SIXTY-SIXTH YEAH. ,\2 HIE REPrWJCAN. aa •»>-v.\\\ .11 i:!Ui MATTERS o i v t n i< AND THINGS itdtioti.-vule ifi ;!»• ,\ l- M.MI 1.P »<-k. and On* iCt'|U>*i- the per- •. .! i>! C'sr'.'* a* *•' fated . , . -ti*-t 1" ^ -*rs i, id- 'iVrii i i' ^I.T n-jmrii'S "vrr t :; ..! a Homeopathic r-hv-'' "' . ...; l»r. Farley late of !-"•••> "'' \\iM »ubsenl«-rs «!»> }••»> f'-: i"«- KK- I . ni.tr »K in advance *.i: hereafter receive .! tree ol rwistatZe. ASOTHFI: ••<-••!.! v,»\r" struek this region last Saturday »»i;ht. T >* ,,M ' * * * " * r e l> ''" crnning more fre<pent tt.sn comfortable. TinMn-laidiw wh'.eh was held at the W.iheriil House last Tuesday evening proved to be one of the nn«t cijoy able affairs of the -. .w« thus far. IT said that Victor Dug© contemplates »tiling the Mfc Of J o h n B r o w n , of Ossawat- toroi*. If ye have ««u» *o *b*d prepare to shed the m then. TIIK sleisb'me from here to Burlington is now elegant. Stages are well loaded both ways. If you want a splendid sleigh ride just for fun here is tbe place to enjoy it. TUB following contributions were made to the Kansas sufferers in Burlington last Sun- day: Wiiwoski Avenue Congregational church, S40.49; Baptist church, $18 X5. R«A» "One Little Puritan" on tlie inside of this paper. Maybe it will make yon laugh or cry—perhaps both, and you needn't be ashamed if it doe*. THE jury in tbe Irlton-Beecber eivil suit was ebtafwOd OH Friday of last week, after five dsjlr wdrt, and the triel commenced last MohA^ *'. , E. O^TBAWAV 4 Soss are filling orders for custom ssade Clothing for parties residing in Denver, Cotoretto, Iowa and Ulinois. This •.peaks well tor the «ts produced by ibis lira*. 1 T«K epiatootfc <bo«e dise»«e) has broken out again among tbe horses of the Peru Steel & Iron Co. Tbe disease U more fatal tban when itfirstraged. WW. S o a j c o x , tbe biUionaji** •! Nevada, bat been sleeted V. S. Senator from that State. If the old saying to true, that every congressman has his price, this one must be awfully dear. Two men were killed near WUlaboro tun- net last Saturday by *f*qsaatafe nitro glyci- rine explosion. One of them was literal)- Mown to pieces. Tbe funeral was held at Keesevitteon Monday. S«ne noliie of Musical Convention in an- other column. The public will be si* 4 to see tint tbe talented soloists, Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Spring, have bee* re-engaged for this occasion, and will no doubt Mail them- selves of this coming opportunity of hearing litem in their charming duets and solos. KIJIUIBEE that Williams A Stevens are the largest and most extensive wholesale and retail boot and shoe dealers anywhere north of Boston or Sew York. They are retailing excellent goods at astonishingly low prices. Tbe trade in this section will liud it greatly to their advantages to order trout this firm. THE latest remedy for baldness is to smear tbe scalp with kerosene and touch a match, and let tbe tire run oyer it. Mr. Wait, of Iloosic falls, tried it recently, according to the Standard, and now has a fine sew crop of hair sprouting up. MR*. H-AUCIKTAWBIII; "Lady Super- intendent of Dawu Valcour Community" is announced to lecture in ralroer's Hall, next Wednesday evening, Jan. 20lh. Those who would like to learn something of the charac- ter of the Valcour Community would do well to attend. KACUKKNlook o u t f.»r paiticsubowere- erlmkey and tobacco. And tbja case was ported i.be travelm: thi-ugh this county torreemwtori: 49hanict Mfemen were keenly t-»'.\-\.» e'«h» "imported under tlie Remnant alive to the faults of her own ses, and this Art " Tlie "Kemtiatit Ac:" i» a myth and j was rifht, but why shorrM stte not be at t.e gi«<t* ftro worthier. I Strict in Iter judgement of tbe opposite sexf IT ,* *aid that duiitig the recent preva- | Whjf ehowld awe •Uinjarow'oTb»4rJtir fe* i,t,<-. ..f wnai: f i x in r.urliiigton nine out of j set Op, one for man and another for womanT ;*i:\e pnaat! who l.ul lxen vaccinated J Society is what woman makes ,it. IptbeJur- Cw\. \ "bhes win'e~aiid cigW slie asiutBeattie'risk l.M.ii-u papers are mourning over the of decoying some young man to bis ruin, f.trt Utat while American ot< servaaeesofsbe WoieM^iaispple was *si«fp^crff»Uf*n^ trais>.'.t of Venus at N>*w Zealand were »uc- ', law*, for she has it*in"1ief"own~power to'regu- c es*.ful, their own Were nnsuceessfbl, owing ,ht|e custom, and Cttstora tuakesJaw. If she I.I the different method ofpliotograpuywliich ' w(juld arise tn %er nltfiht, the Work of porg- !ii< v used. >of society truro the scourge of intemperance Tin. programme issued by the Evangelical > wO»aC|ieasi. !T«taaa herMlC M r*b*e*V. Alliance for Hie observance of the week of; ble to a great extent for tbe making of praver was pretiy generally followed by the 1 drunkards, by coevUuaneing the intemper- Vrr.«.estatit CTturches of riattsbnrgb wiUi the | a<e usages 61 society, and by wheitmg ilie PLATTSBTTMSp, CLUJTON C q ^ i , J U j A l C f f D A T WOBSIWG, JANCARVMq, 1875. ^^-^i•^^4aa4a^b^MiMbA^^m^^tMh^^i^^ T ^^P^^^ -'- r —'-'"-! "- J '' ^j^»- •*-Xii' •-*i..'"«?4« «t ,L i.ii'. ' i '' Fnr Tttr B-ttsA.'i-rtB. Vara TJIMII % ! M exception of tbe closing Union M«otai«fcfi£ | Sunday evening, which was for some reason 1 omitted. The evening meetings during tbe weeh hip* geoeraly well attendea at:^ef dliTerent cburcUes, and it is a matter of re- gret that this final service, designed by the Alliance to crown (be good work of the week conld not have been arranged. Perhaps an- otherw^l*e«p|ey«r, aeeojnfaj wpe>yi«ji|%#d<w.&rt|. of exorcising the evil spirit of or whaterer other serves to-ltatp Cbriathun apart on occasions like this. WE ate happy to he able to repoMjaBQ^ gress on the temperance reform. T b e 4 t h resolution adopted by the CoontyXodge ef Good Templars, at their session this week, read as follows: Jfesofcetl, That we recom- mend in the election of town excise hoards, etite for strQnfcdjiak b£_ patUus brandy i her pies and puddings. Selfishness was tyrautirhieh hotaadtdtwhoul bn« body. i present state of society was too apt to unde? theaesef VSli, that tbe ftjmwla of. aert teomenoce wrinc^tee- Hissa suae*"be ^ '— '"'^ " •""* i * ';jrork,»n«Wwork. %l»etr%ffto«idwii , Vtm^ frhit it hears, and not by' 4ft blossom it ^•spwwcesbohl. unite atjd es*4mw to elect sucb m e n a s will execute the law in its full integrity of letter and spirit, ibdepend- ent of' air party considerations'.' This resolution was passed and ordered to be pub- lished, and the fact that, it was allowed try j the editor of tbe Sentinel to be published in- stead of befae suppressed by him, saeaks well for the advance in his own as well as the public senfiesent since lastaprtog. JWe congratulate onr neighbor upon bis accrued back-bone. , * f.. ONE ot the latest inventions Is a plan tor playing o n e o r more pianos by ebjctr^Uj. The inventor, Dr. Hachenhuigh, - says: The electorical union of the pianos i s a eery simple arrangement, but is controlled with singft»r effect to s e n d e r v o l u m e » a d eaaawssA^ ion. One instrument serves to play upon, and the the rest am connected With i t b y electro-magnetic attachments so that, the pressure o f a certain key on the key, piapo determines ihe striking of nine other like keys on tbe rest of the mStramentB. The pedals are also eoruMcted in the same . manner. This i s a n important improvement and sus- ceptible of extended application. Perhaps the time wilt come when one musician will furnish music for* city, full of people, ajl sitting fa ft**-©W0 parlors; the piaeoe W ing connected together by telegraph wires- This plan would have one advantage at ieasf? whertfmfy particular group oflfsteners oat its temperajn more faithful he overrides ; When the the Atlantic, fUrea were ei moment, a thrill Uncivilized procession of dRmkarde ent down in and sixty ie waves in a '<*a#vulsed the en- a atigbty w ^.. v ^_ img, with tie ruined households, tlte blighted lives of 5^ VfeWaTTHviH^^TW^'e^ We*Ww~WH ^^^'."MB* ^W*HlBW*iWp*?( —©OjOOO drunkard'* graves filled every .year, anAwesit in eur homes, qaietfy and apa- the^icaJli, and see the work of death go on year after year. The law was all-powerful to protect our chicken* an,d nj»>, b^ wheava JbmMf •**«• for, to stop the trame which is the cause of all. this misery, the traffic that comes f' ' the bous«ho!4 and tears the ehtMrou, a' no a terrible doom—the only possessions the g o t fired of lb*, din they could shut it off another can call hers for time and eternity, without giving the distinguished professor tbe least occasion for taking offense. Then again coughing, sneezing and gabbling could . be indulged in, which would be such a com- fort. At'., lor Kuither particulars Mrs. ODotraell on Temperance.' Last Wednesday Mrs. O'Donnell, of Lewis Co., delivered a temperance lecture in Palm- er's Hall, under the auspices of the Clinton County Lodge of GooATeae»ssr«, wbJdhhas been holding it* quarterly session Pk4U- burgh during the past week. Tbe lecture was announced to be free, and at an early hour the ball was packed with an audience which seemed eager to hear what tbe distin- guished lady had to say upon the subject which is attracting such genera) attention.. This audience appeared to be composed of AN interesting entertainment is in course ! |liIve c i asses . First—and by far the most numerous—the sober, straight-forward ctli- zens d boil sexes who came from the same motive that they attend church and prayer- meetings—to get good, and mayhap some of tlieui merely to see and be seen. Second: Empty-headed giggling adults, some of them we are sorry to say belonging to what used to be considered tbe gentler sex, children of respectable, and many even of pious, parents, who behaved here just as they do iu church —perhaps a little worse—whispering,giggliugV lluling, and conducting themselves in a man- lier peculiar only to their own class. The third division was the roughs, wboeamebe- e.iuse they saw a light and found that there was no money to pay at the door; who ditlu't krioiv or care what the show was to he. and stood ready to applaud anything from a prayer to a clog dance. This class seemed gre.itiy puzzled by the preliminary prooeeilings—the assemblage ofladieson the .-'.age—the knot of sitters gathered around tiie organ—and above all by tho long delay. )'ii,.iu>, at about eight o'clock tbe choir sang an opening piece which was greeted with a perfect storm of boot-Ueel applause, and when Kev. Mr. \Voo|| came fbrward to offer prayer these half-civilixed vessel of wrath ;il«. :• HI- him a round of applause, which lix') i< p e a l e d at Me <SdM ©i his excellent prayr. £,' * : Tlrnus «.-re lo-Jtfing aptious, and a riot wa« l.-.uel by the more timid, but when M:->.' )'I).iiiuoll came for Aard, introduced by the ('. <'. T., Mr. Potter, she was greeted i.) a round of applause iu which all heartily j )ii.>-J. and then there felt a stillness upon tin- multitude, tbe roughest waste of ith.L-h, tuu^h us they »ie;e, would uot insult :» lady. ' -1 ilao. U'Oouuell is a piaiu, strsignUoc«aj4. middie-agi-d, utodest-apucaruig woman, who evidently believes in tUe justice of iter cause. She coitbned herself quite closely to ber manusctipt until nearly the close, whenshe wisely abando»ed ber notes, and made a diiect personal appeal to ber audience—this pui lion of her address being by far the most : effective. Let beg abandon her inaiMUjcripi altogether. A lecturer upon a sabjeei like this diminishes the chances of touching the ! hearts of an audience by tbe mterpeetliou of ' this medium, so necessary in tbe discussion of a scientific or meupliysjeal *tjj»j«c*j but aj»{ia.i*fotiy jiff useless tti wmc tif TOtcrCiTWWWiyt»W< The lecturer commenced by drawing a coiuparisou between the farmer and the j present status of woman, ^f'ormerly ber po- ; sition had l>een a degttadadjutf, but she bad now acquired such &ts>i#.4yiha t she could I noi 1'itiger sbriuk j taking part ill the Wt»rk < much had been givei | requiittl. 1 ntem I greatest of evils; *«rif not a aepiorabk state ot scwiety which tohwated ttmr eeltf [ T. t - titrtiu^ls,, h* bWi»,»rt»vl M cry far hWp WM» comiitr up from ot preparation by the Infant Class connected wab the M. K. Church Sabbath School,! which is to come off in course of a couple of ' we- ks. There will be a small admission fee ' charged, the proceeds ot which are to he ap- pi..priated for books, papers,cbait.« the beneSit of the class. next week. To those who desire a first class monthly inaga/.ne devoted to the interests of the Catholic < Lurch we can recommend with full coiitidcuce The fntlmUr World published by the Catholic I'ubhcation House, N o . 5* Waiicti st.. New York city. 1 his magazine , n.iiipares in point of ability favorably with the \er\ best iu this coiiutrv. Terms $0,00 i a \.-a.'. A • VI.I l.l.-" iittie la>cal in Shtlthan. Wasl.u.^tou cunty. one day last week acei- iei.lalA tire.I a plrtoi bullet into a jewehra w.i.•:..•«. The pn.pi.etor had just stepped a - .;.- :i. !i when: the ball entered to get his <-v.i.••..:. pieparatiiry t' going to pi.uer- n...: i .- and but for this lucky circumstance v. .i..l il.. .'-l.<-^s'i have been Uliei!. \ i ,;i .. »-.< K < .II.VIN. in his repoii <in the \...u l.i.uk w,;delues^. favors the builduis} ; Ai.-.r. ,i -mnewhere itilhe Ai!it"i)'!ae»s. .. ; a i-i.ill.'. I1..111 t h e m e to New Yolk ! .\ ; , , .; i.-li ti.i- it..-li<.polls witli an ahuud- ;...-. » t . i •.; i .i. ..:.,t wltoles'iine water. - ! .- i -.-; A. -aid be i*ui\ .ii«»..l >V/,- II- Hii •I.I., ol i.VJ* li -VI.l'l.l.. Ol Kee»eVl.,e. l«l!ill- l.i; .1 ..!.f ol *'..!.;•-» b e t w e e n K--.—-Vl,.i: all.l -:t Ii*i.:\ a*' tuilows. l^eave K*-i ^--v..i^ ,, , ..; , A. M , arriving at Tort H.-n;) at 1 M.. ,n I.m.- 11 lake ihe N. Y. *: Canada i .< i ,i iroy aiad AJt».. uy. liecoruiiig, a.e V'-r. Henry at -J. !'. M, aniving at •••«. .«•.'.• 1*. M. ' i . . - »..! be a -real .v. :.:. :.c- t-. tue traveling public. iv t. aie. irqut^ted to state that reduced •.•n,iu."iii lb.* i.».ip.:».;•» will be •iveu ,. ; ;»-.>•>.,I.T v\!iu attend the teiiiperauee -nvetiiem at I'hampia.n next Thursday, ii.uaiy '-'1st. and a!»i that the bo*p lalill»» •he village Will b<' teii!"re<I to visitors, but .s aes..iabie that parlies who intend lo re- a u wvei night should send in their utioes t . It i.. A. I^-iwrenee or Kev. S. I) Elkins. \ i..!^e gathering and all ml.-re»liiig time ii ' .. .paleii. I.I a new alraugeMtetil <d the cars and ••<..-• pa—et.g-i» caii l'.ivi' l'tattihur^b at 1: .•., A. .vi.. »ud a; live at bar ..use Ijake at ^ i- M laturiiii,.;, h-ave Ssiaiiar Lake at 6 A. n., ari.ve at l*!ai:sburg!» at Z I: II. fass- riipers wii- lia.e i.ii.efor bu-ii.cssat A usable : r-.rks. Tl»» tew airai.,eujetit will bea»reat | at*c»HMI«OdaUo« !•' Min-ei,. of I'!.W«h(irgll, ai.d oilers who wish I-, make a <|iuck t s i p t o j tbe Lakes. i Tit* Whitehall f'Artii.ir, ,i» \Wm ol the j ureal ravage* of uiphUieiia iu that v.tlage | !..u,ii* that a -day for lasting and piayer •t..,nid be appointed, and that ail the peopV j si.i.nid gather with bumtliatJon at tbeir re- j -iTrt,«c piaees of warship aod confess their j s.u» befcre the UgA*. itmhii tofad. that th-CB U.anjsWig wfctt** wOl nuke a Wbitedmiitr .•fadlbntfi s^uhary eseasbn »• this Case. Bercnit l-eltt teacher fl Beecbei a J»HOMliUetjt erahaj TiM^-was bAsnmmi'Ui^ was peeuHarry adapted to the work nf^ofXiewis of reform. : . rWbat was stronger than a moth- er's love. There* was no safety except in total prohibition; the lirsnii sjptem was an eeil one; there should be no compromise with (Ms vice. We could not earve two masters. It was not sufficient to merely as- poist^tiTVrairlieriee^ The cl&lh liad, a great responsibility iu this matter. How wasshedisebarging it? If she would grap- p|e with this evil as she ought, the work would soon be^ccomplished. The church is the greatest sufferer from the evil, and yet she is apathetUt -'What bad the women of the church done in tprpsfnV workf No [Sabbath School w«s wibat || ajsanld be with had no ly—by this whea w e a s k far ai l a w to stop tfaia isre.aee scouted as impracticable fanatics 1 Where was the remedy for this terrible evU? In prohibition. The speaker closed by a pow- erful «xt«m|iorauee^ appeal to behalf of the Juvenile Good Templar organization, wbich she represents officially. The address was interspersed with anec- dotes and illustrations and. was listened to throughout with marked attention by the lorftisWttebes^viiSce of the^plf terest which b being aroused among all classes upon the great work of temperance referral [ThSe-JkeparuiMmt is cootrofnf the I*lat " pertnee Union.] tbe exclusive Women's Tess- L I ^ i s K W O R K TOO ! orketh. me work U>o; lundoetlvi me do. y~ fill Let Busy its time ray TIU t rest in the Sin worketh AT *-.y^in V 4r^rklv.ty. Till rest In the rest of etoralty. —The Union Temperence b —The Woman's T/nhm bSheld^C b*>«rnoonnc: Tfednesday ,i ' i it ttatuir. Meet- meMing eyening. beast and an temperance her short, off- of a little excitement. Grand U n s i o t l ConTCBfala. The Cbantplain Valley Mnclcal A»octation frtBnowl hs ThW Atmuai CbBvendohasv 1 **- inert Hall, Raflsbargh, theswiyi ^Meas>«lay. TbwBda^jnd,*ridar, F^bruaqrga, 3d, Mb.*^ "5tb, eommencing'l'uesday at 3 r M-. and eloe- ing Friday evening, Feb. 5t^. . Comtuctor—T_ 6. Kracrsou, of Boston.' ' Soksisto—Mar. H. E. H. Carter, of Boston. Soprano, Mrs. Agnes Spring, of Boston. Con- tralto. Mr. Taylor, of Boston. Pianist. "The Leadern" a new Church Book by h. O. Emerson and H. R 1 . Vahner, and'"H«c Peace wUl be famished Pern Local*. J o W e e CoHselkM*.- tbe Convention. I ' Fi?r The RffN**™, dhnmmV€«naCT LtdM J . 0 . Of ft. T . ) ' _ - . w ( Pr.R»-'« i. v«r N«TE—Mfnnr.u nut «M-T 'TV bi&MeeOth session of Cauiton Coeniy . TWUKW c*«eBR<« m i t « u t . r-n.r.*—Iiive Lodge.I. Oof G.T., watliefd Plstlsburclh ' ^* L wt ? ? • .