, IS. M .-’EdWon THE I V 0 L r i6 . NO. 816. fu l l ’ s T a r i f l Provides P: ^“ Forsouitd CHICAGO CIVIC LEADER ge LOOMS AS NEXT MAYOR ^ CHIOAOO.'^prtl « («-P»trick A. NMb. 10 Twn old and a dTte Indw for baif a cratuir. appeared toQlflit to M acnired of MlecUoa u majror ot Ohlcago. From Uw (our DemocraUe inem* P aW bert of an aldennanla eommlttee oo canmltteM— wJourntof— ir—Hor — eprloss. Arkama*. am e a teletram I- Ufilni him to aeecpt the tXHlUon, nicteedlot tho lata A nt«> j J. Cennak. vtcUm ot an am u ld t bullet 1 PoUttoa) leader* lald ther belief* ed Naih'* electlon-probablr nest . M ondar-bj the elty eoundl woul4 ‘I probably VlU accept tfelee U O 'T T aald Math. ■ buUdlof ooutrueUon V\ Mder, and a po«ft. la national nemoeraUfl attain. ^ DAUGHTER OF SOCIALIST ^ LEADE? PUNS TO WED na pro* N IW YORK, AprU n On-Ur. ^**1! ted Urc Nonaui Vumu unottao. ^ ed t«dB7 tbe et«at*owat ot tbetr ' -•Idetl daufhurruary Oaen irB cr^jV >Krt O. uuier, )r. Columbtu. Ohio, - ,0 tormer Yale vanity footbaU player ^ IDd oow cecBpletlni hH latt rear at ^ vait'medlcal tebooL------- -— ^ni Mit* Thoma*. «ho*e father vaa Uie SoclalUt candidate for pred- ^ dent In 19U and 1B». 1* a.itudent at .h. Vamr. |Prt, ------------------------- luiei BOUND COPIES OF IDAHO I ___ :SESSlQN-LAW&IGfl_Oat!jaS , _____ iair BOISE, April 11 «V-Bound copie*, ^te< or the new teeilon Uvs enacted by tha »ute letUlature. were belnt <11»- trlbuted today by ^^e ottlee pf the fer •ecrctary ot lUte. . H “ UNDRESS" STASE ACTS 'jS AROUSE -PROSECUTORS % PORTIANO, April U (ffJ^War- rant* for the %rr«et of elcbt per- »on»> eoanected with a borle*Qu« ^ n t/» otflee today. Tba warranU to * . be *«rr«d U U r,..^ ty .attorney. *: aald ware lawd f^,l*q men Idea- "fj t b y re. two actor* and four fclcla. to** Uartba Randall, superinujf ent of the women'i proteetlva ^ TUlon, a* “not funny or witty fct'.U ^ »ug«e»tlv* and vuliiar." M lu r A - ®P*' ottlw atked the dty to take Am VJ -y tvo “uadrcM" acu.;. '^',^V»C?f*je chonu wtre "revolt-1^ ' ' ; _________________ *»hl( held DliGS ON LONG TREK ALLWEARMOCCASINS,^^ FORTFRASE^rllbih Columbia. April 11 (iPi —"Slim" WUllama, en route frotn SUver Clly. Alaska, to the Cltlcajo exposition, wa* bu»y to- pm, day fittlns bli^doR team with m o c - __ catln* to protect thetr teet. He a r-. < rlvcd here'Utt nlRht and expccl* to proceed by broken *ta(Ks, arriving r t f a t hi* next atop, 100 mile* a v a y ,ii'ii by SftiurdBy night. 1(JJJ ADOLF HITLER TAKES ' fl UP ADDITIONAL DUTIES U ------- BEHL!w.- npnntTffV=Cttani:ttiuf ''' AdoK Killer added the post ot Rov- ’ n ernof ot Prussia to his dulica loday, mann Wllhcim Ooerlnt, one of I t f e I principal NbiI leaders and minister ■ , without porttollo In the federal I I enblnct. to *frve ni premier of thei <tnte. ; The Hiller appolnlment a* gov- qi ernor was approved by the cabinet, it,, which atw named Oeneral Ffani ^ Ton Epp. another Nail. (0 serv« a* ena< tovemor nf Bavaria. The general Qgy ha* been aetlnjr aa lederal commls- ji^g sloner tor ifiat stale. Captain Qoer- tne <• Rome at present. ■"PROSRECTIVETIUSBANDS-^^ STAND MEDICAL TESTS p< _ byl AUSTIN, Texas, AprU 11 W) -• Teza* Mnate voted early tonight to “ 'I! repeal ihe tour-year-old «utute re- flutrlng thrte day* notice of Inten-1"“* Ion lo wed. commonly* known a-:^” ''' oe "tin marrUge" law. The vote wblBtoM. • » «nl TTia *en*te. however, voted to re- tain that part ot the law re<iulrln*l proepecUve bridegroom*'to paas a ’* ^ medical, aaalnaUon. ___ ___ the WIFEOF KING VIDOR " WINS DIVORCE SUIT ----- - eret L03 ANOELK April ]1 ~ A dtverce wa* granted today to S e ^ Tl nor Doardman. film actre**, after wh* .Ihe tesUlled she found her hus- teal iband. King Vidor, movle'dlrtctor ia h e « another vonun'* apartnwot In hU ot a dressing gown and lUppm. Tl , She uld-Vidor earn* “acrer lea* old than IW400 a piatoe,*' and makea nov tvo or three pIctuiM a yeu. kind — i ln a pfopcny-ietUeiMol UUa fern Boardman * u aUoved tbout OOO a Oi month for upkeep^ her ^ ly legli Htii« borne md >W a. mwUt for ' AnuSa, 8. and Belinda, J.' . ' sj,*r ^■ ^ p l e tn.rrW la ^ptember, beer 19M, tnd Kparaled last Juat, Ja|. 5 ' X W : = = ^ = : ^ ^ = s = s f (nni OT ' ff Policy 30-1 Protection |[ dlTidustriesi.il Secretary Makes secri Clear Statement Of Own Theories Cabinet Member Urges Op- ■ponenU ot~His Views ^ , i t Go Out and Interview 13,000,000 Unemployed f f ------- UUl <By The AiiocUted Preu) -r-rT-ASHnfOTOTfrAprUlI-Amer. V v Ica-s h?w urlff poUcy to bt »» Uunched during the forth- comlac WashlntWn^ ^ y iw S T t o m f f t w * t r Boeretary Oor- deU Hull a tte n d e d to deitroy no Mtnd Industrie* la thU eountry bot *““ J nther to ealablUh tbem on a more **At*SaBimo time the*ecretary of itata emptia*lied anew that regarn- Im of whether tha rtprtienlaUTei UUi ,e«.ieetnl.nalloni ara in WaihUig- eneo_1 toa at the lame time tbe forem- por ci meat propoaea to converse with then avdtl .h«.b. “ IS fbrmed that fonncrPremJerHerriot. • - • Prance, had morid up hi* nlUni r i n dat* tvo daya Izf order to Join In H L the Washington discussion* between LIUI IPm ldent Roosavelt and Prime Mln- luier UacOonald, Oreat Britain, j ^ near* CotopblaU ial not .being Indnded ta the 11 In- vlted to send special represpntatlTc*, U(sfh Becrelary Hull said he had not yet had opportunity to consider the mat- n. ter of extending the Ust of InvlU- re Re pobted oul lhat aU counlrle* Ml ; wUI bo given tuU opportunity to Join tha dUcuulon* throush their regu- lar diplomailo repreeenl^Tea hert t*ii Oolnt further Into tta. mattar l^lntemallootl-,trade, HBU ebar^ S 'u ?.! ]- ITotoodtoe«iat5^mtttie5- uclt of^beap^^orelgn labor to (be He remarked that person* taking ‘ ^ wllk the ISMOfiOO Amcrkaui wige " 1 ^ earneri who. ba lald. have been if£ .thrown out otempldymentunder Ihe operation ot the highest Uritt In jS.tlcnl.liW r).. . Fop every dollar ot curUllment ot ||:i American ImporU, Hull told repon- en ihnt trom M to »5 ot goods rt, which might have been exporti-d are held wllhin lh« couniry. roulbUUIt* of Ezebangt , There are many commodl'.lea, tbe i secretary conUnued. which could be ' exchanged with othen In return (or product* which the Unlled Siaits doc* not produce at aU or In lniu(- tlclent <iu»ntlty to meet demand. Products which thi* -country eould |J (Continued on Page a. Col. 1> «tilr » mmmm i liP iS llS ir ^14 C. Ben Ross Awaits Test m. : Case Belore Taklnj Actlonlu i l i On Numerous Requests « In the j ------ Inle BOISE. AprU 11 (/?>>-An increas- Ing volume o( requcsU (or a specUl (c, sestlon o( the Idaho legUlature to enact beer legislation (loved upon n i n i Oovemor Ross today but (rom uno(- Ilclal sources havo come Indlcailoni np th st It WU unli::ely he would call sueh a aesslon unlU tho supreme court h u ^ AvalU T *t U>e n Following upon a determlnaUon by the coun In the pending test case * brought In Jerome, the governor has Uiree major opUan*. . »|f„! If the court hold* that the law u J fWU 1no*- aTHtcn permlta sale o( per “ i‘*d Icent beer he miy call a special lei- I alon 10 enK t legUlaUon reguUtlng ! and taxing lU sale. *- 1( the court holds that iho present I lav prohlbiu lale ot beer. Ho m*y PHi?*" •ooi > special MMlon lo rtrUe Ihe >UV w pennll sale ot beer, because ^ the constitution prohlblU sale of “In- ^ toxlcaUnr liquor without speclty- ing any limit ot aleohoUe contenL A* an alleraaUve, he may decline DIMI to caU a specUl oeulon In either pp .' Doe* Not State Tenn Ths governor ha* not atated under 8AN vhat terms he would caU a ipecUl »V-T aeislon but said In an Intm lev that purotj he v u “considering the advUabllltr belong ot a special aesilon. I ! J. Rai supreme court la a 30-yur- annoy old ruling baa.beld Uiat tl Uie lav court < nov atands. It prohlblU ttl« of any tnt cr kind ot Bialt, vinous, iptrttoui or Jb* feminted U^uor,— .....................Haaloi Durint Uie past tvo veek* lereral Ura. t lefUlaton and many priraU dU- Uvt n i f ^ have untd Uie toreraor to call The *11 shart 1a Uie revenue from the sate ot It w beer lhat now Utotng toaarround-tlve 1 la t *t«tei. Ddliei. rg g ONLY ASS( T n f , TWINF^ H i iin [1 miBMiiii] flirM ffls : ____ Ume Secretary Perkins, Spokei* man for Administration, mue reel Endorses BIII to Put 6,000,000 Idle to Work ^ _____ tor . . ^ w>th (By The AaaoeUted Prets) rTT'ASmwoTQS.'Aprtnt=Tiea- s 'it V v ( n i letUUUon lor a 30-hour ^ * T T worklat week In Industry ap- >eartd cerUln tonlghi a* an admin- strallon tpoketman—Secretary Per- tInt-«ndor»ed the principle of the ^ lenaUWU. UUl Perklna, atter a conteru riUi SecreUry Roper aad 8enJ*r ire. announced, however, ahe would tcommend modUlcatlon* to make he legUlatlon “more workable.’ The >111 U dealtned to put 0.000.000 per- ^ J' wns back to wtvk. Considerable easing o( the restrlc- lorn provided ^ Um *en*U U In >rospcet to, make more eliiUc the “ ^ idmlnUtralloo of Uie al*-hour day J. ind-flve-day week. . GoealatoCenferenM UUs PerUn* wUl go Into confer- unUl mee tomorrow with Uio hixae la- iha a to"commltt«er 'vUch '‘haa'bwn on 5, ivalUnt a report trom the White ,very (Continued 00 Page 3, Coi 3) [ i n i i I .JlLlLELIiSj ------------------- 1_ ____________ actf ^flolher and Seven Children Perish When Fire Levels „JS Minnesota Farm Home ^ HARRIS, Uinn^ April 11 («) - rlln Bgbt peraoni. the moU»r anl sev- • Ull m-dflErenrwertf-bBtoed-to-death: fitp tt» faUier was mUdng tcdiihl. L U i4'(lr« destroyed Utelr farm homo I Ull !eor ;nlles -northeast et hert early "TSodeadSr ^ ^ U M . ALSIN JORNSON Uilnji .^«AROU> JIBM80N. 10. army ''Sm^ttlJOnNSOK! 7. ' . Idk DOROTHY J0IIK60N, s. ers < - BEBW C E JO R NBOW. 1 ------------- PTSUr L88TER JOHNSON, Z. that JAMM J0KN80N.« montll* old. Th<bodle*otMn.Johnwnandlhc ihlldrrn were found late today In the rulni. bul no trace coiiW be tound 2,“" ' X the father* body. Deputy Coroner A. O. Stark, Har- •U. who conducted an InvMtlRatlon. ledared tonlRht he believed no mort jodle* remained In the ruins. , . Confer* With PrMecalor Instc Stark tonlBht u-enl to Center City ‘nR 1 « confer wllh Counly Altomey s, B. ‘Ofe-’ iVennerbcrg lo determine what ------ ;oune of Inve*Ugatlon would be _ :aken. Stark anld an Inqurtl'would « held al HarrU tomorrow mornlnir. ind Indicated county oXIelaU prob-' ibly «-ould take a htnd In Uie ease. Ottlclal* tonlghi were nl a lo.« to ;xplaln how the (Ire »tarted. A nelgh- )or. Ragnor Krantc, living leu than I hal( mile from the Johwon tarm, ru the flnl to retch the Kene. He lald Uie (Ire had Rtlncd tueh hcad- ray II wa* Impossible to oKer any ' luUtance to lu oecupanti, and that he whole structure collniwd short- y after hU arrival, - _______________ One Stove In House H 3:30 by nelghbon who trrlved too ale at the burning itructure to save tny o( IU occupanU, The only stove n the house stood In the kitchen. Intending to move to another louse today, Uio (tmUy slept latt (Continued on ^ e 3. Col 3) ' DARROW PLEADS CAUSE OF CONVICTED YOUTH SPRW0PIEU3. Ill.^nrll U (® ___ =CTarehce Darrow argued~l>efor* he nilnoU board o( pardont and larolea today Uiat the deaUi pen- ilty thould not be Indicted (or a Time of adoIe»cence. Ke pleaded for the life of Russell klcWllIlams. Rock(ord. llllnoli, who ailed a man during a robbery when le was IT yeara old and has been lenienced to electrocution three Imei In SO monUii. Crusading again against ctpIUl wnUhment. Darrow said: "The tllllnt o( children should be agaUist he policy of the slatt" and asked hat yount UcWUiiams' sentence be ommuted to Ute Imprisonment. DIMINUTIVE MENAGERIE PRODUCES LITIGATION 8AN JUAN. Puerto Rico. April 11 <?V-The 64 caU, eight dogi. two larroU. oa« rootttr and three hena lelontlnt to ProhiblUon Dlreetor A. L R uloa and bU wife must not mnoy the oelthbon. Uie dUtrlet w rt^ tre d today la a reft^ - Tb* caort tUo ordered Uiat Uw Ualona-maat-not-addreM-Ur.-aad ifra. Arturo Rodlguei Aguayo, who Ivt next door, or Ibeir tetraatt. the lult v u (tarted by theae nelgh- wi . .. .J— ____ It wa* tedlfled'Uiat Uie dlmlnu- L Ive meoaseria eauied frightful idlies. tSo'ciATSD PRESS NEWS ^ALL FALLS. IDAHO. WEDNESDAY ! Shaw Smdihes On First New (By Tb« AMoclated Pren> day t -NEW-VOMfc-April-U— Oeem- dsoo. «nard 8btv cam* to kxaaW* mteat mitnppU* tor Um (M ak^ aw todrg*— tnd wiihia aa bour |gm 1 a had broken tU rule* fjr tr- pjct < iTing oaletriUe*. «ral Hm Ikyllnt IntereiKd hlat to causls IUe ba nfuitd to walk » ftw aeat. wl acroaa UM ahip to tak* » Aa eek. Ua ■ Tbe formality of being later* Udpai lewed IntaMted.hlm to mtl«.JM terrtei randed bImieU “deaf tn d dnmb prtnle >r UM momaat.*' and v e n t on opinio ith bU bretkfait . “I t He eT«L|Ot out of Uie formlOity ing. b tluSilng linine''anr*ubttQtttr when’ i a cuttomi examination— the tutlly (tleen went to hU. sUUi«m In nd flnUhed tbelr buslneu with wat q i«t tbere. "I AUSH rar Sbodi "Jj New Vork htd been aU aet to laiera a ahocked by tha Irish dram atlit "Wl: haw-had-aald-aome-haiah-thtBt* »«-‘hi txMit America and Hew Vork la than trtlcuUr and only a week ago —— e oUted Quito frankly that Nev ortt would be “told a lot" wben e arrived. Pfll But UlU WM hU sole mMtaga- J»|, reply to a note tent to him by UUI group of rtporien anxloua for U opinion; “The New Vork preu tnay retora . J ) IU tiretldea and nurse Um baby f I atu tomorrow morning, except f la.anterpridngjccllon.vhlch.ctme 1 board at Havana and dUcuaied n .n f ,-erylhlnf wiUi me tor an boor Oaill 3d 40 mlnutea. . “Today I ara la trtInlng:for~the - OU le'lr^poHtta oper* hou»e tanllht nd may be rtgarded u deaf tnd tU imb for the moment Uy regreU nd apologlea." Tha reporter who banded Shtw w-, le pretr mesiage, and oUktb « uo l£tf_8Qd_d«ml»:L<l»«MllUL^ thaOJ He prop* a book up before b ln <1^1 , hlle he hat hU vegeUrian br^k- p_ >*t aon. I HU current literary Intereat. U ogun pton Sinclair'* “WUUam Po*-*^ eqmpi He had hU beard trimmed er«y eycle: Que dl — — -------------------------------The imOIIIFTPLtS iifiiiiEininiiiiS! _____ . of ret -BQmE.--APTH l l -W H {yaii* t o —jQJf sing 8000 men of the Rooeeveit Job not f] rmy cere drafted today by foreit* alflca: rs o( wulhwetwm..and,.cental 1 dalio ibdarand tbmororw'foftjt-jh« ■ r» ot ettwra Idaho wtll meet In tteal ; TScmino-matrilmllar-plimt-forKUoa-* hat tmllory. Dana Parkinson, Ogden. aulsttiH fSlonal larMter. tald Uie plana are nccew lurely l«iittlve u no IntormaUon 1 ras nvtirnble at to tho number ot j ] iicn to br iiulgned to Idaho or to' ny psrtleular (oreat. However, the 1 >Ians were dni.wn up (or orgnnlza- jcarch Ion o( tevrrtl camps In each (drest of the or trail building, bridge building,! lutct conlrol. lungus control.Jay- 7-tie (iR o( telephone lines and bulldlnR ore.itrj' entiln.i. (Ci Another One Of -ANDvottN YOU aiT n«pi RU*4 ©tfIJWt ^ 0 CNW& ^ DOHt* THB STBKK pirrtiMO. UP The sckeerV ASHES CWT o n -me . ^ IVie ALU OUT OK -----------W AMD iOW UUT'rffll ANO PITT TWIHiS SfcCK !► gy TUA .T TlMt M*V[}B ' »i,VE. VOU M E lP US VUA AMD KAMA tMB RtCrirt g»t^ T » « t » < y AMV »USi aw^%cB/ ___ - W WSPAPER IN TWIN FALI .S BA iY MORNING. A PR IL 1 2 ,1D33 2 s All Rules AK fl ) York Visit [][ lay on Uie way from San R aa- a * Nerrea* H Although he h u addrved mUl- ins from the plaUom. UM pna- - eet of (telnt an audlaac«.ot aer- ral Uiousand Nev Yorken> vat NSVa tuslot him eooilderabl* nerroui- PI' la steamship oompaay htd ta - ni dpaled Shaw* n (u itl U> be la- srvkwed and had preptrad a Jonf p., rtnled resume of Um playvrightl ^11 pinkms. “I never lakl that; therel noUi- ;g.to It,’ was ShaVa oommant il (hen-SskMnrOM-JpThWOirie- y —A ully lud been expressed by him. j , pi In IhU prinUd “interrlaw" he •*-»Ui V quoted u taylng: darkni "I (tnd Aneiletna extraordin- of 3S 1 rlly murtaUnt, but tbey haven't wUh 1 one anjUiln* yet to JuiUty my penny ileitsf' I*’* I'J When Uie Unltad SUtea tack- witl *-the-Jol»-lt-wm-f®-much-farUMr m II ott u n Ruatla. We aUp Uito tfta - smith — the tu (ConUnued On Page S. CoL 1> iCEiriii % . u a I ' .................... rrrr-- ........ ................ uUW lalllomla Professor Pro- S fJ duces Coldest Tempera- ture Yet Creat'edliy Man —_ la Uie BERKEUfY,Cal,Aprmi(«V-At- ^ J ! ilnment of Un coldest tempenture 5 ;““' et created by maa. 4M.1 below a m ahrenhdtrvu tnaounecd todayat ttU achleremenl of Profe**or W. '. ouuijue, auUted by O. P. Nei- an. mechanician, tnd D. P. Uae- lougall. rt*e*rch taaUtant, w u ae- tmplUhed by Uie uae of a magnellc rcle proceu vhkh Phiteaeor OUo- ue developed. (C( The mwt r**ched ii wlUUa JS de- rea cenUgrade ot the abtolute >>>* n n il cnee of heat Tha tnaperaUne Uin- S M ;nltely colder Uiaa Uttt of Uquld UUll ny point yet obUUied by proceaiea Cf iTolvini previooily taiovn meUiod* ffl t refrigenUon. isti ;jrai ot ipecuUU do UI8 pracOftal t l f Pita , Ifleaaca of bir tpproacb to tba*> 8» w iU un, expcriaenlen tenertUy "Ch* S e heM Uiat-iiUatnment e( pw«r *tadoi leal lero Is eatentlal to th* *olu« airf » |i»^ prob- Clerl -ms. TtgOte Amoac Uie Uieorle* advanced U Hf tial Um practleal absence of heal U 17;Ka; ecessary as a prellmlnaiy to Um Bole reallon of a perfect vacuum. That UtUa 1 *w lov tempenture* c*n be *p- » lied to the manufacture o( tuper- hind t «1 and thtt thU laboratory re- enth f jtrch wUI contribute to the ttudy U^ ( the ilructure o( tho atoru, Ketallle Rement "ie lei The tubJtanefe cooled by Profeisor ^ » (Continued on Page 3, Col. 9) to t ^ Of Those “Made-Work” 1 For The Idle' n«pucHiM(>«TMoie IM«THD4A00C0 9C«n«W, ^ ■OKM . VrWDOWfi JiHO /J/^ Ir5.W J C*>< CA*WV //J S . ^ tMB CBU*.R.T.«M .'A :K IHCBI*K.,SOUT . " a ’a M StR n ’ I M f™ UB V«tL ee SrttON TO 1 ^ 1 / lU f' t \«A£H WOODWC»«K ^ J M V rrusEc.YUutA.vvBue-l aUSlNKJATTHS ** ^ p |n flopyrigbt. IW . hjf .U* ILS COUNTY VILY tn n siviK Sc iELATE Cm* F -8T0RIEfflF-Kl|-J ival Court Inquiry Hears Picturesque Description Q j 01 Final Moments Before Dirigible Struck Water . £ ^ ~ for Tl (By The Asaodaled Preu) —AKEH0R8T. y.~7-rAprmi=A , picture ot Um mammoth dlrig- ^ ™ ■•Ible Akron dropping Uirough ®»rba< rkneuwlUiiubowupatanangle of noi 3$ degree* and hItUng the water “ frli Ih a craah “llio *teppln« on a ««'de nny box of matchei,“ w u given t nanl court Imiulry today. BU ith second cUu. told hU stosy of ' ^ tUght Uiat cott 73 llve^ nie (lender Erwui wu one of nrincli ree survlvon ot the dUuter In {^ k I > Ailtnllc oft New Jeney a week 0 last Uonday night. BEM Crvln Joined Richard E. Deal. Arkan tuwaln. In teUlng ot the break- fett't' { of the loatlludlnal glrden and wlUi G s ateep Incline ot the lU-tated air- uUna Ip toUowlng what both deecrlbed vwHur a Urrldo “gust of wind." BoUi d.tbey htd lo Ertb.glrden.to.puU .. gio imtelve* up the catwalk toward Pretid 9 bow and Erwin eitlmated the n ^ t gift w u about 35 d e g m . _____ n-><^ SoUi'. too. letUfled Uie tin t break I t l l the structure ot tbe Ihlp occurred iV l Uie air foUowlng Uie gutl Uiey •crlbed. whereu, Lieutenant Com- inder H. V. Wiley, tha UUrd tur- IR 'or, changing hU opinion, tald the ilU rhe-brtak-Ttacribed-by*thr-two ------ Uited men w u 'ln longitudinal Cani, den numben 7 tnd 8, thoae gird- vcpit 1running leagUiwiae of Um dlrii- q , e. on the right hand aide midway fil tveen.tba bottom and top. Oeal (Continued oa PaV a.'coL'af” ]yT0iliiT0ii.c.H Tmnpcoflig ; ___________— _ Oft™ VABHINOTOH, AlUU .11 (/H '' tmugt Ul a . King, 3t-year-oU. ton ot Uln p Btft^'WlUitm H. King, Otah, te- fodt 1 iht plunged froia ii seveath floor trade idewof UieBltek*t»Mhotal.lWi lng-|i i v u intlanUy kUled. .. nerkt at Uie bote] tald K lat bad j :K««rIhWaboura-weekTtoT U turvlved by a vldov and t year-old dtugbUr. S lolel employe* u ld tbey kaev Je aboul the tragedy except Uiat ; body w u found la on tUey be- id the hotel, underneath hU aer> :h floor window. to . WUlltm a King, wife of Uie lator. v u deeply attected when J L :" >learned of her ton'* deaUi. She " d tho did not know whether ire vould be any rtaton for him taka hla ova Ufe. ........ .. .............. • buihol veined ’ Programs , ”* -- The finUh ----- ----- - - . > fc.bUll tembe BO^ I arerat ' J boroug m e N nr Vork Tribune, Xoa, ctuden ') NE\ m m i M AUDtT B t m u n o r CIBCTmTIOTO senator Boral For Immedial ToAssis^Mc WASHINGTON IcaU aAPP^INGS Exi (By She Aiaodated Prtu) i ' BILLS w m introduced In te a . A2 e and houM to ctny out Prtal* ° M Booaevett’a reoommeadaUoot r Tenne**ee rlrer badn deretop- FEDErA Harold Lou« Bcl rbact'Saa naDcUeo, enten plet not guUty before tenau aluing Sof trial jury on houae impeachment ___ App REFRXaENTATITI Btnkhead, •mocnt, AUUma. v u atricken iU ter cpming for admlnUtraUon > finnnotlgi^feriaancIHrm Til??? BKCairrAET PerkUi* endoraea W t «oui. ___ SENATOR Roblnton. Democrat, kantu, praUe* Pretldent Rooao-, w eu n It * White Hou*e record In debate ■'o" th Senaton Long, Democnt. Lou- Evlde ana, and Roblnton, RepabUeao. betweec dlana. Demoo -------- Um let BCOBTTAllY- Roper-(ubmlte to,Ohalrm eiident ROoievdt plant for traoi- eommiti lUtloa bureau In commerce de- tecUoni rtment _______ Pl»n. IIEPKolllg \ PIT AT CIMg iptember Delivery Values tw. Rise 30 Per Cent Slnoe ! ^ Chanoe in Administration ------- ^ CU OHIOAOO, Aprti 11 M W m e rl- n Wheat farmen found UmIt crop 0.000 loday In almoat ;»Uiing f la t 7 ’^ , A lamp of Ito IH Mau a butbel ’ ' Uie price of wheat on Uje board tnde on Uu opening ffliuoU m » pounding *urf ivept tbe 100- dt high roQtt'ot'ttt intrd ,c( No OtfSdal Arterftra&ea a -w t Ul* trtd*tt-tawrw.4o-tfcei: nooDo pvenimenl crop report; itaued Itto m en u sterday, forecutUir t wheat erop chaUmi uller Uian any tlaca I901 ll w ta comoii » t reply t« nporta (rom "Wuh- Bmlth gtoa Uiat Uiere would ba B0 offl< and n U iatarennea wiUi gnts prtM «*tN c Umi OQ eftldal f l f M efenrtB» 8.000,000 butheU of wheat la blot ^ 1tann* In the United StittM, eacb Thil n t of the advance InciTaaed the today it value of wheat tl,7 S 0 m featum The otfldtl estimate on Uie aizo prosnc tbe w h n t crop w u 334.000.000 achieve itheU which w u only Pxi00,000 Appn iiheU In eicceu ot the crop har* ellmlnt ated lo 190i Lul-year'a harvwt from b I*. 4«3,000WJ busheU. _ _ _ _ _ _ ered,_li Adnnca Of g'Cenia r Tho upw-ing today, which al tho lUh ranged trom IH to 3H centa buthd on wheat, carried tho Sep- mber delivery to 63H cenU a itheL ThU U aa advanoe of 8 nU In Uie lait week and 10 centa i'j!,? ” ice Matth 28. Taking Ibe dote March I aa b* bat^ wheat prieea have aeer- d a gain «( 14H oeaU a baahd. leariy W per eent on Uia Sep. epreteoU wheat which b u yat to e btrretted. The Hay dellTerr. car. b u tbomi a maxlmsm rlae t 13 eenu a botbd. Utlng 14 oenU a bushel u tbe ertge rise for aH gradea and op- ms. Amerian wheat grower* at* . lay worth approximately >33.000.. (ConUnued On Page 9, OoL 7) sens YRfLlENKING MAKES REPORTON LIQUIDATION «..> _____ He ( BOISE, Ajiril 11 MV-Mw. M yrtle iklw.TUtrtreararer.-tonouncea lay that she htd "ll<juld»l*d“ aU ddetn t »2SOO o( the 1100,000 In check* ' “ “ J!** 0 received during Uie bank hoH- The checks were received In pay- ttll of property laxeii, for Incomo *"* ,d gusollne Uxc* *nd oUier reve- , *1. famet Virtually all Uie ones remaining [f icolleeted. the iitlij. were draw n " ‘’ iL?’ . various North Idsho btnk* which j*"* e erpecled to be opened during e next 30 d»y», IRST LADY ESCORTS ' ' GUARD TO HOSPITAL Setion' _ _ . could b YONKERS, N. V.. April 11 UTh- rs. Ptanklln' D. Roo«Velt w u an ff ur 1tl« (or a ipeaklng engage- rnt todty bectuse a moUircyclo " lUeman taorilng her autothoblle \t injured In an accident and ahe P™' lUted 00 accompanying him U> a S lice'diet Oeorga Dobba, Cro- PRICE 1. her escort, c»ught the front | leel of hU m otor^ In t itreet- ' r track and vaet-Abrown.-: T h t tddent^ WUB nmtiaed wltii him B0I81 Uie emetfency vtrd et 8t crease 1 lepb'* hotplUl until It WM aaeer> be effec ned ^ had luffered only c u t a |m a ^ men Ihe conltaued' to 8c ^ | Furth migh. Where the addrtued the Udpate< idenU of Uie Searborougti achooL ery mat ...^ TODAY : aogdyi S PAGES f t CENTS ih Pleads ite Action [ortgagotg— aU For Currency Expansion Sounds. 4gain in Congress idence of Widening Breach Between Whlfe'House anil Some Democratlo Solons Appears on Senate Floor Br DON J. EIBKICT V ASKINOTOIT. - Ion demand* for currency ex* paniioa to floal the fanaer . of Um bog of hU lov price uble* touaded la boUi honae aad j U lod*y u Uie tdmlnUUtUon Icultural reUef program ctambi* along lU path. Mdenc* ot a vldeaUig brttdt ween Uia White Houie tad aoma nocraUo tenator* appeared on I lenaU floor In rBltertUoa by airman Sailth of tta agrlcaitura........ omiUee of hoitUlty toward tome Uont of Uie Rootevelt ftrm aid n. VhUe U» lenate roared to vigor. m»btt«=ttticr-tBd'eooatwii»- ------- k Uut embraced tba entire oaerelt prognm -the houae. by t- e of 2M to 130, UmitM debate U10 n,000j]00,000 tdmlnUtnUon rlgagft-nflnandng 'program to ht houn tnd exduded tOMod. Preeagee Paaaaga %U preiAged pauage tomornnr emooo, hut Uie chaaeaa of aeaate' voral by the ead of Uie week imed. UpreienUUre BoUeau. BepobU- 1 , WlMonila. urging expansion of I currency la tbe hou*e. told mben thal unleaa the ao-called mer carrency-moitgago aid pro- lal were p w ^ 8W W 0 fyniCT- . ind *trike, Jnder Um Frailer plan, tdvoott.: ^ a e i u ^ f t y lCT.^nBpubUcta. tjrad P ^ e n ' UnWi; Jt U prt>-” ^ wd tol»ue.ttTTnierto nflnano* S u t l v * ^ tim ta of the house. *grletiltar« noiaee, whUe . in Uie «anate, Ilth (timed lofUUon -oc^aarr d tald Uie admUiUtnUoa ttA tit oDiy vlUi “(ynptent'* Od* Along m* m<i *en*te got along (Urly Uy with tbe non-eoatronaUB iture* of Uie admlnlstraUon fa ia ignm. Here ara tto mata ilevemenU of the day: Ipproved agriculture commlUee nln*tloa of cattle and ibeep m bailo commodlUe* to be oov. d, leaving wheat, eottoa eom.. U.-rkertobacS-and-daIiy-i»£I------- cU ’asied numerous olalrfying lendnenta, none important, aaa jrovtd tuUiorily for Secntair lUtee to lower tbe prooeuing tax U,J“bm “ openUon* [hese Ui'ingt done. It reached the called Slmpton cott of produc- n gutranty plan-where the day^ rk ended. rhe pltn. written Into tta bfll t advocated by John A. Slmpeon. - tuldmt ct Uu National Ptrmeia’ Ion, would permit fixing of t nimum price to insure the farmer ) coet of prodnetloa on that in ot hU crop going Into the neetlo market. Senator Borab, BepnbUcan. Ida- 1 , took Uia floor U ter In tbe day. (cr tbe row ortr adalnUtratlea [bUUen, and pleaded for pau- e o( Ihe ftrm bill tomorrow. He ttld be nodenleod three on blUi were to be broagbt np netrow aDd‘lf~lbe 'ftlui~blIl~U letncked *2*ln a rote would be Uyed Inderittlldy, Tb* mortftf* ttflaanelar ae- m alone," be lald. ‘'oocbt te td ns to a ip«e^ dlipoaJiloa of 0 mettore. “Ilandml*. of Uiouand* ef m en ar* d*Uy coming dotely, not telodly lo Uie lo*e of ttadr ime*. *Tbe reflnandng •odlen* wiil Ing bnmedlate reUefaad Uial eaoi uvlng Uie bonxa aod rm* et many farmer*.'' lenalor Reed. Republican, Penn-., iranlt, luggetled If Uie mortgnfe Uon were teparated. that feature :ld be patted today, lorah u ld he would llk« to ha\'» t dbne because'he woold be n - ' «d trom approving tho other tec- It, bul he ttld Uie DomocnUe , len were opposed to tepanUnr . | provUIonr for separate dediiO!j- IICE OF BUTTERFAr. INCREASES AT BOISE iOI8E-Ap*lliM»HAl.e*a» to------- -- ue tn Uie price of truUtrfat vflt Itrther lium iM tn p ^ tre paled In UM near fututr. cretn* aunt|tn rtported,

H i i i n [1 2s AKfl [][iELATE Cm* F -8T0RIEfflF-Kl|-J a m

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, I S . M.-’EdWon

T H EI V 0 L ri6 . NO. 816.

f u l l ’ s T a r i f l P ro v id e s P:

^ “ F o rs o u itdCHICAGO CIV IC L E A D E R g e


CHIOAOO.'^prtl « (« -P » tr ic k A. NMb. 10 T w n old and a dTte In d w for baif a c ra tu ir . appeared toQlflit to M acnired of MlecUoa u majror ot Ohlcago.

