovation so I was excited, got into my brand-new Ford Mustang at age 20, that was like the dream car, I had just bought it a few weeks prior and driving home a man I had never met before got on the freeway going the wrong way and he was in a much larger vehicle; a Chevy full-size truck. Both of us were doing 70 miles an hour, I believe he was doing estimated 80 mph and we hit head-on. Head-on collision crushed the front of my car, sent me into oncoming traffic and the worst was actually yet to come.

An innocent bystander if you will, it was actually a 16-year-old young man and his parents, the 16-year-old was driving the four-door sedan and I was in front of them and all of a sudden my car spun sideways and they hit me in the door at 70 miles an hour in my driver-side door. And instantly, I broke 11 bones on the left side of my body and I ruptured my spleen, I punctured my lung, my femur broke in half, I broke my pelvis in three places, my eye socket was destroyed, my ear was almost completely severed, I was just, my body was just destroyed.

Ari: I’m sorry, did you have any recollection of this?


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Hal Elrod: No and probably they died. I’m often asked… Because what happened next is it to then 50 minutes to pull me out of the car; they could not get me out of the car, I was so [inaudible 25:09]. Not only were my bullets smashed but the car was smashed into my body and I was pinned and they had to use the jaws of a [wife 25:17] and it took the rescue crew almost an hour to pull the car.

And when they finally pulled me out of the car I had been bleeding; I had a hole in my leg where my femur broke through the skin, I had a hole in my arm where my humorous bones broke through the skin plus all the lacerations. I had been bleeding the entire time and I actually died. My heart stopped beating when they pulled me out of the car, I stopped breathing and I was clinically dead for approximately 6 minutes. And they revived me, rushed me to the hospital.

I am often asked the question, this is kind of piggybacking on your question which is… People find this funny, they go like, “I don’t know if it’s okay to ask this but did you see the light? Did you see a light beam?” And I am pretty transparent, you can ask me anything but the answer is no. I don’t remember. I shouldn’t say it’s no, it’s, “I don’t remember” because my brain, traveling at 70 miles an hour when it head-on collision occurs, it’s the most common injury where your brain hits your scull at 70 miles an hour. And I suffered really significant, in fact permanent brain damage. So I have no memory of that.

Really, my last memory was about half an hour, 10 minutes, half an hour before the accident occurred when I was getting on the freeway and my first memory is two weeks later.

Ari: Wow!

Hal Elrod: I don’t know if I saw a light but what I do say that that I think is more valuable, if I told you I saw a light, you would be like, “Whoa cool!” Or you would be like, “Oh, this guy is crazy.” Or you would be like, “Wow, there is a God!” Some sort of response but I don’t know how much value it would add to your life. And I think what I had gone from that experience much more powerful than some visual recollection of seeing a light or something like that, is really the lesson that everything does happen for a reason but it’s not as most people think.

Whenever I give a speech I always say, “Raise your hand if you believe everything happens for a reason.” And half the hands always go up right. And I go, “Okay, roughly half.” And then I go, “Raise your hand if you don’t believe that or you are not really sold on it, you are not really sure what to believe in what to think about it.” And roughly the other half go up. And I say, “Well, let me bring us all together. Here is something I think we can all buy into and it’s the fact that everything does happen for a reason but the reason is not predetermined. The reason is up to you. Everything happens for a reason but it’s our responsibility to choose the reasons and we can choose reasons, especially


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for adversity that discourage us and disempower us and defeat us or we can choose reasons for the exact same adversity that inspire us and that empower us and that add value to our lives and the lives of the people around us.”

And so for me that was it. I keep out of a coma six days later and I was faced with the most… I guess you can say most unimaginable reality you can ever imagine. I had recently started… I am writing a new book right now, “The miracle morning for salespeople” which is my background is in sales. And as I’m writing it, I talked about… I was making it descriptive, kind of what the experience was like and it was kind of like; rather than waking up from a nightmare where you are like breathing heavy and you are like, “That God it wasn’t real!” This was the opposite of that. This was there I was waking up from my coma and I was waking up to this real-life nightmare going, “Oh my God, why am I hooked up to tubes laying in a hospital bed in this white room surrounded by doctors and family and friends that are crying?” It was terrifying!