• n ? £. A ^ . ^ T T ^ jJhn. 13th and Will. County Chic., J. IVt- lir,presiding. Mrs.C. H. 1'iKe occupying the aiiairof.tlee.ViT. ! . , Bnsiaess protended, with in the nauai order of opening etxerdses and committees on cre- dentials, resolutions and programme laade. Ori motion df Brotiicr Orvis It vtat unan- imously reso!ve,d» , liflt, tlie afternoon sestiuu should be an Open Lodge, or, in the words of Mrs. O'Oon ffwW >ne«,"ATe«M)eiwnceIieve-Keast,'' and tbat Tlie Piano used upon this occasion kindly fornisbed to Ac AsKoctatioo by H.A. Lyon, tEsq., of St. Albans. coxoasn. Two Grand Concerts wul be given. First Con- cert, Thursday evening Feb. 4. • SectoBd'^o* .flsf cert, Friday Evcaias;, Feb. 5. *^*J TWO MATWXBS. Thnrsewy aa* Friday aJterneoas, at wnleh all the Soktwta will appear, together with rep- resentatives of beme.tatent. ConmiiStea of aiisngemmm for matinees.— .das. Swlnston, Asahel Adgate','B. P. abbpard. eentmitted, Pfrrn^i cause, U a)M * Terj popular best in the spur She. -was one of the >y^ readiest speakers at the Syracuse Conven- tion, where sue represented the Good T«m sbeds." £°e<e|y nmst*e-;e*icated tua tof tbw#i>lars of Lets is eounty. I She is Superintend- ent ,-ef the assoeiaaioq of ^Juvem'le; Tem- plars," which association, in her; own words, is "belting the .world,, with V* repj|esenta- tives and Jts. good .results.', In aouenthig the, cordial "right hand of fellowship" extended to eur Union by the Good Templars, on Wednesday afternoon, weeoeW but feel re- newed assurance tbat tbe good work was still to g o o n , and that it was of hut little consequence under f*which khra"| or Undert what banner we fought, provided onr object **• the »^WlPl'^^9r^ J r%*R to to won; and with assurances of our agmpathy and co-operation iu all good temperance wwrk.jW^asl^jQe<*^«4jdajss; of Pbitls-, burgu and Clinton county 6od-speed. BoaaDiaB>ii:. Beard wul be fju^dsW a*, ,o,;tLw ; p^osy , : r - ! ' ",'"•''-'• ' Hsxr-rsju. Members of the Convention wiU be carried ^on aU trains of the New York & Canada'Kail- read for fare one way. nnnsof. a^xrssiON TO EXEncisas or TBE COWVESTIOS. ". Members' ticket, admitttogto singers'seats thasugh entire exercises of the Convention, IndUmiur concerts— , Gentlemen, i $1.S0 Ladies, 100 Concert tickets, , . 50 , . ".. " Reserved seat^. Vi Matinee Tickef, 35 School children, accompanied by Teachers— each Matinee ', * i • . 1 ' '• . . 10 1 Single Rehearsals 15 Anticipating with confidence tbe favorable endpTiimoBtJ)y the members of the Asaoriatlon and the public generally of this enterprise, we cordially invite all interested in musical culture to a participation in the advantages to be de- rived from aa attendance at toe Third Annual Convention of the Champlain Valley Musical Asagociatiau. . Per Order of'the Executive Com. o/tt,. .G..E.Barber,Secretary. . omenta. /'reMdfia—Geo. F- Bixby, Flattsburgb. t r 7ise*l*-f*«en*j-lst, M, T. B.-*tcsMB,H«a»-|' tbe todies of tlie "Worm's Temperance UnioVi" be unhad to meelf*)th us to partici- pate in the pleasure to be-derived from tbe remarks of *rt v »*^wifiejliajpt3»*tr. labors in the good cause. c/i • .. MAISK and remarks owuiiied Ute laeas-tiU adjournment for dinner. talrrBftkobJr s«^to<r. J The Lodge mqafaAjtflitbei at & K,» 'for the transaction ofbusiness, before the- open session. The comwintee on credentials reported the foliowuig delegates: Herculean Ledge, 57 sismbsra; C. C. Car- penter. Miss JL plain; 3d, S. 8. Taylor, Schuyler Fallf. Secretary—G.'E. Barber, Plattshnn;b. ' JVeasuw—E.-8. Arnold, Petn. ,. » , .^ DKECTORS. - i a Vi Bowen, Pmtts6arghl < —"Christians hawj. long been praying for the descent of th6spu"it upon Ibeir hearts and the vrorhl, and perhaps the teaiperapcd' ' -revival that is sweeping over the land is in „ „ „ _. So said a good man monllis ago and these, M.H. O'Bneo,. . 4S_ words comforted us. Eut with tlifs'spirit' comes the commatMl: Go wfcrir to-day i n m y vineyard. And when we think of the scenes enacted in our stseets on, the Sabbath^ and ' we'might say every day "of the week, w e c a n but think that souls, for whom,Christ has died ? areper«h!ug for the lack of genuine temperance work. And while we woeldi look'wlth Charity upon all mankind, yet we fear ..that unless Cbristians wake up to a sense of their ditty and responsibility in this 1 matteq, {bat not afoue the' cape, of Qbost must'suffer, but tbat the_great feast, tbat God has prepared;for bis obedient children, of wtricb so many are unwilling to partake! win he removed from theto and the cominaud .will be. "G9 out_ ipto tbe hfehways and, hedges aM casspel them to come in that say : ties. t l i o ^ riwr ^e^m>xt.;rr J t f lay tmtojou that nbn»«f these BBS» which were bidden satftl ' " ' ' "' " H.'"." ; *•'••'•- r * 'r' Ausable, vs. Tbe Court. . The Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Termiuer eomtaenced its seaskx* m -lueV day the 12th iust., Hon. A. Bockes, Justice, presiding, assisted by Hon. G . M . Beekwith| pounty Judgh, and 1 W . H . Waugh a n d F . P : Allen, justices of Sessions: ; y - r t 1 ' The following causes on the CIVIL CAIJ ICSDAI: were disposed of. , -T- Overseers of the : Poor of Allona, against Norman W. Starks, Breach, of Kxcise. Tried by Court. Judgment for plalninT for $200 and costs. , Anthony Lively, agst. L. C. Wood, and others. Tried by Court. Judgment for Overseers of tlie Poor or Heinan Anen, Breach of Excise. Judgment for plaintiff. Overseers "of the Poor of Ausable, vs. Bichard McAnllff, Breach of Excise. Mo- lion denied with §10 costs, Uutli aiunson against Charles A. Moore, et. al. Judgment for plaintiff for $208.4$, and interest from August l&yi, 157^, • I \- Adelaide Woou agaiust^ J. tVi Iftibbell and others, trustees. Nun-suit ordered by Court. JslAelXriioafjiilit Peter i. LH Judgment for plaintiff for six cents. First National Bank, Pbdlsburgh, against the Chrome Steel Co., and otners. Judg- ment for pfahitiff. Vilas National liank.Plattsburgli, against the Ch rome Steel Co., and others. Judg- ment for plaintiff! 1>» Week of Prajer. It has been some what commented on by thosp^mrytoleteatedjiV. tbe present tenv petoc^a*ai^ntug, and StVo by others more especially interested,iu. the.attUnde of Ec- eiesiastical bodies towafd'practical and moral reforms,' toward the real, live issues of tbe day, that, iu the programme of the Evangeli- caT'AHhnice lor ihe Week of Prayer no men-' Hion was made ef the subject of Temper- auce a s a worthy topic for prayer and remark. This subject, which is at present agitating to their cehbresi towns and cities all Over the land,»ad jusyn which individual Christians and individual churches of every denomina- tion are>iloasiag to- a n enthuslaent.and'uiiity •of purpose never before seen, is utterly ignor- ed, as to any individualityot its own, by this botfyrepresemirrg the Evaugelieal Church of the country, in comparison to this subject many of the, topics upon tbe programme sink into iiisiguiflcance. The conversion of tbe Jews' il not overlooked; neither is the Deliv- erance of Nations from Superstition. The Purification of Public Opinion, the Preval- ence of Peace, the Extension of Religious Liberty are ah\ important sybj ects, but, not otfe* of ttiem *9 stands irftbe way of tii'e ex- tension of Christ's Kiugdoai.or calls so loudly for special and united prayer on account of i toe^stol^idestfpvj add Uw sin }i .generates The secular press comments upon this omiss- ion and temperance Christians are paiiied that a subject so vitally imi>ortaii: and so in- timately connectedjwilh the iuterests of re- ligion should have been so wholly overlook- ed. We wotdd not impugn tbe motives of tliis religious body which promulgated tbe pro- Ghas. W. Weston, Keesevillc. J.VFe^WUlsbOK>. R. N. Mclntyre. Ausable Forks. H. W. Stetson, Black Brook..' D. F. M. Hopkins. Dannempra^r J. W. RubbeU, Chazy, ^ E. Stafford, Peru. D. A. Clar»J86itt Qerai Geo. P. HaffljekfPern. ' ' ' Rev. & D. Moxley. KeesevUle. ,E. H. Garfield. " Capt ABen, Port Kent. Jas. 8wfntton>Bcekmsntown. George A. Staedage, Bouses Point. Eugene Woed? West Chazy. E. Hawkins, Meoers. A.WfMorhous, Saranac. B. F. Shepard, Ellenbuirgh. Rev. F. Mi Hickok. Saranac Lakes. F.MtGookJn, Port Henry. Miss, iSrinate^cdg^Bev.'Johsr^rootnan Beek mahtown Lewge^«rmetnoers; S . H- Dem- ing, W. A. Dewing, X . A , Felton; Platts- burgh Lodge, 118 members, J. W. Tattle, Mrs. J . H . Totman; Mooers liodge, 80 mem- bers, Mr. and Mrs. C . H . Pike. OonmriMee or. programme reported and discharged. Committee .on resolutions «-, o*it by somethlnc of Ie** importance, »n1 ?h» ; marvelous eflfHWof *mall pWs be InM to the niwaeroaa rwatl»rs of th» ISv.rrni4<-.\sr s«id the world at large- It appear* that la*t mm- '< mer wm timi». a Isdy «f fbi« town who w»« 'iifferinu from ill health and did not wi»h to trnst berself in bands of those AHapatbic "Id fogies who deal out calomel and jalap by ihe ounce (por scruple to appiv the term of med- ical tinker or bone-carp«BBter—to a respect- able Homeopathic physicist)) availed henxlf of the services o f a vendor of swntlf pill* w l w , ' <w thomngbly exataiiihw his patient pro-' nonbeed ber case to b e llij*«f' On- worst kind of tnioOT and treated her ee«NWft)t!y ni"re or less Uirou<sh tbe stwawier. 'But iint imtil'! autumn bad set in atid Flora hafl sbed h»r <• mantle did the tumor f ncctrtnb to lite virtue af4nflstess!mal doses and UHHtawWbVmairle l UitfUMt was freed fmm *er inftrwSty t but' Uie-tassserhad been uietemorpbosed; If b e * *• . been changed into a thin; of life; it meAed: f it heaved a sigh; it breathed ; i t hail leg* and ' arms, and opened/its utssiTh and gave a *' soualt net -unlike that of k sbbntas felene in '• a dark night sitting o a a s SnttsWi doorstep'' It weigbed seven pounds slsi to use Aunt * Nabbis's own words "flie tSmtor bad turned ! , ipto a aeSntji et- aryhbabe.^ Mark this ye ! j flushes, ye Loops and ye Foots, and change j . j«fc smalls>Bk¥y^baMwul practice P j ? '' -<* «»>»nn»nV*n%bt -the wt* trwl, a? * *' bundle wetsblninlue; pounds and a half and I worth $500 was left i t t h e residence of Mr. and Mrs. Krastus StaflorJ. Tliis time it is j a daughter. A pretty good sum to collect in one tax. ' , j The young man that lett that sack of ex- j >ce1)eht smoking tobacco al our house is re- j quested lo call and get the sack—M. T. SPHHTX PEPARTMF.WT IU. K IMiuKTW \u 1 ! ' DRY GOODS '•iU, 1 tr* ported the toUowihg, whldi, after some" hTftJe,; —The way of the trausgresser is liani. CaUforstTe tpenutce Convention of and Franklin Conn- Xbetiramt Jury was organited, b^ JfyC gramme of the Week of r>ayer ( buiwedeep* appointment of II011.X. Lapltan, Foreman. The j*JT entered upon the discharge of^keJk. work, immediately after tbe Judge's charge and were dischargetroji Tlmrsday, afternoon alter presenting indictments. John Iiobbins was indicted for murder in Abe first degree, for killing Nelson, at Dan- The Boani ef Excise of lito village of Platuburgh were also indicted. fojr grantbag lenses contrary to law.' llathew Des- mond wwatoindicted for atttog ina judi- cial capacity (as Justice of the Peace) while under the tnOaeaee of sktong dridk. The , PlattabBTgh yao Donarltnant ,, , Tlie general emttllon Of officers of tbe alarmiog evils ofjntemperance can be i «my nyi lnsm«s and boristant actios. The religious, moral, social and coumicrcial needs of our people call upon all intelligent persons to unite in the effort to check this pes- tilence. The latent temperance sentiment of our northern counties needs to be aroused and made effective. All classes should feel that they have a responsibility to discharge and a work to d o ; a better knowledge ot the fearful extent and character of this curse of our race should be diffused by means of temperance lectures, libraries, journals, pamphlets, &c. The granting of licenses should be more and more restricted. Tbe evil of Line-smusgUng groceries should be abated by an appeal to the general government; and tbe excise laws wbich arc already upon the statute book, should be enforced to their utmost. Moreover, the abeo-e discussion by Brothers Vrooman.Cowellwnd WOod and mVs. O'Donnell were adopted: Remixed, That we regard it as our duty to the community,to^enforce tbe laws we al- ready hare, restricting and regulating the sale of inToiicaUng drinks. Beaoiced, That we will labor persistently to prevail upon men to practice total absti- nence frost the use of all intoxicating drinks as a beverage. Jfesorred, That the legal condition with reference to tab qualification and conveni- ences of hotels anil hotel keepers as fixed by law, ought to b e rigidly adhered to by licens- ing boards, and that the utter disregard of both manifested by many boards of excise, is discreditable to any civilized and law abidiug community.' ffeaotoed, That We recommend in the elec- tion of town excise boards under the Act of 1874, that the friends ;of temperance sbonld unite and endeavor to elect such men as will execute Ae<hvw-h»/ite foil integrity ef'letter andepirit Independent of all party consider- ations;.. Revolted, Tbat since idleness and vagran- cy are proHfc -estates' fr* intemperance and crime, we will use reasonable efibrts to en- force the law of "Compulsory Education." "Love feast" opened by Brother Vrooman, in a 10 muiutes speech on,"The good, accom- plished by our'Order as an organization." Mrs,.. O'Donnell made quite extensive re- marks. She heartily loved the Order, gave la little eeto-UntW its' rise anfl progress inber own,place. In Its first hours of prosperity . she held off, until the curiosity seekers, •^ * thinking tliey had learned all-there was to learn began to fall out, slie' then stepped in and'through hours of discouragement and weakness, had-assembled with them night after night. She found them a noble, deen- ty retioimi$ body and an kiUmate family circle. She related incidents where in mo- ments of discouragement she had learned of, and been surprised, st good they were accom- plishing. 'Sue believed we had saved thou- sands and tens of thousands of young boys from drunkard's lives, and made thousands of homes happy by reforming husbands and lathers. She referred in- soul-inspiring words to the great uprising of the Woman's Movement of to-day, and believed it to have been caused by the glowing lights wbich from week to week bad issued from our Lodge rooms. AH do not look through the same eyes—duty does not call all in tbe same direction, and she welcomed all mortem—for MTOUK was the need of the hour—iu whatever manner they chose to do it. She would not give much for politics that could not be mingled with religion and temperance and suggested to our women a plan of action to pursue al tlie coming spring elections. She regretted that the Resolution bearing on this subject, had not beeu reserved for discussion at this time. Above all she thought we should elect au Excise Board with "back bone" aud "priuci- t: i tf,VH ^ ^ Him ^keeping o, M fi i • t \*f*i » -t& % *A> WHirr. White to p!»* snd arnte in tl.rc n catCKKi: rnoKhi.M WHITE. «iitft f-^ *:*'.? eft#(s? w?5»f 1*1- i')*i&t . f^-ij „.r. IP*-., Those who have been engaged In t h e sale o f j firewater iu violation of law, seem to lie 'suBerkig for their past sins, and those who 1 have indulged iu the luxury as well. He- - cently tbe latter class have amused them-: selves by having frequent fights, and indole- 1 ing in malicious mischief in destroying the ' tlie property of Mr. E. S. Arnold and others,; and the good people of Peru (and they are ; numerous) hare resolved that they will tol- i erate this state of vandalism no longer with 1 impunity and have taken measures to remove j the cause of this evil, and just now Mr. Kel- ' logg has been issuing invitations to sundry ; Peruvians of tbe baser sort to put in their ' t appearance before tbe judeement seat of Clinton County. Some have accepted tbe in- vitation from the fact they could not help it, while others have iuglorionsly fled tbe held like their ancient commander and looked back and soliloquised as follows: "Although t h e field be lost all is not lost there is the (.) unconquerable will," Ac. (See Miltons Par- adise Lost.) This is tbe state of things here i _,„,. to-day, and ere long old Peru will be tlie j lllr - banner temperance town in tbe county. ! —There was a splendid runaway, Sattir- j day the 9th inst.; two drummers got turned ' over at a roalroad crossing this side of Fer- rona, the driver lost the reins, and the team left them behind with their truuks and robes, •ic, and came on flying, oocasionly the sleigh would turn over and right-up again. The horses turned into Dr. Cole's yard where they were they were caught all sound and apparently in good trim to go tbe grouud over again. I learn that one of the gentle- men i s a Mr. Lamb from Slew Fork city, and that the team belongs to Mr. Thomas Bailey of Moriah. Next time Mr. B. had better let his team to a full grown buck. They are a splendid pair of wind-splitters. SCUIBE. *'<! •<& ilhilf. 1 <i to Q 1W 2 <i to H 8 ch .'I Kt mates '4 "••< ">' \ HI.AC-K. White t* move and draw. SOLUTION'S. No.:;.-, •„ « H i s s l'|fHII.KM. /.'.'•lei I 1 H to K I 2 It tl.* K O.i Frid i), JanM.irv Jt>th, « .•• r , . 4 , ,. - - •' t * ., , Unbleached Cottons I "• t : v t i -t Bleached Cottons. JWM> doz. All Linen A .t pkins -IIKI' t *- riNi.v i*ir.f.« •tv ^ T \L.l-t-". I I ' . 1 I . • f;.vsiTf> 1 »;» •\ V \\ II I, 11 K m 11 No. :«r»4. rnKi-KKu r*u»m.F.v. 14 H .; ; ^! 1". 21 14 I t , t \ K I . ( v ».«.t t;..•»!». au-S n <!«•-» i »t„| H J. $.* ***a;et s I '** j " 1 j , IS win*. < 11ECKF.1 MrUREfiOR-BUESSK MAT<;iI. I Notes l.y A.J. r.I.in.-l.»r.| :»7rtl O.tMK.—SIXIil.K frtKVKI: Bresse plays tbe Black men, aud move Hailwri Hnp aii Issertioss. ru •:«;•< l)t,artly i.^Ir |«e»<- I » m 11 15 2-2 IS 15 ±1 i"» is 9 l:) 3lS 22 12 1G 24 20 S 11 27 24 4 s :!2 27i« S 12 2S* 2.-, 4S 9 »> 2o <i) 24 19 loses. H 14 is :i H is 14 1 first. I«l l".,rl 24 lit 1.1 21 2s I'.l 1.: 1; 22 1: u 1-. 1 >ra wn. I )r<*.<.>< (HMKIS. I«tn»in N a*Ue.|n. tt»- 1,, to Illl.-I MatetlAl l-> le.)i|. . !..ne,s |. .»»,!..|,. i'.j;„, . ,,, .•..iHpb-o-. le.ran,.- ..; .. ii T l i - »t!t<-»t ,-r-t.i*-^ ..: At< >i*iiiiiir t tt'»t ! ll>,^ IU (») 14 17 loses. 