From Uw (our DemocraUe inem* P aW bert of an aldennanla eommlttee oo

— canmltteM — wJourntof— i r — H or — eprloss. Arkama*. a m e a teletram I-

U filni him to aeecpt the tXHlUon, nicteedlot tho lata A n t« > j J. Cennak. vtcUm ot an a m u ld t b u lle t 1

PoUttoa) leader* lald ther belief* ed Naih'* electlon-probablr nest

. M o n d a r-b j the elty eoundl woul4

‘ I probably VlU accept t f e l e e U O 'T T aald Math. ■ buUdlof ooutrueUon V \ M der, and a po«ft. la national nemoeraUfl a ttain . ^



N IW YORK, AprU n On-Ur. ^**1! t e d U rc Nonaui V um u u n o tta o . ^ ed t«dB7 tbe e t«at*ow at ot tbetr

' - • Id e t l d a u fh u rru a ry Oaen i r B c r ^ j V >Krt O. uuier, ) r . Columbtu. Ohio, - , 0 tormer Yale vanity footbaU player ^ IDd oow cecBpletlni hH la tt rea r a t ^vait'm edlcal tebooL------- -— ^ n i

Mit* Thoma*. «ho*e father vaa Uie SoclalUt candidate for pred- ^ dent In 19U and 1B». 1* a.itudent a t .h . V a m r. |P rt,

------------------------- luieiB O U N D C O PIE S O F IDAHO I

___ :S E S S lQ N - L A W & I G f l_ O a t! ja S, _____ i a i r

BOISE, April 11 «V-Bound copie*, te< or the new teeilon U vs enacted by tha »u te letUlature. were belnt <11»- trlbuted today by ^^e ottlee pf the fer •ecrctary ot lU te. •

. H


rant* fo r the %rr«et o f elcbt per- »on»> eoanected with a borle*Qu« ^

n t /» otflee today. Tba warranU to * . be *«rr«d U U r , . . ^ t y .attorney.*: aald ware la w d f ^ , l * q men Idea- " f j

t b y re. two actor* and four fclcla. “

to** U artba Randall, s u p e r in u j f en t of the women'i proteetlva ^ TUlon, a* “not funny or witty f c t ' .U ^ »ug«e»tlv* and vuliiar." M lu r A - ®P*'

o ttlw atked the d ty to take Am VJ -y > » tvo “uadrcM" a c u .;. '^ ',^V »C ?f* je chonu wtre "revolt-1 '

' ; _________________ * »hl(held


A L L W E A R M O C C A S IN S ,^ ^

FO R T F R A S E ^ rllb ih Columbia.April 11 (iPi — "Slim" WUllama, en route frotn SUver Clly. Alaska, to the Cltlcajo exposition, wa* bu»y to- pm,day fittlns bli^doR team with m o c - __catln* to protect thetr teet. He a r - . < rlvcd here 'U tt nlRht and expccl* to proceed by broken *ta(Ks, arriving r t f a t hi* next atop, 100 mile* a v a y , i i ' i i by SftiurdBy night. 1 (JJJ

A D O L F H IT L E R T A K E S ' fl


------- BEHL!w.- npnntTffV=Cttani:ttiuf ' ' 'AdoK Killer added the post ot Rov- ’ n ernof ot Prussia to his dulica loday,

mann Wllhcim Ooerlnt, one of I t f e I principal NbiI leaders and minister ■ , without porttollo In the federal I I enblnct. to *frve ni premier of thei <tnte. ;

The Hiller appolnlment a* gov- qi ernor was approved by the cabinet, it,, which atw named Oeneral Ffan i ^ Ton Epp. another Nail. (0 serv« a* ena< tovemor nf Bavaria. The general Qgy ha* been aetlnjr aa lederal commls- ji^g sloner tor ifiat stale. Captain Qoer- tne <• Rome a t present.

■ " P R O S R E C T IV E T IU S B A N D S -^ ^

ST A N D M ED IC A L T E S T S p<_ • b y l

AUSTIN, Texas, AprU 11 W) -• Teza* Mnate voted early tonight to “ 'I ! repeal ihe tour-year-old «utute re- flutrlng thrte day* notice of Inten-1"“* Ion lo wed. commonly* known a-:^” '' ' o e " tin marrUge" law. The vote w b lB to M . • » «nl

TTia *en*te. however, voted to re- tain th a t part ot the law re<iulrln*l proepecUve bridegroom*'to paas a ’* ^ medical, aaalnaU on.

___ ___ the


----- - eretL 03 ANOELK April ]1 ~ A

dtverce wa* granted today to S e ^ Tl nor Doardman. film actre**, after wh*

.Ihe tesUlled she found her hus- tea l iband. King Vidor, movle'dlrtctor ia h e « another vonun'* apartnwot In hU ot a dressing gown and lU ppm . Tl, She uld-Vidor earn* “acrer lea* old than IW400 a piatoe,*' and makea nov tv o or three pIctuiM a y e u . kind

— i ln a pfopcny-ietU eiM ol UUa fern Boardman * u aUoved tbout OOO a Oi month for u p k e e p ^ her ^ l y legli Htii« borne m d >W a. mwUt for

• ' A n u S a , 8. and Belinda, J . ' . ' sj,*r ^ ■ ^ p l e tn .rrW la ^ptem ber, beer 19M, tn d Kparaled last Ju a t, J a |.

5 ' X W := = ^ = : ^ ^ = s = sf ( n n i OT '

f f P o licy 30-1 P ro tection | [ dlTidustriesi.ilSecretary Makes secri Clear Statement Of Own Theories

Cabinet Member Urges Op- „ ■ponenU ot~His Views ^

, i t Go Out and Interview 13,000,000 Unemployed f f

------- UUl<By The AiiocUted Preu)

-r-rT-ASHnfOTOTfrAprUlI-Amer.V v Ica-s h?w u r lf f poUcy to bt » » Uunched during the forth-

comlac WashlntWn^ ^ y i w

S T t o m f f t w * t r Boeretary Oor- deU Hull a t t e n d e d to deitroy no M tnd Industrie* la thU eountry bot *“ “ J n th e r to ealablUh tbem on a more

**At*SaBimo time the*ecretary of ita ta emptia*lied anew th a t regarn-I m of whether tha rtprtienlaUTei UUi

,e« .iee tn l.na llon i ara in WaihUig- eneo_1toa a t the lame time tbe forem - por cimeat propoaea to converse with then avd tl

. h « . b . “ ISfbrmed th a t fonncrPrem JerHerriot. • - • Prance, had m orid up hi* n lU n i r i n dat* tvo daya Izf order to Join In H L the Washington discussion* between LIUI

I P m ldent Roosavelt and Prime Mln- lu ie r UacOonald, O reat Britain, j ^ near* CotopblaU

ia l not .being Indnded ta the 11 In- vlted to send special represpntatlTc*, U(sfh Becrelary Hull said he had not yet had opportunity to consider the mat- n . ter of extending the Ust of InvlU- r e

Re pobted oul lh a t aU counlrle* Ml ; wUI bo given tuU opportunity to Join tha dUcuulon* throush their regu­lar diplomailo repreeenl^Tea h e rt t*i i

Oolnt further Into tta . mattar

l^ ln te m allo o tl- ,trad e , HBU ebar^ S ' u

” ?.! ]-I T o t o o d t o e « i a t 5 ^ m t t t i e 5 -uclt of^beap^^orelgn labor to (be

He remarked tha t person* taking ‘ ^

wllk the ISMOfiOO Amcrkaui wige " 1 ^ earneri who. ba lald. have been i f £

‘.thrown out otempldymentunder Ihe operation ot the highest U ritt In jS .tlc n l.liW r)..

. Fop every dollar ot curUllment ot ||:i American ImporU, Hull told repon- e n ihnt trom M to »5 o t goods rt, which might have been exporti-d are held wllhin lh« couniry.

roulbUUIt* of Ezebangt ,There are many commodl'.lea, tbe

i secretary conUnued. which could be ' exchanged with o th e n In return (or product* which the Unlled Siaits doc* not produce a t aU or In lniu(- tlclent <iu»ntlty to meet demand. Products which thi* -country eould |J

(Continued on Page a. Col. 1> «tilr »

m m m m il i P i S l l S

ir ^14

C. Ben Ross Awaits Test m.: Case Belore Taklnj Actlonlu i l i

On Numerous Requests «In the

j ------ InleBOISE. AprU 11 (/?>>-An increas-

Ing volume o( requcsU (or a specUl (c, sestlon o( the Idaho legUlature to enact beer legislation (loved upon n i n i Oovemor Ross today but (rom uno(- Ilclal sources havo come Indlcailoni n p th st It WU unli::ely he would call sueh a aesslon unlU tho supreme court h u ^

AvalU T * t U>e nFollowing upon a determlnaUon

by the coun In the pending test case * brought In Jerome, the governor has Uiree major opUan*. . »|f„!

If the court hold* tha t the law u J fWU 1 no*- aTHtcn permlta sale o( per “ i‘*d I cent beer he miy call a special lei- I alon 10 enK t legUlaUon reguUtlng ! and taxing lU sale.* - 1( the court holds th a t iho present I lav prohlbiu lale ot beer. Ho m*y PHi?*" •ooi > special MMlon lo rtrUe Ihe >UV w pennll sale ot beer, because ^ the constitution prohlblU sale of “In- ^ toxlcaU nr liquor without speclty- ing any limit ot aleohoUe contenL

A* an alleraaUve, he may decline DIMI to caU a specUl oeulon In either p p

. ' Doe* Not State T e n n Ths governor ha* no t atated under 8AN

vha t terms he would caU a ipecUl »V -T aeislon but said In an In tm le v that purotj he v u “considering the advUabllltr belong ot a special aesilon. I ! J . Rai

supreme court la a 30-yur- annoy old ruling baa.beld Uiat t l Uie lav court < nov atands. It prohlblU tt l« of any tn t cr kind ot Bialt, vinous, iptrttoui or Jb*fem in ted U^uor,— .....................Haaloi

Durint Uie past tv o veek* lereral Ura. t lefUlaton and many priraU dU- Uvt n i f ^ have u n td Uie to rerao r to call The *11

shart 1a Uie revenue from the sate ot It w beer lh a t now U to tn g toaarround-tlve 1 la t *t«tei. Ddliei.

r g g O N LY ASS(

T n f, T W IN F ^

H i i i n [1 miBMiiii] f l i r M f f l s

:____ Ume

Secretary Perkins, Spokei* man for Administration, mue

reelEndorses BIII to Put 6,000,000 Idle to Work ^

_____ tor. . ^ w>th

(By The AaaoeUted Prets) rTT'A S m w o T QS.'A prtn t= T iea - s ' i t V v ( n i letUUUon lor a 30-hour ^ * T T w orklat week In Industry ap-

>eartd cerU ln tonlghi a* an admin- strallon tpoketman—Secretary Per- tInt-«ndor»ed the principle of the ^ lenaUWU.

UUl Perklna, atter a con teru riUi SecreU ry Roper aad 8e n J* r

ire. announced, however, ahe would tcommend modUlcatlon* to make he legUlatlon “more workable.’ The >111 U dealtned to put 0.000.000 per- ^ J ' wns back to wtvk.

Considerable easing o( the restrlc- “ lorn provided ^ Um *en*U U In >rospcet to , make more eliiUc the “ ^ idmlnUtralloo of Uie al*-hour day J. ind-flve-day week.

. GoealatoCenferenM UUs PerUn* wUl go Into confer- unUl

mee tomorrow with Uio hixae la- iha a to"com m ltt«er 'vUch ' ‘ haa 'bw n on 5, ivalUnt a report trom the White ,very

■ (Continued 00 Page 3, Coi 3)

[ i n i i ■ I.J lL lL E L IiS j-------------------1 _ ____________ a c t f

flolher and Seven Children Perish When Fire Levels „JS Minnesota Farm Home ^

HARRIS, Uinn^ April 11 («) - r l l n Bgbt peraoni. the moU»r a n l sev- • Ull m-dflErenrwertf-bBtoed-to-death: f i t p

t t» faUier was mUdng tcd iih l. L U i4'(lr« destroyed Utelr farm homo I Ull !eor ;nlles -northeast e t hert early

" T S o d e a d S r ^ ^U M . ALSIN JORNSON Uilnji

.^«AROU> JIBM80N. 10. army

' 'S m ^ t t l J O n N S O K ! 7. ' . I d k DOROTHY J0IIK 60N , s. ers <

- BEBW CE JORNBOW. 1 -------------PTSUrL88TER JOHNSON, Z. thatJAMM J0K N 80N .« montll* old. T h<bodle*otM n.Johnw nandlhc

ihlldrrn were found late today In the rulni. bul no trace coiiW be tound 2,“" ' X the father* body.

Deputy Coroner A. O. Stark, Har- •U. who conducted an InvMtlRatlon. ledared tonlRht he believed no mort jodle* remained In the ruins. ,

. Confer* With PrMecalor Instc Stark tonlBht u-enl to Center City ‘nR 1

« confer wllh Counly Altomey s , B. ‘Ofe-’iVennerbcrg lo determine w h a t ------;oune of Inve*Ugatlon would be _ :aken. Stark anld an Inqurtl'would « held a l HarrU tomorrow mornlnir. ind Indicated county oXIelaU prob-' ibly «-ould take a htnd In Uie ease.

Ottlclal* tonlghi were nl a lo.« to ;xplaln how the (Ire »tarted. A nelgh- )or. Ragnor Krantc, living leu than I hal( mile from the Johwon tarm, r u the f ln l to retch the Kene. He lald Uie (Ire had Rtlncd tueh hcad- ray II wa* Impossible to oKer any ' luUtance to lu oecupanti, and tha t he whole structure collniwd short-y after hU arrival, -_______________

One Stove In House

H 3:30 by nelghbon who trrlved too ale a t the burning itructure to save tny o( IU occupanU, The only stove n the house stood In the kitchen.

Intending to move to another louse today, Uio (tmUy slept latt

(Continued on ^ e 3. Col 3) '


SPRW 0PIEU 3. I ll .^ n r l l U (® ___=CTarehce Darrow argued~l>efor* he nilnoU board o( pardont and larolea today Uiat the deaUi pen- ilty thould not be Indicted (or a Time of adoIe»cence.

Ke pleaded for the life of Russell klcWllIlams. Rock(ord. llllnoli, who ailed a man during a robbery when le was IT yeara old and has been lenienced to electrocution three Imei In SO monUii.Crusading again against ctpIUl

wnUhment. Darrow said: "The tllllnt o ( children should be agaUist ‘ he policy of the sla tt" and asked hat yount UcWUiiams' sentence be ommuted to Ute Imprisonment.


8AN JUAN. Puerto Rico. April 11 <?V-The 64 caU, eight dogi. two larroU. oa« roo tttr and three hena lelontlnt to ProhiblUon Dlreetor A.L R u lo a and bU wife must not mnoy th e oelthbon. Uie dUtrlet w r t ^ t r e d today la a r e f t ^ -

Tb* caort tU o ordered Uiat Uw Ualona-maat-not-addreM-Ur.-aad ifra. Arturo Rodlguei Aguayo, who Ivt next door, or Ibeir te traa tt. the lu lt v u (tarted by theae nelgh-w i . .. .J— ____ — ■

It wa* tedlfled'U iat Uie dlmlnu- L Ive meoaseria eauied frightful idlies.



Shaw Smdihes On First New

(By Tb« AMoclated Pren> day t-NEW-VOMfc-April-U— O ee m - dsoo. « n a rd 8b tv cam* to kxaaW*m te a t mitnppU* tor Um ( M ak^aw todrg*— tn d wiihia a a bour |gm 1a had broken tU rule* f j r t r - p jct <iTing oaletriUe*. «ralH m Ikyllnt IntereiKd h lat to causlsIUe ba n f u i td to walk » ftw aeat.wl acroaa UM ahip to tak* » Aaeek. U a ■Tbe formality of being later* Udpai

lewed IntaM ted.hlm to mtl«.JM terrteiranded bImieU “deaf tn d dnmb prtnle>r UM momaat.*' and v e n t on opinioith bU b re tk fa it . “I tHe eT«L|Ot out of Uie formlOity in g . b

t lu S i ln g lin in e ''a n r* u b ttQ t t t r when’i a cuttomi examination— the tutlly(tleen went to hU. s U U i« m Innd flnUhed tbelr buslneu with wat qi«t tbere. "I

A U SH r a r Sbodi " J jNew Vork h td been aU aet to laiera

a ahocked by tha Irish d ram a tlit "Wl:haw-had-aald-aom e-haiah-thtB t* »«-‘hitxMit America and Hew Vork la thantrtlcuUr and only a week ago —— e oUted Quito frankly th a t Nev ortt would be “told a lot" wbene arrived. P f l lBut UlU WM hU sole m M taga- J» |,reply to a note te n t to him by U U I group of rtporien anxloua for

U opinion;“The New Vork p reu tnay retora . J) IU tiretldea and nurse Um baby f Ia tu tomorrow morning, except fla .anterpridngjccllon.vhlch.ctm e 1 board a t Havana and dUcuaied n . n f,-erylhlnf wiUi me tor an boor Oaill3d 40 mlnutea. .“Today I ara la trtInlng:for~the - OU le'lr^poHtta oper* hou»e ta n llh tnd may be rtgarded u deaf tn d tU imb for the moment U y regreU nd apologlea."Tha reporter who banded Shtw w - , le p re tr mesiage, and oUktb « uo

l£ tf_8Q d_d«m l»:L < l»«M llU L ^ thaOJ He prop* a book up before b l n <1 1, hlle he hat hU vegeUrian b r ^ k - p_>*t aon. IHU current literary In tereat. U ogu n pton Sinclair'* “WUUam Po*-*^ eqmpi He had hU beard trimmed e r« y eycle:

Que dl— — -------------------------------The


_____ . of ret-BQmE.- -APTH l l -W H {yaii* t o —jQJf sing 8000 men of the Rooeeveit Job not f] rmy cere drafted today by foreit* alflca: rs o( w ulhw etw m ..and ,.cen ta l 1 dalio ibd a ra n d tb m o ro rw 'fo f t j t - jh « ■ r» ot e ttw ra Idaho wtll m eet In tteal ; T Scm ino-m atrilm llar-plim t-forK U oa-* hat tmllory.Dana Parkinson, Ogden. aulsttiH

fSlonal larMter. tald Uie plana are nccew lurely l«iittlve u no IntormaUon 1 ras nvtirnble a t to tho number ot j ] iicn to br iiulgned to Idaho or to ' ny psrtleular (oreat. However, the 1 >Ians were dni.wn up (or orgnnlza- jcarch Ion o( tevrrtl camps In each (drest of the or trail building, bridge building,! lutct conlrol. lungus control.Jay- 7-tie (iR o( telephone lines and bulldlnR ore.itrj' entiln.i. (Ci

Another One Of

— -A N D vottN YOU a iT n«pi RU*4 ©tfIJWt ^ 0 CNW&

DOHt* THB STBKKpirrtiMO. UP Th e sckeerV

ASHES CWT o n -me . ^ IVie ALU OUT OK

----------- W AMD iO W U U T'rffllANO PITT TWIHiS SfcCK !►

gy TUA.T TlMt M*V[}B ' »i,VE. VOU M E lP US VUA AMD KAMA tMB RtCrirt g»t^ T » « t » < y AMV »USi— aw ^% cB / ___

- W


.S B AiY MORNING. A P R IL 1 2 ,1D33

2s All Rules AKfl ) York Visit [][lay on Uie way from San R a a - a

* Nerrea* HAlthough he h u addrved mUl-

ins from the plaU om . UM p n a - - eet of (teln t an audlaac«.ot aer- ral Uiousand Nev Yorken> v a t NSVa tuslot him eooilderabl* nerroui-

PI'la steamship oompaay h td t a - n i dpaled Shaw* n ( u i t l U> be la- srvkwed and had preptrad a Jonf p., rtnled resume of Um playvrightl ^11 pinkms.“I never lakl th a t; th e re l noUi-

;g .to It,’ was ShaV a oommant il (hen-SskM nrO M -JpT hW O irie- y —A u lly lud been expressed by him. j , pi In IhU prinUd “interrlaw" he •*-»Ui

V quoted u taylng: darkni"I (tnd A neiletna extraordin- of 3S 1

rlly murtaUnt, bu t tbey haven't wUh 1 one anjUiln* yet to JuiUty my penny i l e i t s f ' I*’* I'J■ When Uie Unltad SUtea tack- witl

*-the-Jol»-lt-wm-f®-much-farUMr m IIottu n Ruatla. We aUp Uito tf ta - smith

— the tu(ConUnued On Page S. CoL 1>

iCEiriii %. u a I

' .................... r r r r - - ........ ................ uUWlalllomla Professor Pro- S fJ

duces Coldest Tempera- ture Yet Creat'edliy Man

— _ la UieBERKEU fY,Cal,Aprm i(«V -A t- ^ J !

ilnment of Un coldest tem penture 5 ; “ “ ' et created by maa. 4M.1 below a m a h re n h d trv u t n aounecd todayat

t t U achleremenl of Profe**or W.'. ouuijue, auUted by O. P. Nei- an. mechanician, tn d D. P. Uae- lougall. rt*e*rch taaU tant, w u ae- tmplUhed by Uie uae of a magnellc rcle proceu v h k h Phiteaeor OUo- ue developed. (C(The m w t r**ched ii wlUUa JS de-

rea cenUgrade ot the abtolute >>>* n n i l cnee of h ea t Tha tnaperaU ne U in - S M ;nltely colder Uiaa U ttt of Uquld UU ll

ny point yet obUUied by proceaiea C f iTolvini previooily taiovn meUiod* f f l t refrigenUon.

isti ; j r a io t ipecuUU do UI8 pracOftal t l f P ita , Ifleaaca of b ir tpproacb to tba*> 8» w iU u n , expcriaenlen tenertUy "Ch* S e heM Uiat-iiUatnment e ( pw«r *tadoi leal lero Is eatentlal to th* *olu« airf » |i» prob- Clerl-ms. TtgOteAmoac Uie Uieorle* advanced U Hf

tial Um practleal absence of heal U 17;Ka; ecessary as a prellmlnaiy to Um Bole reallon of a perfect vacuum. T hat UtUa 1 *w lov tempenture* c*n be *p- » lied to the manufacture o( tuper- hind t « 1 and th t t thU laboratory re- enth f jtrch wUI contribute to the ttudy U ^ ( the ilructure o( tho atoru,

Ketallle R em ent " ie leiThe tubJtanefe cooled by Profeisor ^ »

(Continued on Page 3, Col. 9) to t ^

Of Those “Made-Work” 1 For The Idle'

n«pucHiM(>«TMoie IM«THD4A00C0 9C«n«W, ^■OKM. VrWDOWfi JiHO / J / ^Ir5 . W J C*>< CA*WV / / J S . tMB CBU*.R.T.«M


" a ’a M S t R n ’ I M f ™UB V«tL e e SrttON TO 1^1 / lU f ' t \«A£H WOODWC»«K ^ J M V

rru sE c .Y U u tA .v v B u e- l aUSlNKJATTHS **

^ p | n

flopyrigbt. IW . hjf .U*



n siviK SciELATE Cm* F -8T0RIEfflF-Kl|-Jival Court Inquiry Hears Picturesque Description Q j 01 Final Moments Before „

Dirigible Struck Water .£ ^~ for Tl

(By The Asaodaled Preu)—AKEH0 R8 T. y.~7-rA prm i= A, picture o t Um mammoth dlrig- ^ ™

■•Ible Akron dropping Uirough ®»rba<rk n e u w lU iiu b o w u p a tan a n g le of noi3$ degree* and hItUng the water “ frliIh a craah “llio *teppln« on a «« 'de nny box of matchei,“ w u givent n a n l court Imiulry today. B U

ith second cU u. told hU stosy of ' tUght Uiat cott 73 llve^

n ie (lender Erwui w u one of nrincli ree survlvon ot the dU uter In { ^ k I> Ailtnllc oft New Jeney a week0 last Uonday night. BEM Crvln Joined Richard E. Deal. Arkan tuw aln. In teUlng ot the break- f e t t ' t ' { of the loatlludlnal glrden and wlUi G s ateep Incline ot the lU-tated air- uUna Ip toUowlng what both deecrlbed vwHur a Urrldo “gust of wind." BoUi

d.tbey h td lo Ertb.glrden.to.puU .. g io imtelve* up the catwalk toward Pretid 9 bow and Erwin eitlmated the n ^ t gift w u about 35 d e g m ._____ n -> < ^ ■SoUi'. too. letUfled Uie t in t break I t l lthe structure ot tbe Ihlp occurred iV l Uie a ir foUowlng Uie gu tl Uiey

•crlbed. w hereu, Lieutenant Com-inder H. V. Wiley, tha UUrd tu r- IR'or, changing hU opinion, tald the ilU

rhe-brtak-Ttacribed-by*thr-two ------Uited men w u 'l n longitudinal Cani, d e n num ben 7 tn d 8, thoae gird- v c p it1 running leagUiwiae of Um d lrii- q ,e. on the right hand aide midway fil tveen.tba bottom and top. Oeal

(Continued oa P a V a . 'c o L 'a f ”

] y T 0 i l i iT 0 i i .c .HT m n p c o f l ig;___________— _ Oft™VABHINOTOH, AlUU .11 (/H ' ' tm ugt Ul a . King, 3t-year-oU. ton o t Uln p Btft^'W lUitm H. King, Otah, te- fodt 1 iht plunged froia ii seveath floor trade idew of UieBltek*t»M hotal.lW i lng-|i i v u intlanUy kUled. ..nerkt a t Uie bote] tald K la t bad j :K « « r Ih W a b o u ra -w e e k T to T

U turvlved by a vldov and t year-old dtugbU r. Slolel employe* u ld tbey kaev Je aboul the tragedy except Uiat ; body w u found la on tUey be- id the hotel, underneath hU aer>:h floor window.t o . WUlltm a King, wife of Uie lator. v u deeply attected when J L : "> learned of her ton'* deaUi. She " d tho did not know whetherire vould be any rtaton for him taka hla o v a Ufe.

........ .. .............. • buihol• veined

’ Program s , ” *-- The

finUh----- ----- ■ - - . > fc.bUll



I arerat

' Jboroug

m e N n r Vork Tribune, Xoa, ctuden


■ N E \m m iM AUDtT B tm u n


senator B o ra l For Im m edial T oA ssis^M c


(By She Aiaodated P r tu ) i 'BILLS w m introduced In t e a . A 2 e and houM to c tn y out Prtal* ° M Booaevett’a reoommeadaUoot r Tenne**ee rlrer badn deretop-

FEDEr A Harold Lou« B c lrb a c t 'S a a naDcUeo, e n ten p le t

not guUty before te n a u a luing S o f trial jury on houae impeachment

___ AppREFRXaENTATITI B tnkhead,•mocnt, AUUma. v u atricken iUter c pm ing for admlnUtraUon >f in n n o tlg i^ fe r ia a n c IH rm T i l ? ? ?

BKCairrAET PerkUi* endoraea W t« o u i . _ _ _

SENATOR Roblnton. Democrat, k an tu , praUe* Pretldent Rooao-, w e u n It * White Hou*e record In debate ■'o" th Senaton Long, Dem ocnt. Lou- Evlde ana, and Roblnton, RepabUeao. betweec dlana. Demoo

-------- Um le tBCOBTTAllY- Roper-(ubmlte to,O halrm eiident ROoievdt p lant for trao i - eommiti lU tloa bureau In commerce de- tecUoni rtm en t _______ Pl»n.

IIEPKolllg \ PIT AT C I M giptember Delivery Values tw. Rise 30 Per Cent Slnoe ! ^ Chanoe in Administration

------- • • ^ CUOHIOAOO, Aprti 11 M W m e r l- n Wheat farmen found UmIt crop

0.000 loday In almoat ;»U iing f l a t 7 ’ , A lamp of I t o IH M a u a bu tbel ’ ' Uie price of wheat on Uje boardtn d e on U u opening f f l i u o U m

» pounding *urf iv ep t tbe 100- dt high r o Q t t 'o t 't t t i n t r d ,c(

No OtfSdal Arterftra&ea a - w t Ul* trtd*tt-tawrw.4o-tfcei: nooDo pvenimenl crop report; itaued I t to m e n u sterday, forecutUir t w heat erop chaUmi u lle r Uian any tlaca I901 l l w ta comoii » t reply t« nporta (rom "W uh- Bmlth gtoa Uiat Uiere would ba B0 offl< and n U ia tarennea wiUi g n t s p r t M «*tN c U m i OQ eftldal f l f M efenrtB» „ 8.000,000 butheU of w heat la b lo t ^ 1 tann* In the United StittM, eacb Thil n t of the advance InciTaaed th e today it value of wheat t l ,7 S 0 m featum The otfldtl estimate on Uie aizo prosnc

tbe w h n t crop w u 334.000.000 achieve itheU which w u only Pxi00,000 Appn iiheU In eicceu ot the crop ha r* ellmlnt ated lo 190i L ul-year'a h a rv w t from b I*. 4«3,000WJ busheU. _ _ _ _ _ _ ered,_li

A dnnca Of g'C enia rTho upw-ing today, which a l tho lUh ranged trom IH to 3H centa buthd on wheat, carried tho Sep- mber delivery to 63H cenU a itheL ThU U a a advanoe of 8 nU In Uie la it week and 10 centa i ' j ! , ? ” ice Matth 28.Taking Ibe dote March I aa

b* bat^ wheat prieea have aeer- d a gain «( 14H oeaU a baahd . leariy W per eent on Uia Sep .

epreteoU wheat which b u yat to e btrretted. The Hay dellTerr.

car. b u tbomi a maxlmsm rlae t 13 eenu a botbd.Utlng 14 oenU a bushel u tb e ertge rise for aH gradea and op- ms. Amerian wheat grower* a t* . lay worth approximately >33.000..

(ConUnued On Page 9, OoL 7) sens


_____ He (BOISE, Ajiril 11 MV-Mw. M yrtle • ik lw .T U trtreararer.-tonouncealay that she h td "ll<juld»l*d“ aU dd e tnt »2SOO o( the 1100,000 In check* ' “ “ J!** 0 received during Uie bank hoH-

The checks were received In pay- “ ttll of property laxeii, for Incomo *"*,d gusollne Uxc* *nd oUier reve- ,*1. fam e tVirtually all Uie ones rem aining [f icolleeted. the iitlij. were draw n " ‘’iL ? ’ . various North Idsho btnk* which j*"* e erpecled to be opened during e next 30 d»y»,


_ _ . could bYONKERS, N. V.. April 11 UTh- rs. Ptanklln' D. Roo«Velt w u a n f f u r 1tl« (or a ipeaklng engage- rnt todty bectuse a moUircyclo "lUeman taorilng her autothoblle \t injured In an accident and ahe P™' lUted 00 accompanying him U> a

S l ic e 'd i e t Oeorga Dobba, Cro- PRICE1. her escort, c»ught th e fro n t | leel of hU m o t o r ^ In t itre e t- ' r track and vaet-Abrown.-: T h t tddent^ WUB nm tiaed wltii h im B0I81

Uie emetfency v tr d e t 8 t crease 1 lepb'* hotplUl until It WM aaeer> be effec ned ^ had luffered only c u t a | m a ^

men Ihe conltaued' to 8c ^ | Furth migh. Where the add rtued th e Udpate< idenU of Uie Searborougti achooL ery mat

. . . ^

TODAY: aogdyi


ih P leads ite A ction [ortgagotg—aU For Currency Expansion Sounds. 4gain in Congressidence of Widening Breach Between Whlfe'House anil Some Democratlo Solons Appears on Senate Floor


VASKINOTOIT. -Ion demand* for currency ex* paniioa to floal the fanaer

. of Um bog of hU lo v price uble* touaded la boUi honae aad j U lod*y u Uie tdmlnUUtUon ■ Icultural reUef program ctambi* along lU path.Mdenc* o t a vldeaUig b r ttd t ween Uia White Houie ta d aoma nocraUo tenator* appeared on I lenaU floor In rBltertUoa byairman Sailth o f t t a agrlcaitura........omiUee of hoitUlty toward tome Uont of Uie Rootevelt f trm aid n.VhUe U » lenate roared to vigor.m »b tt«= tttic r-tB d 'eooa tw ii» --------k U ut embraced tba entire oaerelt p ro g n m -th e houae. by t- e of 2M to 130, UmitM debate U10 n,000j]00,000 tdmlnUtnUon

rlgagft-nflnandng 'program to h t houn tn d exduded tOMod.

