Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 78 -- U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Friday, April 29, 1988 Residents must participate in Hurrex 88 Hurrex 88, an exercise designed to prepare residents for a hurricane, will be held Saturday, April 30, with a slightly different twist. According to Lt. Cmdr. Margaret Jam- ieson, Naval Station Operations Officer, there will be no evacuation to hurricane shelters this year. Rather, residents are required to watch aone-hour show that will be aired Saturday, April 30, beginning at 8 a.m., on Cable Channel 2. Jamieson noted that monitoring par- ticipation may be difficult but she empha- sized that "all base personnel, military, civilian and dependents, and all ships in port are required to participate in Hurrex." The first half hour of the show will feature a video which will cover what residents need to prepare in case of a hur- ricane, where they need to go when the siren sounds, and will provide other infor- mation that residents should be aware of. During the second half hour, a PSD representative and Jamieson will be in the Navy Broadcasting Service studio live to comment more in-depth on the video. "Residents should watch the show because it contains information that could save their lives," Jamieson said, citing the near miss last year by hurricane Emily. During Hurrex, all Navy Exchange, Recreational Services, Consolidated Messes and retail/commercial activities will be secured from normal close of busi- ness Friday, April 29, until the all clear siren sounds at approximately 9a.m. Satur- day, April 30. Cable television will be secured during Hurrex. Additionally, residents who are hold- ing yard sales Saturday must not begin setting up their sales until after the all-clear siren has sounded and residents must re- main in their quarters until the all clear siren has sounded. The half-hour video portion of Hurrex will be rebroadcast Friday, May 6, at 7 p.m. after the evening news. For additional information, call 4366. NAVRESALEACT sponsors activities for Navy Relief Dinner/dance and "lip sync" contest scheduled May 14 By JOSN JOEL PARKS The Navy Resale Activity is sponsor- ing a dinner, dance and "lip sync" contest to raise money for Navy Relief Saturday, May 14, at the Yacht Club. The evening will begin at 7 p.m. with a cocktail hour, followed at 8 p.m. by the dinner. After dinner, the show will begin featuring "lip sync" acts and local come- dians. Following theshow,aD.J.,Scorpio, will play music. The Master of Ceremonies for the event will be J03 Tim Morse, from Navy Broadcasting. According to SH2 Maria Osuchowski, event coordinator, four acts have already signed-up to perform. "Lt. Cmdr. Gerald Ladouceur, Staff Sgt. Kyle Sheridan, SHCS Jose Ramos, and Chris Burton have already agreed to perform, but we would like to see more acts involved with the show," she explained. The deadline for entries is Friday, May 6 according toOsuchowski. "We need all the entries before the end of next week so we can have an idea of how long the show will be," she said. The winner of the contest will receive a $50 cash prize, and the runner-up will receive $25 cash. SH2 Mike Watterson, assistant coordi- nator, said, "People will hardly recognize the Yacht Club. We will be decorating it and I think it will look great. I think the event is really going to be a good time." For more information, or to register for the contest, call 4438 or 4119 during work- ing hours, or 3321 after working hours. Other events scheduled for the Navy Relief fund drive include, the Navy Broad- casting Radiothon and movie festival, the Naval Security Group Activity (NSGA) lottery, the Ordnance Department Shoot- out, a fishing tournament sponsored by the Shore Intermediate Maintenance Activity (SIMA), and a Grand Finale carnival. CTC rep to design new Functional Skills Program By JOSN JOEL PARKS A representative of Central Texas Col- lege (CTC) is currently on base to make arrangements for a new Functional Skills Program. Functional skills is a free educational program designed to help military person- nel enhance their basic skills in math, English and reading. The program is also open to other base residents on a space available basis. According to Kenneth Smith, Dean of Navy Programs at the college, the CTC Functional Skills Program is different from Full day of events planned that of many schools. "We differ from most schools offering this type of education in that we format the classes in modules, and test the students to see what modules are needed. In this way, we can tailor the program to the students' individual needs," he explained. "The entire program is structured to identify and correct the individual's weak areas in math, English or reading," he added. Another difference in the CTC program is the hours according to Smith. "The former program was offered only Scouting jamboree this weekend Nearly 150 Guantanamo Bay Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownies, Cub Scouts and Tiger Cubs will participate in Guantan- amo Bay's first scouting jamboree this weekend at Phillips Park. A full day of events is planned for the scouts including camping skills, athletic events, pioneering, swimming, and crafts. Opening ceremonies will begin Saturday at 10 a.m. and the day will end with skits and a closing ceremony at approximately 6 p.m. According to Boy Scout Leader Tim Wilaby, this will be one of the first times in recent years that the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts have interacted. Cub Scout Leader Bob Abbott and Girl Scout Coordinator Marjie Transue look forward to the week- end because it gives the younger scouts a good opportunity to work with the older scouts. Those interested in scouting are en- couraged to visit Phillips Park Saturday from 4 to 6 p.m. to see the scouts in action. Many of the older scouts.will be camping out at Phillips Park during the entire week- end, and the public is invited to visit the campsite. Air conditioner installation dates posted for next week, May 2 - 6 The following is the schedule for air conditioner installations for May 2-6. Monday, May 2 NH 67A, 8:30 a.m.; NH 67B, 8:30 a.m.; NH 68A, 10 a.m.; NH 68B, 10 a.m.; NH 69A, 1:15 p.m.; NH 70A, 2:45 p.m.; NH 70B, 2:45 p.m. Tuesday, May 3 NH 71A, 8:30 a.m.; NH 71B, 8:30 a.m.; NH 72A, 10 a.m.; NH 72B, 10 a.m.; NH 73A, 1:15 p.m.; NH 73B, 1:15 p.m.; NH 73C, 2:45 p.m.; NH 73D, 2:45 p.m. Wednesday, May 4 OV 1, 8:30 a.m.; OV 2, 8:30 a.m.; OV 4, 1:15 p.m.; OV 56, 1:15 p.m. Thursday, May 5 OV 8A, 8:30 a.m.; OV 8B, 8:30 a.m.; OV 8C, 1:15 p.m.; OV 9A, 1:15 p.m. Friday, May 6 OV 9B, 8:30 a.m.; OV 10, 8:30 a.m. during working hours. We are free from that kind of restriction, and can make it easier for a student to attend our classes. No off time would be required from supervisors," he said. One factor that will remain the same is the number of students required to begin a class. According to Smith, 10 active duty military students are required to start a class. He says once that requirement is met, any other base residents can attend the classes. "We are also not restricted by the term schedule used for the regular college courses. We can start a class any time we have enough students," he said, adding, "The course in each of the three areas includes 45 hours of instruction and three hours of testing spread over a period of four to five weeks." Smith expects the first class to start in the second or third week of May. He added, "I think functional skills is a good program because I have seen it make adifference. I am really looking forward to beginning the classes. For more information about functional skills classes, call Billie Colonna at 4307 during working hours. Query: I would like to know how the cable network gets away with charging $6 extra for each of the additional movie channels. I am sitting here watching channel 11 and it is a constant blinking and has been for quite some time. They should just give us the two extra channels. Reply: Of the $6 charge $4.60 goes to the company in the States providing the service to Antilles, then there is a $.20 freight charge for the program guide and the rest is used for salaries, expenses and to pay for $500,000 worth of equipment. The Antilles Cable franchise with the Navy calls for 10 channels on basic service plus two pay channels. Right now you are receiving 16 channels of basic and four pay channel options. The average cost to cable subscribers elsewhere for pay channels is $14.95 for each channel each month plus a sign-up charge while here you get two channels for less than that. Antilles Cable has to pay each programmer every month for every subscriber they have. HBO/ Cinemax and The Movie Channel/ Showtime tell us that no other cable company charges less than we do. To answer the second part of your ques- tion, if Channel 11 or any other channel is blinking, please call Antilles at 2510 for service. If it is a bad converter Antilles will swap it out. If there is a problem with the cable, they will repair it. If it is a bad signal off the satellite there is nothing they can do about it. If there is some sort of signal interference from the base, it will go away or change shortly. Q8oo CAPTAIN'S HOTLINE I