14 17 loses. IIK I I The congregation worshiping at the M. E. Church of this place, together with many oth- ers, listened on Sunday to an address by bis- ter Bollis of Schuyler Falls. The subject was tbe influence of parents on their children. This subject she treated in a perfectly philosophical manner, showing that tbe moral state of tbe adult is but the out- growth of the forces to which he was exposed while young. The illustrations of the subject were well chosen, and the address was well delivered. The delivery of this address in any couimunilv can but add to its moral and religous interests. A NEW Scum::. 15m <..VVII..—m:i--ii>i. Bressse plays the Black men, and moves ITr-t. illitv- All «MH 11 24 it; 11 22 is HI 14 28 24 Hi 2i» 25 22 11 l«(al :«1 25 4 SC) 22 17 « Win 2<5 22 s ii 17 13 14 17 1:1 « 17 2(5 Il 22 2 22 17 l'l I I 17 10 7 14 is 1:: «.i 3 14 2!» 2."i 1 1<I rf.i 11 is 22 I", If. lti 2.: K, 12 2S I.". M M 11 fi !.' 11 f. <; Is 17'«i s«>\ '.ttielisfii *}iri! '»»!,! *i. 1 S » [ , - . . . ' I-'.Mipj-.---. <!..»}! ;il Snii iiiii.-;. CLOTHS llrawti. i lOloses. 1 I 2 2 I! M 22 '~J s; i<» Vicinity Sews Items. —The annual meeting of tbe stock-holders of tbe Uutland & Whitehall railroad com- pany, was held at Fairbaven, Wednesday, Jan. b\ Tbe following gentlemen were elecl- W. W. Cook. A. Al- Baker and Oen. H. Cramer. Tbe board was organized by elect- ed W. W. Cook, Piesident; A. Allen. Vice- President ; Ira C. Allen, Treasurer and Trans- fer Agent. —While John H. Morse, his wife, mother- ' in-law, boy and driver were crossing the ice j ed for tbe year ensuing ; len, Ira C. Allen, I. V («| 4 S draws 16) 6 10 loses. {r} 9 13 loses. (d) Tbe only draw move. f>) IS 22 draws. (.?) 9 V-i losed. l » r . B»sche«'*<> C e r u i u u Syrup. f.'ougb no more! How maih ] -, th-re ii in every household to k:i .w tlutth-v ean at last procure a remedy i'r anvraseofcou-l,-. severe colds settled on the brea»t.<'o:i-ump- t ion, or anydweas,.,.: the Throat and l.uu-, that is certain In euie. It is a sat.sf .ei.vn to know that a IK-1-.JII safe !i..m u». CAMELS HAIR te.|«|<e,l l,,|!,e lliitup) . ;. <;..>, var.l-m iini.Ht.,,) .,,, , „, .. , ..„..,.,' I.cui.1. 1 ll..-».- ^.„..;. Black Dress Silks, Alpu.fm.s and Mohairs. !!.**4*4,; :> -'t^ii' ;->£ ";, r,, *-«nr» «t-*-,-l, ,,i , ;,f; »'*»|--iT -? fi.v-'K in.,, Mkx ,-,*,.» '""* ••' -"-i.-a.. . - , . , . ;„';;.„ ..'II J-...- t t ..,!• j ., .. . , - _ _ , I *rmt: ;tii<'{ C i 1 titriiiiin.^ lute inconsisicncy of habits which even border I P le *" in fte Temperance Reform. essence of on intemperance with the very cbrtyiaainoraiil}- should be constantly taught bwpUlplf and pressv In order, therefore, that all classes in our community lhay unite iu harmonious and con- tinuous effort to aooomplish; these ehds, we the undersigned, by advice of many others, do hereby give notice of a temperance convention of Franklin, Essex and Clinton counties, to be held injthe village of jChamplaio, on.TJiuKday, January 21st, beginning at 10:30 A. M., and cou- . . . . _ , , turning throtuth the day. All friends of the h H ^ to P 888 a ver J' P lea3aDt a,ld P rofilab cause of temparanee in these comities are , hour, urgently desired tdbe'present, aud it Upartieu- ; The meeting then adjourned to meet at larly requested that every existing temperance i Palmers nail at bah" past seven o'clock, organization should send delegates to take part J The lecture in the evening was a line if iu-tbe-convention.' It is hoped tbat every town : fort aud eagerly listened to by a large aud and village in our three counties may in sotne 1 attentive audience. way lie represented. Further particulars will . Thursday the Lodge was opei<ctl with UMI- be -iv«a in the pap<ft& next week. j a , ^ ^ , or businff4S seisinu. deroga last Tuesday week, the ice gave way. 1 Laborers iu the vicinity saved the party after ! a narrow escape. A satchel containing 2\lO) I worth of diamonds and jewels was lost, but subsequently was found. —Schuyler Colfax, ex-Vke-Preiidnit of the Tinted States, »ill deliver his great lec- ture 011 Abraham Lincoln, in the Bradley Opera House, Fort Ehvanl, Friday evening, January 22d. IKIJ. —The Methodist society of St. Albans Bay are on the aleit to build a new church in place of the one destroyed by tire on New , ,. ., », ,., , . , , ,. Year's raorniug. A committee has been ap- lowsuip among them Mrs.Clark and Mrs. I>r. j ^ ^ j to ^ ^ a g i , e aIlJ a ^ ^ ^ G.F. Blxby of tbe Woman's TJuiou. | has been started to raise a sum not exeeeu- Mrs. Allen of Oleott Lodge, Niagara Co.,. Ing i'>,^K to build a church. and many others, both brothers and sisters —The mail route over the Addis,,u 1 ,. t ! ! from I>eice»ter Junction toTicondero^a. !i.t- lieen discontinued. Mai! ha^s f.,r tl on Lake C'liamplain in a sleigh, from Ticon- ' <" these diseases - ;i !l 5 .,d ne,.,l ,]„, is j,, g , ( ., vour Drusgi'ts. F. K. I»A\1S. I'iatf-i.ur'h N". V., or J. W.GILLKM'IK, Ausat.I K..j;.s. X. V.,and set a bottle •>! !;.„> h,-.-', «;,-nu,i;i Tbe entire remarks ot the speaker were of . a deeply religious' nature recognizing orrr all ] Vtinu* the power of God. Duriug these remarks | a delegation from the Woman's Temperance Union was welcomed, and response to calls, . Several said a few words of cheer and fei- i :!1 ' tie offi-- 1H be. ly regret, anil would protest a;aiu>t this pus- itive disregard of so greit a sabjeet, than which, says, Dr.JPrime, "there is none in pol- itics or morals or theology which so much demands the immediate attention of every Christian." iiewek;ind *lead-'infMy %o nmnslawgnser -At the. Tetnperance Conference of the in the fourttidegree, ana ¥*», »«»te»ced to l^»n»in6terem"Ma'richester, Euglaita tafc- Clinton Prisonforone year. Wilty trf To ber ber much was one of the homes ah over tbe land-^tnVbltier I lions of sy ve» and Uie »« ii.u-ru»in£ad'—ib« Idng biuittidaiid u^rm-*^ ts)owip not< land t^*d this cry of thesr 1 i«s? Wouasl ws»tks| this ajuurgeji thetistfi" L "' i .pewerf To H.H. Story. . iS-Sf^ PUt4*b«MBb Fh* Department which was held last Monday evenhig resolted aa follows: M Thet vote-: #rS,4M. tSt #1—^r^^v.-„i v- Sd Assft. «.«:«!«*#.*? lAfim&S^ffim^sZ» l Be^-S\>rCki<sLP. M^^46;ls*^ A^sTrv^J.MeOanety.at); SdAa.-t,ri.H. ly, thefollowingwere among the resolutions mbted and adopted: iliU tbiS Conbueace is of opinion Uiat iu- temperaucc tothegrestsstoutward hindrance to the progress df the Christian religion in the United Kingdom, net only alienating a hunssnaaoDrtion irftbnnonulstinn frnaa nab w^rortipTm^tfnWls^ entiy aftectn^ members and even pastors of ,1 religious, • hM&es. and^that, vhilo. driaking eustoito wbkh tel* ftuempfcteuce rettAin, the.banefcad bjbscrV t«e ehxiatian Church and its proema% and seriously impeded. --- jtnVJmn*(S m e r t o iwlir- 'If if HssliifYi Iron tbe drnnkenoess which so greatly affects 4nd dtagfSSM »; flitl m l l s l i H liifsiTiiHi 1 alt '••Vl\ni sissset of people, and tooie eapeclaBy all min- . -'•-^ M a rt ^'iS B I wofC bureU>yorganlxa- u£n.aiiouiitiwi, sjianiole, sndaelf leaial, nV onbr to thisnational x k e a n earnestness of of U»*tre- tne workmen not merely to s^l frointbe •SBSMSW Jswnjsw***' Js»wr <nusW Fj&s/i.?iJTtf «-*S4«'' v «MSMtH «i»«i% #•'**#!•' swTtffl II ttbsn^tlinnrfnnnnlnt^nnTlnnlnnt i^ia« aoayjw w^ uanpipnaai iyy 4Sj^ppsmyy«sy^smssw **•* y fw|Oj||iJU|al l IdffijgfadbgffiV Rev. S. D. Elkins, Champlain. Kev. J. W. Grusb, Cbateamrar. Itev. J. B. flammond, Chateau^ay. Rev. E. A. Lawrence, Jr., Champlaiu. S. B. Newell, Westoort. Jaeob Paraiertcr, Ilatlshorxli. Rev. E. Turner, Moriab. Kev. D. T. Taylor, Bouses Point. K. A. Webster, MaUmc. Rev. C. N. Wilder, Essex. Coontj Medical Society. At tlie meeting .of the Clinton County Medical Society, held at Pittsburgh, Jan. 12th, 1875, the following ojicers were elected tor tbe current year, viz: President—Dr. E.H. Lyon. Vice-President—Dr. D . D . Dunham. Secretary and Treasurer—Dr. A. C. Butler. After tbe transaction of the usual routine business* various subjects and papers were presented for consideration: amoug the pa- pers read was one on vaccination by Dr. A . C:.Bwtler g M n g * seaume ef tifetrariens optofonson theXubjectand drgmgHrhe'tm- portanceaod iwceattly iortborougb'vaeelna- Uon and frequent te-vaeeinatkm until the system ^effoetnallf protected. ,, ; _ _ In the eveniug'tbe address of the retiring Presidetrt, Dr. J.H Frolth ww*es>aY*nhjteU "Some 0/ tiie dangerous seooeocec ansVcom- piicsijonsof DJpbUiwiajiuch as iucotdatWua character, cutaneous dipbtneria, eudo-cardi- tis and heaiff cfct.'' T&e address was short and was listened to w i ^ tn*ytt*« alMmtOny Additional resolutions, temirtnl and adopt , cd. Ou motion, Miss Myra Siguor was elect- j ed Couuty Treasurer to fill a vacancy. Dele ' gates were t'aen appointed to tlie State Con I ventiou in itiusterdam and to the Com en ' tion In Cliamptain. On luoUou of Mr. Lau along tin- route tal a^'-nts on tie- it-iMin! ra '.- >a.l. —The CauaJiau I'aiiiauiei.l h siimiiioiiCd f.»r Ihe de,: Uch «: bus.nv-s, i,n Tlmrsday, February 4ih. —The f.uirth annua! meeting of :!.^ Monl- peiier aud Wells ICver Ka.iroa.!. vv.»5 held iu Village Hall, M.intpelier, on Tuesday. .Ian. 5th, aud was c.uLd tuolder by Hon Isaac N. Hall of <iioV.ui,the piesident. lbe lolloainj directors Were elected: Isaac X. liall ol <in>- toii, James Ci. Freia-ii, J line. IV. Ilieck. Jo- el Foater.jr.,Charles II. Heath of M«iit{M-l..>r. ('. Sluirlit-U ol I'laintieM. <ieo. \Vi«i-t«-r «.t Nil . Syrup; two or tine.- dos-s will r> liev. once. If vott doubt " h i t w e s t ; get a sample botti- !,.r l«i cell's -n.-l ; a regular size for 7"» c e n t * . — 4 S j 1 W"Hii! Krai.klin Kir.- l u - . n u.-.-« , ol rlill.i.l.-|]>lua- As^. 1,, * i,v«i.c«w- ba |..,inli .1 1!. .1. WhVt.li tl» ir Af.-m I,. hiirah au.l vl. iiuty. in .si r. -JK-. tin.I thru-New Year's jiv.-t.i.u )• il. o .11 ati-1 all olh- is \\1. . in n l- - i i . , . i j . ,1 tile lii.suraiK <;. The t'rai.kl.n i-alirsi .,..,,• ,.:,,j,., will tak'- 11^ I-'.i.-- aii.-.l.^ ..11,. : , o , ; liySr.tt'M-tn. I«^ *.tail ll'isini.—An etiir:.'..,. a^.-n' town an.i v Has.- n, ( :nt..., .ti.i coi.i.t,.-.: .: it ... .. ;.; , - • .• ;. ,,..| \v Wii-.u SH n ; u i Ma U.ii •. 'I . ii t . li'-s tin; e\ciusiv • sa,.- .... 1 I ^'.' "! wi.i Uesjiv.-u. 1'.: f-n.. . .v...-^ -ir.-s, J. 11. M.n; . , . • I ..i. , - I*:a!!-h:ir2-. Willi 11 p i a; T\Vl't-(l- M;, i n d e n t c a r t.r; <iIl.M0Ul all> i;> ;un«i: i.i 1;<<M| \ II A i I :«.K i. 1:1 .1 i M:i C'harle- L~4U.li. IIIIOII, inju,.r» .. i.-llow l„- kl.rw i*rri,-i„-^ au.l il 1 it A VV II.- rttW, • '.•• tli Al. ., it l!>. -lii- jmftt&~ j MarsbUeld.C. M. Weeks of Woudsville I (Jeo. Ii. FesSctieU of .Wauuiy. ... , , _ . • . i . —Michael Madic.iii and i!i..th. i ' I!M,:. •• sine W. C. Pierce was appointed to canvass u , h( . N<nv y,,, k .„„, ,' a :l ,| t r . u ,, n ,.„. tills County in the TeinpfiraD.ee interest and serioitfiv iujuretl by th > divlurk"* of a lhVt a Committee formed to draft a lonii of pro- at Port Kent, Sun.liy. Norm m Ki!*m!ii cedure . ! broke his le^; wre<th:i^ at Win!.-!,:.:! last - Monday, Delegates from tlie various Lodges called ' ,_, .. —llj-re is M;.| to \„< a iaj-,-: water ana upon who gave, usually, most eucouragmg iu V«-rt.ioni in pr..p.rt:..i, u. ,t, ,:*«.. :; u reports. The County Templar was then lis- any other state in the Ci.i.«i. There ai.- tened to, and more than equalled its pretle-i ^,S15 acres coven-l by Ukf* an! p.mii ol cessors; a deeply interesting journal, as only ' .'"* «eres «r more-aeh. and an effort ., i.. ^w«~. , ei . . _. i be mtde to stock them with black :.a--. sai- its able editors knowhowto make IL the IIJOII Jri)UU a , (1 , lliit< . ^ Lodge then adjourned to bold the next sess- i _ AlI t .„ ort i s b , hl , uadl . u< „,. t Tol;i , ri ,. ion at Mooers. Time left with Committee. { a new trial. A resolution of thanks to UioG.T.of Platls- > —The citizens of Whitehali ase «..rt-!y burgh for kiud entertainment and to Mr. tried with that teniWe seoiir^e-il.plhir, t. fwi„ .mi Vim, <;,—?.ht fin- . h i e iwwr *^« I A Mr - K - ,s - Mur r»y has recently loM v w i Orvis and Miss Straight for able paper was c W M m i from lhmt lerrib ; e .H,,.^,.; «„, ibe Mhlel, 1 l: ^ 1 frh-iuli .i I'.. II. I,..-. I..!!..•!• an lie- 1Mb triei,,!- »l,i Mi), i n<^ m,i»i . Ullrl. VV iii-t ui:; 111.- 111. !•- *l If U. 1» 1 V V I M . . . A 1 . l l l l 1 I-.I.e I-. 1 ,,.. i.i li...' ... •> . , Mir. 1. »,..,, ll'KHl,- :.', a- - t It T 1 1 H «• i: Mi i.i.i i: M A l t l t l A U K s passed and goodbje said with dosing cere- monies. ' La Sue'* Minstrels. | 28lb Dec. a son 7 years old d a d ; ".he 2*>th, a j son aged 11 years; Dec. 31, Katie, a r!•.!>! of 5 years; Jan. I, Hottie li, ajjed l:S years; . Jan. 2. a girl in her Mill year; .Ian ::, W:l- ' liani II , a tK>y 5 years old; and y«-->r.!ay his daii°hter, Ida, a;e-l IT, dad ai»". T»-» ' inurecbilalrvii remain, aid they, as v,:) as j Uie lather are prostrated with ttie dtse^-e 1 l*be mollierof the d m i l v af-..J an ii.fmt died The above troupe appeared before a large audience last evening, at Corinthian Hall. The first part of theptograhime was selected sud passed off smoothly aud satisfactorily. . . . Tbeaecaud part opened with John luebard- j laswuiy. sou, in his impersonation of the Southern TheOgdeii»tu.fgb and Lit.- <';.auip:aiti darkey. It .was an excellent sketch iu i u raiirvad, one of tbe leased hur» »f t!».- i en- wiay,aud was weeteed Willi loud appianse. | tral Vermont, will make a . l a . - l - n - i -J.-.- ins-. Job^ Hensbaw then pfayed the banjo In bis of January, au 1 the r h e s h i i e iaiU-o..«J eaiiy ujaapptoarbahle Styts, which was fonowed by ( in January. TUe old Vermont Otitial The meeting throughout was marked byVj tb*s»spi«ai and oiliepeated aketefa, -Han*-1 and (is successor are yvi to be heard tiom. •**--" " Messrs. Ittnsjttaw and Law- —There are employed in lie women mills at Winooski, 520 opeialive*, to whom eleven Tntnl and IntisnMr % rssrrsiifiwiiiiiit'ffjr#j swwtf M aho 'W'' ^*™^^m |iF^ff^^^*^r^n £9JH^$W~a^^ 'i^^^^WrsSp**'*** ** -•"*- >•'•<* g j j J i o T O f f g / s n m i r Iffit/MmmW i ^is^^il' songs and dances, as tbe pro- gramme says, "in a anpecfor manner," and 1 luouimd dollar* *ie paid uiumh >. r%?*^ t ' V , t i&& a TJ7£ffi -Mrsavpi. forme;ly ol W.«.*»ki. died favorite:asJofittoes. fiiebardson B n * d 4 a | M ^^^4^„| u - > ^ « t ^ j \t at SSSIw^^oS^^Thl?^ t ^ l ^" (m - ^v™ ,ue m ^ "''*• both sxeeHem daocers; <tofug some of tbe ^ " ^ , isast iMiifSnt mil Srsjiafid stntis with the —Mr. S. C. Moore, the well known Bur-< ntiwt agSSirtitt tTt- We have not saen UngUm i«ianist and ergauist, intei?t^s to re- tb^f equals Tb* permnnaoce concluded move*to Chicago. wWl»tarnwWW m ® 0 *m WmV*'" -The Danville .Wilt Stm, the oldest The whom pe»tiWanvrwalPwwlf woltty ofi Democratic paper in Veriuoat, was years the enibuaiaette aptOanse It drew out, and T old but Friday. : pMpijslaaibd e> annoene* the * - f U h asss that U- Verge.mes people are . tow of tM vmmfT#X*#*Jte»W wiUiugtot.veolUjOUl, and the «M Cham-f pmm srsssislsntt tbe ttTttiadst 1 !^*^!^ erm-1 ttested, for the iitate Itoforea tkbonl. W a - ; lerbary psophi wilt have to4oofc out, —44«race Fairbanks, president of the \>r «oa«drvMowoftne>P«r«aMi and OgdeM- ''^eargh saswoad.eays that this division wttt In Ki-es».-ni..-, ,l.o, v i '-, „i! ^- 1 <lllli.il l.» l i e , . Vi i „ 11 1 .,„, H. • . 1 -Nui:li>\. .,1 PUII,:«( U I, i.. rll/ti Uangli'. 1 • I Ho.• '4111.0 . v . . - tli In \u-.it.|.-. .1 .1,0,1 . .- , p . ISui let. Mr. A M i . t l i I 1. 1 1 .- Miss, li Alii «U I h I AU ...1 It .1 t .,. In ti». to.in.f - s , i-. . r I.i: - ' . , . • - • at l!i.- 1. sit. : .... !! . . , 1. . . : J.tlit, MaltU'-o. - -l. it VV lit 11 tl 1 •• .» altl.-. a u d M i s M VI., All ;.-...!•. t .»:. in i in...;.: ..!. > \ : .. . . ! i l l - r< ^1 l e i , . . ..| I.'.. 1 . , !* . t .'• »,. , It. Vi 01 1.; .i ..... !. 1 .1. • i . .S V .»!. 1 Mi- u Vi.. t : v. i i , . 1 . 1 * :,.01..•:...!. N i 11. -0 It,.- . .- , Lou wn 11 MI w. » i,:•,.: 1 ,. - -. wiiin.i., -...,(-i ..-, In Mi.li..,.. I.i-i •••- 1: < l.ian. IIIAKV li 1-t.l K . . . M v . : . . . i.l.ia.i.i, u.-.u..: ->ii i.,.i. U K A T 1 I S . I-, l';..!^ vu!fcit J 1...... , : Vi vi, . v. »ii«- -.t J.i >•*• 1. ii.ai! ; . -. *•;*• I u Ht t Bviu .Mt.. v r, .• k. Xl^ .-. *.»- \U L «-l>ll} U, irh. 1 *,I Ur . , 1 i. i . *^»".J *., \«-^i-» ; i( - .- } •* t t.i 1 •i.t 1 Atinii !:!• il •>1 lliur* !,i "#' b. J AMiiisl •nL_^AjuA]k».^M^- *AJ,: 'fta^mtiSk^ak- •ftt'' lfci^L. j- •P"*Pi*J*Ti I'WlmRmjHnm ~V*W VtWVGffiJ TO fMafffllK* ts* .Vs-^^ itNMffiVffiV Wswoiivi W tb* Q&mam* |*^s»WWwWnW?PaW*povnWsf* WWP WPPaWwl QfwnnVjgnW ' I B flssWff Ct'a fk'sfmd hlinss ia Ifse Bimi '.--•«,_„„.. -.1.0. -t.—. : sM^j^ilL,s|u, ^si^^rflg^U^^^ISnan*. NKW ADVEHTISKMKXTS. Wauted. » «ta>Tir» ot R.eJi tlw« Ti»b— -< JX. MIIU.. lor .1.1 u <-juU WITTX.- j.*>.» ... rote of frtmi 41« fi. .-m» net fc.ot aitoit •. • l - V M I h , I s l i t l l iiii. PtaUaijtuijta \ v tiated, Jatia^sy 1J. 1?.;;. ^41 Notice. SS'llKHtA!. «y Wif.-,«-K-H.e»ve »-..!«(..«. 1. ^ V V t e A w y taert aad lauanl »IHKOI; iu.t. . n . .-.- «r pjvivoiatlou, att i«-i».s.-. aw fotltbttten i. ••• buclu^ or InaMtiMc IHTV U H i o y vamiii, «« I wit) n a y a o debts >4 iici iuuU». luii: » n - i u . u da«» UwrjUtTT-'l " Vbaitir, J»a. u, t«nv-«wl '«*» % , t -••• , .s a**. .... 9mi *dfe« an« EbfCnotw P a l i . raJiWUi stabs ami a*»i laeosuttoii. ..HiStlV vttrsth , 4*&r '|sas^W>-4m 4a; «i Juan . i t . i >. >. »«.. aa. r^fci fc l » * V ns, . aniejf _ _ _ ot l*n, ta tbe. a»4 sb* aaettMsu S « H .1' lb. SaH.—Jut w»n».'i'i»|. w4' **. ".W]-.^'"."- —^ W rn* t»r»t«s«*i* « ..rt-i «!T *rKK t v n p?. 'seats*-** , * ,< ' >••*»*«*" nnsttJi-t v* * e* Wit. li. U»- matter..I vv ,Hniii t. •_. ..ik.atMt.*iU--.; . il. INHA SMflnisvot?. _ . ''^J, ' ' tl«c«iidVrtSJaMid^axR%Ei]w«ies,sss^^ i tiae ati' nw wameil nsriumt-ftft. *~ ~ :l tuw yktl. lb;i «e.T*!vJ»'' Sol«sjinfisststis^wtaJbss«rw ' SUolM. h a s I *1H M t n e n as fWos**-•*'«• aaasM : J*SeW lairrM«ir"i^r.^M'a»w ^^awwtte. s j " «"*i,^- mi nprf»iii(..i..A- - .-*i#|iftSS*:<- w ^ *(> : %»i.; #**>*" |"