Preeagee Paaaaga%U preiAged pauage tomornnr emooo, hu t Uie chaaeaa of aeaate ' voral by the ead of Uie weekimed.UpreienUUre BoUeau. BepobU- 1, WlMonila. urging expansion of I currency la tb e hou*e. told mben th a l unleaa the ao-called m er carrency-moitgago aid pro- lal were p w ^ 8W W 0 fyniCT- .

ind *trike, ■ •Jnder Um Frailer plan, tdvoott.:^ a e i u ^ f t y lCT.^nBpubUcta.

t jr a d P ^ e n ' UnWi; Jt U prt>-” ^ wd to l»ue .ttT T n ie rto nflnano*

S u t l v * ^t im ta of the house. *grletiltar« no iaee , whUe . in Uie «anate,Ilth (timed lofUUon -o c ^ a a rr ’ d tald Uie admUiUtnUoa ttA tit oDiy vlUi “(y n p ten t '*

Od* Along m * m<i *en*te got along (Urly Uy with tbe non-eoatronaUB iture* of Uie admlnlstraUon f a i a ignm . Here ara t t o mata ilevemenU of the day:Ipproved agriculture commlUee nln*tloa of cattle and ibeep m bailo commodlUe* to be oov. d , leaving wheat, eo ttoa eom..U .-rke rtobacS -and-daIiy -i»£I-------cU’asied numerous olalrfying lendnenta, none important, aaa jrovtd tuUiorily for S ecn ta ir lUtee to lower tbe prooeuing tax U,J“bm “ openUon*[hese Ui'ingt done. I t reached the called Slmpton cott of produc- n gutranty plan-w here th e day^ rk ended.

rhe p ltn . written Into t t a bfll

t advocated by John A. Slmpeon. - tuldmt c t Uu National Ptrm eia’Ion, would permit fixing of t nimum price to insure th e farmer ) coet of prodnetloa on tha t in ot hU crop going Into the neetlo market.Senator Borab, BepnbUcan. Ida- 1, took Uia floor U ter In tbe day.(cr tbe row o r tr adalnU tratlea [bUUen, and pleaded for pau- e o( Ihe ftrm bill tomorrow.He ttld be nodenleod three o n blUi were to be broagbt np netrow aDd‘lf~lbe 'ftlui~blIl~U letncked *2*ln a rote would be Uyed Inderittlldy,T b * mortftf* ttf la an e la r ae- m alone," be lald . ‘'oocbt te td ns to a ip « e ^ dlipoaJiloa of 0 mettore.“Ilandml*. of Uiouand* ef m e n ar* d*Uy coming dotely, not te lodly lo Uie lo*e of ttadr ime*.*Tbe reflnandng •odlen* wiil Ing bnmedlate reU efaad Uial eaoi uvlng Uie bonxa aod rm* et many farmer*.'' lenalor Reed. Republican, Penn-., iranlt, luggetled If Uie mortgnfe Uon were teparated. th a t feature :ld be patted today, lorah u ld he would llk« to ha\'» t dbne because'he woold be n - '«d trom approving tho other tec- It, bul he ttld Uie DomocnUe , le n were opposed to tepanU nr . | ■ provUIonr for separate dediiO!j-


iOI8E -A p*lliM »H A l.e*a» to------- --u e tn Uie price of truUtrfat vflt

Itrther liu m iM tn p ^ tr e paled In UM near fututr. c re tn* a u n t | t n rtported,

i i MUnivenlty ol PenmylvmU

Solentlit TellJ MJitlns ■ Aboul Exptrlmmtatlm

“ C T f O T w m A ja n r w s « ^t a InUM* nou or •

. cuuMT-Buy b( m d to mtkt ttltt M ie t<r taUM. Uw A n erteu Ptvjr*- lokicleal lodft; « u \M toda;.

U»U* A . OJumOen « U* t W y titr oC MuuTlntiia, hU «p«l<

' tMnU OQodoeted b r »*«*«> O tlim U d blBwU lod ie tM tn tt* ta iM iXO-eitk oato

Moluif meUMd kBowa u puUttrltt* Uoa. D m lo p a tn t s u r l u k i Uu

■ ■ tytB n e n pr«cUe»i>l>. h i

“ S tt j iu ii s n 1»« ™■Uk 10 kill Um bwteria. 3tw «zpert'

^ with mUk, Ouabta n ld , b« IDd o r . OAlau uwd a modi­fied form ot «1eo(r»-ma|Mtie okU*

------ leW-cc>«to*ny-dMlin «d fnr iinriff^w tu r lifiialUni.

DMdUiw Twofold Tbe dfftdllnw of MaDd tMmiotlj

i l twofold. U up la iw d. n D4J cither itiAke Uu m lcra-crtioliai tp e rt . o r U mkj mecuUte Uu pro* tm lw n vlUilQ Uie mU. B ttU ai b u a lom nrhat tlmUar e n to t la I ic t be teld Uis pb]ndolo«liu, 'f t ben ecf, bHA ttn 0 / ^ lo a a d u u l / * t« n tbe touw i 01 Ttttf«Uowa o u n r . • >

. p u n (o b a io f t boiled wbea o p e ^ "---------IB - laouier-iditm fc- Dr. t tn a

BnJUi. J0W» 8U U ttto H . told r t bet e ip e ito iB ti M d obeemUooi In mcp» oslde |M » poboolnc a ie i .

. . u r . amlUi m one experiment ea-tered ft monoxide I U cbusbff to ta n btr naeuooi. Sbe nmtlati ta Uu cU inb tr, seUnf lt« etleete u>4 cbecklag b it reacUou, m a ibo naebad n b a d r m beten tbt em arnd <e tba air.

xx ipenau it* Ibow," abt lald. *tbat -TrT-7-.Uu:-laBktat.or-mioui-anlmaii a n

w b m ^ p a la » nwn bate bees

T b n a tenUu r t 1 p tf e tn l r t Uu m In Uu air l l M Uldeat to kUl U tm t b a d ttr ta j S«a|tb r t Umi. Aa M par c w t mixture wlU klU a man la fzom ooa to n n mlnutei and abe

crowdad cltlei la enombf to make traffle ponoeoan am y.*


---------MOflBUnufd -rnm .rtt t .Q n ^Mka to a d n a ta i* In n tu ra for lU

^ l a a ainiaUoo la tbelr cooTcraa* tloDi wttb U r. BMaerelt. Hull em- phaalnd U ut Uu dlKuiHou a< re- oelTCd b a n WlU be eoDcerned prl- nutUy WUb eoMuolo maitaia.

in a onlr exoepUoa, be IndtaOed, It tbe mattec.oT UmlttUaa of arm- tm enU and a m tbat. b« n ld , wiU ba taken op onlr la a isn ira l way. AUbouib Ptaaldiai BooMreK In ble

--------- Ja»W*Uap to -P rtiw MtnUUr MafxtDonald faTO u TCt « t tbe two rea- aona tor a»Un< hba here *the need for makJnt tufU ur p roreai toward practical dtiarmanHnt." Butt w ld bU ondentaodtag w u tbera wooid ba ooly aM raet dUoutflao o( U u M a- damentala r t d ln ia am in t.

W lU rU S ID K XiONDON. AprU n UD - Prtma

lU n liter Rajnsw ' MacOcoald will pN aldjttt-cablnel leailoaa tttttorrow

bto trip to W tthlaftoo, on which be i ta r u Saturday, t

--------- m l iu m i tu f ieafitunt IteAewHtbe prime mlnUter ’*U1 be prtpartd (a nutce ov«r tbe r«Uov2nc bread nibjeeu:

>. Tbe world eooaoralo conleteace. X Tbe war debu problem.5. TirUf polkclea.4. lnt«nutlonal excbaace'prob*

lema.9. UeUuide ot eooperaUoa 00 lucb

qoeeUoQi M tbe Oeneta dlurm im ent confcrvoc^

6. The feaeral iltuatlon In Bur- op«. - •

Beildea Uwee. Mr. Mairnonild aad-----------M r.-B cM ete it-w o-N -ftT rw -nu*

aay oUier eubjtct.• n u prime m laiiter eonildeta Uu

purpoee ot U u taUu to be limply to e u h an ie vlewe wttb no attempt to make apeemenU, bui to lay a Mund foundatloo ot common undentand- ing tor the world eeonomte w ater-

B e WU) take wlU) blm to Waibbsf- ioo S ir R(4)e>t VawiiUrt. pennan- cn t bead of the tortlgd office; a ir Frederick U lU i-Ron, chief Kommlc adTtoer to tbe tovtm m int; A. E. Orertoa, of Uw board of trade; aad J . A. Barlow, the prime mlnliter'i prtoelpal p r in te iMtetary.

P fenpU iD^alrica l% e fact tha t Mr. MacDooaM'i

daughter, bbbel, trareled with her toU ur on reeent Europeaa miMlone prompted rtflelal ingulriea o tbe b o u i ^ e o o a w today t i Uu nw BM r Ior Battenea, wbo ww In- toiBHd U u t W tt MacOontie paid b a r ewB aipeaaaa. T U la a u boldi t n a for ber Waablngton trip.

O w firm learned tbatU r . B ooM T ^ IB tartUng tb t (r ln u

b u S L doM l ^ t o V S e ? “

PARIS, April u M»-‘n ja iniM - m of U » eablaet U ut A n » r Vre* m a r BdenaM B errlotti O M eo toA a w ta i m urt b» p n n ^ iDARaato?

-------------1 1

IGE HereVLoofc

[ K ' | ^ t e |m i l

lin o

t io n

n i t t

B ta*

:st;« a d ■ n n ^ ^ H S C f l S E ! !irixa* ^ B B B ^ H a E u K aI Uu B B R a l H H x S H B I



1 h e s l tb o f on lookers w ith t h i M th e y look o u t o i th o p o r th


j"?!! rO U O A ST F 0 » TOOAT AND fac t TO H O EM W — Clewdy with a e ». eCf, aiaaal ra la Wedaeaday aad la Math­i s eai* pertte* Ib « * d w J mederata

» n a - T unpera tuha ranged Irom a b lg b .' (b e r r t U digaee to a low r t » detrees acB. during tb* )«-bour period precettlog

6 p . U . ywUPday, according to D. B.

> tm

I iba ea aad bumldlty ranged ftom <4 to ifcrt I t per ccnt ot latnraUon.

AKRON SURVIVORSi i m w o a s i n N G r d

1 STORIES OF CRASHp « - (CoaUmud Tt Page One)

aald U u tn aH w u a i * « t io n u m [ Uu to tbe rear o t the control car, and lU U rrw ln aaaerted Uw number 1 ilrd - .

1 abe er Uu atera itruck tbe water Sr- : . th e win declared, aad U u ib lp aeemed , [T la im r Y H n r o r t r r T d i i r t i r e lb o w - ^ u k e a* a baae repreeenUag U u stera,

be tndlcartd U u u w w ae a l hy a. downward twwp rt-bla foreann

---------- fn%«« thHwi T O a cnnhlM m U>.he added, - ju r t U ti

.T-- ' t t e ehtp w u bteaklng up a t t " Ha — w W -th * -b n * k o ^ -a p p e * ra « » -^ ^

, lU from U u f a m r d engine o u ali Uie,u d to U>e rear. I

«iAl- vniey. sole surrtTlng.ofticer. pre- ,m an Mded I M and Bcwln on Ibe wltije o . ntee ita ad today concluding Uu Ua* ;jmi,. tlmony he iti r te d yeeUtday.

makea It ektremely douW nl. I t w u ’ pri- H id oa good auUionty today, U ut

any progrcaa toward payment r t Uu ated. war debt can be matte a t praseat. trm - rrtoRdf of >L HtnM xeprewntM} , WlU him u dUappolnted In the rtttrieted <

way. icopeolhU m U sloa.atU uugbbe»p* 1 3 his procUied IU Imporunca In U u dl*

re J l acurm um g ineed clearly Pm ldent RooienU's atUr 1 ward tude toward world problami, tnduA*.,

d t a * ^ * * H « S t ' wUI aa* P r t o ^ 'a i - ' ! Mn* ouard Daladler n o n ta-r«c*m bla ■

Tb former premier wHl fall for ! Kew Yorit Monday, two daya etrilcr

Time than be had planned. He ael fer* 1 will ward tha d a u r t bU depatturi In ,

now order tha t he might hare an oppcr-

hleh M inuter Raauay MaeOonald, O ru l B r ito ln ,j^ lw y *y^^ the-Amertcan j

M. H m lol M d h w r t IM t U r.l read Aooaerelt!* InflUUoQ to Ttaaoe to

aend a.rtpreaenUUra to Washing- race, ton might e m u sentiment, la the

chamber ot depuUea lor payment of U u ttfl.000.000 In w u debt Interest '

irob* defaulted laat December. 1KafreU noem barraumentlnmak* 1

sucb Ing the Journey without auUioriza* : se n t Ilon to pledge Uie oretdue payment.

It wae aaid, tweeuse debU a n not ' Bur* on U u program for tbe Washing* '

too Ulks and American gonm m ent ' . and leader* haw declared U u t QuesUoa ' NiUa to -be-im alim -w m partioa-w llh-tbe-

greater problem r t wprld reconry.I tba A rMoluUon advoeaUng payment ly to ot U u December Interest waa elr- )t to culaud la otfleUl prlated form to* jund Hay. . (,end* ■ - 11Iter- DUcovery o t a aeutpturad headi

hear VentUlea, Uo^ h u led sclent* Uag* I5U io beDeve Axtee Indians may nan- onee h a n Inhabited U u tlclnlty.; a i r ________________________ . ■

L S. ,

“" 1 A T A L L G R O C ER S’


UuUu 11

I In- f l M l l l l t f I I

»“ l H w ! | d .

*?“ ^

■S: RESULTS3 » , l ---------------------------- ----

- -----------' f W I K F A L U D A a

! 9 B S » a B ? 5 s s a = a s » a

M kfnirA tY oal

?, CiUforaia, to tlrfX tho now 8.2 br«w In the atelng, orthole of a ihlp.— Photo.

e)qht persons■ DIE IN FUMES

' (Oonllnued Pron Page One)

^ n i^ tin lff lp ro v U e d b ed a o iitb a ttn t S : floor. A moTlng tan . loaded w ttt '}* fumlturs. stood outslda.

T m ' t b * potlUow o f tb a bodlai nooTtred from tbs rutaa, U u moUwr

,tah M d Uie two-monUi.old baby up a r* esUy had Uept In one roeca, t m r t

^ U u eblldren In anoUier aod asoUier r ? child tn Uu kitchen.

HarrU U about M mllea nortb ot ^ Uie twla cities.

1 t in t notlcod Uw f in about S A. ic r KranU said. "Aftar gtrlor Uu alarm, I d ro n to U u Jobaion

T O a t a c i t ^ U t f f i ^ ^ o J J f f f l y 'o M small eonier nmAlMd stasdliig aad th a t aUo laUr arunbled."


House.. . . Prealdent Rooaerelt daalgnated

MUs .Perktns and 8ocr«*ry Boper ^ to make Uis study and to preasot

r s s s r a i k r f e s su u e a b b it meeUng today a t wbkb

' UU U S w u- belJirKj to b m been

l l i m l l t s

t t e , ____ _ •_ ' a o B E , Aprtl 11 (#»-A n in tre u a

la the enrollment a t tha two lummer "if*' sduoi sMlons a» tew tX oa normal

and the Unlrerslty o t Idaho may re* ' lult from r«< n t eiiactmeaU Ot Uu

= > letUlature. W. D. Vtnceot. ecBOls* . •tloDet of educaUon. said today.

* « “n w tawUton summ st scbool ffll M t opea June B and Ui« u n ln n lty 10U u 4 m later.

CommU<onerVlnc«niatsobadto* >t<d ton&atlon t h a t aummer assiUei ^ would be held a t Uia OoUege o t Ida* *P* bo a t CaldweU and Baxburg academy, dl* U ^ e r a taw by tbe last

tUr i l^ b e fo r ith e y m v re c e lT a M K ln . . Cfdea to teach tn tbU sUte. Under

^ A prOTlflM « | tbe oertUlca*'Of* Uon law requires Uiat bolden Xlt Uf*' >n cerUtlcates who b a n no t U ught tor1 * tire yeara^mM^^

“ "CHiRLESH. RROWN ^1 WINS NOMINATION% P0CATm0.ABril n UVObulMt r t A" Brown, tenner Bannock countyrest assesKtr, was chosen Republicaa

nominee /or mayor ot PoeateUo. a ttk - ft wnvenUon here ton igh t J. P.Iza. lUUIwell. local druggUt. and J. K.ta t, DavU. n a l esUU tnaa. w en thenot cbolee* of Uu BepubUean cooven*ng . tion for members r t U10 city ooua-lin t CU. The Democratlo cooventtonLioQ eontlnued In session late tonight.

^ P e ro lck ibadep taB islbe rU aS ia .lent AU ebca. a n r lew prleea. KItabirtye lr. Nuwtlea. Oyeo B*«alBg»~A«T.to* — . .

(A S 4 2 Y E A R S M U

I r .

mr. m re, rwm r u u . iPita

j L P i m

piininiH. Idaho Attonray Qweral Penii 11 . Opinion on ’Quotlon Sub- I mltlod by Nortli Maluanj

i M'Mimir 0 « ^ Bot MiumI t ruUd today tbat thay oaa i^itrtlMI tt for surroundUig sUCea.lii BepJytBff to I 4vsftl«0 «>basltt«dM by J. ward Araey. ooMr d'AlsoaII fl Idabo eould cgtiy bosr M tm ttstag.IN th i tU o m ir tensral dalftd Intom boUi StaU and federal lUtaU* u dW tlaally bawd bU dscUloo npooH oDCltflon U u t Uie tedsrai lu tu u a^ goreraed and tha t' the state l a r dJdfe not apt>ly

U he ruled U t ceauaodtty tn I n ^

U pon Uuaa auUioriUe^" be aald a t Uu end r t a 13<pag* digest, 'I t

“ 7 is my oplnJoB th a t pubUcatloo of a d ^ U tm e n U of 3 J psr.een t Uci- uor Ift newspatien publUhed bu ld i

_ or ouUlde U u lU U ot Idabo ad*

U softly, wttbln ttie poww et am- F S -g rew .to regoUt* and beyeod tba ^ lurUActtonot tbe s u u r t Idaho and-

the epcraUoo ot section U*S01."' fleeUon l»O 0l r t Uie. Idabo oode

prohlbiu any kind of adrertUlng ot

'**’*1 Cites ProvUleas ItflAil AtUnigb’ lUUag U ut 'd sU rt^ o t,

e r t ' be.quotod a sscUob r t the coa- mS'ireiiionil« » legtllilng« per cent

(beer which stated tbat notblof ta., Qf.the poetprtflee approprlaUoa act

'ibaU prohibit tbe deposit In or car* It « rUge by U u mafla r t . tbe Onlted r la .la u ts i , er U u dsUnry by any poet* luA i msatar. or le t tv CHTler. ot any nftt* iD i.' ter eontalnlng aay adrertUemeat oT. w , 'o r any.ioUcluUon of an order' or ^ 1 ordsn-tbr. any o t Uu foUowlng coq- ^ ta ln lsffno tm onU uaaJparcan tum

of 'alcohol by weight: beer. ale. por* ~ t»r.-wliu,alBUarifenacnte4'm alt:0C

-So far aa tbe la tenU U commeroe In I J per oent Uquor, U concerned.’'

I Y bs continued, '* * * It sppean th a t shlpcnenU may be made acraas a 'd ry ’ sUU whera tbe intent U to dsUTa Uu beTengei bi a staU wbare sucb dellm y U Uwtul. aod It tortbar ap- pean th a t congress b u expressly re*

^ ulned JurisdlcU onrtaU SJ per eent Uquon a s /a r as eolloiUUOQ and ad- verUsement In biterstaU commerce «n-eonoarned.-t . « «■ U u-natuaO T iiusstkn then ba m ed U U ly ^ U c a ,

^ wheUur sucb adrsrUslng la Uw face **" ot sKtloa 8 (of the naw beer law).

PC into *di7' -atates would n- 13 tain lUclwaKterrt Interstate «xn*l if t t B efenito Oaa*t tn Aniwertag this, fm referred to ai i r atsi-O f Detwellw Turmu W«lrJ» In

■ Wblch Uie Onlted 8U U circuit court Mjt beld U u t Idabo poUtoes mlghi M mgr lubJecUd Co staU branding rtgu- n i l laUons, Za Uils cue , ba said. Uu

court ruled tba t 'w hen ooogreis h u tlte made no enac to sa t on a subject a ll. reUtlng to I n te n u u coouasrce. tha

. lU U may VaUdly eootrol m aiten ^ la loterstaU «xaatx4 t/ieedag It,

10 and th a t onoe eongreuhuexercU ed Juriidlctioo caoiUtuUonaUy vested

iQ. to control any particular phase e t ipM intenU U commerce, U u t conlrol U ^ txaludtva.'*nty. Us referred Uitn to Uie prorUloo l u t ■ ,

g £ f - i . n . ........ _

« S P E C IA L


i New suii i ■

li - 6 9 cthe

S r For those who sew this ta < toi) opportunity, u it comes J t. tiiB« for thal new Easter “ ~AQ a«"W gnlar ll.OO'yalu*

tarlnit a bcsntlful-array c .aprlnff and summer patter

^ color* that will thrill yoa.

i N E W P R I N T SV Faat Colors,m A sm art m g p of newV pattema Tn thU (ln« j f qtiUUy doth.' You al*W ways aava at Anderaon'a

' 13c« N E W B A G SH C l a v a r new siiauUtad| \ iM tbais ara fcstored la[ ' thia an a rt lot of newV bags. Showlns the new*I eat -shapes, They have- I - - new- fe^ares. litay we 1k l showyoQ?

V $1.49V F O R G R E A T


|g Stock Inquiry Head



•a aa l i rUertiM



m * S S B K £ 2 S S S ^ ^ ^ ^ S S 9tbalad -T H E UNITED STATES 8£NAT8

. may InveitlgaU Uie records ot Uw ode TUt banking houie r t J . P . Uor>; o t gan aad company as a result ot

I n fu sa l ot Uie film to supply tn>I fonaatlon sought by Pcrdlnand

ir iir counSi charge of the stoek « te j m arkst to q u lry H « Rwto*

S t • - ^ Alaska's Governorted

w).ate I CLIMA3CIN0 a ctrw r of publle

r t - ’ and Alaska. *John W. Troy,; a * Juneau puttUsbfr, h«s been' ip>

pointed gotersor r t the northem t«rttary.-W 1 Phota

) a . -- i n -A -- ' -------------------------(tft of the new congressional beer act M and sUted that "eontrcn h n assum*

n - ed JurUdlcUon o( sdTCriUlng mat> Uu ter. since by thU proTUlon a a_ u * IU p reu exceptloD covering I J per eent cct I beveraget u annexed to secUon 341. tbo UUe 18 ot tbe criminal code. Accord- era tngly. It the adrffrtlsement o t SJ per It. ccn t berengef. under tbe condictons

Kd Stated In tbe question. U in te rtu te ted .commerce, sucb idrerlUemcnt must e t be excluded from the operation r t

t u section 18.Ml,lds)io coda annotated.u being conjtltuttonally beyond Uw

loo power o t the sUte 10 regulate."

3 / / a

ilk 5


ta a great a Just Initer frock. ' '“ "TtXJnKOP? ' alues“ fea~ y of new itenia and 0 0 .


f Here la somethlDg new . in wash ro< ^ a “differ*1. ent' finish" In a new cot*, (on crepc. The patterns

are exceptionally smart.

29c, K A Y S E R

J F A B R I C G L O V E S’ New I lj 'tn In Ih o n lun- , 008 Kayser gloves. In I the smartest ahades. Yes

. they are waahable.$1.00^ T E H V A L U E S ----------- ---

< q . A i r o a ,

i n i r a ;

Wjrtin A. a Wslkof Ej- p«oti to Tako Hattif

' Up With County AHOJ^

fU ta prisoa anaouaotd (oaigtal b* wm ge ttfore Uw Pina) county «U tORuy ttmortaw to ask a u n ity haariag for Wlnnls RuUi Judd, aen* t« m d to d iaA p rU K fo rm to d tte f . AgBU' Adas Lwol.

> e a td t th a s ta u p d ic e w S M t i f i A . . iKCif Is good tH i^ a '

«K must call fucb flKt'tel u w a tttt* ' tloa or Uu w oaty attbm ey e t .Uw:

-) w btw ddty it i l to tanedlM oly &' ’ tn-tbe iBparlar oourt« ( m b aeeoa>

ty a peutloa staUac U u c o n ^ a a ' n id JudimstM and tta* U u t tb i

- T - y i

H . ( c u t 'nd '«a

X ' •

M A O T p

unpro^ has changed

■(?. •

------------------------- a t a r t i n g f l i g l

Stop on the J crow d right th a t hat am no gasoline c d ie neWf sol Bronzo gasoi factors that

------------ 4 n ti= k n o c k r

'W anttotM « ance? T zyC


A PERFECT RUNNIMS MA ' — r « i M O 'ro iro ii w ifH -


I I i s r r t u prrwai to tasar m i l UK a

S s i i M f i L

• v i O K e i i i o i iOppomiOT-Th *

^ Blanket Guarantee Re- > "5 .lOltt ln' Coniplloalifr/ii.J

£ 'S » T S & 'i ’S lg l i '3 ? S ; i iitM dspoiiu Atrsaity. tgrewl to ta sub- u

WT -lt-wribfTBflWitaiiatnrtB-ron'd S e f n o ta i a l dreiea after a W tlt« - ia> House conferttio* r t 't b s prealdent, laa' SeaetaryW oodlaand BsQitarOIass. et Ibl Democrat, Vlrglala, tb i t Uis chief w

, o b lm ii tJ ow ' m i b !

3 5 J _ :

’ people hav^ heea peuunist raved gasoline claims•~Conoc ed them l

ith Conoco Bronze, Instant ltffhtntn|y reaponse to the ac< le gaa and you are ou t in fro

now . A sudden su rg e o unazcd even Ae cynics thal e could do h i The answer is s c ie n tif ic fo rm u la t h a t p joline diesc.qualitiesi combi Ult give long mileage and i fc-------- ------------------ • ■ -

« an optim ist ahout gasoline r Conoco Bronie*


«ATE fOR CONOCO OERM PI rn^mt 'hiddim QUAur' m i r i

a . mOttUf* deaind uie aU><DahsM da B « u « « be fpB* into pa rti m a « w

h M aa a e s tM r t a w a n m , ,U IB Uw run iung ooatoitOQ n ’v u ta rtaua iM boH taU n lykyaldasW uw -..; a tn s ld a r t U ut-be-bu takm ao m u t ' f K tm 00 U u lasunbos r t depoaltii '

proprtal aad doaa bei cxpeet to t t f . two or three w«eki.peDdlng atudy.

K pwesbadew Bedimniar M ouUlMd a t th i oapUcl. baw^ '

r « s i s ? wI and other secUoas ef Uie re r« « l 1 f l 0 la 4 bUl foreshadowed poaslbla’n * ;II dratuag o t Uw unu tlve m ean t*

t&at h a^ been agned to by a asaato banking sub*commlttee.

'ft m Mii” ^ms*^^ ii^banklag prorUlons r t Uu Olaaa bOl

>. and proposed .reitrieting branch banking to county limits, wblUibU

oertola faM uns-rt Uis propoaed n * aulreme&t U u t aaHooal bcaka dl*

~ Toree thalr security affUUtes.

« H*W U O i m HOLT TBAX* VATIQAN omr (1 powerful

ladlreot llgbtlag system h u been tniUUM 10 at, Pitaft U p r # a n -

>• Uon tor boly year pUgrimiges. tb f IlghU UunUnatf Uu basUlcal prin-

t« - - ■■i, O dd o n h u beeo r«potteit dls<«. eoTCKd la SkourieUtu. Oyprus, and ef work U under way to mine'It.

W — s -------------- V ’ —


l i s d e a b o u t aoco BrO nzo

f tt a c t io n iri _______ ,a c c e le ra to r* f r o n t o f th e e o f p o w e r h a t c la im e d* is f o u n d inC p u t s i n t o >o b in e d w i t h d im p ro v e d

n e p e r f o r m -


\ P R O C E S S E D M O T O R 0 !V g

iT N f V « - f t W I M « A

■■ ■ “ Ii


\ tOontian*^ P n n P*H Oo«) ''\n u & itm . U rou put A itop to com*

f V iB lu n ,ln New Yoit jtn would dl* ' . p i h t a » WMk. AlRtdr m iu in .. w nunnnlun. ■ Your •Uto-owoM .«T M t raQwtyi, U |bt u dpownr i7 (teau t n Ul txvnplet.'’

• Durtsff Uw >itemooQ tb* p lv -

c ra t of ftU TMton to New York 60.

B« w ent Tor a ilfb t-M lnc trip. WhUe od the ilfb t^eeln t trip

Shftw h sd the cbiutfeur itop At tbe OuUd thetter. ;u it oR Brotd- I war, wtwre nunjr- «( bU ' pItT* I tu re bwD prodund. I

A r e h e u tt l for t p lv not by I the I rl ih dranutU t v m tn pro* I p r a i . Shaw mounltd lb* tU te , I •topped the proc*«dln|i aad a a - - I nouneed he waa golni to t«*t ou t I

' the aeonetlea. I------^ H a n 'C ril ir tM ira o im -th e T c a le - -*l

several Umet, chuckled, u ld the I acou*U ca,w m .all rUbt. and then I Itarted for the (treeU I

in tbe lobby be u w a b u t o f ■ blmieir. He ecruUalwl Jt do« ly , then ta ld to lhe ibcttcr m tn tser: r J

"Needt pollalUng.'"•----The Irl th wit and pltywilRbt. cap-

------ ped-W«-flm-tl*St-to-New-York to-------n lsh t w llh an tddreu t t tbe Metro­poUtan opera houte under the au- •plcet ot the Academy ol Political ecleace.

Shaw w u Introduced by Jtckton; Reynoldt. vlce-preildeat of the a c a d - |j_ emy. in the abeence ot Aianton — Hoiuibton. nm ldeot and former a m -| cbi bofsador to the Court of St. Ja m u .' > who was m. all.

poUowlh* hU introduction. Shaw me tald he felt " tn lrre«lble tempU- *n

• : lion lo tin*- flndlnj hlmwlf con* nc fronted with "tuch t mtgnirieent and ' (hi reioontlve audlCDCe." I .

"Bill I 'm afraid my unfortunale a so ,__ precludet any ' pertormanee of th a t I

kind." he tdded."I d r a j tn tho lubJect o( n y tge .-t .

conllnued the 78*yetr*old crlUe, "be-i . c tuw 11 really hat eomethlnj to do wllh w hat I am Bolaj to u y tonight., ®“ I am. or courte, pcrlectly await th a t I all old men like myteU, cndettor to oei

^^ ioU lroaU ».pubU «.U ia.de^-o{:U ielr M____ tn ;< llc c to Jia< L a lu ^„ *t°^«

comings t s being poUlic, u teIn«7lB lomeihlng th a t slvet tbem authority. m<

■'Don't you belUre tbem, ladle* and ihi BenUemen.lt doet not glre them any bo aulhorlly except oa one tubject — pn t b t adranU ge tha t I bsTt orer t}<a • Tsjoxlty e t my .audience U tha t I hare actually K<n about th r tt m o - of ertUons of human belnSL* «ti

Rcctfe Other Americant bo 8bsw said he could remember "the <r;

, I ifirl, nf penoa thtltnA nm leinJH M L ,ui I ty , In the year 18»,” tn d that “thei American o( th t t dty w u quXe unllks' th tbe American of todty. th tnk Hea-^

granU, they were provlncltU Uieyi.j, wero peopte bringing tbe h tb ltto f an old country and tn old clrlllxatlon.l aU (he bad bablU u «.-cIl u the good I

“They were drtgjlng them lo IbU * country aad they were telling up a t a nation wllh a very uneuy te U -i., conscloutneu 'which mtde tbem 'a ,, rldlculoutly temillre to tny remark I . lhat-waa made by a foreigner tb o u t 'u . the Amcrlcan nallon. "T

"Kven to this dty ll It eu ler than It ought to be for me to get a rite out „ or an American by telling him tom e-: ^

' thing about blmteU which U equal- , ly true about every human being o n ' _

the (aee of tbe globe, but wblch heljy feels to be a dltptngtncc, tnd tn tu e rtlp n on my p trt that people o n ; J , N ber parta of tbe globe are nol like u, ."xi, bul arc something juptrlor. I ...

--------A m « lcan .-A t-l-tay ,l i fexlit t'ldiy, At the n a tio n i. .

<re( on developing In the dlrecltonjth <A a nation. It was itlll for a long |ti, time trying to do tbe things that Bu- „ rope was doing and doing tbem rery badly, i may rem art although gen- < erally very expemlTCly.'

There came a chtnge. Sbtw went T on, and described the Amertean who . t emerged like tbU: '*

"He wat a colotui peraon; he was m an extremely, dlgnltlefjierjon: he

------- waj a person tha t when you mei Wm; —]you felt here w tt a m tn of grett lm- g j

norUnce: a man who h td lomethlng „ In him.-but you nevcr.bouIil get th t t „< something out of him. no

Trnnendeot Ttlkcr » ," Ilew asatrem endouttalker.am an . i

of magniricenl periods and iplea- did perorations, an orator whoshoul- cd a l meetings and especially a t din- ner ta b lu a t grett length, bul be m i never said anyihtng,” sai

“Out he wat an abomlntilng sort • of man, If l m ty usa the expRssloo,* ^ : Shaw continued. *He « t monunien- on tai, but he wat so empty In the point jIq' Of getting new or deHrilte t h a t '^ i i Th tlmply were tlaggered when ve look* gei 'd a t him In E u r ^ . * * * tn

“He w ts In the atr, consequently i ; you got nothing out ol him but wind of aad you got a IremeadDut tmount vei

■ Of th lC T h in tm n , however, emerged. Uo . tn d a t Ian he began to get a n tm e •

aad became known u the 100 per pei e«nt American. pn

“And there w u tbli tbout him, foi t h u he w u tba nalque pbenomenoo. thi There was nothlni ilie tn the Korld pa t t an like h b n r ^ ' ^

Shaw tald the “100 per cent Amer- eoi lean's" principal ahortcomlng w u a i

- poUtlclaa becaute “be h td no pc^ bei lltlcal consuiutlon to which ha could "w refer hU Idialt.- Ba veered from -tl there to a dItcQitlao of U»e Amerl- ■ c tn contUtuUon wblch he termed “a tai


"Red Seal1. SUblUty o f C

.............- _ _ 2 . . 8 e r i i e i l l o - A iS .L c9 N rC o it .

— C L Y D E A .N ElU M a ln Ave. North

SodelT: G irls"

. j f a p S R

PROMINENT aoclety sirla from al Arizona. Here a re somo of ther row. le ft to rig h t: Betay Skinm

— H efflnjrcrrM flwaukeorM ary-Sti Milwaukee; Francea Batea, St. :

I Louis. F ro n t: E lizabeth L M . I mcI, California; Eliae Peterson, <

i; R e le s^ /P ) Photo.

•1 charter of anarchltm." Iitely• ' " I t w u not really a cooiUtuUoast you

all," he avered. " It w u no t an In ttm - your ' ment of government. I t w u a gutr- I wi ■ antee to a whole nation th a t they Hooi ‘ oerer eould be governed a t aS. And Uial I 'th a ib e x a c tty what Uiey wanted.* cerU ,! Shaw conceded Uia» “to Engltod 0"“* :we htve Uie BritUh consUtuUon. but “A

^[nobody knowt w htt U lt. snd It Is not Root .1 w rlltta down snywhert. ~ eJ “But you htve got Uie Uilng." h# ^ , ’u ld . "1 can nau you down to the J clause* Of m at constkutloa.-’I Shtw ttld It w u “t constltuUon of J , , certain ptrlltm eatary bodies, legls-r! ittiirrs.. f fm g rw e i -a n d -M —Xwtb A ;!whJcS”w trto"-w onderfully divided “ rtttirw h en -y o u 'K n rtn -o n B -h o ay o r “ f : ’. men to govern the country i h r ^ h „ ' M hese bodies, you sent la anoUier r body of men Into Uie tam e body to . p rn en t their doing 11.“ ^ ,0,» "Tbe result of U itl.-.be declared. »ti t

“w u th t t you-were very much afraid ^ ^• of d lcttlott, aad you u r lr e d a t a hooi

state Of society la which every ward b o ttw u a d lcU to r .a ad la w h lch e v -

e cry financier la h it w ty a die-L MK»ry tn«n »hn MpiyMnt.B ed big butlnea w u a d ld tto r and' ^ e 'tbeyhadnorctpooHbU lly.*, "And to this state of Uilnp, UiU <p|

all iwvemTngHtj itmi nut ^ in « « • York h a r to a m

-I Idol irtiW jjou called -Llbetty.' And J l there 'll U ,.tnd the only ih ln« that

remains to fo m p le te lh a(tU tu t.lt to '‘ put on lu pedestal Uie Inscription, ^ I ’All bope abandon, ye who enter ^“ hfire.*^ —1——— . ~ ..• Hollywood—“one of the most lm* " r , *. moral pUcet In the world," he called■! It—was Uie liwtltuUon to come under ^S liaw 'sflr t.II Tbe.m otion plclure eenter whleh‘ . he visited In the course of his world . *“ . I tour w u nol Immoral In tha sense Ame

of "ladles' sklrta or stocking* or VsomeUilng of Uiat kind." Shaw ex-,“ ’" *1 plained, for sex appeal In the movlet : i - la very Imporant. provided It U “ , weU done and U(e tex appetl U real- ? 'ly cdueitlonal. fcilch It can be.““ . .T h e re a l thing wlUi which you are . ‘‘ ’corniptlng the world," he said "I*« Uie anarchism of JloUywood. There , you put a string of heroes In front '•‘ o r-people-ind"m 'orthem ” ar#"an"®‘-® “ arehlsts, and Uie one aniwer to tny- “ thing anaoylag or to any breach of »! Uie law or to a5y e x p tttt^ T h lc H he

coatklers unmanly u to give the o ih-, er person a *ock In Uie Jaw. • • • I..,, ‘

‘ "111* a criminal offente to tock t ;, persons In Uie Jtw. When wUl we tee '

a film Issuing from Hollywood In , which the hero. Instead of socking Uie , gcnUcman In Uie Jaw. does the civ- i ,u .

