Habitual or repeated past action

Habitual or repeated past action. VOCABULARY. Clothes. Listen and practice. wordpron.Spanish a shoe/a shu/un zapato a shirt/a shirt/una camisa a sweater/a

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Habitual or repeated past action Slide 2 VOCABULARY. Clothes. Listen and practice. wordpron.Spanish a shoe/a shu/un zapato a shirt/a shirt/una camisa a sweater/a suerer/ un suter a tie/a tai/una corbata a skirt/a skert/una falda a dress/a dres/un vestido a blouse/a blaus/una blusa pants/pans/pantalones a suit/a sut/un traje Clothes Slide 3 PRONUNCIATION. Plural nouns. Listen and practice. 1./s/ 2. /z/3. /iz/ shirts = shirt /s/ shoes =shoe /s/ blouses=blouse /iz/ jackets = jacket /s/ sweater=sweater /s/ dresses=dress /iz/ Slide 4 Reading: Read and listen to the advertisement from todays newspaper. Which clothes do you like? Other sale items today: childrens jackets and shoes. MENS AND WOMENS CLOTHES The Emporium A Great Clothes Store TODAY ONLY PRICE SALES All store open until midnight. Low, low prices! Brown at park Street store only. Other colors availables: black and yellow. Store locations: 27 Park Street The City Mall Central Station No phone orders. Slide 5 VOCABULARY. Foods: count nouns. Listen and practice. wordpron.Spanish an egg/an eg/un huevo an onion/an onion/una cebolla an apple/an apol/ una manzana an orange/an oranch/una naranja a lemon/a lemon/un limn a banana/a banana/un pltano a tomato/a tomeiro/un jitomate a potato/a poteiro/una papa a pepper/a peper/un pimiento beans /bins/ frijoles peas/pis/chicharos Food Slide 6 Read the next conversations. CONVERSATION 1 F: Look at those bananas. Theyre completely green! M: Youre right, get the apples. CONVERSATION 2 M: What is there for breakfast? F: Eggs M: Just eggs? F: Yes. Thats all we have. I need to go to the store. CONVERSATIONS 3 F: Im going to the store. What do we need? M: Hmm. Let me think Oh, yeah. We need onions and potatoes. CONVERSATION 3 M: What do you want to eat? F: an apple! M: Are you sure? F: Yup. Comprehension