Guantanamo Gazette - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu€¦ · Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 78 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Friday, April 29, 1988 Residents must

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Page 1: Guantanamo Gazette - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu€¦ · Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 78 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Friday, April 29, 1988 Residents must

Guantanamo GazetteVol. 44 -- No. 78 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Friday, April 29, 1988

Residents must participate in Hurrex 88Hurrex 88, an exercise designed to

prepare residents for a hurricane, will beheld Saturday, April 30, with a slightly

different twist.According to Lt. Cmdr. Margaret Jam-

ieson, Naval Station Operations Officer,

there will be no evacuation to hurricane

shelters this year. Rather, residents are

required to watch aone-hour show that will

be aired Saturday, April 30, beginning at 8a.m., on Cable Channel 2.

Jamieson noted that monitoring par-

ticipation may be difficult but she empha-sized that "all base personnel, military,civilian and dependents, and all ships in

port are required to participate in Hurrex."The first half hour of the show will

feature a video which will cover whatresidents need to prepare in case of a hur-

ricane, where they need to go when the

siren sounds, and will provide other infor-mation that residents should be aware of.

During the second half hour, a PSDrepresentative and Jamieson will be in the

Navy Broadcasting Service studio live tocomment more in-depth on the video.

"Residents should watch the showbecause it contains information that couldsave their lives," Jamieson said, citing thenear miss last year by hurricane Emily.

During Hurrex, all Navy Exchange,Recreational Services, ConsolidatedMesses and retail/commercial activitieswill be secured from normal close of busi-ness Friday, April 29, until the all clearsiren sounds at approximately 9a.m. Satur-

day, April 30. Cable television will besecured during Hurrex.

Additionally, residents who are hold-ing yard sales Saturday must not begin

setting up their sales until after the all-clearsiren has sounded and residents must re-main in their quarters until the all clear

siren has sounded.The half-hour video portion of Hurrex

will be rebroadcast Friday, May 6, at 7 p.m.

after the evening news.For additional information, call 4366.

NAVRESALEACT sponsors activities for Navy ReliefDinner/dance and "lip sync"contest scheduled May 14


The Navy Resale Activity is sponsor-ing a dinner, dance and "lip sync" contestto raise money for Navy Relief Saturday,May 14, at the Yacht Club.

The evening will begin at 7 p.m. with acocktail hour, followed at 8 p.m. by thedinner. After dinner, the show will beginfeaturing "lip sync" acts and local come-

dians. Following theshow,aD.J.,Scorpio,will play music.

The Master of Ceremonies for theevent will be J03 Tim Morse, from NavyBroadcasting.

According to SH2 Maria Osuchowski,event coordinator, four acts have alreadysigned-up to perform. "Lt. Cmdr. GeraldLadouceur, Staff Sgt. Kyle Sheridan,SHCS Jose Ramos, and Chris Burton havealready agreed to perform, but we wouldlike to see more acts involved with theshow," she explained.

The deadline for entries is Friday, May6 according toOsuchowski. "We need allthe entries before the end of next week sowe can have an idea of how long the showwill be," she said.

The winner of the contest will receivea $50 cash prize, and the runner-up willreceive $25 cash.

SH2 Mike Watterson, assistant coordi-nator, said, "People will hardly recognizethe Yacht Club. We will be decorating itand I think it will look great. I think theevent is really going to be a good time."

For more information, or to register forthe contest, call 4438 or 4119 during work-ing hours, or 3321 after working hours.

Other events scheduled for the NavyRelief fund drive include, the Navy Broad-casting Radiothon and movie festival, theNaval Security Group Activity (NSGA)lottery, the Ordnance Department Shoot-out, a fishing tournament sponsored bythe Shore Intermediate MaintenanceActivity (SIMA), and a Grand Finalecarnival.

CTC rep to design new Functional Skills ProgramBy JOSN JOEL PARKS

A representative of Central Texas Col-lege (CTC) is currently on base to makearrangements for a new Functional SkillsProgram.

Functional skills is a free educationalprogram designed to help military person-nel enhance their basic skills in math,English and reading. The program is alsoopen to other base residents on a spaceavailable basis.