Ari: Yeah.

Hal Elrod: And within a matter of literally it was about two days, after processing this and going through kind of the range of emotions like, “Why did this happen to me” and, “I am a good person” and what the doctors I said, I may never walk again and that’s a tough pill to swallow for anybody.

And what ended up happening, I think this is best kind of shared through this quick story of the doctors one night called my parents and I didn’t know this meeting was occurring. I was in the hospital bed, bandaged, my ears sewn on, my head is bandaged, I’ve got a metal rod in my arm; metal 14 inch rod in my legs, screws in my elbows, three metal plates in my eye, I am laying in the hospital bed just two weeks after the crash occurred, one week after coming to consciousness out of my coma.

And mom and dad got called in and the doctors sat them down and they said, “We are very concerned with Hal. Physically he is doing great and he is healing, he seems to be doing well recovery wise but we are concerned because we believe Hal is in denial.” Yeah, and they said, “Every time we see Hal or we interact with him, he is always smiling and laughing and joking and making us laugh…”

Ari: God forbid!

Hal Elrod: Yeah, they said, “That’s not normal.” Not for a 20-year-old young man who has been told he may never walk again and his body is just…” I mean I’ve got scars that would… I think they are pretty bad ass now. But I mean my body image was like, “Holy cow, my body is a mess! I am scarred from head to toe.”

Anyway so they said, “We want to you to talk to Hal because we believe he is in a state of delusion because he cannot accept this reality that he is now faced with and that is


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something he is going to have to deal with at some point, he’s going to have to face it. And it’s safer to do it in the hospital, in this environment versus out there when he can turn to drugs or alcohol or have a nervous breakdown; when he someday has to face the reality of what happened to him and the pain of what happened.”

So my dad comes in that night and my dad of course is very concerned for my mental and emotional well-being in that moment and he sits me down and he says, “Hal, hey, do you mind if I talk to you soon and see how you are doing?” And I said, “Yeah dad what’s going on?” And he said, “Well the doctors are a little concerned. We haven’t really talked about… How are you feeling when the lights go out at night when you are by yourself? I know that your friends are visiting a lot, you guys are reminiscing and you are telling stories and having a good time, that’s great but how are you feeling when you are processing the reality of what’s happened to you? Are you sad? Are you angry? Are you upset? Are you scared? It’s normal to feel these things but it is important to acknowledge these feelings and that you talk about them.”

And my dad by the way was tearing up by this point. I could tell that this was really difficult for him. I really thought about his questions, “Am I sad? Am I angry? Am I depressed? Am I scared?” And I just shrugged. I looked at my dad and I said, “Dad, I thought you knew me better than that.” I said, “I live my life by the five minute rule. I learned this in my sales training.

I said, “In the five minute rule, it’s okay to be negative when things don’t go your way but not for more than five minutes; but you set your timer on your watch, you bitch, moan, complain, vent, punch a wall, punch your friend, whatever you have to do to get it outside of your system. But then after the five minutes is up, literally...” And I had been in sales for a year and a half at this point so I had conditioned this over and over again obviously with much less… Much more minor inconveniences and adversities like a canceled order or a customer returning their product or something like that or me not hitting a goal. But the bottom line was, this principle was universal from the mundane things like traffic; anything you can’t change on the small note to what had become the most difficult tragedy of my life.

And I said, “Dad, it’s been more than five minutes, it’s been two weeks. I can’t change it.” And those three words to be have been my freedom from emotional pain. Whenever I find myself frustrated or angry over something that’s happened, I take a deep breath and I say, “Can’t change it.” And I just smile. It reminds me as intelligent human beings, why would we put energy into feeling negative emotions, creating negative emotional states for ourselves over something we can’t change?! It makes no sense! You are in traffic and you are like, “Gosh, damn it, go faster cars!” What?! They are not going to go faster, you are just suffering, you are putting yourself through suffering right?


