Guía 3 Primer Periodo Sexto Información Personal Presentaciones

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Guía para Sexto grado. Tema: Información personal y Presentaciones de personas

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  • COLEGIO METROPOLITANO DEL SUR Resolucin No 0427 del 11 Mayo de 2010


    Field: Foreing Languages Subject: English Class: 6 - _______ Date: _____ ___________, _____ Teacher: Sulay Jennifer Rodrguez Bersinger Topic: Greetings and Personal Information Students Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Can Do Statements: Student can understand basic personal information Student can recognize vocabulary related to nationalities, numbers and professions.


    Personal information questions are the basis for any conversation in English and so are important for when you

    meet somebody for the first time. They are the building blocks from which the rest of the conversation can

    develop. (Las preguntas de informacin personal son las bases de cualquier conversacin en ingls y son

    importantes cuando conoces a alguien por primera vez. Son las piezas sobre las cuales se construye el resto de la


    Some common questions are related to these topics (algunas preguntas comunes estn relacionadas a estos


    Names (Nombre)

    Hometown / Nationality (Ciudad-Pas de Origen / Nacionalidad)

    Age (Edad)

    Work & Occupation (Trabajo y ocupacin)

    Contact Information (Informacin de Contacto)

    Marital Status (Estado Civil)


    Giving and understanding personal information.

    Names and Surnames (Nombres y Apellidos What is your name? (Cul es tu nombre?) My name is _______. (Mi nombre es.) What is your middle name? (Cul es tu nombre?) My middle name is _______. (Mi Segundo nombre es.) What is your second name? (Cul es tu nombre?) My second name is _______. (Mi Segundo nombre es.) What is your surname? (Cul es tu apellido?) My surname is _______. (Mi apellido es.) What is your last name? (Cul es tu apellido?) My last name is _______. ( Mi apellido es.) What is your family name? (Cul es tu apellido?) My last name is _______. ( Mi apellido es.)

    Work and Occupation (Trabajo y ocupacin)

    What is your profession? (Cul es tu profesin?) I am a _______. (Yo soy ) What is your job? (Cul es tu trabajo?) I am a _______. (Yo soy )

    Marital Status (Estado Civil)

    Are you married ? (Ests casado/a?) Yes, I am. (S, lo estoy.) or No I'm not. (No, no lo estoy.) Are you single? (Ests soltero/a?) Yes, I am. (S, lo estoy.) or No I'm not. (No, no lo estoy.)

    Age (Edad) How old are you? (Qu edad tienes?) I am _______ years old. (Yo tengo _____ aos)

  • Contact Information (Informacin de contacto) What is your address? (Cul es tu direccin?)

    My address is ____. (Mi direccin es)

    What is your telephone number? (Cul es tu nmero telefnico?)

    My telephone number is ___.(Mi nmero telefnico es)

    What is your phone number? (Cul es tu nmero telefnico?)

    My phone number is ____.( Mi nmero telefnico es)

    What is your cellphone number? (Cul es tu nmero de celular?)

    My cell phone number is ____.(Mi nmero de cellular es)

    What is your e-mail address? (Cul es tu correo electrnico?)

    My e-mail address is ___.(Mi correo electrnio es)

    Favorite things / Favorite activities (Cosas favoritas / Actividades favoritas) What are your hobbies? (Cules son tus pasatiempos? ) My hobbies are _______. (Mis pasatiempos son. ) What are your favorite activities? (Cules son tus actividades favoritas? )

    My favorite activities are __________ (Mis actividades favoritas son. )

    What is your favorite music? (Cul es tu msica favorita? ) My favorite music is __________ (Mi msica favorita es. )

    What is your favorite singer? (Cul es tu cantante favorito? ) My favorite singer is __________ (Mi cantante favorito es. )

    What are your favorite movies? (Cules son tus pelculas favoritas? ) My favorite movies are __________ (Mis pelculas favoritas son. )

    What is your favorite food? (Cul es tu comida favorita? ) My favorite food is __________ (Mi comida favorita es. )

    What is your favorite color? (Cul es tu color favorito? ) My favorite color is__________ (Mi color favorito es. )

    Other Personal Information (Otro tipo de informacin personal)

    Where are you from? (De dnde eres?) I am from _______. (Yo soy de) What is your hometown? (Cul es tu ciudad de nacimiento?) My hometown is _____ (Mi ciudad de nacimiento es) What is your nationality? (Cul es tu nacionalidad?) My ntionality is____ (Mi nacionalidad es) What is your Identification (ID) number? (Cul es tu nmero de identidad?)