According to Kenneth Smith, Dean ofNavy Programs at the college, the CTCFunctional Skills Program is different from

Full day of events planned

that of many schools."We differ from most schools offering

this type of education in that we format theclasses in modules, and test the students tosee what modules are needed. In this way,we can tailor the program to the students'individual needs," he explained.

"The entire program is structured toidentify and correct the individual's weakareas in math, English or reading," headded.

Another difference in the CTC programis the hours according to Smith.

"The former program was offered only

Scouting jamboree this weekendNearly 150 Guantanamo Bay Boy

Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownies, Cub Scoutsand Tiger Cubs will participate in Guantan-amo Bay's first scouting jamboree thisweekend at Phillips Park.

A full day of events is planned for thescouts including camping skills, athleticevents, pioneering, swimming, and crafts.Opening ceremonies will begin Saturday at10 a.m. and the day will end with skits anda closing ceremony at approximately 6p.m.

According to Boy Scout Leader TimWilaby, this will be one of the first times in

recent years that the Boy Scouts and GirlScouts have interacted. Cub Scout LeaderBob Abbott and Girl Scout CoordinatorMarjie Transue look forward to the week-end because it gives the younger scouts agood opportunity to work with the olderscouts.

Those interested in scouting are en-couraged to visit Phillips Park Saturdayfrom 4 to 6 p.m. to see the scouts in action.Many of the older scouts.will be campingout at Phillips Park during the entire week-end, and the public is invited to visit thecampsite.

Air conditioner installation datesposted for next week, May 2 - 6

The following is the schedule for airconditioner installations for May 2-6.

Monday, May 2NH 67A, 8:30 a.m.; NH 67B, 8:30 a.m.;NH 68A, 10 a.m.; NH 68B, 10 a.m.; NH69A, 1:15 p.m.; NH 70A, 2:45 p.m.; NH70B, 2:45 p.m.

Tuesday, May 3NH 71A, 8:30 a.m.; NH 71B, 8:30 a.m.;NH 72A, 10 a.m.; NH 72B, 10 a.m.; NH

73A, 1:15 p.m.; NH 73B, 1:15 p.m.; NH73C, 2:45 p.m.; NH 73D, 2:45 p.m.

Wednesday, May 4OV 1, 8:30 a.m.; OV 2, 8:30 a.m.; OV 4,1:15 p.m.; OV 56, 1:15 p.m.

Thursday, May 5OV 8A, 8:30 a.m.; OV 8B, 8:30 a.m.; OV8C, 1:15 p.m.; OV 9A, 1:15 p.m.

Friday, May 6OV 9B, 8:30 a.m.; OV 10, 8:30 a.m.

during working hours. We are free fromthat kind of restriction, and can make iteasier for a student to attend our classes.No off time would be required fromsupervisors," he said.

One factor that will remain the same isthe number of students required to begin aclass. According to Smith, 10 active dutymilitary students are required to start aclass. He says once that requirement ismet, any other base residents can attend theclasses.

"We are also not restricted by the termschedule used for the regular collegecourses. We can start a class any time we

have enough students," he said, adding,"The course in each of the three areasincludes 45 hours of instruction and threehours of testing spread over a period of fourto five weeks."

Smith expects the first class to start inthe second or third week of May.

He added, "I think functional skills isa good program because I have seen it makeadifference. I am really looking forward tobeginning the classes.

For more information about functionalskills classes, call Billie Colonna at 4307during working hours.

Query: I would like to know how thecable network gets away with charging$6 extra for each of the additionalmovie channels. I am sitting herewatching channel 11 and it is aconstant blinking and has been forquite some time. They should just giveus the two extra channels.Reply: Of the $6 charge $4.60 goes tothe company in the States providingthe service to Antilles, then there is a$.20 freight charge for the programguide and the rest is used for salaries,expenses and to pay for $500,000worth of equipment. The AntillesCable franchise with the Navy calls for10 channels on basic service plus twopay channels. Right now you arereceiving 16 channels of basic and fourpay channel options. The average costto cable subscribers elsewhere for pay

channels is $14.95 for each channeleach month plus a sign-up chargewhile here you get two channels forless than that. Antilles Cable has topay each programmer every monthfor every subscriber they have. HBO/

Cinemax and The Movie Channel/Showtime tell us that no other cablecompany charges less than we do. Toanswer the second part of your ques-tion, if Channel 11 or any otherchannel is blinking, please callAntilles at 2510 for service. If it is a

bad converter Antilles will swap itout. If there is a problem with thecable, they will repair it. If it is a badsignal off the satellite there isnothing they can do about it. If thereis some sort of signal interferencefrom the base, it will go away orchange shortly.



Page 2: Guantanamo Gazette - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu€¦ · Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 78 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Friday, April 29, 1988 Residents must

Hurricane Note: For those of youwho were here, do you rememberthe run on the Commissary andExchange during the last hurri-cane scare? For those of you whowere not here, the last hurricanescare completely wiped out theCommissary and Exchange forhurricane basket items. Manypeople were left without and cus-tomers were literally fighting inthe aisles for the last bottle offresh water.

Each year we advise our cus-tomers to prepare their hurricanekits before the hurricane season.Each year only a few people listento our warnings and the majorityof the people either laugh it off orprocrastinate until it is too late.(Does the fable of the free wheel-ing grasshopper and frugal antring a bell here?)

The bottom line is the Com-missary and Exchange can notprovide for the needs of the entirebase the day before a hurricanehits. Therefore, the time to startpreparing your hurricane kit isright after you finish reading thisarticle. You should purchase now

and set aside in a footlocker orsuitcase the following:

- Canned food and bottledwater to last your family a week

- Flashlights and batteries- Candles and matches-Paperplatescups and plas-

tic utensils.These are the items that are in

high demand when we have a realhurricane scare and these itemsmay be sold out if you wait untila hurricane hits before you buythem. Other things to include inyour hurricane kit that you mayalready have around the houseinclude paperback books,children's toys, blankets, addi-tional clothing, small batterypowered radio and a first aid kit.Don't forget a can opener!

One other important piece ofadvice is to never let your auto-mobile gas tank get below halffull. Remember the long lines atthe gas pump before the last hur-ricane? Now that you know whatyou need to prepare for the nexthurricane, ask yourself, "Am I agrasshopper or an ant?"

