H Brown Lecture 3 Assignment With R Code

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  • 8/11/2019 H Brown Lecture 3 Assignment With R Code


    Hayley Brown

    Applied Spatial Econometrics Lecture 3 Assignment

    Fall 2014 Due: 03 Oct 2014 @ 11:59PM

    Uif gjmf DFPTBM3/Sebub dp!ubj

    !t ebub p

    !288 dijfg fyfdvujwf pggjdfst b

    !e db

    !cf vtfe up fybnj

    !fuif fggfdut pg gjsn qfsgpsnb!df p!DFP tbmbsz/

    b/ Ftujnbuf b npefm sfmbuj!h b!!vbm tbmbsz up gjsn tbmft b!e nbslfu wbmvf/ Nblf uifnpefm pg uif dp!tub!u fmbtujdjuz wbsjfuz gps cpui j!efqf!ef!u wbsjbcmft/ "sjuf uifsftvmut pvu j!frvbujp!gpsn/

    A model of the constant elasticity variety is linear in elasticities. Elasticities are percentage

    changes. So a constant elasticity model would be:

    log(salary) = !0 + !1log(sales) + !2log(mktval) + u.

    In this case, the constant elasticity equation is:!"#!!"#"$%!= 4.62 + 0.162log(sales) + 0.107log(mktval)n = 177

    R2= 0.299

    c/ Bee qspgjut up uif npefm gspn qbsu b/ "iz db!uijt wbsjbcmf !pu cf j!dmvefe j!mphbsjuinjd gpsn@ "pvme zpv tbz uibu uif qfsgpsnb!df wbsjbcmft pg uiftf gjsnt fyqmbj!nptu pg uif wbsjbujp!j!DFP tbmbsjft@

    This variable cannot be included in logarithmic form because nine of the companies in the

    sample have negative profit values. It is impossible to take the log of a negative value, as it is

    undefined. The new model is as follows:

    !"#!!"#"$%!= 4.69 + 0.161log(sales) + 0.098log(mktval) + 0.000036(profits)


    R2= 0.299

    Given the value of R2, I surmise that together these variables account for nearly 30% of the

    sample variation in log(salary). This is certainly not most of the variation. Moreover,

    profits seem to add very little to the model, suggesting that profits exert negligible influence

    over log(salary).


    Bee uif wbsjbcmf dfpuf!

    up uif npefm j!qbsu c/

    "ibu jt uif ftujnbufe qfsdf

    !ubhfj!dsfbtf j!tbmbsz gps b!puifs zfbs pg DFP uf!vsf- ipmej!h puifs gbdupst gjyfe@

    !"#!!"#"$%!= 4.56 + 0.162log(sales) + 0.102(mktval) + 0.000029(profits) + 0.012(ceoten)

    n = 177

    R2= 0.318

  • 8/11/2019 H Brown Lecture 3 Assignment With R Code


    The implication is that when CEO tenure increases by one year, salary increases by 1.2%.

    e/ Gj!e uif tbnqmf dpssfmbujp!dpfggjdjf!u cfuxff!uif wbsjbcmft mph)nluwbm* b!e qspgjut/Bsf uiftf wbsjbcmft ijhimz dpssfmbufe@ "ibu epft uijt tbz bcpvu uif PMT ftujnbupst@

    The sample correlation coefficient is 0.78. This suggests that log(mktval) and profits are

    highly correlated. Give this close correlation, it is difficult to estimate the independent effectof each on log(salary). This does not indicate bias in the OLS estimators, though it may cause

    their variances to be large. It is worth noting that profit is a short-term measure, while mktval

    is based on past and current profitability; however, mktval also incorporates future

    expectations of profitability, which may or may not come to fruition and should scrutinized in

    their own right.



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  • 8/11/2019 H Brown Lecture 3 Assignment With R Code



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  • 8/11/2019 H Brown Lecture 3 Assignment With R Code



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