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And so I was really fortunate to learn at a very… It’s a lesson that most audiences I talked to that are in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s are like, “Wow! I never thought of it that way.” And so for me, I realized that acceptance is a key to freedom from or negative emotions in every situation. So I said, “Dad, it’s been two weeks! My five minutes is up! I can’t change this so I have already decided one of two outcomes. Number one, the doctors, if they are right and I never walk again, I’m okay with that because if that’s my reality I can’t change it, I can only make the best of it and I have already decided that I’m going to be the happiest person you’ve ever seen in a wheelchair period.” I said that.

“The second option is doctors are wrong and I believe that they are wrong because they might be experts in medicine but they are not experts in me and I am putting all my energy everyday into walking again; I am visualizing it, I am in imagining it, I am praying about it, I am meditating, I am working on it. I am going to therapy every day, I am doing what I can do to learn to walk again.”

And that for me was… I realized that, “Wow, if I could be genuinely happy even in the midst of this adversities, then there is no excuse for any of us and there is never going to be a reason in my life in another situation where I can’t be happy.” And a week later I took my first step. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I focused on what was possible instead of what someone else was telling me was realistic. I focused on what was possible, I believe in it, I maintain faith in it, I work towards it and a week after I was told I would never walk again, three weeks after my bones broke in half, I took my first step and got back to work and I finished the that year as the number six sales up in a company.

Half the year I didn’t have a car, I had to catch rides from other salespeople because I couldn’t drive because of the brain damage... Anyways, that’s another story but yes. So that was my first rock-bottom and that’s essentially how I overcame it; first mentally and then that led to the physical triumph over tragedy if you will.

Ari: So one of the things that sort of comes to mind, I would say the story is incredible. I mean I am of the mindset that sometimes things not only you cannot change it but sometimes these things really need to happen unfortunately to make us who we are going to be or become. Hopefully the thing that happens is that something that kills you basically but I mean in your case it actually did.

Hal Elrod: Yeah, that was my joke; “If it doesn’t kill you, it only makes you stronger or if you come back to life, it still makes you stronger.”

Ari: Yeah. With his new meaning if you ever like walk up to somebody and go, “Boo!” So one of the things that… Because I want to get to The miracle morning but one of the things that start of strikes me is I am always interested when I hear of stories and read stories about posttraumatic stress disorder basically for various things. Whether it’s from someone in Afghanistan doing a tour with the Army and they come back and they are


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just basically have to shut themselves in because they can’t stand all the noises and things or people who have been mugged or even raped… I mean things that have just happened and people know how what has been described as PTSD in a lot of cases.

But there are certain people it just doesn’t happen to. And of course, I know this when I see this but I see situations that happened and I think to myself, “I don’t think that I would necessarily crack in that situation” but of course I don’t know, I have never been in that situation.

Hal Elrod: Sure.

Ari: Did you ever have that kind of moment where you thought even to yourself that, “I might be going in a bad direction?”

Hal Elrod: Yeah. I mean, my initial thoughts like I said I went through that normal range of human emotion of like just questioning why did this happen? I don’t understand about I had like I said, learned at the young age that there is no point in trying to figure out the reasons why something happened versus choosing the reasons. The question isn’t, “Why did this happen to me?” It’s, “What can I do with this you can turn this adversity into an advantage? How can I use this experience to become a better version of myself? How can I use this experience or this tragedy to inspire and empower other people overcome their tragedy?” Those are much better questions.

And according to the doctors, I think they said that my whole state of acceptance was two years into the recovery process. Like normally it takes two years to get to that place where I did it in two days. And I don’t even like the way that sounds when I say it because I am not bragging, I am not saying I am different or better I just think I learned something, I was blessed to learn this lesson at 19. I had a great mentor [Jessie LaVine 38:04]. Jesse taught me the lesson at 19 relation to all the disappointment and rejection and adversity I would face as a new salesperson venturing out in this career. And after conditioning that mindset of just accepting the things I couldn’t change and that five-minute rule, I just somehow was able to apply it to a more difficult experience because the principal was universal.