New ArrivalsBaby's Name: Robert Vincent

Parents: QMC and Mrs. Steven ZdanowiczBorn: April 14, 1988

Baby's Name: Durell AlexanderParents: RM2 Donald and RM3 Brigida Reid

Born: April 18, 1988

Entertainment TonightOn Channel 2


All movies begin at 8 p.m.Deer Point Officer's Club Lyceum

Crimes Of The Heart. Drama (PG-13).1:45Windjammer Lyceum

Robocop.Thriller.1:45CPO Lyceum

Bill Cosby Himself. Comedy (NMPS 2).1:44Downtown Lyceum

Iron Eagle. Action (PG-13).1:57McCalla Lyceum

Top Gun. Action (PG). 1:50Marine Lyceum

The Princess Bride.Fantasy (PG).1:38Leeward Lyceum

Toby And The Koala Bear.Animation (G).1:19

Guantanamo GazetteCapt. John S. Boyd, USN.Commander, U.S. Naval BaseLt. Bob Hines, USNR.Public Affairs OfficerJOC Gary Smith, USN.AssistantPublic Affairs OfficerJ03 John Gaona, USN.EditorDM3 Paul Czech, USNR.LayoutJOSN Joel D. Parks, USNR.Assistant EditorJOSA Dirk Rose, USN.Sports EditorJOSN Mike Riess, USN.Staff WriterMarlene L. Siegel.SecretaryFred Van Horn.Staff AssistantTiffany English.Student AidThe Guantanamo Gazette is published at Naval Base Guantanamo Bay,Cuba, according to the rules and regulations for ship and station newspa-pers under the direction of the public affairs officer. The GuantanamoGazette is printed five times a week at government expense on governmentequipment, at the Navy Publications and Printing Service Branch Office.The opinions and statements that appear herein are not to be construed asofficial, or as the official views of the Navy Department or Commander, U.S.Naval Base. The Public Affairs Office is on the first floor of Building 760(Admin Hill). The office can be reached at 4502.


Lt. Cmdr. G.J. Ladouceur0IC, NAVRESALEACT

Recreation Board meetingThe COMNAVBASE Recreation Board

will meet in the COMNAVBASE conferenceroom Tuesday, May 10, at 2 p.m. The public isinvited.

Auxiliary firefighters trainingAll auxiliary firefighters are to report to

Fire Station 1 for mandatory training at 1p.m., May 10.

Babysitting classRed Cross will be sponsoring a babysitting

class May 16 through 19 and May 23 through26, from 3 to 4:15 p.m. each day. Tobeeligible, participants must be 11 years of age orolder and they must present their ID Card May16.

All classes listed above must be attended inorder to receive a certificate. Class will be heldat the Red Cross building next to the NEXFurniture Store. To register, call 4676 duringworking hours.

Tellers at Leeward bankCentral Fidelity Bank will have a teller at

the Leeward Point Facility Tuesday, May 3and Friday, May 6.

Group leaders neededYouth Activities is in need of group leaders

for the Summershine Day Camp Program.As with the two Child Development

Centers, Youth Activities is operating undercritical staff shortages in key positions.Enrollment is high in both FAN and Summer-shine programs. However, with the lack ofstaff, the Summershine Program could bepostponed or even canceled if there is not apositive response in recruitment efforts.

Residents who are interested in applying forgroup leader positions should contact J.J.Moore at 4075.

CCC scholarshipCity Colleges of Chicago will award a

scholarship for one three-credit hour course tobe used in Term 5/88. All spouses of activeduty military are eligible to apply for thisscholarship. Application forms are available atthe Navy Campus office which is locatedbehind the library. Term 5 begins May 31 andends July 21. All scholarship applications mustbe received by 4 p.m. May 19.

MCX notesThe Marine Corps Exchange Furniture

Mart has a shipment of carpets in. Assortedsizes, colors and styles are available. Shopearly for the best selection.

D.P. Design is back April 30 to May 5.Chains, rings, and diamonds are available.These are perfect for Mother's Day.

Wright Service Co., specializing in bronzedand porcelainized baby shoes, will be at themain store Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m. to3 p.m.

Caribbean Naval Lodge meetsThe Caribbean Naval Lodge, A.F. and

A.M., will hold its monthly stated businessmeeting Wednesday, May 4, at 7:30 p.m. inBldg. AV-54.

All Master Masons are cordially and frater-nally invited to attend.

Community Choir concertEveryone is invited to join the Community

Choir which will present an Independence Dayconcert the evening of July 4, at Phillips Park.Rehearsals will be held at the chapel Thursdaysat 8 p.m. beginning May 5. All types of voicesare needed.

D.J. at the FRAThere will be a D.J. to play your favorite

songs Saturday night from 5:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.


at the FRA. Country and Western music and'50s and '60s rock and roll will be the featuredsounds of the night.

Saddle Club meetingThe next meeting of the Caribbean Saddle

Club will be held Sunday, May 1, at 6:30 p.m.in room 10 of the Community Center. Adultsupport is urgently. needed. The election ofjunior and senior officers will be conducted.

Fil-Am meetingA pot luck and general membership

meeting will be held Sunday, May 1, at 1 p.m.at the Fil-Am compound. All members, andthose interested in membership, are encouragedto attend.

R and R trips canceledThe following R and R trips have been

canceled due to mission requirements; May 6-9to Nassau and May 19 to Montego Bay.

Women of the Chapel meetingThe Women of the Chapel will meet May 4

in the home of Libby Walker, TK 147, at 6:30p.m. The program is "Out From Under theBushel," which means share with us yourspecial talents or something dear to your heart.

Refreshments will be served and babysit-ting will be provided by the Chapel nursery.For more information, call 2975.

'You and Your Toddler' groupAn educational group for parents and

children ages I to 3 years will be offered at theFamily Service Center Tuesdays, May 3, 10,17 and 24, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. This participa-tion group allows parents and toddlers to playtogether and to meet other parents and tod-dlers. During the four sessions learn limit .setting, language development and the socialemotional development of your toddlers.

License Examiner closureDue to scheduled training, the License

Examiner's office will be closed May 2-3.

SAC notesWould you like to help plan for the future?