    My Identification (ID) number is __________ (Mi nmero de identidad es. )

    COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES ( Pases y Nacionalidades)

    Country Nationality Country Nationality

    Afghanistan Afghan Iceland Icelandic

    Algeria Algerian India Indian

    Angola Angolan Indonesia Indonesian

    Argentina Argentinian Iran Iranian

    Australia Australian Iraq Iraqi

    Austria Austrian Ireland Irish

    Bahamas Bahamian Italy Italian

  • Barbados Barbadian Jamaica Jamaican

    Belgium Belgian Japan Japanese

    Belize Belizean Kuwait Kuwaiti

    Bolivia Bolivian Lebanon Lebanese

    Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnian Morocco Moroccan

    Botswana Botswanan Nepal Nepalese

    Brazil Brazilian Nicaragua Nicaraguan

    Britain British Nigeria Nigerian

    Bulgaria Bulgarian North Korea North Korean

    Cameroon Cameroonian Norway Norwegian

    Canada Canadian Pakistan Pakistani

    Chile Chilean Panama Panamanian

    China Chinese Paraguay Paraguayan

    Colombia Colombian Peru Peruvian

    Congo Congolese the Philippines Philippine

    Costa Rica Costa Rican Poland Polish

    Croatia Croat / Croatian Portugal Portuguese

    Cuba Cuban Romania Romanian

    Czech Republic Czech Russia Russian

    Denmark Danish Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian / Saudi

    Dominican Republic Dominican Scotland Scottish

    Ecuador Ecuadorean Somalia Somali

    Egypt Egyptian South Africa South African

    El Salvador Salvadorean South Korea South Korean

    England English Spain Spanish

    Ethiopia Ethiopian Sweden Swedish

    Fiji Fijian Switzerland Swiss

    Finland Finnish Taiwan Taiwanese

    France French Thailand Thai

    Germany German Turkey Turkish

    Ghana Ghanaian United Arab Emirates (UAE) Emirati

    Greece Greek United Kingdom (UK) British

    Guatemala Guatemalan United States of America (USA) American

    Haiti Haitian Uruguay Uruguayan

    Holland / Netherlands Dutch Venezuela Venezuelan

    Honduras Honduran Vietnam Vietnamese

    Hungary Hungarian Wales Welsh



    Accountant Contador Economist Economista Secret Agent Agente Secreto Actor Actor Electrician Electricista Secretary Secretario/A

    Actress Actriz Employee Empleado Security Guard Guardia De Seguridad

    Announcer Locutor Engineer Ingeniero Servant Criado Archaeologist Arquelogo Farmer Agricultor Shepherd Pastor Architect Arquitecto Fireman Bombero Shoemaker Zapatero

    Artist Artista Fisherman Pescador Shopkeeper Comerciante, Tendero

    Astrologer Astrlogo Fishmonger Vendedor De Pescado

    Singer Cantante

    Astronaut Astronauta Flight Attendant Azafata Soccer Player Futbolista Astronomer Astrnomo Florist Florista Social Worker Trabajadora Social Athlete Atleta Fortune Teller Adivino Soldier Soldado Attorney Abogado Garbage Collector Basurero Sportsman Deportista

    Auctioneer Subastador Gardener Jardinero State Agent Agente Inmobiliario

    Auditor Auditor Greengrocer Verdulero Stationer Librero Author Autor Grocer Almacenero Statistician Estadstico Baby-Sitter Niera Hairdresser Peluquero Baker Panadero House Painter Pintor De Casas Stewardess Azafata Bank Teller Cajero De Banco Housekeeper Ama De Llaves Stockbrocker Corredor De Bolsa Banker Banquero Housewife Ama De Casa Street Sweeper Barrendero Barman Barman, Mozo Hunter Cazador Student Estudiante Beautician Esteticista Instructor Instructor Supervisor Supervisor