Ari: Okay, sure, that makes sense. Okay so now, let’s talk about The miracle morning. How did this come about?

Hal Elrod: Yeah.

Ari: I mean this fascinates me but go ahead.

Hal Elrod: I mean, I never intended to write a book, let alone miracle morning is my second book and now it looks like there is going to be quite a few more. But I was never a writer in high school. And both of my books were written out of a feeling of responsibility to pay it forward. And what I mean is, my first car accidents, this horrific experience I went


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through, I tried to write a book for six years, I think I got six pages done in six years which is I would be like 150 when the book was done.

Ari: And 170 when it was published.

Hal Elrod: Yeah, I like that. Touché, that’s great! So yeah, unless it was self published and I still would be 150.

Ari: Yeah.

Hal Elrod: There you go. So what ended up happening was a friend of mine actually, I had gotten into network marketing while I was in sales, I was kind of trying to start a second stream of income. I talked to my buddy and I was like, “Hey you should sign up for this network marketing company blah, blah, blah...” He goes, “Hal, what are you doing man?” And I said, “What do you mean?” He goes, “You died and you came back in miraculous fashion. That doesn’t happen to everybody. Every waking hour aside from your current job of making a living, should be spent into figuring out how to share your story in a way that helps other people.”

He was very adamant like almost angry at me, like he was intense and I was like, “Really?” And he goes like, “Dude write a book, whatever it takes! Google ‘How to Write a Book ‘.” I am like, “I don’t know how to write a book, I have tried!” “Google ‘How to write a book’!” I am like, “Wow, that’s so simple but profound!”

So that was the first book, I got a share of this and this second book, same thing. So The miracle morning came about where I had hit the lowest point in my life and most people think that had to be the car accident, it can’t get any worse than dying, like that’s your bottom right?

My second rock-bottom and it’s really debt, and it was worse than death for me. And the reason was in 2009, 2008 I guess it might have started but the US economy crashed and I had a great… Like I had left my sales position, I hit the Hall of Fame with my company, moved on, launched a coaching business like sales success and life coaching. My first book was out, I was speaking for companies in high schools and colleges, you name it. So life was great and it felt like almost overnight and for so many Americans, like I wasn’t alone in this, the US economy crashed and my business just plummeted and I lost over half of my income, about 60% of my income, could not pay my bills, lost my house back to the bank, stopped exercising completely and I got the be depressed for the first time in my life. And a lot oA people asked me like, “Well why didn’t you use your ‘Can’t change it’ philosophy? Your ‘Acceptance’ philosophy?”

And I am like, “Good question.” And it actually took me a long time to figure that out. And there were two things that I attribute it to. Number one, is I had never faced adversity like this and when I would say, “Oh, I lost a client, can’t change it. This sucks, I


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am not in a good place” and then all of a sudden it gets worse and it gets worse and it gets worse and then I lose another kind and then the bill collector calls and it just kept spiraling downwards and I think that even though I knew it intellectually how I needed to accept things, I would accept them and then it just kept getting worse.

And then the other part, and this is something that I think this is only the third time Ari that I am sharing this in public; I haven’t shared it, I am just now kind of finally coming to talk about this but I simply was… I had been taking Adderall for a year and a half. A good friend of mine who are really respect told me I needed to take Adderall because it had ADD or ADHD and by then, this was like 10 years ago, I didn’t really know anything about it so I was like, “Okay.” I went into the doctor and got a prescription.

And then about a year and a half after taking it I started hearing all these bad things and so I thought, “I got to get of this.” And I quit cold turkey at the same time that I was at this rock-bottom. And I didn’t realize it at the time because when you are going through it you can’t think clearly but looking back I was going through extreme withdrawals of this prescription medication which caused depression and anxiety and fear… Some people get suicidal and that’s where I was, I was suicidal and my life had fallen apart.