The W.T. Sampson High School faculty, staffand School Advisory Committee (SAC) areworking together to conduct a workshop forthe purpose of improving the school in fourdifferent areas: school organization, curricu-lum, improving teaching and educationaltechnology.

Through this workshop they are going toplan for the future. W.T. Sampson is takingpart in a five-year project for school improve-ment with 26 other high schools throughoutthe nation.

If you would like to be a part of thisendeavor, plan to attend the workshop and helpbuild a better educational future for localchildren. The workshop will primarily be agathering place for residents of the commu-nity; parents, students and school administra-tors, to exchange ideas and discuss existingproblems and try to find solutions for them.

The proposed date for this workshop isMay 4. Those wishing to volunteer their helpshould call Sharon Hickman at 3890.

Marriage preparation workshopA marriage preparation workshop will be

held Wednesday and Thursday, May 4-5, from7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. This two-day workshop isfor those who are planning to get married orwho are newly married.

There will be presentations and discussionson aspects of marriage such as budgeting,sexuality, communication, spirituality andlegal rights.

.The coordinators are the Chaplain's Office,Hospital, Family Service Center and LegalOffice. To register, call 4141 or 2323.


Page 3: Guantanamo Gazette - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu€¦ · Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 78 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Friday, April 29, 1988 Residents must

High Height Low Height High Height Low Height

Tide (Feet) Tide (Feet) Tide (Feet) Tide (Feet)

May 1 0751Tidal Chart May 2 0817

Data forthe Month

of MayAll times local

Add 5 hours for GMT

May 3 0845

May 4 0916

May 5 0959





May 10 1620

May 11 1733

May 12 1835

May 13 1930

May 14 2023

0.6 1340 -0.3 2105 1.3 0253 0.1

0.5 1410 -0.4 2146 1.4 0353 0.1

0.5 1456 -0.5 2229 1.5 0425 0.2

0.5 1528 -0.5 2316 1.5 0515 0.2










1616 -0.5

1712 -0.5

1814 -0.4

1926 -0.3

2056 -0.2

2208 0.0

2331 0.0

0055 0.1

0152 0.1















0611 0.3

0657 0.3

0750 0.2

0853 0.2

0925 0.1

1010 -0.1

1053 -0.2

1135 -0.4

0606 0.8 1218 -0.5

0652 0.7 1300 -0.6

May 15 2112

May 16 2200

May 17 2246

May 18 2331

May 19 -----





May 20 0017 1.4

May 21 0103

May 22 0146

May 23 0228

May 24 0310

May 25 0349

May 26 0430

May 27 0501

May 28 0544

May 29 0620

May 30 0652

May 31 0730












0252 0.1 0737 0.6 1340 -0.6

0358 0.1 0819 0.6 1422 -0.6

0438 0.2 0901 0.5 1505 -0.6

0530 0.2 0943 0.5 1551 -0.5

0624 0.2 1030

0707 0.2 1121

0752 0.2 1222

0835 0.2 1333

0914 0.1 1440

0950 0.1 1600

1022 0.0 1659

1052 -0.1 1751

1127 -0.2 1728

1151 -0.3 1921

1225 -0.4 2004

1300 -0.5 2046

1353 -0.6 2130








































CLASSIFIED ADSAll items for the classified section

must be submitted on 8 1/2 by 11 in. paperwith a maximum of 40 words per adver-tisement. Each item to be sold must besubmitted on a separate sheet of paperunless they fall under the same category.Ads submitted which include a variety ofitems will be placed under Miscellaneous.Ads must be signed and include a phonenumber where the submitted can bereached during normal working hours.

Deadlines: Ads are published for twoconsecutive days (Monday and Tuesdayand Thursday and Friday). Ads must be inby noon Wednesday or Friday precedingthe desired publication dates.

Leeward Point residents may submitadvertisements via telephone. All otherresidents must submit written ads to thePublic Affairs Office, Bldg. 760, AdminHill, or Guard Mail Stop 53.

YARD SALESVillamar 1240A 5th Street -7 a.m. to ?Three-family sale, clothes, bikes, green-ware, car top carrier, kitchen appliances,paperback books, plants and lots more.Caravella Point 14031- Sat., 8 a.m. to?No early birds.Villamar 1239A 5th Street - Sat., 7 to9:30a.m. Bikes, books, toys, clothes,babyabessories, hditsaccessories; plants andmuch more. Call for an appointment toview rugs and air conditioners, 2214 AT.Kittery Beach 367A Sat., 8 a.m. to ?Multi-family sale, come to the yard sale ofthe year, biggest and best yet. Major itemsinclude dishwasher, small microwave,crib, living room suit, dryer and swing set.Ocean View 8A - Sat., 8 a.m. to ? Prepack-out sale, everything must go, frost-free freezer, double dresser, table and fourchairs, dishwasher, clothing, bikes, lots ofmisc., across from McCalla Hangar. Call4987 AWH for information.Ocean View SC - Across from McCallaHangar. Sat., 8 a.m. to ? Plants, bookcase,small dresser, bike lamps, pictures, nic-nacs, kitchen items, books, toys, lots ofkids clothing, large woman's clothing,hardly worn, misc. stuff, everything mustgo.Caravella Point 1311 - Sat., 8 to 11:30a.m. Misc. items, stereo equip., newwomen's uniform items, dishwasher, 27in. men's bike, bike carrier, women'sclothes, etc.East Bargo 2D - Pre pack-out sale,numerous items, clothing, odds and ends,no early birds.

Villamar 718A - Backyard, 8 a.m. to ?Baby and up to size 3 items, clothes formen and women, household items andother misc.Granadillo Point 2D - Under the tree, 8a.m. to ? Children's clothes, toys, books,Intellivision 11, exercise bike, banjo,shoes, and lots of misc.Villatnar 1220A 1st Street - Pre pack-out sale, Sat., 7 a.m. to noon. China cabi-net, chest, lamp shades, exercise bike,toys, boy's and girl's clothes and lots ofgood junk.