Hailwr i Hnp ai Issertioss.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1875-01-16/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · SIXTY-SIXTH YEAH. ,\2 HIE REPrWJCAN. aa .11 i:!Ui •»>-v.\\\ MATTERS o i vtn

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Page 1: Hailwr i Hnp ai Issertioss.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1875-01-16/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · SIXTY-SIXTH YEAH. ,\2 HIE REPrWJCAN. aa .11 i:!Ui •»>-v.\\\ MATTERS o i vtn


HIE R E P r W J C A N . aa

•»>-v.\\\ .11 i : ! U i


o i v t n i<


itdtioti.-vule ifi ; ! » •

,\ l -

M . M I 1.P

»<-k. and

O n * iCt'|U>*i-

the per-

•. .! i>! C'sr'.'* a* *•' f a t e d . , . -ti*-t 1 " ^ -*rs i , i d -

'iVrii i i' ^I.T i« n-jmrii'S "vrr t :; ..! a Homeopathic r-hv-'' " ' . . . . ; l»r. Farley late of !-"•••> " ' '

• \ \ i M »ubsenl«-rs «!»> }••»> f'-: i"«- KK-I . ni . tr »K in advance * . i : hereafter receive

.! t ree o l rwistatZe.

A S O T H F I : ••<-••!.! v ,» \r" struek this region

last Saturday »»i;ht. T>* , ,M' * * * " * r e l>''"

crnning more fre<pent tt .sn comfortable.

T i n M n - l a i d i w wh'.eh was held at the

W.iheriil House last Tuesday evening proved

to be one of the nn«t c i joy able affairs of the

-. . w « thus far.

I T i» said that Victor Dug© contemplates

» t i l i n g the Mfc Of J o h n Brown, o f Ossawat-

toroi*. I f y e have ««u» *o *b*d prepare to

shed the m then .

T I I K sleisb'me from here to Burl ington is

now elegant. Stages are well loaded both

ways. If you want a splendid sleigh ride

jus t for fun here is tbe place to enjoy i t .

T U B following contributions were made to

the K a n s a s sufferers in Burl ington las t Sun­

d a y : W i i w o s k i A v e n u e Congregational

church, S40.49; Baptist church , $18 X5.

R « A » "One Litt le Pur i tan" o n tl ie inside

of th is paper. Maybe it will make yon laugh

o r cry—perhaps both , and you needn't be

ashamed if i t doe*. T H E jury in t b e Ir l ton-Beecber eivil suit

w a s ebtafwOd OH Friday o f last week, after five dsjlr wdrt, and the triel commenced last MohA^ *'. ,

E . O^TBAWAV 4 S o s s are filling orders

for c u s t o m s s a d e Clothing for parties residing

in D e n v e r , Cotoretto, I o w a and Ul ino i s . This

•.peaks well tor the « t s produced by ibis


T « K epiatootfc < b o « e dise»«e) has broken

o u t again a m o n g t b e horses o f t h e P e r u Steel

& Iron Co . T b e disease U more fatal tban

when it first raged. WW. S o a j c o x , t b e biUionaji** • ! Nevada ,

b a t been s leeted V . S . Senator from that

State . I f t h e old s a y i n g to true , t h a t every

congressman h a s h i s price, t h i s o n e must be

awfully dear.

T w o m e n were killed near WUlaboro tun-

net l a s t Saturday by * f * q s a a t a f e nitro glyci-

rine explos ion . O n e of t h e m was literal)-

Mown t o pieces . T b e funeral w a s held a t

Keesev i t t eon Monday .

S«ne n o l i i e o f Musical Convent ion in an­

other c o l u m n . T h e public will be s i * 4 to

s e e t i n t tbe talented soloists , Mrs . Carter

and Mrs. Spr ing , h a v e b e e * re-engaged for

this occas ion, and will n o doubt Mai l them­

selves o f this c o m i n g opportunity o f hearing

l i tem in their charming duets a n d solos.

K I J I U I B E E that Wil l iams A Stevens are

the largest and most extens ive wholesale and

retail boot and shoe dealers anywhere north

of Boston or Sew York. They are retailing exce l lent goods at astonishingly low prices.

T b e trade in this section will l iud it greatly

to their advantages t o order trout th is firm.

T H E latest remedy for baldness is t o smear

tbe scalp with kerosene and touch a match ,

and let tbe tire run oyer it . Mr. Wait , o f

I loos ic f a l l s , tried it recently, according to

t h e Standard, and now has a fine s e w crop

of hair sprouting up. M R * . H - A U C I K T A W B I I I ; "Lady Super­

intendent of D a w u Valcour Community" is

announced to lecture in ralroer's Hall , next

Wednesday evening, J a n . 20lh . Those who

would like to learn something of the charac­

ter of the Valcour Community would do well

to attend.