And to kind of make the synopsis of how this turned around and how The miracle morning was born, that same friend ironically what told me to try Adderall I called him and I am like, “John, I am a mess, it’s been six months, I am spiraling downwards, we are losing our house man like I don’t know what to do. You are a smart business guy, give me advice and I will do anything you tell me to do.” And I am ready for this like business knowledge he is about to draw up and he goes, “Are you exercising every day?” And I started to get a little bit upset and I go [crosstalk 43:24]…

Ari: Weren’t you listening?!

Hal Elrod: Yeah! Were you listening to me? Are you playing a game on your iPhone? What the hell does that have to do with anything I just told you?! I don’t need to go exercise, I need to make money man, my business is failing! And he goes, “Hal, look, you are a smart guy but if you are not giving oxygen and blood to your brain every day, if you’re not starting your day releasing endorphins, putting yourself in a peak physical, mental state then you are not going to be able to turn this around. You have got to make yourself stronger every day in the morning. And this was his advice he says, “Go for a run every morning.”

I said, “I hate running.” He said, “What you hate worse? Running or your life right now, your life situation?” I was like, “Screw you! Okay, I will go for run.” Went for a run and on the run I heard a quote that changed my entire life and this is what launched The miracle morning, this is the catalyst for not only The miracle morning as a book, as a practice but I mean it’s really the guiding philosophy, I think one of the guiding philosophies in my life to this very day and it’s a simple quote from Jim Rohn that I had heard before!


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So often we hear things over and over and you are like, “Yeah, I know that. I already know that, I heard that.” But we don’t apply it. The question isn’t, “Do you know that?” It’s, “Are you living that? And so the quote I heard from Jim Rohn was this, “Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development.” And then he went on to say, “Success is something you attract by the person you become.”

And in that moment I stopped running and I replayed the quote and I realized my level of success that I wanted was a level 10. On a scale of 1 to 10 we all want to level 10 success. And I don’t just mean professionally or in our business, I am talking about level 10 health, level 10 relationships, level 10 spirituality, finances, energy, everything! We want to be at level 10 in every area. But I realized my level of personal development which I now articulate or to find that, it’s your level of confidence, your level of knowledge, your level of physical, mental and emotional vitality. I realized my level of personal development was like at a 2. It was really low and I wasn’t working on developing it. In other words as Jim said I wasn’t working on becoming the person that I needed to be to attract the success that I wanted.

And in that moment I realized, “I’ve got to go home. I’ve got to get out my schedule, I’ve got to dedicate an hour a day not just to like dabble in personal development but then got to figure out what it is the most extraordinary personal development routine that I can create that will radically and quickly transform my life.” And I ran home, and I got online and for about an hour, I just Googled, “Personal development for success people” “Personal, development routines.” And do things I came up with. Number one, successful people wake up early and I did not. I woke up by the last minute to get ready for work. Like if I had a coaching call at 8 AM, I woke up at 7:45, brushed my teeth, I hit the snooze button three times, just brush my teeth, ran in and started the call.

And I realized, I just kept reading over and over again and we know this right? We know it, highly successful people, the majority of them; while the rest of the world is waiting until the last minute to wake up, they are already awake working on either one of two things. Either they are working on their goals and dreams before the rest of their day gets started or they are working on their personal development; they are becoming the person they need to be that can easily create and achieve and attract and sustain the goals, the dreams and the levels of success that they want.

And I realized that I got to wake up early and I wrote in my schedule the next morning, “5 AM, personal development.” At first my pen was quivering over the paper because I was like, “This is crazy, I am not a morning person at all!” And once I wrote it in there, I was like you know what, I got to get out of my comfort zone, I’ve got to do this. This could be the one thing that changes everything. And that ended up coming with a list of these six personal development practices and at first I was disappointed because I thought, “Man, I have heard of all of these.” It’s those for dangerous words, “I already know that.” And then I went, “Wait a minute, am I living these? I am not doing any of


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them! And successful people swear by anyone of them.” And I thought, “What if I did all six? 10 minutes each from 5 to 6 AM?”