» Ulted Uilng, and calls the police-;*"* 8 m a n r !

■ ■ PrTsUanfHooaeveU 1 5 3 lO T a i n ; J|f;" I ^ " ^ P 'P b Hearst came In for Shtv- i “j ”

per cent American.” the lecturer ' said tha t In hU development he "Is JJ , *

now being succeeded by another sort of American, who U physically

“ a little like the 100 per cenl Amerl*• c a n -h e h u Uie same Impo&lng ni• presence, he h u something of Uie,• *ame eloquence, someUilng of the Pi f same dignity and a great deal of Uie Lynt

u m e enUiusltsm." traftt •! Ihlnk Mr. FrankUn Roosevelt U ballo

a type of Uiat, rather," Shaw went U%f>• on. “I think my friend B ir.'Ilsn - posll > dolpb HearsUs-raUier-a-type-of-ll, aod- u The reason I mention Uiese two muni• gentlemen Is not only bccause they slatli

m pretty good »peclmeni of what rentr I mean, but because the symptom 1 of the change b U u t they are boUi = I very violently agalntt the constliu- 1. Uon.. —e "Mr. President Roosevelt U tp - • r petUng to you. prtcUcally, t t the SO I

present Ume. U> get rid of your con- 1, founded constitution "and give blm L Uie power to govern the coimtry. He 1 perhapi hopes Uiat he win be able

to govern IL He wmX u long u ’- eongrest Is there to prerent him.” M

Shaw said tha t we “have tried" I H• before, and U ut Herbert Hoorer H 1 "w u no use u a preiident'' because H 1 "the tyitem wouldn't work." ■• “EveryUilng n d e d la talk, talk, ■ t talk. taUc,** be tald, “and uofortun-

l u r a n c e p m E ^

ll” Policies ®>f Company.

V ' J

fELSQNrAgent= iPhone 223

Ib “Go N ative’: At Arizoni

im all parta of th e country are a t them dreased in familiar trappin kinner. St. P a u l ; Violet WcstlnRhi jT'Ste^'art, IndepcndcncerKansaB." St. Louis: E llen McAdoo, Los A

yd, Little C om ptons, KtaB.sachuset< son, Chicago: H elen Block, Chicas

Iitely Ute during hls term o( office •= you again had a b td slump tnd your system began to break up. • • • , 1 won't, ssjr Uiat you found Mr. 1 Hoovtr out. I suppote I mustn't u y i thal you kicked him out^b^t you certainly te n i him away wlUi extra­ordinary violence.

“And Uiea you turned.to Mr. RooMTelt," m aw declared, rbecause ^ Uia practical mood In whleh you _ elected Mr. Hoover w u a d tup- ^ polntment and you got Into a senU- *e r mental mood, and Mr. Roowvell, «?« by a hippy chance, got phctogriph- ed wlUi a baby ♦ • •

“1 dont know whether the btby to th»ri-(ln-Uii-‘Vimit»:HoB*e>.-boH :^0 ctn tell yoa onu-thlng. You,hopc. for t n e a t deal from Mr. Pnnklln ron RooMVelt. You win get nolhlng W. from him. In h it four years. If he elae h u to go on under the constitution 0 .1 wlUi the usual rotten congrea and E. all the w st of It. he will lue»lta>i1y J in be u great a disappointment u Mr. win Hoover. ^ e

"In the meantime. Mr. Hoover “ ■ wlll htve gone back Into practical buslnea Ute where Uilngs are meant

again to b« a perfectly successful man."

rb. Academy of Political Science, f ~

for Itl Dblect "lo tmaah Uie Amerl- can coniUtuUon.-

“I t is very doubUul." he u ld . .tf j 'TifiWfttf '.'m aitklnd.-whathef man ^ u a pollUcal animal, to use tha ex- ^ pre tilon^p f^ A rl^ tl^ w he lhe r ha ^

'retUy'ls enough o f a poUtlcaraiil-i _i, mai to produce a good and senslbls ^ n and terioui and efficient conitltu- lion. • • • All Uie evidence I s 'S t against It. r I

ReverUng to the “100 per cent -6< Americtn." Bhaw lald "he h u gor enormous hoepltalliy ond "then pai there Is the rage for publicity." "itj

■ “An American b u no sense of a . privacy,” he continued. “There It no by such thing In the country. The t l English have tt very lUongly. The i reason th a t an Englishman very, tra olten faUs In business where an dK Ameriun would lucceedHi that a n ' yt\ E m ^ m a n , If he opens * * a placo^ nle

-of-buslneurlnst«ad-or-wilcomlng^a— t customer, he cannot help feeling: mil Uitl tbe cuslomer Is tn obomlnaKe' o. introductr who h u not h td t prop-' itt er IntroducUon.' I sik

j - n i s American h u no feellnft j .Uks Uitl. He h u thU curious-pub-’ s u ;Ue Instinct. thU lodal feeling." } u i

And Shaw went on to tty t h t t ' ha> "If 11 can get Intelleclutl betrlngt' mil * * ' possibly America miy ja v e ' dat

Ithe hum an /ace yet .* • V 1 The speaker praised what he call-! “ 7ed-*the-A»erlcan-etit<«eHy f e f po-‘— ;llllca1 action." polnUng u an ex-

jtw -D a^W nta^M orm ons) by w&Irt he u ld Uiey toughl to nave their church from annihilation by the su­perior number of their enemies..


' PASEDENA, CaUf. <4')--CtpUln Lynn Harrison of the Pasedent 11 traftlo police h u luggeited upU vi U balloons be uted In directing heavy U Uafllo pollco h u luggestcd ctpUve position on a high hUl near the cliy st»d-wllh-U»fr ald-of-Ulepboau com— f munlcated directions to Ihe. men B slatloned a t comert trying to pre- ' ^ vent congestion. j ■■

Soffleihing different (or b reak fa iti

T W IN F A L L S D A IL Y N g TWIN P A L L S . ID A lB O , W

) n a S c h o o l S

attending school in Tucson, pubi pinga of the old west. Back « • ighouae, P ittabu rgh : Lorraine i8 .-C enterrM arjorie Dooliyie,- p . h

Angelea; Ann Francis. S t Mn. le ts ; Ordway Tunnison, Car- 'o » i w go; Mary Connell, LOs An- ^

• , te n - War

_____________________________ •• Jolni


I 1 Moo

Past matron* and p u t patront Pf„,' were honored a t Uie E u te rn Star meeilng attended by memben of ^ Twin Ptllt.-Pller. Buhl and HoUlster chap ten Tuesday nlghl a t Uia Ma- ionic Temple.:^OUlti.were'Dt««enMrLt«TUH;{«l:: - jon

J t oron*: Mrs. Kmesl White. T I n . T . _ W. McRoberti. M n. H. L. Dink- . , f , elaeker, M n. Effle Senior. M n. H.0. Dickerson, Mrt. M. 0. Ware. Mrs. ‘ E. J. PUich. M n. J. P. Johnston, Mrs. J. A. Keefer. Mrs. Prank Bald- win. Mrs. 0 . E. Jonca, Mrt. C ither- - Ine Potter. Mr*. Ori* Cryder. M n.E. A. U ndon. C tptaln P. W. Mo- Roberts, E.-J. Ptnch.-H. U Dlnkel- a c k e r .^ ^ ^ a SaU th .^J^E .^H fer,

Mrt. H. M. Branln. Wwlhy Matron. v u I n ,charge of the meeUng.

Announcement /iv&i mtde of a Masonlc-Order df -Eatlern Star

"prlnif darite*ld W HVW W HOUUi Iter and Twin Pall* memben at Legion Memorial Hall on Prlday 'evening. May twelfth. Masons tnd Eastern S u n of Buhl. Flier, Oood­ing. Wendell. Jerome. Hagerman,

-Eden. Twln.P»lls-aiul-UoUUter.t« . planning to a ttend the dance. ^

The evenla^a program included t. two vocal solos by M n. W. H. » Dwight. "The S u te ro e r t P n y e r and "A May Morning": violin solo, « "Souvenir," by M n. W. A. Thomp- son..wlUi Mn. J. A. Dygert tccom- Oj panj'lng a t the piano; and a song, . "Into the Dawn WlUi You," by Mrt. i ' A. P. Oslund. with violin obllgito , by Mn. Thompson and Mrs. Dygert 0i I t lhe pltno.

RefrtJihments were icrved i t a t- SI tractlVely appointed Ubies, with deeorallons consisting of dtlfodlU. tl yellow croue* tn d mlnliture bun- nlet and chleks.

^~Membcn'trf'the refreshment'COiQ-' , mlttee were Mrs. Dora Wilks, Mn.0. C. Long. Mn. Prank T . Kellogg,Mrs. C. A. Ernes. M n. S . L. Price and M n. Elile Kaaseh.

M n. Terry P n ter, M n. W. H. SUnley, Mrs. Ray Agee, M n. E. B. Laubenhelm and M n. H. L. Holmes have been appointed u the com- mlUeo In cbtrge ot th« spring dtnce. Memben of tha decontlon


f e f tftff usuti low ene-w y A re ..

o n S a l e ' ’! : " L 3 UA P R ! ' . 1 J - 1 4 - 1 5 . 1 6Relurn Lim it A p r il 25 . .Now you u n mike that E u ttr irip -s( sbout half the utusl but i i r t T ^ x MCurtJoni on sllour fm«tbuK»-wiiKdcpend»bl« 'Union PiCif« Service tl) the uiy.

R o u n d - t r i p B a r s ^ a in i

Pocatello ........ ....... :------- ^ .1125B«Ue ___ __8.«Salt,Lake City ■ 8.2SP o r t l a n d ______________18.45Idaho FalU ■ ■ 8.NA aerieaa Falli _________ 8.45NampK ---------- :-------------- «J0O g d en------------------------- 8.W

8TA0E DEPOTROaERSON.BOTIL....................

FUONBi t u

IW b M t

coomlUc* a n M n. O ctti rn S tf , Apcll M n. CttrtU Turaor, U n . ' O w n Daubaer, Mn. a S . U a te F ta d Ifa ^ Ray SlujfUr.. • ■ • » i | j

'n is Muslo O ip u tm n t o t Um Noct) TwtnUiUi CtaUuy Club B i t a t U » h o o i of Mrt. OharUs Wortb TWu- day afterooon. Tbs pregrtm ebalr- man w u M n. W. & Dwigbt aad Mrs. R. Plemelsel read the papef on ■Songs of Dlffennt Ftriodi.“ U n . ^ 0 . P.,DuvaU u n g two ntnaben from Ull 'jDohemlin Olrl." aocwnpanled . by Mn. D. U Alexander; I0« . n U ^ Alexander playtd two ptano aoloe, Mendelsiitan'i “Song m tb o u t

S Stream'’ aod “In T ta e ’ of Rotes" aeoomptnled by Uka. O. P. Duvtll; and Mn. W. H. DwlgM ^ u n g two numbers, “Sp rta t 8 to |- 2 5 ) Ing" tnd “RuM lan'’aeooDpanM b r ^ M n. 0 . P. Duraa. .

M n. Ouy U U ir «n t« rta lud M 6 Z ™ dlnoer party a t the F I r t Botel ^ Monday evening for t v o ty - t t n ^

annlverury. . - -The table appotntmenlt. birthday OU

caks and-faw rt-wtre In H rt« - w l- iO ts ora. Q t ^ ta d danrtBg w en e a - «d U Joyed th e r Uia dinner. Dr.

------- MeUPUot to bring n tz t year^ eoQven- coup

tion of tbe O nnd Mmr el QuJU g rto pubUc to Twin FtUi were furthered end t l a meeting ot Uu ladles' organise- awtk lion a t Memorial HaU Tuesday a ft­emoon wlUi the appointment of M n. s n ] p . a n ig b ^ M n . Ed^SnodraM'iAd M n. W. T . Moore m a eonvenUon commlltee. U d lu of the Grand Army of the RepubUc. of th t /< Women'i ReUet Corpe. and Daugh- — te n of Union VeUrani aad OlvU Olan War Veterani held eenveatiooi tahy JolnUy. poun

Arrangeaunls for preeeoUtiflB,.fl< degree work during th is y e a n cdn- ^ ten llo n .a t Emmett, Juae aereoUi. elghUi and nbiUi. were dlicuiaed a t U u butlneu meeUar whicb was pre- ^tided over by U n . B. R .'8 w ie t ......... ^

A party honoring U n . Oharlee S .! ! Roea, M n. JuUa Oriffea, Mra. W. T . ^ Moonr and Mr*. Prance* O nham , aem btn.bavlng tilrthdays In U arcb ^ or April, w u given foUowia* Uie ^ butlneu letU oa I t u two btrtbdsy' V . ° cake* ware deconted wlU» Ugbted U pen and miniature B istem bun- Qlet. Tbe committee to- charge of atrangemenls for Uie birthday party ^ Included Mn. Hd g n g d g ^ U n . | ^

Mr.. * nPlant were mtde for a o iu o'clock atur

luncheon to be terved a t tb* home Fah of Mn. L aun Ortggi of PUer on|neU(

T h e M A N

uiio luild sell m m life insurance thou anymanltverbeard o f never shouted.Notice tbe men wbo bold tbe records for selling.. tbey just talk in a quiet easy way.

ci» im .Z iK tn*U nunaM e»O i>

, W E D N feS P A Y M O B N W O , A PIll

«cll twentr-nlaUi.

Uim ben of tbe nu p m U o a a u b _ _

(erth. SewUic and a a C u te t eoo-t i t ooeupled (be.group du rla i tb i , fiftenoon. The ccnteet p r t f w u Bwarded to U n . b m t t Woolly. ■.■nu Club's n est mitUng wUl be ■leld AprQ twenty-fUtb a t tb* home IH(M n .0 tr im T e iac e8 tx U iA v e n u i H lait, . '

A.recipUoo la boqor of Rev. aad I<n.W .B .A ndinoaaadfam U yw bo ■(ciatly arrived her* trora Parts, QU- ■loU, wUl be ciTCB a t the ChttoUan Hhuwh4blt.«w alO f-at-elght ottoek. - ■tev. Aadoeoa li the nev paitor et ■h t OhritUan Obureh. ■AH memben o( U u ehurob a&d ■

riiDdt a rt im tted te attend Ui* re- ■•puoo:' ._____ ■k n . 0 . P . D unO . u n , 1 , 8 . U tK - f l

Itnc* i t t tu lodge b in r o e m A ^ . ■ eventeenUi. B k i froiq snnoitDdlng ■ «w w an tnT iM loatt*Bdtto*«v*Bt, • ■

OUverKuyksadan. Twin Falls, aad ■JtM PIlT i ~TTt 1"*'*- I Bid la marrlagi Tuatday evening by H3r. EUJtb Hun Longbrake a t Uu ■ilithodM Epiiceiial pateontge. T bt ■w ple w u atteaded by Uie bride- ■irt«a> brothw, AUred Suykenda]], ■>ad Ull b rM il tlster, Leoot Zur* HiwtU' M


(ConUnued Ttm Page One) *

lltuqu i waa gadoUnlura n lfa t* oe- hahydnU, In o rdir words a com* .«undofgadoU nlum .aaeta lH eele- ;Beat d tK om ed in 18K, ^

The magnaUaUon jMsm a - _n e ts from UUt nbe teaee Uw heat —Ibat il generated ia K whea It l i UUU BigoeUsed tn d demacaetiied.

I t vUUsM-Utt priadple-tha^ wben t lubctance it magseUied the ten- teney it for the aloM o Aagnetoos10 nine up," tn acUoo wblch pro- _ J .lucet heat, tmall tn amount under amitortaal clreunUtanMi .tnifreliuve^ ^ly considerable when produced tm- . _ ler tuch extremely low tempera- luret. The atomlo elements of mag-iieUBO are due to the spinning of ” ?ihe ileetront and U u roUUoo of f ? :lhe eliotroat wlUiia the atom. g/**

fW et« rO U ti(jnaT eK W i-U ttp« r--JfS ii tu n of about 30S.4 degreet below, !?H!! Fahrenheit, a t which polat tho aug-1 neUo cycle beglat. | At


P R IL 12, 1 P M ; _______________

Saved From Wrecl

f l E O T E N S O T I O H S 'i r T H O S W York, w as one of the flvo memb when" th e navy blimp J-S fell Into in s for aurv lvon of th e wrecked being 'escorted to t n ambulaace t civilian a fte r he had been brought New Je raey .H ff) Photo.


------ TOdi<OoaUm>ed From Page Ons) was p

)OQjaoi«. Uun Uieyjrero.UiidiJ.During tbe same period. U u price pool 1

>f wheat fer ImmedUte deUveqr on oatue ;he catb market h u risen elmoet A tlaat to cenU a buihel. or n w ly 48 per sent. Today a tlngtecar. of-sumber I red wbett, a prime mUUng fa v t^ “ 2 2 te. told a t <8 eenu, The fanner

«nU, below. Uil*-flgnre-beeaiua-of. — ,n xpenset atter Uie wheat leavet the "**• U u nA ttheunuU m *.con ip rioe ibaT e depart

H B i IC h e s te rf i<

i n thelf making £

^ — r

ooThe C

Satisfy*'— — statemec

Clicstcrfic m a

fields are

terii(i e i ^ c u e t k i i t l i a t i y a x

' " ■ ^

= S ^ S 9 S = 9 S B 9 R S ^ . _

edced Blimp /

Q J ra ^ S ro T G fo a w ib w b , N w 7 sm b e rs o f th e c rvw resc n o d In to th e o cean w hU e se trc b *:k e d d lrlfflb le A k ro n . H e I t ee b y a t ro o p e r a n d •Ig h t a s h o ro a t B e a c h B a v e i^

loeased • u d 10 eant* • b o b iL Its 4 to 6 eenii, r je IS c e a t s e 3utey -T c«nt*r------------------------------Today's ad n ac * In graliu ber« u preceded by a a advasee.ef • lat a buibal bt UnrpooL t t w uI* f lm ilia*-i&.weeks.tbat J J ia r . -------)0l ha* tbowQ any ttrenfUi b*- — inte of new* from tb ii tld* of tb*

SecurlUea In New Toric gBoenllF icked ta d niled wiUuitl makinff ne re is aod Uie flnlib w u steady.

ult4 and vegetablei thi. year wer* le ta u U eit in 11 y e tn , aayt .ih* sparUnent o f tgrteuttora.

\ t ’s like th is::rfields just go alongeif own quiec w ay-------g frieads from day to

te ’s 00 noise about i^ack talk.": Chesterfield slogan : two words, ‘'They

is a plain simple aent-telliflg about xfield’s merits, means that Chester- ire milder—they taste—

eldI I U I B R . ;

5 S B B T I B R .

T ' '•■■.i'

r ' : - '


rW ^ ^ Z

— U v i M n f u 1*11 w *tm. - . . ^1

......... . - ■■ ■“ ■'■' t oO M O V O U Jol

tlM M t i Ot TruMMi u d Suptr* ^, inlendent W.B.Bmlih i n t#b* eoo*

in tD la ttd upoo Uutr <letennlna(lon _ ' W ^ t l U » W W » H « UUl DUtrtet U

«Utwitt Um u t n M m mUl Utt ' ■ ------TrUc4rUM-be*B ip«>*B» w l« J t « —

K boolpurpoM tn tU i dlltrlot nfQ- Urty lo r puny > « » . HU* U Uw kJDdo(.ee«uiay tor ir b l^ peepU u t ,

■; TffW O TT»?ttipadi»nd«f O »iau» ^oJopim UooliW dow ttltliTM TU n. eoiUfctly UuU inr'K odent v ia i«e*in Uu U « In Uw way of tn cdueiilOQ Uun UT« pm iou i eliHu. ^

, nU u alo rtu M ttU atto en w M U ty r t , ‘ fM t o

tb e n U ne p ttln i iw ty from Uis ( le tU u tK U u n f T tc w u t t l iD i te r >n U ueurtA ilffl» to ttu«xpenM U ilili tpe th a t llm#. In erery to o of builneu *«

•Wd eteryeeeupiUoe economy U be.Ing prttUeed. TOi wffl not H w tyi 6 t tfes Dcceeury bul It li n e c e o u r todvr c tl

_ and Uio m ponie ot Uie Botrd to Uie *P< dem endofthehourUhighly frtOfy.

■>m- : rt____________ ■'------- ' j j i y w • ihl

STABTATION FAY quiI n t^ i e U o n ot w g te tn d . wortr

Uktl elty hive dlKlcwed the tM l Uitt needleworken tn certain itiope to* lu

' eetre frcm eenMeen to torty eenu g a day. Dreeeee produced under euch ^

' 1 wage i r e lold K ietall fur wwrny* ~ B tu to nlnety*elgtil centi. n e y a r \ .

’ D arta tai* founded oo H am lio n V wage*. Ttwy Injure U u w otkan and a t U u um e Ume m tn m anufaeti^ e n wbo try to maintain a decent vagg aeale. Tbey prolong U » deprei* llo a Luoy Rudolph U aioo. Here< tary ef Uie SiUonal Oooiumen League, made Uut fact eleetr In a « ! recent speech. tw

■Our pait proeperlty," ebo o ld . ™ - h u been built upon m au buying »“ of onr worltert^'aiatUUca rereal tha t In Amcrla fUty>tour per cent

^ -------ofH>w-i00d*-*ere-oow wn*d-by- »thOM wboee Incomes were le u than two thousand doUan annually. ^ That h i i i t o s ^ now. We lUU hare f>'' UiU contumpUon capKlty, but not tha meani lo buy eommodltlee.''.Tbe needlewocker getting forty

ceati a d iy may B0( bare atx day*' work ft « M t U tbe doci.'iM r total eld )»y of two doUan and tccty oenU nli cannot go tar toward booiUng AmsN ”

- Jean industrr and rn tortna pw tper- Ity. I t can not eren keep her off tbe til

relief Utta. Bcplolten who profit frtm iu th mlitftble w arn are nub- lie enemies, some day. aomehow, they must be put out of builneu.

r s n o o u o r TDC FB E ss ’The bUl inuoduoed In Congreu “

whoaa Immediate a ta was lo prevent tai publicaUoa ot lecret diplomatic u > PU changea In a certain book obtiouity ^ went too (ar. Ruibed through the ^ SOUM under, tne tmpreulon that tt hn.

-------- wartaperaUve, It-wai taM np tn-Uw ftie en a u for tuitber consktenUon. TbU delay eeeai to ba*e been wlie. Though apparently oo t meant to tr] -m nnte Uu prus." It might have h id

tUocit]n America, ot all countries, and

a t p reunl. o( all times. U u wont SI UUng Uiat could happen would be to interfen wlUi' th t frep pubUcatlon of leglUmate n e n and comment. ,

“yreodom of Uie preu." to r which to Uu poet MUtoo wrote a great de- teoso nearly Uiree hundred years Ky ago, originally meant fncdom (or nIs booki. and Uun Irtedom for pam> eti pbleU oo pubUc a ttain , ib a rc wen tt) oev ip ipen Uien. u we know ,,, them. Wltb Uie ippearance ef week. VI ly and dally papen prorldlng gener* a l s « :n and opmieo. Uie n b u ef ‘p reu ftvedom becaBiinon a ad m on tn

. Important, i t gnw «lUi f m g o n n . it{ V, a m u a partaer. a' ymaan tm taa ec Um pobUs

' - p n n t t u n U 00 peUUeal freedco. « ti!j‘ . m world tedar ibew i U ui. D eaee- Ux ;V<: m r wm pouIUi la etllM c r h u b iu S ^ ; - d i ^ « a t 9 M ( n ( b m * i r e a a w i * ,

fe7 .^ f iB d loa coly threogh ft'frte, fair. In*

t t n H e o tp n » 'j3,: - ■•ret UUl reaMo, BU cUeoed vn-

•nuMDt a iM npport;] freedom of Iba newapaper preea. Just aa eaUgbt-

jOORtalUa evpporti' poUUetl tfMdocB. And lo JennU U n, w to loraramiBl, maeb fnadon U I«« (U a iK ta th ia UtUc. Cnwiaa pub* . UettkB M ittrty (0 da le u barm tbco

fiontioiipuiiisj l i p L i i i .

B t m ts r . Aprtl 11 (•pedal to H u ' K rw t) .-n » cee m fM lte ef tba ObrMlad ebureb wffi en}OT*^i“ »“ and mtulMi pregran a t Uw ebnrcb Apm » wim t n m SteelimlUi In tf ia m ot • m o n m n te . t b e dlnser S S tS i im O tT tf e lo c k w t t J . tbe -

M U » ObrtoUao lD de tn»B 0(er«4 to Kimberly « a t. o tliy m B loff w ben an ezaeuUva b o m mattlAg w u beld fer tbU dli* triel. Olila nM ttag ti lebeduled for

0 . 0 ; Asm ot U u Bwtey Pnebyter*' ““ {an ebureb. wU ba, Uia prinelpal ipukar eo Saturday afternoon aad

flirdwiU. aurley. wlU be toaM oaitar a t U u annua) banquet H E lo be beld aaturday evening. ‘Xlie n Burley orcheHra wtll pUy a t thla “

A f e i l m of Uie conrenUen will be u n in r te B tia r o n fn c e n m te i td e n ta — n trom Burtey who atUDdid tne execu* ^ t i n meeting w en, Mr. and U n . Don IlM lU e. toUU Burton. Helen Itob* insoa, oatbertne Rou. Larena nu*

M i^ lin a Bathbone, Crystal aterr, Olan. Wyatt, Don UeOlatlin I f i and sm aet «t«elimlUi.

W ILS flSIfl -- ^ m S J GOll

QQQpWO. AjtfU t l (Bpeclal to th e Newi)—i l i e ahnilarBaUwnKfn * ooUese young people connected with Uu ohrliUao auoclatloas of their retpecUT* eampuua haa been plan*Old for Uie Ooodlng eolleie camjnu Kuter week*end. Thla work la or* ganlud under the leadership o( U lu Mirola Baeber, OontalliirOt<gon,jadl. D r r R m o n d C u lm PorUandj who in c Iu ^ lK e i r^ w lir i l la C u 'In (h'alr~ nperrlslon. Tbe theme choaen u i Q T b e Art o( Leadership.’ and the Q tpeak tn Include In addition to the I f f leentarlea Dr. Elljeh Hull Long., C j; brake. Twin ralte; Rer. Traoy Coker, I M Shoshone; and UUs M. Gladys U ay .' den and U tu RuUi Street of tha lo- W cal campus. Rer. Longbnke will tpesk Saturday.

'nte-contertnee will be centered- iniuDd,_itfdaMM-HV4--iUiauiilMt- | | S rroupi. Featuraa a n an egg.bunt for M

. ^ l o o o t the a Iw Normal delega*

' a'r chalrmiia*o?'toe^«Sennee**imd ^ ^ an E u te r lunrlse tenlce and bnak* f* f u t to whleh aU young peonle'a I a sroupa ef the vlelnlty a n Invited. - { H The meeting of etudenta eoncludea .

Sunday noon. ■ - • *

"Zsn DisiGTi; I* PUNJN1L[LBT1 D' BtntLEY. April 11 (SpeeUl te* The News)—Twenty.nlne oommon n ft Khool dutncta In CauU county wlU

hold their annual Deetlng ef p«U tons of tbe eebool, for dlacuaOnt buslneu and Uw elecUon o t one or Met mora truiteea, April IS. Each aii* v tu trlct h u three truiteee, tha term of .» ■

_ i ni. >Yplrln> »«>-h y.** ^■ one elected for a Uiree year tana. In °*®

cases w hen tniiteea resign or leave the dUtrlel. one te flU the m a a e y Is alM eleeted. W1tbto««e dayiU * ter elccUon Uw boud n u tU for r t .

- onanlnuon. V J' At Uie annual meeUng the tax ' levy. It set, Uw tengUi of le m de* * P a elded on aad Uie day e t tta begin*a nlng. and olher builneu tndden t ___, lo Ibe school year transacted. Tho _ time ot meeUng li eet to etart a t *P(

e u f t t u u s m e u 'j j t t u a p ^ ^It — :— -------- 'W



SURLEY, April n (SpecUl to p u t . The N ew s)-a T. Lowe haa been M«a ‘ appointed adm lnlitnlor ot the ea- _ t tate ot the late Jackson D. B n e n ,. pursuant lo requeit ot Uaurleco E. ^ . Brtete. San FraoeUeo. a ion named ' In the wUI u executor. On petition, I* Probate Judge Henry W. Tucker t has appointed & IL Sunau, Ward9 ftl-8mlth-aBd-J. 0 .-0 u k lll appnU - —, ert of (he estate whleh conslsU ef JC

farm property adjoining Uw Burley i'• rotnulte and llm tock and machln- inl 0 ery. Besides Uie eon Uaurieee, tbe A wtdow. Narrla Jane Breeae. lu r-

Tires. • nu


AMSTRRDAM. April 11 fBpeelal L tl to The Newi)—Fahn work U get*. ting under, w ty again in th is dlj*, trlct after a delay eauied by tnev ’ flurries and cold wind. During K ' nights of the last week'-end temper* U . aturet were recorded a t 13 degreea | » , abon aera , M

' VISIT AMSTERDAM HOME ' Sj AUSTCRDAM. AprU 11 (Special ", to ■Ibe f t tw D -U s i Helen Walla* and U ln Helena Blinker. FQer lo>. itn ietoa , spent Iha week*end a t U u

a L Konkel boau. U lu watto and ,?^ ^ HlUlker w tn l«M ban lo U u I?, /U uterdan aebool (or two yean. ^

While Tiiiung b a n Uwy altanded -

Tlgero rartfllair far H w w ta d _ !

Dr. T ^ l l . CU repneter. U l Srd A n . N. rbona u n . Low f tu new la

* affect Nfl l i a tn te a U a b ^ d r . !—


HENRY LATROBE BOOSEVEI newspapermen following hlR t futAumi} chnrRG'of the invcBtla;: uniform) ia Lloutonant Comma

— n a v a l - n in t a t i « T ? - K f i^ h ( r t0 7 -

Officer Tells of ,

ASSOCIATED PRESS’TELEPf mnndor H. V, Wiley, rcscucd Brooklyn, New York, nitva) hc

- interview following the sea cn . nboard.~(/Q Photo._________ ,


N ew i)-runeral’ien lce i for M n . Jo- lephlne Cheney wtre htld a t the Methodtst church flunda» altem oon, mi wiUi ReT. Victor Phlltlpe in charge. « i Tbe Rebekah kidge, of which Mra. Cheney w u a memb(z~for maby n . years. Joined In Uu final titaa. I&. tn te m e a t w tl inR apart eam itery/

ly .aetUen of U u . dUtrlet. bAvIng nu homesteaded near Aceqnla 28 yean ; a g a She It aunrind by ooe a litcr. = Mr*. Charles Laodlt. BolM.

Too Late To ClassifyP«R n m t JTVE SADDLE HORS-!

W ^ 'l f .b T O BUY. A BADDUt AND!

WE HAVE ROOU POR MORE,' aheep, hones and cattla oo early pu tu re. Msry Alice Parfc Phono M«M1. •


JOE.K 8AVS':- Dont strike a match and look

Inlo four Unk to aee tf you need gM ~tor you wont need any. Eh whatl You dont b a n to strike a match to find Uie Oood TUnea Mst around Uie'Mmer . . . .

• -----A T JO E .O T ------


i ^ 'C o ^ m b l » ‘P l e t a i« i t-----WITQ -------

'S y lrU ---------------- Maa CtartoJoe SmlUi----------Italph B^lUmy

Tony --------------Hale I tan m en •

— " r tU 8 ’. . . FBATVDETTES . . .

Newa »-.B ia SCREEN ACTS-} I and t - a i o C0 M ED iEg..i

■NOTB: Itl-All'lD'Tiiii,'Aa'<l~We ^ Nerer Rabe Ow Frites] I


' . I’ '

■ T W IN r ^ J f l D A IL Y tf l l E W a . T W m F A U A ID A B O ,

a v a l S e c r e t a r y . H e a d c A k i

’ELT extreme left) , oBBlstsnt secr( R arrival nt the naval ttlretation, tiff&tlon into tho Akron dliostcr. < mandcr Jesse Kenworthy, tempora

f Akron Crash T

I TTInjt. Folk ftsii cliur All I

~ aoodsui


IW B jH E 8K w ^ ,Ti


' ■! Tl

3PH0T0 of Lieutenant- Com* * ued officcr of tht* Akroa. in

hospUnl ns hc ^nvo his Tir»t c craah of tho dirisible with 76 Nor

op.. , . jedi

l i i l i f i T i - FILEIl MNIS MFILER. April n (Speclnl to The

NewiiJ—The regular meellnn end luncheon ot Flier KlwanLi club was

I held todsy In the ba.ument ot the MelhodUt chureh. The meal was served by memberk of Uie Ustho- dlst LsdlM Aid soclcty., Tha.mMtlna.ttu-prwlded-ovff-by- — Oeorce W. Anlliony, pre.^ldent of . tbe ciub, \• Fred M«ch, Twin Pulls. a

ifue it.I The profirnm coaiLited ot vocal ; numbers by Mrs. Paul Ludtow andI , J ^

g J / ' TODAY!tm i Woman' Has ^. . . A Lore 8 « r t t !

What wss Madame Blanches? A lltitlme ot c x p e r l e n e e Is pscked into UiU vl-

• vld glimpse ot th« | inner soul o t a wo- | msnl

• nrUUant Star otI -HACK STREET*

Jntne- |V M tieJ•"•SECRET



• UMAMtMCn.V* PLUS •! .