    Bell Boy Botones De Hotel Insurance Agent Agente De Seguros

    Surgeon Cirujano

    Biologist Bilogo Interpreter Intrprete Tailor Sastre Blacksmith Herrero Ironmonger Ferretero Tailor Sastre

    Bookkeeper Perito Mercantil Janitor Conserje Tax Inspector Inspector De Impuestos

    Bricklayer Albail Jeweller Joyero Taxi Driver Taxista Broker Agente De Bolsa Journalist Periodista Teacher Maestro Builder Constructor Judge Juez Technician Tcnico

    Bullfighter Torero Lawyer Abogado Telephone Operator


    Bus Driver Conductor De Bus Lifeguard Baero Tourist Guide Gua De Turistas Businessman Empresario Locksmith Cerrajero Translator Traductor Butcher Carnicero Magician Mago Travel Agent Agente De Viajes

    Butler Mayordomo Maid Empleada Domstica

    Truck Driver Camionero

    Cameraman Camargrafo Mailman Cartero Typist Mecangrafa Carpenter Carpintero Manager Gerente Undertaker Funebrero

    Cartoonist Dibujante, Caricaturista

    Manicurist Manicurista Veterinarian Veterinario

    Cashier Cajero Manufacturer Fabricante, Waiter Camarero Chef Chef Masseur Masajista Hombre Waitress Camarera

    Chemist Qumico, Farmacutico

    Masseuse Masajista Mujer Watchmaker Relojero

    Clerk Oficinista Mathematician Matemtico Welder Soldador Coach Entrenador Mechanic Mecnico Worker Obrero

    College Professor Profesor Universitario

    Milkman Lechero Writer Escritor

  • Company Director Director De Empresa

    Miner Minero Taxi Driver Taxista

    Composer Compositor Model Modelo Teacher Maestro Computer Programmer

    Programador De Computadoras

    Musician Msico Technician Tcnico

    Conductor Director De Orquesta

    Newspaper Boy Repartidor De Diarios

    Telephone Operator


    Consultant Consultor Nun Monja Tourist Guide Gua De Turistas Cook Cocinero Nun Monja Translator Traductor Counselor Asesor, Consultor Nurse Enfermero/A Travel Agent Agente De Viajes Cowboy Vaquero Ophthalmologist Oftalmlogo Truck Driver Camionero Craftsman Artesano Presenter Presentador Typist Mecangrafa Cyclist Ciclista President Presidente Undertaker Funebrero Dancer Bailarn Priest Sacerdote Veterinarian Veterinario Decorator Decorador Programmer Programador Waiter Camarero Dentist Dentista Masseuse Masajista Mujer Waitress Camarera Designer Diseador Saleswoman Vendedora Watchmaker Relojero Detective Detective Scientist Cientfico Welder Soldador Doctor Doctor Sculptor Escultor Worker Obrero

    Dog Walker Paseador De Perros

    Seamstress Costurera Writer Escritor

    Dressmaker Modista Driver Chofer



    ACTIVITY 1 : Stand up and talk to the students in the class. (Levntese y hable con los estudiantes en clase)

    ACTIVITY 1: Complete this exercise with real information about you. Paste a photo of you. (Complete este

    ejercicio con informacin real acerca de usted. Pegue una foto suya)




    ID number




    Telephone number:


    ACTIVITY 2: Read and complete the conversations. Then match the conversation with the pictures. (Lea y

    complete las conversaciones. Luego una las conversaciones con las imgenes)

    Conversation 1 A: Hello my _____________ is Paula. What is your name? B: Rosa A: Where are you ______________ Rosa? B: I ____________ from Chicago

    Conversation 2 A: Hi! __________ is your name? B: Hello! ____________ am Mike. A: Nice to ____________ you Mike. I am Jenny.

    Hello ! My name is _______.

    What is your name? Hi. I am _________.

    I am from__________

    Where are you from?

  • Conversation 3 A: ______________ morning! boys and girls. How _____________you today? B: Fine, and you? A: I'm fine, ______________ you.

    Conversation: ____ Conversation: ____ Conversation: ____

    ACTIVITY 3: Complete the conversation. (Complete la conversacin)

    A: Hello my _____________ is Richard.