K A C U K K N l o o k out f.»r p a i t i c s u b o w e r e - e r l m k e y and tobacco. And tbja case w a s

ported i . b e trave lm: t h i - u g h this county torreemwtori: 49hanict Mfemen were keenly

t-»'.\-\.» e '«h» "imported under tl ie R e m n a n t alive to the faults of her o w n s e s , and this

Art " Tlie "Kemtiatit Ac:" i» a myth and j was rifht , but w h y shorrM stte not be a t

t . e gi«<t* ftro w o r t h i e r . I Strict in Iter judgement o f tbe opposite s e x f

IT ,* *aid that duiitig the recent preva- | Whjf ehowld awe •Uinjarow'oTb»4rJt ir fe*

i,t,<-. ..f wnai: f i x in r.urliiigton nine out of j s e t Op, one for man and another for w o m a n T

; * i : \ e p n a a t ! who l .ul l x e n vaccinated J Society is what w o m a n makes , i t . IptbeJur-

Cw\. \ " b h e s win'e~aiid c i g W sl ie asiutBeattie'risk

l . M . i i - u papers are mourning over the o f decoying some young man to b i s ruin,

f.trt Utat whi le Amer ican ot< s e r v a a e e s o f s b e W o i e M ^ i a i s p p l e was * s i « f p ^ c r f f » U f * n ^

trais>.'.t of Venus at N>*w Zealand were »uc- ', law*, for she has it*in"1ief"own~power to'regu-

c es*.ful, their o w n Were nnsuceessfbl, o w i n g ,ht |e c u s t o m , and Cttstora tuakesJaw. If she

I.I the different method ofpl iotograpuywli ich ' w(juld arise tn %er nltfiht, t h e Work of porg-

!ii< v used. >of society truro the scourge of intemperance

T i n . programme issued by the Evangel ical > w O » a C | i e a s i . ! T « t a a a herMlCM r*b*e*V.

Alliance for Hie observance o f the week o f ; ble to a great extent for tbe making of

praver was pretiy generally followed by the 1 drunkards, by c o e v U u a n e i n g t h e intemper-

Vrr.«.estatit CTturches of r iat tsbnrgb wiUi the | a<e usages 61 society, and by w h e i t m g i l ie

PLATTSBTTMSp, CLUJTON Cq^i,JUjAlCffDAT WOBSIWG, JANCARVMq, 1875. ^ ^ - ^ i • ^ ^ 4 a a 4 a ^ b ^ M i M b A ^ ^ m ^ ^ t M h ^ ^ i ^ ^ T ^ ^ P ^ ^ ^ -'-r—'-'"-! "- J ' '

^ j ^ » - •*-Xii' • - * i . . ' " « ? 4 « « t , L i . i i ' . ' i ' ' Fnr Tttr B- t t sA. ' i - r tB . V a r a T J I M I I

% ! M

exception of tbe closing Union M«otai«fcfi£ |

Sunday even ing , which was for some reason 1

omitted. T h e evening meetings during t b e

weeh h i p * g e o e r a l y well a t t e n d e a a t : ^ e f

dliTerent cburcUes, and it is a matter o f re­

gret that th is final service, designed by t h e

Alliance to crown (be good work of the week

conld not have been arranged. Perhaps a n -

o t h e r w ^ l * e « p | e y « r , aeeojnfaj

wpe>yi«ji|%#d<w.&rt|. of exorcising t h e evil spirit o f or whaterer other serves to-ltatp Cbriathun apart o n occasions like this .

W E a t e happy to he able to repoMjaBQ^

gress o n the temperance reform. T b e 4 t h

resolution adopted by the C o o n t y X o d g e e f

Good Templars , at their session th i s week ,

read as fol lows: Jfesofcetl, T h a t w e recom­

mend in the e lect ion of t o w n excise hoards ,

etite for strQnfcdjiak b£_ p a t U u s brandy i her pies and puddings. Selfishness was

• t y r a u t i r h i e h h o t a a d t d t w h o u l bn« body.

i present state o f society w a s t o o apt to

unde? t h e a e s e f VSli, that tbe ftjmwla of. aer t t e o m e n o c e wrinc^tee- Hissa suae*"be

^ '— '"'^ • " •""* i * ';jrork,»n«Wwork. %l»e tr%ff to« idwi i , Vtm^

frhit i t hears, a n d n o t by' 4 f t blossom it

^•spwwcesbohl. unite atjd es*4mw to elect sucb m e n as will execute t h e law in its

full integrity o f le t ter and spirit, ibdepend-

e n t o f ' air party considerations'.' T h i s

resolution w a s passed and ordered to be pub­

l ished, and t h e fact that , it w a s al lowed try j

the editor of tbe Sentinel to be published in­

stead of b e f a e suppressed by h i m , saeaks

well for the advance in his o w n a s wel l a s

the public senf iesent s ince las taprtog . J W e

congratulate onr neighbor upon b i s accrued

back-bone. , * f..

O N E ot the latest inventions Is a plan tor

playing o n e or more pianos by e b j c t r ^ U j .

T h e inventor, Dr . H a c h e n h u i g h , - s a y s :

T h e electorical union of the pianos i s a eery

simple arrangement , but is controlled w i t h

s ingft»r effect to sender v o l u m e » a d eaaawssA^

ion. One instrument serves to play u p o n ,

and t h e t h e rest a m connected With i t b y

electro-magnetic attachments s o that, t h e

pressure o f a certain key on t h e k e y , p iapo

determines i h e striking of n ine other like k e y s

on t b e rest o f t h e mStramentB. T h e pedals

are a l so eoruMcted in the s a m e . manner .

T h i s i s a n important improvement and s u s ­

ceptible o f e x t e n d e d application. P e r h a p s

the t ime wilt c o m e when one music ian w i l l

furnish mus ic for* c i t y , full o f peop le , ajl

s itt ing fa ft**-©W0 parlors; t h e p i a e o e W

ing connected together by telegraph wires -

T h i s plan would have o n e advantage at

ieasf? whertfmfy particular group of l f s teners

o a t its t e m p e r a j n

more faithful he overrides

; W h e n the

the Atlantic, fUrea were ei

moment, a thrill Uncivilized procession of dRmkarde

e n t d o w n in

and s ixty ie waves in a

'<*a#vulsed the e n -

a at igbty

w ^ . . v ^ _ img, wi th

t i e ruined households , tlte blighted l ives o f

5̂ VfeWaTTHviH^^TW^'e^ We*Ww~WH—^^^'."MB* ^ W * H l B W * i W p * ? (

—©OjOOO drunkard'* graves filled every .year,

a n A w e s i t i n e u r homes , qaietfy a n d apa-

the^icaJli, and see t h e work o f d e a t h g o o n

year after year .

T h e law was all-powerful to protect our

chicken* an,d nj»>, b ^ wheava JbmMf • * * « •

for, to s top the trame which is the cause o f

all. t h i s misery, the traffic t h a t c o m e s f' '

the bous«ho!4 and tears t h e ehtMrou, a'

n o a terrible doom—the o n l y possessions the

g o t fired of l b * , d i n they could s h u t it off another can call hers for t i m e and eterni ty , without g iv ing the distinguished professor

tbe least occasion for taking offense. T h e n

again coughing, sneez ing and gabbling could .

be indulged in , which would be such a com­


At'., lor

Kuither particulars

Mrs. ODotraell on Temperance.'

L a s t Wednesday Mrs. O'Donnel l , o f L e w i s

Co., delivered a temperance lecture in P a l m ­

er's Hall , under t h e auspices o f t h e Cl inton

County Lodge o f GooATeae»ssr«, w b J d h h a s

been holding it* quarterly sess ion 1» P k 4 U -

burgh during t h e pas t week. T b e lecture

was announced t o be free, and a t an early

hour the ball was packed with a n audience

which seemed eager to hear what tbe dist in­

guished lady had to say upon the subject

which is attracting such genera) a t tent ion . .

This audience appeared to be composed of A N interesting enterta inment is in course ! | l i I v e c i a s s e s . First—and by far t h e mos t

numerous—the sober, straight-forward ctli-

zens d boil sexes who came from the same motive that they attend church and prayer-

meet ings—to get good, and m a y h a p s o m e of

tlieui merely to see and be seen. Second: Empty-headed giggling adults, s o m e of them

we are sorry to say belonging to what used

to be considered tbe gentler s ex , children of

respectable, and many even of pious, parents,

who behaved here just as they d o iu church

—perhaps a little worse—whispering,giggliugV

l lul ing, and conducting themselves in a m a n ­

lier peculiar only to their o w n class. T h e

third division w a s the roughs, w b o e a m e b e -

e.iuse they saw a light and found that there

was no money to pay at the door ; w h o

ditlu't krioiv or care what the s h o w was to

he. and s t o o d ready to applaud anything

from a prayer to a clog dance. T h i s class

seemed gre.itiy puzzled by the preliminary

prooeeilings—the assemblage o f l a d i e s o n the

.-'.age—the knot of s i t t e r s gathered around

tiie organ—and above all by tho long delay .

)'ii,.iu>, at about eight o'clock tbe choir sang

an opening piece which was greeted with a

perfect storm of boot-Ueel applause, and

when Kev. Mr. \Voo | | came fbrward t o offer

prayer these half-civilixed v e s s e l of wrath

;il«. :• HI- him a round of applause, which

lix') i< pealed at M e <SdM ©i his excel lent

p r a y r . £ , ' * :

T lrnus «.-re lo-Jtfing aptious, and a riot

wa« l.-.uel by the more t imid, but w h e n

M:->.' )'I).iiiuoll came for Aard, introduced by the ('. <'. T., Mr. Potter, s h e was greeted

i.) a round of applause iu which all heartily

j )ii.>-J. and t h e n there felt a st i l lness upon

tin- mult i tude, tbe roughest w a s t e o f ith.L-h, tuu^h us they »ie;e, would uot insult

:» lady. ' -1

i lao. U'Oouuel l is a piaiu, s t r s ignUoc«aj4 .

middie-agi-d, utodest-apucaruig woman, who evidently believes in tUe jus t i ce of iter cause. She coitbned herself quite closely t o ber manusctipt until nearly the close, w h e n s h e

wisely abando»ed ber notes , and made a

diiect personal appeal to ber audience—this

pui lion of her address being by far the m o s t : effective. L e t beg abandon her inaiMUjcripi

altogether. A lecturer upon a sabjee i like

this diminishes t h e chances of touching t h e

! hearts of an audience by tbe mterpeet l iou of

' this medium, so necessary in tbe discussion of a scientific o r meupliysjeal *tjj»j«c*j but

aj»{ia.i*fotiy jiff useless tti wmc t i f TOtcrCiTWWWiyt»W<

T h e lecturer commenced b y drawing a

coiuparisou between the farmer a n d the

j present status of woman, ^f'ormerly b e r po-; sition had l>een a degttadadjutf, b u t s h e bad

now acquired such & t s > i # . 4 y i h a t s h e could

I noi 1'itiger sbriuk

j taking part ill the Wt»rk < much had been givei

| requiittl. 1 ntem

I greatest of evils; *«r i f not a aepiorabk state ot scwiety which tohwated ttmr e e l t f

[ T.t- t i t r t i u ^ l s , , h * bWi»,»rt»vl M cry far hWp WM» comiitr u p from

ot preparation by the Infant Class connected

w a b the M. K. Church Sabbath School , !

which is to come off in course of a couple of '

we- ks . There will be a small admission fee '

charged, the proceeds ot which are to he ap-

pi..priated for books, papers,cbait.«

the beneSit of the class .

next week.

T o those who desire a first class monthly

inaga/ .ne devoted to the interests of the

Catholic < Lurch we can recommend with

full coiitidcuce The fntlmUr World published

by the Catholic I'ubhcation House , No . 5*

Waiict i st.. N e w York city. 1 his magazine ,

n.iiipares in point of ability favorably with

the \ e r \ best iu this coiiutrv. T e r m s $0,00 i a \ . -a . ' .

A • VI.I l.l.-" iittie la>cal in Sht l than.

Wasl.u.^tou c u n t y . one day last week acei-

• iei.lalA tire.I a plrtoi bullet into a j e w e h r a

w.i.•:..•«. T h e pn.pi .etor had just stepped

a - .;.- :i. ! i when: the ball entered to get his

<-v.i.••..:. pieparatiiry t ' going to pi .uer-

n . . . : i .- and but for this lucky circumstance

v. .i..l il.. .'-l.<-^s'i have been Uliei!.

\ i ,;i . . »-.< K < . I I . V I N . in his repoii <in the

\...u l . i .uk w,;delues^. favors the builduis} ; A i . - . r . ,i -mnewhere i t i lhe Ai!it"i)'!ae»s.

.. ; a i - i . i l l . ' . I1..111 t h e m e to New Yolk ! . \ ; , , .; i . - l i ti.i- it..-li<.polls witli an ahuud-;...-. » t . i •.; i . i . ..:.,t wltoles'iine water.

- ! .- i - . - ; A . -aid b e i*ui\ .ii«»..l >V/,-I I -

H i i • I . I . , o l i .VJ* l i - V I . l ' l . l . . Ol K e e » e V l . , e . l « l ! i l l -

l . i ; .1 . . ! . f o l *'. .! .;•-» b e t w e e n K - - . — - V l , . i : a l l . l

-:t I i*i . : \ a*' tuilows. l^eave K*-i ^--v..i^

,, , ..; , A. M , arriving at Tort H.-n;) at 1

M.. ,n I.m.- 11 lake ihe N. Y. *: Canada i .< i ,i iroy aiad AJt»..uy. l iecoruii ig ,

a.e V'-r. Henry at -J. !'. M , a n i v i n g at • • •« . • .«•.'.• 1*. M. ' i . . - » . . ! be a -real

.v. :.:. : .c- t-. tue traveling public.

iv t. aie. irqut^ted to state that reduced • . • n , i u . " i i i lb.* i.».ip.:».;•» will be • iveu

,. ; ;»-.>•>.,I.T v\!iu attend the teiiiperauee

-nvetiiem at I'hampia.n next Thursday,

i i .uaiy '-'1st. and a!»i that the bo*p lalill»»

•he village Will b<' teii!"re<I to visitors, but

.s aes..iabie that parlies who intend lo re-

a u wvei night should send in their u t i o e s

t . It i.. A. I^-iwrenee or Kev. S. I) Elkins.

\ i..!^e gathering and all ml.-re»liiig t ime ii

' .. . p a l e i i .

I . I a new alraugeMtetil <d the cars and

••<..-• pa—et.g-i» caii l'.ivi' l'tattihur^b at

1: .•., A. .vi.. »ud a; live at bar ..use Ijake at ^

i- M laturiiii,.;, h-ave Ssiai iar Lake at 6

A. n . , ari.ve at l*!ai:sburg!» at Z I: II. f a s s -

riipers wii- l ia .e i.ii.efor bu- i i .cssat A usable :

r-.rks. T l»» t e w airai. ,eujetit will b e a » r e a t |

at*c»HMI«OdaUo« !•' M i n - e i , . o f I ' ! .W«h( irg l l ,

ai.d o i l e r s who wish I-, make a <|iuck t s i p t o j t b e L a k e s . i

T i t * Whitehall f 'Art i i . i r , ,i» \Wm o l the j

ureal ravage* of uiphUiei ia iu that v.tlage |

!..u,ii* that a - d a y for lasting and piayer

•t..,nid be appointed, and that ail the peopV j

si.i.nid gather with bumtliatJon at tbeir re- j

- iTrt ,«c piaees o f warship aod confess their j

s.u» befcre the UgA*. W» itmhii to fad . that th-CB U.anjsWig wfctt** wOl nuke a Wbitedmiitr .•fadlbntfi

s^uhary eseasbn »• this Case.

B e r c n i t l-eltt teacher fl Beecbei a J»HOMliUetjt e r a h a j

T i M ^ - w a s

b A s n m m i ' U i ^

w a s peeuHarry adapted t o t h e work n f ^ o f X i e w i s o f reform. : . rWbat w a s s t r o n g e r t h a n a moth­

er's l o v e . There* w a s n o safety except i n

total prohibi t ion; the l i r s n i i s jptem w a s a n

eei l o n e ; there should b e n o compromise

wi th (Ms vice. W e could no t earve t w o

masters . I t was n o t sufficient t o mere ly as -

p o i s t ^ t i T V r a i r l i e r i e e ^ T h e c l & l h l i a d ,

a great responsibility iu this matter . H o w

w a s s h e d i s e b a r g i n g i t ? I f s h e would grap-

p|e with this evil a s s h e ought , t h e work

would soon be^ccompl i shed . T h e church is

t h e greatest sufferer from t h e evi l , and y e t

s h e i s apathetUt -'What bad t h e w o m e n of

the church d o n e in t p r p s f n V w o r k f N o

[Sabbath School w « s wibat | | ajsanld b e with

had n o

ly—by this

w h e a w e ask far ai law to s top tfaia i sre .aee

scouted as impracticable fanatics 1 W h e r e

was t h e remedy for th i s terrible evU? I n

prohibition. T h e speaker closed b y a p o w ­

erful « x t « m | i o r a u e e ^ appeal to behalf o f t h e

Juven i l e Good Templar organizat ion, wbich

s h e represents officially.

T h e address w a s interspersed wi th a n e c ­

dotes and illustrations and. w a s l i s tened to

throughout with marked attent ion b y t h e

lorftisWttebes^viiSce of the^plf terest which b be ing aroused a m o n g all

classes upon the great work of t emperance


[ThSe-JkeparuiMmt i s cootrofnf the I*lat " pertnee Union.]

tbe exclus ive W o m e n ' s T e s s -

L I ^ i s K W O R K TOO !

orketh. • me work U>o; lundoetlvi m e do. y~

f i l l

Let Busy its t ime ray TIU t rest in the

Sin worketh

AT * - . y ^ i n V 4 r ^ r k l v . t y . • Till rest In the rest of etoralty.