IT lU pboneBaadA ct rJ W A F i ^ d r i C S i i ^ L

- f lB ^ P a t r a e u tM w a

E B a a i D a TM »t Ite-W - E w . lfc.t5c.M .


kkron Probe | |

iccretary of tho navy, talks to ^ on, Lakehurst, New Jersey, to ^ sr. At the extreme right (in "* Mrariry in command of tho

Mlu Lanon Drake, accompanied by pQ P Mrs. E. A. Beem a t Uio'pUno. ^


The contest tryout In story lell- j ^ t Injt, the one-act play, •'Women ■ even! Folks," and musical numbers will beiietde ftslured a t the Latter-Day SalnU uon clmrch Wednesday a t 7:30 P. M. elect All memben are Invited io attend, ident

. , ------- RobeMrs. M „J. Bush will entcrisln the Hopj

ao oa 'w ureln ir»rthe:hc« itrj)frher caii« dsuihter. Ura. Opal Johnson.- Wed- talka nesdiyatlem ooaRotlcaU wlllbere- Uie i ■ponded to wllh an exchange ol Oulic bulW in d secdi. ple. .

_____ son,I The Unity flub will meet at

dM a lte rn t^ .

j The next mc'itlng ot the Scrlb.l” ’'* ' I biers’ club haa been ^ tponed until Ituriher notice. V|/(5

Tilt Women'a Council of ih t Chrli- Usn churcb will meet In the lover room of the church Thunday at J:JOP. U. FT

_____ NewiKimberly Orange-wHl-meet to- lowlr

nl«btUUUi»-lKKn*-o^MrT-and-Uriri— FnDonald Kllbom. Mow

__________ = = ______________m u .I The Past Noble a n n d s club wilt plan;

' of V trt pVank W k s, l*M SsTenln nlaT iBTcnue cas t firstI ------------------------ Is cnI Complete aasortmrnt of llardr R. j N ontrr stock. Prlrca are low. Drlre tllntt I op. Open eTenlnit. Kimberly Nnr- pscU Ijedta------------------------------------------ iQtsa



............................... I ll I - i m i ’ M

SaSsaS^Q ^uSm BLdoo In a

of '


d a a



H as Oarko and Ralph BeUamy New « •’Parole G trr~ A ColambU Pie* la r i are now headinc the aaeat Ticket atUiTogTMinit-Jee.KtBo*y iheatn ;---------Ti

' _____ 15*n


JoctBUHL. AptV I t (Special to Tho ralli

lews)>poplar m il 4-K club beld lU A n t meeting ot the year Friday pUn renlng. w ith Sherman WlUlami a i Tt lader, a t the sctioolhouse. An elec- with on of o ftlcen -w u held.-Ottlcen- B u a leet are Raymond Lancuter, prei* • lent; Ted Nebeker. vice pm ldent;«b cn HarrlnBton. secretiry; John ICE ropple. yell lender. Mr. Winiama | illcdT m im ralT it th^ boys to make ' ' I Ilka on care of calvei Memben of 10 elub ore Le Roy QUi, Eugtne B t lulkk, John Hoppte, WUllam Hop* Neai le, J r , Ted Nebeker. Mason Lar- pany in, Letand Lanon. Rex Lancuier, mam ;lchard Lancaster. Ray Lancuter. Utlo: •otyft Harrlngt o n ^ geno XOt_dward Warner and Harry Wilson, b u i

nd year work. adde -------------------------- Durl


------- nearFILER. April l l (flpecl.'l to *016 ! “ *

Iew s)-n icr visitors Include the foi- iwlng:-md-Blaa*4s4M^r9nvhli^horoe-(n — louston. Wisconsin, to visit his bro-

Ians to slay several montiis. He ex* ^

■We b r o lh tn ^ n ha^ng the ir T w ' Irst reunion In « y tan . Ur. B lau I cnnased tn newspaper w ort « m| a . o , Cramer. Salt Lake City tn v - u,o

llntt reprr^entatlvt ot (he Mlsaoarlj be i 'seuie Railroad company, w u a bua-1 traoi pCM.Otllcr.ln PI!*r.lDdai_________ 1____


uld theeat

PARENTS, particulai tention tp children’s < economical and pleas him correctly than b; io bealth.

Of course in case c suited regardinsr wbi should not eat. But d( ut'acturers orfood no the leading nutrition; tlve to the claims the advertisinR?

In other words, 1 sources of informatii upon the results of coveries about vitam Intion to vip^orous 1 teeth and propei'ly-r(

So read these adve doctor about them. Vl to do this because he

. doctor respects, abou tisement&

A P R IL l g , 1983

■ ■ l iIRENE DllNI E STJiS IN 'S'u


Memorlu ot ber dajv In l lo re n i t b n u Uagteld sbowt on U it N tw York m b Ksga w en brought b u k to - in n e jte rlas Dtome whea tbe lang and danced ipeak a a ipeclal eb y i i n n n i ^ loclud- j n «

sod M ilag tn for T t u S e c n t r ? ^ it Uadame Blanebe,* th e Metrv-^ Strati Ooldwyn-Uayer p ^ u e U o o tb i t U o tsU sow'hbowlag t t U u O niheum tbea. Lea tre. Whali

I b e daoott f o r ' l l u aec re t of Ua* lome. la a u Blanche* w tn ila g td by Le Magd

a 'PTini. WlUl muilo by WlUiam'Sloan Stotbart^cad lyrlci br OlUfora.willu a n y and B itty tS iIb i. lu ldle

B tba call nppo rtb u U U t Donne, playe s r t Uonel A tw a T m a ip * Holmes,'Laiar (Tot Uerki] Dooglu W altoo, 0.{Anni Henry Qordoa, Jean Parker and; thea. UllebeULtwU. Bib


FILER. AprU n (Special io The 1(Jewil-FUer O nnge met In regu* ____!ar session Friday erenlng wttb an itundance of SS members. .t,,

H»B “8eth-Parfcer - th ib g i T e - a - ^ ’S I5.mlnute program. R. J . Ebenole.Idn. Lester Uuoer, U n . E arl Peck, iw » n a ld Spencer, Lee Bnnli a n d 0 .0 . rh o m u preunted tbe p rosnun fea* „ o n .

"Money and Flnanca" waa th e aub. oet of a lalk by A. L. RoaeU. Twin •Uis Orange m uter.

A iced and plant exchange U ilanaed tor next meeUng. ’

The Orange auxUlary, wUl meet . / J l rlUt M n. C, 0 , Thomaa. M n . W. M. dueling wUl'be a liti ta a t hoetea.

-------------------------- mCE COMPANY AT BUHL

INSTALLS-^60-B0XESiyB r a o , A pruT T T spK M to T l , ? “

Tea-3)—Buhl Feed and Ioe com- ■any. opcnUd by Theodore Rangen, nanager. h u Just completed Insta l. oV X stlon of « 0 lee boxes w ith locken jwer:

laa more Uian lo tons of m eat ou t. m iidB“ of"b6iesTiow"in"'iiortge’^and u Jdded spaee tor sevenl more tons. q. .Mrlng warm weather the company -yn nakee an avenge ot IS tona of lea a

Shoe npair and ah b a a m ic e u lear u yotn- phone. Work called for , iBd deilvend. New E s Shoe Shop,IS Main Avenoe E u t . Phoae lit.

Coun'-pW lo T in ln i-P hoao b . T . tJo "* < o .7 » ,o rIta -A d v .

1°.iu rn ilg i Mill/IUM I ilOMiMI. MJfnif ,.»■Imts known u Mrs. O. W. Adami.' lavlng lett my bed and board, you; vUI take notice lhat trom and aflcrj .^P* ho UUl dsy of AprU. IM3,1 wUl not thU t X responsible tor an y 'd eb ta ton- raeted by her.____________ C_W_ADAM3—Ad5---------

e ChildJ T ? - -

larly mothers, a re paying i 's diet these days. For it is asant to keep a child weH I by'nursing and doctoring

e of doubt the doctor shou rbat a child should eat an do you realize th a t the lea

now seek the advice and a: anal authorities in the cou hey make for th e ir produc

I food advertisements ai ition regarding d ie t They if the latest approved scie imlns. minerals and rough 3 bodies, clear complexic-regulated-systems,--------

vertisements carefully. Co Very often the advertiser i he has asked anthoritles. i out statements made in th


'jE R O U a April.« (SpeclaJ toT ba ■he N m ) - A week of p r e - B a ^ j , nlen urvleae ipeaiered by Uiy l o y i al m lnlittrlal uiedaUOO b e g a / A Jonday nlghl wlUi a pageant f f f ba Olrl Reeeme, aod wUl o o o t ^ f bnughout tbe week. T tu m e e U i^ n being eondueted a t tb e Prcaiiy. trlao ehurob and a loeal mbiliter peaki each evening.Tbe pageant given Uooday n l ^ l .

Tl^um^ l^»nt•Otadneu^•wa»dlr«et->■--------d by Erma. Amou with IbeUna itratton and RuUi Oldham tn cbarga t sUge setting and Uie chonii.Leading cbaracten included lone

Vhalty who played tba part o t S a . une, O nee Horton vho played Uary {agdalene. Fay prerfleld, U arg an t lloan, U arg an t UUler, Francea tmiUinion, wbo represented prleeU, oldlen and ann le : U arrU Nelien, ilaytd UarUia; Marjorie Oarlwn.Aiorus: Helen Cooaot. Peter; and uinabelle Zug, Joaepb of Ariraa* hea. I

BIblul ooitum tt w en uted, wUcb

ipot UghU, produced aome lo'rely cenei. A la r ^ audlenca wltneued he production.

Legal Advei-tlsementtNOTICE OF 8UEBUT*8 SALS .VIdaho, lo and for Twin FaUi Covaij.

Mm S iau Lumber Company, a cor* poratlon, PlalnlUf, |

la try Baan and Oenevleve Bean, | husband and wife; Ouy N. Ault and Aiina Ault, husband' and wife. | Defendant*. |Under and by virtue o t an Order •;

If Sste, Usued out of Uie above en- | lOed Court, In t^e above entlUed a c - ! Ion. dsted the VKh day of Uarch, j M3, whenb) the plaloUff obtained L Judgment and decree agalnit the bove named defendanU on Uie ITtb^^yJ^F^b^uary, 1833, u ld dWTee-be>_____ng ncottled ln-Judgmen^Book-18,--------)t u ld DUtrlct Court, on page ‘IS:: am commanded lo tell all Uiat «rtaln lot. piece or parcel ot land Ituated In the County of Twin FalU,Itale ot Idaho, and bounded and lescrlbed as toUowi, to-wlt^ ____________

-Ufi) of the Town nf H an«!n,.ta_______tame It thown and designated on the official plat of Hansen Townslie on tUe jind of ncord in the ottlce of the Recorder ot u ld Twin FaUs County. Idaho.PubUc hoUee U hereby given: T hat

>a Uie U th day ot April. 19M a t Uio lour ol 3:00 o’clock P. U . (Uountaui nmei ot said day, a t tbe East front loor ot Uie Court House of the ;ounty Of Twin FaiU. SU to Of Idaho,-wSrln-^obedlanefr-to-iald-Ordar'Of-^-------Salt, teU Uie abovo described prop- rtv to saUsfv PlalntUtI decreo with n tm s t ihenon. together wlUi aU

awful money ot tho United Statea ^ I Dated a t Twin FaUi, Idaho, oa A

AU the aist day of March, m T E. F. PRATER, • 1

Sherltt. Twin Falb 1 ---------_______ C0uati.Jd4b0,__________ :


lg a lot of at-______ ^t is fa r morciHby feeding_________ing him back , j

lould be con- 'wand wbat he leading man*I a p p r o v a l 'o :

:ountry. relp- lucts in their

are reliable ley are based icieiitifjc dis- ghage, In re -' ■ xions, sound

Consult yourer invites yous, whomyourthose adver-


— I

B i g J u e s

President Plans To Witness first

__ GameitXapitalBoom-Time Opulenoo Faile!

At OUen-Day Fighting Spirit Looms Tor Clubj In Malor Circuit Raoei

Br ALAN OOUtO (AnocUted Pw ti Sporti Editor)

-------tel Initeid a r t t u n r o f '' Ume llstiUiig spirit, b ; ottielal n-

r (, the unltorniMl r t n b o( lu * 1MIU8' bMcboU will m trch Into action tomorrow tn » etm ptlfn deft*

if o je ijjju d -to rrcapture n ttio u l populult^ Md. IncldenUIIr. to end the domlnitlon ot the New York

-------- TiiikKsr---------------------- ; — :------- ^The return o( one o( Amerlu*!

• • • s r e tu tt and moet colorlul iporUn*; InstltuUons to lU old (wnUUr ta t> , tlegroundi, will be c ^ f » t« d . ' weather permitting, with u jfcpltT of old-tlme c n th tu lu ^ soii cer«-| n o n lu and beer on iSS. 'neath th e , lUnda, In four of the e ljh t p«k». '

Undealntble Weather Det'slle undetlrable' weather and|

a prMpcct of ahowen In a t le u t three cltlei. the eight American and National Icapie opener*, baaed m ptedlcUoni tonight, will draw IBS,000 ipecUton. Tho poor weather out-

'. iQok-waa concentmted .In the Eait _ . . - in ip l t e ^ tw i and oppoeiHOH o n ij'..

from the ull-end Boston Red 80*. the Yankeea' maiagemenl jwctoted » crowd of 40,000, for the opellcr In the big Bronx park. I t waa chilly but clcarlnj In the Wc»t, ^

The fcccrd ma]or lea g ^ u ^ o p ^ g ^

200WO. The majM tee will be hap­py If they come cloae to that to* p morrow.

Prtildenl FrankUii D. Rooaevelt c wUl throw out the f ln t ball for the same between two of the American c league'i forenwet champlonahlp challengtri. Waahlngton’i Senaton and PhUtSetphU’s AthleUcs. p

Of baiebnU'i-DfflclaJ-fainlly, Com----------muitrfnerKrMrtendto-wUl-wltnee* S

tlie a

the American league. wlU' attend ^ Jhi* nmwns.Whlto Box name In St, «

Louli and iw id e n t iJonn T5no d ^ '^ ^ ^ H e y d le r ot the National league, will .

be a gUMt of honor for the Brook- - Im 'PhU lta, cw lost. a t Phlladel- | phla. where a capacity turnout ct I 11,000 f a u waa forecaiL I

c n h a n left nothing undone to atlmulate greater popular intereit and clceer pennant raeea thU year. Wholesale player sh lfu hare brought about greater balance ot itrepgth In both big leagues, although b - Jurtea and mUhapa will keep an un- _ usual number ot veteran sU n out ^ of Uie opentag day Ilxieupi. >*

. T he two league pnaldeoU hare J Joined In appealing to the playen » to employ a maximum of a g g i^ v e - ^ new, mlnua rowdlnoa*. Into the com- “ petlUon and avoid fratem ttlnj on “ or about the fields. , ^

Beer FIswi K

^i<<7w*lhe New^YOTk a ^ fll, Louis „ M ^ c a n league parks, a lu the ClQ- ^ cinnau and Chicago NallonU league itad luo i tomorrow.

The Yankees' ISa.OOO piece ot b a w baU hrtc-a-brac, “Babe" Ruth, may Pi ba a tnfle pale and weak- from a di sore threat but he will take hU ac- M euitomed place In right field to- PI marrow and. no doubt, rise to the emergeDcy with hls usual tiatr for ai ihowmanthlp. 'O m “B a b e M a n e w

Just emerging trom the doctor’s V care, and he U hlnuelf confident he will defy his critic*-by playing reg- ularlf throuth mo«t of hla twentieth . Dig league season.

Less fortunate are sucb other vet- I erans as Rogen Homiby of the Car-

dlnali. -Klkl- Cuyler o l the Cube. Trarli Jaduon of the a ian ti. and a ^ number ot othen. all casualties for '® the time being. “

Although no developments of tha ~ p u t few dayi have altered the wide- ^ spread view of expert* tha t the Van- ” keea and Pirates are the two clubs

_____ to beat, surprises are looked for taboUTponiianl race#. J*

American league rivals wlll shoul- ” der a toughu tu k . In trying to dls^ ^ lodge the opulent Yankees, but a t least three of them, Washington. S Philadelphia and Cleveland, think fp they hava a chance to do It. Mean- whUe Improvement h u been man- }*5 Ifeit by all the other dube. notably ^ lhe Chicago ^Vhlte 80*. "

Two of the best prospects for sen- , J satlonal pitching duels tomorrow will pit ''O lzsy Dean of the Cardlniil agalnat Lon Watneke of the Cuba, ^

■ a t Chicago, while. Al Crowder ot ” the Senaton Uckles either Oeor|« f* Eamshaw of -Lefty” Grove ot the £ Athletics In Washington,

Dean is the youthTul strikeout «" Ung ot the NaUonal league aod aco ct a plUhIng staff whleh promise* to kwp the Cardlnato In tbe thick •

--------of“ttw K a ttm a lle ig o B ■ r n K ^ i -----lin t serfea between ths CWU and lhe champion Cab* will be watched wllh keenest Intarert. t

Meamrhlle the iwaah-buokUag Pl- a : rttes of PltUborg.-with yooaf.am Tti Swift OQ the flrlBg line. wU ^ boi

' their pennant drive against tb* Aedi • _ j i t ^ e to n a t L T h i Buc* belMn Uny ly.

have'the speed, poww and pUchlnf sU

ented southpaw. Vamoa Oma, eart p in t t the Red Sox to r Uie opea- i

........ teg mow of thslr f ampalgn for pen- Uunant number 8 ofthBTXJSt-war era.- fin. Let the welkin and U u baiehlu tldrlngoutl Ca]


a g u e B a




'ofD--' d- -






nd '

r. Salient Facts Abdul

NBW YORK. Aprit 11 OP>-SaUent fact scheduled major league opening ball gai

n t AMERICAN LE ------------------------- Preba'Me Pttchera-----

ro Boston a t ^P* New Y o rk ___ Andrew* versus Gone»• Philadelphia at

W uhlngton ...O rove venus Orowde lit Cleveland att» D etro it............ Jfw w a venus Brldgtitn Chicago t tIp Bt. Lm Is n urtitm versua Hadle n NATIONAL Ll

Pittsburgh a B- ClndnnaU ..__O w lft w » ia Johnioc

e- C h lctgo ...... .....P f n versus Wamikj

id Philadelphia — Clarka venua Moore 5t, New York a t £,m T BOBuin — '___hmumwvjm tmU l _____ .•■.............. ~ ^ . . . . ..k- ^

Highlights From ^ ;.nfeseball Camps^ NEW YORK e. YALE B S)g J . NEW HAVEN. Conn.. April irn>> the „> Charley Devens. former Harvard •

pitcher, pitched t no<un no-hlt Ing , , gama for the New York Yankeea Ne< n against Yale this afternoon, win- vin

nlng ,« to 0, Devens fanned 14 Yalo lan bittsmen but gave several walks and few

m the Yank* made two errors behind rea him. • he

■nieecoro- R.H.E. cd^ w York (A)_.000 401 0 0 1 ^ 1 S E

Batte'rti: Deven* and Jot^ens: O. Jot Parker,-o. Wheeler and Egloff, M

'* MONTREAL *. PIULUE8 I «B }. PHniADEfJHIA. AprU 11 Ml - 5 " ly Phlllle* and Montreal Ued here to- ^

;- M oatretl <n.) OJO 000 000-5 13 I >. PhtladtlphU. N 000 000 003-1 « 0 "* le Batteries: Thormahlen. Mlchaets n and Tate: Dudley, Berly and Todd.!r _ - T ^ .. _ — P i

5 €oach At Burley iTq Stage '

: P^rilalWon M ettrf’ BUpLEY. April 11 (Spedal to Hje 5 Hew»)~PitparaUons are belnjT made _ to how a pentathlon field meet at

the C aula county fair grounds, Aprn . 33. for acbool boys under 18 yean, z The affair wU be under dlrecUon ot ^ . PhUlp Hir*cWer, coaeh ot the Junior , high sohool. Burley. ?“n EvenU wlll coaiUt ot W and TS X - ) v d dathe*-broad-and.hl«h-Jumpi.

and basket ball throw for accuracy, T htro will be Junior and aenlor d l; ^ Villons. eontastanU to be gnded ac- ^ cording to ago. weight, tn d height. Schools tlready *nt«t«d Include Hey- bum, Paul. Malta. Rupert and Bu> ^Vn ley. with t probability 01 represen- ““i tatlvea from Albion. Oakley and oth-

Six medals wlU be awarded, to Uie three high w tnnen In each dinatai. and 10 oertUlcatei lo the high point man In each event. W lnnen wlll be ,7 5 n tlt to d to enter the pentamion, a l Ban Lake Olty. L ait yMr. wniard Katnoed. »eo f ln t .a t Salt, Lake

weat to the Lo* Angeles

“Easter Luck ” Wins_On

SAN BRUNO. CtL, April II ( « - A 104-to-l tho t won Ute t i n t r«e« at T ttttto ran today, paying « M to boldcn o t t3 flr*t-pU 6?dU >m

" Ik i te r tw k ." (0-ty. t*Ung ber t i n t vietofT m n ita tU . w u tbe moiuy Butkcr. Qh* ll p n i evned by M. J. naye* ta d wm rid- CQI <!» by J. F l y n n . ^ took Um lead eariy ta d aerer « u la daagtr. ffl

AnoUter long ih o t registered in dlUe U w ete ee d n ee w h aa ‘Tos* Budget." Un* flnUhtagnooD d.paldgn;40oaplaoe St. Ucket* tn d m « lor *how. *Cholee Ui* ' CtDar" woa. ta d

a l l C l u b :| M M 1

■ i p

' c l'


<iut Opening 933'ffiamond Drire 1t facta tn d tlgurei on tomonow'a eight ; ill games: IN LEAQUK J

________ AlWndaneft_Kc»lhcL9n8Ale,

Gomes______ 40,000 Bho«'en Yes' Irow der______ 33,000 Cloudy.cool No' j

Id g ti________ 35,000 P^lr.cold No'

Kadley........ ...13.000 Pair YesMAL LEAGUE j

h n » D ____ -J0,000 Clear, to o l- Ye* '

imike _____8i).000 C l e a r , Y e s ' -

u fTOtnkW uir i a,ooo aiiowe n --------N o -

Max Baei- Tips H

S NEW YORK. AprU 11 MV-Max w Baer, curly headed young-Callfor- fi nla giant, hauled off his street togs, and gave the experts one of It

■t the biggest surprises of 'their live*. 11 i Re w u an Immesse fellow weigh- h t Ing aoa when lu t he departed the li I New York sceoc afler beaUnj Le* n . Vinsky tn 1930. and he looked evm a larger when he stripped today. Bat gl

tew of the assembled expert* were vi ready for Ute shock th a t came whea he stepped on the Hale*. Ke weigh- ti cd exactly 330 pounds. . U

Baer arrived yesterday from Ltr- U. ««oror-C aH fom l*,-lo-it*r»-lrala- O ing for hll IS'tound bout wlUi Max SI Bwmeltag here June 8. Be announc- rc ed then that he mighed -about 318." He w u ditfldeht today tbout , getting on the icales afttr ahadow I boxlog, rope skipping, exerebtag « ' ' half docea rounds, and d l ip U ) ^ lets than half a docen exceu poundi OR his huge frame.

Hope Of Germany SBgRLIN. ■April ll.l,TV-DflVl8 CUP Ul

hope* of Germtny today wero wrecked by Ute HlUer govemmenf* f» b ta on Jew* u the cup committee ^ dropped It* leading player and for- ^ mer captain. Daniel Prenn. because f f ofliU nee. W

The dUbament left Germany with ” only Baron von Cramm to renew the ^ campaign which twice In four yean had canlcd her to the intertone final w against the United SUtes. Her Uilrd aad lourih ranking playe* — G. 2* 7unck'e and E.“ Nourncy—arc ao t v considered In the same e lau with the Baron and Prenn. “

Germany laced a dUflcuIt Davli cup campaign even wlUi Prena, without him they face almoet eer- ** tain ellmlnaUon.

Prenn h u been Germany’* lead- , log player lo r several yeara and la 1D33 WU one of the 10 or 15 best la ^ the world. He fln t headed the Ger- man list la 1D38, repeated la U38 and im a n d tn m i shared the place WlUt von Cramm. He again ranked nufflbtr 1 In 1B33.

M A PLE L E A FS T R IU M PH «— ab

TORONTO. April 11 WV-Toroato anMaple Leaf* defeated Ute New York co Raugeit,'! t s 3, to n tg h t^ 'th o thlRl ic | game or (he tlxial pt*yo/l taieg tar tk the Staaley cup and the world'* pro- ftaslonal hockey c h a m p l i ^ p pro- | J Icngtag Uie series bcyoad U » (tore*- J j game mlalmuai. The raagen m o Ut* t in t two ooRteit*. A lourtti will be pUyed Thond*y.

------------------------ IC O LLIN S LO SE S P O S IT IO N &

— mffr.-LODls, April II « v -D nooa- ta

dlUe(MRlea*e of Pitcher lU p -O o l- rk on* WM ■anomieed today b r-U «St. Louii'Brown*. Collin* w ta oa »*] Uie Toluntarlly retired Ult la*t year w ta d rcc tn U j'w u rtlasUted. . Be

T t n N F A U C f l D A A T t l

) s E x p e c

Th i s II Um day for w hich tho 1 been w tltln g ever sioce “B* Cbarilo Root In Chicago laai

I t ’j *n w m uiJ event,'th ta getaw i t never falla to assum e a v u t lm millions of fana. It-is , am ong oth

th e famous “griindm other’' joke, repeated here.

OesplU Uie acarcliy of ready money. ' and bleachen la eight cltla* of the Natl pretty eooforttbly filled by the Ume the l start making wUd Uirow* Into short lift

At th a t hour, aU 14 outfit* wUi be on e

pink ol condition and are going to put 1 By darkneu, a lti. Ut* JublUtlon will h

The Ytnkees probably wlll be headed to agen ot eight losing teaai* wUl have f i r o o m Mupper will hare grown cold In (

^ m e of the day's tautest tetlon Is d'l catti customers. Club ttiuunn, going > the l u t tsn h u been tueked la a seal,

- t f 0ortaJot_M im !tttlnt4 he_®Mlptfc___U thretten* to be a to u g b ye tr nn ts

give some IndlcaUoili of Uie f u u ’ atUtudi regarded tUendtnee on opening d ty u 1 tuites never ditcograged them In the lea

WheUier the fans still feel tha t way : The attendtnce. ordinarily jUit a figure 1 Uie box scare, becomes something to Inc after the result

Tbe heroic tigure a t the left Is Seno Acrou from him Is Al Simmons, who Is e: handsome for Chicago's Whlt* Sox.

*■ ■a '~ ' ' ’ ------------ *01

B erkeley Bows______ «° .jn y e t Matches ^: PINEHURST. A ^ i 11 l<n-B ake- ^

ley Bell New York, seeded eighth and tju• ranked' slxtertUi aaUonally.- w u j„ , . eumlnsttd tn m Ute North aadSouUi f ^ n n u tou iym w t to d y by C lw lu ,

year-old Duke unlvenUy freshmta. . J ( who eooUy stroked bis way to a ]•«. L7• fi-7^-4 Victory.t B«U1 dm tloU w u Uie only upset ^f la the second day olU ie tou rnam en t;^ u thttsaw sU of Uie ottjer seeded s ta r* ., '"• headed by Clifford SuUer, New O r-' J I leans, advanee through the third ^ ■ round ot men'* tlng lu play, t1 The im t round ol women's sin* 1. JI gles wt* also nro ofl wlU» the tt - lw nI vored adrsndng easily. ;PoiI .George U. LoU and Lester 8 tocl-;ot• fen, wbo eame her* from Uie Hous-,out . ton toumsment, wUl not go Into ac- bes• Uon until tomorrow. 3. GUbert Hall, eao ' Orang«,-Ntw-Jert«y,-and-£rank-X. ant t Shlelds,NewYork,reaehedlhelourth t• round yesterday, wit

------------------------ I t 1

I Corbett Defends ^ I Title In Battle ™

Against McLarin------- he*

LOS ANOELES, April 11 ( ^ - in V ottttt-Oeet>ei^lterwel*h^-«h*mn>-x ploa of Ute world, wUl defend his V o UUe against Jimmy M eUraln in t ^ h u 10-round bout at Wrigley tld d on;ton

announcement late today after a bit long cooferenco wlUi Charle* (Popi U fft Focter, Uie challenger'* manager. H e. h&r u ld he would leani from L arrr.'ciji WhKe. OorbetVs manager, tomor-],oui row when the actual signing would ht* take place. - tlrd

George Dltke w u decided upon t* Uie referee, tn d the weight wltl be 147 pounds'at 3 P. M.. the day' t Of the bout These point*, previous- gan ly-agreed-upon -by-Wlilte-in-*-UU»,^oot pbone coQveruUoo wlUi Doyle, wera deei found favorable with Foster. g tn

Under Uie agreement Corbett wUl pier receive a flat guarantee o l US.OOO Kbi with a pireenU n If the gate grooses nea more thsn tlOOMa wltl

Ih e mstch h u been In the mak- Ooy ing for more than a month. Jtck Kearns.,manager ot Jackie Field, m t from whom Corbett won the title p n i recently In Ban.Frandico, originally i i u had InsUted th a t WhlU keep his the agreement to meet the former cham- the £ ^ ^ f o r e he went up against Me- le n

Kearns later rsleated tatf demand- u m ed U ut tha wlaner meet Fields u ... hi* IU « opponent Tbi* w u agree- able wlUi Corbett, but U cL am lnl ^ mtnager nfused to make such a contract and the tight wu o lt again. ^ T O an jr ta u n M w w rb a rw T h e-w ^ S f

Bill Increasea % Boxing Rounds ^

8PHm onELS,HL,A pTll u u n A U n lacnadng beataf boua trom. will U ^ 1 8 rouad* WH psM td.by Uie werl SUaod boua* o l t«pr*MBUUT«. 104 prm to 4. (odiy.- H i* pneea t law pro- q Tide* tor 10 roundi. b u. ‘n u a e w m e a n re a o w Boa toUie be .: •eaate lor coaeurreBO* in t minor gua •n sadm tn t ta d then to ooveraor chll< B o n e r lor bU afmature. '* d 1

r K B W a .T V n N F A L L S . P A H 0;

e t I S S f O;he oatlon’B bueball f l l b e r t i have “Babe” Ruth caUed hU ahoU on last October.

tawoy day In tbo big leagues, but t importance In the eyes of some other things; the insj^Iratlon for

jJce, which pbsiUvely' will not be

ley. the probability U tb a t g rtndstan* National and Araerlean league* wlU be the band* begin playing and tb* aiayon lif t l le l lon eucU y even Unn* lor th* l u t tlm*,

put up tha tight ot their Uve*. mi have ended and stark na lity eet In.!d !or another championship, tb* man*« t'irned the tU- blue In eight dreuing in couoUeu AmrrJean homes.

Is d ie, unforlunttely, to b* lo*t to the tng >'nto a hurried huddle frnffledUUIy esi. -indoubtedly wlU break aU existing

tlnasdaliy.'a&d todars~tonw V *bbukl Itude. In-better times th* patron* baVe u a lort of dvle duty, aad tha mag-

! leastray aUtxit It wa wUl know b r tonight, ure stuck tw ay down a t tbe bottoo of > Inclule In Uie first p tragrtph, right

Senor 'Lefty” Gome* ot Uie Ttnkees , Is exp(cted to h ll them high, wld* and \

Wrestlers Stake AtacementflF IJ Lod Contests E

Bob Miller and Pat Calahan,' Aspirants for Woriif Tills,

BulW Hopes on Outcome J;, Ot Match In'Arena Here S

_____ Uu. . :4

. ■■ TntgftHnrlny In a Twin W«n« m w isome of the outstanding wre*Uen ( of Ute Paelfle cou t and Intermowt- gl?

i w ith a MwUoM a exhlbUlon|onl

f l i^ 9th1etl£ card In more than t 1 ! yetr, t trlple-matn bout wreetUog f**

bUl, a l Ute Legion MemorUl build- laa ' tng Ihls evening It *ttracUng tbe 13 I attention of fans throughout tonth*

pxlraordlntry Intcrwt aUacht* to ~m the bout between Bob UUler. Pa- J

' dflo c o u t middleweight champion, Ir, and P a t C althth, Jerome, tormer

’'W uh lng ton su te middleweight •cham ploa * 2- At stake ta thU encounter b Uie r chance to aieet Gus Kalleo lor tha je (

|W«rM's chomplonshtp.Ju st two month* ago UlUar Lat

iwresUed Kalleo In t UUe bout a t kar ; PorUand. WlUi but a tew minute* ben ;o t Uie match nmatalog, UUler leU m , ' outilde Uie ring itrUriog o a bU Joh bead, tn d w u dated Just lo&g to 1 enough for Ktlleo to faU on him _ iand -w m -thenalch .--------------------- P*

Portland promofM are dlekarlog wlUi Miller for t return aiateb. but I t h u been teamed, they u y tbsy WlU sign Calahan it be win* Uie bout here tonight

UlUer. lo m e r Northwestern nol- n rslty athlete, (peelallies ia Uu flying tackle and the airplane (pla. varying these maneuven with the , flying wrlstlock and the reveree headlock U> good advantage wlien I la a tilncb.

1*--Or a BlB U ' ltothei^ ot Uie roiltfir , t a d tumble type o t grapplen and , h u a world of staying power. For j tonight's bout he h u been training

I S M u M f M -I bit punch which Calahan uses most leffecUvely because of his large ; hands and tremendous strength, ;C tIahan usually (can tn a t the (Sound of the bell and trie* to beat ,ht* opponent into submission the I tlrst SO or 40 minutes. I\ U*e Wkked Tadics, Tonight's battle between Jtck Sampson. University of ly b ru k a

decide which It to meet Jim Corrl- gan. one ot Uie outstanding grap- I pier* In hU class. In a bout that U scheduled to be held here ta Ute I near tutnre., Sampson ts eftectlve I w ith the njilBg tackle, while Me- ! Ctoy, t p rotegf of Merln PlestUia, wtw Is regarded u one of th* four greatest living wiesUer*. h u been practicing M arlnt - famous - body slaaL McCoy also uses effectlvety th e ham m er Uirow, which U one of the wickedest bolds known to wre*t- lera. At any rate, Uiere will be 42g pooad* of tug and tussle t t grtjia Utfougbont UiU bout

"Wild BUI* Longwa, Wyoming oowboy. tn tnoU iir of ihe triple m ala eveata, wOi lock homs with Cbatlle OUoa, Swedish sUong man to»a-Bo«toB,-01*oi»i-i»-l*-r«port*d, — io(t a dlo** bout to Sonnuiberg tn 1 Boaton no t long ago. and Is weU able to protect btmiell against Wild BOr* rongh bouse UcUca.