    What is ________________ name?

    B: Kurt

    A: ______________ are you from, Kurt?

    B: I ____________ ____________ Hamburg in Germany.

    And where ____________ you from?

    A: ____________ am ____________ London.

    ACTIVITY 4: Complete the sentences using the information in the conversation. Find out any extra information.

    (Complete las oraciones usando la information de la conversacin. Busque cualquier informacin extra)

    1. Richard is from _____________________________.

    2. Kurt is from _____________________________.

    3. London is in _____________________________.

    4. Hamburg is in _____________________________.

    5. London and Hamburg are two cities from ____________________.

    ACTIVITY 5: Put the words in the correct order. (Ponga las palabras en orden


    1. you / How / ? / are _______________________________________

    2. thanks / well / Very ______________________________________

    3. James / is / This __________________________________________

    4. Name / What / your / is / ? ____________________________________

    ACTIVITY 6. Organize the conversations. Use numbers. (Organice las conversaciones. Use numeros)

    Conversation 1

    ___ Im fine, thank you . And you?

    ___ Im OK, thanks.

    ___ Hello Lisa. Its John.

    ___ John ! How are you?

    _1_ Hello. I am Lisa Andrews.

    Conversation 2

    ___ Thanks, and you. See you later !

    ___ Bye Richard. Have a nice day.

    ___ Great ! Bye, Anna.

    ___ Yes, at 8:00 at the cinema.

    Conversation 3

    ___ Not bad, thanks. And you?

    ___ Very well, thanks. How are the


    ___ Hi Liz! Its Carlos. How are you?

    ___ They are fine.

    H a m bur g

    Ge r m a ny

    E n g l a n d

  • ACTIVITY 7: Write these sentences in Spanish. (Escriba estas oraciones en espaol)

    How are you? ___________________________________________________________ Fine, thanks. And you? ___________________________________________________________ What is your name? ___________________________________________________________ My name is David. ___________________________________________________________ What is this? ___________________________________________________________ ACTIVITY 8: Write the countries in the correct place. (Escriba los pases en el lugar correcto)

    The United States Russia France Japan Germany Italy

    She is Monique. She is from ____________. They are Paul and Lara. They are from _____________.

    Hes Klaus. He is ____________________. Shes Olga. She _____________________________.

    She is Meyumi. ______________________. He is Paolo. _______________________________.

    ACTIVITY 9: Classify the words in the correct group. (Clasifique las palabras en el grupo correcto) Japanese // England // Peruvian // The United States // Mexican // German // Egypt // American // Spain // Ecuadorian // Poland // Italian // Russia // Korean // Germany // Mexico // Russian // Italy // Spanish // South Africa // Cuban //

    Morocco // Argentinian // Brazilian // France // Colombian // Hungarian

    I am from. My nationality is .

    Bonjour ! Hello!

    Guten Tag! Priuget !

    Konnichiwa ! Ciao !

  • ACTIVITY 10: Organize the letters and write the name of the country correctly. (Organice las letras y escriba el nombre del pas correctamente)





    ACTIVITY 11: Complete the sentences using the correct country. (Complete las oraciones usando el pas correcto) I am Japanese. I am from__________________ I am Peruvian. I am from__________________ I am Mexican. I am from__________________ I am German. I am from__________________ I am American. I am from__________________ I am Ecuadorian. I am from__________________

    I am Korean. I am from__________________ I am Spanish. I am from__________________ I am Cuban. I am from__________________ I am Argentinian. I am from__________________ I am Brazilian. I am from__________________ I am Hungarian. I am from__________________

    ACTIVITY 12: Complete the sentences with the correct country. (Complete las oraciones con el pas correcto) Liverpool is in _________________________ Monterrey is in _________________________ San Diego is in _________________________ Bangkok is in ___________________________ Cairo is in ___________________________ Rome is in ___________________________ Barcelona is in ___________________________ Pretoria is in ___________________________