— T h e U n i o n Temperence

b — T h e Woman's T/nhm

b S h e l d ^ C b*>«rnoonnc: Tfednesday

,i ' i it




eyen ing .

b e a s t a n d

a n


h e r short , off-of a l i tt le exc i t ement .

Grand Unsiot l ConTCBfala.

The Cbantplain Valley Mnclcal A»octation frtBnowl h s T h W Atmuai CbBvendohasv1**-iner t Hall, Raflsbargh, theswiy i ^Meas>«lay. TbwBda^jnd,*r idar , F^bruaqrga, 3d, Mb.*^

"5tb, eommencing'l'uesday at 3 r M-. and eloe-

ing Friday evening, Feb. 5t^. . Comtuctor—T_ 6. Kracrsou, o f Boston.' ' Soksisto—Mar. H. E . H. Carter, o f Boston. Soprano, Mrs. Agnes Spring, of Boston. Con­tralto.

Mr. Taylor, o f Boston. Pianist. " T h e Leadern" a new Church Book by h. O.

Emerson and H . R1. Vahner, and'"H«c Peace wUl be famished

Pern Local*.

J o W e e CoHselkM*.-tbe Convention.

I ' Fi?r The RffN**™,

d h n m m V € « n a C T L t d M J . 0 . Of ft. T . ) ' _ - .w

( Pr.R»-'« i. v«r N « T E — M f n n r . u n u t «M-T • ' T V bi&MeeOth session of Cauiton C o e n i y . — TWUKW c*«eBR<« m i t « u t . r -n .r .*—Ii ive

L o d g e . I . O o f G . T . , watl iefd f» Plst lsburclh ' ^* L w t ? ? • . • n ? £ . A ^ . ^ T T ^

jJhn. 13th a n d Wil l . County Chic. , J . IVt-

l i r ,pres id ing . M r s . C . H. 1'iKe occupying the

a i i a i r o f . t l e e . V i T . • ! .

, Bns iaess protended, w i t h in the nauai order

o f o p e n i n g etxerdses and committees o n cre­

dentials, resolutions and programme laade .

Ori motion df Brotiicr Orvis It vtat unan­

imously reso!ve,d» , l i f l t , tlie afternoon sestiuu should be an

Open Lodge, or, in the words of Mrs. O'Oon f f w W > n e « , " A T e « M ) e i w n c e I i e v e - K e a s t , ' ' and tbat

Tlie Piano used upon this occasion i» kindly fornisbed to Ac AsKoctatioo by H . A . Lyon,

tEsq., of St. Albans. c o x o a s n .

T w o Grand Concerts wul be given. First Con­cert, Thursday evening Feb. 4. • SectoBd'^o*

.flsf cert, Friday Evcaias;, Feb. 5. *^*J TWO M A T W X B S .

Thnrsewy a a * Friday aJterneoas, at wnleh all the Soktwta will appear, together with rep­resentatives of beme.tatent.

ConmiiStea o f a i i s n g e m m m for matinees.— .das. Swlnston, Asahel Adgate','B. P . abbpard.


Pfrrn^i cause , U

a)M * Terj popular

best in

the spur

She. -was o n e o f t h e


readiest speakers a t the Syracuse Conven-

t ion , w h e r e s u e represented the Good T«m sbeds." £°e<e |y nmst*e - ;e* ica ted tua tof tbw#i>lars o f L e t s is eounty . I S h e i s Superintend­

e n t ,-ef t h e assoeiaaioq of ^Juvem'le; T e m ­

plars," which associat ion, in her; o w n words,

i s "belt ing the .world,, w i t h V* repj|esenta-

t ives and Jts. good .results.', I n aouenthig the,

cordial "right h a n d of fellowship" ex tended

to e u r U n i o n by t h e Good Templars , o n

Wednesday afternoon, w e e o e W but feel re­

n e w e d assurance tbat tbe good work w a s

still to g o o n , and that i t w a s of hut little

consequence under f*which khra" | o r Undert

what banner w e fought, provided o n r object

* * • t h e » ^ W l P l ' ^ ^ 9 r ^ J r % * R t o to

w o n ; and wi th assurances o f o u r agmpathy

and co-operation iu all good temperance

w w r k . j W ^ a s l ^ j Q e < * ^ « 4 j d a j s s ; o f Pbit ls - ,

burgu and Clinton county 6od-speed .

BoaaDiaB>i i : . Beard wul be f j u ^ d s W a*,

,o,;tLw;p^osy,:r-!' ",'"•''-'• ' Hsxr-rsju.

Members of t h e Convention wiU be carried ^on aU trains of the New York & Canada'Kail-read for fare one way. n n n s o f . a^xrssiON TO EXEncisas o r T B E


". Members' ticket, admitttogto singers'seats thasugh entire exercises of the Convention, IndUmiur concerts— , Gentlemen, i $1.S0

Ladies, 1 0 0 Concert tickets, , . 50

, . " . . " Reserved seat^. Vi

Matinee T ickef , 35 School children, accompanied by Teachers—

each Matinee', * i • . 1 ' '• . . 10 1 Single Rehearsals 15

Anticipating with confidence tbe favorable endpTiimoBtJ)y the members of the Asaoriatlon and the public generally of this enterprise, w e cordially invite al l interested in musical culture to a participation in the advantages to be de­rived from a a attendance at toe Third Annual Convention of the Champlain Valley Musical Asagociatiau. .

Per Order of ' the Executive Com. o / t t , . .G. .E.Barber,Secretary. .

o m e n t a . /'reMdfia—Geo. F- Bixby, Flattsburgb. t r 7 i se* l*- f*«en*j- l s t , M, T . B . - * t c s M B , H « a » - | '

tbe todies o f t l i e " W o r m ' s Temperance UnioVi" b e unhad to m e e l f * ) t h us to partici­pate in the pleasure to be-derived from tbe remarks o f * r t v » * ^ w i f i e j l i a j p t 3 » * t r . labors in the good cause . c/i • ..

MAISK and remarks owui i ied Ute laeas-tiU

adjournment for dinner.

• talrrBftkobJr s«^to<r .

J T h e Lodge mqafaAjtflitbei at & K , »

' f o r t h e transaction o f b u s i n e s s , before the-

open sess ion . T h e comwintee o n credentials

reported the foliowuig delegates:

Herculean Ledge , 5 7 s ismbsra; C . C. Car-penter . M i s s J L

pla in; 3d, S. 8. Taylor, Schuyler Fallf. Secretary—G.'E. Barber, Plattshnn;b.

' JVeasuw—E.-8 . Arnold, Petn . , . » , .̂ DKECTORS. - i

a Vi Bowen, Pmtts6arghl <

—"Christians hawj. long been praying for

the d e s c e n t o f th6spu"it upon I b e i r hearts

a n d the vrorhl, a n d perhaps the teaiperapcd'

' -revival t h a t is sweeping over the land is in „ „ „ _.

S o said a good m a n monl l i s a g o and these, M . H . O'Bneo,. . 4S_

words comforted u s . E u t with tlifs'spirit'

c o m e s the commatMl: G o wfcrir to-day in m y

vineyard. A n d w h e n w e think of the scenes

enacted i n our stseets on , the Sabbath^ and

' we 'might say every day "of the week, w e c a n b u t th ink that souls , for w h o m , C h r i s t h a s

d i e d ? a r e p e r « h ! u g for the lack o f genuine temperance work. A n d while w e woeldi

look'wl th Charity upon all mankind , y e t w e fear . . that unless Cbristians wake up to a

sense o f their ditty and responsibility in this1

matteq, {bat n o t afoue the' c a p e , o f Q b o s t

must'suffer, but tbat the_great feast, tbat

God h a s prepared;for b i s obedient children, o f wtricb s o m a n y are unwi l l ing to partake! w i n h e removed from theto a n d the c o m i n a u d

.will be . " G 9 out_ ipto t b e hfehways and,

hedges a M casspel t h e m t o c o m e i n t h a t say : t i e s .

t l i o ^ r iw r ^e^m>xt. ;rr J t f l a y t m t o j o u that n b n » « f these B B S » w h i c h were bidden satftl

' " ' ' " ' " H . ' " . " ; * • ' • • ' • - r * 'r'

Ausable , v s .

Tbe Court. . T h e Circuit Court and Court o f Oyer and

Termiuer eomtaenced i t s seaskx* m - l u e V

day the 12th iust., H o n . A . Bockes , Jus t i ce ,

presiding, assisted by H o n . G. M . B e e k w i t h |

p o u n t y Judgh , and1 W . H . W a u g h and F . P :

A l l e n , j u s t i c e s of S e s s i o n s : ; y - r t 1

' T h e following causes on t h e C I V I L C A I J

I C S D A I : were disposed of. , -T-

Overseers of the : Poor of A l l o n a , against

N o r m a n W . Starks, B r e a c h , of Kxcise .

Tried b y Court. J u d g m e n t for plalninT for

$200 and costs.

, A n t h o n y Lively , agst . L . C. Wood , a n d

others . Tried by Court . J u d g m e n t for

Overseers of tlie Poor or

H e i n a n A n e n , Breach of Exc i s e . J u d g m e n t

for plaintiff.

Overseers "of the Poor o f Ausable , vs .

Bichard McAnllff, Breach of Exc i s e . Mo-

l ion denied with §10 costs,

Uutli a iunson against Charles A . Moore ,

e t . al . J u d g m e n t for plaintiff for $208.4$, a n d

interest from A u g u s t l&yi , 157^, • I \-

Adelaide W o o u agaiust^ J . tVi Iftibbell

and others, trustees . Nun-suit ordered b y


JslAelXriioafjiilit Peter i. LH J u d g m e n t for plaintiff for s ix cents .

F irs t Nat iona l B a n k , Pbdl sburgh , against

the Chrome Steel Co. , and otners . Judg­

m e n t for pfahitiff.

Vi las National l iank.Plat t sburgl i , against

the Ch rome Steel Co. , and others . J u d g ­

ment for plaintiff!

1>» Week of Prajer.

I t h a s been s o m e what commented on by

t h o s p ^ m r y t o l e t e a t e d j i V . tbe present t e n v

p e t o c ^ a * a i ^ n t u g , and StVo by others more

especially interested,iu. t h e . a t t U n d e o f Ec -

eiesiastical bodies towafd'practical a n d moral

reforms,' toward the real, l ive issues o f tbe

day , that, iu t h e programme of the Evangeli-

caT'AHhnice lor ihe Week of Prayer no men-' Hion was made e f t h e subject o f Temper-

auce as a worthy top ic for prayer and remark.

T h i s subject, which is at present agitating

t o their cehbresi towns and cit ies all Over the

l a n d , » a d jusyn which individual Christians

and individual churches o f every denomina­

tion are>iloasiag to- an enthuslaent.and'uii ity

•of purpose never before s e e n , is utterly ignor­

e d , as to any indiv idual i tyot its o w n , by th i s

botfyrepresemirrg the Evaugelieal Church of

t h e country, i n comparison to this subject

m a n y of the, topics upon tbe programme s i n k

into iiisiguiflcance. T h e conversion of tbe

Jews' i l no t overlooked; neither is the Del iv­

erance of Nat ions from Superstition. T h e

Purification of Public Opinion, the Preval­

ence of Peace , the Extens ion of Religious

Liberty are ah\ important sybj ects , but , no t

otfe* o f ttiem * 9 stands i r f t b e w a y of tii'e e x ­

tension of Christ's Kiugdoai.or calls so loudly

for special and united prayer on account o f

i toe^stol^idestfpvj add Uw sin }i .generates

T h e secular press comments upon this omiss­

ion and temperance Christians are paiiied

that a subject s o vitally imi>ortaii: and s o in­

timately connectedjwilh the iuterests o f re­

ligion should have been so wholly overlook­

ed. W e wotdd not impugn tbe motives of

tliis religious body which promulgated tbe pro-

Ghas. W. Weston, Keesevillc. J . V F e ^ W U l s b O K > . R. N. Mclntyre. Ausable Forks. H. W. Stetson, Black Brook..' • D . F . M. Hopkins. Dannempra^r J. W . RubbeU, Chazy, ^ E . Stafford, Peru. D . A. C l a r » J 8 6 i t t Qerai Geo. P. HaffljekfPern. ' ' ' Rev. & D . Moxley. KeesevUle.

,E. H. Garfield. " C a p t ABen, Port Kent. Jas . 8wfntton>Bcekmsntown. George A. Staedage, Bouses Point. Eugene Woed? West Chazy. E . Hawkins, Meoers. A.WfMorhous , Saranac. B. F. Shepard, Ellenbuirgh. Rev. F. Mi Hickok. Saranac Lakes. F .MtGookJn, Port Henry.

M i s s , i S r i n a t e ^ c d g ^ B e v . ' J o h s r ^ r o o t n a n Beek mahtown L e w g e ^ « r m e t n o e r s ; S . H- D e m -ing, W. A . D e w i n g , X . A , F e l t o n ; P la t t s -burgh Lodge , 118 members , J . W . Tatt le , Mrs. J . H . T o t m a n ; Mooers l iodge , 80 m e m ­bers, Mr. and Mrs. C . H . Pike .

OonmriMee or. programme reported and discharged. Committee . on resolutions « - ,

o*it by somethlnc of Ie** importance, »n1 ?h» ; marvelous eflfHWof *mall pWs be InM to the niwaeroaa rwatl»rs o f th» ISv.rrni4<-.\sr s«id the world at large- It appear* that la*t mm- '< mer w m timi». a Isdy «f fbi« town w h o w»« 'iifferinu from ill health and did not wi»h to trnst berself in b a n d s o f those AHapatbic "Id fogies w h o deal ou t calomel and jalap by i h e ounce (por scruple to appiv the term of med­ical t inker or bone-carp«BBter—to a respect­able Homeopathic physicist)) availed h e n x l f of the services o f a vendor o f swntlf pill* w l w , ' <w thomngbly exata i i ihw his patient p r o - ' nonbeed ber case to be llij*«f' On- worst kind o f tnioOT and treated her ee«NWft)t!y ni"re or less Uirou<sh tbe stwawier. 'But iint imtil'! autumn bad se t in atid Flora hafl sbed h»r <• mantle did t h e tumor f ncctrtnb t o l i t e virtue af4nflstess!mal doses and UHHtawWbVmairle l

U i t f U M t was freed fmm * e r inftrwSty t b u t ' Uie-tassserhad been uietemorpbosed; If b e * *• . been changed into a t h i n ; o f life; it meAed: f it heaved a s i g h ; it breathed ; i t hail leg* and ' arms, and o p e n e d / i t s utssiTh and gave a *' soualt n e t -unlike that o f k sbbntas felene in '• a dark night sitt ing o a a s SnttsWi d o o r s t e p ' ' It w e i g b e d seven pounds s l s i to use A u n t * Nabbis's o w n words "flie tSmtor b a d turned ! , ipto a aeSntji e t - a r y h b a b e . ^ Mark t h i s ye ! j f lushes , ye Loops and ye Foots, and change j . j « f c s m a l l s > B k ¥ y ^ b a M w u l practice P j ?

' ' - < * « » > » n n » n V * n % b t -the w t * t rwl , a ? * *' bundle w e t s b l n i n l u e ; pounds and a half and I worth $500 w a s left i t t h e residence o f Mr. and Mrs. Krastus StaflorJ. Tliis time it is j a daughter. A pretty good sum to collect in o n e t a x . ' , j

T h e young m a n that lett that sack of ex - j >ce1)eht smoking tobacco a l our house is re- j quested l o call and get the sack—M. T.

S P H H T X P E P A R T M F . W T

I U . %« K

I M i u K T W \ u 1 ! '


1 t r *

ported t h e toUowihg, w h l d i , after some" hTftJe,; — T h e way of the trausgresser i s liani.

CaUforstTe tpenutce Convention of and Franklin Conn-

X b e t i r a m t J u r y w a s organited, b ^ JfyC gramme of the Week of r > a y e r ( b u i w e d e e p *

appointment of II011.X. Lapltan, Foreman. T h e j*JT entered upon t h e discharge of^keJk.

work, immediately after tbe Judge's charge

and were dischargetroji Tlmrsday, afternoon alter presenting ind ic tments .

J o h n Iiobbins was indicted for murder in

Abe first degree, for killing Nelson, at Dan-

T h e B o a n i e f Exc i se o f l i t o village o f P la tuburgh were also indicted. fojr grantbag

l e n s e s contrary to law.' l l a t h e w D e s ­

mond w w a t o i n d i c t e d for a t t tog i n a judi­

cial capacity ( a s Just ice of the Peace ) whi le

under t h e tnOaeaee o f sk tong d r i d k . T h e

, PlattabBTgh y a o Donarltnant ,, ,

Tlie general emttllon Of officers o f t b e

alarmiog evils ofjntemperance can be i « m y nyi lnsm«s and boristant ac t ios .

The religious, moral, social and coumicrcial needs of our people call upon al l intelligent persons to unite in the effort t o check this pes­tilence. The latent temperance sentiment of our northern counties needs to be aroused and made effective. All classes should feel that they have a responsibility to discharge and a work to d o ; a better knowledge ot the fearful extent and character of this curse of our race should be diffused by means of temperance lectures, libraries, journals, pamphlets, &c. The granting of licenses should be more and more restricted. Tbe evil of Line-smusgUng groceries should be abated by an appeal to the general government; and tbe excise laws wbich arc already upon the statute book, should be enforced to their utmost. Moreover, the abeo-e

discussion by Brothers Vrooman.Cowel lwnd

WOod a n d mVs. O'Donnel l were adopted: Remixed, T h a t we regard it as our duty to

the communi ty , to^ enforce tbe laws w e al­ready h a r e , restricting and regulating the sale of inToiicaUng drinks.