Ralph Schurr. Twin FaUs. a wffl- Inc.ffllxer wbo it ixpected to come UntMgl) In good gtyU. and Cart W*Mt, Bol*e. T ouat Uen'* Cbrlitlaa tm e laU o a l a i t n ^ Uie past year. | will prorlde t ^ boor of Ilr*- works a t th e *Urt e l Ull e reaia i^ '

ube .:admltt*d : wimost:; ehsrse i u : _ gue*U o t th* maaagemeat, aad ChUdren ander 10 yean, aceompanl- •d by p trea ta . a n to eome ifl Ith . *

;0 ; W E D N E S D A Y M O B N IN G , A l

> 0 0 F a r


T -


Wresding" " L r a ' i L o s n 1CHICAOO, April U — Jim

Browning. 230 pound*. Vcrone, U s - m i louri, defeated Ed (Strangler) Lewis, 368. ta I hour I mlnutea S3 m , seconds with t turnover eelaior* fti


Jade Oanion, 335, San Fraaolaco, Sat defeated Wbng Buck Cheung. 301, Hai In a wresUlng mateh bere 'um lght wei because he w u the better climber, er. With each credited wlUi ooe fall, rou the pair grappled tn d tan ont ol tbs ring. Ganson climbed back ta :a Ul* oount « l nla* tn d w u ad- ■Judged tb t winner— ____________ « J:

Oeorge U a g ^ 313.Brooklyn, w u ' ^ given tbe bout on t tool wbea Able Iq J

ont of the ring u Hagen w u climb. ^

Hal num hetf. 338, SeaUle. da- *“ ftated BUI Thornton. 310. Cleve. U ad. wlUi a ily tag body *eUson la 13 minute*. ^

B K W M it, A rm 11 i n - a ia SJerlstroB. 33S. Chleafo. won two tioi oat of Utret talU train '7£o»a '' wd Norbeck, 334. San FnmcUco, ia Ute wei feature bout ot t wr«itU:« e ttlU - Uon here tonight.

ResuIU of oUier matche*: Ray A: Jetfertee, 313, New York, took one tftU n w a Jack MisDonBld. 900, Salt U k e City: Pat Freeman. 157, Spo­kane, one lal] trom youi« Sonnen- L betv. IM, Spokane, and R. Hupp. Kai 1&3. Ulca, Washington, tn d Roy Nat Johnion. 156. Spokane, three rounda aigl to a d n w . tw


BOB MILLER' Fadfie Coast MIddlewdgM

C taapU a


/e n a e r WasUngtea SUle m ddlew dght Cbampioa




U L P p BOnVRlt. Twla ran*_______ ' .

O A U WBBB, B e lli •

LEGION B U ltD lN G i T W IN F A E L ir-

. TONIGHT 8:30

A P R IL 1 2 . 193S

n s A t O f

B H H *


' BMai

ih a i - U a«

4heoT tm

u tm

* Baa] MUU



........ ................ -.-I...... ’j.! KBOXDW NEWS J ?

— SANST O t L O U ni j o r j M a t x z 6 . ' ^ m ' a ^ ^ a » a

Out-boxlar the young Norweglaa aeoutloQ. Pete SanttoU over a 10- ■

.rouad route, youag Tommy, UanUa, took an eacy decUlon tonight T o a- ..BA< my welglNd lU ^ pouDds and Sani- tol. whose hcoM Is In Otlo, w u a peuna ina r a a t U te r :— :—------- ■ ■■ ' -------------- to f - t


Sammy (Wd) Oaughtar. T m e 6e*tt Haute, tadlana, Negr* tnlrtdl*- «acn weight outpotated Rosy (Eld) Bak^ B ti er. Andenon, la d i ta t , ia a Ifr* Sban round boxing oonteet bete toU gbt Wtod


w u a w d e d ^ ^ ^ S o ^ w


from Aady Bandy. Poctlaad, ia the•f u t i S f a d hiilid *»eflt M ■ g r -------n igh ti tight caid her*. MUlei^ Na- Notn Uonal BoAag tasocltlloB tsaUier- e r d t w dght tttie w n no t a t ttak*. B td i lud weighed UT,---------------------------------wr*i(

-------------------------------------- Load

Association Bars «»“ S « v ^ Matches

'LOmmiLM. K j, Aprt U » > - S f S Karl W. M alou. tecn tary ot Ui* TtUa N*tlonal WreaUlag aaodaU aa. to . Uie *1 alght aonoineed cuipcaiioe by U u la aa atiodtUM «( Jee taroldl. tortacr Ooa.


________ —

p e i i l 6 i i |Missions Defeat 3

Seals, 20 to 3San Francta Vlctor<*R»- ' i

cord 2 + Hits, and Soort ' 10 Rum In First Innino

•A lt niAiraiBOO. A ttll 11 Ml - BMabllshlng toau klad e t a a t im season redord. Saa VtaadieO^ i t e Iloa* pounded out 34 h iu today to d « fea tU H lrhoaetow nrtftU ,U )e6tals;)fr>l, la U u aerie* optaer,

T%* U U d e u pot Uu game on to* ta Uie t i n t laalag by *eo(tag » nH% tha eatb* team b a t ^ trmmd. Oar*U a«avU rt« |»m aa^lb»«eala4w iiU ------lag *tatt.w M the i le U a o t Ukt early - - attack. Re reUred wlUi neae e a t la Ute opening oaato sndalxntB t I tn u d . Itirce Beal rook is wbo loUowed aUo were b i t t e d to » U m btatlaf tv the Mittioai. wbo la it week lost lix eu t ol *enB to oatlaad .

Ctiarlee'Ueber pitehed tte ad j ban Utfw g ^ ^ Uie winawi. ^ ^

BaaFrtadaD *..oo30001oo-a 10 lM Uttooe____ iO U O o sm -M a« s

BaUerUe; Davit. P o m . i^ut& A dorm ta aad Jielaaact: U e t e n tip a trle ^ Ottggaa.

AN0KL8 Ik STABa tLOS A N O S ia AivQ U («) - . '

3 u d r* Newiom’a high ta st b tn sob;. <teed. t tu BoDywood B tan la a u plneba today aad te * ABcalet wen ^ _ o p e n ln t ffuoe.of J l} i,ie rie < t.» ,to _ :

'Tbe Sear* ’» , » ■E^'A ageiae ^ . . j s o i e io o s i - a i i tseOyyrood_____e o l i o o n i - i a »B M ^ i- ;fN T O tt- : ta d > U d lb Ilia i^ airttfnbaek and BawUr.________ ;_____ _

s iN A ro R a 17. m t l u t « BA CSukD nO b April U ( ^ »

■toautl flaho pitehed t t* aacrsBBn*0 a ea a te n to U uir flsB M ntout«W en reH tieeeaeeBhBy toaiy. blMa i— - ag.Mn funaa tw llin i la U u n r* t., . ■ taow ec U u **tlM wtme tu* ta tM i «uBd*d oot 17 n a a , n u e e c * ^ - r B l ' "

l«*eUa_____ . . ,000000000-1 T 1laoramanto ....JIOlMOaix-tT 30 • Batterte*: Bewtll. Oaiter, OaQy,

^ ^tlM ch ta d Oo i; a t h o tn<

O A U 1 p o n u m ) «AjiKT.iTO. Anrtl t l m O a t .

±aSt Oafes mtiBtalned th e tr 'c u fv l i t v t ti ty . laaaoa itrlde todty h r

ne e* tw ttja fc The O tk i BtT» woa

T hea* ft»~ R B l!>orUaad______ OOOOOIIK^ 1 0aakited — — M o o i o s i z - s u - i


iM i* D ta * tootoaa star, vbo did ir dU aot, taeerdlai to tb iin d M d - I t l vUwpolat, win U u nattoaal < srteUtaf eh*mrtaiship trom A n I iiooda* a l C U e w FHdar. I

Ualoaa, who U a ln ehatnsao c( ite aaodattoa’* tnge taion eon> n ttue . Mid Bttoldl w u It toe requeH o t ittU aaa athktto f tld a li who retMtlad S tn ld l <all. d to (DltlU a cen to e t a t X ra u - tUa niyh>be niipeotlon would be reeogaUMl a aa aumbor state* o t t tu anoelt* lea.




^ TH B IU 5I A C m O N t

SPEED! ■ .


^ m B M m t ' '

■ — S S ! Extreme Fluotuatlons for M

Many Leaden Appear!^ Small at Close ol Day a


, ■SS.T”» ' A 2 L - » . . J

“ “ SSc u t : » m 3 « r d a a « « » » • w j j

" w n im n ta r s m

m trket' h lfh tr I>«“ S i « : a S S M O jt H


W h # » t:B u o r* n U I* r^ '* * “ - J,**!

Wcik; f»rm ttoeki In- ^ ereiMd. ^ 4

C«tUe: Fully ,_ K--------- B o p r 6 t « i n r r J 0 e - h l « h * r -------

d u w t ; U»p M-M. . r —■ —■' ■' - BraOONUCOOLEY eoras

(AnoeiAM P r m ftMW Ul Wriwr) conp NEW YORK, April U-flUiCkl WOT of th

worn down • b t t t y prtllt»Uklni to- vcekj da;,.but offered |ood reiUttae* ta d M t ebinvet w m moiUr of (h« n v -

'^ l i ^ ^ b u e t u t U o t u for mtny s u u iMiden wars nn«U and toIuom w u elow< wJiioed to l.U iSM ih ir tt . Uber

-------CoBunodlUe* malaUUwd tbati Uber|ii» w trend, M by wtwat wUch r*- ube r

. . ipooded buoyantly to the Aaipljr^re. p a jduced erop eatteaU . Some noo-fer- m a i too* m e t^ to c e tb e r with rubber aad Treai cotton, improred tbelr po»JUoa»:au- m a i n r tunwd »U|«Uy Im ju la r after -fttaj early itrcDcth.

Reaibtttvtntbeaharemarketaeam- TYeaj •d a loflcal conie<iMoe« of a half- Trtai dofen eonaecuUte adraocea and buU- Uhly IneU nii Wall itw et Quarten■ __%TT

— «-offer1np . rgwrtally in the f tt< J in n half hour w ten tradlof w u brlik. #c. M ttala ftoeks turned quiet. iItIsc up T li ( iH tlon i bere and there. A tM lliniu |2S « m e d tUcfaUy and repreienUUna a iro t b t eoB inoc^ poup teneraJly re- Lei tu n e d Boall loaiea. i;iQIU«t were «1J5; lU ily firm while ralU loet a mUe Zlr

’ arotind. <Meaisred to m tU ena An

For onlted SU tet flleeU Amerloan Caa, Weitinfhoute, Du Post, Barrei-

— ietrCt»rSm t «»*ba»t-toMa» “ -M S ican Tobacco B net deeltoea were mow

TOon ^ T h

^ ° u i r a a i n b ] e j e ^ n i o t'a r t | - daya uliw v titt« rty dltldead of 3TH eenta, 4 me firmed. Amerloaa ‘TiltphoQe, wboee lU . l i n t Quarter , eam tep , tooa to ap­pear. a rt ezpeeted to be ra lb tr poor. w«i <lftwn a u VaUnnal Lead ro*e 3 KB

r ]U u lead ptteea wert adnncecf w l oent a jxund. Coppert traded tfflikly and « t ateady qu»UUflOi;rtbe

forelfn market for tbat metal w u Cf stronger. N ufaU otota loet more than try; a point on deferment ef the dlrldend hom whleb had Icni been mamtalned toM u a ln a t deereailnt Income. Oeneral L t|b reoda bad » tlm llv letbaek after IU keya o v e r l y payment had been cut to jprli:

- 40 cenU from SO although tbe com- Du pany lald th s old rate had been uncb more thaa earned In the flrtt quar- Eg ter. IlnU

fitockbolden who attend annual cum . meetlaga of tbelr wmpanlea thU tlrtti

being largely dU app^ ted . nowerer, Prealdent Oraeo of Bethlehem flleel, NI told hU tbareholdera that operatloni tuga o t tha t corporation bad recently lm- uncti proved,' th a t ths f ln t quarter loat pay would approxlmait tbe deflcKi ot S eei reeen* period* and lhat tbe bottom


u i b . u l . m W K 'i . l i . ____ J l S . '

p g f l ^ l g • » . ^ Man

v ^ c u m _____ f iw w fic o ReBpnag Umti--------------------------*5.00 with

I ■ Ol rt

___________. .— -------------- — S ^ LC

_ _ li» .- c « sh .e n e e _ lL _______ la touaOutwrftt, aalg IW DU

— g BMl ........................... ,'FlJO

^ d o m ---- *****

MUI r»»< ^ NS

8 » s kSa . i ^ m S S iSu m trad- {y f f y s j s * * ' »^p

OoBb , lOo n----- .o n w r ^ gptnun , :;=^ t in i

« g ^ ”a E L erln,' UttuM. per hwrt , lo m a w to ll

■ S ’" | s s s ? L : ^ ^ ^ r

t e ; ; j •

I s t o o k M a rk e t A verages


ram r t o e k . w n u g u d i .

Ttday — . ! r J os** * P re r tw day ------------------- JJ*

B S.rS j . " ' S T i i

i m high — ---------------------w j* M sc

in cMP>Ung B V i ,

^ a ^ m tm a U pm cnlag t raiM a( tbe whoi* lade* at^lgnrt to ««»». g g g> a n Bted) Wbeat a eetton i:. bori 11, tleel terap W. M«*r W, w ^ 1.

t-E d J te rl______________________ PI I ________ . * leodru

learned to h tre beea reached. In - o m t «um e tU U m eaU of botb the big Iteel *»mpanlea lo r the f ln t th ite month* lSr.Ku‘Df thU r » r will am iable In two m ituteeka. _____ • , iBtj»t^


J g S . M d ' K S

u S & SWa 33-47--------------- 10l.j»Liberty f lr tt 4Ui 33-47---------I ttlO mimoumLiberty fourth 4 « t 33-31------WM u ^ rr r ta iu r r 4Wt 47-53 ...-----------ioe.B ^n e a iu r r 4* 44-M --------------U Mrreatury 3K t 4#-5fl - — ......103.7 «»} Dtm u u r y 3H i Junel^— lO li ™Iteu tB T 3 H t 43-47 ---------- -lO l.liW m tnr . l M 41-43 Mareb _1013rreaiu iy3H i4«-48--------- . u . M.18 ---------ftea iury 3 t 81-W........ ...... — M.H » tow

-------- • J7)4e; 1METALS itktag

H n n ;-d tc t ttly ik -« B P iJ‘n a j i« g < gmwen lo. - tag n p

Tin: Steady: epot and nearby lomtr. WM-, fu tu n IJ5J0. • Twin

iron : Quletp^utehanged. b c u hLead: Firm; ipot and New York 1 noiV

U J3 :E u t8 t.L o u U M -ll a tewZinc: Steady: E u t St. LouU ipot ta groi

tnd future 13-10- m etl pAntimony M-»S nominal higher.

-------- l« groMONET We to I

-NCW -3fOnKr ApriM l-fiB.w C a ll---------money: SUady; \M per eent all day.

•nme loam : Euler; «0 to w dty* ^ u ,, ■t; a tn n TTinntrM » nrr c«nt,________

4 month* 1%: 9 to e montha IW to lU . « u B

BAB SILVER »*le f«

CmCAOO FBODUCC 2^ ** 'CHIOAOO, AprU II - L ite poui- “ *“ ■

try; neeelpu 34 intcka; iteady; Leg- W " " hom broiler* 17c; B « k broilen ifi toSOo; colored broiler* 19c; hen* 13c; r ~ ^ L t|hom hen*iO e; roo»ter*<(M,Tur- 111 keys 13 to IBc: Duck*: old 13 to 13c;iprlngs duck* 13 lo 14e. O eeu tlo.

Duller: Receipt* MTO tub*; **e»dy. t _ _ u n c h a n g ^ >

Egg*: ReceipU 3»,413 ca*e»; e*txa » I ln u m i6 ; fm h g r # d e d f ln u i3 « c ; current recelpu lie ; itorage packed f* tlr«asl3K o; storage packed ex tru^ 3 C ^ _____________

fiUOAR ? 5 " '"NBW YORK. AprU 11 MV-Raw

(ugar WM quiet loday wllh price* ‘ unchanged. Reflnen were willing to pay abort l u t price* for *poU or 3 eenu but then w u nothing firm- ly offered beyow 3.08 and the only builneu conflm ed w u a tale ot 4JJ00 b a n of PhUlpplne* condud- ! ed ye*urday to an oulport refiner “ »‘ ' • I SM- w i . :

A l ^ early upturw. future* re?

unchanged to l point lower. The mar- “J 'h ln kel opened 1 lo 4 polnU hlgl^er on ™ rene«-«(l covering and buying by “

Approximate uie* were 30AW tons.May doted l.lO, July 1.19. September US, Deeember U l . January 133. « « « * M.ICH U t ,

Refined tugar w u unchanged ‘ “ " e with re tlnen luting a t 4J0 and sec­ond hands avaUable a t 4.13.


LOS ANOELES, AprU 11 MV-Pro- (Or mi duet e x c h a n g e : ' butler 71.700 Heady pounds: cheese tlOO poundt; egg* Ins; noone, » ________ bulk s

Butter tn bulk 19c. “ CallEggs: Unchanged. ket; •Poultry; Unchanged. Xecrs


SAN FRANCISCO, ApHl 11 (iT) — c o n I Butterfat 30c. under

Potatoes: T exu Triumphs MiO (o .•3.19 per M pound sack; loeal Oar- —~D eU & to6e p o u n l- - u----------■

Poultry: Fryen IS to 30c; real un­changed.

COTTON "SS.NEW. YOSK Apru a I f l -B u y in g T V

moremeat sent prtcts about 9 to 11 p polnUoethlgbardurlogtoday'seatly s s trading with ;oly seUlng up to 8.80 or SO potnU abort the low lerel of UU ^ last m onth. f

D ia market adraneed further UU h t B-tB»-w o i r w a r w y ing in feo r= - : - erlng. Future* dating rery steady, 10 to Uo higher. Uay fl.04-<9; July SiO- >81: October 7«-03: December 7.1S- ?17; January I32i Mareh 749. Spot L quiet; mlddUng &7S. [

POTIITflm I ^' mABo r i i u l u s x r r

s ^ S S i £ . r A ! & r * - ^-'Dpptg «ikIIiy>Cartca«t f • b cMk y |

Sm U h i r i r i y L


---- r— - N E W ” V(

< » » B.S,

-V‘ SSg a g g j " — ‘if f ‘! S ’f f i K f

s s | E

. i r f p s ■! - i f s

laadiui f td lie _ IU 11 *}• auodm ThmiilDt to u 4* i 4*u Buadvi« da PiMO— L. 11 11 S I tu aiaadb«i * 0 b w . _ - ^ 2*n tl i . n i i 8UW1

| i I ' i StirnlOT Oofp. u u ink 11% Tnuu

Sli k sM 8ouU«n> —_ l4i n i MS VbW RkMUiaud OU___ t [ SiC t Uoii*

n u l a a ________ U i 34H MU VUWai.'S .SfcS s a s : s«e P0« * L < 1 _ 4 I 4 I 4 h Wtall3 i 5 „ * = , ; ! w 4 r S S S . '- l r z f f i ! » !! . .? ?Ki<nl Uaton — 14 4 H 13% Amni liaOcQ O o ____ _ s u 9 s u Cfntnss;Mdrur Rubbn p( U tO M BwtrM JSV pT zlli “ i ' K ,rn t W«t Sutv— 1«U } % . 14 XkUor

cxm pert Tla -----»T% 9<(S n ] ia » f K l z = : ™ i f fi " 2 S S ' i ’. - i C ! s r v r I ! l . Simtcomnr 14 k 14« }M Bajutsu r Whatl _____ 3U a|>, at! aimtIilAb Uoton — — u (£ „ Utk U ti Ani«i:i . ! « . i i i S S SIt Rnr * Let____Oofwu e u r t t r_______ 4!« * * H*u«rw Yotk Otolnl— ll^t ItVk ITtk AuWr

I low u 97|(e to 80et No. S motUy MiO; l)i«: an oeeaiianal car loww; taew to M. kktag blgber: B«nU* No. 1, » tew She ilw Wtl ** '* ** tor-mraw enuB B sw ii.-M fc-U »*U t*fe Iambi « nparted 50e to SSe; t o m potnia todty

Twin Falls-B orlcy-Cariaaii t • c u h Irtek to dealen: R o teU N a. CU moatly Mc (a 70e: a tew low tr a t —Uo| tew polaU: boUi oatwclght catb 10 lo

I growen: RoueU Na. 1 4So to BSa; poun >otl polaU aroond Me with a tew to 3i< Igher. T tad i *>l«* farm packa < u h 390 p > groweni RosteU No. 1 no*tly poun< letoSSo. tales----------------1— --------- ------------and-:

CUIOAOO MARKET M.40;c u icA o o ^ A ^ j i u / n ll^au

«>!, Ml. tMml i r n l J j B U ^ I h l a - jw ^iw U 4S4j IUm. tn d ln g ri Jlra moderate: NVUeoHtn RoU d iU*d Vhltat few talea 78 lo SOc; M lnat- lop I oU Baoad Whttca 18«: Idabo R n - pouai el* few talM fL«0 to 1149. ed ye

■ pouni-----LOIt-ANOBtSS-MARKET^------LOff ANOELES. April 11 OD (U S

) A )-FoUloM t Idaba tacked cwt tu te U V. a. No. 1 SUO; oeeatlonal d , h . r . . c « . l a ^ “ sh.

than' I tighti

L U E S T O C K ilie^ S

PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Pf“" PORTLAND. Aprtl 11 ( f l lU S D »*•”

k)-Hogs: Recelpta 190; alt drlTcs; Pf*" ew light butehen 84JS. eieady.Catlle: ReceipU 139ucalrea 10; ^

in Mtlf^r Moad>yi.tnirkeL.ciQted _ _ tnenU y SOc arid mors lower for ' leera and 39e U u much u 50o low- „ r In tnitanees for cow* and helfen; f, ® trlcUy good under 900 pound eteer* lot now quoted above 15.38 nor abort i tor noo pound*; quoUble top ,'®“ , lelfen Si78; cow* u.79; low grade* leers down to U and down; beef ^ f own to 83W; low cutter cow* dowa “ ST oll;tod*ylraU (upplyS loa< ltm U - d cattle motlly low grade with 3 “ I*!

lOthlng sold: Mondays m arket cloi- ^ d unerenly but *harpty l o n r for 'Id crop Umba and tp rlngen bul lOmlntllT Bt^idv for twc8.,AI]djX8££ rfalri ingi; best tpring lamba not now -gJ uouble tpparenUy above 88.50; off . Ttde* down 84; old crop wooled [T^ 1 ^ppatenUy not now u le tb le


OODEN. AprU 11 ( f l (U 8 D A ) - day* (og«; RccelpU 1019. Including 180 quoU or market; slow, few talea and bids n o d l e t ^ ; bidding M-80 on be tt drtre- si.oo ns; mucd kinds told 8940 down;mlk t o n n U d 8138 to m a._________ g■CaiUemecelpU «S.~aU fw T S ij: K/ :et; ateady; tcallering loU medium 8 D lecn and helfen moUly dairy type* ly a< 33i lo M JO; common ktods down- cr; I rsrd to $3.90; medium and good pouo on83J5 toM .80 :no topk lndsso td ; pour inder-gndet 83 down; buUs $3 to 180 ]

^ -V ...............................

P8 t.LA», L tK S A a ) W HO 'S 8 0 5 P IC I0 0 J

5PT f S C i CHA^ACTSft V , 1 0 MB.

m I h I■»


r o R K ■ ■ b s

U M E f ^ i

------- l» u ISlk 11% bulk•* • ? MV *

S ^ i " _ n : z : * t . 11 »« S3.«

S S r i i ! ,!f ii! S.2tai>dM4 Bnnda — 11 11' E l*<{ Sbe

i I suw ut Wuntr ___ SU » 3 Iambiitid«M*r Oorp — a nfc J t i n tS«“TBi-iSS=l! "K ii -11“naa Amarfea 4 S 4U 4< ArlSOI;ra .5 i”iLrSg ig s E a — s i S l i a OMoliad Ott * Imp— ia(« ish u <( H op:

a iBd Alcnbe:— u u M i M k jqq

* i ? S S " r r = r j S b —.f t i—i ! t w , »

i l P S JCivorta Oo_____ UU ■ ari't wunC

* potmd HgW Y O I«?A !lrt^ JS l< fur» UU-It flwuitoas c lw d;^ JS)

......J , ! Call!Sw h Um - £ 5 :bS;"iT ::— ZZZ-II U ^ed-«•etrt* neod and Bluua pt— _ n J j active

u ih T a rp iZ r 44 f j

S r o i M d u ^ ..........: » ‘ I'rtrt and tompaoy_______ lOH , load*s a f c j T = = = : I'* « f * !aWm compaor^— ----------U h « « '

a„^ ,-t n ? o r o ^ f l P o ^

1 oaa Oorp_______ ____ 3)| tloekntrtokn r o n r and UgliL— t...giock ' aitrto Fowtf md tJ fi't- « u ;a s ; s:'s.'ss„T^“ .if' » £xamttelal Boutlitni w r u t a —. U ‘ Ins la:

ibura A uto-------------------------3*(i I n,uve■ ■'I' I .. I load (

ItgeT IliO; medium to choloe vealen 84 these M. ' fornla

Sheep; Rec«lpU 3333. Indudlng 6111f mark*t|.taw-tot*-drUain-woJad.|-------rm biJdo iid»y .lt,tq .l4.7»UK>.»*l« _ b t -

_____ D A)-

OnCAOO UVESTOCK CinCAOO. April 11 ( f l (U 8 D A)-Hop: Recelpu 19.000; doted fully »( to lie higher; UU buUc 170 to 230 JJ„ in ounds M.80 to M«); top MM; 338 u>,^> 390 pounds M.7S to MJ9; 380 to .tuiRs, W pound* M.85 to U.19; 300 to 400 ca tt ound* M.45 to M-89; among high fMi n Uei tate were 310 pounds auM JO {u Bd.360.pound* a 3.8M-»o*s .M 3>.te gTen - 1.40; shlppen took 1000; estimated siuh tl oldover 3000. , u ^ h . 'i;stUfi: Recelpu 7.VM; ratvri n (W; f |,m n0 strlftly choice or long yearlings, jiiun j

te a^ ; othen slow, about steady; ’ arouni )p 88.50 lor 1058 pounds tnS 1313. indleaiouadareraget;llghthetferandrolx-ier* lel1 yearllngt ateady; lop M-79 for 7331 beef # oundheUen;sheitocksteady; buUs tlS S t

i i . ' i . T u ^ S 1 i S 'S T i r » T r “ iiSeef cows largely 83J0 to MJ9; Mu-,.pi)r n tge buUs moitly 83.75 to I3M ; top loads. 3. tlonsiSheep; ReeelpU 13.000; les« active fed v

nan early, mosily steady to ilrong; $5.35; ghtwelght Ismbt 10 to l}c higher; pound prlngen thtrp ly lUgher; bulk de- tnble wooled- lambs 19.35 to 89.50; | round 98 poundi lelltng a t Iniide . n n dee; top 83.75 psld for 89 to S3 g h „ p ounds; better grade cUpped lambt179 to 89.39; one load avenging 71 ounds 15.50; native ip rlngen 17 to ' native 8; package 88J 0; fat wooled eweiJ to 13.75. |b**t l

m ?T FK W IC I5C inlV EST 0C K T ^ 3 n SAN FRANCISCO, April 11 ( f l (U , jttad l

I D A )-Hogs: Beeelpu 900; fuUy ^ toady: double deck 187 pound Colo- ado butohen I4J9: Uto Monday oad 318 pound C allfom lu 81.35; “'r ghtly sorted 340 pounds M.75; few 50 pound t o n I3J0; aboul 100 head ' r ? y how torU 84J0 per cwt. ICatUe; Recelpu 333; tlow, t n d e j '^ ”

irgely on deanup bu ls ; tte en aboul I •” * leady; pa rt lotd fairly good 1088, cund MonUna steen M.IO; soma 7 ^ ' BumiBnirv l u a losi-pMiBfl'omUs 84.85: package 1098 pounds 4.75; few helfen 84; part load good 198 pound Montana • cow* M.75;

soet bids around 35c lower; car and ewloU low cutton and cu tten 81.50; n kto Mondty around 300 head steers0 feed lou. Sm Sheep: ReeelpU 1400: spring Umbs >■

JM ni; medium to choice quotable iround 84 to poulbly M; ewe* for (wo l>ut w Mr* around 35e to 50c under recent O^rm luouuoni; two dKka common to ® »od lOO uound *hom Callfomlu“ •«> _____ CIL_SANaAB_ClTlLLtYEaTOCK_____ HKKANSAS c m r . AprU 11 tA’i (0 goveri

1 D A )-Hogs; RccelpU 4500: fair- here y aetlre, motlly tlrong to lOe hlsh- swedi r ; top M30 on cholco 180 lo ;io tla d Mund*; better gnde m to 300 thed ' >ound* M J5 to MM; tew 140 (o Then180 pound* M.33 to $3.40; *o»t MM Norw;

" i i w

i X THS B O O K ^H . f wwoB-e . Y V I AXJS • o s w a o u * kWrB R lC H A B A C T B M ■


» M.lSi ttock p ip 83 down: csU. I l l i i

” c « i i : MOO. ealvjt W ; K lB

V j |t«en motUy tUady; tereral l o ^ MrtU fInUhed htavy *(een ot v a lu H i0 teU orund 8S aad tb o n uatold * • " aU; o th tr killing elasiet of catUa ootUy Heady; rea len and calret Ut-J t ch ts^ed : stocken end feeder* C*q . a Ughnupplf-fuU y *teady; t h o ^Sl pound yearUng iteen MJ5; pbdce low pound* 8«.35: Uires load* »WKl to chole* yearUnp 88; ^ mDl cholco.yearling helfen 85.40; C' «Ik heifer and mixed yearUnga

” 2! U M*?mf e S S _3.40 to 8330; p ra^ ca l top-realen (a* S; (ew acattered u iea tlocken and OU eeden 84 to 893#. ^ buytnSheep; Recelpu #000; fed Umba ward

Oc to l5o higher; (heep and *pnnf buoy* unba about steady; Arliona aprtng reach unbt 88.3S to |« M ; odd toU n*- moi l m downward from 87; top wool* l a ib d Umba 18.40; o then ts»: abora n m p btiiona e ir t i t> to 83J9. quou

------- cropOMAHA UVESTOCK i

OMAHA. Aprtl 11 ( f l (P S D A ) - to p : Recelpu, 6500; opened ,8o te 00 higher: closed *low. iteady to 8e Jg tftr;l>u lk300t«390ponnd .83^»p M M OQ eholce 300 to 230 » ounds; buUt better 180 to W « ounds 83J5 to M.49; 140 to IW ounds « to M « ; s o n M to M.10; lag* 83M to 8J; feeder pigt I3J»0 83M; shlppen boughnround

Cattle; ReeelpU 6000. calve* SOO; a l.sieers^(U ti:U i!ga .noder> l< lzctlve. steady to strong; «he stock .loted *low; buU* lOc to 15o higher; w n ealen aboul *te*dy; *locken and•eden slow bul steady; fed steen «« nd yearling* mosUy HJS to MJ5:VO lood* 1430 pounds (5; teveral « s j>sds light steen and yearllnp «*"»•SJ5 lo 85J5; h d fen 84 to t t ; bulk befwtgef cows 83M to M.3S; odd head sserlt;J0 to M.75; cutter gnde* 81.75 cWroiM J9:m edlum bull*l3,40to83M ; buihenetlea l lop vealen MM; smaU lou emouiM k a tee n 84.39 to M-35; choice servoo d t c a lv u 40 J9 ............ - .............. north'Sheep: Recelpu 7500; lambt *tn>ng wh'

> 15c higher; *heep *ie*dy: ihear- Chlcalg Umba ttrohg; t r t wo<ded'Umb« bustoL75 to 85J9: tog 85.40; fed dipped quotaiimb* 89 to 93 pound*, 14.75 to 85; Uvery,aUve aprlngen M M to M.79; ono _ Con«d CaUfomta tpring tamb* aver- by g(le 77 pound* 88.79; torted 10 head plcnijlese TO poundt M; two loadt C*U- Pro-im lu untold. valua

- ST. JOSETH -LIVEaTOCK '—•8T r-J08E PH r-A prll-ll-ifl-<U -8 - J u i r ' A )-H ogs; Recelpu 3000; acUve.: to IOc higher; mostly 9c higher; ^”S ‘- ip M.50; bulk dcslnbte h o p aU jutr eighU 150 to 300 poundi M-40 to IM; few extreme heavle*. some av- ''*^71 -aging 3S3 pounds, MJ9; poorly fin- juir bed h o p 83.79 to M35; towt un- utngcd; buUc M to M.15.CatUe: ReceipU 1900. calves 300; p o - <1 I tee n a ad long yetrlinp te t- , ^ e. fully Iteady; light yearUnp un- ren r-tteady-to-^X tkr-lnstaneea- S u r : - Ightly lower: other kUlIng cUsse* “ '‘A :iehanpd; *tocken and feeden

■ound 10(>0 pound avenge* 88M; S .r .dleatlona light yearllnp and htlf- 's leU around M.75 to 14.75; moct Kf 0owa n M to M; cutter grades .85 to 8139; buU* MJ5 to S2M;

i i S S : B50o7 ^ « W b tup-y 17 loads fed wooled Umb*. five “" I J ad*. one load yearUnp; Indka- on* strong to higher m*rket; top , d wooled lambs UU yesterday ' IJ5; CallfomU *prtng Umb* 78 jund* *8-50.