AIR CONDITIONERSWhirlpool 18,000 Btu, excel. cond., $75.Call 4737 AWI.24,000 Btu, $100; 16,000 Btu, $75; 8,000Btu, $50; all in good cond., must sell byMay 1. Call 3194 AT.24,000 Btu, 220v, $100; 21 ,000Btu, 220v,$125; 10,000 Btu, 110v, $45; all in goodworking cond. Call 4262 AT.18,000 Btu and 5,000 Btu, 8 months old,excel._cond. Call 3760 AWII.Whirlpool 15,0(X)B tu,220v, S200; Whirl-pool 5,000 Bltu, llOv, S100; 18 monthsold, both in excel. cond., one owner. CallTina at 4717 DWI or 2957 AWII.24,000 Btu, 8,000 Btu, 5,00) Itu, all workgood, S300 takes them all Call 3410 AT.

APPlIANCESPanasonic microwave with carousal, largecooking capacity, 4 months old, $150. Call3410 AT.Whirlpool washing machine, $30;Kitchen Aid dishwasher, 115v, $40. CallErnesto at 3228.

'77 VW van, $1,800 OBO. Call 2227AWH.'83 Dodge Omni, AM/FM cassette player,all new tires, avail. May 24 at Ferry Land-ing, best offer. Call 3227 AT.'72 Buick, 350, a/t, 2-dr., h/t, bucket seats,mag wheels, new exhaust system, $1,500.Call 3109.'78 Dodge Aspen station wagon, p/s, p/b,a/c, new battery, avail. June 7, $1,000. Call2101 DWH or 3214 AWH.'82 Chevette, excel. cond., $1,500 OBO.Call 2670 AWH.'79 Mercury Zepher station wagon, sev-eral new items, tires, muffler, tail pipe,master cylinder, water pump and seatcovers; p/s, p/b, a/t, a/c; inspection gooduntil Feb. '89, avail. now. Call 2603 AWHor 4481 DWH.'71 Pinto, new tires, new clutch, runs

good, needs little work, $400. Call 3454.'74 Cadillac, silver, clean, runs good, new

tires, 2-dr., a/c, AM/FM radio, p/s, p/b,$1,200. Call 2158 AWH.'83.5 Nissan pickup, sport package withcamper shell, a/c, p/s, sunroof, 5-spd.,back seat with belts, carpeted bed, rearspeakers, avail. July, excel. cond.,57,000, one owner. Call Tina at 4714DWH or 2957 AWH.'65 VW notchback with type III pancakeengine, $200 OBO. call PO Rowland at4566 DWH or 3403 AWH.

AUTO PARTSRear window for Chevy truck, $15. CallGeorge at 2178 and leave message.14 in. tire, 185 70/R14 Michelin MLX,$15. Call Randy at 4396 DWII or 2612AWH.Truck tire, 6.5016LTon Chevy five-boltrim, $25. Call Randy at 4396 DWH or2612 AWH.'67-70 Mustang GT wheels, $150; '67-70 Mustang Cobra Jet hood scoop, $50;two turbo mufflers, 2.5 in. dia., S30 Call3454.

BIYCESBoys 20 in. Huffy, new tubes and tires,good cond., $25. Call 3760 AWil.

110ATS16 ft. v-hull boat with trailer, Teleflexsteering and cable, many other extras in-cluded, price nego. Call Randy at 4396 or2612 AWII.Barrel boat, 14 x 30 ft., 70 hp. Chryslerengine, barrels refurbished Oct. '87,head, sink and safety equip. $1,200. Call2101 DWII or 3214 AWH.

CARPETS~6 x 9 ft. green carpet, heavy, good qual-ity, clean, like new cond., $50. call 4262AT.

DIVE.GEARScubapro underwater compass, $60OBO. Call 2955 AWH.Techna-Pro console with pressure, depthand max depth gauges, brand new, neverused, $85. Call 3405 AWH.Two complete sets of dive gear, like new,will sell as set or separately. IncludesBCs, tanks, regulator, fins, dive skins,gloves, mask, bag. Call 7271 DWH or3785 AWH.Scubapro BC with Air 2 power inflator,$200. Dacor BC, extra small, $100,Dacor 1st and 2nd stage regulator withpressure gauge, $80, one pair Seawingfins, $40, one pair Dacor fins, $40, twoScubapro mask and snorkels,$40 ea., allprices nego. Call 2192 AT.

EMPLOYMENTThe local Navy Federal Credit Union of-

fice is accepting resumes for the position ofmanager. Three years experience in man-agement and or finance is required, excel-lent communication skills are necessary.Mail your resume to NFCU, Box 401, localmail, MPS.

EUB.Ell.UREThree wood and brass occasional tables,$100 for the set or will sell separately. Call2955 AW.Queen-size sleeper sofa in excel. cond.,$400OBO. Call 2955 AW.One Jenny Lind style crib, good cond., withmattress, $75 01(0. Call 3372 AT.Sofa sleeper, queen-size, love seat, wall-away recliner, Berkline, mocha color, excel.cond., $550 01B0. Call 3372 AT.Living room set, six-piece, two table lampsincluded, $500; kitchen table and chairs,$125; TV stand, $25; crib and mattress, $65;bassinet, $25. Call 3410 AT.Sofa, love scat, chair, Early American, bluefloral print, $400; Sofa and love seat, rust,tan and brown plaid, $200. Call 4630 DWIIor 3453 AWHI.Solid cherry dining room table and sixchairs, drop leaf table with extra leaf toextend to seat eight, $200. call 7271 DWIHor 3875 AWiI.Glass top patio table in good cond., withchairs that need repair, $30. Call Marie at4222 DWH or 2612 AWH.Sofa, beige tweed, good cond., $75 OBO.Call 3119 AT.Five-drawer chest, excel. cond., dark wood,$85. Call 2716 AT.Full-size bed, head and foot board, $15;dresser with mirror, $60. Call 4737 AWH.

MISCELLANEOUSBrass coat/hat tree, never used, $80 OBO.