Beaoiced, T h a t w e will labor persistently to prevail upon men to practice total absti­nence frost the use of all intoxicating drinks a s a beverage.

Jfesorred, T h a t the legal condition with reference to tab qualification and conveni­ences o f hotels anil hotel keepers a s fixed by law, o u g h t to b e rigidly adhered to by licens­ing boards, a n d t h a t t h e utter disregard of both manifested by m a n y boards of exc ise , is discreditable t o any civilized and law abidiug community. '

ffeaotoed, T h a t We recommend in the elec­t ion o f town excise boards under the A c t o f 1874, that the friends ;of temperance sbonld uni te and endeavor to e lect such m e n as will execute Ae<hvw-h»/ite foil integrity e f ' le t ter andepir i t Independent o f all party consider­ations;. .

Revolted, T b a t s ince idleness and vagran­c y are proHfc -estates' fr* intemperance and crime, w e will u s e reasonable efibrts to e n ­force t h e law of "Compulsory Education."

"Love feast" opened by Brother Vrooman,

in a 10 muiutes speech on ,"The good, accom­

plished by our'Order as an organization."

Mrs,.. O'Donnell made quite extens ive re­

marks. S h e heartily loved the Order, gave

l a little eeto-UntW its' rise anfl progress i n b e r

own,place . In Its first hours o f prosperity

. s h e held off, unti l t h e curiosity seekers,

•̂ * thinking t l iey had learned a l l - there was to

learn began to fall out , slie' then stepped in

a n d ' t h r o u g h hours o f discouragement and

weakness , had-assembled with t h e m n ight

after night . S h e found them a noble , deen-

ty retioimi$ body a n d an kiUmate family

circle. S h e related incidents where in mo­

ments o f discouragement she had learned of,

and been surprised, s t good they were accom­

plishing. ' S u e believed we had saved thou­

sands and tens of thousands o f young boys

from drunkard's lives, and made thousands

of homes happy by reforming husbands and


S h e referred in- soul-inspiring words to the

great uprising o f t h e W o m a n ' s Movement of

to-day, and believed it to have been caused

by the g lowing l ights wbich from week to

week bad issued from our Lodge rooms. AH

do no t look through the same eyes—duty

does not call all in tbe same direction, and

she welcomed all mortem—for MTOUK was

the need of the hour—iu whatever manner

they chose to do i t . S h e would not give much

for politics that could not be mingled with

religion and temperance and suggested to

our women a plan of action to pursue a l tlie

coming spring elections. She regretted that t h e Resolution bearing o n this subject, had

not beeu reserved for discussion at this t ime .

Above all she thought we should elect au Excise Board with "back bone" aud "priuci-

t:i tf,VH



Him ^keeping o,Mfi

i • t


» -t&

% *A> W H i r r .

W h i t e to p!»* s n d arnte in t l . r c n

catCKKi: rnoKhi.M W H I T E .

«iitft f-^ *:*'.? e f t # ( s ? w?5»f



. f^ - i j



T h o s e w h o have been engaged In t h e sale o f j firewater iu violation of l aw , seem to lie

'suBerkig for their past s ins , and those w h o 1 have indulged iu the luxury a s well . He- -cently tbe latter class have amused t h e m - : selves by having frequent fights, and indole- 1 ing in malicious mischief in destroying the ' tlie property o f Mr. E . S . Arnold and o t h e r s , ; and the good people o f Peru (and they are ;

numerous) hare resolved that they will tol- i erate this state o f vandalism no longer with 1 impunity and have taken measures to remove j the cause o f this evil, and just now Mr. Kel- ' logg has been issuing invitations to sundry ; Peruvians o f tbe baser sort to put in their '

t appearance before t b e judeement seat of Clinton County. S o m e have accepted tbe in­vitation from the fact they could no t help it, whi le others have iuglorionsly fled tbe held like their ancient commander and looked back and soliloquised as follows: "Although the field be lost all is not lost there is the ( . ) unconquerable will," A c . (See Miltons Par­adise Lost . ) T h i s i s tbe state o f things here i _ , „ , . to-day, and ere long old Peru will be tl ie j l l l r -banner temperance town i n tbe county . !

—There was a splendid runaway, Sattir- j day the 9th inst.; two drummers got turned ' over at a roalroad crossing this s ide o f Fer-rona, the driver lost the reins, and the team left them behind with their truuks and robes, • i c , and came o n flying, oocasionly the sleigh would turn over and right-up again. T h e horses turned into Dr . Cole's yard where they were they were caught all sound and apparently in good trim to go tbe grouud over again. I learn that one of the gentle­men i s a Mr. Lamb from Slew Fork city, and that the team belongs to Mr. Thomas Bailey of Moriah. N e x t t ime Mr. B . had better let his t eam to a full grown buck. T h e y are a splendid pair of wind-splitters. S C U I B E .

* ' < ! •<&

ilhilf. 1 <i to Q 1W 2 <i to H 8 ch .'I Kt mates

' 4 "••< ">' \

H I . A C - K .

White t* move and draw.


No.:;.-, •„ « H i s s l ' | fHII .KM.

/.'.'•lei I 1 H t o K I 2 It t l .* K

O.i Frid i ) , JanM.irv Jt>th, « .•• • r , .4 , ,.

- - • ' t * . , ,

Unbleached Cottons

I "• t : v t i -t

B l e a c h e d C o t t o n s .

JWM> doz. All Linen A .t pkins -IIKI' t *-

r i N i . v i*ir.f.« •tv ^

T \L.l-t-". I

I ' . 1 I . • f ; . v s i T f >

1 »;» •\ V

\\ II I ,

11 K m 11

No. :«r»4.

rnKi-KKu r*u»m.F.v.

14 H .; ;

^! 1". 21 14

I t , t \ K I . ( v » . « . t t;..•»!». au-S n <!«•-» 1« i » t „ | H J. $.* ***a;et s I '** j " 1 j ,

IS win*.

< 11ECKF.1 M r U R E f i O R - B U E S S K

MAT<;iI. I Notes l.y A . J . r.I.in.-l.»r.|

:»7rtl O.tMK.—SIXIil.K frtKVKI:

Bresse plays tbe Black m e n , aud move

Hailwri H n p aii Issertioss. ru •:«;•< • l ) t , a r t l y i . ^ I r

|«e»<- I » m

11 15 2-2 IS 15 ±1 i"» i s

9 l:) 3lS 22 12 1G 24 20

S 11 27 24

4 s :!2 27i«

S 12 2S* 2.-,

4S 9 »> 2o

<i) 24 19 loses.

H 14

i s :i H i s


1 f irst .

I«l l".,rl 24 lit 1.1 21 2 s I'.l 1.: 1; 22 1 : u 1-.

1 >ra w n .

I )r<*.<.>< ( H M K I S .

I«tn»in N a*Ue. |n. tt»- 1,, to I l l l . - I M a t e t l A l l-> l e . ) i | . . ! . . n e , s | . . » » , ! . . | , . i ' . j ; „ , . , , , .•. .iHpb-o-. l e . r a n , . - ..; .. ii

T l i - »t!t<-»t ,-r-t . i*-^ . . :

At< >i*ii i i i ir

t t t ' » t

! l l > , ^

IU (») 14 17 loses.

14 17 loses. I I K I I

T h e congregation worshiping a t the M. E . Church of this place, together with many oth­ers, listened o n Sunday to an address by bis­ter Bol l i s o f Schuyler Falls.

T h e subject was tbe influence of parents on their children. Thi s subject s h e treated in a perfectly philosophical manner, showing that tbe moral state o f tbe adult is but the out­growth of the forces to which he was exposed while young. T h e illustrations o f the subject were well chosen, and the address was well delivered. T h e delivery o f this address in any couimuni lv can but add to its moral and religous interests.

A N E W S c u m : : .

1 5 m < . . V V I I . . — m : i - - i i > i .

Bressse plays the Black m e n , and moves ITr-t.

i l l i t v -

A l l « M H

11 24

it; i » 11

22 i s HI 14 28 24 Hi 2i» 25 22 11 l « ( a l :«1 25

4 S C ) 22 17 « Win

2<5 22 s i i

17 13 14 17 1:1 « 17 2(5 Il 22 2 !»

22 17 l ' l I I 17 10 7 14

i s 1:: «.i

3 14 2!» 2."i

1 :» 1<I rf.i 11 i s 22 I", If. lti 2.: K, 12 2S I.". M



fi !.'


f . < ;

I s


s « > \

' . t t i e l i s f i i * } i r i ! ' »» ! , ! * i . • 1 S » [ , - . . . '

I - ' . M i p j - . - - - . < ! . . » } !

;il S n i i iiiii.-;.


l l r a w t i . i l O l o s e s .

1 I 2 2 I! M

2 2 '~J

s ; i<»

Vicinity S e w s Items.

— T h e annual meeting of tbe stock-holders of tbe Uutland & Whitehall railroad com­pany, was held a t Fairbaven, Wednesday, J a n . b\ Tbe following gentlemen were elecl-

W. W. Cook. A. Al-Baker and Oen. H .

Cramer. T b e board was organized by elect­ed W. W . Cook, P ies ident ; A . Al l en . Vice-President ; Ira C. Allen, Treasurer and Trans­fer Agent .

—While John H. Morse, his wife, mother- ' in-law, boy and driver were crossing the ice

j ed for tbe year ensuing ; len, Ira C. Allen, I . V

( « | 4 S draws 16) 6 10 loses. {r} 9 13 loses.

(d) T b e only draw move. f>) IS 22 draws. (.?) 9 V-i l o s e d .

l »r . B»sche«'*<> C e r u i u u S y r u p .

f.'ougb no more ! How m a i h ] -, th-re ii in every household to k:i .w t l u t t h - v ean at last procure a remedy i ' r a n v r a s e o f c o u - l , - . severe colds settled on the brea»t.<'o:i-ump-t ion, or anydweas , . , . : the Throat and l . u u - , that is certain In e u i e . It is a sat.sf .ei.vn to know that a IK-1-.JII i» safe !i..m u» .

CAMELS HAIR te . |« |<e, l l , , | ! , e l l i i t u p ) . ;. < ; . . > , v a r . l - m iini.Ht.,,) .,,, , „, . . , . . „ . . , . , ' I . c u i . 1 . 1 ll..-».- ^ . „ . . ; .

B l a c k D r e s s S i l k s , Alpu.fm.s a n d

M o h a i r s . ! ! . **4*4 , ; :> - ' t ^ i i ' ;->£ ";, r , , * - « n r » «t-*-,-l, ,,i ,

; , f ; » ' * » | - - i T -? fi.v-'K i n . , , M k x ,-,*,.»

'""* ••' - " - i . - a . . . - , . , . ; „ ' ; ; . „ . . ' I I J - . . . - t t . . , ! • j . , .. . , - _ _ ,

I * r m t : ; t i i < ' { C i 1 t i t r i i i i i n . ^

lute inconsisicncy of habits which even border I P l e * " i n fte Temperance Reform.

essence of on intemperance with the very cbrtyiaainoraiil}- should be constantly taught bwpUlplf and pressv

In order, therefore, that all classes in our community lhay unite iu harmonious and con­tinuous effort to aooomplish; these ehds, w e the undersigned, by advice of many others, do hereby g ive notice of a temperance convention of Franklin, Essex and Clinton counties, to be held injthe village of jChamplaio, on.TJiuKday,

January 21st, beginning at 10:30 A. M., and cou- . . . . _ , ,

turning throtuth the day. All friends of the h H ^ to P 8 8 8 a v e r J ' P l e a 3 a D t a , l d P r o f i l a b

cause of temparanee in these comities are , hour, urgently desired tdbe'present, aud it Upartieu- ; T h e meet ing then adjourned to meet at larly requested that every existing temperance i P a l m e r s n a i l at bah" past seven o'clock, organization should send delegates to take part J T h e lecture in the evening was a line if iu-tbe-convention.' It is hoped tbat every town : fort aud eagerly listened to by a large aud and village in our three counties may in sotne 1 attentive audience.

way lie represented. Further particulars will . Thursday the Lodge was opei<ctl with UMI-be - i v « a in the pap<ft& next week. j a , ^ ^ , o r b u s i n f f 4 S seis inu.

deroga last Tuesday week, the ice gave way. 1 Laborers iu the vicinity saved the party after ! a narrow escape. A satchel containing 2\lO) I worth of diamonds and jewels was lost, but

subsequently was found. —Schuyler Colfax, e x - V k e - P r e i i d n i t o f

the Tinted States , »i l l deliver his great lec­ture 011 Abraham Lincoln, in the Bradley Opera House , Fort E h v a n l , Friday evening, January 22d. I K I J .

— T h e Methodist society of St. Albans Bay are on the alei t to build a new church in place of the one destroyed by tire on New

, , . . , » , , . , , . , , , . Year's raorniug. A committee has been ap-lowsuip among them Mrs.Clark and Mrs. I>r. j ^ ^ j t o ^ ^ a g i , e a I l J a ^ ^ ^ G . F . Blxby of tbe Woman's TJuiou. | has been started to raise a sum not exeeeu-

Mrs. Allen o f Oleott Lodge, Niagara C o . , . Ing i'>,^K to build a church. and many others, both brothers and sisters — T h e mail route over the Addis,,u 1 , . t !

! from I>eice»ter Junct ion toTicondero^a. !i.t-lieen discontinued. Mai! ha^s f.,r tl

on Lake C'liamplain in a sleigh, from Ticon- ' <" these diseases - ; i ! l 5 .,d ne,.,l ,]„, i s j , , g , ( . , vour Drusgi ' t s . F. K. I » A \ 1 S . I'iatf-i.ur'h N". V. , or J . W . G I L L K M ' I K , Ausat.I • K..j;.s. X . V. ,and set a bottle •>! !;.„> h,-.-', «;,-nu,i;i

T b e entire remarks ot the speaker were of .

a deeply religious' nature recognizing orrr all ]

Vtinu* the power of God. Duriug these remarks |

a delegation from the Woman's Temperance

U n i o n was welcomed, and response to calls, .

Several said a few words o f cheer and fei- i

:!1 ' t i e offi--

1H —


ly regret, anil would protest a;aiu>t this pus-it ive disregard o f so g r e i t a sabjeet , than

which, says , Dr.JPrime, "there is none in pol­

it ics or morals or theology which so much

d e m a n d s t h e immediate attention o f every


i i e w e k ; i n d *lead- ' infMy %o nmnslawgnser - A t t h e . Tetnperance Conference o f the

in the fourttidegree, ana ¥*», »«»te»ced to l^»n»in6terem"Ma'richester, Euglaita tafc-Clinton Prison for one year.

Wilty trf To ber

ber much w a s

one of the

homes ah over tbe land-^tnVbltier I lions of sy ve» and Uie »« ii.u-ru»in£ad'—ib« Idng

biuitt idai id

u^rm-*^ ts)owip not< land t^*d this cry of thesr 1 i«s? Wouasl ws»tks| this ajuurgeji thetistfi" L"' i

.pewerf T o

H.H. Story. . i S - S f ^

PUt4*b«MBb F h * Department which w a s he ld

last Monday evenh ig resolted aa follows:

M T h e t


# r S , 4 M . t S t #1—^r^^v.-„iv-Sd Assft . « . « : « ! « * # . * ? lAfim&S^ffim^sZ»

l B e ^ - S \ > r C k i < s L P . M ^ ^ 4 6 ; l s * ^ A ^ s T r v ^ J . M e O a n e t y . a t ) ; S d A a . - t , r i . H .

ly, the following were among the resolutions m b t e d and adopted:

i l i U tbiS C o n b u e a c e is o f opinion Uiat iu-temperaucc tothegrestsstoutward hindrance to the progress df the Christian religion in the United K i n g d o m , n e t only a l i enat ing a hunssnaaoDrtion ir f tbnnonulst inn frnaa nab

w ^ r o r t i p T m ^ t f n W l s ^ entiy a f t ec tn^ members a n d even pastors o f

, 1 religious, • hM&es. and^that , v h i l o . driaking eus to i to w b k h tel* ftuempfcteuce rettAin, the.banefcad b j b s c r V t « e ehxiatian Church

and i t s proema% and seriously i m p e d e d . - - -j tnVJmn*(S m e r t o i w l i r - 'If if HssliifYi

I r o n t b e drnnkenoess which s o greatly affects 4 n d dtagfSSM »; f l i t l m l l s l i H liifsiTiiHi 1 alt

'••Vl\ni s i s s se t o f people , and t o o i e eapeclaBy al l m i n -. - ' • - ^ M a r t ^ ' i S B I w o f C b u r e U > y o r g a n l x a -

u £ n . a i i o u i i t i w i , sj ianiole, s n d a e l f l e a i a l , nV onbr t o t h i s n a t i o n a l x k e a n earnestness o f

o f U » * t r e -

t n e workmen n o t merely to s^l frointbe

• S B S M S W Jswnjsw***' Js»wr <nusW



« M S M t H

« i » « i % # • ' * * # ! • '

swTtffl I I ttbsn^tlinnrfnnnnlnt^nnTlnnlnnt i^ia« aoayjw w^ uanpipnaai iyy 4Sj^ppsmyy«sy^smssw

**•* y

f w | O j | | i J U | a l l


Rev. S. D . Elkins, Champlain. Kev. J. W. Grusb, Cbateamrar. Itev. J . B. flammond, Chateau^ay. Rev. E. A. Lawrence, Jr. , Champlaiu. S. B. Newell, Westoort. Jaeob Paraiertcr, Ilatlshorxli. Rev. E . Turner, Moriab. Kev. D. T. Taylor, Bouses Point. K. A. Webster, MaUmc.