DENVER 8IIEEP !lDENVER. April l l ( fl (0 S D A) o , theep: Recelpu 14M0; *alabls *up- 911; < ty about M load* fed Umbi; tn d eMifUied to trucked-la loU natlvea; n*.atlve fa t Umbe *lMUly a t 8435 Ttm own; few culls iprlng Umbt 84M;est held around 87; asking 15c to c j, ,

round 85M; packen talking about 7 in ~


BOSTON, A prU U («W m odtra to | i n uanllty o t the finer grade of ler- IU I rttory wool h u been mov«d UUs | l I ■eek a t steady prieea. Bulk 84s and mer territory wooU brought 40 to 2c scoured basU In ortglrul bags, lood F n n c h combing 58,00a terrt- n e n ; 3tj sold a t around 43o *coured ba.- ^

ear the maslmum of the range. 37 ^ 3 SOc scoured buls. neeees a n very 1., ulet wtth quoutlons unchanged VV imnarrri wlfft liitt r u t — —

HALTS HITLER COMEDY ^ ^ SnDAPEST (fl - Adolf Biller «hen

'u long a lubJect for' comic lm- shlpp ersonaton on (he Hungarian stage. *bouIi u t when h t became chancellor of Ibis s lermany, police caUed a halt on » lie carteatures. Hopk

- sUtou ld I

CHARTERS SWEDIBB SHIPS .g ro c im Q L M fj-)^T ha BBvitt tffeet

ovemment h u opened aa office ^etop: lers to handle the chartering of h u l iwedlsh ahlps. In nine months Rus- Ib st la d tarlered 199 Swedlih steam cn. Uttle he deals involving aUnoit UMO.OOO. csted rhere U a similar office a t Odo. I t I lorway. fuU

I TH IN K \ M AN8S- X '-.- t - tH A rs A^ S H o f e s a o M a H ffs

A B b OOT U N 06R t \ p l M O M B B R TWAT BLACK fl

• / , 71

A I ^ 12, 1938,:

VHEITJIIMIKLHII|C |IIEIE0|fo rm o l B uy in g W h ir l? p

B r e a d C e re a l T o w a r d s , p

Z e n i th In W in d y C ity P

^— B r i 0 i m r ,D 0 u a i u N ----------^(Aw)dM«t p r u i U M Ktt.i:(luw ) ^ OUlOAOO, April 1 1 - la storma of rS& lying, wbeal repeatodly w hirM t»- ^ an l ths aenltb today aad filotad ^ loyanVat about tbe topoott point ached. J ®More th in 10 eenu a bushel gam k lu a thaa Ihree wetkv tesultad, reeplof the w h u t market abora any > toutlon* for OT*r a year. OOielal op eatlm attt whlob trade expeRa 'Jd w tn suggettbra tb a t tba eotm* y a itib t be in a *«rlout potlUon n - irdlng *uppUea took t lm plaee aong, rea*oni gtrea for exdtedlahaaio purcbata.--------------------------S ooa wheat spedaUsU flguTQl tba t « UnlUd s u te a tbls season would oducs 50M0M0 to 100MO.OOO nh«i« j m vheat tba uaususl xas rtqulremeaU. Olrlng further Imulus to tbe msrket w u a auddea panilon of o re n e u demand wltb trope today Uklng 3M0M0 buib* ^I Of whc*t fro o North America. :■------ffbeal-Cloaet'SIrM*-------------P

Wheat doted *trong. IH to 3N ■* s u net higher, coro undtanged to off oaU K to K up.and|Stnrlslons'

.owmg 7 to 17 «enu advance. . j \ Maximum prices for wheat to d ^ i !r-k1 m e right a t the openUig In d Just' fore Ute cloae. U to upiuraa were j l i icrlbed largely to a goTcrameot H H irrocUoa eUmlnaUng 30MOMO | H uhela of seed wheat froca tha aount nported u part of farm n - tpurc rve Itock* In iprlng wheat iUte*•thw W . R 'W heat for immcdlaU delivery l a ' 'n il ilcago today brought U cen u a . g|r ishd. iM e enu abore ttanoltaueoua lotattont.op the.neareit fu tw ..de- ,

Coiii and oau prices were held baek —I govenunent reportt Indicating ____e n iy o tcom ln theeoun to '. I ProvUlons reflected upturn* of hog, lue*. I

—- w Uj* p ^ 'tS r — eaiJ ei eju-i^

K = = z : S i ; i l i ! S p a PJepwmbcr -----J7 3«lk-143«U . i j i jUar _______ a i aoH xn i U yw L m s r z r r i i i ! :i» i n

TOBTLA.ND-OEAIN 1 8PORTLAND. Aprtl 11 ( f l - W b e U H B M d: May new 54Kc; May old Hc; July 58>ie. C u h No. 1 BBB' ■ ■ !R ^ K a ^f ir r lc^ ia rd -^ ln { w l2 > r“ ■ ■ fit esc; 11 per cent SSc; N a I aoft ilte SOc; N a l wetlem whIU, north-1 n t in n g S tt 'N & iiiiu d K iU i iu iu .l M

ijaU; No. a whits m .Car rNCtpU; W heat 85; oota 3.

PORTLAND HAY I HPORTLAND. Aprtl 11 ( fl Hay- ■ ■ ylng prtce from produeer: A tfalea" ^ 9 I tD » i4 .9 0 rc lo v c r» ll7 « u le n rO n s^ ic l n Timothy 814M to 815; oaU and ■ ^ 1tch 814. ' I | ) V

CHICAGO CASH GRAIN | [IflCHICAOO. AprU 11 ( f l - W heat:' ■ 1.3 red 65c; No. 3 hard Sle.- ■Coro:No.9mU ed33)4c;N o.3yeN ■ K (old) 34 to -34Uc; No. 3 yeUo? H ^ to 33Hc; No. 3 whlto 34Hc. HOau; No. 3 whlU 23»e; N a 3 white R \i to 31>ic. B r?Rye: No sales. ,Btrtey 30 to 49c. ; >nui(•nmoihy aeed M.15 to MJS per rt. onClover teed 87 to 89 per cwt. a fU r

i i i O i li i L m E W =

the dl------- of fro

epartment of Agriculture "RepresentallVB Says; Winter Wo ks. No Harm:[{^:

. mUt l aTwin Falls dlltrlot whldj reached fru it..peak production of appUa in 1929 one *1hen 800 carloads of the tru ll w en he u ilipped from Twin Fall* alone, lighleitould produce a normal apple crop er Ur lU teuon. so,far m wlnUr weath-' Condition* a rt eoncemed. A. B. and 1opMn. repre*enUllve h e n o t the Twin*to department ot ap lcu ltun , nopklId 1 ^ evening. ^urtioT h e 'p u t winter, he u ld . h u not expecttfeelM Ihe applo crop outlook. De- p rrlilopmcnl of truit buds, fortunately. cIquu been retarded this season to f,ta t recent cold wetther h u hsd |h^e rttie or no ill etfeet upon the Indl- ^fpnilied harreit. aUblllI t U unlikely tha t th e n wUl be a eurini

iU erop of peaches anywhere In Iba

c M v o i

• [ VMS-RB X SO O «S• J C«TBCTIVBS-1 LlftBLS■.. ■■r ,; ,-. 1 M S M B ess o p i o o e r


iJibby Wants Son T<

HIS ASSOCIATED PRBS.V *<?lcph RoynoldB, widow of Smith Reynoli

■rnilliohs, a 'nd 'hcr sbn waa ainong i since h ia ^ ir th devM weeka ago. Tl thb father’s deaih from a bullet

-suicide.-Mrs, Reynolds hopes h c r s ' - ( f f ) Photo.

Dedicate Geronirn

B 8

''/ J9EH9R


HIS MONUMENT a t the Arizona^: on s new highway to be known na

fter tho Apache Indian ra ider • G “used the pass nu a'mcans'urcscniHr; April 2 in which Governor Mocur ( and Governor Seligman'(lower loft p a r t The Bew road leads from Doug valley, New Mexico.—W Photos,

e dIsUIct this wasoii. on aeeount p u t thi frost damage. Mr. Hopkln isld. lltUO ln<

} predicted 10 to 40 per eent under trict gr irm*l pe*eh erop harvest for Uie melhod* ttricl. _______ _ btJi hen

Twin Falll dlitriet'* apple crop tha t *<ris seuon WlU Ukely be smaUer,an Ust in ty lu n l coMequeiica of "

Ittlsg aU bud eluslen to go to CHluit, Mr. Hopkln cold. A heavy crop banTle teuon. under thew conditions, ik . acui! u ld . U followed by a.teason ot wuilh(«r produetton. and Ihen anotb- Tealro 1■ Urger crop seuon. i„ goutThere w u a big erop of Delldous built b)id Rome Beauty applet In the Frenchtin Falll dUlrlct l u t year. Mr. Americaopkln *ald. ao that a lighter pro- projectlcictlon of theae varleUea U to be chUean peeled ihU year.Orchardlit*. r4* *?gr^^"g prln*

Sle of alternating seasons of riset ftU in production, are adopUng , MOSC

le pracUee In tome dlstrlcU ot pedlttonilnning the crop u a means ef mUet IsabllUlng production u weU u le- miles byiring Urger fruit of better eolor. 530 byIbough low priett for apple* the *quaro t

IS Y WHAT VOO WAMT 7 0 l .e VOO GCff 1) SBE.1_BUV PNB / . BT \ O N O en fl PIECB O F IrTBtiJ TMB /|) 6TA.-ruAR1— ’ J O — ^CUOTHT j[ 'D B O U T C A « r* | / | ( ,

I M H i l i ^ ^ r i flH O t

Wf. t ^ 8

1 To Be Flier ' .

ephoto o f Libby Holman 'nolds, heir to the tobacco ig i l i e 'f i r s t pictures tak«vt'I. T he child wna bom afte» illet wound presumably a j r s o n becomes-an-aviator.

limo Trail

na-N<2w ^lexico Ktaio uno as Geronimo Troll, named

r- Geronlmo (right) who_____

u r (upper left) of Arizona lo ft) o f New Mexico took ouglaa, Arizona, to Animas)S. '

; three Masons hsve fumUhed » Incentive for TkUi FaUs dU- 1 groi,-ers to adopt Improved hod*. Mr. Hopkln u ld . orc)iiird-.here tn gradually worfcl a e A ______a a policy of thinning the uitfitl reiulU.

CHILEANS FIND SOLACE \NTIAOO, Chile on -D esp lto acute eoonomie criils. the the-

' buaUicu h e n Is booming. The Iro Cenlrale. ons of the Urgeit South America, h u Just been t by the Banco de Chile. A nch architect designed It, an erican firm Inilallcd sound an<f lectlon machines and tn fts^ha- lean company opentes It.

— c o v E in ff iW fij---------------:—to s c o w ( fl-S o v le t Arctic CT, . ttton* havo tr*veled 13S,Ul :* In four yean, covering 67.78(r !s by sea, 47380 by Isnd and 33,- by air. Tbey dUcovered 34,000

iro miles of new Und.

^ . ( W6 TWOuCM?)!I l7 WAS A I-----

_ ( ..u iiuoed from

STNOrUSs Bh T allr.» A s w > i tk M i i M . i i U » M ii r n M i J ia i wlS s n d u a (iBdi lB l««Uiic « lu n tbba U mwMMd far ft w lnttr wMk (U

. la A i<nftbw boM ia Baathcm U | • P n a M . '^ e W m U tlW 'B a a u w ,

LofaehltK, M d «B«i Um lu W tU „

nthtt — BM t o( tb M tu

ooTef’t e ' ti«SBBdM b wafcenad (m b s d m nu k r Bat T*nj*i ea hla nudo«r. 8b« h u Mttpcd U KbdM* do tort b a c a l w b a r . t o t h * « t lobby fo r^ ha kar iba hat fM K i' 8u lan. Tba fu r U tM t] n ( B ^ ba i . ■tvmbtaoTar.a bloody oona*. 8m

5 S « ' W t ? S J W 5 £ ••• X . I -

. 1- BUNDEAirg OANGBB {,(

___ _ I knew Uraoblem. lied when ho th-------|»I<IW-«ll<rnot-luiow{hraea<Jiiunr7 o

“Vou'd b t tu r n i l the pollee th e n r th' I n ld .

LovKhlem. u tu ried tba t 1 h id , •ecept«d h ll vord, w u le tn lnf orer t t e man affiiia '• “H»-look hert. Bomeone'a robbed »W

&lm. Pockets emptied, nothing an;* Where." HU hands no longer ib n n k ;

t a ^ m ^ l r ^ u e h l ' l t ^ w u ' t i ' i r ^ T ^ A | aehlem expected to And tomatblnc toi tha t had be«n overlooked. If ao, he >u failed, tor pruenlly he look«d a t me < scaln. This tlma n il ere* w en a n iiy qq and Uttle and ’ vlelout. He tiJd : kll •T'f;;o are you7“- ;

uiittir I was to ponder o\*er tb a t u t e ru y tnqoiry. Then It enrtged rae; ^ 1 w u angry, ihaken, tired, cold, and • I w u still In the jr lp of a night- q< tnarlsh experience.

“You know very well who I am.- I f you-ara Innocent of thla affair. «h

call the pollee a t once. If you don't ] ____l_w|ll, K'i:i.v.MiF_h!n(Ji_off_th»t_thi

manl" yd' l-lnd-«po»«n too iale... — {rc

He had dragged out the knife and wa v u holding It up Into the itream of ba Ught ao we bolh could see It. H w u ] dark, and a alow drop w u forming eai en It. Dut It wasn't a knife a t all. let

I t w u a Rmall dagger like a toy wi a«-ord. I t w u a toy sword, and I he.

• —-haa iccmniB Uke-tt only •r l l ttle-bc.'-ffB

Lonehlem recognlted It, too. He ; got heavUy to hU fett, I preceded he him, however. Into my room, and bu we bolh stood a t the flnplaoe ita r - vo: Ing a t t|ie bronzfc clock. The UtUe • b ronu nkller'a gauntleted hand tni w u <mpty, and the iwcrd w u In i . Lovtehlem'i fa t hand. Or a t least, - n 1 thought. % fwotd just like It. ]

But Lovschlem dispelled n y go fproutlng hope of that a t once. He air Mld-with-it>rt-«-gie«m-ofu g ly tt l«— • amph: Mi

"There's only one Uko It la the ao

have believed of you. for you've-the n t fac« of an.Intelligent, man, Bnt you nu killed him." • _ • J u

There are tblnga that leave, you ; >0 itunned th a t fnr luit » mnmunt ^ you feel numb—u tl wn/pi-nrtM tn ^ nvordrThe thing tha t w u r a unreal fa, aild made everything else tmrea] h> w u hi* accuiatloD. to

“And yeu want me to caU the po- b i ttoe." he added, with what ap* nu m aohed , a inille. rtr

Zt w u still dirricult to ipeak. But ■ all a t once thlngi vrere rtaJ enough.A wdden memory had eome to me with All ihe reviving'InHuenee of a — Itream of icy water. Bue Tally had

Daily Cross-\^

ACR080 • 8»iution Of Yetteri i. War ivlaKir of

r(curj .................. — I I• I. Eiplot^r or ■ A M T J P A V

l l : & . Of | | | | H | |

' L E E R i

r». tlronp ' 11. A,Ilj nol 11. <

ciirtcilon '• '* 10 1 13J. SOvfl poundi ««prf«i dm* . <97. Unileriround II. rarln of nhoct

‘ “ ■ ' “r r " *« . niiiont II. Kina ot pirrot I. I itouilL^ZlL **■ *• '

«TThr«»: prenx eufir moUiatl. hi- 10. A klnr ot S. 1

tw.Mn nortH . 1.1uoff*“ * “ • ®'?SToS‘ ’ • '

t l e C o « i a a f o o -

p tw g . MHAM j_ I ^

ro n L u t lin e )

■ Moed UW*. tlm a * w t w ’aehlaffl w u now. t tu t f u * . teM U f th a t cwnd tpH n u m la i b«r Ptak f l a m ■!«« U t Otr? odt* w d I i « u g th U U w u U tf • d i« i« r. I

T b ia Z bad M t tu r aloM ta UH \

dnksM t cf Uw eetrldon. Aad lm* medltUhr a l t n m d i X tmi teaai * m v t e S n a n b« |d« tbM W r . door, to d -b e b td bw a s n r d m d < wUb tbo dagger 1 had l u t te«a In 8u« l U l f l nogera.

! B u t t h e t r o o b i a w u X ^ i ^ k m > « h a tto d o .B o t f ta o d (b M la e k ia t

. a t Lonchttsi tS d UU ikfltttaf. ■A a a n w u f toBoa’wiH th a t r ty •

lo (* Irritated IiOTHbkn lO l. s pueo tly made h t a u e u j r . B t M d :

“You you are alike, 'How cas tayoM tell w hat yea a n '

> thl&Uoar Poker faoe*. th a t^ wbat r > w W u i a 7 K o w T £ » r i 4 i f l r i « n ~ i• the poUeer UM

Tbeie w u only caa thing lo «y> ru i r them Bt oaee."

H» WU rtiSblf dliocnr trtod. Be I ita red a t rae tn d then took ta o tb a r t t t l . at«p toward me peering la to my Tral ; face.r , ."W bo-trt.jou?'*, bB-iAlrt .B giln T m• Again, tomehow, the ( iw tlo a ita i ( touched oft my tmouldferlog (m r. II stepped quickly oeanr.' “See bert, LovKhltm. X toU you ' onee who I amt And th a t t d ldn t• kill tbla manl"

Ha backed tw ay t itep cc two tn d \ aomeono from the eocildor guped m i

« “* ^ a t U 11? POT the ICFve of• O o d -"

"Q re th e -h u ih f Iflvachlem’a Tolee Artl• amothertd the woman'* cry. I Ua)• whirled;- - - ................... — Arrlt I t w u a woman, now, kneeling by LeaiI fhA iw n, ^ irnwl»n In # _

yellow ihawl whoie Irisgea dropped -from -hef-*houldefa.-H er--fed-half I w u drawn In a great knot t ( tbe ( baek of her neck.• Uvtchlem, the dagger itlU beld ^I carefully between two la t llngen,

left me and tdvanc«d quIeUy to* J ' ward her. I- followed blm and u w Lea I her turn her horrlflad taee up to- Arrl"-W W gTirnftnin»egfl~w r gUl» ------Oi'----- “&^-yoo‘TB-kllled-hlnr."--------------------- By tha t time he had bent over

1 her. and I could not see p u t h li 1 bulk. I eould. however, h o u hU

i "He w u found dead on tbe land- I Ing .there. I do nofknow Who he li. Lea'> I tm Just going to call the police. Arrl• This man with me tound him." —

He turned to me: “My wife can ' go and telephone to the police. RM 5 alnce you IniUt."•— T ne^flT nillK a-W dSum riH m r^

Madime lovichlem. I could se» her » now a i lhe roie. She clutched tbe I jwllow^ihawl-about hw ,-^n>»-m bt ^

[ i ^ w v i V i i t a n d ^ ^ ^> n t the moment I w u coniclotu. u a ^> m a n u , ot a kind ot attraction tbout.b * » _ .i. . . . ------- - Din; In the very tc t o f.rlilng ih e h td “ ®*t « tugbt alght of tha dagger with lt« liJ omlnou»-w»t-italn,-K«r-*hlnlng-eyi» -be-! ftitened on It. tn d widened, tn d Mai1 held their gua ao fixedly tha t both regi

Lovuhlem and I looked a t It. too. chu ■ But lhe did not acream. She did not V ‘ make any motion of frlcht. She aald _ finally; —

t “Lovschlem, you're a tool."• (Copyright. lOSJ.' Mlgnon O. Eberhart) .

I (To Be Oontlnuedl

•WoH Puzzle

•terday'i Punli . t t i-p* ot *•*.

' >. &»(''tnJiia cllmblna

10. • rtaio

M l*. Dono^wlthla a II. Orailllin

« . Bmall wunJ I t DlS?'";!• JM

:i. Elaine:t, iiehoiil I B30. ii«cur«d ! ■>L D K ir ■)L Uikar^ot B

IL Orawlni eut >! o'la't<w'*n11 Ie H. I’liTlhint I, Pluaoir B

OOwA i. m t t n x a la IMII. S h ^ I i 'k i t ' ' Il fh '/c u U s^ Ifi

“ s 7 « S " II. Cuilem IT. gloKort mita,T. Dar et Mit abbr.

B ita l. I t. rrtncb artlel* RE

’ p 1° r** Y' I * t


t w t n f a l l s d a t l v k e

Q |lM A M A .M « m « lV |IC Q |ttiP IW im W K lW O H W K N l H ^ l

MIUIS v n u . CbMYMUU n■ To m H U tiMKr-KyGD n

'IWIMPOI. PCM’-BCri'- B irr r r M u » r u x

H M O tfrO riW H O U tfi m h IP ME B V C t W

M m 'm iiavM L bM iA M ,

Ctil UJJl ' Wjf. A M & tO M uiB «U P A MOUT *tU» BACK DOOB W lIbM B IT H IR V lO O M ^ ATTKB eORMCl«. j W

TIME TABLES hi B abadalM O truM agtrtnhM tB d

Meter BaaM Pualag ThrMgk Twta , r t lb i 1=


I t t l n H iM v a t________3 JO P. U.T rtln SM le tv e a -----------S ; |] A. U-

WertbetaflT r t l n n to tfw --------------1U 0 A .U . -T rtln 5 0 le tv H ----------- I:4SP . U. ^


Otny accept Bundty. I _ T rtln W U tv e a _______1:10 P. tt.

T rtln I to t i r lv e a ______ 3:10 „ONION PAOFIO STAGES C

A rtlv u ______________ 11:00 A. M.U a v e i------------------------11:30 A. M. kAtrlvta-------------;----------li-ii A- fcL £ «L eavtt-------------------------i:M A .M ^ o--------------- W «*tbom «~------------ 5 .1A m v u " _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 : 0 ' i A. u . sLeavea - — — - a . u A. U,A nlvca---------------------- « :» P. U.teavei _______________ 8:S3 P. M. _

NOBTH 8IDB BtAQBS Jerome, WeodeO and Gooding ^

Leave ■ a i'<* «Arrive _______ ;_______ IJiMP.M . “ t;ttaY r'7-~ ii: z - r - T . : - - : : « T a-p3 r 7^


Uave ------------------------!Q;SOA.M “R e tu r n ........................... 3 :3 0 P .lt voc

. TWIN PALU'WELLSLeave________________I I 1OJA.M " J 'Arrive-------------------------C:«J P, M.


BDnLEY. A p rlin ISpecial to T tw iv f Oe

have lU annual itinrlie meeUng and E titer breakfast next Sunday mom- n, ing beginning a t e A. M. Herbert he Dlrdwell wta be In charge ot the d. meeting. j >

In the altemoon tho Endetvor win i.h •be-guMU-ot-Mr,-and-Mr»r-Ronaia Bi MaclUe tor a bukel dinner and the an regular meeting wlll bo held In the be: church Sunday evening. I th<

&tn. H. P, Andrew wUI ipoiuor herj :

Beer Receives Dra:


R E S ID E N T S O F T U C SO N , A R c o stu m e s o f th o g a y n ln o tlc s a ho te l in A horsclcsA corrUire tt o f th o 3 .2 b rew . M a iv eo lo rfi th e O rn d o r f b a r w h en g u n s wi y o o n y i^ f f ^ P h o to .


H E W i TWIN F^Llig, p ) f f l 0, 1

T»V «U .w Ik W uI»A.'T 1

j (

| W a n t A (ONE CENT PER WORD | „

PER INSERTION------ ------------T—r.i xxs

A Q W a atA d e tllv e tB d u ttv eu d _ l | - th e y brtag Um biyer. I EX1

r i i e a e n

For Salft—Furniture «_ _ gerPIVB TOBE CROSLrr r a d io : r iB

CaU evenlags 405 sth St. .North. cl<

PURNITORB POR SA LE. A U klndi of new aad uied fum lturt.

C o t l .n n g e t .u . lo w .u llOJN .itc li. r o f Wo tr td i , buy or Mil. Will p ty c tab q, for uied furniture and stoves. Phone umr 5. Mooa'a. . t,lerI i:- . ' ' '■ ' ; ■■ Pbo

For Rent—Unluralitied =A P A im ttN T TOR R E N i OAU.

______________________ _ IPr e p i k is h e d MODEIur odtJN* _tO fJioine for rtnt.bywlprU IB. JT | jo j u b . rw onab le ,. phone ISMM after 8

^ Ivocal e la u In t n Euler r e d tt i P l l- ONI day ereolng of thla wetk. w h(n .p tr- « enta of t i l itudenta wlll be special irld gueita. A splendid muiletlprogrmffl la Pho being trranged. _


jE R o i n , Apr’i i u ’ Special to l l j e ^ NiK i>~Thlrty members o t tbe

ttcred c o n ttlt. "Ruth," ifif A fir^ Oaul, before a e tpadiy audience c i t here a l the BlethodUt church. Sun- j i ' jday evening. . * '

The leading rotei were lUng by 5 ? l.n« Dorolhy Huston. MUa OaieU

a n d M lu F ault Eckrtm. Miss Ant-^' bei Horsman, Oooding. aceompanled I the singers. ' ^I Prior lo the evening program the

In---------------------------------------------:— cot

ramatic Welcome \derWlitoi" ttth<


>>*>te t





n il^ ^ P s s i B S 9 S £ / | l f l | COI


sust t r

ARIZONA, dressed up in tho i i u 8 and drove to the old Orndorf I i B to rehearse the Inauguration I )rful figures used to frequent » were worn and the west was ’ t

■ .

|yy>gN .yuH «

•fife \ J

0, WEDNESDAY VOANIn'q, AFn ^ :u a i a ia a 9 9 B e S B S s a ! B S B S S 5 » s

T H S Q V M r s -

I / \ ^1 la i MA ' *

MM-n _________ < ■ _

L d s ^B a c ^■ For SaI&~Seeds

r o n 's A u B L X s s ^ 'm i ^ u 0 ^ p w potatoet. Phooa OMtJi._________ h

L'gR'nPlUJ— D IOKLOTC_gJEEP wheat. PhoBt P r tn k Candle. &

EXTRA OOOD CLEAN S m > OATS. NC liM tth Avenue E u t or Pbona U » . jgi

BLUE TAO QRIMM ALPALPA, HAState Test M 4& 1U south Of Ber* el

ger atore. IH Bt«t. J . L. Rytn. —

pntffT. Q U A L m r p i e u > s e e d s , tcloven, t l f tU u tn d g r u r seeds ol JSC

tU varieties. B . L. Btmmoad. Sen* — aon Bldg.

POR SALE CKaUFnCDBLOBTAO R.Dry L tnd 8e«d Potatoe* BUea Tti* -—

umph. Early Ohio aad Irlah Cob* blen. Dingle « epilUt Beed Co. ^PhoneSrTw ln.pitU s.Idtho.____. . . ^= = = 5 5 = ^ = CU


horte o r team be aure to attend the p publlo auction in Buhl, Wednesday, too

.......... = ^ = i s

I Wanted to Rent ^O N P o S n flH ro T T o o sE p iv e o r

six room. Waahlngton fiehool Dls* f o trlct. Must h tve u aoon u poailbU. p Phons 1851. acr

r ^ ^ = = s = ^ ^ = group, together * l th t number ol k>cil young people,'Wer« enterttln- *

who w u assisted by mem ben of tbe )}*■ L^llei Aid. 221

MOVIE TO DEEP C B r aAHgr n tPAM . Apni i i la ia e m ^

to .Tha N iw i)-M r. tn d U rt. Glenn E3O lanpitt tn d ftaUly h tv t teored 1Into the Joe K iie t bouu o e tr Deep s c m k where Mr. Clampltt la work*Ing tor W ,.R. Skinner. g l

Legal Advertlsementj jJ;" ~ ^ b T fC B ~ T < r 'c B B m O * B S ^ JJ* In the Probate Court ot Twin Palli County, Blate o t Id th a * •

, In tha m atter of the estate of WlUls Young, Deceaud. , f "

Notice Is hereby given by the ua» f " denlgned executors ot tha estate of WUIU Young, deceaud. to the ued - = Iton ot and all penon i having clslmi ngalnil the said deceued. to exhibit them with the necessary vouehen,!. wllhln alx montha atter the tlitt{ publleatlon of thla notice, lo the said ..iMilnfg a t IM Idaho BMg. Hnlri.Countpiof Ada, s ta te of Idaho, tb |i being the place fUeit for the tn a t* tetlon of t^ u a l n e a s of jttld eiUte.

Dated J tn u t ry IS, in S > -lA O RA TOUNG,


Exteirtor, HW. C. MOPPBTT. n

AttonMf for Executon. nResidence: Boise, Idaho. I


In Ute Probate Court ot Twin Palli, U

In the m atter ot the estate of An- Ina L Hollon. Deceued. jl

Pursuant to ao order of the Judge I of said Court, made on the Slst dsy jl of Uareh, m s , notice la hereby glv* gen Uiat Wednesday, the i n h day o( ilApril, IMS a t ten o'clock A. M. ot | |n ld day. at'U ie Court Rooma ot said IOourt, a t Uie Court H ouu In the City U tn d County of Twin PtUs. Idtho. h u Hbeen tppolnled u Ute Ume tn d place Itor proving Ute WIU of u ld A m t L. IHot]oo,doeeaaed. tn d for hearing Uie |l

J® l4 i« itU iino tA iW leP«T yforthe it Hlu sn c e to h eru U o tle iU n tea ttm e n - Httry when tn d where ta y person in* IIterested m ty tp p e tr tn d contest Uie ^

i Dtied M trch Si, 1B3S. JCU A RJO RIS BLACK,

Clerk.W. L. DUNN,

i Allorsay for PeUUaner.I Residing I t Tw la PtSa, Idaho,


• , ■ V •

APRIL 13,1988

^ R O L A N D

(8 > ^ 0 (iriM tO 'n « C D U K T K f IM


■ W m m

gainsX)For Slie Mlutnaiwui

p R E S iP a o w J i s E Y 'T m S loe r oh tlf gtUoo deUveeid. SMJ. —

NEW raOTOUN, AOTOUATIO 11* I Jguage. iso oa Ptioat ftSe. —HAY POR SALB 3 U T L a T w ih ' 3

elghUi north ot South P trk . ->■— ■ . ■■ — ___ — , p fj

SHEEt^- MANORB TOR LAWN8 a tn d shrubs. t l4 0 two ytrda. Phoot —

1S«J*W. RO

MARSHALL s' t R A W b ' b R R 'y — pltnla. Mile north P tv t Polntt. d . ^

a . CaUutk— -------- -------------------------- C

BULK SEED OAALEY.eOo CWT. K -Two mllea aouth South P u ld tw e tl , <

U aouUL U trtln SulUita. » 0

CLOSING OUT STOCK WBtTE H I lead, llK e lb., Uneeed OU, Ho g tl- t

lon. D ltaond Rtrdwtrw Co. m>

UAJRSHALL 6 T R A W B E R R Y AP p itn u , m mUes norUi Wishing* I

too School V.W,Edmoodaoa. ■ *»

GECJIENOINE CIUZY C T ^ ALB — tn d drink your w ty to b e tltt . H. J. TE Schwltter, The Rtwleigh M tn, 38t I 3rd Avenue E u t. Twin PtUs. m

, ■ ■ I !■ ■ , I , ^ WlPOOR INCH WOOD PIPE 10 OENT0 —

per foot t t Idaho Junk House, H/ tcroas f r o m M unyoot AaW oo < Oroundi. roc

I , - , .. ................... toiIRRlOA'nON PIPE, F O O R ,C p C ,.-

eight, u n , twelve Inch t t prleet U you c tn t t tord. I t wlU p ty you to aee I luTTwlnW Us-TunfMoSfcrSJOU^^ » SouUi. -

Situations Wanted - ■EXPERIENOB) O I R I .^ W A ^ S

hoosework. lt«0*J. . ,su--. i.rrrrr.-'S'ST.-.izss s s ju

BUHL MAN OBTAINS LAND %BUHL. AprU II (Special to l l i e ”

N ew s)-H snrr Rodlg h u putehased five teres of land loctted In WU* lltm s sub'dlvUlon from Theodore u P trks. Jtrbldge. -Tho oonaldertUon w u tTOO. Mr. Rodlg h u t ln o t t m compleUd 1 16 by IS foot buem ent 12 tn d WlU m ovs 't Uiree-room houte W from the Ltwrenee J e u ranch over tho buem ent. • o{

Ambassador GoI ' - - . ■

, -{j

p iF iSJOSEPHUS DANIELS', n e w ly

M oxico, is b e co m in g a cq u a in tcc d u tie s w ill b r in g a t th e s ta to .w h ere room s h a v c .b e e n Bet aal l e a n th e d e ta il s o f f l ie i r a s s ig


9 5 = s s $ s ^ s s ^ ^ ^ s a s s e

U M ' M m umpi 0 a i r .1(41 «WI k l t i t “ oPTM tlA H R 'A H D lM l

M O O t^ >lWCr A, Nil

| g | ®

....... ■'....... ......... ... ^ = g g s t ^ =

)p p Q x £ aI For Rent—Fumlatied RboMPORHBCT.'aM IROOU AND b o a r d : 311 £ d |

.............. . . . _ .1

APARTMENT POR R B N T . <13 * U tla North.

PURNIBHQ) APARTUTTrr. 008 te d K o tih . _____ ^

PUBNI8SED A P A R T U D n a ONB ^tn d two rooai.Ot<ls H oae. 0 .C

ROOM, BOARD. AND LAOMDRY, i i B lS M m o c U i.5 0 1 M tln E ts t. ^ ' ot

FURNISHED ROOM, CLOSE IN. ..■OtnUcatn-prefeired. Phnae.8MJ. ^

POUR ROdU MODERN FURNISn* «c «d bouse, gtrage, tdulta. Inquire

a ^ U jA T sn u eE . ^

NKW X?~"RB!bvATED APART> menti. fuUy furnished. Ju s ttse re

m n . Very low rttes.

APARHfENIS A N D B O U n i £ ufurnished ta d unlom lshtd, W. B, H>

Baagtr, 300 Sboshont SouUi. Pbeos fo r

T B R n ROOM APARTUSNt T ujN per raoDtb. Including w tttr , h e tt

tn d gtra«e. Enqulra 703 Srd ATe. » )fl W est__________________________ mi

HAVI APARnONTB THAT A RI ^ tQ right, aJM the prtoea, 3 aod t * ~ .

rooms, ntmlshsd eomplete. T b t 0^* ?Otlford, 4M Ualn N orth ._________ a>hOWB AO. 8-ROOU UODERN ^

119; 4<room modem 813.M, A. N. nnli-c a sm ssria :------------'-------------- ^

^ B f l b y _ q h l c k t ^ _

HBAIAVT OmOKS, HANBQB B tn ln . Ughonw aad P n r t M tu 2

Reds.Blgdlacountlford<t«daraootb ^ c r more before waatod. RlggertV ^ Btlchsry, •. * -

Help Wanted ' «_______ ■- ■ - ■ tr

MAN WANTED MAYTAO 6H 0P m OB Shothone Avenue. Splendid op^ =

portunlty. |

WAOT UAN AND W IPE W naO U T ch lld rea tow orko (tftnn .a itm ber wA

of commerte. i l

■ ■ ' ^ = ' ioBoes To School ^

^ H i ic tr

'ly appointed ’ ambaBsador to d” ; itcd with the problem s h is n e ^ —itfl departm ent in W ashington ___aside fo r nuw.ambrntsadors to ^

signmenta.— Photo . _xii




1 ll’ ,>'mK Bifc CMAMMQM i . N I h f f l J S a U N ^ ^

/ ^ Y T M C V M I ^ ^ ^ ^ .. 'M tttn jL B R IM fr W M

Y O U 'tM K M M H -

i w u t i e & -

Proretilonal ,

0 . a U X i / - 4 t n r O i t ’ i M k M m

B w & iL R ~ * i w m n t - tB w . olDaia M o a ta ia B slM t^


M r i r L r c A B n a r ^ w s r o m ' - ■

ftiniiit '

BAUiAMTXMB P I .D M B I I ( a « HeaUai Oa. flb te i U ettl W W . >1

For salrorTrad*— ;— B f f i B u S ^ A m i S p i S r w S K

mulsi fe r aU k e e n or tb t ta . « ^ e t f t , % nortb H tn tta . £ l «

? 0 R BAXX O S i s u m e , b ^ o o kmodem hoos* la i ta t part of town, i

fUke loc tU au T » n d s tn e t. WlQ taka Bd j ^ ^ M d j g a i t e o j m a |

MItoellmoulTOURAMOtf AT d ^ T . l i m

PaUs j c o t a u m aatf Id tbo U o . ' to n B n e o t Ttlepbogte 03S6n. J . W.

j:— Wantedlo-Rent____^w A in io m OR 180 w ix b b s s * ,

W a n t e i t - H l t c e n i n e o w

WANTID — A UAEI) B J 'ltlH IIItlak, Phooe 3 d _____________ __

TO BUY PSDBtAlTOX W BIAT. Phone OlCgRl. _________

WANTED POULTRY-EOOB, B , C. IHtmter; Phooe 801._____________ I

P A n ^ O . ICALIIOUTWTHQ. PA .^ 9 u g . o«D c t r t i r . ;*hflot « f .