  • Warsaw is in ___________________________ St. Petersburg is in ___________________________ Berlin is in ___________________________ Paris is in ___________________________ Casablanca is in ___________________________ Buenos Aires is in ___________________________ ACTIVITY 13: Write the correct nationality for each country. (Escriba la nacionalidad correcta para cada pas) The United States - ______________________ Cuba - ______________________ Russia - ______________________ Colombia - ______________________ Australia - - ______________________ England - ______________________ France - ______________________ Korea - ______________________ Germany - ______________________ Italy - ______________________ Brazil - ______________________ Poland - ______________________ Hungary - ______________________ Ecuador - ______________________ Japan - ______________________ Mexico - ______________________ Portugal - ______________________ Jamaica - ______________________ Spain - ______________________ Peru - ______________________ Netherlands - ______________________ India - ______________________ ACTIVITY 14: Introduce these famous people. Use the information under their pictures. (Presente a estas personas famosas. Use la informacin bajo sus fotos)

    Name: Juan Esteban Aristizabal City: Medelln Colombia

    Name: Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos City: Funchal - Portugal

    Name: Angelina Jolie and Brat Pitt City: Shawnee and Los Angeles - The United States

    Name: Mara Sharapova City: Nyagan - Russia

    Name: Shawn Carter (Jay Z) and Beyonce Knowles City: Brooklin and Houston- The United States

    Name: Rihanna Fenty City: Saint Michel - Barbados

    Name: Hugh Laurie City: Oxford - England

    1. _He is Juan Esteban Aristizabal. He is from Medelln in Colombia. He is Colombian. ___________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________________________________

  • ACTIVITY 15: Match the words and numbers. (Una las palabras y los nmeros)

    ACTIVITY 16: Circle the correct option (Complete la opcin correcta) - Tom is three years old. True False

    - Cindy is five years old. True False

    - Susan is six years old. True False

    - Katie is two years old. True False

    - Peter is three years old. True False

    - Kevin is one year old. True False

    ACTIVITY 17: Answer the questions (Responda las preguntas) - How old is Kevin? Kevin is one year old.

    - How old is Peter? ____________________

    - How old is Katie? _________________

    - How old is Susan? _________________

    - How old is Tom? _________________

    - How old is Cindy? _________________

    ACTIVITY 18: Write the professions / jobs

  • ACTIVITY 19: Find the words about professions


    ACTIVITY 18: Ask these questions to five people in your classroom.

    QUESTION Person 1: Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 What is your name?

    How old are you?

    What is your address?

    What is your telephone number?

    What is your phone number?

  • What is your favorite music?

    What is your favorite singer?

    What are your favorite movies?

    What is your favorite food?

    What is your favorite color?


    ACTIVITY 19: : Introduce yourself. Write a presentation about you and paste a photo of you.


    Hello! My name is ________________________________________________________. I

    am ________ years old. I am from _____________________________. My telephone

    number is ___________________________ and my address is ______________________

    ______________________________________. My favorite music is _________________

    and my favorite singer is _____________________________. My mother is _______ years

    old and she is a/ an _______________________________. She is from ________________

    __________ and her favorite food is _______________________ .


    ACTIVITY 20: Describe on person in your family.









    1.0 1.9 2.0 2.9 3.0 3.9 4.0 5.0 Knowledge The student doesnt understand

    either vocabulary or expressions given.

    The student recognizes vocabulary and expressions partially but uses them in a wrong way.

    The student understands most of the vocabulary and expressions but keep making mistakes.

    The student understands most of the vocabulary, expressions and how to use them.

    Process The student did not do any of the exercises correctly or completely.

    The student did half of the exercises and most of the answers were incorrect.

    The student did most of the exercises but most of the answers were incorrect or incomplete.

    The student did all the exercises and few answers or none were incorrect.

    Class Attitude

    The student did not participate in the activities.

    The student participated in the activities but in a disrespectful or disorganized way

    The student participated in the activities actively but misbehaved slightly.

    The student participated actively and contributed to classroom environment.

    Self Assessment My grade is_____

    I worked poorly. I was not interested and I didnt contribute to the class environment.

    I worked in class at times. I didnt hand most of the activities. I felt uninterested.

    I worked very well most of the time. My teacher called up on me a few times, but I hand in activities.

    I worked pretty well during all the activities. I felt really interested and I handed in most of / all the activities.


    Soars, Liz; Soars, John. New Headway English Course Elementary. 13th impression: Oxford University Press. England, 2004.