That’s my idea, that sounds like something that would be the most extraordinary personal development that I can imagine. And then the next morning, the alarm went off and for the first time in six months; keep in mind, I am still at rock-bottom. My bank account is the negative. My credit cards were, I forgot to mention, $50,000 in credit card debt over a six-month period. So I am charging like 8 to 10 grand a month on credit cards just to survive.

And I get out of bed, I didn’t hit the snooze button. Not only did I not hit the snooze button, I didn’t even desire. The alarm went off and I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. I was like, “Dude, I can’t wait to try this!” I get up, I go in the living room and I didn’t even know how to do these practices, I had to Google all of them the night before; How do you meditate? How do you do affirmations? How do you visualize? How do you Journal? All these things, and exercise, reading, all of these things, all these six practices and I went through all six of them and here is the bottom line. The bottom line is by 6 AM, I felt the best, I felt the most inspired, motivated, energized that I had felt in six months, really in my lifetime!

And I had this, I just thought, “Wow! If I can feel this way to start every day even though no matter what my circumstances are like, this isn’t dependent on my circumstances, it’s a gift I can give myself every day.” I thought, “Theoretically this could be the one thing that really does change everything.” And within two months I had doubled my income as a result of… I did The Miracle Morning every day. It wasn’t called that at first, there was no name to it until the results happened. And until the results happened it was just Morning Personal Development.

In two months, I doubled my income, my depression didn’t take two months to go away, it was gone in like 24 hours! I went from being in the worst shape of my life for I had not exercised once in six months to committing to training, training for and completing a 52 mile ultra-marathon having never run in my life! And everything in my life transformed so fast I ended up calling it my miracle morning and that was like five years ago and now there are…

It took me three years to write the book feeling like nobody’s actually going to actually do it. What if nobody likes it? What if nobody reads it? What if they read it and they actually think well, “It’s a good idea but I am not a morning person.” And I am so humbled and grateful that tens of thousands of people around the world now are experiencing these extraordinary, very performed and very relatively very quick results from doing the miracle morning.

Ari: What a wonderful amazing story of sort of transformation! And also for me, the idea of fitting in the six practices into on hour and doing them in that effective manner I think


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makes… It’s just so amazing! And it’s interesting also to think that you are touching on each of those for just and I say that is sort of an [inaudible 15:12] just 10 minutes.

Hal Elrod: Yeah.

Ari: 10 more minutes than most people do on any of those.

Hal Elrod: Sure, sure.

Ari: The whole idea of baby sets and small steps and I am kind of floored by the whole story so thank you.

Well, we are basically running out of time here and I want to be respectful of your time because you just shared such an amazing story with everybody. This is going to be fun actually given what your book is about but I always like to ask this at the end of the interviews is; what are your top three personal tips for being more effective? And in my world, that is really about getting more done.

Hal Elrod: Yeah.

Ari: Other than this six that you have just given us what are three that you think are just so important in anything you have ever learned or done that just can make you or other people more effective?

Hal Elrod: Absolutely and I can sum these up very quickly. And I call these the ABC’s of advanced achievement and they go in reverse order so it’s the C then the B then the A.

The C is for clarity. Most of us don’t take time to strategically get clarity on what we want for our lives, on what we need to do to achieve the things that we want and maybe most importantly, what’s holding us back from achieving it. Most people, even if you set goals, you’ve got to really look at, “Hey, what’s holding me back from achieving the things that I want?” Or maybe another way of saying this, “What’s held me back in the past?” Because if we are unaware of that, then those are the self sabotagers that keep holding us back over and over and over and over again!

And I give you one example. The miracle morning was like my number one goal to write the book. I felt like I owed it to the world, I had to write a book. And year after year after year, three years in a row, it was one of my top goals if not my top goal and I failed year one, year two, year three I failed every single year and then I got clarity. I stopped and I thought, “What’s holding me back from writing this book?” And the answer was so clear, it was, “I don’t have any accountability.” I am a coach so I know the power of accountability and I have had many coaches but I did not have a coach at that time holding me accountable and I go, “I don’t have a coach holding me accountable to writing the book!”