UBT W ITH i i n ' ' T O O WANT , to aaU. M B nrtre B re t, If l tr .

W A N iro , WHEAT, BARLEY AND oata, to e lttn ta d t r e t t Dlsgle *

Smith Seed Co.__________________

WANTED STOCK TO PASTORC. J .N Burr, 3 mllet aerth , % t u t I

W uhlngtoa BcbooL .,OT! o a cnBTQM KTLLTMn * w n I

curing, p t t bogt tn d ebliikens -bought t t tU Umes. Bunset Meat Co, |

c u t . WIU p ty c u b or seU eo ooo* sIgnmenL J , B. White Co., Dealer la Uier C trt exclusively, >

W A N T E D -C O A L R A N O E S , , stoves, rtfrlge rtton tn d uaed fu r- I

nlture. Wlll pay c u h . Phone 8, ' Moon'a Paint tn d Furniture Store. |

W ANTS); A UBXTNa ON IM - proved forty aerea near Twtn FtUa

with c tth payment of IICOOM to d btUnoe good tenns. J. E. Roberta, . Realtor, Twlo F tm . Id th a

WANTED TWO PABSENOERS TO Poctitnd. w m s t t r t Suadty: patt*

engen Just to help p ty expentet of c tr to d wUl return tboQt 31st Ad* drest p . o . BOX bs. Twin FaUt.

F o r R e n t— F a rm s

FOR RENT — T f^ V B -A C R B S , -xlose 10. Phooe noM T .' J - J


: N O * . '

f •: . - :

■IIISEESlBlir TO H U M Ifl 1n m i t f MIE

I Idaho Senator Confesses In- j ability to See Worldng — Dut-of-Asfeement-Exoept —

At Expense ol Famfer

Bftulof W. B- Dor*h does not »M • -how It U posilbl* to »ork out ft

’ Tcclpn^tr •em m en t wllh CtnaiU < « e e T » t . r e n t u a lllc e to t t e J

•V Amertean ranner." h# totd W. W. » ^ De»l Nimpa, mi#l«r ef Uib Wftho —

SUto a rtn a e . In « letKr which the

Orftnse nuuter, undtr <la(«. of yVl M trch 6, iMt. uy*: ," T i n i “ 1u iit t lp t o f 'T w r- ln ie r n

' rtUUve to the new propoul (or rcclproeliy wllh Cftnad».

•■Of WUTM. we HI wlih la l '« m d u rrlendly reUtlonnhlp w r j neUfitwr ts peteiletble. M d I »J<3H The tlwoyi tpproteh tny proixjalilon ,l,q. dealing with C#nadlan affftlr* with m p a th y and a leellns of friend* q,

— NTOtKTRili-------------t e•ButU onol*e«bow U U poM lble p .

: to work out ■ reelproelty BRreement .w ltb Canada except a t a (treat »c*

■ rlflce to tho American Janoef, Ne- „ ceuarll;, what Canada wanU (o lend to this country are the tliinit*

. which the American farmer pro- L duett. TJisr* cauld b# no oUjer ba»ls ^ j for reciprocity areem ent tha t I can m ink of th in th t t of opfning tho American market for th« n r y ” ' tb lngt for which the American

■ mart. M#!<t> ptPteeUnn. Any. . . . .«gTtemtnl would be worthleu to C in ad i unlstt It lowered or remov- in .

' t i all tv U f t.to the idml»i)on of r O anadt^ wHunl product*. ^

' -W s h ia th li tame <juMtlon up I n - ■ • ]S11 when reciprocity w u tousht to D< be made th rw ih an ipeem ent be- anci tui-eeo tba United BlaUt in d Cana- dm da. “Hie entire icheme i t th a t lime *cn v u bued upon the theory lhat we pay thoold bave frta trade for ihe torr

f .rm w .n d pfatMUMfof

— SSiM S« eopy or the dUcuulon ot th a t (ikl

. propotal became. In my Judemcnt, Mid•ny new propoeal would be funda- tmentally bated upon the u m e prln- theielplet u the one of 1911. cd i

"ThOM intereiled. therefor*, in nra;gaerlcan ngrlculture ihould r*r>: rep« AirefuUy any propoial In the nattir* prtr«( B TKlproclty agreemenU of t

. " f t r myieU. U It b u any lemb-

A tarUr Q ttom which would protect the manufacturer and Ihrow open the market to agrleutturtl product* b

-------------------------- trie

&R€V1TI€S3________________________ ,_________ Fir

Retartt* From Utab-MU* Dona Bowen, Twin Fall*, reiumed j-eilcr- f’®* da^ from * vUlt In Salt U ke Clly. '

VnderroM W ra llo n - Milton ” Fine, Ilazelton, Underwent ■ major opcratloa ye»ltrd*y at the Twin *rr PoU* eounty scneral hoepltal.

Here P r o ’m Oreton - William hor eteam*. formerly of Twin Falll,-now implored by the Standard Oil eom- ” 11 p«ny m Qaktr, Orc|on. U a vUltor

• • _______Back >-roRi CallfornU-Piiul Beer

I h u relumed from Madcrla, CalHor-

[ l ia r i^ a tth e h o m e o fh U so n .L o w - . ell Deer. Mala ifenue eu t. Kit

, . a«rLeave fer reeatello-M r. and Mr&

£. W. Uenderun left for I>ucatcIIo K yesterday to *tiend the funenH for Me

I Mr*. Henderson'i aunt who died llicro;j. recently, PIf

II U ru F ln t Aid T*lk — Boy acoult 'L l Of Trooi> 10, Twin Fall* dUlrlct axe

I council, heard a talk on Unttrd 7 — BnW i Ihriy 'llfil'a ld . given Ijy Mel- —

char Prlebf, ii the PrrabyierUih j church la it nigh.. ; [.H'g

Lr^re* IlmplUl—Jsme* RuueU. a 1: nve-yeir-old icn of Mr. and Mm. tlieA. P. Ruuell. Twin Palli. w u dbi- 1»«rnUMd fmm l ■' Tv in Falli county tontioipltal ycstrcdiiy. He h u been un- Inn

I der treasment there tor lome time cmi ' I lollonlns 11 major operation. fMlII ------ v f11 At Ut«n»o Counler-LesU-r E. S o- «sl11 V*. ShwJioiif. uru tYancea aiercr. ^[ ' Pller, iiipllcd lor n mnrrlage llccnic. “

•nd a marrlai'B :irenia wai Iwued to I OllviT Kuykcnibu, Tivtn I'-allt, a n d ;

r' Zuriuskl, tllCL.lLlhe oH lee^.l • the county recorder here ye:tcrUfty

On Way to ttNeVrr;r — M ia Alma Raybom, Bout, in te r of E. L, n a y - ! bom. Twin Palli. and r. m. Riyboni. I Pller, w u rrpoited yeMrrUny to be I recovering ironi a w ere lllneu .tt the E L. ruylwm home. *ou!h of Twin FalU.

CfTlUy Ttwde N*me —O eorte N. Taylor and Uoyd D, KtniiHoii are the owner* of the Cremo DlntrlbutliiR

‘"company cr Idaii'o, wiih headquar­ter* a t Twin Falll, uccordlmt to u certUlcato or trade name riled In tho oJflee of the eounty recorder hero ru te rd iy .

On .Vl*» nets ~ Mr. in d Mr».


S ^ W A R R A N T S - i omaot

. . a t t S i o d l O M E M t

IW i U i e W i l l i * | P A

I j i 3 h '-I eoiitdn-l help It If tha t ehoe'UU th s :

itoytd ra my ehUi »t the party. Teac Yon can't Uek that far down." , Sei


P R IN C E A N D m o r g a n a t i c ' ^


“ D u c n A n E f f r r i iS m a n i i rA p r n - i i -^ (/n — Ordinarily w e lM n fo rm e d toiircea u ld loday. tha t Prince , mcholM and hli Mor«anatle wife. , ' Jana Lucia DclctJ. have aeparated. ' The prlnee U expected lo return , *[? nhortly to Bumanla and to lake up ' hU royal rlRhta and preronatlvei.

Queen Marie, the ' Kewnpaiier,

about a reconclllillon between prlnc Prlnee Nicholas and Kina Carol, hi* were brother. ____ TwUi

KUig Carol w u greatly vexed by ueni tbe mnrrUze of ^Icholaa to a com- louU moner In November. 1931, and he m tl oMertd an record*-of the ccremony j,ta n deitroyed. ConilderaWt prURir* w ta , 1#^ exerted on Nlcholu but he refuted noo to*leave hU bride. They have lived‘be it abroad. i Mr- ... .. — ■


F A IL -T O G E T R E B A T E J J J “

BOISE. April 11 (m -rvo iniur- latloi ance companie* propotlnit to with­draw from builheai tn Idaho today , . were denied a refund ot theU- IlcenM payment* under a ruling oT Uifl a t- ^ torney jonsrtl. ^ 7 ,

TTM eomnanlM tw klng the refund ^ ”

uklng 1230. and the Seaboard Flro and Marin# company, asking l l » . ,

The attorney tteneral ruled th a t !**“ ' theU- premium Uxei. whleh they u k - ‘‘®"; ed refundrd. w u due on IBM busl- "'=‘7 nn* and for tha t reason could not be repaid. Kttreover. he *ald. there 1* ns provUlon for the i t i te to refund any ol tha llfenae money.

------------------------ Van

A N OTH ER BANK R E O P E N S S------- 'talk

BAN FRANCISCO. April irtl - 01>f»

member bank in tho Twe.fth dU- held trlet w u llcewed today to r open Oi for normal buslneu. when thv fed- rcpr e n l reserve bank here forward^, the er treuury lecretary* approv*’ to the Mo;i Flr?t .Nallonal.Bank. of P*/k .City, . Utah. At the declaration ol the bank m i i holiday there were 0 9 member btnk*In ihU dlitriet, ' . ■

: Leonard E. Smitli and son. Bobby, arrived yeiterday from their homo , nl Lon* Dench, California, for a ‘ week'i.vlilt, nnd are Rueat* a t th o |! |v i

, homo of Mr. Smith'* brother-ln-lnw . and *l.«er, Mr. and Mr*. Aiher D. I '" s '

■ n lZ lMovflloRmGh—M r.*ndM rs.John>‘)'

a, O oiirleyand family nro m ovlngI" '”“ . thli wefk from Kimberly to iheir^. Irult farra lu Snake river cahyon Q ^ I

, Mr. Oourlry h u b « n -e^nployed nt TC KImbrrly u a ilate deiMrtment or a«riculture Inspector. jje

1 K rtam i From Utah—Mrs. PIorenco>J,'(p! • Mc.Han ot the Slmm* apartment*.! n..>I h u returned from Salt Lake Clly and

Pteasant Grove, Utah, where, with J. A. ChrUtophrnon and daURhters.

, vUlled lrlend.s and relaUvei. Snow sa , and extreme cold weather wers en- ,nd

countered during the vUlt In Utah. |nvn

, l‘<yilponeMrcllDc-Ai(|Ularmeet-^ 'I'wlii FalU Canal eompany d l- _

It laler day thL< week i ' l account of A Uie abcenee ot ail methber* of the Ame board, who. wlU) J. R. Sothwell, at-. In tl tomey tor the company, are a ttend- Tiui: inii a hearing In the federal dUtrlct fiiiirt In a . AUlt wherein tho Twin TI fMlU Land iind wawr company iB jaiw vekhiR to compel ta ll ot un luued 'radii

. uMcr itoek. i M. (

\G rm tw ^ i Conve

T h a t ’s W h a t t h e N e w

I S T A G E [

; I V l e a n s t o t h e P e o p U

' T h e i t t e a t Incoo f hBvlnK th e rlvingf a n d dcp

7 ; p o ln t8“ h n ir i t i nw e h a v e B rm n

I t h e b u ild ln ir ot( F o r m e r ly occ t h e i r d e p o t.

P h o n e E v e r y f ic l l l t ’ 2 g 5 ih o u ld b a v o hn

— P h t e L ttP c h e s S e r re d

Uniqn P adf— r . r- W elto 8 ta g « ,-N o r th

Jerom e<SbOBhoae-N

P lM C IE R v l

JllB m O lN E -A ll-O ay S chool o f M e th o d s

D ra w s L e a d e r s In M ove­

m e n t T h ro u g h o u t D is tr ic t

WlUl mors lhan W peraoni a t- Undlng.'■■'iorklnr of ihe P i r t n i r “ Teachen uiocUitlont gathered a t | the high tehool yesterday where • E aohool of methods w u conducted under Ihs direction'of Mr*. John Z. Hayei. Twin PalU. prealdent of th s Idaho Congreu of Parent* and Tetcher*. I

Setilon* were lield yesterday su rting I t 10:20 A. M. A luncheon w u lened In the home eoonomlct room of Uts tehool, with itudenU gfimlnjf fntffg tipdr r the HtfeellBn .. or M lu Juinlta SutelUf, home economic* Instructor. _Ttio^»fltniooa-m «elln£_yf«_helcl „ urtUl <:S0. -

M n. 1. C. Joilyn, sUito chairman ot parent education, and Mr*. Hayei preaented itundard and . ' aupertor reoolrements, utm* and ob- JrcUves during the momlnR le i- ilons.

PrinclpaU OuetU

prlncl{»U of *tl Twin Fatla achooU were, cueiti. three atudenU of TwUi PaUi high achoot gave In­tereiting llluilraUon* of the pnc>Ucal use ot home economic*. LouUe Haight told of various unlU in the course of initnictlon, and Mary Ream* and Arta LUid car­ried on a hypothetical convena- tlbn, wlch brought oul benefits to L be recflved ttiroURh the courte. •

Mr*. Roy Evon*. Twin FalU, ~= parent tetcher council chairman. ditcuue'd general actlvlUes of the III organlutlon. laying Uiat cach u - I .i loclaUon U the clearing houis U l J a r thc.tolvlng of.p rob lem t and 'dlflTeullles peculiar to each m oo- latlon.

Report Club Work A report was Riven th a t the

TwUi PalU KlwanU dub . In con­necUoa wllh tb* weUaro program Co of ths tehool wn* .Instrumentel in

-underiiourUbwl— chUdronr —at— a. — total coil of i3B8.38.

Mrt. Frank Uoughton, lU to pub- llrtty chairman of the organUa- tlon. told of the proirram of pub­licity jilanned for the commlng I yeor. AUo during the attemoon Tw le o lo a Mr* O. Cr<jckett. Rock hai oteti. t t l A * chairman. pre«n- of tsd • caltndar ot objectives lor tloi loeal organUatlon*. Mr*. W. A.Van Engelen dUcuiMd the Child P«M lfire-m M K lne .-and - -“ Program ««Making.” w u the *ub}ict of a « talk by Mtt. Oeorge Erbland. rtiioi>eu dUcuulon and qup.Mlon bor, ■]

irrrMflfil DVtr by Mn- Haye* w n uheld ot tho clo» pf Uie meeting, dee

Ourits at tlie meetlnii included ceercprcMntatlvei ot Pnrent-Teteh* forcr ainoclailons from Murtaugh, perMo;inlaln View and Rock Creek. ,j



Preiciited for the benefit q; a o o d - 'J ” ing college,, a "Mtiilcal Pot iiourl"' ' i will be Riven at the MelhodUt EpUeo-Ur*

I iinl church In T»ln F?ll3 on the eve- tid I nlng ot April 30. The proRram U be- bai i Ins anarfSed by Mrs, Herman Var- tloi . brough. Mm- Henry White and Mrs. I'Biephen Rld»e. Salt U k e City. Bet- ty Yarbrough and Herman Yar.- H I

t brough. jr.. wUI aUo tako part..,-.; ■:I ------------------------ t‘CHUBCH IN V IT E S PU B L IC S J

TO R E V lV S n i E E T I N G S S. _____ Kn

Revival meellngt are being eon- ducted each evenlna in»

Brethren chureh. Third avenue e u t nnd Third itreet.'Splrltual *ermon* are being preached by Rev. J. A. ' Kenoyer,

Sang lervlcei begin n t 7:45 o'cloek S- and preaching at 6. Tho public b

-----------J^ A N N O U N CEM EN TS

A regtilnr meeting of Twin Pall* •= American Legion pott U to be held In tlie Legion Memorial building on p Tluinday evening.

Tlte Waihlngton Parent-Teacher oiioclatlni v.'UI p re ien t.the weekly

' radio prt«ram Wednesday a t 9 P. j M. ovrr the local itoUon.

wnienceew ^

DEPOT !) p l e o t T w i n FaUsInconvenlcnce to travelerB, the vnriouH tttase lines ar>

dcpnrtinK from different ritmjriniprtssert ut». Nu» ~ rranKcd Ihnt nil shall uac liT ot 211 Shoshone St. No. -I.

occupird by Varney) a« II.

icillty that a modem depot '0 hoA been prorided for. tnred at All Hours —

iific StagesOrth Side 8 U g « - - - - - ae-Hai!ey Stage



— ' T w i n F a l U . D a i l y ,

v i e G l , S wm.

cht:y a w ^ B l

IK n a y le uthre

T fl > . WTWmB^W flinC 'J? \

retl^ L /W / v ^ K k w F>

g - I P P I l / In I^ ■ i H l )

I B H I H V. ^I i H H f f »»•

/ T ^ A B B I ^ O'*

n — ----- \ ^-ootn^ / B I W f l i ^0'I ■ B f ^ D I nam

I fl I H I H B ( 8CB■ 1 I KBIr J 'a-/ I f H j D i l / / ' aht i \ M B f l H j H J f co!o

i t i M 1

------------------B ' B t m m m / 'J• • < J iw liF — ***■ / are ;

T \ / ■11 l | ^ tlyl'/ I - j J w /

J j Y/XUmyS' ■ c*'*

2583, Si?W ' ■■ Addi


-------- In

C o m m iss io n e rs P r o u « d Up - ^ i«nh

■ •d tr W fw - b w r - A t r th o r - jotcIzing Is su e of $ 1 1 5 ,0 0 0 ,""'^

_____ held

Under torms ot a new ilate liw , Kxie Twin FalU county eommlulonert Mert have authorized Unuance ot tlI5.000 nliiR of Twin PalU county tax antlclpa- j« i, Uon notes to meet ths current year'* qt maintenance snd operation ex- , Mnies. and wlU oiler Iheie notes for'iKiiular iubMrlpllon-ln-denomI- naUoRi of ttOO or multiples. 11 was ° “ announced y e i t e r d o j ; ^

Ta* an tlclpatlonW w > lll bear 6 Ea per.cent lnlcr « t aiW ar6 to to re- T|,m deemed within the year out ot pro- ceedi of tbs 11133 county tax levies beil) for maintenance and operation ex- and P«"«- hom

The new law under* whleh the commUiUmer* proeeedad permlU It- mcci lusnce of tax tnilclpatlon notet In amount up to 75 per ceni ot the J**"} prevloui yetr'* levy tor malnten- ance and operation. Tliat levy last ' year w u made to yield Iisaj53i)0.

I ’ Under previous law. commUslon- QUl ler* would have been rcQUlred to an- Ulll jtldp ite 1P33 county tax levlea u - a , IbaiU for laiuince of l ix nntlclpa- [ tion note*. |

A TT EN D E A STER SE R V IC E s .■: y -------- • cll «

Knight* Templar will attend Eu te r lervlce* a t the F ln t MelhodUt Epl5cou4l.cJiurch.ot.TwlnjaUi8un. day. April 10 at 10:« a, M. aU Sir Knight* are to auemble In full drew , TempUr uniform at th« Maionlc Temple a t 10:30 o’clock before leav-

commander'* announwment,

Wantedi U w n mower* to grind. 1?,^ Moore's Repair Bhsp, 244 Mtln Ave. nan 8 , Phone tMR,-Adv.

voluiPUnt deaMe_*TTlnii and Barhl- wt*

fella Bplres la ibady remfr*. Bloom fln t year. Kimberly .Norterfea. Phnhe ' Pl

______; _____ | j ^

" O h W a d S o m e

G i i f t i e G i (T o S e # O u n e ! '* A*. O il

EVENIFyeudoN OTiudgs yoioHtsrt by t h s I r sppsir* spf•n e a t— rsmsmbsr, olhsrt « ko ^ j u d g s you Hist wsy. at»

W h tn you psfronh* our , .

I If y o u p h o n e now w e w ill h a r e t t im y o u r o rd e r bi

T K C Y L A tN C l

' n i n i H u s j ^

I N C T S . T W IN F A L L S . ID A H 0 ,

) D E L A T H O M E J (]

Iy News PatternCHAnMW a PRINT

P,\TTBRN «*3

b * j C ^ t m c d J a m S

(jiioo.>e your new prlnU *ueiy.If you want to achieve am anneu | and individuality. A ' perfectly charoilng frock U sketched today.Note Ihe chic M*mlng»nd fltiler-

have a dilnly touch of lingerie thU (ralleuoii. Sleeve* may be worn pulled tookthree quarter length, or allowed to gonsnare u ihown Ul amall sketch. A the ideUghUul model to prove Uiere** overre*l smartneu In atmpllclty. indi

Piite rn 35<3 may be ordered only ty i In tUet Ifl. 18. 30, 34. 38. la, 4Qind 4J. Site 18 requires 3H yird* ^St inch fabric and S yard conirut- Ing. llluitrated *tep>b}->ilrp kw- Ing IMtructlon* Included wllh thU I pattern.

Sent n r jE E N , CEM 8 (1J«) In -«oln»-or-*ump*-<ooln»-t»reterr«H.for th li p*ttem. Write plainly your {***name, addreu and style number. BE hera8D BI TO STATE HIZB WANTEt). ***

----- IrrSrtifj /or Ihe ASSK AVASn m ia

FAHIUON BOOK. I t cODUltu 33 Inckcolorful pages of lovely Paru« Welllnipirr<l modeU for every lewmg gljneed, and shows how to bo chic a l on tgveTy-hour-of-the-dar.-gvery ityle icnrU practical, and e u y lo make. Thrre fromare modeU for the larger figure, and wheipages of delightful Junior and kiddle (rom*lylcs. Lovely lingerie and tccM- „lory patterns, too. PlllCE OF , CATALOG. nrT E E N C E N T S, CATALOG AND PATTERN TO* GETIIEK TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.Address all mall orcera to Th* New* ‘ o Paltem Department.— ' ------------------resei

PH M iSG ErSTD IIll £folio

• D F P S l l l l T i 'S G i s_____ fnrm

Investigator* ol Uie rccenUy cs- n '5 tablUlied University of OrcKon dr- . partnent ot paycblatjy. cooperaUng; v tt^ Oh JuroiOs eottri^ *na sethMto -n^j j orOrtgonrredaoed ln-a-»lm!ls-TeaH-„Qyj Ihe-number-of-young-peoiHe-eom- — •••• milted to reform ichooU Jrom 75 lo 1, Df. William Dixon. J>orlIaMd. “ “ cr he»d of that department, told 30 member* ot the South Side Medical ot r ioclety *t * meellng in the Legion B“ >»l Memorial building here last eve- >'“i« nhiR. Dr. DUon spoke on the sub­ject, "ProgreM In PsjchUtry." I in

Dr. Richard B. Dlliehunt, Port* HUI land, detn of the UnlversUy ot Ore­gon medical *cho<rt and bead ^_Uie I S1irliier’*"Ticapllil arPorllarid, rcn'di I n paper on "Common Dlieasei of * Uie Hip."^ U cji^y^^the \-lijilng^^pli^dana ^^Ad

M un ty '«nm ii‘ hM ^^ beginning a t 8 o'clock thU momlna, self and will leave, rclunUng to thetr brsk homes, later In the day. . copa

Ths ipeakers ul l« t evening'* ed l meeting. lniro<1uccd_,by._Dr. obiei Charles R. Scott, Twin FnlU. presl-' pheu dent of the society, who presided. A tcrdi buffst luncheon was lerved during I t the evening. ' ' t r T

----------------------- th e i

S N A E m H C D iC IL

BACKS l i K G i PInpn

Snake River area Boy Scout coun-cll WlU auume responsibility for a r- (<j,r|rangemenu for a four • day camp i - - ,training tchool a t Ooodlng, Idaho, qi.^May 23-38. for adult leaden of boy [u ,scouts U iroughouftouthom 'Idaho -oui,and e u U m Idaho, Dr. J. N. DavU, .u-i, president ot tho Snake River areacmiDcU. advUed John H. Piper, Spo- w , , kane, reglonil boy teout executive, yesterday.

The camp Khool, for whkh a de- „tailed program U yet to b« worked rriiiout, will bo conducted under dlrec- ^ Uon of Ounnar Berk, New York Olty,head of Uie Boy Scout* of America n ,vvolutitecr^^tralnlng department. It n_ ^

' Pbno Tuning - Phene R. T. I-o- v ,?!

l e P o w e r t h e I

3 i e U s -. Q l h e n S e e U sl"

you t l t u r * y o u r b s i t ' •p p ssrsn cs s t s l l timsi,•ltd — b s i t o f sH — you • tiu r* longsr lifs to your favorft* f irm sn h i O un't* a tsrvles of prom phsit,-

- ^ r f s a Wff- tftd '.E C OW:------ ~

1 har^ oceans of time to r before Easter

I N D R . V i L ^ E A N E R S

-P H O N E

10 , -W E D N E S D A Y M O R N rN G , A I

i n DRUffi III IMiED nEIS"

n■:----- tor

Kolstein Association Leads Caravan,ol 30 Visitors To Dozen Dairy Farms

_____ er c:berr

An annual "Black and ^ I t o - ^

iral*' Idiih?'**rioUte^n wSciaUon. H®" .ook more than 30 tn tora tsd per- ions. Including ownen of toms of .L,!: iie region'* ouutandlng dairy herd*. wer ao Itinerary yeiterday which ' ncluded a dozen of TwUi Palls coun- Tt y* ouUUndlng HoUteln herd*. to T

VUUor* nuking the tour Inspect- ;d on Uie L J.T eneklnck tahn. louih of Twin PalU, a young herd CA[ vhlch won for lu owner th s Oood- ng-Jerom# Herd Improvement as- F locution'* loving cup for high herd )rodueUon lu t year, and the two-rttr-o la cow_whlch.produce<tJ»«__rear 919 pounds ot butterfat. The Thoi lerd** production record l u t year Fall< ««* 465 poundi per cow. farm

Improvement ln.hcrd*..*tirlbuted m arfB parttobclU frorolheT cnck- *on- nek farm, w u noted a t the Ed t?"*' Vellhouscn and John KaUer fanns. meni

Similarly improvement In herdt in ths C. M. WUeman larm. Han- 5’“ ** cnrw u-uuuiu tod ta irb u ir» e c u rc a ~ x . 'rom the A. It. JsgeU farm. Duhl. Rate there new bulls have been tecured fatita rom the Unlvenlty ot Idaho herds. <ast

BulU on tho J, R. Long fartn. buU luhl, .came from the Carnation, ,„i Vuhlnglon, fami. and trom the In- ermountain Institute, WeUcr. UJ*"

Points ol Improvement wero not- Mndt rd and' pointed out by 11. A.' Math- or c csen. PortUnd, northwest field rep* m n •escnlauve of the American Hoi- teln-PreUUn auoclntlon, and D. L. M .j, 'ourth. Unlvenlty of Idaho exten- lon dlvUlon d a t^ speclalUt, who in a . ollowed the whole day'* Itinerary. J u n

SettlnR out trom the C. M. WUe- < nan farm a t 10 o'clock - yciterdajr noming. the tour proceeded to the nrm* of C, IL Hempleman and Lynn . lemplenuin. Twin PalU; llemplman; hlfh irothen, '.**lo Falls; Ed Wellhous- 13:50 n. Twin FalU; H. 8 . BcaU, Twin

a £ lioCW a. T r ln PalU; f "? '

Rauming the- lour early in tho 5 lif , ■flernoon tho vUiton went from U»e 21“ ' ohnKaUcr farm. Pller, to tho farm* it F « d Blent. Filer: John Long, iuhl: Creucy tarm. Buhl, and A. U.'ageU. Bulil, herd. I

- 'illK -E ilS T [ll-|10y [iT -Adopting hU tsxt trom the second

3od Who Loved Me and Gave Him- elf fur Me.* Dr. Elijah HuU Long, trske, pastor ol the MethodUt % ).. opal church In Twin PalU, coiyfuct- d the sm1ce a t the u c o iv day'* ibiervane* oJ Holy week urihe Olr- iheiim' theiue a t 1 3 ^ » ^ ; M., yes* crday.

T b a ^ if f l i i ftcie led by Adjutant f r . Slack. Monday's observance of he wfi-k WM led by Rev. H. S. Will, md Rev. J. F. Huckleberry, p.utor If the Flnl BaptUt church. deUv- ired the nddreu of the day.

In hU sermon yetterday. Dr. Long- inike ilrveloped the Uieme T lie ;roisUPersonalExperlence,"and«ld n part 'Uie obtcrvance of Holy week an only be experienced by tho fuU- 'i t ImpllcatloQ ot Uis gospel ot Jesus Christ. Two no te t's re ouutandlng: mmoriallty ond redemption. The llan of redemption U greater than he power of m in to conceive..It :ould only be conceived by a Ood :ucli as the Father ot our Lord Jet- u ChrUt. I t w u so complete u to nclude the whole race, and so def- nlle as to reckon wllh each on# per- aailly. Its benefits must be made >s penon*l by man u by Qod. to be t*lljcd."

Today's sermon s t the Orpheum hcatre at 13:30, will be delivered by Xev. w. e Andenon. with Rev. E. il. Allman u leader.

Dr, Evani, Oplomeirlst h u located

•lU. AJ*.

.rUnien Metei

A P R IL 12, l o s s

BflPiisTciiilainA N i lC E S J S ie m B,

The Bov. 3. Pt Huckleberry, p*s- » t t lor ef the W rit D*ptUt chureh I n ' rwin PilU *lne* April. IBJJ, la*t , 3und*y announced hU re*lgn*tloo a Uw chureh board, to be effective' " “ 1™ Ibout M*y 1. The Rev. Mr. Huckls- " Krry u ld tha t be *nd U n . Huckle- SEC xrry were c6mpell(d to teek a tov- Howar •r cllmito because of Mrv Huckle- W«yn« >erry'* he*lth. - ■ {

Wllh' th^lf tw it-Hiiiiyhtyn XTIm an1i,i» Horence and MUi Carrie. Mr. and health Iln . Huckleberry pUn to make Indust heir home In airibtldl, Oregon, duttry vhere Rev. Huckleberry'* ton, Dr. Oeorgi B, R. Huckleberry, now reilde*. Peter*

T hs Rev, Mr. Huckleberry ctme0 Twin FilU from Loa Angele* In IW l .1 I ..I



■ *hlp; _H,^Kurosc.ljM .leased_Iroia^.,p_Eee*6-rhompjon. receiver for Uie Twin U lght Palta National bank, i 130-acro • flrtm*arm two and one-h*lf mile* north* erersfivest of Curry foi the ' 1933 te i- a rtin ion. lor which he U to pty IlMO mobUlent, tccordlng to i letjs agree- Inj; Fnent placed on record In tho of- study,08 ol Uie county recorder her* hilter,cstorday. > cirpen-X.—Blltln|iaiFTil»“ lctttd~ from -----------UtcUtte and SUItORl.sn SO-ocre ||nfla tb . six miles touUi and one mils M j l l aat of Buhl oft a crop iharlngluU , tor the »33 *ea*on, n in

John vray, Cutleford. h u I tu ed U r rom Mn. Ptnnle Oliver. Long leach, CallfomU, a BO-acre tractmder terms providing for dlvUlon Twli't crops of onions, polatoet, h ty Moote nd be*ns,’ which are the only \ In thtrop* to be grown oa the property nlni;,ind»r-Ui*-U **e............ ......... ........


. PowellAt a tpeelal astembly for Junior urer; :

ilgh tchool ttudenu. to .be ,held a t yenrti 3;60*o‘clocklodiy.aplay.*TheC:rou arms; >atch Queen." will bo pretenled by O. Sti me Of the public ipeaklng c lttie t otbs sctooL PrlnciBsU in U>e cast ire -------'eft!inmo«»tnson.1«n>wOBBt.-R^-OrM* nndH utcmnton7Sniner3ine8mtthr” An-« leUy May Whlto and Jamea Priebe. progn nic play h u been coached by MU* i be pl*


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p E E EHe r e Ii |(i« way lo mal

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f S O F T E S T . \1 l A F E S T . I

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At B bosrd of rev'lev tield U>.'it« ■obste courtroom Tu**d*y sv«a®<1th O. W.' Shroot preildio« u tiim a n , SO Boy BcouU qusllflM rr badges u follow*:SECOND CLASS-Lyman Tylsr, owsrd . Phlbbs. Mile* Jeppeioa.'ayn* Turner, Albert Petsrton. 'MERIT BAOGES-Lorens VlCtOT.

duitry ; Jacen BJunon. *nlmtl lo- u try : David U yoit bird itudy; eorgo B*Uday,..Ufe uvlng; Esrt . tlerton, tiremanship, hftndlcrtfl, i>1te*I development; Richard 01- m, athletics, handicraft: Lyman Her. flrem*nshlp; Mile* Jeppe*oa remsnthlp; Rlbot Villton, mu*Iv rthur VsUton. music; Dsyle SU r ;r. handicraft, flremsnshlp: Kett !Ui Hodgei, flrem*nihlp. phyiksA jvelopment; OarUi Price, fireman* lip; Herman Yarbrough, flremaa* ilp; Douglu Salmon, cycling;

William* __ Pallttighten, cycling; Tom^.UcDivltt, reminship; Eugene Herron, leath- m f t , firm lay out and -buUdlng -tangement; Jam et Hodgtt. auto- obUlng; Emil Benton, automobU- j ; PhUIlp Helnrloh. cooking, bird udy, public he*lth: Le*Ils Burk-, liter, woodesrvlng: Bdwtn Uslgi.i irpentry.

ISE LflOGE m i BfflCEflSjflB YI.Twin PaUs lodge. Loyal 'ordet 4 loose, a t a weU attonded meeUnf1 tho Odd PcUowBt hall la*t STO. tnir, sleeted IU offleen for UM .imlng-year.who are.to bs.lnitaUed-------: Uie lodge's meetUig on April 35.Rob Cubit w u elected dlctalor,Ith Jame* Personnetto. p u t die- ' ,tor: A. a Mort, vice dictotor:.Bob... Bwell, prelate: H. E. Erlcson, t r e u - :er; P. E. Dnke. trustee for three- « r torm: R. H. Fllnh. *ergeant-nl- -ms; Robin Wold. Inner guard; O.. Struphor, outer guard.

'Airadded (O tu is ut thm s*em li^tl"~ rogram will be a clarinet tolo, t«» pltyed by Hubert Peck.

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inoolK psriom ancs lotT - > • lilt upon having Gsnsrol tfit’ cor. T h«« omoxlng eomplstsly tnsulats llio

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m o d sk Y o u rc o id so ls r .Iba d iongs. O r phoao

I will o n o n g tj l fo ry o o .