In the era of globalization that is filled by the challenge and competition are super tight, everyone is required not only to have high levels of education, but also necessary to have a special ability, so-called skill. One of the skills most needed today is English. Where English has become one of the international language as verbal language to communicate. As well as the universal language of instruction used in almost every corner of the world. What makes English is important in the era of globalization? Perhaps it is one of the many questions that arise in our minds after hearing the previous title. The answer to that question is very simple: because English has become the universal language used in the world of technology, education, politics, trade, and so on. This language is the most important communication tool, and like it or not, we have to learn for the sake of our future. Britain currently has a very dominating all aspects of communication. We can see almost all electronic devices using the English language. Most countries in Asia are also using English as 'Medium Instruction' or the use of English as a second language after their national language. for example, only the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia. Englishb is the communication tool most often used by the world. English is the international language and is one of the most popular and most frequently spoken in the world of technology and information. We need to know English to learn the subject or computer language. We need to know English to communicate effectively with developed countries. English is very important and needed in all areas. for people struggling in the global world if it wants to grow and do not run in the same place. By mastering the English language, people can communicate more so that the insights in information technology will be more open. Similarly, by having the ability to communicate in English is one of the great capital of the world to step in and face the technological advances that are always moving forward. In developing countries such as Indonesia, English as a crucial role in all aspects of life, especially in science and technology. Others, can be used to develop relations in international fora and to strengthen the relationship between the nations of the world. Some things that could be considered the importance of English as improving global capability, where if a good understanding of the English language enough then someone will be able to understand the

Hafalang Eng Penting

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Page 1: Hafalang Eng Penting

In the era of globalization that is filled by the challenge and competition are super tight, everyone is required not only to have high levels of education, but also necessary to have a special ability, so-called skill. One of the skills most needed today is English. Where English has become one of the international language as verbal language to communicate. As well as the universal language of instruction used in almost every corner of the world.

What makes English is important in the era of globalization? Perhaps it is one of the many questions that arise in our minds after hearing the previous title. The answer to that question is very simple: because English has become the universal language used in the world of technology, education, politics, trade, and so on. This language is the most important communication tool, and like it or not, we have to learn for the sake of our future. Britain currently has a very dominating all aspects of communication. We can see almost all electronic devices using the English language. Most countries in Asia are also using English as 'Medium Instruction' or the use of English as a second language after their national language. for example, only the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia. Englishb is the communication tool most often used by the world.

English is the international language and is one of the most popular and most frequently spoken in the world of technology and information. We need to know English to learn the subject or computer language. We need to know English to communicate effectively with developed countries. English is very important and needed in all areas. for people struggling in the global world if it wants to grow and do not run in the same place. By mastering the English language, people can communicate more so that the insights in information technology will be more open. Similarly, by having the ability to communicate in English is one of the great capital of the world to step in and face the technological advances that are always moving forward. In developing countries such as Indonesia, English as a crucial role in all aspects of life, especially in science and technology. Others, can be used to develop relations in international fora and to strengthen the relationship between the nations of the world.

Some things that could be considered the importance of English as improving global capability, where if a good understanding of the English language enough then someone will be able to understand the condition of globalization because there are many foreign terms that have been used. Also increase the potential and quality of self. Someone who has the skills in a foreign language will usually be more confident in public spaces, in addition to support better living standards with their own qualities and abilities. Another role of the importance of English is expanding its international network. No doubt that a person who has foreign language skills will be able to socialize and communicate well throughout the world.To conclude, one of the main reasons why poeple have to learn the English language in everyday life because the English language is essential equipment to have a job. In this era, many people are unemployed even though they have a degree. This is because they do not have the soft skills.

Page 2: Hafalang Eng Penting

Dalam era globalisasi yang diisi oleh tantangan dan kompetisi yang super ketat, semua orang dituntut tidak hanya memiliki tingkat pendidikan yang tinggi, tetapi juga diperlukan untuk memiliki kemampuan khusus, biasa disebut keterampilan. Salah satu keterampilan yang paling dibutuhkan saat ini adalah bahasa Inggris. Di mana bahasa Inggris telah menjadi salah satu bahasa internasional sebagai bahasa verbal untuk berkomunikasi. Juga sebagai bahasa universal instruksi yang digunakan di hampir setiap sudut dunia.

Apa yang membuat bahasa Inggris penting di era globalisasi? Mungkin itu adalah salah satu dari banyak pertanyaan yang muncul dalam pikiran kita setelah mendengar judul sebelumnya. Jawaban untuk pertanyaan yang sangat sederhana: karena bahasa Inggris telah menjadi bahasa universal yang digunakan dalam dunia teknologi, pendidikan, politik, perdagangan, dan sebagainya. Bahasa ini merupakan alat komunikasi yang paling penting, dan suka atau tidak, kita harus belajar demi masa depan kita. Inggris saat ini memiliki sangat mendominasi semua aspek komunikasi. Kita bisa melihat hampir semua perangkat elektronik menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Sebagian besar negara di Asia juga menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai 'Medium Instruksi' atau menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua setelah bahasa nasional mereka. misalnya, hanya Filipina, Singapura, dan Malaysia. Englishb adalah alat komunikasi yang paling sering digunakan oleh dunia.

Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa internasional dan merupakan salah satu yang paling populer dan paling sering diucapkan di dunia teknologi dan informasi. Kita perlu tahu bahasa Inggris untuk belajar subjek atau bahasa komputer . Kita perlu tahu bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan negara negara maju. Bahasa Inggris sangat penting dan di butuhkan di segala bidang . bagi orang bergelut di dunia global jika ingin tumbuh dan tidak berjalan di tempat yang sama. Dengan menguasai bahasa Inggris, orang dapat berkomunikasi lebih lanjut sehingga wawasan di bidang teknologi informasi akan lebih terbuka. Demikian pula, dengan memiliki kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu modal besar untuk melangkah di dunia dan menghadapi kemajuan teknologi yang selalu bergerak maju. Di negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia, bahasa Inggris sebagai peran penting dalam semua aspek kehidupan, terutama dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Lain, dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan hubungan di forum internasional dan untuk memperkuat hubungan antara bangsa-bangsa di dunia.

Beberapa hal yang bisa menjadi pertimbangan pentingnya bahasa Inggris seperti meningkatkan kemampuan global, di mana jika pemahaman bahasa Inggris yang baik cukup maka seseorang akan dapat memahami tentang kondisi era globalisasi karena ada banyak istilah asing yang telah digunakan . Juga meningkatkan potensi dan kualitas diri. Seseorang yang memiliki keterampilan dalam bahasa asing biasanya akan lebih percaya diri dalam ruang publik, selain untuk mendukung standar hidup yang lebih baik dengan kualitas sendiri dan kemampuan. Peran lain dari pentingnya bahasa Inggris adalah memperluas jaringan internasional. Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa seseorang yang memiliki keterampilan bahasa asing akan dapat bersosialisasi dan berkomunikasi dengan baik di seluruh dunia.

Untuk menyimpulkan, salah satu alasan utama mengapa poeple harus belajar bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari karena bahasa Inggris adalah peralatan penting untuk memiliki pekerjaan. Di era ini, banyak orang yang pengangguran meskipun mereka memiliki gelar. Hal ini karena mereka tidak memiliki soft skill.