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I hired a coach, an accountability coach just to write the book, that was the sole purpose, nothing else. We did not focus on health, nothing. Three months later the book was written, one month after that it was published because I am self published and it was the number one bestseller.

So that’s the first thing; you’ve got to take time to get clarity and you’ve got to do it in writing by the way. You can’t just depend on your thoughts and your memory, you’ve got to get clarity in writing. Pull out The Five-Minute Journal, if you don’t have The Five-Minute Journal, highly recommended, get The Five-Minute Journal at fiveminutejournal.com and I don’t sell it, I am not affiliated with it [crosstalk 53:03]…

Ari: No, I have interviewed [UJ 53:03] before, it’s a great resource.

Hal Elrod: Yeah, great resource. But that helps me get carted every single day. So first is clarity.

The second, B is for belief. You’ve got to reinforce or establish the beliefs that are necessary for you to achieve the things that you want and that’s what the miracle morning… That’s a big part of what it does is it sets the mindset and the context for the rest of your day and it puts you in an optimum physical emotional state to really win the day. It helps you, it gives you time to get clarity, time to reinforce those beliefs through some of the practices of The miracle morning.

And finally, the A is for accountability. And I already mentioned it, I already talked about that right? We’ve got to have accountability. And I would love to invite all of your listeners Ari to The miracle morning community on Facebook and you too Ari, are you a member of that community yet?

Ari: No and I will be the second we get off.

Hal Elrod: It’s going to blow your mind! It can become the most inspiring, supportive and encouraging online communities I have ever seen. I mean, I will give you an example just real quick.

The other day somebody new joined the community access and by the way, we have grown from 30 members to 5000 members in the last year. And somebody joined today and they posted, “Hey, I am new to the group, I am new to The Miracle Morning” and they were young, they were like 19 I think, they said, “I am really having trouble following through and overcoming my bad habits and snoozing and blah, blah, blah. Anybody have any sort of advice, maybe you have dealt with this or overcome it?”

Within 24 hours 33 people in the community that didn’t know this guy, that he didn’t know them, like left to these along, detailed thoughtful comments giving him advice and sharing their experience and how they overcame it. And that’s just the culture that’s in the community. Like how often do you post on your wall something and 33 of your friends leave you detailed comments let alone people you have never met?


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So those are the three things, you’ve got to get clarity, you’ve got to establish and reinforce the beliefs necessary and then you’ve got to get accountability to hold you to taking the necessary actions to create the results that you want in your life.

Ari: I mean, those are amazing Hal! So we are going to have links to all of your stuff in the show notes but where is the number 1 best place people will go to find out more about you or more about the book?

Hal Elrod: yeah. My website, halelrod.com if you want to contact me or find out about my speaking or coaching. But I would encourage everybody, if you are not ready to buy the book yet, the book is on Amazon, you can get to The Miracle Morning on Amazon or you can just go and read some of the 300 five-star reviews. You don’t even have to buy it, just read the five-star reviews and then decide.

But honestly, if anybody’s listening and you are like, “Hal, I think this could really help me but I am at the financial crossroads, I am at the tough point.” Because I have been there before, I get it. Maybe it’s like, “Hey, me and my spouse have an agreement and I am not allowed to spend another outside of our necessities.” I have a free resource where everybody can start with The Miracle Morning. Go to miracle morning.com and you will get the Miracle Morning kind of first start kit which is the first few chapters of the book which are enough to get you started.

You will get a 17 minute kind of motivational training video from me and you will get a 60 minute deep dive training audio from me all on the miracle morning and it's all free at miraclemorning.com.

And then when you have used the miracle morning to increase your income as so many people do, then go buy the book and pay it forward and share it with somebody else.

Ari: Awesome. Well Hal, thank you. It’s been more than a pleasure speaking to you and it was really great to meet you a few weeks ago at the Mastermind Talks in Toronto and thank you for your time.

Hal Elrod: Ari thank you and everybody listening, thank you so much for your time and I hope you got at least one valuable tip that you can implement that will improve your life, thanks so much.



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