Rev. C. N. Wilder, Essex.

Coontj Medical Society. A t tl ie meet ing .of t h e Clinton County

Medical Soc ie ty , held at P i t t s b u r g h , J a n .

12th, 1875, the following ojicers were elected tor tbe current year, v i z :

President—Dr. E.H. Lyon. Vice-Pres ident—Dr. D . D . D u n h a m . Secretary and Treasurer—Dr. A . C. Butler. After tbe transaction of the usual routine

business* various subjects and papers were

presented for considerat ion: a m o u g t h e pa­

pers read was o n e o n vaccination by Dr . A .

C: .Bwtler g M n g * seaume e f t i f e trar iens

o p t o f o n s o n t h e X u b j e c t a n d drgmgHrhe'tm-

p o r t a n c e a o d iwceattly iortborougb'vaeelna-

Uon and frequent te-vaeeinatkm unti l the

system ^ e f f o e t n a l l f protected. , , ; _ _

In the eveniug' tbe address of the retiring

Presidetrt, Dr . J . H Frolth ww*es>aY*nhjteU

"Some 0 / tiie dangerous seooeocec ansVcom-

pi ics i jonsof DJpbUiwiajiuch a s i u c o t d a t W u a

character, cutaneous dipbtneria, eudo-cardi-

t is and heaiff c f c t . ' ' T&e address was short

and was listened to w i ^ tn*ytt*« a lMmtOny

Additional resolutions, temirtnl and adopt

, cd. Ou motion, Miss Myra Siguor was elect-

j ed Couuty Treasurer to fill a vacancy. Dele

' gates were t'aen appointed to tlie State Con

I ventiou in it iusterdam and to the C o m e n

' t ion In Cliamptain. O n luoUou of Mr. Lau

along tin- route tal a^'-nts on tie- it- iMin! ra '.- >a.l.

—The CauaJiau I'aiiiauiei.l h siimiiioiiCd f.»r Ihe de , : Uch «: bus.nv-s, i , n Tlmrsday, February 4 ih .

— T h e f.uirth annua! meeting of :!.^ Monl-peiier aud Wells ICver Ka.iroa.!. vv.»5 held iu Village Hall, M.intpelier, on Tuesday. .Ian. 5th, aud was c.uLd tuolder by Hon Isaac N. Hall of <iioV.ui,the piesident. l b e l o l l o a i n j directors Were e lected: Isaac X. l ia l l ol <in>-toii, J a m e s Ci. Freia-ii, J l i n e . IV. Il ieck. Jo­el Foater.jr. ,Charles II. Heath of M«iit{M-l..>r.

('. Sluirlit-U ol I'laintieM. <ieo. \Vi«i-t«-r «.t N i l .

Syrup; two or tine.- dos - s will r> liev. o n c e . I f vot t d o u b t " h i t w e s t ; g e t a s a m p l e b o t t i - !,.r l«i c e l l ' s -n.-l ; a r e g u l a r s i z e for 7"» c e n t * . — 4 S j 1

W " H i i ! K r a i . k l i n Kir.- l u - . n u . - . -« , o l r l i l l . i . l . - | ] > l u a - As^. 1 , , * i,v«i.c«w- b a | . . , in l i .1 1!. .1. W h V t . l i t l » ir A f . - m I,. h i i r a h a u . l v l . i i u t y . in .si r. -JK-. t i n . I t h r u - N e w Y e a r ' s j i v . - t . i . u )• • i l . o . 1 1 ati-1 a l l o l h - i s \\1. . in n l- - i i . , . i j . ,1 ti le lii.suraiK <;.

T h e t ' r a i . k l . n i - a l i r s i . , . . , , • , . : , , j , . , w i l l t a k ' - 11^ I - ' . i . - - a i i . - . l . ^ . . 11 , . : , o , ; l i y S r . t t ' M - t n .

I « ^ * . t a i l

l l ' i s i n i . — A n etiir:. ' . . , . a^.-n' town an.i v Has.- n, ( :nt..., .ti.i c o i . i . t , . - . : .: i t . . . ..;.; , - • .• ;. , , . . | \ v W i i - . u SH n ; u i M a U.ii •. 'I . i i t . l i ' -s t in; e \ c i u s i v • sa, .- . . . . 1 I ^' . ' "! wi.i Uesj iv . -u . 1 ' . : f - n . . . . v . . . - ^ - ir . - s , J . 11. M . n ; . , . • I ..i. , -I* :a ! ! -h : i r2 - .

W i l l i

11 p i a;

T \ V l ' t - ( l - M ; ,

i n d e n t c a r t . r ;


al l> i;> ; u n « i :

i.i 1;<<M| \

I I A i I

: « . K i . 1:1 .1 i M : i

C ' h a r l e - L~4U.li. I I I I O I I , inju , .r» .. i . - l l o w l „ - k l . r w i*rri,-i„-^ a u . l il

1 it A VV I I . -

• rttW, • '.••

tl i A l . .,

it l!>. - l i i -


j MarsbUeld.C. M. Weeks of Woudsville I (Jeo. Ii. FesSctieU of . W a u u i y .

. . . , , _ . • . i . —Michael Madic.iii and i!i..th. i ' I!M,:. •• s ine W. C. Pierce was appointed to canvass „ u , h ( . N < n v y , , , k .„„, , ' a „ : l , | t r . u , , n , . „ . t i l ls County in the TeinpfiraD.ee interest and serioitfiv iujuretl by th > divlurk"* of a lhVt a Committee formed to draft a lonii o f pro- at Port Kent, Sun. l iy . — Norm m Ki!*m!ii cedure . ! broke his le^; wre<th:i^ at Win!.-!,:.:! last

- Monday, Delegates from tlie various Lodges called ' ,_, . .

„ — l l j - r e is M ; . | to \„< a iaj-,-: water a n a upon w h o gave , usual ly , m o s t eucouragmg i u V«-rt.ioni in pr..p.rt:..i, u . , t , ,:*«.. : ; u „ reports. T h e County Templar was then lis- any other state in the Ci.i .«i . There ai.-tened to, and more than equalled its pretle-i ^,S15 acres coven-l by Ukf* an! p.mii ol cessors; a deeply interesting journal , as only ' . ' " * «eres «r mor e - a e h . and an effort . , i.. ^w«~. , e i . . _ . i be m t d e to stock them with black :.a--. sai-its able editors knowhowto make IL the IIJOII Jri)UU a , (1 ,lliit<. ^ Lodge then adjourned to bold the next sess- i _ A l I t . „ o r t i s b , h l „ , u a d l . u < „ , . t T o l ; i , r i , . ion a t Mooers. T i m e left with Committee . { a new trial.

A resolution o f thanks to U i o G . T . o f Platls- > — T h e cit izens of Whitehali ase «..rt-!y burgh for kiud entertainment and to Mr. tried with that t en iWe seo i i r^e- i l .p lh ir , t. f w i „ . m i Vim, <;,—?.ht fin- . h i e i w w r *^« I A M r - K - , s - M u r r » y has recently loM v w i Orvis and Miss Straight for able paper was c W M m i f r o m l h m t l e r r i b ; e . H , , . ^ , . ; «„, ibe

M h l e l , 1 l : ^ 1

f r h - i u l i .i I'.. II. I,..-. I . . ! ! . . • ! • a n l i e - 1 M b t r i e i , , ! -» l , i Mi ) , i n < ^ m , i » i . U l l r l . VV i i i - t u i : ;

111.- 111. !•-*l I f U. 1»

1 V V I M . . . A 1 . l l l l 1

I - . I . e I- . 1 , , . . i . i l i . . . ' . . . •> . ,

M i r . 1. » , . . , , l l 'KHl,- : . ' , a- -

t I t T 1 1 H

«• i: Mi i . i . i i:

M A l t l t l A U K s

passed and g o o d b j e said with d o s i n g cere­

monies. '

La Sue'* Minstrels.

| 28lb Dec. a son 7 years old d a d ; ".he 2*>th, a j son aged 11 years; Dec. 31, Katie, a r!•.!>! of

5 years; J a n . I, Hottie l i , ajjed l:S years; . Jan . 2. a girl in her Mill year; .Ian ::, W:l-' liani II , a tK>y 5 years o l d ; and y«-->r.!ay

his daii°hter, Ida, a;e-l IT, d a d ai»". T»-» ' inurecbilalrvii remain, a i d they, as v , : ) as j Uie lather are prostrated with ttie dtse^-e 1 l*be mol l ierof the d m i l v af-..J an i i . fmt died

T h e above troupe appeared before a large audience last evening, at Corinthian Hall. T h e first part o f theptograhime w a s selected s u d passed off smoothly aud satisfactorily. . . . T b e a e c a u d part opened w i t h J o h n luebard- j laswuiy . sou , in h i s impersonation of the Southern • — TheOgdeii»tu.fgb and L i t . - <';.auip:aiti darkey. I t .was an excel lent sketch iu i u raiirvad, one of tbe leased hur» »f t!».- i en-wiay,aud w a s wee teed Will i loud appianse. | tral Vermont, will make a . la .- l -n-i -J.-.- ins-. J o b ^ H e n s b a w then pfayed the banjo In b i s of January, au 1 the r h e s h i i e iaiU-o..«J eaiiy ujaapptoarbahle Styts, which was fonowed by ( in January. TUe old Vermont O t i t i a l

T h e meet ing throughout w a s marked b y V j tb*s»spi«a i and o i l i e p e a t e d aketefa, -Han*-1 and (is successor are yvi to be heard t i o m . •**--" " Messrs. Ittnsjttaw and Law- —There are employed in l i e women mills

at Winooski , 520 opeial ive*, to whom eleven

• Tntnl

and IntisnMr

% rssrrsiifiwiiiiiit'ffjr#j swwtf M aho 'W''

^*™^^m | iF^ff^^^*^r^n £9JH^$W~a^^ 'i^^^^WrsSp**'*** ** -•"*- >•'•<* g j j J i o T O f f g / s n m i r Iffit/MmmW i


songs and dances , a s tbe pro­gramme says , "in a anpecfor manner," and 1 l u o u i m d dollar* * ie paid u iumh >.

r % ? * ^ t ' V ™ , t i & & a T J 7 £ f f i - M r s a v p i . forme;ly ol W.« .*»ki . died favorite:asJofittoes. fiiebardson B n * d 4 a | M ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ „ | u - > ^ « t ^ j \ t at

S S S I w ^ ^ o S ^ ^ T h l ? ^ t^l^"(m- ^v™ ,ue m^ "''*• b o t h sxeeHem daocers; <tofug some of tbe ^ " ^ , i sas t iMiifSnt m i l Srsjiafid stntis with the —Mr. S . C. Moore, the well known Bur-< ntiwt agSSirtitt tT t - W e h a v e n o t saen UngUm i«ianist and ergauist , intei?t^s to re-t b ^ f equals T b * permnnaoce concluded move*to Chicago.

w W l » t a r n w W W m ® 0 * m WmV*'" - T h e Danville . W i l t Stm, the oldest T h e whom pe»t iWanvrwalPwwlf w o l t t y o f i Democratic paper in Veriuoat, was <« years t h e enibuaiaette aptOanse It drew out , and T old b u t Friday. :

• p M p i j s l a a i b d e> a n n o e n e * t h e * - f U h asss that U - Verge .mes people are . tow o f t M vmmfT#X*#*Jte»W w iUiugtot .veo lUjOUl , and the «M C h a m - f

pmm srsssis lsntt tbe t t T t t i a d s t 1 ! ^ * ^ ! ^ erm-1 ttested, for the i itate Itoforea tkbonl . Wa- ; lerbary psophi wilt have to4oofc out ,

—44«race Fairbanks, president o f the \ > r « o a « d r v M o w o f t n e > P « r « a M i a n d OgdeM-''̂ eargh saswoad.eays t h a t th i s division wttt

I n K i - e s » . - n i . . - , , l . o , v i ' - , „i! ^- 1 < l l l l i . i l l . » l i e , . Vi i „ 11 1 . , „ , H. • . 1 -Nui:li>\. .,1 P U I I , : « ( U I , i.. r l l / t i U a n g l i ' . 1 • I H o . • ' 4 1 1 1 . 0 . v . . - t l i

I n \ u - . i t . | . - . .1 . 1 , 0 , 1 . . - , p . I S u i l e t . M r . A M i . t l i I 1. 1 1 . -M i s s , l i A l i i « U I h I A U . . . 1 It .1 t . , .

In ti». t o . i n . f - s , i-. . r I . i : - ' . , . • - • a t l ! i . - 1. s i t . : . . . . ! ! . . , 1. . . : J . t l i t , M a l t U ' - o . - - l . i t VV l i t 11 t l 1 •• .» a l t l . - . a u d M i s M V I . , A l l ; . - . . . ! • . t . » : .

i n i i n . . . ; . : . . ! . > \ : .. . . ! i l l - r< ^1 l e i , . . . . | I.'.. 1 . , !* . t .'• » , . , I t . Vi 0 1 1 . ; . i ..... !. 1 . 1 . • i . .S V .»!. 1 M i - u V i . . t : v. i i , . 1 . 1 * : , . 0 1 . . • : . . . ! . N i

11. - 0 I t , . - . .- ,

Lou wn 11 MI w. » i,:•,.: 1 ,. - -. w i i i n . i . , - . . . , ( - i . . - ,

I n M i . l i . . , . . I . i - i •••- 1: < l . i a n . I I I A K V l i 1-t. l K . . . M v . : . . . i . l . i a . i . i , u . - . u . . : -> i i i . , . i .

U K A T 1 I S .

I-, l';..!^ vu!fcit J 1...... , : Vi vi, . v. » i i « - -.t J . i >•*• 1. i i . a i ! • ; . -.

*•;*• I u Ht t Bviu .Mt.. v r, .• k. Xl^ . - . *.»-

\ U L «- l>l l} U, i r h . 1 *,I Ur . , 1 i. i . *^»".J *., \«-^i -»

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A t i n i i ! : ! • i l •>1

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b. J A M i i i s l •nL_^AjuA]k».^M^- * A J , : 'fta^mtiSk^ak- • f t t ' ' l f c i ^ L . j -

•P"*Pi*J*TiI'WlmRmjHnm ~V*W VtWVGffiJ TO fMafffllK* t s * . V s - ^ ^ itNMffiVffiV Wswoiivi W tb* Q&mam* |*^s»WWwWnW?PaW*povnWsf* W W P W P P a W w l QfwnnVjgnW ' I B

flssWff Ct'a fk'sfmd hlinss ia Ifse Bimi '.--•«,_„„.. -.1.0. -t.—. : sM^j^ilL,s|u, ^s i^^rf lg^U^^^ISnan*.


» «ta>Tir» ot R.eJi tlw« Ti»b— -< JX. M I I U . . lor . 1 . 1 u <-juU WITTX.- j.*>.» . . . r o t e o f frtmi 4 1 « fi. . -m» net fc.ot a i t o i t •. •

l - V M I h , I s l i t l l i i i i . PtaUaijtui j ta \ v

t i a t e d , J a t i a ^ s y 1 J . 1?.;;. ^41

N o t i c e . S S ' l l K H t A ! . « y Wif.- ,«-K-H.e»ve »-..!«(..«. 1. ^ V V t e A w y taert a a d lauanl » I H K O I ; i u . t . . n . .-.-

« r p j v i v o i a t l o u , at t i« - i» . s . - . a w fot l tbt t ten i. ••• b u c l u ^ o r InaMtiMc IHTV U H i o y v a m i i i , «« I w i t ) n a y a o d e b t s >4 i i c i i u u U » . lu i i : » n - i u . u d a « » U w r j U t T T - ' l "

Vbaitir, J » a . u , t « n v - « w l '«*» %

• , t -••• , .s a** . ....

9mi *dfe« an« EbfCnotw Pal i . r a J i W U i s tabs ami a*»i laeosuttoii .

. . H i S t l V v t t r s t h

, 4*&r ' | sas^W>-4m

4 a ; « i J u a n . i t . i >. >. »«.. aa. r^fci fc l » *

V n s ,

. aniej f _ _ _ ot l * n , ta tbe. a » 4 s b * aaettMsu S « H . 1 '

l b . SaH.—Jut

w»n».'i'i»|. w4' **. ".W]-.^'"."- —^

W r n * t»r»t«s«*i* « ..rt-i «!T *rKK t v n p?. ' s e a t s * - * * ,*,<' >••*»*«*" nnsttJi-t v* * e *

• W i t . l i . U»- matter..I vv ,Hniii t . •_. ..ik.atMt.*iU--.;

. i l . INHA SMflnisvot?. _ . _«''^J,' ' tl«c«iidVrtSJaMid^axR%Ei]w«ies,sss^^ i tiae ati' nw wameil nsriumt-ftft. *~ ~ :l tuw yktl. lb;i «e.T*!vJ»'' S o l « s j i n f i s s t s t i s ^ w t a J b s s « r w

' SUolM. h a s I *1H M t n e n as f W o s * * - • * ' « • aaasM :J*SeW lairrM«ir"i^r.^M'a»w ^^awwtte.

s j " «"*i,̂ - mi nprf»iii(..i..A- -

.-*i#|iftSS*:<- w ^

*(>:%»i.; # * * > * " | "