Call 2955 AWI.VCR Rabbit, never used, $35. Glazed ce-ramic Christmas tree, three tier with bulband base, $10. Zenith rabbit ears for colorTV, $20. Outdoor charcoal grill, goodcond., $15. Call 3109.Baby stroller, $7; crib mattress, $20, infantcarrier/car seat, $20; baby training pottie,$3. Call 4737 AWH.Swing set in fair cond., $50OBO. call 2578AT.Weight bench and weights, good cond.,$25. Call 3760 AWl-I.Smith-Corona electric typewriter with extralift-off ribbon, $100; La Machine food proc-essor/dough maker with blender, 550; four72 in. book cases, S30 ea. or all for 5110;coffee table with matching end tables, $1000B0.Call 5362 DWII or 4886 AWII.Fender Strat with locking headnut and fine

tuners; Peavy renown amp, S4(X) ea. or5750 for both. Call 2236 AWII.AM/FM digital car stereo radio with clock,came from a '88 PlymouthCaravells, $50.Three hp. lawn mower, excel. cond., S60.Call 2593 AWIl or 5344 DWII.26 in. console TV with remote, 5250; babywalker, 510; baby swing, $10; baby seat,$5; high chair, $25; Dressmaker 7000sewing machine, 5175, never used; fourtable lamps, $60 for all. Call 3410 AT.Kathy Smith's "Starting Out" VCR fitnessvideo 60 minute work-out, brand new, bestoffer. Call Marie at 4222 DWII or 2612AWII.Smith-Corona I-1 letter quality daisywheel computer printer, like new, twoextra ribbons, needs interface, $125. Call4583 AWI.

EESFree to good home, 1-year-old male

poodle/terriermix, very friendly and play-ful, loves children. Call 4987 AWI formore information.

SERVICESCleaning for final inspection, house andyard. Call 2472 or 2349.Contract house cfalnig forfiiaflinspec-tion. Call Earl at 4169 AT.

STEREO EOUIPMENTPanasonic RG-9 Dynamic expander, $50;Panasonic SR-9 reverberation amplifier,$50, Realistic stereo AM/FM receiver,15w RMS, $50; all like new, nego. CallMark at 4734 DWII or 3243 AWII.

TWO WHEELERSVery clean and sharp '85 Kawasaki 454LTD, new tires with sale, have never beenon the ground, extra NGK spark plugs,cover to fit entire bike, shop and owner'smanuals, one helmet, title with sale,$2,200 firm. Call George at 2178 AT andleave message.'85 Honda Shadow 500, excel. cond.,$2,000. Call 3405 AWII.'82 Honda Ascot F1500, mint cond., hel-met, 1,300 miles, S1,400. Call Tuan at3344 DWII.

WANTEDSitter for 2 and 6 year olds inour home forapprox. one to two hours two to three timesduring the week, prefer the Villamar area.Call 3919 AT.Babysitternceded for 8 year old boy, afterschool 2 to 5 p.m. and occasional Satur-days, all day. Call Tracey or Howard at3964 after 6 p.m.Looking for a reasonably priced, old ornew, no frill sewing machine. Call Janet at4562 DWII or 3255 AWII.


Savory Baked ChickenSaturday's Lunch

Whole BBQ ChickenSaturday's Dinner

Simmered Beef Tripe or Chicken and DumplingsSunday's Lunch

Oven-baked Chicken or Deep-fried LumpiaSunday's Dinner

Beef Chop Suey or Ham HocksMonday's Lunch

Fried Liver and Onions or Curried Chicken

BLUE CARIBETonight's Dinner

Oriental NightSaturday's Dinner

Prime Rib RoastSunday's Dinner

Prime Rib Roast

Monday's LunchAll You Can Eat: Chicken or Lasagna


Fresh Red SnapperSaturday's Dinner

Prime RibSunday's Dinner

BrunchMonday's Lunch

Open Menu

CPO CLUBTonight's Dinner

Fresh Red SnapperSaturday's Dinner

Prime Rib

Sunday's DinnerOpen Menu

Monday's LunchHarbor Lights Lounge is closed.


Open MenuSaturday's Dinner

Open MenuSunday's Dinner

Open Menu

CLIPPER CLUBTonight's Dinner

Jerk Pork and ChickenSaturday's Dinner

Jerk Pork and ChickenSunday's Dinner

Steamship Round


May 6

May 7

May 8]

May 9


Page 4: Guantanamo Gazette - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu€¦ · Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 78 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Friday, April 29, 1988 Residents must

SPORTSHigh school puts new track to good use

Friday, April 22 saw the dedi-cation of the new 400-meter trackat W.T. Sampson High School.After opening remarks and theribbon cutting by Capt. John R.Condon and high school principalWolf Plakinger, the Junior HighHouse Program kicked off theinaugural meet at the new facility.

Events included 100-meterraces in both boys and girls cate-gories, girls 50-meter, boys 200-meter and a 400-meter relay,capped off by an 800-meter race.The participants were enthusias-

Bowling roll-o-Handicap and Scratch Divi-

sion Roll-Offs for the upcomingTidewater tournaments will beheld Saturday and Sunday, April30 and May 1 at the MarbleheadBowling Center.

Roll-Offs will begin at 11a.m,. Saturday, and noon Sun-day. Each day, there will be twoeach, three game sets bowled,with a total of 12 games beingbowled.

For handicap bowling, eachbowler will roll-off in a handicapbowler format with establishedleague handicaps being used forhandicapping purposes.

Handicaps will be based on

tic and eager to represent theirrespective "Houses."

Overall meet results were:Boys 100-meter

(1) Troy Williams, (2) JoeLathrop, (3) Matt Schneider.

Boys 200-meter(1) Chris Campbell, (2)

Joshua McLaurin, (3) WadeHedges.

400-meter relayPanthers: Joshua McLaurin,

David Knudsen, Chalmer Clarkand Marcus Talley.

Girls 50-meter

Milder Maura.Girls 100-meter

Milder Maura.Boys 800-meter

(1) Chris Campbell, (2)Marcus Talley, (3) Joe Plakinger.

First place overall was won bythe Dolphins with 17 points,closely followed by the Grizzliesand Panthers, who tied with 15points each.

The House sponsors thankeveryone who participated andthe rest of those who helped makethe meet a success.

to be held this weekendthe current highest averagebowled in any sanctioned league.The top six bowlers, men andwomen combined, will representGuantanamo Bay in the Tidewa-ter Navy Championship Tourna-ment to be held at Naval AirStation Oceana, Va. May 23-27.

For scratch bowlers, the topfour bowlers in both mens' andwomens' Scratch, will qualifyfor the Tidewater Navy Champi-onship Tournament to be held atNaval Weapons Station DamNeck, Va. June 6-10.

In addition to the selection ofthe qualifiers, two alternates foreach team will be selected in case

any bowler is unable to competein the tournaments.

Each bowler selected willhave approximately two weeks toobtain no-cost temporary as-signed duty orders from theircommand allowing travel to theTidewater area for competition.

Travel dates for the Handicaptournament are set for Friday,May 20 through Tuesday, May31, and for the Scratch tourna-ment Friday, June 3 throughTuesday, June 14.

All active-duty personnel areeligible to participate in the Roll-Offs and Tidewater competition.For more information, contactBrenton Thompson at 2118.

Win top prize in the upcoming fishing tournamentWin a cash prize by grabbing

your pole, cooler and entering theMWR Father's Day WeekendFishing Tournament scheduledfor June 17-19.

The tournament will begin at6 p.m., June 17, and end at noon,June 19, at the Windward andLeeward Marinas.

The entry fee is $20 per per-son, payable at the time of regis-tration at either Marinas.

Four categories have been

selected: grouper/snapper, pom-pano jack, barracuda/mackerel,and other species.

First-, second-, and third-place winners in each categorywill receive a prize consisting of50 percent of the total fee col-lected for first-place, 30 percentof the total fee collected for sec-ond-place, and 20 percent of thetotal fee collected for third-place.

Fishing tournament rules will

be strictly adhered to. All fishmust be caught by hook and line.No spear fishing will be allowed,and all rights are reserved forinternal exam. Also, fish are to bechecked and weighed-in at eitherof the two marinas during hoursof operation.

Boat reservations must bemade at least seven days in ad-vance.

For more information, call2345 or 6503.

New York hotels play rough with Bret SaberhagenFROM WIRE REPORTS

Kansas City Royals pitcherBret Saberhagen was having arough road trip in New York thisweek.

The pitcher arrived in NewYork, but his garment bag, with$4,000 worth of clothes, was lostalong the way.

Although Saberhagen is notscheduled to pitch during theteam's three-game series againstthe Yankees, he was still rocked.

Saberhagen says early Tues-day he tripped over a footstool inhis hotel room, fell forward andsmacked his head on a woodencoffee table.

The pitcher phoned trainer

Mickey Cobb who took him to thehospital. Doctors used 21 stitchesto close cuts on Saberhagen'sforehead and below his right eye.

Cobb says Saberhagen isgoing to be "just fine" and is stillscheduled to pitch tomorrow inMilwaukee.

Saberhagen commented onhis misfortunes saying, "I can'twait to come to New York again."

Orioles drop 21 games,Trail Blazers movetowards NBA title

BaseballAmerican LeagueMinnesota TwinsBaltimore Orioles

Kansas City RoyalsNew York Yankees

Seattle MarinersCleveland Indians

Oakland A'sToronto Blue Jays

Chicago White SoxBoston Red Sox

Detroit TigersCalifornia Angels

National LeaguePittsburgh PiratesSan Francisco Giants

Chicago CubsLos Angeles Dodgers

St. Louis CardinalsSan Diego Padres

NHL PlayoffsPatrick Division

Washington CapitalsNew Jersey Devils(Series tied, 3-3)

NBA playoffs



Portland Trail Blazers 108Utah Jazz 96(Trail Blazers lead, 1-0)

Chicago Bulls 104Cleveland Cavaliers 93(Bulls lead series, 1-0)

Dallas Mavericks 120Houston Rockets 110(Mavericks lead series, 1-0)

Detroit Pistons 96Washington Bullets 87(Pistons lead series, 1-0)

Captain's Cup softballstandings and scores

Softball StandingsNational League

W-L1. NAVSTA Gold 8-12. NAS Flyers 7-23. SIMA 6-34. Marine Barracks 6-35. NAVSTA Blue 4-56. NAVSTA PWD 4-57. Hospital 0-88. NSGA/Co. "L" 0-8

American LeagueW-L

1. NAVSTA Blue 2 8-12. NMCB 4 7-23. PWD Leeward 4-44. NAVSTA Gold 2 4-55. NAS Red 4-56. TV-8 4-57. SATCOM 2-68. SIMA 2 2-7Men's scores from Thursday

National LeagueNAVSTA Gold 20



Marine BarracksHospital

American League



Leeward PWDNAVSTA Gold 2


ATHLETICSYouth Activities

Take time to relax on the Teen Spring GoldenAnchor Cruise around the Bay Friday, May 20, from7 to 10 p.m.

Teen Club memberships are required to takeadvantage of this cruise. The cost is $5 per teen withregistrations being taken at the Youth ActivitiesOffice through May 13.

D.J. Ron Campbell will be spinning records, andthere will be food and dancing. Space is limited sosign up early. For more information, call J.J. Mooreat 4075 DWH.

Fitness Division EventsAn Invitational Basketball Tournament has been

set for May 7-8, at the base gym.All shore and fleet commands are invited to partici-

pate. An entry fee of $75 will be collected per teamprior to Monday, May 2. The entry fee may be paid atthe base gym.

For more information, call John Powell at 2560.

Every Sunday from 12:30 to 2 p.m., the base gymwill sponsor youth rollerskating for kindergartnersthrough sixth grade.

The cost is $1 with a limited number of skatesavailable for check-out.

Aquatics Department ActivitiesThe following classes will be taught every Monday,

Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday May 9-20:Leeward Pool

Beginner - 4:45 - 5:30 p.m.Adult Beginner - 5:30 - 6:15 p.m.

Marine PoolAdult Beginner - Noon - 1 p.m.

Officer's PoolWater Babies - 5 - 5:30 p.m.Toddlers - 5:30 - 6 p.m.Adult Beginners - 6:15 - 7 p.m.

Villamar PoolBeginners - 3 - 3:45 p.m.Intermediate - 3 - 3:45 p.m.Advanced Beginner - 3:45 - 4:30 p.m.

Pre-registration is required at the MWR Informa-tion Office by May 5. The cost is $15 for the firstfamily member, and $10 for each additional member,payable at the time of registration.

For more information, call Patrick at 2560.

The following is a list of free night swims for themonth of April.

Friday, April 29, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Villamarpool.

Games and music will be provided. For more in-formation, call 2560.








